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Only these colors are used when representing the Corner. These colors aid in the Corner’s distinct identity. Only use this color palette and the corresponding hierarchy of use given below.

primary color


CMYK: 12, 77, 83, 2 RGB: 212, 92, 62 Pantone 173 U #d45c3e

secondary color

CMYK: 0, 38, 46, 0 RGB: 249, 173, 135 Pantone 1565 U #f9ad87

accent color

CMYK: 10, 0, 25, 0 RGB: 230, 240, 203 Pantone 7499 U #e6f0cb

body text color

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 80 RGB: 88, 89, 91 Pantone 419 U #58595b

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