The Key February 23, 2018 Edition

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February 23, 2018

A newsletter for students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends

‘A dream fulfilled’

Dr. Juliette B. and math – or as she Bell announced Feb. likes to call it, “STEAM’ 12 she will step down disciplines. as president of the Those efforts paid University of Maryland dividends when the Eastern Shore on June university cracked the top 30. 20 ranking of historically “When I started this black institutions in the job I said it was a dream 2017 survey of peers come true,” Bell said. “As conducted by U.S. News I plan to end my tenure & World Report. here at the university, In 2016, the I will say it is a dream Carnegie Classification fulfilled. It has been a of Institutions of Higher wonderful journey.” Education designated Bell was named UMES a Doctoral UMES’ 15th leader University (Moderate March 7, 2012 by former Research Activity) University System of in recognition of the Among highlights of Bell’s presidency: Maryland Chancellor university annually William E. Kirwan and producing more than • Construction and opening of a $103 million took office 3½ months 20 doctoral research classroom building that houses the departments of later. graduates. That same year, UMES had engineering, aviation science and mathematics; Over the past 5½ years, Bell said, “I its Middle States Commission on Higher • A $1 million donation from Delmarva Power, an have met some tremendously dedicated Education accreditation reaffirmed. Exelon Co., to support “green” energy initiatives, the faculty staff, alumni (and) friends of the “Juliette has courageously guided largest corporate gift in UMES history; university.” (UMES) through a time of profound “And it has been an opportunity … change, both for that institution and for • A $1 million gift from the Richard A. Henson to bring my vision to life of moving (this) higher education,” current Chancellor Foundation to support of academic programs, university from ‘excellence to eminence’,” Robert Caret said. “She never wavered in including the honors program named after the late she said. “It has been a joy. I look forward her passion for and dedication to (its) aviator-entrepreneur; to doing many more things in the next history and mission of providing student• The UMES Foundation Endowment grew 45 percent several months.” centered educational opportunities that and stood at $26.2 million at the end of the 2017 Ahead, she said, “I have many projects foster multicultural diversity, academic fiscal year; that have been placed on the back burner, success, and intellectual and social growth including writing a book about my journey while preparing graduates to address • A master’s degree in cybersecurity engineering from the cotton fields of Alabama to the challenges in a global knowledge-based technology was launched, the first fully online; heights of my career as a scientist and economy.” • With support of USM, a discounted tuition rate is Bell told journalists she was “extremely academician.” available specifically for residents of Delaware as well proud of the progress we’ve made Bell, a biochemist, came to UMES from as Accomack and Northampton counties in Virginia. with some of our signature programs, Central State University in Ohio, where she pharmacy, the PGA golf program, aviation was chief academic officer. She focused on elevating the university’s visibility as a 21st century land- and engineering. There are many things that I’m very proud of. We’ll see what grant institution, stressing science, technology, engineering, agriculture time tells as to what the legacy will be.”


Read Dr. Bell’s letter online:

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Cotton Inc. Awards UMES Grant Senators Call For Universal Land-Grant Budget Rules

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Koller Recipient of MOST Award Campus Heroes UMES Student Enrolled at Estonian Aviation Academy Choir Perfomed for Celebration

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Rubbing Elbows With Renown Oceanographers

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Students Catch Super Moon Fully Endowed Funds for Two Graduate Programs

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Track & Field Athletes Star in the Classroom Peter Millar Exec, Augusta National Pros Speak

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A&E Calendar PRMC “Go Red” Event HTM Spring Luncheon Series Fitness Open House Baseball Team Helps Holly Center


The Key / February 23, 2018

Circling the Oval

Cotton Incorporated awards UMES curriculum grant A Curriculum Program Grant from Cotton Incorporated has been awarded to Dr. Sunidhi Mehta, a new assistant professor in UMES’ Department of Human Ecology. It will support research aimed at providing in-depth information to fashion merchandising students about cotton as a sustainable and green textile material. Mehta’s project, “Cotton: King of Sustainable Fashion,” will provide innovative and experiential learning activities for her students. Field trips, seminars and webinars by experts from across the globe, student poster competitions and a garment recycling project will all be a part of the offerings. Mehta joined the UMES faculty in August 2017, having taught at the university level for four years. She holds a doctorate in textile science from Punjab Agricultural University in India and two master’s degrees. Her research interests include textile nano-finishes, sustainable textiles and functional textiles and their psychophysiological analysis. Her project will increase the UMES human ecology department’s capacity to

U.S. senators Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) jointly announced earlier this month proposed legislation to overturn an outdated, biased policy and provide 19 historically black land-grant universities with the same financial flexibility currently enjoyed by their peers. The Carryover Equity Act would fix a provision that prohibits the nation’s “1890s land-grant universities” from carrying over more than 20 percent of their equity from one fiscal year to the next. The provision, the senators noted, limits the ability of these universities to use their funds as they see fit and notably diverges from policies that govern other similar U.S. Department of Agriculture programs. “Ensuring they have the financial flexibility they need to complete their mission is crucial. This legislation will allow these universities to take full advantage of the funding they receive and provide them the flexibility to use it as needed. I hope we can move forward to pass it immediately,” Van Hollen said. UMES’ most recent USDA allocation

develop a stronger fashion merchandising curriculum while enlarging the textiles component that focuses on cotton sustainability and cotton fiber knowledge. It will also strengthen the department’s relationship with industry partners, which in turn will provide more internship and job opportunities for the students. Colleagues Grace Namwamba, chair of the Department of Human Ecology; Lombuso Khoza, acting director for the Center for International Education; and Bridgett ClintonScott, assistant professor in the Department of Human Ecology are Mehta’s co-principal investigators on the grant. For more information about the “Cotton: King of Sustainable Fashion” project, contact Mehta at (410) 651-7817. Cotton Incorporated, funded by U.S. growers of upland cotton and importers of cotton and cotton textile products, is the research and marketing company representing upland cotton. It does not disclose the value of grants it awards.

U.S. senators call for universal land-grant budget rules

was $1.37 million. The current law would allow the university to “carryover’ no more than $274,000 to the next budget year if it did not spend the entire $1.37 million in one year. “This Act is tremendously important to the communities and stakeholders that we serve through the 1890 Extension programs across 18 states and beyond,” UMES President Dr. Juliette B. Bell said. “The proposed action will provide flexibility to the planning and implementation of extension programs in concert with other capacity programs, which will lead to more effective and efficient delivery of cooperative extension programs.” Dr. Moses Kairo, Dean for UMES’ School of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, told WMDT news, “at the local level this is going to allow us … to be able to be more efficient in how we plan and implement activities” smoothly from year-to-year. This edited-for-space report was initially generated by the Office of U.S. Sen. Chris Van Hollen.

UMES People Jocelyn Koller, 4-H Senior Agent Associate with the University of Maryland Extension - 1890 Program at UMES, is the recipient of the 2018 Maryland “Out of School Time” Innovation award for integrating science, technology, engineering, agriculture and math programs in activities she coordinates across Somerset, Wicomico & Worcester counties.

Junior Justin Anderson stands in front of the Estonian Aviation Academy, where this semester the UMES aviation science student is taking classes. He’s also enrolled at nearby University of Tartu.

The Key / February 23, 2018



Campus Heroes are staff and faculty who go above and beyond the call of duty and who have contributed in a significant way to the success of students and the university. This past fall, UMES recognized and gave out Campus Heroes’ awards to 16 deserving staff and faculty. We will continue to recognize them in The Key throughout the rest of the semester. “UMES is an incubator for success. With intentional development and hard work, our students compete with anyone in the country. It is always rewarding to work with our young HAWKS!” Mr. Karl V. Binns, Jr., School of Agricultural and Natural Sciences “UMES is a place where everyone works together, focusing holistically on each student, to affect a positive outcome.” Mrs. Tselate Talley, Center for Success and Academic Success “UMES stands as an institution of higher learning built on the premise that all should be given a chance. I believe the students who are most successful here understand this premise and relish in the thought they are cherished. These students flourish in a nurturing environment, and remember who is here to assist on their journey.” Dr. Michael Nugent, School of Education, Social Sciences and The Arts.

UMES’ concert choir performed at a Feb. 14 ceremony in recognition of abolitionist Frederick Douglass’ 200th birthday and a groundbreaking for a new Talbot County park named in his honor.


The Key / February 23, 2018

School News

Rubbing elbows with renown oceanographers By Kanieka Z. Neal, a UMES chemistry major

I had the opportunity A friend who was an this past summer to return to environmental science major Woods Hole Oceanographic had applied the previous Institute (WHOI) in summer for a Woods Hole Massachusetts and conduct internship and told me about biogeochemical research it. Initially, I thought I would alongside Dr. David Nicholson not like it, but I gave it a try. and Hilary Palevsky, a postMy advice to students doctoral student. is to APPLY and take that As a rising junior chance. in 2016, I took an I did receive a stipend, environmental science class and they also paid for offered through the summer my travel. I used that program in Woods Hole and money towards books and earned four credits toward supporting myself. The my chemistry degree. I was previous summer, part of eager to go back. my WHOI stipend went More than 300 students towards my international applied for the 2017 service learning trip to the program, and only 30 were Dominican Republic during accepted. I lived with fellow winter break as a member students from Harvard, the of the Richard A. Henson Massachusetts Institute of Honors Program. Technology, Yale and Duke, The WHOI internship which is pretty impressive provided me the opportunity for a UMES student! (And to work on my writing international students from skills, communication and Norway and Canada, too.) presentation skills. This I worked on a threeprogram builds these skills month long project analyzing by incorporating midterm & the biophysical and thermal final presentations as well as effects on partial pressure a poster presentation at the carbon dioxide (pCO2) conclusion of the internship. samples from the North Looking back, the Atlantic (ocean) gathered experience was out of my between 2014 and 2016. comfort zone, but that is I also attended weekly how I grew as a student seminars and workshops and individual. I knew featuring WHOI scientists nothing about chemical as well as those from such Kanieka Z. Neal with “Alvin,” a legendary deep-ocean research submersible oceanography, but the prominent universities as that has been modified from the version that helped find the RMS Titanic. experience provided me with MIT, Harvard and Yale. the chance to learn. My main These workshops filled goal was to leave with more my knowledge gap. I met prestigious scientists from all over the world knowledge than when I came. I achieved that. at the “Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Workshop,” which featured I met so many important people that I can (now) go to for advice or presentations like “Carbon fluxes in coastal wetlands” and “Ecological and receive a recommendation letter because you get to build that bond with your biogeochemical impacts of natural climate perturbation.” mentor and truly get to know them, their strengths and their weaknesses. I learned a lot about global warming and the current research that’s When I graduate this year, my goal is to work for the federal government being done on it. as a forensic chemist or perhaps as an environmental researcher. I also learned how to use a Matrix Laboratory (Matlab) from MIT To learn more about these kind of hands-on internship tutorials and my mentor. Matlab is an essential tool when extracting data programs for science majors, contact UMES’ Department of Natural files, analyzing and interpreting data. Sciences, 410-651-6015.

School News

The Key / February 23, 2018


Let’s Do It! By Dr. Victoria V. Volkis

Editor’s note: The last time a “Super Blue Blood Moon” was visible in North America was 20 years before UMES opened in 1886. UMES’ Dr. Victoria Volkis didn’t let this rare astronomical event in 2018 pass her by.



UMES students traveled to Chincoteague, Va. with Dr. Victoria Volkis in the pre-dawn hours of Jan. 31 to catch a “Super Moon” lunar eclipse unfettered by sky glow from man-made light.

Late one evening at the end of January, I was browsing events on the Department of Natural Sciences’ Facebook page. I discovered Jan. 31st was to be a full moon, blue moon and a lunar eclipse. I made a comment: ‘Hey, I am going to photograph it. (Notify me) if anyone wants to join.’ I instantly got a reply from administrative assistant Susan Rainey. ‘Let’s do it and take our students.’ The next day, Rainey informs me: ‘I already have a van, created an event, completed all the paperwork …(and) have more than 20 students signed up!’ An enthusiastic group of moon chasers awoke at 4 a.m. to head to Chincoteague, Va. to see the “Super Blue Blood Moon” of 2018. The moon was bright as the eclipse started with a small shadow visible. We had a clear view initially and were amazed by how quickly it moved across the sky, then behind the clouds. The students, Ms. Rainey and I stood on a little fishing pier between the rising sun and the setting moon hiding behind those clouds, meeting

the day and listening to the waves. “This trip taught me to appreciate the little things,” junior Ashley Che said. “I catch myself waking up at 4 am on Sunday mornings just to watch this spectacular show again, and each time it gets a standing ovation.” “I actually enjoyed the Lunar Eclipse trip,” senior Kobina Nyarku said. “It was exciting and extremely scientific.” It only takes one morning, one exciting story, one crazy chemical reaction or biological observation, to make a difference in student’s perception of their purpose, profession and motivation to study and improve. It only takes a little extra mile for each and every of us to wake up one morning and say: “let’s do it.” “Even though we couldn’t see the (entire) lunar eclipse, the sunrise and the scenery made the trip one to remember,” senior Vasavi Veerapaneni said. “It was undeniably an experience worth waking up at 4 am for.” I loved seeing sparkles in the eyes of students when we were standing in between the sunrise and moonset.” The writer is a chemistry professor in the Department of Natural Sciences. country running, and is vital to the well-

Fully Endowed being of our communities.” The other endowment was created in memory of Carmen E. Lilly, who Funds for graduated from UMES in 1998 with a degree in criminal justice Two Graduate bachelor’s and in May 2004 earned a master’s in education. Programs counselor The fund will provide scholarships (both need- and

Donors to the university recently established two endowed funds in memory of fallen Hawks. The first is the Raymond L. Blakely Fund in memory of the late Dr. Blakely, who established UMES’ physical therapy program in 1981 and was an integral part of the program for 34 years. He died this past December. The endowment will provide financial support to third-year physical therapy students who show evidence of academic excellence and financial need. The Blakely fund will also support faculty and student professional development. While a number of donors responded to his family’s suggestion to help establish an endowed fund and continue to contribute to it, a prominent donor is Dr. Estelle Cooke-Sampson, a physician who taught anatomy courses during the first summer the program was established. Dr. CookeSampson has a personal interest in historically black institutions. “If we don’t support our own mission, who will,” she asked. “Furthermore, physical therapy is a wonderful profession. It keeps our

merit-based) to full-time students in the counselor education program in UMES’ School of Graduate Studies. Ms. Lilly was a guidance counselor at Terrill Middle School, in Scotch Plains, N.J. at the time of her passing in May 2017. “When Carmen visited UMES, it was love at first sight,” her parents, Ron and Sandra Lilly, said. “She thoroughly enjoyed her college experience and the nurturing small campus environment.” “Although it is a blessing to receive, it is equally fulfilling to have the opportunity to give back and be a blessing to others,” they said. If you wish to contribute to these funds, please contact Dr. Veronique Diriker at 410-651-8142 or


The Key / February 23, 2018

Track & field athletes star in the classroom Luan Gabriel

Athletics A dozen University of Maryland Eastern Shore’s track and field athletes have been named to the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference’s (MEAC) Indoor Track All-Academic Team for their academic performances, the conference announced in mid-February. “In…acknowledging the accomplishments of these student-athletes,” MEAC Commissioner Dennis E. Thomas said, “I would also like to thank the institutional and athletic academic support staffs, faculty and coaches for their support in the success of their student-athletes.” Hawks who made the list include: sophomores Hector Cime (Parksley, Va.), Chidera Egeonu (Newark, Del.), Summer Fields (Baltimore), Sharon Jerop (Eldoret, Kenya), Amirah Jones (Suffolk, Va.) and Neus Quinonero (Valencia, Spain); junior Joshua Dacres (Yorktown Heights, N.Y.) and seniors Regyn Davis-Young (Lanham), Tanise Edwards (Philadelphia), Luan Gabriel (Roseau, Dominica), Lenneisha Gilbert (Miami), and Stanley Meli (Eldoret, Kenya). Sophomore, junior, and senior student-athletes from MEAC institutions who have earned a 3.0 or better cumulative grade point average are eligible as are transfer student-athletes who have been at an institution at least one year.

Peter Millar exec, Augusta National pros speak at UMES By Langston Frazier, a UMES golf management student

UMES’ PGA golf management program was awarded the inaugural “Golden Hanger Challenge” trophy in recognition of collecting some 500 pounds of clothing that was donated to help people trying to get back into the workforce. UMES students accepted the unique trophy as part of a guest speaker seminar featuring J.J. Weaver, and Charlie Schuyler, two PGA golf professionals from Augusta National Golf Club and Michael Bowers, Vice President of Design and Merchandising with golf attire manufacturer Peter Millar, which sponsored the clothing drive. The trio spoke Feb. 1 about the role of merchandising and standards in the golf industry with students, who along with the Augusta pros came up with “Quality Standards” of what a PGA golf management program should aspire to. Schuyler described UMES’ program as being “diverse, well-connected, having a service mentality, passionate, and … family-orientated.” “Look at the small things that make you special and pay attention to

detail.” Weaver added. “This will set you apart on your next internship and in life.” Freshman Jacques Blue said of the clothing drive: “There’s a need in the world to give back. Being able to do this project makes me feel happy because there are people (who) need support and getting to provide that feels great.” Blue also said he came away from the seminar with greater appreciation for “having a brand and expanding it is important in the merchandise industry. That’s why being a part of a team is bigger than just yourself.” Nia Troutman said “being in the PGA Golf Management program is unique. We set a high bar for other PGM programs to reach new heights. Being a senior, I’ve really seen the program grow for the better.” “Chasing your dreams is really important,” Troutman said. “You just have to be at the right place at the right time.” “Opportunities discussed during the seminar will help (us) find internships and jobs in the industry and help (us) … outside the industry as well,” she said.

School News

The Key / February 23, 2018


President Juliette B. Bell chats with Susan Cottongim, Peninsula Regional Medical Center’s Diabetes Education Department coordinator, at Feb. 2’s “Go Red” event UMES hosted at the Henson Center.



Mango Glaze Shrimp – Duet of Pineapple Pork & Ginger Beef with Chicken Rice Pilaf


Potato Pepper Jack Soup – Parmesan Chicken with Shrimp & Sausage Jambalaya

3/5/18 MONDAY

Seafood Chowder – Bourbon Glaze Salmon & Crispy Cajun Shrimp Fettuccini


Fried Cumin Devil Eggs – Merlot Braise New York Strip & Roasted Pumpkin/ Rutabaga Puree

To accommodate a wide variety of community patrons, individual ticket sales are limited to one transaction per person with a maximum of 10 tickets. You are invited to rejoin the line, should you desire to purchase additional tickets. • All tickets sold are on a first-come, first-served basis. No reservations will be taken by mail, phone or on-line. • Tickets - $12 • Check or money order only made payable to UMES. (No cash) No refunds on ticket(s) purchased • You can purchase tickets in Henson room 2100 from 9 a.m. To 1 p.m., Monday thru Friday until tickets are sold-out. • Lunch will start at noon in the Richard A. Henson Center, Bailey Thomas room 1121. • If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Price at (410) 651-6563.

Just before the mid-year break, the UMES baseball team helped residents of the Holly Center climb into Perdue tractor trailer trucks so they could get into the holiday spirit by viewing the Christmas decorations around the city of Salisbury.

Hall of Fame Ceremony: Bow Ties & Tennis Shoes* 6 p.m. Reception / 7 p.m. Program / 9-11 p.m. Concert and Dancing Student Service Center Ballroom Join our athletic Hall of Fame inductees and an evening of fun with “On The Edge!” $100 per person or $750 per table of 10 /


Homecoming Tailgate*

10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Tawes Parking Lot Application and $30 fee required per space. / 410-651-6434

Homecoming Basketball Games*

Noon-2 p.m., Old School Pep Rally, Tawes Gymnasium 2 p.m. Women’s/ 4 p.m. Men’s games / Doors open at noon William P. Hytche Athletic Center Homecoming basketball games vs Norfolk State University. $25 Includes both games/Free for full-time UMES students with ID

410-621-3311 or

Homecoming Step Show* 7 p.m., Ella Fitzgerald Center Greek-lettered organizations display their skills in the art of strolling. 410-651-6434 or


*Unless noted, all events listed are free.



Welcome Alumni!

Black History Month Speaker & Reception

11 a.m. / Student Services Center Rotunda Speaker with reception to follow to close out Black History Month. 410-651-6434


Theater Performance: Strawberry Wine*


7:30 pm Friday & Saturday 2:00 Sunday Ella Fitzgerald Performing Arts Center A prohibition-era play written by UMES Alum Takeisha Jackson. $5 General admission Students free with ID

The Key / February 23, 2018

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, religion, national origin, disability, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. Inquiries regarding the application of Federal laws and non-discrimination policies to University programs and activities may be referred to the Office of Equity & Compliance/Title IX Coordinator by telephone (410) 651-7848 or e-mail (

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