Annual Report 2008-2009

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15 D E V E L O P M E N T

The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy leads pharmacy education, scientific discovery, patient care, and community engagement in the state of Maryland and beyond.

V ision


13 N E W

M ission


We will achieve our mission by: • inspiring excellence in our students through a contemporary curriculum, innovative educational experiences, and strategic professional relationships. • advancing scientific knowledge across the spectrum of drug discovery, health services, and practice-based and translational research with significant focus on collaborative partnerships. • expanding the impact of the pharmacist’s role on direct patient care and health outcomes. • building and nurturing relationships with all members of our community. • capitalizing on our entrepreneurial spirit to improve pharmaceutical research, practice, and education in Maryland and throughout the world.

P ledge We are proud to be critical thinkers, lifelong learners, and leaders who are sought for our expertise. We earn our reputation with the highest standards of personal ethics and professional conduct. Students and education are central to everything we do. We engage the community; together, we contribute to the improved health of society. We celebrate the distinctive talents of our faculty, staff, and students. We honor our traditions and advocate for dynamic changes in pharmacy practice, education, and research. We create the future of pharmacy.

D ean ’ s M essage Reflecting on the past, but planning for the future is the theme of this year’s Annual Report. The 2008-2009 academic year, presented in these pages, was quite unlike any other in our School’s history. We enjoyed remarkable success in all of our endeavors, but we also experienced unprecedented financial uncertainty. Budget cuts caused us to examine every inch of our operations to see where we could be more prudent. Without sacrificing faculty and staff positions, we were able to reduce expenses while continuing to offer an outstanding educational experience to our students, high-quality care to our patients, outreach to our community, and breakthroughs in research. Still, our faculty, staff, and students were busier than ever. Some of our successes from the previous year include: • the implementation of a revised PharmD curriculum that promises to prepare our graduates to meet the more complex medical needs of the patients they serve • the awarding of nearly $3 million in stimulus funds for research on comparative effectiveness, substance abuse, infectious diseases, and drug delivery • effectively advocating for expanded immunization legislation and for legislation regulating medication therapy management in assisted living facilities • the formation of a Center for Drug Safety to improve public health by enhancing the safety of marketed medications • the securing of faculty and student practice sites in Montgomery County to support the School’s program at the Universities at Shady Grove

• steady progress on Pharmacy Hall Addition, which is on track to open for the start of classes in August It is important for us to honor the legacy of excellence established by our alumni and to continue the momentum you have so firmly created for us. With that goal in mind, we embarked on an ambitious strategic planning process in January 2009 that has produced a remarkable five-year plan. This new strategic plan, unveiled in this Annual Report on page 27, sets a strong course for the School of Pharmacy over the next five years. Focused on the areas of education, practice, research, environment, and entrepreneurship, the plan outlines very specific goals for the School to achieve. From utilizing best practices in educational methodologies and instructional technologies to implementing practice models that are financially compensated to advancing our nationally recognized research programs in drug discovery and development and health services, the 2010-2015 strategic plan capitalizes on the promise of Pharmacy Hall Addition to improve everything we do so that we achieve a top five national ranking. With input from every group in our School community—faculty, staff, students, alumni, Board of Visitor members, and preceptors—the launch of the strategic plan is the perfect impetus for all of us to rededicate ourselves to fulfilling our mission of leading pharmaceutical education, scientific discovery, patient care, and community engagement in the state of Maryland and beyond. I thank all of you for the role you played in our success this past year and for your involvement in creating our new strategic plan. That’s it for now,

Natalie D. Eddington, PhD ’89, BSP Dean






558 162 77% 66/34% 20-44 25 49% 32% 10% 1% 4% 4%

Total enrollment Entering class With baccalaureate Female/male Age range Average age Caucasian Asian


74 Full-time faculty 64 Adjunct faculty 530 Preceptor faculty



No response

93 Administrative, development,

facilities, IT, poison specialists, student services, and special support

158 Technical, research staff, and

teaching assistants

78 Total enrollment

26 Students 69/31% Female/male

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research




37 Postdoctoral fellows 7 Residents

52 Students 63/37% Female/male


Principal investigators

Published books


Non-refereed works published Papers presented

Manuscripts read/reviewed Editors/Associate editors Officeholders Departmental committees Total days in public service

PharmD Graduates/Commitment Type

Refereed works published

Review panels


SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY 27 5 236 40 436

65 591 110 13 334 422

38% 24% 20% 9% 4% 2% 1% 2%

Community/chain Residency/fellowship Hospital Community/independent Public health service Pharmaceutical industry Managed care Other


FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009

Net General Appropriation and Tuition and Fees $18,631,333

TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS $44,222,043 This report is an unaudited presentation of revenues supporting the School.

Grant and Contract Awards and Designated Research Initiative Funds $16,905,776 Federal Funds $13,316 Auxiliary and Misc. $2,460,444

Gifts $3,296,024

Grant and Contract Awards and Designated Research Initiative Funds $17,893,462

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Endowments $1,063,961

Campus-Funded Fringe Benefits $3,366,517

Net General Appropriation and Tuition and Fees $17,279,538

FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS $44,953,684 Federal Funds $413,316 Auxiliary and Misc. $1,882,335

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Endowments $1,267,949

Campus-Funded Fringe Benefits $2,921,060

This report is an unaudited presentation of revenues supporting the School.



G rants


A wards

JULY 1, 2008 - JUNE 30, 2009



Lynette Bradley-Baker Assistant Professor Amy Davidoff Research Assistant Professor Amy Davidoff Research Assistant Professor C. Daniel Mullins Professor C. Daniel Mullins Professor C. Daniel Mullins Professor C. Daniel Mullins Professor C. Daniel Mullins Professor C. Daniel Mullins Professor Eberechukwu Onukwugha Research Assistant Professor Eberechukwu Onukwugha Research Assistant Professor Eberechukwu Onukwugha Research Assistant Professor Eberechukwu Onukwugha Research Assistant Professor


Project Title

Sponsor Name

Project Total

Henry C. Welcome Fellowship Maryland Higher Education Commission Medicare Out of Pocket Spending American Association of Retired Persons Medicare Out of Pocket Spending: American Association of Retired Persons Update and Trend Analysis Outcomes, Quality of Care, and Costs Sanofi-Aventis U.S. Inc. of Chemotherapy in Prostate and Lung Cancer Use and Outcomes of Novel Chemo- Sanofi-Aventis U.S. Inc. therapeutic Agents in Colorectal Cancer Response to Medicare Reimbursement National Institute on Aging Policy Change by Minority and All ESRD Patients Training on Advance Data Analysis Methods Food and Drug Administration Treatment and Survival Among Men Sanofi-Aventis U.S. Inc. Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer: An Examination of Newer Therapies Treatment Patterns, Outcomes, and Costs Sanofi-Aventis U.S. Inc. Related to Colon Cancer UM Multidisciplinary Clinical Research National Center for Research Resources Career Development Program Hospital Admissions Among Veterans with UMB-UMCP Seed Grant Competition Congestive Heart Failure: The Role of Medical Noncompliance and Mental Illness The Economic Burden of Overactive Pfizer Inc. Bladder Symptoms Long-Acting Beta-Agonists vs. Tiotropium Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. in the Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Comparative Effectiveness Study


$10,000 $49,931 $49,936 $153,264 $308,536 $227,206 $30,000 $351,809

$319,337 $26,992 $24,907

$113,605 $132,383

Bruce Stuart, Frank Palumbo, and Linda Simoni -Wastila

Frank Palumbo Professor Francoise Pradel Associate Professor Fadia Shaya Associate Professor Linda Simoni-Wastila Professor Linda Simoni-Wastila Professor Linda Simoni-Wastila Professor Bruce Stuart Parke-Davis Chair of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Bruce Stuart Parke-Davis Chair of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Bruce Stuart Parke-Davis Chair of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Bruce Stuart Parke-Davis Chair of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Bruce Stuart Parke-Davis Chair of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Bruce Stuart Parke-Davis Chair of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy

FDA Decision Sciences Task Order #1 Adherence and Unmet Drug Information Needs of Kidney Transplant Recipients Maryland CVD Men’s Health Promotion Program Comparison of Fluticasone/Salmeterol to Anticholinergics for Treatment of COPD in Medicare HMO and Long-Term Care Patients Housing First Project Evaluation COPD Prevalence, Medication Use, and Potential Cost Offsets for Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries Achieving Maximum Value from Prescription Drug Coverage of Medicare Beneficiaries with Chronic Disease Profiles of Medicare Beneficiaries by Disease, Insurance Coverage, Satisfaction with Care, and Medication Use Achieving Maximum Value from Prescription Drug Coverage of Medicare Beneficiaries with Chronic Disease General DEcIDE Network Support: Methods and Dissemination Drug Coverage and Cost Offsets: Two-Part Models with Endogenous Treatment Effects Do Changes in Pill Burden Affect Adherence with Antihypertensives?

IMS Government Solutions, Inc. Drug Information Association

$149,000 $34,858

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield




Baltimore City Health Department GlaxoSmithKline

$74,250 $137,933

Commonwealth Fund




Commonwealth Fund


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality University of Florida


Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.





Anthony Tommasello Associate Professor Housing First Project Evaluation Sheila Weiss Smith Professor NCI-IPA Assignment Sheila Weiss Smith Professor Evaluating the Safety and Use of Erythropoietin Among Cancer Patients in the VA Ilene Zuckerman Professor & Chair Impact of Falls Among Patients with Osteoporosis Ilene Zuckerman Professor & Chair eICU Database Retrospective Research Ilene Zuckerman Professor & Chair Review of BioSoteria eLadder邃「 Safety Course

Baltimore City Health Department National Cancer Institute VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System

$74,250 $80,282 $22,500

Merck & Co.


Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. BioSoteria, Inc.

$108,276 $5,000





Bruce Anderson Associate Professor Bruce Anderson Associate Professor Bruce Anderson Associate Professor Bruce Anderson Associate Professor Bruce Anderson Associate Professor Bruce Anderson Associate Professor Bruce Anderson Associate Professor Charlene Baksh Graduate Student Kenneth Bauer Associate Professor


Project Title

Sponsor Name

Project Total

Combe Agreement to Provide Combe, Inc. Medical Information Avon Products Amendment Avon Products, Inc. Surveillance of the RADARS Systems Denver Health and Hospital Authority by Poison Control Centers: A Pilot Study Medicaid-Maryland Poison Center Contract Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Maryland Poison Center窶認inancial Health Resources and Services Stabilization Grant Administration Baxter Health Care Agreement Baxter Health Care Corp. Public Health Preparedness Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Clinical Pharmacology and American Foundation for Pharmacodynamics of Phosphatidylinositide Pharmaceutical Education Dependent Kinase-1 Inhibitor 7-Hydroxystaurosporine (UCN-01) in Refractory Leukemia Task Order #8 - Clinical Pharmacology Unit SNBL Clinical Pharmacology Center, Inc.


$38,912 $21,356 $30,674 $293,570 $278,310 $39,035 $50,000 $6,000


Charmaine Rochester, Nicole Brandt, and Cherokee Layson-Wolf

Kenneth Bauer Associate Professor Task Order #9 - Phase I Clinical Protocol Development for MRX-7EAT Nicole Brandt Associate Professor Medication Management in Baltimore City Thomas Dowling Associate Professor Pharmacogenomics of Beta-Adrenergic Receptors in Heart Thomas Dowling Associate Professor Evaluation of Biopharmaceutics Classification System Class 3 Drugs for Possible Biowaivers Cherokee Layson-Wolf Assistant Professor Pharmaceutical Care Community Raymond Love Professor & Associate Dean Springfield Hospital Center - Pharmacy Services Raymond Love Professor & Associate Dean Walter P. Carter Center - Pharmacy Services Raymond Love Professor & Associate Dean Spring Grove Hospital Center - Pharmacy Services Raymond Love Professor & Associate Dean MHA - Centralized Administration of Pharmacy Project Raymond Love Professor & Associate Dean Clifton T. Perkins Hospital Center - Pharmacy Services Raymond Love Professor & Associate Dean Upper and Eastern Shore Hospital Center - Pharmacy Services Raymond Love Professor & Associate Dean Thomas B. Finan Center - Pharmacy Services Mary Lynn McPherson Professor Alpharma Pharmaceuticals Residency Jill Morgan Assistant Professor Pediatrics Pharmacy Practice Residency & Associate Dean Jason Noel Assistant Professor Rosewood Hospital Center - Pharmacy Services

SNBL Clinical Pharmacology Center, Inc. $1,882 Baltimore City Commission on Aging and Retirement Education American Heart Association (Maryland Affiliate) Food and Drug Administration NeighborCare of Maryland Inc. Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Alpharma Pharmaceuticals, LLC. University of Maryland Medical System Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

$43,226 $20,000 $135,110 $52,335 $1,251,872 $461,414 $1,376,364 $462,442 $430,183 $425,367 $277,220 $75,000 $30,348 $3,688



Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner Professor & Chair Maryland P3 Diabetes Management Program Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner Professor & Chair Clinical Pharmacy Service Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner Professor & Chair MedStar Health FY09-FY11 Meghan Sullivan Assistant Professor 2008 AFPE-NACDS Foundation Pharmacy Faculty Fellowship in Community Pharmacy Practice James Trovato Associate Professor Oncology Pharmacy Practice Residency James Trovato Associate Professor Technical Support for Joint NCI-VA Study on Evaluating the Safety and Use of Erythropoietin Among Cancer Patients in the VA Medical Care System Mona Tsoukleris Associate Professor Pediatric Asthma Feedback and Alert System Kristin Watson Assistant Professor Compliance with Laboratory Monitoring in Patients with Heart Failure Receiving Sprinolactone at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center

Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene MedStar Health Research Institute American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education

$175,000 $142,137 $70,825 $25,000

University of Maryland Medical System National Cancer Institute

$30,348 $99,980

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Maryland Society of Health System Pharmacists







Mark Borgman Graduate Student Peter Butko Associate Professor


Project Title

Sponsor Name

HPMA Copolymer-Peptide Conjugates for Tumor-Targeted Delivery of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radionuclides Mechanism of Action of the Insecticidal Toxin Cyt1A: Biophysical and Biochemical Approach

American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education


U.S. Department of Agriculture



Project Total

Andrew Coop Professor & Chair Andrew Coop Professor & Chair Andrew Coop Professor & Chair Christopher Cunningham Graduate Student Richard Dalby Professor & Associate Dean Richard Dalby Professor & Associate Dean Lisa Durhman Graduate Student Natalie Eddington Professor & Dean Olgun Guvench Postdoctoral Fellow Stephen Hoag Professor Stephen Hoag Professor Naissan Hussainzada Graduate Student Rohit Kolhatkar Research Assistant Professor Yuan Luo Associate Professor Yuan Luo Associate Professor Alexander MacKerell Jr. Grollman-Glick Professor

Opioids with Delta Antagonist and National Institute on Drug Abuse Mu Agonist Activity Reversing the Toxic Effects of Drugs National Institute on Drug Abuse of Abuse Synthesis and Evaluation of Sigma-Active West Virginia University Cocaine Antagonists Opioid Analgesics With Reduced National Institute on Drug Abuse Constipation Spacer and Nebulizer Development Respironics Respiratory Drug Delivery Tacrolimus Pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler APT Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Changes in Brain and Placental Distribution National Institute on Drug Abuse During Pregnancy Benztropine Analogs, Cocaine Abuse National Institute on Drug Abuse Pharmacotherapies Development of Tyrosine Phosphatase National Cancer Institute SHP-2 Inhibitors Application of Lactose to Formulations DMV International Nutritionals Intended for Direct Filling into Hard Shell Capsules Development of Quality by Design (QbD) National Institute for Pharmaceutical Guidance Elements on Design Space Technology and Education Specifications Across Scale with Stability Considerations Optimizing Drug Delivery to the Intestinal American Foundation for Bile Acid Transporter: Novel Insights Using Pharmaceutical Education Structure/Function Studies and Electrophysiology Targeted Delivery of 2-methoxyestradol for U.S. Army Medical Research the Treatment of Breast Cancer and Materiel Command In vivo Studies of Ginko Biloba National Center for Complementary Neuroprotection and Alternative Medicine Effect of an Herbal Formula for IBS & University of Maryland Medical System Components on Stress Response & Life Span of C. Elegans Energetics of Oligonucleotide National Institute of General Conformational Heterogeneity Medical Sciences

$265,591 $113,976 $203,305 $6,701 $80,000 $149,500 $26,522 $49,500 $58,036 $24,943



$161,964 $45,000 $21,420




Alexander MacKerell Jr. Grollman-Glick Professor Alexander MacKerell Jr. Grollman-Glick Professor Grollman-Glick Professor Alexander MacKerell Jr. Alexander MacKerell Jr. Grollman-Glick Professor Alexander MacKerell Jr. Grollman-Glick Professor Sarah Michel Assistant Professor Anjan Nan Assistant Professor James Polli Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair James Polli Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair James Polli Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair James Polli Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair Gerald Rosen Issac E. Emerson Professor Gerald Rosen Issac E. Emerson Professor Vladimir Seregin Postdoctoral Fellow Paul Shapiro Associate Professor & Associate Dean Paul Shapiro Associate Professor & Associate Dean Paul Shapiro Associate Professor & Associate Dean 10

Carbohydrate Force Field for Molecular National Institute of General $238,989 Recognition Medical Sciences Restoration of Tumor Suppression Activity National Cancer Institute $320,930 in Malignant Melanoma Polarizable Force Field for Proteins and Lipids University of Chicago $88,155 Extensible Cyberenvironments for Empirical National Science Foundation $254,027 and Semiempirical Hamiltonian Parameter Optimization and Dissemination Program for Therapeutic Targeting of Weill Cornell Medical College $40,000 Transcriptional Repression Iron Substitution and Oxidative Damage National Science Foundation $190,000 in Zinc Finger Proteins Biological Fate and Biocompatibility of University of Utah $75,000 Dendritic and Silica-Based Nanoconstructs Substrate Requirements of the Bile National Institute of Diabetes and $291,847 Acid Transporter Digestive and Kidney Diseases Development of Immediate Release Oral Food and Drug Administration $299,726 Formulations Using the Concept of Quality by Design and Predicting in vivo and in vitro Correlations for Class II Drugs in Dogs and in Humans Evaluation of Biopharmaceutics Classification Food and Drug Administration $164,245 System Class 3 Drugs for Possible Biowaivers Prodrugs for the Intestinal Bile Acid Bristol-Myers Squibb $35,000 Transporter to Improve Oral Bioavailability Due to Low Intestinal Permeability EPR Imaging of Brain 02 in Drug Abuse National Institute on Drug Abuse $159,233 Very Low Frequency EPR Imaging for University of Chicago $145,231 in vivo Physiology Composite Nanoparticles for Targeted U.S. Army Medical Research $162,000 Delivery to Breast Solid Tumors and Materiel Command Substrate Specific ERK Docking National Cancer Institute $230,349 Domain Inhibitors Substrate Specific ERK Docking Domain National Cancer Institute $93,543 Inhibitors - Minority Supplement Sarice Smith The Role of PCDGF in Estrogen A&G Pharmaceutical, Inc. $13,500


Yan Shu, Peter Swaan, and Hongbing Wang

Peter Swaan Professor Predictive Models for BCRP Activity - Lilly Fellowship Peter Swaan Professor Dendritic Biomaterials for Oral Delivery of Chemotherapeutics Peter Swaan Professor Structural Biology of the Apical Bile Acid Transporter Peter Swaan Professor Center for Nanomedicine at the University of Maryland, Baltimore to Support Research into New Nanoconstructs Hongbing Wang Associate Professor Regulation of CYP2B6 in Human Liver Hongbing Wang Associate Professor Define Regulatory Elements and Transcription Factors Involved in Mediating Non-Classical PXR-Related CYP3A4 Enzyme Induction Jia Bei Wang Professor MOR Phosphorylation in Opioid Tolerance and Dependence Angela Wilks Professor Heme Oxygenase - Structure, Function, and Pathogenesis Bruce Yu Associate Professor Engineering Peptide-Based Biomaterials Bruce Yu Associate Professor Mechanical Characterizations of Force- Responsive Peptide-Based Biomaterials with Optical Coherence Elastography and Dynamic Rheometry

Eli Lilly Research Labs


University of Utah


National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases U.S. Department of Energy

$311,950 $239,000

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Bristol-Myers Squibb

$304,425 $35,000

National Institute on Drug Abuse


National Institute of Allergy and $300,000 Infectious Diseases National Institute of Biomedical Imaging $359,665 and Bioengineering University of Maryland, College Park $37,500



Bruce Yu Associate Professor Engineering Paramagnetic Complexes for Maryland Department of Business Multi-Chromic 19F MRI and Economic Development TOTAL PSC



David Roffman, Cynthia Boyle, Jason Noel, and Robert Beardsley



$3,717,519 $6,394,450 $6,323,070 $16,435,039

$85,000 $6,323,070

N ew F aculty Lauren Angelo, PharmD, MBA Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science Angelo’s primary focus is the development and enhancement of clinical and patient care initiatives in community practice. She teaches in a variety of labs and courses throughout the curriculum and is course master for the Nonprescription Medicine elective and Abilities Labs 5 and 6. Angelo obtained her PharmD and MBA degrees from Drake University. Her residency training was with Kerr Drug and the University of North Carolina. Before joining the School of Pharmacy, Angelo worked for the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), where she was integrally involved with the immunization, medication therapy management, diabetes, and lipid management certificate training programs as well as the educational programming for APhA’s annual meetings. Steven Fletcher, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Fletcher received his MA/MNatSci degree from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom and his PhD in organic/medicinal chemistry from Imperial College in London. He has held postdoctoral positions at Yale University and the University of Toronto. Fletcher’s research focuses on the design, synthesis, and evaluation of small molecule-based mimetics of protein secondary structure as novel therapeutics for cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Lauren Hynicka, PharmD Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy, Hynicka completed both a pharmacy practice residency and an internal medicine residency at the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System. With expertise in internal medicine, she rounds with an adult internal medicine team on inpatient units at the University of Maryland Medical Center and has an outpatient anticoagulation clinic based there.

Maureen Kane, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kane received a BS degree in chemistry from Canisius College in Buffalo, N.Y., and a PhD in analytical chemistry from the University at Buffalo, State University of New York. She completed postdoctoral training at the University of California, Berkeley. Kane specializes in retinoid metabolism and quantitative analysis of active metabolites via mass spectrometry. Retinoids (compounds that exhibit vitamin A activity) regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, development, nervous system function, reproduction, and the immune response.

C.S. Raman, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Raman received his PhD in biochemistry and biophysics from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, and completed postdoctoral training in protein crystallography at the University of California before joining the faculty at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Raman’s research focuses on understanding the atomic bases of signal transduction at the cellular level. He is the principal or co-principal investigator on three National Institutes of Health grants and was co-author on a publication in Science.



Gail Rattinger, PharmD, PhD Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research; Director, Pharmaceutical Research Computing center (PRC) Rattinger’s primary focus is in studying medication use, appropriateness, and effectiveness in older adults with chronic and degenerative diseases with a focus on neurodegenerative diseases, specifically dementia. In addition to directing the PRC, she teaches a variety of courses within the PharmD and graduate curricula. Rattinger obtained her PhD in physical inorganic chemistry from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and her PharmD from the University of California, San Francisco. Her postdoctoral training in pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research was at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.

Wanli Smith, MD, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Smith received her MD in clinical medicine and MS in pharmacology at Xi’an Medical University, and a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology at the Beijing Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology in China. She did postdoctoral work at the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Aging and in the Department of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Her research focuses on understanding the molecular pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases and disorders such as obesity.

Sudha Veeraraghavan, PhD Research Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Veeraraghavan received a BSc from Madras University in India, an MA from Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, and a PhD from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. She completed postdoctoral training in structural biology and solution NMR spectroscopy at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston and at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, Calif., before joining the faculty at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Veeraraghavan’s research uses biophysical and biochemical approaches, including NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and microarray methods, to study the molecular and structural basis of biochemical pathways. She is a co-principal investigator on a National Institutes of Health grant to study the structural biology of gaseous messenger signaling.

Pamela Voulalas, PhD Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Voulalas’ research focus is the regulation of drug delivery to the brain by xenobiotic drug transporters. She is particularly interested in the molecular mechanisms underlying transporter expression and activity by gonadal hormones. Another area of interest is in the analysis of synthetic compounds targeting dopaminergic neurotransmitter systems as potential therapeutics for psychostimulant abuse. She received her doctoral degree from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md., and received postdoctoral training at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and the School of Pharmacy’s Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Wanda Williams, MS Instructor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Williams received a BA in microbiology from California State University in Los Angeles and an MS in biology (molecular) from American University in Washington, D.C. While working on her graduate degree in the Army, she studied viral diseases and immunity at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Silver Spring, Md., assigned to the Department of Communicable Diseases and Immunology. After receiving her degree, she was employed at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, where her emphasis was on the immunological and pharmacological aspects of drugs of abuse. At the School of Pharmacy, her focus is on the educational scholarship of pharmacy and graduate students in the life sciences with an emphasis on course development, delivery, and assessment.



D evelopment R eport

Loyal donors provide the foundation for the School of Pharmacy’s success. The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy is in the midst of a $30 million capital campaign. Unprecedented in its magnitude, the campaign, part of the University’s “Making an Impact Worldwide” initiative, will transform the School, elevate our leadership position in all areas of pharmacy and pharmaceutical research, and expand our expertise, programs, and infrastructure. Ultimately, it will enable the School of Pharmacy and our graduates to be better prepared to lead the profession and make a significant impact on many more lives. Every year through our Annual Fund appeals, we invite you to join us in our important mission of shaping the profession of pharmacy. Although we are a state institution, state support that once constituted 60 percent of our budget has slipped to less than 20 percent in recent years. We must rely even more on private and corporate support to continue our important missions of education, research, and care. This is why your annual gift—every year—makes an impact on our ability to carry on the tradition of excellence at Maryland’s preeminent School of Pharmacy. We are so pleased to extend our special thanks and recognition to our alumni, faculty, staff, and friends who have invested in the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy this past year.

From right, Bradley Thomas, BSP ’82; Doris Voigt, PharmD ’04; Matt Shimoda, PharmD ’84; Lynette Bradley-Baker, PhD ’99, BSP ’92; Hoai An Truong, PharmD ’05, MPH; and Katie Morneau of the Class of 2011 make calls at an Alumni Association Thank-a-thon.



LEGACY COUNCIL In our continued efforts to recognize donors, the Legacy Council of the University of Maryland, Baltimore has been established to acknowledge those who have made generous contributions to the School of Pharmacy through their estate plans. Anyone who has made such a gift is eligible for membership in the Legacy Council, which is chaired by Clayton Warrington, BSP ’58. To qualify, simply provide documentation of the gift to the Office of Development ( or a copy of the relevant document in which the School is named as a beneficiary. For additional information about membership in the Legacy Council and estate planning, please contact Michele Ewing, executive director of development and alumni affairs, at 410-706-3816 or at Members of the Legacy Council include: John H. Balch, BSP ’68 Barry M. Bress, BSP ’79 Estate of Evelyn Grollman-Glick Gwynne L. Horwits Leonard Horwits, BSP ’60 Bernard Lamy

Gregory Lukaszczyk, BSP ’84 Estate of Bertha J. Manchey Estate of Helen Mendelsohn David G. Miller, BSP ’85 Joseph H. Morton, BSP ’60 Paul Pumpian, BSP ’50

Chris A. Rodowskas, PhG ’29 Estate of Lillian K. Slama James M. Trattner, PhD ’28 Clayton L. Warrington, BSP ’58 Elizabeth Warrington

DAVID STEWART ASSOCIATES In the mid-1980s, several dedicated alumni and friends established our premier giving society, the David Stewart Associates (DSA), to fund significant Schoolwide initiatives that would propel the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy nationally as a leader in pharmacy education. We honor David Stewart, America’s first professor of pharmacy and founder of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, who symbolized a passion for excellence and commitment to pharmacy education. The founding members of the DSA include: Leon R. Catlett, BSP ’65 Melvin S. Cohen James P. Cragg Jr., BSP ’43 Leonard J. DeMino Donald O. Fedder, BSP ’50 Michaeline R. Fedder Robert Foer, BSP ’51* Mayer Handelman, BSP ’54 William M. Heller, MS ’51, PhD ’55, DSC ’87 H. Elinor Hens

Leon Jablon* William J. Kinnard Jr. Dorothy Levi, BSP ’70 Mark A. Levi, PD, BSP ’70 Samuel Lichter, BSP ’60 Martin B. Mintz, BSP ’65, PD Benjamin S. Mulitz Elizabeth Newcomb, BSP ’68 John R. Newcomb Jr., BSP ’65 David Pearlman, BSP ’52

William L. Pearlman, BSP ’48 Thomas S. Petr, BSP ’74 Stephen J. Provenza, PhG ’29* Lawrence R. Rachuba David M. Russo, BSP ’79 Ralph A. Small Jr., BSP ’74 Bernard A. Weisman, BSP ’70 Kenneth P. Whittemore Jr., BSP ’76 Leonard Winkleman * Deceased

Through individual gifts and pledges of $1,000 or more, this core group of donors has grown to create a solid base of private support for the School’s efforts to advance pharmaceutical education and science. To join this prestigious group of alumni and friends, or for information on giving to the School, please contact Janice Batzold, director of special gifts and programs, at 410-706-1711 or at 16


The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy appreciates the financial support of the following individuals and organizations during the period July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009: Giving by Individuals DAVID STEWART ASSOCIATES $100,000+ Natalie D. Eddington, PhD ’89 Joseph H. Morton, BSP ’60 $25,00 - $99,999 Martin B. Mintz, BSP ’65+ Clayton L. Warrington, BSP ’58~ Elizabeth Warrington~ Ellen H. Yankellow, BSP ’73, PharmD ’96~ $10,000 - $24,999 Willard J. Hackerman DeAnna D. Leikach, BSP ’92~ Neil B. Leikach, BSP ’92~ $2,000 - $9,999 John H. Balch, BSP ’68~ David L. Booze, BSP ’81 Lisa L. Booze, BSP ’79, PharmD ’00 James L. Bresette, PharmD ’97 Suzanne J. Caplan, BSP ’65* Yale H. Caplan, BSP ’63, PhD ’68* Harold Chappelear, DSC ’98, RPh, LLD (Hon.)~ Andrew Coop W. Thomas Dolan, BSP ’74* Conrad P. Dorn Jr., BSP ’58, MS ’61, PhD ’63~

John F. Fader II, BSP ’63 Gary L. Haas~ Donna Handelman Mayer Handelman, BSP ’54+ Robert W. Henderson, BSP ’63~ Walter J. Hryszko, BSP ’74~ David H. Jones, BSP ’70 Samuel Lichter, BSP ’60* Richard P. Penna~ David M. Russo, BSP ’79* Marilyn Shangraw~ Larry E. Small, MS ’76, PhD ’80~ Sally Van Doren, PharmD ’85~ Angelo C. Voxakis, BSP ’71 George C. Voxakis, BSP ’58, PharmD ’96* Thomas G. Williams Jr., PharmD ’06 $1,000 - $1,999 Anonymous Alfred Abramson, BSP ’56 Robert S. Beardsley Stephen B. Bierer, BSP ’72* Cynthia J. Boyle, PharmD ’96~ Albert W. Brzeczko, PhD ’90 Betty W. Cohen, BSP ’49~ Gerald I. Cohen, BSP ’58* Gilbert Cohen, BSP ’54* Deborah B. Cooper~ William J. Cooper~

* Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years ~ Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years + Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member

= Signifies Deceased

Leonard J. DeMino+ Stephen L. Disharoon, BSP ’79 Dennis L. Eaton, BSP ’80* Michele Y. Ewing Donald O. Fedder, BSP ’50+ J. Philip Fink, BSP ’79* Mark G. Fletcher, BSP ’78, MS ’81, PhD ’83 I. William Grossman, BSP ’56~ Felix A. Khin-Maung-Gyi, BSP ’83* Mary Therese Gyi, BSP ’83, PharmD ’06* Barry D. Hecht, BSP ’73~ William M. Heller, MS ’51, PhD ’55, DSC ’87~+ Alice H. Hill, PharmD ’93~ Brian M. Hose, PharmD ’06 Joseph L. Johnson III, BSP ’73, MS ’76~ David A. Knapp* Deanne E. Knapp* Morton D. Kramer, BSP ’50* Angela Lamy Anne B. Leavitt* Raymond C. Love, PharmD ’77* Phyllis Lovito~ Michael Luzuriaga, BSP ’70~ Denis Lynch Kristin A. Lynch, PharmD ’97 Alexander D. MacKerell Jr. Ann M. MacLaren, BSP ’87 David D. MacLaren, BSP ’83, PhD ’88~

Felix and Terry Gyi

Daniel Z. Mansour, PharmD ’06 Gina P. McKnight-Smith, PharmD ’97 Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD ’86 David G. Miller, BSP ’85 Jill Molofsky, BSP ’81 C. Daniel Mullins~ Joseph A. Oddis Robert G. Pinco~ James E. Polli William T. Popomaronis, BSP ’78 Larry H. Pozanek, BSP ’59 Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD ’83~ Bruce D. Roffe, MS ’78 Eric R. Schuetz, BSP ’86~ Jerome Schwartz, BSP ’49* Paul Shapiro Fadia T. Shaya Jeff Sherr, BSP ’78 Joanne H. Sherr, BSP ’78 Frances Spaven, PhD ’86~ Kerry Spaven



Jean and Gilbert Cohen

Alex M. Taylor, BSP ’76~ Gerolyn A. Whittemore Kenneth P. Whittemore Jr., BSP ’76+ Carolyn S. Wilfond Angela Wilks Thomas G. Williams Sr., BSP ’80, PharmD ’99 ~+= Phyllis Brill Wingrat, BSP ’50 Jae Hyung Wu, PharmD ’98 Bruce Yaffe Debbi Yaffe Ilene H. Zuckerman, BSP ’81, PharmD ’83 DEAN’S CLUB $500 - $999 Raymond D. Bahr, BSP ’57~ Kimberly L. Barnett, BSP ’86 Louis M. Bickel, BSP ’47* Thomas S. Brenner, BSP ’72* Jay R. Brinsfield, BSP ’58~ Laci L. Brown, PharmD ’01~ Francis J. Bublavek, BSP ’81 Anna Chan, PharmD ’01 Mary W. Connelly, BSP ’51* Nicholas Cornias, BSP ’92~ James M. Crable, BSP ’82 Stephen L. Hilbert, BSP ’71, MS ’75


In-Ok Jung, BSP ’85 Thomas H. Keller Jr., BSP ’63 Joseph Libercci, BSP ’72 John R. O’Connell, MS ’88 Eberechukwu Onukwugha Bruce P. Smith, PhD ’91 Kellie S. Stonesifer, PharmD ’98 George W. Swope Jr., BSP ’70~ Huseyin C. Tunc, BSP ’83+ Melike G. Tunc, PharmD ’08 Zeynep T. Tunc, PharmD ’06 Donna E. VanWie, BSP ’87 Wayne D. VanWie, BSP ’88 Terry F. Wills, PharmD ’00~ APOTHECARY CLUB $250 - $499 Anonymous Bruce Anderson Janice T. Batzold William P. Beierschmitt, PhD ’86 Sherry N. Berlin, BSP ’74~ Michael J. Bochniewicz, PharmD ’80 Lynette R. Bradley-Baker, BSP ’92, PhD ’99 Hope E. Campbell, PharmD ’93 Suzanne M. Caulfield, BSP ’88 Rebecca J. Ceraul Pamela M. Crowe William G. Davies, MS ’91 Terry L. Davis, BSP ’83, PharmD ’98* Rebecca J. DeCastro, BSP ’95 Kristine W. Ellinger, BSP ’77 Jeffrey C. Farace, BSP ’82 Madeline V. Feinberg, PharmD ’93 Julian M. Friedman, BSP ’56* David R. Fulton Jr., BSP ’81 Steven P. George, BSP ’82 Stuart T. Haines~ Victoria G. Hale, BSP ’83


Richard A. Hodges, BSP ’71* Lionel H. Jacobs, BSP ’68* Karen M. Kabat, MS ’83 Yelee Y. Kim, PharmD ’01 Lisa T. Kloch, BSP ’80 Stephen C. Kloch, BSP ’80 Kan Chan Ku, PharmD ’01 Marcus J. LaChapelle, PharmD ’07 Virginia Lambrow Mark H. Lapouraille, BSP ’84* Lisa C. LeGette, BSP ’92~ Timothy P. Lewis, BSP ’84~ Mark P. McDougall, BSP ’85 Thomas J. Pfaff, BSP ’85~ Bonnie L. Pitt, BSP ’74 Michael B. Rodell, BSP ’58~ David S. Roffman, BSP ’70, PharmD ’73 L. Joe Rolf, BSP ’68~ James R. Salmons, BSP ’89, PharmD ’00~ Howard R. Schiff, BSP ’56 John A. Scigliano, MS ’44, PhD ’50* Udayan J. Shah, PhD ’90 Thomas S. Shelor, BSP ’74~ Louis Silverstein, BSP ’76 Suzanne K. Simala, BSP ’84* Linda Simoni-Wastila Larry A. Snyder, BSP ’60* Rona S. Snyder Francis J. Tinney, PhD ’66* Charles H. Tregoe, BSP ’59* John F. Van Wie, BSP ’84 J. Ken Walters Jr., BSP ’71, PharmD ’74 Barbara D. Wirth, BSP ’72, MS ’76~ David M. Yoder, PharmD ’98~ Lane P. Zangwill, BSP ’78* 1841 CLUB $168 Brett M. Behounek, BSP ’84~

Howard K. Besner, BSP ’78, PharmD ’02~ Janice B. Connelley, BSP ’79~ Charles R. Downs, BSP ’73, PharmD ’99* Wayne A. Dyke, BSP ’68 Leslie D. Frank, BSP ’77, PhD ’82 Charise S. Kasser, BSP ’83~ Ronald E. Lay, BSP ’78* Calvin Y. Lee, PharmD ’04 Maura P. Murphy, PhD ’99~ Brian L. Schumer, BSP ’81~ Michael J. Steinberg, PharmD ’00~ Jodi M. Sullivan, BSP ’95 Jay A. Wenig, BSP ’78 CENTURY CLUB $100 - $249 Anonymous Marie V. Adams~ Robert W. Adams, BSP ’68* Abimbola O. Adebowale, PhD ’99 Robert T. Adkins, BSP ’52* Marsha E. Alvarez, BSP ’71, PharmD ’96* Stephen R. Anderson, PhD ’97 Michael J. Appel, BSP ’69~ James D. Babb, BSP ’73 Anand R. Baichwal, PhD ’85* Kelli J. Bankard, PharmD ’05 Dov E. Banks Freddy E. Banks, BSP ’92 Marshal Banks Rochelle Banks Ingrid R. Baramki, MS ’63* Diana P. Bard Henzel, BSP ’93 Andrew Bartilucci, PhD ’53~ Michael J. Barton, BSP ’95 Denise V. Baugh, PharmD ’00 Edward P. Becker, BSP ’62 Sandra L. Becker, BSP ’70* Phyllis A. Bernard, BSP ’88~

Ronald L. Block, MS ’63* Thomas V. Bolling, BSP ’69 Charles R. Bonapace, PharmD ’97~ Barry A. Bookoff, BSP ’73* Laurajean C. Brice, BSP ’78 Elaine L. Brogan, BSP ’78~ Gerald N. Brunson, BSP ’57 G. Delane Buff, BSP ’91 Beatriz N. Caceres-Gentile, PharmD ’96 A. Kevin Callahan, BSP ’76, PharmD ’78~ John Card Mary A. Card, BSP ’77* Gary S. Carson, BSP ’80 Marian L. Cascio, BSP ’77~ Michelle M. Ceng, PharmD ’98 Mei-Yean T. Chen, PharmD ’00 Catherine Yu Chew, PharmD ’99 Randy S. Chiat, BSP ’90* Jennifer W. Childress, PharmD ’02 Henry H. Choi, PharmD ’00 Barbara S. Chong, PharmD ’97 Arnold E. Clayman, BSP ’73 Wendy Karen Cohan Susan Cohen-Pessah, BSP ’78~ William C. Cooper, BSP ’84 Dana S. Corn, BSP ’70* David R. Cowden, BSP ’80* Amy Davidoff Geraldine A. Delaney Mary DeLuca, BSP ’79~ Harry G. DeSantis, BSP ’79* James E. Dipaula, BSP ’71~ David T. Diwa, PharmD ’97 Barbara B. Doegen, PharmD ’99~ Gayle R. Dolecek, BSP ’65 Ann O. Dukes, BSP ’93 Michelle L. Eby, PharmD ’99 Robert Isadore Ellin, PhD ’50 * Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years ~ Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years + Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member

Donald B. Elliott Jr., BSP ’57 Lily Chua Eng, BSP ’76~ Simon S. Eng, BSP ’76 Michael J. Evanko Jr., BSP ’73* Theodore J. Evans, BSP ’83 Russell B. Fair~ Fran Favin-Weiskopf, PharmD ’88* Dennis E. Ferguson, BSP ’79* Daniel E. Fishpaw, PharmD ’00 William T. Foley Jr., BSP ’58~ Harold L. Frank Paul Freiman, BSP ’53 Phyllis Freiman Andre P. Galitzine, PharmD ’86 Kidanewold T. Geda, PharmD ’03 Timothy D. Gladwell, PharmD ’96 Brian J. Goetz, PharmD ’94~ Margie Mae Goldberg-Okun, PharmD ’02 Steven D. Gore Arnold F. Grabush, BSP ’67 Randall W. Grimes, PharmD ’98 Sharon A. Hartman, BSP ’89~ Kathryn L. Hatch, BSP ’85 Frank R. Henderson Jr., BSP ’88 Gerard A. Herpel, BSP ’82 Mary-Therese Hewins, BSP ’81, MS ’84 Marta Hoffman, BSP ’60 G. Lawrence Hogue, BSP ’69 Ronald M. Hopkins, BSP ’63~ Leonard Horwits, BSP ’60 Helen Hsiao, PharmD ’06 Trang H. Huynh, BSP ’91~ Leonard Jarkowski Jr., BSP ’69 Julie S. Johnson, BSP ’94 Tali M. Johnson, PharmD ’02~ Michael E. Jones, BSP ’72* Huijeong A. Jung, PharmD ’98, PhD ’02~ Aaron C. Kadish, BSP ’63*

= Signifies Deceased

Nancy N. Kang, BSP ’70 Robert R. Kantorski, BSP ’62 Kathleen S. Kastama, BSP ’81 Susan A. Katz, BSP ’88~ Ronald R. Kessler, PharmD ’06 Kathryn Kiser Wendy Klein-Schwartz, PharmD ’77 Lawrence J. Kotey, PharmD ’03 Freda L. Krosnick Jay E. Krosnick, BSP ’85 Christopher G. Kruft, BSP ’84* Kathrin C. Kucharski, PharmD ’87 Wannee Kunaprayoon, BSP ’78 Cynthia L. Lacivita, PharmD ’87 Kaysha R. Lancaster, PharmD ’00 Jonathan N. Latham, PharmD ’98~ Cherokee L. Layson-Wolf, PharmD ’00~ Hyun J. Lee, PharmD ’00 Jung E. Lee, BSP ’93 Henry M. Levi, BSP ’63~ Bonnie Levin, BSP ’78 Norman L. Levin, BSP ’57 David A. Lewis, BSP ’73* Harry S. Lichtman, BSP ’51 Julie E. Limric, BSP ’69~ Richard S. Lipov, BSP ’69 Frederick J. Mack, BSP ’79~ Walter P. Mackay, BSP ’62* Daniel F. Mackley, BSP ’76* Ann G. Mantelmacher, BSP ’80~ Lawrence L. Martin, BSP ’66 Lisa M. Matson, BSP ’88~ Antonia Mattia, PhD ’85, BSP ’88* Madeline McCarren, PhD ’83 Kevin F. McCarthy, BSP ’80 Maria Maggenti McCarthy, BSP ’88 Lisa McDaniel, BSP ’84 Margaret V. McDougall, BSP ’76

Harry J. McKenny, BSP ’58* Barry Meyer, BSP ’66 Harris L. Miller, BSP ’65* Milton H. Miller Sr. Robert K. Moler, BSP ’50* Yvonne K. Molotsi, PharmD ’02~ Anna M. Myers, BSP ’75 Arnold Neuburger, BSP ’59* Sarah K. Nguyen, PharmD ’03 Gloria J. Nichols-English, PhD ’95 Jason M. Noel Irvin Noveck, BSP ’41~ Teresa A. Okala, PharmD ’98 Francis B. Palumbo Joseph Pariser, BSP ’63* Mihi Ja Park, BSP ’85 Angela M. Parker, BSP ’95 Leonard N. Patras, BSP ’74 Martin T. Paul, BSP ’71 Michael P. Peloquin, PharmD ’04 Doris M. Peng, MS ’78 Carla B. Perrott, BSP ’77 Philip M. Perry, BSP ’74* Anthony J. Petralia Sr., BSP ’52~ Carolyn Petralia, PharmD ’03~ Keith T. Pfaff, PharmD ’05 Marvin Stanley Platt, BSP ’51 Barry W. Poole, BSP ’71~ Keith S. Pozanek, BSP ’86* Florence E. Raimondi, BSP ’53~ Shelby D. Reed, BSP ’93, PhD ’99~ James W. Rhodes, BSP ’77 James R. Ritchie, BSP ’63~ Howard L. Robinson Jr., PharmD ’00~ Phyllis S. Rubin Constanta E. Samborschi, PharmD ’02~ Laura E. Sampson, BSP ’87 Mark J. Schocken, PhD ’82



Andrea Lynn Seitzman-Siegel, PharmD ’98 Daniel S. Shaner, BSP ’63* Christopher L. Shawyer, BSP ’76 Yan Shu Gisele M. Sidbury, PharmD ’97~ Steven L. Silverman, PharmD ’06 Linda Simoni-Wastila John C. Smith, BSP ’76 Judith Wenzel Smith, BSP ’77~ Anthony J. Sniadowski, BSP ’59 Ronald J. Spector, BSP ’71* Nina H. Spiller, PharmD ’88 Molrat Sripinyo, BSP ’83 Carol E. Stevenson, PharmD ’02~ Alan R. Stoff, BSP ’70~ Anna Summerfield Marc R. Summerfield, MS ’76~ Kathleen A. Sussman, BSP ’81 Craig K. Svensson, BSP ’81~ Nancy Lee Taylor, BSP ’62* Cecelia H. Tillman, BSP ’78 Hoai An Truong, PharmD ’05 Mona L. Tsoukleris, PharmD ’87~ Pamela Voulalas James B. Walter Jr., BSP ’51~ Warren E. Weaver, BSP ’42 Hal J. Weinstock, BSP ’74* Andrea B. Weiss, BSP ’89 Fred M. Weiss, BSP ’70 Stephen M. Wienner, BSP ’91* Anne M. Wiland, PharmD ’92 Irene L. Winters, BSP ’54~ William Yeboah, PharmD ’00 Norman R. Yockelson, BSP ’71* Donald R. Young, BSP ’57* Roxanne W. Zaghab Warren G. Zerwitz, BSP ’61 LiRong Zhao Reid A. Zimmer, BSP ’63*


CONTRIBUTORS UP TO $99 Alan A. Abramowitz Janet M. Abramowitz, BSP ’81 Dennis M. Ackerman, BSP ’70* Jennifer S. Adkins Philip J. Adkins Cynthia M. Anderson, BSP ’87 Caroline T. Bader, BSP ’81~ Arthur Baitch Herta Baitch Richard T. Baker Jr. Donna M. Barrett, BSP ’77 Harry Bass, BSP ’58 James W. Beck Robin L. Becker, BSP ’84 Vahram Bedrossian, BSP ’79~ Alvin M. Blitz, BSP ’67 Barry L. Bloom, BSP ’66~ Eileen Bloom-Prinkey, BSP ’94~ Barbara Miller Blue, BSP ’55~ Rebecca A Bollweg Renan A. Bonnel, BSP ’83 Curtis A. Bowen, BSP ’56~ Donna M. Brennan Robert Brennan Roberta Ann Brown Marian C. Bruce Debra G. Bryan, BSP ’78 Sydney L. Burgee Jr., BSP ’55~ William H. Burton Robert M. Caplan, BSP ’50* Stewart W. Carter, BSP ’76, PharmD ’05~ Marvin J. Chertkoff, BSP ’51, MS ’54 Paul S. Chinnaraj, BSP ’92, PharmD ’96~ Terri F. Clayman, BSP ’77, PharmD ’98* Francis I. Codd, BSP ’41 Michael J. Cohen BSP ’66* Kimberly A. Compton, BSP ’94 James P. Cragg Jr., BSP ’43~+


Paul J. Crist, BSP ’74* Donna M. Crouch Pamela M. Crowe Patrick L. Cunningham, BSP ’77~ Jean M. Dinwiddie, PharmD ’93~ Vincent R. DiPaula, BSP ’61 Catherine G. Dormarunno, PharmD ’00 Nancy A. Dravis, BSP ’81, MS ’95 Norman DuBois, BSP ’53* Noel E. Durm, BSP ’55 Mary B. Eggers Deborah J. Ehart, PharmD ’00~ Anna Espley Matthew R. Esslinger, BSP ’90~ Neil E. Esterson, BSP ’51~ Jerome L. Fine, BSP ’56, PharmD ’96 Leo W. Fitzsimmons Jr. Elaine G. Fox Leonard J. Fox Emanuel G. Freeman, BSP ’49 Reta R. Freeman Theresa M. Friedman Timothy C. Funk, BSP ’77~ Howard J. Gampel, BSP ’75 John E. Gavlinski, BSP ’53~ Harry B. Gendason, BSP ’38* Herbert Gendason, BSP ’71 Abraham E. Glaser, BSP ’41 Florene Goldner Ronald Goldner, BSP ’60 Rebecca Grauel-Jones Aaron Grebow, BSP ’55 Martin D. Grebow, BSP ’60* Gerald J. Heilman, BSP ’55* Kimberly A. Holmes, PharmD ’03 Robert R. Imbierowicz Sr., BSP ’55~ Nigel Roger Isaacs, PharmD ’93 Raman M. Iyer, PhD ’94 Pamela Jeffra

Trena Jennings Torri L. Jones Anna H. Jung, BSP ’91 Carl Kaiser, MS ’52, BSP ’53, PhD ’55* Donna S. Karasic, PharmD ’99 Ronald Kasl Karen S. Kauffman Diane L. Kaufman Lauretta A. Kerr, BSP ’86~ James M. Kessler, BSP ’73 Robert L. Kestler, BSP ’69* Sung K. Kim, BSP ’94~ Linda R. King~ Stonewall C. King Jr., MS ’60~ Judith L. Kistler, MS ’59 Stephen B. Kistler, MS ’59 Charles J. Kokoski, BSP ’51, MS ’53, PhD ’56* Albert W. Kossler, MS ’53* Michael Kozak Jr. Thomas P. LaMartina, BSP ’87~ Theresa M. Langeheine, PharmD ’01 Ivy I. Laryea-Akogyeram, BSP ’93 Stephen L. Lauer, BSP ’62* Lisa Lebovitz Melvin Lessing, BSP ’66* David L. Lowery, BSP ’84* Yuan Luo Denise Lupo Lutz, BSP ’77* Nancy B. Mabie, BSP ’95 Alfay Manning Jr. Edward T. McCagh Jr., BSP ’75~ Michael F. McMahon, BSP ’80* Albert T. Meyers, BSP ’51~ Irwin E. Meyers, BSP ’53 Kevin Miller Philip B. Miller, BSP ’71 Connie O. Mitchell Kellie M. Monzillo, PharmD ’06

Thomas L. Morgan, BSP ’93~ Loan T. Nguyen James B. Ortt, BSP ’55* Frances A. Owings, PharmD ’98~ Kathleen M. Phelan, BSP ’93 Cristina Valencia Platon, BSP ’83 Richard D. Plotkin, BSP ’56 Vincent Poska Raghu R. Prabhu Douglas E. Prinkey Albert Prostic, BSP ’53* Irving M. Pruce, BSP ’49 Bonnie Darlene Purdy, PharmD ’87 Sangeeta V. Raje, PhD ’02 Joseph M. Ras, BSP ’73 Budne C. Reinke, BSP ’63~ William C. Richmond, BSP ’59~ Carol D. Ritchie Gloria Roberts Gertrude Robinson Hans J. Rosenbach, BSP ’50~ Christina K. Ryan Jeli K. Salau, PharmD ’06 Blanca Sandoval Chase Scarlett Charles J. Schutz, BSP ’65* Jean O. Schwartz, BSP ’87 Jerome S. Schwartz Kelly L. Shaner, BSP ’92 Lionel M. Shapiro, BSP ’52~ Lee Ming Shen, MS ’52 Allan B. Shenker BSP ’50~ Lawrence P. Siegel, PharmD ’02 Vanja V. Sikirica, PharmD ’03 Harriet Silverstein Joan Smith Shawn A. Sniadowski, BSP ’89 Melissa Alex Souder, PharmD ’01 * Signifies donor for 15+ consecutive years ~ Signifies donor for 5-14 consecutive years + Signifies David Stewart Associates Founding Member

Allen Spak, BSP ’63~ Mark E. Sporre, BSP ’84 Charles H. Steg Jr., BSP ’78, PharmD ’00~ Martin Stogniew, BSP ’78, PhD ’82 Elva L. Strother, BSP ’80 Michele A. Suit Cynthia R. Swim John R. Tamburd Charles D. Taylor Jr., BSP ’67, PharmD ’00~ Annette L. Tester, BSP ’83 Kelly E. Tinelli, PharmD ’95~ Milton F. Toelle, BSP ’55 Tanyifor M. Tohnya, PharmD ’01 Sylvan Tompakov, BSP ’37 Denise P. Toyer-McKan, PharmD ’98 Tracy R. Travers, BSP ’95 Nancy H. Volcjak George H. Wall Hongbing Wang Anna Marie Weikel, BSP ’82 Brenda K. Weller, BSP ’92~ Thomas D. Wieland BSP ’84* Mark S. Wienecke, BSP ’77* Joan P. Williams, BSP ’70* Dominique Wiscovitch William V. Zappa, BSP ’74* Vera Zejmis, PharmD ’02 Harry Zemel Milton S. Zepp Anthony E. Zimmermann, BSP ’85, PharmD ’93~

Donors by Class Year CLASS OF 1937 Sylvan Tompakov, BSP

= Signifies Deceased

CLASS OF 1938 Harry B. Gendason, BSP CLASS OF 1941 Francis I. Codd, BSP Abraham E. Glaser, BSP Irvin Noveck, BSP CLASS OF 1942 Warren E. Weaver, BSP CLASS OF 1943 James P. Cragg Jr., BSP CLASS OF 1944 John A. Scigliano, MS CLASS OF 1947 Louis M. Bickel, BSP CLASS OF 1949 Betty W. Cohen, BSP Emanuel G. Freeman, BSP Irving M. Pruce, BSP Jerome Schwartz, BSP CLASS OF 1950 Robert M. Caplan, BSP Robert Isadore Ellin, BSP Donald O. Fedder, BSP Morton D. Kramer, BSP Robert K. Moler, BSP Hans J. Rosenbach, BSP John A. Scigliano, BSP Allan B. Shenker, BSP Phyllis Brill Wingrat, BSP

Morton Kramer and Barbara Fein

CLASS OF 1951 Marvin J. Chertkoff, BSP Mary W. Connelly, BSP Neil E. Esterson, BSP William M. Heller, MS Charles J. Kokoski, BSP Harry S. Lichtman, BSP Albert T. Meyers, BSP Marvin Stanley Platt, BSP James B. Walter Jr., BSP CLASS OF 1952 Robert T. Adkins, BSP Carl Kaiser, MS Anthony J. Petralia Sr., BSP Lionel M. Shapiro, BSP Lee Ming Shen, MS CLASS OF 1953 Andrew Bartilucci, PhD Norman Du Bois, BSP Paul Freiman, BSP John E. Gavlinski, BSP Carl Kaiser, BSP Charles J. Kokoski, MS Albert W. Kossler, MS Irwin E. Meyers, BSP Albert Prostic, BSP Florence E. Raimondi, BSP



CLASS OF 1957 Raymond D. Bahr, BSP Gerald N. Brunson, BSP Donald B. Elliott Jr., BSP Norman L. Levin, BSP Donald R. Young, BSP

Ellen and Leon Catlett

CLASS OF 1954 Marvin J. Chertkoff, MS Gilbert Cohen, BSP Mayer Handelman, BSP Irene L. Winters, BSP CLASS OF 1955 Barbara Miller Blue, BSP Sydney L. Burgee Jr., BSP Noel E. Durm, BSP Aaron Grebow, BSP Gerald J. Heilman, BSP William M. Heller, PhD Robert R. Imbierowicz Sr., BSP Carl Kaiser, PhD James B. Ortt, BSP Milton F. Toelle, BSP CLASS OF 1956 Alfred Abramson, BSP Curtis A. Bowen, BSP Jerome L. Fine, BSP Julian M. Friedman, BSP I. William Grossman, BSP Charles J. Kokoski, PhD Richard D. Plotkin, BSP Howard R. Schiff, BSP


CLASS OF 1958 Harry Bass, BSP Jay R. Brinsfield, BSP Gerald I. Cohen, BSP Conrad P. Dorn Jr., BSP William T. Foley Jr., BSP Harry J. McKenny, BSP Michael B. Rodell, BSP George C. Voxakis, BSP Clayton L. Warrington, BSP CLASS OF 1959 Judith L. Kistler, MS Stephen B. Kistler, MS Arnold Neuburger, BSP Larry H. Pozanek, BSP William C. Richmond, BSP Anthony J. Sniadowski, BSP Charles H. Tregoe, BSP CLASS OF 1960 Ronald Goldner, BSP Martin D. Grebow, BSP Marta Hoffman, BSP Leonard Horwits, BSP Stonewall C. King Jr., BSP Samuel Lichter, BSP Joseph H. Morton, BSP Larry A. Snyder, BSP CLASS OF 1961 Vincent R. DiPaula, BSP


Conrad P. Dorn Jr., MS Warren G. Zerwitz, BSP CLASS OF 1962 Edward P. Becker, BSP Robert R. Kantorski, BSP Stephen L. Lauer, BSP Walter P. Mackay, BSP Nancy L. Taylor, BSP CLASS OF 1963 Ingrid R. Baramki, MS Ronald L. Block, MS Yale H. Caplan, BSP Conrad P. Dorn Jr., PhD John F. Fader II, BSP Robert W. Henderson, BSP Ronald M. Hopkins, BSP Aaron C. Kadish, BSP Thomas H. Keller Jr., BSP Henry M. Levi, BSP Joseph Pariser, BSP Budne C. Reinke, BSP James R. Ritchie, BSP Daniel S. Shaner, BSP Allen Spak, BSP Reid A. Zimmer, BSP CLASS OF 1965 Suzanne J. Caplan, BSP Gayle R. Dolecek, BSP Harris L. Miller, BSP Martin B. Mintz, BSP Charles J. Schutz, BSP CLASS OF 1966 Barry L. Bloom, BSP Michael J. Cohen, BSP Melvin Lessing, BSP

Lawrence L. Martin, BSP Barry Meyer, BSP Francis J. Tinney, PhD CLASS OF 1967 Alvin M. Blitz, BSP Arnold F. Grabush, BSP Charles D. Taylor Jr., BSP CLASS OF 1968 Robert W. Adams, BSP John H. Balch, BSP Yale H. Caplan, PhD Wayne A. Dyke, BSP Lionel H. Jacobs, BSP L. Joe Rolf, BSP CLASS OF 1969 Michael J. Appel, BSP Thomas V. Bolling, BSP G. Lawrence Hogue, BSP Leonard Jarkowski Jr., BSP Robert L. Kestler, BSP Julie E. Limric, BSP Richard S. Lipov, BSP CLASS OF 1970 Dennis M. Ackerman, BSP Sandra L. Becker, BSP Dana S. Corn, BSP David H. Jones, BSP Nancy N. Kang, BSP Michael Luzuriaga, BSP David S. Roffman, BSP Alan R. Stoff, BSP George W. Swope Jr., BSP Fred M. Weiss, BSP Joan P. Williams, BSP

CLASS OF 1971 Marsha E. Alvarez, BSP James E. Dipaula, BSP Herbert Gendason, BSP Stephen L. Hilbert, BSP Richard A. Hodges, BSP Philip B. Miller, BSP Martin T. Paul, BSP Barry W. Poole, BSP Mark J. Schocken, BSP Ronald J. Spector, BSP Angelo C. Voxakis, BSP J. Ken Walters Jr., BSP Norman R. Yockelson, BSP CLASS OF 1972 Stephen B. Bierer, BSP Thomas S. Brenner, BSP Michael E. Jones, BSP Joseph Libercci, BSP Barbara D. Wirth, BSP CLASS OF 1973 James D. Babb, BSP Barry A. Bookoff, BSP Arnold E. Clayman, BSP Charles R. Downs, BSP Michael J. Evanko Jr., BSP Barry D. Hecht, BSP Joseph L. Johnson III, BSP James M. Kessler, BSP David A. Lewis, BSP Joseph M. Ras, BSP David S. Roffman, PharmD Ellen H. Yankellow, BSP CLASS OF 1974 Sherry N. Berlin, BSP Paul J. Crist, BSP

W. Thomas Dolan, BSP Walter J. Hryszko, BSP Leonard N. Patras, BSP Philip M. Perry, BSP Bonnie L. Pitt, BSP Thomas S. Shelor, BSP J. Ken Walters Jr., PharmD Hal J. Weinstock, BSP William V. Zappa, BSP CLASS OF 1975 Howard J. Gampel, BSP Stephen L. Hilbert, MS Edward T. McCagh Jr., BSP Anna M. Myers, BSP

Kristine W. Ellinger, BSP Leslie D. Frank, BSP Timothy C. Funk, BSP Wendy Klein-Schwartz, PharmD Raymond C. Love, PharmD Denise L. Lutz, BSP Carla B. Perrott, BSP James W. Rhodes, BSP Judith W. Smith, BSP Mark S. Wienecke, BSP

CLASS OF 1976 A. Kevin Callahan, BSP Stewart W. Carter, BSP Lily Chua Eng, BSP Simon S. Eng, BSP Joseph L. Johnson III, MS Daniel F. Mackley, BSP Margaret V. McDougall, BSP Christopher L. Shawyer, BSP Louis Silverstein, BSP Larry E. Small, MS John C. Smith, BSP Marc R. Summerfield, MS Alex M. Taylor, BSP Kenneth P. Whittemore Jr., BSP Barbara D. Wirth, MS

CLASS OF 1978 Howard K. Besner, BSP Laurajean C. Brice, BSP Elaine L. Brogan, BSP Debra G. Bryan, BSP A. Kevin Callahan, PharmD Susan Cohen-Pessah, BSP Mark G. Fletcher, BSP Wannee Kunaprayoon, BSP Ronald E. Lay, BSP Bonnie Levin, BSP Doris M. Peng, MS William T. Popomaronis, BSP Bruce D. Roffe, MS Jeff Sherr, BSP Joanne H. Sherr, BSP Charles H. Steg Jr., BSP Martin Stogniew, BSP Cecelia H. Tillman, BSP Jay A. Wenig, BSP Lane P. Zangwill, BSP

CLASS OF 1977 Donna M. Barrett, BSP Mary A. Card, BSP Marian L. Cascio, BSP Terri F. Clayman, BSP Patrick L. Cunningham, BSP

CLASS OF 1979 Vahram Bedrossian, BSP Lisa L. Booze, BSP Janice B. Connelley, BSP Mary DeLuca, BSP Harry G. DeSantis, BSP

Stephen L. Disharoon, BSP Madeline V. Feinberg, BSP Dennis E. Ferguson, BSP J. Philip Fink, BSP Frederick J. Mack, BSP David M. Russo, BSP CLASS OF 1980 Michael J. Bochniewicz, PharmD Gary S. Carson, BSP David R. Cowden, BSP Dennis L. Eaton, BSP Lisa T. Kloch, BSP Stephen C. Kloch, BSP Ann G. Mantelmacher, BSP Kevin F. McCarthy, BSP Michael F. McMahon, BSP Larry E. Small, PhD Elva L. Strother, BSP Thomas G. Williams Sr., BSP CLASS OF 1981 Janet M. Abramowitz, BSP Caroline T. Bader, BSP David L. Booze, BSP Francis J. Bublavek, BSP Nancy A. Dravis, BSP Mark G. Fletcher, MS David R. Fulton Jr., BSP Mary-Therese Hewins, BSP Kathleen S. Kastama, BSP Jill Molofsky, BSP Brian L. Schumer, BSP Kathleen A. Sussman, BSP Craig K. Svensson, BSP Ilene H. Zuckerman, BSP CLASS OF 1982 James M. Crable, BSP



Jeffrey C. Farace, BSP Leslie D. Frank, PhD Steven P. George, BSP Gerard A. Herpel, BSP Mark J. Schocken, PhD Martin Stogniew, PhD Anna Marie Weikel, BSP CLASS OF 1983 Renan A. Bonnel, BSP Terry L. Davis, BSP Theodore J. Evans, BSP Mark G. Fletcher, PhD Felix A. Khin-Maung-Gyi, BSP Mary Therese Gyi, BSP Victoria G. Hale, BSP Karen M. Kabat, MS Charise S. Kasser, BSP Ronald R. Kessler, BSP David D. MacLaren, BSP Madeline McCarren, PhD Cristina V. Platon, BSP Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD Molrat Sripinyo, BSP Annette L. Tester, BSP Huseyin C. Tunc, BSP Ilene H. Zuckerman, PharmD CLASS OF 1984 Robin L. Becker, BSP Brett M. Behounek, BSP William C. Cooper, BSP Mary-Therese Hewins, MS Christopher G. Kruft, BSP Mark H. Lapouraille, BSP Timothy P. Lewis, BSP David L. Lowery, BSP Lisa McDaniel, BSP Suzanne K. Simala, BSP


Mark E. Sporre, BSP John F. Van Wie, BSP Thomas D. Wieland, BSP CLASS OF 1985 Anand R. Baichwal, PhD Kathryn L. Hatch, BSP In-Ok Jung, BSP Jay E. Krosnick, BSP Antonia Mattia, PhD Mark P. McDougall, BSP David G. Miller, BSP Mihi Ja Park, BSP Thomas J. Pfaff, BSP Sally Van Doren, PharmD Anthony E. Zimmermann, BSP CLASS OF 1986 Kimberly L. Barnett, BSP William P. Beierschmitt, PhD Andre P. Galitzine, PharmD Lauretta A. Kerr, BSP Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD Keith S. Pozanek, BSP Eric R. Schuetz, BSP Frances Spaven, PhD CLASS OF 1987 Cynthia M. Anderson, BSP William M. Heller, DSC Kathrin C. Kucharski, PharmD Cynthia L. Lacivita, PharmD Thomas P. LaMartina, BSP Ann M. MacLaren, BSP Bonnie Darlene Purdy, PharmD Laura E. Sampson, BSP Jean O. Schwartz, BSP Mona L. Tsoukleris, PharmD Donna E. VanWie, BSP


CLASS OF 1988 Phyllis A. Bernard, BSP Suzanne M. Caulfield, BSP Fran Favin-Weiskopf, PharmD Frank R. Henderson Jr., BSP Susan A. Katz, BSP David D. MacLaren, PhD Lisa M. Matson, BSP Antonia Mattia, BSP Maria Maggenti McCarthy, BSP John R. O’Connell, MS Nina H. Spiller, PharmD Wayne D. VanWie, BSP CLASS OF 1989 Natalie D. Eddington, PhD Sharon A. Hartman, BSP James R. Salmons, BSP Shawn A. Sniadowski, BSP Andrea B. Weiss, BSP CLASS OF 1990 Albert W. Brzeczko, PhD Randy S. Chiat, BSP Matthew R. Esslinger, BSP Udayan J. Shah, PhD CLASS OF 1991 G. Delane Buff, BSP William G. Davies, MS Trang H. Huynh, BSP Anna H. Jung, BSP Bruce P. Smith, PhD Stephen M. Wienner, BSP CLASS OF 1992 Freddy E. Banks, BSP Lynette R. Bradley-Baker, BSP Paul S. Chinnaraj, BSP

Nicholas Cornias, BSP Lisa C. LeGette, BSP DeAnna D. Leikach, BSP Neil B. Leikach, BSP Kelly L. Shaner, BSP Brenda K. Weller, BSP Anne M. Wiland, PharmD CLASS OF 1993 Hope E. Campbell, PharmD Jean M. Dinwiddie, PharmD Ann O. Dukes, BSP Madeline V. Feinberg, PharmD Diana P. Bard Henzel, BSP Alice H. Hill, PharmD Nigel Roger Isaacs, PharmD Ivy I. Laryea-Akogyeram, BSP Jung E. Lee, BSP Thomas L. Morgan, BSP Kathleen M. Phelan, BSP Shelby D. Reed, BSP Anthony E. Zimmermann, PharmD CLASS OF 1994 Eileen Bloom-Prinkey, BSP Kimberly A. Compton, BSP Brian J. Goetz, PharmD Raman M. Iyer, PhD Julie S. Johnson, BSP Sung K. Kim, BSP CLASS OF 1995 Michael J. Barton, BSP Rebecca J. De Castro, BSP Nancy A. Dravis, MS Nancy B. Mabie, BSP Gloria J. Nichols-English, PhD Angela M. Parker, BSP Jodi M. Sullivan, BSP

Kelly E. Tinelli, PharmD Tracy R. Travers, BSP CLASS OF 1996 Marsha E. Alvarez, PharmD Cynthia J. Boyle, PharmD Beatriz N. Caceres-Gentile, PharmD Paul S. Chinnaraj, PharmD Jerome L. Fine, PharmD Timothy D. Gladwell, PharmD George C. Voxakis, PharmD Ellen H. Yankellow, PharmD CLASS OF 1997 Stephen R. Anderson, PhD Charles R. Bonapace, PharmD James L. Bresette, PharmD Barbara S. Chong, PharmD David T. Diwa, PharmD Kristin A. Lynch, PharmD Gina P. McKnight-Smith, PharmD Gisele M. Sidbury, PharmD CLASS OF 1998 Michelle M. Ceng, PharmD Harold Chappelear, DSC Terri F. Clayman, PharmD Terry L. Davis, PharmD Randall W. Grimes, PharmD Huijeong A. Jung, PharmD Jonathan N. Latham, PharmD Teresa A. Okala, PharmD Frances A. Owings, PharmD Andrea Lynn Seitzman-Siegel, PharmD Kellie S. Stonesifer, PharmD Denise P. Toyer-McKan, PharmD Jae Hyung Wu, PharmD David M. Yoder, PharmD

CLASS OF 1999 Abimbola O. Adebowale, PhD Lynette R. Bradley-Baker, PhD Catherine Yu Chew, PharmD Barbara B. Doegen, PharmD Charles R. Downs, PharmD Michelle L. Eby, PharmD Donna S. Karasic, PharmD Maura P. Murphy, PhD Shelby D. Reed, PhD Thomas G. Williams Sr., PharmD CLASS OF 2000 Denise V. Baugh, PharmD Lisa L. Booze, PharmD Jason F. Chancey, PharmD Mei-Yean T. Chen, PharmD Henry H. Choi, PharmD Catherine G. Dormarunno, PharmD Deborah J. Ehart, PharmD Daniel E. Fishpaw, PharmD Kaysha R. Lancaster, PharmD Cherokee L. Layson-Wolf, PharmD Hyun J. Lee, PharmD Howard L. Robinson Jr., PharmD James R. Salmons, PharmD Charles H. Steg Jr., PharmD Michael J. Steinberg, PharmD Charles D. Taylor Jr., PharmD Terry F. Wills, PharmD William Yeboah, PharmD CLASS OF 2001 Laci L. Brown, PharmD Anna Chan, PharmD Yelee Y. Kim, PharmD Kan Chan Ku, PharmD Theresa M. Langeheine, PharmD

Melissa Alex Souder, PharmD Tanyifor M. Tohnya, PharmD CLASS OF 2002 Howard K. Besner, PharmD Jennifer W. Childress, PharmD Margie Mae Goldberg-Okun, PharmD Tali M. Johnson, PharmD Huijeong A. Jung, PhD Yvonne K. Molotsi, PharmD Sangeeta V. Raje, PhD Constanta E. Samborschi, PharmD Lawrence P. Siegel, PharmD Carol E. Stevenson, PharmD Vera Zejmis, PharmD CLASS OF 2003 Kidanewold T. Geda, PharmD Kimberly A. Holmes, PharmD Lawrence J. Kotey, PharmD Sarah K. Nguyen, PharmD Carolyn Petralia, PharmD Vanja V. Sikirica, PharmD CLASS OF 2004 Calvin Y. Lee, PharmD Michael P. Peloquin, PharmD CLASS OF 2005 Kelli J. Bankard, PharmD Stewart W. Carter, PharmD Keith T. Pfaff, PharmD Hoai An Truong, PharmD CLASS OF 2006 Mary Therese Gyi, PharmD Brian M. Hose, PharmD Helen Hsiao, PharmD

Ronald R. Kessler, PharmD Daniel Z. Mansour, PharmD Kellie M. Monzillo, PharmD Jeli K. Salau, PharmD Steven L. Silverman, PharmD Zeynep T. Tunc, PharmD Thomas G. Williams Jr., PharmD CLASS OF 2007 Marcus J. LaChapelle, PharmD CLASS OF 2008 Melike G. Tunc, PharmD

Giving by Corporations and Foundations PATRONS $100,000+ Anonymous CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Commonwealth Fund Robert Wood Johnson Foundation BENEFACTORS $50,000 - $99,999 Drug Information Association Northern Pharmacy and Medical Equipment Walgreens ASSOCIATES $25,000 - $49,999 American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education Beacon Charitable Foundation MiddleBrook Pharmaceuticals, Inc.



Rathmann Family Foundation Rite Aid Corp. Springer Science & Business Media LLC-NJ Wyeth


AFFILIATES $10,000 - $24,999 American Heart Association ASHP Foundation Catalyst Rx excelleRx, Inc. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. - Health and Wellness Whiting-Turner Contracting Co.

Nutramax Laboratories, Inc. Maryland Pharmacists Association Omnicare, Inc. Paradise Pharmacy PharmaCare of Cumberland Pharmacia & Upjohn Foundation Pharmaceutical Consulting Services, Inc. Roche Diagnostics Corp. Russo’s Rx Safeway, Inc. The Drug Store UM Alumni Association International, Inc. Your Community Pharmacy, Inc.

SPONSORS $1,000 - $9,999 Anonymous American Brokerage, Inc. American Pharmacists Association Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore Boonsboro Pharmacy, Inc. Catonsville Pharmacy, LLC Class of 2009 CVS Caremark Charitable Trust, Inc. CVS Caremark Eastern Shore Pharmaceutical Society Fink’s Pharmacy Finksburg Pharmacy, Inc. Harris Teeter, Inc. Hereford Pharmacy, Inc Irwin and Betty Cohen Trust Kaiser Permanente Medical Group Maryland Charity Campaign 2008 Maryland Society of Health-System Pharmacists Millsboro Pharmacy, Inc. Mount Carmel Medical, Inc. NeighborCare Pharmacies

CONTRIBUTORS UP TO $999 Accenture Foundation Ahold Financial Services Alpha Zeta Omega Kappa Chapter Cardinal Health Carroll Hospital Center CNA Foundation Deep Creek Pharmacy Eli Lilly and Co. Eli Lilly and Co. Foundation Empire Professional Pharmacy EPIC Pharmacies, Inc. Exxon Mobil Foundation Fulton Pharmacy, Inc. George’s Creek Pharmacy, Inc. Harold L. Frank, DDS, PC Jarrettsville Pharmacy, Inc. Johnson Family Pharmacy LLC Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Kensington Pharmacy, LLC Klein’s Supermarkets, Inc. of Maryland Lyon’s Pharmacy Merck Partnership for Giving McDougall’s Drug Center, Inc. Novartis Matching Gift Center


Park Avenue Pharmacy Pfizer, Inc. Preston Pharmacy, Inc. Rainbow’s End, Inc. Roche Matching Gifts Program RX Associated T/A Community Pharmacy Senior Pharmacists Association of Maryland Sharpsburg Pharmacy Shoppers Food & Pharmacy SuperValu The Pfizer Foundation, Inc. UPM Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Verizon Wireless Weis Markets, Inc. Wienner, Inc.

Student Organization Sponsorship The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy thanks the many corporations, foundations, organizations, and private sponsors who, throughout the year, have so generously contributed directly to student organizations to enrich the student experience and ongoing professional development. American Pharmacists Association Apple Discount Drugs: Jeffrey Sherr, BSP ’78 AZO Kappa Alumni AZO Supreme Catonsville Pharmacy: Neil Leikach, BSP ’92, and Dixie Leikach, BSP ’92 CVS Caremark Deep Creek Pharmacy: Gerard Herpel, BSP ’82 EPIC Pharmacies, Inc.

Family Pharmacy of Hampstead: Eric Yospa, BSP ’91 Fink’s Pharmacy: J. Philip Fink, BSP ’79 Hereford Pharmacy: Angelo Voxakis, BSP ’71 James Pharmacy Kaiser Permanente Kmart Lawrence Lesko, PhD, FCP Lexi-Comp, Inc. Maryland Pharmacists Association McKesson Corp.: Drew Schwichow Mt. Vernon Pharmacy: Stephen Wienner, BSP ’91 Northern Pharmacy and Medical Equipment: Martin Mintz, BSP ’65 Ortho Biotech: Brenda Mattingly Paper Mill Pharmacy: David Perrott, BSP ’80 Potomac Valley Pharmacy: Robert Martin Jr., BSP ’74 Rite Aid Corp. Rutgers Fellowship Fadia Shaya, PhD, MPH Shoppers Food & Pharmacy Target Corp. Voshell’s Pharmacy: Jay Dorsch, RPh Walgreens Wal-Mart

This is a listing of gifts received from July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009. We have made every effort to provide a complete and accurate listing of donors and gifts. If we have made an error or omission, please accept our sincere apology and contact Janice Batzold, director of special gifts and programs, at 410-706-1711 or at jbatzold@ so that we may correct our records.

Strategic Plan



Foster student success through innovative curricula, superior practical experiences, and professional engagement. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Prepare students and trainees to excel as practitioners, researchers, academic faculty, and innovators in the profession through future-focused professional, graduate, and postdoctoral curricula. Promote strong learner-centered environments using best practices in educational methodologies and instructional technology with evidence-driven approaches to teaching and assessment. Encourage innovative interdisciplinary, interprofessional, and international experiences in education, practice, and research. Expand recruitment efforts for excellent PharmD preceptors and high-quality students in PharmD, graduate, residency, and postdoctoral fellowship programs. Model excellence and professionalism through continued faculty commitment to student engagement.


Intensify nationally and internationally recognized programs in drug discovery and development, health services, practice-based and translational research. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Strengthen and integrate structural biology and drug discovery programs to identify new therapeutic entities and technologies for development and evaluation. Enhance research programs in biotechnology, nanomedicine, genomics, and personalized medicine directed toward optimizing drug therapy. Expand safety and effectiveness research initiatives and partnerships in epidemiology, economics, clinical evaluation, and other health services. Increase funding of multi-investigator, multi-department, and multi-institutional research initiatives and consortia. Foster community engagement activities that support research and practice initiatives, such as practice-based research networks and community-based participatory research.




Establish and expand pharmacy practice models that are self-sustaining and nationally recognized. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Optimize the pharmacist’s role by expanding practice models that utilize medication therapy management for acute and chronic diseases across the continuum of care settings. Promote effective pharmacy practice models that have a positive impact on improved patient outcomes, decreased health care costs, adherence, minimization of adverse events, and reduction in medication errors. Secure reimbursement of pharmacist’s clinical services at practice sites. Advocate to local and federal legislatures and agencies for the advancement of pharmacy practice, to improve the health of citizens and to impact drug policy.


Promote a healthy school community that values excellence through professional collegiality, mentoring, and citizenship. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Cultivate harmonious relationships and appreciation for professional and cultural diversity through communication among students, faculty, and staff. Bolster efforts to recruit and retain outstanding and productive faculty and staff. Empower students, staff, faculty, and alumni with formalized mentoring, continuing education and professional development, and leadership opportunities. Energize relationships with preceptors, alumni, legislators, and other stakeholders.


Capitalize on key revenue-generating opportunities in research, practice, education, and philanthropy. 1. 2. 3. 4.


Translate scholarly activities into marketable initiatives such as patents, intellectual property, technologies and curriculum licensing, and faculty-led startup companies. Expand faculty sabbaticals on entrepreneurial activities, intellectual property, and public/private partnerships. Increase partnerships with external entities to optimize continuing education programs and clinical, research, and teaching contracts. Nurture a culture of philanthropy through a comprehensive development program.


L eadership Dean Natalie D. Eddington, PhD, BSP Associate Dean for Administration and Finance William Cooper, MBA Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Richard Dalby, PhD Associate Dean for Curriculum and Instructional Resources Raymond Love, PharmD, BCPP, FASHP Associate Dean for Student Affairs Jill Morgan, PharmD, BCPS Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies Paul Shapiro, PhD Becky Ceraul Director, Communications and Marketing School of Pharmacy Chris Zang Editor Office of External Affairs Julie Bower Graphic Designer Office of External Affairs Special thanks to the following contributors: Janice Batzold, Nancy Bowers, William Cooper, Alison Davitt, Nicole Derr, Michele Ewing, Peggy Funk, Tracie Jones, Sara Kraft, Jill Morgan, Angela Newman, Douglas Nutter, and Alicia Walters Produced by the Office of External Affairs, 2010

B oard Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs Lisa Lebovitz, JD Assistant Dean for Instructional Design and Technology Shannon Tucker, MS Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Andrew Coop, PhD Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD, BCPS, CDE Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Ilene Zuckerman, PharmD, PhD

Assistant Dean at the Universities at Shady Grove Heather Brennan Congdon, PharmD, CACP, CDE

Center for Innovative Pharmacy Solutions Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD, BCPS, CDE, Interim Director Center for Nanomedicine and Cellular Delivery Peter Swaan, PhD, Director Anjan Nan, PhD, Co-Director Center on Drugs and Public Policy Francis Palumbo, PhD, JD, Executive Director

V isitors s

John H. Balch, BSP ’68, RPh President PharmaCare of Cumberland Option Care of Cumberland Michael Beatrice, PhD ’01, MS Corporate Vice President, Regulatory and Quality Science Abbott Laboratories David Blake, PhD ’66 President DAB Consulting, LLC

Computer-Aided Drug Design Center Alexander MacKerell Jr., PhD, Director Maryland Poison Center Bruce Anderson, PharmD, Director Peter Lamy Center on Drug Therapy and Aging Bruce Stuart, PhD, Executive Director Pharmaceutical Research Computing center Ilene Zuckerman, PharmD, PhD, Executive Director Gail Rattinger, PharmD, PhD, Director

Mark A. Levi, BSP ’70, PD Principal Levi LLC Gina McKnight-Smith, PharmD ’97, MBA, CGP, BCPS Clinical Coordinator Maryland Provider Synergies David G. Miller, BSP ’85, RPh Consultant Milton H. Miller Sr.

Capt. James L. Bresette, PharmD ’97 USPHS, Deputy Director Office of Clinical and Preventive Services Indian Health Service Headquarters

Richard P. Penna, PharmD Executive Vice President (Emeritus) American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

Albert Brzeczko, PhD ’90 Vice President, Technical Affairs Acura Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Robert G. Pinco, BSP, JD Senior Counsel Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney P.C.

Harold E. Chappelear, DSC ’98, RPh, LLD (Hon.) Principal InternaSource, LLC

Hon. David D. Rudolph Maryland House of Delegates

Paul T. Cuzmanes, BSP ’70, RPh, JD Attorney

C enters Center for Drug Safety Sheila Weiss Smith, PhD, Director


Joseph DeMino, BSP ’84, PD Pharmacy Supervisor CVS Caremark Russell B. Fair, RPh Vice President, Pharmacy Operations (Retired) Giant Food, Inc. Felix Khin-Maung-Gyi, PharmD, MBA, BSP ’83, CIP, RAC CEO Chesapeake Research Review, Inc. Mayer Handelman, BSP ’54 Maryland Board of Pharmacy

Alex Taylor, BSP ’76 Chief, Division of Clinical Services Maryland Medicaid Sally Van Doren, PharmD ’85 President BioSoteria, Inc. George C. Voxakis, PharmD ’96, BSP ’58 President American Liberty Financial Services, Inc. Clayton L. Warrington, BSP ’58 Chairman (Retired) Bozell Wellness Worldwide Ellen H. Yankellow, PharmD ’96, BSP ’73 Chair President and CEO Correct Rx Pharmacy Services, Inc.





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elebrate THE GRAND


A variety of opening activities are being planned for OCTOBER 2010. Mark your calendar now and plan to join us for: OCTOBER 5 10:30 a.m. 1 p.m.

Special grand opening ceremony The School’s annual Balassone Lecture

OCTOBER 7 6:30 p.m.

Leadership donor reception

OCTOBER 10 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. All alumni reunion and brunch Tours of the Addition will be provided at each event.

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