The University of Miami Geospatial Digital Special Collections (GDSC) is a joint initiative between the Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC) and the University of Miami Libraries to make geographic data at the University of Miami more discoverable, accessible, and interoperable. To do this, GDSC provides a nonproprietary platform to dynamically discover, publish, and/or consume geographic data as a service. The data made available through GDSC will be a highly curated set of collections—or special collections—of geographic data with coverage in south Florida and the Global South of the western hemisphere. These special collections will fulfill University of Miami goals to serve as a repository of information for local communities, such as those that form part of the current U-LINK resilience academy, as well as geographies included in president Frenk’s hemispheric initiative.

As demands on health care facilities continue to increase, one way to keep communities healthy might be as simple as looking in the mirror. Health Hub, an interdisciplinary collaboration between the School of Architecture, Miller School of Medicine, and the University of Miami Institute for Data Science and Computing is a smart medicine cabinet that bridges technology with interactive sensors to create a multipurpose health station in your bathroom. Designed to be part of your morning routine, Health Hub displays a range of data on your vitals, including medication reminders, and also has telemedicine capabilities, enabling your health care provider to virtually perform and assess preliminary exams.