Arts & Sciences Magazine Spring 2013

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A&S IN THE COMMUNITY: driving discovery and enriching culture to build a better miami.



Leonidas G. Bachas Dean of the UM College of Arts and Sciences

The state of STEM Read a transcript of Dean Bachas’s appearance on a South Florida Buisness Journal Critical Conversations panel about the state of STEM education in South Florida. Visit or scan this QR code with your smartphone reader to learn more about how the college’s science, math and technology teaching is impacting our community and the world.

Recently the public has become increasingly concerned with a growing need for improved education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields, citing shortages of skilled workers. One recent study estimates that more than 3 million new jobs in STEM fields will require a bachelor’s degree or higher by 2018. In Washington, in Tallahassee and here in Miami, politicians are hammering out incentives to attract and retain STEM workers. As policymakers and business leaders seek new ways to ramp up STEM education, the College of Arts and Sciences is driving efforts in key areas including fundamental science, technology, and math. Our STEM initiatives center upon cutting-edge research. The college’s faculty study critical topics in math, science, and technology, working to improve our world and solve problems in the environment, healthcare, and industry. They’re building new predictive models, programming robots with artificial intelligence, mapping and measuring brain function, creating new materials for biomedical applications, among countless other pursuits. Hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students assist with this research, putting UM graduates on the front lines of discovery and innovation. Every student in a STEM field has an opportunity to launch a career with real-world applications of classroom concepts and experience working on emerging issues. Encouraging student research experiences is just one way that we connect with businesses and the community to anticipate needs and meet demand for STEM skills in the workplace. This year, the college launched two five-year accelerated

B.S.-master’s programs to get highly qualified researchers into businesses faster. UM’s Toppel Career Center also collaborates with companies like Google, Microsoft, Motorola, Citrix, Lockheed Martin, major healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and government agencies to equip students with the professional skills they need for internships and jobs. Outside of the university, our faculty and students work in Miami-Dade high schools to prepare underserved children to attend college to study science, math, and technology. These partnerships and initiatives are just a few examples of how we’re improving the workforce from the campus. The college’s commitment to a broadbased education also ensures that all students gain the science, technology, and math skills needed in the careers they pursue. Every undergraduate in the college must demonstrate competency in science, math, and technology, no matter his or her major. Conversely, STEM majors must demonstrate writing and communication skills to help them effectively convey ideas. Coupled with academic rigor and opportunities for exploration, this broad, inclusive approach attracts top students with diverse interests. We recently launched the da Vinci Program, which encourages high achieving students with interests in both science and humanities or the arts to study across disciplines. By instilling the fundamental values of critical inquiry and analysis as well as researching the most pressing issues of our time, our college is working to create a smarter, more productive society. Through the development of a comprehensive, relational curriculum, we cultivate curiosity, creativity, and conceptual thinking within a new generation of leaders.

spring 2013 Volumethirteen | Issuetwo

College of Arts and Sciences Dean Leonidas G. Bachas Senior Associate Deans Traci Ardren Angel Kaifer Daniel L. Pals Associate Deans Rita L. Deutsch Charles Mallery Assistant Deans Jennifer Lewis Athena Sanders Advancement

Interim Assistant Dean of Advancement Jeanne Luis

Editorial Editor Rebekah Monson Communication Specialist Raymond Mathews Contributing Editor Steven J. Marcus Design and Illustration Christina Ullman & Alix Northrup, Ullman Design Photographers Jenny Abreu J.C. Ridley Andrew Innerarity

Assistant Director of Development Cristina Mas Assistant Director of Advancement Jacky Donate

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contents features 8 | Building a Better Community: Arts and Sciences’ global Impact begins in our own backyard.

14 | Year of Humanities and the Arts: A retrospective look from our year-long celebration. for photos, news and events from the college

departments 2 | News Briefs 4 | Class Spotlight 16 | Comings & Goings 18 | Alumni & Philanthropy 20 | Tracking Hurricanes 24 | Faculty Spotlight

Arts & Sciences is produced in the fall and spring by the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Miami. Through the magazine, we seek to increase awareness of the College’s activities by telling the stories of faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Send comments, requests for permission to reprint material, requests for extra copies, and change of address notification to: Arts & Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, P.O. Box 248004, Coral Gables, FL 33124-4620. Telephone: (305) 284-3874. All contents © 2013, University of Miami. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Visit the College of Art and Sciences on the web: Past issues of the magazine are available at

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newsbriefs “I have always been curious about what it means to be human, and so my whole life has been a journey of self-discovery.” juan pa bl o ruiz

Ruiz receives HHMI Gilliam Fellowship Juan Pablo Ruiz ’13, a senior double-majoring in English and biomedical engineering, has been awarded a Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) to pursue his Ph.D. Ruiz is among nine students nationally to receive this prestigious grant, which provides full support for four years of doctoral study in the life sciences. The grant caps his extraordinary educational experience at UM. In 2011, Ruiz was named a Barry M. Goldwater Scholar and also was awarded a grant from the HHMI’s Exceptional Research Opportunities Program, which allowed him to participate as a research intern in efforts of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute.

2 Spring 2013

At UM, Ruiz is conducting research under the guidance of Dr. Herman Cheung to determine the effects of aging and smoking on adult human stem cells. In addition, Ruiz is working on his creativewriting thesis—a collection of short stories about Mexican identity. “I have always been curious about what it means to be human, and so my whole life has been a journey of self-discovery,” he said. “Literature and writing allow me to explore [humanity] through a more abstract and psychological lens, while research in the sciences allows me to explore through a more concrete and physiological lens. My hope is to discover something that I can leave behind to make life easier for others, whether through my research or writing.”


“Studying art history in Italy has always been a personal dream of mine.” Jacinta Yon g

Yong awarded Gilman Scholarship Jacinta Yong ’14, a double major in art history and public relations, was recently awarded the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, a grant that funds U.S. undergraduate students’ participation in study-abroad programs worldwide. Yong is using the award to study in Italy for the spring 2013 semester. “Studying art history in Italy has always been a personal dream of mine,” she said, and “the ‘URome program’ offers courses from professors at UM and the American University of Rome [AUR] that go hand-in-hand with my interests.” URome, the newest of UM’s Semesteron-Location programs, began in the spring semester of 2012. Organized by the Department of Religious Studies and conducted in collaboration with the AUR, URome provides students with an opportunity to study in one of Europe’s oldest and most exciting cities. By supporting students who might not be able to participate because of financial constraints, the Gilman scholarship aims to diversify the complement of American students doing academic work in other countries. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, this competitive scholarship also addresses the need to prepare students for leadership in a global economy.

Learn more about URome at

A&S students tapped for Iron Arrow Twice a year, members of the Iron Arrow Honor Society—a campus institution representing “the highest honor attained at the University of Miami,” tap select UM community members for initiation into the organization. Based on Seminole Indian traditions, Iron Arrow recognizes individuals who exemplify the five qualities of love of alma mater, character, leadership, scholarship, and humility. Last fall, three College of Arts and Sciences students—(from left) Ronak Patel, Hong-Uyen Hua, Brittney Bass and—were initiated into Iron Arrow. Bass, BS ’13, a math and biology double major, served on the executive boards of Alpha Delta Pi, the Dance Marathon, and the Association of Greek Letter Organizations. She also was chair of the Miami chapter of Challah [a special Jewish braided bread] for Hunger, which collects donations for women and children in Darfur. Hua, BS ’13, a biochemistry major, is president of the Council of International Students and Organizations, treasurer of HealthCanes, and vice-president of Omicron Delta Kappa. She also conducts research at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute and has published a paper on mass-spectrometric analyses of alkaliexposed corneal tissue. Patel, BS ’13, a microbiology and immunology major, increased cultural awareness as president of the Indian Students Association and chair of the Gandhi Day of Service. He also served on the Honor Council and as undergraduate representative for a number of student government committees. arts | sciences 3



Understanding medicine not by science alone “Medicine and Society in the West” provides a cultural perspective on health care.

From the Hippocratic and Galenic traditions of the ancient world to current concerns with stem-cell research, cloning, or genetic mapping, the course “Medicine and Society in the West” (HIS 223) aims to examine medicine from a social and cultural perspective rather than a purely scientific one. “Medicine is no longer principally a tale of great doctors and inevitable progress,” said Professor Mary Lindemann, chair of the Department of History, who teaches the course. “Today it seeks to situate stories of health and illness within deeper historical contexts.” Thus by drawing on medical anthropology, sociology, and ethics, as well as on cultural and social history, the course contrasts the longtime predominance of folk healers with the rise of medical science, doctors, and hospitals. The course “also helps students assess the relevance of medical history to today’s problems and issues in health care,” said Lindemann. For example, it explores community and family care, medical training, epidemics, and the role of race and gender in medicine. “Understanding science is just one part of being a doctor,” said Jeffrey P. Brosco, codirector of UM’s Pathway in Ethics and Humanities. “Given how complex practicing medicine is, it is critical to recognize the assumptions built into our ideas and to know something about the fundamental human aspects of taking care of patients.” One of basic goals of the course is to understand health and illness as historically and socially constructed entities. In her book Medicine and Society in Early Modern Europe, Lindemann addresses the interplay of society and medicine

(left) The costume worn by physicians attending plague patients is described by Jean Jacques Manget in his ‘Traité de la peste’, Geneva 1721: the gown was made of morocco leather, with underneath a skirt, breeches and boots, all of leather and fitting into one another. The long beak-like nose piece was fitted with aromatic substances and the eyeholes were covered with glass.

All images courtesy of Wellcome Library, London

4 Spring 2013

(top) The doctor’s dispensary and the apothecary’s shop in the 17th century. Images facing title page of ‘The expert doctor’s dispensary’ by Nicholas Culpepper (1616-1654) et al.

BOOKMARKS Europe and the Maritime World: A Twentieth-Century History (Cambridge University Press)

“Historical evidence could be out there that completely changes current opinions or attitudes about medicine.” — Zachary Finley, ’15

in relation to the current-day concept of disease: “One can take an essentially positivist approach and argue, along with the Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary, that ‘disease is a disorder with a specific cause and recognizable signs and symptoms.’ That seems clear enough until we start to think about afflictions that have no discernible cause and the signs and symptoms of which fluctuate, sometimes radically.” For example, certain conditions, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, are not as widely accepted as, say, alcoholism, obesity, or autism—in spite of the fact that they all have unclear causes. Students from various majors have taken the course because of its multidisciplinary applications across the sciences and the humanities, and they are pleased with that they have learned. “It has taught me a lot about the foundations of modern medicine and why our society has come to where it is regarding the field,” said Traia Thiel, a sophomore majoring in journalism. “I think the ability to look at historical accounts without a strong modern bias is invaluable,” added Zachary Finley, a junior in biology. “Historical evidence could be out there that completely changes current opinions or attitudes about medicine.”

by Michael B. Miller

In this comprehensive analysis of ports, shipping, and international trading companies, Professor of History Michael B. Miller offers a new framework for understanding globalization during the 1900s. Miller argues that European maritime infrastructure made consumer societies possible, and he explains how managing complex shipping systems was a key to the outcomes of both world wars. The book was awarded the 2013 Hagley Prize, given by the Hagley Museum and Library to the best book in business history.

The World Today: Concepts and Regions in Geography, Sixth edition (Wiley) by Peter O. Muller

Professor of Geography and Regional Studies Peter O. Muller co-authors the latest edition of the popular world regional geography textbook, which has educated generations of students. The World Today features lush illustrations, detailed maps and updated and accessible text that appeals to even casual readers.

Institutions Count: Their Role And Significance In Latin American Development, (University of California Press) by Alejandro Portes

Sociology Professor Alejandro Portes edits a pioneering comparative study of how real institutions affect national development. This book examines the notion that national progress is dependent on the quality of a nation’s institutions through a systematic study of institutions in five Latin American countries and how they differ within and across nations.

(above) Frontispiece from Loimotomia, or, The Pest Anatomized: an historical account of the dissection of a pestilential body by the author. Together with the author’s apology against the calumnies of the Galenists, and a word to Mr. Nath. Hodges, concerning his late Vindiciae medicinae.

Faculty books For more information on recently published faculty books, visit or scan this QR code with your smartphone reader.

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C e l e b r at i n g s t u d e n t a wa r d e e s a n d a ck n o w l e d g i n g s ch o l a r s h i p d o n o r s

Scholarship Donor Recognition Luncheon UM scholarships are crucial in transforming the lives of students and in turn the generations who will benefit from their education.

6 Spring 2013

On Tuesday, February 12, 2013, the University of Miami honored visionary philanthropists, who have made generous scholarship gifts, during the Scholarship Donor Recognition Luncheon. This annual luncheon celebrates the accomplishments of student awardees, acknowledges scholarship donors as well as allows students the opportunity to interact directly with the individuals who have supported their academic endeavors. The event included inspirational speeches by President Donna Shalala, Senior Vice President for University Advancement and External Affairs Sergio Gonzalez, Men’s Basketball Coach Jim Larranaga, and UM Trustee Wayne Chaplin, president and chief operating officer of Southern Wine & Spirits of America. “Scholarships are, by definition, among the most merit-based elements of an academic community like the University of Miami,” Chaplin said to the students. “All of you are here today because you’ve earned the right to be here with a heavy investment in study, the accumulation of

knowledge, and the development of insight and expression of wisdom. Truly, there are few greater honors in academia than being a scholarship recipient.” Over 100 students in the College of Arts and Sciences receive scholarships on an annual basis. The luncheon provided an opportunity for scholarship donors and recipients to connect with one another including Michael and Peggy Gaines with George T. Kaplan ’13, the recipient of the Nathan R. Gaines Scholarship; Ann Raff with Vanessa Rayan ’14, the recipient of the Alan and Ann Raff Scholarship; and Ana Fernandez ’93 with Laura Chaviano ’13, the recipient of the Elysa K. Mestril Endowed Scholarship. UM recognizes the students’ need for economic assistance, which equates with having students who succeed while at the university and long after graduating from it,” said Chaviano, who will graduating in May with a double major in Microbiology and Spanish, who currently receives three scholarships: the Dean’s scholarship, Elysa K. Mestril and the Alvin Sherman Endowed Scholarships. “I came from Cuba when I was fourteen years old, I grew up with a single parent, and if it were not for these scholarships, I would not have been able to come to UM. Clockwise from top left: Peggy Gaines, George T. Kaplan, and Michael Gaines; Vanessa Rayan, Ann Raff and Dean Bachas; Scholarship Donors were welcomed with an introductory video from students.

Math professors awarded Simons Fellowships Professor Gregory J. Galloway, chair of the Department of Mathematics, and Professor Michelle Wachs Galloway, also of mathematics and a Cooper Fellow of the College of Arts and Sciences, have been named Simons Fellows. The fellowship extends the professors’ semester research sabbatical into a yearlong period of study. “This is only the second year of the Simons Fellowship, but already it has been awarded to some of the best mathematicians at the top universities in the world,” Galloway said. “Very few schools have more than one recipient. It was a big surprise, and quite an honor for both of us to be selected.” In 2013, both professors will spend a portion of their fellowships in Berkeley, California. Galloway is an organizer of a semester-long program on mathematical relativity at Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), and will serve there as an Eisenbud Professor in the fall. In the spring, he will join the Gravitational Physics group at the University of Vienna, Austria as a visiting scholar. Wachs will be a visiting scholar in the University of California, Berkeley’s mathematics department, where she will continue her research in algebraic combinatorics. “Some of the problems that you work on as a mathematician really require time to focus intensely on them,” Wachs said. “Not only will this fellowship give us an opportunity for intensive research, but we’ll also be working among the leading figures in our fields.” Galloway’s research focuses on the interface of differential geometry and General Relativity, Einstein’s geometric theory of gravity. Most recently, he has studied the properties of marginally trapped surfaces, which signal the onset of gravitational collapse and the formation of a black hole.

Wachs’s fellowship will support her research in algebraic combinatorics, which seeks to develop connections between combinatorics (the science of counting, arranging and analyzing concrete discrete configurations) and fields of pure mathematics that involve sophisticated abstract algebraic structures. “The discrete configurations that are studied in combinatorics arise in various fields of mathematics, computer science, physics, biology and engineering; DNA sequences, phylogenetic trees, and communications networks are all examples of discrete configurations,” she said. “Combinatorial methods are playing

an increasing role in these fields.” Two graduate students also will work with the professors on their research. Carlos Vega will work with Galloway as a post-doc, and Rafael S. González D’león will work with Wachs. The Simons Fellowship is named for Jim Simons, a mathematician who founded Renaissance Technologies, one of the world’s most successful hedge funds, that operates based on mathematical and computer models. The fellowship is awarded through his Simons Foundation, which is dedicated to advancing math and science research.

2013 Simons Fellows: Michelle Wachs Galloway and Gregory J. Galloway

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8 Spring 2013

Arts and Sciences’ global Impact begins in our own backyard

tudded with palms and embraced by “Southern suns and sky blue water,” it’s impossible to separate the University of Miami from the region that fashioned it 87 years ago. Conversely, the university greatly influences South Florida— as an economic engine, by driving discovery and enriching culture, and through seeking out or creating new opportunities that leverage scholarship into life-improving community action. Thus in addition to the College of Arts and Sciences’ numerous programs and projects that extend UM’s impact around the world, the college’s students and faculty are also deeply engaged in local work that benefits our neighbors. Day by day, year after year, the college is helping to build a better Miami. What follows are some examples:

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Connecting communities, comprehending culture


French course this fall, “Nation on the Fault Lines: Haiti, Immigration, and the Arts,” ventured off campus to discover Haitian culture found right here in Miami. UM students gained firsthand experience with Haitian art and culture while also building a children’s library and assisting with an after-school program at the Little Haiti Cultural Center and Haitian Cultural Arts Alliance. In addition to fulfilling a rigorous reading list and doing writing assignments, students translated renowned Haitian author Edwidge Danticat’s children’s book The Last Mapou—illustrated by Haitian artist Edouard Duval Carrié—into French. Being immersed in the Haitian community while completing the course strengthens the students’ grasp of cultural identity and underscores the challenges and achievements of immigrant communities, said assistant professor Subha Xavier, who teaches the course. “Students are seeing firsthand what they read and analyze,” she said. “This is a vibrant culture, and in the process of learning about it they have an opportunity to play a role in it.”

[above] Students from a French service-learning course about Haitian immigration and the arts sort and catalogue books to create a children’s library at the Little Haiti Cultural Center and Haitian Cultural Arts Alliance.

A challenge to promote conceptual mathematics


or more than 30 years now, the David Essner Mathematics Competition has challenged MiamiDade high school math students to become better critical thinkers. It pushes students to create whole mathematical arguments rather than simply apply principles one at a time, said Subramanian Ramakrishnan, an associate professor of mathematics who coordinates the contest along with assistant professor Kenneth Baker and associate professor emeritus Paul McDougle. The competition whittles an initial field of more than 1,000 top math students down to the 15 award winners—those who score highest on a pair of difficult mathematical exams. The final exam includes only five questions, which students must complete within three hours. Training for this competition prepares students for how mathematics works in universities, said Ramakrishnan. “It is unlike anything they can do in the high school classroom, and they enjoy the experience.” As a result, winners often pursue disciplines related to math, science, engineering, or technology at major universities, including right here at UM.

10 Spring 2013

“When explored through inquiry-based discussion and close observation, objects also play a role in the activation of critical thinking” Maria Jimene Teacher, Shenandoah Middle School

Learning through art at the Lowe


ince 2005, UM’s Lowe Art Museum has been an active partner in the Museums Magnet Program, which brings hundreds of students from Southside Elementary and Shenandoah Middle School into the Lowe to interact with and learn from objects—from ceramics to paintings, sculptures to textiles—in the museum’s permanent collections. The students’ activities when they visit the Lowe integrate reading, math, science, and social-studies components into the museum experience. Students are often asked to closely observe a work and draw meaning from it. “Objects, such as those found in museum collections, support students as they transition from concrete to abstract thinkers,” said Maria Jimenez, lead teacher at Shenandoah Middle School. “When explored through inquiry-based discussion and close observation, objects also play a role in the activation of critical thinking,” Students from Shenandoah Middle School participate in an inquirybased tour of the Lowe Art Museum’s permanent collection.

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Unearthing archaeology


his past October, on UM’s first National Archaeology Day, the college’s anthropologists gave the public an insider’s look at the historical record ordinarily hidden all around us. Dozens of people came to campus learn about archaeological research conducted in South Florida and around the world, and to see artifacts that have been unearthed by UM researchers. National Archaeology Day also occurs at a broad range of locales around the world to teach people about archaeology and ancient cultures. This day of lectures, demonstrations, and other events helps to preserve sites that are in danger of destruction, said Traci Ardren, professor of anthropology and associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Far from the fictional exploits of movie hero Indiana Jones or videogame star Lara Croft, these scholars seek to reconstruct a human narrative from objects that people leave behind. “Ninety-nine percent of our time is spent looking at their garbage, but you can tell a lot from what people threw away,” Ardren said. “We’re trying to help the public understand that archaeology is everywhere, and it’s about all kinds of different stuff, not just kings and tombs.”

Ocean Reef lecture series


earning doesn’t end at graduation; in fact, college faculty are working to ensure that it continues long after. Professor Michael Bernath of the Department of History is leading a series of six lectures this spring on his specialty, the Civil War, at Ocean Reef in Key Largo.

While the lectures pull from material that Bernath uses in his college teaching, they are structured to appeal to the public and to stand alone without additional readings or research. “It’s the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, so there has been an upsurge in interest in the war and its implications,” Bernath said. “This provides a real opportunity to cross the academic divide, and I think it’s important for us to bring attention to the riches and offerings we have within the university.”

[left] At Archaeology Day, Traci Ardren discussed her research, including the discovery of this carved Late Classic Maya vessel featuring an image of the Maize God from Xuenkal, Yucatan, Mexico.” [above] Professor Michael Bernath examines a medal from an attendee at the Civil War lecture series in the Ocean Reef community in Key Largo.

12 Spring 2013

[right] About 25 children with autism and their families participated in CARD’s Odebrecht soccer camp in October.

Classics Day


day of lectures on classical Greece and Rome, a Greek vase on display at the Lowe Art Museum, and a modern adaptation of Aristophanes’ The Clouds brought the ancients to Miami this past February. Classics Day, an interdisciplinary celebration of ancient culture, gave students and the community a new understanding of the enduring relevance of these civilizations. Classical themes echo through modern art, literature, and popular culture, said Professor John Kirby, chair of the Department of Classics. “Classics now more than ever is at the heart of university education,” he said. “It’s helpful to think of classics as the first and oldest of interdisciplinary studies.” Classics involves not only the study of art and literature but also a broad view of history, society, and philosophy, Kirby said. Observing a culture from that distance can provide perspective on societies that also applies to our current lives. “I think most of the important questions were asked in the beginning, back with Plato and Aristotle, and all these people came up with the ideas of philosophy and drama,” said Daniel Rodriguez, a UM classics major.

“CARD, and what they are for most of the families is a beacon of light. They are the conduit to information and solutions.” Robert Cambo, parent of an autistic child

Supporting the autism community


eople with autism and their families face broad challenges, but the college’s Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) is here to help. A joint effort with Nova Southeastern University, CARD puts highly qualified mental-health professionals into the South Florida community to assist children, parents, teachers, and other adults with strategies for coping with this disability. More than 7,000 people in Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe Counties use CARD services, and thousands more attend lectures and programs or benefit from CARD’s research into autism. “I think that CARD, what they are for most of the families is a beacon of light,” said Robert Cambo, whose son, Michael, has autism. “It has been the conduit to information and solutions.”

Caring for minds at the Psychological Services Center


s many struggle to find health care in tough economic times, the college’s Psychological Services Center gives Miami residents access to mental-health professionals at reduced cost.

The center offers various kinds of therapy and counseling, as well as psychological assessments and testing by Ph.D. students who work under the supervision of leading clinical psychologists. “We’re really up on the research and the latest evidence-based intervention techniques, so what we offer is very effective,” said Sandra Tawfik, director of the center.

Theatre students perform A Work of Pure Fiction, playwright Edith Freni’s modern retelling of Aristophanes’ Clouds.

In addition to providing mental-health services such as therapy and testing, the center is also a hub for important research on topics such as adolescent mood and anxiety, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress disorder. arts | sciences



401 Martin Casuso’s Master of Fine Arts exhibition “of-things-being-what-they-arenot” at the College’s Wynwood Art Space.402 The Center for the Humanities began its Shakespeare in Miami program with a lecture by author and alumnus Delpha Charles entitled “A Caribbean Accent to Shakespeare’s Voice.” 403 Laura Knott gave a lecture on “Art Basel Miami Beach and the Culture of the Art Fair” at the Lowe Art Museum.



2012 2013 humanities and the arts

“The world needs all kinds of minds. I was lucky enough to have found my place.” temple grandin Stanford Distinguished Professor Temple Grandin spoke at the University of Miami Bank United Center on Jan. 31, 2013, about “Different Kinds of Minds.” 14 Spring 2013


“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the beholder is not us but other species.” richard dawkins

2012 2013

& the arts



Richard Dawkins delivered the Louis J. Appignani Foundation lecture “The Science of Beauty and the Beauty of Science” to a soldout crowd on March 7, 2013.


404 Actor Stephen Root shares stories of his craft at a public talk.405 Assistant Professor Joel Nickels signs copies of his book during one of the College’s book talks at Books & Books. 406 Girls vs Boys with Nick Ley, Luke Hamilton and Rachel Lipman at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts. 407 Mark Juergensmeyer works with students as part of the Stanford Distinguished Professors Lecture Series.


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comings goings

n e w fa c u lty i n th e c o l l e g e o f a r t s & s c i e n c e s

Welcome to new faculty Meet the new science and math faculty

Hometown: Miami, Florida Education: Ph. D. in Organic Chemistry, UCLA; B. A. in Chemistry, Cornell University. Research and teaching interests: Employing organic chemistry, materials science, and nanotechnology to address problems in energy, information science, and health.

ADAM BRAUNSCHWEIG Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Hobbies: I like to cook. The rest of my free time I usually find myself at the beach.

“Our specialty is to design molecules with different functions: self-assembly, solar-energy harvesting, cryptography, you name it. Most of the days are abject failures. But other times, a problem we’ve been working on for months, everything clicks, and it is one of the best feelings in the world. I want people to know that science can be really fulfilling, and really creative, and that they can have great careers in chemistry, while working to make the world a better place.” ADAM BRAUNSCHWEIG

UBBO VISSER Associate Professor of Computer Science

Hometown: Norden (Ostfriesland), Germany Education: Habilitation in Computer Science, University of Bremen, Germany; PhD in Geoinformatics, University of Muenster, Germany; MSc in Geography/Landscape Ecology, University of Muenster, Germany. Research and teaching interests: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: specifically knowledge representation and reasoning for intelligent agents in real time systems. Application areas: Semantic Web and Autonomous Robotic Systems (RoboCup, Games). Hobbies: Outdoor sports – rowing, biking regularly, sailing and going to the gym

Jennifer C. Britton

Amy M. Scott

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Hometown: Outside of Houston, Texas. I also would claim Ann Arbor, Michigan. Education: Post-doctoral fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean Hospital; Post-doctoral fellow, National Institute of Mental Health; Ph.D. in Neuroscience, University of Michigan; B.E., Vanderbilt University.

Hometown: Hugo, Colorado Education: Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University; Postdoctoral Researcher, Argonne National Laboratory; Ph. D., Northwestern University; B.S., University of Colorado.

Research and teaching interests: Understanding how the brain functions differently in individuals with and without anxiety disorders.

Research and teaching interests: Photoinduced charge and energy transfer reactions in new materials using laser spectroscopy with an emphasis on light harvesting, solar energy conversion to electricity, and photocatalysis to produce hydrogen.

Hobbies: Taking advantage of the beach, reading fiction, and Zumba classes.

Hobbies: I enjoy spending my time outdoors kayaking, scuba diving, and playing tennis.

16 Spring 2013

“Physical chemistry is central to solving many of the current energy, health, and environmental challenges we face today, but often students find the topic intimidating and are discouraged by the extra time commitments required by laboratory courses. As educators, we must draw the connection between these real-world problems and convey to our students that success in chemistry requires well-developed critical thinking, the capacity for extrapolation, and skillfulness in the laboratory.” Amy M. Scott

Hometown: Dhaka, Bangladesh Education: Postdoctoral associate, Rockefeller University, New York, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ph.D., Columbia University, New York; B.A., Lawrence University, Wisconsin.


Research and teaching interests: Using the circadian clock as a platform to seek out the general rules, tricks, mechanisms that nature uses to create complex behavior.

Assistant Professor of Physics

Hobbies: Exploring this new area.

“My research is societally relevant. I am currently developing a new course in energy-aware computing. This work looks at human behaviors in everyday life. Are there different modes of operation in societal behavior that can be changed slightly to reduce the use of energy in computing or even use of household appliances?” M. Brian Blake

Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan Education: Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago; M.S., University of Bradford in the UK; B.S., University of Michigan Research and teaching interests: Reconstructing patterns of ancient human diet and mobility using bone chemistry.

WILL IAM PESTL E Assistant Professor of Anthropology

PAMEL A G ELLER Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Hobbies: Playing with my kids, cooking, and fishing.

“I try to help decision-makers understand local environmental health risks and develop new strategies for improved health. Field research and cultural immersion can help us understand the local context of disease and ultimately improve lives and welfare. I hope to involve students in my work who are motivated to get their hands dirty.”

Hometown: Cherry Hill, NJ

Justin Stoler

Education: Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania; M.A., University of Chicago; B.A., University of Pennsylvania

Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Dean of the Graduate School, and Professor of Computer Science

Hometown: Savannah, Georgia Education: Ph.D. in Information and Software Engineering, George Mason University; M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Mercer University; B.E., Georgia Tech. Research and teaching interests: Software Engineering: Specializing now in distributed computing, cloud computing, and energyaware computing. Hobbies: Most of my free time is spent with my wife and two young kids, but I also enjoy basketball, running, and traveling.

Hometown: New York, New York Education: Postdoctoral fellow, San Diego State University; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, and San Diego State University; M.P.H. & M.S., San Diego State University; B.A. & B.S., Binghamton University.

Research and teaching interests: Bioarchaeology; Pre-Columbian Americas; Gender, Feminist, and Queer Theories; Bodily Transformations; Materiality of Identity; Sociopolitics of the Past; Community Archaeology Hobbies: Yoga practitioner, spender of time with family and felines, taker of photographs, beach goer, reader of historical & science fiction.

M. Brian Bl ake

Justin Stoler Assistant Professor of Geography & Regional Studies

Research and teaching interests: Geographic aspects of global health disparities and environmentally sustainable public health interventions. Hobbies: Food & wine, traveling, baseball

arts | sciences


“From research to facilities to scholarships, the College of Arts and Sciences is thriving, thanks to the support of its alumni and friends.” Dean Bachas


he College of Arts and Sciences’ Momentum2 capital campaign is off to a successful start as its alumni and supporters answer the call to make the University of Miami a global academic leader. Their gifts add up to new programs, support for faculty research and additional scholarships and fellowships. The college has already raised more than 81 percent of its Momentum2 campaign goal, surpassing the total amount the college raised in the University’s last capital campaign. This remarkable outpouring of support ensures an extraordinary educational experience for every College of Arts and Sciences student. Recent gifts of $1 million or more will support initiatives in the Departments of Psychology and Political Science. An endowed professorship in the Department of Biology cements the College of Arts and Sciences’ position as a hub for tropical ecology research. With the opening of the Studio Arts Complex in 2012, and the planned opening of the Neuroscience Annex in late 2013, Momentum2 gifts are helping the college create new physical spaces for learning and teaching.

Make your momentum2 Gift today 18 Spring 2013

um’s Momentum2 campaign is off to a swift start Other donations have created an endowed graduate student fellowship for creative writing, an endowed scholarship in Arabic Studies, and scholarship support for LGBTQ studies students. Named lectures bring the world’s top thinkers to campus, where students, faculty, and the public gain their insight and expertise. Alumni annual fund giving increased 43 percent over last year. “Every gift counts toward the campaign and every gift is important to the campaign,” noted Dean Leonidas Bachas. Annual gifts to the college continue to support innovative programs including Beyond the Book grants that provide undergraduates hands-on research experiences and freshman seminars that introduce these new undergraduates to faculty research. These gifts engage students with the latest technology from the lab to the art studio, and send students to conferences where they present research. “From facilities, to research, to scholarships, the College of Arts and Sciences is thriving, thanks to the support of its alumni and friends. With continued investment in the Momentum2 campaign, the college will continue to make breakthroughs in innovative research and education” said Dean Bachas.

> For more information on giving, visit

or contact Interim Assistant Dean for Advancement Jeanne Luis at 305-284-3874 or at

Graduate Dr. Howard N. Rose creates program to tackle childhood obesity Dr. Howard N. Rose, BS ‘51 Chemistry, MS ‘52 Chemistry, of Ponte Vedra Beach, has spent a 42-year medical career helping his patients to see. Now, he and his wife, Muriel, made a significant gift to help a generation of children to avoid obesity, one of the leading risk factors for a host of eye diseases as well as other health problems. As an ophthalmologist, Dr. Rose has seen first-hand the deleterious effects of obesity on many of his patients’ vision and overall health, but he strived help adults change their behaviors and lose weight. “The only way to solve this problem is through the children, to teach them how to live a long, sweet life,” Rose said. “We hope they can reach up and help their parents too, but we have to get to the children.” Recent studies indicate that more than 30 percent of children are overweight or obese. Those children are at higher risk for becoming overweight and obese adults

without prevention and intervention. The Roses’ gift will underwrite Reaching Overweight/Obese Students Everywhere (ROSE) Program, which trains University of Miami undergraduates and graduate students to mentor and educate K-12 students on health education. “Educating and nurturing students is central to the ROSE program,” said Patrice Saab, professor of psychology and director of the program. “Data underscores the need to improve the health and lifestyle habits of children and adolescents and highlight the urgency for accessible prevention strategies.” Saab and other psychology faculty will conduct clinical research through ROSE on outcomes among children and their families. The program will allow psychologists to learn how health intervention and education might affect health knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. ROSE will also help nursing, psychology,

and education students to learn how to work with children. UM students will teach healthy behaviors that can prevent obesity, including nutrition, exercise, and stressmanagement techniques through a variety of methods. Parents of obese children may also be included in these activities, to help foster a shared understanding of how lifestyle changes can contribute to better health. A ROSE website will provide resources and information to anyone seeking information on childhood obesity intervention. Saab hopes the site eventually might be expanded to included individualized plans and personalized feedback. The Roses hope their investment in ROSE will help to identify a model for childhood obesity prevention programs throughout the country. “We have to do something about this now,” Rose said. “Obesity is a terrible health problem, and we have to start to resolve it.”

> above Muriel Rose, Donna Shalala and Howard Rose establishing the University’s ROSE Program to fight obesity. arts | sciences


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_______________________________ LIBBY A. TANNER, AB ’48, Psychology, helped establish the nation’s first family medicine department at the University of Miami Medical School in the 1960s. Tanner created and taught courses in Human Sexuality and Medical Interviewing. She passed away in August 2012 at her Miami Beach home.


_______________________________ DONALD A. BERMAN, BS ’53, Chemistry, recently

released his new book, Tommy Timber, The Story of a Christmas Tree, which is a heart-warming tale of a crooked little fir whose only wish is to become a Christmas tree. It is available for purchase at

LEONARD P. SCHWARTZ, AB ’56, Art, was the featured speaker before the National Society of Certified HealthCare Business Consultants on the topic of “How to Perform a Dental Practice Valuation” in June 2012. The society recently announced that is establishing the Leonard Schwartz Annual Go-Getter Award to be given to a member who has best served both the healthcare consulting industry and the society. BRUCE S. REZNICK, AB ’57, History, JD ’60, has

become known at New Jersey Nets games over the last decade as “Mr. Whammy” for hexing opposing players as they shoot free throws. He was profiled in various New York newspapers and on ESPN’s Grantland blog when the Nets moved to Brooklyn for the 2012 season. Reznick currently works as a lawyer in Brooklyn and is married to Judith L. REZNICK, BED ’57.

SANFORD ARANOFF, BS ’58, is an adjunct associate professor of mathematics at Rider University in New Jersey and the author Finite and Infinite Mathematics: Sets, Numbers, Lines, Equations, Probability; Rational Thinking, Government Policies, Science and Living; and Teaching and Helping Students Think and Do Better.

20 Spring 2013

Class notes | alumni profiles

Let your classmates know what is going on in your life. Share your news and accomplishments in a future issue of Arts & Sciences magazine. Send your information—including the year you graduated, degree, and major—to Jacky Donate, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Miami, P.O. Box 248004, Coral Gables, Florida 33124-4620 or via email to

WILLIAM SCHIFF, AB ’58, MS ’60, wrote an autobiographical romp, Growing Up and Getting Old Behind the Wheel: An American Auto Biography (Trafford Press, 2010 and CreateSpace, 2012). It details his experiences with cars, films, literature, and Americana, from childhood to retirement (1940-2010) in New York, the Miami area (including UM), North Florida, and elsewhere. It is available in the UM Library’s Special Collection and at online bookstores.


_______________________________ LEON J. HOFFMAN, AB ’61, Psychology, continues to enjoy his practice of psychology in Chicago. He specializes in individual, group and couple therapies and provides consultations to individuals and organizations. A former member of the Miami Symphony in the ’50s, Leon also continues to be a chamber music cellist. ANDRIS A. ZOLTNERS, BS ’67, Mathematics,

released a new book, titled Building a Winning Sales Management Team: The Force Behind the Sales Force, which highlights the importance of first-line managers in driving bottom-line results. Zoltners is co-founder of ZS Associates, a global sales and marketing consulting firm.

SANDRA LANGER, BA ’67, Art, MAS ’68, Art, Dr.

Langer’s critical study of the lesbian expatriate painter Romaine Brooks (1874-1970) is being published by the University of Wisconsin Press (2013-14) This is Sandy’s 7th published book. She was invited to a panel of the Modernist Studies Association in Las Vegas, where she discussed Brooks’ relationship to the Italian man of letters, Gabriele D’Annunzio. At that time she visited with University of Miami Alum, Marty Kreloff whose retrospective ART was on display at the Marriot during Art Basel.

MICHAEL H. BERNSTEIN, AB ’68, Geography, has been nominated by Governor Lincoln D. Chafee to be a member of the Rhode Island State Board of Education. AIDA LEVITAN, AB ’69, became a new member

to the Smithsonian Latino Center’s national board of directors.

BARRY M. GELTNER, MA ’69, History, recently

self-published his book It’s Him.


_______________________________ ROBERT B. STEVENSON, BS ’72, Biology, recently published his article “1972 Miami Dolphins Perfect 17-0 Season Still Unmatched” in winter 2011 issue of Gridiron Greats. He is a fellow of the American College of Dentists, a fellow of Pierre Fauchard Academy as well as clinical assistant professor in the department of restorative and prosthetic dentistry at the Ohio State University. JEFFREY D. REYNOLDS, AB ’73, English, released a new book titled Justice Betrayed, in which a murder trial, a jury deliberating intensely on the death penalty, and political corruption set the stage for this story of two judges. Reynolds has served as the judicial law clerk at the district court in Albuquerque and later served in this position for Justice Mary Walters, the first woman appointed to the New Mexico Supreme Court in Santa Fe. He has also served on the board of The Albuquerque Opera Theater, The Ballet Renaissance West, and was a member of the Democratic Party State Central Committee. THOMAS REBEL, BS ’69, Biology, MS ’73, MED ’74, JD ’78, has been selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. Rebel is managing partner and member of the management committee in the Atlanta office of Fisher & Phillips LLP. JUDITH E. GARRATT, MA ’74, Drama,

was recently awarded the California Educational Theatre Association Medallion, which is presented to a member of the association whose continued service has been distinguished by leadership, loyalty, contribution, and support. Garrett has worked in various aspects of theatre throughout her life as actor, director, producer, teaching artist, teacher, and administer, although she is most widely known for her work as a mime artist.

LEO J. FALLON, MBA ’76, PhD ’84, International Studies, was appointed by Governor Rick

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CARA C. PASQUALE, AB ’79, Sociology, MBA ’83, was appointed to the Board of Directors of Project Stable, an equestrian and farm program that works with special-needs children and provides agricultural education to the general public. Pasquale is currently the director of business development and senior associate of Miller Legg. MICHAEL A. LAMPERT, AB ’79, Economics, was recently elected chairman of the Tax Section of the Florida Bar. He previously served as director of the Tax Section’s Education, Administration and Long Range Planning Divisions. Lampert also provides ongoing volunteer service within various Florida Bar divisions, as well the Greater Palm Beach Area Regional Chapter of the American Red Cross, for which he serves as immediate past chapter chair. BARBARA A. GARWOOD, AB ’74, English, is

included in the recent book, Military Fly Moms, which documents the stories of women who were military aviators as well as mothers. One of the first 50 female military pilots, Garwood has over 13,000 hours of flying time and has flown military aircrafts including the B-727, S-80, DC-10, and B-757/767. Garwood is an American Airlines 767 international captain, has two adult children, and resides with her husband in Carlsbard, California.

Scott to the Florida Board of Pharmacy. Fallon previously served as president of the Florida Pharmacy Association and has received their James H. Beal Award, which designated him as Pharmacist of the Year. He has also received the association’s Jean Lamberti Award for serving as a role model for the profession of pharmacist. Fallon currently manages the pharmacy at the Walmart Supercenter in The Villages, Florida. JEFF COOPWOOD, BFA ’79, Drama, was one of several actors signing autographs and taking photographs with fans at the 2012 Star Trek Convention held in Las Vegas, Nevada in August. The convention was attended by over 20,000 people. Jeff voiced the character “The Borg” and also uttered the now famous line, “Resistance is futile,” in the film Star Trek: First Contact.


_______________________________ GREGG L. FRIEDMAN, BS ’81, Chemistry, MD ’85, won first place in the nationwide writers search for Physicians Practice magazine. Published in the October 2012 issue, the article, titled “My Greatest Inspiration,” details how his daughter Rachel survived a life-threatening subglottic hemangioma tumor with the help of University of Miami doctors. MICHAEL F. BALL, AB ’81, Economics, recently was named one of the “Top 100 Northern California Super Lawyers” by Thomson Reuters and the publishers of San Francisco Magazine. GORDON MURRAY, AB ’82, Politics and

Public Affairs, JD ’85, was appointed general magistrate, 11th Judicial Circuit, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Murray has been assigned to the family division and will preside over child support matters at the Overtown Transit Village South. He recently received the Florida Bar President’s Pro Bono Service Award 2010 in recognition of the hundreds of hours he amassed for his pro bono legal work in the Miami-Dade County community.


Economics, is the president and CEO at Global Institute for Quality Education (GIQE) and was a

member of the Board of Examiners (2002-2005) of the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award / Performance Excellence National Program. LEE A. SWEETAPPLE, AB ’83, Politics and Public

Affairs, published Key West Revenge, the story of retired intelligence officers trying to save an old friend, who is kidnapped and framed for a bombing amid drug-cartels and corrupt cops in the Everglades.

JUAN C. BERMUDEZ, AB ’84, Politics and Public Affairs, was recently named Of Counsel by Akerman Senterfitt. Mr. Bermudez is the former mayor of the Doral, Florida. While serving as mayor, he continued to practice law, most recently with Gonzalez and Wermuth. He holds a JD from the University of Notre Dame. SHERYL M. HARTMAN, PhD ’84, Psychology,

was awarded the Freedom Tower Endowed Teaching Chair in recognition of her excellence in teaching and research by Miami Dade College. Hartman has helped thousands of Miami Dade College students in their educational pursuits, chosen careers, and personal lives through her teaching and counseling. She also serves as a faculty trainer.

KAREN HAVICE, AB ’87, English, recently

published Peanuts, a children’s book about a horse, with her husband, J. LANCASTER HAVICE, JD ’75, the creative consultant for the book, under the pen name L.K. Havice.

JOSE A. “JOE” GARCIA, AB ’88, Politics and Public Affairs, JD ’91, was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, serving Florida’s 26th congressional district.


_______________________________ GABRIEL F. ZAMBRANO, AB ’90, History, has

been certified as a member of both the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Membership to these forums is limited to attorneys who have, respectively, won million-dollar verdicts, awards and settlements and have acted as principal counsel in at least one case which

arts | sciences



Class notes | alumni profiles


Robert “Bob” E. Ankrom | Former Department of Theatre Arts Chair Robert “Bob” E. Ankrom passed away on January 3 in Pinellas Park, Florida. During his 43-year career at UM, Ankrom directed numerous productions, oversaw renovations and naming of the Jerry Herman Ring Theatre, and impacted the lives of thousands of performing artists. Ankrom served on the board of the Florida Association for Theatre Education, was president and executive director of the Florida Theatre Conference, was a member of the Florida Cultural Alliance, and was a member of the Southeastern Theatre Conference, which honored him in 2012 with its Suzanne M. Davis Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement.

has resulted in a multi-million-dollar verdict, award or settlement. Zambrano currently practices with Farmer, Jaffe, Weissing, Edwards & Lehrman, P.L.

organizations, recently received her Licensed Health Care Management certification from the state of Florida and holds membership to The Florida Bar.

GAIL L. SHIVEL, BSC ’90, PhD ’04, English, has been appointed academic dean of Acupuncture and Massage College in Kendall.

CARL C. HILDEBRAND, BAIS ’99, International

DAVID SLATTER, AB ’91, Economics, has been

appointed vice president, investments of FamGuard. Slatter is a CFA charter holder and also holds an MBA and an MA in economics from York University, North York, Canada. ERICA ZOHAR, AB ’92, English, launched

Teeology, a line of limited-edition luxury tees. Zohar founded Teeology in 2012 with fashion and entertainment icon Jennifer Lopez, fashion entrepreneurs Jeff Marine and Lior Zohar, as well as serial tech entrepreneurs MJ Eng and Brian Lee. For more information visit

SPENCE TOBIAS, AB ’93, History, currently runs

a hedge fund with his brother Sam. Tobias has been married for 8 years to his wife, Angeline, with whom he has two beautiful girls, Ava and Siena. LEYZA F. BLANCO, AB ’93, Psychology, JD ’96,

has been honored with a Key Partner Award from the South Florida Business Journal and LINQ Financial Group. An active member of the South Florida community, Blanco has received numerous awards and recognitions such as Business Leader’s “Woman Extraordinaire Award” and the South Florida Legal Guide’s “Top Lawyer” award. She is currently a shareholder in the Miami office of GrayRobinson, P.A.

MARIO M. CRISTOBAL, BBA ’93, MALS ’99, Liberal Studies, named the University of Alabama’s new Assistant Head Coach and will coach the offensive line for the Crimson Tide. Cristobal played for UM 1988 through 1992 and won two national titles as a ‘Cane, he also served as an assistant at UM from 2004 to 2006. Cristobal previously served as head coach at Florida International University. KEVIN C. MOON, AB ’94, Psychology, was recently named director of human resources at Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL.

22 Spring 2013


Criminology, and DANY GARCIA, BBA ’92, are executive producers of The Hero, a new reality-competition series that assigns 10 ordinary people various missions to test their brains, brawn, and morality. Johnson will serve as the show’s mentor and motivator, encouraging the contestants to reach beyond their personal limits. The 8 episode series, which incorporates audience participation via social media, is scheduled to premiere in 2013 on TNT.

KRISTIE A. BLUM, BS ’95, Biology, MD ’97, was elected to the Lymphoma Research Foundation Scientific Advisory Board. Blum is the co-director of the lymphoma program and associate professor of medicine in the division of hematology at the Ohio State University School of Medicine. LISA M. LOPEZ, AB ’97, Psychology, MS ’00, Psychology, PhD ’01, Psychology, and her husband, Luciano Cossi, welcomed a new a baby in October 2012. AIMEE KANNER ARIAS, MA ’97, Inter-American

Studies, PhD ’01, Latin American Studies, has been promoted to tenured associate professor, and was appointed chair of the political science department at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. She was the former associate director of the Miami European Union Center. Arias’ work has appeared in several journals including The International Journal of Human Rights and The International Journal of the Humanities.

LISA A. MELAMED, AB ’98, Psychology, has been promoted to general counsel at Laser Spine Institute. Melamed previously served as staff attorney and has provided a range of legal and compliance support services for Laser Spine Institute since she joined the company in 2010. Melamed is active in several professional

Studies, Political Science, Geography, was hired as a public programs manager at The Wolfsonian at Florida International University.


_______________________________ TERRY ROBERTS, AB ’00, Political Science, has

joined FedEx Ground as a senior attorney in its employment support group.

ERNEST M. MILLARES, BS ’00, Computer Science, donated his time as a “real beard” Santa this holiday season to benefit the American Liver Society. He donated all proceeds from his work in honor of his fatherin-law, who passed away earlier this year after a sudden cancer diagnosis. Learn about his project at MARYANN T. TOBIN, AB ’01, English, MFA ’04, PhD ’09, was named to the 2012-2013 class of emerging leaders by Phi Delta Kappa International, which recognizes individuals under 40 for excellence in academics and leadership in the field of education. She is a professor of reading education at Nova Southeastern University. Her husband, Nathanial Tobin, JD ’06, is an associate at The Barthet Firm in Miami. JOSE FELIX DIAZ, AB ’02, English, was elected to the Florida House of Representatives, serving district 116. JESSICA L. SAIONTZ, AB ’04, Criminology, NICOLE L. SIMON, BS ’04, Biology, jeffrey D. Rubinstein, JD ’74, and juliana ruiz, BBA

’03, are among the founders of National Voices for Equality, Education and Enlightenment, Inc., a non-profit organization based in South Florida with a mission to prevent bullying violence and suicide among youth, families, and communities through direct service, mentoring, and prevention education. The organization recently celebrated the second anniversary of its national “Not On My Watch” anti-bullying campaign.

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DANIEL L. CLAUSEN, AB ’04, English, recently

released a new novel titled The Ghosts of Nagasaki. The book, based on Clausen’s teaching experience in Japan, is about pain, memory, and salvation set in the backdrop of Nagasaki.

DANIEL ESPINO, AB ’05, Political Science, ran for Miami-Dade School Board, district 5, in the 2012 election. Espino is an attorney and former member of the Miami Springs City Council. SHANI K. SIMPSON, BAIS ’05, International

Studies, had a piece of wearable art entitled “Upon Further Inspection” accepted into the Fashion ARTillery show in West Palm Beach, Florida.

MARK A. LEVINE, AB’05, Psychology, co-founded the law office of Pacin Levine, P.A., in Coral Gables, Florida. The firm’s focus is on personal injury and property damage insurance claims, and will soon be expanding to Naples, Florida. ANDREW J. GAMBRELL, MFA ’06, Painting, STACIE KRUPA, MFA ’01, Painting, AMY LUCINDA LINDERMAN, MFA ’10, Sculpture, BETHANY L. PELLE, BFA ’07, Ceramics, and ROBERT STERN, Alumus, Glass, were selected

for the 2012 Alumni Exhibition at the College of Arts and Sciences Gallery which ran during homecoming weekend.

ADAM BATES, AB ’08, Political Science,

recently graduated from University of Michigan Law School has interned at the Cato Institute. Bates also attended the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, FL.

VICTORIA CHAMPION, MALS ’08, Liberal Studies, and JOYCELYN LEE, AB ’96, Psychology, were both recently honored as South Florida’s 25 Most Influential and Prominent Black Women in Business for 2012 by Legacy magazine. Champion is currently director of major and planned giving at Barry University’s Division of Institutional Advancement and Lee is currently associate research scientist at the John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. ALIX PAIGE, BFA ’08, Theatre, performed at the

Metropolitan Room in New York City this winter with homage to the great female vocalists of the ’30s, ’40s, and ’50s. Both a singer and musical theatre performer, Paige was named by Cabaret Scenes as “an accomplished actress and engaging singer.” She is also a proud member of the USO Liberty Belles, performing internationally for veterans and active-duty military.

graduated with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from New York University in August 2012. NATALIA SYLVESTER, AB ’06, English, has adapted her senior thesis into a forthcoming novel titled Where We Once Belonged (Amazon Publishing, 2014), which tells the story of a man whose wife is kidnapped in Peru just as their marriage is about to fall apart.

JORGE B. TAVAREZ, AB ’07, Art History, earned

a MA in Communications from St. Thomas University in May 2012.

BELGICA CASIMIRO, MA ’08, Spanish, is a member of the Board of Advisors for the Casimiro Global Foundation, a non-profit organization that empowers and equips youth to become entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders who create positive change in their communities and in the world. ALISSA DEL RIEGO, AB ’09, Political Sciences, JACQUELINE PIERLUISI, AB ’09, Psychology,

graduated from Harvard Law School in 2012. They did not know each other well in college, but being ’Canes made them connect immediately upon arriving at Harvard. Their support of each other made their experience a better and stronger one.


_______________________________ PAUL J. AGBEYEGBE, AB ’11, Political Science,

recently concluded a summer internship at the White House. Agbeyegbe’s primary role as intern in the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs was to assist staff members in preparing for meetings with various constituent groups, his highest honor was helping with tours of the East Wing.

RYAN T. FARRELL, MFA ’11, Art, was commissioned by LAN Airlines and TAM Airlines to create an art installation that was unveiled during Art Basel Miami Beach 2012. Learn more about his project at

RAQUELLE AGRANOFF, AB ’06, Psychology,

MARK SHESKIN, AB ’07, Philosophy, BS ’07, Neuroscience, is pursuing a PhD in Psychology at Yale. He is assisting in a study at Yale on the nature of childhood morality that was recently featured on CBS news’ 60 Minutes. To view the story, visit watch/?id=50135417n

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JAIME L. BORICK, BS ’12, Microbiology and Immunology, and Joseph BORICK, BS ’12,

Microbiology and Immunology, are the first married couple the Columbia Medical School for International Health has accepted in a few years. With experience in Kenya and Haiti, both are passionate about working with the underserved. MARLOW E. SVATEK, AB ’11, Philosophy

and International Studies, was recently awarded the Leo Nevas Youth Human Rights Award by the United Nations Association. Svatek is currently a Peace Corps volunteer in Burkina Faso and will be attending University of Chicago Law School in fall 2013.

VINCENT G. FOSTER, AB ’12, Political Science, is working as a national field organizer for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and has relocated to Washington D.C. MICHAEL D. SCHWENGEL, AB ’12, Economics, is now working as a teacher with Teach For America at the Algiers Technology Academy in New Orleans, Louisiana. arts | sciences




“Fewer than one in ten applicants to the NEH research fellowship competition are successful, and so having two fellows from UM in the same year is a notable accomplishment.” Mihoko Suzuki, Director of the Center for the Humanities

Faculty receive prestigious humanities grants National Endowment for the Humanities funding will support research in philosophy, history Two College of Arts and Sciences faculty, Amie Thomasson, professor of philosophy and Parodi Senior Scholar in Aesthetics, and Ashli White, associate professor of history, won National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships for University Teachers to pursue book projects in 2013-2014. UM was among only 12 universities with multiple fellowship recipients. Thomasson’s fellowship will fund her work on a book, The Descent of Metaphysics, which aims to settle long-standing debates in metaphysics about what exists, and about what is necessary and possible. “I’m trying to give a straightforward method to resolve these conflicts,” Thomasson said. “This is a controversial area in metaphysics, but I argue that conceptual analysis can help us with these problems.” White’s book, will examine the roles of objects, including visual propaganda, wax figures, ceramics, furniture, that traveled across the Atlantic between 1765 and 1810, carrying news of conflict and change. “By looking at these objects and audiences’ reactions to them, we can get in touch with how they understood what revolution meant,” White said. Internal grants also support the scholars’ work, and national

fellowships show that the university is fostering leading humanities research. “Fewer than one in ten applicants to the NEH research fellowship competition are successful, and so having two fellows from UM in the same year is a notable accomplishment,” said Mihoko Suzuki, Director of the Center for the Humanities, which supports humanities research and teaching at the University. The fellowships will allow Thomasson and White to produce and explore new scholarly work, which ultimately enhances their teaching, and may lead to new courses and projects at UM. “The connection between research and classroom experience is generative,” White said. “As active scholars, we hope to impart curiosity, which is key in whatever careers our students choose.” The Center for the Humanities holds workshops to encourage faculty and students to seek prestigious research grants, and the future could hold more awards for the humanities at UM. “I am confident that other colleagues will follow in Amie and Ashli’s footsteps in securing these important grants, which recognize our faculty’s contribution to cuttingedge research in the humanities,” Suzuki said.

(above) College of Arts and Sciences Faculty and NEH Fellows: Amie Thomasson (left) and Ashli White (right)

24 Spring 2013


CASevents Pan American Modernism

June Ceramic League Exhibition Exhibition Dates: May 31 – June 27 Reception: Friday, May 31, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. College of Art Gallery Pan American Modernism: Avant-Garde Art in Latin America and the United States Exhibition Dates: June 22 – October 13 Exhibition Preview: Friday, June 22, 8 p.m. – 10 p.m. Lowe Art Museum

Fernando Botero, Colombia, b. 1932, Las Frutas, 1964, oil on canvas, Collection of the Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Gift of Esso Inter-America, Inc., 70.024.030, © 1964 Fernando Botero

May Dan Listwan MFA Show Exhibition Dates: May 6 – 24 Reception: Saturday, May 11, 2 p.m. – 9 p.m. UM Wynwood Gallery

september Department of Theatre Arts presents Cloud Nine Performance Dates: September 25, 26, 27, 28 and October 2, 3, 4, 5 at 8 p.m.; September 21, 22 and October 5 at 2 p.m. Ring Theatre

Dava Sobel

October Stanford Distinguished Professor: Dava Sobel October 3 at 7 p.m. UM Storer Auditorium Department of Theatre Arts presents Metamorphoses October 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26 at 8 p.m.; October 12 at 3 p.m.; and October 13, 20, 27 at 4 p.m., Carnival Theatre at Adrienne Arsht Center

November Department of Theatre Arts presents She Loves Me November 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23 at 8 p.m.; and November 16, 17, 23 at 2 p.m. Ring Theatre

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margaret mead anthropologist

image: courtesy of the University Archives

th e n & n o w

richard dawkins biologist

Learning from leading scholars UM has a long history of bringing the most notable scholars in the world to work with faculty and students. Anthropologist Margaret Mead, who is widely credited with popularizing the discipline and for demonstrating how cultural research underscored current affairs, delivered a lecture in 1966 for UM’s Academic Honors night. In March, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins served as a visiting professor at UM, spending a week on campus to work with biology, psychology and philosophy students and faculty. Dawkins also delivered the Louis J. Appignani Foundation lecture, “The Science of Beauty and the Beauty of Science,” which drew thousands of attendees to the BankUnited Center.

Taking flight See some of the scholars, authors, and artists who visited UM as a part of Taking Flight: The Year of the Humanities and the Arts at the University of Miami, on page 14. Scan this QR code with your smartphone reader to see a photo gallery on our Facebook page,

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.