University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science
2022 Underwater Photography Contest
UM Student Macro
Wide Angle
Fish or Marine Animal Portrait
Marine Conservation
Best Overall
University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science
2022 Underwater Photography Contest
UM Student Macro
Wide Angle
Fish or Marine Animal Portrait
Marine Conservation
Best Overall
Fish or Animal Portrait
Owen Bornhorst
Redband, Yellowtail & Rainbow Parrotfish
(Sparisoma aurofrenatum, Sparisoma rubripinne & Scarus guacamaia)
Location: Key Largo, Florida, USA
Range: Global tropical and subtropical areas
Fish or Animal Portrait
Nicolas Fabres-Cordero Blacktip Shark
(Carcharhinus limbatus)
Location: El Finado, Isabela
Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
Range: Atlantic tropical to subtropical coastal, shelf, and island waters
Honorable Mention Student3rd Place Student
Fish or Animal Portrait
Peisen Tan
Stone Crab
(Menippe mercenaria)
Location: West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Range: North Carolina to Belize
2nd Place Student Fish or Animal
Samantha Schneider
Whitetip Reef Shark
(Triaendodon obesus)
Location: Isla Isabela, Galapagos Islands
Range: as far west as South Africa and as far east as Central America
1st Place Student
Fish or Animal
Alexandra Morgan
Canon EOS R6
Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
Location: Guadalupe Island, Mexico
Range: Global
Peisen Tan
Spotted Boxfish
(Ostracion cubicus)
Location: Key Largo, Florida, USA
Range: tropical Indo-Pacific from East Africa to the Americas; the tip of Baja, the SE Gulf of California to Ecuador and all the oceanic islands
Devon Ledbetter
Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II Commensal Crab & Staghorn Coral (Acropora cervicornis & Trapezia rufopunctata)
Location: Miami, Florida, USA
Range: Commensal CrabGlobal Staghorn - Bahamas, Florida, and the Caribbean
3rd Place Student Macro
Devon Ledbetter
Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II
Grooved Brain Coral (Diploria labyrinthfiformis)
Location: Miami, Florida, USA
Range: Western Atlantic
Ocean and Caribbean Sea
2nd Place Student Macro
Peisen Tan
Lined Seahorse
(Hippocampus erectus)
Location: West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Range: Western Atlantic Ocean, from Nova Scotia to Uruguay
1st Place Student Macro
Peisen Tan
Eight Eye Jellyfish (Cnidaria)
Location: West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Range: Global
Honorable Mention
Wide Angle
Samantha Schneider
Galapagos Sea Lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)
Location: Isla Isabella, Galapagos Islands
Range: the Galapagos Islands and on Isla de la Plata
Wide Angle
Derek Waksmunski
Canon G7X Mark 2
Giant Moray Eel (Gymnothorax javanicus)
Location: Great Barrier Reef, Cairns, Australia
Range: Indo-Pacific region
3rd Place Student
Wide Angle
Peisen Tan
Location: West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Range: Gulf of Mexico, Florida Keys, the Bahamas, most of the Caribbean, and most of the Brazilian coast
2nd Place Student
Wide Angle
Nicolas FebresCordero
Scalloped Hammerhead (Shyprna lewini)
Location: Darwin Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
Range: Global in tropical and warm temperate seas
1st Place Student
Wide Angle
Peisen Tan
French Angel Fish (Pomacanthus paru)
Location: West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Range: western Atlantic Ocean from Florida and the Bahamas, south to Brazil
3rd Place Student
Marine Conservation
Derek Waksmunski
Canon G7X Mark 2 Plate Coral
(Acropora hyacinthus)
Location: Great Barrier
Reef, Darwin, Australia
Range: Pacific
Marine Conservation
Devon Ledbetter
Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II
Staghorn Coral (Acropora cervicornis)
Location: Miami, Florida, USA
Range: Bahamas, Florida, and the Caribbean
Marine Conservation
Avery Boals
Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II
Staghorn Coral (Acropora cervicornis)
Location: Miami, Florida, USA
Range: Bahamas, Florida, and the Caribbean
Honorable Mention
Fish or Animal Portrait
Jordan Lefler
Rainbow Trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Location: Georgetown, Montana, US
Range: North Pacific
3rd Place
Fish or Animal Portrait
Suliman Alatiqi
Marbled Shrimp (Saron mamoratus)
Location: Kubbar Island, Kuwait
Range: Indo- Pacific
Fish or Animal Portrait
Yury Ivanov
Lizardfish feeding on Scorpionfish (Synodus lucioceps & Scorpaenidae)
Location: Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia
Range: Lizardfish – Global Tropical Waters
Scorpionfish - Indian and South Pacific Oceans
1st Place
Fish or Animal Portrait
Suliman Alatiqi
Cortez Barnacle Blenny (Acanthemblemaria macrospilus)
Location: La Paz, Mexico
Range: Southern Baja and the lower half of the Gulf of California, to San Ignacio Island
Honorable Mention
Michael Gallagher
Canon 5D3
Saddleback Anemonefish with Eggs
(Amphiprion polymnus)
Location: Anilao, Philippines
Range: center of the IndoPacific area
3rd Place Macro
Yury Ivanov
Dorid Nudibranch with an Emperor Shrimp (Gymnodoris rubropapulosa & Zenopontonia rex)
Location: Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia
Range: NudibranchWestern Pacific
Shrimp - Tropical Indian and Pacific oceans
2nd Place Macro
Cedric Peneau
Umbrella Sea Slug (Umbraculum umbraculum)
Location: Etang Sale, Reunion Island
Range: Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Mexico and Panama
Michael Gallagher
Canon 5D3
Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray (Taeniura lymma)
Location: Sha’ab Rumi, Red Sea, Sudan
Range: Indo-West Pacific
Honorable Mention
Wide Angle
Cedric Peneau
Humpback Whales
(Megatera novaeangliae)
Location: St. Paul, Reunion Island
Range: Global
3rd Place
Wide Angle
Cedric Peneau
Manta Ray
(Manta alfredi)
Location: Raja Ampat, Indonesia
Range: Global
2nd Place
Wide Angle
Cedric Peneau
Humpback Whales
(Megatera novaeangliae)
Location: St. Paul, Reunion Island
Range: Global
1st Place
Wide Angle
Suliman Alatiqi
Rhizostome Jellyfish
(Thysanostoma thysanura)
Location: Andaman Sea, Thailand
Range: northeast Atlantic, Adriatic, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Sea of Azov
3rd Place
Marine Conservation
Yury Ivanov
Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
Location: Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia
2nd Place
Marine Conservation
Robbie Roemer
Canon SL1
Silky Shark
(Carcharhinus falciformis)
Location: West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
1st Place
Marine Conservation
Suliman Alatiqi
Coral Hind Grouper (Cephalopholis miniata)
Location: Oil Rigs, East of Qaruh Island, Kuwait
Best Overall
Cedric Peneau
Peacock Mantis Shrimp (Odontodactylus scyllarus)
Location: St. Paul, Reunion Island
Range: Indo-Pacific Ocean