The Wright Legacy Society

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join us as a charter member

In 1893 Dr. Wright’s goal was to provide an education for the whole person, and that goal remains central today at UMS-Wright. As Dr. Wright once said, “The school, and every auxiliary of the school, must keep in mind that now abideth mind, body, and spirit, these three; but the greatest of these is spirit.” It is with great care that the leaders of our school move through each day with Dr. Wright’s ideals and our Mission in mind.

Today we thank not only our leaders, but also the entire UMS-Wright Family for their help in equipping our students. A task this grand can not be done without the help of others, and you are among those dedicated supporters. For decades countless alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends have made gifts that enhance the learning and teaching experience here at UMS-Wright.

We ask for your commitment to the future of our school as we launch The Wright Legacy Society our planned giving initiative. This effort will honor donors who have provided for our school in their wills or estate planning by directing gifts to The UMS-Wright Foundation.

Please join us today as a Charter Member of The Wright Legacy Society as we strive to reach our goal of 100 members by August 30, 2024.


Legacy giving, also referred to as planned giving, allows for donors to make an impact and ensure the future strength of a beloved organization far beyond their lifetimes. There are many vehicles and options when it comes to planned giving while some of the most simple are through:

• Bequests in the donor’s will or living trust

• 401k, IRAs, and retirement plans

• Cash

• Life Insurance policies

We encourage you to discuss the best options for your situation with your professional advisor. The Advancement Office is also available to answer any questions pertaining to your wishes and opportunities at UMS-Wright.


Gifts made through The Wright Legacy Society will be directed to The UMS-Wright Foundation. The Foundation was organized in June 1991, with the initial investment being the proceeds from the sale of the Julius T. Wright campus property on University Boulevard after the merger of Julius T. Wright School for Girls and UMS Preparatory School. In 1999, the Foundation further expanded with a gift from the Babe Wilson Estate.

The purpose of The UMS-Wright Foundation is to hold and invest funds or other properties for the benefit of UMS-Wright Preparatory School. The Foundation is governed by a separate Board of Trustees who are generally former or current Trustees of UMS-Wright. Annual distributions from the Foundation to the school are used to further the academic, artistic, and athletic objectives of the school as well as for acquiring new property and for providing tuition assistance for deserving students.

Through the years, The UMS-Wright Foundation has grown through the generosity of individuals, families, and groups of faithful supporters to include the following Endowments - General, Tuition, Academic, Athletic, and Named Scholarships. There are currently 21 Named Scholarships/Awards managed within the Foundation.

The Foundation’s dedication to UMS-Wright Preparatory School has provided endless opportunities for the students and faculty of our school and has also allowed the school to remain debt-free to this day.


“May our words and deeds be such that those who were before us will not be ashamed, and those who follow after will find in us an example of truth and courage the spirit of our school.”

An excerpt from the UMS-Wright School Prayer

As a Charter Member of The Wright Legacy Society, you will provide for “those who follow after” in a significant and meaningful manner for generations to come. Each day our school leaders reference the Mission of our school, to ensure that all decisions are made in keeping with the strong foundation that Dr. Wright instilled in 1893. You can have confidence that your wishes as a Charter Member of The Wright Legacy Society will be fulfilled with the same respect.


Charter Members of The Wright Legacy Society will receive the following:

• Invitation to the Charter Member Celebration - Fall of 2024

• Annual Invitation to The UMS-Wright Founders’ Day Event, with a special designation on your nametag

• Inclusion in the UMS-Wright annual Donor Report, specifically The Wright Legacy Society listing (with special emphasis on Charter Members)

• Invitations to periodic Athletic and Arts events on campus

• The Wright Legacy Society membership certificate

• UMS-Wright car stickers

The Wright Legacy Society Charter Membership allows us to thank you, a dedicated and faithful supporter of UMS-Wright. Your commitment as a Charter Member also encourages others to join you in this important initiative.


To join The Wright Legacy Society, we ask that you include UMSWright in your will or estate plan. If you have already done so, please share that information with the Advancement Office so that we can properly thank you for your commitment to the future of our school.

If you have not, please feel free to contact the Advancement Office to discuss your wishes as you make plans with your professional advisors.

As with all gifts, we honor your preference for recognition or anonymity, and you can be sure that your wishes will be executed with the highest degree of respect.

Once you have completed your plan, we ask that you share your intent with the Advancement Office by completing our confidential membership registration form.

Please scan the QR code for the commitment form.

For the UMS-Wright Family to educate all students to their highest potential in MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT; and to produce in each student character of the highest possible order.
MISSION Please consider becoming a Charter Member of The Wright Legacy Society, by August 30, 2024. Contact the Advancement Office with any questions you may have. Julie Otts | 251.470.9039 | Helen Inge | 251.470.9023 |

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