2019-2020 Annual Report

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Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research C. Daniel Mullins, PhD

Dean Natalie D. Eddington, PhD, FAAPS, FCP

Stephen J. Allen, RPh, MS ’78, FASHP, Chair Former CEO, American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists Foundation

Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Peter Swaan, PhD

Senior Associate Dean for Administration and Finance William J. Cooper, MBA

Barbara M. Alving, MD, MACP Professor of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Research Professor, School of Public Health, University of Maryland, College Park

Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science Jill Morgan, PharmD, BCPS, BCPPS

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Andrew Coop, PhD Associate Dean for Clinical Services and Practice Transformation Magaly Rodriguez de Bitttner, PharmD, BCPS, CDE, FAPhA


Bio- and Nano-techology Center Bruce Yu, PhD, Director

Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Affairs Ken Boyden, JD, EdD

Center for Innovative Pharmacy Solutions Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD, BCPS, CDE, FAPhA, Executive Director

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs Sarah Michel, PhD

Center for Translational Medicine Joga Gobburu, PhD, MBA, FCP, Director

Associate Dean for Research and Advanced Graduate Studies Peter Swaan, PhD

Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation James Polli, PhD, Co-director

Associate Dean for Student Affairs Cherokee Layson-Wolf, PharmD, CGP, BCACP, FAPhA

Center on Drugs and Public Policy Francis B. Palumbo, PhD, JD, Executive Director

Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and Assessment Lisa Lebovitz, JD

Computer-Aided Drug Design Center Alexander D. MacKerell Jr., PhD, Director Jana Shen, PhD, Co-director

Assistant Dean for Communications and Marketing Rebecca Ceraul

Maryland Poison Center Bruce D. Anderson, PharmD, Director

Assistant Dean for Experiential Learning Agnes Ann Feemster, PharmD, BCPS Assistant Dean for Information Technology Tim Munn, MS Assistant Dean for Instructional Design and Technology Shannon Tucker, MS, CPHIMS Assistant Dean for Policy and Planning Deborah DeWitt, JD Assistant Dean for the Universities at Shady Grove Heather Brennan Congdon, PharmD, CACP, CDE


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Harold E. Chappelear, DSC ’98, RPh, LLD (Hon) Principal, InternaSource, LLC Victoria G. Hale, BSP ’83, PhD, DSc (Hon) Founder & Former CEO OneWorld Health Medicines360 Gina McKnight-Smith, PharmD ’97, MBA, CGP, BCPS Regional (Mid-Atlantic) Medical Outcomes Science Liaison AbbVie, Inc. Thomas E. Menighan, BSPharm, MBA, ScD (Hon), FAPhA Executive Vice President and CEO American Pharmacists Association David W. Miller, PhD ’93 Operating Partner, GHO Capital Ltd.

Mass Spectrometry Center Maureen Kane, PhD, Executive Director

Jane Shaab, MBA Senior Vice President and Executive Director, University of Maryland BioPark Assistant Vice President for Economic Development, University of Maryland, Baltimore

Mental Health Program Raymond Love, PharmD, BCPP, FASHP, Director Metallotherapeutics Research Center Sarah Michel, PhD Angela Wilks, PhD Co-directors Peter Lamy Center on Drug Therapy and Aging Nicole Brandt, PharmD, MBA, BCPP, CGP, FASCP, Executive Director Pharmaceutical Research Computing Ebere Onukwugha, PhD, MS, Executive Director

John Banta, MBA Executive Director BlueCross BlueShield Association Managing Director BlueCross BlueShield Venture Partners

Jermaine Smith, RPh Senior Director, Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, Rite Aid Ellen H. Yankellow, PharmD ’96, BSP ’73 President and CEO, Correct Rx Pharmacy Services, Inc.

Special thanks to the following contributors: Nicole Derr, Jenny Giller, Greer Griffith, Robert Karrs, Cherokee Layson-Wolf, and Lisa Lebovitz

u n iversity of mary land sch ool of p h armacy


SOURCES OF OPERATING REVENUES SUPPORTING THE SCHOOL This report is an unaudited presentation of revenues supporting the School.

FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020

Gifts $3,029,131

Total Source of Funds $76,148,848

Grant and Contract Awards and Designated Research Initiative Funds $34,985,831

Net General Appropriation and Tuition and Fees $31,826,257

Auxiliary and Misc. $4,303,770 Scholarships, Fellowships, and Endowments $1,636,543

FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019

Federal Funds $367,316

Gifts $2,391,721

Total Source of Funds $71,200,605

Grant and Contract Awards and Designated Research Initiative Funds $33,241,508 Net General Appropriation and Tuition and Fees $30,067,737

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Endowments $1,655,969

Auxiliary and Misc. $3,476,354 Federal Funds $367,316

u n iversit y of mary land sch ool of p h armacy


annual rep ort 2019-2020



July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020




Laura Bozzi

Graduate Student

Association of Antiretroviral Treatment and Early Menopause in Women Aging with HIV

Wendy Camelo Castillo

Assistant Professor

University of Maryland Center of Food & Drug Administration Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI)


Peter Doshi

Associate Professor

Restoring Invisible and Abandoned Trials Support Center

Laura and John Arnold Foundation


Susan dosReis


Expanding Patient-Driven Value Assessment into Diverse Patient Communities

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America


Susan dosReis


Patient-Driven Value Elements in an Economic Evaluation for the Treatment of COPD

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America


Susan dosReis


State of Maryland Foster Care Psychotropic Database Monitoring

Maryland Department of Human Services


Susan dosReis


A Targeted Safety Study, EPI-ZOSTER-032 VS, to Evaluate the Safety of Shingrix in Adults Over 65 Years of Age in the United States



Laura Gressler

Graduate Student

ORISE Fellowship

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education


Jacquelyn McRae

Graduate Student

Patient-Driven Value Elements in an Economic Evaluation for the Treatment of COPD

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America


Michelle Medeiros

Director of Research

Developing Infrastructure for Research to Utilize Patient-Centered Techniques at SLHS

St. Lawrence Health System


C. Daniel Mullins

Professor and Chair

Pragmatic Clinical Trials of Proton vs. Photon Therapy for Patients with Breast and Lung Cancer

University of Pennsylvania


C. Daniel Mullins

Professor and Chair

University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI)

Food & Drug Administration


C. Daniel Mullins

Professor and Chair

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality R24 Conference Grant Program

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality


C. Daniel Mullins

Professor and Chair

Building Trust to Enhance Diversity in Aging Research

National Institute on Aging


C. Daniel Mullins

Professor and Chair

Capacity Building for a Learning PCOR System

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute


Ebere Onukwugha

Associate Professor

University of Maryland, Baltimore Fellowship Training Program

Sanofi U.S.


Danya Qato

Assistant Professor

University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI)

Food & Drug Administration


Fadia Shaya


University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI)

Food & Drug Administration


Fadia Shaya


Substance Abuse Block Grant

Maryland Department of Health



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Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

u n iversity of mary land sch ool of p h armacy




Fadia Shaya


Implementation and Evaluation for the Strategic Prevention Framework for Prescription Drugs

Maryland Department of Health


Fadia Shaya


Technical Assistance and Evaluation of Strategic Prevention Framework Partnership for Success Initiative

Maryland Department of Health


O’Mareen Spence

Graduate Student

Early Symptom Improvement as a Predictor of Antidepressant Response in Youth Diagnosed with Depression: Translating Evidence from Randomized Controlled Trials to Community Practice

PhRMA Foundation


Linda Wastila

Parke-Davis Chair of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy

A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase 2 Study Comparing CB-839 in Combination with Everolimus vs. Placebo with Everolimus in Patients with Advanced or Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma

Calithera Biosciences, Inc.


Linda Wastila

Parke-Davis Chair of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy

Antipsychotic Reduction in Nursing Home Residents with Alzheimer's Disease: Impact on State, Facility, and Resident Psychopharmacological Medication Use and Outcomes

National Institute on Aging


Linda Wastila

Parke-Davis Chair of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy

Novartis Outcomes Research Fellowship Task Order No. 1

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.


Linda Wastila

Parke-Davis Chair of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy

Statewide Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup

Maryland Department of Health


Zafar Zafari

Assistant Professor

University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI)

Food & Drug Administration


Zafar Zafari

Assistant Professor

Predicting the Long-Term Health and Economic Societal Burden of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in China



Zafar Zafari

Assistant Professor

Developing a National Microsimulation Model of COPD to Evaluate Different Policies and Interventions in Reducing the Burden of the Disease

American Lung Association


PHSR Total







Bruce Anderson


De-identified Case Data

Denver Health and Hospital Authority


Bruce Anderson


Memorandum of Understanding

Maryland Department of Health


u n iversit y of mary land sch ool of p h armacy


annual rep ort 2019-2020



Bruce Anderson


Maryland Poison Center Financial Stabilization Grant

Health Resources and Services Administration


Bruce Anderson


Enhanced Toxidromic Surveillance Using Poison Center Data

Maryland Department of Health


Bruce Anderson


CARES Funding for Poison Centers

Health Resources and Services Administration


Nicole Brandt


Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Nicole Brandt


MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital Service Agreement

Good Samaritan Hospital


Nicole Brandt


Empirian Short-Stay Prescribing Guidelines

Empirian Health


Nicole Brandt


U.S. Deprescribing Research Network

University of California, San Francisco


Catherine Cooke

Research Associate Professor

Part D Enhanced Medication Therapy Management Technical Implementation Support

IMPAQ International, LLC


Catherine Cooke

Research Associate Professor

University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI)

Food & Drug Administration


Catherine Cooke

Research Associate Professor

Opioid Use and Prescribing Analysis

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield


Megan Ehret

Associate Professor

Antipsychotic Prescription Review Program

Maryland Department of Health


Agnes Ann Feemster

Associate Professor

Memorandum of Understanding Ambulatory Care Pharmacist

Johns Hopkins Hospital


Agnes Ann Feemster

Associate Professor

Joint Clinical and Educational Collaboration

Johns Hopkins Hospital


Joga Gobburu


Pharmacokinetic Analysis Plan

Collegium Pharmaceutical


Joga Gobburu


New Drug Application Strategy and Modeling and Simulation Support

Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc.


Joga Gobburu


Postdoctoral Training in Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology

Children's Research Institute


Joga Gobburu


Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Analysis and Reporting

Cyclerion Therapeutics


Joga Gobburu


Large Mammal Neuroprotective Clinical Platform

University of California, San Francisco


Joga Gobburu


Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Analyses of Alliance Protocol A021602: A Randomized, DoubleBlind Phase 3 Study of Cabozantinib Vs. Placebo in Patients with Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumors After Progression on Everolimus

Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology Foundation


Joga Gobburu


Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Analysis of a Novel Anti-Depression Agent Using Preclinical Data

Primetime Life Sciences, LLC


Joga Gobburu


Batch-to-Batch Variability of Advair: Exploring Solutions for Generic BE Pathway

Food & Drug Administration



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Joga Gobburu


A Phase 1 Randomized, DoubleBlind, Placebo-Controlled, Cohort Dose-Escalation Study in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease to Assess the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of a Single Dose of COR-001

Corvidia Therapeutics


Joga Gobburu


Chesapeake-Ohio Pharmacokinetic Core for the Experimental Therapeutics Clinical Trials Network

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Mathangi Gopalakrishnan

Assistant Professor

Amendment 2 for DRL Celecoxib Acute Pain Study

Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd.


Mathangi Gopalakrishnan

Assistant Professor

Work Order 12

Wockhardt Ltd.


Mathangi Gopalakrishnan

Assistant Professor

Celecoxib Oral Solution MIDD Approach

Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd.


Mathangi Gopalakrishnan

Assistant Professor

Population Pharmacokinetics and Exposure-Response Analysis

G1 Therapeutics


Lauren Hynicka

Associate Professor

Hepatitis C Virus Review Program

Maryland Department of Health


Vijay Ivaturi

Assistant Professor

Pharmacometric Support for a Neuro-Oncology Drug Development Program

Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc.


Vijay Ivaturi

Assistant Professor

Established Status Epilepticus Treatment Trial PharmacokineticPharmacodynamic Study

University of Minnesota


Vijay Ivaturi

Assistant Professor

Pharmacokinetic Assessment of MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) in Healthy Volunteers and Subjects with Moderate Hepatic Impairment

University of California, San Francisco


Raymond Love


Eastern Shore Hospital Center Pharmacy Services

Maryland Department of Health


Raymond Love


Peer to Peer Review for Mental Health Drug Programs - Pediatrics

Maryland Department of Health


Raymond Love


Pharmacy Services

Maryland Department of Health


Ashlee Mattingly

Assistant Professor

University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI)

Food & Drug Administration


Joey Mattingly

Associate Professor

Resolve to Save Lives

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Mary Lynn McPherson Professor

PGY2 Pain and Palliative Care Residency

Union Memorial Hospital


Jill Morgan

Professor and Chair

MedStar Georgetown University Clinical and Teaching Services

MedStar Health Inc.


Jill Morgan

Professor and Chair

Clinical Pharmacy Services

Maryland Department of Health


Jill Morgan

Professor and Chair

IPA Agreement

VA Maryland Health Care System


Jason Noel

Associate Professor

Developmental Disabilities Administration

Maryland Department of Health


u n iversit y of mary land sch ool of p h armacy


annual rep ort 2019-2020



Neha Pandit

Associate Professor

Incidence and Severity of Drug Interactions Before and After Switching Antiretroviral Therapy to Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/ Tenofovir Alafenamide in Treatment Experienced Patients

Thomas Jefferson University


Neha Pandit

Associate Professor

Antiretroviral Adherence Improvement Through Collaboration Among Prescribers, Payers, Pharmacists, and Health Department Programs (AdhereP4)

Maryland Department of Health


Charmaine Professor Rochester-Eyeguokan

emocha Mobile Health Task Order #2 emocha Mobile Health Inc.


Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner

Professor and Associate Dean

Joint Clinical and Educational Collaboration

University of Maryland Medical System


Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner

Professor and Associate Dean

Joint Clinical and Educational Collaboration

UM Quality Care Network, LLC


Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner

Professor and Associate Dean

UMB West Baltimore Mobile Integrated Health Community Health Program

University of Maryland Medical System


Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner

Professor and Associate Dean

PreventionLink Program

Prince George's County Health Department


Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner


emocha Mobile Health Task Order #1

emocha Mobile Health Inc.


Paul Solinsky

Advanced Practice Pharmacist

Joint Clinical and Educational Collaboration

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center


PPS Total







Daniel Deredge

Research Assistant Professor

Purchase Order for Hydrogen/DeuJanssen Pharmaceuticals terium Exchange Mass Spectrometry


Steven Fletcher

Associate Professor

Preclinical and Clinical Imaging and Treatment of Multiple Myeloma with cMyc-Max Nanoparticles

Washington University


Steven Fletcher

Associate Professor

Enhancers of Reverse Cholesterol Transport

Maryland Industrial Partnerships


Stephen Hoag


Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Studies for Agonist/Antagonist Combination Abuse Deterrent Products

BioPharma Services USA, Inc.


Stephen Hoag


Excipient Analysis and Formulation Testing for Oral Delivery Systems

Roquette Corp.


Stephen Hoag


Effects of E-Liquid Nicotine Concentration on the Abuse Liability of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems in Current Users

Battelle Memorial Institute



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Stephen Hoag


Formulation of Hydrocodone Bitartrate Opioid Drug Product Expected to Have Similar Rate and Extent of Release as Hysingla Intact Tablet But Designed to Be Inferior Product When Chewed

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Education


Stephen Hoag


Assessment of Smoking and Vaping Risk of Opioids and Commercial Products and Standardization of Methods to Assess These Properties

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Education


Stephen Hoag


Stability Testing of Selected Drug Products

Johns Hopkins University


Stephen Hoag


Human Dose-Response Effects of Methyl Salicylate in Smokeless Tobacco

Battelle Memorial Institute


Jace Jones

Assistant Professor

Sphingolipid Metabolism as a Diagnostic Marker of Hepatotoxicity in Drug-Induced Liver Injury

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy


Lisa Jones

Associate Professor

Mechanism of Transcription Regulation by the Mediator

Indiana University


Lisa Jones

Associate Professor

CAREER: Development of an In Cell Footprinting Method for the Analysis of Protein Structure

National Science Foundation


Lisa Jones

Associate Professor

Development of an in vivo Footprinting Method Coupled with Mass Spectrometry in C. elegans

National Institute of General Medical Sciences


Lisa Jones

Associate Professor

Development of a Novel Pulse-Chase National Institute of General In Cell Footprinting Method for Medical Sciences Protein Folding Analysis


Maureen Kane

Associate Professor

Prebiotic Treatment in People with Schizophrenia

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health


Maureen Kane

Associate Professor

Exploratory Pilot Studies to Demonstrate Mechanisms of Preventing Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea and the Role for Probiotics

Georgetown University


Maureen Kane

Associate Professor

Series: Biomarker to Clinical Output

SRI International


Maureen Kane

Associate Professor

Retinoic Acid Synthesis Induced by Noncoding Double-Stranded RNA Controls Regeneration

Johns Hopkins University


Yuwei Lu

Graduate Student

Development of in vitro Gut Fermen- U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention tation Model to Investigate the in vivo Performance of Enteric-Coated ABAB Antibody Producing Saccharomyces Boulardii Oral Dosage Form for the Treatment of Clostridiu


Alexander MacKerell Jr.

Grollman-Glick Professor

Program for Therapeutic Targeting of Transcriptional Repression

Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation


Alexander MacKerell Jr.

Grollman-Glick Professor

Molecular Characterization and Drug Design Targeting Emerging Pathogenic Bacteria of Pakistan and Development of an Access Application for the Health Care Industry

The National Academies


u n iversit y of mary land sch ool of p h armacy


annual rep ort 2019-2020



Alexander MacKerell Jr.

Grollman-Glick Professor

Macromolecular Conformational Heterogeneity

National Institute of General Medical Sciences


Sarah Michel

Professor and Associate Dean

Non-Classical Zinc Finger Proteins

National Science Foundation


Sarah Michel

Professor and Associate Dean

University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI)

Food & Drug Administration


Sarah Michel

Professor and Associate Dean

ICP and MS Analysis of Prostate Cancer Patient Clinical Samples: Fee for Service

University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation


Amanda Oglesby

Associate Professor

Role of PrrF and PrrH Regulation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pathogenesis

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


Amanda Oglesby

Associate Professor

Metallobiochemistry of Innate Immunity and Bacterial Physiology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


James Polli

Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair

University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI)

Food & Drug Administration


Jordan Pritts

Graduate Student

Characterizing the CPSF30/NS1A Interaction: A Novel Influenza Drug Target

American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education


C.S. Raman

Associate Professor

Redox Biochemistry of Energy Conservation in Methanogens and Their Syntrophic Partners

U.S. Department of Energy


Jana Shen


Molecular Mechanisms of Secondary Active Transporters

Arizona State University


Jana Shen


Electrostatic Modulation of Protein Dynamics and Interactions

National Institute of General Medical Sciences


Jana Shen


Electrobiofabricated Thin Films for Redox-Linked Bioelectronics

University of Maryland, College Park


Stephanie Shiffka

Graduate Student

Investigating the Co-Evolution of SLC10A2 and Bile Salts

American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education


Peter Swaan

Professor, Chair, and Associate Dean

Structural Biology of the Apical Bile Acid Transporter

National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases


Hongbing Wang


Function and Regulation of SLC13A5 in the Liver

National Institute of General Medical Sciences


Hongbing Wang


University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI)

Food & Drug Administration


Angela Wilks

Isaac E. Emerson Professor

Mechanistic Characterization and Regulation of the Non-Redundant phu and has Heme Uptake Systems of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


Angela Wilks

Isaac E. Emerson Professor

Iron-Based Vaccine Development Against Bacterial Pathogens

West Virginia University Research Corp.



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Patrick Wintrode

Associate Professor

Mechanisms of GlycosaminoglycanCatalyzed Protease Inactivation by Serpins

Vanderbilt University Medical Center


Fengtian Xue

Associate Professor

Developing Switchable Electrophiles as Specific Covalent Protein Modifiers for Therapeutic Targets

University of Texas at Austin


Bruce Yu


Nondestructive Analytics for Vaccines and Complex Drugs

Food & Drug Administration


Bruce Yu


Noninvasive Process Analytical Technologies (PATs) for AluminumAdjuvanted Vaccine and Lyophilized Biologics

National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals


Bruce Yu


Evaluate wNMR Techniques by Utilizing a Model System for In Situ Characterization of mAb Aggregation in High Concentration Formulations

Merck & Co., Inc


PSC Total


Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research (PHSR) $6,781,473 Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science (PPS)


Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PSC)


Grand Total


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annual rep ort 20 19-2020



July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020

Loyal donors provide the foundation for the School of Pharmacy’s success. Thank you to everyone — our alumni, faculty, staff, and friends — who has invested in the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. LEGACY COUNCIL The Legacy Council of the University of Maryland acknowledges those who have made generous contributions to the School of Pharmacy through their estate plans. Anyone who has made such a gift is eligible for membership in the Legacy Council. To qualify, simply provide the School of Pharmacy’s Office of Development and Alumni Affairs with documentation of the gift or a copy of the relevant document in which the School is named as a beneficiary (www.umbfplannedgiving.org). For additional information about membership in the Legacy Council and estate planning, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at 410-706-5893 or email ggriffith@rx.umaryland.edu. Members of the Legacy Council are: John H. Balch, BSP ’68 Roslyn F. Balch Thomas S. Brenner, BSP ’72 Barry M. Bress, BSP ’79 Theresa A. Bress Gary G. Buterbaugh Phyllis Brill Wingrat, BSP ’50= Billie Chappelear Harold E. Chappelear, DSc ’98 Gerald I. Cohen, BSP ’58=

Irwin R. Cohen= Kristine W. Ellinger, BSP ’77= Estate of Evelyn Grollman Glick Nancy Rose Harmon= Ilene Harris, BSP ’81, PharmD ’83 Gwynne L. Horwits Leonard Horwits, BSP ’60 George H. Huber, BSP ’61 Sophia Kallelis= Theodore S. Kallelis, PhD ’57=

Dolores H. Kinnard William J. Kinnard Jr. Bernhard Lamy Gregory J. Lukaszczyk, BSP ’84 Estate of Bertha J. Manchey Estate of Helen Mendelsohn David G. Miller, BSP ’85 Joseph H. Morton, BSP ’60= Paul A. Pumpian, BSP ’50= Michael B. Rodell, BSP ’58

Chris A. Rodowskas, PhG ’29= Matthew Shimoda, PharmD ’84 Estate of Lillian K. Slama Allen Spak, BSP ’63= James M. Trattner, PhD ’28= Clayton L. Warrington, BSP ’58 Elizabeth Warrington William J. Zimmerman, BSP ’70 = Signifies Deceased

DAVID STEWART ASSOCIATES In the mid-1980s, several dedicated alumni and friends established a premier giving society, the David Stewart Associates (DSA), to fund Schoolwide initiatives that would propel the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy nationally as a leader in pharmacy education. This leadership giving society honors David Stewart, America’s first professor of pharmacy and a founder of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, who symbolized a passion for excellence and commitment to pharmacy education. The founding members of the DSA are: Elwin Alpern, BSP ’51=

Mayer Handelman, BSP ’54=

Martin B. Mintz, PD, BSP ’65

Arthur N. Riley, BSP ’70, MS ’72

Leon R. Catlett, BSP ’65

William M. Heller, MS ’51,

Benjamin S. Mulitz

Gerald M. Rosen

Melvin S. Cohen=

PhD ’55, DSC ’87

Elizabeth Newcomb, BSP ’68

David M. Russo, BSP ’79

James P. Cragg Jr., BSP ’43=

H. Elinor Hens=

John R. Newcomb Jr., BSP ’67

Ralph A. Small Jr., BSP ’74

Leonard J. DeMino=

Leon Jablon=

Anthony G. Padussis, BSP ’44=

Arnold Smolen

Donald O. Fedder, BSP ’50=

William J. Kinnard Jr.

David Pearlman, BSP ’52=

Bernard A. Weisman, BSP ’70=

Michaeline R. Fedder

Dorothy Levi, BSP ’70

William L. Pearlman, BSP ’48=

Kenneth P. Whittemore Jr.,

Robert Foer, BSP ’51=

Mark A. Levi, PD, BSP ’70

Thomas S. Petr, BSP ’74

BSP ’76

Henry J. Glaser Jr.=

Samuel Lichter, BSP ’60=

Stephen J. Provenza, PhG ’29=

Leonard Winkleman

Evelyn Grollman Glick=

Nicholas C. Lykos, BSP ’52=

Lawrence R. Rachuba=

= Signifies Deceased

This core group of philanthropists has inspired other donors to follow their lead. Today DSA membership has grown to create a solid base of private support for the School’s efforts to advance pharmaceutical education, practice, and science. To join this prestigious group of alumni and friends, or for more information on giving to the School, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at 410-706-5893 or email ggriffith@rx.umaryland.edu. 11

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u n iversity of mary land sch ool of p h armacy


The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy appreciates the financial support of the following individuals and organizations during the period July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020. GIVING BY INDIVIDUALS David Stewart Associates Over $500,000 Daniel E. Wagner $100,000 - $499,999 Michael G. Bronfein $50,000 - $99,999 Ira L. Fedder, PharmD '79* $25,000 - $49,999 Katherine Pedro Beardsley~ Robert Beardsley~ Stephen L. Handelman, BSP '79 Ellen H. Yankellow, BSP '73, PharmD '96* $10,000 - $24,999 C. Daniel Mullins* Cyril F. Mullins II Marilyn Shangraw* $5,000 - $9,999 Ronald Friedman Larry E. Small, MS '76, PhD '80* $1,000 - $4,999 Stephen J. Allen, MS '78~ Barbara Alving~ Carl Alving~ Andrew Bartilucci, PhD '53* Michael G. Beatrice, PhD '01 Betina T. Blak, MS '04, PhD '06 Kenneth Boyden~ Marie Boyden~ Cynthia J. Boyle, PharmD '96* Nicole J. Brandt, PharmD '97~ James L. Bresette, PharmD '97* Chi-Chang Chen Andrew Coop* Harriett S. Cooper William J. Cooper* Conrad P. Dorn Jr., BSP '58, MS '61, PhD '63 Susan C. dosReis, PhD '99~ Natalie D. Eddington, PhD '89* * Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years ~ Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years

Craig Etheridge J. Philip Fink, BSP '79* Julian M. Friedman, BSP '56* John M. Gregory, BSP '76, DPS '02 (Hon) Robert W. Henderson, BSP '63* Walter J. Hryszko, BSP '74* David A. Knapp* Deanne E. Knapp* Calvin H. Knowlton, PhD '93~ Orsula Knowlton~ Seung Jae Lee, PhD '10 Kimberley A. Lentz, PhD '00~ Raymond C. Love, PharmD '77* Michael Luzuriaga, BSP '70* Mark S. Maneval, MS '10, PhD '12 Daniel Z. Mansour, PharmD '06~ Lisa M. Matson, BSP '88* Ashlee Mattingly Joey Mattingly, PhD ’18 Alexander D. MacKerell Jr. ~ Martin B. Mintz, BSP '65* Jill A. Morgan~ Thomas S. Petr, BSP '74 Arthur N. Riley, BSP '70, MS '72~ Jane M. Shaab~ Steven B. Shannon, PharmD '11 Paul Shapiro~ Jeffrey B. Sherr, BSP ’78* Joanne H. Sherr, BSP '78~ Kara J. Sink, BSP '92* Julia Slejko Frances Spaven, PhD '86* Nina H. Spiller, PharmD '88* Jackie Tran, PharmD '13 Satish C. Valluri, PhD '09 Angelo C. Voxakis, BSP '71* George C. Voxakis, BSP '58, PharmD '96* Kenneth P. Whittemore Jr., BSP '76~ Angela Wilks Richard L. Wynn, BSP '64, PhD '70* Dean’s Club $500 - $999 Bruce Anderson~

Christopher M. Blanchette, PhD '07~ Thomas S. Brenner, BSP '72* Rebecca Ceraul~ David D. Christ, BSP '79* David P. Cline, PhD '03 Nicholas Cornias, BSP '92* Mary David Mary Eckert DeLuca, BSP '79* Antoine El-Khoury Madeline V. Feinberg, BSP '79, PharmD '93~ Daisuke Goto Alice H. Hill, PharmD '93* R. Gary Hollenbeck~ David H. Jones, BSP '70~ Karen M. Kabat, MS '83* Wendy Klein-Schwartz, PharmD '77* Stephen C. Kloch, BSP '80* Kan Chan Ku, PharmD '01~ Suneel Kudaravalli, PharmD '00~ Danielle C. Lavallee, MS '05, PhD '07 Cherokee Layson-Wolf, PharmD '00 Mark A. Levi, BSP '70 Sai C. Nimmagadda, PharmD '12~ Pallavi Nithyanandan, PhD '05 Robin L. Paluskievicz, PharmD '98* Doris M. Peng, MS '78 Bonnie L. Pitt, BSP '74* Shelby D. Reed, BSP '93, PhD '99* Leah C. Sera, PharmD '10~ Jan Sieluk, PhD '18 Craig K. Svensson, PharmD '81~ J. Ken Walters Jr., BSP '71, PharmD '74 Jia-Bei Wang, PhD '92~ Thomas A. Wells Loreen A. Wutoh, BSP '86* Apothecary Club $250 - $499 Kimberly L. Barnett, BSP '86~ Lynette R. Bradley-Baker, BSP '92, PhD '99*

Robert P. Brauner, BSP '65~ Albert W. Brzeczko, PhD '90 Dana S. Corn, BSP '70* Huong T. Bui Dang, BSP '82~ Loc K. Dang, BSP '82~ Terry L. Davis, BSP '83, PharmD '98* Catherine G. Dormarunno, PharmD '00 Omolola O. Elliott, BSP '92 Fatemaeh Filipour, BSP '92 William T. Foley Jr., BSP '58* Mahtab F. Hariri-Salehi, PharmD '96 Deborah DeWitt Harris Gregory P. Honshul, BSP '75 Helen Hsiao, PharmD '06* Chad Johnson, PhD '19 Jonathan N. Latham, PharmD '98* Julia A. Lauless, BSP '84~ Lisa Lebovitz~ Lisa C. LeGette, BSP '92* Bonnie Levin, BSP '78* Nirvana A. Maharaj, PharmD '14 Wanda T. Maldonado, BSP '82, PharmD '86 Jason M. Noel~ Kristine Rapan Parbuoni, PharmD '05~ Thomas J. Pfaff, BSP '85* Michael B. Rodell, BSP '58* Sorell L. Schwartz, BSP '59* Suzanne K. Simala, BSP '84* Peter Swaan Marc Taraban~ Francis J. Tinney, PhD '66* Jain A. Trader Richard E. Trader Joseph E. Vandigo, MS '15, PhD '18 Hongbing Wang~ Linda Wastila~ Chanel F. Whittaker Barbara D. Wirth, BSP '72, MS '76* Gary Wirth, BSP '79* Catherine Wixson Robert Wixson~ Bay-Mao B. Wu, PharmD '01*

+ Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member = Signifies Deceased u n iversity of mary land sch ool of p h armacy


annual rep ort 20 19-2020



Century Club $100 - $249 Walter H. Abel, BSP '63 Jennifer A. Abernathy, PharmD '13~ Tesfom G. Abrhale, PhD '09, PharmD '13 Dennis M. Ackerman, BSP '70* Abimbola O. Adebowale, PhD '99~ Akwasi D. Adjei, BSP '92, PharmD '03 Kasem Akhras Jung Akiyama, PharmD '00~ Kirk N. Alexander, BSP '75~ Steven L. Allison, PharmD '06 Isabel Almeida-Chiat, BSP '90 Clarence L. Anstine, BSP '58* Alan W. Anthony, PharmD '04 Terry M. Artz, PharmD '98 Brittany A. Asaban, PharmD '15 Gary Attman Patricia Attman Larry L. Augsburger, BSP '62, MS '65, PhD '67 Caroline T. Bader, BSP '81* Dov E. Banks~ Freddy Banks, BSP ’92~ Margaret E. Banks~ Marshal Banks~ Rochelle Banks~ Claudia R. Baquet William H. Batt, BSP '63* Robin L. Becker, BSP '84* Vahram Bedrossian, BSP '79* Phyllis A. Bernard, BSP '88* Howard K. Besner, BSP '78, PharmD '02* Mark Bickley, PharmD '19 Franklin W. Blatt, BSP '77, PharmD '00 Ruth A. Blatt, BSP ’79 Thomas V. Bolling, BSP '69* Renan A. Bonnel, PharmD '83 Stephen P. Boykin, BSP '73, MS '76~ Wendy B. Brown, PharmD '04 Wendy Camelo Castillo~ Linda W. Canady, PharmD '06 Marian L. Cascio, BSP '77* Sujin Chang, PharmD '00 Randy S. Chiat, BSP '90

Joshua Chou, PharmD '17, MS '20 Fred Choy, MS '81 Catherine L. Cioffi, PhD '88~ Tatiana Claro da Silva, PhD '11 Arnold E. Clayman, BSP '73* Wendy Cohan~ Steven S. Cohen, BSP '68 Karen T. Collins, BSP '70 Mary W. Connelly, BSP '51 Catherine E. Cooke, MS '18~ John W. Cropp, PhD '92 David A. Custer, BSP '73* Hedy J. Cylus Gleiman, BSP '73* Surabhi Y. Dangi-Garimella, PhD '05 Mavis N. Darkwah, PharmD '10 Joseph A. Demino, BSP '84~ Daniel Deredge Nicole Derr Louis Diamond, BSP '61, MS '64, PhD '67 Bethany A. DiPaula, PharmD '95~ Julia Samantha Dougherty, PhD '12 Nancy A. Dravis, BSP '81, MS '95 Dongyi Du, PhD '09 Sarah K. Dutcher, MS ’14, PhD '14 Donald B. Elliott, BSP '57* Lily Chua Eng, BSP '76 Jennifer L. Evans, PharmD '00 Kevin Fain Daniel A. Farney, PharmD '01~ Walter L. Fava, BSP '89~ Nathan P. Fewel, PharmD '07 Philip J. Fiastro, BSP '78 Leslie D. Frank, BSP '77, PhD '82 Phyllis Freiman Daniel B. Frye Denise Fu, PharmD '10~ Tushar S. Garimella, PhD '05 Florence F. K. Gee, BSP '74* Donald J. Glenn, BSP '83* Thomas E. Goelz, BSP '70, MS '74 Marvin L. Goldberg, BSP '65 Mathangi Gopalakrishnan Amy E. Gorsuch Sarah Grebow George E. Groleau, BSP '76 Anna Gu Mary Therese Gyi, BSP '83, PharmD '06*

* Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years ~ Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years


a n n u a l r e por t 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0

Gary L. Haas Zemen A. Habtemariam, PharmD '17 Joseph G. Handelman, BSP '60 Sandy Harriman Ilene Harris, BSP '81, PharmD '83 Pam D. Heckler Donald Raymond Helinski, BSP '54 Diana P. Henzel, BSP '93* Cheryl Himmelfarb Marta Hoffman, BSP '60 Kellie Hom John Hontz, MS '85, PhD '87 Gwynne L. Horwits* Leonard Horwits, BSP '60* Brian M. Hose, PharmD '06* Yung Jing Hseih, PharmD '09 Ronald W. Huffman Jane S. Hulko, BSP '83 Kim Hulko, BSP '83 Anthony M. Ishak, PharmD '02~ Feiyan Jin, PhD '10 Tali M. Johnson, PharmD '02~ Lisa Jones Maureen Kane Robert Karrs~ Charise S. Kasser, BSP '83* Diane L. Kaufman Xuehua Ke, PhD '14 Thomas H. Keller Jr., BSP '63 Sonia S. Kim, PharmD '99 Patricia E. Kokoski, BSP '90, PharmD '95 Michael J. Kopcho, MS '62~ Lawrence J. Kotey, PharmD '03* Lawrence Kushner Thomas P. LaMartina, BSP '87* Mark H. Lapouraille, BSP '84 Ronald E. Lay, BSP '78* Janet Y. Lee, PharmD '13 Joseph H. Lerner, BSP '60~ Henry M. Levi, BSP '63* Julie E. Limric, BSP '69* Sonia I. Lugo, PhD '96 Denise Lupo Lutz, BSP '77* Frederick J. Mack, BSP '79* Daniel F. Mackley, BSP '76* Gary H. Magnus, BSP '81, MS '85 Aliya Mansoor, PharmD '98~ Lawrence L. Martin, BSP '66*

+ Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member = Signifies Deceased |

u n iversity of mary land sch ool of p h armacy

Edward T. McCagh Jr., BSP '75* Gina Patrice McKnight-Smith, PharmD '97* Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD '86* Michelle M. Medeiros~ Rachel L. Melnick, PharmD '11~ Thomas E. Menighan~ Sarah L. Michel Janet L. Mighty, BSP '82 Robert K. Moler, BSP '50 Jill R. Molofsky, BSP '81* Karen Morales~ Lisa Y. Mostovoy, PharmD '09 Thu-Trang T. Nguyen, PharmD '04 Agnes Nnane John J. Novak, BSP '72 Barbara B. Nussbaum, BSP '89~ Arinzechukwu P. Nwanokwai, PharmD '15 Joseph D. Ober, PharmD '85 Elisabeth Oehrlein, PhD '18 Amanda Oglesby Eun J. Oh, PharmD '01 Eberechukwu Onukwugha~ Glenda S. Owens, BSP '76~ Joseph Pariser, BSP '63* Ryan M. Pearson Thomas M. Penn, BSP '59 Philip M. Perry, BSP '74* Anthony J. Petralia Sr., BSP '52* Carolyn Petralia, PharmD '03* Helen Phan Joseph L. Phillips, PharmD '06 Kathleen J. Pincus, PharmD '09 Francoise G. Pradel Jingjing Qian, PhD '12 Bhagwant D. Rege, PhD '01 Budne C. Reinke, BSP '63* Lois A. Reynolds, PharmD '01~ James W. Rhodes, BSP '77 James R. Ritchie, BSP '63 Howard L. Robinson Jr., PharmD '00~ Patrick Tim Rocafort~ Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD '83 David S. Roffman, BSP '70, PharmD '73 David M. Rombro, BSP '54 Jerome Ross


Ruth A. Ross Michael Rubino Gaytrice K. Rucker, BSP '83 Nicole Rumao, PharmD '12 Joseph Ruppel, BSP '75 Lisa Coppolo Ruppel, PharmD '90~ Soumi Saha, PharmD '07 Tracy M. Salaam, PharmD '02 Noha N. Salama, PhD '04~ Laura E. Sampson, BSP '87~ Howard R. Schiff, BSP '56 Leon D. Shargel, BSP '63 Elias Shaya Fadia T. Shaya Ya Chen Tina Shih Mirko V. Sikirica, PharmD '02 John C. Smith, BSP '76* Judith Wenzel Smith, BSP '77* Leslie Yaffe Solomon Louis Solomon Tye D. Souders, PharmD '13~ Charles H. Steg Jr., BSP '78, PharmD '00* Michael J. Steinberg, PharmD '00 Alan R. Stoff, BSP '70* Steven Stosny Kathryn M. Strong, PharmD '97~ Deborah Ann Sturpe Charles J. Swartz, BSP '53, MS '55, PhD '58 David J. Sweeny, PhD '86 George W. Swope Jr., BSP '70 Donald W. Taylor, BSP '69~ Nancy L. Taylor, BSP '62* Mary J. Tooey S. Brian Toth III, BSP '94~ Shawna Trader Deanna Tran, PharmD '11~ James Trovato Kenneth C. Ullman, BSP '63 John Vakoutis, BSP '72 Wayne D. VanWie, BSP '88* Greg Vasas Sanjana D. Vasnani, PharmD '13 Emmanuel T. Ventura, PharmD '17 Francis J. Vocci Jr., PhD '77~ Rebecca J. Waite, PharmD '99 Pearl C. Walsh, BSP '58 James Wang, PharmD '11 Fran Favin Weiskopf, PharmD '88* * Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years ~ Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years

Andrea B. Weiss, BSP '89* Fred M. Weiss, BSP '70* Lucy Wells Monica L. White, PharmD '95 Stephen M. Wienner, BSP '91 Patrick Wintrode Mary-Lynn Lanham Wright, BSP '88, PharmD '96 Robert R. Wright, PharmD '03 Liyi Wu Chun-hua Yan, PhD '97 Steven Yang, PharmD '99~ William Yeboah, PharmD '00* David M. Yoder, PharmD '98* Irvin Yospa, BSP '61* Donald R. Young, BSP '57* William V. Zappa, BSP '74* Julie Magno Zito~ Paul Zucker, BSP '58 Contributions up to $99 Michael Colin Abernethy Lawrence M. Abrams, BSP '55* Robert W. Adams, BSP '68* Barbara Resnick Adler Ronald Adler Kelly Allen Marsha E. Alvarez, BSP '71, PharmD '96* Olajumoke O. Amuwo, PharmD '15 Leslie E. Anforth, PharmD '17 Marc Attman Deborah E. Bair, PharmD '98 Denise V. Baugh, PharmD '00~ John H. Beam, BSP '52 Edward A. Bell, BSP '82, PharmD '88 Cherry Bernardo Michelle Besser Jaimee R. Bible, PharmD '13 Thomas J. Biles, PharmD '98 Arnold L. Blaustein, BSP '62 Barry L. Bloom, BSP '66* Gary Bloom Hilary Bloom John G. Boeren, BSP '55 David Booze, BSP ’81 Lisa L. Booze, BSP '79, PharmD '00 Curtis A. Bowen, BSP '56* John E. Braaten, BSP '79*

Rebecca Bradford Jeffrey M. Brewer, PharmD '98 Laurajean C. Brice, BSP '78 Margaret C. Brophy, BSP '77~ Roberta L. Brown, PharmD '80 Mark Brueckl Stephen L. Buckner, BSP '67 Jennifer T. Bui, PharmD '89~ Pamela L. Burns-Muhler, BSP '91 Alvin H. Burwell, PharmD '99 Melanie Byrd Dianna L. Campbell, PharmD '16 Michelle L. Campbell, PhD '14 Colleen Cannon Stanley Caplan, BSP '70 Nicole Caprio, PharmD '16 Malissa Carroll Rebecca M. Castner, PharmD '10 Lisa Calvert Chalk Katharine Chowdhury Michel K. Claussenelias Michael J. Cohen, BSP '66* Hope B. Coleman, BSP '78, PharmD '97 James W. Collins Jr., BSP '80~ Ryan Costantino, MS '19 Jacqueline Crank Pamela M. Crowe Elyes Dahmane David G. Danziger, BSP '51 Nikeisha Darensburg Colleen Day~ Vincent A. Dipietro George T. Dooley, BSP '70 Peter Doshi Charles R. Downs, BSP '73, PharmD '99* Kathleen E. Dury Penelope R. Ekey Opeoluwa I. Fagbemi, PharmD '16 Joseph S. Fannella, BSP '73 Patricia A. Fanning~ Agnes Ann Feemster Jerome L. Fine, BSP '56, PharmD '96* Lisa Finn Robyn E. Firmin, PharmD '17 Marcy Fitz-Randolph Steven Fletcher Jack Frieman, BSP '56 Mena Gaballah, PharmD '18

Stephen J. Gandel, BSP '62* Jogarao Gobburu~ Brian J. Goetz, PharmD '94* Emily F. Gorman Lee Herbert Gradman, BSP '57~ Martin D. Grebow, BSP '60* Greer Griffith~ Alicia M. Gronseth, PharmD '11~ Anthony A. Guerra, PharmD '97~ Shauna D. Guest Frieda Hallock Robert Hallock Jill E. Hamilton David Hatton Lois T. Havranek, BSP '60 Emily Heil Geoffrey A. Heinzl, PhD '16 Adrienne I. Herman, PharmD '16 Deborah Ann Herman Bernard P. Heyman, BSP '57~ Paul Holly~ Jamie R. Hoots Amy R. Kruger Howard, PharmD '17 Anna Hung, PharmD '14, MS '16, PhD '18 Nigel Roger Isaacs, PharmD '93~ Jeanine E. Jackson, PharmD '05 Clarence A. Jeffers III, BSP '75 Jennifer Lynn Jerrome Lisa M. Johnson-Pope, PharmD '99~ Thomas E. Johnson Jr., BSP '81~ Chris Jones Jace W. Jones~ Louis M. Jones, PharmD '09~ Michael E. Jones, BSP '72* NeKeshia Jones Kathleen S. Kastama, BSP '81 Jason P. Katcoff, PharmD '08 Robin Katcoff, PharmD '03 Shannon Katz Edward G. Kern, BSP '69 Eric Kettering Stanley A. Klatsky, BSP '56 Abigail M. Klutts, PharmD '18 William Knebel, PharmD '97, PhD '01 Abhishek Kognole Charles J. Kokoski, BSP '51, MS '53, PhD '56*

+ Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member = Signifies Deceased u n iversity of mary land sch ool of p h armacy


annual rep ort 20 19-2020



Albert W. Kossler, MS '53 Mathew Krohn Praveen Kumar Ritu A. Lal, PhD '96 Regina Landon Theresa M. Langeheine, PharmD '01~ Kinbo J. Lee, PharmD '15 Laura M. Lees, BSP '82, PharmD '90 DeAnna D. Leikach, BSP '92 Neil Leikach, BSP '92 Melvin Lessing, BSP '66 Anne Linonis Richard S. Lipov, BSP '69 Kimberlie S. Little, PharmD '15 Feng-Hua Loh, PhD '16 Alan Lyles Bridget M. Lyons Max Lyons Julie M. Mathias, PharmD '11 Madeline McCarren, PhD '83~ James McPherson Lori Ann Mears, BSP '82 Christine Meaux, PharmD '16 Erin Merino Stanley J. Merwitz, BSP '54* Rebecca D. Mestas, PharmD '03 Harris L. Miller, BSP '65* Kenneth Miller Abraham Miranda Mark V. Mishra Kathleen M. Morneau, PharmD '11 Deborah M. Mulhearn, PharmD '95 Ludovic M. Muller Rene Murray Nabil Natafgi Karthika Natarajan, PhD '10 Thao Nguyen Kelly M. Nolen, PhD '07 Ava L. Norris Naitia M. Nwatu, PharmD '15 Maura J. O'Neill, PhD '13 Mary E. Ortiz, BSP '87* Megan M. Ossing, BSP '87 Anna Palka, BSP '92 Sharon K. Park, PharmD '04 Angela Parker, BSP '95* Denise I. Penn, BSP '92~

Andrew V. Phan, PharmD '13 Ha K. Phan, PharmD '17 Annette Piotrowski, PharmD '15 Cristina V. Platon, BSP '83* Marvin S. Platt, BSP '51* Genevieve Polk Judith A. Porter~ Stuart Porter Stanley A. Pyles, BSP '90 Sangeeta V. Raje, PhD '02~ Emily Redding Jena Rhodes Barbarajean Robinson- Shaneman Kathryn A. Robinson Trudy Robinson~ Charmaine Rochester Shay Roemmich Leon Rosen, BSP '62 Kristina San Juan Eric R. Schuetz, BSP '86 David J. Seff, BSP '55 Reza Seraji Jing Shao, PharmD '07 Patrice Sharp Morton I. Shear, BSP '53 Matthew G. Shimoda, PharmD '84* Soo Hyeon Shin, PhD '18 Carla S. Showacre, BSP '79, PharmD '01 Ronald Showacre, BSP '81 Yan Shu Lawrence P. Siegel, PharmD '02~ Manita Singh Thomas Sisca Richard M. Smucker Paul J. Solinsky Adams O. Solola, PharmD '04 Kaitlyn Solola, PharmD '04 Kathleen J. Sremcich, PharmD '01 Heather Stanley Johanna Stengel Alex Stern Carol E. Stevenson, PharmD '02 Patricia Stewart~ Peter C. Stock, BSP '82 Andrew T. Stoltzfus Abigail M. Strawberry, BSP '93*

* Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years ~ Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years


a n n u a l r e por t 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0

James P. Struntz Sr., BSP '61~ Stephan Sylvan Sonia Synkowski Simin H. Tabasi, PhD '06 Seyed E. Tabibi, PhD '82~ Charles D. Taylor Jr., BSP '67, PharmD '00* Ronald C. Telak, BSP '67 Sheryl E. Thedford, PharmD '11~ Juanita Thompson-Garrison Nancy K. Timothy Beth Tober Milton F. Toelle, BSP '55* Charles H. Tregoe, BSP '59* Shannon R. Tucker~ Janice Tufte Brian L. Ung, PharmD '16 Lisa A. Vuolo~ Shelby Warring, PharmD '19 Kristin Watson Jeffrey Wells Chauncey Whitehead Emerson Wickwire Emily S. Wiener, PharmD '15 Kelly Williams Sharyn Yenzer Steven Yenzer Linda S. Wojcik, BSP '95~ Fengtian Xue Wenye Yang, PharmD '18 Christian A. Zang~ Lane P. Zangwill, BSP '78 Chen Zhou

DONORS BY CLASS YEAR Class of 1950 Robert K. Moler, BSP Class of 1951 Mary W. Connelly, BSP David G. Danziger, BSP Charles J. Kokoski, BSP Marvin S. Platt, BSP Class of 1952 John H. Beam, BSP Anthony J. Petralia Sr., BSP

+ Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member = Signifies Deceased |

u n iversity of mary land sch ool of p h armacy

Class of 1953 Andrew Bartilucci, PhD Charles J. Kokoski, MS Albert W. Kossler, MS Morton I. Shear, BSP Charles J. Swartz, BSP Class of 1954 Donald Raymond Helinski, BSP Stanley J. Merwitz, BSP David M. Rombro, BSP Class of 1955 Lawrence M. Abrams, BSP John G. Boeren, BSP David J. Seff, BSP Charles J. Swartz, MS Milton F. Toelle, BSP Class of 1956 Curtis A. Bowen, BSP Jerome L. Fine, BSP Julian M. Friedman, BSP Jack Frieman, BSP Stanley A. Klatsky, BSP Charles J. Kokoski, PhD Howard R. Schiff, BSP Class of 1957 Donald B. Elliott, BSP Lee Herbert Gradman, BSP Bernard P. Heyman, BSP Donald R. Young, BSP Class of 1958 Clarence L. Anstine, BSP Conrad P. Dorn Jr., BSP William T. Foley Jr., BSP Michael B. Rodell, BSP Charles J. Swartz, PhD George C. Voxakis, BSP Pearl C. Walsh, BSP Paul Zucker, BSP Class of 1959 Thomas M. Penn, BSP Sorell L. Schwartz, BSP Charles H. Tregoe, BSP


Class of 1960 Martin D. Grebow, BSP Joseph G. Handelman, BSP Lois T. Havranek, BSP Marta Hoffman, BSP Leonard Horwits, BSP Joseph H. Lerner, BSP Class of 1961 Louis Diamond, BSP Conrad P. Dorn Jr., MS James P. Struntz Sr., BSP Irvin Yospa, BSP Class of 1962 Larry L. Augsburger, BSP Arnold L. Blaustein, BSP Stephen J. Gandel, BSP Michael J. Kopcho, MS Leon Rosen, BSP Nancy L. Taylor, BSP Class of 1963 Walter H. Abel, BSP William H. Batt, BSP Conrad P. Dorn Jr., PhD Robert W. Henderson, BSP Thomas H. Keller Jr., BSP Henry M. Levi, BSP Joseph Pariser, BSP Budne C. Reinke, BSP James R. Ritchie, BSP Leon D. Shargel, BSP Kenneth C. Ullman, BSP Class of 1964 Louis Diamond, MS Richard L. Wynn, BSP Class of 1965 Larry L. Augsburger, MS Robert P. Brauner, BSP Marvin L. Goldberg, BSP Harris L. Miller, BSP Martin B. Mintz, BSP Class of 1966 Barry L. Bloom, BSP Michael J. Cohen, BSP Melvin Lessing, BSP

Lawrence L. Martin, BSP Francis J. Tinney, PhD Class of 1967 Larry L. Augsburger, PhD Stephen L. Buckner, BSP Louis Diamond, PhD Charles D. Taylor Jr., BSP Ronald C. Telak, BSP Class of 1968 Robert W. Adams, BSP Steven S. Cohen, BSP Class of 1969 Thomas V. Bolling, BSP Edward G. Kern, BSP Julie E. Limric, BSP Richard S. Lipov, BSP Donald W. Taylor, BSP Class of 1970 Dennis M. Ackerman, BSP Stanley Caplan, BSP Karen T. Collins, BSP Dana S. Corn, BSP George T. Dooley, BSP Thomas E. Goelz, BSP David H. Jones, BSP Mark A. Levi, BSP Michael Luzuriaga, BSP Arthur N. Riley, BSP David S. Roffman, BSP Alan R. Stoff, BSP George W. Swope Jr., BSP Fred M. Weiss, BSP Richard L. Wynn, PhD Class of 1971 Marsha E. Alvarez, BSP Angelo C. Voxakis, BSP J. Ken Walters Jr., BSP Class of 1972 Thomas S. Brenner, BSP Michael E. Jones, BSP John J. Novak, BSP Arthur N. Riley, MS John Vakoutis, BSP Barbara D. Wirth, BSP

Class of 1973 Stephen P. Boykin, BSP Arnold E. Clayman, BSP David A. Custer, BSP Hedy J. Cylus Gleiman, BSP Charles R. Downs, BSP Joseph S. Fannella, BSP David S. Roffman, PharmD Ellen H. Yankellow, BSP

Class of 1978 Stephen J. Allen, MS Howard K. Besner, BSP Laurajean C. Brice, BSP Hope B. Coleman, BSP Philip J. Fiastro, BSP Ronald E. Lay, BSP Bonnie Levin, BSP Doris M. Peng, MS Jeffrey B. Sherr, BSP Joanne H. Sherr, BSP Charles H. Steg Jr., BSP Lane P. Zangwill, BSP

Class of 1974 Florence F. K. Gee, BSP Thomas E. Goelz, MS Walter J. Hryszko, BSP Philip M. Perry, BSP Thomas S. Petr, BSP Bonnie L. Pitt, BSP J. Ken Walters Jr., PharmD William V. Zappa, BSP

Class of 1979 Vahram Bedrossian, BSP Ruth A. Blatt, BSP Lisa L. Booze, BSP John E. Braaten, BSP David D. Christ, BSP Mary Eckert DeLuca, BSP Ira L. Fedder, PharmD Madeline V. Feinberg, BSP J. Philip Fink, BSP Stephen L. Handelman, BSP Frederick J. Mack, BSP Carla S. Showacre, BSP Gary Wirth, BSP

Class of 1975 Kirk N. Alexander, BSP Gregory P. Honshul, BSP Clarence A. Jeffers III, BSP Edward T. McCagh Jr., BSP Joseph Ruppel, BSP Class of 1976 Stephen P. Boykin, MS Lily Chua Eng, BSP John M. Gregory, BSP George E. Groleau, BSP Daniel F. Mackley, BSP Glenda S. Owens, BSP Larry E. Small, MS John C. Smith, BSP Kenneth P. Whittemore Jr., BSP Barbara D. Wirth, MS

Class of 1980 Roberta L. Brown, PharmD James W. Collins Jr., BSP Stephen C. Kloch, BSP Larry E. Small, PhD

Class of 1977 Franklin W. Blatt, BSP Margaret C. Brophy, BSP Marian L. Cascio, BSP Leslie D. Frank, BSP Wendy Klein-Schwartz, PharmD Raymond C. Love, PharmD Denise Lupo Lutz, BSP James W. Rhodes, BSP Judith Wenzel Smith, BSP Francis J. Vocci Jr., PhD

u n iversity of mary land sch ool of p h armacy


Class of 1981 Caroline T. Bader, BSP David Booze, BSP Fred Choy, MS Nancy A. Dravis, BSP Ilene Harris, BSP Thomas E. Johnson Jr., BSP Kathleen S. Kastama, BSP Gary H. Magnus, BSP Jill R. Molofsky, BSP Ronald Showacre, BSP Craig K. Svensson, PharmD

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Class of 1982 Edward A. Bell, BSP Huong T. Bui Dang, BSP Loc K. Dang, BSP Leslie D. Frank, PhD Laura M. Lees, BSP Wanda T. Maldonado, BSP Lori Ann Mears, BSP Janet L. Mighty, BSP Peter C. Stock, BSP Seyed E. Tabibi, PhD Class of 1983 Renan A. Bonnel, PharmD Terry L. Davis, BSP Donald J. Glenn, BSP Mary Therese Gyi, BSP Ilene Harris, PharmD Jane S. Hulko, BSP Kim Hulko, BSP Karen M. Kabat, MS Charise S. Kasser, BSP Madeline McCarren, PhD Cristina V. Platon, BSP Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD Gaytrice K. Rucker, BSP Class of 1984 Robin L. Becker, BSP Joseph A. Demino, BSP Mark H. Lapouraille, BSP Julia A. Lauless, BSP Matthew G. Shimoda, PharmD Suzanne K. Simala, BSP Class of 1985 John Hontz, MS Gary H. Magnus, MS Joseph D. Ober, PharmD Thomas J. Pfaff, BSP Class of 1986 Kimberly L. Barnett, BSP Wanda T. Maldonado, PharmD Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD Eric R. Schuetz, BSP Frances Spaven, PhD David J. Sweeny, PhD Loreen A. Wutoh, BSP


Class of 1987 John Hontz, PhD Thomas P. LaMartina, BSP Mary E. Ortiz, BSP Megan M. Ossing, BSP Laura E. Sampson, BSP Class of 1988 Edward A. Bell, PharmD Phyllis A. Bernard, BSP Catherine L. Cioffi, PhD Lisa M. Matson, BSP Nina H. Spiller, PharmD Wayne D. VanWie, BSP Fran Favin Weiskopf, PharmD Mary-Lynn Lanham Wright, BSP Class of 1989 Jennifer T. Bui, PharmD Natalie D. Eddington, PhD Walter L. Fava, BSP Barbara B. Nussbaum, BSP Andrea B. Weiss, BSP Class of 1990 Isabel Almeida-Chiat, BSP Albert W. Brzeczko, PhD Randy S. Chiat, BSP Patricia E. Kokoski, BSP Laura M. Lees, PharmD Stanley A. Pyles, BSP Lisa Coppolo Ruppel, PharmD Class of 1991 Pamela L. Burns-Muhler, BSP Stephen M. Wienner, BSP Class of 1992 Akwasi D. Adjei, BSP Freddy Banks, BSP Lynette R. Bradley-Baker, BSP Nicholas Cornias, BSP John W. Cropp, PhD Omolola O. Elliott, BSP Fatemaeh Filipour, BSP Lisa C. LeGette, BSP DeAnna D. Leikach, BSP Neil Leikach, BSP Anna Palka, BSP Denise I. Penn, BSP Kara J. Sink, BSP Jia-Bei Wang, PhD

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Class of 1993 Madeline V. Feinberg, PharmD Diana P. Henzel, BSP Alice H. Hill, PharmD Nigel Roger Isaacs, PharmD Calvin H. Knowlton, PhD Shelby D. Reed, BSP Abigail M. Strawberry, BSP Class of 1994 Brian J. Goetz, PharmD S. Brian Toth III, BSP Class of 1995 Bethany A. DiPaula, PharmD Nancy A. Dravis, MS Patricia E. Kokoski, PharmD Deborah M. Mulhearn, PharmD Angela Parker, BSP Monica L. White, PharmD Linda S. Wojcik, BSP Class of 1996 Marsha E. Alvarez, PharmD Cynthia J. Boyle, PharmD Jerome L. Fine, PharmD Mahtab F. Hariri-Salehi, PharmD Ritu A. Lal, PhD Sonia I. Lugo, PhD George C. Voxakis, PharmD Mary-Lynn Lanham Wright, PharmD Ellen H. Yankellow, PharmD Class of 1997 Nicole J. Brandt, PharmD James L. Bresette, PharmD Hope B. Coleman, PharmD Anthony A. Guerra, PharmD William Knebel, PharmD Gina Patrice McKnight-Smith, PharmD Kathryn M. Strong, PharmD Chun-hua Yan, PhD Class of 1998 Terry M. Artz, PharmD Deborah E. Bair, PharmD Thomas J. Biles, PharmD Jeffrey M. Brewer, PharmD Terry L. Davis, PharmD Jonathan N. Latham, PharmD

u n iversity of mary land sch ool of p h armacy

Aliya Mansoor, PharmD Robin L. Paluskievicz, PharmD David M. Yoder, PharmD Class of 1999 Abimbola O. Adebowale, PhD Lynette R. Bradley-Baker, PhD Alvin H. Burwell, PharmD Susan C. dosReis, PhD Charles R. Downs, PharmD Lisa M. Johnson-Pope, PharmD Sonia S. Kim, PharmD Shelby D. Reed, PhD Rebecca J. Waite, PharmD Steven Yang, PharmD Class of 2000 Jung Akiyama, PharmD Denise V. Baugh, PharmD Franklin W. Blatt, PharmD Lisa L. Booze, PharmD Sujin Chang, PharmD Catherine G. Dormarunno, PharmD Jennifer L. Evans, PharmD Suneel Kudaravalli, PharmD Cherokee Layson-Wolf, PharmD Kimberley A. Lentz, PhD Howard L. Robinson Jr., PharmD Charles H. Steg Jr., PharmD Michael J. Steinberg, PharmD Charles D. Taylor Jr., PharmD William Yeboah, PharmD Class of 2001 Michael G. Beatrice, PhD Daniel A. Farney, PharmD William Knebel, PhD Kan Chan Ku, PharmD Theresa M. Langeheine, PharmD Eun J. Oh, PharmD Bhagwant D. Rege, PhD Lois A. Reynolds, PharmD Carla S. Showacre, PharmD Kathleen J. Sremcich, PharmD Bay-Mao B. Wu, PharmD Class of 2002 Howard K. Besner, PharmD John M. Gregory, DPS (Hon) Anthony M. Ishak, PharmD Tali M. Johnson, PharmD


Sangeeta V. Raje, PhD Tracy M. Salaam, PharmD Lawrence P. Siegel, PharmD Mirko V. Sikirica, PharmD Carol E. Stevenson, PharmD Class of 2003 Akwasi D. Adjei, PharmD David P. Cline, PhD Robin Katcoff, PharmD Lawrence J. Kotey, PharmD Rebecca D. Mestas, PharmD Carolyn Petralia, PharmD Robert R. Wright, PharmD Class of 2004 Alan W. Anthony, PharmD Betina T. Blak, MS Wendy B. Brown, PharmD Thu-Trang T. Nguyen, PharmD Sharon K. Park, PharmD Noha N. Salama, PhD Adams O. Solola, PharmD Kaitlyn Solola, PharmD Class of 2005 Surabhi Y. Dangi-Garimella, PhD Tushar S. Garimella, PhD Jeanine E. Jackson, PharmD Danielle C. Lavellee, MS Pallavi Nithyanandan, PhD Kristine Rapan Parbuoni, PharmD Class of 2006 Steven L. Allison, PharmD Betina T. Blak, PhD Linda W. Canady, PharmD Mary Therese Gyi, PharmD Brian M. Hose, PharmD Helen Hsiao, PharmD Daniel Z. Mansour, PharmD Joseph L. Phillips, PharmD Simin H. Tabasi, PhD Class of 2007 Christopher M. Blanchette, PhD Nathan P. Fewel, PharmD Danielle C. Lavallee, PhD Kelly M. Nolen, PhD Soumi Saha, PharmD Jing Shao, PharmD

Class of 2008 Jason P. Katcoff, PharmD Class of 2009 Tesfom G. Abrhale, PhD Dongyi Du, PhD Yung Jing Hseih, PharmD Louis M. Jones, PharmD Lisa Y. Mostovoy, PharmD Kathleen J. Pincus, PharmD Satish C. Valluri, PhD Class of 2010 Rebecca M. Castner, PharmD Mavis N. Darkwah, PharmD Denise Fu, PharmD Feiyan Jin, PhD Seung Jae Lee, PhD Mark S. Maneval, MS Karthika Natarajan, PhD Leah C. Sera, PharmD Class of 2011 Tatiana Claro da Silva, PhD Alicia M. Gronseth, PharmD Julie M. Mathias, PharmD Rachel L. Melnick, PharmD Kathleen M. Morneau, PharmD Steven B. Shannon, PharmD Sheryl E. Thedford, PharmD Deanna Tran, PharmD James Wang, PharmD Class of 2012 Julia Samantha Dougherty, PhD Mark S. Maneval, PhD Sai C. Nimmagadda, PharmD Jingjing Qian, PhD Nicole Rumao, PharmD Class of 2013 Jennifer A. Abernathy, PharmD Tesfom G. Abrhale, PharmD Jaimee R. Bible, PharmD Janet Y. Lee, PharmD Maura J. O'Neill, PhD Andrew V. Phan, PharmD Tye D. Souders, PharmD Jackie Tran, PharmD Sanjana D. Vasnani, PharmD

Class of 2014 Michelle L. Campbell, PhD Sarah K. Dutcher, MS, PhD Anna Hung, PharmD Xuehua Ke, PhD Nirvana A. Maharaj, PharmD

Class of 2019 Mark Bickley, PharmD Ryan Costantino, MS Chad Johnson, PhD Shelby Warring, PharmD

Class of 2015 Olajumoke O. Amuwo, PharmD Brittany A. Asaban, PharmD Kinbo J. Lee, PharmD Kimberlie S. Little, PharmD Arinzechukwu P. Nwanokwai, PharmD Naitia M. Nwatu, PharmD Annette Piotrowski, PharmD Joseph E. Vandigo, MS Emily S. Wiener, PharmD Class of 2016 Dianna L. Campbell, PharmD Nicole Caprio, PharmD Opeoluwa I. Fagbemi, PharmD Geoffrey A. Heinzl, PhD Adrienne I. Herman, PharmD Anna Hung, MS Feng-Hua Loh, PhD Christine Meaux, PharmD Brian L. Ung, PharmD Class of 2017 Leslie E. Anforth, PharmD Joshua Chou, PharmD Robyn E. Firmin, PharmD Zemen A. Habtemariam, PharmD Amy R. Kruger Howard, PharmD Ha K. Phan, PharmD Emmanuel T. Ventura, PharmD Class of 2018 Catherine E. Cooke, MS Mena Gaballah, PharmD Anna Hung, PhD Abigail M. Klutts, PharmD Joey Mattingly, PhD Elisabeth Oehrlein, PhD Soo Hyeon Shin, PhD Jan Sieluk, PhD Joseph E. Vandigo, PhD Wenye Yang, PharmD

u n iversity of mary land sch ool of p h armacy

Class of 2020 Joshua Chou, MS GIVING BY CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS Patrons $100,000 + Laura and John Arnold Foundation Brands RE, LLC Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Massachusetts Institute of Technology National Science Foundation The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving University of Pittsburgh Benefactors $50,000-$99,999 Children's Research Institute Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Associates $25,000-$49,999 IMPAQ International, LLC Oak Ridge Associated Universities PhRMA Foundation Springer Science & Business Media LLC-NJ University of Southern California School of Pharmacy U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention Affiliates $10,000-$24,999 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Helen Pumphrey Denit Charitable Trust


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Indiana University University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy Walgreens Sponsors $1,000-$9,999 Alpha Research Foundation, Inc. Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation CVS Health Foundation Exxon Mobil Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fink's Pharmacy Hereford Pharmacy, Inc. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research Managed Care & Healthcare Communications, LLC Northern Pharmacy & Medical Equipment Pfizer Foundation, Inc. Pharmacists Continuing Education Association of Maryland The Drs. Calvin & Orsula Knowlton Foundation University of Michigan School of Public Health Contributors up to $999 Alpha Zeta Omega Kappa Chapter Brookneal Drug Co. Eli Lilly and Co. Foundation Good Shepherd Preschool Harold L. Frank, DDS, PC Intrigue Yellow Inc. and Foundation Jarrettsville Pharmacy, Inc. Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Merck Foundation OHE Business Paradise Professional Pharmacy Preston’s Pharmacy, Inc. Sharpsburg Pharmacy SNC Partners, LLC ThermoFisher Scientific TIAA Charitable Giving Fund


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Kenneth C. Ullman, MD, PC YourCause, LLC

GIFTS OF TRIBUTE The School of Pharmacy received the following gifts of tribute for the individuals listed below: In Honor Of: Robert S. Beardsley Cynthia Chauhan Herbert Friedman, BSP ’50 David A. Knapp Cherokee L. Layson-Wolf, PharmD ’00 C. Daniel Mullins

This is a listing of gifts received from July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020. We have made every effort to provide a complete and accurate listing of donors and gifts. If we have made an error or omission, please accept our sincere apology and contact the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at 410-706-5893 or ggriffith@ rx.umaryland.edu so that we may correct our records.

In Memory Of: Alfred Abramson, BSP ’56 Kenneth S. Bauer Jr., BSP ’89 Russell Carrington Harold L. Cooper, BSP ’58 Chester Eddington Paul Freiman, BSP ’53 Aaron Grebow, BSP ’55 Norman Levin, BSP ’51 William W. McKinney Robert J. Michocki, BSP ’71, PharmD ’75 Andre N. Ngwa Nforbi, PharmD ’09 Ralph Quarles Sr. Jerome Schwartz, BSP ’49 Ralph F. Shangraw


u n iversity of mary land sch ool of p h armacy

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