Annual Review

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CONTENTS 1 Introduction to Learning Resources


2 Overview of 2011/12



LR Strategic Theme 1 Students 2 Technology 3 Collections 4 Specialist 5 Space 6. Staff 7. Communication

8 8 11 12 13 14 16

Day in the Life Day in the Life: Michael Loran, Library Day in the Life: James Leahy, VLE Team Day in the Life: Ros Bernal, Media Services

6 17 18

Appendices A LR Operational Plan 2011/12 B LR Operational Plan 2012/13 C Starters and Leavers D LR Staffing Structure E Representation on College Committees and Working Groups F Staff Learning & Development G Facts and Figures H Learning Resources of the Month

i v vii viii x xi xvi xix

INTRODUCTION TO LEARNING RESOURCES In 2010 Learning Resources was created, and since then the profile of the department and the contributions made by team members has gone from strength to strength. I am very proud of all the achievements made and I would like to extend a personal thank you to everyone involved. Learning Resources exists to support the teaching, learning and research activities across the College, and this report for 2011/12 shows how the services delivered and initiatives introduced are helping make a difference to the full College community. Suggestions and feedback both on the report and the services that LR delivers are most welcome. With best wishes Liz Kerr Head of Learning Resources


LEARNING RESOURCES ANNUAL REPORT: PURPOSE AND STRUCTURE The purpose of this report is to evidence the activities and initiatives undertaken by Learning Resources during 2011/12. The structure of the report uses the seven key themes of the LR Strategic Plan 20102015 as its framework. The text under each theme provides more detail on the work that has been involved in supporting this area. Many of the themes are interwoven, as they reflect the collaboration involved within the services we offer. The Learning Resources Operational Plan 2011/12 (see Appendix A) was the working document for the LR Managers and captures an overview of the tasks completed during this period. The full LR Strategy Plan 2010-2015 is available on the intranet at


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

OVERVIEW OF 2011/12 It has been both an exciting and challenging year for Learning Resources (LR), with team members being involved in programme design, validations and notable improvement of services. A greater number of LR staff have taken up staff development and learning opportunities, both in-house and externally. A growing number of LR colleagues are not only involved in attending conferences but are themselves delivering conference papers. The impact of which is a greater professionalism of individuals and teams in turn leading to a more professional service to our users with greater job satisfaction and career development for individual colleagues. As individual teams settle post restructuring, the profile of both the department and members has been significantly raised due to the various contributions of our colleagues during 2011/12. This section provides a short overview of the year, bringing into focus a few of the noteworthy activities that LR colleagues have been involved with. The remainder of the report provides more detail under our key strategic themes. This was the year where a key College priority was the acquisition of Taught Degree Awarding Powers (TDAP), which for Learning Resources included the scrutiny of our planned services as well as QAA representation at two Learning Resources Committees. In November 2011 the department came under the responsibility of the newly appointed Dean of Students, bringing together many of the student facing services. With the support of the Dean of Students, LR piloted text messaging to students and in collaboration with John Smiths, introduced the Bookpacks initiative.


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

Bookpacks/Course Enrichment As part of the drive to deliver an excellent student experience, it was decided that all first year students on undergraduate courses be given a head start, by providing them with their core texts at the beginning of each term. The Bookshop Manager worked closely with academic colleagues to agree the key texts that would be included in the packs. This worked well for the Faculty of Business and Management (BaM) but for Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences (HASS) it was decided that a combination of resources would be more effective. This took the form of ‘course enrichment’ which could include theatre tickets or additional instruction, on top of core teaching activities. Across the scheme, some tutors requested that funds should be made available on the students’ Aspire cards, so they could select specific texts for individual modules, e.g. languages. Feedback from students has been positive ‘No need to spend time buying books, I could read them beforehand’ (JS Survey 2012) and it has been agreed that the scheme will continue for 2012/13 for first and second year students.

Blackboard A major College project, lead by the HoLR was the Blackboard Implementation Project. The team was made up of representatives from across the College including academic and professional services. The commitment of the team ensured that the introduction of Blackboard (with the closure of Moodle and a number of the shared drives) was inclusive and seamless. The expansion of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Team has enabled tailored support for academic staff with the result that the use of Blackboard has grown significantly during this period. One of the exciting factors involved in a change programme such as the introduction of Blackboard is how the system is used. At Regent’s College, we are already moving beyond the basic uploading of presentations and documents to more interactive uses of the software. A number of innovative uses of Blackboard have also been implemented, such as the use of the Blackboard ‘Sign Up Lists’ tool to simplify the planning and scheduling of over 100 activities for the Faculty of Business and Management Student Activity Week in March 2012.


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

Tricks of the Trade (TOTT) The introduction of new technology, systems and software is only part of the story. Just as the College supports electronic resources in the Library and the introduction of Blackboard, success can only really be measured in how these new applications are used and what the results are. Most important is how the students are affected by the introduction of new technology; does this support their learning experience and how is that reflected? Part of this story, is how academic staff themselves are supported and share best practice. Although Tricks of the Trade (TOTT), is not ‘owned’ by Learning Resources, many of Learning Resources colleagues are involved in planning and delivering sessions, so I hope colleagues will understand why it has been included in this report. TOTT was originally created in Autumn 2010 for BaM staff by Chris Rowell and Lorna Walker, Senior Lecturer in Marketing. The aim of TOTT is to provide academic staff with ideas and examples of good practice on how technology can enhance the student learning experience. Due to the success of these early sessions, demand has grown and TOTT is now open to the full College community. Sessions are delivered weekly, there is no booking required and colleagues are welcome to drop in (and bring their lunch with them). Delivery is informal encouraging discussion and debate. During the academic year 2011/12, 20 sessions were held covering the following topics:  Adding Sound to PowerPoint  Brain Technologies  Drop Box/Evernote  Getting more out of Wimba  iPad Apps  Mendeley  RSS feeds  Twitter  Using Turnitin Peer Assessment  Using Turnitin

 Blackboard Mobile Learn  Camtasia  Endnote  Helix  Library Databases  Outlook  Time-saving Tricks when Setting up Long Documents in Word  Using Track Changes in Word  Using the SMART Board  What’s New in Office 2010

These sessions were also repeated in a one-day ‘Greatest Hits’ day on 30th March 2012 with an estimated of 40 people in attendance.



ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN 8:15 Opening up this morning so I get in early (Library staff do this on a rota, usually once a week). We turn on our service desk PCs, open the till, take statistics and fill up the photocopiers, so we’re ready to open our doors at 8.30.

9:15 Read email. Subscribed to a number of JISC email lists including Lis-eresources and Lis-serials. I deal with an enquiry from a student about off-site access to an e-journal. 10.00 I meet a sales representative to discuss a new business database available. There are a lot of suppliers and potential resources available – I meet with suppliers on a regular basis to ensure I’m up to date with what is available.

9:00 I check Heritage (the library management system) is up and running. Heritage has two parts to it – the public side at which allows you to search the catalogue and also the staff side which manages most of the work performed by the Library.

11.00 Issue desk – I do stints on the issue and enquiry desk most days. 12:00 Lunch – try to have a walk in the park most days, haven’t done it much this summer. 13:00 Enquiry desk stint for an hour and a half – the enquiry desk is where we handle longer enquiries about using the Library and our resources. 15:00 We are conducting a stocktake of the Library using Heritage at the moment and it’s my turn to scan in some barcodes. This is the first time we are using the Library system to conduct a stocktake (previously it was done with paper and pen). Should be much more efficient to do it this way – just keeping an eye on it to make sure there are no problems. 15:30 I check the reading list from a course I am supporting to ensure we have copies of the relevant resources in the library by the start of term. 16:30 It was my turn to take notes at the last staff meeting so I write up those notes.




Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

1 STUDENTS Providing a student centered approach to underpin blended learning Students are at the heart of all that we do and the views of students are an integral part of service planning for Learning Resources. Regular meetings are held with the Head of Learning Resources (HoLR) and representatives of the Students’ Union. The Senate Student Affairs Committee and the Learning Resources Committee also provide formal opportunities for Learning Resources Managers and students to liaise. During this academic year, students have requested the continuation of Blackboard Mobile after a successful pilot, and increased Library opening hours to 24/7 during exam periods. Both requests have been achieved to great success. This year, one of our priorities has been to deliver more LR Services in a cohesive and seamless way, creating greater integration between Blackboard, Media Services and Library. Managers have reviewed the LR induction for new students, creating a presentation that provides an overview of the services offered and how to access these both on and off campus. During 2011/12 we presented at 17 induction sessions with specific details or emphasis tailored to specific groups/levels.

2 TECHNOLOGY Enhancing student learning by making appropriate and effective use of existing and emerging technologies in learning, teaching and research. Blackboard Implementation Project Team The Blackboard Implementation Project Team, led by the HoLR, included representation from across the College (see Appendix E). The success of the project was due to the commitment and dedication of this team. The project was officially closed in March 2012 having met the original brief of a module outline and reading list for every active module. 2011/12 was therefore the first full academic year of Blackboard being available for all staff and students and both the response and the take up have been overwhelmingly positive. This is a significant change for the College community and demonstrates a real enthusiasm and commitment for improvement. Now an integral part of teaching and learning here at Regent’s College, the use of Blackboard has expanded dramatically during 2011/12 with over 90% of modules using Blackboard to provide resources to students throughout the year. Usage goes beyond the basic provision of documents such as module outlines, reading lists, and lecture slides, but also for a wide range of communication, collaboration and assessment purposes. Discussion Boards, Blogs, Journals and Wikis have been introduced to enable students to discuss work in groups or with other students on their modules, for ‘Frequently asked questions’ and to enable students to reflect on their studies and 8

Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

experiences. In some modules, students are able to undertake assessment tasks, submit work remotely and receive feedback from their tutors via Blackboard, as well as via the integrated Turnitin plagiarism detection software. The Google Analytics tool was added to Blackboard in Spring 2012, in order to increase reporting on Blackboard usage at the College.

Use of Blackboard Students are keen to access their information in a variety of ways, both physically and virtually and LR Services are constantly being modified to support this style of learning. In response to student demand the Blackboard Mobile Learn App was introduced in Autumn 2011. This app enables students and staff to access Blackboard on their mobile phones and tablet devices in a tailored format. The response has been overwhelmingly positive with the app being downloaded by nearly 1,500 students during this period. From the start of the 2011/12 academic year, online versions of all programme handbooks, created using 3D Issue software, have been provided to students via Blackboard, to enable easy access to the latest versions of these documents. Staff training on new software integrated into Blackboard is also provided by Learning Resources staff. A key focus this year has been the new Blackboard Collaborate Voice Authoring software which has been particularly welcomed by the languages department. Learning Resources staff have also worked closely with the IS Services Team to develop and deliver training sessions on the new Camtasia software and SMART Boards. A successful upgrade to the latest version of Blackboard (9.1 Service Pack 8) was achieved by the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Team in June 2012. This provides new and enhanced features for staff and students in readiness for the upcoming academic year. The VLE Team have been working with academic staff across the College to help them integrate publishers’ online resources which are relevant to their modules into their Blackboard module areas. This provides students with a straightforward process to access additional resources for their module, directly within their Blackboard module areas. The McGraw Hill integration with Blackboard was set up at the beginning of the 2011/12 academic year and further integrations are planned in the near future. Regular Blackboard training sessions have been held for staff, both delivered internally by the VLE Team and with the assistance of a Blackboard Consultant to deliver additional advanced training. Blackboard Training Weeks have been held at the beginning of each semester, along with weekly training sessions on Blackboard throughout the semesters. A variety different sessions have been offered, including the following topics: Setting up your Module Area on Blackboard; Introduction to Turnitin; Online Marking with Turnitin; Issuing and Collecting Assignments on Blackboard; Online Quizzes and Surveys with Blackboard; Making the Most of the Blackboard Grade Centre; Improving Student Retention with Blackboard Tracking Tools; Communicating using the Blackboard Discussion Board; How to Use Blogs in your Teaching; How to Use Wikis in your Teaching. Blackboard training is now also included in the College New Starters’ Induction for all new academic staff.


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

Helix Software An increasing number of students and staff use media in their presentations or teaching, and this is likely to increase in the future. The Media Services Team have set up a new dedicated streaming media server, using Helix software, to provide a single, centralised, searchable location for all internally created videos and those recorded from television, in line with the ERA licence. It is equivalent to the iPlayer but the look and feel of YouTube. This has been in trial mode since February 2012, due to go live in September 2012. Plans in the new academic year for the update to version 2 include a Blackboard building block to enable connectivity with the VLE for easy access to these videos by staff and students. Access to videos on the media server via the Blackboard Mobile App are also being investigated.

Library Information in Blackboard The Library has enhanced its presence on Blackboard by working with the VLE Team to create a dedicated Library tab on Blackboard. This provides the students with access to Library information and the ability to search the Library catalogue directly from anywhere within Blackboard. This area is kept up to date with the latest opening times and details of new resources available in the Library.

New Software Learning Resources has supported the introduction of a range of new software during this academic year: Blackboard Collaborate Voice Authoring tools (which are embedded into Blackboard); Camtasia (screen recording software); and NVivo (a qualitative data analysis research tool). Investigations are ongoing into Blackboard Collaborate Webinar software and software to aid language learning.


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

3 COLLECTIONS Ensuring that our collections (physical and virtual) are accessible and fully support programme delivery E-books Another successful pilot carried out during 2011/12 was the introduction of electronic books (e-books). This involved students and staff being able to access electronic versions of reading material both on and off campus. Although take-up was not high, responses were positive and it was decided to include e-books as part of our standard provision. The e-books can be previewed, recommended for purchase or there is the possibility to ‘rent’ (at no direct charge). Material can be downloaded as a PDF or they can be read online for one week. With 1,755 titles successfully requested last year, students found this to be an easier way to access materials immediately and also time saving as it does not require a visit to the Library. Librarians have also selected 150 e-books which are now part of the permanent collection. These can be found by searching the Library catalogue. As with many libraries, space in the Tate Library is at a premium, and students learning styles vary as they may choose to study on or off campus. The benefits of the introduction of e-books is that it increases the numbers of students who can have access to a particular book at the same time and also provides an alternative for those who prefer to read via an electronic device. This is particularly helpful for our part-time students, or those with academic patterns which mean they are only on campus for short periods of time e.g. LSFMP. E-books are also particularly useful for students who use specialist software, such as screen readers, to access documents, and provide students with the ability to ‘mark up’ and make notes relating to particular areas of the text.

Copyright Legal compliance in terms of our collection is part of the Librarians’ duties. That can be in the form of licence provision for our databases or copyright compliance for our resources. Each year, the Library submits a report to the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) detailing materials copied for teaching and learning purposes by academic staff. With the introduction of Blackboard, it was timely to review the processes involved in collating the CLA return. In March 2012 a task and finish group was set up led by the Library Manager to identify the best way to capture information on copyrighted resources that are scanned and provided to students electronically (e.g. via Blackboard). Practice at other institutions was researched, and academics from BaM and HASS were canvassed. An online form was produced, which is accessible via Blackboard. Academics found this more user-friendly than the default CLA spreadsheet, though it captured the same data. Submissions by academics were collated and transferred to the CLA form. In all, 52 articles, for 11 courses, were recorded. This information was passed to the CLA by their deadline in June 2012. The above total dates from the form going live in Spring 2012. It is anticipated that with the online form in place, and increased communication to academic staff throughout the year, response in 2012/13 will be much higher.


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

The return for the CLA can now easily be collated by the Library staff using the declaration forms submitted by academic staff. We are confident that the College now meets its legal obligations for the CLA.

Access to Collections Fiction titles have been amalgamated into the main Library collection to ease up space for the growing DVD collection. The fiction collection was rationalised and reclassified to be incorporated within the Literature section of the Library, giving students the opportunity to browse other relevant topics. The titles now cover reading list requirements.

4 SPECIALIST Enhancing the provision of specialist resources required by students with disabilities and / or specialist additional learning needs. Student Support Librarian Students who are disabled should be able to obtain their information resources in a timely fashion. This hasn’t always been possible, so a new post of ‘Student Support Librarian’ was created early in 2011/12. This dedicated role provided increased 1:1 support for students with disabilities. Working closely with the College Disability Officer, the Student Support Librarian works with students to help them get the best out of the Library and Learning Resources. During the past year, 22 students have received intense 1:1 sessions with the Student Support Librarian which they have found very helpful in meeting their requirements in their learning.

Specialist Resources Also in collaboration with the College Disability Officer and colleagues from across the College, the VLE Team developed a dedicated ‘Study Skills’ tab on Blackboard. This area contains a wealth of useful information on various topics ranging from how to take effective notes, to time management and computer skills. While these resources are particularly useful for students who require additional support, the tab is available for all students via Blackboard. In March 2012, an audit was carried out by the Library and Media Services Teams to identify the specialist resources that will support students with disabilities that are currently held or provided by Learning Resources. A comprehensive list of the specialist resources available for students can be referenced when responding to student requests (see Appendix G). This will be reviewed on an annual basis. The VLE Team ensures that Blackboard is accessible to all students and works well with assistive software available at the College. Tests in September 2011 and May 2012 have been conducted using the screen-reading software that is available across the College as well as the additional software that is available in the Library.


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

5 SPACE Creating accessible, welcoming and wellresourced space for all learning activities including facilities for classrooms. A review has been conducted into the physical accessibility of the Library and Media Services rooms for disabled users. Signage has now been improved to identify the best way for disabled users to access these areas. Plans for a wheelchair lift are being considered for the Tuke basement. Students are increasingly working in groups and deliver group presentations as part of their taught programmes. From September 2011, a bookable group study room was created in the Library. The room provides students with a private, quiet and well-equipped space to work collaboratively on presentations and group projects. The room can only be booked by students via the Library Desk. Within weeks, the space was booked to 90% capacity, averaging 73 bookings per month over the academic year. There are also two smaller group study rooms in the Postgraduate Centre (PG) which are also heavily used. To facilitate excellent teaching it is important that academic colleagues are both comfortable and confident in the use of all the classrooms throughout the College. To support seamless delivery the Media Services Team undertakes a running programme to standardise presentation systems. For this academic year, 18 classrooms presentation systems were replaced with SMART Board systems and a further 22 classrooms fitted with SMART Podiums. Also 26 rooms had their projector controllers replaced with Extron controllers so that all classrooms have the same uniform feel. Approximately 30 classrooms in total have had partial or full improvements upgrades. All the new projection systems are now fitted with HDMI for Blu-ray players. Of course, students don’t just learn in classrooms or study in the Library. The whole campus is available for learning activities and many students prefer the flexibility of choosing where to study. In addition to the upgrades in the classrooms the Media Services loan service has also been enhanced and now provides 10 new netbooks, 10 full size laptops and 6 additional MacBook Pros for editing, 4 more HD Pro JVC cameras and 5 ION interview cameras. The Media Services Team are on hand to explain and guide students in equipment use, as well as explaining the finer details relating to Health & Safety. In September 2011/12 Media Services completed the installation of the new full HD TV studio. The studio was installed primarily to support the LFSMP TV & Digital Media Production degree but has been an invaluable resource for many other modules within the College in both faculties. Students use it to produce magazine programmes and live recordings. The green screens and the studio are also doubling up as a photo suite. Students have found this resource very helpful in effectively completing their projects. Space continues to be a premium for both students and staff within the Library. In order to release desk space within the main office, two of the managers have been working 70 hours over 9 days to free a desk space one day a fortnight. This has not resolved the space issues, but has proved helpful. This will continue to be monitored.


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

6 STAFF Developing Learning Resources staff to have the skills, resources and enthusiasm to provide quality services for the College. Structure and Internal Communication The Learning Resources staffing structure continues to develop in line with the expanding needs of the College. A number of new posts have been created and the management framework has been designed to provide robust support and clear reporting lines for the individual teams. It’s difficult for the whole team to meet on a regular basis due to working patterns and maintaining service provision. However, LR Managers meet together on a monthly basis and cascade information to their teams at the regular meetings. LR Managers also attend other team meetings to share information. Once a term, we aim to hold an ‘LR Breakfast’, where as many of the department as possible come together to share updates e.g. Annual Report, LR Operational Plan etc. The aim is to raise awareness across the department to the full extent of the facilities available across Learning Resources. All LR colleagues are now more able to advise staff and students of services, resources and facilities across Learning Resources, outside of their direct areas. The VLE Team has grown from two to four members of staff by the creation of the VLE Content Developer and with the Technology Enhanced Learning Advisor moving to Learning Resources from the Business and Management faculty. This growth in the VLE Team has enabled a more streamlined approach and has had a significant impact on the support we can provide to staff and students using technology for teaching and learning. Communication between team members can be approached in a variety of ways. In the Library, a staff procedures manual has been created to provide information on procedures and processes. This means that there is a greater consistency with the services provided with the day-time staff and evening/weekend staff following the same guidelines. The manual is reviewed annually but as a ‘living document’ is updated whenever changes are required.


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

Skills All Media Services Team members have now developed skills in all areas covered from classroom set up to conferencing support. Further skills and experience have been gained from attendance at conferences, and training received in editing, camera skills and technical theatre. An exciting new learning development for the Media Services Team has been the use of online software training through Colleagues develop new skills and keep current skills up-to-date aiming for 2 hours per week individually. This flexible approach to learning is well suited to a team that work flexible hours. is an online subscription library that provides training on the latest software tools and skills through high-quality instructional videos delivered by recognised industry experts. Short, concise sections are easy to digest and enhance learning through rich media video. Lynda provides 24/7 access to all the leading media software including Final Cut Pro and Adobe Creative Suite. Software training can be done on Mac, PC and mobile devices.

Professional Activities In order to improve our understanding of professional activities in other institutions and within the professional sector, a number of visits to other education providers have been made during this academic year. For example our Student Support Librarian and Reader Services Librarian visited the SPLASH Learning Centre at the University of Surrey. The tour of the Group Learning Centre provided them with knowledge of how staff interact with students with specific needs. LR colleagues have attended a range of relevant external events and have also welcomed requests from staff at other institutions to visit the College to share experiences. Learning Resources staff have also been invited to present at a number of events including the 16th Annual SEDA Conference 2011, the Blackboard Teaching & Learning Conference 2012 in Antwerp, and the Joint HEA/SEDA Conference: Open Horizons: Sharing the Future 2012 (see Appendix F). After having been involved with the London Blackboard User Group for a number of years, the VLE Manager was this year selected to take over the coordination of this User Group and has arranged three meetings over this academic year. The London Blackboard User Group was held at Regent’s College in July 2012 with attendance from staff from various institutions such as Brunel University, University of Northampton and University of Bedfordshire (see Appendix F). The Technology Enhanced Learning Advisor has compiled a research paper on staff perceptions of using the Blackboard VLE, which has been circulated within the College. This research will be used as the basis for follow-up research on how to enhance the staff and student experience in using technology for teaching and learning.


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

7 COMMUNICATION To communicate clearly what services ‘Learning Resources’ provides to College students and staff. The Learning Resources pages on the intranet have been streamlined this year to make it easier for staff and students to access consistent information on the services provided. These pages are reviewed on a termly basis. An additional feature for 2011/12 is the introduction of feedback forms to each team’s pages on the intranet as a simple, consistent solution for users to provide feedback on Learning Resources facilities and resources. For example, Media Services received some very positive feedback from a member of academic staff ‘Fantastic service from Ros! There was a missing cable in A101 - sorted in record time! Thanks’. There are many different types of resources provided by the departments, it is difficult to know how best to promote these. A solution introduced this year has been the ‘Learning Resource of the Month’ news articles on the intranet. This regular update profiles our lesser known resources, and raises awareness of new and enhanced services being provided. This has been welcomed by students and staff and has led to an increase in enquiries about the promoted items such as: Helix Media Server,, Blackboard Mobile Learn, e-books and Sanyo Xacti Underwater Camera (see Appendix H). Learning Resources are now starting to use Social Media (Twitter and Facebook) to promote events and inform students. For instance, the Library announces new materials and collections, and the VLE Team promote Tricks of the Trade sessions, via Twitter. Throughout the academic year, Learning Resources have developed and delivered a wide range of training sessions for staff across the College, including Tricks of the Trade, Blackboard Training, Media Training and Library Database and Information Skills sessions. A wide range of training guides and resources have also been developed by the Learning Resources team, and made available to staff and students. These guides are not only offered in written format, but are also increasingly being provided as video guides, utilizing the new video capture software, Camtasia. This has been used to create training guides on how to access and develop module areas in Blackboard. It has also been used to record existing PowerPoint demonstrations and Prezi presentations for staff induction sessions. These have been uploaded to Blackboard so that all members of staff can view them either on or off campus.



VLE CONTENT DEVELOPER 9.00 Got to work and switched on my PC, while it takes its time to load I went to get coffee! Coffee is available for staff in the Herringham building, where I’m based. The milk always goes very quickly so I have to move fast! Checked my calendar for the day and see I have only one meeting at 11:00. Went through the Blackboard Inbox, which is the shared email address that we use to gather all staff VLE queries, and responded to requests for enrolments on to Blackboard module areas for a module leader and two registry staff in HASS; helped an academic “roll-over” their module content from the current semester version of their module to the next. Arranged to meet a new visiting lecturer in LFSMP and help them set up their Blackboard area for online assignment submission.

and I didn’t have much input but the course sounds very interesting and the VLE will have a key role in its delivery. 12:00 Found the new VL and sat with them at their desk whilst introducing them to the wonderful world of online assessments and showed them how Blackboard’s Grade Centre can be used to help them manage their marking. The academic appreciated the help and seemed to sound enthusiastic about marking, which is always a good sign! 13:00 Lunch. A Friday so I’ve earned a trip to the Ginger Pig! Mustn’t eat there too often or I will become one! On way back to the office, stopped by Media Services to return SD Card reader that I borrowed to post photos from a recent training session on Blackboard.

10.00 Began work on a new Word format training guide for academics to create and manage Blackboard Discussion Boards for their students. I always like to begin this process by creating the screenshots, I will then write explanations for, by using SnagIt.

14:00 Finalised the wording for the user guide so saved a copy and printed it out for Bryony to look over with her red pen. Expecting revisions so work on a second draft can begin on Monday. The guide will then be uploaded to the Staff Blackboard Training and Resources module area on Blackboard.

11:00 Attended a development meeting for a proposed new Marketing MA for BaM and advised on VLE Content. The course is very much in the early stages of development

15:00 Coffee time again! Mid afternoon: very necessary. Checked Blackboard Inbox again and see I am now able to reply to the requests that asked for enrolments (as our ad-hoc table will have had time to process these). Emails of thanks trickle in after this. 16:00 Started to think about how a supportstaff member can get the most from a new Blackboard “Sign-Up Lists” building block in follow-up to a recent demo session. Composed email advising them of the various options for them to embed this feature into their module. 17:00 Home time! Luckily no last minute phone calls or urgent emails at the end of the day today so managed to go home on time. Looking forward to having a nice rest at the weekend!



MEDIA SERVICES TECHNICIAN 7.30 I arrive at the college and open up the Media Services department. Check the help desk emails in case there have been any last minute requests for cameras overnight.

10 minutes from a film they have been studying. When they have filmed they will come back to edit in our edit rooms. 12:30 Time for a bit of lunch.

7.40 - 8.50 I walk around all the classrooms and turn on the presentation systems checking for blown bulbs or that nobody has disconnected any of the AV cables. There are around 60 rooms to be checked each day before 9.00am when teaching starts.

13:00 7 SPCP students come all at once for cameras to record their counseling sessions. Due to the confidential nature of their materials we keep their cameras separate from all the others and after we have made a DVD for the students the cameras are wiped.

8.50 - 9.15 2 cameras to be set up. Today there are 2 requests for cameras to record student presentations at 9.00am. Some days there can be as many as 5 to go out at once.

13:30 - 15:30 At the moment I am doing an intermediate Final Cut course with Lynda. com. It’s online so I can access any time even at home. In Media Services we have 2 hours a week set aside for training. It’s a 6 hour course broken into 10-15 minute chapters. This means I can learn at my own pace and complete a course over a period of a few weeks.

9.15 Have a coffee and catch up with the rest of the team on what is happening today. 9.45 – 11.00 I help Marc lay a power cable on Tuke lawn for an external corporate event that has been booked through conferences. During the summer months there can be three of these a week with a different marquee and set up for each. Sometimes there is a generator but today there isn’t so we are providing power for the lighting and AV equipment. 11.15 A member of staff has called down to say they have a guest speaker who wants help connecting their Mac laptop to the projection system in T224. And they want to borrow a PowerPoint remote. I take a selection of connection dongles with me because it could be any one of many different connections. 11.45 The 2 cameras from the morning presentations have come back. The presentations have to be transferred to a DVD for the lecturer and a backup copy kept on an archive drive in case anything happens to the DVD. 12.00 3 groups of RACL students come to take out the JVC HD cameras, lights and sound equipment. They have to recreate


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

APPENDIX A Learning Resources Operational Plan 2011/12 The Learning Resources Strategy provides a framework for the activities and services provided by Learning Re¬sources and the work carried out by the Learning Resources Committee. This section contains all the actions from the operational plan that were completed (closed) during 2011/12. 1. STUDENTS Providing a student-centred approach to underpin blended learning. No



Action and Responsibility

Progress / Measure of success


Review Learning Resources new student induction process.

July – August 2011 Review to be an agenda item in LR Managers meeting end of September and end of January – after new inductions have run. Meeting scheduled for April 2012.

BB / TH / FM To meet in June to review the set of induction materials for new students (SW to arrange meeting). Consider options for feedback and any changes required, new induction process, both face to face and online to be in place by 31 August 2011 in time for new academic year. To meet in March to agree content for online induction materials and timeline for introduction.

Outcome of LRM discussion was that induction process has been united under LR banner, with induction slides amalgamated. Leading role in inductions is rotated between LRMs (to include James and Andy also). Online aspect can now progress following introduction of Camtasia. Meeting rescheduled for April 2012 to discuss unifying inductions and appearance. CLOSED


Review Learning Resources intranet space on the Learning Resources section; checking that links are up to date/working, checking for consistency of information across pages.

Termly; in August, January and May – to allow content to be checked before beginning of semester and exam times.

FM / TH / BB / SW To meet individually with SW to discuss proposed revisions to intranet space.

Changes were made to layout and design of all LR areas following initial meetings, and are ongoing. LRMs to meet with SW in January to further develop LR areas. Met with TH. Meetings scheduled for March 2012 with BB and FM. CLOSED

2. TECHNOLOGY Enhancing student learning by making appropriate and effective use of existing and emerging technologies in learning, teaching and research. No



Action and Responsibility

Progress / Measure of success


Discuss the options for Library presence on Blackboard and provision of a dedicated ‘Library Tab’.

Discuss at LR Team meeting July 7.


RA and BB met for Scoping Meeting 23 March. Tab built and content loaded before June 2011. CLOSED


Investigate Blackboard Mobile-Learning tools.

March – July 2011

BB – Report which will include proposals and identified resource requirements will be presented to HoLR by June 2011. BB Mobile Learn to be trialled for 3 months May - July and feedback included in above report. LK to arrange in liaison with BB.

Report prepared and presented to HoLR before June 2011. Blackboard Mobile Learn has been purchased and operational since Sept 2011. CLOSED


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

3. COLLECTIONS Ensuring that our collections (physical and virtual) are accessible and fully support programme delivery. No



Action and Responsibility

Progress / Measure of success


Consider having a ‘Resource of the Month’ to promote resources within Learning Resources.

Discuss at LR Team meeting July 7.


Improved awareness of the resources (and the services) provided. Evidenced by increased take-up and feedback? ‘Resource of the Month’ is now promoted through intranet and eBulletin on a monthly basis (Dec 2011). CLOSED


Launch a pilot for e-books.

Spring term

LK, FM & ML e-comms to college begun w/c 28th March 2011. Pilot launched 4th April 2011 – running until 31st July 2011. Pilot evaluated end June 2011. Completed June 2011

Pilot launched by ML and e-books available to students. E-books pilot advertised through posters / flyers / intranet / eBulletin / Twitter and plasma screen prior to launch and during. Use of e-books pilot has been extended and is ongoing (Dec 2011). CLOSED

4. SPECIALIST Enhancing the provision of specialist resources required by students with disabilities and / or specialist additional learning needs. No



Action and Responsibility

Progress / Measure of success


Investigate the possibility of creating a full-time post of Student Support Librarian to support students with disabilities.

Post approved by Directorate May 2011.


Students with disabilities will be able to access information material suitable to their needs in a timely fashion. Feedback required once post is filled. SSL has been appointed. CLOSED


Undertake an audit of specialist resources that will support students with disabilities that are currently held or provided by Learning Resources. Paper to be presented to LRC with a decision to be taken to promote and increase resourcing where appropriate.

Initial audit by end March 2011, tabled at the next SLRC, and reviewed annually.

TH / RA update report for HoLR by end June 2011. To be tabled at SLRC for future decision. TH to send list of Media Services resources to SW by 8th June. RA to send list of Library resources to SW by 8th June. Audit ready for SLRC September 2011

Updated lists sent to SW by RA / AA 31.10.11. Saved on shared drive FM / AA / TH met in November to update list of resources available. A Dolphin demo has been downloaded. TH has an updated list to deliver to LK on 7.12.11. Audit ready for March 2012. 2 Feb 2012: Updated list of resources prepared by TH and available in the share drive. CLOSED


Ensure that screen-reading software is working effectively with Blackboard to ensure that students with disabilities are not disadvantaged.

To be ready for 1st September.

Room ready; booking system created (within the Library) publicity made available: Library Manager October 2010.

From 12th September 2010 students are booking the study room. It is well received with 90 % capacity usage. CLOSED

5. SPACE Creating an accessible, welcoming and well resourced spaces for all learning activities including facilities for classrooms. No



Action and Responsibility

Progress / Measure of success


Bookable room to be made available for student-only use within the Library.

To be ready for 1st September.

Room ready; booking system created (within the Library) publicity made available: Library Manager October 2010.

From 12th September 2010 students are booking the study room. It is well received with 90 % capacity usage. CLOSED


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12


Monitor physical space of the Library to ensure resource supports the learning and research requirements of users.


FM / TH / BB / LK

Library Space: Report for Space Committee which included comparators using SCONUL information tabled at CSPG 1 March 2011. CLOSED

6. STAFF Developing Learning Resources staff to have the skills, resources and enthusiasm to provide quality services for the College. No



Action and Responsibility

Progress / Measure of success


Review Learning Resources staffing structure to create a resource that supports the teaching, learning and research activities of the College. Ensure that all staff have a revised job description which incorporates clear role and responsibilities that will supports service developments going forward.

Library Team structure to be reviewed by June 2011. Media Services Team structure (incorporating conference activities) to be completed by July 2011.

LK, RA, TH with the support of SW and HR colleagues.

Revised Library Team structure presented to Directorate and was approved on 1 June. Media Services Team restructure completed with new roles in place from 1st July 2011. Full team now have updated job descriptions. CLOSED


Review structure of Media Services Team to develop shared skills for Collegewide operations.

Developmental plan by end Jan, in place for Spring 2011.

TH to include the integration of skill sharing into PDRs by April 2011. TH to create a time-table for the MS Team to share skills by May 2011.

Media Services Team restructure completed with new roles in place from 1st July 2011. Full team now have updated job descriptions. Shadowing and demonstrations have taken place in the Media Services Team. Training has also been provided to staff to increase shared skills. CLOSED


Reintroduction of enquiry desk and introduction of staff presence in PG centre, in order to better support the needs of students

Postgraduate Centre staffed during the day by end February 2011(as time-table permits). Enquiry desk to be staffed in the Library during the day from 16th May 2011, reviewed July 2011.

An enquiry desk in the Postgraduate Centre has been staffed during the day from 14th February 2011. Enquiry desk in the Library is staffed by Librarians, Monday – Friday 11.30 – 14:30 from 16th May 2011. CLOSED


Undertake Customer Care skills training for Library Staff.


Success will be evidenced by an improved response in the Student Survey, and more positive feedback from students in general and Students Union in particular. Customer care training provided by external trainer to Library issue desk staff. Further discussions with HR to take place in December and embedded in PDRs. CLOSED

Initial training – July 2010, review outcomes for more focussed training on a regular basis. External trainer running ‘Supporting Users in the Library’ session 21st July 2011


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12


Ensure full team are aware of facilities available across Learning Resources, and can provide basic information.

May 2011

BB to attend Library and Media Services Team meetings and present to LR Teams on facilities available, by July – BB / RA / TH to schedule. Team meetings – BB and TH to attend 2 Library Team meetings per year, Library Manager / DLM to attend 2 MS meetings.

SW shadowing – Library 6th June, Media Services 9th June. Tom Groves Library induction, 8th July. BB Showcase event, 3rd October – attended by Library staff; RA, ML, AA, MG, AH. Media Services: TH. Cross-attendance at Team meetings by LRMs scheduled for February and October annually. CLOSED


Revise and update Library Staff procedures manual in order to provide a consistent service across the day and evening opening times, and to enable colleagues to have confidence that they are following the correct procedures.

July 2011

FM/ AH Library staff will share responsibility for drafting sections of manual – AH to check and collate. Draft manual will be shared at Library Team meeting by mid-July. Procedures manual will be available by the end of August.

2 Feb: Rescheduled for June 2012 A procedures manual binder is available in the Library office for all staff. CLOSED


Improve understanding of professional activities in other institutions and within the professional sector.

Encourage colleagues to contribute to professional activities; attend conferences; visit other institutions and invite colleagues from other institutions to visit the College to share experience.

LR Managers.

Significant improvements have been made in this area. A full list of activities will be included in the Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12. Examples include: London Blackboard Users Group, M25 Learning Technology Group, UC&R Conference, College visit from Eric Palmore and ARLIS UK & Ireland Conference. CLOSED

7. COMMUNICATION To communicate clearly what services ‘Learning Resources’ provides to College students and staff. No




Action and Responsibility

Progress / Measure of success

Consider using Web 2.0 technologies for communication.

Consider options to be trialled next year. July 2011

ML using Twitter as a communication tool for the e-books pilot. Success of this will be discussed at LR Managers Meeting July 2011.

Twitter and Facebook are being used to promote events and inform students. Use of social media part of Comms Strategy. CLOSED

Learning Resources Committee Head of Learning Resources


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

APPENDIX B Learning Resources Operational Plan 2012/13

LR Managers are currently planning the priorities for 2012/13, framing the activities around the LR Strategic themes. This will take into account ongoing actions from our previous operational plan as well as new actions to support Vision 2020. All staff workplans within Learning Resources are linked to this plan, which ensures departmental focus. The plan will shortly be available on the intranet. Key priorities which will be included in the operational plan 2012/13 include: STUDENTS Enhance Learning Resources new student induction process to include an online version of the induction presentation. Keep the Learning Resources intranet pages up to date; checking that links are up to date/working, checking for consistency of information across pages. TECHNOLOGY Implement project to review Library Management System and consider alternatives. Upgrade media server to web-based system to integrate with Blackboard. Consider use of free online resources for students via Blackboard. Upgrade classroom presentation systems. Roll out Samsung signage systems. Enhance usage of Blackboard Mobile Learn by raising awareness and providing staff training. Enhance use of TxtTools at the College. Develop a VLE Operating Plan (annual schedule) to streamline processes and ensure staff/ students are aware of future plans. In conjunction with IT, investigate new help desk software. Investigate Blackboard Collaborate software for webinars.


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

COLLECTIONS Create collection development policy. Workflow for acquisitions – standardise and document the process. SPECIALIST Check that Blackboard remains effective with screen-reading software in the College to ensure that students with disabilities are not disadvantaged. Make provision for the use of Camtasia and Blackboard Collaborate for recording lectures and presentations to be provided online via Blackboard. Provide results of the investigation on use of technologies for recording lectures and presentations to be provided online via Blackboard. SPACE Upgrade Lighting Rig in Tuke Hall Introduce flexible working patterns, including hot-desking within the Library Team. STAFF Contribute to College Student Charter. Ensure full team are aware of facilities available across Learning Resources, and can provide basic information. Develop an LR Administrative procedures manual of regular tasks to ensure consistency across the department. Investigate Customer Charter. Customer Service Excellence to be undertaken. Revise and update Library staff procedures manual in order to provide a consistent service across the day and evening opening times, and to enable colleagues to have confidence that they are following the correct procedures. COMMUNICATION Review academic liaison: clarify service provided and responsibilities with reference to: - Course validation - Collection development - User education Review and revise survey mechanisms for Learning Resources. Produce a Learning Resources Communications Strategy, to encompass the development of Learning Resources presence on the College website, intranet and Virtual Learning Environment and the development of a portfolio of leaflets in printed and electronic form. Improve suggestions and complaints process. Standards to be set on response times.


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

APPENDIX C Starters and Leavers 2011/12 Started James Leahy Alex Addyman Rachel Simcock Jennifer Danilchuk Fabienne Michaud Chris Rowell transferred from BaM Su Ha Susan Hastie Anne Rowlands Katharine Marshall Left Damaris Njoroge Rachel Cartwright Ruth Abbey Alex Addyman Simon Wentworth Ailsa Mainwaring Linda Oucha Fabienne Michaud

October2011 October 2011 October 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 May 2012 May 2012 July 2012 July 2012 September 2011 September 2011 November 2011 December 2011 April 2012 June 2012 June 2012 June 2012


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

APPENDIX D LR Staffing Structure – 31 July 2012 30 members of staff (FTE: 24.81)

LR Management Team Liz Kerr Head of Learning Resources

Tim Harrison

Anne Rowlands

Bryony Bramer

Media Services Manager

Library Manager

VLE Manager

Media Services Tim Harrison Media Services Manager


Thomas Groves

Tim O’Grady

TV Technician

Deputy Media Services Manager

Theatre Technician

Paulo Mendes

Ros Bernal

Senior Media Services Technician

Media Services Technician

Eshetu Tadesse

Marc Parmenter

Media Services Technician

Media Services Technician


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

VLE Team Bryony Bramer VLE Manager

Su Ha

James Leahy

Chris Rowell

LR Administrative Assistant

VLE Content Developer

Technology Enhanced Learning Advisor

Library Team Anne Rowlands Library Manager

Andy Horton

Michael Loren

Deputy Library Manager

E-Resources Librarian

Maria Granjeiro

Lesley Glassington

Susan Hastle

Reader Services Librarian

Assistant Librarian (Eves)

Student Support Librarian

Dilek Basgurboga

Darius Stepien


Rachel Simcock

Sven Griesenbeck

Irene Balachia

Library Assistant (PT)

Library Assistant (Readers Services)

Library Assistant (PT)

Library Assistant (PT)

Library Assistant (FT) (Resources)

Library Assistant (FT) (Collections)

Helen Precious

Katherine Marshall

Assistant Librarian (Eves)

Assistant Librarian (Eves)

Andrew Ryan

Julie Hughes

Jennifer Danilchuk

Library Assistant (PT)

Library Assistant (PT)

Library Assistant (PT)


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

APPENDIX E Representation on College Committees and Working Groups Liz Kerr, Head of Learning Resources Senate, Senate Academic Affairs Committee, Senate Academic Development Committee, Senate Research Committee, Senate Student Affairs Committee, Blackboard Implementation Project Team, College Development Steering Group, College Space Management Group, Information Systems Steering Group, Learning Resources Committee (Chair), Professional Services Group. Ruth Abbey/Fabienne Michaud/Anne Rowlands, Library Manager Senate Student Affairs Committee, Disability Services Committee, Learning Resources Committee, Professional Services Group. Tim Harrison, Media Services Manager Facilities Management, Learning Resources Committee, Management and Sustainability Development Group, Space Management Group, Staff Conference Planning Group. Bryony Bramer, VLE Manager Blackboard Implementation Project Team, Learning Resources Committee, Information Systems Steering Group. Andy Horton, Deputy Library Manager Student Disciplinary Panel, BaM Revalidation Programme Teams Chris Rowell, Technology Enhanced Learning Advisor Blackboard Implementation Project Team, Learning Resources Committee. Sven Griesenbeck, Library Assistant Health and Safety Committee (representing Learning Resources) Blackboard Project Team Representatives Liz Kerr (Chair), Kate Stoneman, Bryony Bramer, Mark Allinson, Brian Kriefman, Angela Postill, Chris Rowell (at 30 January 2012).


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

APPENDIX F Staff Learning & Development INTERNAL EVENTS

Regent’s College Staff Conference SMART Board Trainers Training Tricks of the Trade sessions

LR Management Team

Library Team

Liz Kerr Camtasia Training (VLE) Manager’s Forum Managing and Leading Change Workshop Mediation Course on “Alternative Dispute Resolution” Outlook 2010 Training Regent’s College Staff Conference Using LinkedIn Training

Andy Horton An Inclusive Approach: Considerations when Teaching Students with Asperger’s Syndrome (PG) An Inclusive Approach: Considerations when Teaching Students with Dyspraxia (PG) Camtasia Course (VLE) Copy Writing Workshop with Lorna Walker Customer Service Training with John Hudson Dealing with Staff Capability Issues (HR) Discipline and Grievance – The Line Managers Role Handling Difficult Discussions (HR) Lunchtime Lectures (HASS) Managing Attendance Training (HR) Regent’s College Staff Conference Stage Combat Workshop (HASS Artspace Festival) Student Disciplinary Code Training (BH)

Fabienne Michaud Camtasia Training (VLE) Copy Writing Workshop with Lorna Walker Managing Attendance Training (HR) Managing and Leading Change Workshop Tim Harrison Camtasia – Blue Orange Trainers Training Cirri Light Lighting Training CVP General Training Handling Difficult Discussions (HR) Impero Training JVC Camera Training Online Training (2 hours per week) Managing Attendance Training (HR) Managing and Leading Change Workshop Newtech Training Samsung Signage Training SMART Board Trainers Training

Michael Loran An Inclusive Approach: Considerations when Teaching Students with Dyslexia (PG) Blackboard Basic (VLE) Blackboard Upgrade (VLE) Camtasia Training (VLE) Copy Writing Workshop with Lorna Walker Dealing with Staff Capability Issues (HR) Handling Difficult Discussions (HR) Managing Attendance Training (HR) Regent’s College Staff Conference SMART Board Training Student Disciplinary Code Training (BH)

Bryony Bramer Blackboard Learn Product Management Workshop Blackboard Strategic Workshop Blackboard Team Training with Pepijn Kalis Camtasia – Blue Orange Trainers Training Copy Writing Workshop with Lorna Walker Discipline and Grievance – The Line Managers Role Handling Difficult Discussions (HR) Managing Attendance Training (HR) Managing and Leading Change Workshop People Management Training (HR) xi

Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

Maria Granjeiro An Inclusive Approach: Considerations when Teaching Students with Dyslexia (PG) Camtasia Training (VLE) Copy Writing Workshop with Lorna Walker Customer Service Training with John Hudson Dealing with Staff Capability Issues (HR) Moving in Management Regent’s College Staff Conference Tricks of the Trade: Mind Mapping Tricks of the Trade: Twitter

Helen Precious Customer Service Training with John Hudson Discipline and Grievance (HR) Introduction to Supervisory Skills Course New Starters’ Induction Recruitment and Selection (HR) Ailsa Mainwaring Customer Service Training with John Hudson Andrew Ryan Printer and Photocopier Training Windows 7 Training

Susan Hastie An Inclusive Approach: Considerations when Teaching Students with Dyslexia (PG) Blackboard Basic (VLE) Blackboard Upgrade (VLE) Interviewing Skills Workshop Manual Handling Course with Resource & Environmental Consultants New Starters’ Induction Recruitment and Selection (HR) Regent’s Future – Managing Change Workshop (HR) SMART Board Training Tips for Interacting with Students with Disabilities

Dilek Basgurboga PDR Training Regent’s Future – Managing Change Workshop (HR) Julie Hughes E-books Training Photocopier Training Rachel Simcock New Starters’ Induction Regent’s College Staff Conference Media Team

Sven Griesenbeck Customer Service Training with John Hudson E-books Training Regent’s College Staff Conference

Thomas Groves Cirri Light Lighting Training Copy Writing Workshop with Lorna Walker Dealing with Staff Capability Issues Course Discipline and Grievance – The Line Managers Role Impero Training JVC HD Professional Studio Camera Training Online Training (2 hours per week) Managing Attendance Training (HR) Manual Handling Course with Resource & Environmental Consultants Newtech Training PDR Reviewer Training Recruitment Guide for Managers Regent’s Future – Managing Change Workshops

Irene Balachia Customer Service Training with John Hudson E-books Training Regent’s College Staff Conference Windows 7 Training Darius Stepien Copyright & Legislation Training Course Customer Service Training with John Hudson Library Database Training Regent’s College Staff Conference


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

VLE Team

Tim O’Grady Blackboard Training (VLE) Camtasia Training (VLE) Cirri Light Lighting Training JVC Camcorder Training Online Training (2 hours per week) Manual Handling Course with Resource & Environmental Consultants Newtech Training SMART Board Training

Chris Rowell Blackboard Learn Product Management Workshop Blackboard Showcase Day Blackboard Strategic Workshop Blackboard Team Training with Pepijn Kalis Camtasia – Blue Orange Trainers Training Copy Writing Workshop with Lorna Walker Disability Awareness Training Introduction to Wimba Voice Webinar Manual Handling Course with Resource & Environmental Consultants MS Project Training SMART Board Trainers Training Tricks of the Trade Sessions Regent’s College Staff Conference Regent’s Future – Managing Change Workshop (HR)

Paulo Mendes Camtasia Training (VLE) Impero Training JVC Camcorder Training Online Training (2 hours per week) Manual Handling Course with Resource & Environmental Consultants Newtech Training SMART Board Training

James Leahy Blackboard Learn Product Management Workshop Blackboard Team Training with Pepijn Kalis Blackboard Showcase Day Blackboard Strategic Workshop Camtasia – Blue Orange Trainers Training Copy Writing Workshop with Lorna Walker Disability Awareness Training Helix Media Library User Group Event & Webinar Intranet (SharePoint) Training Introduction to Wimba Voice Webinar LinkedIn Training MS Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint 2010 Training New Starters’ Induction PDR Reviewee Training Regent’s College Staff Conference Regent’s Future – Managing Change Workshop (HR) SMART Board Trainers Training Tricks of the Trade sessions

Ros Bernal JVC Camcorder Training Manual Handling Course with Resource & Environmental Consultants Online Training (2 hours per week) Eshtu Tadesse Blackboard Training (VLE) Camtasia Training (VLE) JVC Camcorder Training Online Training (2 hours per week) Manual Handling Course with Resource & Environmental Consultants MS Word and PowerPoint 2010 Training Newtech Training Professional Digital HD Film & Photography Training SMART Board Training Windows 7 Training Marc Parmenter Blackboard Training (VLE) Camtasia Training (VLE) JVC Camcorder Training Online Training (2 hours per week) Newtech Training SMART Board Training

Su Ha Committee Report Writing Training (HR) Manual Handling Course with Resource & Environmental Consultants MS Word and Outlook 2010 Training New Starters’ Induction


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12


Bryony Bramer Blackboard Europe Conference Antwerp Blackboard UK User Conference Durham Termly M25 Learning Technology User Group Meetings Termly London Blackboard User Group Meetings Library Team:

LR Management Team Liz Kerr Blackboard Executive Forum CILIP CoFHE UC&R Conference Newcastle CILIP Digital Information Conference: The Challenge of Choice CILIP RFID in Libraries Conference – London European Workshop for Research-led Teaching and Resource Sharing – Dublin LFHE – Leading the Whole Student Experience: A Network Event LFHE Senior Strategic Leadership – York MBA Higher Education Management Decennial Conference by IoE M25 Conference at Ravensbourne College Post UUK Members’ Annual Conference 2011 – Executive Roundtable SCONUL: 4th Dimension: Deputies Group - Cardiff SCONUL Annual Conference Demonstrating Value and Maximizing Impact, Liverpool SCONUL Deputies Conference – Edinburgh

Andy Horton ASLIB Business Librarians’ Community of Practice Meeting, City Business Library Business Librarians Association Conference - Stirling Business Librarians’ Toolkit / Financial Jargon-Busting (BLA) CILIP Academic and Research Libraries Conference - Newcastle CILIP “Problems of Cataloguing in Higher Education” Seminar Copyright in the Digital Age (CILIP) EBSCOHost Training Proquest Film Database Training Visit to UEL Library and British Olympic Archive Michael Loran CILIP Library Management Systems Showcase EBSCOHost Training E-books and E-content 2012 (UCL) Heritage for Technical Users Heritage User Group Management & Housekeeping Workshop Heritage User Group Heritage Online Workshop Heritage User Groups: Winter & Summer IS Oxford Inheriting Heritage Course MINTEL Database Training Proquest Film Database Training Sync or Swim: Opportunities for Libraries in the Digital Age UKEIG ‘Getting to Grips with Developing and Managing E-book Collections’ Course Visit to RNIB Library

Anne Rowlands (as of June 2012) CILIP CoFHE UC&R Conference Newcastle CILIP Information Literacy Executive Briefing Fabienne Michaud (up to June 2012) CILIP E-books Conference The Woman’s Library Event Visit Cass Business School Visit Tim Harrison Common Purpose Management Training


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

Media Team

Maria Granjeiro ARLIS ‘Artists’ Films’ Half-Day Workshop ARLIS/UK & Ireland Annual Conference ASLIB ‘Developing your Management and Leadership Skills’ Course EBSCOHost Training London LibTeach Meeting MINTEL Database Training Proquest Film Database Training Visit to CASS Business School Library Visit to SPLASH Learning Centre, University of Surrey

Tim O’Grady Rose Bruford PGCHE Course VLE Team Chris Rowell 16th Annual SEDA Conference - ‘Using Technology to Enhance Learning’ ASKe Plagiarism Event 2012: Institutional Policies and Procedures for Managing Student Plagiarism Certified Member Association of Learning Technology CityLit Introduction to PhotoShop Course HEA/SEDA Conference: Open Horizons: Sharing the Future ProjStudy Prince2 Training Termly London Blackboard User Group Meetings Termly M25 Learning Technology User Group Meetings

Susan Hastie London LibTeach Meeting Mobile Technology Executive Briefing (CILIP) Rosetta Stone Training Visit to SPLASH Learning Centre, University of Surrey Sven Griesenbeck Inter-library Loans Conference, The Hive (Worcester) MINTEL Database Training

James Leahy CityLit HTML: Stage 1 Training Course HEA E-Portfolios Workshop Termly London Blackboard User Group Meetings

Irene Balachia ASLIB Classification of Art Materials Course Heritage Open Day IS Oxford Heritage Training Workshop: Managing &Troubleshooting Serials MINTEL Database Training Visit to RNIB Library Visit to CASS Business School Library Visit to Horniman Museum Visit to Central Saint Martins College Library, CPD25 Event Visit to Women’s Library


Dilek Basgurboga Visit to Central Saint Martins College Library, CPD25 Event

‘Tricks of the Trade’: 20 sessions, plus a ‘Greatest Hits’ day, held for staff on a variety of technology enhanced learning activities. Blackboard Training: 20 sessions held throughout the semester, plus two ‘Blackboard Training Weeks’ held at the beginning of each semester, on a wide variety of basic and advanced Blackboard topics.


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12


Anne Rowlands Associate member of Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Co-chair of the Academic Research and Library Group (ARLG) Representative of the 2013 ALRG Umbrella Conference

Liz Kerr, Head of Learning Resources ARLG Paper – ‘Bookpacks – An Option for the Future?’ Newcastle, 14 May 2012 CPD25 Event – ‘Impact of Fees on Library Services’ University of Sussex, 20 July 2012

Tim Harrison Member of the Association of British Theatre Technicians (ABTT) Member of Standing Conference for Heads of Media Services (SCHOMS)

Bryony Bramer, VLE Manager Conference presentation - ‘After the VLE Review: Engaging Staff and Students with Blackboard 9.1’. Blackboard Teaching & Learning Conference 2012, Antwerp, 24-25 April 2012.

Andy Horton Business Librarian’s Association (BLA)

Chris Rowell, Technology Enhanced Learning Advisor Conference presentation - ‘How Best to Evaluate a VLE’. 16th Annual SEDA Conference 2011: Using Technology to Enhance Learning, 18 November 2011. Conference introduction - HEA/SEDA Conference: Open Horizons: Sharing the future, 20 July 2012.

Tom Groves Member of the Association of British Theatre Technicians (ABTT) Member of Standing Conference for Heads of Media Services (SCHOMS) Chris Rowell Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology Conference Committee Member of the Staff and Educational Development Association Member of the London Blackboard User Group Member of the M25 Learning Technology Group Member of the SEDA Special Interest Group on Technology Enhanced Practice

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Liz Kerr Associate member of Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Member of the Academic Research and Library Group (ARLG) Bryony Bramer Associate Member of the Association for Learning Technology Co-ordinator of the London Blackboard User Group Member of the M25 Learning Technology Group

James Leahy Member of the London Blackboard User Group Helen Precious Associate Member of Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Tim O’Grady Member of the Association of British Theatre Technicians (ABTT)


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

APPENDIX G Facts and Figures Library 677m2 floor area occupied by Library Services 246m2 floor area in the Postgraduate Centre 3,384 Active borrowers 98,579 Loans 36,186 Catalogued book stock 3,312 Additions to book stock 2,739 Books withdrawn 2,580 Total DVDs 729 Additions to DVD stock 44,160 Online Journal subscriptions 188 Journal titles including daily newspapers 143 Electronic books 20 Laptops available for loan 209m2 Library study space 22m2 Postgraduate Centre Study places 50 Fixed-point PCs 52 Laptop points 11,122 Workstation-hours per week 34,694 Library Study place-hours per week (up due to 24 hours opening hours) 3,696 Postgraduate Centre place-hours per week 398 Attendees at Database Search Training sessions 34 Database Search Training sessions delivered 1261 Attendees at Library Induction sessions CLA Returns - 52 articles, for 11 courses VLE Team 20 Weekly Blackboard Training sessions held 2 Blackboard ‘Training Weeks’ held 20 Weekly Tricks of the Trade sessions held 2 Tricks of the Trade ‘Greatest Hits’ days held 449 Modules using Blackboard 82GB Content uploaded to Blackboard 32,732 Average Blackboard page views per day 81,354 Blackboard Page views on most active date 102 Countries that Blackboard has been accessed from 15 Different Internet Browsers used by Blackboard users 1,450 Users of the Blackboard Mobile Learn App


Media Services 1250 Equipment loans made 700 Trouble shoot calls 800 DVDs produced 6 New Mac Book Pros for loan 10 New full size PC laptops for loan 10 New net book laptops for loan 5 New ION interview cameras with 2 lenses that enable the user to switch between interviewer and interviewee whilst recording 4 New JVC pro HD cameras 18 Classrooms re replaced with new SMART Board systems T114/115 and Cinema fitted with new HD surround sound systems. 22 Classrooms with new SMART podiums IT Centre presentation systems replaces with 60” LED and SMART Podium systems 26 Extron Controllers fitted in classrooms 30 Additional white boards fitted in classrooms. Specialist Resources Laptops/PCs with Readwrite Gold and Inspiration Standard 10 Laptops with Dragon Naturally Speaking software Dedicated PCs with Jaws and Kurtzweil software Digital audio recorders and Flip cameras Darwin ground floor room are fitted with Senhieser infared induction loops with 60 sets of available Senhieser headphones 3 Sets of Cerium overlays 2 Eschenbach bar magnifiers 2 Frankin thesaurus spellers 2 Large font keyboards 2 Colour keyboards TS oxford reading pens Dolphin Easy software to create audio files from scanned text


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

APPENDIX H Learning Resources of the Month Learning Resources celebrates some of its less well known, useful and eye-catching resources and services. Each month, members of staff nominate a ‘Resource of the Month’ to be advertised and explain why they have chosen it. To highlight a few:

November 2011 selection from the Media Services Team Resource By Why

Available from

Sanyo Xacti Underwater Camera Tim O’Grady, Theatre Technician “Previously, students had been known to wrap cameras up in plastic bags to take shots underwater. This attractive and very useful little camera makes underwater photography very easy – and much less likely to result in a repair bill.” Media Services

February 2012 selection from the VLE Team Resource By Why

Blackboard Mobile Learn Bryony Bramer, VLE Manager The College’s Virtual Learning Environment Blackboard enables students to access a wide range of teaching materials online, and to engage with interactive tools like discussions boards, wikis and quizzes.

There has been a lot of enthusiasm about Blackboard Mobile Learn and hundreds have already downloaded the free app. It’s an exciting new development that we introduced at Regent’s this year - letting you log in to your Blackboard modules from a portable device in an accessible format. It means that all the key information you need, to keep on top of your studies, is right there in your pocket.” Blackboard Mobile Learn

Available from


Learning Resources Annual Report 2011/12

Learning Resources of the Month 2011/12 Sanyo Xacti Underwater Camera Selected by Tim O’Grady, Theatre Technician November 2011 E-Books Selected by Michael Loran, Electronic Resources Librarian December 2011 Blackboard Mobile Learn Selected by Bryony Bramer, VLE Manager February 2012 Inter-Library Loans Selected by Sven Griesenbeck, Library Assistant (Resources) March 2012 Selected by Michael Loran, Electronic Resources Librarian April 2012 Helix Media Server Selected by James Leahy, VLE Content Developer June 2012


Liz Kerr Head of Learning Resources Regent’s College London Inner Circle, Regent’s Park London, NW1 4NS, UK Tel Fax Email Web

+44 (0)20 7487 7835 +44 (0)20 7487 7528

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