UMaine Today March/April 2008

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human man 0 toll

What price do other species pay

to coexist with us?

UMaine Today

President's Message IN THIS ISSUE OF UMaine Today,John Rebar shares his thoughts

on University

of Maine

Director of University Relations

Joe Carr


Managing Editor

Extension. Extension brings UMaine 's expertise and resources into every Maine county, connecting

Margaret Nagle


university to thousands of people throughout the state. It is truly a modern manif estation of the land-grant


Michael Mardosa , Carol Nichols. Valerie Williams


Staff Photographer

Extension is a prime example of outreach , or engagement, a foundational elem ent of UMaine's threepart mission. While outreach doesn't always get as much attention as education and research -

the other parts of

that essential mission - it is critical to the way a public

William Drake Printed by University of Maine Printing and Mailing Services Readers are invited to send com ment s Lo: University of Maine profile

university like UMaine serves its state.

state government. It includ es facilities like UMaine's Hutchinson Center, Darling Marine

Located in Oron o, Main e, the University of Maine is the state's land-grant and sea-grant institution . UMaine serves its home state through its explicit statewide teaching , research, and public service outreac h mission . Offe1ing 86 bachelor's, 92 master's and 29 doctoral deg ree programs, UMaine provides the most varied and advanced selection of programs available in Maine , The Carnegie Founda tion for the Advancement of Teaching classifies UMaine as a Doctora l Research Extensive University, the highest classification.

Center and research fanns -

UMainc Today is produced five Limes a year by

As John points out in his interview, this public engagement makes a real difference in people 's lives. Extension faculty and staff make those real connections every day, providing the advice, support and education that Maine people need to find the way to a better life. At UMaine , we are proud to have such a committed and capable Extension staff working statewid e. University of Maine outreach takes other forms, as well. It involves faculty members who travel around Maine to share their expertise with groups or to provide perspectives to all places where Maine people connect with their state univer-

sity Engagement is part of what we do at UMaine, and we are proud to be part of carrying on this tradition as Maine's people tum to the University of Maine to help deal with contemporary issues and rely on us to help .

the Department of Un iv e rs it y Relations, University of Maine, 576 1 Howard A. Keya Public Affairs Building , Orono, Maine 044695761, 207-58 1-3745. ln complying with the letter and spirit of applicable laws and pursuing its own goals of diversity, the University of Maine shall not discrimina te on the groun ds of race, color, religion, sex, se,mal orientation, including transgender status or gender expression, national origin. citizenship status, age, disabilit) ', or veteran's status in employment, education , and all other areas of the University System. The University provides reasonable accommoda tions to qua lified individuals with disabilities up on request.

Robert A. Kennedy President

Questions and comp laints about discrimination in any area of the University should be directed to the Director o[ Equ al Opportu nit y, the University of Maine, 5754 North Stevens Hall, Room 101, Orono, ME 04469-5754, telephone 207-58 1-1226 (voice and TTY).

ON THE COVER:Throughout the world, University of Main,e researchers are studying the effects of human activity on the environment and other species. Those scientistsinclude Robert Steneck, who is looking at threatened coral reefs,and Michael Kinnison, whohas found the traits of wild animals changing almost twic fast as they nature alone. See related stories on pages 2 and

Eric Ze

Š2008 by the University of Maine System. Printin g and distribution of UMa ine Today are und erw riu en by the Univ ersity of Maine Foundation and the Office of the Vice Pres ident for Research . Primed on recycled paper 1865





A Memberof the Unive,sityof Maine System




eatures 2


Taking Paradise Lost Thepotentialcollapse the Heat


Volume 8 Issue 2





Life Altering

Music that

Staging Area


Opens Doors MichaelKinnisonand of biologically diverse Acousticwavesensors two colleagueshave In 2006 in Guatema la, beingdeveloped at gatheredmorethan andeconomically a youthorchestra importantecosystems UMaine'sLaboratory 3,000estimatesof AnatoleWieck for SurfaceScienceand physicalandbehavioral mentoredshowedhim suggestsa global logycould changesin wild animals. the ultimate ability of atmospheric crisisthat Techno providethe keyto couldserious ly harm Theresultis proofthat musicto not only lift monitoringhigh fisheriesaroundthe humansnot onlyaffect the spiritof a society, temperature, vibration animals' evolutionary world,accordi ng to but alsoto bringabout processes, but alsocause social change UMainemarinescientist and corrosionin Air . Forcejet engines . RobertSteneck . theirtraitsto change twiceasfast. Visit us on the Web ( for UMaine Todaymagazine's online presence, which include s videoand audioclips,anda full editorialarchive.


MargoLukens Student Focus 18, 25 specializes in Native Connection Americanliterature. Insights As a result of her teachingandresearch, shehasbecomean empowering facilitator of Native voices .



UMainemarinescientistwarnsof globalharmto fisherieswith collapse of the world'scoralreefecosystems



t By Tom Weber Photos by Robert Steneck

A rise in the temperatureand

acidity of th e oceans th at

thr ea tens the exist ence of th e world 's cora l reef ecosystems could also have troubling impli cations for marine life and fishing industri es as far away as Maine, a University of Maine researcher says. Robert Steneck, a professor of marine sciences, is one of several auth ors of a new study predicting that in creasing concentrations of carb on dioxide in the atmosphere , if not abated, will continue to dete1iorate coral reefs Lo th e poin t wh ere they are likely to disappea r altogether in the n ext few decades . Th e po tential coll apse of th ese most biologicall y diverse and economica lly important ecosystems su ggests a global atmospheric cr isis that, Steneck says, could se1io usly harm hsheri es worldwide. "Th e Carbon Crisis : Cora l Reefs Under Rapid Climat e Change and Ocean Acidification," wh ich represents the work of scient ists from around the world , was published in Decemb er in the j ournal

Science. "While we are far from where coral reefs live, I think it's imp ortant to consider what this might mean in Main e," says Sten eck , who is based at UMain e's Darling Marin e Center in Walpole. "It's not as if coral reefs are on a different planet with a different atmosphere . They m ay be the canary in the min e shaft Earth , and the can ary ain't doin g so swe ll these clays." Scientis ts estimate that 25 percent of the wor ld's coral reefs are already gone or severe ly damag ed and that an other th ird are degraded and threatened . Rapid increases in carbon dioxid e emis-

A healthy Caribbeancoral reef near Bonaire

ii March/April 2008


Paradise sions, which in the 20th century have raised the average temperature of the world's oceans by more than 1 degree Fahrenheit, "may be the

stress-induced coral diseases have been identified in the last decade "And in Maine, anything that stresses shell-producers


them more susceptible to disease, " he says. "ln Rhode Island in

final insult to these ecosystems," the study states. The acidity caused when carbon dioxide and water combine to

1998, there was a large-scale die -off of lobsters . If the same thing

make carbonic acid reduces the availability of calcium carbonate,

happenecl in Maine, where lobsters represent

limestone, in the sea Coral reefs are made of limestone, and lobsters,

marine resource value, it would threaten the socioeconomic fabric

sea urchins, clams and scallops need it to calcify the hard parts of

along the entire coast ."

their bodies. Pteropods, a small, swimming organism wi


85 percent of all

While some marine organisms have shown they can aclapt to

inside their bodies , are a major food source for Atlantic salmon , Yet,


Steneck says, there is evidence that their s

carbon dioxide buildup and temperature will overwhelm that ability

1ich the organisms

can't live without, are already eroding.


Steneck says, the projected

increases in

in the decades to come.

Reduced carbonates in the world's oceans are forcing marine

Steneck, who does fieldwork in Central America and Mexico, is

creatures to spend more energy making their shells, which places

part of an international science program called Coral Reef Targeted

them und

Research. Funded by the Global Environment Facility and the World

reater stress. According to Steneck, about 30 new


Bank, Lhepartnership of 40 research instilutes seeks to reduce global poverty in developing countries that depend on coral reefs for fishing, Lourism and coastal prolection. "We do have a global atmospheric crisis and we have to work on a global level to change it," Steneck says. "The point is not to be alarmist , buL rather to say that we have to redouble our efforts to curb emissions. We need to generate more political will to do it." Because eliminating emissions won't happen overnight , Steneck urges the fishing industries in Maine and elsewhere to manage themselves with greater sensitivity to the health of the ecosystems Lhat sustain Lhem. "The trajec

of a planet that is gelling rapidly warmer and ely affect organisms globally,"he cautions. "The

Suzanne Arnoldon a dive near Palmyra Atoll, where she studied new and surviving coralsgrowing on terra-cotta settlement plates anchored into coral rock, like the one in the foreground.

Recoveryresearch IN A WORLDin which climate change, pollution and overfishing are stressing reefs, an understanding of how new corals get started is essential to reef recovery. That's the focus of research by University of Maine Ph.D.student Suzanne Arnold, whose work takesher to the healthy reefs of the lndoPacific and decimated sites in the Caribbean looking for answers. "Caribbean reefs are in jeopardyand not recoveringthe way reefsare in the lndo-Pacific," saysArnold, whosedoctoralresearchis in marine biology. " I'm trying to understand the processesthroughwhich reefsrecover in an effort to help reef managers in the Caribbean." Originally from Falmouth, Mass.,Arnold received dual master's degrees from UMaine in marine policy and marinebiology in 2007. In her research, she collaborates with one of the leading authoritieson theecology of coral reefs in the Caribbean, UMaine marine scientist Robert Steneck. Arnold studies the establishment and survivorship of baby corals relative to their local surroundings. In her master's work, she monitoredthe growth of newcorals every three or four months on the reefs of Bonaire,a relativelyhealthy sit e in the Caribbean. The young corals aregrowing on terra-cotta settlementplates, tilesthe researchers attachedto the deadcalcium carbonatereef skeleton. Speciesshe'sbeen tracking in the Caribbean for four yearsgrow lessthan a centimeter annually. Arnold found extremely low survival rates among the new corals due to overgrowth of algae and sponges. Essentially, t he corals are being outcompeted for space. One of the main causes of algal overgrowth is overfishing, particularly of herbivorous fish.

March/April 2008


Taking the I



UMaine 'snewest sensors could betheAirForce 'sanswer to monitoring jetengine e reliabilitv By Tom Weber

keeping y ur car running al peak performance

an be expensive and time -consuming, imagine the level of

maintenance required


make th e extraordinarily


engines in military aircraft operate without a hitch. A typical gas turbine jet engine can reach temperatures

more than 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, spinning at a nearly unfathomable critical component


with red -hot metal parts rate. Determining

when a

might be nearing the end of its useful life

under such extreme conditions is difficult, though, which means that mechanics typically must tear apart the engine and replace parts to ensure an aircraft 's readiness and safety at all tim es. The Department of Defens e recently decided that all of its new aeronautical

and aerospace



be monitored


using sensor technology that can automatically

assess the health of the components and reduce cost ly manual inspections. engine

The probl em is that the high temperatures


can break


the diagnostic

a jet


rendering them ineffective when things really get hot in flight. But now res earchers in th e University of Maine Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology

(LASST) b elieve they ha ve

developed the first sensor that truly can take the heat , and the U.S. Air Force is excit ed about the possibilities. The high-temperature

acoustic wave sensor, which is a few

millimeters in size, is mad e of n ew materials that allow it to function at about 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,832 degrees F) and possibl y much

higher , th ereby significantly

surpas sing th e

In the Universityof Maine Laboratoryfor Surface Science and Technology (LASST), electricaland computerengineering associateprofessorMauricioPereirada Cunha,left, talks with graduatestudentPeterDavulisand researchengineer ThomasMoonlight,two membersof the researchteam workingon high-temperature acousticwave sensordevelopment.


UMaine Today

effective operating range of similar devices before it. "The sensors.will be targeting temperature, pressure, vibration

A DECADEAGO, Pereira da Cunha began researching th e high-

temperature behavior of a crystalline material called langasite,

and corrosion in the engines, and determining the probability of

first grown in Russia in the 1980s, to determin e its potential

failure of the parts over time so they could be used longer," says

applications for acoustic wave devices. In 2001, shortly after

Mauricio Pereira da Cunha, an associate professor of electrical

coming to UMaine, he received a NASA-funded Maine Space

and computer engineering and member ofLASST. "The Air Force

Grant Consortium

is very interested in this technology because it would potentially


help save mor e than $1.6 billion in engine maintenance costs,

aerospace vehicles to detect leaks of explosive hydrogen gas.

and free up Air Force money to renovate the fleet." Acoustic wave devices have been used commercially for more

seed grant to test the feasibility of using

wave d¡evices made with langasite

as sensors


Pereira da Cunha's NASA research demonstrated that langasite works reliably at 750 degrees C in environments such as those

than 60 years, and can be found today in computers, quartz

found in gas and oil drilling operations , whereas other traditional

watches, cell phones , garage door openers, pagers and other

acoustic wave materials degrade above a few hundred degrees C.

modern electronics.

The improved high-temperature device also was tested for use

Applying voltages to the metallic electrodes on the device

as a hydrocarbon sensor to monitor the fuel-burning efficiency of

generates sound, or acoustic, waves that propagate along the


surface. Any change at the surface of the device affects the wave

inefficient burning of fuel , pollutes the air and decreases the

propagation, which can be accurately gauged by measuring the

distance a jet, or any other vehicle, can travel.

frequency response. The wave speed's extreme sensitivity to environmental conditions allows the versatile devices to act as

engines. Hydrocarbon

in exhaust, the result of

With a nearly $392,000 grant from the Defense Department's Exp erimental


to Stimulate



sensors that can precisely monitor such variables as temperature,

(DEPSCoR) , and additional funding from the Air Force Research

pressure, vibration and corrosive gases.

Laboratory, Pereira da Cunha and Lad are now pushing the new

the devic es had never been used

sensor technology to operate at 1,000 degrees C and more for use

successfully at very high temperatures because of the limits of

in Air Force jet engines.

Until now, however,

their materials. Pereira da Cunha and Robert Lad, physics professor and director of LASST, are confident that the new materials used in their sensors will change all that.

The acoustic wave sensors, like the one pictured above, right, are made using a crystalline material called langasite that is cut into wafers just 500 microns thick. To further enhance the sensor’s high temperature capabilities, ultra thin ceramic film materials have been developed to coat the device. March/April2008








sensor 's


the UMaine team has

developed a new configuralion of precious meLals

and polish them. The sensors are then equipped with patterned electrodes and thin film layers in the clean room microfabrication


their integrity. Also

With UMaine chemical engineer and LASST

created were very thin ceramic coatings to protect

member Paul Millard, Pereira da Cunha also is

to help electrodes maintain

the devices from heat , abrasion

and damaging

adapting the devices to rapidly and reliably detect potential bioterrorism-linked

particulates whirling inside the jet engines. In March , the researchers will hand over three of the prototype sensors to the Wright-Patterson

microbial pathogens

in water supplies . With chemical engineer Clay Wheeler and Bruce Segee in electrical and compuler

Air Force Research Laboratory in Ohio. The Air

engineering, Pereira da Cunha is helping develop

Force will put the devices in prototype

sensors that can sniff out hydrogen


engines and run diagnostics.


"Measuring the condition of components in the Air Force environment

will help transition


sensors from lab protolypes into routine devices in the field," says Lad. The UMaine team also is hoping to eventually moving parts where the

wired versions cannot function .


are fabricated



on campus .


solvenls ,

security . Pereira da Cunha is researching

wireless sensors with UMaine eleclrical engineers Ali Abedi and Don Hummels . As for Lhe new high-temperature sensor , Pereira da Cunha

PATENTS are pending on the sensors,


refrigerants and herbicides that could be unleashed




in industrial accidents or in breaches or homeland In addition,

mak e the devices wireless, Lael says, so that they can be put on cenain


fluoride, a

turbine engine

and Lael believe the

could be of enormous


to the

commercial aviation industry as well as the military. "We know thal the sensors work , but we need

Researchers have developed the capacity to cut the

to do more research and development

to improve

crystal substrate

their operalion ," Pereira da Cunha

says. "We

mat erial into wafers just


microns thick (a human hair is about 100 microns

would like to keep developing

in diameter), and have the machines to align, grind

possibly spin off a private company." I

them here and

LASST researchscientists scientistsGeorge GeorgeBernhardt, Bernhardt, left, left, anand David Frankel prepare to deposit thin film coating on the sensor devices. The photo on LASSTresearch the the film film deposition dispositionconfiguration configuration inside a vacuum chamber. In the top photo, a prototype sensor is tested over the long term theright rightshows showsthe inside a vacuum in aa high high-temperature in temperaturefurnace furnaceatatLASST. LASST.


UMaine Today

ers ective

UMaine Extension

JohnRebar Title: ExecutiveDirector,Universityof Maine

CooperativeExtension Research focus: Outreach. In Somerset County,I conductedprogramsin 4-H youth development,family and consumer sciencesand home horticulture. Years at UMaine: 23 Milestones : A successfulExtension educatorfor 10 yearswho earnedthree nationalawards.An administrator for 13 years, servingas a programadministrator from 1994-2002 . Assumedthe role of programand financial administratorin 2002 and executivedirector in February2007. Hasservedas associatedirectorof the MaineAgriculturalCentersinceits inceptionin 1999.

Question:Why is this a particularly exciting time

Question:What's your most memorable Extension moment?

for University of Maine Cooperative Extension?

Answer: Years ago when I was working as an Extension

Answer: Maine is ever changing. The challenges of today and

educator, an individual came to me seeking support to develop

the promises of tomorrow can only be addressed through

a plan for creating a food pantry that would be supported by

education. The people of Maine need educational information

local community tax dollars. She needed assistance in develop-

that is relevant to their daily lives and for their future. UMaine Extension has a wealth of resources that can help in agriculture,

ing her presentation to the town selectmen of two communities. What she really needed was someone to believe in her and

natural resources, small business, aging, nutrition, community

help her refine her request . She got funding and the food panny

development, parenting, youth development and more. Our work is research-based and valued as credible and reliable.

is still in operation today. She made it happ en, yet to this day she credits me for helping her. Sometimes the difference Extension makes is hard to measure, but very rewarding.

Question: What is Extension's role as part of the state's land-grant university? Answer: As the largest outreach component of the University

Question:What can we look forward to from UMaine Cooperative Extension in the coming years? Answer: Our future will be "high-tech" and "high-touch" as

of Maine System, we exist in Maine communities for Maine people. We like to say we are the University FOR Maine. For

we build on our strengths and incorporate innovations that are

everyone, everywhere -

cost-effective and efficient. We have excelled at personal inter-

we have something that can help

people live the life they want.

action for more than 90 years. Today, we are reinventing our

Question:What does Cooperative Extension mean to you?

presence on the Internet so that our Web site will become a virtual Extension office. Our clients expect immediate access to

Answer: Opportunity. Extension can help people develop goals

information and resources, and we are making that possible.

and build a process whereby they achieve their dreams and live

People also want to be able to call, meet and consult profession-

their values. We have helped people develop business plans,

als who can help them achieve their goals, and we continue

create value-added products, learn public speaking skills through 4-H and a myriad of other things that shape who they

that work, too. We are adding to our publications catalog continuously and many items are free to download . We strive

are and who they want to be.

to be relevant, accessible and affordable for all Maine people. March/ April 2008





hen faced with environmental change, countless numbers of species have adapted, allowing them to survive and, in some cases,thrive for millennia. Those without such resilience have not But can species keep up with the modern changeswrought by humans? For decades, scientists have studied threats to populations in an effort to advance their conservation But only recently have they begun to consider how species might adapt to humans. Now for the first time, a team of biologists has quantified the rate and scale at which humans accelerate change in other species.

occurring in recent times in wild species sheep -

from bugs to bighorn

from around the world. They then compared the rates at

which the traits of animal populations changed in one to 200 generations in response to either naturally occurring processes or hum an disturbances, such as harvesting (fishing, hunting), pollution and introduction of invasive species. Their findings suggest that trait changes in animals can pick up the pace when exposed to human influences. When beneficial, these changes could help species persevere . However, the researchers caution that some of these changes may not be beneficial or sustainable over longer periods of human interference. "The argument that observed changes in species are just isolated cases that can be brushed aside loses ground significant ly when

They have determ in ed that humans are changing observable

confronted by a pattern that emerges from the work of many scien-

physical or behavioral traits in animals nearly two times faster than

tists combined," says Kinnison, who, with his colleagues, published

nature does. As a result of their findings, the scientists - Michael Kinnison at

the findings in the journa l Molecular Ecology. "It helps us to see the big picture ."

the University of Maine and Andrew Hendry and Thomas Farrugia of McGill University - are calling for a reenvisioning of conserva-

Evolution is traditionally und erstood to be a life-altering process

tion biology, to include consideration of the changing nature of

that is so glacially slow and gradual that only the ancient bones in


within the span of years rather than decad es or

the fossil record could prove that it even happens. But the science of


evolution has undergon e a dramatic evolution of its own in recent

"Human influences are causing the features of animals to change much faster than what would happen in natur e alone ," Kinnison

decades, providing ample evidence that it doesn't -take millions or

says. "In fact, we're changing the traits of animals almost twice as

It's happening wit hin our own lifetimes, in fact, at a pace swift enough that we're able to see life changing before our eyes.

fast, and that gives us a lot to think about." What is clear, Kinnison says, is that if we are concerned about these trait changes, we probably don't have the luxury of decades or centuries to deal with them . "Our data suggest that changes seen in a few generations are often as large as those seen over hundreds, " he says. "In some cases, we may be changing th e face of life nearly as quick ly as we are changing the environments on which life depends ." In an ever-growing database of trait studies, the researchers gathered more than 3,000 estimates of physical and behavioral changes

even thousands of years for animals to adapt to new environments.

Kinnison, an associate professor of biology, is at the forefront of the dynamic new discipline called contemporary evolution. He has witnessed evolution unfolding while researching guppy popu lations in the streams of Trinidad, chinook salmon introduced into the waters of New Zealand, and other fish species in Maine. When Kinnison and Hendry first set out in the 1990s to build a database of rates of trait changes in animals through time and across generations, they discovered that evolution didn't play out exactly the way most people had always believed .

A new study showshumans causethe traits of other speciesto change at nearly twice the normal rate found in nature By Tom Weber Illustration by Eric Zelz

LifeAltering "We found that evolution is built

The researchers also examined the

upside down relative to most people's

biological mechanisms by which animals




says. "Most




people think it takes a long time for

abruptly altered their worlds. Was classic

evolution to occur, but it's really buzzing

evolution by natural selection -


along all around us , all the time. The

the most favorable, robust genes from

fastest rates of change occur in the short-

one generation

to the next -


est time frames, but these changes often

prima1y adaptive method in most cases?

partly cancel out over longer periods . So

Or was something called "phenotypic

while we can watch evolution in action,

plasticity," the ability of organisms to

it will often appear slow when viewed

change their physical and behavioral

over longer periods."

characteristics through existing physiological mechanisms, also important?

Take, for example, the Galapagos

Their conclusion: phenotypic plastic-

finches that inspired Darwin's early work on the origin

of species.

ity is an important component of these


human -induced changes.

research has found that in times of

"That says that animals might be

drought, when plant life is severely

having to use their whole bag of tricks to

diminished and seeds become scarce, the little birds adapt by growing bigger

cope with human influence," says Kinni-

beaks that can accommodate

son, a New Hampshire native whose

larg er,

harder and thornier seeds. In wetter periods, the finches' beaks get smaller as seeds become more abundant. Amazingly, these transformations can occur generation to generation.

"Wefoundthat evolutionis builtupsidedown relativeto mostpeople'sperceptions. Mostpeoplethinkit takesa longtimefor evolutionto occur,but it'sreallybuuingalong all aroundus,all the time." Michael Kinnison

Having amassed thousands of estimates of speedy and observable trait changes, Kinnison and Hendry then began to explore the twin influences that trigger this remarkable adaptive process : natural

water fish like salmon, trout and Arctic charr led him to UMaine in 2002.

Snails living in Maine tidal pools provide a good example of this plasticity

"The beak size is going from big to

ph enomenon. After humans accidentally

sma ll , back and forth, very quickly, following natural climate changes," Kinnison says.

interest in aquatic eco logy and co ld-

introduced the European green crab into their midst, certain periwinkles soon began to grow thicker, harder shells to better with stand the alien predators ' crusher claws. To learn what prompted

th e defense m echanism , and how

events, such as the weather patterns that alter beak size in Darwin's

quickly it happened, a researcher at Northeastern University placed

finches, and chang es wrought by humans, such as the introduction

snails in a tank with green crabs, separating the creatures by a flow-

of exotic species to native populations , huntin g, fishing, pollution ,

through barrier. It turn ed out that the snails could detect the crabs'

urban sprawl and climate change .

presence in the water -

"We looked at where nature was running the show and where humans were running the show," Kinnison says. "And wher e humans run the show, animal traits change almost twice as fast. Humans seem to be really stepping on the gas pedal."

"smell" them, as it were -

and so produced

thicker shells in as little as three months in response to the risk. "And when the snails grow in less crabby water, their shells are thinner ," Kinnison says. But not all changes are phenotypi c plasticity. Classic evolution by

natural selection is at work in many populations affected by humans. In the Rocky Mountains, researchers studying bighorn sheep have found that horn size in some populations has diminished over time

winners who have managed to keep up with the hurtling pace set by humans?

as a result of selective hunting pressures. Because most jurisdictions

"We also have to wonder whether those winners can keep up much longer," he says.

specify that only rams with certain size horns can be shot, sheep with the biggest curled racks have been culled in some locations,

Kinnison will be exploring those kinds of questions this spring as part of a National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

leaving only smaller-homed animals to pass on their genes.

panel charged with predicting responses of salmon and other organ-

"So the changes we cause are not always to our advantage," says Kinnison. "Who wants to hunt small-homed bighorn sheep?"

isms to climate change.

Closer to home, as the fishing industry eventually depleted the cod populations, selection favored fish that started reproducing younger and smaller because those fish had better chances of reproducing before being netted. Unfortunately, the evolution of these smaller fish may not only have reduced their economic value, it may have also hastened the stock declines because those fish produce fewer offspring. "Even though cod fishing has stopped, the fish are still smaller now and we may have to wait some time for them to get

He will also soon revisit the jungles of Trinidad to continue his work on guppies. This time, however, he will be part of an interdisciplinary scientific effort designed to explore the dynamic interactions of contemporary

Animals might be having to usetheir whole bag of tricksto cope with human influence.

evolution and ecology in the wild. The five-year, $5 million project, funded by the National Science Foundation's Frontiers in Integrative Biological Research, brings together experts from 12 universities world wide to study how environmental changes can cause guppy populations to quickly evolve, and how that evolution can affect population growth, species interactions and even energy

bigger," says Kinnison. "Natural selection favoring bigger fish might not be as strong as human selection was for smaller sizes."

flow in an aquatic environment. "In the past, evolution was largely ignored in ecological studies because it was thought to be too slow," says Kinnison .

Kinnison thinks his work provides compelling support for

"We now know better, and this research team may uncover evidence leading to a new

considering more than just outright extinction when assessing human effects on biodiversity. We need to consider how humans have changed many of the organisms that persist, and whether those changes will be sustainable, he says, which may be some of the toughest questions facing evolutionary and conservation biologists "On the positive side, many animals seem to show more ability to change in response to human disturbances than many people might have suspected," he says. "The downside is that we might not always like those changes and they might not be sufficient to keep up with humans in the long run. Phenotypic plasticity and evolution might only go so far." And if certain animals are dying out because they're too slow to adapt, do researchers wind up measuring only the

merger of these fields." I

From his student


Anatole Wieck learned that music "is an indicator of a spirit that exists in a society." The idea was ingrained in the Latvianborn violinist and violist as a youth studying in Riga and Moscow, then at Juilliard from

1973. Throughout his career as a soloist, conduc tor and co ll ege professor, Wieck imparted this philosophy inspired by his mentor, th e iconic Russian composer Iosif Andriasov, to audiences and students across Europe and North and South America. But in 2006, it was a youth orchestra ieck mentored that showed him the ultimate ability of music to not only lift the spirit of a socie ty, but also to bring about social change. It happen ed in Guatemala. Wieck was invited to spend three weeks in residence with the Jesus Castillo Orchestra and the national youth orchestra of the Music and Youth Foundation in Guat emala City, which provides classical music education and instruments to children and youth from all socioeconomic backgrounds, especia lly the rura l and urban poor. "Some of the kids are from middle-class backgrounds and others are from poor and underprivileged chance




to study music except for this

program," says Wieck, a professor of music at the University of Maine since 1986 . "But that's the amazing thing. They are taught by young professionals who gather them into the orchestra, and almost immediatel y by some

AformerpostofficeIs nowthe homeofthe Metropolitan YouthOrchestra andArtsCenterinGuatemala City.Across the street, ina buildingthatwasoncea palatialprivatehome,sectionsofthe children 's orchestrarehearse.Duringhis residency, UMa ine Professor of Music AnatoleWieckledrehearsals andtutoredmembers ofthe violinsectionofthe children's orchestra.Healsoconducted the youthorchestra . Joininghiminthe instruction wasKarlaLaigh, oneofthree Venezuelan musicians alsoinresidency to mentorthe youngmusicians .

kind of miracle they start making music. "It happens because of the enthusiasm of the kids, d1iven by inspiration of the teachers

"When you have such passion, drive and love for music and children, then miracles happen," Wieck says.

and their young director and conductor Bruno

The Metropolitan

Campo . l have to say that in 2006, Lwas skeptical, yet I had a feelingit might work becau e l met the people behind the program, who are

Bruno Campo with the help of Isabel Ciud ad-Real, president of the Music and Youth

very passionate about what they're,doing.

Orchestras that started more than two decades earlier. Guatemala's symphony began two years


UMaine Today

Youth Orchestra and schoo l, founded in 2006 by

Foundation, is modeled after Venezuela's Nationa l System of Youth and Children's



Pho tos by Claudio Vasqu ez

that opens doors

ine virtuoso mentors youth orchestras bringing social change UMaine virtuoso mentors youth orchestra bringing social changetotoGuatemala Guatemala argaretNagle March / April 2008


Music is used to change people's lives and the Mu after a historic peace accord was signed between the government and leftist rebels in that country; ending 36 years of civil war. Music is "an important part of humanity," a cording to the foundation'

tatement of purpose on its Web site. "Respect, tolerance, discipline, solidarity, teamwork and leadership are some of the values to be developed and strengthened as the foundations for living in a democratic, sensible society in a culture of peace. The practice of music in an ensemble provides ideal tools in this process." Similar national systems of orchestras for children and youths have been established in other Latin American countries, such as Argentina, Mexico and Bolivia, as tools of education, social development and cultural advancement. Music is considered an avenue of social action -

a means of

improving society and the lives of the youngest citizens. In Guatemala more than 15 choirs and five orchestral ensembles now use music "to change people's lives and (the) social fabric of the most (needy) communities ." The Metropolitan Youth Orchestra is becoming the model for other orchestral programs in the country, supported by the Guatemala Ministry of Culture. Wieck's residency, originally funded by a Fulbright grant in 2006, involved tutoring and leading master classes for the members of the Jesus Castillo Orchestra and students

Oneof the strengthsof the children'sandyouthorchestrasis peermentoring. Oldermembersmentorthe youngest musicians and performalongsidethe childrenin performances. Membersof the youthorchestraand guestconductor AnatoleWieckweartheirsignaturewhitejacketsduringpublicperformances, likethe concertfor nearly800priorto Wieck's departurein September.

of the National Conservatory;ages 18--23. That year, the symphony performed in the inaugural concert for the opening of the foundation's new arts center, where many of the members are now instructors for younger, incoming musicians. Wieck returned to Guatemala early las t fall to help those


youngest musicians, ages 6-16. "I was touched that I was invited back, that they considered me one of their own," says Wieck. "lt's such a fantastic project. I feel it's a real privilege to be part of it."

The new youth orchestra pairs some of the most talenled ch1l- .. dren with the young professionals, not only for instruction, but also for performance. ln concerts, the more seasoned musicians perform next to the children in an atypical mentoring relationship Wieck says "is working." "Theoretically, the children should be more nervous (before concert) becaus they have Jes xperienc e, but they feel secure because their teachers are with them," 1ec.ksays.

social fabric of needy communities ized their individual drive -

“My mentor Iosif Andriasov always talked about the importance of the arts society. Music is not just entertainment =. This experience goes to the core that philosophy, showing that music can bring people together in profound way that may improve their quality of life. And Music is not just for one person, but for the whole society. That’s what the Guatemalans behind this project believe.” Anatole Wieck

and the ir

intensity. Most were performing on instru ments provided by the foundation. In the week leading up to the public concert, the youngsters arrived daily by 9 a.m. and practiced throughout

the day. It was in th e

rehearsals, without mentors performing at their side, that the young musicians had to "step up, " says Wieck. "For example, there was a boy about 14 from an underprivileged family who a year ago didn't know anything about classical music. He not only was introduced to it, but also learned to love and perform classical music as a percussionist . While his teacher spent time in rehearsals helping him find his place (in the music ), in concert, the boy played Beethoven's Fifth correctly" For some of the students, their participation in the national youth orchestra will lead to musical careers. For all, it opens doors to high culture. "The way they're being taught opens a whole new world of beauty through music," Wieck says. Despite his 34- year musical career, Wieck says he learned some powerful lessons from the young musicians. One of the most important: how strongly they feel about the privilege to be a musician. "In a time when many rich countries, including ours and some in Europe, begin to

Wieck says signs of success are evident in the artistic quality

think the arts expensive and, as a result, fund less and less, Guatemala,

of the performances. When the students play with their teachers in the

a country with limited resources, decided this kind of arts program is

advanced orchestras, they reach almost professional level. The music

important and had no problem finding money This is an example for

making in this group has passion and "a distinct feeling." Students performing in the younger group sound like a middle school orchestra.

everyone. It also really shows that supporting the arts is a question of priorities. I'm impressed that people in that country have the right

"Yet, theres something else you don't expect in a performance by

priorities," he says.

musicians at these ages with little experience. It'svery appealing, with a

"My mentor Iosif Andriasov always talked about the importance of

definite excitew,ent, and the audience feels that," Wieck says. "When

the arts in society," he says. "Music is not just entertainment. This

people play with passion, they begin to shape the music. These are not

experience goes to the core of that philosophy; showing that music can

kids playing separate notes. Their performances are compelling. That's

bring people together in a profound way that may improve their quality

what impressed me."

of life. And music is not just for one person, but for a whole society

It was in his one-on-one sessions with the children that Wieck real-

That's what the Guatemalans behind this project believe." I

March /April 2008


student focus

Conservation and ecology ROM THE WOODS of Maine to the Oklahoma

prairie and the Arizona desert, Ben Wasserman has ranged far afield in the last few years from the New York City suburb where he grew up. Along the way, the University of Maine junior wildlife ecology and math major has done research on a broad range of animal species. He even learned the proper way to take the temperature of a fierce-looking, spiny lizard that can squirt a 3foot stream of blood from the comers of its eyes. Last year, the honors student was awarded a prestigious Morris K. Udall Scholarship for demonstrating an exemplary commitment to making a career in the environmental field. While the $5,000 certainly will come in handy, Wasserman says the best part of the award was meeting the 79 other recipients from across the country who gathered for a few days in Tucson to talk about their common passions for the natural world and how they hope to put them to good use. "It really was an incredible experience, being surrounded by so many like-minded, conservation-oriented people," says Wasserman. "It inspired me." Wasserman wasn't exposed to much in the way of wildlife while growing up on busy Long Island, N.Y. But once he started working at a local natural history museum, he found that he enjoyed caring for the live animals that - except for a 6-foot iguana - represented a cross section of the regional fauna. By the time he started thinking about college, Wasserman was already leaning toward environmental studies. At UMaine, he went looking for hands-on opportunities to learn. The summer after his freshman year, he worked on three research projects led by graduate students. For one, he counted scat samples as part of an evaluation of the relationships between snowshoe hare, Canada lynx and vegetation in areas affected by forestry practices in northern Maine. He also trapped pine marten in northern Maine to validate a predictive GIS model, and did

AtFloodsPondin Otis,Maine,University of MainejuniorBenWasserman participates in researchledbyAssociateProfessorof Biological SciencesMichael Kinnison on Maine'sArcticcharrlivingin a dozenfreshwaterbodiesstatewide.Thefishare caught bynet and broughtonshore,whereWasserman takesmeasurements anddigital photosof themto analyzetheirbodyshape.Healsoscansfor passiveintegrated responder(PIT)tags,indicatingpreviously caughtcharr,andinsertstags innewfish. techniquesallowthe researchers to Thefisharethenreleased.Themark-recapture estimatepopulationsize,whichis valuableinmanagement ofthe rarespecies.



"My motivation

has always been

conservation, but I want to do ecological research that informs conservation measures and policy. I guess I see myself pushing the envelope to better understand the ecology of the system, how humans are involved and how we can mitigate the damage we do." Ben Wasserman

radio telemetry for a project that examined the threat of road mortality on the population viability of Blanding's and spotted turtles, two rare species in southern Maine.

like my future to walk that line between the two." Eager to learn about reptiles and amphibians in the field, Wasserman worked last summer with a Southern Illinois Univer-

As a sophomore, he joined UMaine's ongoing research led by

sity - Carbondale doctoral student who is studying a population

evolutionary biologist Michael Kinnison on the Arctic charr population at Floods Pond in Otis. Maine's Arctic charr, a relative

of Texas homed lizards in Oklahoma . Largely desert dwellers, the lizards are a threatened species in much of their range.

of trout and salmon, are found in only about a dozen state water

Wasserman's lizard study group lives near an Air Force base on

bodies. They represent the most southerly populations of the

the prairie, a northern outpost for their kind.

salmonid fish and the only indigenous ones in the U.S. outside of Alaska.

Wasserman and the team used radiotelemetry tracking and body temperature readings to observe how the lizards use the

In particular, UMaine researchers are looking at how body

thermal landscape, moving from one zone to another as neces-

shapes of charr have evolved differently from lake to lake in rela-

sary throughout the day. The team also did a general survey of

tion to the food sources available to them in a competitive habitat.

the full range of wildlife in the region.

"I'm interested in community ecology, the interaction of all different species that form a biological community," says Wasserman. In addition to his wildlife ecology studies, Wasserman

"It was a great experience to be out on the prairie, to work in

such unfamiliar territory," he says. Wasserman hopes to one day carve out a career that incorporates a satisfying blend of ecology and conservation.

declared math as his second major last spring, convinced that it

"My motivation has always been conservation," says Wasser-

would play an important role in the computer modeling that is

man, who plans to get more wildlife fieldwork experience before

so much a part of ecological research. "Math is huge," says Wasserman , who serves on the Dean's

going to grad school, "but I want to do ecological research that informs conservation measures and policy. I guess I see myself

Advisory Committee for the College of Natural Sciences,

pushing the envelope to better understand the ecology of the

Forestry, and Agriculture. "You can use it to go all sorts of places,

system, how humans are involved and how we can miti-

from the very theor etical research to the very applied. I would

gate the damage we do." I

March/ April 2008




, connection •

Rural renaissance FOR VISITORS taking a day

District Forest, the Pleasant River Walk and the town's untapped ,

trip to Gulf Hagas, a pictures qu e three-mile gorge

long-standing role in railroading history.


kept secrets in the communit y and surrounding region."

the Appalachian

Trail, the Maine commu-

The Piscataquis Tourism Task Force was established in 2005

nity of Brownville has long been a "last stop" for

through a partnership between UMaine Cooperative Extension, the Piscataquis County Economic Development Council, the Piscataquis

goods and services before

County Commissioners and the county's key tourism stakeholders.

heading deeper into the North Woods.

Emphasizing countywide collaboration, it is redefining rural devel-

But folks in Brown ville know that their community has more to offer visitors. With the help of University of Maine Cooperative


and the

Piscataquis Tourism Task Force, Brownville and other communities are taking stock of their visitor assets -

from unique natural areas to

"It's created community pride and unloc ked some of these best-

opment by mixing grassroots tourism development with traditional economic development focused on busin ess and industry. In its first year, the task force reviewed new and existing tourism research to draw up recomme nda-

"We're looking at new visitors as a way to stimulate the expansion and growth of small businesses. We are about developing new tourism products beyond our good outdoor trad itions in hunting, fishing, rafting and snowmobili ng."

cullural landmarks - and putting themselves on Maines tourism map.

Rog er Merc ha nt

tions for an action plan. Among the newest research was a 2004 study of local attitudes toward nature-based

heritage tourism , conducted by UMainc' Margaret

and cultural

Ch ase Smith Policy Center. The survey found residents and business owners open to niche tourism

"We work with communities across the county, helping them

opportunities that "do not erode or compromise rural quality of life."

inventory and evaluate their tourism assets," according to Roger

The task force has supported four new complemen tary tourism

Merchant, a UMaine Extension educator and chair of the Piscataquis

development initiatives: nature tourism and "Villages of Piscataquis

Tourism Task Force, who says Brownville's attractions include a

County " itineraries; interpretive enhancements at two trailheads for

monument to 19th-century Maine surveyor and mapmaker Moses Greenleaf, the Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation

the Appalachian Trail; and a CD and guide to the 45 waterfalls of '

Piscataquis County.

With new tourism oppurtunities identifi ed and developed, tbc tas k force wi ll begin connecting the new venu with state a nd regiona l tou ris m marketing entiti vi a the Maine Office of Tourism . "We are expandin g the base of visitor opportuniti es, which is the first step in making a difference - one job, one business at a time," says Roger Merchant, UMaine Cooperative Extension educator and chair of the Piscataquis Tourism Task Force. "Through collaborativ e efforts in tourism economic development , a rural renaissance is occurring in Piscataquis County."



UMaine English professor amplifies Native voices in literature and theater By Margaret Nagle

Staging area HE "AGITATORS" started in

literature caused me to pause and rethink,"

Soldiers, written by Assiniboine playwright

soon after Margo Lukens began

says Lolar. "The stories took me back to my

William YellowRobe. Following the produ c-


a class in Na ti ve

childhood, helping me learn more about

tion, actors and members of the theat er

American literature at the University of Maine. The UMaine students

myself. After reading that play in her class, I

company joined Yellow Robe on stage for a discussion of multiracial identity.



and Passamaquoddy


discovered aboriginal plays in her classes

wanted to do more than that, and I kept bringing it up." Inspired by their interest , Lukens developed a new graduate

and had a thirst for more.

course in Native

For Lukens, it was a watershed mom ent. "It was emotional and interesting," says Lukens of the evening in Providence. "I'd

The students were responding to famil-

theater for spring 2003. Of the 10 students

also heard people on Indian Island talking

iar issues and situational humor in plays

about racial prejudice depending on whether

like Dry Lips Ought to Move to Kapuskasing

who signed up , more than half were Penobscot or Passamaquoddy. It was the first time

by Canadian Cree writer Tomson Highway.

Native students were in the majority in one

I knew that, if the Maine community could

The play's conversations and relationships

of her literature classes.

see this play, it would be so healing and an



the cultural


That January, Lukens and a handful of

someone is full or mixed blood. That's when

opportunity for healthy discussion."

resonated with students like Dale Lolar of

the students traveled to Rhode Island to

Indian Island in Old Town, Maine.

attend the Trinity Repertory Company 's

Lukens' invitation

reading of Grandchildren of the Buffalo

UMaine, and conversations began in earnest

"The work we did in Native American

That semester , Yellow Robe accepted to visit h er class at

March / April 2008


Staging area about th e utilit y of theaLer as "a too l for expression, healing and letting the wo rld kno w the human ity and perspec Live of NaLivepeopl e." In some ways, says Lukens, Native thea Ler echoes the oral tradiLions of the past and "the way people used to receive that kind of infonna tion." "There is emotional and tempo ral/physical involvemen t of people - from the actors to the audience -

in Native theater. That's

part of th e power of it," sh e says. "Aud ienc es come expecting

to hav e th eir

emoLions engaged. Actors give voice Locharacters thal can work through and experience issues that we find personally difficult. "Native playwright s often write merciless satire of people and ins titutio ns and forces that cause pain . They write of genocide, loss, stunted growth of generations of Native pe ople . But when the y take those th emes on the stage in th e carica tu re of nuns or (Gen. George) Custer or the enemy of the people in su ch a way tha t provides some release and relief, the playwrights and aclors -

and, ult imatel y, the community

audience - get the upp er hand. " Yellow Robe, who has been writing plays for three d eca de s, as well as acting and directing , says his works are "an examina tion of hum anity -

how to nurture and

maintain humanity in this pop culture of materialism." "It 's also about h ow to nurtur e and maintain your sense of hum anity in the face of great adversity," he says. "Margo's work is looking at the issue of white privilege."


UKENS' Ph.D . researc h at th e Univ ersity of Colo rad o focu sed on four 19Lh-centu ry women -

Margaret Full er, Harri et Jacobs ,

Sarah Winnemucca and Zitkala-Sa subvened


liLerary and imagi native para-

digms of the dominant culture to express the panicular realiLy of women marginalized because of gender or ethnicity. Dur ing a 1999 UMain e sabbat ical, sh e researched the liLerar y hisLory of Main e's

Wahanaki people. She sought out-of-print sLOry collections of Wabanaki storytellers from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and on the recommendation of a local tribal leader, she discovered Aboriginally Yours,

Chief Henry Red Eagle, an anthology of writing by Henry Perley of Greenville. Lukens also teaches what she calls "the literature of mixed blood," in which authors or th eir characters are of div erse racial herita ge. In Anglo-American literatur e, especially that of the 19th and 20th centuries , mix ed blood often was emblematic of disadvantage or convoluted loyalties; sometimes the idea of mixed blood inferred tragedy, a sense of doom over the charac,ter, or an evil that must be overcome. In more cont emporary Native literature, there's been a shift, with authors "beginning to see a different way of dealing with mixed blood and its widespread


Lukens says. "What comes up is the idea of mixed blood having the potential for an amalgamation of strengths instead of weaknesses. Through cultural connection, the person goes through

tbe difficulties


mixed heritage, but overcomes through Lies to the community" HE FIRST semester of her gradu -


ate course in Native th eater,

students perfonned two plays on two local radio program s: Yellow

Robe's Beller-n-Indins and Indian Radio Days, writt en by Choctaw playwrights LeAnne Howe and Roxy Gordon. Later that year, members of the Penob scot community asked Lukens to serve as an adviser for their staging of scenes from The

Independence of Eddie Rose. The production was part of Domes tic Violence Awareness Month on Indian Island. The poignant play by Yellow Robe raises issues concerning sexual abuse, alcoholism and denial. "It was held in the community cent er with an adult audience durin g the day," says Luk ens. "It was very powerful. There were people in the audience who wept. It was at

Staging area that moment that I learned how powerful this could be and how an amazing, instantaneous connection to deep issues can happen. "My touchstone is that there are Native people for whom this is working." In fall 2004, Lukens secured a Visiting Libra Diversity Professorship

for Yellow

Robe, who spent 10 weeks on campus,

ings when not giving public performances. "There are all kinds of dynamics when

"It's important always to be in consultation with the community," says Lukens. "It's

you grow up in an oppressed situation,"

also important that the publication of any of

Lolar says. "What happens when you put a

my work does no harm, that the Native

lot of this stuff away is it stays inside you.

community doesn't feel disempowered or

But when you read this stuff (in literature

that something was stolen from it."

and plays) happening to someone else and it's so similar, it reaffirms your own experi-


to Yellow Robe, Native

communities "are tired of academics putting

teaching playwriting and directing Better-n-

ence. Revisiting it helps to make sense of

them under the microscope."

Indins at the Cyrus Pavilion Theatre. Since then, the presence of Native

things you're struggling with and sheds light on your identity. To take that out and share

Lukens, the relationship is different. "They've never felt that with Margo,

But with

theater in central Maine has grown from a

it with each other, theres a sense of commu-

because they know they're being considered

novelty to a nuance. This past September,

nity that happens. We are all survivors ."

as human, not a theory or a research project," he says. "She wants to present docu-

UMaine's Readers' Theater featured two plays by Yellow Robe, Falling Distanceand A

HILE LUKENS' scholar -

mentation of life lasting, a framework of a

Great Thing, performed by the playwright

ship is in Native American

new wheel to provide accessibility for Native

and three local Native actors, with Lukens

literature, she sees herself

and nonnative

reading stage directions.

more as a facilitator than

Almost like a new thought," says Yellow

of the

an authority on the subject, a position that

Robe, who returned to UMaine a year ago

Penobscot Players, a group formed by Dale

has everything to do with being sensitive to

where he is a part-time instructor in the

Lolar that includes other students who took

a community finding its voice after genera-

English Department.

Lukens' classes, gather informally for read-

tions of oppression.

In the community,


people to present ideas.

This past fall, Yellow Robe taught a 400level topics course in Native American

“I love theater, and know and teach about Native American

literature, and in a way, people want to use (that interaction) in the Native community to have a positive effect.� Margo Lukens

drama . In December, his play A Stray Dog was staged at the Public Theater in New York City as one of five productions in its Native Theater Festival. This spring, he is teaching Lukens' survey course on Native American literature while she is on sabbatical. In addition, he has been asked by some members of, the Penobscot community to help them write a play. "The Native community must know this is an achievable art form that they can develop," he says. "The nonnative community must know that this is the voice of their neighbors that they've not heard before and that they were not taught to listen to. It's not a question of being politically correct, it's a question of being aware of your environment, society, people who live in your community." I UMaine Schoolof PerformingArts Readers' Theater,directedby Marcia Douglas,first invited Margo Lukens'studentsto performin 2003. Lastfall, Lukens,far left, read stage directionsfor actorsJuliaSockbeson,Maulian Dana and WilliamYellowRobein productions of FallingDistance and A Great Thing.

student focus

Socialwork abroad N THE UNITEDSTATES , the disci-

Werrbach and her counterparts

pline is called social work. In the

other institutions have been visiting faculty.

at the

European Union, there is a type

Both social work and social education

of social work called social education. Both focus on the socio-

strive to improve peoples functioning and support the social-cultural areas of their

educational needs of individuals

lives, Werrbach says. But social work also

and communities, but each goes

emphasizes advocacy for populations of

about it very differently.

people and changing social policies. Social

Giving undergraduates an opportunity to understand the su¡engths of social work

workers with bachelor's degrees are often case managers; those with master's tend to

and social education through study abroad

work in clinical treatment settings.

experiences and faculty exchanges is the

In addition, social work is empirically

goal of a four-year project involving three U.S. and three EU colleges and universities.

based, with an emphasis on how to meas-

The project, the Transatlantic Alliance

ure effectiveness, she says. Social education focuses on working

for Creating a New Social Services Practice

with small groups and individuals. Social

Model, is funded by a more than $250,000


grant from the U.S. Department of Education through its Fund for the Improve-

personal strengths into their practice.

Belgium,front, left to right,and MortenAndreasenof Denmarkspent

ment of Postsecondary Education. The

more like the old-time group social work-

grant has made it possible for students

ers. They incorporate personal interests

the pastfall semesterat the Universityof Maine as part of the UnitedStates-European Unionsocial

from the University of Maine, Barry University and Providence College, Plan-

(i.e . music, sports or crafts) into their professional lives to improve clients' func-

tijn Hogeschool in Belgium, Peter Sabroe

tioning," Werrbach says. "In the U.S., we've

work-socialeducationexchange. The three sharedtheir perspectives on the client-orientedapproachof their socialeducationtraining.In turn, they were introducedto suchaspectsof socialwork as community-based service,mandateddocumentation,

Seminariet in Denmark and the Universitat

become so totally into looking at behaviors

Ramon Llull in Spain to be involved in

that we haven't figured out how to get back

semester-long exchanges, fieldwork, and Web-based coursework and collaboration.

to a holistic view of the individual client."

"The goal is for our students to go

students in Belgium this past fall, says one

abroad and learn some of the skills of social

of the most important lessons she learned

and boundariesbetweenpractitioner and client."Thisexperiencehas

educators that they can bring into their social work practice, and vice versa," says

was to view each client as a unique indi-

UMaine Associate Professor of Social Work

"It is my goal as a social worker to help

CindyDeWildeand EstherPalmansof

are trained

to incorporate

"In some ways, social educators work

Kate Norman, one of two UMaine


provideda mirrorfor me to see my own practicewithin a different culture,"Andreasensaid.

Gail Werrbach, who wrote the grant in

meet their objectives instead of viewing

collaboration with the nonprofit Interna-

clients as my objective," she says.

Photo by Michael Mardosa

tional Learning Exchange, based in Maine.


At UMaine, the first student exchange

Norman says her study abroad experience challenged her personally and profes-

was in fall 2005. Since then, seven UMaine

sionally. giving her increased confidence in

social work undergrads and one graduate

her skills as a social work student.

student have studied in Belgium and

"As a result of this experience," she

Denmark, and nine students from those

says, "I am looking into joining the Peace

countries and Spain have come to Maine.

Corps to do HIV outreach in Africa."

March /April 2008


insights ..

I: i '


. : I I,,





- __

Up, Up and Away NASA HAS CLEARED for takeoff four student scientists from the University of Maine and the University Southern Maine. They'll have the chance to experience floating in near-zero gravity in a modified jetliner while performing experiments that could benefit astronauts . UMaine's Michael Browne, a sophomore in chemical engineering, and Benjamin Freedman, majoring in both chemical and biological engineering, are teaming up with USM first-year biology major John Wise Jr., the team leader, and a senior information Adam technology major, to participate in NASA's Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunities Program in Houston , July 10-19. The team, the first from Maine, is one of 40 from around the country selected this year by NASA, which awards the coveted slots based on the merit of the students' research proposals. After their training and physical tests, the Maine team will carry out in-flight experiments to measure the response of human lung toxica nts that are ·known to cells to damage The tests will whether micro gravity and hypergravity affect the cellul ar upta e of the chemicals, and cteate d fference In the amount of chemical-ind ced D A damage and repair.

Thestudents’ stu The mentors, Michael Mason, a UMaine assistant professor of chemical and biological engineering, and John Wise Sr., director of USM’s Laboratory for Environmental and Genetic Toxicology, will travel to Houston as part of the ground crew. wi ll per maneuvers u to 34,000 Gulf of Mexico. The students will experience 30 seconds of hypergravlty as the plane climbs to the top of the parabola. Once the plane starts t o dive to Earth,the students will experjence 25 seconds of near-zero microgr avity. The plane will do this 30 times in one flight.


UMaine Today


Art donation


IGHT PAINTINGS by abstract expressionist Angelo Ippolito were donated to the University of Maine Museum of Art this past fall by his son, Jon Ippolito, a faculty member in UMaines Department of New Media. Angelo Ippolito was an influential member of the New York School. The career of the late artist included international exhibitions of his works on paper and oils on canvas, and faculty appointments at the International School of Art, Michigan State University and Binghamton University. The donation came at the start of the museum's five-year anniversary celebration of its relocation to Norumbega Hall in downtown Bangor . The announcement coincided with a second gift to the Museum of Art from Machias Savings Bank - free admission to the museum from now through 2008 . Bank President and CEO Edward Hennessey made the gift in memory of Bangor attorney Edward "Ted" Leonard, a museum benefactor and local arts advocate who died in October.

Sunset Regatta,1986 Oilon linen,40 x 50 inches

virtual climate change and other supercomputing capabilities SCHOOLCHILDREN IN MAINE soon will have an opportunity to experiment with variable climate change scenarios by accessing the University of Maine's environmental modeling programs from their classroom laptops. The UMaine Department of Computer Science has received two National Science Foundation grants - $200,000 to buy a second supercomputer and $300,000 to develop new supercomputer software - to improve the transfer of massive data files. The new supercomputer and an access portal being developed will allow Maine middle school students to access the University of Maines Ice Sheet Model for environmental experiments . It also will enable the university to engage in much greater outreach and research activities, the type that require massive computing power, according to Phillip Dickens, a UMaine professor of computer science and the principal researcher receiving the grants. Computer science faculty and students will create a user-friend ly, scientific grid portal for accessing UMaine's vast computing resources, scientific applications and research animations, Dickens says. Users, ranging from Maine's top research scientists to students, will access the grid portal with a standard Web browser. The new 96-processor supercomputer will be hous ed at Target Techno logy Center in Orono. It will be overseen by Dickens and four grant project collaborators: Sudarshan Chawathe and Jam es Fastook from the Department of Computer Science, and Yifeng Zhu and Bruce Segee from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The super comput er will support the work of participating faculty, in addition to research by members of Maine's genera l research community, includingJackson Laboratory

ARCHAEOLOGICALWORK along Peru's southern coast over the past several decades has largely supported ethnohistoric accounts by 16th- and 17th-century Europeans, which depicted prehispanic life as dependent on specialized economic activities related to fishing or agriculture. However, recent excavations at Wawakiki in the midst of the Osmore region, one of the southernmost valleys of Peru, have revealed communities involved in complex, wide-ranging economic organization and production strategies as the Chiribaya people responded to the effects of population growth and diminishing agricultural potential. Communities along this rugged intervalley coastal zone may have constituted a third division of society, according to University of Maine archaeologist Gregory Zaro, writing of his field excavations in that area in a recent issue of Latin American Antiquity. Rather than

ncient diversification

Theabandoned agriculturallandscapeof Wawakiki.Mostfurrowsand terraces observedon the surfacedate to the Spanish colonialperiodor later, with earlier Chiribayaterracesburiedunderneath.

relying primarily on the highland resources of the Andean slopes or specialized economic activities related largely to farming or fishing, communitie s along the intervalley coast appear to have satisfied economic ne eds by intensively pursuing multiple subsistence strategies in agriculture and fishing, and the gathering of wild terresuial resources. Due in part to centmies of decreased highland precipitation that stressed lower valley farming communities along the Ilo River, the Chiribaya expanded into the relatively unpopulated intervalley coast and focused more on diversified community-level production. According to Zaro, Wawakiki and some neighboring communities represent a historically contingen t response to both cultural and biological necessities and the environment during the Late Intermediate peri od (A.D. 1200-1400) in southern Peru.


encore Native writers FOR THE PAST YEAR, Assiniboi ne

playwright William Yellow Robe has been a part-time instructor in the University of Maine English Department, wh ere he has ta ught Native American drama and liter ature. Last fall, two of his pla ys were performed as part of Readers' Theater on campus, and in December, one was staged in New York City. We asked Yellow Robe to share his reading list of works by Native authors and playwrights. Ghost Dance, a play by Annette Arkeketa Seventh Generation: An Anthology of Native American Plays, edited

by Mimi D'Aponte New Native American Drama: Three Plays by Hanay Geiogamah American Indian Theater in Performance: A Reader, edited by

Hanay Geiogamah and Jaye Darby Inter-Tribal, a play by Terry Gomez Staging Coyote's Dream : An Anthology of First Nations Drama in English, edited by Monique Mojica and Richard Paul Knowles Where the Pavement Ends: Five Native American Plays by William

300 years of spruce budworms The Maine study identifiedfive majoroutbreaks, with a mean return interval of 67 years.

O BETTER UNDERSTAND th e freque ncy, everity and ex t nt f outbreaks by the pruce bu dworm , one of the mo I d vastating forest pes ts in eastern North American researchers have reconstructed a 300-yea r hi story of invasions in north ern in terior Maine . A similar timeline exists for the woods of eastern Canada, but this is the first time such a history was compiled for northeastern American forests. The Maine study identified five major outbreaks by the insects that feed on buds and developing foliage of mature conifers, primarily balsam fir and spru ce species. Those outbreaks began around 1709, 1762, 1808, 1914 and 1976. The mean outbreak return interval was 67 years, nearly two times longer than the cycle in eastern Canada, where there are slightly different forest types and stand dynamics. The researchers from the University of Maine and Indiana State University combin ed hist01ical documentation and an alyses of growth rings in red spruce, which are host trees, and nonhost northern while cedar. Their study area was the Big Reed Forest Reserve, owned by the Nature Conservancy, one of the largest remaining tracts of old-growth forest in the Northeast. The results of their research were published in the CanadianJournal of Forest Research.


Yellow Robe Jr.

In December, a Native TheaterFestivalat the PublicTheaterin New York City fealJred five productions, including A StrayDogby William Yellow Robe.


Hitchinga ride with whom?


HEN IT'S TIME for the larvae of freshwater mussels to disperse, they hitch a ride on the gills, fins or scales

of certain fish species. Finding out which fish the parasitic larvae or glochidia prefer as hosts is essential to regional conservation efforts leading to recovery of natural populations. In Maine, that's particularly important to two state-designated threatened species the yellow lampmussel and tidewater mucket. University of Maine wildlife ecologists Stephen Kneeland and Judith Rhymer have developed and used a molecular identification key to the 10 species of freshwater mussels in determine which fish in Maine in an effort t the wild serve as hosts for the larvae.

Best Friends FOR FROGS in Acadia National Park, beavers are their best friends , according to a new University of Maine study. In a survey of 71 freshwater wetlands in Acadia, the researchers found that active, b eaver-m odified wetland land scapes created su ch habi tat diversity as to b enefit all pond-br eeding amphibian species, even those with very different living requirements. Sites richest in pond-breeding amphibians were those conn ected to stream corridors and thos e modified by beaver activity. As beavers have recoloniz ed areas of their former range in North America, they have increased the numb er and diversity of available br eeding sites in the landscap e for pond -breeding amphibi ans, acco rding to UMaine we tland ecologists Jesse Cunn ingham and Aram Calh oun , an d biologist William Glanz. The stud y highlights the importanc e of beavers in creating and conne cting suitable breeding sites for pond-bre eding amphibians in north ern forested landscap es. Their findings were publi shed in the] oumal of Wildlife Management.

In their research, published by the international Journal of Mo{{uscan Studies and, most recently, the Journal of the North American Benthological Society, DNA samples were


taken from mussels in the Penobscot, Kennebec and

facultymemberswill participatein

a professional exchang e and certificate program with Tanzanian journalists . From mid-Jun e through August , six East African journalists will visit the university and several m edia organi zations in Maine and on the East Coast to see how Americans cover the news, from small towns to large metropo litan markets. The Certifica te in Journalism Trainin g for Internationa l Scholars program is possible through a $183,000 grant from USAID (United States Agency for Internationa l Development) to the UMaine School of Policy and International Affairs, the university's Communication and Journalism Department, and the Office of Internationa l Programs on campus . "We need to be a little morecognizantof the importanceof localjournalists.We needto be more interestedand moreeducatedaboutreportingin tight-knitcommunities." Shannon Martin

St. George River drainages in Maine. The key was used to successfully identify more than 680 larvae on the gills of 230 fish, repres enting 18 species from 13 locations in the study area. As a conservation tool, molecular identifi cation keys provide efficient and accurate information on host use by the entire mussel community. In this case, potential new host fish were identified for five of six mussel species, including three considered state to be of "sp ecial concern."


UMaine Today

by the

The Tanzanian journal ists will be exposed to some of the latest inform ation technologi es employed by American medi a. UMaine faculty and American journalists the Africans meet during the summer will learn how Tanzanians have overcome som e of the reporting challenges they face at hom e. "The Tanz ani an popul ation relies mu ch mor e on radi o news mass m edia than many American m edia mark ets," says Shannon Martin, chair of the Departm ent of C ommuni cation and Journ a li s m , w h ose research has includ ed work with journalists in Bosni a-Herz egovina. "On e thing I'm hoping to learn from the Tanzania media is how they prepare their media broadcasts to reach rural mark ets." Martin anticip a tes UM aine 's journalist exchang e continuing to includ e oth er countries.

last impression

THISWINTER,University of Maine Climate Change Institute Director PaulMayewski made history at the bottom of the world again. Even more important, the research resulting from his polar exploration promisesto further inform efforts to understand issues related to global warming, This past December, Mayewski and a team that included 11 other UMaine researchers and students completed the final 1.200-kilometer leg of an 8,000-kilometer, six-season International Trans Antarctic Scientific Expedition (ITASE) that began in 2000. Throughout the expedition, ITASE scientists collected nearly 4,000 meters of ice coresfor use in environmental research. The journey generally followed the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition route that Vivian Fuchs and Sir EdmundHillary traveled from 1955- 58. This latest Antarctic research expedition is a prime example of the major scientific investigations undertaken by the Climate Change Institute in its mission to unlock the secrets of climate change - past,presentand future - and its impact on humans and the ecosystem_Throughout the world and in Maine, UMaine researchers in disciplines ranging from archaeology and geology to volcanology conduct field, laboratory and modeling studies in an effort to predict the future of climate change. In November, Maine Gov. John Baldacci called for a Maine Climate Change Assessment, citing the need for the state's policymakers to consider " management and policy decisions with t he best available scientifi c information," Researchers in UMaine's Climate Change Institute will lead the study.






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Coaching greatness The ShawnWalshMemorialEndowmentFundwas established in the Universityof Maine Foundationin 2001 through the efforts of the Friends of Maine Hockey boosters group, with gifts from colleagues, friends and fans of William S. "Shawn" Walsh. Walsh was head hockey coach from 1984 until his death in 2001. He built UMaine Black Bear Hockey into a respected national powerhouse, winning the Hockey East title four times and the N CAA National Championship in 1993 and 1999. The purpos e of the fund is to provide support for the men 's hockey program, with at least one scholarship each year awarded in Shawn Walsh's memory to a University of Maine stud ent who is or will be involved with the men's hockey team. 1987-88wasa milestoneseasonfor the UMaine hockey program,as the Black BearswontheirfirstHockeyEastchampionship and advancedto the NCAA semifinals forthe firsttime. CoachShawnWalshalsowonthe HockeyEastCoach of the YearAwardfor the firsttimethat season,andwonit threemoretimesin hiscareer.Photo,left,ofWalshfromthe 1999-2000season.

Two Alumni Place

Orono, Maine 04469-5792 207-581-5100 or 800-982-8503

100 Foden Road, Suite 202, W. Building South Portland, Maine 04106 207-253-5172 or 800-449-2629

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