UMN College of Design > Spring 2013

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EMERGING SPRING 2013 Vol. 7, No. 2


Spring 2013 Events Calendar p. 15



Design + Location We are on the move.

Patrick O’Leary

From Tanzania to Cinque Terre, Italy, from bikes to baby carriers, our alumni and students are hard to keep up with. We managed to track down a few for this issue, and when we did, we asked why their design education matters and where they’re heading next. Turns out, it’s everywhere. From the Duwamish Waterway in Seattle, WA (see “Out West” pg. 3) to just down the road in Fridley, MN (see “Design + Local Habitat pg. 4) students are learning how to envision and implement designs for a more resilient future. During an interdisciplinary studio this fall (see “Up North” pg. 3), graduate students studied the northern Minnesota city of Duluth and made recommendations about how the port city could thrive in the coming decades. In the summer of 2013, members in the student chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architecture will travel to Toronto, Canada, to study how that city is addressing riverfront revitalization and design tactics for former industrial cold climate sites.

John Cary (B.A. Arch ’99), founder of The field of public interest design is at the forefront of our mission to adhere to socially responsible, sustainable, and collaborative design thinking. During the conference we’ll hold discussions with people from around the world, including the Shelter Media Project, Design Corps, and Enterprise Community Partners, and hear keynotes by New York Times architecture critic Michael Kimmelman and D-Rev: Design Revolution CEO Krista Donaldson.

For more information visit There’s no limit to where our design community might turn up. Whether you’re here or there, we’re looking forward to what’s coming next in 2013.

That’s one of the reasons why we’re looking forward to hosting the first ever Public Interest Design week on campus March 19–24, which will be chaired by 2 EMERGING SPRING 2013

Jolene Brink and Trevor Miller







Thomas Fisher, dean; Lee Anderson, associate dean for academic affairs; Brad Hokanson, associate dean for research and outreach; Kate Maple, assistant dean for student services; Trevor Miller, director of external relations; Kathy Witherow, chief of staff.


Renée Cheng, School of Architecture; Kristine Miller, Department of Landscape Architecture; Missy Bye, Department of Design, Housing, and Apparel



Tom Fisher Professor and Dean College of Design


In Minneapolis, we found Ryan Carlson (B.S. Graphic Design ’01) designing bike jerseys for his local company, Twin Six. Read our interview with Ryan (see “Design + Wheels” pg. 5) to learn where his dream bike tour would take him and what patterns are on-trend in the cycling community. We also chatted with Karin Frost (M.A. DHA ’88), who is pictured with her son Keala on pg. 14, about her invention of the widely popular Ergobaby carrier and what she thinks about life in Hawaii. Where we choose to live and work matters, whether we’re thinking about interiors, exteriors, or landscapes. In a November 2012 Huffington Post article, I admit that I’ve stopped lecturing in class (instead, everything is taped and available for students to watch on their own time) and started assigning team projects around the Twin Cities. In our increasingly collaborative work world, these realitybased exercises have a tangible impact on the student experience and the communities involved. You can see examples of our growing engagement around the world in an online interactive map at


Dan Avchen, Ann Birt, Nedret Butler, Bill Chilton, Pat Cummens, Ed Kodet, XiaoWei Ma, Tom Meyer, Linda Mona, David Mortenson, Richard Murphy, Paul Reyelts, Greg Van Bellinger, Rich Varda Through a unique commitment to creativity and advancing technologies, the College of Design at the University of Minnesota leads, innovates, and educates in the full range of design fields by researching ongoing and emerging issues, exploring new knowledge, and addressing and solving real-world problems, all while adhering to socially responsible, sustainable, and collaborative design thinking. Emerging is published fall and spring semesters by the University of Minnesota College of Design for alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of the college. This publication is available in alternative formats upon request. Please call 612-626-6385. Send address changes to

The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Printed on 100 percent postconsumer fiber, processed chlorine free, FSC recycled certified and manufactured using biogas energy.

Dean Fisher was recently featured twice on TED Weekends, a collaboration between TED and the Huffington Post that showcases a powerful “idea worth spreading” paired with an exceptional TEDTalk. You can read all of his posts, including “The Rigor of Creativity” and “Teach to Each Child’s Intelligence,” at You can also follow Dean Fisher on Twitter @MNDesignDean.


On the cover: (Top) An interdisciplinary design studio visits the shore of Lake Superior. Read about their ideas for the city of Duluth, MN on pg. 3. (Bottom) From Arusha, Tanzania to Cinque Terre, Italy our alumni and students are putting design on the map. Read more on pg. 9. @UofMDesign


Up North

In Space

What does a resilient Duluth look like? To find out, architecture and landscape architecture graduate students conducted field research for an interdisciplinary studio project in the northern Minnesota town, starting with a three-day visit to the port city last September. They met with the mayor, toured infrastructure along with waterfront, and talked with water specialists and senior city planners. “This studio allowed students to connect with people in Duluth and generate new

ideas about Duluth’s future,” said Cynthia Lapp, an adjunct assistant professor in the landscape architecture department who helped colead the class. Students gave their final presentations— ranging from a study of the proposed I-35 Energy Corridor to the reclamation of Steel Creek and Miller Creek wetlands—at Clyde Iron Works in December. During the two-hour event, over 100 people stopped by to view the projects. To learn more visit

Watch Amber Hill’s video at

Out West Graduate students in a landscape architecture studio traveled to the Lower Duwamish Waterway in Seattle, WA, to study a 19-mile stretch of river reduced by heavy industry to a polluted, 7-mile channel. “We went to the Duwamish River particularly because there are a host of problems to consider with the site regarding ecology and the relationship between industry and the city,” said MLA student Amber Hill.

In the spring of 2012, assistant professor Lucy Dunne’s Studio IV apparel design course partnered with NASA to develop wearable technology prototypes, and they were invited to NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX to present their final designs. The partnership spurred unique opportunities for students like Kaila Bibeau, who spent the summer of 2012 at NASA as a Wearable Technology Engineer. This fall, Susan Vue, Jennifer Voth, and Melissa Mello learned that their prototype for a better space boot placed first in the 2012 Safety Products Student Design Challenge sponsored by Safety + Technical Products and Narrow Fabrics Institute. They traveled to Boston, MA to receive their award at the beginning of November. “This project is a great example of how combining two components of design that rarely meet creates innovative solutions,” explained Voth, a senior in the apparel design program. A grant from the Minnesota Space Grant Consortium means the partnership with NASA will continue with an opportunity for students to develop more prototypes this semester.

Students met with community stakeholders, including the EPA and the city of Seattle, and documented the ephemeral qualities of the damaged river through video. View their videos at Graduate students tour Duluth, MN for an interdisplinary studio.




Design + Local Food Students in PDES 3701 started the semester by reinventing the cookie. The course, taught by assistant professor Barry Kudrowitz, emphasizes creativity, idea generation, and innovation. Students were required to document their process of experimentation, discovery, and failure, while developing an edible product. Recipes for student inventions like the Norwegian Coconut Chai Mocha Banana Lid cookie (pictured right), are on our blog:

There will be more edibles in the fall of 2013 when a new design and food course, cotaught by Kudrowitz with local chefs, will introduce students to design principles through food. While researching the course, Kudrowitz, landscape architecture student Emily Stover, and architecture student Matt Munson interviewed local chefs, including Steven Brown of Tilia, Stewart and Heidi Woodman of Heidi’s, and Diane Yang of La Belle Vie, about current trends in food,

workspace design, and the construction of a few select dishes. Watch for their interview at


Design + Local Art Students in assistant professor Juanjuan Wu’s visual merchandising class worked with the Guthrie Theater and Weisman Art Museum (WAM) to create window displays for their shop windows. “I was impressed with this group’s sensitivity to the Guthrie architecture,” said Kay McGuire, Guthrie Theater shop director of retail and merchandising. “Their design seeks to complement the colors and shapes of the building and play off the winter season.” The winning display for the Guthrie, Modern Holiday, was designed by Elizabeth Huber, Carissa Prieve, Lindsey DeWitt, Crystal Compton, and Kora Gleason.

Onheiber, WAM shop manager and buyer. “Through this ongoing collaboration, more students enter our doors and engage with the collection for the first time.”

Design + Local Habitat Thanks to the support of generous donors, our online Gift of Shelter campaign raised funds to support college initiatives with Habitat for Humanity. The money will provide hands-on, real-world experience for students and further the college’s mission to address and solve real-world problems through sustainable design.

Students working with WAM were asked to use “files,” the current WAM exhibit about the history of the museum and its collection, to influence their work. The winning design, Exhibition, was created by Mary Ford, Brittany Judy, Emily Showers, Ashley Trevick, and Katlyn Tarras. “Working with students in Dr. Wu’s Retail Merchandising class directly supports our mission to serve as a teaching forum and spark critical thinking,” said Marissa 4 EMERGING SPRING 2013

Students work on displays at the Weisman Art Museum (top) and the Guthrie Theater (bottom).

In 2012 students spent five months researching the nature

and feasibility of affordable, zero-energy single family homes. In 2013 housing studies and architecture students will work with Habitat to design multifamily housing units in Fridley, MN. For information about giving opportunities, contact Mark Hintz, director of development, at 612624-7808, or visit designgiving.


Design + Wheels Ryan Carlson (B.S. Graphic Design ’01) owns eight bikes, drinks a lot of chai, and has the personal motto of “Spiral out, keep going.” He’s the co-owner of Twin Six, a Minneapolisbased company that designs graphics for cycling jerseys. Twin Six products have been featured in Bicycle Times, Momentum Magazine, Twin Cities Metro Mag, and many more.




That’s tough. I’m going to have to say it’s a tie between a pattern jersey and a graphic jersey for me. The Ride the Lightning, and the Boneshaker. The highviz yellow used on the Ride the Lightning is very on-trend right now in the cycling world. The lightning bolt pattern and color blocking create a pretty powerful jersey. The Boneshaker graphic—which is actually one graphic layered over another—turned out exactly how I envisioned it.

It’s much like a logo, I guess. When I can’t add anything or remove anything to make it better, it’s done. The entire collection comes together in a very chaotic mess of decisions. There are many designs left behind, never to see the light of day. Those that make it through are usually seen as 90percent done the first time we step back and look at everything together. From there, colors get shifted around a lot making sure we don’t have 15 red jerseys or something like that. Occasionally, we’ll have too many jerseys with checkers, or the same size stripes, or other similarities. But in the end, the basic designs are done when they “feel” done.

I think it was called GD 2. Maybe GD 3? We had to create an entire brand from scratch. Essentially, [it was] what I ended up doing in real life six years later. Being forced to think strategically about everything (concept, name, identity, positioning, customer base, price points, production, etc.) made me wrap my head around how it all had to work together, and nothing could be done just for the sake of something looking cool. I remember going through a transition around this time, from trying to make things look cool to trying to create things that solved a problem and designing with a purpose. It happened later for me, but when it did everything clicked. I remember this class being very impactful.

What’s your favorite jersey design from 2012?



If you could bike across any country, which would it be?


Easy one, the US of A. I’ve been daydreaming about that ride for a long time. Thousands of people do it every year–mostly riding, some racing. I would love to load up a touring bike and take four weeks to enjoy the back roads of this country by bike.

How do you know when a jersey design is finished?


What course at the College of Design impacted you the most?



What is one thing a non-graphic designer would be surprised to learn about your profession?


That it’s a lot less calculated than you might think. When you think about it, we’re a profession of people who just make stuff up.

“I remember going through a transition around this time, from trying to make things look cool to trying to create things that solved a problem and designing with a purpose”—Ryan Carlson (B.S. Graphic Design ’01)




Architecture Launches MS-RP Degree Starting this spring, the School of Architecture will offer a new concentration in research practices within their master of science in architecture degree (MS-RP) for students starting the fall of 2013. The program aims at halving the amount of time from high school to licensure for architects— from an average of 14.5 years to 7.

Board’s Intern Development Program and Architect Registration Examination, and leverages the historically strong connection between practice and academy in the Minneapolis/St Paul community. To learn more, visit

Interior Design Earns A+ After extensive review, the Accreditation Commission of the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) renewed the interior design program’s accreditation for the next six years. In their analysis, the CIDA commission reported that during their on-site review the visiting team did not identify any weaknesses. “We have many people to thank for the

program’s accomplishments,” said interior design professor Denise Guerin and chair of the CIDA accreditation review, “most certainly our students and faculty who have given their best, and the administration who has given us significant support over the last six years.” Learn more about the interior design program at

By offering this model, the School of Architecture nudges the profession toward true culture change, one that expects all students to be licensed upon graduation, regardless of their final career choices. It also takes advantage of recent changes to the National Council of Architectural Registration

Drawing Venice

The Margot Siegel Design Award In November, the Goldstein Museum of Design announced a new award for emerging designers. Established with the support of longtime supporter Margot Siegel, the Margot Siegel Design Award will be presented annually to a designer who represents innovation in his or her field and has yet to receive major recognition. This year’s winner will receive an all-expense paid trip to the Twin Cities to speak at the College of Design, along with a check for $2,000. Nominations are currently under review and will be announced in early 2013. 6 EMERGING SPRING 2013

McNEAL GALLERY HOURS Tuesday–Friday 10:00 am–5:00 pm Weekend 1:30 pm–4:30 pm FREE admission


Monday–Friday 9:00 am–6:00 pm Saturday 1:00 pm–5:00 pm FREE admission 612-624-7434

A love of old books and maps led graphic design student Jordana Reece to 15th-century Venice. After her History of Graphic Design course visited the James Ford Bell Library, she was hooked. The library’s collection consists of 25,000 items in the form of books, maps, manuscripts, pamphlets, broadsides, and assorted printed documents from 400 C.E. to 1825 C.E. Reece approached Margaret Borg, an assistant curator at the library, about working on a project together. The result was nine watercolors based on 15th-century engravings by Erhard Reuwich, which the library featured in their exhibit “Celebrating Venice: On Land and Sea” last fall. @UofMDesign

A Peek at Minnesota Suite

Public Interest Design Week March 19–24, 2013

Philip Rickey, who was a student in the landscape architecture program from 1993-2001, completed a permanent public art installation for the U of M’s new BioMedical Discovery District (BDD). The 500 foot installation integrates 45 pieces of columnar basalt into a street and landscape designed by the project landscape architects of Damon Farber Associates.

The college is partnering with to host the first-ever Public Interest Design Week on the University of Minnesota campus this spring. “This will be one of the largest gatherings of people involved in the public interest design movement and will feature some of the best work going on locally, nationally, and internationally in this field,” said College of Design dean Thomas Fisher. “Our college has played a leadership role in this emerging discipline, and this week-long series of events demonstrates that commitment.” John Cary (B.A. Arch ’99), founder of PublicInterest, will chair the event, which includes keynotes by New York Times architecture critic Michael Kimmelman and D-Rev CEO Krista Donaldson.

“I know that my work as a public artist falls between disciplines,” said Rickey, “but the tools I acquired in the landscape architecture program were crucial to this and all of my work.” Architectural Alliance and Zimmer Gunsul Frasca are the project architects for BDD which will provide labs and other spaces to support cancer and cardiovascular research. Its expected completion date is summer 2013. To read more alumni stories visit,

Minnesota Suite by Philip Rickey

Registration information will be available early spring at

The Future of Design and Health What do $16 million and a blue hospital gown have in common? At the 2013 Mayo Transform Symposium, Dean Fisher described how ongoing research at the College of Design impacts and improves the health care experience, from hospital waiting rooms to systems used by doctors to prevent infection. To demonstrate, he introduced the audience to Patient Z. We’re using design to “recreate rather than vegetate,” Fisher explained to his diverse audience of engineers, doctors, and CEOs. Before Patient Z ever visits a hospital, she lives in an environment where 17 percent of all deaths result from poor diet and lack of physical activity. Knowing this, she bikes to work, unaware that her mixed-use neighborhood might be a livable community designed by our Metropolitan Design Center or Center for Changing Landscapes.


When Patient Z joins the 39 million Americans hospitalized every year—8 percent of the total population—she’ll spend approximately 4.9 days there. To help hospitals build better spaces, the college offers virtual reality technology so clients can walk through and tweak the building design before construction begins. Watch the Virtual Reality Design Lab space in action at Patient Z will also wear a better hospital gown thanks to Ph.D. apparel studies student Linsey Gordon and Silvia Guttmann (M.A. DHA ’12). In 2011, the students placed first in the Park Nicollet Foundation’s Project Better Gown competition. Their design is currently being put

into production (complete with a pocket to store your cell phone). A new $16 million grant awarded to the College of Design’s Center for Design in Health in collaboration with three other organizations will study how to improve critical care for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries in intensive care units. “Just as we look holistically at the patient experience,” explained Fisher, “we have to look holistically at what is the nature of the environment’s we’re in and what is causing ill health.” Watch Fisher’s full presentation at


Just a few places we are studying abroad in 2013‌




“The most exciting part of this project is the potential to improve the lives of the children.”

Charles Colvin (M.L.A) was a project manager responsible for revitalizing the Southside Family Nurturing Center playground. See before and after images at

—Charles Colvin

HOW DO YOU REDESIGN THE WORLD? It starts with an idea, a conversation, a vision; it takes College of Design alumni and students across continents and into communities; it goes beyond cubicles and classrooms. When we asked our design community what they were up to, this is what we found.



“I wanted to do something to “Every conversation seemed help the towns, the people, and the territory of this place I to land on a reflection of had grown to love so much.” what we did that day and, —Yana Pietras more importantly, of what our place is as designers Yana Pietras (B.F.A. Graphic Design) launched Students for Cinque Terre in this very complex and to raise money for Cinque Terre dynamic world.” villages damaged in a 2011 flood. ­—Claire Antelman

M.Arch students Claire Antelman (B.S. Arch ’10), Daniel Aversa, Sangyong Hahn, and Jessica Horstkotte, and associate professor John Comazzi partnered with Lavego to design a new primary school for AIDS orphans.


Watch her interview on KSTP-TV at

“I learned how a small nonprofit can not only get by, but make meaningful HOUSTON, TX contributions to the livelihoods “It was the most fulfilling of Americans.” and exciting experience —Kevin Reza I have had up until this Kevin Reza (B.S. Housing Studies) point in my life.” interned with the Housing Assistance — Kaila Bibeau

Kaila Bibeau (B.S. Apparel Design, Rretail Merchandising minor) was a wearable technology engineer intern at NASA’s Johnson Space Center.

Council in Washington, D.C.


“Living in New York gave me access to the fast-paced world of fashion publishing. I could not have asked for a better experience.” —Rose Curry

Rose Curry (B.S. Retail Merchandising and Mass Communication) was a fashion and accessories intern for Marie Claire.



“What would you do,” Jon Strassner asked, “if you knew you could not fail?” He was speaking to a room packed with future interior designers sitting comfortably on new chairs. Strassner, director of A&D North America at Humanscale, was on campus to discuss trends in the interior design profession with students and faculty. He was also there because his company donated 42 of its Diffrient World Chairs this fall when the interior design program added new studio space. The all-mesh chairs are built using eight major components, versus the hundreds typically found in a chair design. “They don’t take a lot of material to build,” said Strassner, but the materials that are used

are highly recyclable. Like all Humanscale products, it was ergonomically designed. “A lot of lay people don’t understand what goes into making a good design look easy,” he continued. But he wasn’t talking to a classroom full of lay people. The interior design program teaches students how to design in ways that protect people’s health and safety and improve human well-being. They graduate knowing how to design holistically and create environments that support and improve people’s quality of life in the settings in which they lead their lives. In a similar fashion, “Jon and Humanscale believe in the importance of research and its contribution to creating better environments for people,” explained Caren Martin, associate professor of interior design, who is the co-creator of InformeDesign along with interior design professor Denise Guerin. This makes it a perfect fit for cross-collaboration. Starting in 2006, Humanscale provided funding for InformeDesign to continue the program’s support of design research, education, and outreach. Martin and Guerin were subsequently invited to present their academic research at the Humanscale headquarters, while Strassner visited campus and facilitated visits by Niels Diffrient, a seminal designer in ergonomic furniture, and Alan Hedge, professor in the department of design and environmental analysis at Cornell University. “Working with the college was a natural draw because of their focus on human factors,” he explained after his in-class presentation this fall. “Caren and Denise are two design professionals who understand and embrace the impact of evidence-based design.” His advice to students? Make design drive criteria. A suggestion they can put into practice today in a new workspace with their intuitive seats to inspire them.



NEWS Alumni are listed according to their most recent College of Design degree or class year.


of Emigre (1984–2005). She is an assistant professor at Kent State University’s School of Visual Communication Design. See Emigre on our website at

Peter Atkins, Holly Engle, Beth Koeppel, and Benjamin VandenWymelenberg (all B.S. Arch) were finalists in a competition sponsored by Cabin Life magazine to design their dream cabin. Learn more at

Kirk Mazzeo (M.Arch) is an architectural designer at Cannon Design’s Shanghai studio, which recently placed first in an international competition to build a 1.8 million square footcancer research hospital in Haikou, Hainan, China.

Jessica Barness (M.F.A. Design), recipient of the Goldstein Museum of Design’s Joss Internship, created an online interface for archived issues

The University of Minnesota Alumni Association named Prescott Morrill (MLA/MURP) its Student Volunteer of the



Beth Bowman (Housing Studies Grad Certificate) accepted a new position as a lease specialist with the state of Minnesota Real Estate and Construction Services. She’s a member of the Design and Student Alumni Board.

Julie Kay Boettcher (M.S. DHA) was awarded her professional teaching license from the state of Minnesota. Garments designed by Nicole English (B.S. Apparel Design) and Hilary Hubanks (B.S. Apparel Design) were included in the new anthology, Emerging Fashion Designers 3. Learn more at Beth Koch (M.F.A. DHA ’06, Ph.D. DHA) presented “Perception of Typefaces: A Quantitative Visual Methodology” at TypeCon 2012 and “Emotions in Typographic

Jean McElvain (B.S. Costume Design ’94, M.Arch ’02, Ph.D.

DHA) cowrote an article with Angelina Jones (M.A. DHA ’10) titled “Feathered Lingerie: From the Stage to the Bedroom” for the online edition of the Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion.

2007 Kit Casey (B.S. Graphic Design) designed a new mural for the University of Minnesota rowing team boathouse. Learn more at Matt Frank (B.E.D) is a program and research assistant at Dovetail Partners, a nonprofit dedicated to providing information about the impacts and trade-offs of environmental decisions, including consumption choices, land use, and policy alternatives.

Design by Hilary Hubanks

Mural by Kit Casey


Student Volunteer of the Year Prescott Morrill, second from left, with, left to right, Kent Horsager, College of Design dean Tom Fisher, and Regent Linda Cohen

An article about Tiffani Navratil’s (M.L.A.) capstone project appeared in the Tasmanian Times.

Design: Gender Differences” at the 44th Annual Conference of International Visual Literacy. Her paper “Emotions in Typographic Design: An empirical examination” was published in a recent issue of Visible Language.

A group of art educators, including Josh Sohn (M.L.A.), launched Driftwood Community Arts, a community art studio, gallery, and educational space in St. Paul, MN.

In February 2013, Jessica McClurg (M.Arch ’10, M.S. Arch) will join a team of young professionals on a month-long Rotary Group Study Exchange to India. She currently serves

Year. He is a former Design Student Alumni Board student representative.

Emigre magazine


Design by Nicole English

on the Board of Directors for Preserve Minneapolis.

The parents of Ashley Ellen Goetz (Graphic Design ’09) have established the Ashley Ellen Goetz Memorial Scholarship to honor the memory of their daughter, who was tragically killed in an automobile accident on May 14, 2012. At the time of her death, Goetz was working on her M.F.A. degree in fiction writing while teaching undergraduate English at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The gift will fund scholarships for students in the graphic design program. For more information contact Mark Hintz, director of development, at 612-624-7808 or

2009 Julie Ellen Peterson (B.S. Interior Design ’92, M.S. DHA ’06, Ph.D. DHA) was promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Stout where she is Program director for the M.F.A. in Design program.


NEWS Katherine Gerzina (B.S. Arch) joined DSGW Architects in Duluth, MN as an intern architect.

2006 Claire Lacoste Kapstein (B.S. Apparel ’01, M.A. DHA ’04, Ph.D. DHA) was published in the Financial Times. Megan Wannarka (B.S. Clothing Design) is working in Senegal, West Africa, with the Peace Corps as a sustainable agricultural extension agent. You can follow her blog at

Nicholas Hofstede (B.Arch ’03) will work with Johnston Marklee as project manager to help design the Menil Drawing Institute in Houston, Texas. Construction is slated to begin in early 2014.

Susan Sokolowski (Ph.D. DHA) cowrote an article with professor Karen LaBat (DHA) titled “Olympic Dress, Uniforms, and Fashion” for the online edition of the Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion.



Aaron Koch (B.S. Arch) was appointed deputy commissioner for sustainability at the Chicago Department of Water Management.

Todd Grover (B.A. Arch ’95, M.Arch) received the 2012 AIA-MN Young Architect Award. He’s a partner at MacDonald & Mack Architects, Ltd.

A remodaled cabin designed by Kristine Anderson (M.Arch) was featured in the September/ October 2012 issue of Midwest Home magazine. She is an associate with Peterssen/ Keller Architecture and an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Minnesota School of Architecture.

Donald Bradford (B.S. Clothing Design) works for Calvin Klein Jeans where he’s responsible for global design (Asia, Europe, North America) for all men’s denim.


Robert Feyereisen (B.Arch) launched Quickscale, a mobile app that helps determine scale when creating architectural drawings or models. Learn more at

1992 Jill Krance (B.Arch) joined the firm InSite Architects where she’ll focus on senior options and multi-family affordable housing.

Andrew Sigfrids (B.A. Arch) is living in Shanghai, China, where he runs ASIG Design, a furniture and interior design company. He also runs a product design company called Direct Dezign.


Sandra Lee Evenson (B.S. Textile and Clothing ’81, M.S. DHA ’92, Ph.D. DHA) returned to her faculty position at the University of Idaho after serving as interim director of the Margaret Ritchie School of Family and Consumer Sciences.

The children’s book Princess Sophia’s Gifts, written by Dianne Lynn Hovey (M.S. DHA), received honorable mention at the 18th International SelfPublishing Book Awards.


Theresa Winge (B.S. Clothing Design ’98, Ph.D. DHA) is assistant professor of fashion design and theory in the Department of Art and Art History at Michigan State University. Her new book, Body Style, is available from Berg Publishers.



Design charette organized by Jennifer Swedell



Jennifer Swedell (B.Arch) worked with students at Arroyo Paseo Charter High School in San Diego, CA to develop a shed for storing school bikes and garden supplies.

Raymond Dehn (B.A. Arch ’93, M.Arch ABD) was elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives. He’s a member of the Design and Student Alumni Board.


Marlene Alice Breu (Ph.D. DHA) received the 2012 R. L. Shep Award from the Textile Society of America for her book, Splendor and Pageantry: Textile Treasure from the Armenian Orthodox Churches of Istanbul.

John Cary (B.A. Arch ‘99) published an op-ed article about public interest design in the New York Times.

Patrick Michael Redmond (M.A. DHA) received a Merit Award from the Advertising Federation of Minnesota during the Show 2012.

Kelly Loell Eidell (M.S. DHA) opened Stitch Design and Sewing Studio in Philadelphia, PA.

1988 Lisa Karen Stauffer (B.S. Applied Design ’81, M.A. DHA) won the Pastel Painters of Cape Cod Award from the Pastel Society of America for her painting With Age Beauty. It was one of 20 pieces on display at the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, OH, December 2012–January 2013.

1987 Sandra Margaret Scott (B.S. Textiles and Clothing ’83, M.A. DHA) was elected to the Auburn Union School District Board of Trustees in Auburn, CA.

1980 Mark Quéripel (M.Arch) received an EcoHome Design Award for his work on Phantom Canyon Ranch with Brian Nelson (B.Arch ‘92). Learn more at

1978 Ruth Tofle (Home Economics ‘74, Home Economics Ph.D.), was named a Top

Painting by Lisa Karen Stauffer 30 Design Educator for 2013 by DesignIntelligence. She is interior design department chair at the University of Missouri.

1974 The Minneapolis Star Tribune published an article about Thomas Meyer’s (B.Arch) remodel of a Twin Cities home originally designed by former University of Minnesota School of Architecture professor Robert Bliss. Read it at

1973 Donald Ganje (B.L.A.) was elevated to the status of Fellow by the American Society of Landscape Architects. Learn more at

IN MEMORIUM Joseph R. Blair (B.Arch ’59, M.Arch ’61) Elizabeth S. Close, (Honorary Doctor of Human Letters ’03) George Dennison ‘Dennie’ Neilson (B.Arch ‘67) Joann Gilbert Kulman (BS Home Economics Education ‘54) Design by Mark Quéripel @UofMDesign

1970 Craig E. Rafferty (B.A. Arch, B.Arch) received the AIA MN Gold Medal.

1961 William Pedersen’s (B.Arch) firm, Kohn Pedersen Fox, is leading the design of the new Coach tower in Manhattan. The New York Times published an article about the project in October 2012. You can read it at

1956 Ann Carlson Birt (B.S. ‘56 Home Economics) received the Alumni Service Award from the University of Minnesota Alumni Association for her significant impact and service to the University.

Birt at the 2012 U of M homecoming parade.

FACULTY A biography about Professor Dean Abbott (Landscape Architecture) will appear in the forthcoming book Pioneers of American Landscape Design. Professor William Angell (Housing) received the Housing Education and Research Association’s Housing Impact Award. Assistant Professor Blaine Brownell (Architecture) was a keynote speaker during the 2012 Resilient Buildings Workshop in Washington, D.C. He was also a guest speaker at


North Carolina State University’s School of Architecture on the topic of hypermaterial. Associate professor Sauman Chu (Graphic Design) coauthored the article “Interactive Learning for Graphic Design Foundations,” published by the Journal of E-Learning and Digital Media. Assistant professor John Comazzi’s (Architecture) new biography of the architectural photographer Balthazar Korab, Balthazar Korab: Architect of Photography, was named a top architecture book of 2012 by The Guardian and a 2013 Michigan Notable Book. Learn more at A new book by Dean Tom Fisher, Designing to Avoid Disaster, draws a connection between fracturecritical designs and recent catastrophic events like the collapse of the I-35W bridge and the flooding of New Orleans. Learn more at

a semi-transparent writing room made out of paper and charred wood. Learn more at

Most Admired Design Educators for 2013 by DesignIntelligence magazine. Learn more at

Assistant professor Barry Kudrowitz (Product Design director) was a guest on WTIP radio’s “The Roadhouse.” Listen to his interview at

Associate professor Caren Martin (Interior Design director) received the Louis S. Tregre Award from the National Council for Interior Design Qualification, Inc. Learn more at

The Human Dimensioning Lab (HDL) received a Community Collaborative Pilot Grant from the Clinical Translational Science Institute to fund a project studying 3-D posture and center of gravity during posture modifying therapy. The research team includes Professor Karen LaBat (Apparel Design), HDL research associate Karen Ryan, Ph.D. candidate Chad Sowers (Apparel Studies), and Sherry Sanden-Will (Apparel Design student). Cass Gilbert Design Fellow Adam Marcus (Architecture) was named one of the Top 30

An installation by Professor Rebecca Krinke (Landscape Architecture) transformed an empty St. Paul storefront into

Mattew Tucker (Landscape Architecture) was hired as an assistant professor for the Department of Landscape Architecture. His current research and teaching focuses on postenvironmentalism, feral and prosthetic landscapes, manufactured ecologies, and the role of paradigm change in future landscape architectural practice.

Professor Steven McCarthy (Graphic Design director) presented “Countries, Cultures, and Histories: Design Fiction as Alternative Narrative” at the 2012 AIGA GeoGraphic conference. Associate professor Laura Musacchio (Landscape Architecture) is collaborating on a $1.58 million study funded by NASA to examine how land use, settlement patterns, and the shapes of cities influence severe weather in the Great Plains region. Learn more at

Lifeworks Professor David Pitt (Landscape Architecture) is part of an interdisciplinary team working to deploy a collaborative Geodesign process in order to design and manage rural landscapes that produce herbaceous and woody biomass, while studying ways to market this material as an alternative, renewable biofuel resource.

Assistant Professor Hyunjoo Im (Retail Merchandising) was quoted in a Star Tribune article about social media coupons. Assistant professor Hye-Young Kim (Retail Merchandising) was interviewed by WCCOTV about discount retailer memberships. Watch the segment at

was elected Hennepin County soil and water supervisor for District 4.


Members of the newly reinstated professional fraternity at the U of M: (Back row) Drew Heller (B.S. Arch) architecture chair; Ben Lindau, education advisor; Jon Meyer (B.D.A.) secretary; Anna Brost (Interior Design), interior design chair; (Front row) Steve Lees (B.S. Arch) treasurer; Garret Sletten (B.S. Arch) president; Miryah Lea (Interior Design) vice president; Juan Acosta (B.S. Arch) public relations/marketing chair.

Senior research fellow Virajita Singh (CSBR) was a guest speaker during the Institute on the Environment’s Frontiers in the Environment lecture series. You can watch her presentation on design thinking at Adjunct Assistant Professor Richard Strong (Architecture)

Assistant professor Juanjuan Wu (Retail Merchandising director) and assistant professor Hye-Young Kim (Retail Merchandising) received the Best Conference Paper Premier Award at the 2012 Global Marketing Conference (GMC) in Seoul, South Korea. Their paper was titled “Differentiating Apparel Shoppers Enrolled in Retail Loyalty Programs: Evidence from the United States.”

STUDENTS Architecture students participating in the GUTTLAB (Global Urban Threat and Territorial Laboratory) workshop with third-year students at the University Andres Bello displayed their work at the Chilean Architecture Bienale in Santiago, Chile. Coal Dorius, Elizabeth Hixson, Michael Richardson, and Stefano Ascari (all Landscape Architecture) collaborated with Lifeworks, a nonprofit organization serving people with disabilities, to design a sensory garden at their new Apple Valley location. Construction is underway with an anticipated completion date of fall 2013.


NEWS Claire Ward, Lindsey DeWitt, and Jessa Manthe (all Apparel Design), along with Lizzie Hillmann (B.S. Clothing Design ’12) and Erika O’Brien (B.S. Retail Merchandising ’12) participated in the MNfashion Emerging Designer Showcase on September 24th at the Grain Belt Bottling House Atrium. Joey Mueller (Graphic Design) was interviewed by the New York Times about his Twitter account @itisjoey. The 2012 Design Democracy Fellowships were awarded to Christopher Wingate, Kai Salmela, and Paul Treml. The fellowships are given to secondyear professional degree architecture students who submit an essay and a portfolio and demonstrate a high level of academic achievement. Students in the third year graduate studio Exploring BioInspired Systems in Architecture displayed their work in the Weisman Art Museum’s fall 2012 exhibition Contextual Flux.

ITAA AWARDS AND HONORS College of Design faculty, students, and alumni received multiple awards at the 2012 International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) Conference.

A Perfect Fit: Q&A with the Ergobaby Creator

Professor Kim Johnson (Retail Merchandising): Distinguished Scholar Award, Paper of Distinction Award

Kristy Janigo (M.A. Design ‘11) and assistant professor Juanjuan Wu (Retail Merchandising director): Educators for Socially Responsible Apparel Business Award for Research Ju-Young Kang (Ph.D. Design ’12): Best Student Paper Award Jennifer Voth (Apparel Design student): Best Solution to a Patternmaking Challenge. Ji Young Lee (Retail Merchandising student): Joan Laughlin Fellowship


Karin Frost (M.A. DHA ’88) wasn’t happy with her options. In 2001, she was a first-time mother who couldn’t find a baby carrier that fit her needs. So she designed her own. Today, Ergobaby sells over 25,000 carriers a month. A quick online search reveals celebrities like Ethan Hawke, Julia Roberts, and Amanda Peet carrying their children comfortably thanks to Frost’s original design. She lives in Hawaii with her family.

Assistant professor Lucy Dunne (Apparel Design director): Rising Star Award, Lectra Innovative Teaching Award

MyungHee Sohn (M.S. DHA ’09, Ph.D. Design) and Professor Elizabeth “Missy” Bye (DHA head): Lectra Innovative Research Award, Paper of Distinction



How long did it take to create your first Ergobaby prototype?


I started working on the concept in April 2002 and had a design I was comfortable manufacturing by August 2002.


What are the benefits of the carrier for the parent?


There are several benefits to the parent. I will list them in the order I believe is most important: 1) The Ergobaby carrier supports the parent in the best ergonomic way by carrying the weight of the baby dispersed over the hips, 2) skin to skin contact creates a hormone called Oxytocin, by carrying baby close to the body a stronger bond between parent and child is formed, 3) because of the proximity of the child to the parent, the parent is much more attuned to the baby’s needs, and 4) being able to stay mobile and productive with baby close gives a parent the sense of freedom.


What important lesson did you take away from your time at the College of Design?


I realized that it is very important to get practical experience along with the theoretical study in the areas that you plan to be productive.


If you could improve the design of anything else, what would it be?

I often come across a product that I have invested in, and wonder has anyone ever tested it’s functionality prior to putting it into production and marketing it to consumers?


Tell us something most people don’t know about living in Hawaii.


• Share your career news and acomplishments. • Let us know when your contact info changes. • Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. • Recommend us to future design students. • Post job and internship opportunites. Lori Mollberg Director of Alumni Relations 612-625-8796 Amanda Underwood Alumni/Development Assistant 612-626-6385


Giving does many things for the College of Design. Find out how you can support • Student achievement • Community impact • Research that makes a difference


Contextual Flux

Here are five (free!) ways you can support the College of Design. You’ll expand your professional networks, enhance college visibility, and improve curent student experiences.

Hawaii is an amazingly beautiful place to live! No doubt those who have visited would make that observation. It is often referred to asParadise. But behind the scenes, there is a lot of misuse of land, air, fresh water, and ocean. That makes me feel sad. For that reason, I am motivated to influence awareness and positive change.


Mark Hintz Director of Development 612-624-7808 Sue Danielson Bretheim Senior Development Officer 612-624-1386




Nieto Sobejano, Cordoba, Roland Halbe




Goldstein Museum of Design

Unfinished Spaces*

Memory and Invention

A Century of Architecture

January 19–March 10: HGA Rapson Hall

Rural Design: A New Design Discipline

100 Rapson Hall $5 general, students free with ID Documentary screening about Cuba’s National Art Schools project. Reception to follow.

100 Rapson Hall Speakers: Fuensanta Nieto and Enrique Sobejano

January 19–May 26: McNeal Hall

AIA+2030/SB 2030 Professional Design Series*

Join classmates and colleagues as the School of Architecture celebrates 100 years of architecture education in 2013 and looks forward to the next century of achievement. Weekend events will include architecture tours, lectures, and exhibitions. Get involved at

January 28, 6 PM

Book signing by Dewey Thorbeck, February 4, 6 PM, 100 Rapson

Redefining, Redesigning Fashion: Designs for Sustainability

Fridays, February 8–April 26 (except March 22 and 29), 12:30–4:30 PM

Opening reception, January 18, 6–8 PM Lecture by Sandy Black, London College of Fashion, February 21, 5 PM

UofM East Bank $750 for 10 sessions 40 AIA LU/HSW/SD

March 23–May 12: HGA Rapson Hall

Jens Jensen: Celebrating the Native Prairie

Search for Shelter Design Charrette

Gallery talk by John Koepke, March 25, 6 PM, 100 Rapson

February 8–10

Funding for HGA Gallery exhibitions is provided by the Rapson Hall Exhibition fund with support from Judy Dayton

Rapson Hall Teams create viable graphic plans and solutions to aid nonprofits

Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library

45th Annual Fashion Show: Flux* February 16, 5:30 PM and 8 PM

March 1–May 31: Rapson Hall

Rapson Courtyard $25 general, $12 balcony, $55 VIP

Tale Spins: Water, Animals, and Ruins Featuring work by James Boyd Brent

Diversity and Design: The Missing Design History March 1, 5 PM

Water detail 6+8, James Boyd-Brent

100 Rapson Hall Panelists: Nnamdi Elleh, Vibhavari Jani, and Aly H. Karam


All events and exhibitions free unless otherwise noted with (*)

March 4, 6 PM

Public Interest Design Conference* March 19–22

Rapson Hall Registration and speaker information at

Design Intersections* May 2, 7:30–9:30 AM

McNamara Alumni Center Design thinkers from various fields share ideas, processes, and solutions that have the potential to improve the way we live and work. Registration and speaker information at: Sponsored by Larsen

Design in 7*

April 17, 6:30 PM $5 students, $15 UMAA, $20 general Coffman Memorial Union Theater 7 Design professionals share their stories in 7 minutes.

Fashion and Social Responsibility* April 19–21

McNeal Hall Exploring intersections of fashion in today’s world. Registration and schedule information at

PLAYsentations May 8, 7 PM

100 Rapson Hall A theatrical show with student designed toys

October 25–26

1913/2013/2113 Architecture as Catalyst March 11–15, Rapson Hall

M.Arch students meet with visiting faculty throughout the week in lectures and workshops focused on the past, present, and future of architectural design. All lectures open to the public: Sponsored by Target

ARCHITECTURE ALUMNI RECEPTIONS We’re hosting events around the country leading up to our School of Architecture Centennial. Learn more at

Boston, Massachusetts February 7, 6:30–8 PM

Boston Society of Architects The traveling exhibition “The Importance of Drawing: Ralph Rapson’s Legacy: will be on display at the Boston Society of Architects, January 14–February 28. RSVP at Exhibition tour sponsored by HGA Architects and Engineers

San Francisco, California March 21, 6:30–8 PM

HGA San Francisco offices

See Change: The Power of Visual Communication*

Denver, Colorado

University of Minnesota A day of luminaries, inspiration, and remarkable work

AIA National Convention Alumni Reception Contact Lori Molberg, alumni director, with questions 612-625-8796.

May 21–22

June 20, 7:00–8 PM


Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage

PAID 32 McNeal Hall 1985 Buford Avenue

Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 90155

St. Paul, MN 55108


Ticket information at

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