University of Maryland Libraries Annual Report and Strategic Plan Update 2013

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Imagine a new library.



you design it and we build it. It’s perfect. It enables you to take full advantage of your academic opportunities.

What do you imagine? This is the very question we asked students and faculty last year in a study of McKeldin Library.

We work every day to support the academic community, to envision a new library, to create the future. This report shares some of our accomplishments, goals and imaginings.

Imagine what a book wi ? -books .” e r o s r “Book ot either/o It’s n

Authors are embracing new opportunities. Carla Peterson describes herself as a creature of the book. Her most recent work, Black Gotham, A Family History of African Americans in Nineteenth-Century New York City, took 11 years to research and write. As that process ended, Carla began to realize the limitations imposed by print and the publishing industry. She teamed up with the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities and in 2012 launched the Black Gotham Digital Archive. By publishing online, she found she could include scores of images. The digital format, with no end date, also ­allows her to revise, correct and add as she continues her research. She hopes to turn readers into writers by encouraging online submissions. “I want to invite other people to submit their own stories, so the Black Gotham story can just grow and grow and grow.” Increasingly book vendors provide options that allow us to purchase e-books instead of print when both are available. But Carla can’t imagine a day when e-books are the standard. “Not in my lifetime,” she says. “There’s no substitute for holding a book. Books have a feel, they’ve got a smell.”

Print still dominates We purchase 85% of new books in print format. 15% e-books 2

hood Neighborvia tours ne o smartph

ll be.

More people are using the library but not to check out books. 1.2 million

Visits to McKeldin Library

1 million 0.8 million 0.6 million

Print items checked out ec ou

0.4 million

Will our books read to us? Sing to us? Will we be able to ask them questions?

0.2 million

E-book downloads


FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FFY10 FY11 FY12

E-book downloads will soon eclipse print circulation.

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Carla Peterson, Professor, Department of English, Affiliate faculty of the departments of Women’s Studies, American Studies, and African-American Studies


Imagine what a journal Increasingly journals will be free and open. In a world where information is free and widely available, Amanda Hawk envisions future scholars using journals to make greater connections. Now often restricted by publishers’ pay walls—and a library’s ability to break through them by paying ­subscription and licensing fees—­ scholars may be working at a disad– vantage. Many argue that the academy can only transform by changing the journal publishing model. “Learning more about open access ­expands the potential for sharing ideas,” Amanda says. Amanda understands potential challenges: scholars in certain disciplines could lose credibility or publishers could lose profits. As a master’s student in both history and library science, however, she also sees the benefits of embracing a new journal model in the future.

t t a differenw o n ’s e r e h t o “If on’t even kn.” d u o y l, e d o e m out ther what else is

Amanda Hawk, graduate student representative to University Library Council


d The fast-pace ing iv sciences are dr ess the open acc movement.

Searchable text

will be.

UMD National Libraries average

Instant free distribution worldwide

75% of our collections budget goes to e-resources. The national average is 62%.

Large, Collaborative data sets

Zoomable images and diagrams



Imagine what a librarian “We’re freeing content from its carriers.”

We’re putting the pieces together. As higher education changes, librarians require ever-changing skills. That’s why we introduced a hiring initiative that matches recent post-master’s professionals with two-year mission-critical positions. The new hires—three this year—test ideas, develop programs and push boundaries. They’re helping us advance in priority areas. Karl Nilsen, for example, collaborates with a specialized team of librarians who advise and assist faculty with data management, curation, and long-term preservation. Henry Borchers converts audio and visual media into digital files , “freeing them,” he says “from their carriers” such as cassettes, LPs and vinyl records. The three push their own boundaries, too. “In the past, people knew what it meant to be a librarian. There were set duties and expectations,” says Hilary Thompson, who works with a team to create services to make it easier to access our collections. “I never thought I’d be learning to code, but now I am.” “We’re actually pretty good,” Karl says, “at ­reinventing ourselves.”

Henry Borchers, Broadcast Media Digitization and Curation Librarian Karl Nilsen, Research Data Librarian Hilary Thompson, Access Services Librarian



will be.

“I have of opportu a lot nit make chang y to es.”

“We’re applying traditional library science skills to new areas.”

Fasted. pac

Ahead of the curve.


Imagine what a library Students are helping us see the possibilities. Graduate architecture students imagine a very different McKeldin Library. For starters, they’d like to see a building designed for people rather than for books. When the library was constructed in 1958, few could have imagined the digitized and downloadable world we inhabit today.

Rooftop terrace, accessed from 7th floor study area

“Information is out there,” Emma Crenshaw says. “Research today is less about finding information in a book and more about being analytical about the information that exists.” As one member of a studio class that ex­plored many variations, Emma sees a library with light-filled spaces for collaboration and ­learning, a multi-story, inspirational reading room, and flexibility in the way common spaces are used. Her work builds on ethnographic research performed by students from the Department of Anthropology in a far-reaching design process that encouraged students and faculty to dream big. The partnership is a model for other studies on this campus and for other libraries around the country. David Cronrath’s hopes for a reimagined McKeldin Library are no less grand than his students’ vision. “The library,” he says, “would foster greater partnership between the university’s students and faculty as they investigate the biggest challenges of the 21st century.”


ge Entrance/brid facing the student union

will be.

“The students create d a place on campus where everybody would like to go.”

Natural light

Architecture student Emma Crenshaw with Dean David Cronrath, School of ­Architecture, Preservation and Planning


Imagine what a classroom We’re thinking it’s the world. Even while studying abroad in Chile, Kelly Shih didn’t think twice about accessing articles from her go-to database. She frequently logged into JSTOR, an electronic archive of core journals in the humanities and social sciences. “As long I had an internet connection,” Kelly says, “I was pretty sure I could access anything from Maryland, wherever I was in the world.” Kelly’s tech-savvy friends already take classes via Coursera, the international platform that hosts “MOOCs,” or massive open online courses. The University of Maryland is offering several such courses this spring. Kelly prefers the blended approach to instruction: part online, part face-to-face. “I like personal connections,” she says. “I’d always like a professor in the classroom.” And perhaps that’s why she sees the library offering community space. Students who take online courses often have a need to develop a community. “People meet up in public spaces,” Kelly says, “and that would be a great place for a library to come into play.”

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Kelly Shih, Senior, Government and Politics major

m will be.

How will online make their cont publishers en to the far-flung t available stud in open courses? ents

Map from

Picture of earth


How do we get there fr We work every day to support students and faculty in their academic work, to envision a new library, to create the future. These are some of the tangible results.

COLLECTIONS Increased to 44th from 50th in the annual rankings of the Association of Research Libraries. The ranking reflects campus investment in libraries. We attribute our rise to income from the Library ­Technology Fee. Received grant of $325,000 from the National Endowment for the Humanities to participate in the Library of Congress’s Chronicling of America Project. We will digitize and digitally preserve historic newspapers from Maryland. Negotiated multi-year agreements with selected major journal publishers to hold down cost increases. Opened an exhibition relating to the life and vision of author and designer William Morris (1834-1896). The exhibition showcases his written works, political activism and artistic endeavors. It includes The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, printed by Kelmscott Press in 1896, and widely considered to be the “finest book ever printed.”

Provided infrastructure for digital stewardship and conversion. The new Digital Stewardship Unit manages data and projects and acts as a clearinghouse for library digital projects. Borndigital materials are a focus. The Digital Conversion and Media Reformatting Unit has detailed best practices for digital collections, focusing on audio and moving image formats, and identified future services of the new unit. Celebrated Open Access Week, an international event, to increase support for free and unrestricted access to information by hosting workshops, speakers and promotions. Dean Steele chaired the Senate’s Open Access Task Force. Adopted a “print-limited” model for the Architecture Library, after consultation and work with faculty from that school. Future acquisitions there will be purchased in electronic form when they are available. The model demonstrates a new way of thinking about collections and services. Expanded the circulating video collection from 300 to 2,500.


From the Hornbake Library exhibition “How We Might Live: The Vision of William Morris.”


Evaluate purchases and licensing agreements within the context of the Big Ten (CIC) library consortium. Realign collections in McKeldin Library to create space for student learning. Begin to identify materials to be transferred in 2015 to the universityowned library facility near campus. Pilot a system for purchasing print materials in which acquisitions are driven by user demand. Though librarians have long taken pride in understanding user needs, this model leverages technology to make the process efficient and seamless. Develop a business case for managing the research data services for the university.

om here? “Hair” by Jessica Murray. Video art installation in the Terrapin Learning Commons.

SERVICES Taught information literacy skills to 20,522 ­students, faculty, staff and a wide variety of visiting individuals and groups. Introduced a data-management service for faculty who can now consult a specialized team of librarians for advice and assistance with data curation and long-term preservation. The service grew from a proposal to the VP for Research in coordination with the CIO for the University Libraries to lead such a program on campus. Launched a book-delivery service for faculty and graduate students, who can request through the online catalog that books be delivered to any branch library. Enriched WorldCat UMD, an online discovery tool that makes it easier to find items such as journal articles, e-books, and digitized collections. The tool is also highlighted in an overhauled website.

Partnered with the Art Department within the College of Arts and Humanities to provide space for digital art students to display their work in the Terrapin Learning Commons. Art will change as new students create additional work for this curriculum-based program. Realigned borrowing policies for visitors by establishing the Community Borrowers program. The new program, developed in concert with the Alumni Association, improves our stewardship of a valuable state-owned resource. Improved printing services and increased efficiency by installing new multi-format copiers in all campus libraries, both for public and administrative use. Installed interactive display monitors in group study rooms at the Priddy Library at Shady Grove to allow virtual collaboration.

Implemented an online reference tool ­“LibAnswers,” to track and analyze queries from users and allow them to find answers to common questions.

Helped launch campuswide GIS steering committee and conducted campus GIS survey; participated in GIS Day, a nationwide event to raise awareness about spatial data and tools.

Expanded the popular equipment loan program to the Chemistry Library and Engineering and Physical Sciences Library. In McKeldin Library we logged 30,000 loans of Apple MacBook Pros, Dell laptops, adapters, headphones, and more. A website and monitor at the check-out desk show real-time availability. Made possible by the Library Technology Fee.


Opened the TLC Tech Desk, a new service desk in the Terrapin Learning Commons, that offers late-night support and delivers some of the printing services formerly offered by McKeldin Library’s Copy Shop, which we closed in August 2012. A large-format printer allows students to print poster-sized work.

Integrate existing and new services (such as streaming video and audio) into Canvas, the campus’s new online learning environment. Expand use of mobile apps, including text messaging for reference questions. Support faculty in their scholarly publishing by providing infrastructure and expertise in the use of open-access publishing platforms. Develop a vision for transformational initiatives such as a research commons to support faculty research and a digital science library.


SPACE Reimagined McKeldin Library. Graduate students from the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation presented their vision for a redesigned McKeldin Library. The work grew from a yearlong study in which anthropology students and library staff, working with a consultant, engaged the campus community in participatory design. Began plans to renovate the first floor of ­McKeldin Library, consistent with long-term vision for the building and to respond to immediate needs for clarity of services and navigation. Upgraded the instruction labs in ­­McKeldin Library by installing new energy-efficient lighting, furnishings, projectors and 88 dual-boot Apple computers. When not accommodating instruction needs, the labs are available for use by students. With financial assistance from Campus Facilities. Upgraded McKeldin Library’s large community room with new projector and screen, lighting and carpeting, with financial assistance from Campus Facilities. The campus community may reserve the room for special events.

Welcomed MITH to Hornbake Library by freeing up underutilized space for new offices. The partnership with the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities continues to flourish. Librarians participated in the innovative Digital Incubator Workshop to conceive and plan projects. Created a group-study room in the Chemistry Library.

NEXT STEPS Extend concept of Terrapin Learning Commons to the high-traffic first floor of McKeldin Library, creating a student-friendly environment that ties physical improvements to programmatic changes –such as consolidated service points and increased technical support. Build support for major, long-term renovation of McKeldin Library to serve needs of students and faculty whose needs have changed dramatically in the decades since the library was constructed. Assess public spaces in Hornbake Library in ­anticipation of the St. John Learning and Teaching Center to be located nearby.

OPERATING EXPENSES (FY2012 total: $27,231,091*)

Salaries & Wages


Offsite storage Equipment & software Other operating costs


Collections * Numbers include Library Technology Fee expenditures


STAFFING Hired 24 new employees, targeting strategic areas and filling gaps left by vacancies following several difficult budgetary years. Among them was an associate dean for public services, a new position, to identify creative partnerships throughout campus and beyond that promote and support user-centered services. Launched a staff mentoring program to increase professional development opportunities for staff. Hired three post-master’s librarians as part of a program to link short-term hires to strategic needs. (See page 6) Fostered communication among employees by equipping all library sites with web cameras for video conference and recording of meetings. Turned Green. Nine library offices achieved bronze-level certification from the campus Sustainability Office, representing 36 percent of the campus total. Six additional library offices are currently seeking certification. We’ve found new ways to repurpose unneeded materials: agreements with two vendors to re-sell or donate materials deaccessioned from library collections,

and worked with campus to expand furniture that can’t be traded. Gave back. Staff donated over 200 pounds of non-perishable food, 30 pounds of personal care products and school supplies and $810 to help the Capital Area Food Bank in its work in the ­District of Columbia metropolitan area. Partnered with classes in the iSchool, School of Architecture, Department of Anthropology, Department of Art, and School of Business.

NEXT STEPS Continue to evaluate shifting needs and expectations as daily work continues to change. Expand the staff mentoring program. Expand our number of “green” offices, explore the possibility of composting paper towel waste from our restrooms and set up a catering kitchen for our Special Events Room that uses nondisposable dishware and utensils as evidence of our broad support for campus sustainability efforts.



COLLECTIONS EXPENDITURES (FY2012 total: $11,786,084)

Databases $ 3,457,556



UMD ranks 10th in electronic resources as a percentage of total library materials. (ARL, 2012)

Other $ 515,631 Books $ 1,771,231



Serials $ 6,041,666


Imagine what a gift can Donors help us realize the future. Patricia Leppert says she found her center in McKeldin Library. As a graduate student in the late ‘70s, ­Patricia sought out McKeldin Library to find solace amid the pressures and demands of her studies in recreation and biology. “I came to McKeldin Library to find my inner peace, my center,” she says. She remembers vividly the books and the contentment she found as she studied in the stacks. Patricia, who once stuttered so severely she could not say her name, understands the value of a neutral, supportive space on campus. From the moment she earned her Master of Arts degree on December 18, 1979, she knew she wanted to give back to the library that had provided such comfort. She recently made a planned gift ­creating an endowment to provide unrestricted support for McKeldin Library. The income generated will provide essential flexibility and long-lasting support to direct funds where the need is greatest. “This is a dream of mine,” she says of her donation. She hopes the gift will allow other students, perhaps even those with a speech impediment, to find a welcome, comforting environment, such as one provided by McKeldin Library. “We all have challenges, some more than others,” she says. “A library gives us space to recognize those challenges and the confidence to live with them, or eventually overcome them.”

Patricia A. Leppert, M.A. 1979


Imagine making a gesture that influences the academic success of every student at the University of Maryland.

The individuals listed in this report have made that gesture, and their generous donations support students from every background, in every academic discipline, and in every school and department. More than ever, our libraries are essential to the academic mission of the University. At a time when information is widely available and easy to obtain, finding the right information can be a student’s greatest challenge. Libraries play a key role in helping students find and filter the necessary information. We teach students to think critically as we provide services and environments that support their academic goals. Your gift contributes to their success. This list recognizes all donors to the University of Maryland Libraries from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. Each and every gift is important and greatly appreciated. If you would like to add your support to the University of Maryland Libraries, please visit us at While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, errors do sometimes occur. In that event, please notify Heather Foss, Director of Development at 301.314.2579.

Thank You!

“I learned to appreciate things, and not take them for granted. A library is one of those things.”

do. HONOR ROLL OF DONORS THANK YOU for your generous support

I N D I V I D UA L S June S. Ailin Sewell ’76, ’77 Martha Sue Alexander ’67 Jodi L. Allison-Bunnell ’96 Jose Alejandro Almario ’10 Eileen N. Almario Clopper C. Almon, Jr. Lisa A. Altman ’78 Ruth M. ’77, ’80, ’90 and Roy D. Alvarez Hilary E. Anderson ’92 Robert James ’72 and Karoline Andrzejewski Franklin Jr. ’67 and Barbara H. Angier ’67 William C. ’85 and Lisa Arbelaez George H. Arscott ’51 Joseph M. Aulisi ’83 William T. Auman ’83 Karen V. Babikian ’75 Ivo M. Babuska Robert Baldo Thomas E. Baldwin ’66 William M. Baldwin ’70 Ronald Anthony Baraloto ’66, ’69 Joseph Augustus, Jr. ’72 and Ruth Kahl Barrett Eric Bartheld Joseph Barton Shirley A. Bauer ’69 Myra Sue Baughman ’81 and James I. Koenig Howell S. Baum James M. Baxter Susan L. Bayly Christine A. Beard ’71 Joseph C. Beaudoin* Linda D. Beechener ’68 Barbara Beelar Joseph Jr. ’73 and Peggy A. Hosey Behun ’70 Michelle A. Berry ’83 William Berz John M. Beshoar ’00 Kimberlee Antrim Bevis ’84 Carolyn Woodard Bibault ’74 John A. Bigbee ’63 Albert S. Birks Robert Jr. ’61 and Nancy S. Black ’63 Edward C. Blau ’79 Neil J. Bloom ’85 Diane L. Boehr ’83 Victor and Gilday Bonardi Louis ’67 and Carol L. Borbi Marcia Beth Bordman ’93 Kenneth O. Boulton ’86, ’97 and JoAnne E. Barry ’89

Oliver James Brearey ’99 Robert J. Brennan ’92, ’94 Shelesa A. ’73 and George W. Brew Mark G. Brimhall ’11 James R. Brodrick Linda M. Browdy ’80 Sidney N. Brower Jeffrey T. Brown ’00 Lauren R. Brown Linda K. Brown ’80 Thomas H. Brown ’63 Phillipa Butler Brown Stanley C. Brubaker Jackson R. Bryer Linda M. Burrell and Timothy C. McCanty Bruce W. Burrows Blaine Butler Thomas and Maureen E. Byrne Thomas C. Byrnes Susan Cai Charles Raymond Caldwell Evelyn B. Caldwell ’77 Gina L. Callahan M. Clarke Calyer ’61 Yvonne A. Carignan James F. Carlson ’64 Julie A. Carroll ’71 Fannie Z. Catzen ’69 Tsunie and Ching-Chih Chanchien Stanley and Carolyn Chaney Tsu K. and Christine S. Chang Edward A. ’54 and Joyce Bartlett Charron Hongde Chen David W. ’85 and Bokhee Cho Angela M. Chu ’90 Tamar ’98 and David Chute Jih-Jiang Chyu Eileen Z. Cohen ’53 Faye F. ’51 and Sheldon S. Cohen Jennifer N. M. Coile ’75 Mary Anne Cole ’62 Rebecca L. Collier Dennis G. Condie ’64 Dolores W. Conger ’78 Kathleen M. Conley ’83 James J. Conners ’86 Brian J. Conroy Mary K. Cook ’71 Janet W. and Sherod Cooper Bernard D. Cooperman Michael A. Coplan William T. Corey

Robert C. Craig Charles W. ’57 and Mary Crickman ’73 Ernesto Cuesta ’71 Cynthia J. Cupples Jean Trawick Curtis ’71 Maria M. Custer Bruce B. Cwalina ’74 Alfred Danegger ’50 Robert Steven and Beth Ann Daniel Erica ’98 and Michael Danowitz Georgia Mangos Darras Nancy F. Daugherty ’68 Karen Davis Patricia A. Davis ’78, ’80 Charles H. Day ’53 Donald L. ’90 and Julie D. Deardorff Louis A. Decatur ’54, ’63, ’70 Thomas DeLio Eileen S. DeMarco Lynn A. DeMeester ’67 Ilda Lunan Deming ’48 Jane K. ’78 and Louis D. Demouy* Gianni DeVincent-Hayes ’90 Donald J. Dichmann ’86 Jane E. Dickerson ’89 Frances D. ’69 and Joseph R. Dickinson, Jr. George E. Dieter, Jr. Inez E. Dinwoodie ’94 Eleanor Ditzen* Robert Dizard, Jr. Sandra Ricker Doggett ’70 Gerard J. Donahue ’88 Jane L. Donawerth Mary K. Donovan Joyce M. Dorn ’78 Carol A. Dotson ’76 James M. and Teresa Douglas Edward M. ’52 and Loretta M. Downey Charles, II ’68 and Kathleen M. Downs Janice M. Doyle Clark Eberly Paul M. ’51 and Jean R. Eckert Jane O. Edwards ’79 Denise F. Eggers ’84 Karen M. Eggert ’84 Richard L. Elliott, Jr. ’49 Jeffrey E. and Monique B. Escher Jon E. ’84, ’88 and Alexandra Leavitt Evans ’84 Donald J. Evans

Kevin L. Fast ’81 Lynn Faught Amy Federman Frank Jr. ’53, ’57 and Elizabeth M. Fellows ’54, ’67 Donna Beavers Felsenheld ’10 Carol Fendler ’77 Carolyn Headlee ’65 and Carl Fichtel Ellie H. Fields ’49 and Douglas A. Fields* Joseph M. Finn ’69 Marian H. Fischer ’57 Mary Ellen Fise ’77 Mary Winter Long Fisher Michael and Sorrel Fisher Janice L. Flug ’75 Harold F. Ford ’60 Jonathan T. Ford, Sr. ’62 Susan S. Ford David L. ’73 and Amy W. Forrest Teresa Forsyth David R. Fosse Neil R. Fraistat Charles ’72 and Sheila Frank Linda R. Freeman ’90 Judith Freidenberg Khalil A. and Denise M. Freiji Lawrence M. and Gene B. Friedman Chung C. Fu ’75 Robert Lynn Fuller ’85 Jonathan D. Furlong William J. ’84 and Jill A. Gaebl ’82 Lou Galambos Robert C. Garner ’06 John V. Garnett ’90 Gerard W. Gawalt Linda M. Gaylor ’71 V. Lynn ’83 and Frederick J. Gera Jean B. Gerhardt* ’71 Bruce Gibbs Jesse Glass, Jr. Julia Cobey Gluck ’62 Donald S. Gochberg ’60, ’66 Jacob D. Goering ’59 Jeffrey B. Gold ’84 Gila Goldstein J. Douglas Gomery and Marilyn Moon Azeem H. Gopalani ’09 Timothy W. Gordon ’66 Martin Grams, Jr. Karen J. Graves ’71 Frederick D. Gray ’60


Gayle P. Gregg ’95 Pamela J. Gregory Loretta A. Greiner ’74 Margarete Crocker Grove ’05 Richard A. and Carol K. Grove Helen M. Gryboski ’71 Susan E. Gunnells ’82 Sayuri Guthrie Shimizu Arthur J. Gutman* James P. ’59 and Mary H. Hackman Francis R. Hagan, Jr. ’57 Elmer J. Hall Bruce W. Halper ’81 Steven E. ’82 and Ann C. Halpern ’81 Martin and Catherine J. Hanhauser Herbert J. Hartnett John C. Hayman ’77 Robert K. Headley, Jr. Michael E. Heaney ’83 Charles D. Hendricks Janette L. Hendricks ’78 Juanita M. Hepler ’68 Patricia J. Herron Elwood F. Hill ’75, ’81 David Shi and Lilly T. Ho Josephine P. Hochheimer ’52 Richard D. Hodge ’76 William Hodos Sallie L. Holder ’62 Richard H. Holmes, Jr. ’65 Frances Dunn Holmes ’75 Grace Hoover Rodney P. ’71 and Clare W. Horst ’74 Katheryn A. Hovde ’70 Thomas R. ’67 and Eileen Howe Joseph M. Hrezo ’63 Ming-Teh Hsu ’74 Ann L. Hudak Peggy J. ’77 and M. Eugene Huffman L. Casma Huie ’71 Robert L. Hunt Sandra Hupp ’67 David Frederic Hurst ’72 Carl F. Hurwitz ’71 Edna J. Hutchins ’87 Matthew R. Hyle ’85 Leona U. Illig ’75 Sherone E. Ivey ’72 Martin C. Jackson ’72 David Jaffin Christian S. ’03 and Jill R. James ’04 Bayly E. Janson-LaPalme ’79 Eldon Janzen Thomas P. Jedele Anthony B. Jeffries Karen Jeisi ’65 Patricia Vaughan Johnson ’75 Tod Earl Jones ’97 Claude Kacser Nancy S. Kader ’05 Dolores H. Kaisler ’81 Brian Douglas Kajutti ’71


Tamas Kalai Jonathan S. Kang Lynn C. Kaplan ’92 Barbara Jo Karen ’68 Pankaj R. ’89 and Sujata P. Karnik Rose J. Katen Amrita Jit Kaur Ronald J. and Anne M. Kazmierczak Milton Kean Daniel Kecman, Jr. ’71 Constance Keene* Hugo A. Keesing Marilyn M. Keesing Evelyn Kennedy and Massoud Moussavi Frances H. Kennedy Billy M. Kerr Helen R. Keyes Moonsil Lee Kim Jay F. Kimball ’97 Christopher M. Kimmich Mary M. Kindness ’54 Sharon King ’81 and William E. Duke, Jr. David A. and Patricia J. Kinlein Edward W. ’65 and Mary A. Kirk Rosalie C. Kirk ’61 Steven J. Klees Robert Edward Klug ’85 Cathy D. Knepper ’93 Yeo-Hee Koh ’72 Victor and Joan Korenman Genevra Kornbluth Joseph R. Kraus ’95 Freda L. ’80 and Jay E. Krosnick Mollee Coppel Kruger ’50 Ted Kruse F. Albert Kuckhoff ’51 Jeanne R. Kuller ’49 Rose Marie Kushmeider ’78, ’80 Linda LaMacchia Marilynn M. ’78 and Karl G. Larew Susan D. Larimer ’89 Katherine A. Larsen ’96 Nils W. Larsen ’60 Michele Lauer-Bader ’72 Raymond and Michele LaVerghetta Merrill E. ’75 and Vickie M. Layton ’75 Chang-Tao Lee ’84 and Clara M. Cheng Changta T. Lee ’86 Sang-Oak Lee Merrill Leffler Patricia A. Leppert ’79 Barry L. ’80 and Rachel O. Leslie William S. Levine Steven E. and Andrea Hill Levy Ivan Lieber ’85 Anchen Lin Eric N. Lindquist ’96 John R. and Jill A. Lion Patricia G. Littlefield ’03

Alice M. Litwinowicz ’77 Pei Liu Vance Livingston, III ’99 Carol C. Lobenhofer Lyn L. Locke ’82 Elizabeth C. Lovoy ’85 Tim and Sondra J. Lynch Virginia B. MacEwen ’83 Ruby E. Maenpa ’64 Patricia Delnore Magee Sheila F. Mahaffy ’87 Mary L. Mall ’69 Joseph R. ’53, ’62 and Jean W. Marches Chris C. Marchetti Julie A. Marcus ’79 Randy Mardres Michael L. Mark Noel F. Marks ’73 Sandra R. Marks ’78 Glenn W. Martin ’86 Hassan S. Mashrigui Mark G. Massey ’78 Mary P. Mathews ’68 Marie H. May ’66 Constance A. Mayer Marlene J. Mayo Sophia J. ’80 and Paul McArdle Martha S. McCaffrey ’76 Jane M. McCarl ’52 Joseph H. McCarthy ’79 Rosemary L. McCloskey ’57 James W. ’73 and Rosemarie F. McConnaughey ’73 Debra McCurry Douglas P. ’84 and Susan King McElrath ’90 Eric McKeever Florence L. McKeever ’68 Theodore and Courtney J. McKeldin Helen M. McKenna ’83 Booker T. McManus C. Thomas McMillen ’74 Jason E. McNutt Douglas Meade ’90 and Birgit Saager-Meade ’94 Gregory Stephen Metcalf ’93 Peter H. Michael ’66 Judah H. Milgram ’92, ’97 David C. Miller ’95, ’00 Frank H. and Althea V. Miller Gerald R. Miller James C. Miller, II ’72 Keith A. Miller Sharon Hanson Miller ’72 Wayne R. Miller ’67 Wendy J. ’79 and Robert Anthony Miller Predrag Milojkovic Nelson H. Minnich Mohammad Modarres Leslie S. Montroll ’72 James L. Moore ’78 Virginia Moore ’70 Constance A. Morella Douglas A. Moses ’81 Tadahiko Motoyoshi Tow H. Moy ’47

Philip J. Moyer ’96 Kiyoshi Murata James R. Myers ’65 James Nakamura* Karen Nakata Carole Elkins Neal ’63 Graciela P. Nemes ’49, ’52 Donald A. Newbery ’58 Arnold L. Newman Ruth Ann Newton ’83 Nicholas C. Nicholas ’52 Michael C. Nichols Keiko Nishihama Joseph Jr. ’58 and Elizabeth R. Noonan William A. Noonan Elizabeth Novara Wallace E. Oates Mark F. O’Dea ’78 Paul F. ’73 and Edith M. O’Donnell ’72 Atsuko Oikawa Eizaburo Okuizumi Laurel W. ’73, ’74 and Robert C. Oliver Michael Olmert ’62, ’80 Darlene M. Olson ’77, ’85 Frank W. J. Olver James E. and Pamela A. O’Neal David and Heidi Anne Onkst Janice M. Osborn ’82 Elizabeth Ann Osborne ’07 Glenna D. ’80 and David M. Osnos Chester Page Karen B. Pancost Robert T. Park ’75 and May I. Ruehle Michael J. Patryn ’68 Joan W. ’66 and James Patterson Michael G. Pellegrini ’86 Peyton L. Penkowsky ’74 Perry J. Pepper ’77 Lowell W. Perry Andreas Persson Carol S. Petzold Virginia Phillips Jean P. Piske ’56 Lynn T. Pittenger ’70 David Vincent Pizzi ’00 Nancy Pond Barry W. Poole* ’68 Marcia L. Posner JoAnn Feldmann Post ’83 Deborah L. Potter ’87 Dolores S. Powell-Phillips ’77 Heidi Pringle Sarah M. Pritchard ’75 Rosemary F. Prola ’71, ’06 Robert C. Provine Scott D. Rabinow ’81, ’84 Rhoda S. Ratner ’75 James B. Reed Erin Reid Barbara J. Reiner ’70 Chuck Render Alexandra K. ’88 and William K. Reynolds Michael P. Riccards Jean-Paul Richard

Judith H. Ricker ’75 William L. Rigoli ’47 Donald A. Ritchie ’69 David Rivard James Roach John Roberts Michael D. ’96 and Laura J. Robinson Elizabeth M. Roche ’03 Meriam L. Rosen ’66 Michael B. Rosenzweig ’65, ’70, ’74 Ralph L. Rosnow ’57 Allan C. Rough Howard D. Rowland Evelyn K. Rubel ’72 Barry M. ’83 and Carole Z. Rubin Deborah A. Rudy ’73 Malissa Ruffner ’02 M. Mary Russell ’69 Jaime K. Russo ’04 James A. ’73 and Christine G. Ryan Katayoon Saadin ’12 Rekha Sabnis Hirotoshi Sagou Eiko Sakaguchi Laura Reilly Salmon ’86 Jeannette K. Sanderson ’76 Melissa Sandlin Barbara Cummins Sangster Anthony A. Santy ’70 Kursat Sarigol Scott O. Savran Mun M. Sawhney ’89 David V. Sayian ’89 James A. Sayler ’58 John C. ’54 and Marilyn B. Scarbath ’53 Susan M. and Douglas K. Schehr Stanley D. Schiff Joseph J. ’77 and Wendy B. Schlueter John A. ’55, ’80 and Judith M. Schuyler Kenneth L. and Nancy Schwartz Frederick X. Schwenker Robert Jr. ’67 and Carolyn D. Scott ’71 Edward Scott Mary T. Scott ’52 Antoinette G. Sebastian ’76, ’99 Kathleen D. Secker ’69, ’74, ’08 Vernon E. Seibert ’49 Daniel T. Seldin ’73 William H. Sewell ’63 Paul A. Shackel Jingzhi Shangguan Jean A. ’69 and Elizabeth H. Sharland Allison G. Sharp ’87 Roney T. ’53 and Merrick E. Shawe ’53 Patricia M. Sherlock ’72 Robert Sherman Seishi Shibouta Menachem Shoham Sonya E. Shooshan ’95

Carole E. Shorb ’68 Jack Shulimson ’91 Frank J. Shulman Robert P. and Carolyn E. Siefring Harriet A. Simon ’61 Myra L. Sims ’78 Panayiotis L. ’67 and Diane P. Sitaras ’69 Jon A. Sjogren John Jr. ’78, ’85 and Joanne Guna Smale ’00 Donna Marie Smith ’97 Kenneth R. Smith ’86 Martha Nell Smith Stephen J. Smith Matt Smolsky James Lamar Sneed ’99 Pamela A. Snelgrove ’84 Carol Sokolski ’85 Lori Sonderegger Henrick E. Sorensen Jason G. Speck ’09 Janet L. Spikes ’99 Mike Spring Robert A. Stark Charles and Patricia A. Steele Richard C. Stevenson ’64 Susan G. Stewart ’69 Joan D. Stipetic ’70 Marianne R. Stoner ’72 Saul R. ’00 and Karla L. Strieb ’99 Shawn M. Stringfield Noriko Akimoto Sugimori Charles T. Sullivan Helen A. Sydavar ’87 Robert T. Su and Heven Sze Angela M. Taft ’89 Itsuko Tamura Kenneth K. and Reiko Tanaka Yukari Tanaka Itamar Taxel Denise Taylor ’04 Joan R. Taylor ’73 Richard W. Taylor ’72 Welford D. ’66 and Carole W. Taylor Sarah L. Taylor-Deak ’02 Edward S. Terry ’67 Margaret C. Tessier ’96 Jean M. Thomas ’82 Bruce D. and Cynthia M. Tillman Charles Timbrell ’76 Vania Barraza Toledo Robert Tonucci Georges T. and Margarita V. Tossa David A. Trace ’84 Regina Tracy Yuka M. Tsuchiya James B. and Nancy Lynn Tucker Anne S. K. Turkos Edward S. ’63 and Elizabeth S. Tyburski Joseph D. Tydings ’51 James M. Ulam ’79 Lois N. Upham ’63

Richard Vahrenkamp Donald N. Van Duyn Deborah M. ’83 and Hall G. Van Vlack, IV Jane G. Van Wiemokly ’74 Guy R. and Mady Vandevoordt Mary Kay Vaughan Desider L. Vikor Coerte Van and Wendy W. Voorhies Daniel M. Wagner ’79, ’82 Emily P. Wagner ’80 Shirley A. ’81 and Robert E. Wagoner Sam Walker ’71 Maria A. Walsh ’94 Rickey A. Walton ’81 Nai-Chi Wang ’71 Xiaoging Wang Elizabeth A. Warner ’45 Karl A. Warner ’76 Stephanie C. Warner ’90, ’00 Edmund and Leslie L. Washuta Amy Wasserstrom Mikio Watanabe Kathleen A. Weigel ’76 Sherrie L. Weinstein ’75 Susan A. Weinstein ’81, ’87 Irvin J. ’76 and Rita S. Weiss ’76 Norman M. Wereley Patricia T. White ’93 Jeffrey E. ’79 and Ilene Jacobson Wieselthier ’72 Mary E. Wiley ’63 M. Jane Williams Louis J. Wilmotte Joseph Frances Wilson Maurice Charles Wilson, Jr. ’81 Pamela Wilson Quin ’69 and Paul Quin Rebecca P. Wilson ’11 William G. Wilson Bette Marcia Winer ’69 Elliot Winston ’66, ’68 Susan M. Woodcock ’73 Susan C. Woodford ’64 Gretchen S. Wright ’85 Doreen Wu ’11 Jamieson R. Wu ’00 Jianzhong Wu Yi-Yen Wu Sam Wyly Briget S. Wynne ’01 Anna M. Yallouris ’08 Huiwen Yao ’95 William B. Yeaman ’72 Deborah A. Yow-Bowden William A. and Stephanie L. Zagorski Shahid M. Zaki Judy Zane Annette M. Zehler Jianfeng Zhan Sam Zhang Jun Zhao Xueyan Zhu Jacqueline C. Zipser *Deceased

CO R P O R AT I O N S , F O U N D AT I O N S A N D O R G A N I Z AT I O N S The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers American Composers Alliance Anacostia Trails Heritage Area, Inc. Appian Publications & Recordings A-R Editions Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University Creative Associates International Deloitte Foundation Faye F. and Sheldon S. Cohen Philanthropic Fund IBM Corporation International Labor Communications Association International Chapter P.E.O. Sisterhood Chapter H Joe Tydings Family Foundation Korea Rural Economic Institute Law Office of Kevin L. Fast Library of American Broadcasting Foundation Maryland Library Association Menasseh ben Israel Institute Merck Partnership for Giving Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation MRMG/Popeyes’ Chicken & Biscuits Music Library Association National Library of Korea National Museum of Korea Richard Eaton Foundation, Inc. Robert H. Smith Family Foundation Smithsonian Chamber Music Society State Farm Companies Foundation Synexus Corporation The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners United Jewish Endowment Fund Verizon Foundation Virginia Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Commission

THANK YOU for choosing to make a difference. 19


library transactions that range from ordering and loaning books to managing digital collections. Kuali is the name for community-sourced enterprise software for higher education; OLE stands for Open Library Environment.

arXiv Cornell’s scientific research repository

Library Publishing Coalition Academic libraries engaging in scholarly production activities.

Academic Preservation Trust A national consortium including regional counterparts such as Johns Hopkins and the University of Virginia that is framing the next phase of digital preservation.

Association of Research Libraries A membership organization of 126 top research libraries in North America. Center for Research Libraries An international consortium of libraries that acquires and preserves traditional and digital resources from a global network of sources. CLIR Council on Library and Information Resources

Project Bamboo A national initiative to develop a digital infrastructure to better support humanities scholarship across institutions.

CLOCKSS A joint venture of leading scholarly publishers and research libraries to ensure the long-term survival of Web-based journals.


CNI Coalition for Networked Information DuraSpace An organization dedicated to developing open-source repository software, like that used to support Maryland’s own DRUM. Digital Preservation Network A national consortium established to provide a federated approach to digital preservation. E-Science Institute A program to strengthen support for e-sciences, coordinated by the Association of Research Libraries and the Digital Library Federation. HathiTrust A partnership of more than 50 major research institutions institutions and libraries creating a shared digital library to preserve and make accessible the cultural record. Kuali OLE A community of libraries and vendors that is creating software to manage interrelated

The Big Ten When the university announced in November its intention to join the Big Ten, we had good reason to celebrate. As a member of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), the academic side of the Big Ten, we’ll have strong new partners. We’ll be part of a can-do group of similarly sized libraries that accomplishes ambitious mutual goals. 20

LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) An international community initiative, based at Stanford University, that provides libraries with digital preservation tools and support so that they can collect and preserve their own copies of authorized e-content.

Association of Southeastern Research Libraries A regional research library consortium. Maryland Digital Library A gateway to electronic resources available to students and faculty at universities and colleges across the state of Maryland. Maryland Library Consortium A consortium of school, public, and academic libraries in Maryland. National Library of Medicine, Universities at Shady Grove, University of Maryland, Baltimore A partnership to support mutual interests in medical and health education, advanced training, and information dissemination. Northeast Research Libraries A regional research library consortium. University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions

You’ll benefit from improved access to print materials through shared print repositories and robust and award-winning interlibrary loan services. Combined collections exceed 79 million volumes. We’ll see price breaks on some subscriptions. Consortial licensing agreements negotiated by CIC’s Center for Library Initiatives save the libraries $6.5 million annually.

Concept and text: Eric Bartheld. Design: Rebecca Wilson. Photography: Michael Morgan. Architectural renderings by students in Architecture 601, School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, May 2012.


Rest assured. With all the changes in our future, we take our responsibility to books and special collections very seriously. They are an important state-owned resource, and preserving them and making them accessible will always be an important part of

Photo: John Consoli

our mission.

White Memorial Chemistry Library

Priddy Library at Shady Grove

Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library

McKeldin Library

Hornbake Library

Engineering & Physical Sciences Library

Art Library

Architecture Library

The University of Maryland Libraries enable the intellectual inquiry and learning required to meet the education, research and community outreach mission of the University.


Patricia A. Steele, Dean of Libraries 6131 McKeldin Library College Park, Maryland 20742-7011

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