Umbrella Studio presents
Matrix Printmaking Series Umbrella Studio will be offering four six-week printmaking workshop courses facilitated by local Townsville printmakers. From cardboard to wood, copper and stone this series has a type of matrix (plate surface) that will appeal to you. The workshops are designed to be suitable for beginning to intermediate levels to learn and develop their skills. Limited to 10 participants per workshop. All materials are provided and included in the cost. Workshop registration and payment is required in advance of attendance. All workshops will be held in the Studio Downstairs at Umbrella Studio contemporary arts, 482 Flinders Street, Townsville. Umbrella Studio contemporary arts | 482 Flinders Street, Townsville (07) 4772 7109 | | Open Mon-Fri 9-5pm & Sun 9-1pm Umbrella Studio acknowledges the financial support of: The Queensland Government, through Arts Queensland, the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments.
umbrella studio contemporary arts
Stone Lithography The closest printmaking technique to drawing, lithography offers uniquely variations and beautiful mark-making. Participants will learn: • the basic application of preparing a stone • transferring an image onto a stone • processing the stone with adding and subtracting to your image Explore mark-making and painting techniques using lithographic pencils, crayons and tusche washes. Understand the intricate process of making a stone lithograph and develop the skills to print a limited edition. Prior experience in lithography printmaking is helpful but not necessary. By the end of this workshop participants should have an idea of the processes involved and the ability to apply them to creating and printing an edition with minor supervision.
Dates: Sundays - 12 April, 19 April, 26 April, 3 May, 10 May, 17 May 2015 Time: 10.00am – 3.00pm Facilitators: Jill O’Sullivan & Maxine Smith Cost: $350
MEZZotint etching Mezzotint is a method of engraving a copper or steel plate by scraping and burnishing areas to produce effects of light and shadow. The subtlety of tone which can be achieved and the rich density of the print make this a particularly satisfying technique for graphic work. Participants will learn: • how to prepare a copper plate • transfer an image and burnish a design • the peculiarities of mezzotint plate inking, wiping and printing will be demonstrated • we will also explore other techniques which do not require the use of acid This course is suitable for beginners, refreshers and also, for experienced etchers who want to add an extra element to their aquatint.
Dates: Sundays - 14 June, 21 June, 28 June, 5 July, 12 July, 19 July 2015 Time: 10.00am – 3.00pm Facilitator: Kerrie Cleverdon Cost: $350 *Please note: there will be an extra $5 for use of acid per copper plate and participants may need to provide extra tools such as a burnisher.
Relief Printmaking: Woodcut & Linocut Relief printmaking is a process by which lines and shapes are carved out from a hard surface, like lino and wood, leaving a raised image that is then inked and printed. In these workshops participants will look at the many possibilities of relief printing focusing on lino and woodblock. For the first 3 or 4 weeks the focus will be on learning and experimenting with relief printing techniques including demonstrations from the facilitator. Techniques will include: • one block • multiple block printing • reduction printing • one colour and multi-colour printing, sometimes combining lino and woodblocks for the same image. The last 2 or 3 weeks will focus on choosing among the techniques learned to develop one design and complete a small print edition. You will use a printing press but will also practise the method of printing without a press so participants can continue their practice after the workshop is complete.
Dates: Sundays - 9 August, 16 August, 23 August, 30 August, 6 September, 13 September 2015 Time: 10.00am – 3.00pm Facilitator: Laura Castell Cost: $350
collagraph printmaking Collagraphy is a printmaking process in which materials are applied to a rigid surface (such as paperboard, perspex or wood). The word is derived from the Greek word koll or kola; meaning glue, and graph; meaning the activity of drawing. An accessible and fun process used to construct your own collagraph plates using everyday objects with found materials such as feathers, leaves, grass and sandpaper. The emphasis will be to experiment and to create works as you discover new textures and mark making. The work will gradually unfold as layers build up...balancing intention with intuition. Participants will: • create their own collagraph plates • learn to ink and print and to discover the different tonal affects achieved with different surfaces • experiment with colour rolls Demonstrations will include methods of applying to surface and textural mark making to achieve subtle and vibrant tones in the finished prints. This course is suitable for beginners and those who want to refresh their skills. At completion of workshop participants will have produced at least 3 collagraph plates with prints, and knowledge of the techniques to continue exploring your own personal style.
Dates: Sundays - 4 October, 11 October, 18 October, 25 October, 1 November, 8 November 2015 Time: 10.00am – 3.00pm Facilitator: Rhonda Stevens Cost: $350
Booking Form Please fill out the booking form below to register for a workshop/s. You can also register online by visiting:
Your Name: Address: Suburb: Postcode: State: Contact Phone Number: Email: Please don’t add me to the Umbrella eNews list
Tick to Book
Workshop Stone Lithography
Dates Sundays - 12 April, 19 April, 26 April, 3 May, 10 May, 17 May 2015
Sundays - 14 June, 21 June, 28 June, 5 July, 12 July, 19 July 2015
Relief Printmaking: Woodcut & Linocut
Sundays - 9 August, 16 August, 23 August, 30 August, 6 September, 13 September 2015
Collagraph Printmaking
Sundays - 4 October, 11 October, 18 October, 25 October, 1 November, 8 November 2015
Mezzotint Etching
Total Cost Credit Card Number
Expiry Date CVV Number (back of card)
Name of Cardholder Signature of Cardholder