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Reflection and Looking Forward

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Looking Forward

The past year has been filled with so much uncertainty. We have now begun asking how to move on and look forward, and wondered what it looks like. We’ve received new information about possible remedies and discussed living without as many precautions. Yet, we still know very little about the future.


Many hopes, dreams, and plans were put on hold. Much of our time was spent inside with family, roommates, and - for some - all alone. It gave us the opportunity to reconnect with past hobbies and explore new ones. To try cooking, and cultivate our own gardens. To take up home improvement projects and “re-organize our lives.” It was a time of mass self-reflection as we all were forced to appreciate the little things.

The last year was also a time of stress, as we worried about proper protection for ourselves, essential workers, high risk individuals, and the like. We collectively worked towards gaining a better understanding of exactly what we were up against and how we could combat it, (though ideas about this still differ greatly).

We saw social unrest and large scale protests over the summer. These movements asked us to think deeply about the fabric of our society and how our institutions affect people of color. We shared stories and information online and tried to better educate ourselves and others.

We have experienced loss, the strain of friendships and disconnection. We’ve looked inward and reflected on how all of this has impacted our mental health. And we’ve tried to center ourselves and find peace amidst our struggles.

Many of us have turned to reconnecting with nature and stepping away from all of our screens - through hiking and spending time outside each day. Others have enjoyed artisan activities and developing craftsmanship as we’ve all looked for ways to bring tranquility into our lives.

Our hopes are that everything can just return to “normal” soon. But, we’re apprehensive about how we get there and if it will look different than how we remember it in the past. However, we also must remind ourselves that it’s bigger than our individual power.

It’s important to focus on what we can control: creating stronger relationships built on healthy bonds; Being kind to ourselves and no longer overworking ourselves in the name of productivity; Meeting each other where we are and no longer wearing ourselves so thin. Appreciating all that is around us because we understand how quickly it can be taken away.

When we look forward, it will be important to ask ourselves what we will take with us. The lessons we’ve learned, the introspection we’ve gone through. How will the personal changes we have undergone shape us and how can we use our new knowledge in the future?

Ultimately, we understand that everything is uncertain. However, through continual reflection and discussion on how to improve our society we can form a more promising future.

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