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Campus Closures Vol. 3.1 Fall 2012
1964 The year ground was broken on the futuristic campus in Dartmouth designed by world-renowned architect Paul Rudolph. Since then the campus has grown to 9,500 students and developed a $26 million research enterprise.
The number of public law schools in Massachusetts, and that one is at UMass Dartmouth, devoted to the practice of law for the public good.
Hours of community service performed by UMass Dartmouth students and faculty in a year.
Interns engaged each year in learning and discovery at the UMass Dartmouth Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Center in Fall River, home to research laboratories and start-up companies.
Acres of land dedicated to the main UMass Dartmouth campus — 75 percent of which remains undeveloped woodlands and is being used as a “living classroom.”
1,161 Pounds of sulfur dioxide to be eliminated by campus wind turbine…and 489 pounds of nitrous oxide and 295 tons of carbon dioxide.
$90 million Private investment in property around the downtown New Bedford College of Visual and Performing Arts since the University’s art center was opened and began drawing student and faculty artists to the neighborhood.
$356 million The economic impact of the campus on the SouthCoast region.
2 The number of miles that the campus WIMAX wireless signal can reach, providing students with a level of connectivity that can be found at only one other University, and that is in Michigan.
90 Coastal inlets from Cape Cod to Narragansett Bay that the students and faculty of the School of Marine Science and Technology are working to save from pollution.
Fall 2012
40 Course Evaluations: What Special Reviews Section you may not know about 8 The Avengers those end-of-semester 10 The Dark Knight Rises evalutions of your professors. 12 Drive 42 UMass Boom in Down 14 Breaking Bad Economy 16 Black Dynamite 44 Net Impact: How UMass 18 Music Reviews: Aesop Rock, Dartmouth participates in the Awolnation, K. Michelle, world-wide organization Net Beyoncé, Shoji Meguro Impact. 20 Music Spotlights: The Evil Streaks, The Electronic Social 46 Leveling Up: The video game Dance Revolution, Beyoncé Industry sounds like a cool 24 The “Here There and Back place to work, but It’s Again” Art Exhibition tough going out there for recent grads. 48 The Big Gamble: Construction Feature Articles continues in New Bedford and 26 Anorexia: What is the Picture not everyone is happy. Perfect Body? 50 Death of the Projectionist 30 Fast Food Campus 52 Traffic Tickets: We’ve All Been 32 What’s New in Campus Dining There 34 A New Breed of Alcohol 54 Gender Roles in the Home Education 55 A Brighter Future 36 Predicting Bad Weather and 56 Textbooks: The New Frontier Campus Closings of Student Sticker Shock 57 Rock the Dells
magazine. Fall 2012 Writing Contributors Zack Aaron Katelyn Betrovski Michael Burke Alexander Clement Brian Crimmins Jen Dempsey Jonathan Faria Myesha Gandy Matthew Georgianna
Karen Green Saraline Joseph Mario Marzano Mike McCarthy Shaneice Palmer Andrew Poole Valeria Senigaglia Alexandra Smith Essence Smith Michael Smith Nicholas Walecka
Supervising Journalism Faculty Dr. Caitlin O’Neil
Design Contributors Adrian Anhorn Stellamaris Ajayi Angela Coville James Ferguson Courtney Gallant Cameron Hashemi-Pour John Jolda Sarah Kramer Kathleen Landers Mark-Anthony Lewis
Josh N. Martin Marissa Matton Chelsea Medeiros Olivia Mello Caitlin Moakley Tyler Ochs Cassandra Quillen Sasha Sanders
Supervising Design Faculty Dr. Anthony F. Arrigo
Design and Production Assistant James Ferguson
Dart Magazine Would Like to Thank the Following Underwriters The College of Arts and Sciences The Department of English The College of Visual and Performing Arts The Office of Undergraduate Admissions The Office of Graduate Admissions The Office of Public Affairs
UMass Dartmouth Department of English Department of English UMass, Dartmouth LARTS 341 285 Old Westport Road N. Dartmouth, MA 02747 Phone: 508-999-8274 Do you have questions, comments, article ideas, or letters to the editor? Feel free to let us know by emailing Dr. Anthony Arrigo (
Welcome to Dart Magazine...
Dear Dart reader, Dart Magazine is a unique academic collaboration between several writing and design classes taught in the Department of English at UMass Dartmouth. Here is the process of how the magazine is created. Each magazine edition is developed over the course of one semester. As students in various writing and journalism classes begin the first drafts of their articles, students in the Document Design course begin learning the basics of design, magazine layout, and various computer programs, particularly the Adobe Creative Suite. As soon as the writing and journalism classes begin submitting drafts, the Document Design class begins working on layouts. After a semester-long process of many revisions, graphical iterations, and long nights spent in the computer labs, Dart is ready to go to print and thus completing a “real world� publication process. Dart is an inter-departmental and inter-college endeavor that brings together undergraduate and graduate English, Photography, and Graphic Design majors. Dart is also a showcase of UMass Dartmouth creativity and collaboration as many of the photos and graphics, and all of the articles and layouts are contributed and developed by students from the University. We hope you enjoy reading Dart as much as we enjoy creating it.
UMass Dartmouth Department of English
Opportunities for Undergraduates Publications
• Corridors: the annual ejournal of Best Student Essays in the foundation courses • Dart: a semesterly culture magazine • Siren: a journal about gender issues • Temper: the annual literary review: poetry, fiction, drama, and creative nonfiction • The Torch: the student newspaper • Word: a biannual English Department newsletter
• Adam Cohen Memorial Award: an annual $500 award recognizing academic excellence in literary studies for an upper-level student • Augustus Silva Award: an annual $3000 Scholarship for one English Major in each concentration
English Major Concentrations Writing , Communication, and Rhetoric This option develops students’ competencies in effective communication. Students learn to assess and produce language for a range of rhetorical situations, analyze the discourse of others, and critically consider the ways in which language helps us to influence and order our world and our communities.
Literature and Criticism
This option focuses on reading and writing about a range of literary and cultural texts, and examining human experience in all its complexity. Through close reading and analysis of literary texts, students learn to articulate their own ideas and to engage the views of others, both in and outside the classroom.
A Major in English prepares you to: • Meet communication challenges in the workplace • Succeed in Law School • Succeed in Graduate School • Become a teacher • Become a journalist • Become a technical or freelance writer
ety nical i c o S ech ion T icat un m m Co
Fall 2012 5
Art Education Art History Ceramics Digital Media Drawing Graphic Design Illustration Jewelry/Metals Music Music Education Painting Photography Printmaking Sculpture Textile Design/Fibers Typography Wood/Furniture undergraduate & graduate degrees post-bac & graduate certiďŹ cates Campuses in Nor th Dar tmouth & New Bedford, Massachusetts
Fall 2012
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By Shaneice Palmer Layout by Tyler Ochs
ll hail Joss Whedon! Oh yes, Mr. Whedon, hail you we shall. Do the math: this magnificent director plus charismatic cast obviously equals blockbuster. By all means The Avengers deserves five stars. What better way to boost our already patriotic egos than by releasing a film packed with our favorite American super heroes? Assuming everyone in the film-watching universe considers Iron Man, Captain America, Thor- God of Thunder, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and The Incredible Hulk their favorites. If not, you’re forgiven. Hope remains for ye lost ones. Collectively called The Avengers, this group of super heroes was put together by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), director of the super spy agency SH.I.E.L.D., to combat super villains 8
Fall 2012
in case the need ever arose. Predictably enough the super villain comes in form of Thor’s Asgardian stepbrother Loki, who has made it his mission to conquer and destroy earth and all other realms in his path. Director Whedon does an incredibly effective job of developing each character and bringing them together as a team. He does it in such a manner that no one character overpowered the next and that I believe, makes the movie well worth watching. He undertook an incredibly risky task, but it all paid off. The actors all did a marvelous job in playing their parts. Australian actor Chris Hemsworth made for an incredibly hunky Thor, Robert Downey Jr. was the definition of cockiness and arrogance in his role as Iron man, Scarlett Johansson was convincing enough as super-spy gent Natasha
“For a seriously super - sized action hero film, look no further”
Romanoff, a.k.a. The Black Widow. Chris Evans as the everproper Captain America was a delight to see on screen; Samuel L. Jackson did an adequate enough job at portraying Fury; Tom Hiddleston was quite fitting for his role as the menacing Loki, god of mischief. Last but not least, Mark Ruffalo gives us an absolutely terrific depiction of the Incredible Hulk, by far I’d have to say he’s provided the most epic portrayal of the green guy. Each cast member played a definite role in working together to make the film a tremendous success. Camaraderie between cast members was evident; you could just feel their chemistry on screen and that made watching the film a wonderful experience. Once again I have to praise Whedon for creating a movie as well rounded as The Avengers, taking into account
every character of this cast has had his own story (The Hulk, Iron Man, etc.). There were a few elements of the movie that could be picked at. One for example: Thor’s constant yelling. It probably was intentional on the director’s part; after all, Thor is the god of thunder, so it makes perfect sense to have him bellow incessantly throughout most of the film. The movie’s special effects are quit jarring, realistic enough to make you feel as though you were amidst the action. The costumes used in this film would be every costumer’s dream, a little bit of something for everyone’s taste. You’ve got the black widow’s skin-tight, black one-piece suit, Thor and Loki’s more medieval get-ups, and so on. Next time you’re in the mood for a great movie, I would highly suggest you grab and few friends and enjoy this fun, action filled super hero movie. d Dart
Fall 2012 9
Fall 2012
Original Photo by Manuel Sanvictores on Flickr
The Dark Knight Maintains By Brian Crimmins Layout by Sarah Kramer
Photo by Manuel Sanvictores on Flickr
ne of the strange rules of film is that, for some reason, the third part of a trilogy is usually worse than its predecessors. The reasons for this change vary from trilogy to trilogy, but from Star Wars to X-Men, this rule tends to hold true. The Dark Knight Rises, however, breaks this rule. Directed by Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight Rises is essentially more of Nolan’s The Dark Knight, although that is not necessarily a bad thing. Simultaneously action packed and mentally stimulating, The Dark Knight Rises is the best action movie since The Dark Knight. While The Dark Knight had Batman (Christian Bale) facing off against Heath Ledger’s Joker, “Rises sees him struggling to stop the terrorist threat simply know as Bane (Tom Hardy). Similar to the Joker, Bane manages to steal the show. Although it takes some time to adjust to Gotham’s crime master having a suave Scottish accent (and just as much to understand what he is saying), Bane soon proves himself a strong, charismatic force in Gotham City. Always calm, in control, yet somehow still incredibly menacing and powerful, he proves to be a more than worthy opponent against Batman. Establishing this threat, though, takes quite some time. One of the film’s more significant problems is its slow build-up. Do not let Bane’s initial antics fool you; it takes about a third of the film for Batman to make an appearance, and a lot of the preceding time is spent establishing just how weak and destroyed Bruce Wayne has become. It is best to stick it out, though, as the pay-off is worth it. When the story manages to build momentum, and the action becomes more frequent, there is no stopping it. The fights are well choreographed, having a real sense of
weight and power behind them, and the set pieces are fantastic. Yet do not mistake this for a shallow action movie. Like the last film in Nolan’s trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises has enough depth for those who want it. This depth is evident from the title alone. On the one hand, it could refer to Batman coming out of retirement to save Gotham. On the other, it could apply equally well to Bane and his attempts to undermine the Gotham government’s authority. Both cases have their support, especially given the strong political themes present in The Dark Knight Rises. While they were certainly present in The Dark Knight (Batman’s extraordinary rendition comes to mind), Rises takes these political messages to new and almost overwhelming levels. Whereas Batman’s calling card is “I am the night,” Bane and Catwoman (Anne Hathaway) seem ready to identify with the Occupy Movement’s slogan of “We are the 99%.” In addition to limiting the appeal of the film (not everybody wants to mix action and politics), these themes do not have any meaningful counterbalance. While Gotham’s authority figures certainly take issue with Bane’s methods, it is hard to remember anybody objecting to (or even addressing) his overall message, making the debate seem one-sided and imbalanced. However, even with these problems, The Dark Knight Rises is a great film. The action is greatly executed, Bane manages to be every bit as threatening and intelligent as Ledger’s Joker, and politics aside, the story is written well enough that you forget how ridiculous some of the scenarios can be (A decrepit billionaire dressing up as a bat to bring down a populist mob boss?). If you are to see one action movie this year, it should definitely be this one. d
Gross Revenues for Batman Releases Batman 1966 • $1,377,800 Batman 1989 • $411,348,924 Batman Returns 1992 • $282,800,000 Batman Forever 1995 • $336,531,112 Batman & Robin 1997 • $130,000,000 Batman Begins 2005 • $374,218,673 The Dark Knight 2008 • $1,004,558,444 The Dark Knight Rises 2012 • $1,013,114,000
Fall 2012 11
DRIVE By Michael Renda Layout by John Jolda
rive is a high-octane adventure, mixed with classic action movie fun, which equals one entertaining edge of your seat cinematic adventure. Set in a dream-like Los Angeles the movie is a dark tale that takes viewers along for a gritty, seat beltrequired joy ride. Drive is like the video game franchise, “Grand Theft Auto,” in movie form. It is dark and at times brutally violent, but always gripping and unique for its action genre. The movie doesn’t really feel like your typical action movie, because the action and characters are unique personas that grow as the audience is driven through the movie.
“The movie is brilliantly paced from the start as it builds the mystique of our nameless protagonist.” The main character is played by Ryan Gosling, who manages to speak few words, but still steals the show. Gosling plays a nameless, quiet yet calculated character with one profession. He drives- and driving he does well. Any good action movie needs action to be successful, and the action sequences of Drive match the uniqueness and quality of the film. In a time where action movies are dominated by explosions and 20-car pile-ups, Drive features action that is slow-paced and calculated. The opening sequence features The Driver, as Gosling is referred to throughout the film, expertly chauffeuring a group of robbers. The next 15 or so minutes are littered with suspense as the robbery goes wrong, and it becomes
Fall 2012
up to The Driver not to flee the scene guns blaring like a Terminator-era Arnold Schwarzenegger, but instead to creep away avoiding the spotlights of helicopters of the LAPD, which is actively searching for his car. These
There are times when The Driver just drives, and retro-feeling electro dance music just plays. It adds to the dark mood of the movie, which is hypnotic at times, and all around fascinating. Too much of the current
“The main character has no name, huge muscles, or fancy sports cars. Instead he is a persona that the audience cares about and watches as he evolves throughout the movie.� cat and mouse pursuits are a welcome and refreshing alternative to tradition speeding chases. Danish director Nicolas Winding Refin won a Cannes Film Festival Award for this movie and it is clear why. The movie is paced brilliantly, with a slow start that builds the mystique of our nameless protagonist. Where most action movies are carried by their big name stars (see Vin Diesel, or Tom Cruise) it is the mysteriousness of the main character, and the willingness of Gosling to disappear into this character, that really pulls viewers in.
action genre is filled with buxom women and bravadoed men. By comparison, Drive is something completely refreshing and new. It achieves this by being less than all of its action movie counterparts. The main character has no name, nor huge muscles, nor super fancy sport cars. Instead, he is a persona that the audience cares about, and watches evolve throughout the movie. There are not that many explosions, but that does not mean that the audience is not on the edge of their seats nearly the whole time. Drive is a great movie, and everyone should go along for the ride. d
Fall 2012 13
Photo credits: ABC, AMC, CBS, NBC, TBS; Walter White courtesy of BJ Hale
eaking Bad
Fall 2012
A look ahead to the conclusion of AMC’s hit series Breaking Bad.
AMC Returns Summer ’13
By Alexander Clement Layout by Josh N. Martin
AMC’s critically acclaimed Breaking Bad has hit the midpoint of it’s last season with “Gliding over All” the eighth of sixteen final episodes. The title of the episode reflects the genius of the show’s writing by foreshadowing the end of the episode and potentially the conclusion of the series. Based on the provocative premise of a 50-year-old high school chemistry teacher turned meth cook, Breaking Bad has been captivating audiences since its debut in January of 2008. The show has taken home seven Emmy Awards and presents impeccable acting, compelling writing, and visionary directing, easily besting any other TV show currently airing. Lead actor Brian Cranston steps away from his previous role as the goofy but loveable dad on “Malcolm in the Middle” and delivers brilliantly as the good guy turned bad-ass, Walter White. Diagnosed with lung cancer, White uses his chemistry knowledge to “break bad,” cooking methamphetamine to raise money for his family. White is paired with the occasionally goofy, not too bright, but big hearted, high school dropout Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul). In nearly every episode of the series, White and Pinkman are forced to make life or death decisions, and the audience watches as White slowly and methodically morphs from Mr. Rogers to Scarface. This show is not for a lazy audience. The talented actors in Breaking Bad play intricate characters who communicate through subtle actions and twisted words. A small parting word or a wave of the hand might be the impetus for dramatic plot changes or character transformations. Writer and director Vince Gilligan relies on an engaged audience to follow the subtleties of the show’s writing and acting. For
example, in “Gliding Over All” we see Mr. White in a hospital bathroom examining his reflection in a dented paper towel dispenser. Although this might seem insignificant, it is an allusion to a past season when Walter assaulted that same dispenser upon seeing his reflection. The dents in the metal warp the reflection of his visage into something barely recognizable. This moment is telling of how Walter’s character has changed and alludes to how his anger and out-of-control ego is warping him. Cranston’s superb acting on Breaking Bad has garnered him three Emmy’s over five seasons. Aaron Paul, in his role as Jessie Pinkman, took home an Emmy of his own for best supporting actor in 2012. The acting talent doesn’t end with the main two actors, however. Anna Gunn’s character Skylar White (Walter’s wife) has emerged as one of the best reluctant mob white characters in recent memory, while Dean Norris’s character Hank Schrader, a DEA agent and Walter White’s brotherin-law, nicely balances the dual-role of incisive cop and lovable guy’s guy. “Gliding Over All” concludes with a delicious twist that is certain to leave audiences hungry for more. After five seasons of coldly and cleverly deflecting the recriminations of other dealers, and deftly eluding the suspicions of his DEA Agent brother-in-law, Walter is on the edge of having his whole world crash in around him. Will White really hang up his gas mask and end his life of crime? Will Hank’s revelation in the bathroom in the penultimate scene of “Gliding All Over” finally crack the case and close down Walter’s operation for good? The final episodes of this show promise to be as riveting as any in the first five season. d
Photo credits: AMC
Fall 2012 15
BLACK DYNAMITE comes to Adult Swim By Shaneice Palmer Layout by Mark-Anthony Lewis
In 2009, Michael Jai White’s blaxploitation spoof Black Dynamite became a cult success. A loving parody of films like Dolomite and Superfly, Black Dynamite is now getting the animation treatment on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim.
sing high praises of Cartoon Network Adult Swim’s newest animated series, Black Dynamite, created by actor Michael Jai White. White departs from his usual style of the on screen bad boy and blesses us with his talent in this unique animated series where he plays the character of Black Dynamite, a crime fighting hero, and his trusty sidekicks Honey Bee, Cream-Corn and Bullhorn, as they set out on a mission to rid their community of ninjas. It features expletives and mature content, but contains just the right amount of social commentary to remind you that there are real life issues being addressed, even though they’re presented in a comical and indirect way. If you’re familiar and comfortable with the Blaxploitation genre, then you will surely enjoy every moment of Black Dynamite. The series is a creative mash up, highlighting common misconceptions
Fall 2012
of the black community while parodying groups as well. Black Dynamite is set in the 1970s and depicts life as it supposedly was back then. The series is mainly narrated from the point of view of its main character, Black Dynamite. Sex, drugs, violence money, bell bottoms, disco music, poofed-up afros and black power are central themes in this series. The first episode, “Just Beat it or Jackson Five Across Yo’ Eyes,” finds CreamCorn obsessed with Michael Jackson,
“Black Dynamite may have been a children, but he ain’t never been no boy. Can you dig it?” much to the dismay of Black Dynamite. His interest jeopardizes the crew’s latest mission when he sneaks off to see the young Jackson perform on “Soul Train.” While on “Soul Train,” Jackson is almost assassinated, but Cream-Corn saves him. After these events Jackson idolizes Cream Corn, further fueling Cream’s obsessive tendencies. The situation climaxes when Black Dynamite and Cream Corn get into an explosive argument over Jackson, resulting in Cream-Corn and Jackson leaving. But when Cream-Corn finds himself victim to Jackson’s abusive tendencies, and Black Dynamite and crew figure out that young Jackson is really an alien planning to harm Cream Corn and the neighborhood, they set out to stop Jackson and save Cream. I guarantee, that after watching this episode you’ll laugh so much you’ll probably cry.
If you are fond of dark and wildly inappropriate humor, then this is the series for you, but be prepared for the constant use of racial slurs and plenty of cuss words. If you are already familiar with Adult Swim’s The Boondocks, then you might have an idea of the scenarios and humor that this series will dish out. It’s just one of those TV series where you never quite know what you’re going to get, but whatever you get surely leaves you wanting more. It’s a cleverly written series with a lot of satire – just the kind of humor that keeps you laughing till your stomach hurts. So here’s my suggestion. If you’ve got a little time on your hands Sunday night, at precisely 11:30 pm flip your channel on over to Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim and come see what all the fuss is about. d
Fall 2012 17
S C I U S U MU M U SI C US SIC IC Aesop Rock: Skelethon
nderground hip-hop artist Ian Matthias Bavitz, or Aesop Rock, has come out with his first solo album since None Shall Pass was released in 2007. For those who have eagerly awaited his next album, Skelethon does not disappoint. Aesop had gained a reputation for being one of the most creative hip-hop artists among the underground community. His rap style best compares with other underground artists like El-P and Cage, but even then, there is no one quite like Aesop Rock. Known for his imaginative and often unorthodox lyrics in his songs, Aesop stays true to his signature “jabber-jaw” style in Skelethon. With what seems like nonstop metaphors, each song delivers some sort of message or story hidden behind his quick flowing rhymes. Without listening closely to the lyrics, the songs off of this or any other of his albums can be confused for randomly pulling words out of a dictionary. With lyrics like “Pipe cleaner mustache, rope hands, google eyes. 18
Fall 2012
Macaroni gas face, no plans to humanize,” from the song “Tetra”, this interpretation of his work can be understandable. With this creative use of language also comes criticism. Aesop sometimes can go overboard with his nonsensical lyrics. If listeners can’t understand the words he says, then the message gets lost. Almost everything he says requires translation, and for those who focus on lyrical content, this can take away from the Skelethon experience. However, he does present more obvious metaphors that deliver good messages. In the song “Gopher Guts”, Aesop talks about bringing up various animals, telling them good qualities about them, and releasing them into the wild. This could be interpreted as raising a child, praising them with qualities like “You will be something inventive and electric. You are healthy, you are special, you are present,” and then letting them live their lives. Truly understanding most of his lyrics requires a lot of time and effort to decipher what he’s talking about. However, his
songs are usually just as enjoyable without knowing. The beats, voice flow, and overall uniqueness of his songs alone can often create a fan of Aesop Rock. Understanding what he says and what it means is just a bonus. Having listeners understand his messages might not be Aesop Rock’s goal in his music. After all, he is an underground musician. For those who can’t appreciate albums like Skelethon for its lyrical value, they can enjoy a rapper who strays away from talking about the thug life, expensive cars, or jewelry. Being an underground rapper means not appealing to everyone, and Aesop Rock is indeed not for everyone. When it comes to metaphors inside of metaphors, Aesop Rock’s newest material is no different from his old. While appealing to everyone is still definitely not his target, Aesop has made another creative collection of songs for the underground world to think about. In terms of coming up with new lyrical ideas, beats, and overall music, Skelethon is one of his best to date. d
Photos clockwise from top left: Aesop Rock by Allison Felus on Flickr, Awolnation by Brennan Schnell on Flickr, Beyoncé by William J on Flickr,
By Jonathan Faria Layout by Mark-Anthony Lewis
wolnation, a high-energy and brilliantly melodic party band, released their sophomore album, Megalithic Symphony, a combination of charged music fused with positive lyrics promoting love and balance. Rather than offering the popular message of drunken anarchy, lead singer Aaron Bruno writes surprisingly deep and introspective lyrics that promote wisdom and accountability. Awolnation’s infectious music contains the perfect blend of relentless party beats and earnest advice on some of life’s tougher issues. “All I Need”—with its melodic piano accompaniment—has grown into an anthem that reveals the softer truth behind the band: the fans and the performers are a nation unified through music. —Review by Alex Clement
K. Michelle
&B singer Kimberly Michelle Pate has written her heartfelt first album, Pain Medicine. With every lyric she writes, each note she sings, and piano notes she strikes, she speaks her mind and makes no apologies. In “How Many Times,” she asks how anyone can feel like a man when they are beating on a woman’s face and spirit. “Kiss My Ass” talks about walking away from a situation that puts you through pain and heartache. Not only do K. Michelle’s lyrics draw you in, but also the slow R&B beats, old school jazz sounds soothe the soul and relax the mind. Michelle’s songs are the antidote to pain; you will recover after listening to her album. —Review by Essence Smith
eyoncé continues to create great music with the release of 4, an expression of love in many forms. On the album, Beyoncé collaborates with songwriters like Kenneth Edmonds, Diane Warren and The Dream, writer of “Single Ladies.” 4—a mixture of 1980s soul feel, pop tempo, and reggae melodies—pushes this album beyond the R&B category Beyoncé is known for. She praises girl power on her first single “Run the World (Girls),” which has an electronic/African feel, and her single “Love on Top”— inspired by her role as Etta James in Cadillac Records—is a trip back into the 1950s. 4 is Beyonce is at her best, but still includes the heartfelt, sexy and sassy Beyoncé fans adore. —Review by Saraline Joseph
Shōji Meguro
ideo game composer Shōji Meguro’s Never More -Reincarnation:PERSONA4-, a stylish and upbeat album, goes in many directions yet rarely falters. Switching moods and styles frequently, “I’ll Face Myself” quickly changes from tense to relaxed and feels perfectly natural. “Like a Dream Come True” resembles swinging 50s lounge music, while “Specialist” is a peppier, slightly more excited jazz piece, neither one out of place. While its difficulty to track down may be a deterrent, the songs are still very catchy and relaxing. —Review by Brian Crimmins
Fall 2012 19
Bassist “The Rev” dishes about his band, his geek side, and the nuances of the garage–surf–horror–punk scene.
By Katelyn Betrovski Layout by Sarah Kramer
n an understated stage in an intimate venue stand five Worcester-based musicians collectively called The Evil Streaks. Sharply dressed in timeless black and white attire serving as a backdrop for their red instruments, they slam out catchy melodies and spit out campy lyrics, “Now she knows what needs to be done. The Ouija Board, it wasn’t for fun. Never thought I’d be suspected. Tonight it all ends, Fanny wants me dead.” One member, though, stands out from the rest. From under his black fedora, on which a button reads, “Bassist”, Christopher Fitzpatrick, known as “The Rev,” puts his all into every note. Jumping around the stage, swinging his bass and smiling at his band members and audience, The Rev loves what he does and knows how to work a crowd. Rev picked up a bass for the first time during his sophomore year of high school, “to make me seem ancient, that was somewhere in ’98… I was in a band called Mongrel for the first part of my career. They were punk-metal, ironic because I’m neither punk nor metal,” he laughs, “I wanted to join Ghoul’s
Fall 2012
Night Out, but that was a chick band, so I couldn’t join that… I was in their equivalent, Gein and the Graverobbers, an instrumental surf metal band, at that time.” The members of that band went their separate ways, “that’s when we became The Evil Streaks. All the members of Graverobbers, plus our guitarist, John.” The Evil Streaks are a garage band with surf and horror punk influences. Rev explains horror punk to those outside the scene, “You say the word, punk, and there’s an instant misconception of, it’s gonna be loud, it’s gonna be angry, it’s gonna be two chords and no one knows how to play. You say horror, and they’re thinking, cartoon band, everyone wears make up and also don’t know how to play. But, it’s its own genre.” Horror punk bands are predominately influenced by horror films. “I’m a complete horror nerd… I went into a horror convention after I played my set opening for The Misfits and geeked out for two hours.” Myra, former member of Ghoul’s Night Out and current vocalist, lyricist, and guitarist of The Evil Streaks has a Danzig tattoo. Rev has filled in playing bass with Teenagers from Mars, a Misfits cover
band and Blitzkid, a leading band in the horror punk scene. Myra speaks admirably of Rev, “He’s passionate about playing, you can tell he really gives it his all. Rev has a certain charisma that I can’t describe. People love to watch him! He is kind and friendly and you never get a “rock star” attitude from him… He’s also a very true and loyal friend, one of the best people that I have in my life.” At shows, Rev focuses on making friends, not fans. He loves meeting new people, “I like the fans. They’re friends… There’s just a lot more openness when it comes to the horror punk community.” Rev’s future goals include meeting people and getting more exposure. You can see Evil Streaks in Providence, RI and Worcester, MA. They play most often at Ralph’s Diner on Grove Street in Worcester.
To see Evil Streaks, check the Ralph’s Diner webpage at:
Electronic Social Dance Revolution By Michael Burke Layout by Angela Coville
Top Photo by Sam Fu Photography
legion of intoxicated fans in neon tattered clothes bustles in anxious anticipation as the countdown begins. The massive LED screen towers twentyfive feet over the stage, shining a rainbow of lights across the arena. Huge white numbers appear on the screen and begin to countdown from ten. The crowd unifies in ecstasy, propelled by enthusiasm as they scream the numbers as they pass. The count hits zero, the lights flash, and with a thunderous gunshot, pyrotechnics fire hundreds of gallons of paint onto the crowd as the music drops and the madness begins. “When the countdown happened and the music started, I lost it man,” said Tony Watson, a University of Massachusetts Dartmouth student. “It wasn’t even real life, it’s like I was in a different world.” Taking over the Dunkin Donuts center in Providence, Rhode Island, Life in Color (Formerly Dayglow) is a traveling paint party that fills arenas around the world with thousands of young, half naked bodies graffitied with YOLO (you only live once) and PLUR (peace love unity and respect). Originating in Miami in 2006, Life in Color has since worked to bring the magic of electric social dance to the masses in over 20 of the world’s largest cities. It is just one of many relatively new events in this new culture of electronic dance music (EDM). Inspired by the rave scene of the 1980s and early 1990s, a wave of new EDM artists has been storming the pop charts. The culture has been such a sensation that in 2012 the Grammy Awards Telecast included EDM categories. This new soundtrack has grabbed hold of a new generation, and the fans and money are growing exceptionally fast. Unlike the underground aura that surrounded the 1980s rave dance scene, electric dance is gaining mainstream attention, and its performers are becoming massive pop celebrities. This year at the Grammys, Skrillex, one of the genre’s leading dubstep DJs, was nominated for five Grammys (including best new artist) and took home three in electronic categories. He, along with others
including Avicii (Sweden), DeadMau5 (Canada), David Guetta (France), and Tiesto (Netherlands) have helped make electronic festivals an American and international summer tradition. These events are true music meccas. The United States Electric Daisy Carnival sold out in four cities around the country, selling 75,000 tickets in Vegas alone. Electric Zoo in Colorado sold over 100,000 tickets, and Ultra in Miami drew over 165,000 dance fans in just one weekend. And with tickets ranging from $150$350, these events are posting tremendous revenue. A social explosion revolving around dance shouldn’t surprise anyone. Historically America has always had some form of dance dominating the culture. “Instrumental based dance music with an international base aimed towards twenty-somethings sounds a lot like swing,” said Edwin Milham, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth resident music history professor. Though swing now seems glamorous culture, it was quite controversial at the start. EDM too harbors a number of justifiably unflattering connotations. Many view the culture as being mutually exclusive with the drug culture, and though drugs can be prevalent at EDM events, the core reason for the gathering is the music. These events produce a cultural hybrid of rock’n’roll spectacle with neon rave. Hordes of people swarm together with a common cause of consensual absurdity. In Providence, as the crowd jumped and moved to hours of intense pulsing beats, it was hard to deny the energy and the attitude. “It’s just madness” said James Hickey, a recent Bridgewater State Graduate about Dayglow, “Just the whole scene. Everyone’s going buck wild and I love it.” Dart
Fall 2012 21
Beyoncé A Musical Icon
By Saraline Joseph Layout By Kathleen Landers
eyoncé Knowles is the most dominant female musician in the last decade. In 2010, Knowles was ranked first on Forbes list of the 100 Most Powerful and Influential Musicians in the World and she continues to create good work with the release and success of her fourth album appropriately titled 4. In an interview with Jocelyn Vena from MTV, Beyonce said, “We all have special numbers in our lives, and 4 is that for me. It’s the day I was born, my mother’s birthday. April 4th is my wedding day.” This album is an expression of love through Beyoncé’s eyes. The album is a mixture of many genres of music, with songs that have a 1980s soul feel or a 1990s R&B tone, and others that have a pop or reggae melody. The combination of diverse musical genres pushes this album beyond the R&B category Beyoncé is known for. Vocally, she’s never sounded better, singing her heart out and laying her emotions on the table. Beyoncé gives it up for girl power on “Run the World (Girls),” the first single from her album 4. “Girls” was produced by Diplo and Switch, who sample their Major Lazer song, “Pon De Floor.” The song has an electronic/ African/pop feel. While the tempo of the music different on in this song, but Beyonce makes it her own,
Fall 2012
belting out empowering lyrics to young women such as “smart enough to make these millions, strong enough to bear the children, then get back to business,” over a techno/pop beat and marching band style drums. The aggressive, addictive rhythm track and lyrics of female power are enough to make this song stand out among current pop releases. Inspired by her role portraying the late Etta James in the 2008 musical Cadillac Records, “Love on Top” is like a trip back into the 1950s. It combines an old-school feel similar to Whitney Houston, with lyrics like, “When I need you make everything stop, Finally you put my love on top!” that express joy with her mate. Knowles’ voice is energetic and soulful. The finger snaps and horns make the song feel like an R&B classic. She debuted this single, and her pregnancy, at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, and it went on to become the highest charting song off of 4 on the US iTunes store thus far. Beyoncé executive produced and wrote the album, in addition to collaborating with many successful songwriters such as Kenneth “Baby Face” Edmonds and Diane Warren, who wrote “Because You Loved me” for Céline Dion. She also worked with R&B singer The Dream, writer of her popular anthem “Single Ladies,” who also collaborated on her song “Countdown” on this album. “Countdown” samples 1990s R&B group Boys II Men and is a sassy love song that brags about ways that people are lucky to have each other. Many of the songs on 4 center on carefree, loyal love. Whether expressing her endless commitment in “End of Time” or her happiness at not choosing the wrong love in “Best Thing I Never Had,” Beyonce seeks to blend every kind of music that was influential to her and does it well. Her fourth solo album is an assortment of pop, rock, soul, techno and R&B, yet still includes the playful, heartfelt, flirty, sexy and sassy Beyoncé lovers have grown to adore. d
Top Album Sales j Survivor: 15 million copies k The Writing's on the Wall: 15 million copies l Dangerously in Love: 11 million copies m B’Day: 7 million copies o I Am... Sasha Fierce: 7 million copies p Destiny Fullfilled: 7 million copies q Destiny’s Child: 3 million copies
Fall 2012 23
Path To Kasturis Deborah Frazee Carlson’s “Path to Kasturis” highlights a diverse range of work – from large furniture pieces, to hand sculped pottery, to delicate tree branchs formed into a necklace adorned in shimmering silver paint – at the “Here There and Back Again” art exhibition of faculty and alumni of the Center of Visual and Performing Arts. Photos by Gina M. Rampino
“Teapot with Wooden Lid” by Jim Lawton
“Blue Spiral Shell” by Allison K. Randall
“Ultimate Blossom 3” by Paula Erenberg Medieros
Fall 2012
“Winter Branches” by Susan Hamlet
By Saraline Joseph Layout by Olivia Mello
ucked away in the corner of the Center of Visual and Performing arts Campus Gallery is a very sensual and soothing work of art. Designed by faculty member Deborah Frazee Carlson, her piece “Path to Kasturis” is like a segment of faraway paradise. Though some may not know what Kasturis is, this picture promotes tranquility and achievement through an old stone structure in the tropical forest. Made of cotton and silk, the piece shows an old grassy path colored with dark greens and yellows in between two gray stone walls in what seems to be an ancient stone structure. Over the path is an opening to the view of the green palm trees that adorn the blue skyline which gives off an airy open feel rather than the feeling of being lost in the jungle. Highlights of yellow on the wall bring out each detail of the stones and create dimension. At the end of the path the colors in the design get lighter and brighter, making you feel as though you finally reached the end of this beautiful journey. At this ending is a very particularly placed flower etched in red, orange and yellow, which acts as a reward and a message like “you’ve made it to this great hidden gem”. The detailing in the design is so well done you forget it’s made of the simple materials cotton and silk. To get the full effect of the artwork you should just take a few steps back. It creates a tunnel vision and the feeling that the “Path to Kasturis” is right at your feet. “Path to Kasturis” by Deborah Frazee Carlson
“Love the Weight” by Seth J. Rainville
“Breathing Room” by Mallory Wetherell
Fall 2012 25
By Valeria Senigaglia Layout by Chelsea Medeiros
ecently, as part of “Love Your Body Week,” the center for Women, Gender & Sexuality launched “Gut Love.” The idea was simple: take a picture of your belly, upload it on Facebook, and write one sentence describing what you like about it. You don’t need a six-pack and you are not expected to be Shakespeare. The aim of this and others initiatives offered during “Love Your Body Week” is to raise awareness of body image perception and promote self-acceptance. To quote Marilyn Monroe, “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” The diva’s philosophy seems to be far from a modern reality, where distorted body image is a big concern, especially among women. False advertisements of unreachable body standards bombard us. Our society, a mysterious and pressuring organism, wants us to be strong, successful, and sexy women, but also caring mothers and daughters. It is common for wommen to feel overwhelmed by these expectations. Women need to deliver, to make things happen, and do so charmingly. Striving to meet these high expectations, we start to obsess over the only things we can indeed control, our bodies. Eating disorders include anorexia (extreme food deprivation), bulimia (cycling behavior of binging and purging) and binge eating disorder (compulsive eating of considerably large amount of food in limited amount of time). The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) reports that 10 million females and 1 million males in the U.S. are battling anorexia and bulimia. Millions more suffer from binge eating disorder.
Artwork by Jessica Rapoza
Fall 2012
Picture Perfect? Twenty percent of US college students suffer from an eating disorder and 75% of them never get help, according to a survey conducted in 2006 by NEDA. Moreover, one out of three normal dieters progress to pathological dieting. The survey covered both private and public schools and revealed the need for a better support for young people during the transition to college. The stress of starting college is cited as one of the many initiating factors in the development of an eating disorder. Overcompensation for the famous “freshman 15” weight gain frequently leads to eating disorders. Moving away from home and living independently for the first time may be unsettling and challenging for many young women. “We need to ensure that trained advisors who understand this illness are readily available to college populations,” commented Lynn Grefe, CEO of NEDA.
“28% of students who reached out to the counseling center reported having issues related to eating disorders”
Photo by Katie Tegtmeyer on Flickr
Campus Food and You At UMass Dartmouth last year 28% of students who reached out to the counseling center reported having issues related to eating disorders. However the counseling center offers no specific therapy or support groups. A student asking for help regarding weight management is referred to the only nutritionist available, Nancy Wiseman, director of board operation for the dining service. Wiseman doesn’t offer individual consultation, however. Instead her suggestions are based on managing the student’s meal plan. “The only person responsible for what you eat is you,” said Wiseman. She added that students have multiple choices and need to develop at college patterns that will reflect in their adult life. During their university years, students construct their dietary consciousness based on the information and choices available. Thus universities play a key educational role and represent the perfect setting to promote healthy living and enhance self-esteem. But healthy food choices on campus are limited. After spending around $1.3 millions on the renovation of the retail area in the campus dining center, the salad bar has been eliminated. We also now have a Wendy’s restaurant—right beside the healthy eating habits’advertisement.
Fall 2012 27
Asked about students’ eating habits, Wiseman underlined that “the majority of students don’t care about healthy eating, they want to eat big.” She also reported that the restaurants on campus were selected after extensive surveys of students’ preferences undertaken by both UMass and Campus Group, the group that provides dining service. However the discontent among students over the disappearance of the salad bar seems to contradict the survey’s results. According to Wiseman the real cause of the discontent is the general difficulty of coping with change. When these students graduate, new students who didn’t experience the salad bar first hand won’t be bothered by the lack of it. At present, five out of seven restaurants on campus serve fried food, while veggie plates are scarce and expensive. Although some initiatives have been set up to encourage healthier eating habits, such as the farmers market, Wiseman believes that it will take many years to change the campus towards healthy life style. Control Eating Habits Eating habits may play a small role in eating disorders. What exactly causes eating disorders? How can we prevent them? Is there the equivalence of a flu shot that can protect us from eating disorders? Behavioral disruptions and mental illness arise from multiple and complementary factors both external and internal. Dr. Christine Frizzell, Director of the Counseling and Student Development Center, and Dr. Juli Parker, Director of the Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality, agree that family plays a big role in the development of self-esteem and eating patterns. Personality characteristics and social context may also influence the type of triggered eating disorder. Most women who suffer from anorexia or bulimia are high achievers who feel pressured to reach the top. Thus the rigidity experienced in the workplace or at school, take over the intimate and emotional sphere and lead to obsessive behavior and extreme dieting. However, food deprivation seems to diminish
Fall 2012
performance. “The brain doesn’t work when you are starving, you literally can’t think straight,” said Frizzell. In contrast, binge eating is more common in lower classes, frequently in a “food deserts” where big grocery stores are lacking and healthy options are not available. When you grocery shop at dollar stores, your choices are limited. Even most food found in local grocery stores are overly processed and fresh food is both difficult to find and expensive. As obesity and binge eating increase, advertise for dieting and fitness increase in parallel. Almost every product now has a low fat counterpart and many unhealthy products are labeled as low in calories. Grocery stores are packed with free options: fat-free, calorie-free, sugarfree, etc. However, a closer look at the label and the nutritional values of the product quickly reveals that most fat free and low calorie food in fact contain high percentage of sugar and sodium. The sugar-free options are no better as they contain chemical sweeteners, whose effects on human health is still a matter of controversy in the scientific community. Be Active Being active and playing sports are considered another panacea in the fight against obesity but they have a dark side as well. A study conducted by Zucker NL and colleagues, shows that student athletes have a lower body dissatisfaction than non-athletes. However the same study reports that athletes had more tendencies toward perfectionism, which is related to pathological eating attitudes. Research agrees that the same characteristics that produce athletic success, such as strict discipline, competitiveness, perfectionism and a tendency to people pleasing, can also lead to eating disorders. The elite gymnast Christy Henrich, who was judged as too fat by a United States Gymnastics judge, severely restricted her food intake in order to make the Olympic team. In 1994, at the age of 22, Henrich died as a result of her eating disorder. Twentyone-year-old Dagny Knutson, reigning World Champion in the 800-freestyle
8 million Americans have an eating disorder – seven million women and one million men One in 200 American women suffers from anorexia Three in 100 American women suffers from bulimia Nearly half of all Americans personally know someone with an eating disorder An estimated 10 – 15% of people with anorexia or bulimia are males Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness 20% of people suffering from anorexia will prematurely die from complications related to their eating disorder, including suicide and heart problems Only 1 in 10 people with eating disorders ever receives treatment
souce: South Caroline Deparmtne of Mental Health
relay, skipped out on 2012 Olympic Trials because of her struggle with an eating disorder. Diver Brittany Viola made it to the London Olympic Games after having battled bulimia since she was 15. The silver medalist in mountain biking, Dotsie Bausch, overcame bulimia and anorexia by embracing her competitive side and becoming a cycling star. While addiction to exercise is part of anorexia, Bausch was able to exercise the healthy way while consulting a therapist. The desire for control over our bodies can lead to extreme behavior and lack of satisfaction in front of the mirror. Those who suffers from eating disorder have focused perceptive
“The desire for control over our bodies leads to extreme behavior and lack of satisfaction in front of the mirror.” of his/her body image: not a person staring back in the mirror but a rounded belly, squared hips or another part of the body that may not conform to the societal standards of beauty. A compulsive control over food intake and weight management is also a statement to the world. There is reassurance that comes from being able to control what is happening inside us regardless of the outside madness. Parker, who calls herself feminist and have several images of Wonder Woman in her office, feels that most women are not emotionally well equipped to
deal with the pressure to be perfect. Women are overwhelmed by media messages of extreme beauty, influenced by parents’ obsession with dieting, and pressured by increased demands from society. “Even I struggle. I feel like I want to be healthy but sometimes there is not enough time in one day or I want to go out and have a drink,” Parker admits, confirming that feelings of fragility and pressure can overcome high achievers and well educated persons as well. Be Positive Thus self-esteem and positive images of our bodies seems to be the best and only anti-eating disorder pill. College can play an essential role in promoting self-discovery and acceptance. The University of Florida and the University of Colorado-Boulder recently hosted public forums where people who had recovered from eating disorders could act as role models and share their experiences. Dartmouth College in New Hampshire offers the Eating Disorders and Nutrition Program that incorporates multiple, collaborating areas of the College Health Service. The program aims to prevent eating disorder via outreach and education. There are other initiatives to promote healthy choices among college students. The National Eating Disorders Screening Program (NEDSP) is designed to educate and screen college students for eating disorders, and to connect at-risk students with the resources they need. Moreover, the FREED Foundation has been established to provide individuals the financial support needed for the treatment of eating disorders and to provide public awareness and educational resources about the serious detriment of eating disorders, focusing specifically on college experience. The Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality here at UMass Dartmouth will continue its awareness and support campaigns by organizing a monthly discussion groups to promote positive body image.
What should I do if I think someone I know has anorexia? 1. 2. 3. 4.
Photo by BrightStarPhoto21’s on Flickr
5. 6. 7.
Set time aside to talk privately. Make sure you won’t be distracted. Tell your friend about your concerns regarding not eating or over-exercising. Be honest. Ask your friend to talk to a professional. Offer to them find a counselor or doctor and make an appointment. Avoid conflicts. If your friend won’t admit they have a problem, don’t push. You’re there to listen if they want to talk. Don’t place shame, blame, or guilt on your friend. by sayins things like “You need to eat.” Instead say “I’m concerned about you.” Don’t offer overly simple solutions. Don’t say “If you’d just stop, then things would be fine!” Let your friend know that you will always be there no mater what.
Fall 2012 29
Fast Food Campus By Alexandra Smith Layout by Courtney Gallant
Fall 2012
Photo by Keith McDuffee on Flickr
larms ring as workers quickly throw together hamburgers, slip French fries into paper sleeves, and pour milkshakes into cups. The smell of fried chicken and grease permeates the air throughout the entire University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Campus Center. Once an inviting eatery for students seeking a healthy alternative to typical college dining, the Salad Toss has been replaced with the fast food corporate giant Wendy’s as a part of a remodeling that also added restaurants Mondo Subs and 2Mato. The removal of the only healthy eatery on campus has left students in a predicament. How have they dealt with the sudden temptation of fast food? Has it affected their lives and health? Do other colleges have healthy food options for their students? With the stereotype of the freshman fifteen and an epidemic of obesity in America, the goal of college food services should be to add as many healthy options for their students as possible rather than taking them away. According to PBS Newshour, over 68 percent of adults in America are overweight or obese. Students away from home for the first time have new personal freedom when deciding what to eat on campus. They often make choices based on convenience. “Every other semester I came back to school I’ve lost weight, but this semester I’ve already gained around five pounds,” said Jocelyn Baril, a senior illustration major. “I have six hour classes three days a week and I’m lucky if I even get a break for lunch…I have a severe nut allergy so I can’t eat anything from the La Carte in CVPA and I use to get salads where Wendy’s is now. I know it’s bad but now I usually just get something from the dollar menu.” The University of Massachusetts Amherst, the flagship campus of the UMass system, is nationally ranked in third place for the best food among college campuses. UMass
Amherst Dining Services mission statement highlights the importance they place on healthy eating and healthy living. “Our mission is to serve a variety of healthy and flavorful meals featuring local, regional, and world cuisine, served in a sustainable and environmentallyconscious manner.” Dining services at UMass Dartmouth does not have a mission statement but relies on the Campus Service Department’s mission statement.“The mission of the Campus Services Department is to provide high quality services that are consistent with the needs of our customers. We will continually strive to improve the quantity and quality of services offered and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their delivery… Through the services we offer, we enhance the lives of our student population and the university community.” The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth does not receive the same funding as UMass Amherst and also does not have as many healthy eating options. “UMass [Amherst] has tons of healthy options, I never have a problem getting something good to eat,” said Sarah Chiavarini, a senior environmental science major at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. “There are places all over campus like the Procrastination Station inside the library that’s all organic, they have salads, sandwiches and neat things like sprouted hemp bagels…Greeno’s is all organic too, they have homemade hummus, fresh veggie wraps, veggie burgers and quinoa!”
Without the same array of healthy choices, UMass Dartmouth students must find a way to balance their nutrition on their own. Bringing healthy snacks to class can help curb students appetites enough to say no to a quarter pounder with bacon. Students can also make an appointment or attend a dining confer-
“I find myself grabbing a burger from Wendy’s or a slice of pizza from 2Mato, it’s just so much easier than packing my own lunch” ence with the members of the dining services staff to raise issues concerning healthy eating options. If enough students raise an issue, it might be possible for more healthy options to be added to places like Birch Grill or Mondo’s. Utilizing communal kitchens in the dorms is also another way that students can prepare their own healthy meals. d
IN 2010
Did You know? French fries are the single most popular fast food in America. In 1970, french frie sales surpassed regular potato sales in the United States. In 2004, Americans ate 7.5 billion pounds of frozen french fries
Fast Facts 160,000
• The Number of fast food restaurants in America
50 Million
• The number of Americans served fast food daily
$110 Billion
• Annual revenues of fast food industry
Frequency of eating fast food in the U.S. 44% 20% 14% 6% 28%
Once per week Twice per week Three or more per week Every day Never
Percentage of Daily Nutrition from Eating a Fast Food Meal 37% 42% 34% 15%
Daily Calories Daily Carbohydrates Daily Fat Daily Protien
Image by Lauren Manning on Flickr
5 Source: The Pew Research Center 3/19/12
Fall 2012 31
A revamped experience or the same old, same old? By Saraline Joseph Layout by Mark-Anthony Lewis
With his team, Gilmore set out to grasp what students wanted here on campus. Asked about the outcome of campus center renovations, Gilmore is proud of the product of the university’s plan. “We added power outlets for laptops. It’s brighter, comfortable and more inviting. More students want to lounge there now because it’s not dark and grungy. The numbers are up at all of our locations actually.”
Many students say they miss the popular salad station. Now that the makeovers are complete, are students happier? Senior Melyssa Centeno, who dines on campus rarely, says, “I usually stop at Wendy’s or the Cart in Liberal Arts,” says Centeno, and while she does admit that the campus center, “looks nice, but I like the old café better, probably because of the salad bar.” Gilmore says he has heard that many students say they miss the popular salad station. But he said the decisions that were made were a result of thousands of student surveys that asked
Photos left to right by Jennifer White and Deirdre Confar/UMass Dartmouth PhotoGraphics
ne year after UMass Dartmouth’s new food service contractor, Chartwells, undertook a $2.2 million dollar renovation of campus food service, students are voicing mixed opinions about the changes. UMass Dartmouth fired its former dining company Sodexo, and brought in the company Chartwells, whose other locations include Massachusetts College of Art and Fitchburg State University. After signing the contract, the company and university went in to overdrive, planning, designing, and of course spending to upgrade the former Resident Dining Hall. The newly named “The Marketplace” is brighter with more seating areas and a broader array of food choices to choose from including pasta, salad and a gluten free station. Last year, Jeffery Augustine, the Director of Campus Services, displayed a new plan for the reconstruction of the Commuter Café. Additions to the cafe included 2Mato, Mondo Subz and Plate by Plate, along with a contract that brought the fast food franchise Wendy’s to campus. Along with the new restaurants, the university replaced old seating in the campus center, adding a newer modern look for the space including booths and flat screen televisions. “We inevitably wanted to create a student center,” said Edward Gilmore, Resident Director of Dining Services, overseeing all the aspects of dining here on campus.
Fall 2012
them to rate what restaurant they would like to see here at UMD. Wendy’s beat out Subway and Taco Bell for the restaurant of choice. “I gave the students what the voted for. Only 21% said they supported salad. That’s only a quarter of students,” said Gilmore. He and the rest of dining services are now trying to be responsive student concerns about healthy food options. “We made sure to have salad and healthy snacks most of the food locations on campus, not to mention purchasing over $50,000 worth of fresh fruit and vegetables from local food growers.” “I like Wendy’s, I have tried Plate by Plate and Mondo Subz once, but I wish we had Wendy’s while I was actually still here,” said recent graduate Ashley Connolly, who still frequently returns to UMD for work and occasionally eats on campus. She continues, “The prices, everything is so expensive, I just don’t see where the money went, apparently to the five flat screens that we needed in the commuter café,” as she shakes her head and laughs. Dining on campus has made a complete transformation. But for students Chartwells and UMass Dartmouth’s efforts to create a better dining experience are ongoing. “We’re putting a café in the glass connector between the library and the Science and Engineering building,” said Gilmore, “and working on altering the meal plan options.” d
What’s New in the MacLean Campus Center? The Old:
The New:
Sky Ranch »» Grill Nation »» Chopped Commuter Cafe Faculty Lounge Residential Dining The Underground Café
Wendy’s 2Mato Mondo Subs Plate by Plate The University Club The Marketplace Corsair Café
Fall 2012 33
A New Breed of
Alcohol Education By Andrew Poole Layout by Tyler Ochs
aces range from intrigue to disgust. Some look to their friends, eager to compare experiences. Others take notes and prepare for upcoming samples. The goal in the room full of participants: alcohol education. By now, SAIL’s Uncorked is nothing new on campus. The event has been running steadily since January 2010. Though some new elements have been added, the same respect and appreciation of alcohol can still be found every Thursday night
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at Uncorked. Uncorked is an event run by the Student Activities, Involvement and Leadership (SAIL) and features a select alcohol tasting each week. Forty students over the age of twenty-one are allowed to participate in a seminar each week, led by Neil Matias of Fall River’s Chancellor Wine & Spirits. During an average session, Matias gives a brief overview of the alcohol; history, ingredients, and brewing processes are discussed. Matias then guides students
Photo by Al King on Flickr
In a sectioned-off room of the campus center at UMass Dartmouth, welldressed college students sit with glasses of alcohol in front of them. But before knocking them back, they first inspect the drink; raising it up to the light, sniffing the aromas, and tasting for unique flavors.
through inspection and tasting. His unique classifications for discerning alcohol helps students understand what they should look for in tasting. “Is the texture thick, like whole milk, or watery, like skim milk?” Matias asks, in regards to a porter from tonight’s English and Scottish beer lineup. “It tastes like coffee-milk and beer,” a student chimes in, “I don’t usually like beer, but I really like this.” “We find that students who attend the events are more likely to be responsible drinkers outside of the class,” says Jacqueline Boardman, program coordinator for SAIL. “The level of respect in the room on any given night will show that students who attend are interested in more than just getting drunk,” Boardman says. And her point is well proven by the fact that attendees take time to taste the alcohol. Even despised drinks gain new respect among some in attendance. Matias finds himself a believer in his teachings, saying, “I used to hate tequila, but I ended up liking it because of the class I teach,” a reassuring note to anyone thinking about attending Uncorked. “We don’t know of another school that is doing this type of program for alcohol education,” says Chris Laib, director of student activities at SAIL. “It’s an interdisciplinary event that anyone can benefit from,” Laib explains. “Business aspects, artistic values, the science, and history behind alcohol can all be examined during Uncorked.” No matter what your academic background, and whether you want to apply it to alcohol education or not, Uncorked is a way to do something different on a Thursday night. “One of our goals is to get students to think quality over quantity,” says Boardman. “We’ve had students return, saying that thirty-rack of Natty Ice wasn’t enticing them like the similarly priced six-pack of Dogfish head.” Steve Small, a senior computer engineering major and Uncorked regular, offers seasoned insight on the event: “It’s an intellectual experience and you gain a profound amount of knowledge. Bringing an open mind, as well as a desire to see alcohol in a different light, will make your Uncorked experience worthwhile.” Knowledge of alcohol, be it history or facts, is not required, but it could be beneficial. Matias enjoys giving students a chance to answer questions, sometimes offering rewards for correct answers. Matias also urges students to take the floor at any time: “If I could ask for one thing, it would be more questions to answer,” says a cheerful Matias. “I teach the class because I like the experience I get back when students actually learn something.” Matias’ methods of teaching also helps show the difference between brands.
He may bring a top-shelf product, and have students evaluate it next to a store brand. “What you don’t think about is how much money goes into advertising, which can make a product seem better,” Matias tells the class. During a vodka tasting, Matias concealed each bottle, had students track their ratings and guess the brands at the end on taste alone. The method removed any preconceived notions, and allowed for an unadulterated opinion of the drink at-hand. “It broadens their perception as to what beverages actually are,” says Matias. “Dining and drinking is a culture, and I want to share it.” It can be hard not to take away information from the atmosphere of Uncorked. On “Scotch & Whiskey” night, senior biology major Alex Padilla spoke in front of the class, explaining, “I’ve only tried Jack Daniels mixed with coke, but after learning about it, and having it straight, I realize how good of a product it actually is.” Since its inception, Uncorked has seen some changes, notably the addition of an “advanced” session for students
“Dining and drinking is a culture, and I want to share it.” who have attended nine “beginner” classes. The creation of the advanced class came as a way to ease the demand of students to attend the one beginner session available each week. “Uncorked is always evolving as we bring in new presenters and develop each level of the program,” says Boardman. In addition to Thursday night tastings, SAIL also offers off campus trips as supplemental sessions. “Our goal is to try to provide at least two trips per semester as supplements to the Uncorked program,” says Boardman. These trips have been to breweries in the area for tours and tastings. On Thursdays, advanced classes start promptly at 5:30 P.M., and beginner classes at 7:00 P.M. Beer, wine, and spirit selections vary by week. Each class runs for about an hour, and punctuality is encouraged. Students eligible for participation must sign up for each week’s class in advance. Competition for seats is high, so if you wish to attend, sign up as soon as possible. Business casual dress is required, and students will be turned away if they fail to comply. Valid ID and UMass pass are required. The sign-up form can be found at webapps., with each sign-up session for the following week beginning at 9 P.M. Thursday nights. For more information on Uncorked, contact SAIL or visit their office in the Campus Center. d
Fall 2012 35
Think You Can Predict When Campus Will Close? When bad weather hits, the decision-making process behind school closures is more complex than you may suspect.
By Mike McCarthy Layout by Adrian Anhorn
Fall 2012
Photo by NASA/Goddard/MODIS Rapid Response Team
ou wake up for class and hear the wind howling. Outside, snowdrifts are forming. You rub your eyes and grab your cell phone from the nightstand: several missed calls, a text message. Your mind runs through what it could be, a friend out in the storm fishtailing into a tree, Grandpa insisting on shoveling himself out again and having a heart attack. But no, it is only myAlerts, the campus emergency alert system, telling you to stay home because classes are canceled. You roll over and pull up the blankets, not even considering what kind of decisions are behind the faceless, automated message keeping you safe in your sheets. Assistant chancellor John Hoey heads the UMass Dartmouth public affairs office. Hoey’s office is responsible for penning these messages. Although, the decision making process behind them is more complex than typing out a text. “Normally what will happen is the police chief will convene with a group of senior leadership of the university. We’ll have everyone at the table, and he will be keeping us updated on weather conditions,” Hoey said. “The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) issues briefings on severe weather to public safety officials across the state.” Based on these briefings, Hoey said, the police chief will “ultimately ask us to make a recommendation about closure.” Those MEMA briefings have their roots in warnings issued by the National Weather Service’s Forecast Office in Taunton, Massachusetts. Glenn Field, warning coordination meteorologist (WCM) in Taunton, is responsible for analyzing weather data collected everyday by forecast offices across the country and broadcasting warnings based on the severity of the
Satellite imagery is one of many important tools used in tracking weather systems. This picture of Hurricane Sandy, taken on October 26, 2012 by NASA’s Terra satellite, shows the massive extent of its clouds, covering about 2,000 miles.
Fall 2012 37
weather systems passing through the region. “My job is to make sure that the public understands what the warnings mean and how to react to them,” Field said. He used to dream of being the meteorologist in charge, “but you couldn’t pay me to do that enough now. There’s just so much that takes you out of the meteorology.” With more than four thousand employees nation-wide, the National Weather Service (NWS) is the largest division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Field likes to refer to them as “The National Organization for the Advancement of Acronyms.” NOAA is a division of the Department of Commerce, since the economy can only function properly when it has an accurate forecast. To achieve precise, localized forecasts, NWS maintains one hundred and twenty-two offices across the country. Radar range defines their regions. Field’s office in Taunton provides weather predictions for the entire state of Rhode Island, southwestern New Hampshire, northeastern Connecticut, and Massachusetts as far west as the Berkshires. Field’s position as second-in-command of the meteorology division puts him in close contact with what the weather service refers to as customers. Although it is not for sale, the
Hurricane Facts • Hurricane season is from June to November when the seas are at their warmest and most humid, which are ripe conditions for a developing hurricane. • Hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean are generally known as typhoons. In the Indian Ocean they are called tropical cyclones. • The difference between a tropical storm and a hurricane is wind speed. Tropical storms usually bring winds of 36-47 miles per hour, whereas hurricane wind speeds are over 74 miles per hour. • A large hurricane can release energy equivalent to 10 atomic bombs every second. • The most violent winds and heaviest rains take place in the eye wall, the ring of clouds and thunderstorms closely surrounding the eye. • The costliest hurricane to make landfall in the United States was hurricane Katrina. This category 5 storm occurred between the 23rd and 30th of August in 2005, causing108 billion dollars in damage and killing 1,833 people. • Hurricanes are not unique to our planet. The Great Red Spot is a hurricane on Jupiter that has been raging for over 400 years. It is larger than the planet Earth.
Fall 2012
My job is to make sure that the public understands what the warnings mean and how to react to them. weather service offers a product – weather forecasts that aim to be as accurate as technology will allow, leaving behind the sensationalism that other weather programs seem to thrive on. “Basically, I interface with all of our customers. I like to say they were going to call us Service Coordination Meteorologist,” Field said, but that would be SCM pronounced scum. As the WCM, Field said, “You have your hand in meteorology, but most importantly, you have your hand in with the customers.” When asked to define who, exactly, a NWS customer is, Field said that group was diverse, including “anyone who uses our forecasts: the general public, media, emergency management, mariners, aviators, but also commercial sector meteorologists. We even consider ourselves as “internal customers.” The weather advisories issued by Field and his staff, whether they interrupt a rerun of Seinfeld or a Patriots game, is the only time most of the public interacts with NWS. “The only thing of ours that comes on the television is the warnings that scroll across the bottom of the screen,” Field said. “Private weather services aren’t really our competition. We don’t have the staff to broadcast every ten minutes. Where we get involved and can intervene is when public safety is involved, but a routine forecast for a private entity, we can’t do that.” Field has been issuing warnings from the Taunton office since its construction in November of 1993. His longevity at this office gives him the insight needed to make accurate predictions on the region’s unique atmospheric conditions. “You go to school to learn how to interpret the models, but there’s still a bit of art to it, and a lot that goes into your own subjective experience,” Field said. “A monkey could just download the model data, but we add to it our expertise, and that’s what each individual office does.” The weather models that Field and other NWS meteorologists rely on to forecast are a testament to modern information sharing. All across the world, at exactly the same time – zero and twelve Greenwich Mean Time – weather balloons ascend, transmitting factors like temperature, wind, and barometric pressure. Then, Field said, IBM computers at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction’s Environmental Modeling Center (NCEP’s EMC) in Washington D.C. run numerical models at about three trillion calculations per second, taking into account all the physical and thermodynamic equations of the earth’s atmosphere. Even computing at this rate, it still takes the EMC, and other modeling centers around the globe, two hours to produce global weather models. The Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) is the weather service’s program for sharing and collating weather models produced around the world. From
Image by National Weather Service
his computer station, Field can open the AWIPS interface, overlay roughly sixty different weather parameters on the map, and fast forward eight days into the future. The further he gets from present day, the more he tends to take the model’s estimates lightly, but some models are more reliable than others are. “The European model is actually the best model,” Field said. “It is the most accurate with hurricanes. It forecasted Sandy days in advance and far better than the National Hurricane Center’s model. As long as there is reliable data, Field begins alerting local officials as far as a week in advance to the potential of severe weather. His emergency briefing list ranges from the heads of all regional emergency management agencies to mayors of major metropolitan centers. “On the conference calls, we send out a PowerPoint to go with it,” Field said. “We can’t make recommendations [for closures] but we can subtly put a picture of a school bus getting crushed by a tree in the presentation.” These conference calls are the briefings Hoey and other university leadership rely upon when deciding on a closure. Hoey said that weather events like hurricanes and winter storms are “great training in case of a sudden emergency.” “A few times a year, we practice various situations, but it’s still practice,” Hoey said. “When you’re actually here and you’re operating under duress, it is great exercise in the event of a sudden emergency.” Although adverse weather conditions are not as dangerous as something such as a large-scale chemical spill on campus, Hoey and the other members of the storm response team still acknowledge the threat. “You definitely make decisions that assure the safety of people, and you try to prepare, as well as you possibly can, ahead of time and communicate as much as you possibly can,” Hoey asserted. On the other hand, we also recognize that students are paying money to get an education. Canceling class for a day, or don’t get those days back.” Hoey said that before issuing a warning via myAlerts, the public safety office uses data collected from the swipes of meal plans at the dining hall to determine how many residential students are on campus. Using this, they reach a consensus on how to best keep those students safe and instruct the ones not on campus to hunker at home, where they are assumed to be. “When you close the campus, people are compensated for it,” Hoey said of the faculty and staff advised to stay off campus. Field’s mission, as stated in the NOAA mission statement, is to provide accurate data for people in positions like Hoey to protect lives and property without adding an unnecessary price tag. It is not in NWS’s interest to create sensation or panic. Although, Field admits, once issued, the weather service has little control over how the media spins predictions and warnings. “Pay attention to where the forecast actually originates,” Field said. “We use federal tax dollars, and we do a good job. The National Weather Service is the main source for not just warnings but day-to-day forecasts too. People should pay attention to them, because we don’t issue them lightly or try to over-hype things.” d Dart
Fall 2012 39
Course Evaluations: Does Anyone Read Them? By Karen Green Layout by Caitlin Moakley
Would you like the guaranteed power of your voice being heard on this campus? With the endof-semester ritual of evaluating professors approaching, Magali Carrera, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies, and English Chair, Professor Jerrold Blitefield assure us that we are all being heard loud and clear.
By Karen Green
Fall 2012
mageo by David Curran on Flickr
reak out your number 2 pencils, it’s that time of year again: student evaluations. As the professor leaves the room, a temporary proctor enters and the students groan. The proctor hands out two sheets, one with questions and another that needs the answers to be filled in. In just a few minutes the students thrust the papers into the proctor’s hands and rush out of the room, their minds already on their next class. What these students don’t realize is that the evaluations they’ve just filled out could make or break their professor’s career. Even though students don’t think professor evaluations are important due to the lack of change regarding professorial teaching
each year by category, and one of those categories is teaching and advising.” It’s clear that student opinions directly influence professors and their future stances as professionals at the university. It seems, as students, it can be hard to shake the predetermined thought that student evaluations are a mere formality. Nevertheless, it’s clear that they are extremely relevant and that the administrators rely on student opinions to add first-hand value of the professors’ teaching ability. It’s also apparent that
techniques after their input has been processed, it seems the professors and administrators rely heavily on this information in order to delegate professorial promotions, increases in pay, as well as overall technique in teaching skills. Magali Carrera, current Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies, former department chair, and professor of Art History knows firsthand the effects and priority of these evaluations. “Student evaluations,” she states, “are described through our union contract, the faculty federations.” Even though it’s good to know how important the evaluations are, students want to know how their opinions and issues are taken into account. “If there were issues, they would be duly noted all the way up. For me, when I was chair, if I saw problems coming up in the student evaluations I would sit with the professor and say, ‘What do you think is going on, how can we improve?’” Although it’s apparent that these evaluations are taken seriously by administrators and professors alike, doubt amongst students still exist. In response to the reason why students don’t believe a change will occur in professors’ teaching practices, Edwin Tarraza, a senior at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and former Resident Assistant, stated that it falls heavily on the attitudes of the professors themselves. “I think it’s because of how the professor approaches the class and [their] attitude toward the class in a general sense. If the professor doesn’t care, why should I? But if they do care, then that will affect how I do their evaluation at the end of the semester.” On the other hand, Ryan Kennedy, former President of Habitat for Humanity and representative for student government, thinks that student evaluations have great significance. When asked what he thought of the usefulness of student evaluations toward professors, Ryan stated that evaluations are “one of the few things we have as an outlet to let professors know what we really think.” Nevertheless, although Kennedy supports student evaluations, he agrees with Tarraza that he’s seen no change in professors’ teaching practices or in the way they generally respond to student input. “I think that’s one of the things that discourages a lot of students from caring about the school.” In comparison to student reactions, professors say and think otherwise. “Student evaluations factor in very heavily to faculty promotions and increased merit pay,” says Professor Jerrold Blitefield, acting chair of the English department. “By contract, we are evaluated
What these students don’t realize is that the evaluations they’ve just filled out could make or break their professor’s career
honest and detailed student evaluations are a necessity in order for true advancement to be made. “It’s part of continuous improvement,” Carrera stated. So, the next time students receive an evaluation in their hands, hopefully they will take a second to think of the power they wield and understand the needfulness of their opinions, because university administrators deem these evaluations as firsthand experience with professors. Professor Blitefield summed up his need for great student evaluations, when he said, “If someone gives me something substantive in a student evaluation, I’m going to respond to it in the extent that I can. I don’t have to, but I do, because I want to be the best teacher that I can be.” So as a student, the next time you have your doubts, don’t worry, your voice has been heard. d
Fall 2012 41
M O O B in Down Economy By Alex Clement Layout By James Ferguson
ames Spataro always dreamed of going to one of the big name Massachusetts universities: Harvard, Brandeis, Tufts. The kind of colleges that grandmothers brag about at bingo night. But harsh financial realities put a damper on those dreams the minute he started applying to college his junior year of high school. “I saw these schools charging forty thousand dollars and up a year, and I just realized there was no way I could afford a big name school,” said Spataro, 21, now a senior biology major at UMass Lowell. The more Spataro looked at schools, the more limited his choices became. “When I realized that even the cheapest private colleges cost around thirty grand or more a year, I knew I really had only one choice,” he said. “It was UMass or nothing.” He enrolled at UMass Amherst in the fall of 2009, eventually transferring to UMass Lowell as a commuter student in 2011 to save on room and board fees. Spataro is part of a growing tide of students choosing affordable public universities and colleges over their much pricier
Fall 2012
private alternatives. UMass President Robert Caret recently announced that total enrollment in the system has grown to 70,874, a 22% increase since 2002. This increase comes at a time when many private colleges are seeing far less growth than in previous years, and in some cases even a decline in admissions. A recent survey by the National Institute of Independent Colleges and Universities found that nearly a third of the colleges surveyed expected their new admissions to drop by 5% or more over the coming years. Though many respondents blamed the failing economy for lower admission rates, rising public university enrollment suggests that demand for higher education isn’t drying up. In fact, most experts agree that in tough economic times demand for a college degree goes up. A study by the Center for Studies in Higher Education at UC Berkeley notes that people who “fear low prospects for employment in declining economies, see a university or college degree as a means to better employment prospects.” Its [singular; only one center] study also found that, to the chagrin of private colleges everywhere, most of this demand will go to public four-year and two-year universities. To students, the explanation is simple. “I went to UMass Dartmouth because it was a good value,” said Dan Murphy, 21, a senior Finance major. “Most people I know can’t afford forty grand a year for school, and don’t want that much debt, so they go to UMass or a community college,” said
Murphy. “And what’s the point of taking on way more debt, when UMass is as good an education, if not better, than most private schools?” To many students, a college degree is an investment, and they are looking to get the best returns. Studies by the U.S. Census Bureau show that college graduates can expect to earn anywhere from one to three million more dollars over a 40-year career compared to someone with just a high school diploma. While those figures make spending any amount on a college education seem like a great investment, reality can be more complicated. “I know getting a degree leaves me better off for the rest of my life. But that doesn’t change the fact that I can’t possibly pay out of pocket for any school, and it doesn’t make me any happier about loading myself up with student loan debt before I’ve even started working,” said Spataro. For students like Spataro and Murphy, the UMass system offers the only affordable quality education available to them. But with even public college tuition steadily marching upward, they worry that the barrier to higher education may get too high for all but the most affluent students. “A college degree is only becoming more and more important. At some point, if tuition at even UMass becomes unaffordable, then I don’t know what people will do, and I don’t know who the government will expect to fill all the jobs that require an education,” said Spataro. “But I hope it never gets to that point.” d
Fall 2012 43
Sustainability in Business and the Environment
By Zack Aaron Layout by John Jolda
s I entered the seemingly ordinary classroom on the first floor of the Liberal Arts building, I was surprised to see the amount of excited activity and commotion taking place in a usually quiet, academic environment. About twenty-some people were waiting anxiously for the beginning of the first official UMass Dartmouth Net Impact meeting of the year. As the gathering assembled, UMass Dartmouth student leaders Brittany Doherty and Keith Lewis addressed the familiar faces, as well as the newcomers who were unfamiliar with the student run organization and eager to get their questions answered to get a better understanding before signing up as a member. Student Leader Keith Lewis explained that Net Impact is a nonprofit membership organization for students, by students, dedicated to “putting our business skills to work for good, showing the world that it’s possible to make an impact that benefits not just the bottom line of businesses, but people and the planet too.” He went on to further explain that it is not exactly necessary to even have a background, or interest for that matter, in business to participate in Net Impact, for “many of the activities and initiatives taken are to support various social and environmental causes, including: planting trees, restoring local trails and marshlands, and attempting to pass laws and implement policies through petitions which could better improve the environment and businesses alike”. Although many of Net Impact’s members tend to be business or marketing majors, approximately half of those in the UMass Dartmouth chapter this year are of various other non-business related majors.
Fall 2012
Recently, UMass Dartmouth Net Impact collaborated with the Student Senate and Facilities Management to buy and install water filling stations for reusable bottles according to Lewis, which can be seen throughout campus buildings here at UMass Dartmouth. “We explored with Campus Maintenance how to improve our recycling system for greater capacity, and with Transportation to optimize our campus bus and van routes as well.” As a result of such direct impacts as these, the Net Impact UMass Dartmouth chapter was recently recognized and awarded with the honorable distinction of “Gold Status” in the
“Showing the world that it’s possible to make an impact that benefits not just the bottom line of businesses, but people and the planet too” international Net Impact organization. This distinction, based off monetary fund raising levels toward projects throughout the organization, places UMD in the top 17 percent of chapters in 90 countries world-wide that focus on changing the world through business, placing them in a category that includes Georgetown University, UCLA, Boston College, and many other reputable and renowned universities.
Net Impact Convention, Philadelphia PA, 2008
Still, many outsiders considering membership may inquire whether or not this organization is worth dedicating their time to or joining. However, with over 50 strong, the UMass Dartmouth chapter of Net Impact “this year has managed to help with our autumn Farmer’s Market on campus, and helped campaign for a campus bike path, according to three-year group member Greg McCarthy. To support this notion further, UMD Net Impact Team Leader Brittany Doherty assures that “sustainability between businesses and the environment has become one of the more important issues of our generation, and aspects of social, economic, and business and policy making”. Whether you decide to contribute your efforts or not, the Net Impact organization is continuing to develop many programs and raise money to help spread the work of student activists on campus by working together on campaigns to improve sustainable practices and awareness in areas such as recycling, energy conservation, composting, and waste reduction. The UMass Dartmouth Net Impact chapter is just a fraction of the international whole, and will continue to work toward promotional sustainability with the help of students throughout the globe. d
UMass Dartmouth’s Impact on Net Impact • Awarded “Gold Status” by the International Net Impact Organization. • Ranked in the top 17 percent among participants from over 90 countries. • Has 50 dedicated students in UMass Dartmouth Chapter Follow Net Impact on the Web at: • Twitter: @netimpact | @lizmaw • Facebook: • Vimeo:
Fall 2012 45
Think working in the video game industry would be a pretty cool gig? These UMD grads sure do, but they’re struggling to live their dream.
By Mark-Anthony Lewis Layout by Sasha Sanders
Fall 2012
Graphic by James Ferguson
ccording to a report released in January by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce, unemployment among graduates in the liberal arts and humanities was at 9.4 percent. Students in the arts faced 11.1 percent unemployment, and—at the top of the list— architecture majors were looking at a whopping 13.9 percent unemployment. As of April, the national unemployment rate was at a comparatively low 8.1 percent. Consequently, many college graduates are collecting postgraduate degrees like they’re unlocking video game achievements, while others seek to pay off student loans with minimum wage jobs as baristas or pizza deliverers. For some, starting a small business in such troubling times would seem like a risk bordering on insanity, but for the founders of RatDog Games, an independent mobile game studio in Dartmouth, MA, the move is only natural. “We all had this same passion,” says Josh Bjornson, the start-up studio’s main designer. Bjornson, Andrew DeSilva, and Adam Liborio, all Dartmouth residents and UMass Dartmouth graduates, cofounded the company after their shared dream to enter the video game industry failed to pan out as they had hoped. “There aren’t really any entry level jobs, and the few that are out there are so competitive that you don’t really have a shot,” says Liborio, a developer for RatDog Games who received his degree in computer science in 2011. He wasn’t the only one struggling to find a job. A study released in May 2011 by Rutgers University showed that only 56 percent of the class of 2010 were able to find fulltime employment, and 30 percent of those employed had jobs with little or no relation to their field of study. DeSilva, who also develops for RatDog, feels that many college students do not receive enough real-world experience to establish marketable skills. “I think the main problem with college is it focuses too much on theory, and not implementation of the theory,” he says. “You’re easily able to get by in school reading the books and taking the tests.” “He’s got a bachelor’s degree in computer science,” Liborio says of DeSilva, “and he can barely code!”
It’s the passion and pride associated with working on his own projects that has given DeSilva the best learning experiences. “In our company, every single game that we create, it’s a learning process to make that game. We’re always trying something new.” DeSilva feels that it’s the extracurricular work he did as a student that makes him hirable. “If you don’t learn to do things on your own, then you’ll never get to a point where a job will want to hire you.” DeSilva, RatDog’s unofficial PR representative, says that they really aren’t worried about money at the moment. “As funny as that sounds, finances aren’t really a major goal of ours. The focus is to get a larger fan base.” And he may be on to something. According to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), 67 percent of American households play video games, and digital content—like that produced by RatDog Games—accounted for $5.9 billion in revenue in 2010. And the market is only expanding. Though many stereotype gamers as adolescent boys, the ESA has found that,as of 2010, 26 percent of gamers are over the age of 50, and 40 percent of gamers are women. Adolescents are actually the smallest demographic of gamers at only 25 percent of the gaming population. However, the founders of RatDog Games aren’t exactly reaping in the benefits, yet. “I work in the produce department at Stop and Shop,” says Liborio,
stifling a self-effacing laugh. “It has absolutely nothing to do with gaming or my career.” DeSilva admits to holding multiple jobs: one managing apartments with his father, and another doing freelance computer design work following a college internship. “My main goal is to, at some point, be established enough with RatDog that that can be my main focus,” he says. By contrast, Bjornson has had relative success since graduating. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in digital media in 2010, and unlike many of his fellow art majors, he was able to enter his chosen field immediately. “My senior year of college, I applied to every creative job in animation,” and found that the video game industry was the most willing to bite, and so the Boston company Seven45 Studios became his gateway into the industry. “Seven45 contacted me [during] my last week of college and said, ‘We want you to start,’ the day after [you graduate].” Bjornson worked as a quality assurance tester, finding and reporting bugs in games before they’re released. But, as Bjornson says, “In the game industry in general, it’s really fast pace and you’re constantly moving.” He was laid off from Seven45 after their game, Power Gig, “failed miserably” as Bjornson puts it. After that, he found work at a company called Blue Fang Games in Waltham, MA, which also went under in 2011. “I was laid off for maybe two or three
months, and that’s when we started RatDog Games,” says Bjornson. “We all met at my garage every day that summer.” Within months, Bjornson, DeSilva, and Liborio were able to pump out their first
“There aren’t really any entry level jobs, and the few that are out there are so competitive that you don’t really have a shot,” game, Animal Control, a mobile-phone app similar to Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja. “I couldn’t just wake up every morning with nothing to do!” says Bjornson. “I had to do something.” Through friends and networking, Bjornson was eventually able to find work at 38 Studios, a gaming company founded by former Red Sox pitcher Curt Shilling, in Providence, R.I. “Its a great company to work for, but my real passion is RatDog Games.” Unfortunately, 38 Studios also dissolved in May of 2012, leveing the state of Rhode Island with $75 million in unpaid loan gurrantees, causing to yet again be on the quest for employment. d
Video Gaming Statistics • The average gamer is 30 years old. • 68% of gamers are 18 years or older. • 47% of all players are women. • 18% of game-playing population 18% of game-playing population. • 62% of gamers play games with others, either in-person or online. • 78% of gamers play with others at least one hour per week. • 33% of gamers play social games. • 33% gamers play on their smartphones, and 25% play on their handheld devices. • 90% of the time parents are present when games are purchased or rented. • 66% of parents believe that game play provides mental stimulation or education. • 61% of parents believe that games encourage their family to spend to time together. Source:
Fall 2012 47
The Big Gamble As construction continues in downtown New Bedford, the local community is left with questions about their economic future.
By Matthew Georgianna Layout by Cassandra Quillen
Photo by Julian Stallabrass on Flickr | Facing Page Photo by Stew Dean on Flickr
ined with yellow tipped cement barricades and reflective orange construction barrels, downtown New Bedford is undergoing renovation. But confronted with congested traffic and mounting construction costs, citizens and business owners want to know if this makeover will help or hinder economic growth in the city’s historic downtown district. Since April 20, 2011, Route 18 has been undergoing extensive construction along the highway and downtown. The aim is to transform the dangerous six lane intersection between downtown and New Bedford’s waterfront into a “pedestrian friendly boulevard” according to the city planner’s office. Connecting the Historic Downtown district with the waterfront could turn New Bedford into a more popular tourist destination. Or, it could be a tremendous waste of taxpayer’s dollars. Ironically, this drastic change is actually a change back. “In the seventies, they thought it was a good idea to connect Interstate-195 with downtown and the South End,” Says Joe Thomas, publisher and co-author of several books on New Bedford’s history. “The way they thought to do this was by building the JFK Memorial [route 18]” Before the highway, north to south traffic was divided among various through-streets, like Water St., Purchase St., McArthur Drive, or North Front Street. “All the streets ran through New
THE FACTS • Project funded with $3 million in state funding and $12 million in federal funding. • Funds were earmarked for such an overhaul as early as 1998. • $10.53 million project. • Mayor Scott W. Lang said the city has waited at least 10 years for this project to become a reality. • Cost is about 20 percent below cost projections for the highway project. • All businesses to remain open during duration of construction. • The project calls for Elm Street to be extended to connect directly with MacArthur Drive. • Work to be done about eight months from now. • The project will turn the stretch of highway into a more pedestrian-friendly boulevard. • The traffic lights along that stretch of Route18 will be synchronized. • The design also calls for a plaza on Front Street that will feature “bluestone, brick and cobblestones” in front of the buildings that face Route 18. Source: “ Bid for Route 18 overhaul comes in lower than expected “
Bedford. There was no need for a highway,” Says Thomas. However, the planners who built Route 18 had good intentions. Connecting New Bedford’s historic downtown district to I-195 meant more people might stop in New Bedford to see the sights; which meant more jobs and tourism dollars. Paradoxically, these are the exact reasons for the deconstruction of the highway today. Thomas hopes the potential increase in tourism will boost the sale of photographic prints, historical calendars, and books about the city’s interesting history. What does this construction mean to downtown citizens? “A big headache” says Michael Santos, a fisherman and New Bedford native who echoes the feelings of many waterfront workers and those who use the nearby Martha’s Vineyard ferry. “But, it should be nice when it’s finished,” he adds. With construction reportedly a full year ahead of schedule, the future seems brighter. Downtown stores like Celia’s Boutique, Calico clothing, Be Jeweled, and the Bedford Merchant report that shopping in downtown has increased over the past year, despite construction obstacles. “There are certainly more people walking around downtown now than there were when I moved here,” Says Karen Baker, a New Bedford resident. “And, there are more stores for young people now.” Indeed, recent openings such as No Problemo, a Mexican eatery and live music venue, or The Pour Farm, a pub that serves
micro-brewed beers, are catering to downtown’s newer, hipper crowds. Many of these shop owners might welcome the new a connection to the thousands of Martha’s Vineyard goers. “Maybe this will help that trend grow,” says Baker about the younger shoppers. The city hopes construction will reduce the isolation of businesses on the water-side of the highway as well. Restaurants like the Waterfront Grill and hotels like the Marriott would be more accessible to the rest of the city. “Hopefully, the property along the waterfront will become more valuable” Says Manny Silva of the Department of Public Infrastructure. A connection to downtown might be exactly what waterfront businesses need in order to increase business. This restoration of downtown could also help the city combat the rise in property and violent crime over the past ten years., named the city the 55th most dangerous community in the United States last year. In 2010, New Bedford’s violent crime rate was higher than the average violent crime rate in Massachusetts by 177.41%. If the 10.53 million dollar project is a total success, it could help the city pay for programs to combat these trends. It could boost tourism and commerce in downtown and along the water front. It could revitalize the entire area. Or, it could be a devastating waste of our needed tax dollars. d
Fall 2012 49
Death of the Projectionist: The Obsolescence of a Cool College Gig Four times a day, about two miles of 35mm film runs through each of the ten projectors at Flagship Cinemas in New Bedford. Every projector has its own personality and quirks. For example, Theater Nine’s projector has a distinct squeak in one of its film rollers. Theater Four’s two thousand watt xenon bulb need to be manually ignited at the start of every show. 20-year-old projectionist Tyler Chasse is accustomed to these nuances. He operates the projection booth and ensures a flawless presentation for each and every show- all the while sitting at a table made out of a door, hunched over his biology textbook studying mitosis. “This isn’t even my major,” complains Chasse. Tyler Chasse also happens to be a liberal arts major at UMass Dartmouth. There are many part time jobs a student might experience while in college - like working in a coffeehouse or a music store - but one of the rarest is that of movie projectionist. A typical movie theater might have one full-time projectionist and maybe two or three part-timers, often college students. Chasse has been employed as a part-time projectionist at Flagship Cinemas in New Bedford for over three years, and as he explains, “It is the perfect job for a college student. I have about two hours of downtime between sets of shows to get a lot of school work done.” Greg Andree is 41 years old, the recipient of a 2004 Professional Writing Master’s from UMass Dartmouth, and a former projectionist at AMC Theater in the Dartmouth Mall and the defunct New Bedford art house Cinema 140. He concurs with Chasse: “The job offered nothing but benefits.” Andree, employed as a projectionist from 1996 to 2003, equates the projection booth to a monastery, as he enjoyed working in 50
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the “silent contemplation” the position offered. “There were no distractions in the booth,” he says. “The work was mindless enough that you could be deeply thinking and focused on your school work. You didn’t have to deal with customers or other workers because you were the only worker up there.” Andree, who now teaches English at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School, worked as a full-time projectionist while in school, “I had to work full-time because I didn’t have a mom or dad paying for college.” In spite of Andree’s situation, the one to two hours between shows provided him ample time to write a paper for school or read the many books he was assigned every week. “I can’t even imagine getting through college with any other job working full-time,” Andree says. That’s not to say it was all work in the projection booth. Both Chasse and Andree reveled in the perks that came with the job, like those depicted in the 1970 low-budget movie The Projectionist. The titular character would sit and converse with employees as well as watch movies and eat concession candy for free. While college students view this line of work as a dream job, the reality is the era of the projectionist is rapidly coming to a close. Since the birth of motion pictures, operating a movie projector required manual labor, such as threading film through the projector, along with a knowledge of mechanics and sound engineering to maintain the projectors and sound system. This responsibility remained unchanged for over a century, but by the mid-2000s the arrival of digital projection certified that the days of building up reels of 35mm prints, oiling gears, and taking catnaps between shows were numbered. To operate a digital projector, all that’s required is a push a button
Photos Clockwise from top left by NightRStar/Daniel Leininger on Flickr
By Michael Smith Layout by Cameron Hashemi-Pour
through a computerized server, so having a projectionist to man the booth is no longer needed. Soon, the profession of the movie projectionist will be rendered obsolete, like that of typesetters and switchboard operators. Locally, the AMC Theater at Dartmouth Mall and National Amusements’ Providence Place 16 have recently changed over completely from analog to digital presentation, while Regal Cinema’s Swansea Stadium 12 is in the process of converting its projectors to digital. Meanwhile, Flagship Cinemas still presents films in 35mm on 10 of its 12 screens, but rumors circulate that more digital projectors are on the way. So what does this mean for Tyler Chasse? Though Flagship still employs projectionists for now, the volatile nature of the movie theater industry brings an air of uncertainty to Chasse. But he remains upbeat, “I have a couple of jobs on the backburner and keep a Plan B just in case any new jobs open up, but they’ll be no job like this one. I would definitely miss it.” Tyler Chasse, like Greg Andree, will eventually move on to a new career once he graduates, and his life as a projectionist will become a fond memory. As for the projectionist, he will be removed and join the typesetter, never to be heard from again. d
The job offered nothing but benefits
“I have a couple of jobs on the backburner and keep a Plan B just in case any new jobs open up, but they’ll be no job like this one. I would definitely miss it.”
Fall 2012 51
We’ve All Been There oN the Road: Driven to Distraction By Nicholas Walecka Layout by Kathleen Landers
ou’re at a traffic light in your car, waiting for the light to turn green, but when it does, the cars in front of you don’t move. The kid driving the front car is busy with something else—his cell phone. Horns honk. Suddenly, shyly, the young driver pries his innocent eyes from the phone and back onto the road, and off he goes, only to keep the phone on his lap and check it repeatedly has he drives on down the road, endangering countless innocent lives in the process. In 2010, Massachusetts state officials passed a series of distracted driving laws, banning texting and driving for all drivers as well as banning cell phone use for novice drivers and bus drivers. But police are not necessarily handing out citations on a daily basis, and distracted drivers continue to wreak havoc on the roadways. “A State Trooper can see someone driving down the highway (with a phone in their hand) because it’s right in front of their face,” said Steve Taylor, a police officer with the New Bedford Police Department (NBPD). “I don’t think too many officers are handing out tickets because it’s tough to enforce. When it comes to light, it’s often too late.” According to, a site that helps educate people on the laws and legislation involving distracted driving in each state, “Massachusetts police have written more than 1,715 52
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tickets for texting and driving since the practice was outlawed in Fall 2010. Almost half of the citations came from state police, the state Department of Transportation said in late May 2012.” Still, that only equals about two tickets a day for the entire state. Taylor said that district attorney’s offices have the right to subpoena people’s phone records after an accident and many are doing so, but only after more serious accidents occur. “With smaller fender benders, people hitting people from behind, drivers can just lie and say they were changing the radio station. You just can’t find out short of subpoenaing the records,” said Taylor. Driving instructor and Fairhaven firefighter Kevin Farnworth of Corban Driver Training in Fairhaven said he sees instances of distracted driving with his work at the fire department, and he spends at least one three-hour class per session devoted to distracted driving, but he too is only seeing people held accountable for their actions after some type of serious accident. “The only time they get in trouble for it is (when they get into) some type of car accident,” said Farnworth. “Somebody will say they saw them doing something on their phone, and they will come out and admit to it. That’s the only instance I’ve ever seen.” In the rare case that someone admits to texting and driving, they can be cited, but it’s uncommon. Charlie Perry Jr., another officer with the NBPD, calls the laws
“a waste of time,” but he says the law can be easily enforced. Instead of citing people with texting and driving, they should instead be charged with “impeding operation.” He thinks the law needs to be amended in order to become successful. “To me, the enforcement of the law is easy. You don’t charge or cite the operator for texting, but charge them for impeding operation, or having a cell phone in hand,” said Perry. “Just having food, a drink, or your cell phone in your hand is impeding operation. This will eliminate excuses such as ‘my cell phone rang and I answered it’ or ‘I was calling someone.’ An operator’s responsibility is to control the vehicle. This is the easiest way to charge the operator.” If these horrible driving habits continue to exist, we are looking at an even more dangerous situation than we already have on our roadways. In June, Massachusetts teen Aaron Deveau, 18, was found guilty of homicide when the vehicle he operated while texting veered over the center line and struck another vehicle, killing the operator. There are countless other cases of similar instances—In 2010 alone, there were more than 3,000 deaths in distracted driving related accidents, according to the Department of Transportation. The proper way to enforce the laws, if in fact there is one, is debatable. Whether it’s a change in laws, better training for officers, or something else—the problem of distracted driving is not debatable. It is clear and present. Officers need some sort of aid to help them enforce and build upon the laws that currently exist in the state of Massachusetts. As of now, the police are the ones in handcuffs. d
10 Ways To Avoid Getting A Ticket j Cry (if you’re a girl this is almost always a gurantee) k Say you’re from out of town and lost l Say that your speedometer is broken mIf you got it, flaunt it (girls you know what I mean) n Call the cop sir or ma’m while you apologize purfusely o Say you have to be at a life canging event (make one up of course) p Ask for a warning instead q Make it look like you had an accident (spilt a bottle of water for example) r Give the cop a compliment s Admit you were speeding (even if it kills you)
Fall 2012 53
Why laugh at a manicured hand holding a heavy handled hammer? By Mario Marzano layout by Marissa Matton
ooking back, this was common scene in my household. My mother’s rolled up sleeves and paint-splattered pants remain a testament to countless home renovations and quick fixes she’s made over the years. The role of handyman quickly fell from the clumsy wide knuckled hands of my father and landed on the slender shoulders of my mother. There was nothing in my house she couldn’t fix or improve. This theory was tested each day, as there was nothing my father’s broad boorish limbs couldn’t break. It seemed like every morning a new challenge would rise and when my father’s hulking strength and brutish hammering would fail, my mother’s
Fall 2012
technique and experience would prevail. Without her, our house would be held together by duct-tape and crooked nails. The idea of women being excluded from “man’s work” remains a problem in modern society. In my household, aside from bringing home a majority of my family’s income, my father is a princess. He is the first family member to complain about aches and pains, and often eliminates himself from projects due to mental strain or exaggerated exhaustion. He took the stereotypical woman’s role of making sure myself and my sister are dressed properly, and doing well in school. Once a strenuous task is introduced and the gloves are put on, he takes the role of supervisor, and is careful to not slow my mother down while she’s working. My mother, who after leaving Jamaica for the land of opportunity, was dependent on her husband for nearly everything due to her lack of cultural experience. She made sure my sister and I were prepared for anything. We were taught the basics of plumbing, carpentry and a few tips and tricks to common household tasks. Her willingness to teach arguably less masculine tasks such as gardening and cooking has shaped me into a well rounded, and self reliant adult. Though today I avoid cooking like a dark alley and haven’t touched a garden for fear of prodding a worm with a naked hand, the knowledge and experience in learning these skills at a young age have been worthwhile.
A BRIGHTER FUTURE In a world increasingly conscious of its finite resources, UMass Dartmouth is taking steps towards long-term sustainability.
Photo by NASA Goddard Photo and Video
By John Jolda Layout by Adrian Anhorn
With UMass Dartmouth spending $50 million to become a greener compus you might expect to see some significant changes. However the money is not entirely allocated to large scale projects, but amongst smaller seemingly insignificant changes such as: new wires, light bulbs, shower heads, toilets, and bubblers. These new allocations are for on-going process of creating a sustainable and greener campus. These smaller more efficient wires, less wasteful toilets and shower heads, and light bulbs add up to have a greater impact in the long run. It is not until you focus on the smaller details do you achieve maximum efficiency and sustainability. UMass Dartmouth has realized this and wants to show it off. How they show it off is by being one of very few schools in the U.S to produce its own full scale Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). A GRI is a report of four key areas of sustainability: economic, environmental, social, and governance performance. The school has also been awarded as the first University in the world to release an A-level GRI report by Triple Pundit. With these figures the school can then be compared to any other institute and/or corporation who also produce these reports. UMass Dartmouth can then be ranked nationally as a sustainable campus. To reach the level of successful sustainability the school must undertake not only large changes such as the new 600 kilowatt wind
turbine, which will eliminate over 295 tons of carbon dioxide yearly, or the massive the 269 kilowatt solar power panels to be put in place on campus. Recently partnering with NSTAR, an operating company of Northeast Utilities, the university looks to reduce the campus dependence on electricity and natural gas by improved efficiency. They are implementing the smaller changes you may not notice such as, more efficient lights, light sensors, along with the combination of digital and mechanical upgrades to the campus heating/cooling units. It is estimated that these smaller alterations can save over 4.6 million kilowatt-hours. This in turn means the money saved can be redirected to other means such as scholarships for students. These small initiatives also come from the student level, UMass Dartmouth boasting a Net Impact club ranked in the top 20 of over 270 other colleges. Keith Lewis, an Undergraduate Vice President of Net Impact, spoke in an interview of the projects they are currently working on which consist of: planting new trees around the campus and surrounding towns, developing sustainable curriculums for high schools, having a part in monitoring the electrical usage in the woodland commons, and even potentially opening a garden atop the SENG building. Net impact partnered with NISE last semester to monitor all the woodland buildings and have rewards for each
floor in each building to see who could lower their energy consumption and water usage. The future of UMass Dartmouth is aiming toward being an established, recognized sustainable institution. The University is on its way through changes big and small to achieve this goal with both the help from outside investors, corporations, and the students. In conjunction with the large scale operations you see, it is also the miniscule alterations that add up to a great impact.
Steps You can Take • Save money by opting for compact fluorescent light bulbs. They consume 75% less energy and last 10 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. • 50 million tons of e-waste are produced every year. Dispose of your used electronics responsibly at your local recycling center. • Reduce your water bill and fix that leaky faucet : it can waste up to 74 gallons of water a day. • When purchasing new appliances, look for the Energy Star label. Energy Star products are 30% more energy efficient on average than non Energy Star products. • Use products that have the highest percentage of postconsumer recycled content in their packaging. • Reduce your carbon footprint further by buying more locally produced food. You can visit USDA. gov to find a farmers market in your area.
Fall 2012 55
The New Frontier of Student Sticker Shock By Myesha Gandy Layout by Stellamaris Ajayi
Fall 2012
number of textbooks that the university uses had no increase and some actually went down in price.” The price for a textbook can range anywhere from $20 to $200, with most classes requiring multiple books. Carrera and Mendes know all too well about purchasing more than one expensive book for a class. “I always dread having to spend all my money on books,” said Carrera. Students’ majors also play a role in the amount they will have to dish out on textbooks each semester. “Of course your major plays a big part in how much you’re going to spend,” said Mendes. “Business and nursing majors always pay the most for books, which is understandable because the material in those textbooks always change.” She continues, “But the content inside of psychology books never changes, so I don’t understand why the prices on them do.” Carrera declares, “school has somewhat become a business rather than a place of education.” Carlson himself agreed with the students saying, “Definitely! Business, engineering, and the science courses all have the highest prices for textbooks Carlson, Mendes and Carrera all suggest some stimulating ideas to improve the situation, including: establishing e-books for courses and allowing students to rent, rather than buy their textbooks, or the university adds a textbook fee into the tuition, so that students wouldn’t have to worry about spending their own money on books.
7 Ways to Save on Textbooks 1. By used versions online • • 2. Look for free versions online • • • • 3. Rent books online • • • • 4. Purchase e-textbooks • 5. Trade Textbooks • • • 6. Comparison Shop • • 7. Sell them when you’re done • • •
Photo by: Rodrigo Gallindez
s he walks to the front of the bookstore towards the register, with books in hand, junior Julio Carrera, watches his purchase begin to pile up. The last of five books are scanned and the total on the screen highlighted in neon-green reads $480. This sticker shock is a common scene for the students here at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where the price of textbooks continues to remain a huge topic of discussion. For students, UMD seems to add to their stress each semester when they enter the campus bookstore. However, according to David Carlson, UMD’s textbook manager, “the prices of textbooks have had little to no increase this year.” Carlson is in charge of ordering the textbooks for the university. He explained how professors email him their booklists for each upcoming semester, and how he searches for the distributors offer the books for a reasonable price. The price of textbooks has been decreasing lately,” said Carlson. “Maybe the publishers are beginning to feel bad.” So how is it possible for Carrera, a finance major, and Nicole Mendes, a junior psychology major, to spend hundreds of dollars more this semester on textbooks than last semester? Carlson clarifies the issue. “In general, the last academic year had fewer publisher price increases than in past years. I do not have the actual numbers,” said Carlson. “But typically publisher prices would increase four to five percent per semester. But this year it seemed that a higher
ROCK THE DELLS By Jen Dempsey Layout by Olivia Mello
Top Photo by Jack Bet on Flickr, Middle Photo by Jason Rogers on Flickr
he lights dimmed, neon colored spotlights centered, while the sound of a microphone check silenced the audience in Cedar Dell West Center in anticipation for the start of the third annual Rock the Dells event. Music-loving students at UMass Dartmouth have anticipated the return of Rock the Dells since the last one in December 2011. Here on campus, students often complain about the nightlife. Corsairs tend to go home on weekends when nothing is going on, and what is, usually gets broken up by Resident Assistants for being too rowdy. But not at Rock the Dells. With permission from the Resident Director of Cedar Dell West, Reggie Thompson, students assemble bands and set up a concert for their peers. Rock the Dells is an entirely student-run event: they find bands to play the show, set up the equipment, and most importantly, they get the crowd involved. On September 28, 2012, Rock the Dells had the biggest audience turn out since its original debut in the Fall semester of 2010. With 184 people “attending” the event on Facebook, the bands were
determined to provide a memorable and enjoyable night for the students who stayed on campus for the show. Gordon Walters, the host of this semester’s Rock the Dells, and guitarist of the band Creature from Dell Pond, said “It is a cool feeling to get people involved. College shows are different because it is relaxing with our peers, [and aimed] at the right demographic, whereas at a bar setting everyone isn’t there for us, or don’t dance as much.” Gordon was rightAlmost everybody in the crowd at this semester’s Rock the Dells was dancing to every band that performed, especially Creature from Dell Pond. This event impacts a lot of the students living on campus. With no cost admission, Rock the Dells supports local music created by our peers. Most of the students performing study Music on campus, which gives all of the non-music majors a taste of what other students are studying. Rock the Dells is as an example of what college events should be, and how campus nightlife could be, if UMD were to host more community-building programs. Looking back on the first Rock the Dells in 2010, it is apparent that this unique, musically-centered social gathering has a positive impact on students, and will continue to grow increasingly larger each year. Dart
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