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1L Experience

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“My favorite memory from my 1L year was dressing up as my contracts professor on Halloween . Just when I thought he wouldn’t notice during class, we made eye contact . A wry smile spread across his face . He cold called me . I’d like to think he appreciated the gesture, but I know he’d never let on how much it meant to him . ”


“One of the best things about my 1L experience was how connected I felt to the broader legal community, both in the Twin Cities and beyond . Through different networking events hosted by the school, as well as our robust and welcoming alumni network, I was able to speak with numerous lawyers working in my projected field and market which put me in a strong position to cinch my dream job for 2L summer at a large firm in

Chicago . ” —MOLLIE WAGONER, 3L “My best memory from my 1L year has to be doing oral arguments as part of Legal Research and Writing . It was a lot of fun arguing a legal position I worked on all semester and doing it against one of my good friends from my section . Afterward, my section mate and I called each other to give feedback on our performances, then chatted as friendly adversaries, just as I imagine opposing lawyers do

in real life . ” —MICHAEL KINANE, 2L

“By participating in the Asylum Law Project (and several MJF one-day clinics), I did actual legal work and helped people as a 1L . I also thoroughly enjoyed Raise the Bar, a day of service where law students went forth and volunteered . These events were also opportunities to connect with 2Ls and 3Ls and really deepened my bonds with the UMN Law community . ”


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