1 minute read
from Summer 2023 Murphy Reporter
by University of Minnesota Hubbard School of Journalism & Mass Communication
FOLLOWING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FACULTY in the Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication and the College of Liberal Arts, its Dean and the Provost, the University of Minnesota Regents voted to promote Christopher Terry to the position of associate professor with tenure.
Terry served for six years as a lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee before joining the Hubbard School in the Fall of 2016. His research agenda includes regulatory and legal analysis of media ownership, internet policy and political advertising. Terry’s research has earned top paper awards from the Communication and Law Division of the National Communication Association (NCA) and the Law and
Policy Division of the International Communication Association (ICA).
Terry has received financial support from both the Industry Research Forum of AEJMC, the Center for Information Policy Research, and as a Thrust Four Research Fellow for the Center for Quantum Networks. Terry’s research has been used by the FCC, cited in briefs in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, and he has done more than 100 media interviews about media law, media policy and the First Amendment.