The Statesman Dec. 12, 2012

Page 1

Stage II Presents “No Exit” B4





Extreme makeover: Kirby edition Architects will soon start work renovating Kirby Student Center BY CHRIS TEPPEN

Have you ever sat in the Kirby lounge and found yourself unable to contain your excitement? Probably not. But UMD students can expect to be excited within the next year, because Kirby center is being scheduled for a complete makeover. “It’s kind of like Pandora,” said Peter van den Kieboom. “We’re fine-tuning the design to the interests of the people affected.” Kieboom is one of 20 architects working on re-designing Kirby. Everything from the lounge to the ballroom to the Greek Life building—a total of 15,000 square feet—is being stripped down and renovated. In all, there will be a 185 percent increase in space throughout the entire building. After meeting with various oncampus groups and hearing input from the student body, the architects created a floor plan to compliment the wishes of nearly everybody affected by the remodel. The main theme of Kirby’s new design revolves around the flow of its parts. Right now, Kirby is divided into many different sections. The new Kirby is going to be ALEX LEONE/STATESMAN designed to promote cohesiveness and interaction among students— Ŷ ĂƌƟƐƚ ƌĞŶĚŝƟŽŶ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĨƵƚƵƌĞ ƌĞŵŽĚĞůĞĚ <ŝƌďLJ ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚ ĞŶƚĞƌ͘ dŚĞ ƵůƵƚŚ Įƌŵ >, /ŶĐ͘ ƉůĂŶƐ ƚŽ ďĞŐŝŶ ƌĞŶŽǀĂƟŽŶ ŽǀĞƌ ƚŚĞ ƐĐŚŽŽů͛Ɛ ƐƉƌŝŶŐ something that many students say ďƌĞĂŬ͘ dŚĞ ĂƌĐŚŝƚĞĐƚƐ ƉůĂŶ ƚŽ ĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞ ŝƚ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĨĂůů ŽĨ ϮϬϭϯ͘ it currently lacks. Instead of simply being a place “People don’t need to be in sepa- doesn’t include things like asbesConstruction is set to begin over “It just doesn’t seem like a traspring break, and will continue ditional student center,” said Tim where people walk through, Kirby rate boxes,” said Kieboom. “We’re tos removal. Kieboom and the rest of the during the summer. Kieboom Harrity, a UMD student. “There is predicted to be the campus’s going to make everything flow betdesigners are all workshop archi- expects the renovation to be comneeds to be more of a student main student center. And with a ter.” sleek new floor plan complete with The budget for the whole project tects based out of Milwaukee, Wis. pleted by fall of 2013. union.” “I’m excited to see what they new furniture, a central fireplace, is set at $1.5 million, and is pri- The project is being managed by have in store,” said Nate Ringdal, and a stage for live performances, marily being paid for by student LHB Inc., an architectural firm its future looks promising. service fees. However, the budget based out of Duluth. another UMD student.

University seeks to stop UMD’s Viz Lab gets upgraded tuition from rising BY GRAHAM HAKALA

The University of Minnesota is looking to ease the financial strain for future students with an ambitious new budget proposal. Included in the proposal, the university is pushing for state funding that seeks to freeze student tuition hikes for the 2014-2015 biennial. The U of M is looking to request an additional $14.2 million per year in state funding that would keep the price of tuition from going up over the two-year period. “We’re asking the state of Minnesota to partner with the university,” said Jason Rohloff, special assistant to the president for government and communication relations at the U of M. According to Rohloff, if the state accepts the university’s request for funds, it could save the average instate student up to $2,500 over the course of four years. As the cost of running a university system rises each year, the tuition rates also go up in order to compensate for the changes. The $14.2 million in the new proposal looks to cover that rising cost and keep the burden off the students. “Without the help of state aid, on average we would probably have to raise tuition about three percent,”

Rohloff said. “We would not have to do that if the state was able to cover some of our costs.” The new budget proposal comes from U of M president, Eric Kaler, and was accepted and embraced by the University Board of Regents. This is Kaler’s first budget proposal since taking the office in Sep. 2011. “We need to invest in talented Minnesota students and leverage the university’s research expertise to strengthen Minnesota’s economy,” said Kaler in a U of M news release. “This bold request achieves those goals and builds the foundation for a prosperous future.” The grand total for the U of M’s new budget proposal comes to around $1.18 billion. That is $96 million in additional requests from the state’s usual funding—an 8.4 percent increase. The proposal also seeks funding for a research program called MnDrive. The Minnesota Discovery, Research, Innovation, and Vibrant Economy program looks to receive $18 million per year over the biennial. The research projects focuses on four emerging areas of study, including robotics, food security, environmental and neuroscience. For the 2015 year, $1.5 million would be used to forgive student

debt incurred by those who take healthcare positions in underserved areas of the state. Those fields include pharmacy, nursing, physician, dental, and veterinary positions. According to Rohloff, the likelihood of the university receiving the full package is still up in the air, as federal and state budget planners look to deal with current economic problems. “We recognize that a lot of organizations are having to tighten their belts,” Rohloff said. As a trade-off, the U is looking to reduce administrative costs and re-invest the savings back into university projects. If the state provides the requested funding, the university will strive to reduce administrative costs by as much as $28 million over the biennial. see TUITION FREEZE, A3


For years, Dr. Morris Levy’s motion capture equipment has moved from one place to another, stuck without a permanent residence. “It takes a few hours to set up, about 20 minutes to collect data, and another few hours to take it all down again,” Levy said. “It’s time consuming and a headache.” However, in the past few years a new development happening at UMD will give not only Levy a chance to study new and exciting technologies, but many others from various departments around the school as well. In 2011, UMD was awarded the Infrastructure Investment Initiative (I3) in order to renovate, improve, and expand UMD’s Visu-



alization and Digital Imaging Lab, or Viz Lab. Tucked away in the Marshall Performing Arts Center—with gray stone walls that offset the normal off-white walls of the rest of the school—is the Viz Lab. This lab, according to its website, is “a multi-disciplinary lab that focuses on the integration of information and emerging visual technologies and the distribution of knowledge to the public.” Initially, the plan was to upgrade the current Viz Lab to accommodate a new motion capture studio, but opportunity has come knocking and the lab has found a new space dedicated to it, to be built over the next five years.

What is in store for 9e]ja[Y k future?

see VIZ LAB, A3



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10 TOP TEN REASONS O@Q A ;9F L L@AFC OF A GOOD TOP TEN LIST 10. Last week of the semester. 9. hungry. 8. General malaise and laziness. 7. News editor is distracting me with her face. 6. Last week of the semester. 5. Reasons. 4. More Reasons. 3. I!m sure there would be a real reason here if I could think of one. 2. Last week of the semester. 1. Lorem Ipsum.



Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Los Angeles Daily Crossword Edited byTimes Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis Puzzle

The Statesman

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

ACROSS 1 Life and Risk 6 Pkg. markings 10 Yoda trainee 14 Lacking a point 15 __-dieu 16 Nativity scene animals 17 12 20 ID theft target 21 __-Aid 22 Memo lead-off 23 Our Gang word spoken with a hand signal 25 Garage type 28 Spring growth 30 12 33 Detective Wolfe 34 Room with a remote 35 Yet again 36 Norwegian throne name 39 Color like aqua 41 1990s Expos manager 44 __ long way: help considerably 46 Shooter ammo 49 12 54 Pointe balancing point 55 Versatile veggie 56 Go another way 57 Set up a Titleist, say 59 “Vamoose!” 61 Collector’s objective 62 What this puzzle’s three identical clues can represent 66 Ex-Dodger Hershiser 67 Revival meeting shout 68 Prefix in skin care brand names 69 Rapids phenomenon 70 Cool one’s heels 71 Full of spunk DOWN 1 Martini with a onion 2 Cox sitcom costar 3 Influential businessperson 4 Tolkien creature with branches 5 Car radio button

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Satya Putumbaka Opinion Editor By Marti DuGuay-Carpenter and Don Gagliardo

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Viz Lab Continued from A3


A calm, snowy weekend brought about a quiet campus, giving campus police time to focus their efforts on keeping roads clear and safe for snow driving. The quiet also allowed for extra police forces to be present at the men’s hockey game both Friday and Saturday nights. “We want a healthy university,” said UMD Police Captain Scott Drewlo. “We’re looking to be supportive of positive cheering and take a stance on negative cheering.” Students in the past have gotten into trouble for negative comments during games, as well as for some racial chanting.

A junior female was also admitted to the hospital for mental health reasons. She and her parents were attending a concert in Duluth when she started to get agitated. Her parents asked UMD police to drive her to the hospital where they met her for admittance. On Sunday night campus police responded to a call from Oakland Apartments for complaints of someone smoking marijuana. However, when they arrived, the apartment in question was empty. Canines were brought in, and the use of marijuana was confirmed, but no citations or charges were given. One student received an underage consumption ticket over the weekend.

“We’ll use the space as an incubator of ideas,” said Levy, who acted as the principle investigator for obtaining the grant. Levy hopes to use the space to further his studies in biomechanics while he shares the space with several other departments. Despite the fact the different departments are working in separate fields, Levy hopes that the information each department gathers can also be used for the other departments.

“Say the theater is working on a ballet and uses motion capture to play back the dance, and study flaws or body movements,” Levy said. “I can use that same data to see stress in the body during dancing and use that data for my own purposes.” This new addition to the Viz Lab also opens several new options for faculty and students at UMD. Lisa Fitzpatrick, who runs the Viz Lab and organized the acquisition of the I3 grant, wants to use the new studio for any new challenges presented to them. “We are about finding new ways of thinking and doing things on campus,” Fitzpatrick said.

The Viz Lab doesn’t only work within the school, but within the community as well. “We designed an interactive exhibit for the Duluth aquarium,” said Dustin Thompson, a graphic design grad student and the Viz Lab assistant. “It’s called Aquatic Invaders. Using shadows registered on the screen, people can ‘scare’ the invaders away while trying to keep the fish in their natural habitat.” With the finished lab still a few years away, Fitzpatrick is hard at work organizing the smooth construction of the new lab. “I see this lab as a catalyst for things at the U,” she said.

Tuition freeze

Continued from A3

“If the university were to receive 100 percent of everything it has requested, that would return us to the same state funding level that we had in 2001,” Rohloff said. Rohloff made sure to express the importance of community

support. “This legislative package depends on the students, parents, the alumni, and the general public making their voices known to their local lawmakers,” he said. The legislative sessions will start Jan. 8, where Minn. lawmakers will convene to examine the

funding proposals and maintain communication with the U. This process can take several months. According to Rohloff, Gov. Dayton is receptive of the university’s needs. Dayton’s budget proposal is slated for release in the third week of January.


UMD “My mom always has cookie day where we make nothing but cookies and get diabetes.”

!"#$%#&'%()*&%+#,)&-$'% ").-/#(%$&#/-$-)012 “Watching the Christmas Story with the grandparents.” - Caiti Marks, freshman

- Bridgett Clarke, sophomore

“Making ginger bread houses with my famliy.” - Dane Block, freshman

“We always have cinnamon rolls Christmas morning.”

“Probably decorating the Christmas tree with my immediate family.” - Angie Kneer, junior

- Maria Oropeza, sophomore


Fiscal cliff: how close are we? BY MICHAEL SCOTT

New Year’s Day, 2013 might mark the beginning of a new recession. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office predicts that the American economy will go back into recession if the “fiscal cliff” is not avoided. It also predicts the unemployment rate will climb drastically to 9.1%. The “fiscal cliff” is a result of The Budget Control Act of 2011. The Act itself was a creation of the last legislative battle over the debt-ceiling. It created a supercommittee to deal with deficit reduction. The Act included a special mechanism for automatic spending cuts if the committee failed to propose legislation. Since the committee failed to do this, cuts known as “sequestrations” will affect domestic and defense spending. Furthermore, a number of tax cuts will expire in 2013,

raising taxes on most Americans. These include the Bush tax cuts. The battle has turned into one of raising revenue against spending cuts. President Obama ran his campaign on raising taxes on the wealthy, asking them to “pay their fair share” consistently throughout the election season. It seems that taxes on the top income earners will increase despite Republican resistance. Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma spoke to ABC news, “We have no leverage on that, so whether we want taxes to go up or not they’re going to,” Coburn said. “We can’t stop that from happening. But the real elephant in the room is entitlements.” In fact, the real battle seems to be over spending cuts. As CNN explains, “Both sides agree the wealthy will pay more, so now fiscal cliff talks come down to how much Republicans can wring out of the White House in return for giving in on taxes.”


Raising taxes on the wealthy seems to be an inevitability, but another tax increase could hit working Americans. Namely, the payroll tax cut that is also set to expire in 2013. CNN explains, “Effectively, someone making $50,000 will pay another $1,000 in payroll taxes next year.” The payroll tax cut, which lowered rates from 6.2% to 4.2%, was extended earlier in 2012. The cut was a form of stimulus and was an attempt to give working Americans more disposable income. As the Tax Policy Center notes, “By itself, expiration of the two

percentage point payroll tax cut would reduce workers’ paychecks by $115 billion in 2013.” Another major concern with the cliff is the expiration of emergency unemployment benefits. Unemployment remains high. Approximately 2.1 million unemployed Americans will lose their benefits if the parties do not reach an agreement. Another million are expected to lose their benefits in the coming three months. Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I. called the expiration, “the real cliff.”

Michigan Representative Sander Levin of the House Ways and Means Committee said, “The White House has made it clear that it wants an extension.” The Democrats and Republicans face a major crisis that can be dealt with if the two parties can reach some form of compromise. The House was expected to adjourn on Friday. However, as House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor (R-Va.), explained on Twitter, “The House will not adjourn the 112th Congress until a credible solution to the fiscal cliff has been announced.”




















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Lisa Erwin, PhD Vice Chancellor for Student Life

I’ve been thinking about UMD’s current smoke-free campus policy. Since I first arrived at UMD in August of last year, concerns have been expressed to me about problems in enforcing our smoke-free campus policy. This issue was made more apparent after the UMD Grounds Department tracked litter from cigarette butts during one month in 2011 (the grounds crew picks up cigarette butts every Monday as part of their regular work). During the month t he y tracked their activity, UMD grounds crew picked up 43.5 gallons of cigarette butts on campus. Last summer, we decided to bring the director of the National Center for Tobacco Policy, Ty Patterson, to our campus. Read more about the NCTP on their website ( Mr. Patterson’s visit to campus occurred in early October. We asked Mr. Patterson to address three areas: 1) the current state of enforcement (we wanted an outsider’s perspective), 2) whether the campus should consider DANIEL BADHWA/STATESMAN moving to “tobacco-free” (rather


Disney bought out LucasArts. I’m still not sure which Star Wars quote to use to describe the situation: “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Disney is planning on making the next trilogy in the Star Wars story. My main problem with this is that with the end of “Return of the Jedi,” the story seemed complete. The six movies were all centered on the prophecy of bringing balance to the force and the setting up and bringing down of the evil empire. The original trilogy was the core of that story, while the prequel movies established how it came to be. The empire was a core facet to that universe, and with that concluded, I’m not sure where it can go. Another downside is that Disney has acquired more than just Star Wars in this purchase. They also got LucasArts, the game studio that put out a number of my favorite childhood games such as “Monkey Island” and “Dark Forces.” According to a recent interview with Ron Gilbert, the creator of Monkey Island, Disney doesn’t sell off its properties. Disney has also stated that it doesn’t want to make anything other than mobile games. So the odds of getting a new Monkey Island game from either Disney or someone else seem quite slim. “This could be interesting. Alright, I’m in.” (“Dark Forces”) On the other hand, George Lucas is no longer in control of the property, which might give it some room to breathe. I think a big problem with the prequel trilogy (especially “The Phantom Menace”) is Lucas had too much control. People were afraid to say no to his ideas or to disagree with him. He didn’t get his way all the time when working on the original trilogy, and it went through some huge changes. I’m not sure if the prequels had the same treatment or not. I think the expectations of the new trilogy could keep the writers on their toes. They’ve got big shoes to fill from the original, and they don’t want to disappoint like the prequels. Disney will also no doubt give fans like me the un-tampered with original cuts on Blu-Ray. As for LucasArts, maybe everything will be better in Disney’s hands. LucasArts abandoned a lot of really good games for the sake of pumping out one Star Wars game after another. Clever adventure games like “Monkey Island” and “Grim Fandango” were already abandoned by LucasArts long ago. Maybe Disney will revive them. If they don’t, nothing would be changed. The fact of Disney’s disinterest in making games other than for mobile devices still remains. But maybe now that they’ve got a game studio with some pretty decent experience, they’ll let LucasArts handle the development of games. This could give LucasArts something more to do than solely pump out mediocre Star Wars games. It is still too early to tell which direction they’ll go. We’ll just have to hope that they’ll be able to turn out good products, and I’m certainly going to be rooting for them. I want quality Star Wars movies and clever games back. So, you’d better bring your A-game Disney; you’re our only hope.better bring your A-game Disney; you’re our only hope.

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than just smoke-free), and 3) whether our current structure supporting the policy was effective. Mr. Patterson met with a wide variety of campus constituents: the Breathe Free Committee, faculty and staff (including student staff), Facilities Management custodial staff, the Chancellor’s Cabinet, UMD Police, the Council of Deans, and the Student Association. We’ll be publishing Mr. Patterson’s consulting report on the Student Life website at the beginning of the spring semester. In the meantime, here is a condensed version of his findings. 1) After meeting with individuals across the campus, he learned that there is general agreement about a lack of compliance with the policy, especially by students. Enforcement is largely uneven, and he found a lack of awareness about the reasons for why the policy was created. 2) Mr. Patterson shared that the current structure, which supports the smoke-free policy, does not convey strong institutional support. Given these first two findings, Mr. Patterson also indicated that it would not make sense to move toward a more comprehensive policy about tobacco use. It’s no wonder, then, that I’m thinking about our smoke-free campus policy! As noted in the Jan. 6 issue of the Statesman, we will be looking at ways to invigorate our institutional commitment to the policy. This could include more education about why the policy exists, tying the policy more clearly to our UMD mission, values and strategic plan, and hosting honest conversation about more effective enforcement strategies. Are you interested in the conversation about the smoke-free policy? Please email me (vcsl@d.umn. edu) to let me know.


0*)*(12)341,(56*7'86389+6(:,1);1,<775&;( BY MATT BUSCH

I started at UMD in the fall of 2003 and come next Thursday, I will finally be a graduate of the University of Minnesota Duluth. As I near the end of my time at UMD—and the end of my time as editor-in-chief at the Statesman— I feel bittersweet about the whole experience. The feeling is like when you near the end of a particularly good book. You are excited about seeing the conclusion but it’s sad to say goodbye to everyone and everything you have grown so close to. But like the end of any good

Letters and columns to the editor 130 Kirby Student Center 1120 Kirby Student Drive Duluth, MN 55812

book, you are given a sense of closure and accomplishment. You are then free to start a new book with a new adventure and cast of characters. In my near decade here, I have seen UMD change immensely. We changed chancellors, built multiple new buildings and arenas, and we are now fully on Google email. Yes, I am one of those people who still remember the terrible system that was Horde. The one thing that stayed the same since 2003 is the people: the students and faculty that make UMD a fantastic place to learn, gain experience, and grow as a person.

Journalism is the fourth, and final, major I attempted. I dabbled in business, engineering, and education before finally finding my niche. I spent time away from UMD over the last decade as well. I spent a summer living in Austin, Tex. installing home security systems, spent three summers delivering mail for the post office, and spent way too much time being a manager at the now-closed Blockbuster. It wasn’t always the easiest road to graduation, but I wouldn’t change these experiences for anything. I have grown as a person and I feel spoiled in the friendships I have seen sprout because of

EDITORIAL BOARD: Opinion Page Editor___________ SATYA PUTUMBAKA Editor-in-Chief________________ MATT BUSCH

mypath. In the end, graduation is more than a degree that you can put on a résumé; it is the culmination of a lifetime of education and experiences. It’s a part of you that will be with you for your whole life. Literary classics have been written about great journeys. Homer’s “Odyssey” and J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” come to mind. While my personal journey may not match those of Odysseus or Frodo, what a great unexpected journey this has been. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

All letters must include the writer’s name, address and phone number for verification, not to publish. The Statesman reserves the right to edit all letters for style, space, libel and grammar. Letters should be no more than 300 words in length. Readers may also submit longer guest columns. The Statesman reserves the right to print any submission as a letter or guest column. Submission does not guarantee publication.

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Eight weekends into the season, the UMD men’s hockey team remains winless in the second game of every series. For the fi ft h time this season, the Bulldogs won the fi rst game of the series, but failed to complete the sweep the next night. UMD (5-8-3 overall, 3-6-3 WCHA) took a 4-2 victory over Bemidji State Friday at Amsoil Arena, but sett led for a split Saturday with a 2-1 loss to the Beavers (4-8-2 overall, 3-7-2 WCHA). “I’ll still take the wins on Friday and have us get in position for more than two points on Saturday,” head coach Scott Sandelin said Saturday when asked about the Bulldogs’ second-game drought. “I don’t want to change that.” Friday’s game featured some fluky goals for each team, with the Bulldogs coming out on top thanks to contributions from the likes of seniors Jake Hendrickson, Cody Danberg and Keegan Flaherty, who have been notably absent from the score sheet this season Hendrickson scored twice for UMD, earning just his second and third goals of the season. “We did a good job moving it around, gett ing pucks to net,” Hendrickson said. “That was key for us tonight.” Hendrickson scored the fi rst goal of the evening when he

swung at the puck in mid-air from behind the net and threw it at BSU goalie Mathieu Dugas. The puck deflected off Dugas’ leg and found the back of the net. But early in the second, BSU tied it with a Cory Ward goal after the puck took an odd bounce off the boards. The game was tied until early in the third when Hendrickson again found the net, taking a feed from fellow senior Flaherty and beating the Beavers’ defensemen. Junior Joe Basaraba got in on the scoring just over a minute later, giving the Bulldogs a comfortable 3-1 lead. Bemidji pressured late, notching a Brance Orban goal in the fi nal three minutes and outshooting UMD 10-4 in the period. The Beavers pulled Dugas in hopes of tying it up, but instead, UMD’s Flaherty scored an empty-netter to seal the deal. Shots on goal were nearly even, with the Beavers holding a 23-22 advantage. UMD goalie Matt McNeely stopped 21 shots while earning the win. “It always feels good to win,” McNeely said. “Especially tonight when we really needed that one. The guys played great in front of me.” The Bulldogs had reason to be optimistic going into Saturday’s game and they easily outshot the Beavers, but they could not fi nd much offensive success. UMD put up 34 shots to BSU’s 19, but the Bulldogs could not fi nd



the scoreboard until the fi nal minute of the game. After a scoreless fi rst period, Bemidji’s Markus Gerbrandt got the Beavers on the board with a wrap-around move that beat UMD goalie Aaron Crandall. Jordan George doubled the lead later in the period with a power play blast from the right circle. With 1:41 to play and a BSU penalty, the Bulldogs pulled Cran-

dall for the 6-on-4 advantage and it didn’t take long for sophomore Caleb Herbert to fi nd the net for his third of the season. UMD continued the offensive attack, including a Wade Bergman blast that rang off the goal pipe, but the Bulldogs ran out of time. “Bemidji plays a style where they try to slow down their opponent and jump on their mistakes, and that’s what they did tonight,”


The UMD Bulldogs and Boston University Terriers faced off in women’s hockey for the fi rst time in program history last weekend, and neither team has much to show for the two games. The Bulldogs and Terriers tied twice in a Saturday/Sunday series at Amsoil Arena by scores of 2-2 and 0-0. It’s the fi rst time since a 2007 series with Wisconsin in which the Bulldogs tied both ends of series. And Saturday’s scoreless tie was the fi rst in the 14-year history of the UMD women’s hockey program. The Bulldogs (7-8-3) outshot the No. 7-ranked Terriers (11-33) in both games, but were disappointed to walk away without a win. “Obviously it was a big challenge to come out today,” said sophomore forward Zoe Hickel.

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“They are ranked seventh, and it might look like we have nothing to lose, but we expect more from us and this was an opportunity for us ALEX LEONE/STATESMAN to get a win against a ranked team from back East, but we were kind ^ŽƉŚŽŵŽƌĞ :ĞŶŶĂ DĐWĂƌůĂŶĚ ;ϭϵͿ ĂŶĚ :ƵŶŝŽƌ ƌŝĞŶŶĂ 'ŝůůĂŶĚĞƌƐ ;ϵϮͿ ƐĐƌĂŵďůĞ ƚŽ Į ŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƉƵĐŬ ĂŌ Ğƌ ƐŚŽŽƟ ŶŐ ĂŐĂŝŶƐƚ ĞŵŝĚũŝ ^ƚĂƚĞ ŽŶ of disappointed with a tie.” The Bulldogs actually had a lead ĞĐ͘ ϵ late in the fi rst game, but a BU goal “I feel like just keep working “I feel like we’re gett ing betin the fi nal three minutes set up our butts off and get more shots on ter, like we’re staying more conthe tie. UMD was trailing most of the net because the goalie was kind of sistent,” Lacquette said. “A nice way following a goal from BU’s shaky today,” Lacquette said after sweep in Bemidji (last weekend) is good. Coming into the games Jenelle Kohanchuk in the fi rst. The the game. UMD did put up more shots in this weekend we were spilling our Bulldogs fi nally found the board with a Brigette Lacquette goal in the second game, but they could guts.” Th is was the second and fi nal the third, followed by a Hickel not get it past Sperry this time. Oddly, both goalies picked up a series against an East Coast team goal with just 3:40 to play. However, BU’s Kathryn Miller shutout Sunday, Sperry with 28 for the Bulldogs this season. They previously split a series against scored just over a minute later, tak- saves and Black with 19. Doubling BU’s shot total while Boston College on the road. ing away a UMD victory in front UMD is done playing for the of 2,005 spectators in attendance failing to pick up a single goal for the “Cram the Am” promotion. added some frustration for UMD. calendar year. They’ll hit the ice Both goalies held their own, But still, the Bulldogs found some again for a series against WCHA with UMD’s Kayla Black stopping success this weekend that they can rival St. Cloud State on Jan. 12/13 21 of 23 attempts and BU’s Kerrin build off of as they head into the at Amsoil Arena. Sperry picking up 28 saves of her winter break. own.

After playing as many games in San Antonio, Texas as they had in Duluth over the fi rst month of the season, the UMD men’s basketball team (3-4, 1-2 NSIC) welcomed a pair of conference foes to Romano Gymnasium over the weekend. Hosting their fi rst contest since Nov. 17, the Bulldogs wasted no time giving the home crowd something to cheer about Friday in a 66-61 victory over Minnesota, Crookston. UMD sprinted out to a 16-7 edge in the opening minutes, dis-

Football season may be long over for UMD, but that didn’t stop one Bulldog standout from making history this week. Senior offensive guard Garth Heikkinen was presented Monday with All-American honors by the American Football Coaches Association for the second year in a row, becoming the fi rst Bulldog to receive the award multiple times. During his collegiate career, the Duluth native started a team-record 54 consecutive games and was a vital cog in this season’s offensive machine, which scored a club-record 46.5 points per game. Heikkinen, who did not allow a single sack in 2012, was tapped earlier this fall as a second-team All-American by Beyond Sports College Network.

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Herbert said. “We took a couple of silly penalties and they capitalized on them, so it’s tough. But we picked it up at the end and that’s always good to see.” Next up for UMD is a trip to Anchorage, Ala., for a weekend series with the UAA Seawolves, followed by an after-Christmas tournament in Estero, Fla.

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playing an offensive rhythm that would all but disappear by game’s end. In lending the Bulldogs this early cushion, junior center Brett Ervin dropped in 12 fi rst-half points and senior guard Jake Hottenstine added 10 of his team-high 16. The Golden Eagles were also crisp from the floor at the onset, hitt ing 57 percent of their field goals in the fi rst 20 minutes. The Bulldogs held a steady 37-31 lead at the break, however, thanks in RACHEL KRAFT/STATESMAN large part to stellar production at the free throw line and a distinct ƌĞƩ ƌǀŝŶ͕ Ă ũƵŶŝŽƌ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ŵĞŶ͛Ɛ ďĂƐŬĞƚďĂůů ƚĞĂŵ͕ ƉƵƐŚĞƐ ƚŽǁĂƌĚƐ advantage on the glass. ƚŚĞ ďĂƐŬĞƚ ĂŐĂŝŶƐƚ ĞŵŝĚũŝ ^ƚĂƚĞ͘ ƌǀŝŶ ƐĐŽƌĞĚ ƚǁŽ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ϱϱ ƉŽŝŶƚƐ ƚŚĂƚ ƚŚĞ ƵůůĚŽŐƐ ŽďƚĂŝŶĞĚ͕ ůŽƐŝŶŐ ƚŽ ĞŵŝĚũŝ ϲϲͲϱϱ͘ see MEN’S BASKETBALL, B2

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The Bulldogs (5-2, 2-1 NSIC) returned both to Romano Gymnasium and their winning ways over the weekend, nett ing their fi rst two conference victories of the young season. Fresh off a 20-point defeat at the hands of St. Cloud State in the NSIC opener, UMD found much easier sledding Friday against Minnesota, Crookston, burying the Golden Eagles 75-53. Junior forward Hannah Rutten led all scorers, notching 13 of her 21 points in a fi rst half dominated by UMD. In craft ing a 12-point lead midway through the half, the Bulldogs set a tone at both ends of the floor that would persist throughout the contest. Although they were outshot by the Golden Eagles 40 to 44 percent in the fi rst frame, the Bulldogs enjoyed a 36-22 lead at intermission. Rutten and junior guard Alyssa Kerkhoff each fi nished with seven rebounds, as UMD used its size advantage to amass 10 second chance points in the fi rst half and limit the Golden Eagles’ offensive attack.

“You never know how you’re going to come out and shoot,” junior forward Katrina Newman said. “So we just focus on our defense, and rebounding is a big thing for our team too.” Crookston’s woes were compounded by an opportunistic Bulldog defense that collected 13 of its 22 turnovers in the fi rst 20 minutes. The double-digit deficit proved too much for the visitors to overcome. With the Bulldogs shooting at an improved clip of 50 percent after the break, UMD’s lead swelled to as many as 26 in the second half. Striking mostly from the perimeter, senior guard Courtney Doucette poured in 15 points and senior guard Kaiya Sygulla added 11. The Bulldogs made it two for two on the weekend Saturday by besting a one-loss Bemidji State team 65-50. Knotted at 10 with the Beavers early on, UMD rode a hot offensive hand and a smothering defense to a 15-0 run that put plenty of distance between the clubs. Newman accounted for six of the 15 by flushing a trio of midrange jumpers during the run, en

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UMD was forced to rely upon much of the same in the second half, as the jumpers that had fallen in the fi rst began to ratt le out. Despite shooting only 30 percent from the field after intermission, UMD led by as many as 11 in the second half. But with just over two minutes to play, the margin had dwindled to three.

Crookston, though, would draw no closer, as the Bulldogs cemented their fi rst conference victory of the season by hitt ing key baskets and free throws in the waning moments. Any hope of a weekend sweep for the Bulldogs was dashed Saturday by head coach Matt Bowen’s former program: Bemidji

route to a fi nal line of 21 points. Rutten put a bow on her 40-point weekend by exploiting the Beaver defense for 19 on the evening. “Those fi rst five minutes are just like a test,” Newman said of the team’s modest start, which eventually yielded the 15-0 scoring parade. “After that, we realize what’s working and what’s not working and we just stick with that.” And the Bulldogs sure had things working Saturday. The team held the Beavers scoreless for a nine-minute span toward the tail end of the fi rst half and mounted a 32-19 edge at the break. Playing with a commanding lead after intermission for the second consecutive night, UMD had litt le trouble extending its home record to 4-0 on the year. “We’re running the clock down and just running our set plays,” Newman said. “They’re the ones that are under pressure, so that’s kind of nice for our offense.” Newman and the Bulldogs will round out their month of December away from home against NSIC rivals Minnesota State-Moorhead (Dec. 14) and Northern State (Dec. 15) this weekend.

State. In a tightly contested fi rst half, both teams struggled to fi nd an offensive footing. Shooting just 36 percent from the floor in the fi rst 20 minutes (compared to 42 percent for the Beavers), UMD generated just enough second chance points to hang with Bemidji. Hottenstine tallied 10 of his game-high 17 points in a fi rst half that, after eight lead changes, ended at 29 apiece. Returning from the break seemingly flat, the Bulldogs



promptly found themselves behind, as the Beavers went on a 16-4 scoring binge to kick-start the second half. “I don’t want to simplify the game,” said Bowen, who spent the previous six seasons as Bemidji’s head coach. “But they made plays and we didn’t. That’s the difference in the game.” UMD failed to sink open looks as the contest wore on, and could do nothing but watch as the deficit grew to 21 with three minutes to play. A wave of Bulldog buckets in

the closing seconds narrowed the outcome to a 66-55 defeat. “We obviously have a lot of work to do,” added Bowen, who had a hand in recruiting a majority of the Beaver players he faced Saturday. “Th is is a process that will take some time, but the kids are struggling to adapt to our system.” The Bulldogs will look to get back on track this weekend, hitting the road for two conference showdowns against Minnesota State-Moorhead (Dec. 14) and Northern State (Dec. 15).


Indoor track season got underway for the Bulldog women over the weekend roughly a 1,500-meter run from UMD’s campus. The College of St. Scholastica hosted UMD and five other institutions Saturday in the inaugural meet of the year at the Burns Wellness Fieldhouse. Sophomore Chanel Miller earned top billing on the day for her performance in the 60-meter hurdles. Miller broke the Burns Wellness Fieldhouse record for the event, posting a mark of 8.95. The Burnsville native also placed second in the long jump and third in the high jump. In all, five UMD underclassmen earned fi rst-place accolades. Sophomore Amelia Maher took the 200-meter dash with a

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mark of 27.20 and sophomore Tatum Garrity secured the number one spot in the 600-meter run with a time of 1:40.12. Receiving second in the 600-meter was UMD junior Kate Hassing at 1:41.94. Freshman Hannah Olson clocked in with a time of 10:55.27 in the 3,000-meter run to top all competitors and Oak Grove product Samantha Rivard laid claim to the one-mile run with a clip of 5:23.01. First-years Maddie Schaeffer and Lauren Bruha joined forces with Hassing and Garrity to set the winning pace in the 4x400 relay at 4:07.20. UMD will depart for an extended holiday break before lacing it up again Jan. 18 for a home meet. The men’s squad will open its campaign Jan. 12 in Minneapolis.



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Changing landscape creates uncertain future for North Shore BY ERIC LEMKE

It’s these forests that are now under threat. “The birch are gett ing old,” Thompson said. “Where these trees should be turning into more of a conifer forest, it’s kind of stuck at the birch/aspen forest.” Although there are many reasons the birch forests are dying, almost all of them can be linked to the climate. “Everything almost always boils down to climate change,” Thompson said. Minnesota’s average temperature has risen 2 degrees Fahrenheit since the 1890s, according the

birch and aspen dying out, and in their place growing scrub brush like alder, hazel and common tansy. It doesn’t take an expert to see “All of these species do best with that the forests are dying along the light,” said Mike Lynch, the Cook North Shore. The white spruce, County Invasive Team coordinapaper birch, and balsam fi r are all tor. “With this added light they dying and leaving behind a vastly can really establish a thick mat reshaped landscape and a drastiand essentially choke off any other cally changed ecosystem. plants that are trying to get estab“You see the dying birch and you lished in the area.” can tell something probably needs Along with the invasion of nonto be done with this forest,” said native plants, the lower density Molly Thompson, the coordinaof birch and aspen has opened up tor for the Sugarloaf Cove North the landscape to an abundance Shore Stewardship Association. of the whitetail deer, which are “All of the trees are dying.” non-native to the North The Sugarloaf Cove Shore. Because the deer Stewardship Associafeed on seedling conifers, tion is one of a smorthe young trees hardly gasbord of collaboraever have the chance to tions all across the grow to maturity. Arrowhead region “Essentially, what you trying to stem the tide have is a combination of a quickly changing between an aging forest landscape. The forests and a high deer populaalong the North Shore tion,” Lynch said. “So, are a far cry from what you have a struggle for they were 200 years the plants to get started ago. And now, due to in general. There’s a feedglobal warming and back mechanism where other anthropogenic the deer are consuming sources, the forests are the conifers, but they under threat of change don’t feed on the particuonce again. lar invasive species … so You don’t have to the conifers never grow look too far back into and the invasive species the history of the North becomes more abunShore to discover that dant.” the landscape was once A study done by Mark dominated by soarWhite of The Nature ing old-growth forests Conservancy in 2011 plump with pines and MOLLY THOMPSON/SUBMITTED examined the effects of cedars. Herds of caribou once roamed the 'ƌĞŐ <ŽƐĐŚŝŶƐŬĂ ;ƌŝŐŚƚͿ ĂŶĚ DŝŬĞ ZĞŝĐŚĞŶďĂĐŚ ;ůĞŌ Ϳ whitetails on the ecosystem of northeastern Minwooded hills, and the !"#$%&%'(()&#"*$+&%,(&-*'%,&.,*'(/ nesota. It states—with forests were ripe with Minnesota Climatology Working almost overwhelming evidence— juneberry and bush honeysuckle. The late 1800s brought white Group. Th is has led to dryer soils, that “elevated white-tailed deer sett lers to the area. Logging, min- more condensed rainstorms, and populations are a key factor in the large-scale restructuring of northing, and forest fi res decimated the more dangerous fi re conditions. The latest Minnesota Depart- ern Great Lakes forests away from old stands of red pine and white cedar. With few old pines and ment of Natural Resources report natural variability towards more cedars to provide seeds, most of put over 80 percent of Minnesota homogeneous, novel forest condithese trees did not return along in “extreme drought or severe tions.” Basically, White figured that the the shore. With the forests now drought” conditions. Th is last devoid of the old conifer trees, November was the warmest on large number of deer was creating they were instead heavily popu- record, and last October ranked a monoculture that would eventulated by paper birch and quaking in the top 10 warmest. All of these ally drastically alter the ecosysthings are contributing to the tem. aspen.

The last 80 years of mismanagement have created a feedback mechanism that has perpetuated the growth of birch, aspen and scrubland instead of conifers. Now that these forests are faced with a dying birch population and a rapidly changing climate, it is uncertain what the long-term growth of the North Shore will look like. Now, cooperatives like the Sugarloaf Cove Stewardship Association are partnering with state and federal agencies to try to turn the tides in their favor. Th is, in itself, presents a host of complications, though. With over 70 percent of the North Shore divided into private ownership, creating a large-scale management plan is difficult. Sugarloaf started its Lost Forest program eight years ago to help provide landowners with supplies and knowledge to manage their land. Management is not always easy, though. Deer nett ing must protect each new conifer tree that is planted. Th is is an arduous process. Normally, an individual can plant upwards of 500 trees per day, but having to put up the nett ing enclo-

sure limits most people to about 50 per day. Bob Callery has owned his 40 acres in Cook County for the last 10 years. Although his property is farther from the lake than others, he sees many of the same problems. “It’s prett y obvious that the birch are dying out,” he said. “There are a lot more dead trees. The birch forest is not as att ractive as it used to be. I’ve been seeing it for almost 50 years; that’s a significant amount of time.” Callery started planting trees on his property before he found out about the Sugarloaf Cove Stewardship Association. The classes taught him about ecosystems and forestry, and helped him understand how to manage his property. “The Lost Forest project just gave me a lot better background on eventuating my property and giving insight into what I want to do with it in the future,” he said. That future is uncertain for the North Shore, though. As the landscape morphs, its species will either have to adapt to its changes, or disappear.



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The student-run theater organization Stage II opens for its second show of the season Dec. 13 in the Dudley Experimental Theatre. “No Exit,� a play by French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, deals with three strangers doomed to spend the rest of their existence stranded in hell together. “I classify it as a thriller that’s sometimes funny,� said, Derik Iverson, a senior at UMD and director of the show. The play goes against what we think of as the stereotypical fire

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and brimstone hell. Sartre’s version of hell is just being trapped in a room with two other people, and through certain personality traits, they become torturers. “The beauty of ‘No Exit’ is that although it is full of heavy themes and dark subject matter, it is also ridiculously humorous at moments,� UMD junior and cast member Carla Weideman said. “And I love working on a show that has some meat on its bones.� The cast of the show consists of four people—the three characters stranded in hell—and a valet character that acts as an usher throughout the show.

“Although dark, it forces you to look for the light in your own life,� Weidman said. “It was wonderful to be part of a story that’s so gritty and gripping, it feels like it has such an interesting world to share with an audience.� Both the cast and the crew have put this show together in about three weeks, “They’ve been making a lot of really fun choices, really making the show their own,� Iverson said. “The cast has been awesome and the crew has been so creative and innovative with their designs. We have a lot of cool things going on.� Because the show is running in

the experimental theater, the students had a lot of freedom to play with the lighting and staging of the show. “The show really keeps your attention,� Iverson said. “But not only that—and I want to use this word carefully, cause I don’t want to scare people away—but I think that it’s also educational. You really are learning about a different way to look at life from the show. But it’s done in a very kind of chilling way.� This is Iverson’s second time directing a show with Stage II. “I think that’s why Stage II is awesome,� Iverson said. “It gives

students a chance to do what they really want to do, and you experience working with your peers. Because when we get out of here and we graduate, that’s who we’re going to be working with. We’re not going to be working for faculty members; we’re going to be working with people just like us. So it’s important to develop those skills.� The show runs Dec. 13, 14, and 15 at 8 p.m. in the Dudley Experimental Theater. Student tickets are $5, and $3 for philosophy majors, just email Derik Iverson at, and your name will be added to the will-call list.

enough time that you can get a little more relaxed, calm down, and then be more focused.� The events are meant to remind students that even though instructors are piling on assignments and tests, everyone does want you to succeed. “That’s kind of the message of these types of events: we support you,� Pittman said. “And you’ll get it all done.�

From yoga and massage, to arts and crafts and coffee with Champ, the ultimate goal of the events is just like the name says: to make students feel a little less stressed. “Even if you don’t take a break to do this stuff, you should take breaks,� Pittman said. “It feels like you should just power through and study for hours on end, but in reality, your brain can’t focus that long you’ll just get more stressed out. If

you can take a little time for yourself and recharge, you’ll be able to study better.� During a time when everyone is feeling the pressure, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lose perspective. The aim of these events is to give students a chance to step back a little bit and take a breath. “Take advantage of other support services on campus, like go to the tutoring center,� Pittman

said. “Go to group study things with people from your classes and get your questions answered if you still have them, and sleep.� “There are definitely times when an extra hour of sleep will probably do you more good than an extra hour of studying,� Pittman said.


With finals fast approaching, it’s expected that the atmosphere around campus gets a little tense. But as the semester wraps up, the library is turning into a place to help stressed out students unwind and de-stress. For the second semester in a row, the library will be hosting a series of stress relief events and activities for students starting Dec. 10. “Most of this stuff is just 30 minutes long,� Kim Pittman, a UMD reference and instruction librarian—and partial planner of the events—said. “They’re just kind of short little things you can do quickly so you’re not taking a ton of time away from studying, but


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This time of year students everywhere are going to their local Savers to buy the ugliest piece of clothing they will ever get a compliment on. “It’s easy and something everyone can do,� Maggie Leese, senior and history major at UMD said. “You don’t have to get a full headto-toe outfit. All you need is a sweater.� Leese is also an employee of the Duluth Savers, so she knows firsthand just how hot of a commodity ugly sweaters are. She said the store collects ugly sweaters throughout the whole year so they can provide the greatest assort-

ment of ugly sweater options during the wintertime. “The first day when they’re out on the floor is when there are just the most hideous ones, and those always go the quickest,â€? Leese said. We have the 80s to thank for bringing us the polyester-blend sweaters that sell like hotcakes when bedazzled with light-up reindeer, poinsettias and jingle bells that actually jingle when you walk. But it’s because of two dudes in Vancouver that we now celebrate the ugliness and humor of these once “fashionableâ€? sweaters. In 2002, Chris Boyd and Jordan Birch decided to throw the “cheesiest, most feel-good Christmas party imaginable.â€? It was an

instant hit. This worldwide trend caught the attention of one stay-at-home mom in Killington, Vermont who was in search of a trade that could provide financial support for her two sons. “My kids were finishing up high school and I was looking for something to sell to save up for their college,� said Anne Marie Blackman, founder of My Ugly Christmas Sweater, Inc., in a recent telephone interview. “I wanted it to be something related to Christmas and I found a high search volume for ugly sweaters.� In 2008, Blackman created an eBay account, embellished a handful of sweaters, and found her inner entrepreneur. Now she sells

thousands of sweaters and expects over eight million hits on her website this holiday season. “I could have never anticipated the ugly sweater trend would grow the way it did,� she said. Blackman humbly admits that her business is “doing really well� and that her sons’ tuitions are both covered. One mom’s reason to help the ones she loves the most is a college kid’s reason to forget about studying for finals and deck the halls. Ugly sweaters are definitely a reason to celebrate the season. After he borrowed a classy sweater vest from his roommate, UMD junior Julian Kycia (shown above) decided to set aside his biology textbook this past Satur-

day night so he could attend his first ugly sweater party. “It was a blast, everyone loved my sweater,� Kycia said. “First of all, it was a nice break from school. Secondly, it’s just the time of the year. I love Christmas parties.� Will you be attending an ugly sweater party this holiday season? Still need an ugly sweater? Check out Savers. They have a build-your-own ugly sweater station where you can hot glue holiday decorations on a sweater you find to make it truly festive and ugly. You can also find one of a kind ugly sweaters on supermom Anne Marie Blackman’s website,

Emmett 12 years old (approx.) Neutered Male Terrier Mix

All Animal Allies pets are spayed or neutered, microchipped, vet-checked and immunized!

AVAILABLE AT ANIMAL ALLIES SUPERIOR Jasper (also known as Emmett) is an adorable Jack Russell Terrier/Miniature Pinscher mix. He was surrendered to the shelter because his family's housing situation changed and they could no longer care for him. Jasper's previous family said that he is calm, friendly, gentle, obedient, and smart. He loves to play with tennis balls and rawhides and also likes going for rides in the car. Jasper is going blind and can be startled by quick movements so we would recommend a home with no children. He would prefer to be the only pet in the household. Jasper is neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. If you would like to adopt a wonderful senior companion, please come visit him at Animal Allies in Superior. JASPER'S ADOPTION FEE: $75 plus tax


AVAILABLE AT ANIMAL ALLIES DULUTH Tabbart is a handsome male grey and white cat with long velvety hair. Tabbart came from a place with too many kitties and is now looking for a new home! In the shelter he is very shy, but if you are patient and quiet he will allow you to pet him and pick him up gently. Tabbart would benefit from a calm home with a kind owner who will allow him time to come out of his shell. For this reason, he is available for no adoption fee. Tabbart is neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. If you would like to adopt this charming guy, please come visit him at Animal Allies Duluth. TABBART'S ADOPTION FEE HAS BEEN WAIVED

FACTS & FIGURES: Santa’s favorite reindeer is Dancer. Where do you think he spends the other 364 days?

CLUB SARATOGA: We make naughty seem nice. 331 Canal Park Drive R001664867/121511


Tabbart 3.5 years old (approx.) Neutered Male Domestic Long Hair Mix

M-TH: 3 PM - 1 AM

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