Meet Minnesota Law

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“My favorite memory from my 1L year was dressing up as my contracts professor on Halloween. Just when I thought he wouldn’t notice during class, we made eye contact. A wry smile spread across his face. He cold called me. I’d like to think he appreciated the gesture, but I know he’d never let on how much it meant to him.”




“One of the best things about my 1L experience was how connected I felt to the broader legal community, both in the Twin Cities and beyond. Through different networking events hosted by the school, as well as our robust and welcoming alumni network, I was able to speak with numerous lawyers working in my projected field and market which put me in a strong position to cinch my dream job for 2L summer at a large firm in Chicago.” —MOLLIE WAGONER, 3L

“My best memory from my 1L year has to be doing oral arguments as part of Legal Research and Writing. It was a lot of fun arguing a legal position I worked on all semester and doing it against one of my good friends from my section. Afterward, my section mate and I called each other to give feedback on our performances, then chatted as friendly adversaries, just as I imagine opposing lawyers do in real life.” —MICHAEL KINANE, 2L

“By participating in the Asylum Law Project (and several MJF one-day clinics), I did actual legal work and helped people as a 1L. I also thoroughly enjoyed Raise the Bar, a day of service where law students went forth and volunteered. These events were also opportunities to connect with 2Ls and 3Ls and really deepened my bonds with the UMN Law community.” —SARANI RANGARAJAN MILLICAN, 3L


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