University of Maryland Libraries Annual Report 2013

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We’re listening.


2013 We’re Listening 1

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We’re LISTENING. Your NEEDS guide us. Your IDEAS inspire us. Your TEACHING and your

RESEARCH give us purpose. Your PHILANTHROPY and your

PARTNERSHIPS make us better.

We’re Listening 1

2 We’re Listening

In 2013, the AFL-CIO “The recovery of USEFUL STORIES from the grist of the past requires

SKILL & TALENT, and a lot of hard work on the part of

ARCHIVISTS and historians, journalists and


donated to the University of Maryland its historical archive, an extensive collection of documents, photographs, books, and audio and visual recordings pertaining to the federation of labor unions based in Washington, D.C. “Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in the relationship between the AFL-CIO and academia,” President Richard Trumka said at a university ceremony in October. “We entrust our most crucial records to the University of Maryland Libraries.” With materials that fill six miles of shelving, the collection is the largest such donation to the university and a boon to scholars of labor studies. Complementing other labor-related collections at the University Libraries, the AFL-CIO archive will establish the university as a top archival repository for labor history in North America. The donation of the George Meany Memorial AFL-CIO Archive, and a curatorial position associated with it, also expands opportunities to partner with George Washington University, home to the archive of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

Richard Trumka President, AFL-CIO We’re Listening 3

4 We’re Listening

“College affordability is “When your TEXTBOOK COSTS could pay your

RENT, you know this is an


a huge deal to students,” says Meenu Singh, who works on behalf of her classmates to increase awareness about the hidden costs of higher education. While expenses like tuition, housing and food may be obvious, she says, the cost of textbooks is not. The Student Government Association polled students last year and found the average student pays about $300 to $500 per semester for textbooks. Introductory editions are often more than $100 each. Singh and others encourage faculty members to use openaccess textbooks, which make information freely available on the Web. She also worked to recruit supporters to attend a systemwide rally to raise awareness about the open-access movement. The University Libraries have long promoted free access to information. As one example, librarians this year created a guide to Web-based content and tools— such as software or a “build-yourown-textbook” service—offered for faculty to use in their teaching.

Meenu Singh Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, Student Government Association Member, University Libraries Student Advisory Group We’re Listening 5

6 We Hear You

“Materials influence “Most STUDENTS need help understanding



everything,” says Robert Briber, who teaches Materials of Civilization (ENMA150), a university I-Series course. His students learn the importance of materials that range from stone and clay to superconductors and shapememory alloys. Superabsorbent polymers, for example, are used not only for diapers but also to store water in agricultural applications. A proponent of library instruction, Briber values the expertise of librarians in the Engineering and Physical Sciences Library. Robin Dasler, for example, teaches students to get the most from licensed databases such as Scopus or Web of Science. “My main goal is to expose them to the relevant literature and show how to use it to trace a problem or solution,” she says. Our plans to create a Science Commons, outlined this year by a librarian task force, will bring a new level of service and partnership to STEM disciplines. The proposed technology-rich space will feature science databases, experiential learning opportunities and collaborative work areas. “Given a choice,” Briber says, “students would do everything online.”

Dr. Robert Briber Chair, Department of Materials Science and Engineering A. James Clark School of Engineering We’re Listening 7

8 We’re Listening

She describes “ARCHIVES have become

VERY DEAR to me. It’s amazing how



herself as a gardening devotee, so it’s no surprise that Barbara Angier was drawn to a book filled with colorful flower lithographs. A longtime university supporter and member of the family for whom Hornbake Library is named, Barbara Angier especially values the rare and unique library items known as special collections. She donated funds through our new “adopt-a-book” program to preserve Flora’s Dictionary, published in 1855. Conservators will use handmade Japanese paper strengthened by mulberry fiber to repair splits in the spine and re-hinge the binding. They will also create a protective box. Angier remembers spending hours as a student in McKeldin Library, with its immense wooden card catalog filled with millions of cards. Her father, R. Lee Hornbake, was an advocate for libraries and a lover of books. “He’d be both mystified and impressed” she says, if he could see the advances in technology and the information now available to students by computer. “He did it—I did it—the hard way,” she says, smiling.

Barbara Hornbake Angier Donor We’re Listening 9

10 We’re Listening

On a mission “VALUABLE DATA on obsolete computers

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to manage the university’s digital assets, Babak Hamidzadeh is also leading the University Libraries in a new direction. “Let’s be pioneers,” he says. These assets—ranging from, say, a scientist’s observational data to the university’s millions of electronic records—are growing exponentially. Often they are the core of scholarship. But understanding how to preserve or disseminate them challenges nearly every researcher or curator. Consider that valuable research data may just be sitting on an old computer’s hard drive and you begin to understand the problem. Hamidzadeh, who is also an affiliate associate professor in the Department of Computer Science, is leading the University Libraries with a wide-ranging plan to manage these digital assets in all formats and in all phases of their life cycle, from their creation to their long-term preservation and access. “We are the ones who know how to manage data,” Hamidzadeh says of librarians. “It’s what we do.”

Babak Hamidzadeh Associate Dean for Digital Systems and Stewardship, University Libraries We’re Listening 11

12 We’re Listening





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We’re Listening 3

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4 We’re Listening

We hear you.


2013 We’re Listening 1

We HEAR you. We work every day to

SUPPORT the TEACHING, LEARNING and RESEARCH of the university. YOUR GOALS become OUR goals. And yet: we not only respond. We LEAD. See some of our


Patricia A. Steele Dean of Libraries 2 We’re Listening

We’re Listening 1

COLLECTIONS Your needs shape our vast collections.

Welcomed a gift from the AFL-CIO of its historical archive, known as the George Meany Memorial AFL-CIO Archive. Valued at $25 million and occupying roughly six miles of shelving, it is the university’s largest archival collection. University President Wallace D. Loh accepted the donation on behalf of the university at a ceremony on October 1.

Established the MPower Virtual Research Library in partnership with the University of Maryland, Baltimore, bringing highly desirable STEM-related resources and other collections to both College Park and Baltimore campuses.

Leveraged the purchasing power of the WORKING WOMEN As a driving force within America’s labor unions, women are well represented in the George Meany Memorial AFL-CIO Archive. Photograph by Martha Tabor, 1980.

Committee on Institutional Cooperation, our Big Ten peers, to acquire new resources including digital historical primary sources and, particularly noteworthy, e-journals and e-books related to STEM disciplines worth nearly $2 million if purchased independently.

Showcased special collections with two CHARM CITY Issues from the mid- to late-1800s of the German-language newspaper Der Deutsche Correspondent provide a glimpse of Baltimore’s history and are part of a digital project funded by the NEH.

Hornbake Library exhibitions: How We Might Live: The Vision of William Morris (September 2012 through July 2013); and Saving College Radio: WMUC Past, Present and Future (September 2013). Opening receptions for each attracted friends and donors; alumni representing six decades of student DJs attended the especially popular WMUC event.

Joined an elite group of partner institutions in a collaborative effort to improve online access to historic French pamphlets. Funded by a one-year planning grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the group will improve access to French revolutionary pamphlet collections in the U.S. and France. A pilot project at Maryland established the university as a potential partner for the NEH grant. We hold approximately 12,000 such pamphlets.

2 We Hear You

Demonstrated a serious commitment to digital preservation by creating a library-wide policy that underscores our capability to reliably archive, migrate, and provide access to digital content consistent with national standards. Librarians at the University of Maryland now curate approximately 75 terabytes of data, and the number escalates.

Introduced an efficient method of purchasing books in which users trigger the purchase requests through the library catalog. We provided access to more than 7,500 such “demand-driven” titles last year.

Journals $840,174 Books $870,252 E-journals $5,256,648 E-Books $529,911 $1M





TRENDLINES Though many think that libraries offer mainly books, we spent much more in FY2013 on digital resources than print, consistent with previous years and national trends.

Provided discovery metadata to individual titles purchased in large packages in WorldCat UMD, the Libraries’ catalog. Staff from our Technical Services Department used new tools and workflows to catalog more than 462,000 titles, over and above the 50,000 titles we ordinarily process.

Celebrated the scanning of the one-millionth image from the Gordon W. Prange Collection as part of an ongoing project to digitize books in the collection. The Prange Collection is the world’s most complete archive of Japanese print publications from 1945-1949.

Submitted 55,004 Maryland newspaper pages to the Library of Congress as part of the Historic Maryland Newspaper Project. This is more than half of the pages to be digitized with a $325,000 grant provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities by the end of August 2014. These digitized pages will soon be available on the Library of Congress’ free online database Chronicling America:

ONE MILLION The Gordon W. Prange Collection reaches an impressive milestone. Noguchi Ujo and others, & Kazama Shiro. (1947). Doyo ehon, dai I shu, Toppan.

Introduced the Open Access Publishing Fund to support faculty members who publish their work in online, freely available journals. We encourage authors to retain their rights as authors and also support new publishing models that allow the public to find and freely read scholarship. The new fund stems from recommendations of the University Senate Open Access Task Force. We Hear You 3

SERVICES Your needs inspire new and better service.

Sought the expertise of graduate students in the College of Information Studies, or iSchool, whose myriad group projects informed ways to develop a strategic planning process, identify services to support STEM disciplines, create performance rubrics, allocate resources, improve the website and more.

Repositioned services within the context of changing expectations by developing plans for a Science Commons, Research Commons and Media Commons. Librarians also redefined their roles as liaisons in an extensive task force report. 3D PRINTING “Additive manufacturing,” or 3D printing, is now available to students and faculty in McKeldin Library’s Terrapin Learning Commons.

Partnered with the university’s Division of Information Technology to integrate its Help Desk and Terrapin Technology Store operations into the first floor of McKeldin Library. The new location provides the university community easier access to IT-related support in a convenient central location.

Provided a full complement of services to support audiovisual research and digital production for the university’s “Creating Museums of the Immigrant Experience” program, a first-time collaboration between the university, the Smithsonian Institution and local government agencies.

Introduced a 3-D printer to the Terrapin Learning Commons, available to any student or faculty member to render objects in plastic. It is especially helpful for prototyping in fields such as engineering and design.

Expanded and relocated the popular equipmentloan program to the Terrapin Learning Commons. Items may also be checked out from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Library, the Chemistry Library and the Architecture Library. A website shows real-time availability. Supported by the Library Technology Fee.

4 We Hear You

Responded to requests from our Student Advisory Group, a group of representative students appointed by the dean, to relocate the popular reading collection to the high-traffic area of McKeldin Library’s first floor and to install displays in McKeldin Library to showcase items from the University Archives.

Taught information literacy skills to more than 21,250 students, faculty, staff and a wide variety of visiting individuals and groups.

Began delivering books to faculty departments. The service expands the branch-to-branch service launched in 2012.

NATURAL ALLIES The University Libraries teamed up with the Division of Information Technology to integrate its Help Desk and Terrapin Technology Store (below) into McKeldin Library’s busy first floor.

We Hear You 5

THE NAMES in the following pages represent a year of progress and innovation at the University of Maryland libraries. The individuals listed in this report have made a donation that helps us realize our future and move us forward by allowing us to support

FEARLESS IDEAS deserve fearless support.

every student at Maryland.

WE PROVIDE students with access to rare materials through our digitization initiatives. We support them by transforming library spaces to allow for collaboration. We introduce them to new and emerging technologies and provide world class instruc-


SPACE: Transforming our environments to help students discover and learn together

COLLECTIONS: Growing our core special collections and making them more accessible through digitization

TECHNOLOGY: Bringing new and emerging technologies into the libraries

tion for doing research in the 21st century. We couldn’t accomplish this without your gift. Thank you for contributing to student success.

THIS LIST recognizes all donors to the University of Maryland Libraries from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. Each gift is important and greatly appreciated. If you would like to add your support, please visit us at or call us at 301.314.5674.

WHILE EVERY effort is made to ensure accuracy, errors do sometimes occur. In that event, please notify Heather Foss, Director of

T H A N K YO U for your gift! 6 We Hear You

Development at 301.314.2579.

H O N O R R O L L — of — DONORS

I N D I V I D U A Betty Abbott Oladimeji O. Abegunrin ‘07 Syed M. Ahmed Howard Aiello Mieko Aikawa Martha Sue Alexander ‘67 Candace A. G. ‘69 and Gary L. Allen Alicia Marie Allou ‘97 Clopper C. Almon, Jr.

Heather H. and Raymond O. Bodiford Steven M. Bookman ‘07 Marcia Beth Bordman ‘93 David Bornemann John Borstel Kenneth O. Boulton ‘86, ‘97 and JoAnne E. Barry ‘89 Helen M. Bowdoin Susan Schurig Bowman ‘92

Melvyn R. and Toby L. Altman

Kimberley J. Boyd ‘74

Ruth M. ‘77, ‘80, ‘90 and Roy D. Alvarez

James R. Brodrick Linda M. Browdy ‘80

John R. Anderson

Arthur J. Brown

Franklin E., Jr. ‘67 and Barbara H. Angier ‘67

Chelann Brown

Tom M. Apostol Patricia A. Aud ‘71 Barbara B. Aughenbaugh

The Honorable Josef B. ‘57 and Gloria G. Brown ‘93 Lauren R. Brown and Elizabeth A. Davis Brown

Joseph M. Aulisi ‘83

Peter H. and Judith B. Brown ‘81

George H. ‘51, ‘53 and Elizabeth J. Arscott

Barry Jay Brownstein ‘68 Richard A. Bunche

Monette Austin Bailey ‘89

D. R. Burian

Mathias Balbi

Bruce W. Burrows

Ronald Anthony Baraloto ‘66, ‘69

Charles E. Butterworth

Erin L. Barber ‘08

Mary K. Cain

Elizabeth J. Barber ‘91

M. Clarke Calyer ‘61

Eric Bartheld

Catherine Anne Cameron ‘06

Richard W. and Lynne M. Barr

Bonnie Campbell

Irene Bass

Anna Limar Campos ‘72 and Orlando Campos

Alexander M. Bastow ‘10 Matthew C. Bates ‘12 Matthew C. Battle ‘90 Howell S. Baum and Miss Madelyn J. Siegel *Joseph C. Beaudoin George W., Jr. ‘63 and Linda D. Beechener ‘68

Rebecca O. ‘79 and John M. Cavallo ‘79, ‘84 Tammy D. Cavin ‘88 Marc J. and Janice B. Chapdelaine Edward A. ‘54 and Joyce Bartlett Charron Cynthia R. Chase

Peggy A. Hosey Behun ‘70 and Joseph A. Behun Jr. ‘73

Chin-Yin Chen ‘88

Lewis Belfont

David W. ‘85 and Bokhee Cho

Kevin F. Benson ‘77

Diana L. Christadore ‘05

Christine Bergman

Tamar ‘98 and David Chute

Mary S. Bernheisel ‘63, ‘83

Jonathan E. Claiborne ‘77

Michelle A. Berry ‘83

Suzanne F. Clewell ‘79, ‘81

John M. Beshoar ‘00

Faye F. ‘51 and Sheldon S. Cohen

Denise Best

Mary Anne Cole ‘62

Mutlu Pinar Beygo

Charlotte A. Conaway ‘47

Carolyn Woodard Bibault ‘74

Patrick A. Condray ‘61, ‘72

John A. Bigbee ‘63

Dolores W. Conger ‘78

Edward C. Blau ‘79

James J. Conners ‘86

Nora M. Blau ‘75

Brian J. Conroy

Neil J. Bloom ‘85

Mary Kathleen Cook ‘71

Geoffery Bloomfield and Linda Alexander

Sharon R. Cook ‘74

Kenneth G. Bloomquist

Michael A. Coplan

Rosemary T. Blunck Andrew Bodiford

Hung Chiao

Bernard D. Cooperman Kathy V. Umbdenstock ‘74 and William T. Corey

“The AFL ARCHIVES have a special place in HISTORIANS’ HEA


D O N O R S Elisabeth V. Courtner ‘82 Patricia Jeanne Cowan

Charles Jr. ‘70 and Sandra Drimal ‘70

Karen S. Cowden ‘07

Edward A. Duffy ‘81

Christian Briand ‘73 and Donna M. Cowdrey ‘74

Gina Genova Duffy Rebecca W. Dukes

Caren Adise Cowhig ‘75

Frances Durako

Robert C. Craig

Shirley S. Duvall ‘57, ‘71

Mary S. ‘73 and Charles W. Crickman ‘57

Peter Duvall

David A. Crocker

Rick Edelson

Ernesto Cuesta ‘71 Jean Trawick Curtis ‘71 Maria M. Custer Bruce B. ‘74 and Jayme R. Cwalina Valerie Ann Czawlytko ‘72 Dieter and Susan Czerny Alison Daifuku John H. Dammeyer ‘54 Beth Ann and Robert S. Daniel Georgia Mangos Darras Ajit and Sobhana Das Nancy F. Daugherty ‘68 Patricia A. Davis ‘78,’80 Russell A. Davis ‘84 and Shanta Ramson ‘87

Paul M. ‘51 and Jean R. Eckert Jane O. Edwards ‘79, ‘80 Karen M. Eggert ‘84 Barry Eigen Jane Elkinton Richard L. Elliott Jr. ‘49 Elaine J. and Willard R. Entwisle Kathryn F. ‘76, ‘79 and Tibor J. Eszeki Burton R. ‘55, ‘58 and Jennifer M. Evans Jon E. Evans ‘84, ‘88 and Alexandra Leavitt Evans ‘84 Helmuts and Elizabeth M. Feifs Amy Federman Richard J. Feldman ‘73

Sarah L. Taylor-Deak ‘02 and James J. Deak

Frank Jr. ‘53, ‘57 and Elizabeth M. Fellows ‘54, ‘67

Donald L. ‘90 and Julie D. Deardorff

Robert O. Felter ‘66, ‘68 H. Stephen Fender ‘74

Louis A. DeCatur ‘54, ‘63, ‘70

Carol Fendler ‘77

Rosemarie DeDonato ‘73,’75

Lynn Ferris

Thomas DeLio

Henry J. Ferry

Dennis Deloria

Joseph M. Finn ‘69

Eileen S. DeMarco

Mary Ellen Fise ‘77

Lynn A. DeMeester ‘67

Patricia S. Florestano ‘58, ‘70, ‘74

George E. Dieter Jr.

Janice L. Flug ‘75

LeRoy H. Dietrich Jr. ‘61

Martha T. ‘69, ‘77 and Lawrence E. Folk

Kira Ann Dietz ‘07 Gloria M. Dillon ‘73 Inez Elizabeth Dinwoodie ‘94

Allen Eugene Ford ‘64 Harold F. Ford ‘60

Robert Dizard Jr.

Jonathan T. Ford Sr. ‘62

Gerard J. ‘88 and Linda B. Donahue

Heather M. Foss David R. Fosse

Bruce Donaldson

Robert E. Foster

Jane L. Donawerth

Antonio Fraioli

Michelle E. Smith ‘76 and Lawrence A. Donehower ‘74

Neil R. Fraistat

Betsy R. Donohue ‘01

Charles ‘62 and Beverly K. Freeland

Mary K. Donovan Jane B. ‘84 and Jerold P. Dornbush James M. and Teresa Douglas Karen H. Dowling ‘75 Edward M. ‘52 and Loretta M. Downey

Charles A. ’72 and Sheila Frank

David H. and Linda R. Freeman ‘90, ‘96 Gloria S. ‘73 and Ralph H. Friedgen ‘70, ‘72 George and Lesley Froehlich

Wallace E. Downey Jr. ‘58

Chung C. Fu ‘75, ‘82

Charles F. II ‘68, ‘75 and Kathleen M. Downs

Margarita Gomez Garcia

Jill A. ‘82 and William J. Gaebl ‘84

Dustin Michael Doyle ‘02 Brian Draper

University Employee


RTS. Thanks for all you’ve done to ensure they arrived here safely.“

I N D I V I D U A Robert C. Garner ‘06, ‘11

David H. Hofstad

John V. Garnett ‘90

Sallie L. Holder ‘62

Gerard W. Gawalt

James C. ‘59, ‘66 and Mary G. Holland

Linda M. Gaylor ‘71 V. Lynn ‘83 and Frederick J. Gera *Jean B. Gerhardt ‘71 Allen H. Ginsberg Thomas P. and Maria Rosa Glakas Jesse Glass Jr. Lowell R. Glazer ‘55 and Harriet Lazinsky Glazer ‘60 Donald S. Gochberg ‘60, ‘66 Karen K. Goldberg ‘90 James Gontarchick Azeem H. Gopalani ‘09

Ryan E. Holmberg Frances Dunn Holmes ‘75 Richard H. Holmes Jr. ‘65 Samuel Hough Joseph M. Hrezo ‘63 Ann L. Hudak *Peggy J. ‘77 and M. Eugene Huffman Ronald W. Huffman and Mary J. Tooey L. Casma Huie ‘71

Timothy W. Gordon ‘66

Raymond W. ‘80 and Cynthia D. Humphrey

Susie Gottlieb

Clare and August A. Imholtz

Penny J. Graf ‘75

Regina Igel

James M. Grammar ‘72

Hideko Inagawa

Martin Grams, Jr.

Kimihiro Ishimitsu

Frederick D. Gray ‘60, ‘71

Riwa Ito

Gayle Pope Gregg ‘95

Jeanne B. Jacobs ‘74, ‘77

Melissa Lindberg ‘12 and Tobias B. Gregory

Bayly Ellen Janson-LaPalme ‘79

Selly Grucci Joseph R. and Evelyn Guerci

Eldon Janzen Dana M. ‘74 and Michael L. Jarrell

Ted Robert Gurr

Thomas P. Jedele and Nancy J. Skon Jedele

Dennis M. ‘68, ‘72 and Carolyn S. Gurtz ‘70

*C. William Johnson

*Arthur J. Gutman

Virginia G. ‘84 and Patrick W. Johnson

Mary H. Hackman

James B. Johnston ‘66

*James P. Hackman ‘59, ‘83

Tod Earl Jones ‘97

Francis R. Hagan Jr. ‘57

Nancy S. Kader ‘05

Barbara Haggh-Huglo

Brian Douglas Kajutti ‘71

Douglas S. and Nancy E. Hall ‘71

Jack Kamerman

Nicholas Hamisevicz

Jonathan S. Kang

Gordon C. ‘72 and Cheryl J. Handte ‘77

Thomas H. Kang

Judith L. Hanna Janet L. Hargett ‘65 Amanda K. Hawk ‘13 Warren Jr. and Janet Hawthorne James R. Hayes and Gianni DeVincent-Hayes ‘90 Robert K. Headley, Jr. Christopher J. Heffernan James T. Henderson ‘70, ‘72 Carla Hendricks Michael Henry ‘11 Juanita M. Hepler ‘68 Phillip F. Herring Yukihiro Higuchi Angela D. Kerr and Curtis Hill Elwood F. Hill ‘75, ‘81 Susan E. Hinckley ‘64 Monte D. Hinkle ‘74 Bee Hobbs Setsuko Hoffman

Barbara Jo Karen ‘68 Rose J. Katen Amrita Jit Kaur Anne M. Kazmierczak Ronald J. Kazmierczak Daniel Kecman, Jr. ‘71 Ronald N. ‘72 and Cynthia L. Kecman ‘75 Benjamin Kedem *Constance Keene Hugo A. Keesing *Helen R. Keyes Seokchin Kim Ye H. Kim ‘11 Jay F. Kimball ‘97 Paula King Patricia J. Kinlein Edward W. ‘65 and Mary A. Kirk Donald H. Kirkley, Jr. ‘60, ‘62 Jessica Lei Klaube ‘08

“The WMUC EVENT took me back to my student days. THANK


D O N O R S Theodore J. Klaube

Richard Mayne

Kay Klayman

Marlene J. Mayo

Isabel Klein ‘12

Susan K. McAllister

Robert Edward Klug ‘85

Sophia J. ‘80 and Paul McArdle

Cathy D. ‘93 and Mark A. Knepper

Martha S. McCaffrey ‘76

Jennie L. Knies ‘94, ‘96 Paul S. Koda

Linda M. Burrell and Timothy C. McCanty

Myra Sue Baughman ‘81 and James I. Koenig

Jane M. McCarl ‘52 Rosemary Lynn McCloskey ‘57

Yeo-Hee Koh ‘72

David McClune

Y. Denise Buford Kollehlon ‘72, ‘90 and Konia T. Kollehlon ‘82

Rosemarie F. ‘73,’79 and James W. McConnaughey ‘73

Kazuhiko Komatsu

Robert McCormick

Victor and Joan S. Korenman

Douglas P. McElrath ‘84 and Susan King McElrath ‘90

Helen M. Koste ‘70 Joseph R. Kraus ‘95 Jeanne Regus Kuller ‘49 Rose Marie Kushmeider ‘78, ‘80 Michael J. and Nancy I. Lacy Culver S. Ladd ‘53 Earling J. Lamp ‘71, ‘72, ‘85 Nils W. Larsen ‘60 Camille Ann Larson ‘96 Alice M. La Sota ‘89 Merrill E. ’75 and Vickie M. Layton ‘75 Merrill Leffler Patricia A. Leppert ‘79 Christine A. Levine ‘84 Andrea Hill and Steven E. Levy Ivan Lieber ‘85 Katharine R. Lillie ‘72, ‘75 Arlene W. Chun and Yijen Lin Kisarazu shi Kyoiku Linkai Barbara J. Little Joyce Currie Little ‘84 Alice M. Litwinowicz ‘77 Vera and Robert G. Loeffler Mary D. and Frederick T. Lohr *Kathleen G. Lolich ‘82 Richard J. Lolich Lisa S. Longacre ‘82 Sharon Longley Richard Longstreth Nellie Longsworth Elizabeth C. Lovoy ‘85 Chao Lu ‘09 Judy S. Lu Virginia B. MacEwen ‘83 Patricia Delnore Magee Hoda Mahmoudi

Brian E. McNamee ‘71 Donald H. Messersmith Gregory Stephen Metcalf ‘93 Stanley F. Michalski, Jr. Jeannette F. Mickey ‘70 David Christopher Miller ‘95, ‘00 Gerald R. Miller James C. Miller II ‘72 Wendy J. ‘79 and Robert Anthony Miller Scott D. and Denise L. Minor Leslie S. Montroll ‘72 William J. Moody Virginia Moore ‘70 Alyssa Anne Moquin ‘90 Wendy W. Fuller-Mora ‘75 and Jeffrey G. Mora Constance A. Morella R. Rebecca Morris ‘72 Daniel C. Moses Lawrence K. Moss John and Kimberly Mulhern Kimberly and Michael Murray James R. Myers ‘65 Patricia E. Myers ‘65 Charles J. Myrtle Jr. ‘70 Barbara G. Nair Kunihiko Nakajima Karen Nakata Naoki Nawata Carole Elkins Neal ‘63 James E. Nealis ‘79, ‘80 Judith N. ‘73 and Umberto Neri Nicholas C. ‘52 and Linda L. Nicholas Joseph, Jr. ’58 and Elizabeth R. Noonan

Joseph R. ‘53, ‘62 and Jean W. Marches

Krystyna Lucille Normandin

Michael Mark

Vincent J. Novara ‘94, ‘98

Colin H. Marks ‘65

Wallace E. and Grace Mary Oates

Andrea D. Norris

Mary P. Mathews ‘68 Charles D. May

University Employee


YOU for preserving this rare and valuable cultural history.“

I N D I V I D U A Mark F. O’Dea ‘78

Morris Roseman ‘42, ‘43

Edith Marie ‘72 and Paul F. O’Donnell ‘73

Meriam L. Rosen ‘66

Neal Olkewicz ‘79

Michael B. Rosenzweig ‘65, ‘70, ‘74

Darlene M. Olson ‘77, ‘85 James E. and Pamela A. O’Neal Heidi Anne and David Onkst Glenna Dewitt ‘80 and David M. Osnos Albert E. Owens ‘71 Chester V. Panzer ‘74 Robert T. Park ‘75, ‘00 and May Ruehle

Jonathan M. Rosenberg Ralph L. Rosnow ‘57 Bruce E. ‘70 and Gail C. Ross ‘70 Luis Rossi Evelyn K. Rubel ‘72 Barry M. ‘83 and Carole Z. Rubin Jaime K. Russo ‘04 Henry J. Sage ‘85 Laura Reilly Salmon ‘86

David C. and Karen F. Parker

Barbara Cummins Sangster

Joan W. ‘66 and James C. Patterson

Richard Albert Scerbo ‘02, ‘04

Gregory S. Pavlakis ‘75

John M. Schalow

Perry J. Pepper ‘77

Joseph J. ’77 and Wendy B. Schlueter

Gina K. Perry ‘13

Henry J. Schalizki

William S. and Sylvia Holton Peterson

Larry Schonfeld

David F. Phillips

Elizabeth M. Schwartz ‘75

Lian Pi and Jianzhuang Ye

Nancy B. and Kenneth L. Schwartz

Melanie T. Pinkert

Robert B. Schwartz ‘77

Jean P. Piske ‘56

Amber M. Schwarzrock ‘13

David Vincent Pizzi ‘00

Mary C. Scott

Susan C. and Jay Plafker

Mary T. Scott ‘52

Nancy Pond

Scott Seaman

John Poole

Margaret Smith Vanness Sears ‘67, ‘70, ‘92

Margaret J. Poore ‘74 Sajeed Popat ‘03 Heidi Pope Marcia Lynne Posner ‘88 David J. Pothier ‘74 Deborah L. Potter ‘87 Ashanti Pretlow Sarah M. Pritchard ‘75 and Neal Edward Blair ‘75 Rashmi C. Pujar ‘12

Dorothy M. Schwartz

Antoinette G. Sebastian ‘76, ‘99, ‘08 Kathleen D. Secker ’69, ‘74 Daniel T. Seldin ‘73 June S. Ailin Sewell ‘76, ‘77 and Scott Sewell Jean A. ’69 and Elizabeth H. Sharland Vasily A. Sharov

Harold Pyon

Merrick E. ‘53 and Roney T. Shawe ‘53

Joseph J. Ratchko

Benjamin F. Sheppard Jr. ‘58

Rhoda S. Ratner ‘75, ‘78

Patricia Mary Sherlock ‘72

Frank J. and Judith L. Rau

Robert Sherman

James B. Reed

Scott C. and Shelly R. Sherman

Milaslav Reicheigl

Wendy Lozinsky Shiff ‘82

*Bennett Reimer

Judith L. Shiffers

Barbara J. Reiner ‘70, ‘77

M. Paul Shore ‘92

Cynthia A. Reno ‘87

Frank J. Shulman

Alexandra K. ‘88 and William K. Reynolds

Carolyn S. Silvey ‘95

Robin Richmond

Harriet A. Simon ‘61

Margaret Fennelly and Brian J. Richter Judith H. Ricker ‘75 William L. Rigoli ‘47 David Rivard Elizabeth M. Roche ‘03 Ida L. Rodgers

William S. ‘87 and Jany Sims Robert M. Simpson *Eveylyn F. Slater John G., Jr. ‘78, ‘85 and Joanne Guna Smale ‘00 Donna Marie Smith ‘97 Kenneth Clay Smith Kyle Thomas Smith

“What a lovely evening dedicated to WILLIAM MORRIS. It was


D O N O R S Matt Smolsky

Richard Ernest Walker

Jonathan Sobel

Sam Walker ‘71, ‘74

Jayme A. Sokolow

Chi Wang ‘57

Carol Sokolski ‘85

Joyce C. Ward ‘63

Saul Sosnowski

Karl A. Warner ‘76

Jason G. Speck ‘09

Anne W. Warren

Janet L. Spikes ‘99

Amy Wasserstrom

Mike Spring

Yasuyo Wataridani

Steven C. ‘80 and Cheryl T. Sprinkle

David J. Weinberg ‘75

*Ruth St. John

Sherrie L. Weinstein ‘75

Patricia A. and Charles N. Steele George F. Sterman ‘74 Susan G. Stewart ‘69 Michael V. Subotin ‘10 Robert G. ‘68 and Marilyn B. Sutherland Billye Talmadge Yukari Tanaka Myra Starkman Tate ‘83, ‘86, ‘91 Joan R. Taylor ‘73 Nedelina I. Tchangalova ‘04 Dale Thomas Jerry J. ‘77 and Carrie H. Thornbery Frederic C. Tillis Charles Timbrell ‘76 Susan Tomkiel Donald J. Torrieri ‘69, ‘71 Georges T. and Margarita V. Tossa Regina Tracy Mary K. Traver Dennis Trombatore and Shiela M. Winchester

Susan A. Weinstein ‘81, ‘87 Irvin J. ‘76 and Rita S. Weiss ‘76 Michael J. Weiss ‘73 Peter Westbrook ‘01 *Evan Whallon Raymond A. White ‘76, ‘79 Gary W. White Ilene Jacobson ‘72, ‘75 and Jeffrey E. Wieselthier ‘79 Don and Kaye Jean Wilcox Mary Ellen Wiley ‘63 JoAnn Williams Joyce Linda Williams ‘77 M. Jane Williams Rebecca P. Wilson ‘11 William G. Wilson Wayne T. Wingfield ‘83 Calhoun Winton Miriam R. and Joel A. Wirchin Roger T. Wolcott Michael L. Wolfe Wilmer and Linda Woodall Susan M. Woodcock ‘73

Ronald J. Troppoli and Donna L. Kurc

Gretchen S. Wright ‘85

Alicia C. Trotter

Wade Wyckoff

Randi Lea Trzesinski ‘03, ‘08

Aykut Yafe

Reiko Tsuchiya

Jie Yang

James B. and Nancy Lynn Tucker ’81, ‘86

Shao Chi Yang

Anne S. K. Turkos Robert M. Turnbull Edward S. ’63 and Elizabeth S. Tyburski Norma Mitani Uemura ‘93 Lois N. Upham ‘63 Jane G. Van Wiemokly ‘74 John M. Vance Marlin H., Jr. ‘81 and Cynthia M. Van Horn ‘79 Deborah M. ‘83 and Hall G. Van Vlack, IV

Lucy Wyatt ‘76

William Bruce Yeaman ‘72 Noriaki Yoshida Jessica Erin Zadjura ‘07 Donald T. ‘89 and Aleksandra Zajackowski ‘95 Marilee A. Zajec Mirna Zakic ‘11 John W. ‘60 and Judy Zane Nevenka Zdravkovska Thomas J. Zeller Vit Zouhar Aaron L. and Abbe R. Zuckerberg

Desider L. Vikor Yuanyuan Sun Voelkl *Shirley A. Wagoner ‘81 Richard Waldbauer Scott Waldman Frances W. Walker ‘54

University Employee


such a joy to immerse myself in these RARE WORKS OF ART.”

CO R P O R AT I O N S , F O U N D AT I O N S A N D O R G A N I Z AT I O N S American Anthropology Association

Michael G Putter Law Office

American Bandmasters Association Foundation

Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

American Composers Alliance AFL-CIO

Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives

Music Library Association Natioanl Gugak Center

Appian Publications + Recordings LTD

National Diet Library National Library of Korea

A-R Editions

National Orchestral Institute

Ayn Rand Institute Bank of America United Way Campaign

National Public Radio National Taiwan University

Beshoar Foundation

New York University

Boeing Company

Random House Inc.

Downey Publishing Inc.

Richard Eaton Foundation Inc.

DP Computer Consulting, LLC

Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA

Faye F. and Sheldon S. Cohen Philanthropic Fund Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Finders Keepers Classics Lowell and Harriet Glazer Family Foundation

Sierra Club Robert H. Smith Family Foundation Tad Wind Symphony Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity U.S. Army Field Band

Goodwill Diversity Collaborative

United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners

Harris Foundation

United Jewish Endowment Fund

IBM Corporation Dr. Hirokazu Murata Law Offices of Ramson & Associates, LLC Library of American Broadcasting Foundation

University of Southern California Verizon Foundation Vestige Audio Video

Marathon Oil Company Foundation

Walt Disney Company Foundation

Merck Partnership for Giving

Yellow Cat Productions



Franklin E., Jr. ‘67 and Barbara Angier ‘67

Lee Luvisi

Donald R. Brown

Steven L. Permut ‘74

Graciela P. Nemes ‘49, ‘52

Jackson R. Bryer

James A. Ruckert ‘53

John F. Cahill

Vernon R. Tate, Sr. ‘61

Ralph M. Hamaker ‘53 James ‘59, ‘66 and Mary G. Holland Marlyn B. Lemon ‘73

Roy and Carol Thomas Anne S. K. Turkos

Patricia A. Leppert ‘79

Bruce D. and Geraldine L. Wilson ‘76

Margery Morgan Lowens

Edmund Witkowski

We invite you to learn about the Founders Society, which recognizes individuals who support UMD through bequests, planned gifts, gifts of property, and other assets. For information, please contact the Office of Gift Planning at, (866) 646-4UMD, or Inquiries are kept strictly confidential.


for your generous support!



— The Campaign for Maryland — ACCO M P L I S H M E N T S

Campaign ended DECEMBER 31


Number of donors university-wide: nearly



Percentage of goal achieved

LIBRARIES RAISED: $36.4 million



Gifts in Kind $19,966,410

Planned Gifts $10,217,374

Gifts and Pledges $ 6,173,281

Friends $ 20,103, 666 Corporations & Foundations $ 6,643,794 Alumni $ 3,944,299 Employees $ 710,864 Parents $ 245,608 Students $ 15,639 Other $ 4,693,194


UNIQUE DONORS throughout the life of the campaign

We Hear You 7

ENVIRONMENTS Your needs determine how we create and configure library spaces.

Created a quiet-study room on the fourth floor of McKeldin Library, responding to student requests to provide a range of options for them to complete their work, from collaborative areas to silent spaces. Similarly, we created a multipurpose room in the Engineering and Physical Sciences Library.

Opened all floors of McKeldin Library 24 hours a day, five days a week, thereby increasing access to study space as the number of annual visitors to the building continues to climb. Previously only the first two floors were open all night.

Reconceived the first floor of McKeldin Library to consolidate service points, improve study spaces and improve navigation. Early in 2014, we began working with architects to create detailed designs.

Partnered with the Graduate School to provide a space for their Writing Fellows consultation service, which we welcomed to new offices on the fifth floor of McKeldin Library. The Future of Information Alliance now also has offices in McKeldin Library.

Continued planning the Severn Library, a university-owned facility on the edge of campus that will house unique, rare and important research collections. We expect to occupy the building in late 2015.

Planned space renovations and reallocations

SHHHH HAPPENS McKeldin Library now boasts a new fourth-floor study lounge, created in response to student requests for additional quietstudy spaces.

8 We Hear You

documented in three task-force reports: Science Commons, Research Commons and Media Commons. The detailed reports authored by teams of librarians analyze trends, respond to current and anticipated needs of students and faculty, and propose operational efficiencies.

Contained a mold outbreak on the fifth floor of McKeldin Library, triggered by high summer temperatures and an inefficient HVAC system. The floor was closed during the fall semester for cleaning, repairs and maintenance and re-opened in January.

S TA F F I N G Your needs influence who we are, and how we spend our time.

Hired seven librarians and 10 staff members in 2013. In January 2014, Daniel Mack joined as the Associate Dean for Collections and became the final member of the dean’s administrative team. Mack was previously Deputy Director for Collection Management and Special Collections. He will continue to work with faculty and the campus to define the future of collections.

Partnered with the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) to serve as an elite training ground for the National Digital Stewardship Residency program. As one of 10 host sites selected by the Library of Congress, the University of Maryland joins other institutions in the Washington, D.C., area, including the Folger Shakespeare Library, the National Library of Medicine, the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution Archives.

Participated in MITH’s Digital Humanities Incubator workshop series as a way to offer professional development opportunities for librarians and staff, cultivate digital projects and support innovative stewardship of the university’s collections.

Hosted events featuring Dr. Valerii Pavlovich Leonov, director of the Russian Academy of Sciences Library, with whom we will expand strategic partnerships in the coming year.

Reasserted our commitment to promoting


diversity by appointing an advisory committee that reports to the dean, chaired by a newly named diversity officer. This initiative builds on university priorities.

Changed the name of the Information Technology Department to Digital Systems and Stewardship, to better reflect the changing nature and responsibilities of this department.

Participated in record numbers in the univer­-

Total $26,036,003



Salaries & Wages


Shared storage


Equipment & Software


Other Operating Costs

$ 1,491,579

sity’s faculty-staff fundraising campaign. Collectively we also donated more than 200 pounds of non-perishable food and personal-care products to the Capital Area Food Bank in a year-end solicitation.

We Hear You 9

Working together to promote innovation Students and faculty of both the College Park and Baltimore campuses of the University of Maryland now have access


to jointly licensed databases. They are a benefit made possible by the special working relationship between the campuses known as

Applied Clinical Informatics Journal (AMIA Journals)

Mpowering the State.

BioMed Central

The University System of Maryland Board of Regents tasked the University of Maryland,

Computers, Informatics, Nursing (AMIA Journals)

Baltimore (UMB) and the University of Maryland,


College Park (UMCP) with establishing a special

Embase Classic Backfiles

new working relationship designed to promote

Essential Science Indicators

innovation and impact through collaboration.

Global Health

Libraries on both campuses have made significant progress to make all relevant information available and accessible for faculty and students at both universities. These shared knowledge resources are critical for collaborative learning and discovery to occur.

Clinical Key

Intellectual Property Watch Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (Wiley) JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) Methods of Information in Medicine (AMIA Journals) Molecular Psychiatry (Nature) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses ProQuest Legislative Insight Regenerative Medicine (Future Medicine Ltd.) Scopus Springer Protocols: 2014 Protocols Wiley/Blackwell Package

10 We Hear You


N AT I O N A L Academic Preservation Trust A national consortium including regional counterparts such as Johns Hopkins and the University of Virginia that is framing the next phase of digital preservation. arXiv Cornell’s scientific research repository. Association of Research Libraries A membership organization of 126 top research libraries in North America. Center for Research Libraries An international consortium of libraries that acquires and preserves traditional and digital resources from a global network of sources. Committee on Institutional Cooperation The academic counterpart to the athletic league of Big Ten universities, a can-do group of similarly sized libraries that accomplishes ambitious mutual goals.

a shared digital library to preserve and make accessible the cultural record. Kuali OLE A community of libraries and vendors that is creating software to manage interrelated library transactions that range from ordering and loaning books to managing digital collections. Kuali is the name for community-sourced enterprise software for higher education; OLE stands for Open Library Environment. Library Publishing Coalition Academic libraries engaging in scholarly production activities. LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) An international community initiative, based at Stanford University, that provides libraries with digital preservation tools and support so that they can collect and preserve their own copies of authorized e-content. Project Bamboo A national initiative to develop a digital infrastructure to better support humanities scholarship across institutions.

CLIR Council on Library and Information Resources. CLOCKSS A joint venture of leading scholarly publishers and research libraries to ensure the long-term survival of Web-based journals. CNI Coalition for Networked Information. DuraSpace An organization dedicated to developing open-source repository software, like that used to support Maryland’s own DRUM. Digital Preservation Network A national consortium established to provide a federated approach to digital preservation. E-Science Institute A program to strengthen support for e-sciences, coordinated by the Association of Research Libraries and the Digital Library Federation. HathiTrust A partnership of more than 50 major research institutions and libraries creating

S TAT E A N D R E G I O N A L Maryland Digital Library A gateway to electronic resources available to students and faculty at universities and colleges across the state of Maryland. Maryland Library Consortium A consortium of school, public, and academic libraries in Maryland. National Library of Medicine, Universities at Shady Grove, University of Maryland, Baltimore A partnership to support mutual interests in medical and health education, advanced training, and information dissemination. Northeast Research Libraries A regional research library consortium. University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions

We Hear You 11

Produced by the University Libraries Director of Communications: Eric Bartheld Graphic Designer: Rebecca Wilson Full-page portraits by Michael Morgan

Printed with soy-based inks on Rolland Opaque , 50% post-consumer recycled fiber.

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We’re Listening 13

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