Actionable Science
Integrating Basic and Mission-Driven Research with a Global Perspective and a Regional Focus

Actionable Science
Integrating Basic and Mission-Driven Research with a Global Perspective and a Regional Focus
The Experimental Reef Lab (ERL) is based at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School and was designed and built by researchers at CIMAS and NOAA’s AOML. The collaborative wetlab
NOAA Fisheries permit # 779-1633
At NOAA’s SEFSC, CIMAS scientists are actively working to conserve and protect important marine mammal species. Our scientists conduct research on whales, sea turtles, and dolphins, following the guidelines of the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act. Additionally, our staff help respond to and document marine mammal strandings within the southeast region.
Tropical Weather
Tropical Weather
Tropical Weather
Observing, analyzing, & predicting hurricanes and other tropical systems
Observing, analyzing, & predicting hurricanes and other tropical systems
Observing, analyzing, & predicting hurricanes and other tropical systems
processes, climate variability, and climate change
processes, variability, climate
processes, climate variability, and climate change
Protection & Restoration of
Protection Restoration
Marine Resources
Marine Resources
Marine Resources
Observing, forecasting, and protecting marine habitats & populations
Observing, forecasting, and protecting marine habitats & populations
Observing, and protecting habitats &
The Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS), based at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School, brings together research and educational resources expand our understanding of Earth’s oceans and atmosphere and support the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA)’s mission. Our 150+ employees are primarily embedded in NOAA’s Atlantic Meteorological and Oceanographic Laboratory (AOML) and the Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC), providing critical science leadership and support for NOAA field missions, lab research, and
The Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS), based at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School, brings together research and educational resources to expand our understanding of Earth’s oceans and atmosphere and support the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA)’s mission. Our 150+ employees are primarily embedded in NOAA’s Atlantic Meteorological and Oceanographic Laboratory (AOML) and the Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC), providing critical science leadership and support for NOAA field missions, lab research, and
The Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS), based at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School, brings together research and educational resources to expand our understanding of Earth’s oceans atmosphere and support the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA)’s mission. 150+ employees are primarily embedded in NOAA’s Atlantic Meteorological and Oceanographic Laboratory (AOML) and the Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC), providing critical science leadership and support for NOAA field missions, lab research, and
climate and change of Resources forecasting, marine populations
CIMAS-led research has improved hurricane predictions, expanded our understanding of the impacts of climate change, advanced the measurement of marine populations, developed novel coral management techniques, and resulted hundreds of other scientific advances. Our dedicated outreach and education activities are helping to build the next generation of NOAA scientists.
CIMAS-led research has improved hurricane predictions, expanded our understanding of the impacts of climate change, advanced the measurement of marine populations, developed novel coral management techniques, and resulted in hundreds of other scientific advances. Our dedicated outreach and education activities are helping to build the next generation of NOAA scientists.
CIMAS-led research has improved hurricane predictions, expanded our understanding of the impacts of climate change, advanced the measurement of marine populations, developed novel coral management techniques, and resulted in hundreds of other scientific advances. Our dedicated outreach and education activities are helping to build the next generation of NOAA scientists.
proudly offers Ph.D. assistantships to enhance collaborations between NOAA and School faculty. Our scientists serve on graduate committees, and many Master of Science students complete internships with us! Additionally, we offer the CIMAS/Miami-Dade College Undergraduate Internship Program, which provides research opportunities within marine and atmospheric to MDC and Broward College Students.
CIMAS proudly offers Ph.D. assistantships to enhance collaborations between NOAA and Rosenstiel School faculty. Our scientists serve on graduate committees, and many Master of Professional Science students complete internships with us! Additionally, we offer the CIMAS/Miami-Dade College Undergraduate Internship Program, which provides research opportunities within marine and atmospheric sciences to MDC and Broward College Students.
CIMAS proudly offers Ph.D. assistantships to enhance collaborations between NOAA and Rosenstiel School faculty. Our scientists serve on graduate committees, and many Master of Professional Science students complete internships with us! Additionally, we offer the CIMAS/Miami-Dade College Undergraduate Internship Program, which provides research opportunities within marine and atmospheric sciences to MDC and Broward College Students.
CIMAS is actively involved volunteering/tabling events, speaking engagements, lab tours, and various forms of non-journal publications). We work with local school
CIMAS is actively involved in community outreach –our staff participate in volunteering/tabling events, speaking engagements, lab tours, and various forms of science communication (media, blogs, other non-journal publications). We work with local school groups and Girl Scouts troops, and participate in virtual activities such as Skype a Scientist.
For research related inquiries, contact: Benjamin Kirtman, Ph.D., Director email: bkirtman@miami.edu
Emily Becker, Ph.D., Associate Director email: emily.becker@miami.edu
For administrative inquiries, contact: Nathalia Bahamon, Manager, Business Operations email: n.bahamon@miami.edu | phone: (305) 421-4159
For media inquiries, contact: Diana Udel, Director of Communications and Public Relations email: dudel@earth.miami.edu | phone: (305) 421-4704
For outreach related inquiries, contact: Katie Eaton, Outreach Coordinator email: katie.eaton@earth.miami.edu
@ cimas_rosenstiel
CIMAS Career Opportunities
150 Employees Distributed Around US 50% of Workforce in AOML & SEFSC Labs of Rosenstiel Research Budget
160 Peer Review Papers & Tech Reports Published Per Year
160 Cruises and Field Work Trips Per Year 40% +
25 CIMAS Science Awards Per Year