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ROAM | Lexine grew up in Iowa City with strong influences from her mother as an artist and her father as a mechanical engineer. From a young age she was exposed to both creative sensibilities, and technical ways of thinking and solving problems. She is excited by the unique opportunity that design creates to utilize these seemingly opposing skill sets. She sees apparel design as the intersection of art and engineering. This space allows the opportunity to add value, ease, and happiness to people’s everyday lives. She focuses on creating clothing with an attention to detail that elevates everyday clothing beyond choosing between form and function. Most recently she’s explored clothing as engineering while working on the advanced space suit development team in her internship with NASA.
Travel has always been a part of Lexine’s life, from studying abroad in the Indian Himalayas at 16, studying in Italy during her junior year, and traveling the US with her family since before she can remember. This line gave her the opportunity to leverage her design skills to solve a problem she knows intimately. Roam is a collection of pieces that can be mixed and matched so that the wearer can take a limited number of items with them and not look like they’re wearing the same outfit every day. The carefully curated textiles in this line allow the opportunity for functional travel clothing that isn’t all black. Practical clothing infused with thoughtful details come together to create a line of travel clothing that doesn’t look like you just hiked off a mountain.
CONTACT | lexine.schumm@gmail.com