1 minute read
The following is a summary of key metrics and highlights from the year’s marketing efforts:
• 523 new social media followers • 5,538 total followers for a 8% increase from 2017/18 • 748 social media posts • Over 10,051 post engagements 18.2% increase
• The Recreation Services home page received an average of 111 visits per day with a bounce rate of 35%.
• 37,596 email list subscribers • 109 emails sent with 817,016 deliveries • 313,604 total opens with an open rate of 43.19%, significantly above industry opens • 17,500 total email clicks with a click rate of 3.56%
• 3 sponsorship contracts were carried over for the year generating $11,100 in sponsorship income
• 30,750 Recreation Services activity guides were printed, with 15,000 mailed to a 5km radius • 90,000 door hangers were printed and mailed out to a 10km radius around campus • 18,659 on-line digital impressions with an average read time of 4.84 minutes
• A new Fitness & Programs blog was created sharing professional information on the benefits of group fitness and instructional fitness programs. • 4 blog posts were published receiving 934 page views. • 13 posts were published to our Personal Training & Nutrition blog receiving 6,541 page views
Recreation Services 145 Frank Kennedy Centre University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3T 2N2 204-474-6100 | uofmactiveliving.ca
Comments or Questions: kyle.sokoloski@umanitoba.ca