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SPATIAL PRACTICE An overview of the ďŹ nal projects by the MAHKU students of 2007-2008

ed fd id psd Pastoe Rotsoord 3 Utrecht

Mon-Sat: 10am-5pm Sun: 12pm-5pm

fa Academiegalerie Minrebroedersstraat 16 Utrecht Wed-Sun:12pm-5pm

ed fd id psd fa

Editorial Design Fashion Design/Fashion Communication Interior Design Public Space Design Fine Arts

Stephano Gualeni Opera Morta



Opera Morta

Opera Morta Stephano Gualeni

fa Opera Morta is a hypothetical model for aesthetics which is derived from the application of a structuralist approach to post-modern ontology. The model and perspectives provided by this research have a speciďŹ c focus on digital media but are applicable to a broad spectrum of aesthetics-related disciplines. Game studies in particular can beneďŹ t of Opera Morta as its metaphysics-based approach offers a radical and resourceful alternative to the current models.




Stephano Gualeni

Bart Janssen Gele Rijdersplein



Gele Rijdersplein

Gele Rijdersplein Bart Janssen

psd By re-arranging the layout of the Gele Rijdersplein a completely new public space comes to existence. By creating a new, minimalistic layout and using reďŹ ned and well-thought details the post-war void transforms into a completely new, contemporary public space for all inhabitants and visitors. The subtle use of different elements respects the void, and creates a unique identity. By encapsulating the AKU fountain it becomes a new, public icon for the city. A natural stream, originating from the Hoge Veluwe, transforms in a unique and attractive, urban element and connects the city of Arnhem with the surrounding landscape again.



bart-janssen@hetnet.nl +31 64 817 7589

Bart Janssen

Maya K. Aujla Planet Savers



Planet Savers

Planet Savers Maya K. Aujla

ed Planet Savers is an interactive game that teaches children about the causes of global warming, while simultaneously presenting encouraging messages or tips through activities within the game. The goal is to lure them away from wasting fossil fuels and guide them towards sustainable alternatives by showing them through a combination of reduction, elimination, and utilization of energy methods. I chose to focus on the next generation of children because I would like to instill positive morals regarding their environment at a younger age. The objective is for children and their parents to see that even small changes in everyday tasks can make a huge difference in the ďŹ ght against global warming.



www.mayaaujla.com designs@mayaaujla.com

Maya K. Aujla

Wei-Lien Hsu Machine Space



Machine Space

Machine Space Wei-Lien Hsu

id My design is about housing. I try to find out a new way of thinking and a new logic to create space. The first image of my design is “Illegal structures in Taiwan”. I see these as “Magic Boxes”, and have many collections. It is a guest house. It is a kind of accommodation available for vacation. It is a private home. I try to make the space if they don’t move out the space that they can not use it. It is mean that movement structure create the space.



sower1007@hotmail.com +31 63 449 3925

Wei-Lien Hsu

Mio Nakamura Daily Hospital



Daily Hospital

Daily Hospital Mio Nakamura

id This is an interior design for the hospital in Utrecht the Netherlands. Originally, this space is used as the waiting/rest room in the hospital. The problem in this hospital is lack of privacy so I made many private spaces, and gave the function as “Internet Comic Cafe�. The point of my design is second ceiling. It is used effectively so that it produces and connects various small spaces. This space let patients escape their reality and make them smile. That will be biggest medicine for them as space of the hospital.



www.mionakamura.com miokuniku@gmail.com

Mio Nakamura

Marloes de Jong Don’t Cut The Magazine



Don’t Cut The Magazine

Don’t Cut The Magazine Marloes de Jong

fd The consumer gets an everincreasing role in the fashion world. It’s not surprising that Time Magazine announced “YOU” as the most important person at this moment. Models are replaced by consumers in nowadays fashion ads, and designers are inspired by all round street styles. Because of web 2.0 the distance between professional and amateur are becoming smaller and smaller. Nevertheless the professional journalist will always be in the lead. In my project I want to combine the best of both worlds; a fashion database in which you can produce your own magazine written by professional reporters. Your Favourite Fashion Articles: Read, Rate, Search and Share them at dontcutthemagazine.com.



www.marloesdejong.com www.dontcutthemagazine.com marloes_de_jong@hotmail.com +31 62 868 9458

Marloes de Jong

Lee BongKeum Fast Structure



Fast Structure

Fast Structure Lee BongKeum

id Contemporary living is so fast that we can only slow it down by making a new trend because, when we do cause life to slow down significantly, people complain that they are missing their old ‘fast’ style of life. In the end this situation I believe that we have to be prepared to make the effort to improve the quality of our lives and make them more meaningful and satisfying. We need to develop a different perspective on how we run our lives.



www.leebongkeum.com leebongkeum@yahoo.co.kr +31 65 026 2424

Lee BongKeum

Joyce Machielsen Design the Uncanny



Design the Uncanny

Design the Uncanny Joyce Machielsen

fd What fascinates me is when conicting feelings of frightening and attraction occur at the same time. Things can only be exciting when they are beautiful or attractive as well as dangerous or scary. I am designing an uncanny collection and will translate the uncanny through fetishism in an innovative way. You will be attracted to, yet repulsed by my collection at the same time. The clothes I design for women can be seen as a statement something between outerwear and underwear, difďŹ cult to classify.



joycemachielsen@hotmail.com +31 61 712 5780

Joyce Machielsen

Peter Kerkhoff Periscope




Periscope Peter Kerkhoff

id Since a factory is deďŹ ned by activity taking place inside its buildings, a program ďŹ lling its now empty spaces has to be linked to production. Not necessarily products or machinery, but more like ideas and interactive participation. In order to make this happen and to ensure the building’s economic agility, there has to be cultural diversity. The building has to attract a variety of people, all bringing in their own experiences. The different programs attracting these people link in to each other, providing activity which supports the other programs and therefore the endurance of Periscope, the Cultural Activity Plant Venlo.



www.peterkerkhoff.nl peterkerkhoff@gmail.com +31 64 732 6398

Peter Kerkhoff

Putri P. Sadiqah Explaining Infographics



Explaining Infographics

Explaining Infographics Putri P. Sadiqah

ed In order to create effective infographics, designers have to fully understand what infographics are. Comics are made to tell stories, so are infographics. There is a strong connection between comics and infographics in the way they tell stories within sequences. Combining words and images are the best way to convey information. The visual language of comics and infographics could be collaborated to create the best way to explain how infographics work. The purpose of this visual project is to ďŹ nd a method to provide information about infographics in a more fun and friendly way.



meiske.deviantart.com meiske_sadiqah@yahoo.com +31 63 450 0487 +62 817 213 004

Putri P. Sadiqah

Maud Neuvel Eleven




Eleven Maud Neuvel

fd Eleven is the ďŹ rst brand that develops apparel especially for women that play soccer. Soccer is a sport dominated by men. The values that are given to soccer are male values. And because of that, despite the fact that soccer is the most upcoming sport amongst women right now, women still wear male clothing. But that’s going to change. Eleven develops better looking and proper ďŹ tting clothes for women who play soccer. Clothing that is especially designed for their sport and their body. By doing this Eleven strives for changing the image of soccer and of women who play soccer.



maudneuvel@gmail.com +31 64 399 2940

Maud Neuvel

Abdul Azis Between Upase Letter



Between Upase Letter

Between Upase Letter Abdul Azis

fa 250 years ago, a tragic slavery history embedding in an unreadable Indonesian letter went on in Cape Town, South Africa and until now still presents mysterious and debatable sides, in particular, the interpretation and translation. In 1760, Upase (a slave from Bugis) wrote to his friend September to request a medical help who was believed as a Dukun or shaman. A fact, the letter became evidence in a courtroom to execute 12 slaves who were suspected as the killer of a Dutch family. I did investigation through artistic research by working on videos to unlock the hidden truth and bring back the history to be something, an artistic entity, in the moniker of contemporary art.



abdulazismajene@yahoo.com +31 62 636 5366 +62 813 1008 2112

Abdul Azis

Ilse Beumer Transferability




Transferability Ilse Beumer

psd Commuters can park their cars at transfer-zones like a transferium or park & ride to avoid trafďŹ c-jams and parkingproblems in the city. At these non-places the traveler needs accompanying by the form and information. Entering and leaving these places should be as selfevident, owing and offering a pleasant journey. A language of acceleration/still/deceleration as starting-point for designing movement in the public space of park & ride station Capelse Brug situated near Rotterdam. The commuter will be escorted freely and with pleasure through the place, out of the landscape background to the urban platform and later on that day vice versa.



ilsebeumer@msn.com +31 62 855 2719

Ilse Beumer

Caroline Pompe Traveling On Routes



Traveling On Routes

Traveling On Routes Caroline Pompe

psd Imagine you are a mother with a cargobike. You are living on IJburg, working at the SouthAxes of Amsterdam. Every day you are moving along the Ringvaartroute. Feel the rhythm that makes part of your daily rituals. The atmospheres inside the score guide you to your work in the morning and back home in the afternoon. Watch the kids playing underneath the cherrytrees. See the small boats sailing over the water. Move on different levels along the dike. Characteristics of the city become perceptible. You’re creating your own After Image.



carolinepompe@gmail.com +31 64 381 8525

Caroline Pompe

Shani Van Bel Responsive Adaptive



Responsive Adaptive

Responsive Adaptive Shani Van Bel

id How can interior design embrace environmental sustainability and the culture of perpetual change? Mankind does not have to regress back to cave man style dwellings in order to apply animal building principles to interior design. By designing with lightweight materials that leave room for future renovation, we design with a longer time scale in mind. Locally sourced materials reduce the need for transportation, and give users a stronger psychological relationship with space. Sustainability is not simply the efďŹ cient use of resources. Instead of being dull and monotonous, interiors should celebrate the seasons and change with the weather.



www.mahku.nl/names/shani_bel.html shanivanbel@yahoo.co.uk +31 62 645 5721 +44 208 361 3361

Shani Van Bel

Marc Andrews Visual Persuasion



Visual Persuasion

Visual Persuasion Marc Andrews

ed My project is about the visual persuasion of social campaigns. I try to combine my profession as a social psychologist with that as a graphic designer. I am investigating how images work to inuence beliefs, attitudes, opinions and the behavior of those who see them. Further I am looking at how images create meaning and how a visual argument can be constructed most effectively by taking Semiotics and the Classical Rhetoric into consideration. In my visualization I try to adapt this knowledge into a social campaign, making them more conscious about their ears and motivating young people to wear hearing protection when going clubbing.



www.andrewsdegen.com www.marcandrews.nl marcando2002@yahoo.de +31 64 225 5823

Marc Andrews

Helen Gras One But Not The Same



One But Not The Same

One But Not The Same Helen Gras

fd I am half of a whole twin. And I found that fashion does exactly this; it looks for the balance between belonging to a communal whole, and at the same time trying to be yourself by differentiating yourself from others; this creates ambivalence. I take the twin relationship as a metaphor for how people stand in the fashion world. I investigate the ambivalence within the individual and in society to see what effect it has on constructing an identity. I’ve name it scenario. In order to keep the information open and interpretable, while owing and sequenced, I use dance to communicate the scenario. The dancers dance the coming fashion.



helengras.com helengras@gmail.com +31 65 202 8884

Helen Gras

Erika Jacobs Lord Escaping the Grid



Escaping the Grid

Escaping the Grid Erika Jacobs Lord

id The grid is all around us, a necessary part of daily life. But what happens if space is liberated from the grid and allowed to dance? Inspired by the Deleuzian notion of smooth and striated space, I have explored ways to destabilize the grid to create a more dynamic and expressive architecture. These spaces are not only visual; they need to be stroked, lived in, and explored with the senses to be experienced. My extensive renovation of a Dutch post-war apartment in Utrecht puts these concepts into practice to create compelling yet cosy urban dwellings.



erika.jacobslord.com erika@jacobslord.com +31 64 158 9256

Erika Jacobs Lord

Christiaan van Dokkum The Process of Signs



The Process of Signs

The Process of Signs Christiaan van Dokkum

ed The research is focused on the discussion of visual perception in relation with signs and their meaning. You learn more about the working of visual perception and what kind of inuence it has on the meaning of signs. It gives you an overview about what kind of signs there are and how the small elements of a sign work.The visual examples clarify how important the small and simple graphic elements work for both the visual perception and the meaning of a sign. You will enrich yourself with the knowledge of the components of signs and visual perception.



chrisvandokkum@hotmail.com +31 64 227 1764

Christiaan van Dokkum

Ellen Blom My Work & Film Stills



My Work & Film Stills

My Work & Film Stills Ellen Blom

fa Movies have always been one of my sources of inspiration. In my research I took a closer look at ďŹ lm stills that I had selected from two of my favourite movies. This research helped me to better understand my practice as a painter and to gain new insights into my work. It showed me that I communicate with my paintings in a similar way as is done in vcinematography.



blom.ellen@gmail.com +31 62 002 1561

Ellen Blom

Stephen McConnell Slum Wealth



Slum Wealth

Slum Wealth Stephen McConnell

id A slum is comparable to a weed. It is classiďŹ ed undesirable, not cultivated or regulated. It does not resemble the grid suburbs of the west. There is a wealth within slums, informality and ingenuity, that architects and designers need teaching. Especially in the expanding urban landscape of our city planet. The slum is the entrepreneurial laboratory for informal development. It is the proving ground for future answers for all developing cities. Throughout the issues concerning our city planet and its urbanizing nodes, it is the slum and its inhabitants that are coming up with answers.



www.stephenhku.blogspot.com macstephen@ďŹ lternet.nl

Stephen McConnell

Marah Blom The Artistic Archive



The Artistic Archive

The Artistic Archive Marah Blom

fa The purpose of this research is to gain insight. Its destination will be a reconstruction of ‘what I do, why I do it, and how I do it’. Its product will provide information for the future artwork I am going to make. In order to gain this insight I will study a collection of newspaper images, which I have collected over the past few years, by drawing, writing and categorizing. This collection says something about why and how I make choices, about what fascinates me. It hides information about the cornerstones of my own artistic practice and being.



marah.blom@gmail.com +31 61 413 0490

Marah Blom

Christine Bruckmeier Learning to Swim



Learning to Swim

Learning to Swim Christine Bruckmeier

fa Coming from a theoretical background I used to follow a more conceptional artistic approach. The last year I decided to invest in the development of a visual language by going into an experimental process of thinking-doing, where in the beginning I would never know what the visual outcome would be: it feels like walking in the dark and you do not know where you go. For me this process was like learning to swim – it was a crucial moment in becoming an artist.



christine.bruckmeier@gmx.de +31 61 931 3021

Christine Bruckmeier

Xiuzhi Zhang Ink Photography



Ink Photography

Ink Photography Xiuzhi Zhang

ed From the history of fashion photography, the photographers’ backgrounds often affect their work and always bring new inspiration to the fashion world in a lot of different ways; painting, backdrops, props, environment, poses, techniques, and concept. Those changes make fashion photography richer. All of them have inuenced what fashion photography is today. I search for a new method of photographing fashion, inspired by Chinese ink painting.



xiuzhi-zhang.blogbus.com aoboo1@hotmail.com +31 64 362 9421

Xiuzhi Zhang

Yildiz Celie Corporate Subculture



Corporate Subculture

Corporate Subculture Yildiz Celie

fd The ‘core’ of sub cultural lifestyles, can’t be found in their style of dress anymore. These styles became mainstream. By discovering that these subgroups constantly lost their authenticity and identity, it became clear to me how important it is to have an authenticity to refer to. The clothing we wear today is often based on status, but real values are hard to find. Hip hop culture and the dandy had such values. They stood for freedom, brotherhood and equality. My label stands for the same values, given that these values are necessary to create humanity and balance in the world.



www.yildizcelie.com info@yildizcelie.com +31 64 756 4565

Yildiz Celie

Renske Versluijs I Object



I Object

I Object Renske Versluijs

fd The collection I OBJECT is based on my research on Muslim girls. I have researched how the girls negotiate between religious values around women’s clothing and those of the ‘West’. What they want to express through clothing and how they want to be seen, both as being a Muslim and a woman. How do they try to control the male gaze? My findings led to a collection that is not based on general western fashion aesthetics, but deals with the female body and the male gaze in a new way. To achieve this I experimented with texture, colour and form.



www.renskeversluijs.com renske.versluijs@gmail.com +31 64 107 4205

Renske Versluijs

Beorn Thijssen Make a MOOF



Make a MOOF

Make a MOOF Beorn Thijssen

fd MOOF: Made Out Of Fashion. Every year the average consumer throws about 30 kg of good fashion products away. You might begin questioning how much effect the sheer volumes of clothing we are buying, at knockdown prices, are crossing human and ecological borders. This campaign website not only informs or raises awareness about sustainable issues in the fashion industry, but it also offers creative and practical experiences with old clothes. By watching video’s about sustainable workshops or by creating them yourself. Users learn from each other how they can give their wardrobes a longer and valuable life.



www.makeamoof.com be_orn@hotmail.com +31 62 475 6849

Beorn Thijssen

Ji Tang Nomadic Life



Nomadic Life

Nomadic Life Ji Tang

fa This story was happened in The Hague. It is about a Romany woman with her family. She is looking for her nomadic life feeling back all the time in this city, but... As a foreigner who lives in Holland for several years, just like other immigrants. I believe that ‘foreigner’ means not only a group of people or an identity, but rather a certain state of life and a complex mixed up consciousness.



tangji_kabk@hotmail.com +31 64 212 3927

Ji Tang

Jaakko M채kinen Cult Hero



Cult Hero

Cult Hero Jaakko Mäkinen

fd I’m a cult hero. The main emphasis in my research has been on dandyism and punk. Using these two movements as a source of inspiration I’ve created a collection for men. With the collection I want to explore the norms in our times regarding gender and social class; the norms of masculinity. The result is a portrait of a 21st century man so clear-cut and selfsufficient he’s almost a caricature of himself. I’m a cult hero is an exploration of a cult revolving around self.



vemardu.typepad.com happyjesus23@yahoo.se +358 50 5522 018

Jaakko Mäkinen

Andreas Gerolemou Creative Throw



Creative Throw

Creative Throw Andreas Gerolemou

ed What if you had a tool that would allow you to access hidden nonconscious knowledge? What if you could use this knowledge to solve creative challenges? I could give you the key to do this. I could show you where the well of creativity lies and how you could drink from its waters. By mastering the art of African divination and by creating your own symbolic language, you will have the tools to access your own designing creativity. Prepare to throw the bones...



agerolemou@gmail.com +31 63 493 4787 +357 99 445 118

Andreas Gerolemou

Lieke Zonnenberg [un]morph




[un]morph Lieke Zonnenberg

fd How can we, in fashion, use and perceive the female body in a ‘different’ way than contemporary Western body aesthetics? The popular trend in Western society is that we are our bodies, and the qualities assigned to them. Furthermore, in Western fashion clothes become inferior and are following the body. In my opinion the relationship between body and clothes is disturbed. Isn’t fashion in the end an interplay of body and clothes? My collection [un]morph reinforces the dialogue between them and subjectifies their relationship; dress works on the body, imbuing it with social meaning, while the body is a dynamic field that gives life and fullness to dress.



www.mahku.nl/names/lieke_zonnenberg.html liekezonnenberg@gmail.com +31 64 471 0298

Lieke Zonnenberg

Evita Yulianti Batikology




Batikology Evita Yulianti

ed Batik is a piece of cloth made in the traditional manner and used especially in the traditional context. It involved two basic elements: diverse design and resist-dyeing technique with wax. Being done and used in traditional manner, Batik is often attached with the outdated impression, a contrary image of the young generation. This project is shaped as a challenge to communicate Batik to the young generation, and as a campaign to promote the cultural heritage to the world. It is also an effort to contribute to the development and preservation of a cultural heritage that has evolved into a national pride.



www.mahku.nl/names/evita_yulianti.html Evi7a.Lee@gmail.com +31 63 450 0489 +31 64 999 5676

Evita Yulianti

Josine Vermeij Syntopia




Syntopia Josine Vermeij

fd Using fashion as a medium to bridge the gap between the virtual and the actual, in this case Second Life and ‘real life’. My aim is to connect the two and take the best of both worlds. By experiencing Second Life and ‘real life’ simultaneously, a new space is entered: the space where the two sides of the computer screen come together, where virtuality and physicality are combined into one experience. This space is Syntopia.



www.syntopia.nl josine_vermeij@hotmail.com +31 64 577 0741

Josine Vermeij

Kris van Veen Untitled




Untitled Kris van Veen

fa What do you represent now? The work is about the representation of the modern western human being. What different properties do you have in your package, and how and when do you represent those?



www.kris.nl.nu mailnaarkris@gmail.com +31 68 113 4247

Kris van Veen


GRADUATES 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Stefano Gualeni [fa] Bart Janssen [psd] Maya K. Aujla [ed] Wei-Lien Hsu [id] Mio Nakamura [id] Marloes de Jong [fd] Lee BongKeum [id] Joyce Machielsen [fd] Peter Kerkhoff [psd] Putri P. Sadigha [ed] Maud Neuvel [fd] Abdul Azis [fa] Ilse Beumer [psd] Caroline Pompe [psd] Shani van Bel [id] Marc Andrews [ed] Helen Gras [fc] Erika Jacobs Lord [id] Christiaan van Dokkum [ed] Ellen Blom [fa] Stephen McConnell [id] Marah Blom [fa] Christine Bruckmeier [fa] Xiuzhi Zhang [ed] Yildiz Celie [fd] Renske Versluijs [fd] Beorn Thijssen [fc] Ji Tang [fa] Jaakko M채kinen [fd] Andreas Gerolemou [ed] Lieke Zonnenberg [fd] Evita Yulianti [ed] Josine Vermeij [fd] Kris van Veen [fa]


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