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UMS Wr ght Su


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Sarah Blankensh p D rector of Su


er Progra e e

+ Ma c

Aux l ary Progra




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Tab e








Sarah Blankensh p D rector of Su


Aux l ary Progra

s 251 479 6551 sblankensh p



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Week a a G a ce

Sarah Blankensh p D rector of Su


Aux l ary Progra

s 251 479 6551 sblankensh p


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Week a a G a ce

For the

ost up to date nfor

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Day Ca Beg nners K3 Cl bers K4 K5 Jun or 1st 2nd Sen or 3rd 6th

p 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM

De a 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM

F LL DA 7:30 AM 3:30 PM Lunch and 2 Snacks Included If you are nterested n a half day day or drop n opt on, please e Blankensh p at sblankensh p u s wr

a l Sarah


e De a

Jun or and Sen or Ca pers w ll eat a buffet style lunch n the cafeter a, prov ded by Lex ngton Independents. Beg nner and Cl ber Ca pers w ll eat n the classroo w th a set enu prov ded by Lex ngton Independents. Lunch and snacks are ncluded, but no allergy or food preference acco odat ons can be ade. Ca pers ay opt to br ng the r own lunch, but the fees w ll not be reduced. We are exc ted to be able to offer Extended Care for K3 6th graders fro 3:30 5:30 every week. You ust s gn up for Extended Care n advance when you s gn up for your ca p through the reg strat on portal. Extended Care costs 50 for the week. You cannot s gn up a day at a t e. There s a fee for late p ck up of ch ldren past 5:30 p. . of 5.00 for every f ve nutes or port on thereof. Please understand th s s only offered n e ergency s tuat ons and can result n loss of extended care pr v leges. If your ca per has allerg es or other ed cal cond t ons that we should be aware of, please ake sure you f ll out the appropr ate for s v a the reg strat on portal. If your ca per has an Ep Pen or asth a related ed cat ons, you ust f ll out the Med cat on Author zat on For and Allergy and Anaphylax s E ergency Care Plan and or the Asth a Act on Plan as necessary. All Ep Pens and e ergency ed cat on w ll be stored dur ng the week n a locat on that s access ble by ca p teachers and d rectors. They w ll be returned w th your ca per at the end of the week. Ca pers are not allowed to self carry and or self ed cate. We cannot d spense any over the counter ed c nes dur ng ca p.

Sarah Blankensh p D rector of Su


Aux l ary Progra

s 251 479 6551 sblankensh p


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The phys cal address of UMS Wr ght Preparatory School s 65 Mob le Street, Mob le, AL 36607. The d rect phone nu ber for the a n off ce s 251 479 6551.

We bel eve that soc al nteract on s a v tal part of our ca p env ron ent. Therefore, we do not allow any electron c dev ces. Please leave all phones, Pads, tablets, and handhelds at ho e.

Beg nners and Cl bers Day Ca pers w ll have water play on Monday and Fr day orn ngs ed ately follow ng orn ng c rcle t e. On Mondays and Fr days, please send the to school n sw gear. After water play, we w ll need to change nto dry clothes, so on those days, please send dry clothes for the to wear for the re a nder of the day.

Jun or and Sen or Day Ca pers w ll go to the pool every day Please ake sure your ca per br ngs sw gear and a towel da ly. We w ll have a l censed l feguard on s te dur ng sw ng hours.

W th outdoor t e, sw ng and water play, we w ll be spend ng t e each day hav ng fun n the sun Please be sure to apply sunscreen to your ca pers 15 30 nutes before they arr ve at ca p, and send SPRAY sunscreen, labeled w th the r na e. They w ll be able to re apply as needed. We are happy to ass st our young ca pers, but we are unable to ass st w th appl cat on of lot on sunscreen.

For the

ost up to date nfor

All students who reg ster for UMS Wr ght Su er Progra s, whether enrolled or not, are held to the standards of the UMS Wr ght Code of Conduct, wh ch states that a UMS Wr ght student s honest, self d sc pl ned, respectful, pro pt, and neat. Any v olat ons of the UMS Wr ght Code of Conduct could result n ca p expuls on.

Most Fr days, our Jun or and Sen or Ca ps go on an exc t ng f eld tr p Re e ber that Beg nner and Cl ber Ca ps do not go on f eld tr ps. Parents and grandparents cannot attend f eld tr ps. Due to l ab l ty ssues, ca pers cannot be dropped off or p cked up fro a f eld tr p locat on. If your ca per arr ves late and sses the f eld tr p bus, they w ll be superv sed on ca pus unt l the r fellow ca pers return.

Beg nners and Cl bers Day Ca ps w ll have nap rest t e every day after lunch. Please send nap te s blanket, lov e, etc. . We w ll prov de a cot. Please be sure everyth ng s labeled. We w ll keep nap te s all week and return the w th your ca per on Fr day to be washed.

Please be sure everyth ng you send w th your ca per s clearly labeled w th f rst and last na e. Please do not send any te s that are too spec al to lose.

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BEGINNERS Jo n us for a super spec al ca p w th our youngest bulldogs W th a structured day full of learn ng exper ences and fun, our brand new bulldogs w ll exper ence water play, arts and crafts, nap rest t e, ove ent, dra at c play, and ore. Ca pers ust be potty tra ned to attend. Your ch ld ust be 3 years old by the f rst day of ca p to part c pate.

Dur ng our f rst week of ca p, we w ll rev s t all of our favor te D sney characters Whether you love Elsa and Olaf, or Buzz L ghtyear and Sherr ff Woody…we know you w ll have a blast dur ng th s D sney f lled week.

Jo n us for STEM week as we d ve nto all k nds of hands on exper ents that help us understand how the world works. We w ll create, explore, d scover, and test theor es through d fferent STEM exper ents. We w ll also use our senses to gather nfor at on and ake pred ct ons.

Call ng all young chefs and sc ent sts Jo n us th s week as we ake ed ble crafts, conduct crazy cool sc ence exper ents, and unch along as we go Don’t forget to br ng your appet te.

Sarah Blankensh p D rector of Su

Oh y…please pardon the ess Th s week s all about gett ng downr ght essy. Whether play ng w th shav ng crea or creat ng ed ble sl e, our ca pers are sure to have a good t e wh le gett ng a l ttle st cky along the way.

Co e jo n us as we celebrate our country and ts us c genres We w ll l sten to so e of our favor te us c genres, all wh le creat ng A er can the ed crafts that show our patr ot s It’s t e to celebrate A er ca the Beaut ful, and all our favor te tunes that go along w th t.

Who s your favor te superhero Th s week, we w ll celebrate our favor te superheroes wh le learn ng about what akes each of the so great. We even w ll ake our own personal superhero capes Up, up, and away


Aux l ary Progra

Jo n us th s week as our ca pers go on a w ld l fe safar We w ll go on an an al hunt around ca pus, learn about d fferent an als, and play all k nds of an al ga es.

Do you w sh you l ved n the ocean Th s week s all about th ngs under the sea We w ll ake sea an al crafts, learn about all k nds of sea creatures, and play sharks and nnows. We are sure to have a wet and w ld t e.

Th s week s all about d nosaurs We w ll hunt for d nosaur foss ls, ake d no eggs, and create all k nds of d nosaur art We w ll even learn a dance ove called the D nosaur Sto p. It s sure to be Veloc r f c

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C L I M B E R S Cl bers Day Ca p s an excellent opportun ty to ake new fr ends and learn new th ngs F lled w th non stop fun, th s ca p ncludes orn ng c rcle t e, water play, read ng, arts and crafts, dra at c play, nap rest t e, free play, and ore.

Dur ng our f rst week of ca p, we w ll rev s t all of our favor te D sney characters Whether you love Elsa and Olaf, or Buzz L ghtyear and Sherr ff Woody…we know you w ll have a blast dur ng th s D sney f lled week.

Oh y…please pardon the ess Th s week s all about gett ng downr ght essy. Whether play ng w th shav ng crea or creat ng ed ble sl e, our ca pers are sure to have a good t e wh le gett ng a l ttle st cky along the way.

Jo n us for STEM week as we d ve nto all k nds of hands on exper ents that help us understand how the world works. We w ll create, explore, d scover, and test theor es through d fferent STEM exper ents. We w ll also use our senses to gather nfor at on and ake pred ct ons.

Co e jo n us as we celebrate our country and ts us c genres We w ll l sten to so e of our favor te us c genres, all wh le creat ng A er can the ed crafts that show our patr ot s It’s t e to celebrate A er ca the Beaut ful, and all our favor te tunes that go along w th t.

Call ng all young chefs and sc ent sts Jo n us th s week as we ake ed ble crafts, conduct crazy cool sc ence exper ents, and unch along as we go Don’t forget to br ng your appet te.

For the

Do you w sh you l ved n the ocean Th s week s all th ngs under the sea We w ll ake sea an al crafts, learn about all k nds of sea creatures, and play sharks and nnows. We are sure to have a wet and w ld t e.

Who s your favor te superhero Th s week, we w ll celebrate our favor te superheroes wh le learn ng about what akes each of the so great. We even w ll ake our own personal superhero capes Up, up, and away

ost up to date nfor

at on, please v s t www.u

Jo n us th s week as our ca pers go on a w ld l fe safar We w ll go on an an al hunt around ca pus, learn about d fferent an als, and play all k nds of an al ga es.

Th s week s all about d nosaurs We w ll hunt for d nosaur foss ls, ake d no eggs, and create all k nds of d nosaur art We w ll even learn a dance ove called the D nosaur Sto p. It s sure to be Veloc r f c

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J U N I O R Our Jun or Day Ca pers w ll start the r days off w th learn ng adventures and f n sh the day cool ng off at the pool Jo n these ca pers as they explore new sk lls, conquer new challenges, ake new fr ends, and have fun Th s ca p has da ly pool t e and occas onal weekly f eld tr ps usually on Fr days .

D d you th nk we eant hand held dev ces Th nk aga n Th s week s all about play ng so e of our favor te ga e shows We w ll rev s t the class cs, l ke Fa ly Feud, as well as learn so e of our favor te ess er ga e shows, l ke Double Dare. We w ll end the week w th a L p Sync Battle and a tr p to the skat ng r nk

Full STEAM ahead Th s week, you w ll be challenged to create agn f cent nvent ons us ng s ple ater als w th a dash of your ag nat on. Can you create a structure that w ll hold a heavy book w th just paper and tape Your bra n w ll be challenged to the ax dur ng th s fun f lled, yet perplex ng adventure.

Th s week s all about learn ng how to x ngred ents to create cul nary and so et es s lly asterp eces Ca pers w ll end the week be ng tasked w th ak ng a d sh out of ystery basket ngred ents that don’t see to go together. We w ll of course have to taste test our creat ons. Bon appét t

Th s week, no ss on s poss ble as we strengthen our bra ns to conquer all k nds of ental puzzles and challenges. Whether dec pher ng essages wr tten n nv s ble nk or creat ng a treasure hunt for fellow ca pers, there s no task too hard for us

It’s t e to celebrate the b rth of A er ca wh le rev s t ng so e of our favor te decades of the 20th century Who was the pres dent when your parents were your age What’s a floppy d sc and who s Zack Morr s We w ll enjoy learn ng about our nat on’s h story and trends wh le hav ng fun along the way.

Th s week w ll be all about learn ng what t s l ke to be n the spotl ght Co e jo n us as we f ne tune our perfor ng sk lls through charades, prov challenges, and nterv ews. We w ll end the week learn ng the portance of publ c speak ng wh le v s t ng a local TV stat on stud o.

Sarah Blankensh p D rector of Su


Aux l ary Progra

Jo n us th s week as we show how UMS Wr ght students go above and beyond n everyth ng that we do. We w ll co b ne act v t es that strengthen the nd, body, and sp r t, all wh le ak ng new fr ends and keep ng the old.We w ll end our week co plet ng a co un ty serv ce project.

Can you verbally lead a bl ndfolded tea ate through an obstacle course There s only one way to f nd out Ca pers w ll have to swallow the r fear, as well as rely on the r tea ates to ake t through all types of proble solv ng, tea work, and endurance challenges. Warn ng: th s could get essy

Co e celebrate the Su er Oly p cs w th us as we create our own vers on, TOKYO style We w ll start the week off w th the l ght ng of the Oly p c torch, d v d ng nto countr es, and creat ng flags to represent each tea . Wh ch country w ll cla v ctory Konn ch wa, TOKYO

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S E N I O R Sen or Day Ca pers w ll engage n tea bu ld ng tasks, proble solve to create new nvent ons, and e bark on off ca pus adventures that co pl ent the r learn ng. Th s ca p has da ly pool t e and weekly f eld tr ps usually on Fr days . Ca pers w ll ake new fr ends and e or es wh le enjoy ng an unforgettable exper ence.

D d you th nk we eant hand held dev ces Th nk aga n Th s week s all about play ng so e of our favor te ga e shows We w ll rev s t the class cs, l ke Fa ly Feud, as well as learn so e of our favor te ess er ga e shows, l ke Double Dare. We w ll end the week w th a L p Sync Battle and a tr p to the skat ng r nk

Do you l ke a challenge Jo n us for STEM week as we explore all th ngs sc ence, technology, eng neer ng, and ath Can you create a paper rocket that w ll fly w thout be ng touched Can your tea ake a raft that w ll get you across our sw ng pool Th s week ncorporates all types of nd v dual and tea challenges. It’s t e to th nk outs de of the box

Call ng all food es Th s week s all about learn ng how to cook and x ngred ents to create cul nary asterp eces Ca pers w ll learn bas c cook ng sk lls, des gn the r own restaurant and enu, and create a d sh out of ystery basket ngred ents that don’t see to go together. We w ll of course have to taste test our creat ons. Bon appét t

For the

Do you have what t takes to breakout Th s week, we w ll br ng the escape roo to our own classroo s. Ca pers w ll have to use cr t cal th nk ng, collaborat on, creat v ty, and ag nat on n order to conquer these breakout challenges. We w ll end the week w th a group f eld tr p to Breakout

It’s t e to celebrate the b rth of A er ca wh le rev s t ng so e of our favor te decades of the 20th century Who was the pres dent when your parents were your age What’s a floppy d sc and who s Zack Morr s We w ll enjoy learn ng about our nat on’s h story and trends wh le hav ng fun along the way.

Can you verbally lead a bl ndfolded tea ate through an obstacle course There s only one way to f nd out Ca pers w ll have to swallow the r fear, as well as rely on the r tea ates to ake t through all types of proble solv ng, tea work, and endurance challenges. Warn ng: th s could get essy

Th s week w ll be all about learn ng what t s l ke to be n the spotl ght Co e jo n us as we f ne tune our perfor ng sk lls through charades, prov challenges, and nterv ews. We w ll end the week learn ng the portance of publ c speak ng wh le v s t ng a local TV stat on stud o.

ost up to date nfor

at on, please v s t www.u

Jo n us th s week as we show how UMS Wr ght students go above and beyond n everyth ng that we do. We w ll co b ne act v t es that strengthen the nd, body, and sp r t, all wh le ak ng new fr ends and keep ng the old.We w ll end our week co plet ng a co un ty serv ce project off ca pus.

Co e celebrate the Su er Oly p cs w th us as we create our own vers on, TOKYO style We w ll start the week off w th the l ght ng of the Oly p c torch, d v d ng nto countr es, and creat ng flags to represent each tea . Wh ch country w ll cla v ctory Konn ch wa, TOKYO

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A C A D E M I C Look ng to prove your ACT scores W th an average co pos te score ncrease of 4 po nts, th s results dr ven ACT prep course s taught by aster teachers and has helped hundreds of students earn scholarsh ps to colleges by prov ng ACT scores. Th s course w ll nclude sk ll rev ew n read ng, Engl sh, ath, and sc ence, wh le f ne tun ng t e anage ent and test tak ng strateg es. All books for th s course w ll be prov ded. Cost: 00 Dates: Monday, June 1st Fr day, June 12th Morn ng Opt on: :30 a. . 11:30 a. . Afternoon Opt on: 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. . Th s class eets Monday Fr day for two weeks.

Co e prove your co prehens on and work ng e ory w th exc t ng stor es. We w ll use Story Retell ng, created by Neuhaus Educat on Center, to help us bu ld oral language and l sten ng co prehens on sk lls. Repeated exposures n a var ety of ways can he ghten students’ awareness of words and sounds. Th s develop ent s essent al n lead ng to the ult ate goal of read ng wh ch s co prehens on. For th s reason, we w ll be pa r ng our read ng ca p w th outs de ca p ng related act v t es. The ch ldren w ll use the r l teracy sk lls to prepare for the ult ate read ng ca pout Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, June th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, June 11th

Co e prove your co prehens on and work ng e ory w th exc t ng stor es. We w ll use Story Retell ng, created by Neuhaus Educat on Center, to help us bu ld oral language and l sten ng co prehens on sk lls. Repeated exposures n a var ety of ways can he ghten students’ awareness of words and sounds. Th s develop ent s essent al n lead ng to the ult ate goal of read ng wh ch s co prehens on. For th s reason, we w ll be pa r ng our read ng ca p w th outs de ca p ng related act v t es. The ch ldren w ll use the r l teracy sk lls to prepare for the ult ate read ng ca pout Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, June th 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. .

Sarah Blankensh p D rector of Su


Typ ng correctly s portant In th s su er ca p, ddle school ca pers w ll d ve head f rst nto typ ng both correctly, and eff c ently n th s hands on typ ng adventure. Ca pers w ll learn the portance of the ho e keys, proper hand pos t on, alternate keystrokes and co on keyboard shortcuts, all wh le encourag ng students to strengthen typ ng speed and accuracy. Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, July 13th 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. .

Thursday, July 1 th

Thursday, June 11th

Ca pers w ll have the opportun ty to show the r creat ve s de, wh le learn ng essent al progra s on an Pad. Ca pers w ll beg n by travel ng around the world v a Google Earth, captur ng and ed t ng photos and v deos to create co pell ng sl deshows, research ng top cs to create keynote presentat ons that w ll be shared on Apple TV, and so uch ore. Co e jo n us as we beg n to explore all the world of technology has to offer. Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, June th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .


Thursday, June 11th

Aux l ary Progra

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Ca pers w ll d ve deep nto the r su er read ng dur ng th s su er ca p We w ll read the books, ap out our su er read ng ass gn ents, exa ne characters, vocabulary, plot, f gurat ve language, and agery. Students ust br ng the r su er read ng books and ater als. Please note that th s su er ca p has n ghtly requ red ho ework and read ng n order to co plete all port ons of the deep d ve n a t ely anner. If poss ble, please br ng your school laptop, and earbuds or headphones. Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, July 20th Thursday, July 23rd th th Graders: :30 a. . 11:30 a. . th th Graders: 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. . Th s course does not nclude th Grade Honors Su er Read ng

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Keep your ch ld engaged th s su er w th a fun f lled acade c ca p. Sc ence, art, and ga es are nfused n our day. We w ll rev ew portant sk lls wh le we explore, learn, and play Grab a bath ng su t and towel because when the work s done, we w ll go outs de to sl p n sl de and enjoy the su er sun K ca pers w ll rev ew ath shapes, nu bers, count ng, and concepts of pr nt. F rst grade ca pers w ll rev ew add t on, subtract on, place value, sentence structures, and read ng co prehens on.

Let's set your second grader up for success w th th s read ng, ath, and gra ar focused ca p. Students w ll use an pulat ves, strengthen ath fluency, tackle nu ber patterns, and learn proble solv ng strateg es for var ous ath tasks. Students w ll also work on apply ng spell ng patterns to wr t ng, understand ng what they are read ng, and tackle so e su er read ng tasks along the way. All students attend ng th s class ust co plete all requ red su er read ng books pr or to start of class.

Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, July 2 th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, July 2 th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, July 30th

G ve your ch ld a head start on f rst grade read ng sk lls and ath concepts. Students w ll engage n hands on ath act v t es and ga es, work n s all groups on read ng co prehens on and decod ng sk lls, and work through su er read ng tasks fac l tated by exper enced teachers. All students attend ng th s class ust co plete requ red su er read ng books pr or to the start of the class. Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, July 2 th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Jo n us for th s ca p as we prepare your r s ng 4th grader for the acade c school year. We w ll work on ath sk lls, nclud ng fact fluency, word proble s, and place value as well as read ng, wr t ng, and gra ar sk lls. Ca pers w ll also work on su er read ng tasks. All students attend ng th s class ust co plete all requ red su er read ng books pr or to start of class. Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, July 2 th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, July 30th

In th s ca p, r s ng th graders w ll rev ew parts of speech, wr t ng concepts, and read ng co prehens on strateg es wh le be ng g ven the opportun ty to work on su er read ng ass gn ents. Ca pers w ll also rev ew key concepts of fract ons, dec als, ult d g t operat ons and word proble s through hands on act v t es, ga es, and collaborat ve proble solv ng. Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, July 2 th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, July 30th

For the

ost up to date nfor

Thursday, July 30th

Thursday, July 30th

Get your r s ng th rd grader prepared for the school year w th th s read ng, ath, and wr t ng focused ca p. Ca pers w ll work on read ng and ath, as well as su er read ng tasks. All students attend ng th s class ust co plete all requ red su er read ng books pr or to start of class. Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, July 2 th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

C o n t ' d

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Thursday, July 30th

A T H L E T I C Call ng all nov ce sw ers It’s t e to put on your sw gear and f ne tune your sw ng sk lls w th our very own state cha p onsh p w nn ng Vars ty coach, Coach Bedsole In th s beg nner class, sw ers w ll learn how to sw w th face n water, sw w th k ckboards and noodles, tread water, sw freestyle and backstroke, and bas c d v ng and safety sk lls. Cost: 12 Opt on 1: Monday, June 1st Thursday, June 4, 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. . Opt on 2: Monday, June th Thursday, June 11th, :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Ca pers w ll be grouped by age and w ll learn and develop the funda entals of cheerlead ng, nclud ng ot on techn que, ju ps, tu bl ng, vo ce project on, po se, and sp r t New cheers, chants, and a dance rout ne w ll be taught. Ca pers w ll rece ve a ca p t sh rt to wear on the last day of ca p when parents w ll be nv ted to a pep rally. Vars ty Cheerleader Coach Shay Owen and the Vars ty Cheerleaders w ll nstruct. Note: G rls plann ng to cheer for the 3rd th grade Bulldog Athlet c Assoc at on th s fall should attend th s ca p. Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, June 1st :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, June 4th

UMS Wr ght Baseball Ca p w ll ass st w th h tt ng, catch ng, f eld ng, and base runn ng. Ca p features ga e type st ulat on to teach strategy and w ll help correct faults and perfect sk lls. UMS Wr ght Head Baseball Coach Kev n Raley, h s vars ty staff,

and vars ty players w ll nstruct. Ca p w ll be held on Radcl ff F eld. Boys plann ng to try out for ddle school baseball for the 2021 season should ake every effort to attend ca p. Please br ng your own glove and baseball bat. Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, June 1st :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, June 4th

Th s one day ca p w ll focus on p tch ng funda entals and echan cs. Proper techn ques w ll be taught through dr lls and v deos. UMS Wr ght Head Baseball Coach Kev n Raley w ll nstruct. Please br ng your own glove. Cost: 0 Fr day, June th one day only :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Th s ca p’s goal s to teach and work on the bas c funda entals of basketball. We w ll work on dr bbl ng, pass ng, shoot ng, and other bas cs throughout the week. Ca pers w ll be grouped by grade and sk ll level to ensure the best opportun ty for success. Vars ty G rls’ Head Coach Terry Canova and h s tea w ll nstruct. Cost: 12 Dates: Monday June th :30 a. . 11:30 a.

Thursday, June 11th

K 4th Graders: Th s one day ca p s led by vars ty boys head coach and current PGA Class A profess onal, Ada Boeh . The ca p w ll focus on gr p, stance, posture, proper set up, full sw ng techn ques, short ga e ch pp ng and putt ng , and bas c rules. Golfers w ll be grouped by age and sk ll level. Please send your golfers w th clubs, or

Sarah Blankensh p D rector of Su


Aux l ary Progra

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Camps w th enough advanced not ce, we w ll arrange ents to prov de the . Cost: 0 Fr day, June 12th one day ca :30 a. . 11:30 a. .



th th Graders: Th s one day cl n c s open for all ddle school golfers look ng to advance the r talents to the next level. Also led by Ada Boeh , th s cl n c w ll focus on proper sw ng echan cs, short ga e, course anage ent, ental ga e, and rules. Cost: 0 Fr day, June 1 th one day only :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

UMS Wr ght Co ed Soccer Ca p w ll focus on defend ng, pass ng, shoot ng, dr bbl ng, trapp ng and head ng. UMS Wr ght Vars ty Head Coaches Chr sty Alford and Ruben R sco w ll nstruct. There w ll be da ly outdoor and ndoor t e as well as pool t e Please wear l ght clothes and br ng your soccer cleats, sh n guards, tenn s shoes, ball, bath ng su t, and towel. Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, June 1 th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, June 1 th

Futsal co es fro “futbol”, ean ng soccer, and “sala," ean ng ndoor. Futsal s all about ball control, prec s on pass ng, and qu ck th nk ng. Futsal ca p w ll work on pass ng, rece v ng, dr bbl ng, and shoot ng, as well as ental sk lls, such as dec s on ak ng, collaborat on, co pet t veness, and gr t. Vars ty Soccer Coaches Ruben R sco and Chr sty Alford w ll nstruct. Please br ng a sw su t and towel. Cost: 12 Dates: Monday June 1 th 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. .

Thursday, June 1 th

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A T H L E T I C Th s ca p w ll focus on the funda entals of tenn s, nclud ng groundstrokes, volleys, serves, rules, and scor ng. Instructor Tanya D xon has represented the Baha as n the Federat on Cup, attended the N ck Bollett er Tenn s Acade y, and played four years of tenn s for the Un vers ty of South Alaba a. Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, June 1 th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, June 1 th

Our ca p w ll be a great opportun ty for k ds to try the ga e of softball for the very f rst t e and also help the exper enced player sharpen the r sk lls through funda ental dr lls and play ng exper ence. The part c pants w ll be nstructed by our Vars ty softball coaches and players. Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, June 22 :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Each day w ll also feature a ot vat onal t e where ca pers learn about the role of enthus as and work eth c as they pursue the r drea s. Head Vars ty Boys’ Basketball Coach M chael Napp, staff, and players w ll nstruct. NOTE: Boys who plan to try out for M ddle School Basketball n the fall should attend ca p. Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, June 22nd :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, June 2 th

Thursday, June 1 th

UMS Wr ght Lacrosse Ca p w ll help ca pers develop the funda ental sk lls of be ng a successful lacrosse player. Coached by the vars ty coach ng staff and vars ty players, ca pers w ll be d rected through var ous dr lls, s ulat ons, and ga es. Th s ca p s open to players of all sk ll levels. Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, June 1 th :00 p. . :00 p. .


Thursday, June 2 th

Ca pers w ll learn the funda entals of pass ng, shoot ng, ball handl ng, rebound ng, and defens ve pos t on ng. Da ly contests nclude Free Throw Shootout, Hot Shot, Sk lls co pet t on, and 3 3.

For the

Dur ng th s ca p, our fr endly and exper enced tea w ll teach your k ds the var ous sk lls requ red to be an expert bowler. Th s ncludes the bas cs, such as how to hold the ball, where to stand on the lane, your approach footwork, and even how to bowl the perfect str ke Th s ca p s taught by UMS Wr ght Vars ty Bowl ng Coach, W ng Brett, and UMS Wr ght transportat on w ll be prov ded to and fro Eastern Shore Lanes. Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, July th 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. .

Thursday, July th

C o n t ' d

Co e beat the heat and jo n us for the Nutcracker n July Dur ng th s su er ca p, students w ll learn dances and ake costu es for the r very own Nutcracker perfor ance A leotard w ll be prov ded. Ca pers w ll need to have p nk ballet shoes and p nk t ghts. We w ll end the week w th our very own perfor ance of the Nutcracker on Thursday, July 23rd at 11:00 a. . for fa ly and fr ends n the UMS Wr ght aud tor u . Th s ca p w ll be under the d rect on of Shay Owen and Renee McAleer. Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, July 20th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, July 23rd

Vars ty Head Coach Carolyn Houston and her staff w ll be teach ng ca pers the funda entals of serv ng, pass ng, sett ng, attack ng, and bas c sk lls. There w ll be nd v dual and tea dr lls ga es that w ll allow our ca pers to exper ence success. Note: Athletes plann ng on play ng ddle school volleyball w ll benef t fro and should attend th s ca p.

1st 4th Graders: Our youngest ca pers w ll learn the proper funda entals for each pos t on or runn ng, and for total effort wh le hav ng fun and work ng hard. Ca pers w ll also learn so e strength and cond t on ng exerc ses and w ll part c pate n punt, pass, and k ck co pet t on along w th tea play.

Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, July 2 th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

th th Graders: We w ll e phas ze our ent re progra nclud ng techn que, as well as strength and cond t on ng. UMS Wr ght football staff and players w ll be lead ng th s ca p. Our goals are to teach proper funda entals, bas cs of runn ng, and total effort, and to have fun wh le work ng hard. Th s ca p w ll be benef c al whether or not your long range goal s to be a football player.

Celebrate the 2020 Su er Oly p cs r ght here n our very own sw ng pool Led by cha p onsh p w nn ng sw coach V cky Bedsole, sw ers w ll co pete for the r country as well as cover all four strokes, water safety, l fesav ng sk lls, co pet t on d ves, fl p turns, and ore. Ca pers ust be able to sw the ent re length of the pool ndependently.

Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, July 20th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, July 2 th 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. .

ost up to date nfor

Thursday, July 23rd

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Thursday, July 30th

Thursday, July 30th

S P E C I A L T Y How can I spread k ndness to others Th s ca p w ll teach you that t only takes one person to ake a d fference. Jo n the K ndness K ds Club as we focus on how to ake our ho e, school and co un ty a better place by perfor ng Rando Acts of K ndness. Ca pers w ll perfor rando acts of k ndness around our school, ne ghborhood, and co un ty as well as ga n a deeper understand ng of selflessness, co pass on, and servants heart. Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, June 1st :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Cost: 1 0 Dates: Monday, June th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, June 11th

explore rhyth , p tch, dyna cs, and te po as we try out d fferent rhyth nstru ents and learn to read s ple rhyth patterns. We w ll explore a d fferent genre of us c each day, nclud ng jazz, blues, rock, class cal, and us cal theater. We w ll create arts and crafts nsp red by d fferent p eces of us c, and even have a s ng along to so e of our favor te songs Th s s a creat ve exper ence that your ch ld w ll not want to ss. Cost: 1 0 Dates: Monday, June 1 th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, June 1 th

Thursday, June 4th

School, fr ends, ho ework, extracurr cular act v t es...oh y Stress Stress Stress How to Stress Less ca pers w ll learn strateg es to cope w th day to day stressors. We w ll learn ndfulness, belly breath ng, yoga, journal ng, and ake stress balls and Cal Down Tubes. We also w ll learn how rout nes, sleep, exerc se, and food play nto stress. Jo n us as we learn how to ch ll out and relax Cost: 12 Dates: Monday, June 1st 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. .

be a hands on adventure as we take photos around ca pus, learn the bas cs of co pos t on and d g tal photography, and then use these photos n arts and crafts projects that you can take ho e Each student should br ng the r own ca era any k nd of d g tal ca era s acceptable . If you do not have a ca era, we ay be able to prov de one for you. All other suppl es w ll be prov ded.


1 2 3 4, I declare a cupcake war Have you ever wondered how the pros ake those cupcakes so beaut ful and del c ous, and co pet t on s your ddle na e Then, th s week s for you We w ll beg n w th des gn ng and ak ng our very own custo apron, as we d ve nto x ng, easur ng, bak ng, and frost ng our ost creat ve creat ons We w ll f n sh the week w th bak ng and decorat ng challenges. May the best cupcake w n All suppl es are ncluded. Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, June th 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. .

Thursday, June 11th

Thursday, June 4th

Photography ca p w ll be a fun f lled week of learn ng about d g tal photography Each day w ll

Jo n us on a us cal journey as we spend a week explor ng us c through read ng, l sten ng, creat ng, and perfor ng We w ll learn about the nstru ents n an orchestra and ake our very own nstru ents to take ho e. We w ll

Sarah Blankensh p D rector of Su


Aux l ary Progra

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We’re so glad you’re a bulldog Now jo n us for so e fun Th s ca p s open to K4 Bulldogs to learn all about UMS Wr ght. We w ll explore d fferent places on ca pus, eet Bully, learn to cheer for the Bulldogs, and so uch ore Make new fr ends, pract ce cutt ng and glu ng, read books, s ng songs, and explore a K4 classroo . Th s ca p focuses on nterpersonal sk lls, cooperat on dur ng group work and play t e, l sten ng sk lls, and f ne otor sk lls. Th s week w ll get you exc ted and ready to start K4 Cost: 1 0 Opt on 1: Monday, June 22nd :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, June 2 th

Opt on 2: Monday, June 22nd 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. .

Thursday, June 2 th

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S P E C I A L T Y Let your ag nat on run w ld w th Legos and Ozobot. Bu ld and progra a gor lla, crane or du ptruck. Construct a robot dog w th ov ng parts. Create a LEGO aze and code Ozobot to f nd h s way. Explore your craz est deas w th fr ends n a support ve env ron ent Th s ca p w ll sharpen your eng neer ng, cod ng, and proble solv ng sk lls as well as help you understand and apply the sc ent f c ethod. Cost: 1 0 Dates: Monday, June 22nd 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. .

Thursday, June 2 th

Co e one, co e all to UMS Wr ght’s Jewelry Mak ng Ca p Ca pers w ll learn to ake several sets of popular, trendy art san jewelry p eces. R s ng th th graders w ll learn to work w th a var ety of ater als such as leather, concrete, res n, and w re to create custo , one of a k nd accessor es to enjoy long after ca p s over. Ca pers w ll learn how to use jewelry tools such as pl ers and olds, w ll learn the proper clean ng and storage ethods for each p ece, and w ll create a storage case for the r jewelry creat ons. All ater als and jewelry pl ers w ll be suppl ed. Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, June 22nd :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, June 2 th

For the


C O N T ' D

As you prepare for all th ngs ddle school, co e learn about ways to prepare your nd, body, and sp r t for the challenges that l e ahead. We w ll cover ways to handle stress, peer pressure, and bully ng. We w ll also d ve nto nutr t on nfor at on and phys cal f tness as we old our bod es for the upco ng school year. Jo n us n learn ng how to respond to e ergenc es us ng f rst a d techn ques and beco ng the best vers on of yourself There w ll be us c, food, crafts, and phys cal act v t es each day to get the nd, body, and sp r t war ed up and ready for an aweso e school year. Yoga ats are opt onal, but not requ red. Tenn s shoes should be worn. Cost: 1 0 Dates: Monday, June 2 th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, July 2nd

Co e learn about UMS Wr ght before you start “b g school” n August We w ll play, ake crafts, and have tons of fun Ca pers w ll beco e fa l ar w th the UMS Wr ght ca pus, classroo , classroo rout nes, and have fun w th new fr ends. Cost: 1 0 Opt on 1: Monday, July 13th Thursday, July 1 th Opt on 2: Monday, July 20th Thursday, July 23rd :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

ost up to date nfor

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Happy ca pers w ll exper ence hands on art act v t es and exper ent w th a var ety of techn ques and ed u s. Act v t es w ll relate to exc t ng subjects and art h story. Ca pers w ll learn the art of abstracts by creat ng the r own and relat ng the to well known pa nt ngs throughout our h story. Cost: 1 0 Dates: Monday, July 13th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, July 1 th

Th s ca p w ll show you what tea work, sports ansh p, and f tness are all about Ca pers w ll play so e of our favor te playground ga es, such as S on Says, Red Rover, Four Square, and Red L ght, Green L ght. There w ll be so uch var ety that no two days w ll be the sa e. Ca pers w ll be d v ded nto groups based on sk ll and ab l ty, allow ng all ca pers to have fun wh le be ng challenged at the r own level. Cost: 1 0 Dates: Monday, July 13th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

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Thursday, July 1 th

S P E C I A L T Y Introductory level to advanced. Ca pers w ll be ntroduced to the funda entals of the ga e and w ll learn how to prove the r sk lls outs de of the ca p as well. Whether you are an exper enced player or learn ng how the p eces ove, coaches are ready to ta lor a plan to f t your needs and sk ll level. Cost: 1 0 Dates: Monday, July 13th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Thursday, July 1 th


Call ng all funny and s art k ds out there, whether outgo ng or shy Bu ld up your conf dence wh le hav ng fun on stage n a safe and nclus ve env ron ent at On the Spot I prov Ca p. Co e and learn the bas c sk lls of prov sed theatre, wh le sharpen ng your perfor ance, co ed c t ng, l sten ng, and co un cat on sk lls, all wh le prov ng your ab l ty to work w th others. Cost: 1 0 Dates: Monday, July 20th :30 a. . 11:30 a. .

Have you ever wondered how to sew on a button or fold clothes l ke Martha Stewart Ho e Ec. 101 s your chance to learn all k nds of sk lls that w ll co e n handy for the rest of your l fe We w ll beg n the week choos ng rec pes and learn ng how to develop grocery l sts. We also w ll learn how to do our laundry us ng our own laundry brought fro ho e...not to ent on the Martha Stewart way of fold ng. We w ll end the week w th a tr p to the grocery store, so we can br ng ho e our prepped eals that w ll be ready to pop n the oven. Th s ca p s sure to be an exper ence to re e ber. Cost: 1 Dates: Monday, July 20th 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. .

Thursday, July 23rd

Sarah Blankensh p D rector of Su

C O N T ' D

Thursday, July 23rd

G ve your ch ld the g ft of language and cultural ers on through authent c resources and fun f lled act v t es Together, we w ll travel to Span sh speak ng countr es through v rtual real ty f eld tr ps, exper ence play ng sports the r way, cook trad t onal foods, l sten to Lat n us c, learn the r dances, and enjoy outdoor water ga es...all wh le tun ng our ears to Span sh Please br ng a sw su t, towel, water shoes, and a change of clothes. Cost: 1 0 Dates: Monday, July 20th 12:30 p. . 3:30 p. .


Thursday, July 23rd

Aux l ary Progra

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Pol c es a n d E t r a s V s t www.u s wr su er to reg ster. NOTE: For fa l es w th ore than one ca per, please be careful to reg ster and select ca ps for each of your ch ldren separately.

In case of a ca per’s w thdrawal fro the progra , the D rector of Su er Progra s ust be not f ed v a e a l before May 1, 2020 or full pay ent w ll st ll be due. A 0 cancellat on fee w ll be charged. No refunds w ll be granted after May 1, 2020.

UMS Wr ght Fa

UMS Wr ght reserves the r ght to cancel a progra f the n u nu bers are not et or f an unforeseen c rcu stance occurs. Not f cat on of cancellat on of a progra w ll be done as early as poss ble and a full refund w ll be ssued.

l es

Once you co plete your onl ne reg strat on, your b ll w ll be scheduled to appear on your FACTS account. Th s b ll w ll appear on your FACTS account so et e n June or July, depend ng on the t el ne of the ca p. Co

un ty Fa

l es

Full pay ent s due pr or to the reg strat on deadl ne to ensure your ca per has a place n the ca p of h s or her cho ce. For pay ent, please a l a check to the address below. Please note what ca p you are pay ng for on the e o l ne...the ore deta ls, the better Send checks to: Sarah Blankensh p UMS Wr ght Preparatory School Mob le Street Mob le, Alaba a 3 0

Early reg strat on s adv sed. Each progra has l ted spots, and reg strat on s on a f rst co e, f rst served bas s. Due to the popular ty of any ca ps, wa tl sts do occur. To place your ch ld on the wa tl st, you ust reg ster onl ne for the spec f c class’ wa tl st. There s no fee for be ng on a wa tl st. We cannot take wa tl st reg strat ons or hold spots over the phone. As spaces beco e ava lable, they are f lled n the order n wh ch they were reg stered onl ne. Should a space beco e ava lable for a wa tl sted class, you w ll be not f ed v a e a l or phone to conf r your nterest n the spot. If you dec de to enroll your ch ld n the ava lable spot, you w ll need to co plete your reg strat on onl ne. There s no penalty should you choose not to enroll; we w ll s ply not fy the next fa ly on the wa tl st.

For the

ost up to date nfor

UMS Wr ght w ll offer Extended Care fro 3:30 p. . :30 p. . Reg strat on and pay ent for extended care s by week per ca per. Extended care costs 0 per week. Reg ster at www.u s wr su er.

All ca pers are requ red to sub t and co plete for s v a our reg strat on portal n order to attend UMS Wr ght Su er Progra s. These for s nclude, but are not l ted to, a wa ver of l ab l ty, un zat on records, proof of dent f cat on, and b ll ng ver f cat on. If a ch ld requ res prescr pt on ed cat on, nclud ng an Ep Pen, parents guard ans ust sub t add t onal paperwork v a reg strat on portal u s wr su er .

Week 1: May 22nd Week 2: May 2 th Week 3: June th Week 4: June 12th Week : June 1 th Week : June 2 th Week : July 3rd Week : July 10th Week : July 1 th

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All reg strat ons for ca ps after the reg strat on deadl ne w ll ncur a late reg strat on fee of 2 . Th s ncludes day ca ps, athlet c ca ps, spec alty ca ps, and acade c ca ps. Th s deadl ne allows our staff enough t e to purchase suppl es, prepare ater als, and plan act v t es for the correct nu ber of students. Thank you for understand ng.

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UMS Wr ght P EPA A O



Summer 2020

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