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3 On and In Translation
from Translations Times
by UMass HFA
Published translations and scholarship on translation by faculty and students from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the nearby colleges
Faculty Publications
Francisco Cota Fagundes
- Edition, postface, and translation from English into Portuguese of Laurinda C. Andrade’s A Porta Aberta, Lajes do Pico, Azores: Companhia das Ilhas, 2018.
- Edition, annotations, introduction and translation from Portuguese into English of
Vitorino Nemésio’s novel, Stormy Isles: An Azorean Tale. Second edition, completely revised. North Dartmouth, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth: Tagus Press; and
Providence, Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, Brown University: Gávea-
Brown, 2019. Simultaneously published in Ponta Delgada, Azores, by Letras Lavadas
David Ball
- Translation from French into English of Abdourahman A. Waberi’s novel, The Divine Song, Seagull Books, London, New York, Calcutta, (2020). - Translation from French into English of Marco Koskas’ novel, Goodbye Paris, Shalom Tel Aviv, Amazon Crossing, Seattle (2020). - Translation from French into English of Roger Gilbert-Lecomte collection of poems,
Coma Crossing: Collected Poems, Schism Books (2019). - Edition and translation from French into English of Léon Werth’s novel, Deposition 1940-1944: A Secret Diary of Life in Vichy France, Oxford University Press, (2018).
David Ball
- Translation from French into English of Tita Reut’s poems, Hamada: Nuit de novembre, drawings by Philippe Hélénon, Éditions Al Manar, Paris, France (2018).
- “Losing the Lifeblood of World Literature,” AGNIblog, June 2019. - “Listening: The Ethics of Translation,” AGNI blog, October 2018. - “L’Impossible n’est pas toujours sûr: traduire James Sacré” Europe, May 2018, pp. 213-216. - “A Jewish Writer Kept a Secret Diary During the Nazi Occupation of France. It Offers an Important Lesson About History.” Time, May 2, 2018.
- David Ball James Sacré, excerpts from “Looking at a Donkey,” And There Will Be Singing: An Anthology of International Writing from the editors of The Massachusetts Review, Amherst, Massachusetts, 2019, pp. 133-135.
- Translation Review, Issue 101, 2018, pp. 59-64, Rainer Maria Rilke, When I Go: Selected French Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke. Translated by Suzanne Petermann.
Eglal Doss-Quinby
- Together with Gaël Saint-Cricq and Samuel N. Rosenberg, edition, introduction and translation from medival French into English of Robert de Reims’ songs and motets, Robert de Reims: Songs and Motets. University Park: Penn State
University Press (2020).
- “Genre, Attribution and Authorship in the Thirteenth Century: Robert de Reims vs
‘Robert de Rains’.” By Gaël Saint-Cricq. Old French texts and English translations [Appendices IV and V: 205–213] byEglal Doss-Quinbyand Samuel N. Rosenberg.
Early Music History38 (2019): 141–213.
Marguerite Itamar Harrison
- Translation from Portuguese into English of Luiz Ruffato’s novel Unremembering Me, North Dartmouth, Massachusetts: Tagus Press (2018).
Regina Galasso
- Translating New York: The City’s Languages in Iberian Literatures. Series:
Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures. Liverpool UP, June 2018. Recipient of the 2017 Northeast Modern Language Association Book Award granted for the best unpublished book-length manuscript on modern language literature. - Avenues of Translation: The City in Iberian and Latin American Writing. (coedited volume with Evelyn Scaramella [Manhattan C], Lewisburg: Bucknell UP in partnership with Rutgers UP, 2019. Contributions from: Esther Allen, Alicia Borinsky,
Peter Bush, Nicholas Cifuentes Goodbody, Jennifer Duprey, Charles Hatfield, Hugh
Hazelton, Suzanne Jill Levine, Christopher Maurer, Urayoán Noel, Ilan Stavans.
- “Always in Translation: Ways of Writing in Spanish and English.” The Oxford
Handbook of Latino Studies. Ed. Ilan Stavans. Oxford UP, 2019.
- “Translation as a Way to Write the City.” Ilan Stavans Unbound: The Critic
Between Two Canons. Ed. Bridget Kevane. The Lands and Ages of the Jewish People.
Academic Studies P, 2019.
- The Translators Relay. Passed the baton by Chantal Ringuet. Web blog post.
Words Without Borders
Velma García Gorena
- Introduction, citical commentary, and translation from Spanish into English of
Gabriela Mistral’s letters, Gabriela Mistral’s Letters to Doris Dana, published by University of New Mexico Press in 2018. Her translation received honorable mention for the Modern Language Association’s Morton N. Cohen Award for a
Distinguished Edition of Letters.
Tal Goldfajn
- Translation from Hebrew into English of Nurit Zarchi’s children’s book “Ambatyam,” The Mermaid in the Bathtub, Restless Books (2019). - Translation from Portuguese into English of Ferreira Gullar’s poetry (Portuguese) published in The Common 17 (2019).
Carolyn Shread
- Translation from French into English of Achille Mbembe’s text, The Universal Right to Breath, published at Critical Inquiry In the Moment in 2020. - Translation from French into English of Catherine Malabou’s book, Morphing
Intelligence: From IQ Measurement to Artificial Brains, published by Columbia
University Press, NY, in 2019. - Translation from French into English of Véronique Tadjo’s book, Aimer: Fields of
Battle, Fields of Love, published in The Massachusetts Review in 2019.
- “Women (Re)Writing Authority: A Roundtable Discussion on Feminist Translation”
Ergun et al. Translation, Feminism and Gender, Luise von Flotow and Hala Kamal,
London and New York: Routledge, 2020. - “Une intelligence autre: Reception Plasticity and the Melancholy of the Translated
Author” Palimpsestes 33, 2019: 92-101. - “Translating Feminist Philosophers” in P. Rawling and P. Wilson (eds.) Routledge
Handbook of Translation and Philosophy, London and New York: Routledge, 2018: 324-344.
- “Watching Thinking Move: Malabou in Translation” in T. Wormald and I. Dahms (eds.),Thinking Catherine Malabou: Passionate Detachments, London: Rowman &
Littlefield International Ltd., 2018: 11-20
Margara Russotto
TRANSLATIONS Participated in the Translation of Venezuelan Literary Classics Project:
- Togerther with Giovanni Di Vaira. edition, and translation from Spanish into Italian of Enrique Bernardo Núñez’s Cubagua (1931), published by Centro Studi Jorge
Eielson de la Universitá di Firenze in 2019.
- Together with Ilan Stavans and Federico Sucre, selection, edition and translation of The Lyrical Mandate / El mandato del canto. An Anthology of Venezuelan Poetry of the Twentieth Century published on Viceversa Magazine, in the Arts and Letters in March 2020.
Corine Tachtiris
- Translation from French into English of Frieda Ekotto’s novel and short story collection, Don’t Whisper Too Much and Portrait of a Young Artiste from Bona Mbella, published by Bucknell University Press in 2019.
- Translation of an excerpt from Dark Love. Exchanges 30 (February 2020).
- Translation from French into English of Marie Hélène Poitras’ short story “On the
Head of Johnny Cash,” PRISM International 57.2 (Winter 2019).
- Translation from French into English of Marie-Célie Agnant’s poems “Orpheus” and “Gash,” Visions International 98 (2018).
- “Allyship and Intersectional Feminism in Translation.” Translating Women: Activism in Action e-book. Institute of Translators and Interpreters.
Graduate Student Publications
Elena Igartuburu
Comparative Literature Program, UMass Amherst
- Translation from Spanish into English of José Manuel Mora’s Los Nadadores Nocturnos, The Night Swimmers, featured in “Staging Spanish Theater in Translation: A Roundtable with José Manuel Mora,” Instituto de
Cervantes at Harvard University, Oct. 29, 2019.
Jeffrey Diteman
Comparative Literature Program, UMass Amherst
- Translation from Spanish into English of Pablo Martín Sánchez’s novel,
The Anarchist Who Shared My Name, Deep Vellum (2018).
- Translation from Spanish into English of “Microfictions” by Eduardo Beti’s and Pablo Martín Sánchez and “Metric Poetry” by Pablo Martín Sánchez, included in All That Is Evident Is Suspect, published by McSweeney’s (2018).