2019 Chasing the Ice in Greenland: How are Lakes Going to be Affected by Earlier Ice-Out? Vendy Hazukova, Benjamin Burpee, Todd Burpee, Robert Northington, and Jasmine Saros April – July 2019
Looking into the Recent History of Thwaites Glacier — Pine Island Bay, Antarctica
Climate Change Institute Expeditions and Field Team Members Contributions from the Archaeological Record: Molluscan Climate Proxies and El Niño-Southern Oscillation, North Coast, Peru
Arctic Futures Workshop, Southwest Greenland
Frankie St. Amand
Yong Chen, Lee Karp-Boss, Alice Kelley, Paul Mayewski, Peter Neill, Robert Northington, Neal Pettigrew, Erin Roche, Jasmine Saros, Kristin Schild, Matthew Bampton, Firooza Pavri, Jan Piribeck, Vinton Valentine, Charles Norchi, and Jeffrey Thaler June 2019
The Response of the Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys Sabrinus) to Rising Ambient Temperatures — Aroostook State Park, Presque Isle, Maine
Funding Support: University of Maine System Research Reinvestment Fund, USM’s Maine Economic Improvement Fund (MEIF), and the University of Maine Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School
October – December 2019
Last Glacial Termination in Interior Asia — Earth-surface mapping and 10Be Exposure Dating in the Mongolian Altai Mountains Aaron Putnam, Peter Strand, and Patricia Joyner July – August 2019 Funding Support: National Science Foundation, and Comer Science & Education Foundation
Elise Gudde, Danielle Levesque, and Stephanie Ross
Funding Support: Dan & Betty Churchill Exploration Fund, Phi Kappa Phi Love of Learning Award, and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Creating the Midden Minders Citizen Science Program Alice Kelley, Bonnie Newsom, and Arthur Spiess Summer and Fall 2019; Summer and Fall 2018 Funding Support: Maine Sea Grant and Senator George Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions
May – August 2019 Funding Support: UMS Research Reinvestment Fund
Scott Braddock and Meghan Spoth January – March, 2019 Funding support: National Science Foundation award: PLR-1738989
Iceland Lightweight Everest Drill Test Daniel Dixon, Paul Mayewski, and Mariusz Potocki March 2019
Biogeography of the Grand Kankakee Marsh, Northern Indiana, U.S. over the past 5,000 Years
Rediscovering the Ancient Maya City of Tikin Ha, Belize Brett Houk, Gregory Zaro, and Mark Willis February – March 2019
Katherine Glover, Jack Ferrara, Meredith Helmick, and Jennifer Philippe
Funding Support: National Geographic Society (NGS-51012R-18)
June 2019
National Geographic, Rolex Perpetual Planet Extreme Expedition to Mount Everest, Nepal
Funding Support: National Geographic Society Early Career Grant
Paul Mayewski, Aaron Putnam, Mariusz Potocki, Heather Clifford, Peter Strand, and Laura Mattas
Chasing the Mammoth Steppe — Exploring the Past and Present of Megafauna in the Arctic Alessandro Mereghetti, Karen James, Albert Protopopov, and Valeriy Plotnikovl July – August 2019 Funding Support: NSF CAREER Grantl
April – June 2019 Funding Support: National Geographic’s Perpetual Planet partnership with Rolex
Predicting the Sensitivity of Boreal Lake Ecosystems to Climate Change, Isle Royal National Park, Michigan Joseph Mohan, Dan Engstrom, and Mark Edlund
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Expedition
August 2019 Funding Support: National Park Service PMIS #160929
Paul Mayewski and Mariusz Potocki December 2019 – February 2020
Climate Impacts on Glaciers of the Southern Patagonian Icefield, Chile Scott Braddock, Kristin Schild, Raul Pereda, Felidor Paredes, and Fernando Iglesias Letelier September – October 2019 Funding Support: Dan & Betty Churchill Exploration Fund, American Alpine Club, and Geological Society of America
Beyond the Holarctic Comfort Zone: Thermoregulation in a Sundaland Rodent — Sarawak, Malaysia Ana Breit, Tal Kleinhause-Goldman Gedalyahou, Khairul Ikhwan, Marcellinus Stia Dominic, Andrew Tuen, and Danielle Levesque May – August 2019 Funding Support: Maine Space Grant Consortium graduate summer fellowship to AMB and UMaine start-up funding to DLL
Understanding Alpine Climate in Denali National Park
COP24 Katowice, Poland Jamie Haverkamp, Will Kochtitzky, Anna McGinn, Cindy Isenhour, Dan Dixon, Jim Settele and Alex Rezk
Dominic Winski, Bess Koffman, Julianne DeAngelo, Victor Cabrera, Eleanor Dowd, Meg Yoder, and Taylor Methven
December 2018
June 2018 Funding Support: Various sources of internal scholarship and research funding from Dartmouth and Colby College
North Cascades Glacier Climate Project
Predicting the Sensitivity of Boreal Lake Ecosystems to Climate Change, Isle Royale National Park Carl Tugend, Mark Edlund, Adam Heathcote, Charles Umbanhowar
Erin McConnell, Mariama Dryak, Jill Pelto, and Mauri Pelto
August – September 2018
August 2018
Virtually Reconstructing the Ostra Collecting Site, Peru
Funding Support: National Park Service PMIS #160929
Funding Support: North Cascade Glacier Climate Project
Dan Sandweiss, Cecilia Mauricio, Paul Roscoe, Alice Kelley, Emily Blackwood, Gloria Lopez, and James Munch
Maine Treeline Project: Coring at Chimney Pond, Baxter State Park, Maine
Funding Support: Dan & Betty Exploration Fund, Climate Change Institute, SPIA, Department of Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Events and Experiences Fund, National Science Foundation GRFP: DGE1144205, University of Maine Graduate Student Government, University of Maine Office of Sustainability, and the Schwartz Legacy Foundation
August 2018 Funding Support: Churchill Expedition Fund and University of Maine College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office
Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie, Dulcinea Groff, Kit Hamley, and Karen James March 2018 Funding Support: David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship
Inter-American Quelccaya Expedition Peru
Paleolimnological Assessment of HighElevation Lakes Exceeding Critical Loads of Nitrogen Deposition across the Greater Yellowstone Area
Paul A. Mayewski, Jefferson Cardia Simões, Dan Dixon, Mariusz Potocki, Charles Rodda, Heather Clifford, Mike Waszkiewicz, Ronaldo Torma Bernardo, Flávia Alves Tavares, Franciele Schwanck Carlos, Shugui Hou, Gino Casassa Rogazinski, Oscar Vilca Gómez, Harrison JaraInfantes, Baker Perry, and Heather Guy
Jasmine Saros, Ben Burpee, Kate Warner, Leora Nanus and Julian Loguidici
A Multi-Proxy, Millenial-Scale Assessment of Climate, Vegetation, Fire, and Human Impacts in Jamaica, West Indies
August 2018 Funding Support: US Forest Service Agreement 18-CS-11040300-051
Mario Williams, Andrea Nurse, Romario Anderson, Kadane Coates, and Patrick Lewis
Calibrating Ice Core, Weather Station, and NASA MODIS Ice Surface Temperature Records to Analyze Atmospheric Variability in the St. Elias, Yukon, Canada
February 2018 Funding Support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund, the National Lacustrine Core Facility, and many generous donors on Experiment.com
Erin McConnell, Karl Kreutz, and Seth Campbell June – August 2018 Funding Support: Dan & Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Frozen Arctic Lakes as Biogeochemical Hotspots in the Kangerlussuaq area, West Greenland Jasmine Saros, Ben Burpee, Robert Northington and Jim Almendinger April 2018; June -July 2018 Funding Support: University of Maine
September 2018
Assessing Early Warfare at the Ostra Collecting Station, Peru
Anna McGinn and Anama Solofa
Dan Sandweiss, Cecilia Mauricio, Paul Roscoe, Alice Kelley, Emily Blackwood, Gloria Lopez, and James Munch
July 2018
August 2018
Funding Support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund, School for Policy and International Affairs Richardson-Churchill support, University of Maine Graduate Student Government and the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Grant Number DGE-1144205
Funding Support: University of Maine College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office
Samoa’s Climate Change Adaptation Landscape
Funding Support: National Science Foundation Award (#1600018); Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) to the Brazilian National Institute for Cryospheric Sciences and the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications (MCTIC)
2017 Amundsen Liv Glacier Age Expedition (ALGAE) Holocene Deglaciation at Amundsen and Liv Glaciers, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
Understanding Paleo-Climate, Modern Climate, and Glacier Dynamics in Western Canada: Eclipse Ice Field Expedition
Brenda Hall, Joel Gombiner, Jessica Badgeley, Jill Pelto, Karen Hilton, and John Stone
The Westwind II Expedition: South Georgia Low-Frequency GPR Measurements at Taku Glacier, Alaska
Organochlorine Pollutants Within a Glacier in the Eastern Alaska Range, Jarvis Glacier, Interior Alaska
Lynn Kaluzienski, Kiya Riverman, Lucas Beem, Brogen Kellerman, Theresa Westhaver, Daniel Otto, Avery Stewart, Amy Towell, Kyle Stewart, and Lois Anderson
Kimberley Rain Miner, Seth Campbell, and Steve Bernsen May-June 2017
Mariusz Potocki, Charles Rodda, Jone Mungia, and Skip Novak Oct. 2017
Nicaragua’s Climate Change Adaptation Landscape
Funding Support: Partially supported by Pelagic Expeditions
Anna McGinn, Adeline Schneider, and Lindsey Stum
June – July 2017
July - August 2017
Funding Support: Dan & Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Funding Support: Dan & Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Funding Support: Dan & Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Karl Kreutz, Seth Campbell, Will Kochtitzky, Brittany Main, and Leslie Sobel
December 2016 - January 2017
Climate Change Institute Expeditions and Field Team Members
May 2017
Funding support: National Science Foundation
Funding support: Dan & Betty Churchill Exploration Fund, and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. DGE-1144205
Providing the Groundwork for Future Paleoclimate and Glaciological Exploration on the Mt. Logan, Canada Aaron Chesler, Karl Kreutz, Seth Campbell, and Adam Toolanen
Constructing a 10Be Surface-Exposure Chronology of Glacier Recession during the Last Glacial Termination in the Southern Alps of New Zealand Peter Strand, George Denton, Aaron Putnam, and Jillian Pelto January - March 2017 Funding Support: Dan & Betty Churchill Exploration Fund and the Comer Science & Education Foundation
Hot or Cold? Assessing “Seasonality” During the Paradoxical Heinrich Stadial 1 Using Glacier Geochronology in Northwest Scotland Allie Balter, Holly Thomas, Gordon Bromley, and Steve Barker March 2017 Funding Support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Grant, Comer Science & Education Foundation, and the National Geographic Society
May – June 2017 Funding Support: Dan & Betty Churchill Exploration Fund, P2C2 NSF Grant Number 1502783, Icefield Discovery, and the University of Alberta Kluane Research Station
Understanding Aulacoseira Ecology to Realize the Lentic Response to Climate Change, Beartooth Mountains, Montana & Wyoming
Southwest Greenland Ice Core Expedition: Recovery of Interglacial Ice Record Kangerlussuaq, Greenland
Edna Pedraza Garzón and Benjamin Burpee
Andrei Kurbatov, Elena Korotkikh, Mike Handley, and Heather Clifford
July - August 2017
June 2017
Funding Support: Dan & Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Funding Support: NSF, U.S. Airforce, and Kangerlussuaq International Science Support (KISS)
What Dung Fungus Can Tell Us About the Peopling of the Americas and Extinction of Pleistocene Megafauna, Interior Alaska Catherine Hamley, Gerad Smith, Dominic Tullo, Kathryn Krasinski, and Brian Wygal June – July 2017 Funding Support: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and the Adelphi University Archaeology Field School
Paleoecology of Plant Communities around Treeline at Maine’s Oldest Pond, Acadia National Park Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie, Jacquelyn Gill, Katherine Glover, Ben Burpee, and Abe Miller-Rushing September 2017 Funding Support: David H. Smith Fellowship
2016 Holocene Deglaciation at Amundsen and Liv Glaciers, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
Funding support: National Science Foundation
The Westwind Expedition: South Georgia Leg 2015
Paul Mayewski, Jeff Auger, Benjamin Burpee, Mariusz Potocki, Gino Casassa Rogazinski, James Hooper, Thomas, and Skip Novak
Brenda Hall, Joel Gombiner Jessica Badgeley, Jill Pelto, Karen Hilton, and John Stone December 2016 - January 2017
Climate Change Institute Expeditions and Field Team Members The Cathedral Glacier: A Disappearing Cirque Glacier in Northern British Columbia
Sept. - Oct. 2015
Geophysical Reconnaissance to Expand Ice Core Hydro-Climate Reconstructions in the Northeast Pacific Steve Bernsen, Seth Campbell, Daniel Dixon, Karl Kreutz, and Justin Leavitt
A collaborative program between Pelagic Australis, the Climate Change Institute, the University of Magallanes (Chile), University of Wollongong (Australia), and Imperial College (UK), NSF-DGE1144423, Falkland Islands government, South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, and the residents of King Edward Point
Benjamin Partan June - August 2015 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
A Beryllium-10 Chronology of the Last Glacial Termination in the Mongolian Altai
Demonstration that a Viable Ice Core Record can be Produced from Mårmaglaciären, Kebnekaise, Sweden
Aaron Putnam, Peter Strand, David Putnam, Caleb Ward, Sarah Kramer, Pagamsuren Amarsaikhan, Tsetsenbileg Bavuu, Tanzhuo Liu, and Hayley Walcott
April 2015
Jeffrey Auger and Bjorn Grigholm Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
June - July 2015
A Beryllium-10 Chronology of the former Pukaki Glacier, New Zealand: Uncovering the Structure of the Last Termination
Comer Science and Education Foundation
May - June 2016 Funding support: NSF P2C2 award 1502783; Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Courtney King, Colin Dowey, George Denton, Aaron Putnam, and David Barrell January – February 2015 National Science Foundation, Comer Science and Education Foundation, and the Quesada Family Foundation
Research at 51oS Falkland Islands 2016
History of Grounded Ice in the Ross Embayment Since the Last Glacial Maximum Using the Glacial Geology Alongside the Hatherton and Darwin Glacier System, Antarctica
Kit Hamley, Dulcinea Groff, and Jacquelyn Gill
Courtney King, Brenda Hall, Trevor Hillebrand, and John Stone
January - February 2016 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Human Adaptations to Climate Change on the North Coast of Peru: Satellite, Survey, and Geophysical Investigation of Archaeological Sites Ani St. Amand July 24 - August 4, 2016 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
December 2014 – January 2015 National Science Foundation
The Cause of Ice-Age Terminations Falkland Islands
Effects of Geese & Caribou on Nutrient and Carbon Inputs to Arctic Lakes in Southwest Greenland Carl Tugend, Jasmine Saros, Kate Warner, Rachel Fowler, and Andrea Nurse June - July 2016 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
A Frozen Legacy Released: Chemical Pollutants in Meltwaters Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada Kimberley Rain Miner July 2015 A2C2 NSF IGERT Fellowship
How Do Elevated Dust Inputs Affect Carbon Cycling in Arctic lakes? Kangerlussuaq, Greenland Rachel Dicker, Jasmine Saros, Ben Burpee, Robert Northington, Kristin Strock, Helen Schlimm, and Max Egener
Urban Development and Landscape Change at the Nadin Archeological Site, Croatia Marissa Bovie and Gregory Zaro
Effects of Nitrogen on Lake Ecosystems in Patagonia
Jillian Pelto, Brenda Hall, and Thomas Lowell
Jasmine Saros and Benjamin Burpee
February – March 2015
January 2015
Funding support: Dan & Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
NSF ADVANCE Grant – Rising Tide Center, University of Maine
May - June 2015 Dan & Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
June - July 2015 US National Science Foundation Adaptation to Abrupt Climate Change IGERT program grant DGE-1144423
Characterizing Nutrients and Algal Communities of Glacially fed Lakes Across the Alpine Landscape of the Beartooth Mountains – Rocky Mountains of Montana & Wyoming Ben Burpee, Mark Skidmore, Jordan Allen, and Alex Michaud August 2015 Gokcen Fund, NSF A2C2 IGERT fellowship (NSF-DGE1144423).
2014 Exploring Stakeholder Needs for Coastal Research in a Rapidly Changing Arctic, Beaufort Seacoast, Alaska
Expedition in the Falkland Islands: Fossil, Peat and Sediment Collections, Falkland Islands Dulcinea Groff, Kit Hamley, Jacquelyn Gill December 2014 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Sunshine (finally) in the Arctic: Exploring Greenland’s Crevasses at Raven Camp, Greenland
Mo Correll; Philip Martin (Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative); Flora Rexford (Arctic Borderlands Ecological Knowledge Society)
Funding support: NSF Grant ARC-1339465
Isotopic Signature of an Atmospheric River Event, Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska
Understanding Climate-Driven Change in the Boreal Lakes of Isle Royale National Park
Basal Ice Core Pilot Study: Nevado Osjollo Anante, Cordillera Vilcanota, Peru
Kristin Strock, Jasmine Saros; Daniel Engstrom and James Almendinger (St. Croix Watershed Research Station, Science Museum of Minnesota)
Charles Rodda, Skylar Haines, Anton Seimon; Baker Perry (Appalachian State University)
Using Glacial Geology to Study the Ice-Thinning History Since the Last Glacial Maximum Alongside Hatherton Glacier, Antarctica
Karl Kreutz, Seth Campbell, Abigail Bradford
Courtney King, Brenda Hall, Trevor Hillebrand, John Stone
May 2014
December 2013
Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Funding support: National Science Foundation
August 2013
Dating the Last Glacial Maximum in Chilean Tierra del Fuego
July–August 2013
Brenda Hall, Alex Introne, Michael Kaplan, Jen Lennon, Tom Lowell, Aaron Putnam
Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund, National Park Service George Melendez Wright Climate Change Fellowship
March–April 2013 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Tidal Marsh Bird Studies Across the Northeastern United States
May–September 2014
Jessica Scheick, Stephanie Mills August 2014
Climate Change Institute Expeditions and Field Team Members
Funding support: A2C2 NSF IGERT program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, University of Maine Graduate Student Government
Mo Correll, Kate Ruskin, Brian Olsen, Tom Hodgman May–September 2013 Funding support: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Science Foundation, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Maine
Effects of Changing Snowpack on Alpine Lakes in the Rocky Mountains, Beartooth Mountains Erin Hayes-Pontius, Kate Warner, Rachel Dicker
Determining North Atlantic Hydrographic Variability Near the Faroe Islands and the Viking Bank Using Arctica islandica Shells, North Atlantic Ocean Nina Whitney, Carin Andersson Dahl, Paul Butler, Bernd Shone, Rob Witbaard, Ariadna Purroy Albet, Stella Alexandroff, Irene Ballesta Artero, Fabian Bonitz, Amy Featherstone, Juan Estrella Martinez, Stefania Milano, Maria Pyrina, Tamara Trofimova, Liqiang Zhao, Alejandro Roman Gonzalez November 2014 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Changing Microbial Ecologies in Southwest Greenland Arctic Lakes
Climate-Driven Changes of Nutrients and Water Column Stability in Lakes of Southwestern Greenland
Benjamin Burpee, Jasmine Saros, Robert Northington, Hamish Greig, Rachel Dicker
July–August 2014
Glacier History of New Zealand Southern Alps from Last Glacial Maximum to Present, Southern Alps, New Zealand
Benjamin Burpee, Jasmine Saros, Robert Northington, Emily Rice Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Ground-Penetrating Radar of Investigation of Coastal Environments, Republic of Ireland
May–June 2014 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Stratigraphic Exploration of the Paleo-Embayment of Pampa de las Salinas, North Coast of Peru
Colle Gnifetti 2013, Swiss and Italian Alps
Ana Cecilia Mauricio
Pascal Bohleber, Nicole Spaulding, Remo Walther, Helene Hoffman, Johanna Kerch, Martin Hackel, Samuel Marending
July 2014
March–April 2014
Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
August 2013 Funding support: Arcadia Fund
Terminal Pleistocene Glaciation of High-Altitude Andes near Chivay, Peru: Implications for Tropical Paleoclimate and Paleoindian-Age People
Lee Sorrell, Joseph Kelley June 2013 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
George Denton, Aaron Putnam, Tobias Koffman, Peter Strand Collaborators: Joerg Schaefer (Columbia University) Michael Kaplan (Columbia University) David Barrell (GNS Science) Brian Anderson (Victoria University of Wellington) Sean Birkel (University of Maine) Roseanne Schwartz (Columbia University) Robert Finkel (Lawrence-Livermore National Laboratory) January–March 2013 Funding support: National Science Foundation, Comer Science and Education Foundation, Quesada Family Foundation
Scott Braddock, Paul Pluta, Gordon Bromley July 2013 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund, anonymous donor
2012 Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE), Roosevelt Island, Antarctica Skylar Haines October 2012–January 2013 Funding support: National Science Foundation, GNS Science
Los Morteros: Geoarchaeological Explorations of an Early Mound, North Coast of Peru, Chao, Peru Ana Cecilia Mauricio September 2012–March 2013
Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund, UMaine Graduate Student Government, National Science Foundation, Waitt Grant of the National Geographic Society, French Institute of Andean Studies
A Kinematic Survey of Khumbu Glacier, Nepal, Khumbu Glacier, Nepal
Climate Change Institute Expeditions and Field Team Members
Ice Core Reconnaissance and Ice Volume Survey in the Alaska Range, Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska
Adam Barker (University of Washington); Lauren Wheeler
Investigation of Historic Coastal Sand Inundation, Shetland, United Kingdom
Seth Campbell, Curtis Marston, Lyndsey Marston, Josh Plourde (University of Maine); Kristin Schild (Dartmouth College); Brad Markle (University of Washington); Dave Silverstone (University of Alaska); Adam Toolanen (Lund University, Sweden)
June 2012
Lee Sorrell, Alice Kelley, Joseph Kelley
April–May 2012
Funding support: National Science Foundation, Bingham Trust Fund administered by Climate Change Institute
May–June 2012 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Funding support: National Science Foundation, Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Spatial Extrapolation of Melt and Mass Balance in the Central Alaska Range, Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska
Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE), Roosevelt Island, Antarctica
Dominic Winski, Seth Campbell, Kristin Schild May–June 2011
(Second Field Season)
Sepp Kipfstuhl, Brendon Christie, Daniel Emanuelsson, Thomas Beers, Howard Conway, Hedley Berge, Darcy Mandeno, Nancy Bertler, Andrea Logan, Lou Albershardt, Alex Pyne, Heidi Godfrey, Stephen Mawdesley
Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Archaeological Explorations in the Chao Valley, North Coast of Peru
October 2011–January 2012 Funding support: National Science Foundation, GNS Science
Ana Cecilia Mauricio July 2011 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund, Marshall Cloyd, UMaine Graduate Student Government
Investigating Patterns of Late Pleistocene Glaciation in the Tropical Andes, Cordillera Carabaya, Andes, Peru Gordon Bromley, Kurt Rademaker, Matthew Hegland
Investigating the Elevation Dependence of Atmospheric Water Isotope Ratios in the Coastal North Pacific, Juneau Icefield, Alaska Matthew Koehler
June–July 2011
June 2011
Funding support: National Science Foundation
Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
An Investigation of Courtyard 100 and Kontanil Courtyard, La Milpa, Belize Gregory Zaro, Walter Beckwith; Brett Houk, Lindsey Moats, Vincent Sisneros, (Texas Tech University) May–June 2011 Funding Support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund, Getty Archeological Fund, National Geographic Society
Garrand Andes Expedition: Frozen Climate Records Inside A South American Volcano-Tupungatito Expedition 2012 (TE2012), Tupungatito Volcano, Chile
Kuli South Georgia Expedition, South Georgia Island, United Kingdom Paul Mayewski, Dan Dixon, Bjorn Grigholm, Mariusz Potocki, Gino Casassa, Marcelo Areval, Alex Kuli, Alex George Kuli October–November 2012 Funding support: Anonymous
Nitrogen Subsidies in Glacial Meltwater: Implications for High Elevation Aquatic Chains, Beartooth Mountains, Montana Kate Warner, Jasmine Saros, Carl Tuggend, Katie Norris, Jenny Shrum July–August 2012 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund and Gokcen Fund
Maya Obsidian of the Three Rivers Region, Belize, Three Rivers Region, Belize Walter Beckwith May–June 2012 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund, Programme for Belize Archaeological Project
Seasonal Correlation of Air Temperature and Isotopic Composition of Snowfall in the Central Alaska Range, Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska Karl Kreutz, Dom Winski, Seth Campbell May 2012 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
University of Maine Climate Change Institute field expedition team members: Paul Mayewski (field leader), Andrei Kurbatov, Bjorn Grigholm, Mariusz Potocki, Dan Dixon, Michael Morrison, Mike Waskiewicz. Members of the Centro de Estudios Cientifocs (CECS) from Valdivia, Chile, field leaders: Gino Casassa, Rodrigo Zamora, Alejandro Neira, Ivan Clauvero, Francisco Gonzalez January–February 2012 Funding support: The CCI component of the Tupungatito Expedition is supported by a gift from the Garrand family of Portland, Maine
The Anatomy of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) Climate Change in the Southern Hemisphere Mid-Latitudes: Paleoecological Temperature Reconstructions from Terrestrial Archives, New Zealand Ann Dieffenbacher-Krall, Marcus Vandergoes, Erin McCann, field collaborators: Jamie Howarth, Delia Strong January 2011 Funding support: National Science Foundation
Nevado-Corpuna Shallow Ice Core Churchill Expedition, Nevado-Coropuna Glacier, Southern Peru Bjorn Grigholm, Mariusz Potocki September– October 2011 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Geoarchaeology of the Salinas de Chao Paleo-embayment, Chao, Peru Elizabeth Olson July 2011 Funding support: National Geographic Society, Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund, Marshall Cloyd
Exploring Climate-Induced Changes in West Greenland Lakes, Greenland Kristin Ditzler Strock, Jasmine Saros; John Anderson, (Loughborough University); Suzanne McGowan, (University of Nottingham)
Surveying Tidal Marshes across the Northeastern U.S., Maine to Virginia Mo Correll, Kate Ruskin, James Style, Brian Olsen, Tom Hodgman May 2011–August 2013 Funding support: National Science Foundation and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Garrand Andes Expedition, Tupungatito, Chile Paul Mayewski, Gino Casassa, Gonzalo Campos, Sebastian Campos, Daniel Dixon, Bjorn Grigholm, Mariusz Potocki, Michael Morrison February–March 2011 Funding source: The CCI component of the Tupungatito Expedition is supported by a gift from the Garrand family of Portland, Maine
June 2011 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund and Gokcen Fund
Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles, Antarctica Brenda Hall, Stephanie Allard, Toby Koffman, Calvin Mako, Robin Arnold, Glenn McKenney December 2010–February 2011 Funding support: National Science Foundation
2010 Modeling Energy Balance and Melt Layer Formation on the Kahiltna Glacier, Denali National Park, Alaska
Constraints on the Last Ross Sea Ice Sheet from Glacial Deposits in the Southern Transantarctic Mountains, Beardmore Glacier, Antarctica
Desert Resource Management and Punctuated Environmental Change–Atacama Desert of South America, Tambo-Ilo Coast of Southern Peru
Funding Source: National Science Foundation
Assessing the Release of Reactive Nitrogen by Melting Alpine Glaciers, Beartooth Mountains (central Rockies), Montana and Wyoming Krista Slemmons, Jasmine Saros, Carmen Daggett, Courtney Wigdahl, Dominic Winski August 2010
Los Morteros Ground-Penetrating Radar Study, Chaos, Peru
July – August 2010 Funding Source: National Geographic Society
Funding Source: Dan and Betty Churchill Fund
Funding source: UMaine Faculty Research Grant Dan & Betty Churchill Fund Getty Archaeological Study Fund
August 2009 Funding source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Palaeoclimate of Central Asia: Glacial Geology and Palaeohydrology of the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China
Paul Mayewski, Andrei Kurbatov, Daniel Dixon, Bjorn Grigholm, Mario Potocki
Aaron Putnam
February – March 2010
June – July 2010
Funding source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
High-Elevation Ice Core Reconnaissance on Tupungatito Caldera Glacier, Central Andes
Funding source: Quesada Fund for Furthering Gary Comer’s Work
Human-Environment Interaction in the Central Coast of Peru toward the end of the Early Intermediate Period (ca. AD 500-700). A view from a late Lima Culture site, Lima, Peru
2MBIA: Exploring a 2 Million+ Year Ice Climate Archive, Allan Hills Blue Ice Area Andrei Kurbatov, Nicky Spaulding, Kristin Schild
Holocene Behavior of Local Ice Caps in East Greenland Brenda Hall, Amanda Lusas August 2010 Funding support: National Science Foundation
Glacial Geology and Archaeology in the Pucuncho Basin, Peruvian Andes Kurt Rademaker, Gordon Bromley, Jesse Wertheim, Owen McGlamery June – August 2010 Funding support: Dan and Betty Churchill Fund, Foundation for Exploration and Research on Cultural Origins, American Philosophical Society Lewis and Clark Exploration Fund, Lambda Alpha Graduate Research Grant
Paul Mayewski, Andrei Kurbatov, Douglas Introne, Stephanie Allard, Brittany Gilman
February – May 2010
Funding source: National Science Foundation, Dan & Betty Churchill Fund
Daniel Sandweiss, Joseph Kelly, Alice Kelley, Daniel Belknap, Kurt Rademaker, Elizabeth Olsen, Cecilia Maurico, David Reid, Owen McGlamery
Greenland Ice Sheet Margin Meteorite Impact
Greg Zaro, Alissa Dubois
Summer 2010
December 2010
Funding source: National Science Foundation
Karl Kreutz, Dom Winski, Seth Campbell
Brenda Hall, Gordon Bromley
October 2010, December 2010
Climate Change Institute Expeditions
Ana Cecilia Mauricio
Reconstructing the Holocene Climate Variation Using 10Be Cosmogenicexposure Dating in Moraines Deposited by Oulet Glaciers of the Hielo Patagonico Sur, Southern South America
June – August 2010
Juan Luis Garcia
Funding Source: Dan and Betty Churchill Fund, Fulbright Summer Research Grant, Graduate School Government Grant
February 2010
Maine Wetlands—Assessing the Effect of Hydrologic Change on Sora and Virginia Rail Populations, Maine (Penobscot & Washington Counties) Ellen Robertson, Brian Olsen May – August 2010 Funding Source: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, National Park Service
Funding source: Dan & Betty Churchill Fund
Grounding-line Retreat in the Southern Ross Sea–Constraints from Scott Glacier
Ice Core Drilling in the Southern Alps
Brenda Hall, Gordon Bromley, Nate Mietkiewicz
Paul Mayewski, Uwe Morgenstern, Daniel Dixon
December 2008 – January 2009 December 2007 – January 2008
June 2009 Funding source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, New Zealand
Funding source: National Science Foundation
Glacier History of the New Zealand Southern Alps George Denton, Aaron Putnam, Kathryn Ladig, Alice Doughty, Samuel Kelley January – March 2010, January – March 2009, January – March 2008, January – March 2007, January – March 2006 Funding source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, National Science Foundation, Comer Science and Education Foundation, Quesada Fund for Furthering Gary Comer’s Work
Assessing the Effects of Glacier Meltwater on Lake Ecosystems in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile
Ice Cores and Glaciological Surveys at Fedchenko Glacier, Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan
Carmen Daggett, Juan Garcia November 2009
Bjorn Grigholm, Elena Korotkikh
Funding source: Dan & Betty Churchill Fund
August – September 2009 Funding source: National Science Foundation
Glacier History of the Western United States, Wind River Range, Wyoming and Sierra Nevada, California George Denton, Aaron Putnam, Sean Birkel, Kathryn Ladig
Climate-Induced Shifts in Alpine Diatom Communities: Linking Neoecological and Paleoecological Approaches to Incorporate Responses to Trophic Forcing, Beartooth Mountains and Glacier National Park, Rocky Mountains
June – July 2009, June – July 2008
Jasmine Saros, Andrea Nurse, Carmen Daggett, Courtney Wigdahl, Randall Perry
Funding source: Quesada Fund for Furthering Gary Comer’s Work
July 2009, August 2008, August 2007, July 2007 Funding source: National Science Foundation
Determine Critical Nitrogen Loads to Boreal Lake Ecosystems Using the Response of Phytoplankton, Acadia National Park (Maine) and Isle Royale National Park (Michigan) Jasmine Saros, Carmen Daggett, Heather Arnett
The Role of Dissolved Organic Material in Regulating Primary Production in Prairie Saline Lakes, Northern Great Plains (North Dakota)
June 2009, August 2009
Jasmine Saros, Courtney Wigdahl, Carmen Daggett
Funding source: National Park Service
May 2009, August 2006 Funding source: National Science Foundation
Mapping Critical Loads of Atmospheric N and S Deposition in the Rocky Mountains
Archaeological Exploration of the Cotahuasi Canyon, Peru
Jasmine Saros, Heather Arnett
Kurt Rademaker, David Reid
August 2008, August 2007 Funding source: National Park Service & Environmental Protection Agency
GPS Measurements of Fast Flowing Glaciers in East Greenland Gordon Hamilton, Leigh Stearns
January 2008 Funding source: Dan & Betty Churchill Fund, Geological Society of America, Society for American Archaeology
Glacial Geology of the Cordillera Carabaya, Peru Gordon Bromley, Kurt Rademaker June – July 2008 Funding source: Geological Society of America
Detroit Plateau Ice Coring, Antarctic Pennisula– Brazilian–Chilean U.S. Expedition: Glaciological and Atmospheric Studies Andrei Kurbatov, Jefferson Simoes, Ricardo Jana
The Interactive Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation & Temperature on Pelagic Food Webs, Beartooth Mountains, Wyoming/Montana
June 2007, July 2007, August 2007 Funding source: National Science Foundation
Jasmine Saros, Courtney Wigdahl
Preliminary Glaciological Studies in the Peninsula Luis Felipe, Antarctica
Melt Pond Evolution and Glacier Acceleration: Fast Glacial Flow in East Greenland
Andrei Kurbatov
Gordon Hamilton, Leigh Stearns
January – February 2007
June 2006, July 2006, August 2006
Funding source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Funding source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Determining Patterns of Abrupt Climate Change During the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition (LGIT) in the Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand
Funding source: National Science Foundation
January – February 2006 Funding source: National Science Foundation
March 2006, May 2006 Funding source: Comer Science and Education Foundation
Kurt Rademaker, Gordon Bromley, Louis Fortin May – July 2006 Funding source: Dan & Betty Churchill Fund, Geological Society of America
Funding: National Science Foundation
Funding source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Brazil, Chile
Chronology of Late Holocene Moraines, Cordillera Darwin
Archaeological and Glacial Geologic Investigations of Nevado Coropuna, Peru
February 2007
November – December 2007
Brenda Hall, Audrey Bamberg, Alice Doughty
Brenda Hall, Charlie Porter
Marcus Vandergoes, Ann Dieffenbacher-Krall, Karen Marysdaughter, Aaron Putnam, Alice Doughty
July 2007, August 2007
Abandoned Southern Elephant Seal Colonies as Paleoclimate Indicators in the Antarctic
Glacial History and Paleoclimate in Patagonia, Chile
Meteorological Controls on Snow Accumulation and Chemistry in the St. Elias Mountains and the Implications for Ice Core Research in Regions of High Relief
Juan Luis Garcia March – May 2007 Funding source: Dan & Betty Churchill Fund
Nate Vogan July 2006
Archaeological Investigations of the Quebrada Manga, Peru Kurt Rademaker, David Reid January – February 2007 Funding source: Dan & Betty Churchill Fund
The Response of Lakes to Disturbance and Climate Change: Calibrating Sedimentary Records to Test the Landscape Position Concept, Wisconsin Jasmine Saros
US International Trans Antarctic Scientific Expedition, Traverse of East Antarctica
January 2007
Paul Mayewski, Gordon Hamilton, Daniel Dixon, Daniel Breton, Nicky Spaulding, Elena Korotkikh, Sharon Sneed
Funding source: National Science Foundation
October – December 2007 Funding source: National Science Foundation
Determining Critical Loads of Nitrogen Deposition in the Pacific Northwest, Washington, Alpine Line Wilderness and Mt. Rainier Jasmine Saros August 2008 Funding source: U.S. Forest Service
Funding source: National Science Foundation, Dan & Betty Churchill Fund
Ice Coring in Tierra del Fuego, Cordillera Darwin
US International Trans Antarctic Scientific Expedition Traverse of East Antarctica
Paul A. Mayewski, Andrei Kurbatov, Bjorn Grigholm,
Paul Mayewski, Gordon Hamilton, Andrei Kurbatov, Daniel Dixon, Daniel Breton
February 2006, April 2006 Funding source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
November 2006 – January 2007 Funding source: National Science Foundation
Developing a Chronology of Glacial Advances in the Southern Alps, New Zealand from the LGM to Present Aaron Putnam, Alice Doughty January 2006, May 2006 Funding source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, National Science Foundation, Comer Science and Education Foundation
Glacial History and Climate Reconstruction, South Island, New Zealand Ice Cores From the Dry Valleys Karl Kreutz, Bruce Williamson, Toby Burdet
George Denton, Marcus Vandergoes, Ann Dieffenbacher-Krall
October – December 2005
January – February 2005
Funding source: National Science Foundation
Funding source: Comer Science and Education Foundation
East Greenland Glaciology Gordon Hamilton, Leigh Stearns June – July 2005 Funding source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Late Quaternary History Of Reedy Glacier, Antarctica
Ice Cores from the Upper Tasman Glacier, New Zealand
Brenda Hall, Gordon Bromley, Katie Faloon, Alex Roy
Paul Mayewski, Andrei Kurbatov, Sharon Sneed, Susan Kaspari, Uwe Morgenstern
Land and Sea Level Changes, Ireland
December 2004 – February 2005
October – November 2004
June – July 2004
Funding source: National Science Foundation
Funding source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, New Zealand
Funding source: Visiting Scholar Grant, Univ. of Ulster, United Kingdom
Glacial History and Climate Reconstruction, Patagonia
Joe Kelley, Dan Belknap, Sam Kelley
George Denton, Marcus Vandergoes
Glacial History and Climate Reconstruction from the South Island, New Zealand
March – April 2005 Funding source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Reconnaissance Research in the Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan
Meteorological Controls on Snow Accumulation, St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory, Canada
Susan Kaspari, Bjorn Grigholm
Alan Wanamaker, Zachary Von Hasseln
North Maine Woods, Maine, USA
June 2005
Bertrand Pelletier
July – August 2005
Funding source: National Science Foundation, Dan & Betty Churchill Foundation
June – July 2004
Funding source: National Science Foundation, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
George Denton, Marcus Vandergoes January – February 2004 Funding source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, National Science Foundation Comer Science and Education Foundation
Funding source: Seven Islands Land Company
West Antarctic Ice Sheet Stability
Late-Glacial Chronology of Moraines in East Greenland
Hal Borns, Aaron Putnam
Dynamics of the Blue Ice Regions in Antarctica Blue Spikes, Leigh Stearns, Andrei Kurbatov
Brenda Hall
December 2004 – February 2005
August 2004
January – February 2004
Funding source: Comer Science and Education Foundation
Funding source: National Science Foundation
Funding source: National Science Foundation
Collecting Live Blue Mussels, Greenland
Climate and Environmental Variability, Mt. Geladandong, Tibetan Plateau Susan Kaspari, Bjorn Grigholm September – November 2005
Glacial Geologic Investigations of Nevado Firura, Peru
Ice Cores from Mt. Logan, Yukon Territory, Canada
Kurt Rademaker, Gordon Bromley, Louis Fortin
Erich Osterberg
June – July 2005
May – June 2005
Funding source: Dan & Betty Churchill Fund
Funding source: National Science Foundation
Karl Kreutz, Hal Borns, Doug Introne, Alan Wanamaker, Zach von Hasseln June – July 2004
Ice Cores from the Dry Valleys of Antartica Abrupt Climate Change, Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego
Karl Kreutz, Bruce Williamson
Paul Mayewski, Andrei Kurbatov, Erich Osterberg, Daniel Dixon, Charles Porter
Funding source: National Science Foundation
Funding source: National Science Foundation, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
October – December 2004
Funding source: National Science Foundation
Alca Early Preceramic Survey Project, Highland, Peru Dan Sandweiss, Kurt Rademaker, James Hagerman, Ben Morris, Louis Fortin
February – March 2005
June – July 2004
Funding source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Funding source: Heinz Charitable Trust
Climate Change Institute Expeditions UNIVERSITY OF MAINE
Climate Change Institute Expeditions UNIVERSITY OF MAINE
Tufts College – National Science Foundation Antarctic Expedition Robert Nichols, Harold Borns, George Denton, Roger Hart, Ellory Schemp, Parker Calkin 1960 – 1961 Funding source: National Science Foundation
THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE’S federally funded Antarctic science program, one of the most active in the United States, traces its beginnings, in part, to a 1960 research trip to the southern continent. Robert Nichols (far left), who taught geology at Tufts University, inspired generations of students to study Antarctica’s ice sheets and landforms. Those students included Harold Borns and George Denton (second and third from the left, respectively), soon to be two of UMaine’s leading scientists. In this photo, taken at Marble Point near McMurdo Station, the main U.S. Antarctic base, Borns was an assistant professor at UMaine, and Denton was a Tufts undergraduate, as were (left to right) Roger Hart, Ellory Schempp and Parker Calkin. Calkin continues to collaborate with the UMaine researchers. Borns and Denton met on this expedition, pulling sleds and making observations in the Transantarctic Mountains. Both later studied glacial geology at Yale University, where Denton earned his Ph.D. and Borns was a postdoctoral fellow. In addition to his studies of ice sheets and glacial landforms in North America and Europe, Borns served three years as Program Manager for Glaciology for the National Science Foundation. Presently, he is leading the creation of an Ice Age Trail in Down East Maine. A member of the National Academy of Sciences, Denton has been recognized internationally for his groundbreaking research, receiving the Vega Medal in Sweden in 1990 and, in 2004, an award from the Italian Academy of Sciences. Recipients of the Antarctica Service Medal, Denton and Borns have had glaciers and other landscape features on that continent named for them. Many of their students are active in glacial geology today, and some, such as UMaine Assistant Research Professor Brenda Hall, continue to work in Antarctica. UMaine is now the home of the U.S. International Transantarctic Scientific Expedition led by Paul Mayewski, director of the Climate Change Institute and former student of Parker Calkin. In the past four decades, UMaine scientists have focused on the biology of the Antarctic Ocean and factors underlying the growth and retreat of ice sheets.