Le Festival des Montgolfières,
UMD students take Huntington’s disease awareness to next level BY CASSIE SWANSON swan1912@d.umn.edu
With over 200 student organizations on the UMD campus, many of them go above and beyond to raise awareness for certain diseases or conditions some of which include: cancer, Heart Disease and even a rare disorder known as Huntington’s Disease Consisting of only three committed people, The UMD Huntington’s Disease Group is a student led organization that started completely from scratch. The students work with the Huntington Disease Society of Ameri-
ca, which mainly helps raise money for research and spread awareness of Huntington’s Disease. UMD senior Alex Fisher is the main leader of this small organization on campus. He has volunteered at many different events and became passionate about this particular organization when he volunteered at the Huntington’s Disease walk/run event. “Last summer I just volunteered a lot at different one-day events because they were interesting,” Fisher said. “I volunteered at this walk/run and met a lot of cool people who shared their personal stories about how Huntington’s
affected their lives.” After this specific event, Fisher became passionate about raising awareness for Huntington’s disease on the UMD campus. Starting from scratch, Alex worked with the Huntington’s Disease Society of America and began a student led organization on the UMD campus. Fellow member and UMD student Alison Osowski has a different reason for joining the organization. “My uncle died from this disease, which kind of fueled my desire to help out with this organization. If he wouldn’t have been affected by this, I
wouldn’t have even known what Huntington’s was,” Osowski said. With the passionate desire of these students to spread awareness for this disease, they were able to organize a Team Hope Walk and 5k. The race/walk will take place on Saturday, Sept. 28, and registration will begin at 9 a.m. at the Lake Walk in Canal Park. The race itself will begin at 10 a.m., and runs along the lake, which creates beautiful scenery for the runners/walkers. see HUNTINGTON’S AWARENESS A3
UMN President Kaler answers students’ questions BY JOHN FAHNENSTIEL fahne006@d.umn.edu
University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler made a stop at UMD last Friday to meet with administration and make himself available to students. “I am responsible for all of the campuses of the University of Minnesota system, and that gives me the opportunity and obligation to keep in touch,” Kaler said. “I do that by these visits. (They’re) a chance to really discuss with leadership and then to hear from students about how their experience is and what we can do to make it better.” He said the issues students bring to him range “from soup to nuts,” but students are always articulate and organized. “It’s impressive the amount of effort students will put into telling their stories,” Kaler said. “Occasionally I’ll get
a student who thinks they deserve a different grade in a course than they got. Not a lot I can do to help them with (grades).” About a dozen students went to Kaler’s office hours. Senior Makayla Collins, a Phi Sigma Sigma, had questions about Greek life. “I am going to ask him how Greek Life can be a more positive force on campus and ask him what are his thoughts about Greek Life in general,” Collins said. Visits like these are a break from Kaler’s normal routine. “(I work) to tell the university story,” Kaler said. “(It) may be breakfast or lunch with a rotary club, a legislator, a conversation with a newspaper editorial board . . . about as diverse a range of speaking opportunities as you can imagine.” see KALER, A3
Football tailgating huge hit with students
Gloria Aarsvold, Bryce Herbert and Dylan Brandell have fun tailgating before the UMD vs. MSU football game Saturday night. SARA HUGHES/STATESMAN
pay lot.” Bulldog fans enjoyed all the festivities that go along with the tailgating experience,
News: A1 - A4 |
Shedding light on UMN’s contract with TCF Bank BY JOHN FAHNENSTIEL fahne006@d.umn.edu
BY GRAHAM HAKALA hakal045@d.umn.edu
A game-day celebration was born this season for fans of UMD Bulldog football: the classic tradition of tailgating has made its way to the parking lots outside of Malosky Stadium. According to UMD Athletics, it has been a great success so far. This season, UMD designated tailgating parking lots to allow Bulldog football fans a chance to come together and celebrate their team before Saturday night games. “It’s been a fun, fan-friendly, festive, and enjoyable football atmosphere,” said Josh Berlo, UMD’s newest athletic director. “People are thoroughly enjoying it.” Before each of the last two home games, UMD sold out both designated lot C, directly outside the stadium, as well as lot B, also known as “the
TCF Bank is permitted to operate branches on campus like this one in Kirby Plaza. SARAH STARK/STATESMAN
including barbeques, beer and beanbag tosses.
In light of ABC News’ Sept. 5 article highlighting TCF Bank’s overdraft fees and potentially detrimental presence on UMN campuses, the Statesman conducted its own investigation into the matter. According to university documents, the University of Minnesota signed an agreement with TCF Bank in 2003 that granted TCF exclusive marketing rights on campus and access to students. Other institutions, like US Bank, Wells Fargo and U of M Credit Union, participated in the bidding process, as well. TCF’s offer of $19 million over 10 years was $10 million more than the next highest bidder, and dwarfed U of M Credit Union’s offer of $144,000. As a result, UMN chose to partner with TCF Bank. The agreement gives TCF rights to market on campus, and even explicitly allows TCF to offer free sweatshirts upon students’ first $50 deposit into their new accounts. The sweatshirts may be free, but TCF’s exclusive presence costs them. The agreement stipulates that TCF must pay royalties of $34 for every active U Card account. It should be noted, however, that TCF pays UMN minimum royalties of $1 million per year, no matter how many U Card accounts are active. Only when royalties from active U Cards exceed $1 million does TCF pay more. This has happened once; in 2012, TCF Bank paid UMN an extra $415 for a total royalty payment of $1,000,415.
Tight student budgets mean stretching account balances thin, and making purchases with insufficient funds can result in hefty overdraft fees. This is standard practice among all financial institutions, and the median per-item overdraft fee for the nation’s 14 largest banks is $35, according to a May 2012 Consumer Federation of America report. TCF Bank charges $37, topping those figures. TCF Bank’s practice of charging a per-item fee is standard across the industry. Since 2004, UMD has leased space in Kirby Plaza to TCF Bank, where it operates a full-service branch. It’s located right next to where student ID cards are issued to incoming students, and everyone receiving an ID card is asked whether they would like to open an account with TCF Bank. Many do. “I have an account with (TCF),” said UMD senior Colin Lesnar. “I opened an account with them when I was a freshman . . . the convenience factor had a great influence. I compared it to US Bank, and TCF was a better option in terms of fees for me, since TCF doesn’t have any fees for inactivity,” Lesnar said. “I’ve never had any problems with TCF, and will continue to bank there.” Senior Dave Gianoli agrees with Lesnar’s assessment of TCF’s convenience. “It’s nice to have a (TCF) account on campus,” Gianoli said. “I opened it because it was on campus, and I needed a place to cash checks . . . I haven’t had any problems with my account or service,” Gianoli added. see TCF BANK, A3
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Sophomore baton twirler Emily Cahill soaks in the fan energy before the football game Saturday night.
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1. Guten tag: Good day! 2. Prost: Cheers 3. Bier: Beer
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4. Blembe: Bad beer
5. Die nächste Runde zahlen
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Sie!: Next round is on him/
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Joe Fraser
6. Noch ein bier bitte: Another beer please
7. Noagerl: The last sip in the glass
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By Nate Kruse kruse214@d.umn.edu
The Statesman is the official student newspaper of the University of Minnesota Duluth and is published by the UMD Board of Publications weekly during the academic year except for holidays and exam weeks. The editorials, articles, opinions and other content within the Statesman are not intended to reflect University of Minnesota policy and are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty, or the University or its Duluth Campus. The Student Service Fee dollars the Statesman receives covers printing costs for the academic year. The Statesman and the University of Minnesota are equal opportunity employers and educators. The Statesman promotes responsible activities and behaviors. Advertisments published in The Statesman do not represent the individual views of the newspaper staff or those of the University of Minnesota Duluth community. To order home delivery please contact Jessi Eaton at 218-726-7112. Periodicals postage is paid at Duluth, Minnesota. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the UMD Statesman, 130 Kirby Student Center, 1120 Kirby Drive, Duluth, MN 55812. USPS 647340. For advertising inquiries please contact a sales representative at 218-726-8154.
News Editor / Shannon Kinley / Kinle005@d.umn.edu
Student-organized homecoming shirts: sales not allowed on UMD campus BY MELISSA VANDERSTAD vand0899@d.umn.edu
With homecoming fast approaching, the hearts and minds of Bulldogs everywhere are set ablaze with excitement for the big game. Marketing majors Axel Rosar, a senior, and Derek Buermann, a junior, took this passion to the next level and designed a T-shirt that they said they hope will “promote and embrace the tradition of the UMD homecoming experience.” They intended to sell these memorable keepsakes in the Labovitz School of Business and Economics (LSBE) lobby—the same place that they sold their “BullDoggie style” homecoming hats last year. What Rosar and Buermann didn’t know is that in order to sell merchandise on campus, students must obtain a permit from administration. Once informed of this, the duo attempted to get one. They were willing to pay the accompanying fee of $120 per day. They were denied this permit, preventing them from selling their T-shirts on campus. Rosar and Buermann were upset with this turn of events, and they had to change their sales approach by selling their apparel online this year. Although the online factor made it easier for both the duo and their customers, they miss the face-to-face interaction they felt characterized their business and built up a good brand reputation. While some may disapprove of the content of the shirt, both the creators of the T-shirts and the Office of Student Life stressed that the reason the shirts cannot be sold on campus has nothing to do with their content. “The purpose in selling the BullDoggie Style homecoming shirts was so we can take the concepts and strategies taught to us in the classroom and apply it to real-world situations,” Rosar said. “Until students can work with real dollars and real techniques, we only have an idea (of) what to expect.”
While their motives are respected by the administration, a permit for selling on campus cannot be given to them because their business is not involved with the university. Lisa Erwin, Vice Chancellor of Student Life and Dean of Students, feels that there are still many ways to promote and run a business—the online sale of the T-shirts being an example. “UMD follows the University of Minnesota policy regarding use of facilities,” Erwin said. Erwin went on to note the policy, which states, “The University will not enter into use agreements for the use of its property for events or programs by non-University entities whose primary purpose for the request is: 1. Revenue generation, 2. The sale solicitation or promotion of goods and services. . . .” However, the Kirby Student Center may sometimes be able to grant exceptions. “Kirby Student Center grants such exceptions (in the form of permits) primarily for fundraisers for student organizations and Campus Life Programs (CLPs),” Erwin said. “Students who are not part of a student organization or a CLP are not granted such permits. A business run by students is not a university entity, a student organization or a Campus Life Program.” Next week during homecoming, students will see all sorts of Bulldog apparel celebrating UMD’s school spirit. Even though BullDoggie Style T-shirts aren’t being sold on campus, they will still be present at homecoming—an arrangement that seems to please both parties. “UMD students are very innovative, creative and entrepreneurial,” Erwin said. “It’s one of the things that makes it a joy to work at UMD.” If students would like to purchase a T-shirt they can visit the group’s Facebook page. For more information on the university’s policy, visit h t t p : // w w w . p o l i c y . u m n . e d u / Pol icies/O perat ions/Rea l Estate/ REALESTATE_APPB.html
Fall of the Faculty lectures series to come to UMD BY KIM HYATT hyatt045@d.umn.edu
Students and faculty are invited to join a large discussion on the challenges universities face today with budget balancing and blunders on Sept. 26 and 27. “This is what we should be doing and this is what we should’ve been doing for a long time,” said Michael Mullins, a UMD professor who will be in attendance. A keynote lecture by Benjamin Ginsberg, author of “The Fall of the Faculty: The Rise of The AllAdministrative University and Why it Matters,” will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. in UMD Marshall Performing Arts Center (MPAC). The title of Ginsberg’s book speaks to the main topic of conversation: the concerns of administrative bloat and how universities can reverse trends of laying off faculty and raising tuition to combat administration expenses.
The lecture will be followed by breakout sessions all day on Friday in the Kirby Rafters. Sessions include ways to combat the high cost of college, effective lobbying and legislative action, empowering faculty governance and much more. On the surface, this event may seem to be in response to program prioritization, but the UMD History Department, UE, and Education Minnesota have been organizing this since last semester. “We’ve been looking for an event that would bring various stakeholders on campus together, specifically students and faculty,” Mullins said. “Students should come in large numbers. If they hear things they like, they should comment on it, and if they hear things they don’t like, they should question it.” Those interested in attending the two-day open discussion should register online at: http://events.SignUp4.com/FalloftheFaculty.
TCF Bank
Continued from A1
Students without cars enjoy the proximity of a full-service bank within walking distance. “It helps a lot of the students on campus who can’t drive,” said freshman Payton Salquist. Some students even want more banks to open on-campus branches. “At least one more bank,” said senior James Olatunbosun. “Having
just one makes you want to switch to TCF, and that could be tough.” Duluth native and UMD sophomore Lex Houle banks with Wells Fargo and wishes there was a Wells Fargo branch on campus. “It would be so cool if Wells Fargo had a branch on campus, since then I wouldn’t have to travel as far,” Houle said.
Huntington’s awareness
Continued from A1
Along with the help from the sponsors of this race including the Huntington’s Disease Society of America and national sponsors “Moving Together”, the students also give a huge amount of credit to Amanda Figsta for their success. Figasta is the Sponsorship Chair and Coleader of the walk/ run. Figasta has been personally touched by the disease and helped these students organize the walk/run and arrange some sponsorships. “I’d like to give a huge shout out to Amanda Figsta, she’s been a huge help with all of this. She has a personal connection to this disease and organization, and has been a critical part to our success,” Fisher said. So far, the students have raised over $1600 just from sponsorship for this event, not including the actual amount that will be raised from the race. They will be accepting donations at the race although the event is free for everyone. There will also be prizes given out at the race including a $50 gift
BEAT BY JOHN FAHNENSTIEL fahne006@d.umn.edu
On Thursday, Sept. 19 at 1:50 p.m., damage was sustained to a parked vehicle after a neighbor accidently mowed over rocks and subsequently shot them at a said parked vehicle. The damage was minor. Later that day at 3:30 p.m., a fire alarm went off in the library, though later it was determined that one of the alarms was simply malfunctioning. On Friday night, Sept. 20, two underage persons were ticketed for being intoxicated. There was a DWI somewhere around UMD; further details are unknown. Saturday, Sept. 21, brought alcohol offi-
Continued from A1
And when it comes to student office hours, Kaler takes them seriously. “Sometimes I can tell (the students) things that they might not know or perspectives that they might not have,” Kaler said, “Or sometimes I’ll take what they say back to the relevant dean and say, ‘You know this is what I heard about this—follow up and tell me how that works.’” Freshman Jacob Froelich was one of the first students to speak with Kaler. Froelich said Kaler’s emphasis was for students to take responsibility and action, like coming to his office hours and voicing their concerns to elected officials. “(Kaler) told us to get involved with Bulldog Legislative Day, because that’s when legislators see what issues are important to students,” Froelich said. “(Kaler) said that if every student and their parents took
card to Holiday, a $30 gift card to Grandma’s and a raffle for an one night stay at the American Inn Jacuzzi suite. “The main goal of the event is simply to have a good time. It’s always a cool experience to meet new people and learn their own personal stories,” Fisher said. “You always meet lots of cool people. One year I met a lady who walked at numerous of these
races and every year she brings her wiener dog with her.” To find out more information about this event, students can contact Alex Fisher at fishce590@d.umn.edu. To register before the walk/run students can go to the Huntington’s Disease Society of America’s website www. hd sa.org/t hwdu lut h, students will also be allowed to register on site.
cially to UMD for the first time with a beer garden and tailgate at the football game. Police said the event went smoothly, although fans from opposing teams exchanged words at some point. One person at the game fainted from an illness unrelated to drinking. Later that night near Ianni hall, Sgt. Chris Shovein said a man “taking as many steps left and right as he did forwards” was later identified as underage and by no means sober. Meanwhile in Tweed Museum, a burglary alarm went off. Police inspected the museum and found no sign of burglars, however Sgt. Shovein noted that “the museum looks really weird at night.” On Sunday, Sept. 22, around 8 p.m. in Junction A Apartments there was some underage drinking going on. Three were tick-
eted and they were also charged with possession of Marijuana. It’s unclear whether they were smoking it. Three other people were pulled over throughout the day for ignoring closed roads signs by Kirby Street and Saint Marie Street. All three received warnings. Sgt. Shovein wants to remind students that “Road Closed” signs means that the road is closed and disobeying road signs is against the law. Police may not just warn people in the future. Monday, Sept. 23, saw two suspicious persons present themselves in Kirby Plaza, but they left before police arrived, adding suspicion. In other news, there was a fender bender reported up in Lot U, but the driver is unsure of when the fender bender actually occurred. An inquiry into the matter is underway.
90 seconds to write an email to their representatives, it would make a huge difference.” After meeting with Kaler, Collins came out feeling that her questions about Greek Life had been answered. “He gave us ideas to make it have a more positive image, like a mission statement and more volunteering,” Collins said. “He told us that our adviser will be in touch with him. He made himself available and was very accommo-
dating and supportive of Greek Life.” Kaler’s visits are consistent with his vision for the university. “The overarching long term goal is for us to become a national destination for undergraduate education (and) an international destination for graduate and professional education, for us to solve the problems of Minnesota, to be embedded deeply in the solutions to problems like the K-12 achievement gap,” Kaler said.
UMN President Eric Kaler speaks with Makayla Collins during his office hours at UMD Sept. 20. SARA HUGHES/STATESMAN
News Editor / Shannon Kinley / Kinle005@d.umn.edu
UMD professor and students develop ‘talking car’ technology
BY APRILL EMIG emigx005@d.umn.edu
For the past five years M. Imran Hayee, a professor of electrical engineering at UMD, has been working on software that will allow vehicles to communicate with each other. This software will allow for safer driving conditions and more accurate information on Programmable Changeable Massive Signs (PCMS)— the large electrical signs at the side of the road that are frequently used during construction work. Essentially, this means cars will be able to talk to each other through vehicle-to-vehicle communication, or V2V. Though it may seem reminiscent of the Google car, a self-driving vehicle, it is an entirely different concept. “There are two approaches to vehicle communication,� Hayee said. The Google car eliminates the driver by communicating with WiFi, whereas V2V offers “increased safety (and) more situational awareness,� Hayee explained. V2V technology is accomplished by relaying messages between vehicles and roadside systems. “The devices are developed by Dr. Imran Hayee, professor of electrical engineering at UMD, and his grad students Viet Nguyen (L) and Sai Divya other companies . . . we’re trying Anne work together in the development of vehicle communication software. SARA HUGHES/STATESMAN to develop the applications for Ibrahim explained—resembles an road, your vehicle can be alerted ahead “This is a really rough estimate,� the devices,� Hayee said. “It’s like Internet modem. of time. Ibrahim said. “The number (for making apps for an iPod.� The National Transportation Safety “That way you don’t rear-end minimum market use) could fluctuate Umair Ibrahim, a graduate student greatly once it actually hits the market.� in electrical engineering, has been Board is encouraging manufacturers to someone in surprise,� Ibrahim said. Your vehicle would then be able to Regardless of how long it takes, assisting with the research for the install it inside new vehicles, but it could last two and a half years and recently also be placed on top of a dashboard, relay the message to other cars and the this device is certainly going to roadside unit. This keeps the message cause a dramatic improvement in defended his dissertation on this similar to a GPS system. Safety is the primary benefit of V2V. on the board current, rather than transportation safety. project. “I was really into cars (and) supercars He explained that there are two Essentially, the way the program works waiting for it to be updated manually. The device will hit the market in two (as a child),� Ibrahim said. “I didn’t parts to the product: “the on-board is by examining 360 degrees outside of unit and the roadside unit.� The latter the car to spot potential hazards and to three years. However, in order for the know I was going to work on these is positioned on the road, either in then relaying the information from software to be effective, the minimum things that ultimately make travel PCMSs or in stoplights. The on-board one vehicle to the next. For example, market use will have to be an estimated safer.� unit—“it means ‘vehicle’ in Indian,� if there is a long line of traffic on the 20 to 35 percent of all vehicles.
FALL 20I3 UMD Music Events October I-20 T H MONDAY, 7 | 7:30 pm | SPecial Event
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Opinion Editor / Satya Putumbaka / putum003@d.umn.edu
Are you ready to govern? It’s almost time to usher in a new millenium
I’ll admit it: I love politics. I’m a graduate student here studying it, too. Lately, however, the national political scene has left me drained. According to Pew, congressional approval is now at 21 percent. The government is heading for another possible shutdown. And it’s the same tired scene. I find myself caring less and less about Congress and its endless bickering. But, do not despair. It’s almost OUR turn to govern. With Baby Boomers reaching retirement age, millenials are growing in power. Millenials are generally considered those born in the 1980s and 2000s. By 2020, according to the Center for American Progress, we will constitute a voting block of 40 percent of eligibile voters. And it can’t come soon enough. The governing generation is childish. They are idealogues, not interested in solutions. It baffles us that adults can’t gather in a room and work out a compromise. Perhaps the most poignant example of this was during the sequester negotiations. Both parties refused to work out an agreement. This led to across-the-board spending cuts. Republicans and Democrats alike were left dissatisfied at the
haphazardness of the entire process. This is the kind of dangerous policymaking the United States currently faces. There’s no direction to policymaking anymore, just patchwork solutions. It’s a cliché to say that one must heed the lessons of history, but it’s necessary in the current climate. I hope we’ve learned one lesson from our parents’ generation. That is, idealism without practicality is dangerous. That we can’t all have it all. We Millenials are interested in solutions. We’re
...our generation will have the necessary qualities to break the deadlock in Congress.
BY MICHAEL SCOTT scot0459@d.umn.edu
open minded. We care what others have to say. And we’re interested in governing. Pew’s research indicates that Millenials are pro government action. When asked whether the government should do more to solve problems, 53 percent of Millenials agreed, compared with 43 percent of Baby Boomers. When
Kirby lounge coming ‘soon’ Renovations seem only for future students
BY CINDY VU vuxxx142@d.umn.edu
Coming to school every morning and seeing large trucks and bright orange signs are a clear hint that UMD grounds are still under construction. Yes, traffic has been undeniably annoying when trying to get in and out of school because of the road blockage, and the smell of tar leaking into classrooms from the engineering building is also not the most pleasant thing ever, but we should at least expect that the noise should be coming from the outside, not the inside. The current renovation being done in the new Kirby lounge was assured to be completed by the time fall semester rolled in, but due to unknown circumstances, it seems like it’ll take longer than just a few more days before its big debut. Its last update was in 1983 when the space was designed to meet the needs of students 30 years ago.
Today, the new goal is to modernize the lounge and turn it into a place where everyone can relax, and be able to socialize and study with the likes of a fresh and open atmosphere. Not only that, but the brick wall is being taken down to reveal more natural sunlight in the hallway. I myself never really visited the Kirby lounge too much because, let’s face it: every time I walked in hoping that there would be a seat available, the only one that would suffice would be crammed right next to two other students on each side. For those of us who had the pleasure of knowing the nowancient lounge, it is wonderful news that the bitter days of trying to find a seat and talk without being too loud are long gone in the past. But with renovations delaying, it’s disappointing that another possible study date (that does not involve the library) will have to wait. The school is spending $1.5 million to fund this project and part of that budget is being taken out from our annual Student Service fee that we all have to pay. The project is to benefit current UMD students, but perhaps it’ll also be a contributing factor in pulling in more enrollments for the future. But we are the ones paying right now, not them. Whatever it is, trying to rush the completion is its own dispute but having to wait another possible semester is going to be a blind alley for most of us who might be leaving soon. ILLUSTR ATI
asked if government is inefficient and wasteful, only 42 percent of Millenials agreed. Two-thirds of Baby Boomers agreed that it was wasteful. We also have shed party affiliation. Millenials consider themselves independent (38 percent), followed by democratic (37 percent) and republican (22 percent). What does this all mean? This means that our generation will have the necessary qualities to break the deadlock in Congress. There seems to be a consensus for government action among Millenials that does not exist in older generations. Based on this, Millenials will not be bothered to debate the raison d’être of government, but instead how to solve the nation’s problems. Furthermore, our age group has shed party affiliation, and opted for the independent label. This will bring the bickering to a halt. It’s hard to insult the ideology of an independent voter. Over the next decade, a government renaissance will occur. It’s up to us to end political theater and to usher in an age of reason and common sense. So get ready, because the change is coming sooner than we think. I hope we can bring back civility to American public life. Surely we’ll be more mature than these fear-mongering, my-way-or-no-way group in Washington.
Chancellor Black talks Program Prioritization The University of Minnesota Duluth issues grades to thousands of students each semester, but rarely does the institution grade itself. The time has come to do just that in the form of Program Prioritization, a process in which every program, service and department will complete selfevaluations. The purpose of Program Prioritization is to help guide decisions to keep UMD relevant and sustainable while maintaining the high quality of education that our students expect and deserve. Worldwide, higher education has changed, and UMD needs to evolve rather than be left behind. Demographics are shifting. Industries and workforce needs are constantly changing. At the same time, the funding model for public education has shifted dramatically. As Chancellor of UMD, I feel it’s our obligation to be responsible stewards of students’, donors’ and taxpayers’ money, as we provide an exemplary education to our students. There are many things we do well at UMD, but we can always improve. Most likely, there are things that we should
stop doing as we add new programs and activities that best meet the needs of our students. Program Prioritization is simply one tool to guide us. We are asking ourselves questions such as: How does a program or service align with UMD’s strategic plan goals? What kind of internal and external demand exists for the program or service? How does the quality of a program or service compare to peer institutions? The matrices for both academic programs and administrative and service units can be found online at http://www.d.umn.edu/vcaa/program_ prioritization.html. The thought of going through the exercise has naturally prompted some concern and uncertainty within the UMD campus community. Contrary to misinformation that has circulated, Program Prioritization is not a topdown process. It’s quite the opposite. It’s inclusive, grassroots problem solving. Many voices will be heard. In addition, this Program Prioritization is not only focused on cutting budgets. This process see PRIORITIZATION, A6
Power struggle One student’s quest to find an outlet
BY BEN LABERGE labe0091@d.umn.edu
I spend a lot of time with a couple of hours between classes and I usually need my laptop with me to work on things. If I don’t have to check my email, I’m working on papers or articles or rewriting a résumé for the millionth time so I can get a shot at that internship I’ve always wanted. All of these things take time and battery power, something my laptop can only survive for a couple hours on. But if you ask me, there aren’t enough dang outlets on campus. I’m not talking about in the dorms or study rooms; I’m talking about in the school buildings themselves. Now, there are plenty of places to sit around the university (less so now, since
the couch lounge has been replaced by a white wall and loud construction noises), but finding a place to sit down with access to an outlet is nigh impossible if you need one during the middle of the day. The thing is, everyone knows where the power is. And everyone goes to those exact spots first, leaving me walking around like a creep for ten minutes with a dying computer and a Skype call with my project partner. I’m like that car in the parking lot waiting for a parking space to open up, hoping that the lady in the Prius is actually backing out and not just sitting there with her lights on. I’ve gone so far as to sit in the middle of a hallway that has no chairs just so I could use a lonely outlet that seems to serve no further purpose than to taunt see POWER, A6
Phone: (218) 726-7113 Fax: (218) 726-8246 E-mail letters to: kunke063@d.umn.edu Web site: www.umdstatesman.com
Letters and columns to the editor 130 Kirby Student Center 1120 Kirby Student Drive Duluth, MN 55812
EDITORIAL BOARD: Opinion Page Editor___________ SATYA PUTUMBAKA Editor-in-Chief_______ ANNE KUNKEL CHRISTIANSON
All letters must include the writer’s name, address and phone number for verification, not to publish. The Statesman reserves the right to edit all letters for style, space, libel and grammar. Letters should be no more than 300 words in length. Readers may also submit longer guest columns. The Statesman reserves the right to print any submission as a letter or guest column. Submission does not guarantee publication.
Opinion Editor / Satya Putumbaka / Putum003@d.umn.edu
BY ZACK WEBSTER webst264@d.umn.edu
Our lives in elementary school were fairly rigid and formulaic. Go to school, complain about easy homework, and attend after-school activities, wash, rinse, and repeat. Then there was the weekend. That awesome, 48-hour period where anything was possible. It was recess on steroids. So naturally a good chunk of it was spent inside, watching TV. Saturday morning cartoons have been a time-honored tradition among young children for far longer than I have been alive and even with advent of the Internet, Saturday morning cartoons seem to remain just as prolific and silly as they always were. And we definitely were never short on options. Were you a “Doug” kind of kid or a “Sonic the Hedgehog” kind of kid? Did you gorge yourself at the “Yu-Gi-Oh!” table or did you rush to “Recess”? Did you cut your teeth on the comic book world from the animated adaptiations of Batman, Spiderman, and the X-Men? Or were you a more down-to-earth kid who liked the stylized, yet fully realized, shows like “Hey Arnold!”? Admittedly, a part of this is pure nostalgia. When I was a kid, everything that didn’t involve me going to school or church I remember far more fondly than is probably right or necessary. If I were to go and watch cartoons right now, I would imagine they do not hold up as well as I would like. Oddly enough, Netflix has many of the shows from my childhood available for streaming, so if I wanted
to, I could go watch my many favorites from Cartoon Network like “Courage the Cowardly Dog” and “Johnny Bravo.” I did actually go back and watch a few episodes of “Courage” and in my rose-tinted opinion, the show holds up surprisingly well, at least as a odd and surreal experience. I was also surprised by how much of it managed to stick with me throughout the years. I couldn’t tell you what I learned in third grade beyone the cursive I never use but I could probably still recite a bunch of the Pokémon Rap. Beyond these shows taking up a bunch of time for us as kids, whether we like it or not, we probably watched these shows during many of our formative years. In that sense, that old horror tale you hear news stations repeat (when they don’t have anything else to report) about kids being raised by TV just may have a ring of truth to it. I do think the shows I watched did at least in some part form my sense of humor, which could, in some way, probably be pyschologically linked to the rest of my outlook on life in that sense. I often complain about how much my generation (and pretty much every generation in some way) relies on nostalgia far too much to influence its way of thinking. And while I still stand by that assertion, I can admit that there is a certain charm to revisiting the past in order to gain some perspective. I don’t really wake up at the crack of dawn on Saturday anymore to watch Pokémon, but I don’t think the time I spent doing so was necessarily wasted either. And Pokémon still rules, by the way.
Continued from A5
me. As I walk down the hallway for the fifth time, trying to find a place to sit and plug in, those three holes form a face that mocks me. It says: “You know there won’t be an open outlet. You’re going to have to sit down here in the dust while hundreds of passing students try not to step on you.” I don’t claim to know how best to solve this situation, but there are some ideas that would make this a lot less of a hassle for those who need to plug in. The first would simply be to install more outlets in strategic places and make the seat-to-outlet ratio smaller. If arranged properly, four tables could easily share a bank of outlets. Next, the university could utilize the lonely outlets in the hallways without seats by simply moving desks or booths without access to outlets near those ones. That way they don’t have to spend money installing new outlets or buying new chairs.
I know that the outlets get a lot of use—I wouldn’t need to awkwardly take a seat next to a couple of strangers out of desperation if they didn’t. But it will be an endless power struggle for me until something changes. Until then, I’ll probably just carry an extension cord around with me for emergencies.
Prioritization Continued from A5
will also help us determine which programs need additional resources. We will continue to invest in new programs or fortify programs in areas of particular strength, or where we have a unique niche, or where student demand is great. We face budget challenges and have to stop spending more money than we are taking in at UMD. In addition, last fiscal year, UMD reduced administrative costs, a shift of over $1 million from administrative and support functions to faculty positions. UMD will continue to look for ways to improve the efficiency of support services. Program Prioritization is a tool to guide sound decision making versus arbitrarily implementing across-the-board percentage cuts. The status quo cannot be maintained. To best meet the needs of our students, we must evolve, enhance, and improve. I encourage the campus
community to get involved and to withhold judgment on the process. Working together, we can and will find collaborative, creative solutions that position UMD students for increased success for decades to come. Chancellor Lendley Black chan@d.umn.edu
Have something to say? Submit a letter to statesma@d.umn.edu
Sports Editor / Kyle Farris / farri060@d.umn.edu
Bulldog quarterback Drew Bauer sets up a pass to wide receiver Aaron Roth during Saturday’s game against Minnesota State-Mankato. SARA HUGHES/STATESMAN
combined points scored by Maureen Stormont and Dani Potter of the UMD soccer team. The rest of the team has accounted for 10. Stormont leads the club with five goals, while Potter has chipped in four.
Stormont, Bulldogs shine in early test
Maureen Stormont splits the Winona State defense for a scoring opportunity Sept. 22. ALEX LEONE/STATESMAN BY EVAN SMEGAL smega001@d.umn.edu
New year. New Bulldogs. A year ago at this time with a nearly identical schedule, the UMD soccer team was 1-4, had been shut out three times, and sat at the bottom of the NSIC standings. This year, the Bulldogs are 4-1 and have locked up three straight victories to begin conference play. After dismantling St. Cloud State 4-1 in the NSIC opener, UMD captured wins over Upper Iowa and Winona State last week. Close to a quarter of the way through the season, the Bulldogs are 4-0 against Division II opponents, their lone loss coming from Division I North Dakota State. The start is the program’s best since 2006, when the Bulldogs also began 4-1. UMD’s last 3-0 start in the NSIC was in 2010. “The credit goes to the coaching staff first,” said junior forward Maureen Stormont, who was tagged with the NSIC Offensive
Player of the Week award Monday. “They have fueled our effort and motivation. Every single player, from our starters down to the bench, has listened to the coaches and put in all their effort to win every little battle and be resilient in the times we don’t.” In the first game of the weekend, UMD opened NSIC home play with a 2-0 victory over Upper Iowa. Stormont found the net first with 48 seconds remaining in the opening half and nearly added a second after heading a shot off the crossbar. Fellow junior Kelli Klun capitalized on the secondchance opportunity after the ball was cleared back to her, giving UMD a two-goal cushion. On Sunday against Winona State, UMD applied pressure early, outshooting the Warriors 12-4, but failing to notch a goal heading into the break. see FOOTBALL, B2
BY KYLE FARRIS farri060@d.umn.edu
Joe Reichert hauled in the pass shy of the goal line, then stepped over a diving Maverick defender and into the end zone. Most of the UMD sideline and grandstand were too busy celebrating to notice a piece of yellow cloth sitting at the 20-yard line. A holding call on guard Andrew Muer nullified the 16-yard touchdown, which would have put UMD in front of No. 2 Minnesota StateMankato with 46 seconds left in regulation Saturday night. Instead facing a third and goal from the 26, Drew Bauer had his next two passes broken up and the Bulldogs were beaten for the first time this year. UMD’s NSIC home winning streak, which started in 2000, is over at 41 games. “The kids played well all night,” head coach Curt Wiese said. “I’m crushed for them. They poured their heart on the line tonight.” Down 21–17 with six minutes remaining, the UMD offense got the ball near midfield after a Maverick three and out. A 23-yard swing to Austin Sikorski moved the Bulldogs to the Maverick 18, and a 10-yard grab by Zach Zweifel on third down made it first and goal from the 5. UMD lost 6 yards on second down and another 5 on a false start. Reichert’s touchdown was brought back on the next play when Muer was beaten off the ball. see FOOTBALL, B2
Ladies turn up the defense with big weekend looming BY EVAN SMEGAL smega001@d.umn.edu
A third of the way into the regular season, the UMD volleyball team has been preaching the word “consistency.” The Bulldogs might have found their rhythm during their most recent stretch of games last week. No. 1 UMD (11-0, 2-0 NSIC) claimed three sweeps in overwhelming fashion. The three-set margin of victory during those games was 32 points (10.7 points a set). “It’s a process during the Players celebrate during a match against Minnesota, Crookston season, not only for us but for Sept. 19. NIKKI DEGENEFFE/STATESMAN every team, to continue to work on what we are struggling big leads and the offense was Ledwell, who rank first and with and get used to playing able to capitalize. second on the club in digs. again with everyone and build UMD held Northern MichRainey has led the squad that chemistry on the court,” igan (25 kills, .033 attack in digs the past four matches, said senior outside hitter Kate percentage); Minnesota, notching double-digits each Lange. “I think it’s a good sign Crookston (23, .034); and Bem- time, including back-to-back of how we came out playing idji State (23, .113) to a com- 17-dig performances. Ledwell well early and put teams away bined .060 hitting percentage is the only Bulldog besides and finish them when we need on 267 attempts. Meanwhile, Rainey with more than 100 to.” the Bulldogs attacked at a .372 digs on the year, and is on pace One concept the Bulldogs clip, racking up 137 kills. to better her mark from 2012 have been working on is keep“We have tried to keep teams by nearly 100. ing the ball alive, in play, and out of their system and play that UMD will need to be at its getting it to the hands of their to our advantage,” Lange said. best offensively and defensively setter. Head Coach Jim Boos “Our tempo offensively feeds this week. They take their No. knew his offense was explosive, off the defense making plays 1 rank on the road for what but he has been trying to get his and then getting clean passes to could be the toughest trip of the team to be more polished all- (setter) Ashley (Hinsch).” season, with a matchup against around. The Bulldogs defense Two key components are see VOLLEYBALL, B2 played a critical role in gaining juniors Julie Rainey and Katie
BULLDOG Tweet of the week
Go-ahead drive goes backward as Bulldogs fall to Mavericks
Women’s hockey takes the ice, B2
Sports Editor / Kyle Farris / farri060@d.umn.edu
Football Continued from B1
“I feel bad for our guys ending a game like that,” Wiese said. “Unfortunately, in a situation like that, it’s high pressure for everybody. We’ll watch the film and see if the call was right or not.” The Bulldogs trailed 14–10 at halftime, but went up a field goal on the opening series of the third quarter when Bauer hit Zweifel up the seam for a 23-yard score. Logan Lauters fumbled on a screen play late in the third, giving the Mavericks control at the UMD 34. Minnesota StateMankato’s Jon Wolf capitalized immediately with a long touchdown strike to Dennis Carter. UMD’s offense turned it over on its next two possessions, but the
Volleyball Continued from B1
No. 2 Concordia-St. Paul Friday and Minnesota State-Mankato Saturday. Concordia-St. Paul has knocked the Bulldogs out of the NCAA tournament the past two years, with UMD holding a 21-17 advantage in the teams’ all-time series. UMD and Minnesota State-Mankato have split their last six meetings. Lange says she isn’t concerned about taking on two of the state’s top volleyball programs. In fact, she’s excited for the challenge. “We want to win every game each time we step onto the court,” she said. “But it’s always exciting to go up against these teams, especially Concordia. You can tell in the locker room how focused and prepared we are to play. It brings out the best in each team because it’s such a big rivalry.”
All events are subject to change.
Wayne State Wayne, Neb. Sat., 1 p.m.
Women’s hockey
Japanese national team Exhibition AMSOIL Arena Sat., 6:07 p.m.
Concordia-St. Paul St. Paul, Minn. Fri., 7 p.m.
Sioux Falls Sioux Falls, S.D. Sat., 11 a.m.
Cross country
Roy Griak Invitational Falcon Heights, Minn. Sat., 9:45 a.m.
defense stiffened to keep the Mavericks within four. Despite confining the Mavericks to 269 yards of offense—185 off their average through two games—the Bulldog defense failed to generate a takeaway for the first time since Week 3 last year. “Turnovers were going to be a factor in the football game,” Wiese said. “Our defense hung in there against an explosive offense. Our offense needed to respond and turnovers cost us.” Bauer, who threw for 173 yards and also led UMD with 79 on the ground, was responsible for one of those turnovers on a floater over the middle that was undercut by Maverick defensive back Nathan Hancock. UMD had scored twice on similar plays earlier in the game. First, Bauer corralled a botched snap and found Aaron
Roth for a 19-yard touchdown to give UMD a 10-0 lead in the second quarter. Then, he hit Zweifel to make it 17-14 in the third. The Bulldogs held advantages in first downs (17-15) and yards (331-269), but were kept off the scoreboard for the last 23:51. Of UMD’s 86 points this season, 29 have been scored in the second half. “We’ve got to tip our hat to Mankato State,” Wiese said. “They didn’t make mistakes and we did. We’ve got to learn from it.” After entering the weekend seventh in the country, the Bulldogs (2-1, 2-1 NSIC) sank to No. 13 in the national polls—their lowest position this fall. UMD is at Wayne State (Neb.) Saturday, and returns to Malosky Stadium Oct. 5 for a homecoming matchup with No. 20 St. Cloud State.
increased its offensive pressure throughout the second half, trying to Continued from B1 make a comeback. The Warriors’ Hadley Bales finally broke through 22 contest early in the sec- minutes after Stormont’s ond half when Stormont second goal to cut the netted her fourth and deficit in half. The Bullfifth goals of the season dog defense closed out in a three-minute win- the match, 2-1, for the dow. team’s first regular-seaStormont’s second goal son victory over Winona came after she drove off State in a decade. two defenders at midThe upcoming schedfield and sniped her shot ule for the Bulldogs is to the far-left post. road-heavy, as six of “I was looking over their next eight games to the left for (Marissa) will be played away from Ganske, but I couldn’t Malosky Stadium. This find her,” Stormont weekend features battles said. “I was zoned in on at Sioux Falls Saturday the goalie, got past the and Southwest Minnedefenders, and I put my sota State, which is also shot where I wanted to.” 3-0 in the NSIC, SunWinona State day.
UMD women prepping for Tailgate 2013 with young roster
Continued from A1
Starter Kayla Black leads the UMD goalies in a drill Sept. 21. SARA HUGHES/STATESMAN BY NICOLE BRODZIK brodz006@d.umn.edu
There were plenty of new faces at UMD women’s hockey practice Saturday as head coach Shannon Miller brought her team together for the first time this season. The Bulldogs will have a much different look in 2013-14 with the departure of nine players, most notably defensemen Jessica Wong and Brigette Lacquette. Wong graduated in the spring and Lacquette is redshirting to practice with Team Canada for the 2014 Olympic Games. “The good news is we’ve had a lot of talent the last few years, but it’s been young,” Miller said. “Jenna McParland, Zoe Hickel— these kids are juniors now. Our starting goalie is a sophomore, so she’s got some games under her belt. I expect great performances from those kids and great leadership.” UMD will rely on sophomore goaltender Kayla Black to build on a solid freshman year. On
the offensive side, forwards McParland, Hickel and Jamie Kenyon will be expected to step up and help carry the team. Miller also expects big things from the freshman class, including Sidney Morin, who will be filling in on the blue line. After failing to advance beyond the first round of the WCHA Playoffs for the first time in program history in 2012-13, the Bulldogs enter this season ranked fifth out of eight teams in the WCHA coaches poll. “We need to be able to come in and play well against teams we haven’t done so well against in the past,” Hickel said. “I think the biggest thing for us is going to be consistency and really sticking to our game plan and coming to the rink every day to try and get better.” The Bulldogs will play an exhibition game against the Japanese national team Saturday at AMSOIL Arena, and will open their regular season at home Oct. 4 against Connecticut.
Lot C was originally intended as the only tailgating lot, but due to the popularity of the event, UMD made the pay lot available as well. Lot C permits have mostly sold out, but the pay lot remains a first come, first served system. Lot C spots cost $10 per car and pay lot spots are $5. Part of the new pre-game celebration includes the Bulldog Walk, where UMD’s marching band leads the football players through the tailgating crowd 45 minutes before the game. Fans get the chance to mingle with the athletes before they hit the field. UMD allows alcohol to be served during the game-day festivities both inside and outside of the stadium. While UMD is typically a dry campus, an exception is made for the tailgating events and football games. “There were some concerns to ensure that we were doing this the right way, that it was handled responsibly, and that we were promoting an appropriate environment,” Berlo said. “Those were all valid concerns and important discussions (that had) to be had.” The administration still considers UMD a dry campus, although alcohol is sold and permitted at sporting events—the only time and place it’s allowed. No kegs or other
large-quantity, common-source alcohol containers are allowed. Use of glass is also prohibited. People consuming alcohol must be over 21 years old. Police patrolling the area are on the lookout for underage drinkers. “Our tailgaters have been very respectful,” Berlo said. Tailgating begins three hours before the start of the game and can only go on for one hour after. Waste and recycling bins have been provided to keep the area clean of debris. Vehicles are allowed to stay in the spot until the lot closes at midnight. Open fires and couches are not allowed. Tailgaters are prohibited from selling food or beverages. “Tailgating is a great way for students to support the team,” said Mia Johnson, Students Association (SA) member who helped in the process of bringing tailgating to UMD. “People want to support the Bulldogs more. The more students with spirit at the games, the better it is for the UMD community.” With the homecoming game against St. Cloud State coming up, Bulldog football fans can look forward to another weekend of tailgating festivities. “UMD has a great game-day environment,” Berlo said. “It takes an extremely successful program, which we have here. We have great student athletes and a great fan base.”
Domestic Short Hair Orange Tabby Neutered Male 5 years old
15 Meet Groucho!
Available at Animal Allies Duluth Groucho’s Adoption Fee: $25 +tax
Groucho is a handsome orange tabby cat. He is an energetic playful guy who loves stuffed animals and cat charmers. He is a smart, gentle cat who is reported to be litter box trained and is ready to go home with you! He has been neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. If you would like to adopt Groucho, please come visit him at Animal Allies Duluth.
Student Life Editor / Maeggie Licht / licht096@d.umn.edu
Meet the freshman election candidates BY JOHN FAHNENSTIEL fahne006@d.umn.edu
The Freshman Elections take place this Thursday and Friday, Sept. 26 and 27, to elect a class president, vice president, and four representatives. An email will be sent to all freshman on Thursday with a link to the ballot, and the Student Association will also have a table set up in the Lake Superior Hall lobby for those preferring to vote in person. The Statesman caught up with candidates to see what they’re all about. Each candidate was asked about four topics: 1) relevant experience or qualifications, 2) major platform, 3) ideas for improving social life, and 4) stance on tobacco and e-cigarette policies.
Thomas Paget
Willow Huber
Jireh Mabamba
Mu’Phengxue “Travis” Yang
Dan Arbuckle
Thomas Paget
1) Nine years of consecutive student government experience 2) Effectively communicate with class and leverage experience 3) Work with council to organize events like poker night and movie night 4) They’re fine: not fair to get elected and start banning things
Jireh Mabamba
1) First foreign exchange student elected to Duluth East HS student government, senior class president in South Africa 2) Healthier and more food options in Dining Center 3) Make social events more compulsory to get people out of comfort zones 4) Anything distracting should be banned, and e-cigarettes are one of them
Adrian “Q” Quilling
Mu’Phengxue “Travis” Yang
1) Senior class president, high school’s World Club president 2) Cultural awareness 3) More dances and movie nights 4) They don’t cause problems so they’re okay
Dan Arbuckle
1) Former press secretary for high school’s International Club 2) Community printers in freshman dorms 3) Big-time concerts on “real” stage in Malosky Stadium 4) They don’t cause harm to others so they’re fine by me
Adrian “Q” Quilling
Willow Huber
1) Summer organizing fellow for the Obama campaign 2) Keep Dining Center open later and improve lighting on Griggs Beach 3) Better advertised events, including a weekly e-mail 4) Tobacco policy needs rethinking
1) One of 10 people who ran a 4,000-member church 2) Convert study lounges of freshman dorms into kitchens 3) Free stand-up comedy shows and concerts with local artists 4) Ban e-cigarettes indoors, but no problems on campus outside
Lake Effect Vapor to open in October BY JOHN FAHNENSTIEL fahne006@d.umn.edu
Duluth’s first electronic cigarette shop, Lake Effect Vapor, will open on Oct. 4 with a grand opening that includes a deejay and big-screen TVs. “I’ve got about $40,000 worth of inventory and all the best hardware you can get,” Lake Effect Vapor’s founder and UMD grad Brian Annis said. The hardware is called “mods,” short for “modified electronic cigarette.” The devices range from the size of a finger to an emcee’s microphone. “And for the mods, you can spend anywhere between $20 to $200,” Annis said. “I sell the ones that look just like cigarettes too, but I sell a way better quality one than they do at the gas station.” E-cigarettes work by vaporizing nicotine “ juice,” a mixture of nicotine, water, and a few
other chemicals. They come in a variety of flavors and nicotine concentrations. “Some people use zero nicotine,” Annis said. “They just like the flavor and the action of it. In my shop you can pick ‘cowboy killer,’ which has a hardcore tobacco taste, which some smokers want, or you can pick watermelon, or cinnamon roll, or black licorice, or whatever you like.” Annis originally planned on making Lake Effect Vapor a lounge, where people could go to “vape” and hang out. Duluth’s City Council put an end to that. A series of ordinances that take effect Oct. 9 will effectively treat electronic cigarettes exactly like tobacco cigarettes in the eyes of the law. “We support the city in their enforcement of all ordinances,” UMD Vice Chancellor for Student Life Dr. Lisa Erwin said. “However, in general, the university is
not bound by municipal ordinances.” Current UMD policy does not address e-cigarettes. An often overlooked distinction between elec-
see people with dip in all the time. They should ban that, too, to be fair.” Others disagree. “It’s kind of stupid (to ban) since it’s just vapor,” said sophomore Allison
Creative Commons
tronic cigarettes and regular cigarettes is that e-cigarettes contain no tobacco. Historically, tobacco has been smoked for its nicotine content, which evolved as a neurotoxin to insects. In e-cigarettes, chemically isolated nicotine is vaporized and inhaled directly. “It’s a good idea to ban them, but UMD should be a tobacco-free campus,” UMD freshman Luke Matthews said. “I
Bulldog Q&A by Maeggie Licht
McKennell. “They’re not bad for you, right?” Long-term research is nonexistent, but current scientific consensus is that e-cigarettes are a much better option than tobacco cigarettes as a nicotine delivery system. “Nicotine delivered by a vapor with few known toxicants should theoretically carry relatively low risks, particular when compared to (tobacco) cigarettes,” wrote Richard O’Connor, Ph.D.
in an article published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Most remain in the dark about how e-cigarettes work and their health effects. “I heard that they’re safe, but I’m really against tobacco,” UMD junior Amy Aarsvold said. “I think it’s just making it more convenient to use tobacco. I support the ban. People just shouldn’t use tobacco.” Annis is adamant about e-cigarettes replacing tobacco cigarettes. “Not only is it helping people (to quit smoking), it’s the next big thing,” Annis said. “It’s going to be the biggest advance in anti-smoking in years. One of the main benefits is that there’s no smoke because there’s no combustion. The reason it’s so much healthier is that there’s no tar, there’s no carbon monoxide, nothing that will build up in your lungs. Nicotine as a drug, if you look at it, is
just like caffeine.” Annis believes misinformation is behind the ban. “(The City Council) was stuck on 2007’s research, that has all been proven to be false, on this (nicotine) juice that was made in China,” Annis said. “All the juice that’s sold (at Lake Effect Vapor) is made in the U.S., and the ingredients are approved by the FDA.” Despite the roadblocks put in place by the new city ordinances, Annis is pushing forward with his business plans. “(The) grand opening is on October 4,” Annis said. “We’re still moving forward with everything, and Duluth’s not going to hold us down. I’ve already had 10 or 15 UMD students come up here looking for e-cigs. They’re still looking to quit smoking using electronic cigarettes. Our grand opening will be a party. We’ll have a DJ, and we’ll have a complete lounge, big-screen TV.”
Should e-cigarettes be held to the same standard as regular cigarettes?
“As advertised, they say it’s not as bad for you, and it’s a pleasant smell. If it is as advertised, it’s not as much of a health issue, but it does still promote an image of smoking to young kids. If our goal as a nation is to be healthier, then we probably just shouldn’t be doing either. But I don’t think it should be as negatively associated as cigarettes.”—Shawn Weddel, junior earth and space science education major.
“No. I’ve quit smoking real cigarettes to use e-cigarettes. You’re just exhaling steam, and it’s only nicotine. Nicotine doesn’t have any carcinogens. Scientifically, you can’t prove something isn’t harmful; you can only prove that it is harmful. And nobody’s been able to prove that. I mean, just think about a nice place outside like this to go relax—if e-cigs were allowed, there wouldn’t be cigarette butts everywhere. If you say they’re just as bad as cigarettes, well then you might as well smoke.”—Danielle Stewart, first-year math graduate student.
Student Life Editor / Maeggie Licht / licht096@d.umn.edu
Festival-goers get close to the action as one of nine hot air balloons inflates with wind and flames at Bayfront Festival Park Saturday, Sept. 21. KIM HYATT/STATESMAN
Balloons and beer attract crowds at Bayfront Festival Park BY KIM HYATT hyatt045@d.umn.edu
Hot air balloons haven’t ascended out of Duluth since 1903. Even with great attempts to have the ancient aircrafts take flight last weekend, the Great Lake winds managed to keep the colorful balloons tethered to the ground. Regardless of the flightless attractions, Le Festival des Montgolfières had the city crawling with tourists and locals alike Sept. 20–22 for a one-ofa-kind event both balloon enthusiasts and beginners could enjoy. “There’s no pretense about the event,” said Ryan Kern, president and founder of Kernz and Kompany. “It is meant to be a family-orientated festival that every city strives for. You don’t pay to get in—you come in and enjoy yourself. In my mind, it’s the epitome of the family event. It’s the
type of event I would’ve wanted to go to when I was a kid.” On Saturday, people from all around the Northland came to celebrate picture-perfect weather down at Duluth’s Bayfront Festival Park. Blue skies without a cloud in sight invited 3,000 kites to take flight while local musicians played acoustic tunes. “It’s kind of a cool, multipurpose, multi-function event,” said Jeff Stark, DECC venue operations and Bayfront Park director. “This is technically the last weekend that there can be anything down in Bayfront Park because next week we start setting up for Bentleyville.” Stark and Kern both said the event was a challenge because there are so many factors when dealing with hot air balloons, especially with Minnesota’s unpredictable weather.
“You can only have balloons inflated two hours after sunrise and two hours prior to sunset,” Kern said. “It’s based on science when you can launch, (and) it’s based on wind direction and wind speed.” Because the wind was blowing out rather than inland, if the balloons were to lift off, they could’ve ended up in Lake Superior. Luckily for festival-goers, the event offered one of autumn’s best-loved celebrations: Oktoberfest. To help showcase some of the Midwest’s best craft beer, Kernz and Kompany reached out to the Duluth Women’s Rugby Club to pour beer at the Craft Beer Village for the weekend-long event. “This is a really good fundraiser for our team,” said team captain Ariana Koras (aka Oreo). “We’re getting our name out there and also raising
money,” she said, adding that the first night alone the team made about $300 in tips. The team has done previous volunteer work for Kernz and Kompany at the last two air shows in Duluth, the largest biannual event hosted by the company. Koras said the money raised from the weekend would be put toward ordering new warm-ups and paying registration and referee fees. “It’s a lot of fun,” Koras said. “We all like beer, and it’s just really relaxed. People are totally into their craft beer here. I mean, you’ve got Lake Superior, which is like the best water in the world if you ask me, so you might as well make beer with it.” Lake Superior: bad for hot air balloons, great for craft beer. While the balloons never made it up, spirits were far from down. The event was a
Captain of the Duluth Women’s Rugby Club Ariana “Oreo” Koras serves beer at Le Festival Des Montgolfières Craft Brew Village Sept. 21. KIM HYATT/ STATESMAN
balance of excitement and leisure, an atmosphere embodying the best of the Duluthian spirit.
Check out the UMD Statesman’s Facebook page to see our photo gallery from the weekend.
Gnarfoodz grows green for good BY ROSY BRAY brayx102@d.umn.edu
In the beginning of last May, a group of seven current and former UMD students showed up at the UMD Farmer’s Market for their first go at selling their own produce. Barely having anything to offer, they went feet first into inventing Gnarfoodz, a local and organic food business. “We decided we want to bring friends, neighbors, and fellow city-livers the most positive produce we can,” said Gnarfoodz member Kevin Hard. “Everyone deserves the choice to have the best they can get and we want to serve as the providers Gnarfoodz members Kevin Hard (L), Gavin St. Clair, Saba Andualem, Tom Limberis, Skyler Hawkins, Caitlin Nielof that choice.” son and Melissa Borer stand proudly behind their table on Sept. 7 at Harvest Fest 2013. GNARFOODZ/SUBMITTED And they are. The crew stuck with their mission committed vendor at our The idea to create world. They found a way the success we’ve had.” by consistently selling market,” said Sara Lee, an organic food to turn their passion into The group began by at as many markets as the market manager for organization started last action, thus Gnarfoodz searching for farmland they could. Now their the Lincoln Park Market. December in a house was born. beyond their backyard. market stand is full of “They make a fantastic near campus where all “There comes a certain Then, they called up seed their own homegrown addition to every market, seven members live. The point where you have to companies and started organic produce, granola making available to the group shared a common stop talking about it and growing crops indoors, blends, tomato sauce, customers their unique appreciation for the just do it,” Hard said. so they’d be prepared to pickled goods, canned foraged and canned advantages of sustainable “The drive we had really transport them outside vegetarian soups, stews products that the typical living, but just talking got us going and our as soon as the growing and chilies. shopper wouldn’t even about it wasn’t enough to strict determination has season came along” “Gnarfoodz is the most know existed.” make a difference in the had a lot to do with all Soon enough, they
transformed their backyard into a proper farm, scavenging around Duluth garage sales and businesses for reusable materials to build a chicken coop, rabbit den and greenhouse. Along with participating in many farmer’s markets, the company also sells and trades its products with other local businesses, such as Positively Third Street Bakery. “We trade our baked goods for their zucchini and use it to make our zucchini bread,” Positively Third Street Bakery employee Roger Whittet said. “They seem to be doing really well, and it’s really fun working with people like them because they make the market day go by a lot faster.” Gnarfoodz is happy to be engaged in the community with local businesses like Positively Third Street Bakery. “We are very thankful for everything the other local farmers and businesses have done in supporting us,” see GNARFOODZ, B5
Student Life Editor / Maeggie Licht / licht096@d.umn.edu
Students on the hunt for waterfowl opener
BY ALOYSIA POWER power270@d.umn.edu
License? Check. Coffee? Check. Camouflage jacket and duck call? Check. With the start of the waterfowl hunting season last weekend, turkey season opening this weekend, and the Ruffed Grouse and deer archery seasons already on the go, UMD hunters are making checklists and waking up early for the hunt. Already, senior Justin Grossinger, has a fridge full of Canada Geese, Wood Wucks, and Ruffed Grouse. He and his dad got three geese the weekend opener of early goose season, Sept. 1, and have been feasting ever since. “I cooked them up and they were phenomenal,” Grossinger said. “Put a little seasoning on there. Some butter. So good.” The grouse in his fridge, however, are not freshly harvested, but leftovers from a successful season last fall. This year’s grouse hunt has proved unproductive so far for not only Grossinger, but junior Jon Dordal, too. “It was tough because there’s a lot of under-
growth still,” Dordal said about his grouse hunt. “The woods are really thick.” Once the undergrowth vegetation in the forests die off for the winter, it will be a lot easier for hunters to spot the well-camouflaged grouse before they take off flying from the ground and it’s too late to shoot. Although the winterkill will work in favor of hunters, the low numbers of grouse will not. The Minnesota DNR’s spring Ruffed Grouse drum count fell by 10 percent from last year’s, meaning that the bird population is in a decline. The drum count refers to the number of male grouse mating calls observed in the spring. The decline, however, is part of the natural cycle for grouse, which peaks every 10 years regardless of environmental impacts. Given that the last peak was in 2009, the lowered population is expected. Grossinger, who is aware of the declining population cycle, isn’t discouraged from hunting the bird. “Hopefully, I’ll just get out and see a couple here and there,” he said. “I’m happy to walk eight
Continued from B4
said Caitlin Nielson, a member of Gnarfoodz and UMD senior. “The network and community of farming are really helpful, and it’s great to get everyone else’s stamp of approval.” Although selling products is a big part of the gig, Gnarfoodz’s members are more concerned with educating people about healthy and environmentally friendly food. Part of their mission is to spread the sustainable lifestyle to
their customers in order to help them live happier, healthier lives. “I love the way Gnarfoodz markets themselves in such a young, energetic, and easy-going way,” said UMD student and Gnarfoodz customer Lauren Hanson. “They really engage with their customers by informing them of the benefits of their products.” Another goal they have for encouraging sustainable lifestyles is to lower the greenhouse
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miles and see two birds. I’m fine with that.” For him, hunting is less about the kill and more about enjoying the outdoors. “A lot of the trails in this area are beautiful,” he said. “You hike around the woods. See if you see anything. If not, hey, you got some exercise and it was beautiful out. Even in the rain, it’s still fun.” Grossinger walks the public wildlife management area trails (WMAs) by Island Lake with his Remington 870 12-gauge shotgun in search of coveys of grouse. The last time he went out for grouse, two weekends ago, he stumbled upon a ten-point buck instead. “If I’d had a bow, I’d have seen a grouse. It’s just how it goes,” he said and laughed. Dordal hasn’t had any luck with the grouse, either, but waterfowl have been a great success for both. After a weekend of 5 a.m. mornings, sitting in duck blinds and patiently waiting for their decoys and calls to lure in a flock of ducks, Dordal was rewarded with three Mallards, one Wood Duck and
one Blue-winged Teal in Duluth while Grossinger was rewarded with three Wood Ducks in Chaska, Minn. The Minnesota DNR predicts it will be a plentiful season for duck hunting due to the healthy amount of wild rice crop in the state and the above-average breeding numbers in the spring. Grossinger suspects the low water levels will help hunters find the ducks more easily. “The only place where there’s water is where the water fowl will be,” he said. Along with spending plenty of time walking the trails for grouse or hiding in the marshland for waterfowl, Dordal plans to attain his goal of getting a mature buck with his bow. “I’ve already done it with a rifle, but it’s harder with a bow,” he said. For Dordal, the joy in deer hunting comes from the entire hunting experience. “When you’re in a deer stand, it’s not about taking a deer,” he said. “It’s more about being out there in the woods. And, as cheesy as it sounds, being one with the woods. You’re there
gas emissions given off by the global food system, which creates 30 percent of the total emissions, according to an article published in Food Chemistry. “We are only a drop in the ocean of what needs to happen,” said Gnarfoodz member Skyler Hawkins. Gnarfoodz grows its crops as naturally as possible in order to work toward both goals. Pesticides and preservatives are avoided. Different composting methods and mulches are used in the growing process because they benefit worms, which in turn
benefit the plants. They also grow heirloom vegetables, which are plants that were grown in previous generations and require neither chemical exposure nor genetic alteration, according to E: The Environmental Magazine. “Gnarfoodz is doing what a lot of students wish they were doing,” said local farmer Deb Shubat. “I really hope they stick with it to both help keep up with the demand for food and regional self-sufficiency.” The group expanded their gardens by growing on two other farmers’ properties with what
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With his duck call in hand and duck decoys on the St. Louis River, UMD junior Andy Whiteman is on the hunt, waiting for waterfowl to be lured in. JON DORDAL/SUBMITTED
when it’s dark and the woods are waking up around you. All of a sudden the birds start waking up and the squirrels come around. It’s a really cool experience.” But, after a day of sitting in the stand, bellies are empty and a kill can liven the spirits of both the hunters and their friends. After successful hunts, they call a “kind share”: doing various tasks in exchange for land use. To keep up with all their crops, they get their hands dirty day after day. Every market day, which at one point was six times per week, they get up early to harvest goods. Other days, they’re tending the gardens and animals, and pickling or cooking their products. “Going into this was somewhat nervewracking, being that I didn’t have any experience with farming,” said Gnarfoodz member Melissa Borer. “It’s hard work but very rewarding
both Grossinger and Dordal have feasts with their college housemates. Grossinger, who lives in a house full of “outdoorsy guys,” isn’t the only one to put food on the table. “We have venison steak, fish dinner, and then geese. That’s a pretty good set of meals for a college kid.” in the sense of how satisfied we feel and how much we learned from each other. During the winter months, they plan for the next season by ordering seeds and obtaining more land. This is also the time members can engage in their own hobbies and interests outside of farming. They also hope to do some advertising along with organizing some educational workshops for both Duluth and the UMD community this winter.
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