Umiami Scientifica Volume I Issue 2

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April 2015

Volume I, Issue II

The ni ersity o ia i s IRST ndergraduate Scientific aga ine

ASCE’s Newest Acquisition: ASCE’s Newest Acquisition: UM Engineers Compete in National Opening of New Nanotechnology Facility at Miller...10 Math in Nature...12 Robotic Medical Check-Ups...14 Peptides & Their Specificity with Inorganic Nanoparticles...18 Student Research Profiles...22 Physician Assisted Suicide...26 Farmer’s Market...32 Stress Psychology...40

UM Engineers Compete in National Qualifying Competition Qualifying Competition

New Nanotechnology Facility..10 Facility at Miller...10 Opening of New Nanotechnology Math in Nature...12 Math in Nature...12 Robotic RoboticMedical MedicalCheck-Ups...14 Check-Ups...14 Protein Specificity...18 Peptides & Their Specificity with Inorganic Nanoparticles...18 Student StudentResearch ResearchProfiles...22 Profiles...22 Physician Assisted Suicide...26 Physician Assisted Suicide...26 Farmer’s Farmer’sMarket...32 Market...32 Stress Psychology...40 Stress Psychology...40

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