October 28, 2020
VOL. 22, ISS. 2
Faculty Council Discusses IHRP and Admissions Council meeting discusses IHRP controversy, changing 1L demographics, and postponement of budget and tuition details SABRINA MACKLAI (1L JD/MI) On October 21, the Faculty Council met for the second time this academic year. Addressing IHRP Director Hiring Controversy, again
In-person Teaching Suspended as City Rolls Back to Stage Two Administration announces classes indefinitely shifting to remote delivery for the Fall AVNEE PARANJAPE (3L) On the evening of Saturday, October 10, about a month after the start of the term, students were informed that the Faculty of Law would be transitioning to exclusively remote learning starting October 13. In making this decision, Dean Iacobucci cited University Provost Cheryl Reghr’s request that faculties consider whether inperson teaching is “essential.” The Faculty’s announcement comes amidst the implementation of campuswide measures, including the closure of f itness facilities, take-out only food services, and limits on social gatherings. These changes were announced in an October 9 statement by the University of Toronto, which described lab courses, music, and
practical instruction as examples of “essential” in-person activities. The email sent Saturday evening indicated that the move to remote learning followed public health measures implemented by the provincial government. These measures began Saturday at 12:01 a.m. and will run for 28 days, meaning that classes will not return to in-person settings until after the Fall reading week, if at all. While building and library access remains open to the large majority of students who elected to take in-person classes, Dean Iacobucci cautioned that the administration was “not conf ident that in-person classes will resume this semester at all.” The University of Toronto was among a
minority of law schools across the country with a substantial in-person component for course delivery, alongside Queen’s and Western. While some institutions such as McGill have already determined that the Winter term will be primarily remote, the Faculty has yet to make such an announcement. Dean Iacobucci indicated that the Faculty will continue to follow guidance from the University, but did not suggest any particular plans for after November 6. As f igures in Toronto have surpassed 300 new cases daily, it remains to be seen whether the curve can be substantially levelled of f to allow for a return to in-person learning before the end of the term on December 9.
Since mid-September, allegations have circulated that the Faculty of Law rescinded an offer to Valentina Azarova to become the Staff Director of the International Human Rights Program (IHRP). The Faculty was allegedly influenced by a sitting Tax Court judge to not hire Azarova, based on her work on the Israeli-Palestenian conflict. At the meeting, Dean Iacobucci reiterated the announcements made in his October 14 and 15 emails to the law school community. He stated that he is concerned with the “incomplete and incorrect information about the search [for the director of the IHRP]” disseminated publicly. He further stated that upon his request weeks ago, the University has established an impartial review to assess what happened. In the meantime, Professor Emerita Rebecca Cook will serve as Interim Director of the IHRP, and she will be developing the next steps for the program. Dean Iacobucci also cited two reasons for his initial reluctance to comment on the IHRP matter at the Octobery 7 Faculty Council meeting. First, he could not comment on how the University was processing his request to establish a review. Second, Dean Iacobucci wished to wait for the establishment of a review to comment because it would enable Professor Cook the “freedom to think about the present and the future.” Dean Iacobucci is confident that the IHRP’s volunteer work and support for summer externships will continue as planned. However, whether the clinical course will still run depends on Faculty teaching capacity. If the course does not continue, Dean Iacobucci said he would ensure that the five students currently enrolled would be accommodated, to the extent feasible. Dean Iacobucci emphasized that “the IHRP is and will continue to be a critically important program for the Faculty.” Admissions Statistics Professor Ben Alarie presented the JD Admissions Committee Report. For the 2020-21 year, there were 2204 JD applications, 371 offers made, and 212 students registered, representing an offer rate (offers over applications) of 17 percent. The yield rate (acceptances over offers) of 57 percent is down by two percentage points from last year. Notably, more offers were made this year compared to last year’s 347 offers. Professor Alarie stated that this was in anticipation of an unusually high
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