Seymour International Trade

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Your Exclusive Global Sales and Marketing Team A Global Value Proposition that builds Trust and Respect Not only do we work for your Business, We represent you and your Business and take that trust very seriously as we sell your products into the global Marketplace. We are An Active Extension of Your Company’s Sales Force; we work hard to maintain your exacting Standards of customer service and after sales product support. Our Mission is clear, to help U.S. small to medium size businesses locate, market and sell (export) to qualified Import Distributors that have customers with a buying demand for Quality American Made Products & Services. Our Vision is strategic, Your Business Success is our #1 goal: to increase sales by gaining global Distribution for U.S. Products and Services in high demand and untapped global markets, for business longevity and American economic growth. At Seymour Int’l Trade Group, our team is fast, friendly and efficient. We follow the “Golden Rule” of business: WE TREAT YOUR PRODUCTS AS IF THEY WERE OUR OWN AND YOUR POTENTIAL INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS the way we like to be treated, With Integrity & Transparency. Seymour International Trade Group, Purpose is made up of 3 individual parts that come together to describe who we really are and what we do: 1. We Help the World Trade 2. In Business to help other businesses Succeed in the Global Marketplace 3. Provide Solutions and Services to help you grow your Business. Seymour International Trade Group is an innovative leader in the field of export management, providing manufacturers with a full-service alternative to staffing and managing their own export department. Our goal is to build world-class international distribution for leading manufacturers in select industries. We have a growing Global Presence with Import Distributors, Agents and Trade Professionals to help small businesses grow in this global economy. We connect with global sales professionals who are deeply involved in there local community so they understand the buying habits and what products will sell and how to position products in the marketplace for longevity and growth potential. We will continue to build our global presence in emerging global markets as more and more companies are starting to trade overseas. Our Simple goal is to help you Trade. We help you conduct Business in global markets. Trust when you partner with Seymour Intl. Trade Group our single goal is the help you Trade and gain global distribution for your products and services.

Our Firm Export Management and Trading Company, established in 2006. Seymour Intl. Trade Group is an independent firm, which in effect acts as the Exclusive Export Sales Department for noncompeting U.S. small to medium size businesses. We strive to convert U.S. non-exporters to exporters and help the American economy grow and produce better jobs and higher incomes. Many of the American Businesses that our firm represents have quality products and services that they would like to find global distribution and buyers abroad but lack necessary resources and know how to gain access to the billions of consumers in the international marketplace. 1. Provide Research in foreign markets to give U.S. businesses the best possible scenario to grow internationally. 2. Develop a Clear Marketing plan for long term business growth in overseas markets. 3. Arrange Transportation through World Leading Logistic companies who have expertise moving your products globally 4. Appoint local Agents in targeted countries to help promote, market and provide after sales support to ensure the longevity of your product. 5. Exhibit Your Products at Trade Fairs around the World 6. Handle advertising of your Product and Services in Global Trade Magazines and online Trade websites to ensure success and visibility to potential Import Distributors. 7. Handle Documentation, billing and collection.

We Help You Sell Your Products in the Global Marketplace. We Find Global Buyers and Import Distributors who WANT, NEED AND DEMAND quality U.S. Products and Services

Our Team

Our Global Sales Team Not only work for you, We represent you and your products around the world. We Take this trust Very seriously. "We Follow The Golden Rule of Business" WE TREAT YOUR PRODUCTS LIKE THEY ARE OUR OWN... lets grow together Seymour International Trade sales and marketing professionals dock their laptops in Mobil locations around the U.S. in Philadelphia, NY, CA, GA, MD, NC, Maine, and Chicago. Each professional is assigned to one of the firms stand alone product groups: Agriculture, Fashion and Accessories, Home Furnishing, Beauty and Cosmetics, Gourmet Food and Beverages, Medical Products, Energy Products, Industrial and Mechanical.

The Golden Key to our Success: Our sales and marketing professionals Build alliances and partner with global sales agents who are deeply involved in there local community so they understand the buying habits and what products will sell and how to position products in the marketplace for longevity and growth potential.

The 5 Pillars of our global sales force success

1. Lead Generation 2. Relationship Nurtured 3. Deal Closed 4. Ship Products from Dock to Doorstep 5. Maintain Information and Education for buyers

Services & Solutions

1. Locate global buyers who want need and desire U.S. products. We Locate and Form partnerships with import distributors and global buyers (specifying dealers, agents, consultants and chain buyers) with purchasing power, who have a buying demand in global markets for Quality American Made Products. 2. Provide our clients with the Latest Market Research to uncover global buying Trends for products. We Provide the best Primary and Secondary research for products we represents tracking emerging and untapped global markets to find out what consumers are buying. This research gives small businesses the best possible scenario to grow internationally. 3. We develop a clear marketing plan for long-term business growth in overseas markets. 4. We handle many aspects of the export process so our clients can continue selling local while we take care of the sales abroad. Arranging Transportation, appointing distributors or agents, exhibiting at trade fairs, handle advertising, documentation, billing and collection. 5. Innovative Strategic Sales and Marketing Tools. The firm uses its web site and an extensive customer database to capture and pursue sales leads. The website is designed to provide customers with current product information, valuable sales and marketing tools, hyperlinks to client sites and up to date order information. 6. Strategic Planning to keep the sales cycle moving without disruption Seymour Intl. collaborates with its clients to set quotas, build programs and map strategic plans consistent with an intimate knowledge of customers, competition and global market trends. This is all designed to increase our client’s sales in the international market and keep their product growing abroad. 7. Export Logistics- Get our clients products shipped with care. The firm Partners with leading global freight forwarders to provide customers with an array of critical services designed to ensure Timely and accurate delivery, documentation and customs clearance. 8. Foreign Credit and Collections Today, more than ever before, manufacturers must extend credit in highrisk, emerging markets in order to compete. Seymour Int’l. has the financial savvy to evaluate foreign credit risks and the financial strength to extend credit while paying its manufacturer clients within terms. 9. Provide our clients with International Customer Service. We assign an experienced, cross culturally skilled customer service professional to every international account to ensure customers quick response to their inquiries. This allows our Sales Team to maintain a level of excellence only a large company would be able to afford. We treat our small businesses as the future large companies in the global marketplace.

Steps to Global Success 1.) First, an Internal Assessment of your company's structure is completed by our team, by asking the right questions. •Looking at your product and services offered domestically, are they successful in your market? •What are your goals and visions for your company? •Are you and your internal staff committed to gaining international success? •Is your business set up for internationally transactions with overseas buyers? 2.) Identifying International Markets is the next step. To first succeed in exporting, we must first identify the most profitable and penetrate-able international markets for your products •Identifying products and services that are sold successfully in the domestic market is our first step. Are the products fulfilling a targeted need for the purchaser in export markets according to price, value to the customer, country and market demand? •What makes your product attractive? •Where is your type of product already being sold internationally? •Why do you believe international buyers will purchase your company's products? 3.) Gathering foreign Market Research- We must identify the most profitable foreign markets for your products or services. •Classify your product by the HS Code/Schedule B Number. The most critical method of classifying products for export is the Harmonized System. This is an internationally agreed upon classification system that is the basis for obtaining domestic and International trade and tariff information. •Find Countries with the best-suited market for your product. •Determine which foreign markets will be the easiest to penetrate. •Define and narrow down the export markets your business intends to pursue. •Converse with other U.S. customers and companies already doing business successfully. •Research export efforts of U.S. competitors. 4.) Finding Buyers for your products •Identifying a distributor a potential agent or partner overseas is our goal to give your company a competitive edge. •We then qualify that potential buyer by researching them thoroughly, Once qualified and they are interested in your company's products we can send them a pro forma- which is an invoice informing the buyer of the kind of goods to be sent, their value and important specs such as size, quantity and weight.

Value Added Services 1. Help your company Identify Opportunities and facilitate growth in the global Marketplace. 2. Provide Accurate and Precise market Research to give a clear picture of which countries have a demand now for your product 3. Our Fir m greatly reduces business staff time and resources required to build a successful export business. Even with accurate financial resources your business may lack time necessary to build an export business. 4. Give Your Business instant a c c e s s t o Wo r l d w i d e I m p o r t Distributors who want to distribute your product to their customers. 5. Work on a commission basis, or take title to goods which means you concur few out of pocket expenses and that gives us a greater incentive to produce results. 6. Give Your Company instant access to foreign market knowledge and export know-how.

Global Distribution Action Plan Seymour Intl. works with its manufacturer clients to design a Global Distribution Action Plan, specific to each product line. Key program components follow.

Sales and Service Presentations:

Forecasting & Inventory Management:

Our firm produces electronic and hardcopy product presentations designed for use by our sales executives and their customers for staff training and customer presentations.

Our Fir m employs inventor y control spreadsheets to monitor distributor stock levels and help distributors forecast future requirements.

Program Pricing: Program pricing offers resellers preferred pricing based either on their distribution function, annual volume commitment or both. Co-op Promotional Programs: Our easy-to-budget co-op promotional program requires proof of expense for any co-op credit, whether it be for foreign-language literature, local media advertising, a trade show or sales conferences. Merchandising Materials. Pointof-sale marketing, advertising and sales aids are listed and presented in a "Fax Ready" order form. Warranty Service:

Distributor Sales Agreements: Seymour Intl. secures a distributor's annual forecast and volume commitment and spells out its corresponding commitments to the distributor in an annual distributor sales agreement. The document serves as a valuable tool for forecasting, budgeting and performance management.

In export marketing, confusion surrounding warranty coverage often is a source of customer discontent. As part of a GDAP™, Seymour International Trade Group clarifies the manufacturer's export warranty policy and explains to distributors, where applicable, a simple, concise method for presenting a claim.

Why Go Global? Your Business Can’t Afford Not To! There is unlimited potential in the growing global economy and little reason to avoid the opportunities provided. While exporting may not have been a practical option in the past, it is now a widespread strategy that is increasing the cash flow, competitiveness, and stability of large and small businesses alike. Sending your products abroad is the next logical step for companies that are limited by their domestic markets.

Here are some of the main reasons why your business should start exporting: Market diversification. If you aren’t exporting, you’re putting all of your eggs in one basket. Many companies realize how dependent they are on the health of a single market only after it’s too late. To damper the effects of a localized economic downturn, diversify your client base and find new foreign markets you can export to. Being proactive about diversification insures your company against poor economic conditions in one part of the globe. This is a great way to manage risk and become more profitable in the process. Jumpstart growth. You already have the products that people need, so why limit sales by working exclusively within domestic markets? Exporting gives your company the chance to quickly bring in revenue that can be re-invested in the business. Instead of waiting for the local market to exhaust stock, export to expand the range of your business and generate capital faster. This proactive strategy allows your company to be more competitive in its industry as you eclipse competitors at speedier rates. New sources of revenue. Exporting products gives your company the opportunity to create new streams of revenue. There are untapped markets worldwide that are waiting for your products – it’s just a matter of locating them and then forging new business relationships. Once you’ve established reliable distributor contacts, your exports can lead to a tremendous increase in annual revenue without much additional work on your part. Increased stability. Almost every business is affected by the seasonal swings of their industry. If your numbers are significantly impacted by the natural rhythms of the domestic market, exporting to countries with opposite trends can give you much needed stability. For example: If you sell winter apparel, don’t accept dwindling sales during the spring and summer months at home. Instead, counteract these predictable downturns by finding cold-weather markets with a high demand for your products. This strategy is an easy way to maintain consistent production and profitability, year-round. Take advantage of full production capacity. As an industrial manufacturer looking to get the most out of existing resources, it’s important to take advantage of your full production capacity. If you are scaling back production because you are tied to the demands of a local market, exporting can solve this problem and make you more money. Find foreign markets that give you the chance to increase production while reducing fixed costs. Higher production levels also means more influence during price negotiations for raw materials.

G o i n g G l o b a l w i t h S e y m o u r I n t e r n a t i o n a l Tr a d e h a s been the best decision we made for our business.

Better feedback. Businesses that cater to diverse markets find it easier to collect accurate feedback and product improvement suggestions. When working with a sole domestic market, customer response is not as well rounded. The multi-national and multi-faceted feedback you get from working with diverse global markets allows you to improve your products in a more efficient manner. This advantage makes it easier to be competitive in a domestic market. Neutralize competition. If your competitors are exporting and you aren’t, you are giving away a competitive advantage. There’s no way to compete with a business that works with diversified global markets if you are unwilling to look beyond your borders. By sending your products abroad, you can counteract the advantages of your competition and level the playing field in your industry. Exporting also helps to neutralize foreign competitors that are selling within your domestic market. By shipping your products overseas to their home markets, you can offset a key imbalance. The Inescapable Conclusion: In order for U.S. businesses to grow, many companies are going to need to sell their products into economies that are growing faster than the economy of their home country. Demand: Over 95 Percent of the world’s consumers and over 70 percent of the world’s purchasing power lie outside the U.S. The Middle Classes are popping up all around the world and they are going to be demanding products and services for their new lifestyle. Dictatorships are becoming democracies and countries are becoming more educated and are demanding more products and services from its government.

So lets jumpstart sales and revolutionize the way you do business! Exporting is an option for businesses of every size, in every industry. If you want to manage risk,generate new revenue streams, produce more efficiently, neutralize competition, and increase the stability of your business, exporting is the next logical step to take on your path to success. There is countless potential in untapped foreign markets – it’s up to you to take advantage of them and make sure your products end up in the hands of the people who want and need them. To learn more about how can help your company open new markets, get found by qualified industrial buyers worldwide, and increase sales, contact us at or call 1-610-628-9418.

Seymour International Trade, LLC

(Suburban Philadelphia Area) 1950 Butler Pike #135 Conshohocken, PA 19428 p. 1-610-628-9418 fax. 1-610-456-6156 (Miami, FL Area) p. 1-305-809-7579 email:

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