biennalna, žirirana, tematska izložba recentnih radova članova Sekcije za fotografiju ULUPUH-a
topical 3 “in the world of parallel realities” Biennial selected exhibition of recent art photography by the photography section of ULUPUH - The Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts Autorica koncepcije i kustosica izložbe / concept author / Višnja Slavica Gabout Žiri / / mr. sc. Dubravka Jakelić Osrečki, povjesničarka umjetnosti/muzejska savjetnica, voditeljica zbirke fotografije Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt, Zagreb / V išnja Slavica Gabout, prof., povjesničarka umjetnosti i likovna kritičarka / Tomislav Marić, fotograf, predsjednik Umjetničkog savjeta ULUPUH-a Selection committee / / Dubravka Jakelić Osrečki MSc, art historian, museum advisor, curator of photography collection at the Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb / Prof. Višnja Slavica Gabout, art historian and art critic / Tomislav Marić, photographer, President of the ULUPUH Art Committee
organizator / organiser / ULUPUH - Hrvatska udruga likovnih umjetnika primijenjenih umjetnosti / The Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts nositelj projekta / project by / S ekcija za fotografiju ULUPUH-a / Photography section of ULUPUH partneri u projektu / project partners / Muzej Mimara, Zagreb / the mimara museum, zagreb / CVU Batana, Rovinj / Centro arti visive, Batana, Rovinj / Narodni muzej Labin, Labin / The public Museum of Labin, Labin
aktualno 3 “u svijetu paralelnih realnosti”
Predgovor / Foreword
Bijenalnim izložbenim projektom “AKTUALNO” Sekcija za fotografiju ULUPUH-a od 2008. godine sukcesivno prezentira, u dvogodišnjem ritmu, recentno stvaralaštvo svojih članova na zadanu temu. Pritom je osnovna koncepcija projekta istaknuta već u samom njegovom nazivu, a temeljna ideja provlači se svakim izdanjem AKTUALNOGA: tendencija da se kroz mnoštvo osobnih autorskih pogleda umjetnika-fotografa predoči stvarnost koja nas okružuje, te svaki put iscrta jedna njezina nova mozaična slika. A stvarnosti malo tko zna prići iz toliko mnogo kutova, tako vizualno senzibilizirano i tako likovno intuitivno kao umjetnici-fotografi. Poput živih struna i svojevrsnih seizmografa, spremni da u trenutku reagiraju svojom profinjenom percepcijom i likovno izvježbanim okom, oni uvijek u pravo vrijeme i na pravi način bilježe aktualne životne situacije – od onih osobnih i intimno-ispovjednih, do globalno-egzistencijalnih, socijalno-ekonomskih, pa i političkih, zadirući u sve pore suvremenoga života, te tako aktualizirajući sve njegove aspekte. Kod toga, kao svi umjetnici, iskazuju svoje mišljenje, pokazuju svoju emotivnost, naglašavaju svoj etički i kritički stav. Unutar te široke, nesputavajuće i autorima uvijek izazovne teme, koja posebno fotografima daje velike mogućnosti osobnog viđenja aktualne stvarnosti, svako izdanje AKTUALNOGA voli se fokusirati na neki određeni segment života, ili problematizirati određenu, u datom trenutku intrigantnu temu, nudeći je kao inspiracijski izazov. U slučaju AKTUALNOG 3, to je problematika percepcije i doživljaja zbilje, što je istaknuto i nazivom “U svijetu paralelnih realnosti”.
/ Višnja Slavica Gabout
U sadašnjem aktualnom vremenu velikih ekonomskih i političkih turbulencija - vremenu nesigurnosti, izvrtanja vrijednosti, erozije moralnih i etičkih normi, te silnoga raslojavanja u društvu, a pritom zamaha tehnologije do one točke kad više nismo sigurni što je realnost, a što ne, upravo je problematika upitnosti REALNOSTI ono što nas intrigira. Realnost koju vidimo, opipavamo, osjećamo, danas kao da se stalno urušava svakovrsnim intervencijama, režiranim efektima, propagandnim uvjeravanjima i paradoksima, pa nerijetko imamo osjećaj da živimo u nekim 2
Since 2008 the biennial exhibition and project “AKTUALNO” of the photography section of ULUPUH has successively presented recent works by its members to a set theme every two years. The basic concept of the project is evident from its name, while the underlying idea is a constant to every edition of AKTUALNO: the tendency to present the reality around us through a variety of personal views and viewpoints by authors/ photographers, and to present a mosaic of reality. And photographers truly know how to approach reality from a variety of angles in a visually sensitised and artistically intuitive manner. They are finely attuned, and much like seismographs, ready to react at any set moment, to apply their refined perception and artistically trained eye in order to document real-life situations at the right moment and in the right manner; from personal and intimately confessional moments to global and existential, social and economical, as well as political moments, they penetrate every pore of modern life and its multifarious aspects and turn them into topical moments. Like all artists, they state their views, reveal their emotions, emphasise their ethical and critical viewpoint. Within the broad scope of topics that are always challenging for photographers, allowing them to present their own personal view of modern reality, each edition of AKTUALNO focuses on a particular segment of life, or presents a specific, intriguing issue, so providing an artistic challenge. The topic and issue of AKTUALNO 3 is perception and experience of reality, which is already emphasised in the title of this exhibition: “U svijetu paralelnih realnosti” (In a world of parallel realities). During turbulent times full of economic and political changes, a time that is pervaded by insecurity, equivocation, a changing system of values, the erosion of ethical and moral norms, and an evident class division in society, as well as a boom in technology, which at times leaves us wondering what is and is not reality, the pertinent and intriguing question is REALITY. The reality we see, feel, sense seems to crumble constantly due to interventions, directed effects, propaganda
Autori-fotografi svoju foto-priču obično započinju zaintrigirani nekim naizgled običnim motivom, ili nekim detaljem iz svakodnevnice za koji im zapne oko; možda čak i nekom banalnom stvari. Ali onda iskoriste svu ljepotu i sve čari svoga medija – i sve pretvore u jednu novu zbilju. Zbilju u kojoj se isprepliću percepcija i osobna imaginacija, pa dolazi do prožimanja različitih realnosti – one vanjske, iz okolnoga svijeta i one unutarnje, iz autorova intimnoga svijeta, povezanog s njegovom duhovnošću, emotivnošću, kritičnošću. Novostvorena slika zbilje, premda naizgled opipljiva i stvarna, ustvari je nestvarna i puna perceptivnih i značenjskih zamki. Puna zgusnute vizualnosti koja se samo jednim manjim dijelom naslanja na realnost od koje polazi, dok drugi prebiva u “paralelnoj stvarnosti” bizarnih perspektiva, neočekivanih jukstapozicija, čudesnih prostornih sinergija i nekih opipljivih vremenskih preklapanja. Premda fotografski motivi mogu biti veristički jasni i odmah prepoznatljivi – često i hiperrealistični, svijest na kraju ipak zna da se u sve to uplelo još mnoštvo dodatnih elemenata, pa stvarnost tu funkcionira kao modifikacija, 3
induced coercion and paradoxes, so that we often feel that we are living in parallel realities. Under the influence of new media, new technology, propaganda and spectacles, but also political and economic centres of power our perception of reality is often blurred and our senses are confused, so quite rightly we ask ourselves: “What is reality, and what is illusion or delusion?” “Is the reality we live in truly reality, or is it a slanted, warped, or even concocted reality?” “To what extent should we believe what we see?” “And what do we actually see when we look at something?” “Which reality do we see?” Photography is widely used in all fields and we are constantly surrounded by it. Has it contributed to our doubts concerning the reality of what we see around us? Has it modified our perception in a specific way? It is indicative that photography, no matter how hard it tries, and despite attempting to present and convey reality, always remains intangible, a deceptive illusion, which is both influential and persuasive in power. It manages to blur the borders between reality and illusion, and so manages to persuade us into believing in the existence of what does not exist, the improbable. Photographers start their photo story with something that intrigues them, something that may seem ordinary, an everyday detail that catches their eye; it may even be something quite banal. But then they use all the beauties and wonders of their medium, and turn it all into a new reality. A reality that intertwines perception and personal imagination, leading to a permeation of various realities, the reality without, from the outer world, and the reality within, the author’s intimate world which is imbued with his spirituality, emotions and critical viewpoint. The newly created picture of reality, although tangible and real, is, in fact, unreal and permeated by perceptive and symbolic traps. It is full of compact visual components which are only partly based on reality, whilst the rest is to be found in “parallel realities” which include bizarre perspectives, unexpected juxtapositions, wondrous synergetic spaces and tangible temporal overlaps. Although photographic motives
paralelnim zbiljama. Pod utjecajem novih medija, novih tehnologija, propagande i spektakla, ali i političko-ekonomskih centara moći, percepcije su nam često pobrkane, a osjetila “zbunjena”, pa se pitamo: što je istina, a što obmana? Je li realnost u kojoj živimo uistinu realnost – ili je to neka ukošena, “iščašena”, ili čak izmišljena realnost? Koliko pritom trebamo vjerovati našem oku? I što uopće vidimo kad gledamo? Koju to realnost? Fotografija se danas koristi vrlo široko, na svim područjima i njome smo posvuda okruženi. Je li ona pridonijela sumnji u realnost viđenoga? I je li ona modificirala našu percepciju u željenome pravcu? Indikativno je da koliko god se trudila prenijeti realnost i o njoj svjedočiti, ona je u nje uvijek bila neopipljiva, varljiva iluzija, koja unatoč svemu ima posebnu moć djelovanja i snažnu moć uvjeravanja. Pritom joj je sposobnost zamućivanja granica između stvarnosti i privida, te uvjeravanja u postojanje nepostojećega - nevjerojatna.
autorska interpretacija - ili jednostavno kao re-dizajn viđenoga. Umjetnici-fotografi Sekcije za fotografiju ULUPUH-a znalački su i kreativno odgovorili na zadanu temu AKTUALNOGA 3, prije svega ističući ona svojstva medija fotografije koja su intrigantna: prostorno-vremenske iluzije, pomiješane percepcije, promijenjena značenja... U podlozi je vrlo često njihov kritički angažman, kojim pokazuju kako fotografija ima “mnoga lica” i može biti informacija, dokumentacija - i poetska umjetnička interpretacija. Pa i ironijska, ili duhovita kritika. Ali i medij koji se u rukama znalaca može pretvoriti u sredstvo moći. Jer nije nepoznato da u propagandi (od komercijalne, do političke), pa i u dizajnu, fotografija “govori bolje od stotinu riječi”, usmjeravajući percepciju u željenom (programiranom) pravcu, nudeći kontradiktorne ili krive informacije, te ne pričajući istinitu priču nego kreirajući novu istinu. Tako od ružnoga stvarajući lijepo – ili idealizirano, a od iluzivnoga realno. Treće izdanje AKTUALNOGA dalo je, kroz radove 41 autora, njihova “svjedočenja” postojanja paralelnih svjetova, sugerirajući način iščitavanja njihovih djela “dvostrukim pogledom”: detektirajući ono opipljivo - i naslućujući neopipljivo. Uočavajući disciplinu - ali i intuiciju i slobodu. Prepoznajući promišljenosti – ali i spontanosti. Čitajući poetičnost – ali i parodiju i kritiku. Njihove fotografije izbjegle su onu vrstu “konzumerističke” zbilje današnjih mas-medija, koja je sva od banalnoga spektakla, jeftine dosjetke i prozirne senzacije. Naprotiv, one su osmišljene da budu primarno umjetničke i autorske. I da istaknu ljepotu fotografskoga medija, u kojem dominira likovnost i čvrst vizualni sustav utemeljen na invenciji i intuiciji.
can be clear and immediately recognizable, they are often hyperreal. The sub-conscience knows that a number of elements have been included, so that reality has been modified by the author’s interpretation, or through a re-design of the seen. The artistic photographers of the ULUPUH section for photography have provided creative solutions to the AKTUALNO 3 topic, above all, by emphasising the intriguing within the medium of photography: spatial and temporal illusions, mixed perceptions, changing imagery and meaning… Underlying it all one can see their critical viewpoint, in which they prove that photography has “many faces” and can be informative and documentary, but also poetic with an artistic interpretation, or even ironic or witty. In the hands of a connoisseur this can become a powerful medium. It is a well-known fact that, as far as propaganda is concerned, (including commercial and political), and even design, a photograph “is worth a thousand words”, in that it creates a desired (programmed) perception, which provides contradictory or erroneous information that does not state the truth, but creates a new reality in its stead. And so the ugly becomes beautiful, or the idealised and illusory becomes a reality. The third cycle of AKTUALNO provides a “testimony” of the existence of parallel worlds through the works of 41 authors, thereby suggesting an understanding of their works through a “double view”: by detecting what is tangible, and portending what is intangible, whilst recognising discipline, but also their intuition and freedom. One needs to recognise their deliberation, but also their spontaneity. Read into their poetics, but also their parody and criticism. Their photographs have avoided the “consumerist” reality of modern-day media, filled with banal spectacles, cheap puns and transparent sensations. Quite the contrary, they are primarily artistic and accentuate the beauty of photography as a medium in which art and a strong sense of the visual dominates, based on inventions and intuition.
Stanko Abadžić
Rođen 1952. u Vukovaru. Diplomirao germanistiku. Radio kao dopisnik Vjesnika iz Vukovara. Od 1995. do 2002. boravio u Pragu, gdje je radio kao slobodni fotograf i +385 98 92 31 530 izlagao na brojnim skupnim i samostalnim izložbama (retrospektivna izložba u noj galeriji Dom Josefa Sudeka - Prag). Godine 2002. vraća se u Hrvatsku i predstavlja samostalnom izložbom u zagrebačkom Muzeju Mimara, a zatim brojnim izložbama u Osijeku, Novigradu, Splitu, Zagrebu, Dubrovniku, Karlovcu, Sisku, Rijeci i Daruvaru. Osim u Hrvatskoj, samostalno je izlagao u 16 europskih zemalja, te u Argentini, Japanu, Rusiji i Americi. Godine 2010. boravi u Cité International des Arts u Parizu. Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada i priznanja (ističe se Zlatna medalja FIAP-a u Danskoj). Član HDLU-a Zagreb, HZSU-a, Fotokluba Zagreb, te počasni član ULUPUH-a. Živi i radi u Zagrebu.
/ “Bez naziva“, diptih, 2010. / “No Name”, diptych, 2010
Born in 1952 in Vukovar, he graduated German and worked as a correspondent for Vjesnik in Vukovar. From 1995 to 2002 he lived and worked as a freelance photographer in Prague and exhibited his works at numerous group and solo exhibitions (retrospective at the Dom Josef Sudek Gallery in Prague). Upon his return to Zagreb in 2002, he held a solo exhibition at the Museum Mimara Gallery, followed by numerous other exhibitions in Osijek, Novigrad, Split, Zagreb, Dubrovnik Karlovac, Sisak, Rijeka and Daruvar. Aside from exhibiting in Croatia, he has exhibited in 16 European countries, as well as in Argentina, Japan, Russia and the US. In 2010 he stayed at the Cite International des Arts, Paris. He has received many awards and acclaim (including the FIAP Gold Medal in Denmark). He is a member of the HDLU, the HZSU, the Photo Club Zagreb and is an honorary member of ULUPUH. He lives in Zagreb.
Zoran Alajbeg
Rođen 1961. u Splitu. Fotografijom se bavi od 1978., a od 1992. posvećuje se hrvatskoj kulturno-povijesnoj baštini. Izlagao na brojnim skupnim izložbama (poglavito arheološke tematike) i na sedam samostalnih. Radovi su mu objavljeni u brojnim domaćim i inozemnim časopisima, katalozima i likovnim monografijama. Zaposlen kao fotograf u Muzeju hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika u Splitu. Član HULU-a Split, Fotokluba „Split“ i ULUPUH-a. Živi u Splitu.
Petra Krešimira IV 130, 21210 Solin +385 91 25 33 709 zoran.antun.alajbeg@
/ “Sinjsko polje/smeđe“, 2012. / “The Sinj Field/brown”, 2012
Born in 1961 in Split, he has been a photographer since 1978. Since 1992 he has dedicated himself to depicting Croatia’ cultural and historical heritage. He has exhibited at many group exhibitions (notably those to an archaeological theme), and has had seven solo exhibitions. His works have appeared in many magazines, catalogues and monographs at home and abroad. He is in-house photographer at the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments in Split. He is a member of the HULU, the Photo Club “Split” and ULUPUH. He lives in Split.
Janko Belaj
Rođen 1965. u Ptuju (Slovenija). Fotografijom se bavi od rane mladosti, a profesionalno od početka 1990-tih. Dokumentira i reproducira kulturnu ostavštinu, dodajući tome i računalnu rekonstrukciju spomeničke baštine. Njegov interes su, međutim i motivi mrtve prirode i krajolika. Uz sve to, ne zapostavlja istodobno ni komercijalnu fotografiju. Pokretač i voditelj internet stranice za fotografiju Član ULUPUH-a od 2009. godine. Živi u Zagrebu.
Born in 1965 in Ptuj (Slovenia), he turned to photography in his early youth and then professionally in the early 1990s. He documents and reproduces cultural heritage by adding computer enhanced reconstructions to monuments of cultural heritage, but his works also include still life and landscapes, as well as commercial photography. He initiated and set up the internet site on photography. He has been a member of ULUPUH since 2009. He lives in Zagreb.
/ iz serije “Snovi gradske vreve“, 2011/12. / from the series “Dreams from the Bustle of the City”, 2011/12
Boris Berc Domobranska 19, 10000 Zagreb +385 91 51 02 803
Rođen 1960. u Zagrebu, gdje je 1984. završio Višu grafičku školu. Profesionalno se fotografijom počeo baviti za vrijeme studija. Područje interesa: pejzažna, portretna i reklamna fotografija. Izlagao samostalno i na brojnim skupnim izložbama. Dobitnik priznanja za likovnost na izložbi “Hrvatska fotografija” 1995. Član HZSU-a od 1987., a ULUPUH-a od 1994. Živi u Zagrebu. Born in 1960 in Zagreb, he completed the Higher School of Graphic Art and took up photography professionally during his studies. He is interested in landscape photography, studio photography and commercial photography. He has exhibited his works at many solo and group exhibitions and was awarded at the “Hrvatska Fotografija” Exhibition in 1995. He has been a member of HZSU since 1987, and ULUPUH since 1994. He lives in Zagreb. 8
/ “Untitled“, 2011. / “Untitled“, 2011
Marija Braut Erdodyjeva 8, 10000 Zagreb
Rođena1929. u Celju (Slovenija). Nezaobilazno ime hrvatske umjetničke fotografije. U Zagrebu živi od 1941, gdje je završila arhitekturu. Fotografijom se bavi od 1967. - prvo kao učenica, a poslije suradnica Toše Dabca, najpoznatijeg predstavnika zagrebačke škole fotografije. Samostalno izlaže od 1969., kad postaje i članicom ULUPUH-a. Održala više od stotinu samostalnih izložbi, a 2001.i veliku retrospektivu u Muzejskom prostoru / Klovićevi dvori u Zagrebu. Dobitnica brojnih nagrada i priznanja (ističu se Nagrada grada Zagreba 1972., Nagrada “Tošo Dabac” Fotokluba Zagreb 1995., te 2009. Nagrada ULUPUH-a za životno djelo).
/ “Glumac i ogledalo“ / “Actor and Mirror”
Born in 1929 in Celje (Slovenia), she is a legendary name in the history of Croatian art photography. She has lived in Zagreb since 1941, where she graduated architecture. She turned to photography in 1967, first as a pupil, and then as assistant to Toša Dabac, Croatia’s renowned representative of the Zagreb School of Photography. She has been exhibiting since 1969 when she also became a member of ULUPUH. She has had over a hundred solo exhibitions to date, and in 2001 a retrospective of her life’s achievements were exhibited at the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery in Zagreb. She has received numerous awards and acclaim, including the Award of the City of Zagreb (1972), the “Toša Dabac” Photo Club Zagreb Award (1995), and the ULUPUH Life Achievement Award (2009). She lives in Zagreb.
Saša Četković Platana 49, 10040 Zagreb +385 91 34 59 962
Rođen 1968. u Zagrebu. Završio Školu primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna u Zagrebu, na odjelu fotografije. Bavi se reklamnom i novinskom fotografijom. Izlagao na više skupnih i nekoliko samostalnih izložbi. Fotograf Član ULUPUH-a. Živi u Zagrebu.
/ “Biciklist“, 2011. / “Cyclist”, 2011
Born in 1968 in Zagreb, he completed his schooling at the School of Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb, Department of Photography. He works as an advertising and newspaper photographer. He has exhibited at a number of group exhibitions and had 5 solo exhibitions. He is a photographer at Business. hr and a member of ULUPUH. He lives in Zagreb.
Marko Čolić Ribnjak 5, 10000 Zagreb +385 91 52 81 973
Rođen 1937. u Zenici (BiH). Završio gimnaziju u rodnom gradu. Studirao brodobradnju u Zagrebu. Radio kao fotoreporter u Studentskom listu, Plavom vjesniku, VUS-u, Studiju i Danas-u. U revijalnim izdanjima snimio i objavio preko tisuću naslovnih stranica. Kasnije radio kao samostalni umjetnik s priznatim statusom, te iz HZSU-a otišao u mirovinu. Član ULUPUH-a. Živi u Zagrebu.
Born in 1937 in Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina), he completed his secondary education in his hometown and went on to study shipbuilding in Zagreb. He worked as a photo reporter Studentski List, Plavi Vjesnik, VUS, Studio and Danas and over 1000 of his photographs appeared on the front covers of these editions. He went on to work as a freelance artist and retired as a member of HZSU. He is a member of ULUPUH and lives in Zagreb.
/ iz serije “Kuda ideš civilizacijo ?!“, 2012. / from the series “Where to, Civilization?!”, 2012
Ranko Dokmanović Glavani 24, 51221 Kostrena tel: +385 51 289 256 Fax: +385 51 287 162 GSM: +383 98 720 781
Rođen 1951. u Rijeci. Maturirao 1969. na riječkoj sušačkoj gimnaziji. Studirao na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu povijest umjetnosti i engleski jezik.Fotografijom se bavi od 1969. Član ULUPUH-a od 1978., HZSU-a od 1979., a HDLU Rijeka od 1984. Održao šezdesetak samostalnih izložbi u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Svojim radovima sudjelovao u mnogim knjigama i monografskim izdanjima. Dobitnik brojnih nagrada i priznanja. Živi i radi u Rijeci (Kostreni) kao slobodni umjetnik – fotograf. 12
Born in 1951 in Rijeka, he graduated in 1969 at the Sušak Secondary School and went on to study art history and English at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in Zagreb. He has been interested in photography since 1969 and has been a member of ULUPUH since 1978, HZSU since 1979, and the HDLU Rijeka since 1984. He has had around 60 solo exhibitions in Croatia and abroad and his works have appeared in many books and monographs. He has received a number of awards and mentions. He lives and works in Rijeka (Kostrena) as a freelance photographer.
/ iz serije “Iluzija o Bogu“, 2011. / from the series “Illusion of God”, 2011
Nina Đurđević Dežmanova 1a, 10430 Samobor +385 91 53 62 546
Rođena 1980. u Brežicama (Slovenija). Diplomirala na Akademiji dramskih umjetnosti, smjer filmsko i televizijsko snimanje, u Zagrebu. Trenutno na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu, na Master studiju fotografije. Ostvarila 11 samostalnih izložbi i sudjelovala na nekolicini skupnih. Članica ULUPUH-a. Živi u Samoboru.
Born in 1980 in Brežice (Slovenia), she graduated at the Academy of Dramatic Arts (Film and TV photography) in Zagreb. She is working towards her Master’s Degree at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. She has had 11 solo exhibitions and taken part at a number of group exhibitions. She is a member of ULUPUH and lives in Samobor.
/ iz serije “Prostor između“, 2010/11. / from the series “The Space Between”, 2010/11
FIAP-a (MFIAP) za izložbenu djelatnost. 2005.; Velika nagrada za životno djelo ULUPUH-a 2007., Titula HonEFIAP (Honorary Excellence FIAP) za dugogodišnji doprinos promociji međunarodne fotografske umjetnosti 2008.) Predsjednik Republike Italije Giorgio Napoletano, dodijelio mu je državno odlikovanje “Cavaliere della Repubblica italiana“ (Vitez Republike Italije) za promociju talijanske fotografske umjetnosti u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu 2007. Član ULUPUH-a od 1975., HZSU-a od 1979. godine i Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP). Živi u Rovinju.
Virgilio Giuricin Centener 42, 52210 Rovinj +385 98 190 39 20
Rođen 1934. u Rovinju. Završio Školu primijenjenih umjetnosti (fotografija i dizajn) u Torinu (Italija). Izlaže od 1952. Više od tri desetljeća bio fotografski kroničar u riječkom dnevniku na talijanskom jeziku “La voce del popolo“, u “Panorami“ i na TV Koper (Slovenija). Godine 1985. utemeljio Centar vizualnih umjetnosti – Photo Art Gallery “Batana“, Rovinj. Realizirao preko 150 samostalnih izložbi u 23 države svijeta, te sudjelovao na preko 700 međunarodnih skupnih izložbi. Dobitnik više od 170 nagrada i priznanja (ističu se Nagrada za životno djelo “Istria Nobilissima“ 1999.; Nagrada za životno djelo Grada Rovinja 2000.; Titula Master / iz serije “Tibet“, 2010. / from the series “Tibet”, 2010
Born in 1934 in Rovinj, he finished the School of Applied Arts (photography and design) in Turin (Italy). He has been exhibiting since 1952 and was the photographic chronicler at the Rijeka Italian daily newspaper “La voce del popolo“, “Panorama” and TV Koper (Slovenia) for over three decades. He is the founder and Art Director of the PAG “Batana” Gallery, opened in 1985. He has had over 150 solo exhibitions in 23 countries and has exhibited at over 700 group exhibitions in 76 countries worldwide. He has also won over 170 awards and acclaim, including the “Istria Nobilissima” Award for Life Achievement in 1990, the Life Achievement Award of the Town of Rovinj in 2000, the title Master Photographer of FIAP (MFIAP) for achievements in 2005, the ULUPUH Life Achievement Award in 2007, and the title HonFIAP (Honorary Excellence FIAP) for his long-standing promotion of international art photography in 2008. In 2007 he was awarded the “Cavaliere della Repubblica Italiana” (Knight of the Republic of Italy) Order of Merit for his promotion of Italian art photography in Croatia and abroad by the President of Italy, Giorgio Napoletano. He has been a member of ULUPUH since 1975, the HZSU since 1979, and is a member of the Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP). He lives in Rovinj.
Denis Gržetić
Rođen 1964. u Pazinu. Fotografijom se bavi od 1984. Godine 1987. upisuje Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, istovremeno objavljujući fotografije u “Studentskom listu”, te u časopisu za kulturu “OKO”, a kasnije i u „Fotomagu”. Kao fotograf-novinar surađuje u „Glasu Istre“. Izlagao samostalno u Zagrebu, Poreču, Dubrovniku, te u Šikutima,u okviru “Šikuti Machine”projekata, kao i na više skupnih izložbi u zemlji i inozemstvu (Toronto, Paris), gdje je osvojio i prestižne nagrade. Radovi su mu objavljeni u više foto-časopisa i korišteni za oblikovanje CD-ovitaka. Član ULUPUH-a od 2006. Živi u Poreču.
Anke Butorac 19, 52440 Poreč +385 91 50 30 930 http://490.portfolio.
Born in Pazin in 1964, he turned to photography in 1984. In 1987 he enrolled the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and his work was then published in “Studentski list”, in the magazine “OKO”, and then later in “Fotomag”. He works as a photographer and journalist for “Glas Istre”. He has had solo exhibitions in Zagreb, Poreč, Dubrovnik and Šikuti as part of the “Šikuti Machine” Project, and has taken part at a number of group exhibitions at home and abroad (Toronto, Paris), where he received prestigious awards. His works have appeared in a number of photo magazines and have been used for CD productions. He has been a member of ULUPUH since 2006. He lives in Poreč.
/ “Tihi let“ iz serije “Tri s mora“, 2010/11. / Silent Flight from the series “Three from the Sea”, 2010/11
Mario Hlača
Rođen 1956. u Zagrebu. Studirao pravo i povijest umjetnosti. Godine 1977. odlazi u London, gdje se počinje baviti fotografijom, koju izučava i profesionalno usavršava u Gaj 17, 10430 Samobor poznatim fotografskim studijima. Prvi put +385 91 33 66 459 izlaže 1982. Otad do danas održao brojne samostalne izložbe u Hrvatskoj (Muzej za umjetnost i obrt Zagreb, Galerija Lang Samobor...) i u inozemstvu (Birmingham University; London) te sudjelovao na mnogim tematskim, žiriranim izložbama u nas i u svijetu (Suvremena europska fotografija/ Düsseldorf, Nova fotografija/Zagreb- Beograd, “Meine Zeit, mein Raubtier”/Düsseldorf, Suvremena fotografija/London...). Eksperimentira fotografijom, stvarajući „serije kolor fotografija nastalih metodom kolažiranja različitih transparentnih materijala“. Jedna kolekcija njegovih radova nalazi se u fundusu Bibliotheque Nationale u Parizu. Član ULUPUH-a i HZSU-a. Živi u Samoboru. 16
/ “Negdje“, 2010. / “Somewhere”, 2010
Born in 1956 in Zagreb, he studied law and art history. In 1977, he went to London where he turned to photography and studied it professionally at prestigious photography studios. His first exhibition was in 1982 and since then he has had a number of solo exhibitions in Croatia (The Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb, the Lang Gallery in Samobor, etc.) and abroad (Birmingham University; London), as well as taking part at many topical selected exhibitions at home and abroad (Contemporary European Photography/Düsseldorf, New Photography/Zagreb- Beograd, “Meine Zeit, mein Raubtier”/Düsseldorf, Contemporary Photography /London, etc.). he experiments with photography, producing a “series of colour collage photographs on various transparent materials”. One of his collections is housed within the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris. He is a member of ULUPUH and the HZSU. He lives in Samobor.
Maja Hrnjak Petrova 40, 10000 Zagreb +385 98 46 32 26
Rođena 1969. u Zagrebu. Fotografijom se počela baviti 1985., kad upisuje Školu za primijenjenu umjetnost u Zagrebu, smjer fotografije. Profesionalno se bavi fotografijom od 2006., kad osniva poduzeće i studio za komercijalnu fotografiju. Sudjelovala na brojnim izložbama u zemlji i inozemstvu. Članica Foto-kluba Zagreb i ULUPUH-a. Živi i radi u Zagrebu. / “Tisuću priča“, 2012. / “A Thousand Stories”, 2012
Born in 1969 in Zagreb, she turned to photography in 1985 when she enrolled the School of Applied Arts in Zagreb, department of photography. She turned professional in 2006 when she founded her own company and studio for commercial photography. She has taken part at numerous exhibitions both at home and abroad. She is a member of Foto-klub Zagreb and ULUPUH. She lives and works in Zagreb.
Romeo Ibrišević
Rođen 1961. u Zagrebu. Fotografijom se bavi od rane mladosti. Područje interesa: od portreta, preko sportskih događaja, do najdražih mu, autentičnih “life” fotografija konkretnih događaja. Bio je vodeći fotoreporter „Vjesnika“, do danas je ostao vezan uz novinsku fotografiju. Njegove ratne fotografije iz Domovinskog rata svakodnevno su prenosile velike novinske agencije i bile su objavljivane na naslovnicama najvećih svjetskih dnevnih listova. Posljednjih godina bavi se temama ekologije i očuvanja hrvatske prirodne, kulturne i povijesne baštine.Pokretač akcije „Očistimo Hrvatsku od auto olupine“, koja se unazad nekoliko godina provodi na teritoriju RH i koju on fotografski dokumentira. Član ULUPUH-a. Živi u Samoboru.
Čudomerščak 3, 10430 Samobor +385 98 20 82 77
Born in Zagreb in 1961, he turned to photography early in life. Although his photographic interests are diverse – portraits, sports events, routine assignments – he is particularly interested in authentic “life” photography of concrete events. Once the leading photographer for the newspaper “Vjesnik”, he has remained a news photographer. His photographs taken during the Homeland War were published by all major news agencies and appeared on the front cover of many of international daily newspapers. In recent years he has turned to topics concerning ecology and the protection of Croatia’s natural, cultural and historical heritage. He initiated the proactive “Clean Up Car Wrecks in Croatia” project, which has been an ongoing project in recent years and which he photographs and documents. He is a member of ULUPUH. He lives in Samobor.
/ “Kostelić snagator“ iz serije “Prepoznati“, 2010. / “Kostelić the powerful man” from the series “Recognized”, 2010
Ante Jaša
Ulica III br 20, 23271 Kukljica
Rođen 1951. u Kukljici. Djeluje kao fotograf i publicist. Izlagao na oko 300 skupnih izložbi u domovini i inozemstvu, te na međunarodnim izložbama širom svijeta. Radovi mu se nalaze u zbirkama galerija i muzeja, a objavljeni kao ilustracije u 30 knjiga, kao i u mnoštvu kataloga i časopisa. Stekao međunarodna fotografska zvanja: Artist – AFIAP i Ekscelencija – EFIAP Međunarodne udruge fotografske umjetnosti, te PSA** Star Rating Američke fotografske udruge i Majstor fotografije Hrvatskoga fotosaveza, Zagreb, MF HFS ►. Dobio 43 nagrade i priznanja, a ističe se nagrada za životno djelo „Tošo Dabac“ 2003. Objavio 6 knjiga. Član Foto-kluba „Zagreb“, „Zadar“ i „Kornat“, zatim Matice hrvatske i Društva hrvatskih književnika-ogranak Zadar, te HDLU-a Zadar i ULUPUH-a Zagreb. Osnivač i voditelj međunarodne izložbe „Otok i more“ i Galerije „Otok“. Živi u Kukljici. Born in 1951 in Kukljica, he is a photographer and publicist. He has exhibited his works at over 300 group exhibitions at home and abroad, as well as at international exhibitions worldwide. His works are to be found in gallery and museum collections and have also been published as illustrations in around 30 books, as well as in many catalogues and magazines. He received the title: Artist – AFIAP and Excellence – EFIAP awarded by 19
/ “Nad jarbolima“, 2011. / “Above the Foremasts”, 2011
the International Association of Photographic Arts, a PSA** Star Rating from the American Photography Association and the title Master photographer from the Croatian Foto Savez, Zagreb, MF HFS ►. He has received 43 awards and mentions, among which the “Tošo Dabac” Life Achievement Award in 2003. He has published 6 books. He is a member of the photo clubs “Zagreb”, “Zadar” and “Kornat”, as well as being a member of Matica Hrvatska, the Zadar branch of the Croatian Writers’ Association HDLU Zadar and ULUPUH. He founded and runs the international exhibition “Otok i more”and the gallery “Otok”. He lives in Kukljica.
Damir Klaić K. Tomislava 47, 40000 Čakovec +385 98 24 11 72
Rođen 1964. u Starim Perkovcima kod Slavonskog Broda. Školuje se u Čakovcu i Varaždinu, gdje 1983. završava srednju grafičku školu. Godine1984/1985. upisuje Fakultet organizacije i informatike (FOI) u Varaždinu. Grafikom i fotografijom bavi se od sredine osamdesetih. Kazališnu, modnu, pejzažnu, portretnu i rock fotografiju objavljuje u brojnim specijaliziranim časopisima. Do sad je izlagao na 22 samostalne izložbe i 15 skupnih - u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji i Velikoj Britaniji.Bavi se i primijenjenom i konceptualnom fotografijom, kao i dizajnom. Član ULUPUH-a od 2009. Živi i radi u Čakovcu.
/ “Promjena“, 2010. / “Change”, 2010
Born in 1964 in Stari Perkovci near Slavonski Brod, he went to school in Čakovec and Varaždin where he completed the Secondary School of Graphic Art. In 1984/85 he enrolled at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science in Varaždin. He turned to graphic art and photography in the mid1980s. His work has been published in a variety of specialized magazines and publications dealing with theatre, fashion, portraiture photography, rock music and landscapes. He has had 22 solo exhibitions and 15 group exhibitions in Croatia, Slovenia and the UK. He is interested in applied conceptual photography and design. He has been a member of ULUPUH since 2009. He lives and works in Čakovec.
Tomislav Dubravko Kovačić Jazbinski odvojak VIII 9, 10000 Zagreb +385 91 24 08 946 tomdkovacic@gmail. com
Rođen 1946. u Zagrebu. Diplomirao na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu komparativnu književnost i anglistiku, nakon čega upisao studij filmskog snimanja na zagrebačkoj Akademiji dramske umjetnosti i diplomiravši stekao zvanje akademski snimatelj. Fotografijom se počinje baviti još u mladosti, a izlaže (i pritom prima nagrade) već za vrijeme studija. Od 1973. do 2009. zaposlen na HRT-u kao snimatelj i direktor fotografije.Nagrađen Nagradom HND-a „Žarko Kajić“ 1996., za snimateljski rad. Održao dvije samostalne izložbe – u Klovićevim dvorima/Kuli Lotrščak (Zagreb), te u vlastitome prostoru.
/ “69,932,955 bytes“, 2011. / “69,932,955 bytes”, 2011
Born in 1946 in Zagreb, he graduated comparative studies and English at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in Zagreb and then enrolled and graduated film-making at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. He turned to photography in his youth and exhibited his works (for which he received prizes) whilst still a student. From 1973 to 2009 he was employed at HR Television as photographer and director of photography. He received the “Žarko Kajić” Award in 1996 for his work and has had two solo exhibitions –at the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery/Kula Lotrščak Gallery (Zagreb), and at his own venues.
Maja Strgar Kurečić Viktora Cara Emina 6, 10000 Zagreb +385 91 51 77 962
Rođena 1972. u Zagrebu. Diplomirala 1996. na Grafičkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, gdje je 2008. i doktorirala s temom iz područja digitalne fotografije, a gdje radi kao docent na Katedri za reprodukcijsku fotografiju. Fotografijom (reklamnom, novinskom i reportažnom) aktivno se bavi od 1991. i do sada je sudjelovala na 23 skupne selektirane i 10 samostalnih izložbi u domovini i inozemstvu. Dobitnica više nagrada i priznanja. Članica ULUPUH-a od 1998. Živi u Zagrebu. / “Bjegunac“, 2012. / “The Fugitive”, 2012
Born in 1972 in Zagreb, she graduated at the Faculty of Graphic Design in Zagreb in 1996 where she also received her doctorate in digital photography in 2008. She works at the same faculty as an assistant lecturer at the Department of Reproduction Photography. She turned to photography actively (advertising, journalistic and documentary) in 1991 and has taken part at 23 selected group exhibitions and had 10 solo exhibitions at home and abroad. She has received a number of prizes and mentions. She has been a member of ULUPUH since 1998. she lives in Zagreb.
Dražen Lapić
Rođen 1963. godine u Zagrebu. Nakon završene Škole primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna u Zagrebu – odjel fotografije, aktivno započinje svoju profesionalnu karijeru fotografa, radeći za brojne tvrtke i marketinške agencije (BBDO, Digitel, Proximity…). Posljednjih godina posvećuje se umjetničkoj fotografiji s motivima pejzaža. Trenutno zaposlen u poslovnom tjedniku Lider kao urednik fotografije. Član ULUPUH-a. Živi u Zagrebu.
Mljekarska 5, 10040 Zagreb +385 91 50 41 398
/ Serija “1,2-3“, 2012. / Series “1,2-3”, 2012
Born in 1963 in Zagreb, he completed his schooling at the School of Applied Arts and Design, Department of Photography, in Zagreb and went on to pursue his career as a professional photographer working for companies and marketing agencies (BBDO, Digitel, Proximity, etc.). In recent years he has dedicated his work to art photography with landscape motives. At the moment, he is photo editor for the business weekly “Lider”. He is a member of ULUPUH. He lives in Zagreb.
Iva Lulić P.Svačića 27, 10450 Donja Zdenčina +385 95 90 49 983 24
Rođena 1979. u Zagrebu. Godine 2006. diplomirala povijest umjetnosti i etnologiju na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Fotografsku naobrazbu stekla na zagrebačkom Arhitektonskom fakultetu – Studij dizajna, gdje je slušala i polagala trogodišnji izborni kolegij „Fotografija i film“. Profesionalo se bavi fotografijom od 2006. kao samostalni umjetnik-fotograf. / “Zemlja Artusa 3“, 2010. / “The Land of Artus 3”, 2010
Born in 1979 in Zagreb, in 2006 she graduated art history and ethnology at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in Zagreb. She then went on to hone her photography skills at the School of Design at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, where she attended a three-year course of studies in Photography and Film. She turned to photography professionally in 2006 and is a freelance artist and photographer.
Danijela Lušin Jadranska 15, 10000 Zagreb +385 91 37 55 801 danijela.lusin@norma. hr 25
Rođena 1947. u Zagrebu, gdje je završila Školu primijenjene umjetnosti, odjel fotografije, a nakon toga Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti, odjel grafike. Od 1971. profesionalno se bavi fotografijom i grafičkim dizajnom kao slobodni umjetnik. Godine 1991. započinje s pedagoškim radom kao redoviti profesor na Školi primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna u Zagrebu, gdje 1998. postaje i voditelj odjela fotografije. Izlaže od 1968. na brojnim izložbama u zemlji i inozemstvu. Dobitnica mnogih nagrada i priznanja (ističe se Nagrada „Tošo Dabac“). Radovi joj se nalaze u fundusima Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt i Hrvatskog fotosaveza, te u Zbirci hrvatske fotografije pri Fotoklubu Zagreb. Članica HDLU-a i ULUPUH-a. Živi i radi u Zagrebu. / “Rez 3“, 2011. / “Cut 3”, 2011
Born in Zagreb in 1947, she completed her schooling at the School of Applied Arts, Department of Photography, and then went on to graduate at the Academy of Arts – Department of Graphic Arts and has been a freelance professional photographer and graphic designer since 1971. In 1993 she became a full-time teacher at the Zagreb School of Applied Arts and Design, and in 1997 she became the head of the Department of Photography. She has been exhibiting her work since 1968 at numerous exhibitions at home and abroad and has received many awards, including the “Tošo Dabac” Award. Her photographs can be found within the fund of the Museum of Arts and Crafts, the Croatian Photography Association, as well as in the Zbirka hrvatskih fotografija - the Collection of Croatian Photographs at the Fotoklub in Zagreb. She is a member of HDLU and ULUPUH. She lives and works in Zagreb.
Ines Viktorija Ljubetić Fišer “Atelje 130” Petrova 130, 10000 Zagreb +385 91 20 05 082; +385 98 97 51 963
Rođena 1977. u Zagrebu. Od 1994. bavi se umjetničkom, reklamnom, modnom i reportažnom fotografijom (naslovnice knjiga, časopisa, modnih i industrijskih kataloga, editorijala, političkih kampanja, jumbo plakata...). Izlagala više puta samostalno i skupno. Članica HND-a, Zbora fotoreportera HND-a i ULUPUH-a. Živi u Zagrebu, radi u „Ateljeu 130“. 26
/ “Dark Room“, 2011. / “Dark Room”, 2011
Born in 1977 in Zagreb, she has been an art, advertising, fashion and documentary photographer (book covers, magazines, fashion catalogues, editorials, political campaigns, jumbo posters) since 1994. She has had several solo exhibitions and taken part at a dozen group exhibitions. She is a member of HND, the photographer’s association at the HND and ULUPUH. She lives in Zagreb and works at the “Atelje 130”.
Tomislav Marić
Blanje 60, 10090 Zagreb +385 91 65 65 456
Rođen 1965. u Zemunu. Djelokrug rada mu je advertising, editorial i umjetnička fotografija. Born in 1965 in Zemun, his work includes advertising, editorial photography and photographic art. He is a member of ULUPUH. He lives in Zagreb.
/ “Maska“, 2011. / “Mask”, 2011
Alan Matuka +385 91 57 72 039
Rođen 1966. u Zagrebu. Godine 1993. završava A stupanj, smjer fotografije na London College of Printing, a 1995. otvara vlastiti studio u Londonu. Sredinom 2001. vraća se u Zagreb, gdje otvara fotografski studio i nastavlja umjetnički i komercijalni rad. Lista klijenata obuhvaća internacionalne reklamne i dizajn agencije, izdavačke kuće te klijente iz glazbene industrije. Održao do sada 12 samostalnih izložbi. Član Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, ULUPUH-a i HZSUa. Živi u Zagrebu.
/ “Fridge S64“, 2010. / “Fridge S64”, 2010
Born in Zagreb in 1966, in 1993 he completed studies in photography at the London College of Printing and in1995 he opened up his own studio in London. In 2001 he returned to Zagreb, where he opened up a photo studio and continued working in art and commercial photography. His client list includes international advertising and design agencies, publishing houses and the music industry. He has had 12 solo exhibitions and is a member of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, ULUPUH and HZSU. He lives in Zagreb.
Luka Mjeda Kuševićeva 7, 10000 Zagreb +385 98 26 45 89 luka.mjeda@zg.t-com. hr
Rođen 1952. u Zagrebu. Diplomirao na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje u Zagrebu. Djeluje već trideset godina kao fotograf slobodne profesije. Do sada održao preko 20 samostalnih, te sudjelovao na stotinjak skupnih žiriranih izložbi. Surađuje s brojnim novinama i magazinima (Vjesnik, Danas, Start, Studio, Banka, Bug, Playboy, Kontura, Panorama -It, L’espresso – It., Elle – It., Los Angeles Times SAD), a od1982. i s poznatim dizajnerom Mirkom Iliićem. Dobitnik mnogih nagrada (ističe se Nagrada 21. zagrebačkog salona, 1. nagrada za kolekciju Salona fotografije Vinkovci, Nagrada „Tošo Dabac“ za 2007.) Radovi mu se nalaze u fundusu Moderne galerije Zagreb, Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt Zagreb, Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu, kao i Muzeja moderne i suvremene umjetnosti Rijeka. Izdane monografije: C/B ZAGREB, LUKA & UMJETNICI, HGK ZAGREB-BRUXELLES. Predsjednik Hrvatskog fotografskog centra u Zagrebu, te direktor Centra za dizajn HGK u Zagrebu. Član ULUPUH-a. Živi u Zagrebu.
Born in 1952 in Zagreb, he graduated at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding in Zagreb. He has been a freelance photographer for over thirty years and has had over 20 solo exhibitions and taken part at about 100 group or selected exhibitions. He works for a number of newspapers and magazines (Vjesnik, Danas, Start, Studio, Banka, Bug, Playboy, Kontura, Panorama -Italy, L’espresso – Italy, Elle – Italy, Los Angeles Times - USA), as well as with the fashion designer Mirko Ilić. He has received many awards (including the 21st Zagreb Salon Award, first prize at the Vinkovci Photo Salon and the Tošo Dabac Award in 2007). His works can be found in the collections of the Zagreb Modern Gallery, the Museum of Arts and Crafts, the Museum of Modern Art and the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka. He has also published monographs: C/B ZAGREB, LUKA & THE ARTISTS BOOK, HGK ZAGREB-BRUXELLES. He is the president of the Croatian Photographic Centre in Zagreb, the director of the HGK Centre for Design in Zagreb and a member of ULUPUH. He lives in Zagreb.
/ iz serije “Teeth as Art“, 2011. / from the series “Teeth as Art”, 2011
Karmen Orlić A. Butorac 19, 52440 Poreč anton.orlic@pu.t-com. hr http://8525.portfolio.
Rođena 1966. u Puli. Fotografijom se bavi dvadesetak godina. Održala par samostalnih, te sudjelovala na više međunarodnih skupnih izložbi i natječaja. Dobitnica više međunarodnih nagrada i priznanja. (1. mjesto “6th.Black & White Spider Awards”, 2011., Photographer of the year, “6th.Black & White Spider Awards”-Merrit of excellence, 2011, 1.mjesto-WPGA-POLUX award 2011-nature....). Radovi su joj publicirani u više internetskih foto-časopisa (Blur, Fotoritim). Prisutna na više internetskih stranica posvećenih fotografiji. Živi u Poreču.
Born in 1966 in Pula, she has been a photographer for around 20 years. She has had a number of solo exhibitions and taken part at a number of international group exhibitions and competitions. She has received a number of international awards and acclaim (1st prize at the “6th.Black & White Spider Awards”, 2011, Photographer of the year, “6th.Black & White Spider Awards”-Merit of excellence, 2011, 1st prize at the WPGA-POLUX Awards 2011-nature, etc). Her works have appeared in internet photo-magazines (Blur, Fotoritim) and she is an active contributor to websites dedicated to photography. She lives in Poreč.
/ iz serije “Kasno popodne u Veneciji“, 2011/12. / from the series “Late Afternoon in Venice”, 2011/12
Dag Oršić
Gračansko Borje 20, 10000 Zagreb +385 91 54 10 690
Rođen 1958. u Zagrebu. Nakon profesionalnog školovanja u Italiji, 12 godina radi u Milanu kao profesionalni fotograf u vlastitome studiju. Po povratku u Hrvatsku 1996. započinje suradnju s najvećim marketinškim agencijama u ostvarivanju zapaženih medijskih projekata. Ta suradnja intenzivno traje i danas i konkretizira se kroz nebrojeno mnogo kampanja za najjače brendove. Profilirao se kao majstor rada s rasvjetom, a specijalizacija su mu prehrambeni proizvodi i osobe iz svijeta businessa. Član ULUPUH-a. Živi u Zagrebu. Born in 1958 in Zagreb, after receiving professional education in Italy, he continued to work in Milan for 12 years as a professional photographer in his own studio. On returning to Croatia in 1996, he started cooperating with outstanding marketing agencies on noteworthy media projects. This cooperation continues to date through the numerous campaigns for top-ranking brands. He has profiled himself as a master of lighting and his forte are food products and people from the world of business. He is a member of ULUPUH and lives in Zagreb. 31
/ Serija “Mali zeleni“, 2010. / series “Little Green alliens”, 2010
Slavka Pavić
Rođena 1927. u Jajcu. Srednju školu završava u Daruvaru. Godine 1946. upisuje Ekonomski fakultet u Zagrebu. Svoju “tankoćutnu umjetničku dušu, svoj senzibilitet, svoj autorski stil i osobnost, te svoju sjajnu vizualnu kulturu” razvijala radeći uz svoga supruga, poznatog hrvatskog fotografa Milana Pavića (1914. – 1986.). Njezine najranije snimke nastaju početkom pedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća i danas pripadaju antologiji hrvatske fotografije. Znatiželjan i vedar duh, te pogled koji uvijek istražuje i svime se oduševljava zadržala je uvijek kao svoje karakteristično polazište u stvaralačkom pristupu, pa su joj radovi, bez obzira na vrijeme nastanka, neobično živi, životni i aktualni. Kao takvi, ”avangardni su primjeri povijesti hrvatske fotografije“, s kojima ona sudjeluje u suvremenim likovnim kretanjima. Slavka Pavić izlaže od 1952. Održala je 17 samostalnih i sudjelovala na mnogim skupnim, žiriranim izložbama u zemlji i svijetu. Članica je Fotokluba Zagreb od 1951. i unutar njega jedna od osnivača tzv. Ženske sekcije. Za svoj rad dobila je niz nagrada i priznanja, između ostaloga Zlatnu značku Fotokluba Zagreb 1963., Nagradu „Tošo Dabac“ 1990. i Godišnju nagradu Zagrebačke zajednice tehničke kulture „Dr. Oton Kučera“ 2006. Od 2009. počasna je članica Hrvatskog fotosaveza (Hon.HFS). Njezin rad „U prolazu“ izložen je u stalnom postavu zagrebačkog Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt.
/ “Zasjenjeni pejzaž“ / “Dazzling Landscape”
Born in 1927 in Jajce, she completed her secondary schooling in Daruvar. In 1946 she enrolled the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb. She developed “her refined artistic soul, her sensibility, her personal style and originality as well as her visual culture” working with her husband, the famous Croatian photographer, Milan Pavić (1914 – 1986). Her first works dating to the 1950s are now anthological works of Croatian photography. Curious and vivacious, her spirit constantly searches for and is inspired by all she sees, which is the starting point to all her creative work, so that her works are unusually alive and topical, no matter when they were created. As such, they are avant-garde examples of the history of Croatian photography” and are a momentous force in contemporary art. Slavka Pavić has been exhibiting since 1952. She has had 17 solo exhibitions and taken part at numerous group and selected exhibitions at home and abroad. She has been a member of Fotoklub, Zagreb since 1951 and is one of the founders of the Women’s section in the club. She has received numerous awards and mentions for her work, among which the Gold Badge given by the Fotoklub, Zagreb in 1963, the “Tošo Dabac” Award in 1990 and the “Dr. Oton Kučera” Annual Award in 2006. Since 2009 she is an honorary member of the Croatian Photography Association (Hon.HFS). Her work “In Passing” is part of the permanent exhibits at the Zagreb Museum of Arts and Crafts
Tomislav Rastić Ulica grada Vukovara 222, 10000 Zagreb +385 91 53 99 213 rastictomislav@gmail. com www.tomislav-rastic. com
Rođen 1955. u Zagrebu. Godine 1975. završio Školu primijenjene umjetnost u Zagrebu, odjel industrijskog oblikovanja. Po završetku škole posvetio se fotografiji. Izlagao na desetak samostalnih i brojnim skupnim izložbama. Radovi mu objavljeni u nekoliko fotomonografija. Dobitnik više nagrada (među ostalima, Brončane nagrade na Svjetskoj izložbi fotografije «Kulturna baština» 1999. u Osaki/Japan). Član ULUPUH-a. Živi u Zagrebu. / “Sutra“, 2010. / “Tomorrow”, 2010
Born in 1955 in Zagreb, he completed his schooling at the Department of Industrial Design at the School of Applied Arts in Zagreb in 1975. He went on to become a photographer and has exhibited his works at a dozen solo and group exhibitions, and his work has been published in a number of photo monographs. He has received a number of awards (including the Bronze Award at the World “Cultural Heritage” Photography Exhibition in 1999 in Osaka, Japan). He is a member of ULUPUH. He lives in Zagreb.
Šime Strikoman
Rođen 1957. u Vodicama. Diplomirani je filmski i televizijski snimatelj. Radio kao direktor fotografije u više igranih filmova, tv-drama i serija. Snimio nekoliko desetaka dokumentarnih, putopisnih i namjenskih filmova (HRT, TV Finska, TV Švedska). Producirao i režirao namjenske propagandne filmove. Osnivač i urednik TVVD Šibenika. Profesionalno se bavi fotografijom od studentskih dana (fotoreporter i urednik fotografije u Poletu, Studentskom listu i Startu). U 80-ima eksperimentirao s mogućnostima novih medija. U novije vrijeme radi poznatu seriju Milenijskih fotografija. Publicirao 14 fotoserijala o prirodnoj i kulturnoj baštini Hrvatske (Terra Croatica). Izlagao na mnogim samostalnim i skupnim izložbama. Za svoj rad dobio stručne domaće i inozemne nagrade. Živi u Vodicama.
G.A. Kukure 47, Vodice +385 22 443 113 +385 91 57 70 500
Born in 1957 in Vodice, he graduated film and television photography. He has been director of photography in a number of films and television dramas and series. He has filmed a dozen documentary films, travelogues and commissioned films (HR Television, TV Finland, Sveriges Television) and has produced and directed commissioned propaganda films. He is the initiator and editor of TVVD Šibenik. He turned to photography professionally as a student (photo reporter and photography editor for Polet, Studentski List and Start). In the 1980s he experimented with new media. Recently he has focused on a series entitled Millennium Photographs. He has published 14 series of photographs on the natural and cultural heritage of Croatia (Terra Croatica). He has exhibited at many group and solo exhibitions and has received awards for his work both at home and abroad. He lives in Vodice.
/ “Milenijska fotografija“/270. Delnički skijaš - skakač, Delnice; 2012. / “Millennium Photograph”/270 Delnice Skier/Jumper – Delnice, 2012
Vladimir Šimunić Creska 18, 10110 Zagreb +385 98 91 22 520
Rođen 1964. u Zagrebu. Završio srednju grafičku školu, a potom upisao studij snimanja na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu, gdje je diplomirao u klasi prof. Tanhofera. Radio kao snimatelj u Agenciji za fotodokumentaciju (Hrvatski državni arhiv) u Zagrebu, te kao snimatelj – vanjski suradnik na HRT-u i OTV-u. Sudjelovao na stotinjak natječajnih foto-salona u zemlji i inozemstvu, gdje je osvojio dvadesetak nagrada i pohvala. Autor fotografija u nekoliko znanstvenih fotomonografija i udžbenika. Od 1996. radi kao profesor fotografije na Školi primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna u Zagrebu. Živi u Zagrebu.
Born in 1964 in Zagreb, he attended the secondary school for graphic design and then enrolled and graduated at the Department of Film and TV Recording at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb in the class of Prof. Tanhofer. He worked as a photographer at the agency for photo documentation at the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb, and was a freelance photographer working for Croatian Radio and Television and the TV station OTV. He has taken part at around 100 photography salons at home and abroad and has won around twenty awards and honourable mentions. His photographs appear in a number of scientific monographs and school course books. As of 1996 he has been working as professor of photography at the School of Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb. He is a member of ULUPUH and lives in Zagreb.
/ iz serije “Hrvatski san“, 2011/12. / from the series “The Croatian Dream”, 2011/12
Robert Šipek D.Novaka 1d, 10255 Gornji Stupnik +385 98 27 83 95
Rođen 1963. u Zagrebu. Završio fotografiju na Školi primijenjene umjetnosti u Zagrebu 1981. Fotoreporter u Vjesniku i Večernjem listu od 1985. do 1993., gdje je bio i urednik fotografije. Snimao ratne fotografije za AP (Asociated Press) 1990. i 1991., te ih objavljivao u vodećim svjetskim dnevnim i tjednim novinama. Izlagao novinske fotografije na nekoliko skupnih izložbi. Dobitnik 1. nagrade na izložbi ratne fotografije u Trakošćanu 1991. Vlasnik fotogalerije u trgovačkom centru West Gate. Član ULUPUH-a. Djeluje u Zagrebu.
/ “Albanija“, 2010. / “Albania”, 2010
He was born in 1963 in Zagreb and completed the School of Applied Arts in Zagreb in 1981. He was photo reporter at Vjesnik and Večernji List from 1985 to 1993, where he was also the photography editor. He was a war photographer at AP (Associated Press) in 1990 and 1991, and his photographs were published in all major international daily and weekly newspapers. He has exhibited his work at a number of group exhibitions and received 1st prize at the War Photography Exhibition at Trakošćan in 1991. He owns a photo gallery at the West Gate Shopping Mall. He is a member of ULUPUH and lives and works in Zagreb.
Dragutin Škreblin
Rođen 1963. u Brezovu pored Zaboka. Školu primijenjene umjetnosti – smjer fotografija, završio 1982., a 1998. postaje Majstor fotografije. Fotografijom se bavi 30 godina. Od 1988. vodi svoj fotografski obrt (Digital foto art). Područja interesa: reportažna, medicinska, tehnička i studijska fotografija, s posebnom sklonošću prema portretu. Dobitnik 2. nagrade za kolekciju fotografija na Salonu fotografije u Vinkovcima 2007. Član ULUPUH-a od 2008. Živi i radi u Zaboku i Zagrebu.
Matije Gupca 74, 49210 Zabok
Born in 1963 in Brezovo near Zabok, he completed his schooling at the School of Applied Arts, Department of Photography, in 1982, and in 1998 became a master photographer. He has been a professional photographer for 30 years and has been running his own photo studio (Digital Foto art) since 1988. He takes all kinds of photographs – documentary, medical, technical and studio, but prefers portraits. He received 2nd prize for his collection of photographs at the Photography Salon in Vinkovci in 2007. He has been a member of ULUPUH since 2008. He lives and works in Zabok and Zagreb.
/ iz serije “Moderno roblje novoga kaosa“, 2012. / from the series “Modern Slaves of the New Chaos”, 2012
Erika Šmider Šišićeva 20, 10010 Zagreb +385 98 62 25 98
Rođena 1942. u Zagrebu. Godine 1961. završila Školu primijenjene umjetnosti u Zagrebu, odjel likovne i tehničke obrade fotografije. Bavi se primijenjenom i umjetničkom fotografijom, a posebno je zanimaju teme krajolika, arhitekture, portreta i struktura. Samostalno izlaže od 1965., a skupno od 1960., na brojnim izložbama u zemlji i inozemstvu. Dobitnica mnogih nagrada i priznanja (između ostalih Srebrna plaketa “Zagreb” 1961., Diploma na 10. međunarodnom trijenalu fotografije u Zadru 1979., Pohvala na Salonu fotografije u Dubrovniku 1979., Diploma na Međunarodnoj izložbi Mundial festival Rovinj 1982. i dr.). Radovi su joj objavljeni u velikom broju časopisa i školskih udžbenika, te na naslovnicama knjiga. Članica ULUPUH-a, HZSU-a i LIKUM-a. Živi i djeluje u Zagrebu.
Born in 1942 in Zagreb, she completed her schooling at the School of Applied Arts, Department of Photography, in Zagreb. She is interested in both applied photography and art photography, particularly in architecture, landscape, portraiture and structures. She has been exhibiting at group exhibitions since 1960, and at solo exhibitions since 1965 both at home and abroad and has received awards and acclaim for her work (among others the Silver Plaque “Zagreb”, 1961, Diploma at the 10th International Photography Triennial in Zadar, 1979, a mention at the Dubrovnik Photography Salon, 1979, Diploma at the 10th International Mundial Festival in Rovinj in 1982, etc.). Her photographs have appeared in a variety of magazines and school course books and on book covers and jackets. She is a member of ULUPUH, HZSU and LIKUM. She lives and works in Zagreb.
/ “Štedna žarulja/Patent Pending“, 2012. / “Energy-saving Bulb/Patent Pending”, 2012
Vanja Šolin Studio Proces 15 Mesnička 15, 10000 Zagreb +385 91 20 08 112
Rođen 1971. u Zagrebu. Nakon završene gimnazije u Zagrebu školovao se u Velikoj Britaniji: 1991. završio Lighthouse Studios u Brightonu (Film&Video Directing), a 1996. London College of Printing/London Institute, dobivši zvanje BA Photographer. Surađuje s dizajn studijima (Numen, Bunch...), modnim brendovima (Donassy, Silvio Vujičić, Tonči Vladislavić...) i reklamnim agencijama (Bruketa&Žinić, McCann, BBDO, Grey...).Dobitnik brojnih nagrada. Član ULUPUH-a. Živi u Zagrebu.
Born in 1971 in Zagreb, after completing his secondary education, he went on to study in Great Britain: 1991, Lighthouse Studios in Brighton (Film&Video Directing), and 1996, London College of Printing/London Institute, where he received a BA in Photography. He cooperates with design studios (Numen, Bunch...), fashion brands (Donassy, Silvio Vujičić, Tonči Vladislavić, etc.) and advertising agencies (Bruketa&Žinić, McCann, BBDO, Grey, etc.).He has received numerous awards. He is a member of ULUPUH and lives in Zagreb.
/ iz serije “Labirint“, 2011. / from the series “Labyrinth”, 2011
Zvonimir Tanocki
Rođen 1960. u Vinkovcima. Bavi se fotografijom od 1974., a od 1984. profesionalno. Najviše se bavi kulturnopovijesnom i prirodnom baštinom, temama vezanim uz gospodarstvo i snimanjem iz zrakoplova.Izlagao na tridesetak samostalnih i oko 150 skupnih izložbi. Dobitnik više nagrada. Radovi su mu objavljeni u brojim foto-monografijama, katalozima i prospektima. Živi u Vinkovcima.
Grobljanska 1, 32100 Vinkovci +385 98 85 95 16
Born in 1960 in Vinkovci, he turned to photography in 1974, and turned professional in 1984. He is interested in depicting the cultural, historical and natural heritage and topics related to economy and aerial photography. He has exhibited at around 30 solo and 150 group exhibitions and has received a number of awards. His work has been published in numerous photomonographs, catalogues and brochures. He is a member of ULUPUH. He lives in Vinkovci.
/ “Na salašu“, dio diptiha, 2011. / “At the Farm”, part of diptych, 2011
Mario Topić Remetinečki gaj 26a, 10000 Zagreb +385 91 230 76 39
Rođen 1983. u Zagrebu. Fotograf i novinar. Studirao grafički dizajn na Grafičkom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Diplomirao 2010. na studiju snimanja na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Surađuje već 10 godina, kao fotoreporter i novinar, s tiskovinama i agencijama (Jutarnji list, Meridijani, Magnesium, Denver Post, Anzenberger, MAPE...) u zemlji i svijetu, te snima za televizijske kuće. Izlaže od 2005. u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Član ULUPUH-a. Živi u Zagrebu.
Born in Zagreb in 1983, he is a photographer and journalist. He studied graphic design at the Faculty of Graphic Arts in Zagreb. He graduated studies in filming at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb in 2010. For the past 10 years he has been working as a photo reporter and journalist for various newspapers and agencies (Jutarnji list, Meridijani, Magnesium, Denver Post, Anzenberger, MAPE, etc.) both at home and abroad, as well as filming for TV stations. He has been exhibiting in Croatia and abroad since 2005. He is a member of ULUPUH. He lives in Zagreb.
/ iz serije “Svakodnevica dvojice gay mladića“, 2012. / from the series “The Lives of two Gay Young Men”, 2012
Ante Verzotti Lovretska 7, 21000 Split +385 91 200 37 48
Rođen 1942 . u Splitu . Diplomirao 1973. filmsko i televizijsko snimanje na Akademiji lijepih umjetnosti (FAMU) u Pragu. Fotografijom se bavi od 1958. Do danas priredio više od 25 samostalnih i sudjelovao na devedesetak skupnih izložbi u zemlji i inozemstvu, na kojima je dobio zapažene nagrade. Od 1979. do 1996. sustavno fotografski dokumentira sve programe i predstave HNK u Splitu, te one Splitskoga ljeta. Od 1992. stalno zaposlen u Slobodnoj Dalmaciji kao urednik fotografije i fotoreporter. Paralelno s fotografijom bavio se snimanjem filmova. Od 1997. predaje kao izvanredni profesor na Umjetničkoj akademiji (UMAS) u Splitu Kolegij fotografije i filmskog i TV snimanja. Hrvatski fotosavez mu je 2009. dodijelio najviše počasno autorsko zvanje prvog reda Majstora fotografije (MF-HFS) - prvo takvo dodijeljeno u Hrvatskoj. Član Foto-kluba Split i Kino-kluba Split od 1957., Hrvatskog društva filmskih djelatnika (HDFD) od 1975., ULUPUH-a od 1980., HZSU-a od 1981. i HND-a od 1992. Živi i radi u Splitu.
/ “Tsunami“, 2012. / “Tsunami”, 2012
Born in 1942 in Split, he graduated Film and Television Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts (FAMU) in Prague. He has been a photographer since 1958 and has had more than 25 solo exhibitions and taken part at around 90 group exhibitions at home and abroad, where he received acclaim and awards. From 1979 to 1996 he systematically photo-documented all programmes and performances organized at the Croatian National Theatre in Split and the Splitsko Ljeto Summer Festival, and since 1992 he is resident photography editor and photographer at the Slobodna Dalmacija news agency. Apart from photography, he has also worked in filming and film production and has been an extra-mural course lecturer - Photography and Film and TV Film Production at the UMAS Art Academy in Split since its founding in 1997. In 2009 he was awarded the highest honorary title ever awarded in Croatia to date: Master of Photography (MF-HFS) by the Croatian Fotosavez. He has been a member of the Photo Club Split and the Cinema Club Split since 1957, the HDFD since 1975, ULUPUH since 1980, HZSU since 1981 and HND since 1992. He lives and works in Split.
Nikola Nino Vranić
Rođen 1933. u Bileći (BIH). Godine 1952. završio Grafičku školu u Zagrebu. Svoj fotografski metje brusio u tada glasovitom foto studiju „Zaza“, zastupništvu Agfe, koji je vodio Vranićev djed Josip Zagorac. Odavde, Vranićev životni put vodio je u KonzervaVinogradska c. 67, 10000 torski zavod, odnosno Zavod za zaštitu Zagreb spomenika kulture, gdje je bio zaposlen +385 1 376 88 04 +385 91 253 88 83 kao fotograf od 1954. do 1989. Stvorio je, radeći tu, impozantan opus dokumentarnih fotografija na visokoj umjetničkoj razini, koje danas “ostaju trajnim kulturnim dobrom i nemjerljiva su vrijednost za brojne programe obnove i istraživanja spomeničke baštine.” Odlaskom iz Zavoda djeluje kao samostalni umjetnik, te izlaže na brojnim izložbama u zemlji i inozemstvu, gdje osvaja mnoga priznanja i nagrade (odlikovan Redom Danice hrvatske, te počasnim zvanjem EFIAP-a). Godine 2009. njegova strukovna udruga – ULUPUH, koje je član od 1963., dodijelila mu je Nagradu za životno djelo, „za njegov dokumentaristički, kao i umjetnički opus, kojim je suvereno dokazao kako razlike između “primijenjene” i “umjetničke” fotografije u rukama vrsnih stvaralaca postaju tek pitanja nominalne prirode.“ 43
/ “Hrvoje Šercar“ / “Hrvoje Šercar”
Born in 1933 in Bileća (Bosnia and Herzegovina), he completed the School of Graphic Arts in Zagreb in 1952. He honed his photographic metier in the then renowned studio “Zaza”, run by Agfa and headed by Vranić’s grandfather, Josip Zagorac. Vranić then went on to work at the Institute for Conservation of Monuments of Culture, where he was employed as a photographer 1954 to 1989. Whilst working there he created an imposing opus of documentary and artistic photographs, which have remained “as a lasting cultural heritage important for programmes of renewal and research into the cultural heritage”. On leaving the institute, as a freelance photographer, his works have been exhibited and received awards and mentions at many exhibitions both at home and abroad (the Red Danica Hrvatska Award, and honorary member of EFIAP). In 2009 he received the ULUPUH Life Achievement Award, whose member he has been since 1963, for “his documentary and artistic opus in which he has proved that the difference between “applied” and “artistic” photography is a trivial matter when in the hands of true connoisseurs”.
Vladimir Vučinović Zvonimirova 71, 10000 Zagreb +385 91 79 31 989
Rođen 1946. u Zagrebu. Bavi se fotografijom od 1975. Područje interesa su mu arhitektura, aktovi i portreti. Član ULUPUH-a. Živi u Zagrebu. 44
/ “Bez naziva“, 2012. / “No Name”, 2012
Born in Zagreb in 1946, he has been interested in photography since 1975. His topics of interest include architecture, acts and portraits. He is a member of ULUPUH and lives in Zagreb.
Zvonimir Zagoda
Rođen 1941. u Oroslavju. Godine 1960. završio Školu primijenjene umjetnost u Zagrebu - odjel umjetničke fotografije, a potom 1962. Višu pedagošku školu, likovni odgoj. Od 1968. do umirovljenja 2006. bio redovni nastavnik Škole primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna u Zagrebu, na odjelu fotografskog dizajna, za predmet Fotografske tehnike. Održao do sada petnaest samostalnih izložbi, dobitnik nekoliko domaćih i inozemnih nagrada. Član ULUPUH-a i LIKUM-a. Živi u Zagrebu.
Virska 15, 10090 Zagreb +385 91 73 38 186
/ “Trakošćansko jezero 4”, 2011. / “Trakošćan Lake 4”, 2011
Born in 1941 in Oroslavje, he completed his schooling at the School of Applied Arts, Department of Photography, in Zagreb in 1960 and graduated at the Higher School of Pedagogy in 1962. Since 1968, and until his retirement in 2006, he was a regular professor at the School of Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb, at the Department of Photographic Design, running a course entitled photographic techniques. He has had 15 solo exhibitions and received a number of awards at home and abroad. He is a member of ULUPUH and LIKUM. He lives in Zagreb.
Kataloški popis autora i izloženih radova / The catalogue of authors and works
Stanko Abadžić
Ante Jaša
Zoran Alajbeg
Damir Klaić
Janko Belaj
Tomislav Dubravko Kovačić
Boris Berc
Maja Strgar Kurečić
Marija Braut
Dražen Lapić
Saša Četković
Iva Lulić
/ “Bez naziva“, diptih, 2010. / “ No Name”, diptych, 2010 / “Sinjsko polje/smeđe“, 2012. (1 rad) / “The Sinj Field/brown”, 2012 (1 photo) / iz serije “Snovi gradske vreve“, 2011/12. (serija, 3 rada) / “Dreams from the Bustle of the City”, 2011/12 (series of photos) / “Untitled“, 2011. (1 rad) / “Untitled”, 2011 (1 photo) / “glumac”; “Glumac i ogledalo“ (2 rada) / “Actor”, “Actor and Mirror”, (2 photos) / “Biciklist“, 2011. (1 pojedinačni rad); “valovi”, 2010. (serija, 3 rada) / “Cyclist”, 2011 (1 photo); “Waves”, 2010 (series of 3 photos)
Marko Čolić
/ iz serije “Kuda ideš civilizacijo ?!“, 2012. (serija, 3 rada) / “Where to, Civilization?!”, 2012 (series of 3 photos)
Ranko Dokmanović
/ “rab z”, 2010. (1 pojedinačni rad); “Iluzija o Bogu“, 2011. (serija, 3 rada) / “Rab Z”, 2010 (1 photo); “Illusion of God”, 2011 (series of 3 photos)
Nina Đurđević
/ “Prostor između“, 2010/11. (serija, 9 radova) / “The Space Between”, 2010/11 (series of 9 photos)
Virgilio Giuricin
/ “Tibet“, 2010. (serija, 3 rada) / “Tibet”, 2010 (series of 3 photos)
Denis Gržetić
/ “Tri s mora / tihi let, toranj, zidovi“, 2010/11. (serija, 3 rada) / “Three from the Sea/Silent Flight/The Tower, Walls”, 2010/11 (series of 3 photos)
Mario Hlača
/ “Negdje“, 2010.; “mogu li ga se sjetiti”, 2010. (2 pojedinačna rada) / “Somewhere”, 2010, “Can I remember him”, 2010 (2 photos)
/ “Promjena“, 2010. (1 rad) / “Change”, 2010 (photo) / “69,932,955 bytes“, 2011.; “79,530,093 bytes”, 2011. (2 pojedinačna rada) / “69,932,955 bytes”, 2011; “79,530,093 bytes”, 2011 (2 photos) / “Bjegunac“, 2012. (1 rad) / “The Fugitive”, 2012 (1 photo) / “1,2-3“, 2012. (serija, 3 rada) / “1,2-3”, 2012 (series of 3 photos) / “Zemlja Artusa 3“, 2010. (1 rad) / “The Land of Artus 3”, 2010 (1 photo)
Danijela Lušin
/ “Rez 3“, 2011. (1 rad) / “Cut 3”, 2011 (1 photo)
Ines Viktorija Ljubetić Fišer / “Dark Room“, 2011. (1 rad) / “Dark Room”, 2011 (1 photo)
Tomislav Marić
/ “Maska“, 2011. (1 rad) / “Mask”, 2011 (1 photo)
Alan Matuka
/ “Fridge S64“, 2010. (1 rad) / “Fridge S64”, 2010 (1 photo)
Luka Mjeda
/ “autoportret s umjetnicima”, 2011. (1 pojedinačni rad); “Teeth as Art“, 2011. (serija, 3 rada) / “Self-portrait with Artists”, 2011 (1 photo); “Teeth as Art”, 2011 (series of 3 photos)
Karmen Orlić
/ “Kasno popodne u Veneciji“, 2011/12. (serija, 3 rada) / “Late Afternoon in Venice”, 2011/12 (series of 3 photos)
Dag Oršić
/ “Mali zeleni“, 2010. (serija, 3 rada) / “Little Green Alliens, 2010 (series of 3 photos)
Slavka Pavić
Maja Hrnjak
/ “Tisuću priča“, 2012. (1 rad) / “A Thousand Stories”, 2012 (photo)
/ “Zasjenjeni pejzaž / plešivica“; “kamena ograda / hvar” (2 pojedinačna rada) / “Dazzling Landscape/Plešivica”; “Stone Fence/Hvar” (2 photos)
Romeo Ibrišević
Tomislav Rastić
/ “Prepoznati / houra, ibrica, štambuk, kostelić snagator“, 2010. (serija, 4 rada) / “Recognized”/Houra, Ibrica, Štambuk, Kostelić the Powerful Man, 2010 (series of 4 photos) 46
/ “Nad jarbolima“, 2011. (1 rad) / “Above the Foremasts”, 2011 (1 photo)
/ “jučer”, 2011.; “Sutra“, 2010. (2 pojedinačna rada) / “Yesterday”, 2011, “Tomorrow”, 2010 (2 photos)
/ “milenijska fotografija / 269. ruža grada dubrovnik, 270. Delnički skijaš/skakač - Delnice, 273. z kao zagreb”; 2012. (serija, 3 rada) / “Millennium Photograph”/269 Rose of the City – Dubrovnik; 270 Delnice Skier/Jumper – Delnice; 273 Z as in Zagreb – Zagreb, 2012 (series of 3 photos)
Vladimir Šimunić
/ “Hrvatski san“, 2011/12. (serija, 3 rada) / “The Croatian Dream”, 2011/12 (series of 3 photos)
Robert Šipek
/ “Albanija“, 2010. (1 rad) / “Albania”, 2010 (1 photo)
Dragutin Škreblin
/ “Moderno roblje novoga kaosa“, 2012. (serija, 2 rada) / “Modern Slaves of the New Chaos”, 2012 (series of 2 photos)
Erika Šmider
/ “Štedna žarulja/Patent Pending“, 2012. (1 rad) / “Energy-saving Bulb/Patent Pending“, 2012 (1 photo)
Vanja Šolin
/ “Labirint“, 2011. (serija, 3 rada) / “Labyrinth”, 2011 (series of 3 photos)
Zvonimir Tanocki
/ “Na salašu“, diptih, 2011. / “At the Farm”, diptych, 2011
Mario Topić
/ “Svakodnevica dvojice gay mladića“, 2012. (serija, 6 radova) / “The Lives of two Gay Young Men”, 2012 (series of 6 photos)
Ante Verzotti
/ “Tsunami“, 2012. (1 rad) / “Tsunami”, 2012 (1 photo)
nikola Nino Vranić
/ “Šercar / jelavić / popović / kesar“ (portreti slikara, serija, 4 rada) / Šercar/Jelavić/Popović/Keser (portrait of the artist, series of 4 photos)
Vladimir Vučinović
/ “Bez naziva“, 2012. (1 rad) / “No Name”, 2012 (1 photo)
Zvonimir Zagoda
/ “Trakošćansko jezero 4”, 2011., “trakošćansko jezero 5”, 2011. (2 pojedniačna rada) / “Trakošćan Lake 4”, 2011; “Trakošćan Lake 5”, 2011 (2 photos)
izložba je realizirana uz financijsku potporu / this exhibition has been realized under the sponsorship of
Ministarstvo kulture RH / Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia Gradski ured za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport Grada Zagreba. / Local Council for Education, Sport and Culture of the City of Zagreb Grad Rovinj / The Town of Rovinj Turistička zajednica Grada Rovinja / Tourist Board of the Town of Rovinj Grad Labin / The Town of Labin
Pokrovitelj izložbe u Rovinju / patron of the exhibition in rovinj
Istarska županija - Upravni odjel za kulturu / Istrian Region - Administrative Department for Culture
Šime Strikoman
Nakladnik / Publisher
za nakladnika / for the publisher urednice kataloga / catalogue editors predgovor i likovni postav / foreword and exhibition layout prijevod na engleski / english translation grafičko oblikovanje kataloga, pozivnice i plakata / graphic design of catalogue, invites and posters tisak / printed by naklada / edition suorganizacija u rovinju / co-organiser in rovinj suorganizacija u labinu / co-organiser in labin zahvale / we wish to thank
ULUPUH Hrvatska udruga likovnih umjetnika primijenjenih umjetnosti / Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts, Preradovićeva 44/1, Zagreb, Hrvatska / Croatia Ivana Bakal, predsjednica ULUPUH-a / ULUPUH president Višnja Slavica Gabout i / and Maša Štrbac Višnja Slavica Gabout Tamara Budimir kuna zlatica
Printera grupa, Zagreb, 2012. 800 primjeraka / 800 copies C.V.U. “Batana” - Mladen Boljkovac i Ermano Bančić tel. +385 52 830 711; +385 98 660 357 / Narodni muzej Labin / The Public Museum of Labin – Vedran Kos tel. +385 52 852 477, fax +385 52 885 052;; Tugomiru Lukšiću, ravnatelju Muzeja Mimara Zagreb, kao i Organizacijskom timu izložbe Aktualno 3 (Tomislavu Rastiću, Eriki Šmider, Danijeli Lušin, Dragutinu Škreblinu, Virgiliju Giuricinu i Tulliju Voranu) / Tugomir Lukšić, director of the Mimara Museum in Zagreb, and the organisation team for the exhibition Aktualno 3 (Tomislav Rastić, Erika Šmider, Danijela Lušin, Dragutin Škreblin, Virgilio Giuricin and Tullio Vorano) CIP zapis dostupan u računalnome katalogu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu pod brojem 806557. / A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the National and University Library in Zagreb under 806557. 978-953-327-026-5
a / Preradovićeva 44/1, Zagreb, Croatia p/f / ++385(0)1 4552 595 e / w / ulupuh
oblikovala kunazlatica
aktualno 3 “u svijetu paralelnih realnosti” sekcija za fotografiju ulupuh-a
topical 3 “in the world of parallel realities” The photography section of ULUPUH - The Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts
Muzej Mimara / The Mimara Museum Rooseveltov trg 5 Zagreb
29.5. – 21.6.2012. Centar vizualnih umjetnosti / Centro arti visive / Centre of Visual Arts Photo Art Gallery “Batana” Trg brodogradilišta 2, Rovinj
6.7. – 4.8.2012.
Narodni muzej Labin / The Public Museum of Labin Ulica 1. svibnja 6 Labin
12.10. – 2.11.2012.