Enrollment Confirmation, Orientation, Academic Advising, and more.

Enrollment Confirmation, Orientation, Academic Advising, and more.
On behalf of your New Student Programs and Campus Visits team, welcome to the University of Missouri St. Louis community! We hope that this information booklet provides you with a lot of answers to your questions and contributes to your excitement about attending UMSL. We understand that there is a lot of material to take in. We hope that you take some time to read through it, share it with your family members and take advantage of all of the tips and hints that you find here! Here are your next steps at a glance to prepare you for becoming a Triton:
Now – Before July 1, 2023: Meet with Academic Advisor for Fall 2023 Registration
May 2023: Triton Portal Live for Fall 2023 Triton Take Off: Orientation + Welcome Registration
Various communication updates begin, including August Programming Schedule, Checklist Items and launch of Online Orientation
June 1, 2023: First time college students must fill out Housing Application or submit Housing Exemption Form via Triton Housing Portal
August 1, 2023: Deadline to complete Online Orientation
August 17-25, 2023: Triton Take Off: Orientation + Welcome Programming Events
August 17: New Student Move-in Day & Triton Take-Off Kick-Off Evening Programming
August 18: Academic Sessions, Family/Parent/Guest Orientation Sessions, New Student Convocation, Welcome Bash
August 19: Departmental Resources Fair, Triton 101 Sessions, Evening Programming
August 20: Explore STL Excursions and Living On Campus Floor Meetings
Orientation is a requirement for all newly admitted, degree-seeking, undergraduate students.
Before July 1, 2023: Meet with Academic Advising for Fall 2023 registration. Students should schedule an academic advising appointment as soon as possible to register for best course options. Please see more information on academic advising appointments at website.
Part 1: Complete Online Orientation (Asynchronous Option) by August 1, 2023. You will be emailed and in your Triton Portal to find your Online Orientation directions in May 2023 with your login directions to complete this 45-minute online tutorial by August 1, 2023. This program includes multiple sections and content including academic life, student support resources, Triton technology, financial services and registration. You can complete this Asynchronous Orientation at your own pace, but it must be completed in one sitting. You can complete this Orientation prior to or after your individual academic advising appointment.
Part 2: Attend Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome Programming Events August 17-25, 2023.
More schedule details will be coming soon. We also encourage parents, family members, and guests to join us for a separate Orientation experience:
Please email for any questions.
All international students must complete all Orientation components (Online Orientation, Pre-Departure Orientation, Global Triton Welcome, and Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome).
May 2023: Triton Portal Live – Email sent to you on how to complete Online Orientation. Register for the following: 1) Pre-Departure Orientation, 2) Global Triton Welcome and 3) Triton Take Off: Orientation + Welcome and see checklist items on Triton Portal.
June-July, 2023: Attend Pre-Departure Orientation
July 1, 2023: Meet with Academic Advisor to help enroll you into classes.
August 1, 2023: Deadline to Complete Online Orientation (Part 1)
August 11, 2023: Earliest Date to Move into Residence Hall on Campus.
August 11-13, 2023: Airport Pick-up for International Students Living on-campus
August 14- 20,2023: Global Triton Welcome
August 17-25, 2023: Attend Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome Programming Events. All F1 and J1 undergraduate and graduate students must attend all required Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome Programming.
Please email Sarah Jimenez for any questions.
If you are a domestic graduate student, please reference the UMSL Graduate School website at gradwelcome.html for more details on Orientation and next steps. Please email for any questions.
During Orientation, from Online Orientation to Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome in August, you will have opportunities to connect with faculty, staff and students to have your questions answered, to have meaningful conversations and develop lasting friendships. Our Orientation team wants to make sure that you are aware of all of the resources, programs and opportunities that will be available to you at UMSL so that your transition into our community is smooth and positive. Be ready to engage with the Orientation team to get the most out of your first UMSL experience!
We also make sure to include opportunities for your parents and family members to take part in this first step on your college journey, as they make up an important part of your support team. In order to provide families with specific information about the university resources available to our students, we have designed a special parent program that will occur in August during our Triton Take-off: Orientation and Welcome on August 17-18, 2023.
Our New Student Programs team is committed to ensuring that you not only have an outstanding Orientation experience, but that you feel prepared for your start as an UMSL student. This booklet will provide you with a step- by-step guide that will have you feeling ready to go when you hit the campus for your first semester at UMSL!
Our UMSL Triton family includes over 15,000 students, 100,000 alumni, 1,200 caring faculty and staff and now you! We are all dedicated to providing you with unique educational experiences that will enrich your life for years to come. We can’t wait to welcome you personally to our campus!
With Triton Pride, New Student Programs and Campus Visits Team
Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step 7: Step 8: Step 9: Step 10: Step 11: Step 12: Step 13: Step 14: Step 15: Step 16: Step 17: Step 18:
Here are the 18 steps you need to complete before becoming a TRITON. Learn more about each step and how to complete it throughout the rest of this guide.
Log Into UMSL Triton Portal
Set up Triton Technology – SSO, Password and Email
Submit required documents to Admissions
Submit your housing application
Fulfill and return proof of immunization requirements
Submit required documents to the Office of Student Financial Services
Review financial charges
Complete placement exams and additional training
Meet with your Academic Advisor before July 1, 2023
Complete your UMSL Orientation
Register for Part 2 of Orientation Process
Triton Portal checklist: Submit photo for TritonCard ID picture
Triton Portal checklist: Connect with Disability Access Services
Connect with Student Academic Support Services (SASS)
Seek student employment
Purchase course materials
Sign up for Triton Tracks: A personalized campus tour
Get involved with the Office of Student Involvement
To begin, log in at 1
(You will use your email and password that was used on your UMSL application).
Inside the Triton Portal, you will see a list of items including triton technology, student success team, financial aid, housing application, academic advising information and orientation (Step 1: Online Orientation & Step 2: Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome), plus additional checklist items. Each section expands with additional details and contact information.
First step in the Triton Portal is to confirm your enrollment – see form to complete in your portal. 3
Next, find who your academic advisor is and make an appointment before July 1, 2023. 5
Begin to review your Triton Portal checklist items to complete. In May 2023 you will be emailed your Step 1: Online Orientation. Complete before August 1, 2023.
Register for Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome (August 17-25) before August 1, 2023. We encourage you to invite your family members and guests to August 17-18 Triton Take-Off: Orientation programming.
Once you register for Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome, you will receive an automatic email confirmation and will receive next steps for these events August 17-25, 2023 as it gets closer.
As an UMSL student, there are many programs and accounts with which you will want to get acquainted in order to communicate successfully with your teachers, peers and other offices. The University uses a variety of avenues to communicate with students.
Please watch the video overview on how to set up your SSO, password, Microsoft Authenticator and UMSL email account. This video will also show you how to log into various UMSL sites using the proper UMSL login information.
Write it down and keep it secure
Remember, University passwords are case-sensitive. If you are having any problems setting up your email or Triton technology accounts, contact the Technology Support Center or Help Desk at or call 314-516-6034.
MyGateway is our central portal for all UMSL student applications including student email access, Canvas course management, MyView enrollment and payment services, MyDegree academic progress, MyConnect advising services, MyDrive Google services and much more.
MyView is a self-service system which enables students to access campus finances, academic records, personal information, enrollment, grades and class schedules.
Canvas is the system used to access all your coursework. From there you will participate in class discussion boards, view your class syllabus, submit assignments, and access the Writing Lab and NetTutors.
During Online Orientation, students will learn to navigate through these systems. You can visit to view tutorial videos for additional assistance.
Submit your official, final transcripts which will show your last semester grades as well as any diploma, degree or certificate you have earned. There is often a delay between the end of the semester when grades are listed and when degrees are posted on a transcript. Please note that official documents must be sent from the institution to UMSL. In addition, please send Advanced Placement (AP) scores, International Baccalaureate (IB) exam results or any other documents that will be important to planning your first semester at UMSL.
For more details:
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
351 MSC, 1 University Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63121
314-516-5310 (fax)
Toll-Free: 1-888-GO-2-UMSL
The Residential Life and Housing Department is committed to providing a well-rounded and positive living and learning environment for students in the residential facilities.
We have developed Living Learning Communities (LLCs) for all first-year students. LLCs are fun, interactive communities designed to enhance the college experience through social and academic programs. Please learn about the new "live-on" policy for the Fall 2023 semester and submit your housing application at
For more details:
Residential Life and Housing
In order to adequately protect the health, safety and welfare of UMSL students, there are a number of requirements with regards to vaccinations and screenings.
Missouri legislation requires that all newly enrolled students must complete a TB risk assessment. Visit the UMSL Health Services patient portal ( to submit completed forms early in the first semester of enrollment.
MMR and meningitis vaccination requirements. (Residents of Oak Hall AND University Meadows must meet these guidelines.)
All residents in Oak Hall AND University Meadows are to be immunized against measles, mumps and rubella, with two doses of the MMR vaccine. For students who have been vaccinated, the first dose must have been given at age 12 months or later. The second dose must have been given at least one month after the first one. Students also have the option of providing documentation showing titer (blood test) results proving immunity to measles, mumps and rubella. A waiver is possible on the basis of medical or religious reasons.
Missouri legislation requires students living in campus housing to either show documentation of conjugate meningococcal vaccine received at age 16 or after or apply for a waiver to this requirement on the basis of a medical or religious reason.
All required health documentation and waivers must be submitted to Student Health Services and can be completed on the UMSL Health and Counseling Services patient portal:
Forms and instructions are available at:
For more details:
University Health Services
131 Millennium Student Center
1 University Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63121
Check your Admitted Student Portal (under the Self Service tab, My Financial Aid Status) to ensure that you have completed all necessary documentation for financial aid processing. Read all of the available tabs and return frequently as information is updated on an ongoing basis.
For more details:
Office of Student Financial Services
327 Millennium Student Center
1 University Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63121
The Money Matters section of the Online Orientation will provide valuable information and access to staff members from the Office of Student Financial Services. The goal is to help provide students and their families a greater understanding of the financial landscape as they navigate their college career.
This section will outline the responsibilities and general payment information for your tuition and fees, discuss the process on how to pay and set up an Additional Authorized Access, as well as navigate through the MyView portal to preview a summary of the financial charges. The charges will represent the cost of the hours in which you have enrolled, room and board, and additional services (e.g., financial aid, scholarships, and any additional fees).
We encourage you to visit our UMSL Fee Estimator page to provide you with an estimate on the total cost of attendance, located online at
International visa holding students are not eligible for federal funding financial aid.
Online assessments to be taken before your Academic Advising meeting prior to July 1, 2023.
1. Math Placement: In order to enroll in entry-level college mathematics courses, a student must demonstrate appropriate background mathematical knowledge and skills. UMSL accepts multiple ways of demonstrating this knowledge including ACT math subscores for new freshmen and online math placement test scores for all students. To view Mathematics Course Prerequisite Information and to access the online math placement test please visit
2. Language Placement: If you plan to enroll in a language course during your first semester and feel that you may be able to test out of one or more introductory level courses, please contact Jim Karslake at or 314-516-6240 to request a link for the online placement test.
3. Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE): Students will receive an electronic link to this online survey beginning in May.
An online exam requirement for graduation for all students. Log into your MyGateway, then Canvas, and you will see a separate tile in your account to complete this exam.
U Got This! by Catharsis, is an online, sexual assault awareness and prevention program that provides critical information about consent, bystander intervention, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and much more. All new UMSL students are required to complete the U Got This! training.
1. You can access the training at
2. Once you arrive at the UMSL Title IX page, please click on the appropriate red box (undergraduate/graduate student training).
3. You will then be asked to provide appropriate credentials.
4. You will also receive an email, sent to your UMSL email address, with directions related to the U Got This! training.
If you have any questions related to U Got This!, please reach out to Jessica Swederske in the Title IX and Equity Office at or 314-516-5748.
Trigger Warning: This training contains sensitive information which may be upsetting for some. If you find the program too emotionally difficult to complete, please reach out to Jessica Swederske, at the above contact information, regarding alternative options to fulfill your requirement.
All students new to UMSL are required to meet with an academic advisor to register for courses and discuss their academic plan. Students must meet with their academic advisor before July 1, 2023 and get enrolled into classes for Fall 2023.
Please take a look at the 4-year plan for your major in the Bulletin ( as well the Schedule of Classes on MyView ( Your advisors look forward to working with you to create your academic plan at UMSL!
Academic Advising
College of Arts and Sciences
303 Lucas Hall
College of Business Administration
107 Anheuser-Busch Hall
College of Education
116 South Campus Classroom Building
College of Nursing
101 Nursing Administration Building
School of Social Work
469 Social Science Building (SSB)
314-516-6385 UMSL/Washington University
Joint Engineering Program
216 Benton Hall
If you have already been accepted to the Honors College, congratulations! You will be contacted about an Honors New Student Orientation happening on Friday, August 18. We are excited to welcome you to the Honors community. If you haven’t yet enrolled in your Honors and UMSL classes, please contact Audri Adams at or Dan Gerth at for advising help.
If you have not yet applied to Honors, there is still time! Honors offers small, in-person discussion classes on innovative topics and opportunities such as research, internships and community engagement classes. Please contact the Honors Admissions Representative, Jenna Haddock, at or 314-516-7769.
Please call our office in Provincial House at 314-516-4890 for help with advising, applying to Honors or other questions about joining the Honors College in Fall 2023.
All new UMSL athletes should meet with the Assistant Director of Athletics for Academics, Alex Miner, BEFORE making an advising appointment. Alex will help you select the appropriate courses that will align with your athletic schedule and practices. New first time college students will meet with an additional academic advisor from your major to complete your registration. To set up your appointment with UMSL Athletics please contact:
UMSL Athletics
Alex Miner
All military-connected students should contact the UMSL Veterans Center BEFORE meeting with your advisor. The UMSL Veterans Center is responsible for certifying and processing all VA benefits and CANNOT do so unless you complete the necessary steps. We realize using VA benefits can be complex and confusing, and our team will directly review your eligibility, assist with how to best utilize your benefits and explain any limitations that might apply. To connect with the UMSL School Certifying Official and the Veterans Center team please contact:
UMSL Veterans Center
211 Clark Hall
Now – Before July 1, 2023: Meet with Academic Advisor for Fall 2023 Registration
May 2023: Triton Portal Live for Fall 2023 Triton Take Off: Orientation + Welcome Registration
Various communication updates begin, including August Programming Schedule, Checklist Items and launch of Online Orientation
June 1, 2023: First time college students must fill out Housing Application or submit Housing Exemption Form via Triton Housing Portal
August 1, 2023: Deadline to complete Online Orientation
August 17-25, 2023: Triton Take Off: Orientation + Welcome Programming Events
August 17: New Student Move-in Day & Triton Take-Off Kick-Off Evening Programming
August 18: Academic Sessions, Family/Parent/Guest Orientation Sessions, New Student Convocation, Welcome Bash
August 19: Departmental Resources Fair, Triton 101 Sessions, Evening Programming
August 20: Explore STL Excursions and Living On Campus Floor Meetings
More to come!
Part 1: Complete Online Orientation (Asynchronous Option) by August 1, 2023: You will be emailed Online Orientation directions in May 2023 with login directions to complete this 45-minute online tutuorial by August 1, 2023. (Directions will also be in your Triton Portal.) This program includes multiple sections and content including academic life, student support resources, triton technology, financial services and registration. You can complete this Asynchronous Orientation at your own pace, but it must be completed in one sitting. You can complete this Orientation prior to or after your individual academic advising appointment.
Part 2: Attend Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome Programming Events
August 17-25, 2023
All new students are required to attend Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome programming
August 17-25, 2023. We also encourage parents, family members and guests to join us for a separate Orientation experience on August 17-18. Register and see more family opportunities here:
Please email for any questions.
All international students must complete all Orientation components (Online Orientation, Pre-Departure Orientation, Global Triton Welcome and Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome).
May 2023: A Triton Portal Live email will be sent to you on how to Complete Online Orientation. Register for the following: (1) Pre-Departure Orientation, (2) Global Triton Welcome and (3) Triton Take Off: Orientation + Welcome. (Also see checklist items on Triton Portal.)
June-July, 2023: Attend Pre-Departure Orientation
July 1, 2023: Meet with Academic Advisor to help enroll you into classes.
August 1, 2023: Deadline to complete Online Orientation (Part 1)
August 11, 2023: Earliest date to move-in to residence hall on campus
August 11-13, 2023: Airport pick-up for International Students living on campus
August 14-20, 2023: Global Triton Welcome
August 17-25, 2023: Attend Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome Programming Events. All F1 and J1 undergraduate and graduate students must attend all required Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome Programming.
Please email Sarah Jimenez for any questions.
If you are a domestic graduate student, please see the UMSL Graduate School for more details on Orientation and next steps at gradwelcome.html for more details on Orientation and next steps. Please email for any questions.
Orientation is mandatory for all first-time college students and transfer students. Orientation is a two-step process:
1. Completing Online Orientation by August 1, 2023.
2. Attending Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome signature events each day.
Students are required to complete the Online Orientation by August 1, 2023 and to attend the Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome signature events from August 17-25, 2023.
August 17-25, 2023: Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome includes a series of events designed to allow incoming new and transfer students to do the following:
Learn more about UMSL campus resources and services to have a successful first semester.
Engage to build connections with others.
Discover a sense of belonging and connections to campus. Throughout the nine-day experience, we will have various events to learn more about campus, meet other students, learn about traditions and explore your new home UMSL and St. Louis area!
Here are some events – more to come August 1 on our website:
August 17, 2023: New Student Move-in Day & Triton Take-Off KickOff Evening Programming
August 18, 2023: Academic Sessions, Family/Parent/Guest Orientation Sessions, New Student Convocation, Welcome Bash
August 19, 2023: Departmental Resources Fair, Triton 101 Sessions, Evening Programming
August 20, 2023: Explore STL Excursions and Living On Campus Floor Meetings
More to come!
All students must submit your own photo to use on your TritonCard after you are enrolled in classes. Go to the website tritoncard and click on Photo Upload. Pay close attention to the photo requirements! You will be able to get your TritonCard ID during Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome August 17-25.
The TritonCard is used for:
UMSL student identification
Access to dining meal plans
Checking out books from the library
Access to the Recreation and Wellness Center
FREE admission to UMSL athletic events
Charging purchases at the TritonStore to your student account
Access to residential facilities
Check-in for appointments with advisors
For more details:
Triton Card Office
190 Millennium Student Center
To establish eligibility for accommodations, self-identify to the Disability Access Services office as having a disability and complete the following:
1. Complete the online accommodation request form located at
2. Arrange for the office to receive documentation of disability verifying and supporting the conditions for which accommodations are being requested.
3. Complete intake appointment with Disability Access Services staff (in-person, via Zoom or by phone).
For more details:
Disability Access Services
131 Millennium Student Center 314-516-5671
Having an academic support system is critical for academic achievement, degree completion, and lifelong success. Make sure you visit witha departments within the Division of Student Academic Support Services (SASS) to learn about the various comprehensive support services available for all students. You should familiarize yourself with the Division and receive academic support before you leave campus. SASS will support you through professional workshops (Commit to Success workshops); peer mentoring, gender specific mentoring, and faculty/staff mentoring, coaching, and we also offer cultural enrichment activities.The Division of Student Academic Support Services includes: | 225 Millennium Student Center 314-516-6807
MSS provides comprehensive academic support for all students who have a 2.5 cumulative GPA and above. Services provided include, but are not limited to the following: one-on-one academic coaching; academic, career and personal support along with scholarship opportunities. MSS provides a holistic approach to your growth and development as a student and person and we can't wait to meet you!
225 Millennium Student Center I 314-516-6807
UTC is committed to providing quality individual and group tutorial services to equip students with effective study skills, strategies and resources in partnership with faculty and staff in a centralized campus location. Tutorial services are designed to promote retention and degree attainment in a caring and welcoming environment for all UMSL students. Services include, but are not limited to, the following:
one-on-one individual and group paired tutoring, walk-in tutoring, student organizational tutoring, study hall and academic preparedness workshops.
Office of Student Enrichment and Achievement (SEA) | 107 Lucas Hall I 314-516-5300
The Office of Student Enrichment and Achievement provides academic support services intentionally designed for supporting UMSL students with a cumulative GPA of 2.49 and below. SEA provides academic coaching, mentoring, tutoring, holistic workshops, and manages the campus’ early alert academic system, Gateway to course support, and faculty Don’t Cancel Class support.
180 Millennium Student Center I 314-516-4332
UMSL’s federal TRIO Student Support Services department seeks to facilitate the seamless transition of eligible student participants enrolling from two- and four-year institutions while promoting college retention, persistence and graduation rates of student participants with well-rounded student support. If you are transferring from a twoor four-year institution and meet at least one of the following criteria as a first-generation college student – demonstrated economic need as defined by federal requirements (Pell grant), or have a documented disability; we welcome you to join this department. TRIO provides a comprehensive academic support model which includes targeted services such as tutoring, study hall, professional development, cultural enrichment and socio-emotional support.
For more details visit website or call Student Academic Support Services at 314-516-6807.
Considering working on-campus? Visit to see all of the exciting opportunities! Various departments could include:
Academic Departments
Disability Access Services
Information Technology Services
Multicultural Student Services
New Student Programs
Recreation & Wellness Center
Dining Services
Student Involvement
University Tutoring
Federal work-study opportunities are available only to qualifying students who receive a Financial Aid award.
UMSL also has great connections with lots of employers who recruit directly from UMSL. When it’s time to look for an internship or a job, don’t forget to visit Career Services to learn more about Handshake and other resources.
For more details:
Career Services
278 Millennium Student Center
The UMSL Triton Store is located on the second floor of the Millennium Student Center and serves as the campus headquarters for course materials, technology, supplies and officially licensed UMSL and Triton spirit wear! They offer the largest selection of discounted used, new and rental books. They also have an early bird reservation program. You can choose to pick up your books in store or have them shipped. Visit to order your books online, view store hours or see the latest UMSL gear arrivals.
For more details:
UMSL Triton Store
209 Millennium Student Center 314-516-5763
Upon completion of your Online Orientation, explore our campus through a guided tour in-person, as campus leaders navigate and you begin to leave your Triton tracks around campus! Visit with financial aid, see your classroom locations, view housing facilities and various campus departments that will become the footprint of your success. Family members and guests are encouraged to attend. View these events on
You might notice that the first few weeks of the semester are like a never-ending party! We carefully plan the beginning of each semester to give new and transfer students an opportunity to learn about student groups, explore campus, and form friendships. Many of these events include free food and prize giveaways, so you don’t want to miss out! To learn more about upcoming programs, check our social media (@umslosi), browse events on Triton Connect and look for flyers around campus! You can also visit studentinvolvement. for more information.
Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome
August 17-25, 2023
Additional Welcome Programming: August 25-September 1
The Office of Student Involvement hosts events throughout the semester to engage newly arrived students, including transfer and first-time college students. At these events, which occur every other Tuesday, students turn peers into friends while participating in amusing activities. Get ready for nonstop entertainment on Tuesdays, from arts and crafts to karaoke night or a gingerbread house decorating contest! Although the series always occurs on a Tuesday, the time moves around to include as many students as possible! Follow us on social media (@umslosi) to stay updated on New and Transfer Student Tuesday events. We hope Tuesday will be your favorite day of the week too!
There are many ways to get involved on campus, including over 75 student organizations, fraternity & sorority life, leadership, and diversity programming. It all starts with the Office of Student Involvement and Triton Connect.
Preview 75 student organizations on
Track your involvement
Build your e-portfolio
Collaborate with others
Access and submit forms
Office of Student Involvement
366 Millennium Student Center 314-516-5291
This booklet includes all the information to help jumpstart your UMSL experience! Please read all the information carefully and share with your parents and family members.
Make sure to schedule an appointment with your academic advisor to discuss your Fall 2023 class schedule and how to enroll into classes. All students must complete by July 1, 2023.
Orientation is required for all students to complete both Part 1 (Online Orientation) and Part 2 (Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome).
Part 1: Complete Online Orientation (Asynchronous Option) by August 1, 2023: You will be emailed your Online Orientation directions in May 2023 with your login directions to complete this 45-minute online tutorial by August 1, 2023. This program includes multiple sections and content including academic life, student support resources, triton technology, financial services, and registration. You can complete this Asynchronous Orientation at your own pace, but it must be completed in one sitting. You can complete this Orientation prior to or after your individual academic advising appointment.
Summer 2023 – stay tuned for campus next steps webinars and updates via your email.
Upon completion of your Online Orientation, explore our campus through a guided tour in-person, as campus leaders navigate and you begin to leave your Triton tracks around campus! Visit with financial aid, see your classroom locations, view housing facilities and various campus departments that will become the footprint of your success. Family members and guests are encouraged to attend.
View these events on our webpage at
The Office of Residential Life and Housing is committed to maintaining a learning environment for first-year students, transfers and returning UMSL students while living on campus. Apply and view the live on campus options on their website at For more information, contact their office at or 314-516-6877.
Make sure to download our Tritons Connect App & UMSL Mobile Apps for welcome events, maps, shuttle schedules and more. Go to for important dates/events.
Triton Take-O
August 17-25, 2023
Part 2: All students are required to attend Triton Take-Off: Orientation + Welcome Programming August 17-25, 2023, where we will have various events to learn more about campus, meet other students, learn about traditions and explore your new home UMSL and St. Louis area!
We also encourage parents, family members and guests to join us for a separate Orientation experience on August 17-18. See additional family engagement at our website at parent-and-family-programs/index.html
Fall Semester 2023
August 21, 2023