Dart Magazine Vol. 2.1 Spring 2012

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Vol. 2.1 Spring 2012

1964 The year ground was broken on the futuristic campus in Dartmouth designed by world-renowned architect Paul Rudolph. Since then the campus has grown to 9,500 students and developed a $26 million research enterprise.



The number of public law schools in Massachusetts, and that one is at UMass Dartmouth, devoted to the practice of law for the public good.

Hours of community service performed by UMass Dartmouth students and faculty in a year.



Interns engaged each year in learning and discovery at the UMass Dartmouth Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Center in Fall River, home to research laboratories and start-up companies.

Acres of land dedicated to the main UMass Dartmouth campus — 75 percent of which remains undeveloped woodlands and is being used as a “living classroom.”

1,161 Pounds of sulfur dioxide to be eliminated by campus wind turbine…and 489 pounds of nitrous oxide and 295 tons of carbon dioxide.

$90 million Private investment in property around the downtown New Bedford College of Visual and Performing Arts since the University’s art center was opened and began drawing student and faculty artists to the neighborhood.

$356 million The economic impact of the campus on the SouthCoast region.

2 The number of miles that the campus WIMAX wireless signal can reach, providing students with a level of connectivity that can be found at only one other University, and that is in Michigan.

90 Coastal inlets from Cape Cod to Narragansett Bay that the students and faculty of the School of Marine Science and Technology are working to save from pollution.




Spring 2012

Special Political Feature Section 8 Addicted To Politics 10 Conservative Despite the Conservative Media 12 What Happened to the Moderate Republicans? Off Campus 14 Discharged and Still Fighting: Coping with PTSD 18 Summer Movie Guide 19 Horror Moves So Bad They’re Good 20 Four Ways to Unwind 21 Perfect First Date Looks 22 Music Stand: Venues around the area 23 Hot Spots Around Historic New Bedford 24 A Tale of Two Cities: Comparing the New Bedford and Fall River art scenes 27 Are We in Good Hands? A first-hand account of health care around the world 29 Bold New Technologies

30 A Creative Kick: The story of “Kickstarter” 32 Looking up to Single Moms 35 I Have a Degree and it’s Not in Coffee: A graduate student refects on her years of un(der)employment 38 A Bold Signing: A former athlete’s struggle with degenerative arthritis On Campus 40 Welcome to Hungary, Dr. Blitefield: One professor’s Fulbright experience 43 Keeping Campus Green 46 The Demise of Daycare on Campus 50 Getting Involved: Spotlight on the Universal Expressions Club 52 Unhealthy College Students 54 Healthy Diet on Campus? 56 Healthy Snacks for Your Dorm 57 Target vs. Stop & Shop





magazine. Spring 2012 Journalism Students Angela Coville Cameron Crown Jonathan Curtis James Davis Ashlie Fastino

Lindsay Hoffman Brian Jones Kelley Mahoney Brittany Miller Brittany Nunes Tyler Ochs Sasha Sanders Junghoon Song Zachary St. Onge Sade Williams

Supervising Journalism Faculty Dr. Kara Miller Editorial Assistant Brian Klotz

Document Design Students Zachary Aaron Katelyn Betrovski Velena Collins-Smoot Arianna Drane Rachel Freitas Minoucheka Frejuste Kimberly Furey Megan Gregoire

Robin Keene Kate Licht Debora Louis Alexander Pelley Erin Pelton Brittany Raposa Abigail Ringiewicz Tapan Tandon

Cameron HashemiPour

Kelsey Wilbur Daniel Wright

Supervising Design Faculty Dr. Anthony F. Arrigo Design and Production Assistant Kevan Trombly

Front Cover Design Kevan Trombly

Dart Magazine Would Like to Thank the Following Underwriters The College of Arts and Sciences The Department of English The College of Visual and Performing Arts The Office of Undergraduate Admissions The Office of Graduate Admissions The Office of Public Affairs

UMass Dartmouth Department of English http://www.umassd.edu/cas/english/ Department of English UMass, Dartmouth LARTS 341 285 Old Westport Road N. Dartmouth, MA 02747 Phone: 508-999-8274 Do you have questions, comments, article ideas, or letters to the editor? Feel free to let us know by emailing Dr. Kara Miller (kmiller4@umassd.edu) or Dr. Anthony Arrigo (aarrigo@umassd.edu)

Welcome to Dart Magazine...

Dear Dart reader, Dart Magazine is a unique academic collaboration between the Document Design class and several Journalism and Writing classes taught in the Department of English at UMass Dartmouth. In February, students working with Dr. Kara Miller began writing the first drafts of many of the articles published here. At the same time, students working with Dr. Anthony Arrigo in Document Design began learning the basics of graphic design theory, magazine layout, and various computer skills, particularly the Adobe Creative Suite. As soon as the Writing and Journalism classes began submitted drafts, the Document Design class started working on layouts. After many revisions and graphical iterations, and long nights spent in the computer labs, Dart was ready to go to print, and we had completed a “real world� publication process. Dart is an inter-departmental and inter-college endeavor that brings together undergraduate and graduate English, Photography, and Graphic Design majors. Dart is also a showcase of UMass Dartmouth creativity and collaboration. Many of the photos and graphics, and all of the articles and layouts were contributed by students from the University. We hope you enjoy reading this issue of Dart as much as we enjoyed creating it.

UMass Dartmouth Department of English

Opportunities for Undergraduates Publications

• Corridors: the annual ejournal of Best Student Essays in the foundation courses http://www.umassd.edu/corridors • Dart: a semesterly culture magazine • Siren: a journal about gender issues • Temper: the annual literary review: poetry, fiction, drama, and creative nonfiction • The Torch: the student newspaper • Word: a biannual English Department newsletter


• Adam Cohen Memorial Award: an annual $500 award recognizing academic excellence in literary studies for an upper-level student • Augustus Silva Award: an annual $3000 Scholarship for one English Major in each concentration

English Major Concentrations Writing , Communication, and Rhetoric This option develops students’ competencies in effective communication. Students learn to assess and produce language for a range of rhetorical situations, analyze the discourse of others, and critically consider the ways in which language helps us to influence and order our world and our communities.

Literature and Criticism

This option focuses on reading and writing about a range of literary and cultural texts, and examining human experience in all its complexity. Through close reading and analysis of literary texts, students learn to articulate their own ideas and to engage the views of others, both in and outside the classroom.

A Major in English prepares you to: • Meet communication challenges in the workplace • Succeed in Law School • Succeed in Graduate School • Become a teacher • Become a journalist • Become a technical or freelance writer

ety nical i c o S ech ion T icat un m m Co















umassd.edu/professionalwriting | facebook.com/professionalwriting


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Art Education Art History Ceramics Digital Media Drawing Graphic Design Illustration Jewelry/Metals Music Music Education Painting Photography Printmaking Sculpture Textile Design/Fibers Typography Wood/Furniture www.umassd.edu/cvpa undergraduate & graduate degrees post-bac & graduate certiďŹ cates Campuses in Nor th Dar tmouth & New Bedford, Massachusetts


Spring 2012





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E l l e a i ctio t n e n d i Y s e re

c e P o liti c al S




By Mark-Anthony Lewis Layout by Robin Keene & Zack Aaron

How much is enough when it comes to politics? Pricilla LewisPina says that there is no such thing.


Spring 2012



or Pricilla Lewis-Pina, first thing Sunday morning – before a shower, before breakfast – is Meet the Press. “Because it’s not Sunday unless it’s Meet the Press.” She actually watches it twice on Sundays, because as she says, “it helps me to better analyze my thinking.” But Meet the Press isn’t this 71-yearold Seekonk resident’s only political interest. “Oh, I live, breathe, and eat politics,” says Pricilla, a self-diagnosed political addict. Indeed, the only other programing her television is ever tuned to is baseball. “It’s news 24 hours a day,” says Pricilla’s husband, Fernando. “She’s wacko.” Christine Lewis, Pricilla’s daughter, has a few complaints, as well. “You know what’s the worst part? When there’s more than one TV on with the same stuff. Fox News, MSNBC, CNN.” Christine thinks it’s good that her mother has the distraction, but she admits that it gets annoying when she watches the news during dinner. “And she still says ‘shush!’”

Joe Scarborough, Wolf Blitzer, and Chris Matthews (“I love Chris Matthews!”) are among Pricilla’s favorite news sources. “I guess from those you can guess my affiliations,” she says, though she has been know to peek over the hedge at Fox News. Pricilla says that it’s simply to hear the arguments of those on the right, but she admits, “Fox News is amusing.” The genesis of this political-mindedness has its roots in the early 1960s. “President Kennedy was someone I really admired, and because of the assassination it made me more aware of what was going on.” Around this same time, Pricilla was working for Democratic State Rep. Aldo Freda as an underwriter at his insurance company in Providence, Rhode Island. “I was the first non-white to work for John Hancock Insurance company. They needed to hire a minority, but they didn’t want someone who looked black,” she says jokingly. “I could be anything.” Freda was still something of an inspiration to

Photos courtesy of iStockPhoto

“Oh, I live, breathe, and eat politics,” says Pricilla, a self-diagnosed political addict. Indeed, the only other programming her television is ever tuned to is baseball. “It’s news 24 hours a day,” says Pricilla’s husband, Fernando. “She’s wacko.”

her, though. “I later became interested in politics because of him. That’s where it all started.” In 1963, Freda connected Pricilla with East Providence realtor and soon-to-be Democratic State Rep. Peter Coelho. “He’s the one who sold my home to me, and because of that acquaintance I became interested in supporting him in his campaign.” Coelho became a friend of the family, with his daughter sometimes babysitting Pricilla’s children, Christine and Steven. Christine recalls, “When they needed someone to help work on the campaign, the first person they would call was Ma because they were so close.” Pricilla remembers that feeling of excitement, having volunteered in Coelho’s campaign handling fundraising functions, sending letters and getting the word out. “When we won that election it was such a thrill!” She recalls the celebration after Coelho was announced the winner. “I was standing on top of the table!” This interest in politics has certainly intensified since the 2008 elections. “Who do I support? You know who I support! You shouldn’t have even asked me that question.” It’s true. Her home is littered with Barack Obama memorabilia. On her refrigerator is a proudlydisplayed Obama campaign sticker, and under her coffee table sits a hefty of stack newspapers from Obama’s election and inauguration – just awaiting eventual scrapbooking. Pricilla even blushes with anticipation to receive her 2012 re-election bumper sticker in the mail. Pricilla often feels the need to defend the President when he comes under attack. “He’s had nothing but struggles,”

she says. “They want the President to fail,” and she has an inkling that race that is a factor. Pricilla sees the President in a unique position as the first non-white president, and she believes much of the polarization in the political sphere stems from this. Not working together is one of the biggest mistakes Congress makes, she feels. “People need to give and take. You can’t always get what you want. You can’t disagree with everything.” And in her view, this leaves the American people stuck in the middle to suffer.

“Working for us, that’s what they were put in their jobs to do. That’s what we pay them for. It’s very difficult to pass anything to move the country forward. I believe that I am middle income, but you worry from day to day whether you will remain middle income.” Though Pricilla frets over the state of the economy and the polarized American government, her excitement for talking politics is unmistakeable. “Is that it?” she asks at the conclusion of the interview, “Because I’ve got more. I’ve got plenty more.” d


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his may not be the interview you were expecting,” said Gregory Gravelle, a 23-year-old who works in finance for a Boston-area firm. The former president of a college Republican club, Gravelle’s political views aren’t exactly aligned with those of Rush Limbaugh’s tribe of Ditto-heads. “I’m a conservative despite the conservative media,” he explained, adding, “Most conservatives get their news from Fox News and the Drudge Report.” Gravelle doesn’t wait for the conservative media to filter news for him. He is critical of what he calls the Fox News “spin machine,” as well as radio powerhouse Rush Limbaugh. “Limbaugh preys on people who don’t do their own research,” he said. Gravelle does his own research on political issues. He reads The


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Economist, the Wall Street Journal, and MarketWatch, a financial information service owned by Dow Jones. He’s finished Ron Paul’s book, Liberty Defined, and is now in the midst of The Real Romney by Michael Kranish and Scott Helman. Gregory Gravelle’s background in finance seeps into his politics. He speaks earnestly about his concerns. “I’m all about the economy,” he says. “While I lean socially conservative, I disregard most social issues,” he adds. Gravelle believes future generations may view social issues as he does. “The history books won’t be written about social issues like abortion but will focus on how the economy is on the brink of collapse and how we’ve been involved in multiple wars,” he said. In regard to his intense focus on the economy, Gravelle insisted this is not an anomaly. He said, “You’ll find

Photo by Cavecreek on Flickr

By Mary Chaffee Layout by Debora Louis

a lot of young conservatives who think as I do” and added, “I wasn’t out of the mainstream when I was in the UMass Dartmouth College Republicans. There were twelve of us and we joked about social issues.” Greg Gravelle’s political views crystallized at three New England colleges where he learned the ropes of political campaigns while attending classes. At Roger Williams University in Rhode Island, he joined the college’s Young Republicans Club and worked on Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee’s presidential campaign.

When he transferred the following year to the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, he pollinated that campus with what he’d learned at Roger Williams. “The UMass Republican Club had become dormant,” said Gravelle. He became the spark plug that got the group’s engine going again by becoming its president. Gravelle was a political science major while at UMass Dartmouth but chose to pursue a degree in finance and ultimately graduated from Assumption College after a second transfer. Gravelle continued to learn the nuts-and-bolts of politics by volunteering on Scott Brown’s successful 2010 Massachusetts Senate campaign and by working on Charlie Baker’s unsuccessful run for Massachusetts governor. This young conservative doesn’t like how the Republican primaries have been covered in the media. When the focus is on budget issues, Gravelle pays attention—to both sides. But he expressed frustration at a perceived lack of focus by the media on what he views as the nation’s substantial financial issues. And Gravelle is troubled that Ron Paul’s ideas have been largely ignored by the mainstream conservative media. “Ron Paul made major policy statements in the debates, but they weren’t mentioned by Hannity and Limbaugh because it’s outside the script,” he said. Gravelle’s contention that many young conservatives think like he does, eschewing social issues while maintaining a singular focus on the economy, may be on target. Jordan Smith, a Millersville University student said in a USNews report by Lauren Fox, “I don’t really care about the social stuff.” When asked about social issues, Lisa Stricken, a young conservative activist in Ohio, stated in a February 2012 interview in The Atlantic, “It’s the economic uncertainty that’s driving the younger voters.” Similarly, Real Clear Politics reported many young conservatives didn’t express great concern about social issues at the February 2012 Conservative Political Action Conference. If Gregory Gravelle is correct, and many young conservatives are as focused on the economy as he is, what does this mean for the Republican presidential candidates? Most likely that they should do a better job of articulating how they will get the U.S. economic machine powered up again. d

“I wasn’t out of the mainstream when I was in the UMass Dartmouth College Republicans. There were twelve of us and we joked about social issues.”


Spring 2012 11

What happened to the Moderate Republicans? By Henry Cho Layout by Abby Ringiewicz


aine Senator Olympia Snowe recently announced she would not seek a fourth term this fall. In an op-ed piece for the Washington Post, Snowe stated that the continuing “political polarization” in Congress has become too much of an obstacle, resulting in a legislature in which “everyone simply votes with their party.” Considered as a moderate Republican, her retirement will reduce the number of centrist Republicans in Congress. Over the last few years, several moderate Republicans have either retired or changed their party affiliations because of the pressure they faced from their party’s larger conservative base. Ryan Duncum, a thirty-two-year-old UMass Dartmouth student and Independent voter, said he will vote for Barack Obama in November because he feels the Republican Party has become too exclusive. “I was brought up in a conservative, Christian household, and I can understand where a lot of the conservative Republican’s convictions come from,” said Duncum. “But with the experiences I had being in the Marines [from 2001-2006], being able to see other countries and talk to different people gave me a larger world-view of different perspectives. And it’s why I see the [Republican] party as a party that’s un-inclusive and narrow minded.” Case One In 2009, Arlen Specter, a Pennsylvania Republican since 1980, switched party alliances after he was one of four Republican senators to vote for President Obama’s stimulus bill. Because he broke off from his party’s stance against the measure,


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Senator Arlen Spector

pressure from within the party emerged as Pat Toomey challenged Specter for his senatorial seat. Polls showed that Toomey would have won the Republican nomination had Specter remained a Republican. Specter eventually lost to Toomey in 2009. “I grew up in a Republican household, but their views don’t align with mine,” said Bobby Budziszek, a thirty-year-old Congressman Marco Rubio UMass Dartmouth student who will also vote for Obama in November. “I feel there is an inconsistency about the Republican Party,” said Budziszek. “Not that the Democratic Party has been any better, but [the Republican’s] ideology has been so conservative. They have been more conservative than they should be.” Case Two In 2009, former Republican Governor Charlie Crist decided to run for the vacated senate seat previously held by Republican Mel Martinez. Running against the governor was Marco Rubio, the former Florida Speaker of the House. Rubio was considered the more conservative candidate, especially since he had strongly supported the Tea Party Movement. As a result, Crist decided to run as an Independent, even though he had stated he would not change his party affiliation during the campaign. Crist and the Democratic challenger Kendrick Meek lost to Rubio, who has gained political momentum and has even been considered a potential vice-presidential selection in 2012. In recent interviews, Crist had said he would consider voting for Obama in November. Crist is now a registered Independent, and has even considered running for office as a Democrat.

Florida Governor Charlie Crist (center) looks on as FEMA Director David Paulison (right), talks about FEMA’s initial response to the tornadoes that struck central Florida in February, 2007. Mark Wolfe/FEMA

“The problem with Republicans is their stubbornness to continually stay to the right on so many issues,” said Budziszek. “It doesn’t matter if it’s a social issue or even related to business, they don’t seem to try and find some common ground.” The atmosphere of this year’s Republican Presidential Primary focused on who is the more conservative candidate. While Mitt Romney was — throughout the primary campaign — considered the strongest candidate to challenge Obama in the general election, he was not able to gain the full support of the Republican Party due to questions about whether he is too moderate. In February 2012, a Pew poll showed that Romney was losing conservative votes. Fifty-three percent of Republican voters saw Romney as a conservative candidate in November 2011, but three months later, that number dropped to fortynine percent. Among Tea Party voters, it decreased from fiftyone to twenty-nine percent in that same period. Both former Republican candidates Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum have called Romney

a “Massachusetts Republican,” a tag that refers to the general feeling among many Republicans that Massachusetts is a bastion of liberalism. Romney, however, tried to counter these impressions throughout the primary season by repeatedly stating that his credentials show he can be trusted as the conservative candidate for the presidency. A March Time Magazine poll showed that Romney has gained some of the conservative voters back. However, Ronald Brownstein of the National Journal commentated that Romney still struggled for their votes on Super Tuesday, as none of his six victories came from the south. “Romney continued to struggle among the key elements of the party’s populist wing, particularly evangelical Christians, strong Tea Party supporters, working-class voters, and voters who consider themselves very conservative.” Case Three Current Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee, son of the late Republican Senator John Chafee has been called a “liberal Republican” ever since he took

his father’s senate seat in 1999. Chafee was an outspoken critic of the Iraq War during George W. Bush’s terms in office, a stance that was criticized by members of the Republican Party. In 2005, Chafee was challenged by Cranston mayor Steve Laffey, who ran as the more conservative Republican. While Chafee was able to win the Republican nomination, he became a registered Independent in 2006. Chafee has stated that the reason he had lost his senatorial seat to Sheldon Whitehouse in 2007 was due to backlash against George W. Bush’s policies, even though Chafee was one Bush’s most vocal critics. d

“The problem with Republicans is their stubbornness, continually staying to the right on so many issues. It doesn’t matter if it’s a social issue or even related to business, they don’t seem to try and find some common ground.”

Governor Lincoln Chaffee


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By Joe Boomer Layout by Abby Ringiewicz


’ve had them before, but never like this. Back in 2009, a couple of hours before I was due to report to St. Luke’s Hospital in New Bedford, MA, for my clinical orientation, I endured the worst panic attack I have ever had. I was both mentally and physically fatigued, having suffered another episode of insomnia the night before, when the thought of having to go to the orientation in a few hours struck me with a violent explosion. I felt lightheaded as my heart rapidly thumped in my chest. I remember wondering if I was having a heart attack, but I quickly dismissed it. I told myself that it was just nerves and I needed to relax. I didn’t know why I was so anxious. I’d been through plenty of orientations before. I’d survived Paris Island, and served four years of active duty in a Marine Corp infantry unit. This should be nothing. Then a dark voice spoke to me from somewhere deep in my subconscious. It told me that I did not have to feel like this, and I knew what to do to end it – permanently. The thought scared me. I’ve had thoughts of suicide before (who hasn’t while growing up?) but this one was different. It ceased to be a thought, and became a feasible option. I never made it to that orientation. What I did do was seek professional help. I was able to understand what was happening to me and how I could overcome it. It was at one of my therapy sessions that I was first introduced to the idea that my thoughts and panic attacks could be related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

According to the Department of Veteran Affairs National Center for PTSD, common symptoms include nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, flashbacks, depression, and behavior changes like excessive alcohol and drug use, aggressiveness, and aversion to certain people and situations. In other words, there is a wide range of symptoms that a veteran can experience, and because of this variety, it is difficult for the soldier to identify their symptoms as signs of PTSD. In June, 2011, the Department of Veteran Affairs reported that “20 percent of veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are diagnosed with PTSD.” Shockingly, there is a large portion of these veterans that do not seek medical help for their condition. Dr. Charles W. Hoge, a PTSD specialist at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, explains that identification of PTSD symptoms and ensuring that service members seek immediate treatment is the key to successful healing. The problem, as Hoge describes, is that “only 38 percent to 40 percent of those who indicated mental health disorders were interested in getting help.” Keith F., an Army Reservist in the Combat Stress Control Unit, just returned from his second tour in Afghanistan back in September. He explains to me the reservations some soldiers have about admitting their need to seek help. “They tell you that nothing will be held against you, and that it will not affect you professionally, but that’s not true.” Photo by Christopher Alves


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Photo by Christopher Alves

Keith goes on to explain that before every deployment, a soldier must fill out a Pre-Deployment Health Assessment (PDHA) that medically screens each soldier for “behavioral concerns” as well as any physical issues that could negatively affect someone’s deployment. A portion of the PDHA is dedicated to asking questions relating to mental health. According to Keith, they ask questions like “Do you often become angry for no apparent reason?” and “During the past year, have you sought counseling or care for your mental health?” Keith explains that “I’ve personally known people that answered the questions honestly, and then were flagged and had their deployment status on hold. They had to go in for further evaluation to be medically cleared. It was a huge pain for them and could have cost them their deployment status, which would have negatively affected their military career. It just makes some soldiers not want to answer the PDHA honestly.” Unfortunately, many soldiers are afraid 16

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to admit they need help. They fear that admitting to symptoms of PTSD will impede any advancement in their military career. Soldiers are also instilled with notions of pride and duty. They have the ability to withstand stressful situations and maintain their composure while relying on training to survive. They are not instructed to acknowledge and explore their emotions, but instead to suppress any anxiety and fear, as those qualities are viewed as weaknesses. Hoge suggests that the military needs to “reduce the barriers and make it more likely for people to come in and get the help that they need.” They must inform veterans about PTSD, reinforce the notion that there is nothing wrong with seeking medical help, and eradicate the negative stigma. But are veterans receiving the assistance they need from the Department of Veteran Affairs? Coretta B., a nursing assistant for the VA (Veteran Affairs) Health Care System, and an Army Reservist, told me that there is a major lack of

treatment available for veterans seeking help. Coretta served a tour in Iraq and returned to the States in 2005. Immediately upon her homecoming, she noticed signs of deep depression, anxiety attacks and insomnia. She requested assistance from the VA for her medical condition. It was not until 2007 that she finally received the treatment that she asked for. “It was really difficult to actually get in touch with someone,” Coretta explains. “I filed my claim and they would assign me a resident [a VA case handler] to manage my situation. Then when I called back to get an update, someone would tell me my resident was transferred and I had to get a new one and start the whole process over again. That happened a few times.” Coretta goes on to explain that her situation is a lot better now, because she has had the same resident, who knows her and her case, for over a year now. When asked about the medical treatment that she has received, Coretta leans back in her chair, sighs, and looks up to

Then a dark voice spoke to me from somewhere deep in my subconscious. It told me that I did not have to feel like this, and I knew what to do to end it – permanently.

the ceiling before turning her gaze back to me. “They have an old way of doing things,” Coretta explains. “At first, you have an appointment with a social worker who asks you what your symptoms are, that they then run down a checklist. If you meet a certain criteria, then you get help.” Coretta describes how she was referred to group therapy and prescribed medication to treat her symptoms. “The group they sent me to was a mixture of women vets that ranged from Vietnam to the first Gulf War. I could not find anyone to relate my experiences with. They also prescribed medication. I had one pill for anxiety, one to sleep, and one to take every day for depression.” Coretta explains that she stopped taking the medication because it made her feel like a “zombie.” As she looks down at her hands, nervously folded on the table in front of her, she admits that she still has her “six year-old son sleep in the bed with [her]. I know it’s wrong, but I wouldn’t be able to sleep otherwise. It’s very frustrating, because I feel like I’m forgotten about.” Through therapy, I was able to understand my condition. I still have panic attacks, but they have become less frequent and I can identify the onset of an attack and apply calming techniques like breathing exercises that help reduce the severity. It is still a fight, but one that I am winning. d


Despite its prevalence, post-traumatic stress disorder was only recently identified.

Many of those who returned from Vietnam in the 1960s and 70s exhibited signs of PTSD, which resulted in recognition of the disorder.

It wasn’t until 1979 that Congress passed a bill to create outreach centers for those suffering the psychological effects of war.

The disorder does not just affect veterans. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “PTSD is an anxiety disorder that some people get after seeing or living through a dangerous event.”

Those who suffer might include survivors or victims of abuse, disasters, tragedies, or other distressing experiences.

Treatments vary from person to person, but often include one-on-one counseling, group therapy, and/or medication.

Websites with additional information: UMass Dartmouth Counseling Center http://www.umassd.edu/counseling/ National Institute of Mental Health http://www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml United States Department of Veterans Affairs http://www.ptsd.va.gov/


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Summer Movie Guide

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES—JULY 20 Part 3 of Nolan’s Batman series (the sequel to 2005’s Batman Begins and 2008’s The Dark Knight. Set to take place eight years after the events of the previous film, The Dark Knight Rises sees Batman returning from exile to find villain Bane (Tom Hardy) terrorizing Gotham City. Through muscle, intelligence, and doubtlessly a host of brand new gadgets, the superhero must once again again find a way to defeat the villains of Gotham.

DARK SHADOWS—MAY 11 Another classic Burton-Depp matchup is sure to do phenomenal in theaters. Depp is a playboy in the mid-1700s who gets turned into a vampire and buried alive by a witch (Eva Green). He awakens 200 years later and returns to his old manor, where he meets his descendants. The movie is based off of the 1960/70’s soap opera of the same name. The film is bound to be a hit; with the combo of Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, and vampires, how could it go wrong?


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Summer 2012 is looking to be the year the box offices have been waiting for: sequels to your favorite movies, remakes of old classics, and original films alike are proving to be a jacked line-up for your summer viewing pleasure. Whether your taste be comedy, romance, action, or vampires , film-thirsts will be quenched. By Tyler Ochs Layout by Brittany Raposa

THE DICTATOR—MAY 11 The infamous Sacha Baron Cohen (of Borat and Brüno fame) is back again. Cohen wrote the screenplay for this comedy about the corrupt dictator (Cohen) of the fictional Middle-East country of Wadiya, who refuses to have democracy spread to his beloved oppressed country. Whether or not this film is in mockumentary style like its predecessors is still up in the air, but regardless, the team of Cohen and Charles will undoubtedly keep their unique brand of humor alive.

THAT’S MY BOY—JUNE 15 Both Sandler and Samberg have been keeping themselves busy on screen, and have teamed up for the hilarious story of an incompetent fool named Donny (Sandler) who attempts to make his way back into his estranged son Todd’s (Samberg) life to get out of debt. Donny, a teenage father, had only raised his son until Todd’s 18th birthday. As Donny tried to reunite with his son, Todd’s world comes crashing down.The combo of these two funny guys is sure to be a smash.

7 horror movies too bad to miss Sometimes a movie comes along that is so moving, so timeless, and so wonderfully acted, directed and produced that it becomes a classic. Other times a movie is so bad that it manages to defy logic and actually become a classic, too, but for all the wrong reasons. By James Davis Layout by Rachel Freitas

Hard Rock Zombies Why It’s Bad This is a music video thrust into the dual role of zombie and redneck slasher flick.

Basket Case Why It’s Bad The movie’s slow pace, shoe-string budget, and shoddy effects, make it hard to view.

What Makes It Great The villain is an elderly Hitler and his family of ghouls. The heroes are rock stars turned zombies out to get revenge.

What Makes It Great The crazy plot of a man’s choice between his love interest and a murderous lump of flesh that’s been removed from Siamese twins.

Kiss of The Vampire Why It’s Bad This is the epitome of a Hammer production: unconvincing sets, cheesy dialogue and a half-baked premise.

Forever Evil Why It’s Bad This classic B movie is a jumbled mess of horror and sci-fi ideas mashed together to form a plot.

Blood Freak Why It’s Bad Poor acting, terrible production value, visable boom mics and a narrator with a whooping cough.

The Corpse Grinders Why It’s Bad Another Ted V. Mikels super low-budget exploitation film featuring poor acting, and gratuitious gore.

I Drink Your Blood Why It’s Bad This film contains satanic rituals and rape. Low-budget enough to make any horror fan queasy.

What Makes It Great A vampire hunter stakes a woman at her funeral with a shovel and spends the rest of the movie averting disaster through a series of coughs and reliance on the dark arts.

What Makes It Great For all it’s failings this is a horror movie set after the horror movie ends. A must-see for anyone who wants to know how a survivor copes with the supernaural.

What Makes It Great This is the only pro-Christian, antidrug horror movie featuring a blood drinking turkey/man monster.

What Makes It Great A valuable lesson in economics – when your cat food business is failing, adding human bodies to the mix can really boost profits.

What Makes It Great If you can make it past the sporadic violence the movie boils down to a kid feeding rabiesinfected meat pies to the hippies who gave his grandpa LSD.


Spring 2012 19

Take Time to Unwind

The life of a college student is not always glamorous; in fact, it can be downright stressful. When you’re not attending classes, you’re sifting through a stack of homework, working a part-time job, trying to squeeze in some exercise, and maybe even attempting to have a social life. Be sure to add a small amount of time to relax before you hit stress overload.


Spring 2012



Listening to music is a well-known stress reliever. The next time you’re looking to relax, swap out a few of your fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping songs for slow, soothing tunes. Pop in your earbuds, lay back, relax, and let your worries get lost in the music.


Shut the lights off. Close the blinds. Light a couple of candles and lay down. Close your eyes and take long, deep breaths while enjoying the peaceful serenity of a quiet room. Clear your mind and let out your negative energy and stress. Meditating every day – even for just a few minutes – can be a simple solution to high stress levels.


Avoid fatty and sugary foods when stressed, even though they may be convenient for those with a busy schedule. Fruits and vegetables along with wholegrain carbohydrates are always good. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce stress; be sure to include fish in your diet!


With a jam-packed schedule, it may seem like you have no time to hit the gym. Exercising is important when trying to relieve stress because of the mood-boosting endorphins that it releases in your body. Even if your day does not allow an hour-long workout, a short walk will suffice. Take a quick walk around Ring Road while listening to music or chatting with friends.

Photo by JanetR3 on Flickr

By Angela Coville Layout by Cameron Hashemi-Pour


Perfect First Date Looks In a fashion frenzy over what to wear for your first date? Fret not! Whether your date night is casual or cosmopolitan, ladies and gentlemen, these looks have you covered! By Victoria White Layout by Brittany Raposa


s your First Date a romantic candle-lit dinner for two, or even a luminescent soiree? Dashingly Debonair is a sophisticated look for a first date. WOMEN, go for a more classically silhouetted dress with a drop line waist and pencil skirt. Belts, bows, or knots at the waist give the illusion an hour-glass figure. Channel your inner Marilyn with dramatic blacks, vibrant reds, and ethereal champagnes. MEN, add some pizzazz to a regular suit by playing with texture and color. Break up a classic three-piece suit by mixing neutrals.




ntic R ocker

T ic Casual Ch

he Casual Chic look is meant for the working girl or guy. Overloaded with work at the office and won’t have time to change before your big date? These looks make for an appropriate mix of business and pleasure. WOMEN, tailored pieces like a blazer or trouser-inspired skirt keep it work-friendly while sheer blouses, color-blocking, and heart-shaped accessories make it playful. MEN, go for an Oxford vibe with tweeds, plaids, and sweater vests. Make sure to add a pop of color to finish off your look.


Spring 2012 21

Women’s Clothing: Photos by Meagan Tintan at Flickr.com; Men’s Clothing: Photo by Ashley Webb at Flickr.com


s your date more a bar or rock club setting? Then the Romantic Rocker look is just for you! This look is all about balancing texture and playing with neutrals. WOMEN, pair a structured bomber jacket with a feminine dress (think lace, sheer, or floral) and stick to antiqued gold jewelry to keep the look soft yet edgy. MEN, turn to alternative neutrals like camel, charcoal, and chocolate to give a classic rock star look rugged flare.

Mus c Stand

You just spent $100 for lawn-seat tickets at a crowded amphitheater that holds 8,000 people, only to be surrounded by 300 bros shotgunning Natty Ice. If all you really want is to see a great band at a place where you can get quality drinks, sit mere feet from the stage, and spend under $60, then here are a few options for you.

By Cameron Crowne Layout by Abby Ringiewicz

THE MIDDLE EAST CAMBRIDGE, MA. The Middle East is Boston’s hotspot for unsigned acts who have a lot of hype. With both downstairs and upstairs venues, The Middle East offers multiple opportunities every month to hear a variety of music, from hip-hop acts to metal bands. This club offers shows designated as under-18 shows, as well as 21-plus shows. And with its own restaurant inside, getting a nice meal and a couple of drinks will make the musical adventure that much better.

LUPO’S HEARTBREAK HOTEL PROVIDENCE, RI. The stage at Lupo’s has been graced with acts ranging from the Wu–Tang Clan to indie bands like Deer Tick. Artists come from across the country to play this venue for its legendary crowds and great atmosphere. With a great location right in the heart of Providence, a capacity of about 1,500 people, balcony seating along with a floor area for standing room only, and a full and reasonablypriced bar, Lopos is a great destination to see your favorite act.

THE IRON HORSE NORTHAMPTON, MA. If you’re looking for a small place with a great atmosphere, the Iron Horse is the place for you. With a capacity of 500 people, this music hall is for those who want an intimate setting with beers from local breweries like High and Mighty and Berkshire Brewing Company. You will find a lot of young and old talent playing just for the sake of playing. The Iron Horse also books many solo performances of members from more notable bands, like Dispatch and State Radio. Vanna at Lupos Heartbreak Hotel, Providence, RI

The Pour Farm In the heart of New Bedford, at 780 Purchase Street, The Pour Farm Tavern has open mics every Monday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. A lot of talented people show up at The Pour Farm, and these people kick out the jams. When you get there, throw back a few of their great tasting microbrewed ales or lagers to get into the groove.


Spring 2012


The WRC Located on the second floor of Liberal Arts, the Writing and Reading Center (WRC) holds multiple open mics every semester. If it’s your first time ever performing in front of others, the WRC is a great starting point. They accept acts of all forms: readings of short stories, essays and poems, as well as music of any kind. You can even present a piece of art and get some feedback on it.

Photo by Elizabeth McClay on Flickr

Open Mic

Hot Spots to Hit in Historic New Bedford By Brittany Nunes Layout by Kelsey Wilbur

Check out the most interesting spots in New Bedford that most college students don’t even know exist. Just a short drive down Route 6 will take you to one of the country’s oldest port cities. From its rich history to its unique architecture, the New Bedford area takes pride in its heritage.

Whaling Museum


Zeiterion Theatre

AHA! Night

Discover the city’s history and the industry that once made it thrive. With a full -size ship and a large collection of whaling artifacts, it aims to please the history buff in everyone. $9 for students

Boasting handmade jewelry, crafts, folk music, fresh seafood, barbeque, and more, Summerfest allows you to discover the talents our locals have to offer. This event is held for a full weekend in July. $20

Experience musical and theatrical performances along with a rich atmosphere you don’t want to miss in NB’s eloquent, old-trimmed theater. $30-50 per ticket

Explore the art, history, and architecture of the historic district and its local talents. Held the second Thursday of every month. Each night offers different themed events. FREE

Fort Taber

New Bedford Bay Sox

Madeira Feast

Vintage Shops

While basking in the sun, take some time to soak in the breathtaking view from the old war fort. As you take cover from the sun, also take a stroll through history. FREE

If you’re looking for a great sports game, check out this MLB-affiliated team made up of collegiate guys from across the country. $5 per ticket

Join in celebrating with the locals at one of the largest Portuguese feasts in the world. Traditional dancers, music, and cuisine is sure to take you right back to the “Old Country.” FREE

Reinvent that retro feel as you step through the doors and go back in time at Calico or The Artificial Marketplace. Uncover a plethora of items from decades past, including clothing, furniture, and even vinyls.


Spring 2012 23

A ofTwo Tale Cities By Michael Smith Layout by Kati Betrovski


The Art of

Reviving a Struggling South Coast


Spring 2012


Title Page From Left to Right: Jackson Carson on Flickr, Pendlestock on DeviantArt. Page on Right From Top To Bottom: Frank C. Grace on Flickr, Nik Ukleja, ArtGalleryFrames.com


outheastern Massachusetts houses two former economic icons of the Industrial Age of the late-nineteenth century: New Bedford and Fall River. Both cities produced selfsustaining, thriving economies with sizable work forces. New Bedford made its name as a major seaport for fishing and whaling, which inspired Herman Melville to write Moby Dick, while Fall River earned the designation of textile capital of the world. Leap forward more than a century. Today, both cities are struggling in an uncertain economy. The whaling that put New Bedford on the map is but a distant memory, while Fall River’s textile industry left decades ago for cheaper labor in the south and overseas. With unemployment rates near 16% in both cities and Fall River’s population at its lowest since the late 1890s, a new hope has surfaced. It is a promise resuscitating one city, while the other still languishes. That new hope is the arts. The arts’ promise to resuscitate the South Coast originated when Swain School of Design merged with the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, then known as Southeastern Massachusetts University. From this union in the summer of 1987 came an arts program that would heavily influence nearby New Bedford, creating a vibrant downtown likely not seen since the days of Melville. The arts have revived the city to the point that it has been named the seventh most artistic city in the United States by The Atlantic. Jeremy Pereira, a 2002 fine arts graduate of UMass Dartmouth, points to the university’s Star Store campus, which provides galleries and studios for students, as having a lot to do with the burgeoning arts scene in downtown New Bedford. “A lot of kids that I went to school with left the dorms of UMass and went to live in New


vibrant downtown not seen since the days of Melville

Bedford,” Pereira says. “It behooved them to be part of the scene and try to get into galleries and things outside UMass.” It was at this time the city began the monthly art festival AHA! (Art, History, Architecture). Created in 1999 by the city of New Bedford, The Mass Cultural Council, The Island Foundation and local businesses, sponsorships and donors, AHA! takes place on the second Thursday of each month, promoting the work of local artisans with open studios and gallery shows. As the arts scene began to grow in the early 2000s, old buildings that had been vacant for years were converted into galleries and studios such as Gallery X, a former church. Unused storefronts also quickly became bars, cafés, and eateries, such as No Problemo, a popular café serving Mexican food. According to an evaluation of New Bedford’s 2006 Open Studios done by the Center for Policy Analysis at UMass Dartmouth, artists from Providence and Boston began to inquire about renting out studio space in New Bedford. The survey also focused on patrons asking what they enjoyed most about AHA!. The frequent answer was the arts and culture. Also, close to 70% of those surveyed said they would later patronize downtown restaurants and cafés after perusing galleries and studios. With AHA! established dowtown and supported by local restaurants, New Bedford was experiencing a revival. Then there is Fall River. Fall River has struggled to develop its own arts scene. Following the ideas of cities and towns like New Bedford, Lowell, and Pawtucket, RI, Fall River’s Redevelopment Authority established an arts overlay district in 2008. Encompassing downtown and several blocks on its outskirts, the district was designed to lure artists, restaurants, and other businesses to revitalize the city. Four years later, the district remains underutilized, as the area still lacks artist studios Dart

Spring 2012 25

and galleries, although a few restaurants have opened. Sandy Dennis, the head of Arts United, a non-profit organization that uses volunteers to promote and support Fall River artists, says of the arts overlay district, “If we are going to have a true arts overlay district, we need to start pushing and promoting arts in that district.” Dennis adds it has been difficult to promote the arts and artists in the city because “there are lots of people doing things on their own and not contacting Arts United. The shows done on their own are usually not successful events and have very low turnout.” This is not because Fall River has a short supply of artists. Instead of artisans focused in one area like downtown New Bedford, they are scattered throughout Fall River, renting out studio space in the leftover hulks of the city’s textile mills - of which none are located within the arts overlay district. “The Fall River arts scene is flailing in the water,” as Jeremy Pereira puts it. Pereira’s own studio has been located at the Border City Mills since 2008 and he says the problem is that “instead of a community of artists, it seems more like a bunch of individual groups 26

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Paintings by UMass Dartmouth Alumnus Eric Grab

doing their own thing, but no one is trying to become a whole and make it something more. It’s good to have artists in general, but you need a community like you have in New Bedford. If not, you’re not taken seriously.” With the quandaries revealed by Dennis and Pereira, the difficulty of an arts scene emerging in Fall River may be more deeply rooted. “The city lacks the political will for the arts,” states former Fall River mayoral candidate Stefani Koorey, sipping coffee at a North End diner. Koorey, who holds a Ph.D. in theater history and drama criticism, maintains, “What the office of economic development in Fall River doesn’t understand is that the arts and preservation are economic development.” In spite of Fall River’s struggles, Dennis does offer some hope. “We are working on a program now and are now collaborating with New Bedford to bring to Fall River an arts scene,” which will be similar to AHA!. Dennis is hopeful the program will be rolled out to the public in April. “Hopefully it can be the beginning of a true, true arts scene in Fall River,” she says.

Top to bottom: Photo by Frank C. Grace on Flickr, Photo by ArtGalleryFrames.com, Photo by Eric Grab

Gallery X in New Bedford

Are we in good hands? By Stevy Allen Layout by Brittany Raposa


nfortunately, I’ve had surgery in three different countries in my relatively short life. Fortunately, each time I had some type of healthcare. The first was in the United States, and I worked full-time at the hospital where I had the surgery, so I had great coverage. The second time was while I was teaching in Japan. Due to their socialized healthcare system, the emergency surgery took place on a Friday at midnight, and I paid a pittance for both it and my five-day hospital stay. The third surgery took place in New Zealand. Anyone living in or visiting New Zealand is covered for any medical emergencies. Since I have Permanent Residency, I was covered for the non-emergency surgery. And I didn’t pay a cent for it – literally walked out of the hospital, without even signing paperwork. Of the three hospitalizations, the U.S. was most lacking in terms of care and treatment. To be able to have healthcare

in the U.S., I had to have a 40-hour-perweek job while attending college classes full-time. Lack of sleep, high stress, and no time for well-rounded meals led to the surgery in the first place. I was in and out in one day, with no immediate follow-up. Plus, the surgeon wasn’t able to completely solve the problem and failed to tell me that it may reoccur. I was expected back at work the next day. Soon, I transferred to another college, moving to a different city where I worked three part-time jobs (as I couldn’t find one full-time job), and therefore didn’t have health insurance. Since I couldn’t afford to go to the doctor, I had no idea that the same medical issue was coming back bigger, bolder, and more painful than before. After graduation, I travelled to Japan, and one afternoon it became apparent that I had a problem. A big problem. I ended up in the emergency room, and I didn’t yet speak any Japanese. After ultrasounds, body scans, and brain scans, the problem was confirmed, and I

Illustrations by Kevan Trombly


Spring 2012 27

was immediately scheduled for the same surgery I had previously in the U.S. If I had had health insurance in the U.S., the problem would have easily been discovered during a routine annual medical exam, preventing my emergency situation halfway around the world. After undergoing surgery in Japan, I had my vitals taken by a nurse every 15 minutes for four hours, then every hour for about eight additional hours. I was hospitalized for five days, and told to take at least two further weeks off of work. The cultural differences and language barrier certainly made my hospital stay interesting. Once, I refused to use a bedpan and walked down the hall, IV stand in hand, to the bathroom. From every room, the nurses emerged and formed a line to clap and cheer me on. However, the care went beyond that. Not only was the Japanese surgeon able to completely solve the problem that the American surgeon couldn’t, but everyone was gentle, considerate, and compassionate. I didn’t want to go home after five days of hospital care. While in New Zealand, I had an unrelated problem. Numerous doctor visits, CT scans, and visits with a specialist were all free. The condition compromised my quality of life, but I had an additional problem: I was leaving the country to study in the U.S. The surgery I needed was free under New Zealand’s socialized healthcare system, but there was a waitlist for non-emergency surgeries. I told my doctor of my plans to leave the country, and he bumped me up the list so I would have time to have the surgery and heal before I left. There were no complications, but they kept me overnight – just for observation. Coming from the U.S., which kicks you out less than 24 hours after pushing a human being out of your body, I was gobsmacked. Back in the U.S., I’ve had some recent health problems that have required both doctor and hospital visits. The amount of time it took to get the minimal attention required to re-diagnose my problem, which had been quickly diagnosed in New Zealand, was horrible. I was extremely ill for seven months, and, due to the long wait to get appropriate care, I actually developed other serious problems that I’ll have to live with for the rest of my


Spring 2012


life. Also, having student health insurance means out-of-pocket co-pays, making it difficult for me to make ends meet – or even buy groceries. In Japan and New Zealand, I worked less but had more, and better, medical care. The amount of taxes I paid was only slightly higher than my taxes in the U.S., my home country. I was happier, healthier, and less stressed. Therefore, I was able to give more of myself back to the community. What could be wrong with a more productive and healthy society? Why shouldn’t every first-world country have that for its citizens? d

“After graduation, I travelled to Japan, and one afternoon it became apparent that I had a problem. A big problem.”

By Brian Jones Layout by Tapan Tandon



Imagine being able to take a printer wherever you go. Alex Breton, an engineer from Stockholm, Sweden, has invited the world’s smallest printer. The Printbrush is roughly the size of a stapler and can synchronize with a computer to print images and text as you run it along paper. The newest model is set to be released sometime this year and will feature a camera for instant picture printing.

2 Say goodbye to fragile electronic glass screens. Samsung is one of several companies that have demonstrated the capabilities of slim, lightweight, and flexible plastic displays. Within only a few years, this technology will be in every phone, TV, and computer. You’ll be able to roll up your iPad like a newspaper and stick it in your pocket. Plus, because the screens will be made of plastic, dropping your phone won’t break the screen. Look for Samsung’s new flexible display phone coming out sometime this year.

Tired of spilling coffee on your pants or washing soup stains off your shirt? A revolutionary product created by Ross Corp. engineers may save you time. Their NeverWet spray is super hydrophobic, meaning it completely repels any liquid. It can be spayed on any surface, from clothing to your kitchen counter top. Also, because bacteria and other microorganisms cannot survive without liquid, NeverWet permanently sterilizes anything it’s applied to. This product goes public in mid-2012.

3 This device marks the beginning of the end for the remote control car. The Parrot AR Drone is just one of the many remote control quad-copters on the market today. While remote control helicopters have been around for awhile, this product takes the concept to the next level. The four rotating blades allow for extremely precise and dramatic maneuvers that regular remote-control air units can’t manage. The Parrot also comes equipped with an HD camera that allows the user to film along a preset flight path or record during manual control. As impressive as that is, what really makes the Parrot special is the $300 price tag.

4 What if you could have your vital signs monitored simply by standing in front of a mirror? MIT student Ming-Zher Poh has invented a mirror that does just that. This piece of cutting-edge technology can determine your heart rate simply by using a camera that detects the light reflecting off your skin. The mirror also has the potential to measure other vital signs such as respiratory rate and bloodoxygen saturation. Poh’s software can run even on very low-quality phone cameras, so expect to see a “vital signs” iPhone app sometime soon.


Spring 2012 29

A CREATIVE By Rachel Freitas Layout by Dan Wright

The black-and-white projection fades in sync with the choral ensemble. A burst of applause rings throughout the auditorium. The audience rises for a standing ovation and music theory professor James Bohn beams with pride. For the past nine months, Bohn has laboriously put together “Metropolis: The Oratorio,” an original opera set to an edited version of Fritz Lang’s 1927 silent

film Metropolis. Finally, on March 11th, 2011, his hard work paid off with a performance by students of Rhode Island College. The project itself was partly funded by the college, whom Bohn works for, but mostly through Kickstarter. What is Kickstarter? In short, it’s a site where anybody who has a creative idea that is in need of funding, be it a movie or a crafting venture, can submit their

project, and other users can contribute as much or as little money as they want to the cause. The website, founded by Perry Chen and Yancey Strickler, “funds and follows creativity,” according to their mission statement. It stands by its motto, stating “a good idea, communicated well, can spread fast and wide,” and that “a large group of people can be a tremendous source of

Photo by Emily Schneider

The Living Statues (pictured) will seek funding through Kickstarter later this year.


Spring 2012


KICK money and encouragement.” If the website’s staff approves an idea, the project goes online, which is where the fun begins. Users set up cash goals for their projects, which must be met within a determined amount of time. “Backers,” or people willing to donate, pledge money. If the goal is met by the deadline, it is officially funded, but backers do not lose any of their money if the goal is not reached. This is what Kickstarter calls their “unique all-or-nothing” method. The backers, in return, receive rewards determined by the project manager based on the amount given. These may include being named in the credits of a film, a one-of-a-kind cartoon drawing, or a personal home concert – all incentives to entice people to fund their projects. The New York Times reported that Kickstarter has raised $130 million in the mere three years that it has been in operation. The Atlantic foresees the site giving $150 million to various creative projects in 2012 alone. Strickler has acknowledged that this figure is four million more than the National Endowment of the Arts’ yearly budget. It’s not surprising that more and more people are turning to Kickstarter to fund their creativity. Bohn notes that in a pre-Kickstarter world he relied mostly on grants, a lengthy process which Bohn cites “has its own problem.” The University of Wisconsin’s Tommy Shears, who fronts the rock band The Living Statues, acknowledges the effectiveness of the website. “To a certain extent, you can use it as a preorder. Having money up front, along with an idea of how much merch[andise] you can move is really beneficial.” The band recorded their debut E.P. Bad

News on their own dime, raising money the old-fashioned way to make their music available to the public. “We played one monster show on Labor Day and took tips,” Shears, a senior English major recounts. “It was like a big backyard party that we got hired for. Playing songs like ‘The Long and Winding Road’ made those drunk fortysomethings cry and tip me really well.” Needless to say, Shears will not be counting on intoxicated middle-agers the next time The Living Statues fund a record. Instead they will turn to Kickstarter. “We will absolutely be using it for an upcoming venture this year.” Films, according to The Atlantic, make up

make a lot of money elsewhere and don’t care – let’s face it, most films are a rotten investment – they can put their time and effort into a Kickstarter campaign.” Kickstarter means a lot to David Faria, an up-and-coming filmmaker who has won numerous awards for his short movies Night Blindness and Yard Sale, including runner up for best film in the professional category at the Massachusetts Flash Film Festival. “[Kickstarter] really broadens one’s appeal and helps artists reach new heights by being able to present their projects to investors that are more like them. This community element is essential to succeed in the artistic realm. We can’t do it alone.” Film, music, and design round out the top three funded creative projects on Kickstarter. But not every idea at Kickstarter is as mainstream. The website also contains pleas for “Pizza Brain: The World’s First Pizza Museum and Restaurant” and “Duct Tape Ninja.” The latter involves funding a ten-year-old’s hobby of fashioning objects out of — you guessed it — duct tape. Former director of Sunlight Labs Clay questions the worth of similar projects. “Two [out of ten] products are designed to better the consumption of coffee, one is a photography tool, and the other is a very expensive pen,” he told The Atlantic. Still, Kickstarter is not only a surefire sign of the digital world we live in, but is changing the landscape for the arts. Faria elaborates, “it maintains artistic integrity while also broadening the appeal of innovative artists. This allows average folks to directly support what they like. It’s sort of on-demand funding, which proves that there really is something out there for everyone.” d

A good idea, communicated well, can spread fast and wide. 41.3 million of Kickstarter’s total funding, the most backed medium. At this years’ Sundance Festival, seventeen films that got their start from Kickstarter premiered, including Black Rock, My Best Day, and Room 237. One film, Indie Game: The Movie, a documentary about independent video game developers, is even being optioned by HBO for a television series. Strickler finds that Kickstarter and filmmaking suit each other well because filmmakers are “permanent fund-raisers.” He elaborated, telling the crowd during Sundance’s Filmmakers Lounge that “instead of going out to dinner with rich guys who


Spring 2012 31

Looking Up to Single Moms By Tricia Breton Layout by Robin Keene


Spring 2012


Photo by Cambodia4KidsOrg on Flickr


our years ago, eighteen-year-old Amanda Abrams lacked motivation and focus. Although she always hoped for a college degree, at the time she didn’t have the drive. “When I was first in college, if I didn’t feel like going to school, I wouldn’t go,” she said. “I entered a bad relationship, and I withdrew from college.” But now Abrams describes herself as a driven and determined student. What changed? She did. Two years ago, Abrams gave birth to her daughter. As a single mother, she was forced to grow up and accept responsibility. Now, at twenty-two, Abrams is restarting her first year at Bristol Community College. Taking two morning classes on campus and two online classes, she is a full-time student and a full-time mom. “I am doing it for my daughter because she depends on me,” she said. “I pay more attention, I get help if I need to, and I never miss a class.” Recently, The New York Times revealed results from a study conducted by Child Trends, a nonprofit research center focusing on children and families. The study found that more than 40% of today’s newborns begin life with an unmarried mother. Many of these mothers received high school diplomas; some attended college but did not complete their degree. But some single mothers remain hopeful. Kendra Pereira, a twenty-three-year-old senior at UMass Dartmouth, became a mother at sixteen. She made a promise to her mother that she would finish high school. “I was told by my high school advisors that it would be too much to go to college with a child,” she said. “I showed them.” As a double major in art history and women’s studies, Kendra holds down two jobs on campus, is involved with four extracurricular groups, and raises a seven-year-old daughter. She expects to move out of her mother’s house in April and to

graduate in May. But her aspirations do not stop there. “In ten years I see myself having my Ph.D. in educational leadership,” she said. “Hopefully, I will work in the Student Affairs office as an associate vice chancellor.” In 1970, approximately 3 million families were headed by a single mother. Now, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2010 report, unmarried women head approximately 9.9 million families with children under eighteen. In The Wall Street Journal, Charles Murray, author of Coming Apart, argues that the causes of this cultural shift are simple. “Whether because of support from the state or earned income, women became much better able to support a child without a husband over the period of 1960 to 2010. As women needed men less, the social status that workingclass men enjoyed if they supported families began to disappear,” Murray wrote in his article. “The sexual revolution exacerbated the situation, making it easy for men to get sex without bothering to get married. In such circumstances, it is not surprising that male fecklessness bloomed, especially in the working class.” Kelli Frates, a single mother of twin five-yearold boys from Port Charlotte, FL, is familiar with male fecklessness. Three years ago, her husband abandoned the family and moved to Alabama. “I was an uneducated, stay-at-home mom without any skills to fall back on,” she said. Currently, Frates’ days begin when the alarm blares at 6:30. With her morning cup of coffee in her hand, she lays out the boys’ clothes, jumps in and out of the shower, monitors the twins as they get dressed, and packs lunches for the day. After kissing Kevin and Ryan goodbye at preschool, she drives herself to Southwest Community College to begin classes. As a surgical tech student who is graduating in June of 2012, Frates has classes until 12:30 p.m. and in-the-field training until 4:30 p.m. Then she scurries out of school, picks up her boys, and travels home for costume changes Dart

Spring 2012 33

“There should be a greater push for education for single mothers...We shouldn’t be forced to remain in poverty because we chose to have children.” tance, such as food stamps, cash assistance, and daycare stipends. The women agree that resources to aid with college tuition and expenses are the most beneficial. Abrams, the BCC freshman, receives nasty looks from people when she is out with her two-year-old daughter. As a petite, energetic twenty-two-year-old, she is often mistaken for a teenager and stereotyped as promiscuous. “They don’t know the truth,” she said. Abrams feels that the single-mother-on-welfare stigma surrounds her. And it is unfair. “If I didn’t have to be on welfare, I wouldn’t be,” she said. “I don’t just sit around all day and collect. I haven’t even bought clothes for myself in over a year.” Catherine Villanueva Gardner, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at UMass Dartmouth, believes that most economically depressed individuals would prefer to be self-sufficient.


Spring 2012


Single Mom, Amanda Abrams and her daughter Madisyn Marie Abrams

“I’ve never met anyone who genuinely thinks that welfare is the way to survive,” she said. “As a country, part of our responsibility is to look after the children. They are our future.” Gardner thinks that, “we need more support for women who choose to have a child on their own.” Pereira, the senior overachiever, agrees. “There should be a greater push for education for single mothers,” she said. “We shouldn’t be forced to remain in poverty because we chose to have children.” It is a choice, but Wisconsin State Senator Glenn Grothman does not view it as a good one. He is proposing a bill identifying single parenthood as a cause of child abuse and neglect. “It’s a very politically difficult thing to deal with because over time you’re having more and more families that are not old-fashioned families,” he said. “There are even people who make fun of old-fashioned families.” Pereira simply explained, “That is unreasonable.” And Abrams, mother of a two-year-old daughter, was almost speechless. “I give my daughter 110%,” she said. “Single moms can be better than two-parent families.” In June, Frates, the mother of the fiveyear-old twins, graduates from Southwest Community College. She is already getting the announcements printed and sending them out to her family. She will be the first one in her family to graduate from college. “I can’t wait to walk with my cap and gown across the stage,” she said. “I have pushed myself to be so much better.” d

GET TO KNOW YOUR CLASSMATES • 16% of all undergraduate women are single mothers.

• 28% of female under-

graduates over the age of 25 are single parents.

• Approximately 84% of custodial parents are mothers. • In 2009, young adult males with a bachelor’s degree earned $51,000. Their female counterparts earned $40,100. • Half of single mother families have an annual income of

less than $25,000.

Find more facts at: http://nces.ed.gov http://www.census.gov/ Photo by Amanda Abrams

and a small snack. Without a minute to rest, the family of three is off to tee ball practice, a program funded by the state. Back home, they devour dinner and begin their bath and story-time routine. Once the twins are tucked into bed and sleeping, Kelli starts her downtime – two to three hours of homework. And if it is a good night, then she will sleep. “I don’t sleep well,” says Kelli. “I have so much on my mind.” One of the most difficult things for Kelli as a single mother is telling her boys that she cannot afford the newest, hottest toys or the impromptu trips to Disneyworld. In 2010 the U.S. Census Bureau reported that 31.6% of single-mother households lived below the poverty level. Abrams, Pereira, and Frates face similar financial situations. They receive different forms of government assis-



& IT’s NOT in


By Cassandra Quillen Layout by Robin Keene

American workers who have earned at least a bachelor’s degree have experienced lower rates of unemployment than workers without a degree. But this is only half of the story. Cassandra Quillen, a grad student at UMass Dartmouth, has seen the dark side of today’s job market – underemployment. Photo by Gina M. Rampino


Spring 2012 35

8.7% Some college with no degree 4.9% Bachelor’s degree 3.6% Master’s degree 2.5% Doctoral degree


Spring 2012



Living in a bad economy, I learned that it is far better to be underemployed than unemployed.

move from Colorado to Massachusetts. We were ready for a change of atmosphere, and wanted the opportunities that come with living close to major cities. In Colorado, I had worked at many different places, including a smoothie shop, a record store, and a home-improvement mega-store in addition to the three different jobs at the college where I earned my undergraduate degree. The first job I had after high school was as a barista at a popular coffee chain. Still living with my parents, I was set on saving money for my own place. After working as a barista for a few months, I was promoted to shift-supervisor, which included a raise. I was now making $9.00 an hour, plus tips. Over the next eight years, I continued to climb, and slip, on the ladder to success. I graduated from college in December of 2009, right in the thick of the recession. I had already decided to attend grad school, but before I could to that, I needed to work. I sent out over 100 applications and resumes. For most positions, I had relevant experience; the others were willing to train. I was also overqualified for plenty of them. Eventually, I found a job listing for a home improvement mega-store. They were opening a new location and hiring for all positions. After applying, I had to go to three separate interviews, pass

Photo by Renemensen on Flickr

14 % Less than a high school diploma



A worker’s level of education is noteworthy when finding employment. The higher the educational level, the lower the unemployment rate.

t was five in the morning on a Saturday, and I was wearing disposable, plastic, food-service gloves shaped like a clown’s hand. While I neatly, and strategically, balanced 500-calorie scones on their sides, my onesize-fits-all gloves began to fall off. Covered in donut icing, they started to attach themselves to every pastry I touched. Soon, half of the glove was on my hand, and the other was stuck in the whipped frosting of a once perfectly-composed cupcake. This can’t be sanitary, I thought. But what bothered me more than defacing the pastry case was that I was in a position to do so. I had been out of college for almost a year when my fiancé and I decided to

a background check, and submit to a drug test, before I was given the job. The company offered to pay me $9.03 an hour. I would be a full-time cashier. It was a horrifying reality, but unemployment had been even scarier. I knew this wasn’t a career, but a survival tool. Over the next few months, I was promoted and given a three-dollar raise. Suddenly I felt lucky and happy that I was making more per hour than I ever had. With that extra money, we could quickly save to move across the country, and I saw the job as a stepping-stone to a new state, where I would begin a master’s program in writing. We had used a substantial amount of our savings on the trip out to Massachusetts; our 1989 Volvo broke down two days into the trip, and we were forced to stay at Econo Lodge over Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, we had not anticipated either financial obstacle. We knew the first year in a new place could easily be the hardest, and I thought I had fully adopted this philosophy. But still, I lived day-to-day, shocked at my situation. Once we arrived in Massachusetts, however, I managed to hit rewind as I took the first job I was offered, scared that if I didn’t, another chance might never come around. Ironically, it was at the very coffee chain I had worked at as a teenager. I was living in financial fear — unsure of our resources, and worried about surviving on canned pasta and Saltines. The barista position paid $8.35 an hour, plus tips. I was assured that was the standard starting pay. It did not matter that I had been with the company before, or that I had held over five different supervising positions since then, or even that I had graduated college — with honors. The economy was still bad, and I was smart to take the position. But still, I did not understand how I was twenty-seven, working at a job where I made less than I had when I was eighteen. What was the point of all that work, and all the ‘real-life experiences’ that I had leading up to this? I didn’t know. But I did know that it doesn’t get much more real than waking up

before the birds, sliding on dark, icy roads in a rickety station wagon on the way to work, and having scalding water burn you — all before sunrise. I never thought I was too good to work at the coffee chain, and I hope I never came across as ungrateful to have the job. But I had been given the opportunity to go to college, and it felt like I was wasting it every time I made a blended coffee drink, or had to sweep crumbs and dirt off the floor from around customers’ feet. In the back of my mind, when I was wearing those same paper-thin plastic gloves to protect my hands to scrub the public bathroom, I thought of how I was going back to school soon, and how this was only temporary. But it never registered. I was determined to find an opportunity where I could put my art history degree to use. After submitting several applications for unpaid internships at various arts and culture-related publications, and weeks of hearing nothing back, I landed a paid, part-time position at a prominent art magazine. I was ecstatic and eagerly left the coffee business behind. It’s been over a year since we moved to the East Coast, and I am currently a full-time graduate student at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. I left the magazine when I was offered a graduate assistantship with the college, a choice I was hesitant to make, but an opportunity I could not pass up. Although I was an emotional wreck while working at the coffee shop, I’m glad I took the job. It forced me to realize that an opportunity isn’t necessarily gone, just because it has passed. Earning just above minimum wage after graduating from college was shocking, but also humbling. Living in a bad economy, I learned that it is far better to be underemployed than unemployed. Looking back now, I must have looked like I had no idea how to organize the pastry case. But really, nobody probably cared that early in the morning anyway. d

The Unemployment States of America Unemployment averages across the country, along with each state’s major industries

North Dakota


• farming • cattle • mining • electrical power generation

3% Massachusetts • textiles • electronics • publishing • education • tourism • fishing


• agriculture • hydroelectric power • mining • steel-making




• car manufacturing • farming • timber • fishing



• tourism • mining (gold, silver) • hydro-electric power


Spring 2012 37

A B+ld By Emily Migre Layout by Kati Betrovski


honda Lee Ellis, my aunt, signed her life away at the tender age of 15. To her, adding minutes on her athletic career outweighed the possibility of losing years of her life. My mother, Geraldine Migre (née Ellis) recalls her late-sister’s journey as we sit together, the two crochet needles in her hands delicately weaving. The pace slowly picks up as she laces together the threads of her memory, and her nerves pulsate. “Since Rhonda was seven,” says my mother, “she had this fascination with sports, and there was nothing that would get in the way from her wanting to be the best.” Rhonda – who was a successful, three-sport athlete at Silver Lake High School in Pembroke, Massachusetts in 1972 – mostly concentratoned on field hockey. At 15, Rhonda began noticing that something wasn’t right. An immense pain and swelling engulfed her knees. Rhonda and my mother (Rhonda’s legal guardian after their mother passed away from cancer) sought answers. In 1974, the walls of the evaluation room were bland at Brockton Orthopedics. Rhonda waited patiently, rubbing at her black-and-blue knees. There was a quiet knock on the door. The doctor entered revealing that blood tests had confirmed a diagnosis of degenerative juvenile arthritis.


Spring 2012


According to “Radiographic Evaluation of Arthritis: Degenerative Joint Disease and Variations” by Dr. Jon A. Jacobson, “The severe level [of rheumatoid arthritis] at that age presents cartilage destruction and bone eroding.” And that’s exactly what happened. But back in the mid 1970s, arthritis was unfamiliar medical territory. Upon hearing the news, my aunt sat silent and confused. And out of all the questions that she could have formed, all her hopes piled into one: “Can I still play field hockey and softball?” The doctor hesitatingly replied that if she continued to play sports, it would expand the degenerative process faster and he already predicted that she would struggle to reach 45 years old. The doctors, however, saw a rare opportunity in Rhonda’s condition that could advance the understanding of the disease during that time, and they offered her a contract with New England Baptist Hospital to study and document her case. The contract presented new methods, medicines under development, and surgeries that could have the potential to relieve and cure arthritis. If she signed, she still possessed full rights to choose to proceed with the surgeries or not. Before Rhonda’s mother (my grandmother) passed, she told Rhonda, “Don’t let them cut you, because once it starts, it won’t stop.”

Photo by clemsonunivlibrary on Flickr

Remembering Rhonda, a tough and passionate student athlete who fought a painful – and degenerative – medical condition until she died at a young age.

Signing My mother says, “Rhonda was in so much pain, and at the time she was desperate to get help. I was her sole guardian, and I knew how much she wanted to do sports and to be pain free…. I agreed to co-sign.” Within her high school career, Rhonda underwent six knee surgeries, but her teammates and coaches couldn’t recall a single moment when she complained. My mother recalls how her sister’s opponents knew of her sickness and aimed for her knees during games, causing her to collapse. There were several incidents when ambulances would arrive. Rhonda’s athletic accomplishments didn’t go unnoticed, and in 2007 she was inducted into the Silver Lake Regional High School Hall of Fame for capturing the 1974 Eastern Massachusetts Field Hockey Championship. After high school and sports ended, life pushed harder, and a rough path lied ahead for Rhonda. Over the next twenty years, she underwent over thirty-two knee operations, two knee and hip replacements, and countless surgeries – all in an attempt to revitalize her joints. At the age of 26, she had her first of two neck fusions. At 30, she was bound to a wheelchair and on and off of twenty experimental anti-inflammatory pills and pain killers. At 41, she was fully bedridden and under assisted living. I was 10 when my Aunt Rhonda passed away at 43 on November 17th, 2001, from complications due to her arthritis. Her teammates and even her rivals paid their respects at her funeral, and they told me it was an honor to know my aunt as an athlete and as a human-being. As an athlete myself, the very core of my aunt’s competitive spirit sparks in me an abundance

of energy and fuels my own existence. “Her friends and teammates attempted to visit during her early 30s,” my mother says, “but she refused to answer the door, fearing they would feel bad about her condition. She didn’t want to be a pity case; she had too much pride for that. I think she wanted to be remembered for her strength, and upon her request, she had a closed casket during her wake.” My mother’s crocheting needles slightly

“Giving up is easy, but flighting for your happiness is what makes the pain worth enduring.” tremble. Her eyes peek up to the collage of photos from Rhonda’s funeral that hang on the living room wall. I watch her study the pictures and she breaks up from time to time, holding back tears as only an older sister who has outlived her younger sibling could. My mother clears her throat, “I shouldn’t have signed those papers, and

sometimes she wished she didn’t do all those surgeries. But I know for a fact she doesn’t regret doing sports,” she states, looking at me with uneasy eyes. It’s the wildest feeling. I know what my mother is thinking and what she fears now. I was 19 and in the middle of cross country season at UMass Dartmouth when I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. With adjustments in my workouts, rehab, and medicines like Hydroxchlor and Meloxicam over the past three years, I am able to serve out my last remaining years as an active member on UMass Dartmouth’s Track and Field Team serving as a captain. After recently conversing with my doctors in the end of my senior year, I was advised to no longer compete in competitive or contact sports after my final season as a Corsair due to my condition. But I’d be lying if I said I am not afraid of what could happen, and I acknowledge that at this moment there’s no cure. Although research has taken many advancing strides since my aunt’s time, rheumatoid arthritis usually requires lifelong treatments such as trial medications, physical therapy, and surgeries. And not all are effective. Coping with adjustments in health and everyday living, riding an emotional roller coaster, and sensing that others feel constrained by your limitations can easily devastate someone’s will to maintain a positive outlook. These side effects seem to hurt worse than the symptoms of the disease itself. However, I’m fortunate enough to have my aunt’s morals to guide me. She signed her life away at 15 to pursue her dream, and in many ways, to help me live mine. She once said, “Giving up is easy, but fighting for your happiness is what makes the pain worth enduring.” Dart

Spring 2012 39


Spring 2012


On Campus

Welcome to Hungary Dr. Blitefield By: Abby Ringiewicz Layout by: Adam Orr


e was led by two older men — twins, actually — and one man’s wife. Since the four of them are Jewish, they stopped outside of a synagogue, dated and empty as it was. The woman begins crying, speaking sob-broken Hungarian as she focuses on the building. For ten years, the people of the town have been restoring this synagogue through donations and personal funding. But after years of hard work, they faced a harrowing reality: without ten Jewish men in town to pray in the synagogue, God will not come, one of the twins said, rendering the rebuilding hopeless. In the small Hungarian town, ten people of the Jewish faith could not be found — they were it. Four months later — six time zones and four thousand miles from Hungary — I had the pleasure of sitting down with English Professor Jerry Blitefield, who was sporting his usual “down under” sunhat, a leg-restricting cast, and two seemingly useless crutches. January through June, the MIA English professor taught a small class of Hungarian students at Esterhazy-Karoly College in Eger, Hungary. After reading his well-kept travel blog, Amerikai Gulyás (translated as American Goulash – goulash being a traditional Hungarian stew), I felt informed. The blog taught me to distinguish the difference between Professor Blitefield in Hungary and Jerry Blitefield in Hungary – the dancer vs. the professor. This is key. Blitefield’s European relocation became a chance to reconnect with his Jewish background. “It was unexpected,” he says of his sudden religious curiosity. “I

was born Jewish, but I’m an American Jew. Looking at the concentration camp films, you see masses [of Jews] getting to Europe — it’s like the reverse. There are no Jews anymore.” He travelled with religious interest throughout his trek: to Budapest; to Israel’s Holocaust memorial, Yad Vashem; to Poland’s bleak Auschwitz; and to Berlin, Germany, amongst other places. He mentions “stumbling blocks,” which continue to fascinate him. They are small brass plaques – memorials, really – planted into the sidewalk, engraved with the name, birthdate, date of death, and place of death of the Jews who had lived in the house in front of which they appear. He saw these stumbling blocks in Berlin, however they’re embedded in sidewalks all over Germany. “You’ll walk down the street and see four or five of these brass plaques in front of an apartment building, and you know that this was the family of Jews that was deported from that apartment building.” The plaques are not government-funded; rather, personallypurchased commemorations to the Jews taken from the still-standing houses. And the joys of teaching? Certainly different. Through the Fulbright Scholar Program, Professor Blitefield enlightened his students of the American Civil Rights Movement – an ironic choice, as he mentions in his blog, because of Fulbright-founder, Sen. J. William Fulbright’s opposition to the passing of a 1964 civil rights legislation (“irony in Hungary,” the blogger calls it). Inherently a very traditional and firm country, Hungary’s education system proves no different. Although they’ve made attempts to move away from the current methods, he found them “rigid” Dart

Spring 2012 41

Studying Abroad in Hungary...

For personal accounts and photos of Dr. Blitefield’s experiences in Hungary, check out his blog: http://myamericangyulas.blogspot.com/

Szechenyi Bath, Budapest

The thing that really stuck with me are what are called stumbling blocks. They’re little brass plaques and what they have on them is the name, birthdate, date of death and the place of death of the Jews who had lived in that house.

Stumbling blocks in the sidewalk. Photograh by Jerrold Blitefield


Spring 2012


UMass Dartmouth grad student Amy Uthus is a current guest pupil in Hungary, taking classes at the International Ceramics Studio of Hungary. Uthus accurately dubs herself a “student resident artist,” living and working in Hungary, while still answering to the folks at UMass Dartmouth (with whom she has regular Skype sessions, discussing her work and receiving feedback). In Hungarian teaching methods — although, art training is a distinct speciality — she does notice a shift in approach. “[Hungarian students] are taught to try to anticipate all problems before they occur. The American ‘learn by doing’ approach seems pretty foreign here.” On Thursday mornings, Uthus sits through a class, spoken almost entirely in Hungarian – mind you, she does not speak, or even attempt, Hungarian. “I can usually track what’s going on fairly well, simply because of the drawings and models.” Her initial sense of Hungary? “Hungarians don’t smile very much! I don’t consider myself to be a super smiley person, but when I got here I was thrown for a loop. I’ve since discovered that Hungarians actually love Americans.” A comforting message from UMass Dartmouth’s Hungary-based student. For a look at her artwork and firsthand accounts of her time in Hungary, check out Amy’s blog: http://amyuthus.wordpress.com

Opening spread image by Panorama on Flickr, Top Photo this page by Elin Beckmann on Flick

and “prefabricated,” especially in comparison to his customary American teaching methods (a more “loosey-goosey” approach). With little class discussion or excitement from the students, he found some difficulties in the classroom. “I much prefer the opportunity to engage with students,” he says, after years of teaching Americans. Although there was no solid language barrier in the classroom, a cultural barrier still divided professor and student in the traditional Hungarian sense. Eger, Hungary, his home away from home – or otthon, if Google Translate serves me well – strikes me as Professor Blitefield’s greatest loss. “My apartment was very close to a little river,” he recalls with a grin. “The river runs through town and there’s a path that runs alongside the river. Take the path, and you can walk right into the downtown plaza: a beautiful little cobblestone street with restaurants. Even in the wintertime they had great big heaters and blankets, and I would grab my computer and go there to do some writing.” It all sounds delightful, especially in contrast to the gray, cement office he once again occupies. “I don’t know when I’ll get to see Europe again as I did see it.” He has no imminent plans of travel, but once the itch returns, he’ll have no choice but to scratch it. d

By Junghoon Song Layout by Arianna Drane

“They know that there are recycling bins in front of community centers. But they just do not care.”


t was a Sunday morning. Students who still had not recovered from weekend partying took out bags of empty liquor bottles and threw them in a dumpster labeled “TRASH ONLY.” Quiannay Bennett, the Residential Director in Maple Ridge Hall, said that few students recycle in order “to reduce the impact of all our waste.” UMass Dartmouth has made many efforts to promote sustainability. Last September, it held the Fall Forest Forum, during which local landowners and forestry professionals gathered to discuss how to create a more sustainable environment in Massachusetts. The University has also created a sustainability major and related courses for students. Despite the University’s hard work, however, low levels of recycling on campus undercut its devotion to sustainability. The lack of commitment to recycling stems from several major problems in the current recycling program. The first issue – as noted by Aaron Daponte, a sophomore Residential Assistant (RA) in Maple Ridge Hall – is lack of knowledge about the recycling program: “There is not enough advertising or knowledge on how to use the programs we have. For instance, in the freshman residence halls there are blue barrels used for recycling; however, there are many residents that do not know they are used for this and either do not use them or throw trash in them, which defeats the purpose.” Dart

Spring 2012 43


Spring 2012


The overall goal of RecycleMania is to increase student awareness and involvement in campus recycling through collaboration and partnership. “RecycleMania seeks to tap school spirit as a motivator to reach students who may not otherwise respond to environmental messages,” according to the RecycleMania website. “In the process, the program works to reinforce the practice of recycling at an age when many college students are forming the habits and values they will carry for the rest of their lives.” Schools from all 50 states have participated and even international schools are registering for RecycleMania. In 2009, it yielded 69.4 million pounds of recyclables nationwide. Jennifer Gonet, a graduate assistant at the University’s Sustainability Office, believes that this competition is one of the best ways to promote the residential recycling program on campus. Although it does not cost a lot of money – aside from a registration fee and resources like recycling bins – it can motivate students living on campus, making them feel a sense of responsibility to keep the residential environmentally sustainable. “I am confident that the students will act on behalf of their motivation and pride to improve and maintain their ustainable environment on campus,” Gonet said. Gonet further suggests that in the course of implementing its residential recycling program, UMass Dartmouth should remember that the success of the residential recycling program does not come solely from the University’s efforts, but also from the active participation of students. She said students feel pride when they help the University maintain its environment. “A student-driven activity like RecycleMania motivates students and makes them committed to recycling. When implementing its residential recycling program, UMass Dartmouth should focus mainly on the student-driven activities associated with recycling instead of the policies and plans that the school has to practice on its own.” Gonet emphasized that, in the end, only sustainable commitment can create a sustainable environment. d

100 UMass Dartmouth students were surveyed about recycling on campus and this is what they said:

86% learned about recycling from their family 52% do not care about the recyclability of a product’s packaging 44% would trash a recyclable item if a recycling bin was not readily available 80% feel that recycling comes naturally to them 47% believe that UMass Dartmouth encourages recycling on campus 26% would not recycle more even if there were more postered instructions on how to recycle Survey conducted by Kirsten Bryan in April 2012

57% of UMass Dartmouth students responding to the survey said they regularly recycle Thermometer infographic by Kevan Trombly

Bennett thinks that the lack of a labor force to collect and handle recyclable materials in the residential facilities is another big problem. “The trouble is there is only one man who works on recycling campus-wide [residentially]. I think it is tough on him to empty all the bins each week.” Bennett argues that managing recyclables in residential facilities is not even the man’s primary task. As a result, he fails to regularly and properly empty recycling bins, which leads to overflowing bins. Students are then unable to recycle because they do not have any empty bins in which to dump their recyclables. Abdul Omar, a junior RA in Maple Ridge Hall, points out that lack of accessibility and organization is another great problem. “The biggest issue currently with the recycling program is that the recycling bins are not easily accessible. Also, they really are not labeled well, which makes it even more confusing for the residents.” Kofi Owusu, a junior RA in Cedar Dell West, said that most Cedar Dell residents are aware that there are recycling bins in front of community centers, which are about a five-minute walk away from houses. But who would take a five-minute walk in flip-flops and sweatpants when it’s freezing outside? “They know that there are recycling bins in front of community centers. But they just do not care.” Omar and Daponte both agree with Bennett that the best way to motivate students to recycle is not to give them some kind of reward but rather to appeal to them emotionally. “Students get involved all over campus in different roles, whether through service, sustainability, green navigators or other leadership roles. For the average student, this is a simple thing they can do that makes them feel like they’re making a difference.” Thus, the University has promoted RecycleMania, a friendly intercollegiate competition and benchmarking tool for colleges and universities to promote and improve waste reduction activities in their campus communities. It was launched in 2001 and has involved a number of colleges each year.

Eco-Friendly Things That Look Good and Do Good w



u x






Confetti Purse

Green Works Dish Soap

Vapur Anti-Bottle

Cloth Bags

Bamboo Flash Drive

Cleaning the dishes with Green Works Dish Soap is now easy and eco-friendly. The ingredients are 97% natural, which is great for both you and the environment. Green Works Dish Soap is available at most grocery stores for around $3.

The Vapur® AntiBottle™ is a foldable, reusable water bottle designed for convenient on-the-go use. Unlike traditional rigid bottles, the AntiBottle is flexible. It stands upright when full and can be rolled, folded, or flattened when empty – easily fitting into pockets, purses or packs. Available for $9.99 at www.vapur.com.

This purse is made out of candy wrappers! Not only does it look cool, but it’s made out of 100% recycled materials. The candy wrappers are hand folded, making it strong, study, and even water-resistant. Check out www. ecoist.com for this $24 item and more!

Using cloth bags reduces the number of plastic bags ending up in landfills. Cloth bags don’t have to be limited to the grocery store; some retail stores also have cloth bags available for Earth-friendly shoppers. Bonus: some stories will even give you a discount for using one. Pricing varies, check your local store for exact cost and details.

Did you know that bamboo is one of the most versatile plants in the world? This flash drive is made out of bamboo. Seriously. Save the planet as you transfer your data. Check www.jaluniusb.com for pricing and details.


Spring 2012 45

DEMISE OF DAYCARE ON CAMPUS In June of 2009, after students and faculty had gone home for the summer, UMass Dartmouth administration–citing budget issues– not only closed the childcare center on campus that had been open for two decades and ignored a letter from the Faculty Senate asking for a review of the decision, but has in recent years hired three former state politicians at over four times the annual budget of the facility.

By Sarina L. Silva Layout by Kelsey Wilbur


any students don’t realize that, for twenty years, The Children’s Center for Learning was located on the first floor of what is now Elmwood Residence Hall. The facility was licensed by the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care, accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, and offered a full preschool curriculum (including an introduction to foreign languages) at a rate of $3 an hour for students and $30 a day for faculty and staff. Not only were the fees at The Children’s Center for Learning appealing to parents, but the facility had flexible hours and parents loved the on-campus location. According to Rachelle Casper, former lead teacher of the center, “It was a great program.” In addition to educating the young children of students, faculty, and staff of the university, it offered observation opportunities for nursing and psychology students, as well as teaching opportunities for the foreign language department, making the facility a vital part of the UMass Dartmouth community.


Spring 2012


Closing of the Facility On June 8th 2009, as parents were picking up their children, they were told that the childcare facility would be closing its doors on June 26th in order to cut costs. John Hoey, Assistant Chancellor for Public Affairs for the University (who did not respond to an interview request for this article) was quoted in Fall River’s Herald News on June 15, 2009 as saying, “With a budget deficit of $9.7 million, the University decided to close the Children’s Center to save $75,000.00 a year.” In that same article, Hoey reported that “The University decided to close the center because

Photo by Julie Marshall on iStockphoto

it served such a small portion of students and because it wasn’t a core academic service.” However, Professor Michael Baum, Chair of the Political Science Department, who had his child enrolled in the program at the time, said he was unclear about how much would actually be saved from shuttering the center. “Per conversations with administration, I was led to believe that the decision to close the Children’s center came from the highest level of administration and although the reason given for terminating the program was budget, no numbers or budget plan was presented to the Faculty Senate.”

The closing of the facility came as a shock to many faculty, staff, and students. According to Rachelle Casper, the administration had threatened to close the center in the past, but the people who used and worked for there fought to keep its doors open. However, when the announcement was made to discontinue the center in June 2009, most of the staff, faculty and students were gone for summer break, leaving few to rally against the decision. Questionable Use of Funds Budgetary constraints and lack of use by the UMass Dartmouth community

were the reasons given for the discontinuation of the Children’s Learning Center, but according to the Faculty Senate and parents of children enrolled in the program, there was little discussion as to how the facility affected the budget, nor any consideration of alternative ways to fund the center. In a letter from the Faculty Senate written to Chancellor MacCormack and Provost Garro, they asked “why other alternatives were either rejected or never considered, and why the decision-making loop on this was kept so restricted?” The letter also stated that, “UMD was a recipient of an anonymous $2 million gift, why Dart

Spring 2012 47

that was provided for the facility over the years, such as learning materials, playground toys, furniture and so forth (predominantly donations from parents), the Senate asked what was going to happen to these materials. They also pointed out

“It seems unconscionable to me that on a campus with so many nontraditional students, childcare would be a vulnerable service in a first round of deep cuts.” with so many nontraditional students, childcare would be a vulnerable service in a first round of deep cuts.” Although the daycare was closed to save money, UMass Dartmouth has also, in recent years, hired several former Massachusetts politicians – all university alumni – at high salaries. A year after his failed reelection as mayor of New Bedford, Frederick M. Kalisz Jr., a UMass Dartmouth alumnus with a 1979 B.A. in Business Administration and a 2008 M.A. in Public Policy was hired by the University as a Senior Leadership Fellow at an annual salary of $85,000. Edward Lambert, the former Mayor of Fall River, also a UMass Dartmouth alumnus (class of ‘81), was hired as the Director of The Urban Initiative at $120,000 a year. Furthermore, John Hoey reported to the Herald News that John Quinn, a former state representative who was a vocal supporter of the UMass School of Law was also hired for a new position as Director of Graduate Public Service at $103,000 a year. According to the Herald News, Quinn was hired to “develop internships and service-learning partnerships.” At a cost of over $300,000, these three former politicians alone cost the university four times the annual budget of what many considered a vital community service. The Faculty Senate letter also noted the cost of refurbishing the space used by the facility. Considering everything


Spring 2012


that the cost of refurbishing the space would most likely “be more of a drain on University resources than whatever the facility budget numbers were.” In the end, the letter to Chancellor MacCormack and Provost Garro went unanswered, and the Children’s Center for Learning closed its doors. It was replaced by a tutoring room that is only open three hours per day (7 p.m. to 10 p.m.), Sunday though Thursday. And although a mural of Winnie the Pooh still adorns one of the doors, the space that once housed the learning facility now contains several tables and chairs, a whiteboard, and four aging computers. A Missed Opportunity Part of the core mission of UMass Dartmouth is to give “access to a quality education.” According to some, by not having a childcare facility on campus, UMass Dartmouth is missing out on an opportunity to recruit more students and better faculty. Crystal Gendreaux, a student a Bristol Community College, is choosing to attend Bridgewater State University because of the convenience of having childcare on campus for her children. “I considered UMass Dartmouth, but the benefit of having my children right on campus with me I just couldn’t pass up,” she said. Childcare could also help lure new faculty. According to Professor Anthony Arrigo in the Department of English, “If

I were on the job market, knowing that a school had an on-campus daycare facility would absolutely influence my decision of whether to accept a position there or not. With two small children of my own, a perk like that could be a difference-maker in my choice of schools.” To Professor Susan Hagan in the Department of English, “If daycare was available on campus it would make a huge difference! I would be able to visit my son between classes, which would make it less of a burden to stay longer. If daycare was available and affordable on campus, I would spend more time on campus.” Many state schools like UMass Boston, UMass Amherst, Boston University, Bridgewater State, and Bristol Community College have childcare on campus. Judy Ritacco, director of the childcare facility at Bridgewater State University, said that at the moment it services 37 families and “makes every attempt we can to service students; the facility is beyond just a daycare.” Ritacco says that students

Winnie the Pooh still painted on the front door to the former Children’s Center.

Photos by Sarina L. Silva

couldn’t part of this be used to maintain access to a vital campus service?” In that same letter, Professor Robin Robinson, who teaches sociology, anthropology, and criminal justice, noted that “It seems unconscionable to me that on a campus

Paid Maternity Leave Provided by Law The United States is the only industrialized country to not have nationally mandated paid maternity leave. Here is a sampling of maternity leave time from around the world. Country

The former Children’s Center is now a tutoring center that is only open from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday through Thursday.

and faculty love having the option of childcare right on campus. In today’s economic and social climate, colleges have more working parents and nontraditional students than ever. Finding convenient and affordable childcare – which has become a reguirement for many families – is a challenge. UMass Dartmouth may have closed the Children’s Center for Learning because of budgetary issues, but by not having a childcare facility on campus, UMass Dartmouth could be losing students like Gendreaux to other state universities because they offer childcare services that UMass Dartmouth no longer does. The Children’s Learning Center was shuttered because of its $75,000 per year cost, but many ask what the cost is of losing students to other state universities, curtailing the ability of faculty members to be on campus more, decreasing opportunities for parents to see their children during the day, and perhaps even losing potential faculty members who might go somewhere else because they offer childcare. For many faculty and students, reestablishing a daycare facility on campus would be a welcome initiative. d

According to the Department of Early Education and Care, the average cost of childcare in Massachusetts for a preschool aged child is $33.40 per day or $8684.00 annually, which is more than it would cost a student to attend UMass Dartmouth for a semester.


Afghanistan 12 Angola 12 Bangladesh 12 Bolivia 12 Botswana 12 Canada 15 Cameroon 14 Chiile 18 Costa Rica 16 Cuba 18 Czech Republic 28 Cyprus 16 Denmark 52 Djibouti 14 Estonia 20 France 16 Greece 16 Haiti 12 Hungary 14 India 19 Iran 12 Ireland 26 Italy 22 Japan 14 Latvia 16 Lithuania 52 Luxembourg 16 Malta 14 Mexico 12 Mongolia 14 Norway 54 Poland 16 Portugal 17 Romania 18 Russia 20 Sweden 64 Turkey 16 Ukraine 18 United States 0 Zimbabwe 12

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parental_leave


Spring 2012 49

Getting Involved: Spotlight on Universal Expressions Club By Lindsay Hoffman Layout by Minoucheka Frejuste


porting a blue shirt and jeans, with her brown hair pulled back in a bun, club president Leah Coulombe stands in front of the classroom. She rummages through her bag looking for her club notebook, which she brings to every meeting. On a piano to her right a male student plays a quiet tune. Several other students sit at desks and talk amongst each other. Coulombe clears her throat, and the music and chatter stops. The student at the piano moves to a desk next to one of his fellow club members. Everyone waits for Coulombe to start speaking. The Universal Expressions (UE) meeting has started. UE is an art therapy club, focusing on activities that allow students to express themselves in creative ways. The club brings students together and also helps them alleviate the daily stress of their lives. UE was founded in 2008 by Jeff Brown, who ran the club for three years until graduating in the spring of 2011. Brown then passed the leadership role to Coulombe, a senior. “My mom is an elementary art school teacher, and I grew up with her teaching me a lot about the techniques of art.” A smile appears on Coulombe’s face as she thinks about fond childhood memories. “We also did a lot of art projects together,” she adds. But Coulombe’s passion for psychology developed on her own. Her family had a collection of psychology books when she 50

Spring 2012


was younger, and once Coulombe started reading them, she was hooked. Her love of understanding human behavior and how the mind works influenced her decision to ultimately become a psychology major. Combining her academic learning with what her mom taught her about art, Coulombe was the perfect candidate for the next club president. Coulombe wants other club members to achieve “the experience of being a part of

a meaningful creative therapy group, and to continue feeling inspired for any future artistic endeavors they pursuit,” she says. “Inspiration was very important to Jeff and the biggest foundation of this club.” The club starts off with a 30-minute period called the “airing of grievances,” which allows members to discuss problems they may be encountering in their everyday lives. Other members listen, and then chime in to offer potential solutions.

Image by AForestFrolic on Flickr

“I have made lasting friendships from the clubs I have been apart of, and Universal Expressions was a great way to explore new ideas outside of my engineering major.” -Towers

“I liked talking about classes and exams, – stuff like that – because my peers could relate,” says club member and former UMass Dartmouth student Jessica Feinzig. For another half-hour aftewards, “creative sharing” takes place. Students share their own artistic pieces, such as poems or short stories. The club devotes the remainder of the meeting to the actual art project. Each week, they introduce a

different project, which allows students to let out their creative side. The club has engaged in claymaking, painting, and drawing, among other activities. One fun project the club enjoyed was the group construction of a banner. Everybody helped paint an image of their choice onto a canvas banner, and the final piece hung in the CVPA building for several weeks. “As the weather gets nicer, I would like to be able to do more outdoor events,” says Coulombe. Another popular event the club held last year was tie-dying club T-shirts. The students were given white shirts with ‘Universal Expressions’ printed on them. They were then able to dye them in whatever colors they wished. “I tried to do mine all of the colors of the rainbow, but it just came out brown,” laughs Feinzig. Coulombe believes that being a member of clubs and getting involved on campus greatly benefits students. Aside from being President of Universal Expressions, Coulombe is also a member of the school’s psychology club, Psi Chi. I have made lasting friendships from the clubs I have been apart of, and Universal Expressions was a great way to explore new ideas outside of my engineering major,” says club treasurer, Jeff Towers. For Feinzig, UE was like a break from her early-morning job, long, tiring play rehearsals, and “annoying schoolwork.” “Universal Expressions allowed me to be with friends and forget about the hassles of school for a little while.” d

Artworks! New Bedford

Want to get involved in art off campus? Artworks! Community Arts Center offers workshops, classes, and exhibitions that aim to engage southeastern Massachusetts in a fun, educational art experience. Located in New Bedford.

Westport Art Group

Started by a group of local women in 1956, the Westport Art Group now frequently holds art exhibits all over the South Coast, while also holding classes in their main gallery at 1740 Main Road in Westport.

New Bedford Art Museum

Located in the heart of downtown New Bedford, the NBAM has both exhibits and educational experiences. The Museum features artists from all over the world and changes exhibits three times a year, showcasing work in a variety of artistic media.


Spring 2012 51

Unhealthy College Students 52

Spring 2012

By Kelly Mahoney Layout by Megan Gregoire


consider myself average, but realistically, I’ve gained a lot of weight since freshman year,” explains Jennifer Tran, a senior Sociology major at UMass Dartmouth. When Tran first came to the school in 2008, she was excited to begin what was to be one of the greatest experiences of her life. During her freshman year, she had a very social lifestyle, hanging out with friends every day and going out every weekend – a lifestyle that has continued throughout her college career. As with many college students, exercising and eating right had taken a backseat to going out for pizza and drinking. Four years later, Tran sees the results


of this lifestyle, one that she feels is unavoidable at the University. “It’s difficult to live a healthy lifestyle because of the college atmosphere,” she explains, as she sips her cup of wine in her on-campus apartment. According to Tran, it is difficult for students to dedicate themselves to a workout routine because of their busy schedules of academic work and extracurricular activities. “And when I do have time on my hands, I just want to relax, and often relaxing means drinking, which only hurts it more,” she laughs, eyeing the pink plastic cup containing her Franzia Sunset Blush. Tran is not alone. A survey of twenty students conducted for this article showed that eighty percent of UMass

Photo by puuikibeach on Flickr

“If you look at all the food places on campus, it’s all munchies. There’s never really anything healthy except for the salad bar, but people don’t want to wait in that line,”

Dartmouth students reported gaining weight while at college. But of course, this trend goes beyond UMass Dartmouth. According to studies done by Brown University and the University of New Hampshire, weight gain among college students is extensive. The University of New Hampshire found that out of 800 undergraduate students surveyed, at least one-third were overweight or obese. But the health concern for these eighteen-to twenty-four-yearolds extends much farther than weight gain. Joanne Burke, clinical assistant professor at the University of New Hampshire explains, “Students feel they’re invincible; they think their cholesterol isn’t going to be high. ‘High cholesterol’ is their dad’s.” That high cholesterol however, is not just “their dad’s.” The study found that sixty percent of male students had high blood pressure and eight percent had metabolic syndrome, a combination of risk factors that increases one’s risk of heart disease and other health problems. The men, however, were not alone in their health deficiencies; sixty-six percent of female students were found to be malnourished in iron, calcium, or folate. While researchers are unsure why such health issues are becoming more prevalent among this age group, students seem to have more of an idea. “If you look at all the food places on campus, it’s all munchies. There’s never really anything healthy except for the salad bar, but people don’twant to wait in that line,” says Tran. The salad bar line often consists of twentyplus students, too long of a wait for many students, who are often pressed for time as they rush from class to class. While the University of New Hampshire study focused on measuring weight gain, the Brown University study focused more on the consistency of weight gain among

college students. According to Brown researchers, the initial “freshman fifteen” – which is actually closer to eight pounds – is far less alarming than the students’ continued weight gain every year. Rena Wing, a psychologist and Director of the Weight Control Center at Brown University Medical School, told MSNBC that “It may be ten or eight [pounds that students are initially gaining], but it continues. That, to me, is a bigger problem.” Wing sees this continuous weight gain among college students as a serious issue because it reflects long-term lifestyle habits. If these students are to continue gaining weight after college, the health of their generation looks bleak. Brown researchers, while not definitively sure why this long-term weight gain occurs, have similar hypotheses as students, Including the high-fat content of food in school cafeterias, an increase in drinking, and the prevalence of social activities that surround food. Some students believe they have the answer. Shaneice Palmer, a junior English major at UMass Dartmouth, claims that it’s really not that difficult to eat right or exercise. “There is always a little bit of time to squeeze in some exercise. Instead of napping or hanging out with friends, you could exercise or be active in some way,” she explains as she chops a yellow onion in her on-campus apartment. Palmer also urges students to opt out of University meal plans. “A lot of people were complaining they were getting fat from the food, so I got off of the meal plan and I think I’m way healthier [now].” Palmer describes UMass Dartmouth’s residential cafeteria as having a pretty standard menu of burgers, fries, and pizza, and, while they do have a salad bar, she says there’s only so much salad a person can eat.

Obesity in America Did you know that... •

In 2010 America’s obesity rate hit 37%. That’s nearly 80 million people.

In 2010 nearly 17% of Americans aged 2-19 were obese. That’s nearly 13 million kids and teens.

Massachusetts has one of the lowest obesity rates in the country. It was 23% in 2010.

The only states with lower obesity rates are Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah.

The states with the highest levels of obesity are Mississippi, Alabama, and West Virginia.

In 1995, the obesity rate in Massachusetts was approximately 11.6%

In 1985, the obesity rate in Massachusetts was under 10%.

Source: CDC


Spring 2012 53

Healty Diet on Campus? 54

Spring 2012

...But are there healthy options at UMass? We investigate.


t the Corsair Coffee house, a bag of Lay’s potato chips costs 99 cents for students, while a yogurt cup cost $2.99. In a poll, seven out of ten UMass Dartmouth students claimed they would get the bag of chips because it’s “cheaper”. At Chopped, a small salad with no protein costs $2.99, while at Grille Nation the cost of large mozzarella sticks is $1.99. With most students being low on cash, they often go for the cheaper and less healthy option. According to the Center for Disease Control, in 2010 no U.S. state had an obesity rate lower than 20%. Eight out of ten UMass Dartmouth students said that Birch is their favorite place to eat on campus, but nine out of ten students, when asked “do you think anything at Birch has positive nutritional value?” replied “No.” “Birch is so good, but everything there is loaded with grease and calories. I got the grilled chicken sandwich once; it came with bacon on it,” says Vienna Zuccaro,a Dart

senior Liberal Arts major. Birch offerings include a chicken caesar salad wrap for $4.99, a buffalo chicken wrap for $4.49, and a cheese pizza for $3.49. “Most of the time I’m so busy during the day I don’t have the time to think about what I am actually eating,” said Shaun Marken, a senior Business major. Students are often too busy during the day to even have a proper sit-down meal. A majority of students report getting their meals from one of the carts located on the campus. The food carts, located in the University’s academic buildings, are similarly priced to the other food outlets on campus. A small can of soda costs 99 cents, yet a bottle of water costs $1.69. The carts do carry pre-made salads and wraps, but they are generally priced at well over $4.00 each. “Why spend six bucks on a salad when for two dollars you can get two bags of chips?” asks Mel Chapelle, a senior Nursing major. “It’s not the University’s fault for

Photo by SweetOnVeg on Flickr

By Madison Taylor Layout by Brittany Raposa and Megan Gregoire

Off-Campus Food The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Wasabi Chef’s Special Sushi Roll Calories –229 Price –11.95 Ruby Tuesday Club House Salad Calories –898 Price –8.99 Panera Bread Smokehouse Turkey Sandwich Calories –720 Price –7.89 Au Bon Pain Riveria Salad Calories –360 Price –6.49 Dunkin’ Donuts Bacon, Egg & Cheese Calories –550 Price –3.89 Baskin-Robbins Chocolate Oreo Shake Calories –2,600 Price –3.49 Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries Calories –2,900 Price –7.99 Uno Chicago Grill Classic Deep Dish Pizza Calories –2,430 Price –10.99

students eating habits, yet by making prices higher for the healthier food it pushes some students into eating junk food,” said Valerie Reale, also a senior Nursing major. With University enrollment increasing each year, more food options are constantly

80% of UMass Dartmouth students report gaining weight while attending college. being created on campus. In 2011, the Oak Glen Scoop Shop was opened, and this past school year the Scally Wagon was created. The Scoop Shop is a standard ice cream shop, while the Scally Wagon is a truck that circulates around campus, feeding hungry students as late as 2 a.m. The truck’s offerings include a pretzel cheeseburger, french fries and onion rings. The Scoop Shop, located in Oak Glen residence hall, is only open Monday through Thursday from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. While these two dining facilities may not have the healthiest food, their late--night hours are certainly appealing to students. The Marketplace (formerly known as Residential Dining, or “Res”) is the only dining option on campus that has a dietician

involved in its food planning. Each day this nutrition specialist helps the chefs to prepare one meal option that is less than 800 calories. Although the Marketplace has attempted to provide healthier foods to the student body, it closes at 7:30 p.m. on weeknights, and on weekends is only open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., then 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. With such limited hours, students are forced to find other places to eat on campus – places that do not offer the same healthy options. When it comes to food, busy, cashstrapped students usually look for the cheapest option that they can obtain quickly. The University could help promote healthy eating by lowering prices for healthier options. Even making a small change, such as labeling calorie counts on food items, could have a positive effect. For example, in recent years the food chain Panera Bread has provided a menu board that lists the number of calories per serving next to each menu item (one French baguette = 150 calories). A recent Stanford Graduate School of Business studyat New York City Starbucks locations reported that the average number of calories per purchase actually went down after calorie counts were posted. The combination of more knowledge of calorie counts and lower prices for healthy foods may lead more students to make better, healthier food choices. d

On The Web UMass Dartmouth students can check out these two websites to help with healthy food and lifestyle choices: http://www.dineoncampus.com/umassd/ The dining services home page offers a “Total Health” section for students that offers: • Nutrition info • Recipes • Calorie Counter • A registered dietician who gives answers to common nutrition questions http://www.umassd.edu/livewell/ LiveWell is the website of the Office of Health Education, Promotion, and Wellness at UMass Dartmouth where you can find: • Health guides, • Self-assessments, • Student Health 101 wellness magazine • A comprehensive list of “Wellness Resources.”


Spring 2012 55

Healthy Snacks For Your Dorm It can be hard to find healthy snacks that don’t taste like something off the forest floor. Here are four healthy snacks that won’t have you clenching your gurgling stomach with regret.




1. Whole Grain Fig Newtons

3. Instant Oatmeal

Cost: $2.99 Substitute for: Cookies

Cost: $ 1.99 – $2.99 Substitute for: Sugary cereal

If you already like Fig Newtons, you’ll really like these. They taste the same but the whole grain gives them a healthy boost.

Oatmeal is whole grain and loaded with healthy carbs, fiber and protein. Most instant oatmeal takes a couple of minutes to make in the microwave.

What to get: These Newtons only come in original flavor but they are just as crumbly sweet as the classic Newton.

What to get: Taste can vary between brands but often times generic brands are the cheapest and taste just as good.

2. Amy’s Organic Soup

4. Can of Nuts

Cost: $1.50 Subsitute for: Name brand soups

Cost: $1.99 – $3.99 Substitute for: Chips

In the mood for something hot? Try Amy’s organic soup. It has less sodium than most soups with the added bonus of fiber and protein.

Eating nuts in place of foods that contain saturated fats can reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. Grab a bag of your favorite nuts instead of those greasy chips.

Try the following soups: Organic Chunky Vegetable, Cream of Mushroom, and Hearty Fresh Country.


Try: A bag of peanuts, a can of cashews or a can of mixed nuts for convenient guilt free snacking.

Making a conscious effort to eat healthy can change your life in unexpected ways.Unhealthy foods have actually been shown to increase stress levels.You might be thinking, “I’d like to eat healthy, but it’s just too costly.” Maintaining a healthy diet will save you money in the future by decreasing your medical bills and other costs associated with illness. Start good eating habits today by avoiding foods high in salt, saturated fat, trans fat and sodium nitrate. Look for foods that are high in antioxidants, like most fruits, vegetables and beans.


Spring 2012


Photos by Meaduva, Madzia Bryll, Kristen Taylor, Smabssputzer and Dano on Flick.

By Brian Jones Layout by Rachel Freitas

Target vs. Stop & Shop By Kelley Mahoney Layout by Kimberly Furey

Looking to fill up your fridge? Students at UMass Dartmouth are in luck, as within one mile from campus you can find both Target and Stop & Shop. With Target adding a brand new produce section in 2011, it has given powerhouse Stop & Shop a run for its money. Nobody wants to spend their Saturday going to multiple stores, so which one will suit your needs best?

Produce Is the family visiting for the weekend and you want to impress Mom by making her favorite eggplant dish? Stop & Shop is the one place you need to be. Although Target does offer slighty lower prices, Stop & Shop has a larger selection. For example: looking for eggplant or squash? Stop & Shop carries them, Target doesn’t.

Winner: Stop & Shop

Snacks Personal Needs Hot date coming up this weekend? Need to grab an extra bottle of Axe or a new shade of lipstick? Then Target is calling your name. Brands such as Dove and Herbal Essences can be found at both retailers but are 25 cents cheaper at Target.

Winner: Target

Hosting a party? Need some snacks for The Bachelor finale? Then Target is the place for you! Both stores carry almost identical selections, yet Target can be 40 cents cheaper when it comes to pantry items like Cheeze-Its, Special K Fruit Crisp Thins, and Double Stuffed Oreos.

Winner: Target

Bottom Line Looking for the cheaper option? Go to Target. Need that specific organic pasta? Head to Stop and Shop. They have an entire organic section! Bottom line: Target has basic needs, while Stop & Stop has specialties. Dart

Spring 2012 57

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