Cycling Club digs in at local trails B3
Student Life reminds staff they make a difference BY JESSICA NOOR
In fall 2012, three parties came together to create the U Make a Difference campaign. The campaign recognizes staff for the help they give to students, and helps students see what the staff does for UMD. Student Life started the campaign to get their workers more connected to their strategic plan. Student Life’s mission is to engage “students in intellectual, emotional, cultural and physical development that enriches their lives, U Make a Difference cards are given to Student Life staff in recognition of fosters their success and their contributions. SARAH STARK/STATESMAN prepares them for the future.” Vice Chancel- with was the U Make a can get one. beyond expectations and lor of Student Life, Lisa Difference campaign. “It feels even better to help her out in her work Erwin, knew that to get “The program was write one than it does to life. everyone to support the designed for Student get one,” Erwin said. “It feels really good mission, Student Life Life professional staff Student Life staff to get one,” said Laura had to show its staff that to be able to acknowl- member Laura Haffield Young, Kirby Student they mattered. edge accomplishments feels appreciated when Center staff. “It feels Student Life assembled or service from their fel- she receives a U Make a good because someone a team consisting of Jessi low staff members,” said Difference card. out there took the time to Eaton of the Kirby Stu- Eaton. “It’s a wonderful pro- notice you.” dent Center, Tim ChamThe appreciation is gram because it makes So far, Student Life is bers of UMD Housing, given in the form of a people more conscien- the only office that parand Susan Nordin of card. These cards are tious of what they do and ticipates in the U Make UMD Health Services to filled out and given to more obliged to come to a Difference campaign. create a cross-functional staff members. In Stu- work,” Haffield said. Erwin, approach of involving dent Life, anyone can She hands out cards to staff. What they came up write one, and anyone those who go above and see STUDENT LIFE, A3
Non-academic programs exempt from Prioritization BY JOHN FAHNENSTIEL
As the talk about which UMD programs should be cut heats up, the Statesman delved deeper into the inner workings of the budget to help frame the discussion. There are two primary funding sources for all UMD programs. The first is tuition and state allocated funds, and the second is unit generated revenues, mostly comprised of student fees and revenues from operations like the Dining Center and bookstore. Tuition and statesponsored money combine to pay for the bulk of UMD’s academic programs. When administration speaks of “the budget,” they are typically referring to funds coming from tuition and the state. State money is allocated to UMD by the UMN system, and UMD does not get to decide how much it will receive. “(The budget) is not really that negotiable,” said Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Andrea
Schokker. UMD’s budget allocation is set in stone one year in advance. “(UMD’s budget allocation) is determined by a formula which is essentially equal to tuition that (we) bring in plus the state money we get,” Schokker said. “Before we know (either), we have to make a budget.” Tuition revenues are merely projections, so UMD must estimate what its enrollment will be a year ahead of time. Forcing UMD to estimate future enrollment can put finances in a bind. If enrollment ends up being below the estimate, there will be a deficit, since tuition will be lower than anticipated. UMN does not allocate more state money to UMD to cover shortfalls in tuition, so UMD’s budget is highly sensitive to fluctuations in enrollment. “The more tuition money you get, the less money you get for free,” Schokker explained, referring to state-sponsored money. see PRIORITIZATION, A3
News: A1 - A4 |
Shutdown halts university research BY GRAHAM HAKALA
The federal government shutdown is well into its third week as the impasse in Washington, D.C. continues to halt operations. While the two major political parties clash ideologies at the Capitol, the shutdown has caused a ripple effect that is having negative consequences around the country. Among the causalities are universities that are trying to fund scientific research projects, both locally and around the globe. “There was an immediate effect to a small number of projects around the university system where funding was stopped,” said Tim Holst, executive vice chancellor of academic affairs. “We were given instructions to stop spending money on them immediately. To my knowledge, these were funds that had to do with national parks.” As a result of the shutdown, all national parks have been closed. Government-sponsored grants are not being processed, and no money is being moved into researchers’ accounts.
According to Holst, UMD receives $700 to $800 million a year in sponsored funds. Holst estimates that equals around $60 to $70 million a month. Holst said that some projects are able to get by on shoestring budgets until the government reopens, but not for too long. “The university could maybe go for a month; I don’t know,” Holst said. “That’s the issue. The funds are going to be there eventually once the government starts up again. It’s just a matter of when.” Two of the major federal programs that are responsible for bringing in funding for projects are the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health. With the shutdown, there are no federal workers to process new proposals. Holst is the authorized administrator who is responsible for submitting the proposals to the federal agencies. He says that when the government isn’t shutdown, he submits nearly a dozen proposals almost daily. see SHUTDOWN, A3
Cina and Heller Hall next on UMD’s facelift list
Renovations in Cina Hall include a new American Indian Learning Resource Center that will extend through the courtyard behind Northern Shores Coffee Shop. The ramp shown is where the projected entrance will be located. SARA HUGHES/STATESMAN BY KIM HYATT
Next year, students can expect to see and feel a lot of changes on campus. “We’re pushing very hard for two renovation projects in Cina Hall and Heller Hall,” announced Chancellor Black during the town hall meeting on Oct. 8. Funding for the projects comes from Higher Education Asset Preservation and Replacement (HEAPR). Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) is requesting a total of $110 million in system-wide HEAPR funds for the 2014 academic year, and UMD is expected to get $9.3 million for renova-
Opinion: A5 - A6 | Sports: B1 - B2
tions for Cina and Heller Hall. The Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA) determines the quality of buildings at all MnSCU schools and then determines the urgency of renovating buildings to make sure they’re on par with codes and regulations. HEAPR funding reflects this priority, and funds are distributed accordingly. “If a campus has the worst buildings, they get more of that money,” said John Rashid, associate director of UMD’s Department of Facilities Management. “If they have better buildings, they get less of that money. Our buildings are pretty good compared to the rest of the system.”
| Student Life: B3 - B5
Rashid said Heller Hall is “the worst building on campus” and has been on FCA’s list since 2005. This is mainly due to the lack of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC). Heller also has other code issues like asbestos tiles and lack of sprinklers for fire safety. “The HEAPR money we get can only be used for certain things,” said Rashid. “When people leave, renovation happens — (when) they come back, it’s going to look essentially the same.” Rashid added that students will feel the changes in Heller rather than see them. HEAPR can only fund renovation projects like keeping up with
maintenance and changing infrastructure, such as what is being planned for Heller Hall. However, changes in Cina will include addition of a new American Indian Learning Resource Center (AILRC). “The concept was that they would change the north side of Cina Hall and extend that wall out into the courtyard,” said Rich Smith, director of the Department of American Indian Studies. “The rest of the (AILRC) would come out into that courtyard to make it larger so it would be kind of an extension of the Tweed gallery, see RENOVATIONS, A3
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By Nate Kruse
The Statesman is the official student newspaper of the University of Minnesota Duluth and is published by the UMD Board of Publications weekly during the academic year except for holidays and exam weeks. The editorials, articles, opinions and other content within the Statesman are not intended to reflect University of Minnesota policy and are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty, or the University or its Duluth Campus. The Student Service Fee dollars the Statesman receives covers printing costs for the academic year. The Statesman and the University of Minnesota are equal opportunity employers and educators. The Statesman promotes responsible activities and behaviors. Advertisments published in The Statesman do not represent the individual views of the newspaper staff or those of the University of Minnesota Duluth community. To order home delivery please contact Jessi Eaton at 218-726-7112. Periodicals postage is paid at Duluth, Minnesota. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the UMD Statesman, 130 Kirby Student Center, 1120 Kirby Drive, Duluth, MN 55812. USPS 647340. For advertising inquiries please contact a sales representative at 218-726-8154.
News Editor / Shannon Kinley /
UMD Budget
$254 million for 2014
Continued from A1
UMD’s enrollment has been declining for the last few years, and the Twin Cities campus typically demands enrollment estimates to increase, so this formula makes for constant shortfalls since enrollment will almost always be less than expected. O r g a n i z a t i o n a l l y, UMN’s budget is broken into over fifty “cost units.” Each cost unit is analyzed as a separate entity and is responsible for creating its own budget. “(The satellite campuses) each count as one cost unit,” Schokker said. “And all of the colleges in the Twin Cities (campus) are each their own unit. So Chancellor Black … is at the same level as the dean of the smallest college at the Twin Cities campus.” UMD’s classification as a single cost unit is primarily because the Twin Cities campus is larger. But the organizational structure was created at a time when UMD was much smaller than it is today. Schokker thinks this outdated organizational structure hurts UMD. “If we had our … academics separated from everything else, as two
cost units, that would benefit us,” Schokker said. Dilemmas arise when certain colleges at UMD do poorly while others are booming, making it seem like UMD is doing fine overall. In the Twin Cities, however, if one college is doing poorly, it can ask for and receive help individually, since each college is its own cost unit. Part of Program Prioritization’s purpose is to determine how much
ine the merits of every student organization as well. However, no Student Life programs, such as intramural sports, are in jeopardy because they are funded by unit generated revenues. Unit generated revenues come from room and board charges, parking passes, sales from the Dining Center and bookstore, and student service fees, and are immune to potential prioritization cuts.
State Funds & Tuition
als every year for funding, makes a recommendation to the chancellor, makes a recommendation to the president, and the Board of Regents approves (the recommendations).” UMD mirrors the recent trend of “administrative bloat,” a phenomenon where administrative positions have grown faster than academic ones. Schokker thinks this is partly due to administrator responsibilities expanding over the past few decades. “Over time what’s happened (is) the faculty who are trying to get tenure have to publish more; there are bigger classes to teach,” Schokker said. “I’m a faculty member too,” she added. “And there are places where there really is administrative bloat, (but) I think there is very little (at UMD), to be quite frank.” “I have a hard time finding any (administrative positions) in our area that are extraneous because we’ve already cut it so many times, but there probably is,” Schokker said.
Student Association allocates money for UMD organizations BY KIM HYATT
A group of five Student Association members were in charge of distributing more than $60,000 to 90 student groups. “It was a long process,” said Cody Reilly, Vice President of Administration and Finance. “You don’t really get to talk to 90 different groups that often, so it was great to see what everybody was doing.” The Fund Allocation Committee (FAC) was comprised of Reilly, acting as chair of FAC, Ross Burns, Vice President of Student Life, Matt Blake, Vice-Chair of Fund Allocation Committee, Brittany Nystrom, Campus Outreach Director and Mia Johnson, Better Neighbors Director. Reilly and Burns both agreed that the process wasn’t too stressful, and they rather enjoyed getting to know other UMD organizations “It’s nice to meet with those groups that have some smaller numbers, but are still crucial to UMD and to their programs,” Burns said. “We had a lot of groups that were degree-based…a lot of profession and careerbased stuff.” All UMD student groups interested in FAC had to attend the leadership assembly on Sept. 23 to learn about how to apply for funding. The groups then had a week to submit their FAC application, which was followed up with a weeklong interview process. All day from 3 to 11:30 p.m. on Sept. 30 to Oct. 7, the five SA members met with each group for 15 minutes where they presented information to
Student Life
Continued from A1
along with the rest of Student Life, would like to keep the cards going. They would also love to see campaigns like U Make a Difference take off in other departments. With the message that we all have a role to play in helping students and the campus be successful, the U Make a Difference campaign connects students, staff and faculty
together to accomplish a greater goal, and get noticed for the hard work and effort. Erwin noted that there are cards available at the front desk in Student Life to pick up and pass out. If you see a staff member in the act of helping a student or making this campus a better place for everyone, tell them they make a difference.
Continued from A1
the American Indian Studies department and the AILRC.” The College of Liberal UMD needs to draw “Most of the areas of Arts (CLA), the School from the state funds in Student Life are funded of Fine Arts (SFA) and order to balance the bud- (with) student service the College of Educaget. fees,” said Vice Chanceltion and Human Service “We did Program Pri- lor for Student Life Lisa Professions (CEHSP) are oritization, (showing) Erwin. She oversees all collaborating to work what we think we can of these programs such and support the changes cover of our deficit, and as Health Services, recto come in Cina Hall we’re going to ask (the reational sports, Kirby according to Smith. Twin Cities) to help us Student Center, Student Because UMD wasn’t cover what (we can’t),” Association and the scheduled for a new Schokker said. Statesman. academic building until Program Prioritization “Student service fees 2016, the decision was is primarily aimed at aca- are decided by a commitmade to combine the demic programs, though tee,” Erwin said. “(The AILRC with the Cina the system will exam- committee) hears proposHall renovation. With big changes happening Unit Generated Revenues in Cina Hall, HEAPR $88.4 million funds will only cover a portion of the project, so private and university funding will be used to supplement the remaining budget. “It’s not a stand-alone building … but it would be a significant enhancement, both of the classroom and office space, but also of exhibit space for our American Indian artifacts,” Black said, describing the project as a way to “provide a persuade the FAC com- planned events, the idea that it was at $150 at showcase area” for the mittee for funding. groups were evaluated all.” Ecker said. “It just Department of AmeriReilly and Burns said on the following criteria makes it a little harder to one brand new group set in place by the FAC do the things we wanted that stuck out in the FAC committee: accessibil- to do, but we always have process was Women in ity to students, financial co-sponsoring as possiBusiness. responsibility, contribu- bility and obviously were “We’re really excited to tion to cultural diversity, going to re-apply next Many of the agencies get it going, we’re excited value to student body, semester.” have electronic submitto bring together all the quality of services, and FAC reserved ting systems, where the different women in all uniqueness of opportuni- $5,516.76 of the budget proposals are sent over the different majors, ties/services. for student groups want- the Internet to a governespecially within LSBE,” After the interview ing to apply during the ment website. said Jenna Ecker, Wom- process, FAC then decid- spring FAC process. “For some of the federen in Business president, ed how to fairly distribute “We set aside a certain al agencies, we’re getting who added the group is $60,885.28 to the 90 stu- amount of money, for conflicting instructions open to all majors and dent groups that applied either groups that didn’t on what to do,” Holst genders. for funding. apply for funding in the said. “Some of them say, Ecker said the group The total amount ‘Go ahead and submit, was made just a week requested from the 90 fall or were one of those but we won’t look at them new groups in the fall so prior to the assembly so groups was more than until we return,’ and oththey were capped at $150 it was a fast process, but double the available ers are saying, ‘Don’t start-up funds,” Burns ultimately turned out to amount at roughly $150, even try to submit; you said. be really good timing. 000, but FAC worked Student groups inter- might screw things up.’ “We had to figure out with the money that was It’s a little difficult to what exactly our plans available so every group ested in creating a group know what to do.” were and allocate a dol- who went through the or applying for FAC A major area of lar amount to each of FAC process was allocat- money should register on research that has been the bulldog link online, hit has been on the conthe plans and then come ed money. up with the total,” said “The funny thing, and sign up under the tinent of Antarctica. Grace Menk, Women in going into the meet- leadership alias email- Thousands of researchBusiness treasurer. ing we heard there was ing, according to FAC ers around the globe Besides presenting a possible cap on new chair Reilly. depend on the U.S. logisbudgets, size and future clubs, but we had no tical infrastructure to move supplies in and out of their bases. UMD geology professor John Goodge has been studying Antarctica for many years. While he has a few current projects that deal with Antarctica, he has already received the funding and has been mostly unaffected by the shutdown. However, he knows many scientists who have been affected and sees many consequences to the interrupted research. “With the shutdown, they’ve pretty much been forced to say they’re going to stop these operations,” Goodge said. “Anybody that had already headed to Antarctica, they’re Women in Business, a new student group, was allocated $150 through Student being called back.” Researchers generAssociation’s Fund Allocation Committee. The group looks to apply for addially head to Antarctica tional funding next semester. Pictured left to right: Grace Menk, treasurer; during September and Ashley Boecker, vice president; Jenna Ecker, president; and Nicole Williams, October. According secretary. SUBMITTED $151.3 million
can Indian Studies. Smith said the Tweed has one of the largest collections of American Indian artifacts in the Midwest with close to 1,000 pieces. He said the renovation would allow artifacts and artwork to be displayed throughout the AILRC, CLA, SFA, CEHSP and the Tweed. “The changes to come, I’m excited and honored that the deans of those three units and Ken Bloom (director of the Tweed Museum) are included in the concept of this whole thing and that the chancellor is making it a priority,” Smith said. The university is also advocating for a new chemical science and advanced material building on top of the renovation to Cina and Heller Hall scheduled for next year. Rashid said preliminary plans for Cina and Heller will begin within the next few weeks while UMD waits to see exactly how much HEAPR money the university will be allocated next year.
Continued from A1
to Goodge, there is a small window of time for researchers to do work there. If they can’t go now, they will be forced to wait a year. “Some of these are very time-sensitive projects,” Goodge said. “They have technical staff, or graduate and undergraduate students that had thesis projects and were lined up to work (in Antarctica). What are they supposed to do? They have to wait a whole year.” Goodge also talked about how a whole year of interrupted data collection has major detrimental effects to the research. “For a project that is monitoring something like weather and climate, or sea ice or glacial movements, there might be losses of data that would interrupt a longterm process,” he said. Instruments that have been left in the field to collect data will not be retrieved, and damage may occur over time. As no instruments are being replaced, this essentially leads to two years of uncollected data. “It will all get straightened out eventually,” Holst said. “ We’re still proceeding with the work we normally do here. We’re working with faculty who are planning on submitting grants, helping them get proposals ready so that we’ll be all set once the government starts up again. I’ll be pressing a lot of submit buttons that day.”
Intercultural Discussion:
News Editor / Shannon Kinley /
Marriage around the world
A large group gathered to discuss marriages around the world in the Rafters on Oct. 9. CHANRAKSAR WAT/SUBMITTED BY MICHAEL SCOTT
The International Club hosted its first ever Intercultural Discussion on Oct. 9 in the Rafters. UMD students from around the globe shared insights and stories of how marriage works in their culture and how it is changing. A circle of chairs filled the room, for an informal discussion on love and marriage. Two faculty members of UMD’S Department of Communication led the inaugural discussion: Mike Sunnafrank and Ryan Goei. The major theme of the discussion was the divide between traditional and western ‘love’ marriages. The discussion included perspectives from Cameroon, Nigeria, India and Pakistan
among others. Many participants spoke of a liberalization of marriage culture. However, tradition remains strong. Family input in marriage is still frequent. One such example came from junior Srilalitha Akurati, from Maple Grove. Akurati was born in India. “In Indian culture when two people get married its not just them, families are bounded together too,” Akurati explained to the group. “The family talks about their background, where they’re from – just gets to know each other better.” One of the major changes to arranged marriages, explained Akurati, is that the children now have a say in the decision. She also said that love marriages
are possible, but she feels parents prefer to set their children up with a partner. “The various cultures represented can come to understand the diversity of the way things are done, and appreciate those things, and understand why they’re done that way,” Sunnafrank said, “Once they start to understand that, they start to understand each other a lot better, and they also start to understand their own culture a lot better too.” Both professors stressed the importance of having an informal setting to ease conversation. “I think it’s important to have these discussions and have them be light, so people don’t get caught up in the heavy stuff early. You can get
to that heavy stuff after you’ve developed and got to know each other.” Goei said. The International Club has stressed this easy-going approach, throughout its activities. The club hopes to do the same with its Taste of UMD event in November. They hope food talk can break cultural barriers. Goei hopes the club can have more of these
events. “It’s important to have these talks as often as we can, with as many different groups as we can and make sure that they’re light – that they can be young and mistakes, and talk about their cultures, and it can be a safe place to do that,” Goei said. Both professors agreed that intercultural discussions will lead to students exploring on
their own. “It gives them an opportunity once you have these conversations, to go off on their own and start saying, tell me more about that,” Sunnafrank said. This leads to oneon-one discussion – as Goei explained, an “individual level experience where you get to know somebody, which is the key to all of it in the end.”
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Opinion Editor / Satya Putumbaka /
For the sake of learning ILLUSTRATION BY JOE FRASER
Every semester, I stare out at a class full of shocked, appalled and offended faces when I tell my students not to check their grades. Learn the material for the sake of learning, I say. Don’t view it as an obstacle between you and your A, and don’t believe that your letter grade accurately reflects the capabilities of your mind, whether you get A’s or F’s. Students rarely take this well. “But that’s how I operate!” they shoot back. “I’m not motivated if I don’t get all A’s!” And, of course, they ask the inevitable: “Why do I have to learn
this? How is any of this important?” For these students, lib ed requirements and the less popular, non-elective classes in any program exist merely to obstruct the path to their goal. In both cases, this frustration stems from one belief: college exists to help them get good jobs. And for the most part, higher education serves that goal well. Studies show that a state’s average income rises with the education of its citizens. Likewise, people tend to get paid higher salaries if they’ve completed higher levels of education. Employers love educated workers. Go to monster. com, Careerbuilder or GoldPass and look at any job posting; they all ask for
Be an ally
educated candidates. However, many students mistake receiving an education with being trained. Whether an employer wants an educated worker or a trained worker makes a world of difference. Understanding that difference will shed light on why universities push all the “pointless” fluff into the requirements for your major. When you get trained, someone teaches you how to do something. You focus on the process or the skills involved and hone a small set of skills to mastery. Apprenticeships trained craftsmen this way. Kings and lords would train their children to become warriors. And, unfortunately, we use the term “trained” to describe the monkeys that could perform the mindless tasks involved in our least fulfilling jobs. While electricians, auto mechanics soldiers, and others possess skills I envy, and they often prevent our infrastructure from crumbling around us, those of us in academia prefer an alternate method of improving our worth. Our talents don’t reside in what we learn in school. Rather, we value the act of learning itself. Here at UMD, you practice the ability to become smarter and to think critically to create your own knowledge; but to do that, you need to understand more about the world than you feel you need to know. As a musician, perhaps the principles you learned in physics could help you design an instrument with superior acoustics. Perhaps as an engineer, you may be inspired to bring to life the science-fiction devices you read about in your literature class. A researcher in biology might find business and psychology classes incredibly helpful when trying to secure grant money for
Support QASU
Monika Arbudzinski is sitting in the room where queer students and their allies congregate: literally the Queer and Allied Student Union (QASU) room. The importance of this room cannot be undermined. In a society where hate crimes against LGBTQ individuals runs rampant, safe spaces can become vital. FBI statistics from 2007 show that 11 percent of hate crimes against LGBTQ individuals occur at school. Congress has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.” We come to college to learn, but many students never have to take a course about sexuality; not enough students know just how serious this problem is. This creates a significant venue for misunderstanding, and it is in this environment that hate begins to form. We are afraid of the unknown and so we mask our fear with disgust, contempt and even violence. Creating safe spaces for vulnerable populations is particularly important on campus, and that is one function of QASU. It is clearly one aspect of QASU that Monika appreciates, as she frequently sits in the room to do homework. She tells me about her experience being part of the “Q” in QASU and what it really means to belong in the “A” group. “I’m a pansexual. It basically means whether or not I’m attracted to a person doesn’t depend on sex, gender identity or gender expression.” When she entered high school, she decided to join the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA). “This is gonna be awesome! I thought. We’re going to watch movies and have fun! But you’ll never guess what happened.” She pauses, pressing Phone: (218) 726-7113 Fax: (218) 726-8246 E-mail letters to: Web site:
A student review
her hands on her leg, and tells us about Jackie, a girl who found out about Monika’s sexuality in middle school and made fun of her for it. “She walked in the (GSA) room. I never went back. It was like … if she’s calling herself an ally or nice person, just … no.” Being an ally is more than going to meetings and being theoretically against homophobia (the hatred of homosexuals). Allies need to stand firm in their convictions and utilize their heterosexual privilege to speak up about the atrocities LGBTQ individuals live through. According to Bullying Statistics, gay and lesbian teens are two to three times more likely to commit suicide than other youths. 30 percent of all completed suicides have been related to a sexual identity crisis. If these statistics make you livid, QASU provides a wonderful platform for allies to join and offer support. To be an ally you do not need to be fully educated on every issue facing the LGBTQ community; you simply have to be compassionate and willing to take a stand against hatred. It is this hatred that those in QASU are acutely aware of. Though Monika recalls her story light-heartedly, she is well aware that others are not quite as lucky. She is in a space where photos of happy gay couples can hang on the walls and no one bats an eye, a space where people can talk about being pansexual without fear of harassment. But it’s not only about gay pride and drag shows. Like all students, Monika talks about the difficulty of choosing a major and a career path. “I want to … I guess I want to do the really general ‘helping people’ thing,” she says. And with a mission statement that promotes “inclusion, equity and social justice,” helping people is exactly what QASU does.
Letters and columns to the editor 130 Kirby Student Center 1120 Kirby Student Drive Duluth, MN 55812
their projects. We simply don’t know what information you might put together into something valuable. The entire history of University Educations stems from the desire to push boundaries, develop new wonders and learn things that no one has ever learned before. Progress has to be cross-disciplinary by nature, an aggregate use of knowledge, so think of your liberal education classes as more important than your major requirements, without which any field of study would stagnate. The goal of higher education aims not to put facts into your heads and send you out to the world, but to give you the knowledge and the tools to use in order to keep learning when you graduate. That is exactly the skill that employers want. They don’t want to see training — they’d rather train you on their own anyway, to make sure you know exactly how they operate. What they want isn’t someone who already knows how to do the same things they do; they want someone with the mental powers to come up with a better way to do it. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t list degrees as requirements on job applications. Unfortunately, though, many college graduates don’t have this power. You can’t develop it by squeezing out the bare minimum to get an A, which is the norm for many students. Your teachers can’t offer you the point of knowing what they teach you — you need to figure that out yourself. I often advise my students to relax, stop worrying about grades, and really dig into the material to find something interesting, something that they enjoy simply for the value of knowing it. Nothing you learn can harm you, and every bit of it has value.
For multiple reasons, I often try not to just force this column to turn into a review segment — mainly because I do not get to go out to the movies during school as much as I would like. Living on a fixed income combined with increasing ticket prices more often than not makes me hesitant toward spending money more, especially on a fairly risky affair that movie-going can be. But I still do get really excited for some movies and last week’s “Gravity” was one of them. If you haven’t seen it yet and are on the fence, I am telling you now you should go see it. “Gravity” marks not only one of the best films of the year but one of the best films in recent memory. “Gravity” stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as astronauts Ryan Stone and Matt Kowalsky, who get stranded in space in what essentially amounts to a freak accident. During a mission to install a new mainframe on the Hubble telescope, debris from a destroyed satellite begins orbiting around Earth at incredible speeds, knocking out other satellites and cutting off communication from Earth to those still stuck in space. The rest of the movie plays out as an extended action set piece broken up by long, atmospheric shots of space. For starters, this movie is beautiful. Alfonso Cuaron, directing his first since 2006’s fantastic “Children of Men,” lets the camera float through every scene with the same weightlessness as the characters, slowly setting the scene all while establishing the vastness and isolation of space. Most of the film’s cuts are invisible. After noticing how long the opening had continued on without a single cut, I began keeping a mental note in my head just how many cuts there were. The movie became so engrossing that I had eventually lost count, but out-
EDITORIAL BOARD: Opinion Page Editor___________ SATYA PUTUMBAKA Editor-in-Chief_______ ANNE KUNKEL CHRISTIANSON
side of some of the more intense action sequences they were relegated mostly to just showing the passage of time. It goes without saying, especially for all the praise this movie has already received, but the effects are some of the best ever put to film. The amount of detail work put into every shot is staggering, but the CG and apparent weightlessness of everything in the movie made me forget that I was really just watching a bunch of actors hanging around on strings in front of a green screen. I don’t often recommend seeing movies in 3D or IMAX, but this is one movie that you will definitely get your money’s worth on. Also, since there is no sound in space, the score picks up the slack left by the silence and is appropriately moody, exciting, and triumphant. The one possible downside to this movie could be the script. In order to get a lot of factual information to the viewer, the dialogue is a tad bit forced at times. Fortunately, the acting mostly makes it work. Clooney is really just playing himself as an astronaut, unnaturally cool with the situation around him. The surprise here is a career-high performance by normally plain Sandra Bullock, who easily has the most screen time and has to carry most of the movie on her shoulders, which she does with aplomb. I would argue this would be her Oscar moment if it weren’t for the fact she has one already. Her performance was one I didn’t know she had in her and was almost like watching her being reborn on screen. And “Gravity” is, at its heart, a great big giant metaphor for rebirth. It’s a movie about feeling apart, “finding” God, and overcoming tragedy. “Gravity” is a personal movie on a massive scale that balances the thrilling scenes of space stations getting ripped apart with the more subdued elements of the quietness of space and what it means to be alone.
All letters must include the writer’s name, address and phone number for verification, not to publish. The Statesman reserves the right to edit all letters for style, space, libel and grammar. Letters should be no more than 300 words in length. Readers may also submit longer guest columns. The Statesman reserves the right to print any submission as a letter or guest column. Submission does not guarantee publication.
Opinion Editor / Satya Putumbaka /
Large 1 topping pizza - $8.99 A medium 2 topping pizza and stix - $11.99 Any large pizza* and a 2 liter for $12.99 135 E Central Entrance Duluth, MN 218-726-1800 Expires 2/02/2014 Taxes and delivery fee may apply *Up to five toppings or specialty. Large-Original or Thin Crust
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Volleyball, B2
Lange, Bulldogs dominate in North Dakota
Sports Editor / Kyle Farris /
Defense optional
Former Penguin attaches to elite flock
Up and
Football outlasts Dragons as teams combine for record point total
Freshman Dominic Toninato leaves his feet to tip a shot on goal during Saturday’s game against Michigan Tech. ALEX LEONE/STATESMAN
Graham Harriman and his father last year at the Americas Rugby Championships in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. SUBMITTED
Mistakes take toll as men miss out on sweep BY NICOLE BRODZIK
Quick Facts
The UMD men’s hockey team kicked off its regular season with a pair of hard-fought games against the Michigan Tech Huskies over the weekend. It was the 224th and 225th matchups between the teams all time and the beginning of a new era in the rivalry, with the Bulldogs now in the NCHC after leaving the WCHA. Game one Friday saw sophomore goaltender Matt McNeely play solidly between the pipes early, as UMD struggled to maintain offensive pressure. Both teams had a 5-on-3 power-play opportunity in the first but were unable to convert and ended the period in a scoreless tie. Sophomore Tony Cameranesi blasted a shot past Michigan Tech goalie Pheonix Copley to break the stalemate less than five minutes into the second period off a pass from sophomore Austin Farley. UMD then used that momentum to pepper the Husky goaltender for the remainder of the game, outshooting Michigan Tech 41-16 in all.
Friday: Bulldogs 2, Huskies 1 Justin Crandall’s goal with 2:36 to go in the third period broke a 1-1 tie.
When one thinks of UMD athletes who have gone on to achieve national prominence, names like Brett Hull, Norm Maciver, Mark Pavelich or Jim Johnson might come to mind. Add to that list Graham Harriman. A former UMD Fighting Penguin, Harriman is now a professional rugby player and member of the U.S. national team. He is an Eden Prairie native who came to UMD with no previous rugby experience. In fact, it took a study abroad trip to Sweden for Harriman to discover the sport and fall in love with it. “I played a lot of intramurals when I was at UMD, and when I went to Sweden I was looking for a sport to play,” Harriman said. “I heard about the rugby team, went to a few practices, and I just fell in love with the sport.” Harriman brought that passion back with him when he returned to Duluth the following semester. “I was riding home from school and went past (UMD’S) field 4 and saw the team practicing,” Harriman said. “I raced back to
Saturday: Bulldogs 1, Huskies 1 Matt McNeely allowed a third-period goal for the second straight night and UMD settled for a 1-0-1 weekend.
The Huskies were kept scoreless until the third period, but junior Justin Crandall answered with a goal to renew the UMD lead to 2-1 with 2:46 to play. “It was a pretty ugly goal,” Crandall said. “We had a lot of good chances during the night. Late in the game it’s never a bad idea to throw it on net. I got it in the corner and got lucky.” As time wound down, a brawl broke out see MEN’S HOCKEY, B2
BULLDOG Tweet of the week
Women show flashes despite winless weekend
Bulldogs leave North Dakota without a win, but with reason to be optimistic
Play It Safe!
went on the attack in the final frame with three unanswered goals to take the game 4-3. “I thought our team came out a little slow on Saturday,” goaltender Kayla Black said. “I don’t think we were all prepared for what the game would be like. On Sunday we came out a lot better and more aggressive right off the start.” Despite UMD coming out more aggressive in game two, North Dakota carried its late-game momentum into Sunday by scoring the first two goals to make it 2-0 in the second period. The Bulldogs didn’t go down easily, as junior forward Meghan Huertas tipped a shot from Stalder past Amsley-Benzie to make it 2-1 late in the second. Less than two minutes later junior forward Zoe Hickel tied it with another UMD goal, and then Huertas followed up with yet another to give the Bulldogs a 3-2 lead through 40 minutes. Black stopped 37 shots in Saturday’s matchup, but couldn’t keep North Dakota from sneaking in a
While the now seventh-ranked UMD women’s hockey team failed to pull out a win over the weekend, there were some positive signs that came from the squad’s series with North Dakota. North Dakota’s Michelle Karvinen struck first Saturday afternoon halfway through the first period, but the Bulldog offense woke up to score the game’s next three goals. Less than 30 seconds after Karvinen scored, Bulldog junior Jenna McParland slipped the puck between the legs of goaltender Shelby Amsley-Benzie to tie the game 1-1. McParland wasn’t done yet, however, as she pulled her team ahead with her second goal of the game with 34 seconds remaining in the first period. Freshman defenseman Lara Stalder added a goal to make it 3-1 in the second period. The Luzem, Switzerland, native has two goals and nine total points through her first four collegiate games to lead all UMD scorers. Despite Stalder’s stellar play, the Bulldogs faded in the third period Saturday. North Dakota
A shootout of historic proportions was unveiled both on the ground and through the air in Moorhead, Minn., Saturday at Alex Nemzek Stadium. The UMD football team defeated the Minnesota State-Moorhead Dragons 69-45. The combined point total of 114 broke the previous UMD record for points in a game, 112, which was set last November in a 57-55 triple overtime loss to Missouri Western State in the NCAA Division II playoffs. UMD amassed 619 yards of total offense. The majority of those yards (365) were put up by running backs Austin Sikorski and Logan Lauters. Both had career days, as Sikorski finished with 212 yards and three touchdowns on 21 carries, and Lauters finished with 153 yards and three touchdowns on 17 carries. The first score of the game was a hard-nosed 16-yard run by Lauters just over two minutes in. UMD never trailed. Despite racking up the points on offense, UMD had problems on the other side of the ball. With the final score looking more like one you would see in a basketball game, the Bulldog defense had an unusually rough outing. Entering Saturday, UMD was ranked in the top ten in NCAA Division II in two major defensive categories: sixth in total defense (262.8 yards per game) and ninth in average point allowance (15.0). The Dragon offense put up 685 yards — the most ever surrendered to a UMD opponent. Minnesota State-Moorhead sophomore quarterback Jake Hodge was 31-45 for 472 yards and five touchdowns. Hodge’s main target was redshirt freshman wide receiver Cory Ambrose, who racked up 237 yards receiving to break a Dragon record that had stood since 1963. With 10:34 remaining in the second quarter, Hodge found a streaking Ambrose for an 86-yard touchdown to cut UMD’s lead to 20-10. UMD redshirt freshman quarterback Drew Bauer also had a career day throwing the football. Bauer went Vandervest 13-21 for 178 UMD ATHLETICS/ yards and SUBMITTED three touchdowns. The majority of his completions went to junior wide receiver Zach Zweifel, who caught eight passes for a career-high 105 yards and a touchdown. Ironically, the last score of the game was a defensive touchdown by UMD lineman Chris Vandervest. With less than a minute left in the fourth quarter and the Dragons marching, Vandervest picked up a fumble and took it 91 yards for his first collegiate touchdown. “I had never done it before,” Vandervest said. “I was pretty tired after it happened. It was a good experience.” UMD (5-1), which climbed back into the national top ten (ninth) after being ranked No. 11 last week, hosts Minot State at Malosky Stadium Saturday afternoon.
Be responsible and ride the bus to UMD hockey games for FREE! Here are routes and times for this weekend. East Mainline - UMD
E 8th St - UMD
Friday: KP - 6:40 TC - 10:30 Saturday: KP - 6:15 TC - 9:45
Friday: KP - 6:00 TC - 10:20 Saturday: KP - 6:34 TC - 10:40
Legend: KP = Kirby Plaza TC = Transit Center
Sports Editor / Kyle Farris /
Women’s hockey
Men’s hockey Continued from B1
Continued from B1
goal in the third period to forge a 3-3 tie. Out of Black’s 37 saves, seven came on the penalty kill, an area where UMD has yet to allow a goal this season. “Our penalty kill is definitely one of our strong points at this time,” Black said. “The defense has been doing a good job of letting me see the puck on shots from the point, and it’s always easier to stop the puck when I can see it. Everyone out there has been doing really well.” The Bulldogs (2-1-1, 0-1-1 WCHA) jumped from No. 9 in the nation polls to No. 7 despite not winning a game, and will look to build on their start with a series against the top-ranked Minnesota Golden Gophers Friday and Saturday night at AMSOIL Arena.
along the boards, resulting in multiple penalties on Bulldog junior Derik Johnson and a game misconduct for Michigan Tech captain Blake Pietila, who was kept out of action Saturday. Game two was another low-scoring, physical bout that ultimately ended in a 1-1 tie. The Bulldogs drew first blood on a first-period power play when captain Joe Basaraba sneaked the puck through the five hole on Husky goaltender Jamie Phillips. It was Basaraba’s 21st career goal and his sixth against Michigan Tech in 14 meetings. UMD’s penalty kill was stellar again Saturday night, leaving the Huskies scoreless on 11 attempts, including two 5-on-3 chances.
“Our penalty kill worked really well tonight,” freshman forward Kyle Osterberg said. “I think we shut them down and that was a big key in the way we played. From now on we just need to work better to get momentum off that.” Michigan Tech’s Mike Neville tied the game up off a scrum in the third period, sending the game into overtime. A scoreless overtime put the game into the record book as a tie, but the Bulldogs dropped the shootout after Caleb Herbert and Basaraba were turned away. “It was one of those ugly games where we needed to find a way to win,” head coach Scott Sandelin said. “We didn’t lose, but when you give up the goal late, it kind of feels like that. I hope our guys felt that way because we need to play better, period.” The Bulldogs (1-0-1, 0-0-0 NCHC) open NCHC competition this weekend against Colorado College in Colorado Springs.
Beavers, Marauders can’t slow Bulldogs BY EVAN SMEGAL
The UMD volleyball team invaded North Dakota over the weekend and easily conquered the state in a pair of road battles against Minot State and Mary to remain one game back of conference co-leaders Concordia-St. Paul and Southwest Minnesota State. To no surprise, the secondranked Bulldogs had little difficulty taking down the Beavers and the Marauders in straight sets. It took a combined two hours and 21 minutes to win both matches, about a tenth of the time it takes to travel roundtrip to North Dakota. “Every team in the conference has to go through it,” said Kate Lange of the trip to Minot and Bismarck. “It can be ridiculously long. We can only worry about us — get into that mindset and be mentally and physically prepared.” Over the weekend, the Bulldogs (18-1 overall, 8-1 NSIC) statistically overpowered their competition. The Bulldogs amassed a .424 hitting percentage compared to .088 for their opponents. The defense also played a vital role, out-blocking Minot State and Mary 17-4 combined, and holding an 11-4 advantage in serving
aces. Setter Ashley Hinsch served up 80 assists, with the majority of her setups running through Lange and Monica Turner, who had 38 and 19 kills, respectively. Julie Rainey and Kate Ledwell were both stout defensively, compiling
doubledigit digs each night. Elizabeth Benusa racked up seven of the team’s 11 aces and Jessica Zieman accounted for nine of the 17 total blocks. Since falling to Concord ia- St. Paul in five sets Sept. 27, UMD has won 18 consecutive sets and six straight matches. “We just have to keep
number of kills senior outside hitter Kate Lange needs to tie UMD all-time leader Vicky Braegelman. Lange sits second in school history with 1,759 for her career.
All events are subject to change.
Men’s hockey
Colorado College Colorodo Springs, Colo. Fri., 8:37 p.m.; Sat. 8:07 p.m.
Women’s hockey
Minnesota AMSOIL Arena Fri., Sat. 6:07 p.m.
Minot State Malosky Stadium Sat., 1:05 p.m.
Minnesota State-Moorhead Moorhead, Minn. Fri., 7 p.m.
on working on the little things and get progressively (better) week by week,” said Lange, who won NSIC Player of the Week honors Monday for the second time this year. “We have a great offense and we rely on our defense to make it even more efficient.” The offense has been there all season, but the Bulldogs have been upgrading a few other aspects of their game. UMD has cut down the mistakes by nearly a point per set. They have also dug the ball at a better rate, lowering the opposition’s attack while slightly increasing their attacking numbers. “We want to serve tougher and get teams out of (their) system,” Lange said. “We are also looking at winning the pass battle, whether it’s on serve, receive or digging. We are able to dictate the game when we are in position defensively, and we can make good passes to keep ourselves in system and spread out the offense.” The postseason is about a month away for the Bulldogs and will draw closer this Friday with a home matchup against Minnesota State-Moorhead. The game, which is set for 7:00 p.m., will be the annual “Dig for a Cure” night. T-shirts and silent auction items will be available during the match with all proceeds going to help support the Essentia Health Foundation.
The Bulldog soccer team defeated Minot State 2-1 and Mary 4-0 on the road over the weekend to extend its winning streak to four games. Dani Potter scored the game-winner against Minot State off a free kick in the 52nd minute. Maureen Stormont scored a pair of goals against Mary, pushing her team-leading total to 11. Megan Helberg, Katie Schneider and Riley Allen each netted their first goals of the year on the trip. UMD (9-2 overall, 8-1 NSIC) heads to Concordia-St. Paul Friday, then to fourth-ranked Minnesota State-Mankato Sunday to conclude a four-game road stand.
The UMD men and women’s cross-country teams ran to 11th and sixth place finishes, respectively. Saturday at the Lucian Rosa Invitational in Kenosha, Wis., Mitch Fisher (42nd) was the first of the men to finish, while Samantha Rivard (fifth) was the first of the women. Dan Nielson and Breanna Colbenson sat out the event.
Harriman Continued from B1
my house, grabbed my rugby gear and came right back to the field. I ran out there in my Swedish rugby uniform and yelled to them, ‘Hey, I played rugby in Sweden!’ I practiced with them that day and had a blast.” “For a long time, the team actually thought I was a Swedish foreign exchange student,” he said. Harriman was a part of a successful Fighting Penguins club. The team made it to the regional final four before losing in the semifinals to WisconsinWhitewater in his last season in 2010. After finishing in Duluth, Harriman went on to play professional rugby with Chicago, and, more recently, with the Metropolis Rugby Club based in Minneapolis. Harriman is an accomplished rugby player regionally, but his national breakthrough came last fall. “I was invited to play on the U.S. developmental club last year and traveled with them a bit,” Harriman said. “I found out in November that I had made the actual national club after our tryouts while we were in Canada.” Finding out he had made the top team in the country, the USA Men’s Eagles, was an emotional experience for Harriman. “It was really awe-inspiring,” he said. “Shocking, awe-inspiring and a little scared too. But I knew I had an amazing opportunity and I had to run with it.” In his travels across the globe, it’s safe to say he has run with this opportunity so far. His first national team match action came Nov. 24 last year in Bucharest, Romania, against the Romanian national team. He also saw the pitch against Fiji while the team was competing in Nagoya, Japan. The team concluded its annual tour by playing some matches to try to qualify for the World Cup. Currently, the Men’s Eagles are on their annual fall tour and have a tough match Nov. 9 in Philadelphia against the traditionally strong New Zealand All Blacks. Harriman, however, hasn’t forgotten his roots in Duluth. “I still stay in touch with coach ( Jeramy) Katchuba and like to work out with the team when I come back to Duluth,” said Harriman, who has also spent time growing the sport at UMD and in Duluth by setting up games at the YMCA and taking kids to Bulldog hockey games. “We just have to keep showing the community that we can do more than win rugby games. We have to stay active in Duluth’s community. I think things are definitely moving in the right direction.”
Paid Research Study Research participants are needed for study of college student drinking. Are you a college student (18-25 years old) in a 4-year college in Duluth or Superior? Have you had an alcoholic beverage in the last 3 months? Contact us to see if you are eligible for a 3 hour study in the Psychology Department of the University of Minnesota Duluth. Participants will recieve $15. Call: (218)-726-6428 or email at:
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Student Life Editor / Maeggie Licht /
What’s up
Wednesday, Oct. 16 Love Your Body Day! The Women’s
Resource and Action Center celebrates the human body’s beauty in all shapes and sizes, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Kirby Commons. There will be free music, treats and an interactive photo booth to share pride for your own shape.
Thursday Oct. 17 Got Your Back: Bystander Intervention Workshop. This event teaches techniques for stepping into sticky situations with grace. Learn how to intervene when you think something’s wrong. Free donuts and beverages provided from 10–11 a.m. at Griggs Center.
EDITOR’S CHOICE Friday Oct. 18 Die Fledermaus. “It’s best to blame it all
Students got into the apple harvest season last Monday making fresh apple cider the old fashioned way with a 100-year-old apple cider press. ALOYSIA POWER/STATESMAN
When life gives you apples UMD RSOP makes apple cider
The metal wheel creaked and squealed with every turn, like a 100-year-old, seldomused hand crank should. Its high-pitched antique sound muffled the crunch of the apples as they were ground into digested pieces of pomace. Students gathered around the apple press to watch the juicing mechanism at work last Monday during RSOP’s apple cider event behind the Oakland Apartments. Soon enough, the wooden barrel below was brimming with apple guts and the cranking ceased. It was time to press the pomace. Just moments later, a golden-brown liquid
slowly dripped out of the timeworn machine into a metal bucket. “Look! We have cider!” Brooke Wetmore, a sophomore, excitedly announced. When the dripping stopped, students satisfied their taste buds. Some drank the cider immediately, and others waited for it to be heated over a portable stove. Jokingly, Wetmore suggested a third way to drink the cider: in the form of what she called “farmer’s champagne,” or hard cider. “You know, depending on how much time you guys have, we could, uh …” she said. The process of fermenting apple cider into hard cider requires a few more steps and weeks to months more time. After the first batch was poured and consumed, students continued to take turns crank-
ing and pressing until both of the two grocery bags of apples were cider. “It’s easy work,” said UMD senior Michael Hinz. “The apples are pretty squishy. You can almost squish them with your hands.” In between their turns working the machine, attendees talked about apple goodies beyond cider: applesauce, apple crisp and apple pie. “Whenever I make apple pie, I can never seem (to) get the apples to be soft enough on the inside,” a student said to one of the leaders, Annika Whitcomb. “They still are kind of crisp.” To help solve the predicament, Whitcomb inquired: “Do you have to cook them? You know like cook them down ahead of time a little bit?” “See, maybe that’s what I’m not doing since I’ve been told you don’t
need to,” the student said. “But, that might just be what I’m not doing.” Others had more humorous conversations. One of the leaders, freshman Nick Wagner, shared his unusual way of enjoying apples: dipped in ketchup. “Have you ever had that before?” he asked. “Are you serious?” someone exclaimed, and then laughed. By the end of the event, after all the pressing was done, the group wound up splitting and finishing about a gallon of the fresh cider. Not a drop was left. Although RSOP won’t be hosting another apple cider pressing event for students until next fall, a similar scene can be found every once and a while throughout the fall at the Duluth’s Farmer’s Market on Third Street Saturday mornings.
“With trail building, you have to think a lot about the sustainability and how the trails are going to hold up against the elements out here,” said UMD senior Travis Pedley. The bench-cut design calls for fluid transitions between the trail and its sides. This means the side slopes almost blend into the tread, creating a cross-section that looks like an imperfect ramp. This encourages the rainfall or snowmelt running down the side of the hill to flow perpendicularly across the trail and continue moving down the hill instead of pooling on the trail or carving a river bed down the middle of it.
“You notice it,” UMD sophomore Ethan Hansen said in reference to the trail water. “Most often right after it rains, you know, obviously. But even after a few weeks, if the trail isn’t built right, you’ll see puddles of water and things like that. And then, when it starts to pool and people ride it and it gets loose, then the trail starts to deteriorate and kind of falls off.” Volunteers first used pulaski hand tools, which resemble pickaxes, to chop away at the sharp upper bank and downslope berm. This part of the project included the removal of tree roots and rocks in the way. Then, rake-like
McLeod tools were used to clear the dug-up topsoil from the construction zone. COGGS biker Tjaard Breeuwer came out to help with construction because he feels mountain biking trails are an important part of the Duluth community. “It’s an easy way to improve the quality of life at a low cost if you look at it in big terms,” he said. Breeuwer said that he and the other volunteers are substitutes for “trail fairies.” “If you want to ride it, you have to build it,” he said. “And if you want to have other people ride it, you have to build it, too.” Once the bench-cut is
on the champagne.” Join the UMD Department of Theatre as they present a comedic opera with debauchery, dancing girls and more debauchery. The show is set in Gatsby-esque 1920s decadence, with songs sung in English by UMD students. Music by Johann Strauss, directed by Alice Pierce and a live orchestra conducted by Rudy Perrault. Shows run Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 p.m. with a Sunday matinee at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $6 to $18.
Saturday Oct. 19 QASU Fall Drag Show. Do your own
thing and go all out in a completely inclusive environment at QASU’s most popular event. Enjoy the party from 7–10 p.m., but arrive early, as space fills quickly. Tickets are $5 at the door.
Sunday Oct. 20 All Souls Night Community Art Workshop. Indulge your creativity at this community workshop led by local artist Mary Plaster. Pitch in with old friends and meet new ones as you create props for the annual All Souls Night celebration in Duluth. Meet at Pineapple Arts Center from 1–3:30 p.m. Monday Oct. 21 Glensheen Pumpkin Carving Volunteer Event. Get in the Halloween spirit
as you help create the atmosphere for Glensheen’s Spooktacular. Artists and students join forces to carve up to 1,000 jack-o-lanterns. Carve from 1–7 p.m. daily until Oct. 23. to receive a free ticket to the Spooktacular. Call 218-726-8910 to reserve a time.
Tuesday Oct. 22 Learn to Curl Clinic. Get in on one of the
oldest team sports in history with this curling lesson. Professionals teach you correct and safe technique for free from 6–8 p.m. at the Duluth Curling Club. Those interested should sign up online at learn-to-curl/. Wear a medium-weight sweater or lightweight jacket and clean, non-street shoes.
Cycling Club digs in at local trails
Members of the UMD Cycling Club were out on the trails last Friday, but this time not on bikes. Instead, they took some time off from behind the handlebars to volunteer in the reconstruction of a section of the LesterAmity mountain bike trail system with volunteers from the Cyclists of Gitchee Gumee Shores (COGGS). Tools in hand, the bikers chopped and dug away at the hillside above and below the tread, sculpting what is called a bench-cut design. This design allows the trail to be more resistant to damages from water erosion.
finished, the trail maintainers will start adding fun features to the section that will also help with trail drainage, such as bumps. “We want to make (the trail) accessible to most people,” said Daryl Peterson, a COGGS member and one of the trail stewards for the Lester-Amity system. “You make a mountain bike trail that’s really hard, but only really good riders can ride it. So, what we’re really looking to do is build features in that are all rollable but anyone can ride, but it’s still gonna be fun and engaging.” After a little over an hour’s worth of labor, a thunderstorm pulled in
and stopped workers in their tracks. Nevertheless, the determined volunteers plan to get back at it within the next few weekends. The Lester-Amity trail is mostly clay, and because of this, the trails turn soft when it rains. “If it gets too wet you really can’t work on this,” Breeuwer said, referring to the trails. “And we definitely don’t want people riding the trails when they’re wet.” Later that night in a post on the COGGS Facebook page, Breeuwer asked bikers to walk and not ride over the incomplete reconstruction area so as to prevent further damage.
Up, up and away
Student Life Editor / Maeggie Licht /
UMD alum takes the ice for stilt skate performances BY MAEGGIE LICHT
The damp chill of the ice rink is comfortable for UMD alum David “Ike” Isaacson. He puts on his jersey, pads and helmet, and then gets strapped into the most pivotal part of his ensemble: his stilt skates. Once strapped in, he takes the ice from 10 feet high. “I’m always excited as heck to do it,” Ike said. “I’m sky-high and ready to go. I have a little nerves but I have a pretty good confidence level now.” Ike, 55, of Mounds View, Minn., graduated from UMD in 1981 with a degree in communication. During his time at school, he loved going to Bulldog hockey games. It was there, in the 1980s, that he saw the inspiration for his act: UMD’s beloved Maroon Loon. “I was amazed at how he did it,” Ike said. “I never saw anybody else do it through the years, so I decided to give it a try.” He started his foray into stilt skating five years ago, and Too Tall Ike was born. But before he could get up, he had to get grounded. “It was a lot of trial and error,” Ike said. “We made the stilt skates ourselves. We started out with a hockey skate, but that didn’t work. We ended up with a goalie
skate and it took a lot of working at the workbench, going out on the ice and going back to the garage. It took five or six times going between the garage and the ice rink before we got it.” The final product was a mash-up of drywall stilts, wood, a couple of bolts, a goalie skate and 10 feet of air between Ike and the ice. To find his ice legs, Ike started out “dancing” with a 10-foot ladder. After about three weeks, he was ready to try it on his own. But before he can get up on his own, he needs a little help from his friend, Mike Nentl, 54, of New Hope, Minn. Yes, that’s right: Mike and Ike. The dynamic duo met working together at Kemps, where they’ve both been for 30 years. “When (Ike) first came to me and asked me if I’d help him do (stilt skating), I said, ‘Absolutely, as long as I’m not the one on the skates,’” Mike said. “When he first started doing it, I thought it was crazy. But it really is a lot of fun.” Mike’s job is to get Ike all ready to go. He straps him into his stilts — being meticulously careful to check that nothing is amiss — makes sure his uniform is on properly, sends him out on the ice and then marvels at the balancing act. “He’s been spectacular at mastering his balance,” Mike said. “He’s never fallen during a performance. Knock on
wood!” So what drives Ike’s passion for the ice? It’s certainly not the money, as he said there’s “none in it.” The uncommon nature of the event and the buzz from the crowd are what keep him going. “I really enjoy the crowd reaction — people’s faces, reactions from kids — it’s really fulfilling,” Ike said. “There’s nobody else doing this right now. It’s unique. I didn’t want it to die.” Ike said he plans to keep going at his current rate, with about 12 to 20 events per year, for as long as he’s healthy and having fun. One thing he has to do before he hangs up his stilts is skate for a Bulldogs game. “I want to do it for the ‘Dogs in the worst way,” he said. “It’s a cloud hanging over my head. The Bulldogs are my team. It would be the cream of the crop. It would be number one in my book. I’m just a Bulldog fan, and I hope the people of Duluth would have some interest in seeing it.” UMD sports marketing coordinator Brian Nystrom said he’s been working with scheduling obligations to find a time for Ike to hit the ice. “We’re interested; it just hasn’t worked out,” Nystrom said. “There’s still an opportunity for this year. We’ll get through the October games, and then we’ll
In his Too Tall Ike uniform , David “Ike” Isaacson takes a break from practice with his helper at an outdoor rink in 2008. Ike was inspired to strap on the stilts by the Maroon Loon. DAVID ISAACSON/SUBMITTED
see.” No matter which rink Ike glides through, Mike said the best part is always watching the crowd’s excitement.
“I watch him, and it’s really fun to watch the crowd reaction,” Mike said. “You get a lot of people going, ‘Holy cow! What is this?’ He really
enjoys making kids laugh and smile. That’s the biggest joy of watching Ike skate.”
UMD Sport Clubs ignites competitive spirit
This year, the UMD Sport Clubs Program has a new twist to their competition, and it has nothing to do with how fast, strong or skilled they are. A friendly contest for a cash reward at the end of the year is creating camaraderie among students who are sometimes at odds.UMD Sport Clubs Program coordinator Derek Donlevy created a new point system for the program that kicked in at the start of the semester. The club that earns the most points by the end of the year gets a $1,500 reward to go toward their club funding. The second runner up gets $500. “This system works well for UMD because it is really improving the areas we need to work on in moving our program forward,” says Donlevy. “It encourages the clubs to get out and represent
ourselves to both UMD and the community in a positive and engaging way.”Donlevy came up with this point system model by exchanging ideas with the sports coordinator from Northern Colorado University at a sports club conference last June. The initial planning and implementing began in July and the clubs were then informed at the captains and presidents training Labor Day weekend.The clubs can earn points by doing various community service activities, attending other clubs’ events, participating in UMD-related activities, and by getting positive attention from the media. Donlevy says the system has already has had noticeable successes. “Derek is doing a great job at encouraging and following up with who is getting what points,” says Katie McBride, president of the UMD women’s rugby club.
“He’s really excited for us, which makes us want to work harder.” The clubs get one point for every community volunteering event they do as a team, with a six-point limit. They also get one point for every positive article or broadcast from any news publication, with a fourpoint limit. Depending upon how large the club is, they can get one or two points for attending another club’s event. Currently, cycling and men’s rugby are tied for first, with women’s rugby at a close second. To receive their points, clubs must physically prove their earnings to Donlevy, and can do so in a variety of ways: bringing in a signed sheet from the volunteer program, a copy of an article and signing in and out at other club’s events. At the end of each month, he posts the club standings on a bulletin board in the
hallway near the RSOP desk. Last year, Donlevy implemented a fine system for club sports where teams lost funds for not adhering to the club codes. That system placed a lot of focus on the negative aspects of club. Now with the positive counterpart of the point system, the teams are no longer constantly in angst over how they can lose funds, but instead eager about the ways they can gain points. “It’s nice because it’s no longer just the UMD Sport Clubs Program taking from us; it’s a giveand-take relationship,” said Lars Anderson, president of the men’s rugby team. “There is now a healthy competition among the other clubs in the program, which is increasing support because the clubs are encouraged to go to each other’s events.” Because of the fine
system, Donlevy was constantly getting calls, texts and emails last year from the clubs concerned about their loss of funds. When clubs didn’t attend mandatory meetings, turn in paperwork on time or travel correctly, they would be charged a small portion of the money they were given in the beginning of the year. This caused a lot of negative attitudes within the club program because there was no positive counterpart. The fine system remains in place; however, since the point system started, Donlevy said he has barely heard any complaints about the fines. Instead he has noticed an increase in community involvement, inner meshing of club support and participation in UMD activities, such as the homecoming parade and hazing prevention week. “The participation in National Hazing Preven-
tion Week was one of the most influential projects I’ve seen at UMD,” said McBride. “It was amazing to see all the sports clubs come together from different places for a good cause.” All the clubs need funding for various reasons. The main uses of these funds are equipment, traveling and fees. If the clubs are able to meet those needs, recruitment and community recognition will increase, as well as positive student representation. “Everyone in the club is getting pretty excited about the new system, especially since we are toward the top,” says Travis Pedley, president of the cycling club. “Now that it’s taking off, we are seeing more and more people offering ideas on how we can get involved.”
Student Life Editor / Maeggie Licht /
Hate Crimes Vigil brings hope
A vigil honoring hate crime victims was held in the Multicultural Center last Wednesday. The annual Hate Crimes Vigil is held on the anniversary of Matthew Shepard’s death, a University of Wyoming student who was murdered because of his sexual orientation in 1998. Angie Nichols is UMD’s director of GLBT Services, and was in college at the time of Shepard’s murder. “I was at … Oberlin College, and we held a vigil there,” she said. “(We thought) who would take advantage of him and beat him so senselessly?” Although Shepard’s murder was the reason for the first vigil back in 1998, it has since expanded to an event for the remembrance of victims of all forms of discrimination. “(The vigil) has been about remembering, but also about moving forward,” said UMD junior Megan Poettgen, who organized and led the vigil. “Just by being here and talking about these things, we’re changing the world. I want everyone to walk out of here with
the memory of Matthew Shepard and David Byrd and all those who have been hurt, killed or harmed for just being who they are or for fighting for what they believe in. I want us to remember, and I want us to move forward and continue their work.” About a dozen attended Wednesday’s vigil in the Multicultural Center. “I wish we would have had a bigger turnout,” said Poettgen. “But the people who were there were open, and I think there were a lot of good things said. The people who come are … already involved (with GLBT issues). It’s the people who don’t come that I wish we could reach.” Testimonials from the attendees revealed that acts of discrimination are still common, on campus and off. “We’ve seen racial or hate crimes on campus pretty much every year,” said Katie Muller, chairperson of the Queer and Allied Student Union. “Last year was the blackface incident … and it still keeps happening. It’s really unfortunate.” UMD is ranked as one of the top 25 GLBT-friendly campuses in the nation by Campus Pride, a non-
profit organization that works to advance GLBT issues on campuses. “One of the things that makes me most happy about this university is our strategic plan,” said junior Jacob Froelich. “We have a chancellor who is committed to doing what he can do (about GLBT issues). Administration can only do so much, and it’s going to be about students changing. People changing people.” Poettgen hopes that events like the vigil serve as a reminder that additional progress is needed. “People forget that (discrimination) happens,” she said. “They just see the sunny side. And people who aren’t part of a minority group don’t always see … that there is still a general culture that people don’t always feel safe in.” Using a slur may mean little among friends, but it can be devastating to someone who overhears it. “The things people say don’t go unheard,” Muller said. Nichols agreed. “Remember to keep your language in check,” she said. “(UMD) is supposed to be a safe place.”
Vampires, zombies and werewolves, oh my BY GRAHAM HAKALA
As Halloween approaches, there’s no denying that creepy feeling that comes along with the month of October. It’s a good time to watch scary movies and consider all of the ominous things that go bump in the night. UMD is getting in on the spooky scene with several local professors from a variety of backgrounds in a three-part series called The Monster Trifecta. The events include film screenings and lectures
on the ins and outs of the horror genre staples: vampires, zombies and werewolves. The first event kicked off last Friday with a showing of the 1922 silent film “Nosferatu” in the Egyptian Theater at the Masonic Temple in Duluth. Around 150 people attended the event. UMD music professor Justin Rubin accompanied the film on a recently restored antique organ. “People got the experience of what it was like to go to a movie 90 years ago,” Rubin said.
With one event down, there are two left, set for the next two consecutive Fridays. Oct. 18 is the third-annual Zombie Fest, which will consist of three academic lectures on the nature of zombies in film and real life. Philosophy professor Jason Ford will talk about the ethics of the actions one should take immediately after being infected by the walking dead. After Ford explains the moral implications of being bit by a zombie, UMD Art and Design professor Ryuta Nakajima will give a lecture
on zombie make-up effects in film the film industry. Nathan Carroll, professor in the Department of Communication, Theatre, and Art at the College of St. Scholastica, will give a presentation on the major shifts in the treatment of zombies over the years. The night will wrap up with another live performance by Rubin, this time for the 1920 film “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari,” which is said to include the first appearance of a zombie in film. There will be a short
intermission between the lectures and the film. RSOP will give a presentation in the lobby of the theater about what to pack in your bag after the apocalypse strikes. The following week, on Oct. 25, author Benjamin Percy will perform a reading from his novel “Red Moon,” a modern take on the werewolf myth. The doors open at 6 p.m. for each of the upcoming events, and the talks begin at 7 p.m. Admission is free for all. Organizers ask for donations that will go to UMD’s food shelf, Champ’s Cupboard.
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