ULU The Essential Guide 2013/14

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University of London Union

Contents Welcome to ULU

Page 3: Page 4: Page 6:

President’s Welcome What is ULU? Your Officers

Get Involved! Page 8: Page 10: Page12: Page 14: Page 16: Page 17:

Sports and Societies Get Involved With... Campaigns & Activism ULU Liberation Network London Student Newspaper Have Your Say!

Fun & Facilities Page 18: Page 19: Page 20: Page 21: Page 22: Page 23: Page 24: Page 26: Page 26: Page 27: Page 27: Page 28: Page 29: Page 30:

The Venue The Library (bar) The Gallery Lunchbox Café Student Shop Copycats Print Centre Energybase Work at ULU Environmental Impact Hire a Room UoL Housing Services Keep in Touch Sports & Societies Directory ULU Building Map Page2

President’s Welcome Hello and welcome to the University of London Union, the federal union for all Colleges in the University of London, representing over 120,000 students. I’m Michael Chessum, the President of ULU, and along with the ULU Vice President and the ULU Women’s Officer it is my full-time job to fight your corner, support you during your studies and campaign democratically for a better world. There are a huge number of ways that you can use ULU’s services during your time here. In addition to your own College student union, we provide a large variety of clubs and societies catering for everything from choral music to canoe polo. We also have one of London’s very few affordable swimming pools, a great gym and an excellent music venue. And if you’re hungry, make sure to check out the first floor bars – some of the best value food in central London. As a union, we exist primarily to represent and campaign for students. We are stronger when we act together, and ULU has played a crucial role in campaigning for decent affordable housing, for rights at work, and against the government’s attacks on education and the welfare state. For the first time, ULU now has a full-time Women’s Officer and four autonomous campaigns open to women, LGBT+, disabled and black students – dedicated to campaigning against oppression.

Working alongside other student unions in London, we have also set up the London Union of Students (LUS) – an organisation that aims to represent all of the students in London. Together, we will co-ordinate action and represent students to local government. As you may be aware, the University of London recently announced its intention to close ULU from August 2014. We regard this as a disgraceful attack on democratic autonomy and on student services. If you want us to continue to fight for you, you may have to fight for our survival – so watch out for a major campaign. London is the biggest student city in the world, and will provide you with a unique set of experiences – academic, political and extra-curricular. We exist to help you make the most of your time and to fight on the issues that you feel strongly about. So don’t hesitate to get in touch!


Governance:What is ULU?


ULU exists as a complementary provision towards your college’s students’ union. The future direction of ULU is set and championed by our elected sabbatical officers and their peers at the students’ unions of the University of London’s Colleges and Institutes. All students of the University of London (UoL) automatically qualify as full members of ULU. But if you haven’t already visited your college’s students’ union, we hope the following links will help: Birkbeck Students’ Union www.birkbeckunion.org

Queen Mary Students’ Union www.qmsu.org

Central Students’ Union www.central-su.com

Royal Academy of Music Students’ Union www.ram.ac.uk/students-union

Courtauld Students’ Union www.courtauldstudentsunion. blogspot.co.uk Goldsmiths Students’ Union www.goldsmithssu.org Heythrop Students’ Union www.heythrop.su ICR Student Committee www.icr.ac.uk Institute of Education Students’ Union www.ioesu.org.uk Kings College London Students’ Union www.kclsu.org London Business School Student Association clubs.london.edu/sa LSE Students’ Union www.lsesu.com London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine www.lshtm.ac.uk

Students’ Union Royal Holloway University of London www.su.rhul.ac.uk RVC Students’ Union Society www.rvcsus.co.uk St George’s Students’ Union www.sgsu.org.uk SOAS Students’ Union www.soasunion.org University College London Union www.uclu.org University of London Institute in Paris Students’ Union www.ulipsu.eu University Marine Biological Station, Millport www.gla.ac.uk/centres/ marinestation School of Advanced Studies www.sas.ac.uk | www.ulu.co.uk


ULU is the federal Students’ Union for the University of London (UoL). Or in other words, we’re a second Students’ Union for you to enjoy and use whilst you’re studying at UoL. There are two ULU Membership categories, find out which you qualify for:

Are you ...

•A student outside of UoL with a valid student ID card? •A University of London International Programme student?

A registered student at one of the UoL colleges? (see above for full list) Male t St T: 020 , London WC1E E: gene 7664 2000 7HY | ral@ul u.lon .ac.uk Unive

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ULU Membership entitles you to: •Join Energybase

•Vote in ULU elections*

•Enjoy continued access to ULU’s services after 6.30pm

...and much more! *Full student members only

•Join a club or society •Take part in sports and society competitions* •Compete in the ULU Leagues (students at any London-based college only)

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Governance: Your Officers Your student officers and London Student Editor are annually elected by the University of London student population. The ULU officer team co-ordinate the unified voice of University of London colleges and ensures ULU remains democratic. They work for you on all issues to do with student life by listening to the views of the students across University of London (there’s over 120,000 of you!). They also oversee ULU’s direction, as an organisation, regarding what issues we should be focusing on and how we can improve our offering to students.

Full-Time Officers Full-time executive officers are trustees and members of the Executive Committee. They work full-time which requires them to either take a sabbatical year away from their studies, or take up the role immediately after graduation. Responsible for being the lead representative of ULU to the University and the outside world. Also chairs the Trustee Board, and leads on campaigns, such as student housing and cuts.

Michael Chessum, ULU President


The Women’s Officer is responsible for representing the women students of the University, campaigning for women’s liberation, and supporting the other Liberation officers.

Susuana Antubam, Womens Officer

Daniel Cooper, ULU Vice-President

Responsible for leading on internal campaigns, on student activities, and on finances. The VP has a very broad role that also includes campaigning work, and liaising with Small and Specialist Colleges.


Oscar Webb, r London Student Edito

[Technically not an d officer, but is electe into post.] In charge of the London Student newspaper. Works with a large rs team of sub-edito and writers to st produce the bigge r in student newspape Europe.

See Page 16.



Part-Time Officers Part-time executive officers are trustees and members of the Executive Committee, but they are voluntary and commit to part-time hours based around their studies.

Responsible for facilitating student engagement in the management and administration of their Clubs and Societies; encouraging Clubs and Societies to be inclusive, ethical and liberationminded; and helping to co-ordinate intercollegiate student activities.

Patrick Butterfield, Activities Officer


Jamie Green, Campaigns & Activist Development Officer

Natasha Gorodnitski: Ethics & Environment Officer

Responsible for campaigning on environmental matters, and ensuring that ULU’s services and activities are ethical and sustainable.


Hannah Webb Community & Housing Officer Responsible for coordinating campaigns related to issues within the local community that affect University of London students; and campaigning for affordable and adequate housing for University of London students.

Responsible for promoting a healthy and democratic political culture in ULU; promoting and defending the welfare of student activists in London; and working alongside the sabb team to organise training for activists and student officers.



Part-time Liberation Officers are elected by and from the students that self-define into their autonomous Liberation campaign. They sit on ULU Senate – the representative council – and they chair and run their own Forums, which meet at least once per term.

See Page 14 for further information on Liberation Officers

Thomas Ankin Disabled Students Officer Disabled@ulu.lon.ac.uk

Andrew Turton LGBT Officer


Maham Hashmi Black Students Officer black@ulu.lon.ac.uk


Sports & Societies 2013/14 will be a very exciting time for sports and societies at ULU. The emphasis remains very much on supporting and building existing societies, while also encouraging students to introduce new and innovative activities. The ULU Student Activities Team have taken a great deal of time to speak with students and staff at the various colleges and after taking on board what was said, we have introduced some new activities and increased the number of taster and development days, plus we have expanded the number of spaces on training courses and increased the number of other requested activities. There are more than 40 different sports and societies including archery, fencing, scuba diving, swimming, rowing, big band jazz, ballroom dancing, hip hop, art, faith groups

and many more. ULU aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and to meet like-minded people in their chosen activity. Students have progressed from novice to world champion in elite sports such as rowing, while others learn completely new activities such as canoe polo or ice hockey. Other activities such as ULU LINKS, the student branch of St John Ambulance, trains volunteers to provide first aid cover at major sporting and entertainment events throughout London. There are opportunities to debate with our award-winning Debating Society, make potions with the Harry Potter Society, learn to scuba dive or play in one of the leading student orchestras in the UK. The ULU Student Activities TeamPage8


•Aerial Arts •Agape •Art •Breakdance •Buda •Capoeira •Chamber Choir •Classical Islam •Dance Sport •Debate •Drama •Harry Potter •Hip Hop •Jazz •Koinonia •Mountaineering •New Turn •Orchestra •Overseas Christian Fellowship (OCF)


•Archery •Athletics/ CrossCountry/ Triathlon •Boat •Canoe Polo •Cricket •Fencing •Football •Gymnastics •Hockey •Ice Hockey •Jitsu •Judo •Karate •Lacrosse •Lifesaving •Polo •Rifle •Sailing •Snow Sports •Swimming •Volleyball •Water Polo

•Pro Bono •Revelation Rock Gospel Choir •Shaolin Kung Fu (SLKF) •Singapore Medical •St John Ambulance LINKS •Sub Aqua

The ULU Leagues The ULU Leagues are an intercollegiate sporting competition for all colleges in London. They cover a variety of sports and are open to men and women of all abilities. Our league and cup programmes run from the start of the year providing you with regular competitive sport, development days and training opportunities with your sports governing bodies. We also promote new and unique sports holding one off competitions and taster sessions so you can get involved with something you have never tried before.

Online Sports Shop If you’ve joined a new club and need kit or equipment the ULU Online Sports Shop can help you. We can provide everything from football kits that can be named and numbered, to club or society hoodies and specialist equipment. We have also made arrangements to put a percentage of any profit we make into a special pot that can be used for the purpose of helping teams who may have fundng difficulties. Visit: www.ulusportsshop.co.uk


Get Involved With... Becoming a Qualified First-Aider We have a fantastic opportunity for all ULU sports men and women to earn either an outdoor activities or pitch side first aid qualification. Our two-day course covers everything from basic first aid and resuscitation techniques, to sports injuries, incident management and casualty evacuation. It’s ideal for a sports club’s designated first aider or society’s trip leader.

Becoming a Qualified Umpire or Referee Mad about your sport? Thinking of joining your Uni team? You can take your level of involvement in student sport to a whole new level by becoming a fully qualified referee or umpire and earn money refereeing university sport. We offer courses in football, rugby, netball, hockey and cricket, all of which have links with local leagues that can provide you with work, mentoring and continued development opportunities.

Becoming a Qualified Lifeguard With the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) you can become a fully qualified lifeguard allowing you to work in pools and leisure centres up and down the country as well as take the lead with any swimming or water borne clubs and societies you join whilst at university. The course lasts five days and is hosted by ULU’s Energybase NPLQ assessment centre.


4-a-Side Futsal Tournaments The ULU Futsal league is a 4-a-side indoor league running weekly in ULU’s Energybase sports hall. We can help you get into a team and you will play competitive fixtures under the supervision of an FA qualified referee against other UoL students in a fun and friendly atmosphere.

Women’s Self-Defence Designed and taught by Sue Smith, an instructor with 20 years martial arts experience and a 4th Dan in Aikido, our course teaches legal, theoretical and practical skills. The six sessions will give you a better understanding of personal safety and give you the confidence to look after yourself.

Dodgeball Tournaments Can you and your friends dodge a ball? If so you are perfect for our monthly dodgeball competition. Mixed teams and all abilities are welcome to come down and compete for the title of ULU Dodgeball champions!

Minority, Disability & Non-Traditional Sports We can provide access to sporting opportunities that you may not find elsewhere, from something you have seen before like handball or softball to the more exotic sports like roller derby or flag football. We will be hosting a number of taster days, one day competitions and training opportunities for a multitude of minority, disability and non traditional sports.

Volunteering For those students that want to give something back during their time at university, the volunteer’s service provides direct links to charities operating in London and signposts opportunities from bucket shaking to administrative and marketing work. These can be a one off commitment at an event or a long term relationship that sees you build links with potential employers and flesh out your CV. For all enquiries regrding The Get Involved Programme, including training, volunteering and taster courses, as well as setting up a new sport or society Page11 please email activities@ulu.lon.ac.uk or call 020 7664 2009

Campaigns & Activism

London Student ULU’s primary purpose is to defend and extend the rights of its members, and to campaign on issues that you democratically vote for – either in elections or through democratic council meetings such as the ULU Senate. So it’s up to you what we campaign on, but here is some of what we have in store. For more info on any of our campaigns, email Liam McNulty at campaigns@ulu.lon.ac.uk

#Save ULU In May 2013, the University of London announced its intention to close ULU from August 2014 and replace it with a management run student services centre. We regard this as a disgraceful attack on democratic autonomy and on student services, and we will fight tooth and nail to ensure that the ULU building and the services it provides remain under democratic student-led control, either as ULU or as the headquarters of a new London-wide students’ union.

Defending Education and the Welfare State We believe that university education should be a free and accessible public service, run democratically for the benefit of society by students and staff, and funded by taxing the wealthy and big business. ULU has played an iconic role in recent years as a flashpoint of mobilisation and coordination against the government’s plans to privatise education and the welfare state – so watch out for the odd demo, and get involved in anti-cuts activism on your own campus!


Cosas 3 Cosas – ‘three things’ in Spanish – is a vibrant campaign to win sick pay, holiday pay and pensions for the University of London’s outsourced cleaners, who at the moment suffer from bad working conditions. The campaign is led primarily by cleaners, and it has so embarrassed University senior managers that they have tried to ban protest on campus!

ULU Housing Campaign Housing is one of the biggest campaigns for the years ahead. Halls are being privatised, and rent in London has sky-rocketed in recent years. We often live in bad conditions miles from campus, getting screwed over by landlords and agents. ULU has already produced a ‘know your rights’ guide, and we’ll be organising in halls, linking up with other campaign groups and establishing a London Student Tenants Union. We’ll need your involvement, so watch out!

Rights at Work A significant proportion of the student population of London work, largely because of how high the cost of living is here. Students who work are often un-unionised and exploited by employers, and we going to be fighting to ensure that you are able to organise at work.

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Hollaback! ULU Hollaback! ULU calls for London Universities and students’ unions to work together to combat sexual harassment on campus, implement a zero tolerance culture, encouraging victims to ‘hollaback’ using clear and accessible reporting systems – to say no to victim blaming and yes to support services. It also involves improving methods of reporting sexual harassment and giving the tools to students and staff on campuses to give better support to victims and tackle campus specific issues head on.


ULU Liberation Network

Susuana Antubam, Womens Officer womens@ulu.lon.ac.uk

The ULU Liberation Network is made up of the four ULU autonomous liberation campaigns: Women, Disabled, Black* and LGBT+. Each liberation campaign has its own network and elected officer whose job is to facilitate intersectional liberation campaigns and events for students across London campuses. Working with liberation officers and activist in London Students’ Unions, the liberation officers at ULU hope to build a strong support network and use the University of London Union as a centre point for student liberation activism. The ULU Liberation Network aims to provide safe spaces for self-identified members of liberation groups to come together, discuss and campaign around issues which are important to them. The ULU Liberation Network will also enable student unions to combine energy and resources into campaigns that affect students nationally as well as regionally. As well as the full-time Womens Officer, this year’s ULU Liberation Officers are:

Maham Hashmi Black Students Officer

Thomas Ankin Disabled Students Officer

Andrew Turton LGBT Officer




Responsible for campaigning against racism and fascism; coordinating campaigns related to issues affecting Black students; and liaising with external organisations such as the NUS on matters related to Black students.

Responsible for representing the interests of disabled students within the Union; co-ordinating campaigns related to issues affecting Disabled students; and liaising with external organisations such as NUS.

Responsible for representing the interests of LGBT+ students within the Union; co-ordinating campaigns related to issues affecting the LGBT+ community; and liaising with external organisations such as NUS. Page14

Every Second


of the month • Organised by the Students for the Students • • 100% Fun and 100% Attitude Free • • Dance/Pop/House Music and Anthems all night • • Special Themes and Entertainment every month •

follow us on facebook.com/ULUlgbt Page15

London Student


Europe’s largest student newspaper

Hello and welcome to university! My name is Oscar Webb and I’m the editor of London Student, which is Europe’s largest student newspaper; we’re also one of the oldest – we started printing in 1954 under the name of Sennet. We have a long and distinguished history as a liberal and campaigning newspaper. Back in the 1950s, the newspaper was, amongst other things, condemning apartheid in South Africa, reporting on student protests against the British Suez intervention and criticising the LSE for inviting Oswald Mosley to speak. Up to the present day, London Student has been the outlet for the often radical voice of students in London. I plan to continue the tradition. This year, the government may choose to privatise student loans, potentially locking students into a lifetime of debt; cuts to universities threaten entire departments with closure; rent and living costs will continue to rise and farright groups like the EDL mobilise across London whilst students and others

stand-up to oppose them – these are just a few of the things London Student intends to write about and critique this year. London Student also publishes a twenty page arts and culture supplement called The Smoke, which provides students with an in-depth guide to the capital’s musical, theatrical, artistic and culinary goings on. We go to print every two weeks and can be found in the foyers, bars and cafes of most students’ unions. We can also be found online at london-student. net. London Student is a student run newspaper – we rely on student writers, photographers, graphic designers, artists and video-makers – so if you’d like to get involved, please email me at editor@london-student.net.


Have Your Say!

Your opinion matters! We always want to improve, provide new services, support new student ideas and address any issues you may have commercially or politically. One of the ways we gain your invaluable feedback is through the ‘Have Your Say’ boxes displayed around the building. Just write your comments (cards and pencils provided) and rest assured each one is checked on a regular basis. You can be anonymous or give us your details. We will provide updates on ‘Have Your Say’ feedback on the ULU website to tell you how we’ve done. Don’t forget to tell us if we are doing things you really like as well because we can ensure it’s something we continue to do for the future. There will be regular promotions with prizes to be won in these boxes so please keep a look out and help us to help you. w: ulu.co.uk/haveyoursay e: hello@ulu.lon.ac.uk


The Venue: Club & Events The Venue is the scene of our renowned Friday club night at ULU. Most importantly we’ve got DJ’s playing until 2am (including some of your fellow students on the decks) and we’ve got selected pints, bottles and spirits and mixers all priced at £1.80 throughout the night. This, plus regular giveaways, competitions and theme nights, has ensured Fridays at ULU are famous for being a great student night in London. During the week, The Venue hosts live sports and cinema events on our jumbo screen. We also have monthly karaoke nights and gaming competitions, so keep an eye on the ULU Facebook Page for upcoming events. e: bars@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/venue


The Library Bar & Food


and mixers, with DJ’s playing until 2am. The Library bar offers a great range of spirits, beers, ales, ciders and wine from around the world.

Yes, that’s right, the library is in fact a bar. Although we can’t guarantee spending time in this library will improve your grades…

The Library is a friendly place where you can relax and enjoy the perks of being a student - without the London price tag. Fridays are famous at ULU for being one of the best student nights in London, with great prices on pints, bottles, spirits

With offers changing throughout the year, you can try something new and, on top of that, enjoy our daily drinks deals starting from 5pm Monday to Friday. On our six screens we show plenty of live sports, including football, rugby, cricket, NFL and NBA all in HD. e: bars@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/library

g Times Openmin -time only*) (Ter

ursday: Monday - Th pm 11 12pm Friday: p 12 m - 2am Saturday: 5pm - 10pm Food Served ay Monday-Frid m 3p 12pm m 3.30pm - 7p

*See website for out of term times


The Gallery: Diner & Bar

The Gallery is a welcoming bar and restaurant, as well as a coffee bar.

menu, from simple egg on toast to a full English.

Our menu provides a wealth of options including delicious healthy living choices from around the world.

During the warmer months, there’s the opportunity to chill out on the balcony over-looking Torrington Square.

There’s also classic homemade pubgrub as well as delicious burgers and pizzas. We serve a range of Halal and vegetarian options. This year we have a new menu with themed specials every Tuesday such as Indian and Mexican night.

The Gallery, The Library and The Venue can all be booked for personal use along with ULU Catering Services. Please contact bars@ulu.lon.ac.uk for more information.

If you fancy something lighter - try the Gallery Coffee Bar. We serve a range of hot drinks and there’s also a variety of freshly-made cakes available everyday. Just make sure you get there before they’ve all gone! You can now enjoy our new breakfast

e: bars@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/gallery

ing Times Bar Openim e only*) (Term-t

ursday: Monday - Th m 11.30am 3p Friday: m .3 11 0am - 1a

d Food Serve

iday: Monday-Fr ast) pm (breakf 8.30am - 12 12pm - 3pm (lunch) m

3.30pm - 8p (dinner)

Page20 *See website for out of term times

Lunchbox Café

Situated on the ground floor, the Lunchbox Café is open seven days a week. We serve Rainforest Alliance Fairtrade Coffee, ethically sourced teas and hot chocolate, fresh pastries, fresh fruit and healthy snacks. We also sell some not-sohealthy treats such as cupcakes, pick ‘n’ mix and muffins. Yum! We sell a huge range of fresh sandwiches (including a large selection of vegetarian and Halal) as well as sushi and Mediterranean snacks. There’s also a selection of American and oriental sweets and treats. Take advantage of the £3.00 meal deal which includes a sandwich, crisps/fruit and a drink. From midday onwards, we serve our great value baked potatoes. Where possible, we use Fairtrade and organic products and recycled and biodegradable packaging to limit our environmental impact. e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/lunchbox

es Opening Tim ly*) on (Term-time

iday: Monday - Fr m 8p m 8a Saturday: 10am - 5pm Sunday: 10am - 3pm

*See website for out of term times


Student Shop Clothing & Merchandise Welcome to Your Student Shop We are your ‘one-stop-shop’ for a wide variety of merchandise including stationery, pens, USBs, diaries, cards and calculators. We also have everyday essentials that include newspapers, drinks, snacks, toiletries, stamps and phonecards. There is an extensive range of uniquely designed University of London branded clothing and insignia products, as well as Fairtrade sourced products. We also sell quality lab coats and have an extensive range of swimwear, sportswear and accessories for swimmers and gym users. Look out for our wide range of year-round special offers too.

Opening Times (term-time )* Mon to Fri: 9.30am - 6.30pm Sat: 11am - 4pm *For opening times outside of term-time, visit ulu.co.uk/shop

e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: www.ulu.co.uk/shop

Shop Online! The ULU Online Student Shop, in partnership with The University of London International Programmes, offers exclusive online merchandise unavailable in store. Visit: ulu.co.uk/shop


Copycats Print Services

Opening Times Term time: Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm

If you need friendly, professional quality binding, photocopying or printing services, visit the ULU Print Centre on the ground floor of the ULU building. We offer student-friendly prices on all our services including photocopying, large format printng and, of course, binding services– perfect for dissertation time. e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/copycats

Out of term time Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm Self-service photocopying until 10pm all week (7pm on Sundays).


Our Services Include

A4 colour • High quality printing and black & white e or heat • Binding; comb, wir ding • Two-day thesis bin • Self-service copying ing

• Staff assisted copy • Worldwide fax

• Laminating service • A1 and A2 poster



Energybase:Fitness Centre & Swimming Pool

Facilities Energybase membership includes unlimited use of the gym, the swimming pool (the largest pool in central London!) and classes. Our fully qualified instructors also carry out inductions, fitness testing and programmes at no extra cost. We also offer treatments including Physiotherapy, Alexander technique, hairdressing and sports massage which are available at additional cost. Our pool and studios are available for hire, and can be used for a range of activities including badminton and 5-a-side football. We also have our ‘Swim & Gym’ shop offering everything from swimming goggles to yoga mats, as well as daily essentials such as shower gel and shampoo - just in case you’ve forgotten anything on your way in!


Fitness Classes What better way to get a full aerobic workout than participating in one of our fitness classes? With a varied timetable all year round, you’re bound to find something to suit you. Whether you want to relax, tone or have an all-round workout. Member favourites include: • Aqua Aerobics • Zumba • Spinning • Circuits • Yoga • Pilates

Prices There is no joining fee for Full ULU student members. Prices vary depending on category and length of membership. Anyone can join, including members of the public and University staff, but students can pay as little as £21 per month. See the website for more information. e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk t: 0207 664 2002 / 2091 w: ulu.co.uk/energybase

Opening Times Gym and Studios Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 10pm Saturday to Sunday: 9am - 9pm Swimming Pool Monday to Friday: 7.30 am - 7pm Saturday: 9am - 5pm Sunday: Closed


Work at ULU! Looking for work?

If you are looking for flexible work that understands the importance of your student commitments, why not consider ULU as an employer? We employ over 120 student staff to help run our bars, shops, reception, gym, café and operations. w: www.ulu.co.uk/jobs

Environmental Impact hot chocolate) in our conference and catering departments. ULU also has full recycling facilities across the building.

At ULU, we do our very best to reduce our ethical and environmental impact. We have been awarded a Silver NUSSL (National Union of Students Services Ltd) Green Impact Award for three years running. Current steps we are making to improve this include providing a range of Fairtrade goods across our retail departments and using ethical purchasing (such as using ‘Rainforest Alliance’ tea, coffee and

From paper cups and plastic bottles, to batteries and mobile phones; there’s a recycling facility for it! See the website for our full list of achievements and our future Improvement Plan. w: www.ulu.co.uk/green e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk


Room Hire & Conferences ULU has 13 meeting rooms which are available to be booked for a whole range of events. Whether you want to hold a large board meeting, a lecture, open day, a live music event or party, the ULU Conference Centre can offer you a great room at a reasonable price.

services such as equipment hire and inhouse catering. ULU Clubs and Societies also use the rooms for their regular meetings and events. w: ulumeetingrooms.co.uk Tel 1: 0207 664 2020 Tel 2: 0207 664 2021

From your initial enquiry through to working with you on the day we provide a high quality service and will tailor everything to your specific requirements to ensure your event is successful. We also provide a wide range of

University of London Housing Services The University of London Housing Service is here to help you find housing both in private accommodation and University Halls of Residence. They guide you through the whole process of finding housing in London and will also provide support if you run into difficulties with your tenancy. Find them on the 4th Floor of the ULU Building. w: www.housing.london.ac.uk


Keep in Touch We’re a sociable bunch, so why not keep in touch? Follow our social networks for the latest ULU news and offers. Signing up to our new website will give you the option to recieve our ULU News email and stay in the loop with what’s happening at your Students’ Union. The website also features regular news updates as well as providing you with the opportunity to sign up to sports and societies online and buy tickets to ULU events.

www.ulu.c o .uk facebook.com/UniverisityOfLondonUnion twitter.com/ULUnion a: University of London Union, Malet Street, london WC1E 7HY t: 020 7664 2000 | w: www.ulu.co.uk | e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk


Sports & Societies Directory Societies Aerial Arts TBC ulu.co.uk/aerial

Dancesport president@uludancesport.org ulu.co.uk/dancesport

Orchestra c.x.liang@lse.ac.uk ulu.co.uk/orchestra

AGAPE Student Life TBC ulu.co.uk/agape

Debate uludebate@gmail.com ulu.co.uk/debate

Overseas Christian Fellowship ocflondon@googlemail.com ulu.co.uk/ocf

Art uluartsoc@googlemail.com ulu.co.uk/art

Revelation Rock Gospel Choir london_rev@yahoo.co.uk ulu.co.uk/revelationrock

Breakdance ulubreakdance@gmail.com ulu.co.uk/breakdance

Drama TBC ulu.co.uk/drama Harry Potter uluhpsoc@gmail.com ulu.co.uk/harrypotter

Buda ulubuda.soc@gmail.com ulu.co.uk/buddist

Hip Hop zcahgh3@live.ucl.ac.uk ulu.co.uk/hiphop

Singapore Medical sms.unitedkingdom@gmail.com ulu.co.uk/smsl

Capoeira robert.antonio.10@ucl.ac.uk ulu.co.uk/capoeira

Jazz (ULU Big Band) director@ulubigband.co.uk ulu.co.uk/jazz

St John Ambulance LINKS pr@ululinks.sja.org.uk ulu.co.uk/links

Chamber Choir ulcc@hotmail.co.uk ulu.co.uk/ulcc

Koinonia 540351@soas.ac.uk ulu.co.uk/koinonia

Sub-Aqua hmosey1@rvc.ac.uk ulu.co.uk/sub-aqua

Classical Islam TBC ulu.co.uk/classicalislam

Mountaineering 568633@soas.ac.uk ulu.co.uk/mountaineering

Sports Archery ularchers@gmail.com ulu.co.uk/archery

Ice Hockey uluicehockey@gmail.com ulu.co.uk/icehockey

Shaolin Kung Fu (SLKF) ulukungfu@yahoo.co.uk ulu.co.uk/kungfu

Snow Sports info@ulusnow.co.uk ulu.co.uk/snowsports

Athletics/ Cross Country/ Triathlon Jitsu

info@ulathletics.co uk ulu.co.uk/athletics

Swimming a.alsaif@se12.qmul.ac.uk swimlust@gmail.com ulu.co.uk/jitsu ulu.co.uk/swimming

Boat boathouse@ulbc.co.uk ulu.co.uk/boat

Judo ulujc@yahoo.co.uk ulu.co.uk/judo

Volleyball ulu.volleyball@gmail.com ulu.co.uk/volleyball

Canoe Polo ulu@canoepolo.com ulu.co.uk/canoepolo

Karate ulukarate@googlemail.com ulu.co.uk/karate

Water Polo TBC ulu.co.uk/waterpolo

Cricket TBC ulu.co.uk/cricket

Men’s Lacrosse president.ulmlc@gmail.com http://ulu.co.uk/lacrosse

Football TBC


Lifesaving enquiries@ulu-lifesaving.org.uk ulu.co.uk/lifesaving

Fencing TBC ulufencing@gmail.com

Polo ulupolo@hotmail.co.uk ulu.co.uk/polo

Gymnastics ulugym@hotmail.co.uk ulu.co.uk/gymnastics

Rifle ulrifleclub@yahoo.co.uk ulu.co.uk/rifle

Hockey TBC ulu.co.uk/hockey

Sailing ulsc@hotmail.co.uk ulu.co.uk/sailing

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