2023 Molecular & Integrative Physiology

Koustubh Vaze a 3rd year postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Dr. Shawn Xu. Gut-brain communication and biological clocks that drive our daily and seasonal rhythms are his research interests. When not in the lab he enjoys cooking, hiking, birding and spending time with family and friends.
Sarah Lawson has worked in the department of Molecular & Integrative Physiolgy for 18 yeas in an Administrative Assistant position. In her time outside of work, Sarah enjoys volunteering within her community, spending time with family and running to and from various activities with her daughters, Olivia and Emily.
Sierra Nance defended her dissertation in March 2023, exploring the role of adipose tissue macrophages in obesity-associated Type 2 Diabetes in Dr. Carey Lumeng’s lab. Her work primarily utilized mouse models to elucidate the role of two potential modulators of adipose tissue macrophage immunometabolism, CCL18 and MSR1, in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance during obesity. Outside the lab, Sierra is committed to mentoring aspiring researchers through her non-profic organization HBCU-DAP. Sierra also enjoys DIY projects and spending time with family and friends.
Sumeet Solanki is Research Investigator in Yatrik Shah lab. His research interests are dietary interventions in IBD and colon cancer. Outside lab, he likes to spend time with family, reading and watching documentaries.
“Impact” is an often used and loaded word in academia. We seek to make discoveries that have an impact on our field of research, or on new treatments for human disease. The most important score given by reviewers on our research grants is the “Overall Impact.” A faculty’s H-index is the “cumulative impact” of their scholarly work. The journals that we publish in are rated by their “Impact Factor”. Our educational impact is sometimes quantified by degrees awarded, test scores, or future school admission. Despite constantly striving toward high impact work, how to measure impact is one of the most debated and controversial things we try to determine as researchers and educators. The challenge in measuring impact is that 1) the impact often happens in the future, which is relatively unpredictable, and 2) the impact depends on which of the many outcomes that you prioritize and put more weight on.
As you will see in this year’s newsletter, our department continues to strive to impact the world through our tripartite mission of research, education, and service. There are many accomplishments to be proud of. We can count the number of grants, show some of the top journals we published in, highlight the fellowships won, celebrate the degrees awarded and show our national rankings. These are meaningful measures of impact. However, if you ask me, our greatest measure of impact is measured by future lives impacted. Our mission in research is to impact future lives by generating new knowledge and make discoveries about how the body works, so that future lives can be healthier. Our mission in education and training seeks to impact lives of students and scholars drawn from all over the world, who come here for training so that their future lives have greater opportunities in their careers in science and health care. Our mission in service seeks to impact lives by making careers in science more accessible
to all through programs like our new BioMedFocus program and HBCU-DAP. Because our collective missions as are so intertwined in impacting lives, that is why the loss of an alumni colleague such as Dr. Andrew Schwartz to cancer is so devastating for MIP and for me personally. His future was bright, his own potential for impacting lives himself was unfolding before him, and the future life impact that we predicted and hoped for many years ago when he was a student, was cut short by something so incredibly unpredictable.
The impact of what we do in MIP is strengthened and expanded by our engaged community of faculty, postdocs, students, staff, and alumni. I want to give a special shout out to our many alumni who have engaged with us over the last year and returned to campus to give a career talk or spoken with our current students and postdocs and continued to impact lives of scientists in our community. Our alumni are also some of our most generous donors, and I want
to send a hearty thank you to all our past donors that have enabled the many programs and initiatives that increase the impact of what we do. If you are looking for an opportunity to contribute to the ongoing research and programs in our department, please see the last page for a list of some of our philanthropic funds that our supporting programs in MIP. This year I want to particularly want to highlight two brand new funds, the Andrew J. Schwartz Innovative Translational Research Award Fund and the BioMedFocus Program Fund. The fund in Andrew’s honor will help us continue the impact of Andrew’s life as a translational scientist in perpetuity through a new graduate student award in our department. The BioMedFocus program will impact future lives by providing research opportunities to local underrepresented high school students from the Ypsilanti area and encourage them to impact future lives through pursuing careers in STEM.
With warmest regards,
Daniel Michele, PhD Professor and Interim Department ChairOriginally from the Northeast part of France, I grew up in a rural area, surrounded by the Vosges mountain range, which is nicknamed the “Blue Line”. I've always been intrigued by animal behaviors and how they are generated, may that be from environmental pressures or internal drives. During high school, I followed the Biology curriculum and attempted medical school, which in France starts right after graduation. This didn’t work out for me, so I was redirected to a two-year degree as a medical lab technician at the University of Nancy in France. I learned many different lab techniques, from HPLC, to the identification of bacteria, to pharmacology. These two years were extremely formative and gave me a solid technical foundation. I did my final internship in a research lab, which really triggered a vocation. With this technical toolkit, I was ready to explore fundamental biological questions. I was interested in answering two questions: the origin of life and the origin of consciousness (reality has caught up with me since!). I decided to go back to university and pursue a Bachelor in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.
I got an opportunity to reconcile my passion for animal behavior with my undergrad training when I joined the Joint Master in Neuroscience at the University of Strasbourg. Most of the cohort was international and some of our classes were in Switzerland and Germany, which created a unique learning environment. The last semester was dedicated to research and I joined Dr. Reber’s lab for my Master’s thesis. My goal was to further characterize a mouse strain that presented Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)-like symptoms such as impulsivity and increased distractibility. The phenotype of this mouse strain originates from an alteration in the connectivity of the superior colliculus, a structure
involved in detecting visual stimuli that “pop-out” and may require our immediate attention. We identified an increase in norepinephrine levels in the superior colliculus of these mice, an imbalance also observed in patients with ADHD.
In 2013, I obtained a grant from the French Ministry of Research to pursue a PhD. I chose to stay in Dr. Reber’s lab at the University of Strasbourg to investigate how axon guidance molecules organize the connections in different brain regions involved in vision and form so-called maps, which recapitulate the relative position of visual information in the environment in the brain. We discovered that a molecule expressed in the retina is used to guide the alignment of the map between the superior colliculus and the primary visual cortex during development.
My PhD brought more questions than answers and after studying how the superior colliculus is organized during development, I was intrigued by how this structure guides our actions and helps us cope with an ever-changing environment. With this in mind, I decided to join Jianhua Cang's (JC) lab at Northwestern for a post-doc. One of my goals was
to understand how the superior colliculus, which is an evolutionary ancient structure, communicates with the more recently evolved cortex and how our intents can suppress responses triggered by the environment. Seven years later, I still have not fully answered these questions, but I’ve discovered a few things along the way. For example, how our own motion affects visual responses in the superior colliculus and how neurons with specialized visual responses are organized relatively to each other. I also identified a molecular marker for direction selectivity.
Soon after I joined, JC’s lab was relocated to the University of Virginia, which is surrounded by a mountain range nicknamed the “Blue Ridge”! This move introduced me to one of the animal models that I currently use, the tree shrew. Tree shrews are closely related to primates, are active during daylight and move similarly to squirrels, making fast jumps and bolting. When JC first asked me if I was interested in working with these animals, my first answer was “why would you do such a thing?” I’ve changed my mind quite a bit since these similarities make the work more relevant to humans and have been active in the promotion of this animal model to investigate visual processes, as well as answer other neurobiological and biomedical questions.
Then came the time to find a “real” job. I had never questioned if I wanted to stay in academia or not. My career path had always been about getting in the next position that would allow me to answer the next scientific questions and doing what it takes to get there. I applied for the K99 and got scored on the first attempt, but not funded. I tried again, after addressing every comment, and got funded in 2021. This grant put me in a competitive position concerning applying for faculty jobs, but also meant that time was limited. Having a deadline, I was pushed to apply earlier than I had expected, but I haven’t heard anyone say they ever felt ready for this transition! Looking back on this period, it is worth mentioning that everything takes longer than expected and the time you’ll devote to applying for jobs will put a serious dent on your scientific progress. It’s never too early to get started with this process. Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid “self-inhibition”, that
is holding back from applying to places that seem out of reach. If you don’t try, you can’t succeed.
I’ve always been keen on reaching out to other labs and asking for their expertise. I strongly believe that science is a collaborative process and that working in isolation can only hurt the quality of our findings. This viewpoint helped me a great deal with the interviewing process, during which I tried to perceive the whole experience as a conversation with colleagues of mine who I just hadn’t had a chance to meet yet.
When I applied to faculty positions, I had a few criteria in mind that I was not willing to compromise. This helped me narrow down my search, reduce the number of applications to send out and target my cover letters. What I had in mind was an R1 institution with a collaborative mindset, high scientific standards, and of course willing to take me and my shrews! I was lucky to find everything I could have asked for within the MIP Department! I am delighted to have found such a welcoming department that has been extremely supportive. There is still a long way to go before the lab is up and running and a steep learning curve ahead, but I can only be thrilled by the challenges to come! I am delighted to have been given a chance to join the MIP family and look forward to growing the lab, developing collaborations and getting to know all the other members of the Department. Hopefully soon I might be able to answer some of the questions that keep me up at night: What does the superior colliculus do? How do different brain structures interact to generate vision? And more importantly why would someone want to work with tree shrews?
Iwas born in a small village that is about six hours from Shanghai by bus. I did not grow up with the prosperity that a lot of Chinese families can enjoy nowadays. My mom took care of three kids, grew her own crops, vegetables and farmed her own chickens, pigs and sheep, all by herself. There was not much cash, but my mom made sure we were fed and there were resources to maintain the house by trading her own farm produce. I had great times growing up in a small village and exploring nature. I caught beetles high up in trees and tried to burn their armor, to find that they survived very well from my misdemeanors. I also blew air into a little frog’s belly with a grass straw and watched it become a little balloon, pee on my hands and then jump away. I loved summer as I could go down to the streams to harvest little shrimps and fishes trapped in water puddles. I loved it when my mom and sisters enjoyed them as a meal.
My dad was at college in the northern part of China and later served as a military soldier and built basic electric infrastructures for citizens. The family did not regroup until I was 10-years old. My dad landed a job teaching electronics in a small college in the city of Yancheng and that was when I started to receive a
more formal education. I had a teacher who taught three classes on both math and Chinese and served as the headmaster of the school as well, because he was the only teacher at the whole school. He is still one of my most respected people in the world.
I think what was etched in my bones is that there is always joy and there is always space to learn and grow. That is actually what I want to share with the students and postdoc researchers. Although there are issues and struggles in the career path, there is always an end to the struggle and there will be a day that you will be able to smile again. Maybe we can smile most of the days: how fun it is that you can solve a mystery of nature, of us, and learn something that no one knew before? Just, please, don’t give up.
One thing I like most about being a scientist is that none of our effort is a waste. No matter what we learned and what projects we tried before, all will become our experiences and such enriched experiences will only make us stronger. We will learn more experimental skills, have better gut feelings and judgments on the significance and feasibility of questions and projects. We WILL be able to do something cool.
For the above-mentioned reasons, my advice to prospective postdocs is to never give up on yourself and never stop learning. I know that even if I were not a faculty member today, I would still be doing science. I will continually be learning what is new and deciding what my next experiment should be. In academia, there is always a position for a scientist. I have learned that UM is particularly accommodatable for all stages of scientists and Ann Arbor is very inviting for life.
Running an independent lab is of course also fun. I am no longer alone on my ideas and projects. I am working with each member of my lab on different
questions and projects. It helps me multi-task more efficiently and productively. As we know, most projects in biomedical research take years to bear fruit. Without years of dedication, an idea would just be an idea. Some ideas we are working on now occurred to me many years ago, but I couldn’t handle it because I was alone, and I had to focus on the most urgent projects then. I am very fortunate that my lab members are all very talented in their unique ways. They are now making my days longer and more enjoyable. Now it’s not just me thinking and working, it is US.
Setting up a lab is challenging. I have always hated shopping. For example, I have a pair of shoes I bought in 2009 for a winter in Salt Lake City. I still wear them and I think I will keep wearing them until they are severely damaged. In order to set up a lab,
I had to do more dreaded shopping and deal with options, representatives and companies. It was two painful months and I had a lot of anxiety in those days. I thought writing a grant gave me anxiety, but it does not bring as much to me as shopping does! I now have many more responsibilities,tomorrow is still uncertain and I can’t just care about myself now. I want to and I must find sufficient funding to support my people in the lab. The anxiety felt the first few months into grant writing has dissipated and I now have joy. In part, I think it is because now I know more about grant writing and applications and because my lab is producing data. I now enjoy spending time on grant writing. Of course, whether the grant will be recognized and funded is a completely different thing, but I will do my part and let the rest of the world do theirs.
Time passes away, memories do not. I have clear memory of the muggy day of August 5th, 2011, when I left Mumbai for the US for the first time. As the plane took off late that night, I peered out of the window and saw the Mumbai coastline disappearing.
I bid farewell to Mumbai, my emotions running like a roller coaster ride!! Before we dive into my international perspective, let’s take a step back. I was born and raised in Mumbai and attended Mumbai Educational Trust school (MET), under the umbrella of University of Mumbai, for my Associate (Diploma) and Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy. That is when my love for science started. As I attended classes and labs, from pharmaceutical chemistry to pharmacology to biochemistry, my interests in biology intensified. I always went the extra mile beyond what was taught in class, and while this led to me passing exams with flying colors, it also stoked a deep desire to pursue higher studies. I was accepted into several masters and PhD programs and after much consultation and deliberation with my mentors, I accepted the PhD admission offer. Although, I was excited for this this wonderful chapter, the thought of being away from my family and friends and as well as from India, thousands of miles away, haunted me. In the close-knit family culture of India, it is uncommon to stay away from your home for school/work, and I wasn’t any different. I knew being away wouldn’t be an easy ride and that is when my parents chipped in and
motivated me. They quoted a phrase from Nelson Mandela’s leaflet, which I vividly remember to date, “Courage is not the absence of fear but conquest of it”. After clearing my interviews for my visa, I was all set.
Mumbai, like NYC, is a fast-paced city where time is always of the essence, but in those last few days before my departure, I got the feeling that time was running even faster than the usual Mumbai standards, like an Indian taxi meter. It was ironic that it took more than 24 hours to reach the US, but I landed on the same day that I left India, August 5th, 2011. After clearing immigration/customs, we drove straight to Toledo. The drive was smooth and though it was past 8pm, I was thrilled to see that the sun was shining with all its might. Jetlagged and tired, I went to bed early and the next day when I came to my senses, reality kicked in, Ahh!! finally I was in the land of opportunities. As I settled into this new atmosphere, so did my homesickness!! The first few weeks were challenging as there were changes in food, culture, accents, weather etc.. The first thing that struck me was the quietness of the place compared to Mumbai. As we got acquainted with Toledo, I fondly remember a funny instance from our early days. We bought some peppers at Walmart and at check out, we kept on saying Jalapeno peppers with a “J” while the cashier remarked Jalapeno with “H”. In hindsight, she must have thought we had gone crazy, only realizing much later that J is pronounced as H.
Those initial days were an adventure and seemed like a holiday as we tried different cuisines, met different people from across the globe, and learned things differently. I always thought India is as diverse as you can get, but America is in a different league. Simply put, America is a microcosm of the world. While this happened in the background, the demanding coursework of first-year graduate school along with rotations quietly knocked at my door. At one point, I even considered completing a Master’s rather than finishing my PhD and just moving on. When I told this to my close friend, he responded back, “America was not built in a day”, and he urged me to hang in there to finish what I started. In a similar vein, a colleague gave me invaluable advice when I was deciding on which lab to join after rotations, he said, “Don’t choose a lab/project to work for, choose a mentor. If you love your mentor, you will love the work.” Looking back, this advice was so simple yet so powerful, and I feel lucky to have followed it throughout all my training.
Long before we conducted any research experiments in my lab, cutting-edge research began in our apartments. Three guys who had never cooked in their lives were trying to figure out how to cook and what to cook! Though YouTube came to our partial rescue, our “experiment didn’t work most of the time” as researchers often say, but with experience came wisdom and now we
are pros at it”. My myriads experiences in the US throughout this journey not only taught me something new but also made me a better person. Before I realized, time flew by in the blink of an eye. As my graduate journey ended, my UM journey started! From a lab of 5 people to a lab of 15+ and switching fields from cardiovascular science to cancer biology, everything looked overwhelming and daunting. I still remember telling Yatrik in our early meetings that I did not know what I was doing and where the project was going, and he insisted everything would fall in place. Looking back, I feel he might have had an inkling as everything did eventually fall in place. I can’t thank my lab-mates and department administrators enough for their wonderful support throughout this journey.
I believe that life is like a movie where different characters come at different times to play their roles and then move on. No matter how hard you try to extend your role, one day this will end too which I will cherish. My takeaway for trainees would be to go out of your comfort zone, be proactive, enjoy those experiences. As someone once said, “Experience is like a comb that life gives you when you are bald”. As I left India, someone remarked, “you may be away from India, but India won’t be away from you.” Now I can add to that, wherever my karmic account takes me, America won’t be away from me!!
A recent study from graduate student Mirella Hernadez-Lima and the Truttmann laboratory found that organisms respond to their environment by changing how several proteins interact through post-translational modifications. They found that AMPylation is important to control the function of a group of proteins called Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β) in neurons of the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans. Too much AMPylation can affect the growth, reproduction, and sense of smell of worms, and can impair their ability to avoid harmful food sources.
Read more and find a link to the article on M Health Lab here:
High levels of ammonia in tumors can inhibit the growth and function of T cells, leading to immunotherapy resistance in mouse models of colorectal cancer, according to new research from MIP MD/PhD student Hannah Bell and the Shah lab, in collaboration with the Lyssiotis lab. The study found that reducing ammonia levels using FDA-approved drugs for hyperammonemia can reduce tumor size in several different models, including metastatic colorectal cancer, and the treatment also synergizes with immunotherapy. The research suggests that tumors have lost the ability to detoxify ammonia leading to build up, and this mechanism could explain resistance in tumors beyond colon cancer. “Only about 20-30% of all cancer patients are sensitive to immunotherapy. 70% of patients don’t derive any benefit from it,” Shah said. “Now, we have a mechanism that could explain this resistance in tumors beyond colon cancer.”
Read more and find a link to the article on M Health Lab here:
Matthias Truttman Mirella Hernandez-Lima Yatrik ShahResearchers in the Rui lab have been investigating the root causes of liver fibrosis to identify potential drug targets for developing new therapies. Lab members Zhiguo Zhang, Xiao Zhong, Hong Shen identified a protein called NIK that is highly activated in malfunctioning bile duct cells, leading to the excessive cell growth and bile duct scarring. Using a genetically modified mouse model, they removed the NIK gene inside the bile duct cells which prevented this ductular reaction and excessive scarring. The team hopes to develop new NIK inhibitors to turn off this liver scarring process and also plan to use the findings to develop a therapy for cholangiocarcinoma, a type of liver cancer which currently has very limited treatment options.
Read more and find a link to the article on M Health Lab here:
Researchers interested in aging have long been studying the lifeextending effects of dietary restriction and fasting. A new study from the Leiser Lab, led by Shijaio Huang and Hillary Miller Warrington, investigated why attractive food smells can blunt the life-extending effect of a restricted diet. They found that attractive food smells reduce the activation of the fmo-2 gene, which is involved in lifespan extension in the roundworm C. elegans, and screened compounds that could prevent this reversal. Three compounds, including an antidepressant and two antipsychotic drugs used in humans, were found to enable the life extension effect of FMO proteins, even in the presence of the smell of food. While these specific drugs are unlikely to be prescribed for this effect, they provide important clues about the fmo-2 activation pathway and its effect on lifespan extension.
Read more and find a link to the article on M Health Lab here:
The smell of food blocks life extending effect of a calorie-restricted diet and these drugs may unblock it
The smell of food blocks life extending effect of a calorie-restricted diet and these drugs may unblock itHillary Miller Warrington Shijaio Huang
The estimated number of plant and animal species on the earth stands over 8 million, but most of our understanding about how organisms’ function at the molecular and cellular level have come from a tiny minority of them - what are known in science as “model organisms”. The choice of a model organism is a trade-off among factors such as convenience, suitability of the organism for the research question, translational potential and many others. Animal species have been of special significance due to the potential of their findings in modeling human physiology and diseases. A broad range of animals from single celled protozoa to primates are in use as model organisms, but mice and rats account for >95% of all animals used in research s. Mouse (Mus musculus) is the preeminent genetic model to understand human physiology and disease due to its genetic and physiological similarity with humans than most other model organisms and the wide availability of genetic tools to manipulate their genes. Although the mouse has great translational potential, it is not always the best choice. The invertebrate genetic model animals like roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans, fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and other emerging genetic models offer several advantages over the mouse model in many ways, making them powerful model systems under several circumstances.
Highly efficient methods for forward and reverse genetics, extensive genetic and genomic resources, ease of genome editing and availability of multiple alternative tools that enable control over spatiotem-
poral manipulation of gene function in worms and fruit flies make them very attractive systems for the analysis of gene function. Their small size, short lifespan, ease of rearing and breeding in large numbers in a tiny space plus all the features of the genetic model allows scientists to find genes and study their function at a fraction of the cost and time than in any vertebrate model animal. Despite being evolutionarily distant, discoveries in worms and flies have repeatedly revealed the conserved molecular pathways demonstrating their remarkable genetic and physiological similarity to mammals including humans. While their nervous systems are relatively small, they are sophisticated with rich behavioral repertoires. Genetically-encoded tools can be used to manipulate and monitor neural function, enabling analysis of whole-brain neural activity and functional characterization of entire neural circuits underlying complex behaviors in free living animals. Together, these features make worms and flies excellent model systems for numerous biological processes and diseases in humans, and an efficient starting material in translational research.
Many research groups at Molecular & Integrative Physiology (MIP) are successfully utilizing the power of worms and fruit flies to probe the molecular mechanisms underlying aging and sensory systems, and eventually testing the translatability of those findings in mice and humans.
Lee lab: Animals cope with environmental stresses by activating appropriate response mechanisms which
not only develop stress resistance but also improve longevity. The Lee lab uses fly models to study stress response mechanisms involving Sestrins, a family of stress inducible proteins and autophagy.
Pletcher lab: The process of aging is sensitive to nutrient availability and many other environmental cues. The Pletcher lab is focusing on how fruit flies perceive nutrient availability and modulate aging, using a combination of genetic, biochemical and behavioral techniques. The conserved neurotransmitter serotonin is an important modulator of lifespan in specific nutritional contexts. Earlier study from Pletcher lab showed that visual detection of dead conspecifics shortens lifespan in fruit fly, and its dependence on serotonin signaling. A recent, exiting piece of work by Dr. Allyson Munneke, a fresh graduate and Dr. Tuhin Chakraborty, a research specialist from the Pletcher lab shows that serotonin receptor 5-HT2A mediated signaling is responsible for this lifespan shortening by promoting dietary protein intake, through the activation of 5-HT2A neurons in the brain. Together, these results provide a deeper mechanistic insight into how the perception of nutrient availability alters physiology and behavior to modulate lifespan.
Leiser lab: Intestinal expression of a xenobiotic detoxification enzyme Flavin-containing monoaoxygenase-2 (FMO-2) is necessary and sufficient for dietary restriction (DR) induced lifespan extension in worms. The Leiser lab is extensively investigating neurosensory pathways that induce the expression of FMO-2 and also its physiological role in extending lifespan. Two recent studies from the Leiser lab have uncovered the neuronal signaling pathways that contribute to FMO-2 induction during DR, as well as pathways downstream of FMO-2 that led to lifespan extension. Mere exposure to food smells during dietary restriction is sufficient to suppress the intestinal FMO-2 expression and reverse the lifespan extension. Miller et al. 2022 have shown that serotonin and dopamine receptor blockers can prevent food smell induced lifespan shortening under DR, and also identified chemosensory and enteric neurons possibly involved in the signaling. These results strongly suggest that DR
induces intestinal FMO-2 expression by suppressing serotonergic and dopaminergic signaling, uncovering a mechanism underlying FMO-2 induction during DR. A further study by Choi et al. 2022 investigated the downstream pathways required for FMO-2 mediated lifespan extension. This study demonstrated that FMO-2 oxygenates tryptophan and rewires One Carbon Metabolism, resulting in a decrease in methylation flux which leads to lifespan extension.
Truttmann Lab: The Truttmann lab is interested in how protein homeostasis is maintained and how proteotoxic stress leads to diseases of neurodegeneration and aging. The lab is particularly interested in protein chaperones that ensure proper folding of proteins or facilitate degradation when proteins are misfolded. Recent work by student Mirella Hernandez-Lima has shown that an important posttranslational modification called ampylation, regulates the production of a secreted factor called TGF beta, and effects growth and function of neurons in worms through altered TGF beta signalling.
Xu lab: The ability to sense and respond to environmental stimuli is critical for survival. The Xu lab uses a worm model to investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in detection, transduction and processing of diverse sensory modalities and their consequences for behaviors and aging. A genetic screen for regulators of worm photoreceptor LITE-1 in a 2022 study by Dr. Xinxing Zhang in the Xu lab identified genes coding for protein complex – the BBSome, best known for its role in maintaining ciliary function
and named after its association with a ciliopathic disorder Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS). This study was the first ever demonstration of cilia-independent function for the BBSome suggesting that the symptoms of BBS may not entirely stem from the ciliary dysfunction; providing a new insight into the etiology of ciliopathies in general.
Well established genetic model animals too have limitations. Often, established models are not the best suited to effectively address questions concerning many biological processes simply due the lack or inadequate expression of desired trait(s). Biologists are therefore turning many other animal species better suited for their research questions. Rapidly advancing sequencing and genome editing technologies have lead to the full genomes of these organisms being catalogued, their gene expression can now be studied using RNA sequencing, and their genes can be manipulated to study important physiological mechanisms.
Guo lab: The freshwater flatworm- planarian Schmidtea mediterranea is well known for its exceptional ability to regenerate and extreme longevity. Dr. Longhua Gu is one of the two new assistant professors hired in MIP in the last year. Dr. Guo is using planarian as a model to investigate mechanisms underlying extreme longevity and regenerative capacity, and how the two processes interact. Until recently, investigation of molecular mechanisms underlying interesting life history traits in the planarians were largely propelled by the RNA interference approach. The Guo lab is actively involved in building sophisticated genetic and genomic resources, and in exploring the molecular, cellular and developmental basis of its longevity and extreme regenerative capacity. Besides the planarians, Dr. Guo is also developing the Leopard gecko Eublepharis macularius, a favorite reptile pet as a vertebrate model of aging and tissue regeneration.
We are excited to see the growth of model organism research in MIP over the last decade. The growing number of model organisms used in physiological research are allowing for fundamental discoveries in how the nervous system works, how organs are maintained throughout an organism’s lifespan and key pathways that regulate overall health and longevity. We look forward to the continued creative research in MIP that combines new genetic tools, physiology, imaging, and behavior in these interesting invertebrate organisms that have surprisingly conserved mechanisms and similar physiology that underlie many aspects of human health.
As my third recruitment season as Graduate Program Director winds down, I have been reflecting on my time in this role and the many challenges of the past three years. As a Program, we had to adapt and adjust the ways we interacted with applicants and presented ourselves to potential trainees by implementing a fully virtual experience in 2021, pulling double duty with a hybrid combination of virtual interviews and in person recruitment visits in 2022, and finally returning to “normal” fully in person events in 2023. Despite our initial (and in my case, continued) awkwardness with virtual events and the additional time commitments, I have been so grateful throughout for the enthusiastic support of our students. Our spectacular current graduate students are without question our very best “weapon” for consistently attracting terrific new students. During recruiting weekend our current PhD students volunteer as a 1 to 1 host for an individual applicant. I was so energized this year by seeing all the smiling faces of student hosts live at my office door delivering applicants for interviews and so many additional students during our recruitment social events. This “normal” routine during recruitment weekends, with MIP’s passion for science, training, and community on full display, also reinforced how enormously proud I am of the perseverance and resilience demonstrated by our students and mentors throughout my time as Director. It is hard to believe that “my” first incoming class of students, who completed all their coursework, research rotations and preliminary exams in a virtual environment, are now presenting their 3rd year seminars. The class that we recruited fully virtually in 2021, joined by two MD/ PhD students welcomed as part of the UM/Central South University Xiangya School of Medicine joint training program, have settled in comfortably and completely to the research phase of their training
Our “hybrid” recruiting class of 2022 are all well on their way to officially joining MIP from PIBS at the end of this semester following completion of their required coursework and research rotations. Finally, our students have sustained our enviable record of producing excellent science, publishing outstanding papers, receiving grants and awards, and defending their dissertations at our “normal” exceptional pace. We have had five students complete their PhD degrees in just the past year with three more scheduled to defend in the coming two months. Although things have not fully reverted to pre-pandemic practices, we have adopted a new “normal” that includes time-saving virtual meetings when those work just as well along with accommodations for remote work that can actually enhance productivity and well-being. I am reassured by our demonstrated ability to rise above the “normal” trials of research and education and by the spirit and flexibility demonstrated by our students and faculty to achieve greatness in the face of unprecedented challenges. I look forward to welcoming an outstanding group of new PhD students to our MIP family in the fall of 2023 with great confidence that they will each make their own unique contribution to sustaining our “normal” level of extraordinary achievement in science and training.
Daniel Beard/Scott Leiser Labs
“Metabolic Regulation of Longevity by Flavin-Containing Monooxygenase 2”
Future Plans:
Hyo will be attending the Central Michigan University College of Medicine to pursue an MD.
Bethany Moore Lab
“The Role of M2 Macrophages and Their Product, HB-EGF, as Regulators of Lung Fibrosis"
Future Plans:
After graduation, Elissa plans to pursue a medical affairs position in a pharmaceutical company in the Boston area.
Sharlene Day/David Ginsburg Labs
“Investigating the Effects of High Intensity Exercise in a Preclinical Mouse Model of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy”
Future Plans:
Jonathan will return to medical school as an MSTP student.
Daniel Beard Lab
“Using Model-Based Analysis and Physiology-Informed Machine Learning for Precision Phenotyping in Heart Failure”
Future Plans:
Edith will be pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship in the Eleonora Grandi Lab at UC Davis, School of Medicine exploring the sex driven differences in HFpEF models.
David Pinsky/Daniel Beard Labs
“System-level Integration of V/Q Matching By Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction”
Future Plans:
Drew has accepted a position as a Senior Scientist (Quantitative Systems Pharmacology) at Applied BioMath, a consultancy hired by pharma and biotech companies to computationally model their data to gain mechanistic insights.
Shawn Xu Lab
“Neural and Genetic Mechanisms of Sensory Reception in C. elegans”
Future Plans:
Liz will join Dr. Joshua Emrick's laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry, planning to study the neural and molecular mechanisms of mammalian somatosensation.
Daniel Lawrence Lab
“Role of tPA in Central Nervous System Pathologies: From Ischemic Stroke to Parkinson's Disease”
Future Plans:
Daniel plans join Dr. Sidney Strickland's laboratory as a postdoc at Rockefeller University. There, he will study neurovascular dysfunction in the context of Alzheimer's disease.
Scott Pletcher Lab
“From Food to Phenotype: How Hungry Flies Eat and Age”
Future Plans: After graduation, Kristy will begin a postdoctoral position in Scott Pletcher’s lab and apply for teaching-focused faculty appointments.
Sharlene Day/David Ginsburg Labs
“Specificity and Functional Conservation of COPII Components”
Future Plans:
After graduation, Vi will be taking a Postdoctoral Fellow position in the David Ginsburg lab at the University of Michigan.
Richard Mortensen Lab
“The Role of Aconitate Decarboxylase 1 in Inflammation and Disease”
Future Plans:
Thomas will be taking a Postdoctoral Fellow position at the University of Michigan with Dr. Marc Hershenson in Pediatric Pulmonology
My journey to PhD started at Winston Salem State University – a small Historically Black College & Univeristy (HBCU) in North Carolina. While there, I found my passion for research and came to appreciate the history and legacy of HBCUs. It was at my HBCU where I learned what a PhD was and had my first biomedical science research experience. Eventually my path landed me at the University of Michigan where I’m currently finishing up my PhD in Molecular & Integrative Physiology (March 2023). Transitioning from a HBCU to a PWI where I was the minority, not just being a Black woman in this space, but coming from an HBCU, was difficult. Academically I was prepared; however, there were still some things that made my transition and time in graduate school difficultbringing on feelings of imposter syndrome, isolation, and frustration. I knew this was a shared experience among other Black students at similar institutions, so I channeled this shared experience with my passion for increasing diversity in STEM to develop HBCUDAP, Inc (www.hbcudap.com) with the help of two of my colleagues, Tony Larkin PhD and Nnamdi Edokobi, PhD.
While HBCUs continue to produce a significant number of Black graduates with a BS in STEM, Black people account for less than 2% of all awarded STEM doctoral degrees in the U.S. One potential source for
this disparity includes limited access to resources and knowledge of career paths outside of professional school. HBCU-DAP, Inc contributes to filling that gap by providing resources, mentorship, and support for HBCU students pursuing a research-intensive PhD in STEM. The idea for HBCU-DAP, Inc started as just an idea to help prepare HBCU students for a graduate program at a predominantly white institution but has developed into a 501c3 non-profit organization that has been operating for four years in July. We created a Virtual Workshop Series educating students on the PhD process, building a strong application, how to get research experience before applying to grad school, how to prepare for an interview, choosing the BEST FIT program for them, and transitioning from an HBCU to a PWI. Additionally, we provide resources for mental health support and have hosted Conversations for Wellness, a live virtual research talk and discussion on graduate student mental health. We also offer application review as well as 1-on-1 and group mentoring. We have been invited to speak with students at Winston Salem State University, University of Michigan, Purdue University, and most recently held two sessions with the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS) Online platform.
As co-founder and Executive Director, I ensure the team's goals align with HBCU-DAP's mission,
create content for our Virtual Workshop Series, mentor students, and manage our business relationships. We have enjoyed partnering with institutions and conferences that support our mission and are
grateful for the individuals that have advocated on our behalf and provided financial support. Supporting students from HBCU’s in spaces where we are historically underrepresented is a significant need and we look forward to forging new working relationships and expanding our team. For anyone who would like to connect, we are easy to find through our website (www.hbcudap.com) or Instagram (@ hbcudap).
The Molecular & Integrative Physiology Postdoctoral Fellows Program is a unique training program geared towards enriching the science and professional careers of the department’s outstanding postdoctoral research fellows. In biomedical fields, postdoctoral researchers are an integral part of virtually every major scientific discovery, typically leading the research behind those discoveries, yet the opportunities at the next career level are highly competitive. Launched in 2018 with the help of private philanthropic investment, our program continues to give our research fellows a competitive edge by enhancing professional development and providing structured mentoring at all stages of postdoctoral training. We also use monthly research lunches, workshops, and social events to bring our postdoctoral fellows together; this helps give our group a strong sense of community and fosters the collaborations necessary to tackle the most complex and challenging research aimed at enhancing health and reducing illness. We look forward to our signature annual
event – the Bishr Omary Physiology Postdoctoral and Research Investigator Symposium – on May 3, 2023, that celebrates the impactful research lead by our postdoctoral trainees. This year’s symposium features an update on current research from all of our research fellows, presentation of awards for excellence in research and teaching, and a keynote lecture delivered by Dr. Edward Chouchani (Harvard Medical School) on using mechanistic understanding of metabolism to develop new treatments for a range of human diseases.
The road to professional school is by no means a straight, well-marked highway. When I began applying to dental school, in my third year at Michigan State, I thought that I would be one of the students who matriculated into dental school directly after undergrad. I had studied hard, written what I thought was a decent personal statement, and had given the dental school admission exam, the DAT, my ‘best shot’.
Jumping ahead to the winter of my senior year, I was met with a harsh reality. My application simply wasn’t good enough to get my foot in the door for an interview, let alone a coveted seat to matriculate into any of the 14 dental schools I applied to. I was devastated. In an effort to improve my application, I began to ask questions about my denial to these schools. I was told over and over again that my GPA, and my academic performance in general, was not good enough for dental school. One admissions officer finally suggested that I look into a Masters program, to boost my science GPA in particular.
I began searching for Masters programs to help me demonstrate my abilities, and I eventually found the University of Michigan. As a school with several toprated science programs offering Masters degrees, I had several to choose from. I applied to many, including the Masters of Physiology. I remember that when I was first accepted, I was excited because the coursework was extremely science intensive. I looked at it as nothing more than a stepping-stone to dental school and a way to boost my GPA.
Fortunately, I have never been more wrong. This program became an incredible asset to me for
several years to come. Through relevant and applicable coursework, an introduction to higher level education, and the support of the faculty members and staff of the Molecular & Integrative Physiology Department, I was able to pursue my dream of attending the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and became a practicing professional.
When you take courses in undergrad, you follow a checklist. Take the courses recommended by a generic schedule each semester, study for whatever test is coming up next, and move on. This program allowed me to explore the information presented in science courses in a way that was applicable to both dental school and patient care. Undergrad anatomy is a lot of looking at diagrams and knowing things on paper; MS Physiology anatomy allows you to physically discover nerves in the face and neck. This physical experience made learning anesthesia techniques in dental school much easier. Taking
body systems courses in this program was extremely helpful in allowing me to apply knowledge as soon as dental school began. I already had an understanding of the kidney and heart, so I didn’t have to wait for those units of dental school to begin connecting it to other courses. Being able to apply this information on day one gave me a huge advantage in being successful during dental school.
Direct coursework and information was incredible, and I also found that the indirect classes provided me with a step up compared to my classmates. I was able to jump into the coursework of dental school easily, because the faculty in the MIP department made sure to teach us at the level that would be expected in professional schools. This program prepared me to study in a new way: to truly understand and apply the material. This differed from my goal for studying during undergrad: to pass a test. In the MIP Masters program, concepts were explained, and then applied to real world situations, which was a totally new experience for me. Once I entered dental school, I found I was already capable of taking a concept and connecting it to patient care, which some of my classmates had to learn on the fly. This experience was a result of the care and support given by the faculty and advisors of the MS Physiology program.
The support given by faculty members and advisors extended far beyond the classroom. I remember being told on the first day of our program that there would be plenty of help for us, if we simply asked. No matter what question, concern, or victory you had to share, there was never a shortage of invested faculty. As my GPA improved, I knew that I needed to address the other aspects of my application before I spent the money and time to apply to dental school again. I turned to the faculty, and one advisor in particular, to help me with this task. I will never forget thinking that I had turned in an incredible personal statement that would require just a few grammatical edits, and seeing it returned with enough marks to make me realize it needed a complete overhaul. I spent
several weeks working closely with this advisor to revamp my entire application, personal statement included. By the time I sent in my application, I knew that it was as good as it could possibly be because of her unwavering support and effort in helping me get it to that point. Beyond the application, being able to practice interview techniques gave me the confidence I needed to showcase who I was, and who I wanted to become, at each of the schools I interviewed at.
Even now, having graduated from dental school in 2021 and practicing as a general dentist in DeWitt, MI, for the last two years, I often think about my experience in the MS Physiology program. Whether it be by understanding how my patient’s medications impact my clinical decisions, or by adjusting my placement during anesthesia, this program is rarely far from my mind. I am incredibly grateful for the dedication of each member of the faculty and advising staff I came across, the friendships I gained, and the knowledge that I am still able to apply today. I am proud to be a graduate of the 2016 class, and firmly believe I would not be where I am today without the wonderful MIP Masters program.
BioMed Focus is an 8-week biomedical research internship program for high school students to get first-hand experience in a laboratory at the University of Michigan. BioMed Focus Scholars work full-time in a research lab with a mentor (a grad student, postdoc, or lab staff member) to complete a hypothesis-driven project. Importantly, participation in the program is free and Scholars are actually paid a stipend of $4,000! Over the summer, Scholars also complete three courses to complement their experience in the lab and prepare for the next step in their career. There is a 2-day Research Techniques Boot Camp to teach basic lab skills before joining a research lab. Scholars also take a College Prep Course, and a Science Communication Course, which teaches how to read, write, and present scientific research. At the end of the summer, Scholars complete a write-up of their project and present their research in a symposium to an audience of family, friends, and UMich scientists.
When I was a PhD student at Washington University in St. Louis, I was very involved in the Young Scientist Program (YSP), which is a student-founded and led program that aims to promote STEM in St. Louis public schools to grades K-12. I had such a great experience with YSP and learned a tremendous amount about mentoring and teaching. It was important for me to be involved in YSP because I participated in a precollege summer program myself. I was the first in my family to receive a Bachelor’s degree and didn’t know anyone who was in science, so my summer experience gave me a supportive network and the confidence to continue a career path in science. When I came to UMich, I knew I wanted to continue outreach in the pre-college space and began to develop BioMed
Focus based on some of the wonderful programming already in place with YSP.
I got a lot of support from my mentors, Drs. Yatrik Shah and Costas Lyssiotis, who encouraged me to pursue my plans. Dr. Shah was especially supportive, as he helped me form a lot of the networks with the Med School, who would later generously provide funding for the program. The Center for Educational Outreach was instrumental in facilitating a partnership with Lincoln Senior High School (Ypsilanti, MI) and building the foundation for our first year. Of course, we owe a lot of thanks to our program sponsors including, the Department of Molecular & Integrative Physiology, the Rogel Cancer Center, the Graduate Program in Cancer Biology, and the Elizabeth Weiser Caswell Diabetes Institute.
How was the first year of the program? Can you share some experience from BioMed Focus Scholars?
Our first year went very well! The 3 Scholars had an extremely productive summer and learned a ton! Excitingly, all of them are planning to pursue a STEM major and they have all been accepted to great universities for Fall 2023. They are all also planning to pursue graduate school or medical school following undergrad. Importantly, they want to continue being involved in biomedical research in the future. Based on pre- and post-program surveys, we also see that Scholars are more confident in lab techniques, in writing skills, in presentation skills, and in discussing scientific research. We also had a great turnout for the final symposium with ~50 people in the audience. We owe a lot of thanks to the volunteers who graciously gave their time over the summer and made the program such a success.
BioMed Focus Scholars shared their favorite parts of the program:
• I loved working in the lab with my mentor! It was interesting to be opened up to so many new concepts in the science field which makes me want to pursue this area of study even more.
• My favorite part was working in the lab and doing experiments with my mentor.
• My favorite part was learning research techniques. It was a great experience and completely new to me. I also loved the people in my lab. They were extremely friendly and always helpful!
What would you like to improve about the program?
Based on feedback from our first cohort, we are planning to improve the content in our College Prep Course. To do this, we are recruiting UMich undergrad students to run the course and develop new curriculum. This will also give BioMed Focus Scholars a unique opportunity to network with current undergrads and get their insight on the transition from high school to college/university. This summer we are also expanding our cohort size
to 10. There was a lot of interest from students at Lincoln High School after our first year. We also know students from other schools are really excited for a first-hand experience in research. We are expanding the cohort size by accepting more Scholars from Lincoln High School and partnering with Belleville High School.
When is BioMed Focus 2023? How can a new volunteer get involved?
BioMed Focus will take place June 26 – August 18, 2023. We are looking for many volunteers! Specifically, we are recruiting Research Mentors, Instructors for the Science Communication Course, and volunteers for the Research Boot Camp. If you would like more info check our website: biomed-focus.medicine. umich.edu For other questions, please feel free to reach out to me (radykmeg@umich.edu) and coDirector Sarah Steiner (sarahnst@umich.edu).
If you would like to donate to this program, please go to victors.us/biomedfocus2023 or https://give.communityfunded.com/o/michiganmedicine/i/biomedicaldiscoveryresearch/s/biomedfocus
Ifirst had the pleasure of meeting Andrew when he rotated in our lab during his first year as a PhD student in MIP, and I was immediately struck by his impressive intelligence and his tenacious approach to his rotation project. I was overjoyed when he decided to join our lab. Over the course of his almost 4.5 years in the lab, Andrew went on to secure all the major awards that can be bestowed upon our graduate students. After completing his first year in the program, he was awarded the Bean Fellowship in MIP, which is given to students with the best academic standing in our MIP PhD program. He also received the Davenport Research Award for the excellence of his research accomplishments in MIP. Upon graduation, he was awarded the ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award for one of the best doctoral dissertations at the entire University of Michigan in his graduating year. His drive, passion, work ethic, and scientific curiosity were truly unparalleled, and it was a joy to watch him excel.
One of Andrew's primary research focuses in the lab was to understand the regulation of intestinal iron absorption through hypoxia signaling. While there is a well-studied systemic pathway of iron regulation through the liver-derived peptide hormone hepcidin, Andrew's project took a new direction in seeking to understand how systemic signaling is integrated with local tissue iron regulation and whether these pathways can be therapeutically targeted to treat iron-related disorders. Andrew was instrumental in pioneering several techniques and concepts that were novel not only to our lab, but to the field as a whole. He even led a team of researchers to show that a small molecule in Phase 2 clinical trials for the
treatment of kidney cancer can successfully reverse established iron overload in a mouse model, a discovery that was published in the prestigious Journal of Clinical Investigation. This work is sure to change the way patients with iron-related disorders are treated. In addition to his groundbreaking work on iron regulation, Andrew also focused on understanding how iron metabolism is altered in the tumor microenvironment. His research identified that cancer cells use iron differently than normal cells for efficient growth and survival, and that tumor-specific mechanisms of iron retention are critical for nucleotide biosynthesis and tumor proliferation. His findings were published in Nature Metabolism, a testament to the significant impact of his research.
Beyond his impressive research productivity, Andrew's influence could be felt on all the projects in the lab. He provided invaluable intellectual and technical input, and his generosity with his time and thoughtful responses were deeply appreciated. Whenever someone had a question about a project, they knew they could count on Andrew's undivided attention and a well-thought-out response. During lab meetings, his questions often began with the phrase "let me play devil's advocate," signaling that something profound was about to be stated, and either critical experiments were about to be proposed or alternative findings were about to be presented. I miss those interactions and am saddened that the world will not get to experience those moments. However, Andrew's fingerprints on how we do experiments and think about projects have left a lasting impact, and he will always be remembered as an invaluable member of our lab.
After completing his degree in 2019, Andrew moved on to a Novartis Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowship and rapidly moved up the ranks to Principal Scientist at the Novartis Institute For Biomedical Research. He passed away on December 1, 2022 after a courageous battle with brain cancer. Andrew’s MIP family, along with his wife Leah Abrams, parents Bob and Robin Schwartz, and brother and sister Adam and Amy Schwartz, miss Andrew’s smile, enthusiasm and generosity.
To honor Andrew, the Department of Molecular & Integrative Physiology is raising funds along with a lead gift from Andrew’s family, to establish the Dr. Andrew Schwartz Award for Innovative Translational Research. This award will be awarded annually to a MIP PhD student pursuing translationally relevant research. If you would like to donate to this fund in Andrew’s memory, please do so here: https://give.communityfunded.com/o/michigan-medicine/i/memorials-and-tributes/s/in-memory-of-andrew-schwartz
We hope our successes this past year makes you proud of the University of Michigan Department of Molecular & Integrative Physiology. Our philanthropy funds play a key role in strengthening our department, faculty, and trainees. We hope you will play part and join many others in supporting Molecular & Integrative Physiology by making a gift to the funds below.
Bishr Omary Physiology Postdoctoral Awards & Symposium Fund
Your gift will be used to support Molecular & Integrative Physiology postdoctoral career development in a variety of ways that include postdoc recognitions, the annual symposium, a named lectureship in conjunction with the annual symposium, postdoc travel and small grants, and other postdoctoral career development activities. Donate online at https://www.giving.umich.edu/give/335629
Graduate Education Fund in Physiology
Your gift will propel the development of future biomedical researchers currently enrolled in the Molecular & Integrative Physiology PhD Program. These individuals are studying the mechanistic basis of human diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Donate online at http://victors.us/mipgraduate
Andrew Schwartz Memorial Fund
To honor Andrew, the Department of Molecular & Integrative Physiology is raising funds along with a lead gift from Andrew’s family, to establish the Andrew J. Schwartz Innovative Translational Research Award. This award will be awarded annually to a MIP PhD student pursuing translationally relevant research. If you would like to donate to this fund in Andrew’s memory, please do so at https://give.communityfunded.com/o/michigan-medicine/i/memorials-and-tributes/s/in-memory-ofandrew-schwartz
Master’s Education Fund in Physiology
The MS in Physiology is designed for students who plan to pursue employment in a research laboratory, or to continue their education as PhD, medical, dental or other health professional schools. Your gift will provide financial assistant to master students. Donate online at http://victors.us/mipmaster
Physiology Annual Fund
Your gift enables the Department of Molecular & Integrative Physiology to direct resources where they are most needed or where opportunities are greatest, from upgrading or replacing a critical piece of lab equipment to providing resources to our trainees, researchers and faculty. Donate online at http://victors.us/mipfund
BioMed Focus is a paid, full-time, 8-week summer research program for rising high school juniors and seniors in the greater Ann Arbor area to gain research experience by working in laboratories at the University of Michigan Medical School campus. BioMed Focus Scholars train with a selected mentor to complete an independent biomedical research project. Donate online at http://victors.us/biomedfocus2023
If you would like to discuss making a major donation to any of the above funds, leaving a gift for us in your will, or offering a pledge or gift of appreciated stock, please contact Melissa Lynch, our development officer, at 734-763-1710, orlymeliss@umich.edu