Heck of the North B3
Many services on hold due to government shutdown BY SHANNON KINLEY kinle005@d.umn.edu
On Oct. 1, many Americans awoke to find that they could no longer get their passport renewed, were on furlough (temporary unpaid leave from their job) and couldn’t visit their favorite national park or zoo. According to media
estimates, an approximate 800,000 federal workers are out of work. This is the first government shutdown in 17 years, and there is no estimation of when the government will be up and running again. Each year, Congress is supposed to come to an agreement on an appropriation bill, which helps fund federal agencies and set priorities
Johns Hopkins professor visits UMD for Fall of the Faculty event for coming to campus to speak on the current issues at UMD due to Scholar and author the implementation of Benjamin Ginsberg trav- Program Prioritization. “The presentation eled to Duluth to join UMD in a two-day con- made me feel conference that focused on cerned,” Israelson said. ways to restore and pre- “I don’t think (Program Prioritization) is going serve higher education. People gathered in in a direction that will the Marshall Perform- be favorable for the stuing Arts Center (MPAC) dents.” Following the presenThursday evening to hear from Ginsberg, as tation, the conference well as Commissioner of continued into Friday Higher Education Larry afternoon with workPogemiller and Rodney shops and discussions Rowe, the secretary- about Ginsberg’s book and how it treasurer relates to of EducaThe presentation UMD. tion Minmade me feel “ T h e nesota, concerned. I don’t i n t e r e s t s the largest think (Program of the stuadvocate for public Prioritization) is going dents are not ideneducat ion to in the state. in a direction that will tical “(UMD) be favorable for the that of the f a c u lt y, is a really students, but there’s good institution, but it’s under enormous overlap,” said Ginsberg in an exclustress,” Pogemiller said. Ginsberg’s book, “Fall sive interview on Sept. of the Faculty: The Rise 27. “The interests of stuof the All-Administrative dents and administrators University and Why it are at odds; it’s just that Matters,” has been used students don’t know it. by many UMD faculty The administrators want members to point out the to charge more for less. flaws within administra- Students want to pay less tive growth and spend- for more.” Ginsberg’s noted that ing at UMD. “Confrontation is dif- even though the univerficult, but if we don’t sity isn’t given enough oppose the steps that the money from the state to administration takes, it begin with, the insuffibecomes a failure,” said cient allocation is being Holly Israelson, sopho- misused. “Administrators are more at UMD. Israelson, along with spending money that companion and peer should be spent on stuDaniel Bernard, a senior dents . . . money that at UMD, attended Gins- comes out of student berg’s lecture. The two tuition, personally thanked him see FACULTY, A3 BY KIM HYATT hyatt045@d.umn.edu
News: A1 - A4 |
for spending. The government shutdown is a result of Congress not being able to come to an agreement on the federal budget, the biggest issue being Obamacare. The only federal government services that will be available during this shutdown are those that are deemed essential, which is any service that has to do with national security and
public safety (military, police officers etc.). Frequently asked questions: 1. How does this affect your financial aid? Federal financial aid is one of the few things that will still be available during this shutdown; however, public universities and school districts will suffer due to a large number of educational
employees being put on furlough. 2. What does this mean for national defense? The military will still be up and running because it is deemed an essential service. 3. What happens to Social Security and Medicare? Social Security and Medicare checks will still be mailed; however, peo-
ple should expect delays. 4. What about national parks? All national parks and zoos will be closed to the public during the shutdown. 5. Can passports still be renewed? Passports are deemed an unessential service, therefore passports will not be able to be renewed or obtained.
UMD data mirrors national trends in administrative bloat
BY KIM HYATT hyatt045@d.umn.edu
Numbers aren’t everything, but they matter. At a time when the administration is gathering data to justify drastic changes and the need to cut, some faculty members are fighting back with facts and figures. “We (the UMD Department of History) have not had a single new faculty position since I began at UMD in 2005,” said UMD history professor and University Education Association (UEA) member Scott Laderman. “My department had more faculty fifty years ago when the student population was a fraction of what it is now.” Laderman addressed the crowd at Benjamin Ginsberg’s discussion Thursday, Sept. 26, to identify key aspects within Ginsberg’s book, “Fall of the Faculty: the Rise of the All-Administrative and Why it Matters,” and how they can be applied to UMD. For example, he noted the Office of Financial Aid and Registrar was
On Fri., Sept. 27, author Benjamin Ginsberg held a book signing session. Those who attended the conference were given a free copy of his book. KIM HYATT/STATESMAN
split into two separate entities just last year, creating the need for an additional director and five new positions in the registrar’s office. Associate Vice Chancellor Jackie Millslagle sent an email on May 22, 2012 regarding these administrative additions. “I recognize that this is the largest staff expansion this campus has seen in a while, and there will be questions and hallway conversation about how this happened. I
am assuring you that the need exists . . . ” Millslagle wrote. It was after receiving emails advertising job openings at UMD that Laderman noted an apparent growth within the administration. This sparked an interest in investigating and interpreting the numbers. “Data at the University of Minnesota are frustratingly opaque, and sometimes inconsistent, even contradictory,” Laderman said. “Trying
to make sense of this data is a herculean task.” He reached out to economics professor Jennifer Schultz and together they worked to compile data directly from an annual report on allocation and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), the main postsecondary education data collection program for the National Center for Education Statistics. see GINSBERG, A3
UMD White Coat 5K celebrates American Pharmacists Month BY ALOYSIA POWER power270@d.umn.edu
Pharmacy students will celebrate the beginning of October— American Pharmacists Month—with the inaugural White Coat 5K at the Bagley Nature Center on Oct. 6 at 11 a.m. All professional pharmacists and UMD health science students and faculty members are invited to wear their white coats and join the free event, organized by the Minnesota Pharmacy Student Alliance (MPSA), UMD PharmD Fitness, the College Board, and the Graduate and Profes-
Opinion: A5 - A6 | Sports: B1 - B2
sional Student Assembly (GAPSA). Racers who are already signed up will receive race T-shirts, and the top three finishers will be rewarded with surprise prizes. Race coordinator Kari Nohner said it is more than just a celebration of the month; it is a promotion for healthy lifestyles. “If we’re going to tell our patients about being healthy and the benefits of being healthy, we need to be able to do it ourselves,“ Nohner said. “It doesn’t take that much to be active. Thirty minutes out of your day can
| Student Life: B3 - B5
really make a huge difference on your health.” The race is also a way for health science students and professionals to mingle outside of the classroom and workplace. “These are the people we’re going to be working with the rest of our lives and building those relationships with,” Nohner said. “So, why not get out, get active and do something fun outside of the classroom?” Even though the event is outside of the classroom and workplace, one thing will remain the same: the white coat attire. Those who don’t
own white coats yet or don’t want to wear theirs are still welcome to run. Nohner plans to wear hers on the warm-up lap and isn’t afraid to get it a little dirty. After wearing hers for almost three years now, it has already seen some wear and tear. Plus, next year she and the other fourth-year pharmacy students will receive new ones. For those racing in white coats, Nohner has a tip: “Roll up the sleeves and keep it buttoned so it’s not flying out behind you—that’s what I’ve got so far,” she said.
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Homecoming week kicked off with a corn roast on Griggs Beach Tuesday. Sponsored by the UMD Student Association and Kirby Program Board, close to 300 students showed up to enjoy the event.
WE NEED YOUR HELP Top10 Homecoming Events
Do you have an idea for Submit a photo for our our weekly Top 10 list? Photo of the Week feature Send your ideas and photos to the Statesman at
2. Greek Life chariot race
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1. Football game
3. Cardboard boat race
4. Homecoming parade 5. Corn roast 6. Free stuff
7. Bagely 5K
8. Champ sightings 9. Tailgating
10. Beer! (Please drink responsibly.)
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By Nate Kruse kruse214@d.umn.edu
The Statesman is the official student newspaper of the University of Minnesota Duluth and is published by the UMD Board of Publications weekly during the academic year except for holidays and exam weeks. The editorials, articles, opinions and other content within the Statesman are not intended to reflect University of Minnesota policy and are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty, or the University or its Duluth Campus. The Student Service Fee dollars the Statesman receives covers printing costs for the academic year. The Statesman and the University of Minnesota are equal opportunity employers and educators. The Statesman promotes responsible activities and behaviors. Advertisments published in The Statesman do not represent the individual views of the newspaper staff or those of the University of Minnesota Duluth community. To order home delivery please contact Jessi Eaton at 218-726-7112. Periodicals postage is paid at Duluth, Minnesota. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the UMD Statesman, 130 Kirby Student Center, 1120 Kirby Drive, Duluth, MN 55812. USPS 647340. For advertising inquiries please contact a sales representative at 218-726-8154.
News Editor / Shannon Kinley / Kinle005@d.umn.edu
Continued from A1
While not everything within Ginsberg’s books is applicable to UMD specifically, according to Laderman much of his findings, along with Shultz’s data, support the need to examine spending and growth within the administration. As a whole, UMD added 138 new administrative and staff positions from 1997 to 2012. Laderman said this reflects the way UMD prioritizes its needs, especially when he considers the curriculum gaps in the history department that are similar for many departments across campus. “What we see at UMD, in other words, is an underrepresentation of faculty and overrepresentation of administrators and staff,” he said. The Center for College Affordability and Productivity shows the average ratio is eight faculty members for every 100 full-time equivalent (FTE) students, but at UMD it’s 5.1. In comparison, the number of administration and staff per 100 FTE students nationally is six; at UMD, it’s 8.4. But, according to Laderman, it’s the amount of money going to the administration that is the most “startling statistic,” and he warned the audience that the data may be “difficult to decipher.” Today, college tuition and fees are 559 percent
of their cost in 1985, according to Schultz. Increase in administrative spending accounts for a 61.2 percent increase in spending per student at UMD. Laderman said from 2009 to 2013, instruction costs increased by $6.2 million, or 11 percent, while costs for academic support and institutional support increased by $8 million. University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler has addressed issues of administrative growth, and since then has set a goal of cutting $90 million from administrative costs over the next five years. “A portion of that ($90 million) savings must come back to UMD,” Laderman said. “Our students desperately need it.” Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Andrea Schokker attended the Fall of the Faculty conference, during which Laderman presented the newly compiled data. The majority of those in attendance were faculty and students, but everyone was encouraged to join. Schokker said even though she didn’t agree with everything that was said, “a lot of good points” were made. “We aren’t perfect, but we are dedicated to continue to improve the support of instruction,” Schokker said. According to Schok-
BEAT BY GRAHAM HAKALA hakal045@d.umn.edu
Guest speaker Benjamin Ginsberg addresses concerns of administrative growth on Thurs., Sept 26. To the right of Ginsberg is UMD history professor Scott Laderman and Rodney Rowe, Secretary-Treasurer of Education Minnesota. KIM HYATT/STATESMAN
ker, the ratio of faculty to administrators has increased over the last ten years. For every one administrator in 2010 there were 4.6 faculty members, jumping to 5.4 in 2012. Schultz’s data suggest the optimal staffing ratio is approximately three tenure-track faculty members for every one full-time administrator. “As frustrating as we might find some of the trends outlined in professor Ginsberg’s work as they pertain to Minnesota, both fairness and decency dictate that we gratefully acknowledge the important contribution to our top administrators to supporting a greater faculty voice in campus governance,” Laderman said. Prior to Chancellor Black, the governance system neglected
the voice of the faculty. Now, shared governance allows participation and decision making from both faculty and administration, ultimately creating transparency and accountability. Schultz’s analysis of data compiled at UMD found that shared governance is an effective solution to high costs on campus. “This is a concern,” Laderman said. “It’s something I think we ought to be taking into consideration as we’re having these discussions about prioritization. This is not supposed to be any sort of criticism of our staff at the university who do essential work here, and most of these staff are grossly underpaid. But, their position is essentially to support the research and teaching.”
UMD police say they have identified the masked person known as “The Demon” who had been spotted roaming Bagley Nature Center. “The Demon” had been showing up on various UMD social media channels and was said to be scaring people walking in Bagley. Police said they made contact with him and gave him a warning to discontinue his antics. He was cooperative with police. The UMD Police Department had extra law enforcement over the past week, with a main focus on traffic violators. Police patrolled the areas around Ordean Court due to complaints about vehicles driving around the Sir DuLuth statue. Vehicles are not supposed to be driven around the court. In the morning hours of Sept. 25, police responded to a call regarding damage to a vehicle in the T2 parking lot. The back window was smashed out of the vehicle, but nothing in the vehicle was stolen. No suspects have been found. On Sept. 26, four chairs were stolen from the Civil Engineering
New ice drilling technology Faculty provides graduate student research experience
Building. The chairs were not ordinary classroom chairs, but expensive lounge chairs with attached study tables. The value of the four chairs is over $1,000. On Sept. 27, police responded to an attempted scam call over a job listing on Craigslist. The phone number on the ad came back as a known scammer. The scammer was not local. Police warn students to use caution when agreeing to job offers via Craigslist. Around 6:30 p.m on Sept. 28, police made contact with a student who was stumbling around the Kirby Bus Hub area. He was seen ripping a sunflower out of one of the planters. He was found to be intoxicated, and was issued an underage consumption ticket. He was also told to put the sunflower back in the planter. On Sept. 29, police found a drunken male student who was then taken to detox and issued an underage consumption citation. Police are stepping up seatbelt enforcement for the month of October. UMDPD will be stopping and citing people who are not wearing their seatbelts.
Continued from A1
BY CHRIS ECKHOFF eckho060@d.umn.edu
With about three decades and 11 expeditions to Antarctica under his belt, John Goodge, a geological sciences professor from UMD, looks ahead to a groundbreaking expedition number 12. Goodge will be leading a team of researchers into East Antarctica— home to the continent’s thickest ice—with new technology known as “RAID” (Rapid Access Ice Drill). “Our goal is to develop a rig that can be moved Professor John Goodge shares his research plans to drill to depths unheard of around quickly and can in order to collect core samples in Antarctica. SARA HUGHES/STATESMAN put a lot of holes in the ice,” Goodge explained. drilling is ensuring that “This way, we can take the rods can withstand cores of the bedrock the torque necessary below the ice.” when tightened and loosUntil now, the oldest ened. layers of ice that have “If it is easy to break ever been studied were apart, then that is good,” about 750,000 years old. Stenzel said. “After tightGoodge and his team ening the rods, being look to reach million- able to unscrew them is year-old ice. due to the lubricant.” To travel to the depths Stenzel’s original hope of Antarctica’s ice, the for the research was to team will need drilling use a room in the Civil rods that can sustain Engineering Building. heavy wear and tear. “As it turns out, the Frank Stenzel, a grad- room is better for heating uate engineering student than for cooling,” Stenat UMD, is part of the zel said. team’s research on cam“We need to test the pus. lubricants in -40 degrees “Our research involves Celsius. We’ll be using testing lubricants for the a chest freezer from the threads in the drill rods,” department that can Stenzel said. reach that low of a temTraveling about perature with the help of 13,000 feet into the ice dry ice.” will take approximately Stenzel plans to con433 30-foot rods. An tinue his research and important factor to con- will begin testing in one The drilling rig Goodge and his team plan to use sider with this kind of month. on their expedition. SUBMITTED
or their parents’ taxes, on their own salaries, on expanding their numbers,” Ginsberg said. “That’s why students have a real stake in this, both as students and as taxpayers.” He said that students shouldn’t be spending their time worrying about issues addressed in his book. However,
students must begin thinking about how to be productive members of society. “Citizens and taxpayers are informed, aware and obstreperous,” Ginsberg said. “This is a good time to start learning this. This is the time to start seeing the world for what it is.”
UMD nutritionist works to make students healthy and happy BY CASSIE SWANSON swan1912@d.umn.edu
One of the most frequently asked questions by prospective students touring colleges is “How good is the food here?” With increasing severe food allergies, diet issues and many students wanting to make healthier choices, this question is becoming more important than it may seem. “I’ve seen 14 students already, one-on-one, who are interested in healthy eating and creating awareness for healthy eating,” said Jean Rodvold, food coach for UMD Food Services. Rodvold provides nutrition-related expertise in dining services for students and the UMD Food Employee Wellness Program. “Half of my job is with employee wellness and the other half is with student life,” Rodvold said. “For employee wellness, I am a one-on-one health coach and help two other people coordinate events, such as carrying out the wellness points bank, health improvement workshops,
group health coaching and health fares.” A huge part of her job is working with students and meeting with them individually to discuss any food allergies or healthy diet choices. “My student job is working for the (Dining Center), and those duties include getting students’ allergy information, meeting with students one-on-one, and Wellness Challenge for anyone on campus,” Rodvold said. The Wellness Challenge awards points to students for doing activities such as attending workshops or group health meetings, exercising, doing outside activities, having a nutrition session, peer health session and even participating in a night hike. If students reach a certain number of points, they can get rewards and prizes. Rodvold also gives various health presentations for classes and groups at UMD, including the UMD seminar class and the cross-country team. NUTRITIONIST, A4
News Editor / Shannon Kinley / Kinle005@d.umn.edu
International Club: preview of upcoming events BY MICHAEL SCOTT scot049@d.umn.edu
UMD Rafters, 5pm
October 2013 Sun.
Club Meeting and Voting for New Officer
The club will be voting for a new officer, a media specialist. Candidates will have two minutes to speak, followed by a round of voting. All members who are present will be able to vote. Membership is open to any UMD student. UMD Rafters, 5pm
November 2013 Sun.
Intercultural Discussion
After voting, the club will be hosting their first Intercultural Discussion. The talk will be led by two UMD faculty members: Michael Sunnafrank and Ryan Goei. The club hopes to foster cultural understanding by creating a frank discussion about customs from around the world. All students are welcome to attend. Hope United Methodist Church, 2pm This is the club's largest event in the fall semester. Taste of UMD is a potluck featuring food from 15 countries. All UMD students are welcome to attend and enjoy the free food.
Taste of UMD
UMD Rafters The club will be hosting their first Game Night. This will be a hands-on exposition of traditional games from around the world. All students are welcome to participate.
Game Night
that help ever ybody,” Continued from A3 R o d v o l d said. “HavStudents often do not ing someone devoted realize just how benefi- to health wellness and cial having a nutritionist nutrition is critical to on campus is. students’ health. Usually, “We are the experts supervisors and cooks on nutrition and help the are bogged down by daichefs create meal options ly duties, so having some-
one you can go to who is devoted to health and nutrition is very important.” Another thing that sets UMD Food Services apart from other campuses is that it has its own farm that produces almost every kind of fruit and vegetable students
want. “The farm is the most innovative and different thing we have on campus,” Rodvold said. “It’s run by students and for students. We are getting local, sustainable produce from a farm run by students—it’s a pretty unique and valuable
An accelerated degree for graduates with non-nursing majors.
thing.” Along with the UMD farm, there are many other sustainability initiatives at UMD, including: using local and sustainable foods when possible, reducing as much waste as possible, and striving to save as much energy and water
as possible. If students have questions about nutrition in the Dining Center, or nutrition in general, they can contact Rodvold at rodvo005@d. umn.edu or stop by her office, Engineering 234, anytime Monday–Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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Opinion Editor / Satya Putumbaka / putum003@d.umn.edu
UMD professor responds to Chancellor Black on Program Prioritization
Administrators chose a group of faculty and then told them what to do, how to do it and when.
The Program Prioritization process that is taking place at UMD is important, but I am confused over its purpose. Is the purpose to determine which programs to cut to make up a $10-12 million shortfall; is it to provide a way for programs to show that they need more money; or is it to increase the proportion of the budget that is recurring money? While the purpose of prioritization is not clear, the process is quite clear. Programs are rated quantitatively, generally against each other, suggesting that the purpose is to justify cutting certain programs. Program heads will be permitted to add bits of text explaining why the quantitative ratings do not perfectly reflect the performance of their programs. In last week’s Statesman, the
Chancellor added to the confusion by claiming that the prioritization exercise is not a top-down process but rather a grassroots problemsolving process. I don’t believe this. Administrators chose a group of faculty and then told them what to do, how to do it and when. To solve a problem, one should
have a clear idea of the problem and a clear idea of what kind of solutions are possible. A number of methods might be used to find the solution. In this Program Prioritization process, neither the problem nor the set of possible solutions has been articulated clearly. Instead, the administration chose a fixed, rigid procedure, a procedure that sows division among programs and demoralizes members of the UMD community. I think that the Program Prioritization process is a bad one. It is embarrassing to suggest that Program Prioritization is a grassroots process. Richard Green rgreen@d.umn.edu *Richard Green is a UMD professor of mathematics and statistics.
The real costs of BlueStone living
BY APRILL EMIG emigx005@d.umn.edu
When you visit the website for BlueStone Lofts, details of impressive amenities abound (“HUGE ceilings! FREE internet!”), and the building’s sustainability (“Energy Star Rated appliances”) is heavily emphasized. And, like myself, you may notice that one piece of information is missing: how much does all of this cost? In order to find out, you have to contact Bluestone. I did this over the summer while planning my move from Moorhead to Duluth, knowing that an apartment without rent listed is significantly out of my budget. But being a bit of a masochist-slash-hopeless
optimist, I took the risk and sent an email. The response was friendly and detailed, focusing on all of the unbridled joy (a cyber café, yoga studio, and music room?!) Bluestone has to offer. Hidden within this email was the insignificant note that a twobedroom unit will cost $1,490. Now, being financially frugal students, we all know the real value of a dollar. But I am going to play a game where I pretend I am able to afford BlueStone, using the amount I currently earn per hour. Minimum wage in Minnesota is $7.25, which is what my on-campus job pays. My retail job pays $9.00, so I will use a rounded average of $8.00 an hour. For a two-bedroom unit, I will need to
pay $745 for rent (assuming I have a new roommate—my boyfriend refuses to play this game because it gives him hives), about $30 for my Comfort System bill, and $18 for above ground parking (underground parking is $95, and I can’t stretch my imagination that far). I also have to pay for my own car insurance, which is about $70 a month; groceries average about $150 a month; and I will split $200 between spending money and savings (less than I save now). The grand total comes to a measly $1,213. However, this is being relatively generous. I did not account for taxes taken out of my paychecks, and there are many jobs that pay significantly less than this. see BLUESTONE, A6
Home-cooked medicine BY BENJAMIN LABERGE labe0091@.d.umn.edu
Now is a time when I come upon the inevitable dread of the college year. It’s not the testing or the due dates of the first projects—it’s the time when I first start to hear the sniffles and coughs of sick students as they traverse our power of halls and sit just a little too close to ILLUSTRATION BY JOE FRASER chicken soup. me in class. And while I try to take as Carrots provide a many precautions as possible to avoid getting sick with whatever disgusting illness people might be good source of vitamin A, which can bolster immune carrying, I still manage to catch a strain of it and feel systems by strengthening white blood cells. White blood cells, in turn, hunt down and eliminate diseases miserable every single year. Once my fears have been realized, I find myself in the blood stream. Onions contain calcium and straining to breathe, under a constant pressure in sulfur, decreasing swelling and congestion in the my head, and feeling like I’m coughing up a lung head. This helps reduce headaches and maintain an on occasion. I take the usual medicines: the pills, alert awareness. Other vegetables, like celery and the drops, the syrup, and lots of liquids and rest. But potatoes, help to keep the body healthy while sick. By nothing makes me feel quite as well again as having a eating these healthy foods, you’re allowing the rest of your body to stay fit and energized while the immune bowl of homemade chicken soup. It has to do with the contents of the soup and system does its work. But the chicken itself (the reason the soup is called the way it is administered. While hot liquids do help reduce congestion and to purge our systems of “chicken soup”) releases the amino acid cysteine when viruses, compounds in chicken soup tend to linger cooked. Cysteine thins mucus in the lungs, reducing longer in the throat and mouth. This magnifies the coughing and allowing for better breathing. It is also effects by allowing the airways to stay open for longer a good source of protein, which strengthens one’s as well as keeping the person hydrated. A study at muscles that may feel weak while sick. So while I probably will become sick within the the Nebraska Medical Center found that some of the healing power of chicken soup comes from its ability next few days, constant hand washing and avoidance to inhibit neutrophils—cells in your body that cause of infected individuals notwithstanding, I can always cold symptoms while infected—which stops upper- take heart in knowing that I’ve got a secret weapon: respiratory problems like coughing and excess mucus. Mama’s home-cooked medicine (and if there were a soup actually called this, I would totally buy it). Vegetables and meat are also essential to the
Phone: (218) 726-7113 Fax: (218) 726-8246 E-mail letters to: kunke063@d.umn.edu Web site: www.umdstatesman.com
Letters and columns to the editor 130 Kirby Student Center 1120 Kirby Student Drive Duluth, MN 55812
EDITORIAL BOARD: Opinion Page Editor___________ SATYA PUTUMBAKA Editor-in-Chief_______ ANNE KUNKEL CHRISTIANSON
Have something to say? Submit a letter to statesma@d.umn.edu
The Duluth Demon
BY SATYA PUTUMBAKA putum003@d.umn.edu
Among the students at UMD, I’m one of the few unfortunate thousands who haven’t yet seen the Duluth Demon in person. For any unaware of what that is: it’s a character, complete with an extremely sinister costume, played by one committed individual. Whoever is playing the Duluth Demon hasn’t broken character once; even Facebook chats with the Demon are loud and disturbing, since it writes only in all-caps and likes to ignore standard grammar rules. The Duluth Demon’s infamy started to grow as he terrorized Bagley Park late at night, frightening students who hike late at night. Capitalizing on this fame, a Facebook page of the Duluth Demon was created. The appearance of the Demon was only a disturbance; so far, it hasn’t been known to attack anyone or do any damage to property. It does, however, photoshop images of itself onto other people’s pictures, apparently to “correct them.” Creepy as that is, I can’t say I don’t support it. This little gem is a true quirk of our UMD community. It excites us when it photobombs our pictures after we take them, and comments strange phrases on Facebook wall posts such as “man suits,” which is possibly a “Donnie Darko” reference. Still, the Demon is reported to have been caught by the police recently and was apparently warned against continuing. This was partially to keep the human inside this Demon safe, in case a scared citizen lashes out against it. But beyond the risks it’s taking, there might not be much to worry about here. At worst, the character might be a disincentive for park use. A friend of mine and I were about to go up to Bagley one night to relax when we decided the paranoia might not be worth it. The Duluth Demon has a long list of mysteries surrounding it. The Demon has yet to reveal his or her face and name to the world and even its Facebook page seems dubious. But the biggest mystery concerning this demon has to be its purpose. The timing seems random. While the first appearance of the Duluth Demon is undocumented, I feel reasonable making the guess that its appearance wasn’t a commemoration of anything. Practically speaking, the Demon doesn’t do very much except exist around people and thus scare them and manipulate photos. Though it is completely random, the Duluth Demon is one of the best conversation topics around. It’s Duluth’s theater of the absurd and entirely useless. It might be the biggest menace on campus, but you have to admire the pluck and initiative behind the character. Whether it started as a joke between theater nerds or comes from some higher calling, some person scrounged together some costume of what looks like the bones of a human-wolf hybrid and took to the streets with conviction. And then they consistently continued this. I’m not sure I can deny that kind of gumption.
All letters must include the writer’s name, address and phone number for verification, not to publish. The Statesman reserves the right to edit all letters for style, space, libel and grammar. Letters should be no more than 300 words in length. Readers may also submit longer guest columns. The Statesman reserves the right to print any submission as a letter or guest column. Submission does not guarantee publication.
Opinion Editor / Satya Putumbaka / Putum003@d.umn.edu
Continued from A5
For example, I served full-time with AmeriCorps for the past two years while doing 15 credits of online classes each semester. I averaged about 55 hours a week and received a living stipend of $800 a month. In fact, working over 35 hours a week is not particularly uncommon for undergraduates. According to U.S. Census data, 71 percent of undergraduates worked in 2011. Out of those, 20 percent worked at least 35 hours a week. That means one out of every five students in your classroom has to work at least five hours everyday. And considering the fact that nearly 33 percent of incoming freshmen are first-generation college students, it would not be a far cry to assume many of them belong in the 20 percent—I certainly do. Because of this hectic schedule (not to mention the pressure of being the
first in the family to go to college), more than 25 percent of low-income first-generation students leave after the first year. 89 percent fail to graduate within six years. So while some people may say, “You get what you want to pay for,” many of us face a starkly different reality. For first-generation college students without moneybags—I mean parents—having to work full-time to pay for everything leaves little time for studying. This nearly impossible work/school balance is what causes many low-income students to drop out of college; being able to afford food and a place to live are more important that getting an A is psych. And the debt accrued from even a year in college can be insurmountable for someone who continues to work the retail job that caused them to “fail” school, because without a degree, it is the only job they’re qualified for. There is no longer the
promise of a better future, and no way to save money to send their children to college. Hence the term poverty cycle. So, are walk-in closets, contemporary cabinets, and granite countertops worth all that? For me, the answer is no.
De-stress: cook ramen noodles BY BENJAMIN LABERGE labe0091@d.umn.edu
It would be lying if I said that I go any given week without large amounts of stress. Chapters of books need to be read, projects and papers need to be finished, and there’s always the looming test date getting closer and closer until I realize that it’s today and I haven’t studied half of the material I need to—and that’s just school. Being involved in campus organizations take time and effort that I wish could be spent getting the school work done, but I gave them my word that I would help them out. I’ve got parents breathing down my neck about finding a job after college, and roommates who just won’t clean up their messes. All the stress adds up, but I’ve found one simple way to deal with it: ramen. It might not be the healthiest of college staple foods, but it’s cheap and easy to make. It’s been so easy that I picked it up as a 10-year-old and have developed it into an art form of its own. As I add the correct amount of water and heat it to a boil, as I add the
noodles and allow the right amount of broth to steam off, as I ad the seasoning and enhance the flavor with vegetables and spices, in my mind, I become the master chef of ramen. And that is where I find peace. In this, the worries I have about school or insecurities fade away. Cooking ramen becomes an artful dance.
Every movement I make is intentional and done with supreme awareness. With each stir of the spoon, with every slice of the knife through the onions and mushrooms, with every carefully measured speck of cayenne pepper, I develop a clearer focus of the meal I have before me—the one I am intending to create. In these moments,
I can clear all other stressful thoughts from my mind and focus on the one singular task at hand. And when I’m done, I can collect my thoughts and go about dealing with the stress, my body fed and my mind restored. Maybe you don’t have a stove, or maybe you don’t like ramen. It probably doesn’t work for everyone. I’d say: pick an activity you really enjoy or have been doing for a very long time and just do it. Running, drawing, or playing music are all great therapeutic ways of dealing with stress. They all require focus, skill, and build up your ability to do them in the process. One could become a great runner or artist fueled by a desire to eliminate the effects of stress and not be controlled by it. That’s the important part: don’t simply do for the sake of doing, but do in the knowledge that you’re making yourself better in mind and body through these actions. As for me, though the stress of school isn’t going away, I will soldier on. I know that as long as I can get it for 88 cents a package, I’ll be killing off stress, one killer bowl of ramen at a time.
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Sports Editor / Kyle Farris / farri060@d.umn.edu
Boos passes Rolf, UMD also falls for first time BY EVAN SMEGAL smega001@d.umn.edu
Jim Boos made history Saturday afternoon, passing Pati Rolf as the all-time winningest head volleyball coach at UMD. Now in his 12th year with the Bulldogs, Boos surpassed his predecessor with his 311th win Saturday against Minnesota State-Mankato. It took Boos 111 fewer games to reach 310 wins than it did Rolf. “It’s cool to be a part of a history,” junior libero Julie Rainey said. “He is a fantastic coach and I think he is more than deserv-
ing of it. I’m glad that I get to play with a coach that has been successful for such a long time.” In the record-setting game, UMD quickly disposed of the Mavericks in three sets. Double-digit wins in the first two frames (25-14, 25-15) helped establish control of the match, and then a 25-18 victory in the third set closed it out. Rainey had 18 digs in the contest and was the only player on either side of the net to record more than eight digs. Kate Lange was the only hitter to reach double-digit kills in the match with 13.
Friday featured a battle between No. 1 UMD and No. 2 Concordia-St. Paul. Prior to the match, the teams had met one other time in a No. 1 vs. No. 2 scenario—Nov. 2, 2010, when the Bulldogs lost to the Golden Bears in straight sets. This time it was closer, but the result was the same. It went down to the wire, but the Golden Bears took the decisive fifth set and the match from UMD (25-23, 16-25, 25-22, 20-25, 8-15), handing the Bulldogs their first see VOLLEYBALL, B2
Bulldogs run wild at Wayne State BY KYLE FARRIS farri060@d.umn.edu
When a team’s starting quarterback and top two running backs are standing on the sideline late in the third quarter—as was the case with UMD Saturday afternoon at Wayne State—things have gone either very wrong or very right. For UMD, it was the latter. Against the Wildcats, the Bulldogs showed no residual effects from a gut-wrenching loss to Minnesota StateMankato two weekends ago, rolling to a 64-21 win behind seven rushing touchdowns and a season-high 483 yards of offense. “Both sides of the football came out focused and ready to go,” head coach Curt Wiese said. “We had an opportunity today to play everybody we traveled, which is welldeserved for the guys that generally don’t get as many plays.” Less than two minutes into the first quarter, UMD turned a Nate Zuk fumble recovery into seven points when Logan Lauters reached the end zone from 13 yards out—Latuers’ first of three scores. On the Eyes downfield, Drew Bauer flushes the pocket Saturday against Wayne State. WAYNE STATE ATHLETICS/SUBMITTED ensuing Wildcat possession, UMD added its third defensive churned out 316 ground yards good job this week in prepara- was his efficient self against Homecoming touchdown in four games—a and had three runners go for tion of a very complex defense,” the Wildcats, throwing for one-handed interception by more than 50. Lauters led the Wiese said. “(They) executed 129 yards and a touchdown to Where: Malosky Stadium Colby Ring that the senior way with 101 yards on 11 car- our scheme and opened up a go with 51 yards and another ries. His 64-yard touchdown lot of holes and a lot of oppor- score on the ground. The captain returned 28 yards. When: Saturday, 1 p.m. After being held to 158 dash midway through the first tunities for our running backs freshman helped UMD pull quarter followed 14 unanand quarterbacks to run the away from Wayne State near rushing yards the week before, Who: St. Cloud State (4-0), UMD’s lowest total since the swered points by the Wildcats. football.” UMD (3-1) “Offensive line did a really Quarterback Drew Bauer see FOOTBALL, B2 2011 playoffs, the Bulldogs
Big 3rd period carries women in special meeting with Japan BY NICOLE BRODZIK brodz006@d.umn.edu
Six thousand miles is a long way to travel for a hockey game. But that’s the distance Team Japan trekked to visit Duluth and take on the UMD women in an exhibition game Saturday at AMSOIL Arena. Before puck drop there was a short on-ice ceremony where the teams exchanged small gifts in honor of their first meeting. Ohara, Japan, one of Duluth’s sister cities, gave Duluth the peace bell near Enger Tower in 1993. At the request of Team Japan, a five-minute overtime period and a shootout followed the 60 minutes of regulation play. “It’s pretty cool because it’s the Japanese Olympic Team and they’re getting ready for Sochi in February,” head coach Shannon Miller said. “I think this was good for them—playing us, Wisconsin, Minnesota, St.
Cloud.” It was a slow start for the Bulldogs, with Japan taking the lead less than seven minutes into the first period. UMD had issues moving the puck and creating an offensive flow for much of the first frame. On the other end of the ice, sophomore goaltender Kayla Black, who allowed one goal on six shots, went long stretches without seeing a shot. UMD’s offense bounced back for a late-period goal from freshman center Ashleigh UMD defenseman Tea Villila and Japan’s Ayuko Brykaliuk to forge a 1-1 tie Aoki battle for the puck at AMSOIL Arena Saturday night. DAVE HARWIG/VIEWTHROUGHMYLENS.NET at the first intermission. The second period was more of the same, with the teams exchanging goals to enter the second intermission squared at 2-2. The Bulldogs started OF THE WEEK the third period with a five-minute power play points scored by UMD freshman thanks to a major penalty center Ashleigh Brykaliuk Saturday on Tomoko Sakagami for night. Brykaliuk found the back of checking from behind. It the net in the first period and assisted was all UMD from that on all three of Jamie Kenyon’s goals. see WOMEN’s HOCKEY, B2
Soccer rallies Saturday, but can’t Sunday BY EVAN SMEGAL smega001@d.umn.edu
It wasn’t the best weekend for the UMD soccer team. The Bulldogs managed to pull out a 2-1 win against Sioux Falls Saturday, but were blanked 3-0 by Southwest Minnesota State Sunday for their first conference loss of 2013. Sioux Falls put the Bulldogs in their first opening-half hole of the season on a goal by Maria Gonzalez in the 30th minute. The goal, Gonzalez’s second of the year, gave the Cougars their first lead in any game this season. The Cougars, who are winless since making the jump to the NCAA Division II ranks, could not hold off the Bulldogs in the second half. Rookie midfielder Marissa Ganske started the rally in the 52th minute when her unassisted shot flew past Cougar keeper Corrin Cook. Less than 16 minutes later, junior forward Maureen Stormont broke through the defense and netted her team-leading fifth goal of the year to put the Bulldogs ahead. “The second-half performance was impressive to come back from behind and grab three points,” head coach Greg Cane said. “I think we had to reach really deep to pull that one out. I was hoping that we could have taken away something to use on Sunday.” Sunday, however, was not so kind to UMD. The Bulldogs were shutout for the first time this fall against undefeated Southwest Minne see SOCCER, B2
Sports Editor / Kyle Farris / farri060@d.umn.edu
Continued from B1
Continued from B1
loss of the year. “I said to our team before and after the match, it’s only the 13th game of the season,” Boos said. “We competed well and hung in there for five sets. Unfortunately, Concordia executed better down the stretch. We are a very good team, but we got beat by a great team.” UMD went up 2-1 after the third set and tightly contested fourth. The Golden Bears found another gear late in the fourth set, going on a 7-0 run to take a 23-17 lead and eventually square the match. Concordia-St. Paul rose to the occasion behind home-court advantage in the fifth set, delivering the knockout blow. The Bulldogs struggled at times to find their rhythm on offense, especially in the final two sets. Lange wound up with a game-high 21 kills on 70 swings and notched a doubledouble with 15 digs. The Golden Bears used a more balanced offensive attack, with four players compil-
Monica Turner (11) and Mariah Scharf (14) block a shot during the first set against the Mavericks Saturday. SARA HUGHES/STATESMAN
ing 10 or more kills. “It was frustrating,” Rainey said. “I felt like we were the better team up until the fifth game when we started to make errors. We know we are capable of making big plays. Next time we just have to do it.” UMD (13-1, 4-1 NSIC) and Concordia-St. Paul flipped spots in the
national rankings this week, but the Bulldogs will have a chance to return the favor Nov. 16, when they host the Golden Bears at Romano Gym. The Bulldogs continue to pursue a third straight NSIC title this weekend with home matches against Upper Iowa Friday and Winona State Saturday.
Women stellar, men solid at Roy Griak BY KYLE FARRIS farri060@d.umn.edu
Dan Nielson and Breanna Colbenson have been setting the bar for the UMD men and women’s cross-country teams throughout the first month of the season. That trend continued Saturday at the Roy Griak Invitational on a rain-soaked course in Falcon Heights, Minn. Behind Colbenson’s 6K time of 22:16—the fourthbest mark in the 356-runner field—the Bulldog women placed second out of 33 schools, succumbing only to NSIC rival Augustana. UMD had three racers finish in the top 12—Colbenson, Alex-
andra Rudin, who was 10th, and Samantha Rivard, who was 12th. Kaelyn Williams (44th) and Hannah Olson (51st) rounded out UMD’s top-five finishers. Nielson completed the 8K men’s course in 26:22, which placed him first among UMD representatives and 34th among the event’s 450 total runners. Mitch Fisher and Mitch Zuidema finished 90th and 96th for the Bulldog men, who ended the Roy Griak 15th out of the 40 schools to compete. The UMD men and women will race again Oct. 12 at the Lucian Rosa Invitational Sophomore Kaelyn Williams placed 54th out of hosted by Wisconsin-Parkside 356 runners with a 6K time of 23:45.9 at the Roy Griak Invitational Saturday. DANIEL BADHWA/UMD in Somers, Wis.
All events are subject to change.
Continued from B1
me that’s the positive and now we just have to keep going.” The overtime period ended without a goal for either side, but Japan dominated the shootout with three goals in five attempts, while UMD’s lone shootout goal came from junior Meghan Huertas. The Bulldogs open their regular season against Connecticut Friday night at AMSOIL Arena. The Stanley Cup will be on display at the AMSOIL concourse from 4–6 p.m., courtesy of Norm Maciver, assistant general manager for the NHL champion Chicago Blackhawks.
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Women’s hockey point on, as the team’s top line got rolling after a shaky start. Jamie Kenyon broke the tie with a goal less than two minutes into the third, and freshman winger Katherine McGovern added a goal to double UMD’s lead. Kenyon potted two more to finish with a hat trick and make the final margin 6-2. “Just the fact that it was our first game, the first period was what it was,” Miller said. “The second period you’re more relaxed, your feet are moving. And by the third period you find your stride. We got better as the game went on. For
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“Football” UMD Wear
Soccer Continued from B1
sota State, which has been establishing a lot of program firsts in its own right. The No. 18 Mustangs are off to their best start in program history and are ranked in the Top 25 for the first time, as well. They were winless in 21 previous matches against UMD. Alex Pantze scored a goal and assisted on another for the Mustangs to break a 0-0 deadlock in the 64th and 67th minutes, respectively. Things got worse for the Bulldogs when a turnover deep in their own territory led to a Miranda Cadena goal to make it 3-0. UMD outshot the Mustangs 13-9 and had solid chances to get on the board, but was unable to put one past goalkeeper Brienna Dehkes. Dehkes and the Mustang defense have not allowed a goal since Sept. 13—a span that covers 389 minutes of play. “We deserved three points for a portion of that game, defensively in the first half,” Cane said. “But that was washed out by a couple breakdowns in the second half, which they capitalized on. The Mustangs earned the win. They played better as a team and they are on a roll.” The Bulldogs (5-2, 4-1 NSIC) will be at home this weekend as the season hits the midway point, taking on Wayne State Friday and Augustana Sunday. Augustana holds a share of the conference lead with 15 points, while UMD is a game behind with 12. “This weekend we are at home and we get the chance, at least on paper as of today, to play another first-place team on Sunday,” Cane said. “Hopefully we get a different performance.”
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halftime, first hitting Zach Zweifel on a 38-yard rainbow late in the second quarter, and then taking a read option 29 yards down the left sideline to make it 50-21 early in the third. With Bauer at the helm this fall, the Bulldogs have not drifted away from the readoption offense, which they used to near-perfection the last few seasons. “Drew ran a little bit of it in high school and he has a pretty good knack for it along with our running backs,” Wiese said. “It’s a tough thing to do to continue to make sure you have a good mesh with your quarterback and running back. Our guys continue to do a good job of it.” UMD piled up 29 first-quarter points, but had to compete against a Wayne State offense that was having a pretty easy go of it, as well. Wildcat quarterback Zach Osborn threw three first-half touchdowns—two coming in the first quarter to counter UMD’s fast start, and the third coming in the second quarter to keep the Bulldogs temporarily within reach. While Wayne State’s offense struggled to maintain traction, gaining just 35 yards after halftime, UMD received touchdown runs from Jeron Johnson and Eric Kline to push the final margin to 43—the team’s secondmost lopsided win since 2010. The Bulldogs crept up two spots in the national polls from No. 13 to No. 11 this week, and will take on NSIC North-leading St. Cloud State on homecoming Saturday afternoon. Kickoff is at 1 p.m., with the winner gaining the inside track in the division race.
BY ALOYSIA POWER power270@d.umn.edu
Duluth’s Heck of the North race always lives up to its hellish name, being a self-supported 100-mile gravel bike race—but this year, it was especially difficult. Riders came into the finish fatigued, splattered in mud and soaked by rain. Saturday was the race’s fifth anniversary, and it rained enough to make up for its past four years of sunshine. “We’ve actually been wanting a day like this to add an element of adventure and challenge,” said Avesa Rockwell, UMD writing professor and wife of race coordinator Jeremy Kershaw. Indeed, the race results reflected the weather. A lot of racers knew what they were in for and didn’t even show up at the start. Of the 300 registered racers, 205 started and 156 finished.
The winner, Nikolai Anikin, came in at six hours and three minutes, about 20 minutes slower than the average winning time. Kershaw points out that it’s hard to compare the winning time to past years, however, because of this year’s new course. Kershaw decided to change the course in order to adapt to the race’s growing popularity. “In years past, I think the most riders we had was 150,” Rockwell said. “And Jeremy had almost 400 postcards sent in saying they wanted to race. And he’s like, ‘I want to let them all in. I don’t want to say no to anyone.’” Kershaw worked with the Minnesota DNR and found a parking lot located off of Highway 2 outside of Two Harbors that was just large enough for this year’s increased participation. After he solved that problem, he had to redesign the course. This was his chance to give the race an even wilder feel. The course once started and finished on the pavement of Martin Road in Duluth, but now it starts and ends on a gravel ATV trail
Student Life Editor / Maeggie Licht / licht096@d.umn.edu
and includes a lot less pavement in general, according to Kershaw. The course loops down to Duluth and back, winding through gravel and paved roads, old logging roads and overgrown snowmobile and ATV trails. “We just wanted more of a north woods feel, and this definitely has it,” Rockwell said. “It’s like you’re in Alaska. . . . It’s like you feel like you’re going to see a moose.” John Hatcher, racer and UMD journalism professor, said the new Fans sit underneath umbrellas in the trunks of their cars as they watch the route happily surprised ultra gravel bike racers fly by in the rain at Heck of the North last Saturday. him. ALOYSIA POWER/STATESMAN “I don’t know how he finds some of these music, sports, bikes—the Minnesota are more out to the spirit of adventure to win and crush their and community,” she roads,” Hatcher said. lifestyle.” Eric Serantoni, a opponents.” said. “The last 15 miles wasn’t According to Rockwell, Garrett Copeland, even really a road and race volunteer and vice president of the UMD the community a UMD Cycling Club then there was this river in the middle of it at Cycling Club, agrees surrounding the race is member who volunteered one point, and you start that racers like the ones also a charitable crowd. at the halfway checkpoint guarded by laughing. But it was at Heck of the North are The race, which is free while a little different from the for riders, is supported an umbrella, said he gorgeous.” by volunteers who help volunteered because it Although most racers majority of bike racers. “The people that run the event and sell was his turn to give back chose cyclo-cross bikes or road bikes, there were race gravel have kind race T-shirts, as well as to the biking community. “Whether it was them plenty of exceptions. of a different demeanor companies that make Many rode mountain than the people that raffle donations and building trails for us to bikes. One couple race on the road,” he Carmody 61 in Two ride, giving us discounts mounted a tandem. said. “Gravel racing Harbors, which donated at a shop, or generally having people to ride Even a few fat tires used is more relaxed, but post-race beer this year. Rockwell calls it the with, it was good for us for snow biking made people are still serious about winning. It’s more “labor of love.” to be out there publicly appearances. competition; “Rather than the whole helping with the biggest “It’s an alternative friendly crowd, “ Kershaw said. whereas, I get the sense corporate fancy race biking event in Duluth.” “They like alternative that the road racers in thing, it’s getting it back
Let’s hang out UMD student starts hammock study club BY ALOYSIA POWER power270@d.umn.edu
Colin Anton just wanted a quiet place to study. And, after a summer of hanging in his new hammock, he knew exactly where to find that place. Nestled between two trees, reading in the shade, Anton can be found lying in his hammock anywhere between the Oakland Apartments and the library or underneath the pines by the greenhouse. Ever since he started “mocking,” he’s become somewhat of a Where’s Waldo on the popular Facebook group “Overheard at UMD.” And students are now talking about him outside of the Internet. “Tons of people would walk by, and I kept on overhearing people say, ‘That’s a good idea,’” he said. After receiving much enthusiasm for the study secret, he decided last week to launch the Hammock/ Study Outreach Club. As of Sunday, there are 16 members not including Anton. Member Gabe Ernst, a senior, joined the club after seeing it on Overheard at UMD, like most other members did. “It’s getting a lot of traction on the site,” he said. And, according to Ernst, it’s good that the club is in the limelight, especially now that there are few oncampus dedicated lounges due to the Kirby construcUMD senior Colin Anton soaks in a few more min- tion. “For people to stay at campus, they need a place to utes of relaxation before taking down his hamrest,” he said. “Duluth is kind of a commuter school mock, and heading to class. Anton has enjoyed his right now. A lot of people spend all this time on the hammock study time so much that he decided to create the Hammock/ Study Outreach Club to get bus to go home and take a nap for an hour. Now, if you could do that on campus, then you could relax more people involved. ALOYSIA POWER/STATESMAN
and waste a lot less time and just be less stressed overall throughout the day.” Both Ernst and Anton think the use of hammocks can build a stronger community on campus by allowing students to study or nap in comfort in various areas. “After 4 o’clock when classes are over, the hallways are empty,” Ernst said. “(Hammocks) will get people to stick around.” Because of his hammock, Anton is able to stay on campus for about 11 hours every day. “I’m more involved with school because I’m staying there all day,” he said. “I can be outside in a rich studying area where I’m not uncomfortable.” According to Anton and Ernst, the campus spots with strong enough trees for setting up hammocks are between the library and the Oakland Apartments, the Life Sciences courtyard near the greenhouse, and the southwest side of the Kirby courtyard. The club hopes to create more hammock hangouts with poles that have eye loops for attaching the straps. They are currently working with Facilities Management to see if the idea is feasible. “There are not a lot of good trees on campus,” Ernst said. “You’ve got to go out of your way to use (your hammock).” Anton said another benefit of the hammock hangouts would be that the poles would keep “mockers” from hurting campus trees. For now, he asks that mockers not use small trees or those without rough bark because of the risk of overloading the tree and stripping its bark. see HAMMOCKS, B5
Student Life Editor / Maeggie Licht / licht096@d.umn.edu
Chester Chats spark discussion Glensheen Mansion hosts local forum
BY JOHN FAHNENSTIEL fahne006@d.umn.edu
Glensheen Mansion, the historic estate bequeathed to UMD from the Chester Congdon estate, hosted its inaugural Chester Chat on Thursday, Sept. 26. A Chester Chat is a Ted Talk-style event where multiple presenters deliver minilectures in 10 minutes or less. Glensheen will host one every other month. Daniel Hartman is Glensheen’s interim director and organizes the bi-monthly Chester Chats. He came up with the idea after realizing Duluth lacks a forum for public servants to engage the public. “And I love Ted Talks,” he added. Last Thursday’s topic was Public Service. The speakers were state senator Roger Reinert and state representative Erik Simonson. Both represent Duluth in Minnesota’s b i c a m e r a l leg islature. Hartman, a city council member, also presented. Sen. Reinert’s talk focused on the nexus of self-interest and the public good. “We think the pursuit of happiness is about ‘my’ happiness,” Reinert said. “It’s not how the statement was originally written . . . Thomas Jefferson,
the primary author, wrote ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of public happiness’ in the original draft.” Rep. Simonson spoke about his experience at the state capitol and gave advice to aspiring politicians. “Everyone’s got an opinion,” Simonson said. “But so very few people are willing to take it to the next step . . . and try to effect change at a policy level. To me, that becomes frustrating.” Simonson’s political advice was rooted in his own experience. “Market ‘you’ . . . go
to voters and tell them, ‘This is who I am. This is what I do. This is what believe in,’” he said. “Once you get into these positions (of government), it’s important to remember where you came from and who you’re representing.” Hartman spoke last, delivering a slightly longer than 10-minute talk on Chester Congdon’s achievements in the early 20th-century Minnesota legislature. The few dozen audience members appreciated presenters’ pithiness. “I thought it was
great,” said UMD School of Fine Arts’ dean, Bill Payne. “The format of giving people a compact amount of time to speak their ideas was really effective.” Payne thinks that events like these are positive outlets for student involvement in local government. “I was really encouraged to see so many students here,” he said. “I think the opportunity to engage in the larger community conversation is really important for UMD students.” All three presenters stuck around after the event and fielded one-on-one questions. “(Chester Chats) give people an opportunity to get together and talk about civic engagement,” said Rep. Simonson. “UMD is a big part of our community, and the student population is hugely important to Duluth. Ultimately, we need to find a better way to work together, and one of the pieces that has been missing is input from students.” Hartman organized the event and was happy with how it turned out. “This is a really exciting opportunity to bridge the gap between (UMD) and the larger community,” he said. “A lot of times, people don’t think of Glensheen as part of (UMD), and now we’re really pushing that.”
What’s up,
Wednesday 10/2 Cardboard Boat Races. Build your own boat in hopes of staying dry on Bagley Pond, or just watch others set sail. The race starts at 4:00 p.m. Thursday 10/3 Secret Waterfalls of Duluth. Get in on this tour of hidden waterfalls in Duluth. The three-part series continues on Oct. 10 and 17. Register by noon on the day before each hike. Transportation will be provided, and will leave from the “Trailhead” Sports and Health Center Lobby. Each outing is $4 for UMD students and $8 for others. Wear comfortable hiking shoes. UMD Homecoming Parade. Bulldogs get out on the town for this parade of spirit through downtown Duluth. The festivities begin at 6:00 p.m. Friday 10/4 Bayfield Apple Festival. Wander through the apple trees on a self-guided tour of 14 area orchards or try your hand at carnival games. Visit many different booths and vendors, take a “Twilight Cemetery” walk, and enjoy a performance by Native Expressions Drum and Dance Troupe. Saturday 10/5 Homecoming 5K. Kick off Homecoming Saturday with your fellow Bulldogs on a 5K through Bagley Nature Area. Race day registration is available at the Bagley Classroom building. UMD students pay $12 and others pay $15. The run starts at 10 a.m. Homecoming Football Game. The Bulldogs take on the St. Cloud Huskies. Be there ready to cheer at 1:05 p.m. Sunday 10/6 Jenn Rawling and Basho Parks: Folk from Portland. This chill duo performs at Amazing Grace Bakery and Café at 8 p.m. Traveling all the way from Portland, Ore., they’ve been described as “a lithe collection of wine-red, gypsy-tinged folk.” Monday 10/7 Apple Cidering. Meet at Bagley Nature Area Rock Pond kiosk at 5 p.m. Learn to make your own apple cider using a hand-crank cider press. Dress for chilly weather and bring your own mug for cider. Register by noon on Oct. 4. UMD Students: $3, others $7. Tuesday 10/8 Open Mic. Check out some local talent or show your own skills at Sir Benedict’s Tavern on the Lake. Register to perform on the day of: 218-728-1192.
A lovely day in the neighborhood
Better Neighbors program to improve community relationships BY GRAHAM HAKALA hakal045@d.umn.edu
When fall rolls around and a new semester starts, thousands of college students move back to Duluth, and quiet communities receive a fresh batch of new neighbors. The Better Neighbors program at UMD works to ease that transition for students and their neighborhoods. “Better Neighbors is a program designed to maintain and improve relationships with the campus and community neighbors,” said Lauretta Perry, adviser to the Better Neighbors program and chemical health educator at UMD. To encourage students to get out and meet their neighbors, Better Neighbors created The Better Neighbors Barbeque program. Students who
host a barbeque-style gathering in their neighborhood are eligible to be reimbursed up to $40 for money spent on supplies. “We want people to meet their neighbors,” said UMD junior and Better Neighbors director Mia Johnson. “We want them to form good relationships.” Students can take their receipts to the Student Association office and turn them in to Johnson, who will review them. The money cannot be used for alcohol. Students also need to document the names of the people who attended the party and include their contact information. In the past, UMD would offer money to students who collected contact information from their neighbors. Better Neighbors organizers wanted to bring in
a more personal touch. “We thought we could do better than that,” Perry said. “If we’re talking about building relationships, just knocking on the door doesn’t dig deep enough.”
Only a handful of students have participated in the program in recent years, but Johnson says she hopes more students will take advantage of it in the future. The Better Neighbors
Program provides several other communitybuilding opportunities in addition to their barbeque initiative. The program oversees the Hillside Cleanup event every spring. Organizers work with the UMD Facilities Management Department to help remove unwanted furniture from the neighborhoods around campus. The program also developed the UMD Furniture Swap, which can be found on Facebook. It is designed to connect people looking for furniture with people looking to get rid of it. Keg With a Cop is an event occasionally put on by the program. Better Neighbors teams up with UMDPD for the event where students enjoy a free rootbeer keg and have the opportunity to ask police officers any
questions they might have regarding law or safety. The student body elects a student to the Better Neighbors director position. The director works closely with Perry, as well as UMDPD director Scott Drewlo. The Better Neighbors director acts as the student liaison with the UMDPD. “It’s beneficial for the community to see a student leader as the face of the program,” Perry said. The Better Neighbors program is handled almost entirely by Johnson, with Perry acting in a background roll. Johnson has been in the position since 2011. “Mia is well respected by community neighbors, by police and the administration,” Perry said. “She’s the right person for the job.”
Continued from B3
In preparation for the winter months, the club is searching for appropriate indoor hangouts, one area potentially being the gym courts. “There’re lots of times when there’s nobody in there— just completely empty,” Anton said. The club also wants to make mocking more accessible by making hammocks more available. They plan on working with RSOP to add hammocks to its rental shop so that students without hammocks can rent them right on campus for a small price. “I love going mocking and studying in my hammock, and I want other people to be able to do that, too,” Anton
said. Along with making the studying style more accessible, Anton wants to secure its future by ensuring that mockers are hanging safely. He tells of a student who got in trouble for mocking 12 feet in the air. “Anybody that’s mocking on campus should obviously practice safety because people that are hanging too high will ruin it for others,” he said. He recommends hanging just over a foot above the ground, double checking that the straps are strong enough and not frayed or old, and tying the straps properly around the tree.
Student Life Editor / Maeggie Licht / licht096@d.umn.edu
Stage 2 presents: “The Last Days of Judas Iscariot”
UMD junior Lauren Schulke, as fiery defense attorney Cunningham, argues her case to Judge Littlefield, played by sophomore Ryan Fargo, in rehearsal Tuesday. “Judas” runs Oct. 3-5 with shows starting at 7:30 p.m. in the Dudley Experimental Theater. Tickets are $5 at the door. SARA HUGHES/STATESMAN BY ROSY BRAY brayx102@d.umn.edu
The infamous trial over Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus Christ is about to be brought to life by the students of UMD. The story of the historical and biblical figures that people have read about for years will be reenacted during Stage II’s first production of the year, “The Last Days of Judas Iscariot.” “I’m most excited to see these biblical figures presented as humanistic and modern, while normally people see them as immortal and hard to reach,” said Brian Saice, costume designer. “I like being able to relate to saints and angels.” This completely student-run production will be performed live on campus Oct. 3–5 at 7:30 p.m. in the Dudley Experimental Theater. The script was chosen by the student director,
senior BFA acting major Alex Goebel. Theater students read the script and auditioned for their desired roles. The actors had their first rehearsal the weekend after fall semester started and have kept at it five days a week ever since. “The crew I am working with for this production really fit the mold of the diverse characters in this script,” Goebel said. “Going into this, I wanted my actors to take their script and run with it. Before each scene I just say, ‘Go,’ and afterwards we talk about what worked and what didn’t.” “Judas” is set in impoverished purgatory, the place between heaven and hell. Seated in a jury-like arrangement, the audience will be witnessing the live court case over Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, and his betrayal of Jesus Christ. A variety of witnesses
from Mother Theresa to Sigmund Freud are brought in for crossexamination by the attorneys to determine whether Judas will be sent to heaven or hell. In preparation for the production, the producers and actors have been researching religious texts to get a feel for how they can most accurately replicate the story. Aside from hours of line memorization, the actors have taken what they’ve studied about their characters’ backgrounds and combined that with their own personalities to bring the immortal figures to life in a way that’s relatable to the audience. “I don’t plan out what I do on stage; I just feel the impulses when I’m out there,” said sophomore Lauren Schulke, who plays the role of the defense attorney. “Reading all the descriptions of who I am helps me go into each scene with an idea of what I am going
to get from the character across from me.” Students have been attending four-hour rehearsals five days a week, working hard to deliver the story of Judas in a modern light. The costumes have been put together with materials from the theater department’s closet along with clothing from the actors’ personal wardrobes. The crew members worked long hours the weekend prior to the performance to create the stage into their own ideal setting of purgatory. Although “The Last Days of Judas Iscariot” is based around a religious story, students of all backgrounds can enjoy this production, and also take something away from it. The plot unravels in an unbiased way, teaching different themes applicable to what young adults encounter on a day-today basis.
“This play is run for the students, by the students,” said senior Amanda Sjodahl, who plays St. Monica. “Whether religious or not, the message within ‘Judas’ is acted out in a way that can appeal to everyone.” The play encapsulates logical assumptions between what happened in the Bible and history itself. The actors took the combination of these stories and replicated them in an original way, using language and references that young adults can easily understand. Within each scene, recurring themes of prejudice, consequence, dedication and forgiveness are conveyed in ways that students can see mirrored in their own lives. “Each character, regardless of their status, has their own perspectives and justifications to bring to the table,” said senior James Goodman, who plays Satan.
“‘Judas’ elicits a lot of emotions, and everyone in the audience will walk away with something uniquely profound.” The crew is looking forward to seeing the audience’s reactions to the show and the different questions they all leave with. Just from reading and rehearsing the script, the cast said they have already learned a great deal. This humorous, yet intellectual, performance has the opportunity to bring about all new perspectives to the students of UMD. “The no-taken viewpoint approach to this performance leaves the audience with an openended choice,” said junior Colleen Lafeber, who plays the roles of Gloria and Mother Theresa. “It will be interesting to see how this play affects their lives and the decisions they make.”
Domestic Medium Hair- Blue Neutered Male 2 years old
Meet Frezno!
Fall Preview Days Friday, October 4 Thursday, October 17 Friday, October 18 Registering for Fall Preview Day at UW-Superior provides you the opportunity to visit campus and learn more about admissions, residence life and academic programs. You will also meet current students, facutly and staff.
Frezno is a handsome grey domestic medium hair cat who is about 2 years old. He was found as a stray in Duluth and is very excited to find his new home! He is a friendly boy who loves attention and pets but also loves to play, especially with toy mice! Frezno has been neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. If you would like to adopt this wonderful boy, please come visit him at Animal Allies in Duluth!
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FALL 20I3 UMD Music Events October I-24 T H MONDAY, 7 | 7:30 pm | SPecial Event
I2TH Annual Weber Concert MONDAY, I4 | 7:30 pm
Paula Gudmundson, flute & Tracy Lipke-Perry, piano TUESDAY, I5 | 7:30 pm | UMD Marshall W. Alworth Planetarium
Sights & Sounds from Outerspace: Gene Koshinski, percussion Music accompanying a planetarium show, produced by the Marshall W. Alworth Planetarium, using its impressive 30 foot, 360-degree dome. THURSDAY, I7 – SAturday I9 | 7:30 pm & SUNDAY, 20 | 2:00 pm | Matinee
Opera: Die Fledermaus, MARSHALL PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Alice Pierce, director | Jean R. Perrault, conductor Thursday, 24 | 7:30 pm | Special Event
Ovation Guest Artist Series Concert: Gary Levinson & Daredjan Kakouberi, violin & piano duo
Full Listing of UMD Weber Music Hall * Events visit d.umn.edu/music
tickets.umn.edu | 2I8.726.8877 The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. | *Unless otherwise noted
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