Capsule Winter 2019

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Winter 2019

University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Magazine for Alumni and Friends

PhD and MS Programs Offer Something for


When the Maryland College of Pharmacy was founded in 1841, six students enrolled seeking to earn the only academic degree the college offered at the time — a PhL (Licentiate of Pharmacy). As the years went by, the Maryland College of Pharmacy became the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, and its academic offerings expanded from a sole focus on the pharmacy profession to include pharmaceutical sciences and health services research. The first Master of Science (MS) degree was conferred in 1929 and the first Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) in 1933. While the School’s largest academic program by enrollment remains the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD), we have placed enormous emphasis during the last several years on capitalizing on the expertise of our diverse faculty by expanding our academic offerings. As clinicians, researchers, scientists, policy experts, and advocates, our faculty possess a wealth of knowledge across a wide range of disciplines. The changing job market, the growth of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, and the advent of new treatment protocols have created demand for specialized degrees — a demand that the School of Pharmacy can meet. This issue of Capsule focuses on the extraordinary growth and achievements of the School’s MS and PhD programs. We now offer four MS degrees and two PhDs, with more than 240 students enrolled in the programs. Many of those students participate in our programs remotely, as all but one of our MS programs are online, a purposeful decision to accommodate the working professionals who enroll. In this issue you will meet current students and alumni of our MS and PhD programs. As with our PharmD students and alumni, I am in awe of their achievements, dedication, and ability to juggle professional responsibilities, family, and school. The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy is constantly seeking to innovate. As such, we will launch three additional MS degrees in the next few years, the first of which is a MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences in the fall of 2019. I invite you to learn more about this new degree program at and to share the information with undergraduates you know who may be thinking about pursuing an advanced degree in the sciences after graduation.

In the spirit of expertise, influence, and impact,

Natalie D. Eddington, PhD ’89, FAAPS, FCP Dean and Professor Executive Director, University Regional Partnerships

MISSION The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy leads pharmacy education, scientific discovery, patient care, and community engagement in the state of Maryland and beyond. VISION We will achieve our mission by: • inspiring excellence in our students through a contemporary curriculum, innovative educational experiences, and strategic professional relationships. • advancing scientific knowledge across the spectrum of drug discovery, health services, and practice based and translational research with significant focus on collaborative partnerships. • expanding the impact of the pharmacist’s role on direct patient care and health outcomes. • building and nurturing relationships with all members of our community. • capitalizing on our entrepreneurial spirit to improve pharmaceutical research, practice, and education in Maryland and throughout the world. PLEDGE We are proud to be critical thinkers, lifelong learners, and leaders who are sought for our expertise. We earn our reputation with the highest standards of personal ethics and professional conduct. Students and education are central to everything we do. We engage the community; together, we contribute to the improved health of society. We celebrate the distinctive talents of our faculty, staff, and students. We honor our traditions and advocate for dynamic changes in pharmacy practice, education, and research. We create the future of pharmacy.

Capsule Contents University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Alumni Magazine

Winter 2019 Becky Ceraul, Capsule Editor Assistant Dean, Communications and Marketing School of Pharmacy


Chris Zang, Director, Editorial Services






Julie Bower, Assistant Director, Design Services University of Maryland, Baltimore Office of Communications and Public Affairs



Special thanks to the following contributors:


Ken Boyden, JD, EdD Associate Dean Development and Alumni Affairs


Malissa Carroll Web Content Specialist


Greer Griffith Director Annual Giving and Alumni Affairs


Erin Merino Senior Marketing Specialist


Amanda Wolfe Digital Media Specialist School of Pharmacy Student Government Association


Winter 2019

University of Maryl and School of Pharm acy Magazine for Alumn i and Friends



Winter 2019

University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Magazine for Alumni and Friends


and MS Prog rams Offer Somethi ng for

We welcome your comments, news, and suggestions for articles. Send your ideas to Becky Ceraul at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, 20 N. Pine St., Room N302, Baltimore, MD 21201. Email:; Telephone: 410-706-1690; Fax: 410-706-4012. Copyright © 2019 University of Maryland School of Pharmacy

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PhD and MS Programs Offer Something for

Read in-depth biographies of faculty, see additional pictures of School events, and share School news with your friends on social media. More details on the articles covered in this issue of Capsule are available in an electronic version — online. You can view Capsule from any mobile device. Visit edu/capsule and start learning more about the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.


Yu Awarded $600,000 to Develop Biomanufacturing Analytical Technologies Bruce Yu, PhD, professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PSC) at the School of Pharmacy, has been awarded a $600,000 grant from the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL) to develop new analytical technologies for use in biopharmaceuticals manufacturing. The grant is among the first group of Bruce Yu awards to be issued by NIIMBL — a national institute established in 2016 to advance leadership in pharmaceutical manufacturing across the United States. “Being one of the first institutions to receive grant funding from NIIMBL truly cements our School’s reputation as a leader in scientific discovery and the development of safer and more effective drugs in the state of Maryland and beyond,” says Paul Shapiro, PhD, professor and chair of PSC. “Dr. Yu’s work in the development of non-destructive analytical technologies for the manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals is breaking new ground in the field of drug manufacturing, and this new grant plays a key role in allowing him to continue this promising research." While most medications are produced using traditional chemical manufacturing processes, biopharmaceuticals — which include vaccines, certain medications for cancer and autoimmune diseases, as well as emerging drugs for cell and gene therapies — are made with living cells and can be complex to manufacture on a large scale. Biopharmaceutical manufacturers rely on a wide range of process analytical technologies (PAT) — systems that take timely measurements of critical quality and performance attributes of raw and in-process materials and pro-

cesses — to help ensure the quality of their drugs. However, Yu notes that the technologies currently available are prone to a number of limitations. “Current technologies often require manufacturers to manipulate their samples through dilution, separation, labeling, or the use of special cuvettes [tubes]. There is a clear need for new technologies that allow manufacturers to quickly assess the quality of their products without the need for additional manipulation of the sample,” he says. Titled “Flow Water Proton NMR as Contact-Free Real-Time In-Line PAT for Continuous Biomanufacturing,” the project that Yu’s grant supports aims to leverage water proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, which relies on the water proton transverse relaxation rate to measure protein aggregation in a biopharmaceutical drug, to develop a PAT that can be used by biopharmaceutical manufacturers to help ensure the quality of the drugs that they manufacture without the need to manipulate the sample or remove it from the production line. If Yu’s efforts are successful, this will be the first PAT of its kind available on the market, resulting in reduced costs and improved product quality for biopharmaceutical manufacturers. “The goal of our research is to determine whether flow water NMR can serve as an in-line PAT for the manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals,” says Yu. “There really are no other technologies similar to the one that we aim to develop available at this time. In fact, all existing in-line analytical technologies require physical contact between the process stream and the sensor. The success of our research could truly transform the field.” Yu and his team plan to collaborate with researchers from ChromaTan Corp., a biotechnology company based in Pennsylvania, to conduct their study, which began in early March 2018 and will conclude in August 2019. b

Correction In the Summer 2019 issue of Capsule, we inadvertently swapped the pictures of Justin Penzenstadler, PharmD ’17, MS ’17, and Timothy Schnupp, PharmD ’13, that appeared on page 13. Below are the correct photos and names. We apologize to Drs. Penzenstadler and Schnupp for the error. Justin Penzenstadler, PharmD ’17, MS ’17 Clinical Pharmacologist Food and Drug Administration


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Timothy Schnupp, PharmD ’13 Laboratory Director Atlantic Test Labs, Inc.

Lamy Center to Lead Statewide Initiative The Peter Lamy Center on Drug Therapy and Aging at the School of Pharmacy has been awarded a $200,000 contract from the Maryland Department of Health to promote appropriate antimicrobial use in long-term care and nursing facilities across the state of Maryland. Nicole Brandt Nicole Brandt, PharmD ’97, MBA, BCPP, CGP, FASCP, professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science (PPS) and executive director of the Lamy Center, will serve as the principal investigator for the contract, which ultimately aims to establish a training program focused on antimicrobial stewardship and infection control for consultant pharmacists and other medical providers working in long-term care settings across the state. “One of the most effective ways to help curb antimicrobial resistance is to train pharmacists — as the medication experts on the health care team — to educate, engage, and support antimicrobial stewardship programs,” says Brandt. “This specialized training is crucially needed across the state, particularly in long-term care settings, where many antibiotics are prescribed inappropriately or unnecessarily. Our team of consultant pharmacists at the Lamy Center has extensive experience practicing in this unique care setting, and we are thrilled to partner with the Maryland Department of Health to help promote appropriate antimicrobial use and improve health outcomes for patients in the state’s long-term care facilities.” Antimicrobial stewardship programs aim to measure and improve the appropriate use of antimicrobials (antibiotics). These programs are designed to help health care professionals achieve better outcomes for their patients by providing guidance on the selection, dose, duration, and administration of an optimal antimicrobial drug regimen. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) now requires that all of its participating long-term care facilities, including those in the state of Maryland, have an antimicrobial stewardship program that incorporates protocols and monitoring for antimicrobial use. Through its contract with the Maryland Department of Health, the Lamy Center will partner with health officials across the state to develop new programs, trainings, and other educational opportunities that promote antimicrobial

stewardship among health care professionals and help those professionals meet the guidelines established by CMS for their specialized facilities. The antimicrobial stewardship program designed by the Lamy Center will include four elements. The first is an antimicrobial stewardship summit, held Sept. 14, that provided health care professionals with an overview of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) “Core Elements of Antibiotic Stewardship in Long-Term Care Facilities” and introduced the Lamy Center’s new Maryland Train-the-Trainer Program for consultant pharmacists practicing in long-term care facilities. Targeted education interventions for consultant pharmacists and other health care professionals who work directly with long-term care providers and families encompass the program’s second element. These interventions will focus on asymptomatic bacteriuria and urinary tract infections, which are among the most common infections for which antimicrobials are prescribed for patients in long-term care facilities, and understanding the development and interpretation of antibiograms — specialized reports that aid health care providers in choosing appropriate antimicrobial therapies based on local susceptibility patterns. The third and fourth elements of the Lamy Center’s antimicrobial stewardship program include a patient safety tool kit to be developed in partnership with health care application developer Think Research, and marketing and engagement activities to further increase awareness and involvement of antimicrobial stewardship among long-term care providers, respectively. “Faculty at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy have extensive and longstanding expertise developing cuttingedge educational training initiatives for both pharmacists and other health care professionals,” says Richard B. Brooks, MD, MPH, chief of the Office of Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection Response at the Maryland Department of Health. “The Lamy Center’s dedication to pharmacy issues unique to the geriatric patient, combined with Dr. Brandt’s extensive expertise in the field of long-term care pharmacy, make this an ideal partnership for our organization. We look forward to working with Dr. Brandt and her team on this project and are excited for this opportunity to promote antimicrobial stewardship across the state’s more than 200 longterm care facilities.” b

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FDA Renews M-CERSI Cooperative Agreement Grant

James Polli

The University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI) has been renewed for funding under a cooperative agreement grant from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A collaborative partnership led by James Polli, PhD, the Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics at the School of Pharmacy, and William E. Bentley, PhD, the Robert E. Fischell Distinguished Chair of Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP), M-CERSI is one of only four FDA-funded CERSIs in the U.S., and the only CERSI to receive continuous funding from the FDA since it first launched in 2011. This latest renewal, which allows for up to $5 million per year over five years, will allow M-CERSI to continue its mission to help modernize and improve the ways in which drugs and medical devices are reviewed and evaluated. “Partnering with the University of Maryland, College Park and the FDA to launch M-CERSI has been very much like conducting an experiment,” says Polli. “We knew there was a need to help modernize the field of regulatory science, but we had to determine how each university might best leverage its unique expertise and work with the FDA to address that need. Seven years later, the results of our experimentation have exceeded, and continue to surpass, everyone’s expectations.” M-CERSI brings together researchers from across the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) and UMCP to focus on priorities outlined by the FDA, including improving preclinical assessments of the safety and efficacy of new drugs and devices; ensuring readiness to evaluate innovative and emerging technologies; harnessing diverse data through information sciences to improve health outcomes; and addressing minority health and health disparities. It also serves as an open forum to promote regulatory science exchange. “One area in which M-CERSI has experienced unparalleled success has been in increasing the scientific exposure of researchers at the FDA,” says Polli. “The conferences, workshops, and lectures sponsored by M-CERSI since its launch have been crucial in helping those researchers learn more about the work being conducted by other scientists across academia and 4

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industry, as well as better understand how new scientific practices have been adopted by researchers across the country.” Since its launch, M-CERSI has sponsored more than 40 conferences and workshops on topics related to its priority areas. These events are attended by experts from across academia, regulatory agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry, who share the latest developments in a number of scientific fields, such as big data, medical device evaluation, and patient-centric drug development. Researchers from UMB and UMCP also have collaborated with the FDA on a number of projects aimed at supporting the development of new tools, standards, and approaches to assess the safety, efficacy, quality, and performance of FDA-regulated products. Yan Shu, PhD, MD, associate professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PSC) at the School of Pharmacy, conducted several studies through a partnership with M-CERSI to examine the relationship between human organic cation transporter 2 and multidrug and toxin extrusion proteins, which resulted in a significant update to the FDA’s guidance for in vitro metabolism and transporter-mediated drug-drug interaction studies in 2017. “Traditionally, there has been a gap between academic and industry interests, and regulatory requirements,” says Polli. “Through the collaborations that it has fostered between our researchers and researchers at the FDA, M-CERSI has been pivotal in helping us begin to bridge this gap. This partnership has truly proven to be a natural fit for both of our universities and the FDA.” M-CERSI also inspired the School of Pharmacy to expand its academic footprint in the field of regulatory science. In 2013, the School established its online Master of Science and Graduate Certificate in Regulatory Science programs. Although not funded through M-CERSI, these programs strive to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to drug and biologics regulation and pharmaceutical product life cycles. The School also hosts an annual “America’s Got Regulatory Science Talent” competition during which students across UMB and UMCP are invited to present a potential solution to a current regulatory science challenge to a panel of judges from the School of Pharmacy and the FDA. The renewed grant award from the FDA will not only help M-CERSI continue to advance its mission, but also allow Polli and Bentley to continue to grow the partnership and create opportunities for faculty from both UMB and UMCP to collaborate with the FDA on projects that span the spectrum of drugs, biologics, and devices. b

PATIENTS Day Empowers Local Communities to Take Charge of Their Health

Nearly 200 community members, health care providers, and researchers came together at the University of Maryland BioPark on July 20 to celebrate PATIENTS Day. Hosted by the School of Pharmacy’s Patient-Centered Involvement in Evaluating the Effectiveness of Treatments (PATIENTS) Program, this interactive health fair offered attendees an opportunity to learn from and teach each other how to create and sustain healthy individuals and communities in West Baltimore and nationwide. “One of the most valuable lessons our team has learned is that health is more than physical wellness — it is a state of well-being,” says C. Daniel Mullins, PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research (PHSR) and director of the PATIENTS Program at the School of Pharmacy. “PATIENTS Day takes what we have learned about building healthy communities and combines it with what we want community members to know about their health, the PATIENTS Program, and our partners.” The half-day event featured three panel discussions that highlighted some of the physical, mental, and social factors that impact community members’ health. There were conversations focused on the community’s perspective of research as well as steps community members can take to foster health and wellness in every area of their lives. “We as a community want to give back,” said Daniel Frye, JD, vice president for public sector engagement strategy at Aira Tech Corp., who spoke about his experience as a blind patient participating in research. “We want to render the world in which we live a better place, and we’re happy to do it if we’re embraced and welcomed by those who are interested enough to do the work in a way that is respectful of who we are.” Baltimore’s own Ernestine Shepherd, who, at age 82, has achieved international fame as Guinness World Records’ “World’s

Oldest Performing Female Bodybuilder,” also participated in the panel discussions to share how the unexpected loss of her sister inspired her to take her fitness journey to the next level. “We wanted to inspire others to live a healthy, happy lifestyle by exercising,” said Shepherd. “My sister asked me, ‘If something happened to me, could you continue what we’re doing?’ Little did I know that she was already sick. She had a brain aneurysm, and when she died, I knew I had to continue on, as she wanted.” However, it was the panel discussion highlighting the impact of gun violence on the health of Baltimore’s residents and neighborhoods that elicited the most impassioned response from attendees, with panelists sharing their experiences growing up in neighborhoods affected by this tragic epidemic. “I was 12 the first time that I was awakened by gunshots,” recalled Erricka Bridgeford, mediator and community organizer for Baltimore CeaseFire 365. “When I was younger, I assumed this must be what people like me and neighborhoods like mine deserved. You don’t realize that violence is a symptom of the oppressive systems that are happening to your neighborhood. You just think there’s something wrong with the people in your neighborhood.” Attendees also were invited to take advantage of free blood pressure and HIV screenings, as well as learn more about other support services to empower them to take charge of their health. The PATIENTS Program partners with patients and care providers to answer questions about the best treatment options to improve health and quality of life. Funded through a five-year infrastructure development grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the program conducts and funds patientcentered outcomes research, which aims to engage people from all communities — particularly those from underserved populations — in every step of the research process. b

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Panel Discussion Highlights Opioid Crisis in Maryland Natalie D. Eddington, PhD ’89, FCP, FAAPS, dean and professor of the School of Pharmacy, and Andrew Coop, PhD, associate dean for academic affairs and professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PSC) at the School, joined Jay A. Perman, MD, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), and Richard P. Barth, PhD, MSW, dean of the University of Maryland School of Social Work, for an interdisciplinary panel discussion focused on the opioid crisis currently plaguing the United States. Held in April at Homestead Gardens in Davidsonville, Md., the panel discussion spotlighted the University’s efforts to bring science to an area in which evidence-based practices often are lacking. “As a leader in pharmacy education, scientific discovery, patient care, and community engagement across the state of Maryland and beyond, the School of Pharmacy recognizes that we have a responsibility to help address the critical public health challenges facing our nation today,” said Eddington. “The current opioid crisis takes the lives of more than 115 people in the United States each day. It is an epidemic unlike any that our nation has previously experienced. There are no easy solutions, but the research and practice initiatives currently underway at our School and across UMB can help us identify measures that we can implement in our local communities to begin to curb opioid addiction.” According to the Behavioral Health Administration, more than 1,500 Marylanders lost their lives as a result of opioid overdoses during the first three quarters of 2017 — a number that has nearly doubled from just two years ago. To kick off the panel discussion, Perman asked attendees who had been personally affected or knew someone who had been impacted by substance use disorders to raise their hands. Nearly every hand in the audience went up. “This is important,” said Perman. “We need to see each other in order to see this crisis for what it is, how pervasive it is, and how indiscriminate it is. We must raise our hands together, because we are not going to get anywhere if we do not erase the stigma associated with addiction.” Continuing the discussion, Coop spoke about his work to develop UMB 425 — an opioid painkiller with the potential for no abuse liability. First discovered by Coop and his team in 2013, UMB 425 is as strong as morphine, but boasts a unique dual profile that acts on two different opioid receptors in the body. When activated at the same time, these receptors work


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together to provide pain relief and slow the body’s development of tolerance to the drug, allowing a lower dose of the opioid to be administered for a longer time period while still achieving the same level of pain relief. Coop emphasized that he refuses to use the term “addiction” in his research, noting that it is too imprecise and associated with a stigma that is counterproductive. Instead, he spoke about the mechanisms of disease. “If a person is motivated to take a substance to get high, that substance is ‘reinforcing,’ while a person motivated to use a substance to avoid withdrawal symptoms is ‘dependent.’ With UMB 425, we have solved the issue of dependence in animals, but we’re still working on the reinforcing aspect,” he said. Speaking about other School-led initiatives aimed at stemming the local opioid abuse epidemic, Eddington highlighted the launch of a new interdisciplinary center that aims to bring science to substance use disorder services and care. The new Center for Addiction Research, Education, and Service (CARES), which will be led by the schools of pharmacy and social work, has four areas of focus that tap into the outstanding skill sets in each of the schools at UMB. Its core areas include: • Workforce development and community-based training and technical assistance • Development of innovative models and systems of care • Translational faculty research and improved surveillance and prediction • Policy analysis development and education The center will leverage the interprofessional environment already prevalent across UMB. Its work will span across disciplines to produce research and provide care that addresses the opioid epidemic in a comprehensive manner. “These are the kinds of initiatives that can help in terms of the crisis we are in and meeting the needs of patients where they are,” she said. A question-and-answer session followed the discussion, and featured comments that covered a myriad of topics, such as workforce advice for small business owners and concerns about the unregulated sales of controlled substances online. At the conclusion of the event, Perman reinforced the University’s pledge to rise to the challenge presented by this important issue. “UMB’s seven schools are absolutely committed to working together through comprehensive programs to address opioid addiction,” he said. b

Laurels The following School of Pharmacy faculty and staff have been appointed to the Maryland Health Care Commission’s Electronic Prescription Records System Workgroup: Nicole Brandt, PharmD '97, MBA, BCPP, CGP, FASCP; Joshua Chou, PharmD ’17; Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD ’83, BCPS, CDE, FAPhA; and Roxanne Zaghab, DM, CKM. Brandt also received the George F. Archambault Award from the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists. Cynthia Boyle, PharmD ’96, has been selected to receive the Jacob W. Miller Award from the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Foundation. Becky Ceraul has been named chair of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy’s Administrative Services Section’s Membership Engagement Committee and Shannon Tucker, MS, has been appointed to the committee.

Hillary Edwards, MPH, has been re-elected to the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) Staff Senate, where she is president. She also was UMB’s Employee of the Month for October. Joga Gobburu, PhD, MBA, has been selected to receive the Sheiner-Beal Pharmacometrics Award from the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Mojdeh Heavner, PharmD ’08, BCPS, BCCCP, received a Presidential Citation from the Society of Critical Care Medicine, was named Clinical Practitioner of the Year by the American College of Clinical Pharmacy’s (ACCP) Critical Care Practice and Research Network, and was appointed to ACCP’s Experiential Learning Committee.

Kimberly Claeys, PharmD, has been appointed section editor for Current Infectious Disease Reports.

Sophia Johnson, PharmD, MPH, PhD, has been named chair of the Mixed Methods International Research Association’s Governance Committee. She also has been appointed to the editorial board of the International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches.

Bethany DiPaula, PharmD ’95, has been appointed to a second term on the Board of Pharmacy Specialties’ Psychiatric Pharmacy Specialty Council.

Angelique Kane has been accepted into Building Bridges Across Maryland, a training, networking, and development program at Towson University for

administrative support staff at area colleges and universities. Joey Mattingly, PharmD, MBA, has been appointed to the editorial board of the journal Pharmacoeconomics – Open. Jill Morgan, PharmD, received the 2018 Excellence in Innovation Award from the Maryland Pharmacists Association. C. Daniel Mullins, PhD, has been named a member of the National Academy of Medicine’s steering committee on generating stakeholder support and demand for leveraging and sharing data for continuous learning. Zachary Noel, PharmD, BCPS, received the Jeffrey Ensor Emerging Leader Award from the Maryland Society of Health-System Pharmacy. Erika Pixley, MBA, was named UMB's Employee of the Month for December.

Brent Reed, PharmD, BCPS, has been appointed to the ACCP Task Force/ Writing Group on Clinical Pharmacists Resiliency and Burnout. B.J. Shaneman, RN, MSN, has been named an Honoree by the New Vision House of Hope for her service, dedication, and commitment to the citizens of Baltimore. She was recognized in October at the organization’s Crystal Masquerade Ball. Audra Stinchcomb, PhD, received a U.S. patent for “Extending and Maintaining Micropore Viability of Microneedle Treated Skin with Lipid Biosynthesis Inhibitors for Sustained Drug Delivery.” Ester Villalonga Olives, PhD, has been named an Outstanding Reviewer by the journal Health & Place. Jia Bei Wang, PhD, received a U.S. patent for “Combination Dopamine Antagonist and Opiate Receptor Antagonist Treatment of Addictive Behavior.”

Danya Mazen Qato, PharmD, MPH, PhD, has been named director of the Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research’s graduate program.

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PhD and MS Programs Offer Something for BY CHRISTIANNA MCCAUSLAND

In today’s competitive job market, a distinctive resume stands out. For many, a graduate degree can provide the edge to advance in a career or simply perform a job with the confidence born of knowledge. The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy has been committed to PhD-level education for decades, and in recent years has expanded its graduate programs with several master’s degrees. The master’s degree programs in particular meet an important need for professionals in industry who want to develop their skill set to stay relevant in an evolving workplace. “We hear from our colleagues in industry that they look for training and struggle to find it,” says Peter Swaan, PhD, associate dean for research and graduate education at the School of Pharmacy and a professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Swaan explains that master’s degrees offered by the School are well-suited to meeting industry demand because the majority of the programs are flexible, with quality curriculum delivered online to students — busy professionals. The School’s graduate programs continue to expand, with three new master's degree programs being planned for the coming years, including a Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences being launched in fall 2019. With the addition of these three MS programs, the School’s graduate offerings will total seven MS degrees and two PhD degrees — in pharmaceutical sciences and in pharmaceutical health services research. Here is a look at the current graduate landscape at the School of Pharmacy and its impact on students and alumni.


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PHD IN PHARMACEUTICAL HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH (PHSR) The widespread national and global use of medications for the maintenance of health has created a need for well-trained researchers in academia, government, and the pharmaceutical and health care industries able to tackle questions on drug use, safety, and effectiveness. The School’s PhD in PHSR is perfectly positioned to meet this need. “Our program is designed to prepare students to be successful in diverse career settings,” explains Danya Mazen Qato, PharmD, MPH, PhD, director of the graduate program in PHSR and an assistant professor in the department. “We train students to conduct rigorous research in pharmaceutical policy, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology, and comparative effectiveness research and to undertake and lead research efforts as part of their career.” Qato explains the ideal student is committed to a career aimed at improving population health and mitigating health disparities through rigorous health and pharmaceutical services research, professional and community education, service and advocacy. Students come to the program from diverse backgrounds, which creates a rich ecosystem for dynamic discussions inside and outside the classroom. A significant advantage to the program is that it has a low student-to-faculty ratio, allowing students unprecedented attention on their research and a chance for their career ambitions to be nurtured by committed and talented faculty. In addition, students receive valuable training not only as researchers, but also in practical skills, like grant writing, required in today’s competitive marketplace. “One of the metrics by which you can measure the success of our program is by how many of our students publish — as first author and co-author — in top journals in our field, the number of students who present podium and poster presentations at national and international meetings, and the fact that our students are competing for — and being awarded — external funding by agencies such as the FDA, the NIH, and within industry,” says Qato. “The fact that our students are so competitive is a testament to the strength of our program and to the strength of our stellar students and faculty.” ALUMNI PROFILE:

Shelby D. Reed, BSP ’93, PhD ’98 As a young pharmacy student at UMB, Reed was encouraged to continue her studies at the PhD level, particularly by her then-professor, Natalie D.

Eddington, PhD ’89, FAAPS, FCP, now dean of the School. Reed applied and was accepted to the PhD in PHSR program. At the time, she wanted to evaluate the value of health care interventions to inform policy. She still pursues that interest today, though it has evolved, as a professor in the departments of population health sciences and medicine at Duke University School of Medicine, as faculty director for the Center for Informing Health Decisions, and as director of the Preference Evaluation Research Group at the Duke Clinical Research Institute. “Now, 20 years later, I continue to believe this is critically important work to ensure that health care dollars are spent efficiently,” she explains. “My research has broadened more recently to include patient preference research to ensure that our economic evaluations and their application to guide health policy and payment decisions more broadly account for treatment experiences and outcomes that are important to patients and their families.” Reed fondly remembers the camaraderie between students and faculty in her small cohort in the PhD in PHSR program. There, she valued her exposure to different types of research, the freedom to choose her course of study, and to work with a variety of faculty members across UMB. “My PhD was an absolute prerequisite for my career in academic research,” she concludes. “My training in pharmacy and pharmaceutical health services research provided me with a superb foundation to engage in multidisciplinary research.” ALUMNI PROFILE:

Nneka C. Onwudiwe, PharmD ’04, PhD '12, MBA Onwudiwe is well aware of the benefits of a School of Pharmacy degree, having received her PharmD from the School in 2004. Yet she needed something more to stand out in a competitive marketplace. She returned to the School, knowing its stature as one of the most prestigious in the country would provide her the educational and networking experiences she needed. “Having an advanced degree in pharmacy from the University of Maryland provided me with the necessary knowledge and skills to give me a competitive edge in the job market,” she says. “I quickly learned that my research experience as a pharmacy student had much more to offer, so I returned to the School to pursue another doctoral degree, this time in pharmaceutical health services research with a focus on pharmacoeconomics.” Onwudiwe explains that she selected this specialty both because she conducted research in that area as a research assistant while in the PharmD program and the mentorship

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and working relationship she had with C. Daniel Mullins, PhD, a world-renowned scientist in that field and now PHSR department chair. Onwudiwe notes that the opportunities she received at the School were unparalleled. “It has given me a tremendous networking opportunity with alumni and affiliates of the School,” she says, adding, “I enjoyed being able to work for some of the most highly respected scientists in their fields on research projects and publications.” In fact, her PhD dissertation on the risk of a cardiovascular event or death associated with modern radiation in elderly female breast cancer patients was turned into a manuscript and published as were other research projects. Today, Onwudiwe works for the Food and Drug Administration as a patient reported outcome/pharmacoeconomics regulatory reviewer tasked with reviewing evidence for medical product claims in advertising and promotion. STUDENT PROFILE:

O’Mareen Spence, Class of 2020 Spence began her academic career with a bachelor’s degree in sports medicine, but it was her work at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention after receiving her master’s in public health and at Alabama’s Medicaid Agency that influenced her decision to apply to the PhD in PHSR program. The program intrigued her because faculty research aligned with her own interests, the program would provide her advanced theoretical training in research methods, statistics, and practical research skills, and she liked the School’s multidisciplinary approach. “After visiting, I also realized that the program had a collaborative and supportive environment not only among the student body, but also among students and faculty,” she adds. A native of Jamaica, she also appreciates the multicultural atmosphere of the PHSR department, noting that there are students from around the world. Spence, who intends to pursue a career in government, has availed herself of everything the School has to offer. Under the mentorship of Susan dosReis, PhD ’99, professor in PHSR, and Peter Doshi, PhD, assistant professor in PHSR, she has worked in pediatric mental health research and on improving the reporting of medical evidence. “Under [my mentors’] supervision, I have gained valuable insight in conducting high-level research that I will use throughout my career,” Spence says. She has presented at several conferences including the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, the International


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Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, and the Society for Epidemiologic Research, and was the spotlight poster winner for pediatrics at the 34th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management. At the School, she received the PhD program’s Donald O. Fedder Memorial Fellowship and was a University of Maryland Center for Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation scholar. STUDENT PROFILE:

Juan-David Rueda, MD, Class of 2019 As a physician in practice in Colombia, Rueda was enrolled in the Colombian Chapter for the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. It was there he met C. Daniel Mullins, PhD, professor and chair of PHSR. Through their communications, Rueda realized the School of Pharmacy was the best place for him to obtain the education needed to pursue a career as a health services researcher. “Additional to the excellent quality of the research performed in the department, I was impressed by the faculty and how approachable they were,” he says, adding, “Without any doubt, the most important experience in PHSR is the integration of different backgrounds and cultures.” However, Rueda was interested in both pharmacoeconomics and pharmacoepidemiology and had difficulty selecting a concentration. At the School, he is able to pursue both through a dual-degree program: PhD in PHSR with an MS in Epidemiology from the School of Medicine. He explains that this diverse course load gives him the necessary skills to perform pharmacoeconomics research with an insight on epidemiological methods. These are skills he expects to apply post-graduation to a number of careers in academia, consulting, or in the pharmaceutical industry.

PHD IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES (PSC) Sarah Michel, PhD, director of the PhD in PSC program and a professor in the department, describes the degree as “a key that opens many doors.” Students come to the program from diverse academic backgrounds including majors in chemistry, biochemistry, even engineering, and now want to apply their basic science knowledge to pharmaceutical problems. Michel explains that the program is very intimate, just 12 new students on average are admitted each year, and it’s heavily driven by the student-faculty mentoring relationship. After a core course of study, each student-faculty pair designs a course of study and

appropriate lab work, culminating in a thesis. Coursework can cross the six professional schools at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to include courses in the medical and dental schools or at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and the University of Maryland, College Park. Throughout the program, students are exposed to many career pathways, particularly through networking with alumni. “By exposing our students to alumni with a variety of jobs, we are trying to break the idea that a pharmaceutical scientist can be either a professor or work for a pharmaceutical company,” says Michel. “They can do that, of course, but they can also do so much more.” She notes that graduates have continued to careers in policy, in patent law — even with the Drug Enforcement Administration. “If the student has the dream, our goal is to nurture that dream so they can have the career they desire,” Michel concludes. ALUMNI PROFILE:

Vijay V. Upreti, PhD ’07, FCP

After graduating with his BS in pharmacy degree in 1999 from the Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Upreti became interested in new drug development. He obtained a master’s degree in pharmaceutics in 2000 from the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Mohali and was soon offered a job as a senior pharmacologist of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics at Dr. Reddy's Laboratories. There, Upreti worked in oncology new drug development, applying pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics principles. All along, Upreti knew the School of Pharmacy’s pharmaceutical sciences program had a stellar reputation and that its PhD program could allow him to further develop in his field. As a student, Upreti was fortunate to be paired with now-dean Natalie D. Eddington, PhD ’89, FAAPS, FCP, as his faculty mentor. “Dr. Eddington gave all of us extraordinary support as a mentor in terms of training in advanced fields, sending us for doctoral internships in industry, participation in key scientific conferences, and encouraging us to present and publish,” he says. Upreti’s doctoral research examined the interaction of the recreational drug Ecstasy with other medications and alcohol, and the implications a seemingly harmless recreational drug could pose to human health. The findings were published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, presented at clinical pharmacology society meetings, and even received attention in the global media. Upreti credits his exceptional experience at the School with his current career success. “Due to the excellent training I received as part of my PhD, I was approached by several pharmaceutical research and develop-

ment organizations with job offers,” he states. He took a position with Bristol-Myers Squibb as a research investigator and was later promoted to senior research investigator. He led the clinical development of cardiovascular and metabolic novel therapeutics, three of which are currently on the market having a positive impact on patients. Today, Upreti is the director of clinical pharmacology and modeling simulation at Amgen, where he leads the clinical pharmacology oncology therapeutic area. Several first-in-class, cuttingedge, novel therapeutic oncology and immune-oncology agents have been developed that are helping patients in their fight against cancer. How did the degree he obtained from the School impact his career? “No words are sufficient,” he says. “The training I received at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy prepared me very well for my career and can take the lion’s share of the credit for my success.” STUDENT PROFILE:

Tyree Wilson, Class of 2021

After graduating from Hood College in 2014 with a degree in biochemistry, Wilson spent two years in the pharmaceutical industry, cutting his teeth at MedImmune, where he learned what was expected of someone who aspired to lead his own drug development lab. Co-workers at MedImmune who were alumni of the School of Pharmacy encouraged Wilson to consider the School’s PhD program. “My future career plan is to return to the pharmaceutical industry and oversee a lab that focuses on drug development or anything upstream of drug development,” he explains. “I believe that upon completion of the PhD in PSC, I will have garnered the necessary skills — from leadership to critical thinking — that will allow me to be adaptive within the industry.” Wilson is working under the mentorship of Angela Wilks, PhD, the School’s Isaac E. Emerson Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences, on research related to P. aeruginosa, a pathogen that causes persistent lung infections in individuals with cystic fibrosis. He explains that the diversity of experience among the faculty and the spirit of collaboration at the School have made a marked impact on his enjoyment of the program. “I believe collaboration is one of the main pillars for success in science,” Wilson says. “I have enjoyed that there are a variety of faculty with different specialties but who collaborate well together. As a scientist, this allows you to look at your research from other perspectives.” The importance of working together is a point he has seen

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underscored as an attendee at seminars and conferences, events that also have helped provide him with important resources and expanded his professional network, which will serve him well upon graduation in 2021.

MS IN PALLIATIVE CARE One of the School’s newest degrees is the Master of Science in Palliative Care, which launched in March 2017. It is one of the only completely online palliative care master’s degrees in the country. Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD ’86, MA, MDE, BCPS, CPE, director of the MS in Palliative Care and a professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, has more than 30 years of experience in the field and knew there was a tremendous need for palliative care providers to hone their skill set. Palliative care is a multi-professional field that can include everyone from doctors and pharmacists to social workers and chaplains. Yet each must be versed in the other’s role to recognize a spiritual need versus a medical one, for example. “It’s important to have trans-disciplinary training and for everyone to have a core skill set,” says McPherson. “We then allow people to layer on the elective opportunities that cater to the needs of the specific student.” The degree enables graduates to advance and enrich their existing palliative care practice or to enter the field as a newcomer. McPherson underscores that the curriculum is practical and applied; all coursework is relevant to the daily work of someone in palliative care. Students graduate understanding the complete needs of a person with a serious illness. “[Students] need to be able to treat pain and symptoms and they must also know how to sit and be a compassionate presence,” says McPherson. “This is a fragile time in a person and a family’s life, and we must possess excellent assessment, management, and communication skills to be compassionate during the end-of-life journey.” The program currently has 150 students. The first cohort will graduate in July 2019. STUDENT PROFILE:

Martha Brown Martin, MD, Class of 2019 Martin is a psychiatrist in private practice and also a psychiatry consultant at a hospice. When she began the MS in Palliative Care, her intention was to become a betterinformed psychiatrist working in a hospice setting. Now, just halfway through the program, she’s been so inspired that she’s considering


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creating a private practice in palliative care. “The MS in Palliative Care is truly cutting-edge,” she says. “The enthusiasm and expertise of the faculty is astonishing to me.” Like all her fellow students, Martin selected a concentration after completing the core coursework. Hers is a clinical concentration. Her peers have moved into other tracks, such as leadership and administration, psychosocial and spiritual aspects of palliative care, and aging and applied thanatology (scientific study of death). Regardless of their concentration, though, “I have been so surprised at the sense of community that developed so very quickly with this online program. I feel like I really know my classmates — who are spread all over the country and even the world.” Martin notes that she has taken a course outside her track (and plans to take more), and will do so again once she completes her requirements. It is this, the depth and breadth of the course of study, that she believes will provide her the skills and knowledge necessary as she considers a transition from practicing psychiatry to palliative care. STUDENT PROFILE:

Kim Kirsch, BS, RN, CHPN, CMC, CDP, Class of 2020 As assistant director of nursing at Centra-Oakwood Health & Rehabilitation Center in Bedford, Va., Kirsch began the MS in Palliative Care to have the education and tools she needed to help her provide compassionate, quality end-of-life care. She explains that she is passionate about palliative care, and the School of Pharmacy’s program had the focused education she was seeking. “The MS in Palliative Care is a specialized and unique program, and I knew it was for me the moment Dr. McPherson called me personally to answer my questions and tell me all about the program,” says Kirsch. She says the best part of the program has been the camaraderie of like-minded colleagues with the same interest and passion for this specialized area of health care. “I have already learned so much and have been able to apply the principles and incorporate the skills into practice,” she adds. The program has had a career impact as well; Kirsch will soon be moving to a new position at Bon Secours in Richmond, Va., where she will be responsible for the education and mentoring of care managers and other health care providers at the hospital as they manage their most difficult cases.

MS IN PHARMACEUTICAL HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH (PHSR) Created in 2016 and adapted from the top-tier PhD in PHSR program, the MS in PHSR currently has three students. “We created the MS program to equip outstanding professionals with foundational health services research skills, including in biostatistics and epidemiology, necessary to engage in real-world data analysis and research,” says Danya Mazen Qato, PharmD, MPH, PhD, director of the graduate program in PHSR and an assistant professor in the department. Core courses for the MS are identical to those in the PhD program, taken in person alongside doctoral students, and taught by PHSR’s renowned faculty. While the doctoral students go on to take additional courses and conduct a dissertation, students in the full-time MS in PHSR program can complete their courses in as little as two years, without passing a qualifying exam or defending a dissertation. Their courses also can be applied to the PhD in PHSR should they later decide to pursue the doctoral degree. “The MS in PHSR is tailored to experienced professionals wishing to make a positive and lasting impact on our health care system by developing knowledge and skills in health policy generally and pharmaceutical health services research specifically,” says Qato. “MS graduates from our program acquire the solid skills necessary to analyze and interpret complex health care data, to conduct health policy and health services research, and undertake scientific writing and proposal development. Due to the rigorous training, our graduates are well-positioned to compete for leadership roles in clinical, academic, government [FDA, CMS], and industry [pharmaceutical, consulting] settings.” STUDENT PROFILE:

Joshua Chou, PharmD ’17

As a new student pharmacist at the School of Pharmacy in the fall of 2013, Chou felt confident that he had an understanding of pharmaceutical health services research. As he progressed through the four-year Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum, he also developed an appreciation for the specialized field. “As I’ve advanced in my career, I began to see how important this area is in advancing the profession of pharmacy,” says Chou. After graduating in 2017, Chou pursued a post-graduate year 1 pharmacy residency at the Veterans Affairs Ann Arbor Healthcare System in Michigan. He finished in June 2018 and knew he wanted to further diversify his skill set. So Chou applied for and was simultaneously accepted to the geriatric pharmaco-

therapy fellowship with the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy’s Peter Lamy Center on Drug Therapy and Aging and the MS in PHSR program. As a PharmD student, “I saw firsthand the benefits of learning from and working with the faculty at the School,” he says. “Not only are they excellent and renowned for what they do, but they’re also heavily invested in mentoring and training students. I could not pass up the opportunity to return to Maryland and train in such an environment.” Chou envisions that having an MS in PHSR will help him achieve his ultimate career goal — becoming a faculty member at a school of pharmacy. “The knowledge and experiences I gain from the program will help me have a deeper and wider understanding of different disease states and the way health care systems impact health outcomes,” he says. “The MS in PHSR will also prepare me to lead research projects that can help provide useful information to patients and providers in making more-informed decisions.”

MS IN PHARMACOMETRICS Joga Gobburu, PhD, MBA, MS, director of the MS in Pharmacometrics program and a professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, has an atypical background. Before joining the School of Pharmacy, he worked at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), where he was responsible for hiring scientists from various backgrounds, including PhDs and PharmDs. “There was something I observed that they all had in common,” he says. “They were all trained in technique but not in the realm of drug development.” According to Gobburu, who leads the School's Center for Translational Medicine, these scientists were good at analysis and looking at data, but they were not trained on how to package their technical results to support drug development decision-making. The MS in Pharmacometrics program that he created at the School of Pharmacy seven years ago is unique in that it is applications-oriented. Coursework includes clinical pharmacology but also statistics, and communications and negotiations courses (taught in collaboration with the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business in College Park) that are tailored to the pharmacometrics field. For this online program, which can be completed in as little as two years, students are working professionals who will graduate with the skills they need to advance in their careers and be more influential decision-makers. The program’s success is evident in its organic growth, almost exclusively through referrals from satisfied alumni. The program began with 23 students in 2012 and currently has a cohort of 50 students.

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Thomas P. Green, MD, MS ’16 Green is an established professional, a professor of pediatrics at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Yet he was interested in updating his skills and knowledge in pharmacometrics, particularly because he wanted to transition from his full-time administrative position to a career doing research in pediatric pharmacology. Through the MS in Pharmacometrics program, he found a curriculum that met his needs and an online format that agreed with his schedule. “[The program is] very relevant, with state-of-the art material taught by excellent instructors,” he says. As a student, he completed a capstone project in partnership with another student on the pharmacokinetics of an antibiotic in pediatric subjects, work that is now being prepared for publication. More importantly, he believes the MS has prepared him to make his career transition — and it could help others do the same. “I think the online MS in Pharmacometrics program would help others employed in industry and academia acquire new skills and advance their careers,” he concludes. STUDENT PROFILE:

Tao Niu, PhD, Class of 2019

As a senior scientist in regulated bioanalytics at Merck, Niu’s time is precious. But he has seen the exponential growth in pharmacometrics and wanted to increase his skill level. “Pharmacometrics has revolutionized drug development and regulatory decision-making,” he explains. “Through the MS in Pharmacometrics, I’m learning the theoretical and applied quantitative skills that will accelerate my career development.” The MS in Pharmacometrics came highly recommended to him by several co-workers who were alumni of the program. As one of the only programs in the United States designed for working professionals, it afforded him the flexibility needed to meet the demands of his day job. While it requires a tremendous commitment to keep up with the online coursework, he states, “The quality and content of the curriculum is well worth the commitment.” His effort already is paying off; as a result of the program, Niu negotiated a six-month, full-time rotation in the pharmacometrics department at Merck. The program has so piqued his interest in the statistical concepts of pharmacometrics that he plans to pursue another master’s degree with that as a concentration in hopes of accelerating his career as a pharmacometrician. 14

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MS IN REGULATORY SCIENCE As with other professionally oriented master’s degree programs, the online MS in Regulatory Science is designed to give those working in the field a richer understanding of the subject so they can bring more value to their work and possibly advance their careers. In this instance, James Polli, PhD, director of the MS in Regulatory Science program and the Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics, explains the degree was created in response to feedback from industry stakeholders that employees had technical expertise but needed a better understanding of drugs and biologics development. Students come from all fields, including clinical research, drug discovery, biologic development, the FDA, and post-marketing careers. The diverse student body enables the program to build cross-disciplinary teams for group activities, which are an essential component of the program. “Team activities definitely add value because [students] learn from teammates who have different backgrounds,” says Polli. “The activities are designed to stretch people in terms of problem-solving in regulatory science.” In addition, students benefit from the online format, receiving lectures by experts from all over the country, as well as the School of Pharmacy’s own depth of expertise, as evidenced by its Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation. The program has nearly 120 alumni. It just graduated its fourth class in 2018 and nearly all the students attended convocation, which is unusual in an online degree program and an indicator of the program’s connection to its students. ALUMNI PROFILE:

Capt. Elaine Hu Cunningham, PharmD, MS ’16 Cunningham is fortunate to work in her dream job with the FDA as a U.S. Public Health Service officer. When she applied to the MS in Regulatory Science program, she’d held various positions at the FDA for 16 years. “Because my career training and experience at the FDA were very specialized, I felt that the MS in Regulatory Science would broaden my regulatory knowledge and enhance my understanding of the drug development process,” she says. She was able to complete the program on her terms, around the needs of her career, her two children, and her commitments as an active duty officer in the Public Health Service. She explains that as an employee of the FDA, she and her colleagues are uniquely positioned to help transform the regulatory landscape and improve the public health of Americans. This was exemplified by a piece of regulatory guidance on which she was the primary author shortly after her graduation in 2016. The

document was considered landmark because it addressed a longrecognized regulatory gap. She says that the MS gave her the broad knowledge needed to fully understand how policy development affected all stakeholders (including the public) so she could effectively collaborate with all parties on issuing a guideline that ultimately impacted hundreds of millions of patients. “The MS in Regulatory Science program provides graduates with new knowledge and skills to tackle some of the most important and urgent regulatory challenges that face the American public,” Cunningham concludes. STUDENT PROFILE:

Abimbola A. Onasanya, MD, Class of 2019 As a physician practicing in Nigeria, West Africa, Onasanya observed firsthand the consequences of an under-regulated landscape where patients are vulnerable to unsafe and even adulterated drugs. Today, she is a clinical research fellow at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bayview infectious diseases department and an adjunct medical instructor at the Educational Corporation of America. As the United States meets the mandate to expedite medical product delivery as outlined in the 21st Century Cures Act, she sees the role of the regulatory scientist becoming more relevant. “I believe the experts in regulatory science will be highly indispensable to assuring the efficacy and safety of products that will be consumed in the American market for years to come,” she explains. Aspiring to a career as a regulatory affairs official at the FDA, Onasanya selected the School of Pharmacy for one reason: its excellent reputation. “The University of Maryland is the best training institution in the regulatory field in the whole state, and the School of Pharmacy is one of the top 10 pharmacy schools in the U.S.” Not only has the online coursework met her expectations, she’s been able to participate in many beneficial experiences at the School itself. She notes that there are many opportunities to connect with faculty and alumni as peers and mentors and to attend scientific meetings at the School and the FDA. She’s found Schoolsponsored networking events with faculty, alumni, and professionals from industry, hospitals, and government agencies invaluable as well. b

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Make an Impact Today and Tomorrow with a Charitable Gift Annuity One of the most creative ways to support the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy is with a charitable gift annuity through the University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB) Foundation, Inc., providing future funding for the School of Pharmacy and immediate benefits for you or your loved ones.

HOW IT WORKS: In exchange for your gift of cash or appreciated securities of $25,000 or more, the UMB Foundation will make fixed annuity payments for life. Gift annuity rates are currently very attractive compared to other commercial fixed-income options. When the annuity ends, the balance supports your designated University of Maryland School of Pharmacy priority.

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Consider a UMB Foundation annuity to support the School of Pharmacy today! For more information, including a customized illustration, contact: Ken Boyden, JD, EdD Associate Dean Office of Development and Alumni Affairs University of Maryland School of Pharmacy 20 N. Pine St., S740 Baltimore, MD 21201 Office 410-706-5893 | Fax 410-706-6049



As part of her job with the PATIENTS Program at the School of Pharmacy, Hillary Edwards, MPH, was tasked last year with organizing the second PATIENTS Day in July. The health and wellness fair, first held in 2016, is an event where community members, health care providers, and researchers come together to learn from one another about what is needed to create and sustain healthy individuals, families, and communities. It’s a large undertaking, and making the job more difficult in 2018 was the decision to move the PATIENTS Program’s site visit — hosting the initiative’s steering committee and external advisory board members — to the day before the big event, rather than holding it earlier in the year. But Edwards, the PATIENTS Program’s high-energy associate director of program management and evaluation, didn’t blink at this double duty, pulling off the back-to-back events with aplomb and earning substantial praise for her efforts. “Hillary worked tirelessly to ensure that PATIENTS Day had activities that would engage attendees in a meaningful way,” says Michelle Medeiros, MS, MA, CCRP, the program’s director of research. “In addition to the multi-vendor fair, the event featured three informative panels that focused on research from the community’s perspective, gun violence as a social determinant of health, and Baltimore authors on holistic health. “With leadership and enthusiasm, Hillary has served as a role model for the PATIENTS Program’s peers and colleagues, inspiring them to initiate sincere and genuine interactions with the community. The feedback we received from the community about PATIENTS Day demonstrated the positive impact it had.” C. Daniel Mullins, PhD, professor and chair of the School of Pharmacy’s Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, is the director of the PATIENTS Program, whose acronym is short for Patient-Centered Involvement in Evaluating the Effectiveness of Treatments. The initiative was launched in 2013 with a $5 million grant from the Agency on Healthcare Research and Equality. He had high praise for Edwards, too, saying, “Hillary’s outstanding ability to balance accountability and civility resulted in an amazing PATIENTS Day event. I’m proud to have her as

a leader within the PATIENTS Program. She is 100 percent accountable and reliable, and she knows how to get the job done.” As associate director, Edwards oversees the administration Hillary Edwards of all aspects of the PATIENTS Program including planning, organizing, staffing, and evaluating the program’s infrastructure and strategy. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in business management and art from Goucher College and her Master of Public Health from the University of Maryland School of Medicine. She has worked on the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) campus since 2010, first with UMB’s Office of Academic Affairs’ Campus Life Services, then with a School of Medicine research certificate program. She joined the PATIENTS Program in 2015, and in addition to her role there, she has been president of the UMB Staff Senate for two years. For her efforts on behalf of the PATIENTS Program, she earned UMB’s Employee of the Month Award for October 2018. The rewards go both ways, Edwards says. She loves the interdisciplinary nature of the program’s team of 15-plus colleagues and the fact that she can reach into the realms of research and community partnership at the same time. “It’s a great joy to work with this amazing team that spans not only scientific expertise but also community development and community partnership,” Edwards says. “I love to think of the PATIENTS Program as a resource center, not a research center, so I enjoy being able to serve as a matchmaker for our faculty’s brilliant ideas, and then to hear our community’s priorities when it comes to health and health services research. Being able to bridge the two gives me something new and exciting to work on every day.” b

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Building New ‘Bridges’ BY RANDOLPH FILLMORE

Ever since he arrived at the School of Pharmacy in 2011 to lead its Center for Translational Medicine (CTM), Joga Gobburu, PhD, MBA, MS, professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice

Joga Gobburu

and Science (PPS), has had two goals. The first was to start a Master of Science (MS) in Pharmacometrics program that would prepare students for clinical research and practice. Coursework would include training in pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacometrics and would enable students to make informed analyses and decisions related to drug development. His second goal was to move CTM forward by building collaborative “bridges” to other research organizations. His ability to do so is rooted in his earliest educational experiences while pursuing his degree in pharmacy. “I went to a very unusual school of pharmacy,” says Gobburu, referring to the Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences in Pilani, India, where he received a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree and a Master of Science in chemistry. “In the first two years, I had to take courses in the engineering curriculum. That has proven valuable because engineering requires looking at openended questions and thinking about optimization. For example — ‘How do I best build a bridge?’ I think that experience shaped my approach to pharmacy.” His next academic step was to the cold plains of North Dakota where he received his PhD in pharmaceutical sciences at North Dakota State University. “There, I discovered that my heart lies in pharmacometrics,” recalls Gobburu. After an internship and postdoctoral training in New York, he came to the Washington, D.C., area for a joint fellowship in clinical pharmacy at Georgetown University and the U.S. Food and


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Drug Administration (FDA) with a focus on pharmacometrics. After the fellowship, he began working at FDA, where in his 12 years he rose to director of the Division of Pharmacometrics. Once on board at the School of Pharmacy, Gobburu addressed his first goal — building the School’s MS in Pharmacometics program. Mathangi Gopalakrishnan, PhD, research assistant professor in PPS, assisted in assembling the unique program that, launched in 2012, now enrolls 20 students each year. “We are very lucky to have one of the few successful MS in Pharmacometric programs in the country,” says Jill Morgan, PharmD, professor and chair of PPS. “Its success is due completely to Dr. Gobburu, as students who want to train and learn from him have come from all over the world for the opportunity.” With the goal of improving patient outcomes, Gobburu, the one-time engineering student, has continued to build bridges. For example, CTM and the University of California, San Francisco’s (UCSF) schools of pharmacy and medicine are codeveloping an institute for pediatric drug and device development called “iPD3.” A top priority is preventing neonatal acute asphyxia, a global cause of neonatal deaths or long-term disability that affects 4 million newborns annually. “UCSF has expertise in modeling research and pediatrics, while CTM provides expertise in experiment design and analysis,” he explains. “We are attracting research organizations to collaborate with the iPD3 team and are engaged in clinical trials with help from the Gates Foundation.” CTM also has embarked on a joint effort with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratories to develop a Center of Excellence for Predictive Health Care Analytics focused on using a new computational language, called “Julia.” He credits Vijay Ivaturi, PhD, assistant professor in PPS, with initiating the MIT collaboration. Gobburu says their use of “Julia” aims at improving predictive analytics and picking up where current analytics cannot do the “heavy lifting.” “We have the expertise in health care, MIT has the expertise in the technology,” he explains. b



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American Pharmacists Month In October, Dean Eddington, faculty, staff, and students gathered to take the traditional American Pharmacists Month photo. The event, sponsored by the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists, kicked off a month of student activities, planned to recognize pharmacists’ contributions to improving the health of patients. b

APhA-ASP Mental Health Campaign In October, the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists’ (APhA-ASP) Maryland Regional Operation (MRO) and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) partnered to promote mental health awareness around the University of Maryland, Baltimore by spearheading the #IWillListen campaign with T-shirts, snacks, healthy social media habits, mental health resources, and speakers. b

From left, Jaime Ebersole of NAMI; Shila Mortazavi, Class of 2021 and MRO co-chair; Lily Lin, Class of 2021; Pasang Sherpa, Class of 2020 and MRO chair; and Katie Owens and Jamie Rickey of the Class of 2022.

SNPhA CommUNITY Fest Members of the Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) gathered in October at Lexington Market with other health profession students from UMB for the annual CommUNITY Fest. Student pharmacists provided medication and health care counseling as well as free blood pressure screenings to community members. b

From left, Rachel Shelton, Class of 2022; Mercy Rop and Elodie Tendoh, Class of 2020; Avita Ukpabia, Class of 2022; Britney Cranston, Class of 2021; Hanna Lefebo, Class of 2022; and Abisola Ilyomade-Uku, Class of 2021. 20

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ACCP CURE Scholars Outreach The School’s student chapter of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) participates in the UMB CURE Scholars Program, teaching West Baltimore students about infections and how to prevent them. The UMB CURE Scholars Program is a groundbreaking year-round pipeline initiative that prepares sixth- to 12th-grade students from West Baltimore to pursue rewarding careers in health care and research with the help of mentors. Pharmacy students from the School’s ACCP chapter have continuously served as role models for participants. b

Let's Play a Game Members of the School’s chapter of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists visited with residents of Pickersgill Retirement Community in spring 2018 during the facility’s Game Night Retirement Community. b

Careers in Industry

From left, Seohwee Ahn, Class of 2020, and Grace Kim and Peter Kim of the Class of 2021 play Monopoly with Pickersgill residents.

The School's chapter of the Industry Pharmacists Organization was proud to host guest speaker Stephanie Anyanwu, PharmD ’18, clinical development fellow at MedImmune, in September for a presentation on careers in industry. b

Managing Care The School’s chapter of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy welcomed Mandi Poplawski, PharmD ’04, to its second General Body Meeting of the fall 2018 semester. Poplawski spoke about her career in managed care and industry pharmacy. b

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Kappa Psi Steps Out to Fight Diabetes First-, second-, and third-year student pharmacists from the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity participated in the annual Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes, hosted by the American Diabetes Association, in October. b

Hand-to-Hand Learning Members of the School’s chapter of the Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group (PPAG) participated in the Student Government Association’s Healthy Halloween event, promoting the importance of proper hand washing to elementary and middle school students. PPAG members explained how germs can easily be spread from person to person and demonstrated proper hand-washing techniques. b

Chloe Kim of the Class of 2021 shares infection control lessons with a Healthy Halloween participant.

Strikes and Spares Members of the School’s chapter of Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International and the chapter from Notre Dame University of Maryland School of Pharmacy held a Welcome Back bowling event in September to kick off the fall semester. b


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Helpful Hints At the start of the 2018-2019 academic year, members of Phi Lambda Sigma Leadership Society and Rho Chi Honor Society participated in a panel discussion to provide first-year students with tips on how to succeed in pharmacy school. b From left, panel members from the Class of 2020 — Leann Kwak, Jennifer Miller, Joshua Borris, Andrew Bardales, Samuel Suen, Karen Huang, Elodie Tendoh, and Saniya Chaudhry.

Laurels Serge Alexishin, a third-year student pharmacist, has received a one-year, $5,000 grant from the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education for “An LC-ICP-MS Bioanalytical Method to Measure Iron Release in Iron Nanoparticle Drug Products.” Luke Brewer and Ramon Martinez, graduate students in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PSC), received 20182019 University of Maryland, Baltimore County/University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB)/National Institutes of Health Chemistry-Biology Interface Graduate Student Training Awards. A team of student pharmacists, led by Leigh Cervino of the Class of 2019, was a finalist in the national Script Your Future Medication Adherence Team Challenge. Sharmila Das, a graduate student in PSC, received a 20182019 UMB/Johns Hopkins University Clinical and Translational Science Award. The team of third-year student pharmacists Max Eiden, Xia Gao, and Xinqi Liu was one of nine finalists in the American College of Clinical Pharmacy’s 2018 Clinical Research Challenge. Laura Gressler, a graduate student in the Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research (PHSR), has received a 10-month, $31,196 fellowship from the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education. Maya Hanna, MPH, and Juan-David Rueda, MD, graduate students in PHSR, received departmental travel awards to present their research at the 2018 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research meeting in Barcelona, Spain, in November 2018. Hanna also received third place in the 2018 Donald O. Fedder Student Poster Competition at the Maryland Public Health Association’s (MdPHA) Annual Meeting in October.

Emily Hart, Fang-Yu Lin, Kiwon Ok, and Sherin Thomas, graduate students in PSC, received 2018-2019 Merit Awards from the department. Yoon Hong, PharmD, a graduate student in PHSR, received the department’s Harris Zuckerman Scholarship. Grace Hsu and Yogitha Pazhani, both fourth-year student pharmacists, won the 2018 American Society of Health-System Pharmacists’ Local Clinical Skills Competition. Jacquelyn Mcrae, a graduate student in PHSR, received the department’s Donald O. Fedder Memorial Fellowship, the University System of Maryland Women’s Forum Student Scholarship, and the American Public Health Association’s 2018 Annual Meeting Student Scholarship. She also has been named an at-large member of the MdPHA’s Board of Directors. Yulemni Morel, Brianna Scotland, and Raquel Shortt, all graduate students in PSC, have been named Meyerhoff Graduate Fellows. Chigo Oguh, a third-year student pharmacist, was a member of the interprofessional winning team from UMB in the 2018 D.C. Public Health Case Challenge sponsored by the National Academy of Medicine. Stephanie Shiffka and Cheng-Chieh Tsai, graduate students in PSC, received 2018-2019 Fellowship Awards from the department. Chengchen Zhang, MPH, a graduate student in PHSR, received the department’s Dr. Arthur Schwartz Memorial Scholarship.

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‘Coupon Queen’ Rules, Say Patients BY LYDIA LEVIS BLOCH

She has 33 years of experience as a pharmacist in the community setting. However, Eliza O. Chappelle, BSP, PD, views herself not only as a pharmacist, Eliza Chappelle but as a patient advocate deeply connected to her community. “I’m in a setting where it’s small enough that I can get to know my patients and their families. I even recognize their voices on the phone. I want to be out in front helping people, it’s very important to me,” says Chappelle, who is the lead pharmacist at CVS Pharmacy No. 2160 in Rosedale, Md. Her patients might not be acquainted with Chappelle’s achievements: She graduated as class valedictorian from Howard University College of Pharmacy in 1985, has managed CVS pharmacies since 2008, worked at other retail operations before joining CVS, and has garnered awards in pharmacy and in customer service. They might not be aware that she has precepted hundreds of students from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Howard University, Shenandoah College of Pharmacy, and Notre Dame of Maryland University over the last 30 years. What they do know — and appreciate — is Chappelle’s nickname, “The Coupon Queen.” Her patients know that Chappelle will always help find the means to pay for medications that they desperately need. She will take pains to search out, and apply drug-related manufacturers’ coupons, and occasionally, pharmacy discount coupons, to help defray the cost of medications. “It’s simple: if the medicine is not affordable, my patients won’t buy it,” she explains. “I treat my


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patients’ money like it’s mine.” The School of Pharmacy has more than 700 registered preceptors in various areas of pharmacy available for its students, says Mark Brueckl, RPh, MBA, assistant director of the School of Pharmacy’s Experiential Learning Program. Students must complete 320 hours of Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) rotations and 1,440 hours of Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) rotations during their four years of pharmacy school. Chappelle particularly likes precepting first- and second-year students early in their training to instill in them that they are on the front line of helping patients. Students who do rotations at her pharmacy learn by example. Isabel Baik, a second-year student pharmacist, observed during her rotation with Chappelle that “even when lines were long and prescriptions were backed up, Dr. Chappelle remained calm and took the time to find the most affordable options for her patients. Her caring character is one of her most admirable traits, and I hope to emulate that when I become a pharmacist.” Like her patient population, Chappelle’s students come from diverse backgrounds and different countries. The students bring an air of freshness to the pharmacy, says Chappelle, and when they begin their rotation, Chappelle teaches that there’s nothing more important than taking care of the patients. Besides helping patients, one of Chappelle’s greatest joys is witnessing a young person who first steps into her pharmacy seeking a cashier’s job, later becomes a pharmacy student, and then, one day, a colleague. “Here is a person whom I cultivated to become a pharmacist,” she says. Pharmacists should consider becoming preceptors, says Chappelle. “We should not be selfish with our knowledge, but rather give back to others, so we can cultivate the generations who will come after us.” b


Passion for Medicine Spans Generations BY LESLIE FELDMAN Rachel Flurie, PharmD ’12, grew up in the same neighborhood as her grandfather and, more importantly, right near his family medicine practice. She and her brother would run around his office, play with his stethoscopes, and accompany him to many drug company lunches. “His passion for medicine and patient care [he didn't retire until age 86] inspired me to go into pharmacy,” says Flurie, an assistant professor of internal medicine in the Department of Pharmacotherapy and Outcomes Science at the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Pharmacy. “While in pharmacy school at the University of Maryland, my grandfather would frequently comment that I ‘could always go back and get my MD next’. He really wanted another physician in the family, but I knew I could make just as much of a difference in health care and be just as useful to patients with a PharmD.” As a native Marylander, Flurie knew the exemplary reputation of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, ranked in the top 10 by U.S. News & World Report. “Being challenged and surrounded by inspirational faculty was important to me. My grandfather got his medical degree from the University of Maryland, so there was also that familial tie,” she explains. “I always recommend it to aspiring pharmacy students. Being located in a city where you can work with underserved patients and also military veterans was rewarding.” Flurie knew from the beginning of pharmacy school that she wanted to complete a residency and work in a hospital. The School’s joint residency and fellowship program with the University of Maryland Medical Center offered many strong specialty tracks. “The newness of the two-year pharmacotherapy residency and opportunity to mold the program was what ultimately drew me to apply,” she explains. Flurie’s residency program experience was tailored to her interests and set her up for success afterward. “I had more ambulatory care training than most hospital residents and also trained heavily in the medical intensive care unit. I think that practicing in both the outpatient and inpatient areas made me a more well-rounded and thoughtful internal medicine

pharmacist,” explains Flurie, who recently expanded her clinical practice to an outpatient nephrology clinic. “Without this experience, I'm not sure I Rachel Flurie would have been as confident going into academia right after residency.” Sandeep Devabhakthuni, PharmD, BCPS – AQ Cardiology, an associate professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, first met Flurie when she started her postgraduate year one pharmacotherapy residency and “was blown away by her interpersonal skills. She had such an enthusiasm for educating health care professionals and patients on medication use. She often received unsolicited, positive comments from her patients and nurses who she worked with. We were fortunate to have her as a resident at our institution because of her passion for pharmacy practice and hard work ethic.” During her residency, Flurie was involved in the Maryland Society of Health-System Pharmacy, so when she got to VCU, she joined the organization there. In 2017, Flurie was selected as the Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacy’s (VSHP) New Practitioner of the Year. “I headed up a program that published clinical articles regularly in the VSHP newsletter and have been running it for the past four years,” she says. As a faculty member, Flurie is constantly refreshing her knowledge to be able to teach students. “In pharmacy school, I was voted Most Likely to Be on Faculty at Maryland and during residency, many preceptors commented on my teaching skills during presentations. So I guess it was meant to be,” she says. b

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A Message from Alumni Affairs Dear alumni, My name is Greer Griffith, and I am director of alumni relations and annual giving at the School of Pharmacy. My primary role is to form meaningful and beneficial relationships with alumni as well as to increase philanthropy and investment in the mission and vision of the School. One of the aspects that I enjoy the most about my job is building relationships with our alumni. I like hearing about your experiences in pharmacy school as well as gathering feedback on how we can improve our outreach and communications. I also like being Greer Griffith able to connect alumni back to the School as well as with each other. Our alumni are the backbone of our School community. We feel an enormous sense of pride when you are successful in your career, and we are always grateful for the unwavering support our alumni give to the School. We have been working hard — using feedback gathered from various meetings with alumni and from data collected on our annual alumni survey — to create initiatives that support your needs with the hope of cultivating new relationships and re-energizing existing ones. If there are ways in which we can improve, please reach out. If you just want to say hello and learn more about what’s new at the School, please reach out. If you want to get involved with the School but don’t know where to start, please reach out. If you are seeking career advice or looking for jobs, please reach out. We are here to support our alumni and help all of you make and strengthen connections. I greatly value the feedback and insights that I receive in my daily conversations with alumni and always welcome constructive feedback. If you would like to meet for coffee or lunch or simply share some feedback, please email me at or call me at 410-706-5893. I look forward to learning more about each of you! Gratefully, Greer Griffith, MS Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving Office of Development and Alumni Affairs

Alumni Association Executive Committee 2018-2019 Robyn Hunt, PharmD ’17 President Kelcymarie Bye, PharmD ’16 President-elect David Ngo, PharmD ’13 Treasurer Jacinda Tran, PharmD ’14 Secretary


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Karen Abraham-Burrell, PharmD ’03

Kristine Parbuoni, PharmD ’05

Capt. James Bresette, PharmD ’97

Andrew Phan, PharmD ’13

Michelle Ceng, PharmD ’98

Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD ’83

Denise Fu, PharmD ’10

Marci Strauss, PharmD ’12

Geoff Heinzl, PhD ’16

Bay Mao “Bill” Wu, PharmD ’00

G. Lawrence Hogue, BSP ’69

Q&A with Alumni Association Treasurer David Ngo, PharmD ’13

Where are you from? I'm from Huntington Beach, Calif.! I went to UCLA for my degree in psychobiology and then decided to travel to the East Coast for my PharmD. Why did you choose the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy? I chose the School of Pharmacy because I knew that I would receive a top-tier education and training from one of the leading pharmacy schools in the nation. The prestigious reputation of the School and the esteemed faculty definitely influenced my decision. Another factor was the ability to experience the vibrant Washington, D.C., metro area from the Shady Grove campus. Where do you work and what do you do there? As of December 2018, I am the informatics pharmacist at MedStar Montgomery Medical Center. Prior to that, I was the clinical pharmacy coordinator at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital and am also the founder/chief executive officer of Metis Health, a health care technology company. At Holy Cross, I facilitated patient care at a hospitalwide level through clinical protocol, policy development, and formulary management. I managed a team of 10 pharmacists and 12 pharmacy technicians. I also precepted students from the University of Maryland and Shenandoah University in multidisciplinary rounds in the Intensive Care Unit. At Metis, I direct a company that addresses regulatory compliance in regards to code cart inventory and expiration management. I integrate the health care expertise from my team's practitioners along with the technological background of my development team to produce innovative and modern solutions to health care issues.

What inspired you on this career path? Pharmacy runs in my family. I have aunts and cousins who are pharmacists, and I looked up to them tremendously as I was growing up. Pharmacy definitely resonated with me as I saw the impact that they had on patients' health and their lives. Why are you involved with the School’s Alumni Association? I believe that it is my duty to give back to the School and profession. Precepting pharmacy students and residents, being a member of professional organizations, and staying involved with the School are my ways of doing that. What advice do you have for your fellow alumni regarding staying connected to the School? I recommend that my fellow alumni stay involved through the various pharmacy organizations (MPhA, MSHP, etc.) and volunteering at student events, such as roundtables, mock interviews, and mentorship. In addition, being a preceptor has definitely kept me connected to what's going on at the School. I always look forward to seeing my students become my colleagues. b

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Kudos to the Dean The School of Pharmacy hosted a reception at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Annual Meeting in Boston in July to recognize Dean Natalie D. Eddington’s years of service on AACP’s Council of Deans and her 11 years of leadership at the School of Pharmacy. More than 60 people attended the reception, including alumni, faculty, staff, and colleagues from other schools of pharmacy. b

Dean Eddington is joined by Steven Scott (left), PharmD, immediate past president of AACP; Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD ’83, BCPS, CDE, FAPhA, professor of pharmacy practice and science and associate dean of clinical services and practice transformation; Lucinda Maine, PhD, RPh, executive vice president of AACP; and David Allen, PhD, president of AACP.

From left, Andrew Coop, PhD, professor of pharmaceutical sciences and associate dean of academic affairs; Lisa Finn, MPH, assistant director of assessment; James Trovato, PharmD, MBA, BCOP, FASHP, associate professor of pharmacy practice and science; Sharon Park, PharmD ’04; Jeff Brewer, PharmD '98; Lisa Lebovitz, JD, assistant dean of academic affairs and assessment; and Mark Brueckl, RPh, MBA, assistant director of experiential learning.

Wanda Maldonado (left), BSP ’82, PharmD ’86, and Nkem Nonyel, PharmD ’14.


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Scientific Gathering On Nov. 3, the School of Pharmacy and the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PSC) hosted an Alumni and Friends Reception at the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Convention in Washington, D.C. More than 50 alumni, faculty, staff, and postdoctoral fellows attended. b

From left, Ahmed Ibrahim, PhD; Heather Boyce, PhD ’17; Raqeeb Jamil, PSC graduate student; Sherin Thomas, PSC graduate student; Ana Luisa Coutinho, PharmD ’18 and a PSC graduate student; Melissa Metry, PSC graduate student; and Sagar Shukla, PharmD ’11.

From left, Kshitij Patkar, PhD ’02; James Polli, PhD, Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences; and Yuwei Lu, PSC graduate student.

Bay Area Alumni Reception On Dec. 5, the School of Pharmacy hosted a small reception for alumni living in the San Francisco Bay area. It was a great evening filled with conversation and camaraderie. b

From left, Andong Nkobena, PharmD ’16; Fred Chang, PharmD ’15; Reisel Berger, PharmD ’11; and Trang Trinh, PharmD ’13.

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ASHP in California More than 200 alumni, faculty, staff, pharmacy residents, and students attended the School’s Alumni and Friends Reception at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Mid-Year Meeting in Anaheim, Calif., on Dec. 3, 2018.

The 200-plus attendees at the ASHP Mid-Year Meeting pose for a group photo.

From left, Janet Lee, PharmD ’13; Michael Grimes, PharmD '05; and Denise Fu, PharmD '10.

From left, Elle Kline, PharmD ’16; Deanna Tran, PharmD ’11, assistant professor of pharmacy practice and science, and her daughter, Cassie; Lynette Bradley-Baker, PhD ’99, BSP ’92; and Kumar Ramakrishnan, PharmD ’17.


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Class Notes 1970

In June 2018, Arthur Riley, BSP, MS ’72, was elected vice president of Kiwanis International. He previously served as a trustee of the Kiwanis International Board. Riley has been a member of the Kiwanis Club of Westminster, Md., for 38 years. He also is a member of the Centennial Internet Club. In his district, he has served as governor and Key Club lieutenant governor. Elected to the Kiwanis International Board in 2014, Riley has served as board counselor to the Belgium-Luxembourg, KentuckyTennessee, Louisiana-MississippiWest Tennessee, Missouri-Arkansas, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Pacific Northwest, and Philippines South districts. In his community, Riley has practiced pharmacy and managed pharmacy practices for more than 45 years. He and his wife, Vickie, who also is a member of Kiwanis, have three children and three grandchildren.


Ellen H. Yankellow, BSP, PharmD ’96, president and CEO of Correct Rx Pharmacy Services Inc., received The Maryland Daily Record’s 2018 Icon Honors award, which recognizes Maryland business leaders over the age of 60 for their success and leadership both within and outside of their chosen fields. Yankellow specializes in institutional and geriatric pharmacy services.


Capt. James Bresette, PharmD, founder of the School of Pharmacy’s Phi Lambda Sigma Beta Lambda Chapter and current co-advisor to the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore’s Phi Lambda Sigma Delta Nu Chapter, received the 2018 Phi Lambda Sigma National Chapter Advisor of the Year Award.


Adam Bress, PharmD, who completed a postgraduate year two residency and fellowship at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy, received the American College of Clinical Pharmacy’s 2018 New Investigator Award.


Kristine Keller, PharmD, received the California Society of Health-System Pharmacy’s 2018 Resident/Fellow of Distinction Award.


Mena Gaballah, PharmD, has accepted a full-time position at Crowell & Moring LLP in Washington, D.C., in the intellectual property and health care practice groups.

We want to know what’s happening with you! Please send us updates on your personal and professional life. Have you changed jobs, had a recent promotion, received an honor or appointment? Did you recently get married or celebrate the birth of a child or a grandchild? Do you have an interesting hobby or participate in community service projects? Please let us know by completing the School of Pharmacy’s online Class Notes form at alumni/resources/class-notes/.

In Memoriam As the Maryland pharmacy profession is a close-knit community, we are honored to share the names of recently deceased alumni who have in some way impacted the profession and the practice of pharmacy. The School learned of the passing of the following alumni between Jan. 1, 2018, and June 30, 2018. Jay R. Brinsfield, BSP ’58 W. Thomas Dolan, BSP ’74 Charles A. Fleischer, BSP ’66

Aaron Grebow, BSP ’55 Frank P. Kratz, BSP ’53 Earl T. Smith, BSP ’68

Theodore J. Sophocleus, BSP ’62 Jerome S. Wittik, BSP ’58

If you would like to make a memorial gift, please use the enclosed giving envelope or call 410-706-5893. wint e r 2 0 1 9



Developing the Business BY GWEN NEWMAN

Frances Spaven, PhD ’86, had the first inkling of her love for the sciences when she was a first-grade student who begged her mom for a chemistry set. The bottles, vials, and mixtures captivated Frances Spaven her and that curiosity would remain a constant throughout her lifelong career in the pharmaceutical sciences. That passion would carry her through more than a decade with corporate giant E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., and then with UPM Pharmaceuticals, Inc., where she was the first employee hired. She’s now combining what she learned from both experiences in her role at FS BizWorks, an Illinois-based sole proprietorship working with startup companies in the initial stages of business development. A 1981 graduate of Loyola University Maryland who earned her PhD in pharmaceutical sciences from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Spaven’s first job was as a process chemist at du Pont and over the course of her 11 years there, her job expanded into management roles, special task forces, and leadership initiatives. That progression prepared her for what she says has since been the most exciting part of her career — helping UPM morph into a successful multimillion-dollar enterprise now based in Bristol, Tenn. “I was the first employee they hired when it was two professors and a lab,” says Spaven, who served as vice president of business development there. UPM originated as University Pharmaceuticals of Maryland, a drug formulation and CGMP laboratory within the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, and was initially funded by a Food and Drug Administration


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contract to support the development of the Scale Up & Post Approval Changes (SUPAC) guidelines in the early 1990s. The initiative began with a skeletal staff. As UPM began to build a reputation of quality and timeliness, it continued to grow steadily while also attracting experienced professionals to join the organization. “We all had to wear many different hats,” says Spaven, “which was a stark contrast to working at big pharma. It was scary, but at the same time exciting to see how every action impacted the bottom line. I always love to showcase UPM as a made-inAmerica success story.” In particular, it imparted to her the crucial role of a liaison who can bridge the divide between the scientific inventor who envisions new ideas and the business expertise needed to make it happen. Always an optimist, Spaven — an avid runner and the mother of three — also is excited about the broader changes she sees for the pharmaceutical field. “I feel the industry is at a tipping point to make some real meaningful changes, which will likely involve input at international, government, and private-public levels. And as always, we need policy reforms that don’t dis-incentivize innovation. The School of Pharmacy is already playing a role in the changes through its curriculum, programs, and centers,” Spaven says. “I’m most excited about the Pharmapreneurship™ initiative that Dean Eddington unveiled last year that will help get students thinking about how to manage their skill sets in this challenging environment, where pharmacy mega-mergers and other supply chain consolidation have greatly reduced the need for traditional pharmacist dispensing roles. The Pharmapreneurship initiative will bring together entrepreneurial experience, academic discipline, and disruptive thinking that I believe will have compounding results well into the future.” b


Giving Back to Move School Forward BY ELIZABETH HEUBECK

Matthew Shimoda recalls fondly the tight-knit cohort of students with whom he attended the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. At the time, the School offered a BS in pharmacy degree. With just 160 or so students in the entire Matthew Shimoda program, it made for strong bonds. “We followed each other around every day for a couple years,” observes Shimoda. “A lot of friendships and professional relationships were formed back in those days.” Shimoda continued his education by applying to the Doctor of Pharmacy program — he was one of five students accepted. “Because there was a smaller cohort pursuing our PharmD degree, we were a really close-knit group,” says Shimoda, PharmD ’84, who adds that he still keeps in touch with each of his former classmates. Those fond memories, coupled with a fulfilling career in community pharmacy and a desire to see the School continue to be a leader in educating future pharmacists, have inspired Shimoda to give back to his alma mater. For the past 18 years, he has donated annually to the School of Pharmacy. Recently, he committed to adding the School to his estate plans. He also gives his time and expertise as an adjunct faculty member. While he enjoys teaching, Shimoda acknowledges that his primary passion in the field resides in community pharmacy. He got his start in community pharmacy while still in school, working part-time as a technician at Southgate Pharmacy, a local independent pharmacy. When most pharmacy graduates were

entering careers in hospitals or academia, Shimoda was finding his niche elsewhere. “Interaction with patients — that’s what community pharmacy is really all about,” he says. “I fell in love with being able to help patients, not just with their medication, but with their health in general.” Perhaps sensing Shimoda’s natural affinity for community pharmacy, Robert Rosenberg, his then-boss and owner of Southgate Pharmacy, urged him to stay in the business. Shimoda heeded his advice. By 1986, just two years after graduating from the School of Pharmacy, Shimoda and another man took over the retiring supervisor’s two pharmacies. Within two years, they grew their business, Health Care Professionals Inc., to include four pharmacies and a long-term care and medical equipment company. They eventually sold it to NeighborCare and CVS pharmacies. Currently, Shimoda serves as the district manager at SuperValu, where he oversees 38 pharmacies. Even as his professional responsibilities escalated, Shimoda remained committed to his alma mater — primarily through teaching, a post on the Alumni Association Executive Committee, and consistent financial donations. While Shimoda says he typically doesn’t specify how his donations should be directed, he likes the idea of funding aspiring pharmacists’ education. “I know how expensive it is to go to school today,” says Shimoda. He recalls graduating from pharmacy school just $2,000 in debt, an unrealistic scenario for many students today. He should know. His son Adam, following in his father’s footsteps, graduated from the School of Pharmacy in 2014. Finances notwithstanding, Shimoda believes that alums have a responsibility to nurture a continual connection between more recent graduates and their alma mater. “I’ve always believed that the School of Pharmacy gave me a career, a livelihood, and a lifestyle that I very much appreciate. The School really has prepared thousands of people for a career in pharmacy, and I feel that, as alumni, we should give back and keep the School moving forward,” asserts Shimoda. b

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Send Us Your Community Pharmacy Pictures! Providing a variety of important health care services, community pharmacists are a vital component of any town, neighborhood, city, and state. The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy recognizes the important role that our alumni have had on the communities that they serve and the contributions that they have made toward the School’s past, present, and future. If you have a picture of your pharmacy or family’s pharmacy, we invite you to mail us a copy of the picture, including the name of the pharmacy and any people who may be in the picture, so that we may display it in the School of Pharmacy for all to see.

Mail to:

University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Office of Development and Alumni Affairs Attn: Greer Griffith 20 N. Pine Street, Suite S740 Baltimore, MD 21201 34

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*Any original photos received may not be returned as they will be on display in the School.

*Any original photos received may not be returned as they will be on display in the School.


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Dean Natalie D. Eddington, PhD, FAAPS, FCP Senior Associate Dean for Administration and Finance William J. Cooper, MBA Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Andrew Coop, PhD Associate Dean for Clinical Services and Practice Transformation Magaly Rodriguez de Bitttner, PharmD, BCPS, CDE, FAPhA Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Affairs Ken Boyden, JD, EdD Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education Peter Swaan, PhD Associate Dean for Student Affairs Cherokee Layson-Wolf, PharmD, BCACP, FAPhA Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and Assessment Lisa Lebovitz, JD Assistant Dean for Communications and Marketing Rebecca Ceraul Assistant Dean for Experiential Learning Agnes Ann Feemster, PharmD, BCPS Assistant Dean for Information Technology Tim Munn Assistant Dean for Instructional Design and Technology Shannon Tucker, MS Assistant Dean for Policy and Planning Deborah Dewitt, JD Assistant Dean for the Universities at Shady Grove Heather Brennan Congdon, PharmD, CACP, CDE Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research C. Daniel Mullins, PhD


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Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Paul Shapiro, PhD Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science Jill Morgan, PharmD, BCPS, BCPPS


Bio- and Nano-techology Center Bruce Yu, PhD, Director Center for Innovative Pharmacy Solutions Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD, BCPS, CDE, FAPhA, Executive Director Center for Translational Medicine Joga Gobburu, PhD, MBA, FCP, Director Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation James Polli, PhD, Co-director Center on Drugs and Public Policy Francis B. Palumbo, PhD, JD, Executive Director Computer-Aided Drug Design Center Alexander D. MacKerell Jr., PhD, Director Jana Shen, PhD, Co-director Maryland Poison Center Bruce D. Anderson, PharmD, Director


Stephen J. Allen, RPh, MS ’78, FASHP, Chair Former CEO, American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists Foundation Barbara M. Alving, MD, MACP Professor of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Research Professor, University of Maryland School of Public Health John Banta, MBA Executive Director, BlueCross BlueShield Association Managing Director, BlueCross BlueShield Venture Partners Harold E. Chappelear, DSC ’98, RPh, LLD (Hon.) Principal, InternaSource, LLC Victoria G. Hale, BSP ’83, PhD Founder & Former CEO OneWorld Health Medicines360 Gina McKnight-Smith, PharmD ’97, MBA, CGP, BCPS Regional (Mid-Atlantic) Medical Outcomes Science Liaison AbbVie, Inc.

Mass Spectrometry Center Maureen Kane, PhD, Executive Director

Thomas E. Menighan, BSPharm, MBA, FAPhA Executive Vice President and CEO American Pharmacists Association

Mental Health Program Raymond Love, PharmD, Director

David W. Miller, PhD ’93 Operating Partner, GHO Capital Ltd.

Metallotherapeutics Research Center Sarah Michel, PhD, Co-director Angela Wilks, PhD, Co-director

Jane Shaab, MBA Senior Vice President and Executive Director, University of Maryland BioPark Assistant Vice President for Economic Development, University of Maryland, Baltimore

Peter Lamy Center on Drug Therapy and Aging Nicole Brandt, PharmD, MBA, BCPP, CGP, FASCP, Executive Director Pharmaceutical Research Computing Ebere Onukwugha, PhD, MS, Executive Director

Jermaine Smith, RPh Senior Director, Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Rite Aid Pharmacy Ellen H. Yankellow, PharmD ’96, BSP ’73 President and CEO, Correct Rx Pharmacy Services, Inc.

Special thanks to the following contributors: Nancy Bowers, William Cooper, Greer Griffith, Cherokee Layson-Wolf, Lisa Lebovitz, and LiYi Wu






Full-time faculty

Total enrollment all degree programs


Affiliate faculty



Preceptor faculty


Total enrollment

Fall 2017 admission



Total applicants


Administrative, business, development and alumni


Entering class

affairs, experiential learning, human resources,


Acceptance rate

communications and marketing, student affairs,


With undergraduate degree or higher

and faculty support


Average incoming GPA


Average PCAT composite percentile rank


Technical, research staff, postdoctoral fellows,

and teaching assistants

Ethnicity across all four years: 39% Asian


30% Caucasian


Principal investigators

18% African-American


Refereed works published (authored or co-authored)

5% International


Non-refereed works published (authored or

4% Hispanic


2% Multi-ethnic



Papers presented at professional meetings

No response

Number may not total 100 percent due to rounding


Review panels (off-campus peer review panels and


accreditation and certification teams)



Manuscripts read/reviewed for professional journals,

conferences, and publishers

Department of Pharmaceutical Health


Editors/associate editors for professional journals

Services Research


Officeholders of professional associations

25 Students


Total days in public service (non-consulting role with

K-12 schools and community colleges, government

agencies, nonprofit organizations, or businesses)

Total enrollment

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences 61 Students MASTER’S PROGRAMS 156

Total enrollment

Pharmaceutical Health Services Research 2


Palliative Care 59


Pharmacometrics 42


Regulatory Science 53


PLACEMENT/EMPLOYMENT Job Placements for the PharmD Class of 2017 Data is based on a survey voluntarily completed by graduating students in May.


Total Number of Graduates


Community Pharmacy


PGY1 Residency Match from ASHP


No Job by Graduation Date


Did Not Respond to Employment Survey


Other (Industry, PHS, etc.)


Hospital Pharmacy




Non-Pharmacy Employment


Postdoctoral fellows

22 Residents wint e r 2 0 1 9



SOURCES OF OPERATING REVENUES SUPPORTING THE SCHOOL This report is an unaudited presentation of revenues supporting the School. Gifts $1,354,592

FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Total Source of Funds $64,974,543

Grant and Contract Awards and Designated Research Initiative Funds $29,404,062

Net General Appropriation and Tuition and Fees $28,978,016

Auxiliary and Misc. $3,238,792 Federal Funds $367,316

FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Endowments $1,631,764

Gifts $1,318,284

Total Source of Funds $60,725,190

Grant and Contract Awards and Designated Research Initiative Funds $26,912,022

Net General Appropriation and Tuition and Fees $27,673,274

Auxiliary and Misc. $3,047,102 Federal Funds $367,316


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Scholarships, Fellowships, and Endowments $1,407,192


Cynthia Boyle, PharmD ’96, FAPhA Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science Boyle earned her Bachelor of Science in pharmacy from the University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy and her Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. During her career, she has practiced in community, health system, and consultant pharmacy settings. Prior to rejoining the School of Pharmacy in 2017, Boyle served as chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Administration at the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, where she also was interim dean from 2014 to 2015. Until 2011, Boyle was the executive director of the Experiential Learning Program and an associate professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. She is a leader in pharmacy education, a past president of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy and the Maryland Pharmacists Association, which honored her with its Seidman Distinguished Achievement and Bowl of Hygeia awards. Boyle also was recognized with the Maryland Society of Health-System Pharmacy’s W. Arthur Purdum Award for influential leadership. She received the American Pharmacists Association Good Government Pharmacist of the Year and Daniel B. Smith awards and twice received the Phi Lambda Sigma National Leadership Award. Boyle has taught a course on effective leadership and advocacy for almost two decades and has mentored faculty at other schools to develop similar courses.

Wendy Camelo-Castillo, MD, MSc, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Camelo-Castillo trained as a physician at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, where she also obtained an MSc degree in physiology. Her PhD training in epidemiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill focused on pharmacoepidemiology, after which she joined the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy as a postdoctoral fellow in patient-centered outcomes and comparative effectiveness research. Her research focuses on improving methods to assess effectiveness of treatments in the context of multimorbidity, and the development and implementation of patient-centered methods to address health

disparities in minority communities. Her research integrates methods in pharmacoepidemiology and patient preferences to develop evidence for populations in whom best practices of care are limited, such as women, youth, and minority communities. Camelo-Castillo’s goal is to inform and improve clinical and policy decision-making by providing evidence of benefits or harm of interventions used in real-world settings in these populations. She brings an innovative approach into this work by integrating the patient perspective into pharmacoepidemiology and health services research.

Megan Ehret, PharmD, MS, BCPP Associate Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science Ehret completed her Bachelor of Science and PharmD degrees from the University of Toledo. She then completed a residency in psychiatric pharmacotherapy at the Louis Stokes Veterans Affairs Medical Center, after which she completed a fellowship in psychopharmacology and pharmacogenomics at Nova Southeastern University. After training, she joined the faculty at the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy and gained tenure during her time there. While at the University of Connecticut, Ehret served as vice chair of the Institutional Review Board, director of practices for the Center for Correctional Health Networks, and as a faculty member for Project ECHO: Buprenorphine. Ehret also received a master’s in clinical and translational research from the University of Connecticut Health Center and is a board-certified psychiatric pharmacist. Most recently, Ehret has practiced at Fort Belvoir Community Hospital as its behavioral health clinical pharmacy specialist. She has experience in treating the spectrum of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Additionally, she is president of the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists and serves as senior editor for its Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy Review Course. Her research interests include precision medicine, including utilization of guideline-based treatment and pharmacogenomics, utilization of long-acting injectables, psychotropic medication adherence, and the role of the psychiatric pharmacist on the treatment team.

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Stormi Gale, PharmD, BCPS Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science Gale obtained her Doctor of Pharmacy from Wingate University in North Carolina. She completed a pharmacy practice residency at Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center in Charlotte, N.C., and a cardiology specialty residency at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. She is a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist and serves as a cardiology pharmacy specialist on the advanced heart failure service at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Gale’s practice and research interests include management of advanced heart failure, cardiovascular risk reduction, and interprofessional education. She is a member of the School of Pharmacy’s Applied Therapeutics, Research, and Instruction at the University of Maryland (ATRIUM) collaborative, which focuses on the advancement of care provided to patients with cardiovascular disease.

Lisa Jones, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Jones received a Bachelor of Science in chemistry from Syracuse University and a PhD in chemistry from Georgia State University. She did her postdoctoral training in the Department of Microbiology at the University of Alabama-Birmingham and then moved to a second postdoctoral position in the Department of Chemistry at Washington University in St. Louis. Jones’ research program focuses on the development of novel protein footprinting methods coupled with mass spectrometry to study protein structure. She is especially interested in using these methods to study protein structure directly in cells and in an animal model for human disease to provide a detailed view of protein interactions in their native biological environment. Jones is a member of several organizations including the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS), the American Chemical Society, and the Biophysical Society. In addition, she is the treasurer for the Biophysical Society Molecular Biophysics subgroup and is a member of the ASMS Diversity Committee. She is currently serving as a member of the Editorial


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Advisory Board for the Journal of Proteome Research. Jones was the recipient of the International Association for Protein Structure Analysis and Proteomics 2017 Distinguished Young Investigator Award and is co-director of the Meyerhoff Graduate Program.

Marc Taraban, PhD, MS Research Assistant Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Taraban received a master’s in science in physical chemistry from Novosibirsk State University and a PhD in chemical physics from the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Chemical Kinetics & Combustion. His pioneering research in the Laboratory of Magnetic Phenomena used methods of chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization to observe organometallic intermediate species and magnetic field effects on enzymatic reactions for the first time. As a visiting assistant professor at the University of Utah, Taraban continued his research on mechanisms of enzymatic processes using spin chemistry techniques and expanded his focus to structural determination of biomacromolecules and polymers using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). At the University of Maryland, College Park, he created new force-sensitive nano-networks from soft and wet viscoelastic materials assembled from peptides and other biopolymers to construct injectable and biodegradable mechanosensors and drug release matrices to aid the repair and rehabilitation of damaged musculoskeletal tissues. His current research investigates the water relaxation rate as a probe for noninvasive characterization of biopharmaceuticals. More generally, Taraban is interested in applications of modern biophysical and structural biology methods (e.g., dynamic light scattering, microflow imaging, SAXS and small-angle neutron scattering) to study the structural characteristics and conformational dynamics in biopolymers, molecular assemblies, and dendrimers. He holds an issued patent for noninvasive analytical technologies.


Erin VanMeter, PharmD, BCACP Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science VanMeter received her Doctor of Pharmacy from the Shenandoah University Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy. She completed a postgraduate year one pharmacy practice residency at the Martinsburg (W.Va.) Veterans Affairs Hospital and a PGY2 ambulatory care residency at the Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center. After completion of her residency, VanMeter took a position with the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, where she worked in an anticoagulation clinic and implemented clinical ambulatory care pharmacy services in a physician-owned primary care group. She joined the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy in October 2017. VanMeter practices as an ambulatory care clinical pharmacy specialist at multiple Johns Hopkins community physician sites in the greater Washington region and the Interprofessoinal Care Transitions Clinic at the University of Maryland Prince George’s Hospital Center. Her research interests include clinical outcomes in chronic disease management, practicebased research, patient counseling and education, vulnerable populations, and interprofessional education.

Ester Villalonga-Olives, PhD, MsC, BsC Assistant Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Villalonga-Olives is a social epidemiologist who holds a PhD in biomedicine. She completed BsC and MsC degrees in sociology and health at the University of Barcelona and received a PhD with international doctor distinction from Universitat Pompeu Fabra. During her PhD studies, she received an award from the Spanish Society of Epidemiology to study at the European Epidemiology Program in Florence, Italy, and performed on-site public health interventions serving non-governmental organizations in India and Cuba. Villalonga-Olives has been a research scientist in the Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology at the University Medical Center of the Georg-August-University of Gottingen in Germany. She served as a teaching and research fellow at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, where she is a visiting scientist, and has been a guest lecturer at

Yale School of Public Health. She is the past president of European Young Epidemiologists (2010-2014), a previous European delegate of the Early Career Epidemiologists worldwide group, and a member of the International Epidemiology Association board. Villalonga-Olives’ research interests are related to the study of the social determinants of health, with an emphasis on social capital and health inequalities and a focus on the design of health interventions. She is a psychometrician and works with patient reported outcomes — especially health-related quality of life. Her work is centered on the investigation of the relationship between social capital and health-related quality of life with a focus on underserved and vulnerable populations such as immigrants and children. The techniques that she has used include mixed methods, structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, and Rasch analysis. In 2008 and 2013, she received an Award of Excellence from the International Society for Quality of Life Research in recognition of superior achievements for her work related to health-related quality of life. In 2016, she received an Award of Excellence for the best methodological paper published in Gac Sanit for her work related to the measurement of social capital. In 2018, she was nominated as outstanding reviewer for the journal Health & Place and served as an academic guest editor for Plos One.

Wenbo Yu, PhD Research Assistant Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Yu received a PhD in physics from the National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale (Hefei) in China. He then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, where he later joined the department as a research assistant professor. Yu has more than 15 years experience in the field of computational chemistry. His research focuses on the development and application of computational methods to study protein-protein and protein-small molecule complex systems, their conformational changes, interaction profiles, and thermodynamic properties. Yu collaborates with experimentalists on the study of new therapeutic targets, improving drug performances and exploring structural level behaviors of drugs and macromolecules using computer-aided drug design approaches. He has joint appointments as a fellow at the Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research and as a member of the Center of Biomolecular Therapeutics at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

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July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017





Assistant Professor

Secondment Agreement

BMJ Publishing Group Limited, Inc. $90,000

Susan dosReis Professor

Methods for Prioritizing Surrogate Desired Health Outcomes for Patients

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute


Susan dosReis Professor

Psychotropic Monitoring in Maryland State Foster Care

Maryland Department of Human Services


Priyanka Gaitonde Graduate Student

Adherence and Persistence to Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs and its Effect on Health Care Cost Among Older Medicare Beneficiaries with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America


Anna Hung Graduate Student

Budget Impact of Antidiabetic Formulary Changes

Agency for Healthcare Research $59,386 and Quality

Tabassum Majid Postdoctoral Fellow

PATIENTS: PATient-centered Involvement Agency for Healthcare Research $7,675 in Evaluating effectiveNess of TreatmentS and Quality

Kristin Maloney

PATIENTS: PATient-centered Involvement Agency for Healthcare Research in Evaluating effectiveNess of TreatmentS and Quality


Jacqueline Milani

Device Exposure Registry

Ocular Theraputix, Inc.


Jacqueline Milani Director Office of Prevention Database Management and Technical Analytic Support

Maryland Department of Health


C. Daniel Mullins Professor and Chair

Mapping and Resourcing Patient and Stakeholder Engagement Along 10-Step PCOR Continuum Framework

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute


C. Daniel Mullins Professor and Chair

PATIENTS: PATient-centered Involvement Agency for Healthcare Research $795,015 in Evaluating effectiveNess of TreatmentS and Quality

Peter Doshi



C. Daniel Mullins Professor and Chair Merck/UMB SOP HEOR Fellowship Merck & Co Inc. $105,618 C. Daniel Mullins Professor and Chair Integration of Cancer Health Activities University of Maryland, $301,127 into African-American Churches College Park C. Daniel Mullins Professor and Chair C. Daniel Mullins Professor and Chair 42

c a p su l e

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Scientific and Lay Training

Westat Inc.


Increasing Patient-Community Capacity to Engage on Quality of Health Care Research and Programs

National Health Council



C. Daniel Mullins Professor and Chair

Patient Reported Outcomes Performance Measurement

PatientsLikeMe Inc.


C. Daniel Mullins Professor and Chair C. Daniel Mullins Professor and Chair

Pragmatic Clinical Trials of Proton vs Photon Therapy for Patients with Breast and Lung Cancer

University of Pennsylvania


Co-Developing Sustainable Learning Health Care Communities Using CBPR

Merck & Co Inc.


Elisabeth Oehrlein Graduate Student Elisabeth Oehrlein Graduate Student Ebere Onukwugha Associate Professor

Gender Disparities in Atrial Fibrillation Treatment

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America


Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma SEER Medicare Proposal: Health Economics and Outcomes Research

Bayer Health Care Pharmaceuticals

Ebere Onukwugha Associate Professor

PATIENTS: PATient-centered Involvement in Evaluating effectiveNess of TreatmentS

Agency for Healthcare Research $101,078 and Quality

Ebere Onukwugha Associate Professor

Clinical and Economic Burden of Illness and Natural History Study in the U.S. Medicare Parkinson's Disease Population

Pfizer Inc.


Eleanor Perfetto

Collaborative Research Project

OptumLabs Inc.


Eleanor Perfetto Professor Paul Sacco

Atrial Fibrillation Risk-Stratification Tools: Improving Patient Centeredness and Precision

Pfizer Inc.


PATIENTS: PATient-centered Involvement in Evaluating effectiveNess of TreatmentS

Agency for Healthcare Research $4,242 and Quality

Fadia Shaya Professor

Evaluation and Technical Assistance Services for the Maryland Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Prevention Program

Maryland Department of Health


Fadia Shaya Professor

Strategic Prevention Framework — Partnerships for Success Continuation

Maryland Department of Health


Fadia Shaya Professor

Evaluation and Technical Assistance Services for the Maryland Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Prevention Program FY17

Maryland Department of Health



PATIENTS: PATient-centered Involvement Agency for Healthcare Research $7,675 in Evaluating effectiveNess of TreatmentS and Quality $150,393

wint e r 2 0 1 9



Linda Simoni-Wastila Parke-Davis Chair of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy

Novartis HEOR Fellowship

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.


Linda Simoni-Wastila

Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

Maryland Department of Health


Parke-Davis Chair of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy

Linda Simoni-Wastila Parke-Davis Chair Statewide Epidemiological Outcomes Maryland Department of Health of Geriatric Workgroup Pharmacotherapy Julia Slejko Assistant Professor SEER-Medicare Study of Health Takeda Global Research & Outcomes and Economics: Development Center Multiple Myeloma


Bruce Stuart Professor Emeritus NACDS-MTM and Medication Adherence National Association of Chain Drug Stores


Sarah Tom Assistant Professor

Early Life Environment and Late Life Dementia Risk

National Institute on Aging


Ester Villalonga-Olives Assistant Professor

PATIENTS: PATient-centered Involvement in Evaluating effectiveNess of TreatmentS

Agency for Healthcare Research $15,120 and Quality

PHSR Total








Bruce Anderson Professor State Children's Health Insurance Information

Maryland Department of Health


Bruce Anderson Professor

Poison Center Support and Enhancement

Health Resources and Services Administration


Bruce Anderson

Combe After Hours Support

Combe Inc.


Bruce Anderson Professor Bruce Anderson Professor

Denver Health and Hospital Authority (Radars)

Denver Health and Hospital Authority


Denver Health and Hospital Authority DHHA 2017 WO #31, 32, 33 (031148D)

Denver Health and Hospital Authority


Nicole Brandt Professor

MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital Service Agreement

Good Samaritan Hospital



c a p su l e



Nicole Brandt Professor

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Catherine Cooke Research Associate Part D Enhanced Medication Therapy Professor Management Technical Implementation Support

IMPAQ International, LLC


Catherine Cooke

Research Associate Professor

Fill Status Notification to Improve Hypertension Management

Maryland Department of Health


Catherine Cooke

Research Associate Professor

PATIENTS: PATient-centered Involvement in Evaluating effectiveNess of TreatmentS

Agency for Healthcare Research $7,675 and Quality

Bethany DiPaula Professor

FY17 Springfield Hospital Center - Pharmacy Services

Maryland Department of Health

Natalie Eddington Professor and Dean

Memorandum of Understanding - Prince George's Hospital Center and University of Maryland, Baltimore

Dimensions Health Prince George's $458,622 Hospital Center

Agnes Ann Feemster Assistant Professor

Memorandum of Understanding - Johns Hopkins Hospital Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Pharmacy and UMB School of Pharmacy


Joga Gobburu Professor

Development of Quantitative Translational Johnson & Johnson Medicine Decision Kit for RA Disease


Joga Gobburu Professor

Long-Term Modeling and Simulation Support for Wockhardt Projects

Wockhardt Ltd.


Joga Gobburu

DMPA Modeling and Simulation Project

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Joga Gobburu Professor

Population Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic, Dose-Toxicity Modeling and Simulation for Narrow Therapeutic Index (NTI) Drugs

Food & Drug Administration

$ 201,705

Joga Gobburu Professor

Pharmacometric Modeling and Simulation for a Generic Drug Substitutability Evaluation and Post-Marketing Risk Assessment

Food & Drug Administration


Joga Gobburu


Exposure-Efficacy Analysis and Report

Indivior Inc.


Joga Gobburu


Task Order 9

Wockhardt Ltd.


Joga Gobburu


Task Order 8

Wockhardt Ltd.


Projecting Buprenorphine Drug-Drug Interaction Potential

Braeburn Pharmaceuticals



Joga Gobburu Professor

Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program


wint e r 2 0 1 9



Jeffrey Gonzales Associate Professor

Vancomycin Pharmacokinetics/ Pharmacodynamics in Obese Patients with Sepsis

American College of Clinical Pharmacy


Mathangi Gopalakrishnan

Research Assistant Professor

DRL-Celecoxib - Initial Pediatric Study Plan

Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd


Emily Heil Assistant Professor

Cost-Effectiveness of Penicillin Testing Services

ALK Inc.


Lauren Hynicka

Associate Professor

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Review Program Maryland Department of Health


Vijay Ivaturi

Research Assistant Professor

Pharmacometric Support for a Neuro- Oncology Drug Development Program

Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc.


A Comparison of Buprenorphine Vs. Morphine in the Treatment of the Neonatal Ab

Thomas Jefferson University


Vijay Ivaturi Research Assistant Professor Cherokee Layson-Wolf

Associate Professor Sharpsburg Pharmacy Services and Associate Dean

Sharpsburg Pharmacy


Cherokee Layson-Wolf

Associate Professor Whitesell Pharmacy Services and Associate Dean

Whitesell Pharmacy


Raymond Love Professor

Potomac Center - Secure Evaluation and Therapeutic Treatment

Maryland Department of Health


Raymond Love Professor

Eastern Shore Hospital Center - Improving Pharmacy Services

Maryland Department of Health


Raymond Love Professor

MHA - Centralized Administration of Pharmacy Services

Maryland Department of Health


Raymond Love Professor

Spring Grove Hospital Center - Improving Pharmacy Services

Maryland Department of Health


Raymond Love Professor

Clifton T. Perkins Hospital Center - Improving Pharmacy Services

Maryland Department of Health


Raymond Love Professor Antipsychotic Prescription Review Program

Maryland Department of Health


Raymond Love Professor

Peer to Peer Review for Mental Health Drug Programs - Pediatrics

Maryland Department of Health


Raymond Love Professor

Thomas B. Finan Center - Improving Pharmacy Services

Maryland Department of Health



c a p su l e


Mary Lynn McPherson Professor

Union Memorial Hospital PGY2 Pain and Palliative Care Residency

Union Memorial Hospital


Jill Morgan

Professor and Chair

IPA Agreement

Veterans Affairs Headquarters


Jill Morgan

Professor and Chair

MedStar Georgetown University

MedStar Health Inc.


Charmaine Rochester Professor

Description of SGLT-2 Inhibitor Monitoring, Adverse Event Rates, and Gaps in Care in Patients with Diabetes Treated at an Endocrine Clinic Alone or Co-Managed with a Family Medicine Clinic

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists


Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner

Professor and Associate Dean

Physician Dispensing in Maryland: An Educational Series

MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society

$ 5,000

Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner

Professor and Associate Dean

Clinical Pharmacy Services

Maryland Department of Health


Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner

Professor and Associate Dean

Joint Clinical and Educational Collaboration

UM Quality Care Network, LLC


Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner

Professor and FY17 Clinical Pharmacy Services Associate Dean

University of Maryland Baltimore $66,981 Washington Medical Center

Leah Sera

Assistant Professor

MedStar Health Inc.

MedStar Montgomery Medical Center


James Trovato Associate Professor FY17 Clinical Pharmacy Services

University of Maryland Baltimore $84,465 Washington Medical Center

Mona Tsoukleris Associate Professor School Epinephrine Administration: Electronic Database Development Consultation

Maryland Department of Health


Kathryn Walker Associate Professor

Maryland Department of Health


Total PPS


Controlled Dangerous Substance Emergency Preparedness Plan


Andrew Coop




Professor and Associate Dean

Preclinical Identification of Better Antimuscarinic Antidepressants

University of Michigan

Brandon Drennen Graduate Student



Towards a New Therapeutic Modality American Foundation for for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s: Pharmaceutical Education Interception of Transient Helical States of beta-Amyloid with Small-Molecule Proteo


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Brandon Drennen Graduate Student Dual Inhibition of the Oncoproteins Mcl-1 and Bcl-2 by Rationally Designed Polypharmacology Steven Fletcher Associate Professor Preclinical and Clinical Imaging and Treatment of Multiple Myeloma with cMyc-Max Nanoparticles

American Chemical Society


Washington University


Brandy Garzel Graduate Student

Role of BSEP in Drug-Induced Cholestatic Liver Toxicity

National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases


David Goodlett Professor

Protection Against Gram-Negative Sepsis Conferred by Lipid A-Based Structural Variants

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


David Goodlett Professor

Functional Characterization of the Bax-Interacting Factor-1 Interactome in Neurons

University of Washington


William Hedrich Graduate Student The Role of the Constitutive Androstane PhRMA Foundation Receptor in the Treatment of Hematologic Malignancies


Stephen Hoag Professor

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Stephen Hoag Professor Patient Acceptance of Drugs

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Education


Stephen Hoag Professor Effect of pH of Smokeless Tobacco Products on the Pharmacokinetics of Nicotine in Current Users Stephen Hoag Professor Excipient Risk Assessment Database

Battelle Memorial Institute


National Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Education


Stephen Hoag Professor

Development and Optimization of a Dissolving Film for Allergen Specific Immunotherapy in Children

Effect of Excipient Variability on the National Institute of $99,999 Critical Quality Attributes and Clinical Pharmaceutical Technology Performance of Opioid Drugs Based on and Education Polyethylene Oxide Matrix Tablets

Stephen Hoag Professor Professional Service for Manufacturing an in vitro Component of an Assessment of a Proposed in vitro Bioequivalence Approach for Evaluating Generic and New Animal Formulations


c a p su l e

Food & Drug Administration



Jing Huang Postdoctoral Fellow

Development and Testing of Novel Empirical Force Field for Molecular Dynamics Simulations that Includes Multipoles and Polarizability

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute


Lisa Jones Assistant Professor

Mechanism of Transcription Regulation by the Mediator

Indiana University


Lisa Jones Assistant Professor

CAREER: Development of an In Cell Footprinting Method for the Analysis of Protein Structure

National Science Foundation


Maureen Kane Associate Professor

Molecular Determinants of Retinoid Metabolism in Embryonic Tissues

University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc.


Maureen Kane Associate Professor

Effects of Perinatal Hypoxia-Ischemia on the Developing Cerebellum With and Without Prior Inflammation

National Institute of Child Health $97,636 and Human Development

Maureen Kane Associate Professor

Effects of Perinatal Hypoxia-Ischemia on the Developing Cerebellum with and Without Prior Inflammation

National Institute of Child Health $33,321 and Human Development

Maryanna Lanning Graduate Student

Towards Targeted Antineoplastics: The Disruption of Aberrant Protein- Protein Interactions with Synthetic Alpha-Helix Mimetics

American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education

Alexander MacKerell Jr. Grollman-Glick Professor

Carbohydrate Force Fields for Structure, National Institute of General Dynamics, and Molecular Recognition Medical Sciences


Alexander MacKerell Jr. Alexander MacKerell Jr.

Grollman-Glick Professor

Design and Synthesis of Inhibitors of the BTB Domain of BCL6

Joan & Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University


Grollman-Glick Professor

LRRK2 Dimerization and Therapeutic Evaluation

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Alexander MacKerell Jr. Alexander MacKerell Jr.

Grollman-Glick Professor

Pre-Computed Free Energy Maps for Rapid Structure-Based Ligand Design

SilcsBio LLC


Grollman-Glick Professor

Program for Therapeutic Targeting of Transcriptional Repression

Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation


Sarah Michel Professor

Evaluation of Iron Species in Healthy Subjects Treated with Generic and Reference Sodium Ferric Gluconate

Food & Drug Administration


Amanda Oglesby- Associate Professor Sherrouse

Role of PrrF and PrrH Regulation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pathogenesis

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases



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James Polli Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair

University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI)

University of Maryland, College Park


James Polli Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair

University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI)

University of Maryland, College Park


James Polli Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair

University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI)

University of Maryland, College Park


Paul Shapiro Professor and Chair

Evaluation of Novel Substrate Specific Inhibitors of ERK1/2 in the Treatment of Asthma

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


Jana Shen Associate Professor Jana Shen Associate Professor

Thin Film Biofabrication for Integrated Bio-Electronics

University of Maryland, College Park


Molecular Mechanisms of Secondary Active Transporters

Arizona State University


Jana Shen Associate Professor

Molecular Mechanisms of Secondary Active Transporters

Arizona State University


Yan Shu Associate Professor

Xenobiotic Transporter Regulation and IRIP Function

National Institute of General Medical Sciences


Audra Stinchcomb Professor Bioequivalence of Topical Drug Products: In vitro - In vivo Correlations

Food & Drug Administration


Audra Stinchcomb Professor

Heat Effect on Generic Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems

Food & Drug Administration


Peter Swaan

Professor and Associate Dean

Structural Biology of the Apical Bile Acid Transporter

National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases


Peter Swaan

Professor and Associate Dean

Altered Hepatic Disposition of Anionic Drugs-Mechanisms

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Hongbing Wang Professor HepaChipTM Liver-on-a-Chip for Drug Hepatotoxicity

Maryland Industrial Partnerships $99,998

Angela Wilks Isaac E. Emerson Heme Utilization and Homeostasis in Professor Pseudomonas aeruginosa Patrick Wintrode Associate Professor Mechanisms of Glycosaminoglycan- Catalyzed Protease Inactivation by Serpins

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


Vanderbilt University Medical Center



c a p su l e


Fengtian Xue Associate Professor

American Association for Cancer Research


Bruce Yu Professor Using NMR to Characterize Protein Formulations

MedImmune Inc.


Total PSC


BCL6 BTB Domain Inhibitors for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research (PHSR)


Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science (PPS)


Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PSC)


Grand Total


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July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017

Loyal donors provide the foundation for the School of Pharmacy’s success. Thank you to everyone — our alumni, faculty, staff, and friends — who has invested in the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. LEGACY COUNCIL The Legacy Council of the University of Maryland acknowledges those who have made generous contributions to the School of Pharmacy through their estate plans. Anyone who has made such a gift is eligible for membership in the Legacy Council. To qualify, simply provide the School of Pharmacy’s Office of Development and Alumni Affairs with documentation of the gift or a copy of the relevant document in which the School is named as a beneficiary ( For additional information about membership in the Legacy Council and estate planning, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at 410-706-5893 or email Members of the Legacy Council are: John H. Balch, BSP ’68 Roslyn F. Balch Thomas S. Brenner, BSP ’72 Barry M. Bress, BSP ’79 Theresa A. Bress Gary G. Buterbaugh, PhD Phyllis Brill Wingrat, BSP ’50= Billie Chappelear Harold E. Chappelear, DSc ’98 Gerald I. Cohen, BSP ’58=

Irwin R. Cohen= Kristine W. Ellinger, BSP ’77= Estate of Evelyn Grollman Glick Nancy Rose Harmon= Ilene Harris, BSP ’81, PharmD ’83 Gwynne L. Horwits Leonard Horwits, BSP ’60 George H. Huber, BSP ’61 Sophia Kallelis= Theodore S. Kallelis, PhD ’57=

Dolores H. Kinnard William J. Kinnard Jr., PhD Bernhard Lamy Gregory J. Lukaszczyk, BSP ’84 Estate of Bertha J. Manchey Estate of Helen Mendelsohn David G. Miller, BSP ’85 Joseph H. Morton, BSP ’60= Paul A. Pumpian, BSP ’50= Michael B. Rodell, BSP ’58

Chris A. Rodowskas, PhG ‘29= Estate of Lillian K. Slama Allen Spak, BSP ’63= James M. Trattner, PhD ’28= Clayton L. Warrington, BSP ’58 Elizabeth Warrington William J. Zimmerman, BSP ’70 = Signifies Deceased

DAVID STEWART ASSOCIATES In the mid-1980s, several dedicated alumni and friends established a premier giving society, the David Stewart Associates (DSA), to fund Schoolwide initiatives that would propel the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy nationally as a leader in pharmacy education. This leadership giving society honors David Stewart, America’s first professor of pharmacy and a founder of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, who symbolized a passion for excellence and commitment to pharmacy education. The founding members of the DSA are: Elwin Alpern, BSP ’51=

Mayer Handelman, BSP ’54

Martin B. Mintz, PD, BSP ’65

Arthur N. Riley, BSP ’70, MS ’72

Leon R. Catlett, BSP ’65

William M. Heller, MS ’51,

Benjamin S. Mulitz

Gerald M. Rosen

Melvin S. Cohen=

PhD ’55, DSC ’87

Elizabeth Newcomb, BSP ’68

David M. Russo, BSP ’79

James P. Cragg Jr., BSP ’43=

H. Elinor Hens=

John R. Newcomb Jr., BSP ’67

Ralph A. Small Jr., BSP ’74

Leonard J. DeMino=

Leon Jablon=

Anthony G. Padussis, BSP ’44=

Arnold Smolen

Donald O. Fedder, BSP ’50=

William J. Kinnard Jr.

David Pearlman, BSP ’52

Bernard A. Weisman, BSP ’70=

Michaeline R. Fedder

Dorothy Levi, BSP ’70

William L. Pearlman, BSP ’48=

Kenneth P. Whittemore Jr.,

Robert Foer, BSP ’51=

Mark A. Levi, PD, BSP ’70

Thomas S. Petr, BSP ’74

BSP ’76

Henry J. Glaser Jr.=

Samuel Lichter, BSP ’60

Stephen J. Provenza, PhG ’29=

Leonard Winkleman

Evelyn Grollman Glick=

Nicholas C. Lykos, BSP ’52=

Lawrence R. Rachuba=

= Signifies Deceased

This core group of philanthropists has inspired other donors to follow their lead. Today DSA membership has grown to create a solid base of private support for the School’s efforts to advance pharmaceutical education, practice, and science. To join this prestigious group of alumni and friends, or for more information on giving to the School, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at 410-706-5893 or email


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HONOR ROLL OF DONORS The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy appreciates the financial support of the following individuals and organizations during the period July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017. GIVING BY INDIVIDUALS

Harold Chappelear, LLD (Hon) ’98

Julia F. Slejko

Christian Lee, PharmD ’13

Andrew Coop~

Larry E. Small, MS ’76, PhD ’80

Lisa M. Matson, BSP ’88*

David Stewart Associates

William J. Cooper*

Julie C. Song, PharmD ’03

Thomas E. Menighan

Over $500,000

Suzanne J. Caplan, BSP ’65

JoAnn M. Spearmon, PharmD ’97*

Karen H. Nishi, BSP ’80

Rebecca T. Gyi-Hovis

Yale H. Caplan, BSP ’63, PhD ’68

Nina H. Spiller, PharmD ’88*

Jason M. Noel~

Susan C. dosReis, PhD ’99

Edward A. Taylor, PharmD ’06~

Glenda S. Owens, BSP ’76

$250,000 to $349,000

J. Philip Fink, BSP ’79*

Rodney H. Taylor, PharmD ’97*

Myrna Petersen

Jill R. Molofsky, BSP ’81*

Mark G. Fletcher, PhD ’83

Jackie Tran, PharmD ’13

Gaytrice K. Rucker, BSP ’83

Julian M. Friedman, BSP ’56*

Satish C. Valluri, PhD ’09

Howard Schiff, BSP ’56

$25,000 to $99,999

Mary Therese Gyi, BSP ’83,

Angelo C. Voxakis, BSP ’71~

Lisa A. Shipley, PhD ’86

Gary G. Buterbaugh

George C. Voxakis, BSP ’58,

Frances Spaven, PhD ’86~

Ellen H. Yankellow, BSP ’73,

Ilene Harris, BSP ’81, PharmD ’83

Kerry Spaven~

Robert Henderson, BSP ’63

Clayton L. Warrington, BSP ’58*

Craig K. Svensson, PharmD ’81~

PharmD ’96*

PharmD ’06

PharmD ’96~

Brian M. Hose, PharmD ’06~

Elizabeth Warrington*

Angela Wilks

$10,000 - $24,999

Maureen Kane

Gerolyn Ann Whittemore

Loreen A. Wutoh, BSP ’86~

Beverly L. Crovo~

Calvin H. Knowlton, PhD ’93

Kenneth P. Whittemore Jr.,

Richard L. Wynn, BSP ’64,

Thomas L. Crovo~

Raymond C. Love, PharmD ‘77~

Ira L. Fedder, PharmD ’79~

Michael Luzuriaga, BSP ’70*

Alice A. Williams, PharmD ’12

Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner,

Daniel Z. Mansour, PharmD ’06~

Carol Ann Williams~

Apothecary Club

Gina Patrice McKnight-Smith,

Thomas G. Williams Jr.,

$250 - $499

Sherry N. Berlin, BSP ’74*

PharmD ’83

James P. Tristani, BSP ’73~

PharmD ’97

BSP ’76

PharmD ’06~

Colleen J. Metge, PhD ’96

PhD ’70~

Charles R. Bonapace,

$5,000 - $9,999

Jim McPherson

Dean’s Club

Jogarao Gobburu

Mary Lynn McPherson,

$500 - $999

Capt. James L. Bresette,

Hannah Jones

Thomas S. Brenner, BSP ’72*

David H. Jones, BSP ’70~

David W. Miller, PhD ’93

Michelle M. Ceng, PharmD ’98

Barbara S. Chong, PharmD ’97

Thomas S. Petr, BSP ’74

Judith Mintz*

Rebecca Ceraul~

Pamela M. Crowe

John F. Van Wie, BSP ’84

Martin B. Mintz, BSP ’65*

Youjin Chang, PharmD ’13

Terry L. Davis, BSP ’83,

Wayne D. Van Wie, BSP ’88

Jill A. Morgan~

David D. Christ, BSP ’79

PharmD ’86~

PharmD ’97~ PharmD ’97*

PharmD ’98*

C. Daniel Mullins~

David P. Cline, PhD ’03

Colleen Day~

$1,000 - $4,999

Eberechukwu Onukwugha

Nicholas Cornias, BSP ’92*

Omolola O. Elliott, BSP ’92

Alfred Abramson, BSP ’56*

Ahmed A. Othman, PhD ’07

Mary David

William T. Foley Jr., BSP ’58~

Jeannette Abramson

Robin L. Paluskievicz,

Mary Eckert DeLuca, BSP ’79

Harold L. Frank

Stephen J. Allen, MS ’78

Natalie D. Eddington, PhD ’89~

Herbert Gendason, BSP ’71~

Wendy Allen

Joseline A. Pena-Melnyk

Matthew L. Fedowitz, PharmD ’01

Steven P. George, BSP ’82~

Barbara Alving

Andrew V. Phan, PharmD ’13

Deborah D. Harris

Victoria G. Hale, PhD ’83

Carl Alving

Casey Phan

Alice H. Hill, PharmD ’93*

Jeffery J. Harnsberger, BSP ’92

Andrew Bartilucci, PhD ’53~

Keith S. Pozanek, BSP ’86~

Walter J. Hryszko, BSP ’74*

Lauren Hynicka

Kenneth Boyden

Bruce D. Roffe, BSP ’78

Helen Hsiao, PharmD ’06~

Yelee Y. Kim, PharmD ’01

Cynthia J. Boyle, PharmD ’96~

Jane M. Shaab

Lionel H. Jacobs, BSP ’68

Keith Konajeski

Barry M. Bress, BSP ’79*

Marilyn Shangraw*

Karen M. Kabat, MS ’83~

Richard F. Korecky, PharmD ’15

Philip D. Chaikin, BSP ’72,

Paul Shapiro

Sachin J. Kamal-Bahl, PhD ’03

Suneel Kudaravalli, PharmD ’00

PharmD ’77

Jeffrey B. Sherr, BSP ’78~

Wendy Klein-Schwartz,

Jonathan N. Latham,

Lisa Calvert Chalk

Joanne H. Sherr, BSP ’78~

Joanne Ruyu Chang, PhD ’95

Gisele M. Sidbury, PharmD ’97

Stephen C. Kloch, BSP ’80~

* Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years ~ Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years

PharmD ’98~

PharmD ’77~

+ Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member = Signifies Deceased

PharmD ’98*

Lisa Lebovitz wint e r 2 0 1 9



Lisa C. LeGette, BSP ’92~

Franklin W. Blatt, BSP ’77,

Kelly Epplen

Lawrence J. Kotey, PharmD ’03~

Zhili Li, PhD ’02

Susan M. Evans, BSP ’91~

Edmond J, Kucharski, BSP ’84

Frederick J. Mack, BSP ’79*

Ruth S. Blatt, BSP ’79

Daniel A. Farney, PharmD ’01

Kathrin C. Kucharski, PharmD ’87

Ashlee Mattingly

Thomas V. Bolling, BSP ’69

Fran Favin-Weiskopf,

Thomas P. LaMartina, BSP ’87*

Joey Mattingly

Renan A. Bonnel, PharmD ’83

Kaysha R. Lancaster, PharmD ’00

Steven J. Miller, MS ’87

Stephen P. Boykin, BSP ’73,

Steven Fletcher

Kirk K. Lancaster

Barbara B. Nussbaum, BSP ’89

Louis R. Flowers, MS ’05

Julia A. Lauless, BSP ’84

Dora M. Ober

Lynette R. Bradley-Baker,

Devon M. Flynn, PharmD ’05

Ronald E. Lay, BSP ’78*

Joseph D. Ober, PharmD ’85

Herbert Friedman, BSP ’50

Janet Y. Lee, PharmD ’13

Kristine Rapan Parbuoni,

Robert P. Brauner, BSP ’65

Denise Fu, PharmD ’10

Colleen C. Lehmann, BSP ’78

Elaine L. Brogan, BSP ’78~

Stephen J. Gandel, BSP ’62

Henry M. Levi, BSP ’63

Thomas J. Pfaff, BSP ’85*

Huong T. Bui Dang, BSP ’82

Florence F. K. Gee, BSP ’74~

Julie E. Limric, BSP ’69

James R. Ritchie, BSP ’63*

Pamela L. Burns-Muhler, BSP ’91

Timothy D. Gladwell, PharmD ’96

Ronald J. Logan, BSP ’75

Michael B. Rodell, BSP ’58*

Wendy Camelo-Castillo

Donald J. Glenn, BSP ’83~

Denise Lupo Lutz, BSP ’77

Suzanne K. Simala, BSP ’84*

Michelle L. Campbell, PhD ’14

Thomas E. Goelz, BSP ’70, MS ’74

Walter P. Mackay, BSP ’62*

Kara J. Sink, BSP ’92

Gary S. Carson, BSP ’80

Stuart T. Haines*

Daniel F. Mackley, BSP ’76

Thanh T. Tran, BSP ’90

Jason F. Chancey, PharmD ’00*

Lois T. Havranek, BSP ’60

Harry E. Macks, BSP ’59~

Robert Wixson

Jennie T. Chang, PharmD ’96

Diana P. Henzel, BSP ’93~

Jeanne Macks

Bay-Mao B. Wu, PharmD ’01~

Sujin Chang, PharmD ’00

Mary-Therese Hewins, BSP ’81,

Nirvana A. Maharaj, PharmD ’14

William Yeboah, PharmD ’00~

Juliana Lee Chau, BSP ’79

Lawrence L. Martin, BSP ’66

Kellie S. Chew, PharmD ’13

Stephen W. Hoag

Carolyn S. Mason, BSP ’84

Century Club

Randy S. Chiat, BSP ’90

Marta Hoffman, BSP ’60*

Edward T. McCagh Jr., BSP ’75~

$100 - $249

Hyun J. Cho, PharmD ’99

Kellie Hom

Kevin. F. McCarthy, BSP ’80

Isabel Almeida-Chiat, BSP ’90

Catherine L. Cioffi, PhD ’88

Gwynne L. Horwits

Phyllis G. Meise

Marsha E. Alvarez, BSP ’71,

Arnold E. Clayman, BSP ’73

Leonard Horwits, BSP ’60

Janet L. Mighty, BSP ’82

PharmD ’05

PharmD ’96*

PharmD ’00

MS ’76 BSP ’92, PhD ’99

PharmD ’88*

MS ’84

Wendy Cohan

Forest S. Howell, BSP ’87~

Yvonne K. Molotsi, PharmD ’02~

Bruce Anderson

Catherine E. Cooke

Gayle C. Howell, BSP ’91~

Maura P. Murphy, PhD ’99

Clarence L. Anstine, BSP ’58

Reba D. Cornman

Ibrahim T. Ibrahim, PharmD ’12

John D. Ness, PharmD ’93

Larry L. Augsburger, BSP ’62,

James M. Crable, BSP ’82

Violet E. Igwacho, PharmD ’16

Sarah K. Nguyen, PharmD ’03

David A. Custer, BSP ’73

Raman M. Iyer, PhD ’94

Thu-Trang T. Nguyen,

Raymond Bahr, BSP ’57

MS ’65, PhD ’67

Jeremy Doggett

Jinani C. Jayasekera-Devadoss,

Dov E. Banks~

Hedy J. Cylus Gleiman, BSP ’73~

Sai C. Nimmagadda, PharmD ’12

Freddy E. Banks, BSP ’92

Brett L. Dabruzzo, PharmD ’97

Cindy Q. Jiang, BSP ’90

Pallavi Nithyanandan, PhD ’05

Marshal Banks~

Loc K. Dang, BSP ’82

Hao Jiang

Cynthia O. Owusu-Boaitey,

Rochelle Banks~

Louis Diamond, BSP ’61, MS ’64,

Tali M. Johnson, PharmD ’02

Ingrid R. Baramki, MS ’63

Angel N. Jordan, PharmD ’06

Anna Palka, BSP ’92

Laurine A. Barrow-Wilson,

John P. Dolan, PharmD ’14

Vicki M. Joshua, BSP ’87

Sharon K. Park, PharmD ’04

PharmD ’04

Charles R. Downs, BSP ’73,

Aaron C. Kadish, BSP ’63*

Angela M. Parker, BSP ’95~

William H. Batt, BSP ’63~

PharmD ’99*

Angela M. Kaitis, PharmD ’06

Honesty M. Peltier, PharmD ’05

Michael R. Becker, BSP ’93

Dongyi Du, PhD ’09

Patrick Y. Kamara, PharmD ’98

Philip M. Perry, BSP ’74*

Robin L. Becker, BSP ’84

Ping Jin Du

Robert Karrs

Anthony J. Petralia Sr., BSP ’52*

Barbara B. Bedell, BSP ’82

Leroy K. Dunkley, PharmD ’01

Charise S. Kasser, BSP ’83~

Carolyn Petralia, PharmD ’03~

William P. Beierschmitt, PhD ’86

Michelle L. Eby, PharmD ’99~

Susan A. Katz, BSP ’88

Thomas Phan

Phyllis A. Bernard, BSP ’88*

Nancy A. Edgeworth,

Thomas H. Keller Jr., BSP ’63~

Bonnie L. Pitt, BSP ’74

Howard K. Besner, BSP ’78,

Lauretta A. Kerr, BSP ’86

Lisa N. Pitt, PharmD ’98

James D. Edwards, BSP ’57

Kathleen Klemm, PharmD ’08

Marvin S. Platt, BSP ’51*

Donald B. Elliott, BSP ’57~

Michael Kopcho, MS ’62

Judith A. Porter


BSP ’89

PhD ’67

PhD ’15

PharmD ’04

PharmD ’02~

c a p su l e

PharmD ’96

* Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years ~ Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years

+ Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member = Signifies Deceased


Sovitj Pou, PharmD ’96

Hongbing Wang

Melanie Byrd

Richard N. Fry, BSP ’76

Stanley A. Pyles, BSP ’90

Jia-Bei Wang, PhD ’92~

Anthony T. Cacek, MS ’14

Danielle G. Gallina, BSP ’93

Budne C. Reinke, BSP ’63

Yanhong Wang

Dianna L. Campbell, PharmD ’16

Frank R. Giannandrea, PharmD ’11

Lois A. Reynolds, PharmD ’01

Andrea B. Weiss, BSP ’89

Linhlan T. Cao, PharmD ’03

Marianne Gibson

Howard L. Robinson Jr.,

Fred M. Weiss, BSP ’70

Nicole Caprio, PharmD ’16

Yevgeniya Y. Giller

Monica L. White, PharmD ’95

Allison Perez Carrillo

Venetia Gluch

David M. Rombro, BSP ’54

Eric T. Wong, PharmD ’13

Dayna Peres Carrillo

Brian J. Goetz, PharmD ’94

Thomas H. Root, PharmD ’00

Steven Yang, PharmD ’99

Malissa Carroll

Mathangi Gopalakrishnan

Nicole Rumao, PharmD ’12

Cleveland K. Yee, BSP ’75

Matthew L. Casciano, PharmD ’08

Lee H. Gradman, BSP ’57

Joseph M. Ruppel, BSP ’75

Irvin Yospa, BSP ’61~

Marian L. Cascio, BSP ’77*

Martin D. Grebow, BSP ’60*

Lisa Coppolo Ruppel, PharmD ’90

Donald R. Young, BSP ’57*

George Y. Chang, BSP ’83

Gloria S. Grice, PharmD ’02

Soumi Saha, PharmD ’07

Roxanne W. Zaghab

Marvin J. Chertkoff, BSP ’51,

Greer Griffith

Brian L. Schumer, BSP ’81*

Lane P. Zangwill, BSP ’78*

Deborah F. Groleau

Jean O. Schwartz, BSP ’87

William V. Zappa, BSP ’74~

Jane Ching, PharmD ’16

George E. Groleau, BSP ’76~

Jerome Schwartz, BSP ’49*

Reid A. Zimmer, BSP ’63*

Lewis Clayton

Shauna D. Guest

Andrea Lynn Seitzman-Siegel,

Julie Magno Zito

Michael J. Cohen, BSP ’66*

Elaina P. Hackworth, PharmD ’01

Thomas Coke

Douglas B. Haggerty, BSP ’79

PharmD ’00

PharmD ’98

MS ’54

Daniel S. Shaner, BSP ’63

Contributions up to $99

Karen T. Collins, BSP ’70

Whitney N. Hanson, PharmD ’10

Allen Shaughnessy

Jennifer A. Abernathy, PharmD ’13

Harold L. Cooper, BSP ’58

Ann Harris

Christopher L. Shawyer, BSP ’76~

Janet M. Abramowitz, BSP ’81~

William C. Cooper, BSP ’84

Brittany M. Harris, PharmD ’15

Thomas S. Shelor, BSP ’74~

Lawrence M. Abrams, BSP ’55~

Dana S. Corn, BSP ’70

Alexa J. Havrilko, PharmD ’13

Mirko V. Sikirica, PharmD ’02

Dennis M. Ackerman, BSP ’70 ~

Erica Crannage

Geoffrey A. Heinzl, PhD ’16

Harriet Silverstein

Marie V. Adams

Christopher W. Cunningham,

Bernard P. Heyman, BSP ’57

Morton I. Silverstein, BSP ’54

Robert W. Adams, BSP ’68

Richard D. Hiller, BSP ’86

Linda Simoni-Wastila

Abimbola O. Adebowale, PhD ’99

Dot Jessen Cutcher

Renee M. Hilliard, PharmD ’01

John C. Smith, BSP ’76

Lawrence Aiken, BSP ’73

Malinda J. Darber, PharmD ’99

Paul Holly

Judith Wenzel Smith, BSP ’77

Patrice R. Akins, PharmD ’02

Deborah D. DiVecchio,

Ronald W. Huffman

Larry A. Snyder, BSP ’60*

William P. Albanese III, PharmD ’11

Sheila Hwe, PharmD ’15

Rona S. Snyder*

Arthur Allen, BSP ’88

Norman DuBois, BSP ’53*

Nigel Roger Isaacs, PharmD ’93

Carol M. Sobon, BSP ’78

Dawn E. Andanar, PharmD ’13

Erin S. Dudley, PharmD ’09

Aroonjit Jenkosol, PharmD ’07

Tye D. Souders, PharmD ’13

Tammy Artman

Noel E. Durm, BSP ’55

Julie S. Johnson, BSP ’94~

Molrat Sripinyo, BSP ’83~

Adenike I. Atanda, PharmD ’14

Kathleen E. Dury

Michael E. Jones, BSP ’72*

Michael J. Steinberg, PharmD ’00

Brittany R. Avaritt, PharmD ’14

Deborah J. Ehart, PharmD ’00

Teny Joseph

Alan R. Stoff, BSP ’70~

Hector T. Ayu, BSP ’93

Francis S. Eng, BSP ’74

Carl Kaiser, MS ’52, BSP ’53,

Jung L. Sung, PharmD ’00

Olujimi O. Babatunde, PharmD ’11

Janice L. Ereme, BSP ’81

Abigail M. Strawberry, BSP ’93

Caroline T. Bader, BSP ’81

Darci J. Eubank, PharmD ’13

Diane L. Kaufman

Wanida Surichamorn, PhD ’92

Katherine P. Benderev,

Opeoluwa I. Fagbemi, PharmD ’16

Dennis M. Killian, PharmD ’01

Marc Taraban

Anne Ferguson

Hana Kim, PharmD ’13

Donald W. Taylor, BSP ’69~

Thomas J. Biles, PharmD ’98

Jill R. Fetter, BSP ’93

Michelle Kim

Nancy L. Taylor, BSP ’62*

Barry L. Bloom, BSP ’66*

Robert D. Fetter

Una Kim, PharmD ’13

J. Bradley Thomas, BSP ’82

Stacy R. Boltz, PharmD ’04

Jerome L. Fine, PharmD ’96

Judith L. Kistler, MS ’59

Francis J. Tinney, PhD ’66*

Curtis A. Bowen, BSP ’56~

Lisa Finn

Selma M. Kitt

Stephen Tise

John E. Braaten, BSP ’79

Annmarie M. Franklin, BSP ’94

Stephen C. Klebrowski, BSP ’69

Charles H. Tregoe, BSP ’59*

Keith A. Brace, BSP ’84

Paul Freiman, BSP ’53

Linda C. Klein, BSP ’72

Mona L. Tsoukleris, PharmD ’87

Barbara L. Brannan, PharmD ’01

Phyllis Freiman

Nelson E. Kline, BSP ’92

Kimberly D. Wagner, PharmD ’98

Jason A. Bunting, PharmD ’05

Lisa Friedman

Emily L. Knapp, PharmD ’10

James B. Walter Jr., BSP ’51*

Erienne N. Burton, PharmD ’10

Stephanie C. Friedman, BSP ’80

Duncan Knox

* Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years ~ Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years

PharmD ’79

PhD ’08

PharmD ’05

+ Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member = Signifies Deceased

PhD ’55*

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Charles J. Kokoski, BSP ’51,

Barbrakaryne N. Nchinda Fobi,

Christie A. Staso, PharmD ’12

Johanna L.M. Stengel

MS ’53, PhD ’56*

PharmD ’15

Class of 1943

Michael J. Kolf, BSP ’78

Karen N. Nguyen, PharmD ’97

Todd H. Stephens, BSP ’93

Kyung M. Koo, PharmD ’15

Nam Nguyen

James P. Struntz Sr., BSP ’61

Albert W. Kossler, MS ’53*

Zachary Noel

Charles Summerlin

Treacy Krisztinicz, PharmD ’95

William C. Noonan, BSP ’83

Irving E. Swartz, BSP ’56

Freda L. Krosnick

Naitia M. Nwatu, PharmD ’15

Esmail Tabibi

Jay E. Krosnick, BSP ’85

Oluseyi W. Ogunyankin,

Liza N. Takiya, PharmD ’97

Christopher G. Kruft, BSP ’84

Xuan Tang Seepolmuang,

Vicky Kuo, PharmD ’15

Iguade G. Okojie, PharmD ’99

Jolanta W. Kwapisz, BSP ’79

Elizabeth Oldham

Elisabet K. Tassis, PharmD ’15

Olayinka Ladeji

Marlene I. Onyesoh, PharmD ’01

Charles D. Taylor Jr., BSP ’67,

James Laredo, BSP ’88

Darrell J. Orr, MS ’16

Ivy I. Laryea-Akogyeram, BSP ’93

Mary E. Ortiz, BSP ’87

Ronald C. Telak, BSP ’67

Cherokee L. Layson-Wolf,

Juan Parducci

Sheryl E. Thedford, PharmD ’11

Christina Pashialis

Milton F. Toelle, BSP ’55~

DeAnna D. Leikach, BSP ’92~

Megha G. Patel, PharmD ’09

Elliot S. Tokar, BSP ’60

Neil B. Leikach, BSP ’92~

Denise I. Penn, BSP ’92

Mary J. Tooey

Joseph H. Lerner, BSP ’60

Denise D. Petro-Ellis, PharmD ’00

Hamet M. Toure, PharmD ’03

Thomas M. Lesko, BSP ’82

Long Phan

Juliette C. Toure, PharmD ’03

Melvin Lessing, BSP ’66*

Annette Piotrowski, PharmD ’15

Deanna Tran, PharmD ’11

Bonnie X. Li-MacDonald,

Cristina V. Platon, BSP ’83~

Tina Thao Tran

Monica L. Pogue, PharmD ’00

Joella Trenchard

W. Irving Lottier Jr., BSP ’59

Elizabeth K. Proctor, BSP ’90

Lisa A. Vuolo

Mario V. Luong, PharmD ’11

Sangeeta V. Raje, PhD ’02~

Jessica T. Walker, PharmD ’06

Daniel C. Lyons, PharmD ’07

Luann Orehek Reno, BSP ’89

Jonathan M. Walton-Roberts,

Kristina R. Madula, PharmD ’12

Andrea L. Riggins, BSP ’90,

Rebecca Malson

James C. Wang, PharmD ’11

Monique M. Manning

Kathryn A. Robinson

Rebecca L. Ward, PharmD ’03

Jonathan May

Trudy Robinson

Albert H. Warfield, BSP ’60,

Madeline McCarren, PhD ’83

Leon Rosen, BSP ’62

Mark R. McDowell, BSP ’92

Robert F. Royce, BSP ’51~

Brenda K. Weller, BSP ’92

Matthew E. McGovern, BSP ’91

Noha N. Salama, PhD ’04

Joan P. Williams, BSP ’70

Alexandra L. McPherson,

Kristina San Juan

Michelle Winkler, BSP ’94

Orlin Ramos Sanchez

Henok T. Woldeab, PharmD ’12

Rachel L. Melnick, PharmD ’11

Craig F. Schaefer, PharmD ’97

Jack J. Yarmosky, BSP ’43

Erin Merino

Amanda Schartel

Elaine Yip, PharmD ’13

Stanley J. Merwitz, BSP ’54

Amy Berdann Schwartz

David M. Yoder, PharmD ’98

Robert J. Michocki, PharmD ’75

David J. Seff, BSP ’55~

YeSeul Yoo, PharmD ’16

Margaret Miklich

Leah Sera, PharmD ’10

Christian A. Zang~

Harris L. Miller, BSP ’65*

Lionel M. Shapiro, BSP ’52*

Gene G. Zepp, BSP ’48

Philip B. Miller, BSP ’71~

Paul Shapiro

David P. Zgarrick

Phillip Mooney

Meenu Sharma, PharmD ’04

Jun Zhang, PhD ’14

Thomas L. Morgan, BSP ’93

Morton I. Shear, BSP ’53

Xian Zhou

Jeffrey S. Mrowczynski,

Karen M. Sillers, BSP ’82

Xiao Zhu, PhD ’12

Harold B. Singer, BSP ’46


PharmD ’00~

PharmD ’14

PharmD ’15

PharmD ’13

c a p su l e

PharmD ’03

PharmD ’97

Jack J. Yarmosky, BSP Class of 1946 Harold B. Singer, BSP

PharmD ’10

PharmD ’00

Class of 1948 Gene G. Zepp, BSP Class of 1949 Jerome Schwartz, BSP Class of 1950 Herbert Friedman, BSP Class of 1951 Marvin J. Chertkoff, BSP David G. Danziger, BSP Charles J. Kokoski, BSP Marvin S. Platt, BSP Robert F. Royce, BSP James B. Walter Jr., BSP

PharmD ’04

Class of 1952 Carl Kaiser, MS Anthony J. Petralia Sr., BSP Lionel M. Shapiro, BSP Class of 1953

MS ’64, PhD ’65

* Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years ~ Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years


Andrew Bartilucci, PhD Norman DuBois, BSP Paul Freiman, BSP Carl Kaiser, BSP Charles J. Kokoski, MS Albert W. Kossler, MS Morton I. Shear, BSP Class of 1954 Marvin J. Chertkoff, MS Stanley J. Merwitz, BSP David M. Rombro, BSP Morton I. Silverstein, BSP

+ Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member = Signifies Deceased


Class of 1955

Class of 1961

Class of 1967

Hedy J. Cylus Gleiman, BSP

Lawrence M. Abrams, BSP

Louis Diamond, BSP

Larry L. Augsburger, PhD

James P. Tristani, BSP

Noel E. Durm, BSP

James P. Struntz Sr., BSP

Louis Diamond, PhD

Ellen H. Yankellow, BSP

Carl Kaiser, PhD

Irvin Yospa, BSP

Charles P. Taylor Jr., BSP

David J. Seff, BSP Milton F. Toelle, BSP

Ronald C. Telak, BSP Class of 1962

Class of 1974 Sherry N. Berlin, BSP

Larry L. Augsburger, BSP

Class of 1968

Francis S. Eng, BSP

Class of 1956

Stephen J. Gandel, BSP

Robert W. Adams, BSP

Florence F. K. Gee, BSP

Alfred Abramson, BSP

Michael J. Kopcho, MS

Yale H. Caplan, PhD

Thomas E. Goelz, MS

Curtis A. Bowen, BSP

Walter P. Mackay, BSP

Lionel H. Jacobs, BSP

Walter J. Hryszko, BSP

Julian M. Friedman, BSP

Leon Rosen, BSP

Charles J. Kokoski, PhD

Nancy L. Taylor, BSP

Philip M. Perry, BSP Class of 1969

Thomas S. Petr, BSP

Thomas V. Bolling, BSP

Bonnie L. Pitt, BSP

Class of 1963

Stephen C. Klebrowski, BSP

Thomas S. Shelor, BSP

Ingrid R. Baramki, MS

Julie E. Limric, BSP

William V. Zappa, BSP

Class of 1957

William H. Batt, BSP

Donald W. Taylor, BSP

Raymond Bahr, BSP

Yale H. Caplan, BSP

James D. Edwards, BSP

Robert Henderson, BSP

Class of 1970

Ronald J. Logan, BSP

Donald B. Elliott, BSP

Aaron C. Kadish, BSP

Dennis M. Ackerman, BSP

Edward T. McCagh Jr., BSP

Lee H. Gradman, BSP

Thomas H. Keller Jr., BSP

Karen T. Collins, BSP

Robert J. Michocki, PharmD

Bernard P. Heyman, BSP

Henry M. Levi, BSP

Dana S. Corn, BSP

Joseph M. Ruppel, BSP

Donald R. Young, BSP

Budne C. Reinke, BSP

Thomas E. Goelz, BSP

Cleveland K. Yee, BSP

James R. Ritchie, BSP

David H. Jones, BSP

Class of 1958

Daniel S. Shaner, BSP

Michael Luzuriaga, BSP

Class of 1976

Clarence L. Anstine, BSP

Reid A. Zimmer, BSP

Alan R. Stoff, BSP

Stephen P. Boykin, MS

Howard Schiff, BSP Irving E. Swartz, BSP

Harold L. Cooper, BSP

Class of 1975

Fred M. Weiss, BSP

Richard N. Fry, BSP

William T. Foley Jr., BSP

Class of 1964

Joan P. Williams, BSP

George E. Groleau, BSP

Michael B. Rodell, BSP

Louis Diamond, MS

Richard L. Wynn, PhD

Daniel F. Mackley, BSP

George C. Voxakis, BSP

Albert H. Warfield, MS

Clayton L. Warrington, BSP

Richard L. Wynn, BSP

Glenda S. Owens, BSP Class of 1971

Christopher L. Shawyer, BSP

Marsha E. Alvarez, BSP

Larry E. Small, MS

Class of 1959

Class of 1965

Herbert Gendason, BSP

John C. Smith, BSP

Judith L. Kistler, MS

Larry L. Augsburger, MS

Philip B. Miller, BSP

Kenneth P. Whittemore Jr., BSP

W. Irving Lottier Jr., BSP

Robert P. Brauner, BSP

Angelo C. Voxakis, BSP

Harry E. Macks, BSP

Suzanne J. Caplan, BSP

Charles H. Tregoe, BSP

Harris L. Miller, BSP

Class of 1972

Franklin W. Blatt, BSP

Martin B. Mintz, BSP

Thomas S. Brenner, BSP

Marian L. Cascio, BSP

Albert H. Warfield, PhD

Phiilip D. Chaikin, BSP

Philip D. Chaikin, PharmD

Michael E. Jones, BSP

Wendy Klein-Schwartz, PharmD

Linda C. Klein, BSP

Raymond C. Love, PharmD

Class of 1960 Martin D. Grebow, BSP

Class of 1977

Lois T. Havranek, BSP

Class of 1966

Marta Hoffman, BSP

Barry L. Bloom, BSP

Leonard Horwits, BSP

Michael J. Cohen, BSP

Class of 1973

Joseph H. Lerner, BSP

Melvin Lessing, BSP

Lawrence Aiken, BSP

Larry A. Snyder, BSP

Lawrence L. Martin, BSP

Stephen P. Boykin, BSP

Class of 1978

Elliot S. Tokar, BSP

Francis J. Tinney, PhD

Arnold E. Clayman, BSP

Stephen J. Allen, MS

David A. Custer, BSP

Howard K. Besner, BSP

Charles R. Downs, BSP

Elaine L. Brogan, BSP

Albert H. Warfield, BSP

Denise Lupo Lutz, BSP Judith Wenzel Smith, BSP

wint e r 2 0 1 9



Michael J. Kolf, BSP

Thomas M. Lesko, BSP

Keith S. Pozanek, BSP

Gayle C. Howell, BSP

Ronald E. Lay, BSP

Janet L. Mighty, BSP

Lisa A. Shipley, PhD

Matthew E. McGovern, BSP

Colleen C. Lehmann, BSP

Karen M. Sillers, BSP

Frances Spaven, PhD

Bruce D. Roffe, BSP

J. Bradley Thomas, BSP

Loreen A. Wutoh, BSP

Jeffrey B. Sherr, BSP

Class of 1992 Freddy E. Banks, BSP

Joanne H. Sherr, BSP

Class of 1983

Class of 1987

Lynette R. Bradley-Baker, BSP

Carol M. Sobon, BSP

Renan A. Bonnel, PharmD

Forest S. Howell, BSP

Nicholas Cornias, BSP

Lane P. Zangwill, BSP

George Y. Chang, BSP

Vicki M. Joshua, BSP

Omolola O. Elliott, BSP

Terry L. Davis, BSP

Kathrin C. Kucharski, PharmD

Jeffrey J. Harnsberger, BSP

Class of 1979

Mark G. Fletcher, PhD

Thomas P. LaMartina, BSP

Nelson E. Kline, BSP

Katherine P. Benderev, PharmD

Donald J. Glenn, BSP

Steven J. Miller, MS

Lisa C. LeGette, BSP

Ruth S. Blatt, BSP

Mary Therese Gyi, BSP

Mary E. Ortiz, BSP

DeAnna D. Leikach, BSP

John E. Braaten, BSP

Victoria G. Hale, PhD

Jean O. Schwartz, BSP

Neil B. Leikach, BSP

Barry M. Bress, BSP

Ilene Harris, PharmD

Mona L. Tsoukleris, PharmD

Mark R. McDowell, BSP

Juliana Lee Chau, BSP

Karen M. Kabat, MS

David D. Christ, BSP

Charise S. Kasser, BSP

Class of 1988

Denise I. Penn, BSP

Mary Eckert DeLuca, BSP

Madeline McCarren, PhD

Arthur Allen, BSP

Kara J. Sink, BSP

Ira L. Fedder, PharmD

William C. Noonan, BSP

Phyllis A. Bernard, BSP

Wanida Surichamorn, PhD

J. Philip Fink, BSP

Cristina V. Platon, BSP

Catherine L. Cioffi, PhD

Jia-Bei Wang, PhD

Douglas B. Haggerty, BSP

Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner,

Fran Favin-Weiskopf, PharmD

Brenda K. Weller, BSP

Jolanta W. Kwapisz, BSP


Susan A. Katz, BSP

Frederick J. Mack, BSP

Gaytrice K. Rucker, BSP

James Laredo, BSP

Class of 1993

Molrat Sripinyo, BSP

Lisa M. Matson, BSP

Hector T. Ayu, BSP

Nina H. Spiller, PharmD

Michael R. Becker, BSP

Wayne D. Van Wie, BSP

Jill R. Fetter, BSP

Class of 1980

Anna Palka, BSP

Gary S. Carson, BSP

Class of 1984

Stephanie C. Friedman, BSP

Robin L. Becker, BSP

Stephen C. Kloch, BSP

Keith A. Brace, BSP

Class of 1989

Diana P. Henzel, BSP

Kevin F. McCarthy, BSP

William C. Cooper, BSP

Laurine A. Barrow-Wilson, BSP

Alice H. Hill, PharmD

Karen H. Nishi, BSP

Mary-Therese Hewins, MS

Natalie D. Eddington, PhD

Nigel Roger Isaacs, PharmD

Larry E. Small, PhD

Christopher G. Kruft, BSP

Barbara B. Nussbaum, BSP

Calvin H. Knowlton, PhD

Edmond J. Kucharski, BSP

Luann Orehek Reno, BSP

Ivy I. Laryea-Akogyeram, BSP

Class of 1981

Julia A. Lauless, BSP

Andrea B. Weiss, BSP

David W. Miller, PhD

Janet M. Abramowitz, BSP

Carolyn S. Mason, BSP

Caroline T. Bader, BSP

Matthew G. Shimoda, PharmD

Class of 1990

John D. Ness, PharmD

Janice L. Ereme, BSP

Suzanne K. Simala, BSP

Isabel Almeida-Chiat, BSP

Todd H. Stephens, BSP

Ilene Harris, BSP

John F. Van Wie, BSP

Randy S. Chiat, BSP

Abigail M. Strawberry, BSP

Mary-Therese Hewins, BSP

Danielle G. Gallina, BSP

Thomas L. Morgan, BSP

Cindy Q. Jiang, BSP

Jill R. Molofsky, BSP

Class of 1985

Elizabeth K. Proctor, BSP

Class of 1994

Brian L. Schumer, BSP

Jay E. Krosnick, BSP

Stanley A. Pyles, BSP

Annmarie M. Franklin, BSP

Craig K. Svensson, PharmD

Joseph D. Ober, PharmD

Andrea L. Riggins, BSP

Brian J. Goetz, PharmD

Thomas J. Pfaff, BSP

Lisa Coppolo Ruppel, PharmD

Raman M. Iyer, PhD

Thanh T. Tran, BSP

Julie S. Johnson, BSP

Class of 1982 Barbara B. Bedell, BSP

Class of 1986

Huong T. Bui Dang, BSP

William P. Beierschmitt, PhD

Class of 1991

James M. Crable, BSP

Richard D. Hiller, BSP

Pamela L. Burns-Muhler, BSP

Class of 1995

Loc K. Dang, BSP

Lauretta A. Kerr, BSP

Susan M. Evans, BSP

Joanne Ruyu Chang, PhD

Steven P. George, BSP

Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD


c a p su l e

Michelle Winkler, BSP

Treacy Krisztinicz, PharmD


Angela M. Parker, BSP

Class of 1999

Tali M. Johnson, PharmD

Edward A. Taylor, PharmD

Monica L. White, PharmD

Abimbola O. Adebowale, PhD

Zhili Li, PhD

Jessica T. Walker, PharmD

Lynette R. Bradley-Baker, PhD

Yvonne K. Molotsi, PharmD

Thomas G. Williams Jr., PharmD

Class of 1996

Hyun J. Cho, PharmD

Sangeeta V. Raje, PhD

Marsha E. Alvarez, PharmD

Malinda J. Darber, PharmD

Mirko V. Sikirica, PharmD

Cynthia J. Boyle, PharmD

Susan C. dosReis, PhD

T. Chang, PharmD

Charles R. Downs, PharmD

Class of 2003

Daniel C. Lyons, PharmD

Nancy A. Edgeworth, PharmD

Michelle L. Eby, PharmD

Linhlan T. Cao, PharmD

Ahmed A. Othman, PhD

Jerome L. Fine, PharmD

Maura P. Murphy, PhD

David P. Cline, PhD

Soumi Saha, PharmD

Timothy D. Gladwell, PharmD

Iguade G. Okojie, PharmD

Sachin J. Kamal-Bahl, PhD

Colleen J. Metge, PhD

Steven Yang, PharmD

Lawrence J. Kotey, PharmD

Class of 2008

Sovitj Pou, PharmD

Class of 2007 Aroonjit Jenkosol, PharmD

Sarah K. Nguyen, PharmD

Matthew L. Casciano, PharmD

George C. Voxakis, PharmD

Class of 2000

Oluseyi W. Ogunyankin, PharmD

Christopher W. Cunningham,

Ellen H. Yankellow, PharmD

Franklin W. Blatt, PharmD

Carolyn Petralia, PharmD


Jason F. Chancey, PharmD

Julie C. Song, PharmD

Kathleen Klemm, PharmD

Class of 1997

Sujin Chang, PharmD

Hamet M. Toure, PharmD

Charles R. Bonapace, PharmD

Deborah J. Ehart, PharmD

Juliette C. Toure, PharmD

Class of 2009

Capt. James L. Bresette,

Suneel Kudaravalli, PharmD

Rebecca L. Ward, PharmD

Dongyi Du, PhD


Kaysha R. Lancaster, PharmD

Barbara S. Chong, PharmD

Cherokee L. Layson-Wolf,

Class of 2004

Megha G. Patel, PharmD

Brett L. Dabruzzo, PharmD


Stacy R. Boltz, PharmD

Andrea L. Riggins, PharmD

Gina Patrice McKnight-Smith,

Denise D. Petro-Ellis, PharmD

Thu-Trang T. Nguyen, PharmD

Satish C. Valluri, PhD


Monica L. Pogue, PharmD

Cynthia O. Owusu-Boaitey,

Karen N. Nguyen, PharmD

Howard L. Robinson Jr., PharmD


Class of 2010

Andrea L. Riggins, PharmD

Thomas H. Root, PharmD

Sharon K. Park, PharmD

Erienne N. Burton, PharmD

Craig F. Schaefer, PharmD

Michael J. Steinberg, PharmD

Noha N. Salama, PhD

Denise Fu, PharmD

Gisele M. Sidbury, PharmD

Jung L. Sung, PharmD

Meenu Sharma, PharmD

Whitney N. Hanson, PharmD

JoAnn M. Spearmon, PharmD

Charles D. Taylor Jr., PharmD

Jonathan M. Walton-Roberts,

Emily L. Knapp, PharmD

Liza N. Takiya, PharmD

William Yeboah, PharmD


Leah C. Sera, PharmD

Class of 2001

Class of 2005

Class of 1998

Barbara L. Brannan, PharmD

Jason A. Bunting, PharmD

Thomas J. Biles, PharmD

Leroy K. Dunkley, PharmD

Deborah D. DiVecchio, PharmD

Class of 2011

Michelle M. Ceng, PharmD

Daniel A. Farney, PharmD

Louis R. Flowers, MS

William P. Albanese III, PharmD

Harold Chappelear, LLD

Matthew L. Fedowitz, PharmD

Devon M. Flynn, PharmD

Olujimi O. Babatunde, PharmD


Elaina P. Hackworth, PharmD

Pallavi Nithyanandan, PhD

Frank R. Giannandrea, PharmD

Terry L. Davis, PharmD

Renee M. Hilliard, PharmD

Kristine Rapan Parbuoni,

Mario V. Luong, PharmD

Patrick Y. Kamara, PharmD

Dennis M. Killian, PharmD


Rachel L. Melnick, PharmD

Jonathan N. Latham, PharmD

Yelee Y. Kim, PharmD

Honesty M. Peltier, PharmD

Sheryl E. Thedford, PharmD

Robin L. Paluskievicz, PharmD

Marlene I. Onyesoh, PharmD

Lisa N. Pitt, PharmD

Lois A. Reynolds, PharmD

Class of 2006

Andrea Lynn Seitzman-Siegel,

Bay-Mao B. Wu, PharmD

Mary Therese Gyi, PharmD

Erin S. Dudley, PharmD

Rodney H. Taylor, PharmD

Xuan Tang Seepolmuang,



Deanna Tran, PharmD James C. Wang, PharmD

Brian M. Hose, PharmD

Class of 2012

Kimberly D. Wagner, PharmD

Class of 2002

Helen Hsiao, PharmD

Ibrahim T. Ibrahim, PharmD

David M. Yoder, PharmD

Patrice R. Akins, PharmD

Angel N. Jordan, PharmD

Kristina R. Madula, PharmD

Howard K. Besner, PharmD

Angela M. Kaitis, PharmD

Sai C. Nimmagadda, PharmD

Gloria S. Grice, PharmD

Daniel Z. Mansour, PharmD

Nicole Rumao, PharmD wint e r 2 0 1 9



Christie A. Staso, PharmD

Naitia M. Nwatu, PharmD

National Health Council

Harris Teeter, Inc.

Alice A. Williams, PharmD

Annette Piotrowski, PharmD

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.

IMPAQ International, LLC

Henok T. Woldeab, PharmD

Elisabet K. Tassis, PharmD

Pfizer, Inc.

Klein's ShopRite Pharmacies of

PhRMA Foundation


Xiao Zhu, PhD Class of 2016

Novartis Matching Gift Center

Class of 2013

Dianna L. Campbell, PharmD


Preston Pharmacy Inc.

Jennifer A. Abernathy, PharmD

Nicole Caprio, PharmD


Sharpsburg Pharmacy

Dawn E. Andanar, PharmD

Jane Ching, PharmD


SNC Partners LLC

Youjin Chang, PharmD

Opeoluwa I. Fagbemi, PharmD


The Pfizer Foundation, Inc.

Kellie S. Chew, PharmD

Geoffrey A. Heinzl, PhD

BASF Corp.

Menachem Y. Edelman, PharmD

Violet E. Igwacho, PharmD

Celgene Corp.


Darci J. Eubank, PharmD

Darrell J. Orr, MS

CVS Health Foundation

The School of Pharmacy received

Alexa J. Havrilko, PharmD

YeSeul Yoo, PharmD

Exxon Mobil Foundation

the following gifts of tribute for

Hana Kim, PharmD

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

the individuals listed below:

Una Kim, PharmD


Fink's Pharmacy

In Honor Of:

Christian Lee, PharmD


Galeese Realty, LLC

Alfred Abramson, BSP

International Society for

Ralph N. Blomster, PhD

Janet Y. Lee, PharmD Jeffrey S. Mrowczynski, PharmD


Pharmacoeconomics &

Nicole J. Brandt, PharmD

Andrew V. Phan, PharmD

$100,000 +

Outcomes Research

Linda Simoni-Wastila, PhD

Tye D. Souders, PharmD

Certara, L.P.

Merck Grant Program

Jackie Tran, PharmD

Merck & Co. Inc.

National Community Pharmacists

Eric T. Wong, PharmD

The Schwab Fund for Charitable

Elaine Yip, PharmD


National Council for Prescription

David E. Banks, BSP

Yvette A. Beakes, PharmD

Class of 2014


Northern Pharmacy & Medical

James P. Cragg Jr., BSP

Adenike I. Atanda, PharmD



Stephen T. David, PhD

Brittany R. Avaritt, PharmD

MedStar Health

PharmCon, Inc.

Donald O. Fedder, DrPH, BSP

Anthony T. Cacek, MS

Springer Science + Business

Professional Pharmacy

Melvin G. Kitt, BSP

Michelle L. Campbell, PhD

Rite Aid Corp.

Ralph Quarles Sr.

Media LLC-NJ

John P. Dolan, PharmD

Association Foundation Drug Programs Foundation

Bruce Stuart, PhD In Memory Of:

Romadka Family LTD Partnership

Sally Van Doren, PharmD

Bonnie X. Li-MacDonald, PharmD


RTI Health Solutions

Thomas G. Williams Sr., PharmD

Nirvana A. Maharaj, PharmD



Jun Zhang, PhD

American Chemical Society


Pharmaceutical Research and Class of 2015

Brittany M. Harris, PharmD

Samuel Waxman Cancer

Alpha Zeta Omega Kappa

Sheila Hwe, PharmD


Manufacturers of America Research Foundation

Jinani C. Jayasekera-Devadoss,

Contributors Up To $999

Benevity Community Impact




Kyung M. Koo, PharmD


Brookneal Drug Co.

Richard F. Korecky, PharmD

AbbVie, Inc.

Correct Rx Pharmacy Services,

Vicky Kuo, PharmD

ASHP Foundation


Alexandra L. McPherson, PharmD

Baltimore Community

Good Shepherd Preschool

Barbrakaryne N. Nchinda Fobi,


Gordon/Shaughnessy Fund


Hanson Research Corp.

Harold L. Frank, DDS, PC


c a p su l e

This is a listing of gifts received from July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017. We have made every effort to provide a complete and accurate listing of donors and gifts. If we have made an error or omission, please accept our sincere apology and contact the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at 410-706-5893 or so that we may correct our records.


Four Reasons to Advance a Bequest School of Pharmacy Dean Natalie D. Eddington, PhD ’89, FAAPS, FCP, and the School’s Board of Visitors are always encouraged to learn that the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy has been named in a will or other estate transfer document. To know that an alumnus, friend, or supporter intends to include the School in their estate plans is so very important. Whether your will includes the School of Pharmacy or not, we want you to know some of the advantages of moving your bequest forward and giving all or part of it now. In particular, please consider some of the current benefits of a University of Maryland School of Pharmacy charitable gift annuity.

Ken Boyden





1. Increase your income now. One of the more important benefits of a gift annuity is the attractive rates we are able to offer, especially for our older donors. For example, an 80-year-old individual qualifies for an annuity rate of 7.3 percent. Thus, establishing an annuity with $100,000 would provide $7,300 every year for the duration of life. A 90-year-old annuitant would fare even better with a rate of 9.5 percent. While a person may be able to obtain a higher rate with a commercial annuity, it's important to remember that we're talking here about money that already has been "earmarked" for the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy as a bequest. 2. Reduce your taxes now. The IRS provides a charitable income tax deduction for gifts made to the School of Pharmacy through the University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB) Foundation, Inc. during life. For itemizers, this deduction may be used to reduce income taxes. And fewer taxes means more money for you to spend or give. Since a portion of a University of Maryland School of Pharmacy gift annuity qualifies for a charitable income tax deduction, making that gift now with assets you already plan to give later may be a tax-wise idea worth considering.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Ken Boyden, JD, EdD Associate Dean Office of Development and Alumni Affairs

3. Stabilize your retirement now. Gift annuity payments are fixed. Once the payment dates are established (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually) you will receive the identical amount with every check. No need to guess or worry about the ups and downs of the financial markets. Your annuity will be backed not only by our scrupulously maintained annuity reserve fund, but by the entire capital assets of the UMB Foundation. While we would not suggest that people place all of their assets into a School of Pharmacy gift annuity, we do think a gift annuity can help our supporters diversify and stabilize their retirement income. 4. Enjoy your giving now. When you establish a gift annuity, you will experience the satisfaction of completing a gift now by actually transferring assets to the School. Furthermore, you will give us the opportunity while you live to express our gratitude and to include you in our recognition programs. If you are interested in a gift annuity with the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, please contact me at or 410-706-4415.

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ANNOUNCING THE NEW MASTER OF SCIENCE (MS) IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES (PSC) PROGRAM The 16-month, full-time program based at the Universities at Shady Grove in Rockville, Md., integrates basic and applied pharmaceutical sciences with hands-on laboratory research experience. Students in the program will: } Get on the fast track to employment } Learn from leaders in the field } Study at a prime location } Access state-of-the-art facilities Completion of a biopharmaceutical research internship and capstone project are hallmarks of the program. Students will work with an assigned faculty advisor to help tailor these experiences to meet their unique career goals.

Applications are being accepted for fall 2019. Learn more at

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