School of Pharmacy Launches a New Online Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program The School of Pharmacy announces the addition of an online postbaccalaureate certificate specifically for professionals who develop, implement or evaluate services that address rural health disparities. Instruction in rural health disparities and social inequities will be offered exclusively online, making it accessible to adult learners, busy professionals and those who prefer a flexible class schedule. Students will complete four, 3-credit courses, each lasting eight weeks, and can earn the certificate in one year. Applications for admission are currently being accepted for fall 2020 enrollment when classes will begin. The certificate has been designed to
appeal to a broad range of professionals, including health department personnel, employees in state offices of rural health, legislative staff with responsibility for addressing rural health issues, and health care professionals. Graduate students, fellows, as well as faculty and students in healthprofession fields are encouraged to apply. The certificate program was developed with the input and expertise of Dr. Claudia Baquet, MPH, a widely respected health care educator. She will also teach in the program. For more information, or to apply, visit