Front Cover: Michael Fellows, Artist imaging artists (detail), Photography, 29.7 x 42cm. Back Cover: Gai Copeman, Island Siren and Flute, Watercolour, 35 x 24cm.
Umbrella Studio contemporary arts | 482 Flinders Street, Townsville | (07) 4772 7109 | | Open: Mon-Fri 9-5pm & Sun 9-1pm Umbrella Studio acknowledges the financial support of: the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland, the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments.
Artists imaging artists 25 years of the AFCM in Townsville GAI COPEMAN, MICHAEL FELLOWS & GERALD SOWORKA 3 July – 9 August 2015 Umbrella Studio contemporary arts