Triton Manual & Planner 2024-2025 edition

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Anheuser-Busch Ecology A-8 and Conservation Complex [ABE]

Anheuser-Busch Hall [ABH] C-5

Arts Administration Building [AAB] D-4

Benton Hall [BH] B-8

Blanche M. Touhill Performing D-4

Arts Center [PAC]

Boiler Garage / Surplus Property [BG] E-11

UMSL Accelerate / Campus E-5

Police Building [CPB]

Clark Hall [CH] C-6

E. Desmond Lee Technology E-11 and Learning Center [TLC]

Education Administration D-11 Building [EAB]

Express Scripts Hall [ESH] C-5

Fine Arts Building [FAB] G-5

Kathy J. Weinman Children’s Advocacy E-11 Centre and Center for Trauma Recovery [KWC]

J.C. Penney Building / Conference C-7 Center [JCP]

Lucas Hall [LH] C-6

Mark Twain Building [MTB] D-2

Marillac Hall [MH] D-11

Millennium Student Center [MSC] D-6 and Student Services

Millennium Student Center E-5

Garage North [MGN]

Millennium Student Center E-6

Garage South [MGS]

Music Building [MB] C-9

Nursing Administration Building [NAB] E-13

Oak Hall [OAK] E-13

Patient Care Center [PCC] D-9

Provincial House [PH] and E-12

Pierre Laclede Honors College [HC]

Recreation and Wellness Center [RWC] D-7

Regional Center for Education E-2 and Work [RCEW]

Research Building [RB] B-8

Richard D. Schwartz Observatory [RSO] G-5

Print and Mail Services [JCP] C-7

Science Learning Building [SLB] B-8

Sculpture and Ceramics Annex [SCA] F-4

Seton Center Hall [SC] E-12

Social Sciences and Business B-6 Building / Tower [SSB]

South Campus Classroom Building E-11 [SCCB] and Child Development Center

South Campus Computer E-12 Building [SCB]

South Campus Garage [SCG] F-13

Stadler Hall [SH] B-8

St. Louis Mercantile Library [SLML] C-6

Thomas Jefferson Library [TJL] C-6

University Meadows Apartments [UMA] D-11

Villa Building [VB] E-11

Ward E. Barnes Building [WEB] E-11

West Drive Garage South [WDGS] B-7

William L. Clay Center for A-8 Nanoscience [CNS]

Woods Hall [WH] C-8

Campus Map

Here it is – your first college book! We hope that any information you learn now about the University of Missouri-St. Louis will help make your transition to college life a smooth one.

This manual will introduce you to some of the most important departments and services at UMSL. In order for you to thrive as a college student you need to understand how to navigate your college campus and tap in to the many resources and opportunities that can be found here.

We are excited to help you understand academic expectations, learn where to go for help with everything from studying to writing papers, and discover ways to get involved on campus and in the community.

The goal of this publication – and of everyone on campus – is to help you feel at home at UMSL so that you can make the most of the wonderful living and learning environment that surrounds you here!


Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

The University of Missouri–St. Louis strives to provide an environment that develops and inspires creative thinkers and leaders for lifelong success. All campus community members are responsible for creating general conditions conducive to learning. Students are expected to read your syllabus (a course outline or description), attend class regularly, participate in class discussions, and ask questions. Faculty members are expected to set clear guidelines, give honest feedback and uphold standards.

Achieving a degree from the University of Missouri–St. Louis is a prestigious accomplishment. It signifies that you have met all of the requirements and learned the body of knowledge necessary for your chosen discipline. The value of your degree is greatly diminished when grades are not achieved honestly.

Additionally, we are committed to sustain a safe and healthy campus community of engaged students. A student at the University assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the University’s function as an educational institution and voluntarily joins a community of high-achieving scholars. Students must adhere to community standards in accordance with the University’s mission and expectations as outlined in the University of Missouri Standard of Conduct. These expectations have been established to protect a specialized environment conducive to learning that fosters integrity, academic success, personal and professional growth, and responsible citizenship.


UMSL is committed to creating an environment absent of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, stalking, and domestic and dating violence and abuse.

UMSL prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, protected veteran status, and any other status protected by applicable state or federal law. The campus provides reasonable accommodations to students (and employees) related to pregnancy,

Examples of behaviors that are policy violations include:

• Cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized use of artificially created content, and sabotage

• Using or selling drugs on University property, including marijuana

• Physical, verbal, graphic or written conduct that is threatening or endangers the health and safety of another

• Engaging in or encouraging underage drinking

• Hazing for initiation, admission into, affiliation with or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization

• Tobacco use, including vaping

• Substantial disruption to university operations, functions, activities (in-person and through technology resources)

• Sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, stalking on the basis of sex, dating/intimate partner violence, and sexual exploitation

• Failure to comply with university officials acting in the performance of their duties

Any student who commits, aids or attempts to commit violations of the UM System Standard of Conduct ( rules/programs/ch200/200.010_standard_of_ conduct) will be subject to disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct. If you observe such behavior, please notify Student Conduct & Academic Integrity at or 314-516-5211.

You can find the Student Code of Conduct online at

childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions, as well as adoption or placement of a foster child, including adjustments to attendance requirements, course due dates, leaves of absence, and other similar modifications. This commitment makes our university a better place to work, learn and innovate. Students concerned about discrimination, a possible violation of their rights or who want to discuss available options may seek assistance from the Title IX & Equity Offce.

You can find more online at index.html.


The University Bulletin serves as a campuswide resource that describes academic policies and requirements for students enrolled as an undergraduate and university requirements for undergraduate academic programs. It includes


Everyone needs support to succeed. At UMSL you will have support in abundance. A key member of your support success team at UMSL is your Academic Advisor. Your advisor will guide you through your educational journey and help you make informed decisions based on accurate information. Your advisor is a key resource that can help you make connections with a variety of campus resources, academic and non-academic, that will help you to maximize your success at UMSL.

Academic Advisors

The advisor and student are engaged in a collaborative, respectful relationship and learning process with one another. Both the student and advisor have responsibilities in their shared partnership as noted below:

Advisors’ Responsibilities:

• Be accessible to students during posted office hours, in-person, by phone, email or Zoom.

• Explain the university’s programs, requirements, policies and procedures.

• Provide timely and accurate information.

• Listen carefully to students’ questions and concerns.

• Assist students in making realistic plans consistent with their abilities and interests.

• Make referrals based on students’ needs and available resources.

• Assess progress and communicate it clearly.

• Encourage students to develop and maintain a collaborative, professional relationship with assigned advisor(s).

degree programs, 4-year plans of study, general education requirements and a list of all academic majors, minors and course work for your specific college degree. Your academic advisor will also refer to and use this resource to make sure you are on the right path to your degree.


Students’ Responsibilities:

• Contact or make yourself available to meet with advisors in-person, by phone, email or Zoom during scheduled appointment times or posted office hours.

• Reach out to your advisor if you have any questions or issues that you need help with.

• Prepare a list of questions and concerns for each advising session.

• Acquire knowledge about the university’s programs, requirements, policies and procedures.

• Provide honest, accurate information to the advisor such as: transfer credits, complete transcript information from other educational institutions, advanced credit, placement test results, etc.

• Clarify personal values and goals and interact in the decision-making process.

• Follow through with suggestions, referrals and resources.

• Keep a record of academic progress and accept responsibility for academic decisions and performance.

• Work to develop and maintain a mutual relationship with assigned advisor(s).



Resources and

Information: Students have access to several resources on campus for selecting a major, discussing career options and planning a curriculum appropriate to their needs, interests and academic strengths. Through the advising program, students develop a working relationship with assigned advisor(s).

Students who are exploring majors work individually with advisors in the College of Arts and Sciences, and may utilize assessments to assist them in determining how their own personalities and interests can influence decisions regarding majors or career fields.

For additional information about the academic advising process, locations or contact information for your advisor, visit

College of Arts and Sciences

303 Lucas Hall 314-516-5501 College of Business

107 Anheuser-Busch Hall 314-516-5888


For future terms, you will register using your Self-Service Student Center in MyView. Registration appointment times will indicate when you can begin to register.

Talk to your academic advisor each semester and use the tools available in the Schedule of Classes, My Degree and the University Bulletin to assist with course selection.

Search for Classes: Locate classes by subject, title and other identifying criteria. Preview class times, dates, locations, instructor and section status. Courses entered on your MyDegree Academic Mapper feed to Schedule Planner each semester helping to create a quick and easy registration process.

Schedule Planner: With this tool you can easily generate a class schedule that fits your needs.



A registration hold can be placed on your record by various campus offices for a variety of reasons. These holds are intended to help you take care of tasks or obligations that are critical to your success at the University. An example is a hold that will

College of Education

116 South Campus Classroom Bldg. 314-516-5937

Honors College Provincial House 314-516-4890

UMSL/Washington University Joint Engineering Program

216 Benton Hall

Brad Iftner, Engineering Advisor


College of Nursing

101 Nursing Administration Building 341-516-6066

School of Social Work

469 Social Sciences Building (SSB) 314-516-6385

prevent you from registering for classes until you have had an academic advisor appointment. If you have a question about a registration hold and how to resolve it, you can start by asking your college academic advisor. They will either resolve the hold or direct you to the office that can.

UMSL MyConnect

Connect with faculty and staff supporting you on campus. You can make appointments with your advisor, Career Services, Student Academic Support Services and other student support offices on campus through UMSL MyConnect.

You will also receive notifications through UMSL MyConnect referring you to other offices, action items you may need to take (To-Do’s) and academic concerns raised by your instructors (Flags).

UMSL MyConnect can be accessed through your MyGateway portal. The instruction Guide can be found on the Advising website: studentgettingstartedguide2018.pdf


209 Millennium Student Center 314-516-5763

Textbook Department: 314-516-5767 |

The UMSL Triton Store is located on the second floor of the Millennium Student Center and serves as the campus headquarters for course materials, technology, supplies and officially licensed UMSL and Triton spirit wear. The UMSL Triton Store accepts cash, checks, major credit cards, Triton Store gift cards and student charge. Enrolled students can carge up to $1,250.00 on their UMSL student ID card for books and merchandise. Purchases made with the TritonCard will appear on the monthly bill from the Cashier’s Office.


131 Millennium Student Center | 314-516-5671

The mission of Disability Access Services (DAS) is to acknowledge the uniqueness of each student as a valuable member of the UMSL community. Recognizing UMSL’s commitment to equal access to education, we strive to ensure full and equal participation in all education opportunities by:

• Providing individualized, appropriate accommodations and services

• Maintaining a high level of involvement with campus administrators, faculty and staff

• Helping students with disabilites develop and maintain independence and self-advocacy skills for college and beyond

Student Responsibilities:

If you are a student with a disability, you are expected to complete the same degree requirements as your peers. We are here to provide reasonable accommodations to support your academic success.


College is challenging. Seeking help early and often can support your academic goals. Don’t struggle through a course without seeking help. It’s everywhere and all you have to do is ask.

The UMSL Triton Store carries a variety of products and services to meet the needs of the campus community:

• Textbooks/course materials (rental, new, used and digital options)

• University apparel and gifts

• School and office supplies

• Study guides and test preps

• General reading books/popular magazines

• Art supplies

• Computer supplies/hardware/software

• Snacks/beverages

• Toiletries/over-the-counter medications

• Graduation regalia

• Fax services

• USPS 1st class stamps

• UPS shipping service

Registering Procedures:

1. Complete the DAS Accommodation Request Form online at

2. Arrange fo the Disability Access Services office to receive documentation of disability from a licensed provider

3. Schedule an intake interview to discuss accommodations, policies and procedures

Services Available Through DAS Include:

• Specialized testing accommodations (extended time, quiet environment, etc.)

• In-class accommodations

• Alternate textbooks

• Certified ASL interpreters and CART

• Special furniture accommodations

• Transcription

• Emergency location procedures for mobility challenged students

• Procedures for mobility-impaired students

Many academic departments offer tutoring services. Resources such as the chemistry department are staffed by tutors and teaching assistants. They offer drop-in course assistance throughout the day.


222 Social Science Building | 314-516-6863 math-center.html

Writing Center: Writing%20Center/index.html

Students needing help to improve their mathematics or writing skills are able to receive free assistance in the Math and Writing Academic Center.


The Student Academic Support Services (SASS) unit provides UMSL attending students with comprehensive support in the areas of tutoring, academic coaching, developmental workshops, mentoring and leadership development through a variety of support services offerings to encourage and promote student success. Services are free to all UMSL attending students.

Student Enrichment and Achievement (SEA)

107 Lucas Hall | 314-516-5300

Student Enrichment and Achievement collaborates with students to create a culture of enrichment and achievement through a commitment to holistic and individualized support. SEA strives to educate, equip and empower students to fully engage in their academic improvement and the pursuit of personal and academic success.

Students served include: conditional admits, students on academic probation, suspension reinstatements, Financial Aid SAP Back on Track referrals, early alerts, at-risk populations, students with a cumulative GPA of 2.499 or lower.

The following services are offered: success coaching, early alert management, referrals to campus resources, mentoring, workshops, programming and course support for gateway courses with high instances of D, F or W grades.


125 Stadler Hall | 314-516-5000

This facility lets students have informal learning experiences in science areas. Tutors are free and available to students in areas of chemistry, biochemistry, biology, physics and psychology.

Multicultural Student Services (MSS)

225 Millennium Student Center | 314-516-6807 |

MSS provides comprehensive student support services for all students who have a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher. Our professional team supports you with intentionality and care, and understands that life goes on outside of the classroom. Services provided include, but are not limited to, the following: one-on-one academic coaching; academic, career and professional workshops (Commit to Success workshops); peer mentoring, gender specific mentoring and faculty/staff mentoring; leadership development; cultural enrichment activities; and scholarship opportunities.

Our space was designed with you in mind! In it, you can study, relax, hang-out or connect with friends. We can’t wait to see you!!

University Tutoring Center

225 Millennium Student Center | 314-516-6807

The University Tutoring Center (UTC) is committed to providing you with opportunities to be a successful college student. When you utilize the services provided, you are equipped with effective study skills, strategies and resources to enhance your overall learning experience and empower you to achieve student success. UTC provides you with a variety of tutorial supports:

• Paired-Peer Tutoring: Earn up to five hours of individualized tutorial support a week from a UTC-trained tutor. You can request up to two subject areas (more if availability is there).


• Walk-In Tutoring: UTC offers on-the-spot tutoring in our walk-in format. Come visit us from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. to receive math or writing support. In addition, we offer a variety of high-need courses, such as biology, chemistry, psychology, etc.

• Online Tutoring: You can receive tutorial support from the comfort of your home. Some courses are offered 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week.

• Alumni Tutoring: For some courses, you can work with a previous UMSL student to receive up to five hours of tutorial support a week.



Thomas Jefferson Library

314-516-5060 |

St. Louis Mercantile Library

314-516-7240 |

The Libraries will be under renovation throughout the 2024-2025 academic year. The building will remain open, but some services may not be available at all times.

Academic Year Regular Hours of Operation:

Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.-10:30 p.m.

Friday 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Saturday 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Sunday 12 p.m.-8 p.m.

Public Service Desk:

The Thomas Jefferson Library’s Public Service Desk is the single service point for the Library and is located just inside the main entrance. You can visit the Public Service Desk to find out about the many services offered by the Library including:

• Research assistance from a librarian

• Checking out books

• Requesting books and articles from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan

• Checking out books from our bestseller collection

• Checking out a study room for individual or group study

• Using the book scanners located on levels 3 and 5 of the Library

Personal Librarian Program:

The Personal Librarian Program (libguides.umsl. edu/personallibrarian) is a service offered by the Thomas Jefferson Library that pairs students with a librarian who can help them with their research and assignment needs. Students can expect their Personal Librarian to help them with the following:

• Finding articles, books and other information sources

• Developing research topics and search strategies

• Citing sources

• Connecting students with library specialists in all subject areas

• Decreasing anxiety about using the Library

Research Assistance: Visit the Library’s homepage at for access to the Library’s collections.

• Access research guides that help you navigate the Library’s resources on many different topics

• Chat with a librarian

• Search the Library’s databases to find books, journal articles, newspapers and more

• Schedule an appointment for research help

• See upcoming Library events

Study rooms close 30 minutes before the Library closes.


190 Millennium Student Center | 314-516-6034

We Will Be Happy to Assist You With:

• University-provided operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X)

• University-provided software (Microsoft Office 365, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Chrome)

• Virus protection (Microsoft Security Essentials)

• University-provided computing services

• MyGateway, MyView, Office 365 and Office 365

• Status of campus systems

• Password resets

• University approved software installs

• Wireless networking (Please drop by the office for this)

We Are Unable to Assist With:

• Software not provided by the university

• Student web pages

• Personal computers, unless inquiries are related to University

How to Reach Us:

• Phone us at 314-516-6034

• Drop by 190 Millennium Student Center

• Email us at


The Official University of Missouri–St. Louis Identification Card

Your TritonCard Is Used For

• UMSL Student Identification

• Access to dining meal plans

• Checking out books from the library

• Access to the Recreation & Wellness Center

• Attending UMSL athletic events FREE

• Charging purchases at the TritonStore to your student account

• Access to residence halls

• Check-in for appointments with advisors

The Accounts on Your TritonCard

• Student Account

• Access your eTritonCard at

• Meal Plan

• Sodexo Dining Dollars

View your balances for your meal plan, flex dollars and Sodexo Dining Dollars at:

Deactivating Your TritonCard

• Deactivate your TritonCard immediately if it is lost or stolen

• You can deactivate your TritonCard at the TritonCard Office or online at:

• Replace your TritonCard at the TritonCard Office – $15.00

Getting Your TritonCard

• Submit your own photo at

• Your first TritonCard will be issued free of charge

• View your account meal plan balances at

• All students will receive their Triton Card ID during Welcome Bag Pick-up. (Fall – Triton Take Off: Orientation + Welcome & Spring - Triton Spring Launch: Orientation + Welcome.) You must submit a photo to by August 1 (Fall) and January 1 (Spring) to help in this process.

• If you ever need to get a replacement card, you can go to the Triton Card ID office, 190 Millennium Student Center. You must bring a government issued photo ID (i.e. driver’s license, state ID, passport, etc.). A fee for the new ID will be charged.

Taking Care of Your TritonCard…


• Store your TritonCard in a protective sleeve

• Keep you TritonCard in a secure place

• Monitor your TritonCard account balances

• Carry your TritonCard with you on campus

Do Not:

• Lend your TritonCard to anyone

• Scratch the magnetic stripe

• Put your TritonCard near a magnet

For more information, visit the TritonCard O ce in 190 Millennium Student Center, go online to or call at 314-516-6034


211 Clark Hall | 314-516-5705 |

The UMSL Veterans Center serves as a first-stop resource center that supports our militaryconnected population through their entire time at UMSL. This includes GI Bill advising, navigating campus life, connecting to UMSL resources and supports, and anything else that our students might need. The UMSL Veterans Center is a dedicated space that is operated by veterans, for veterans.

Services Available:

• Admissions support including militarytranscript evaluation

• GI Bill advising and certification

• State and federal veteran education benefit support

• Veteran-to-veteran peer support

• Networking with veteran specific employers

Our lounge is a designated place on campus where you can study, relax, socialize and access available veteran resources. The office is staffed by the VA certifying official and VA work-study students who are well-versed in UMSL and VA policies and procedures.

Triton Vets:

Student Veterans of America (SVA) Chapter, Triton Vets, is a student organization whose goals are to advance the interests of veterans on UMSL’s campus, build a community of veterans to support each other academically and socially, and give back to the community through volunteer service projects. Check out Triton Vets at


362 Social Sciences Building (SSB) 314-516-5753 |

Study Abroad

The UMSL Global Study Abroad office supports students throughout the entire study abroad process, from your first advising appointment to your return to UMSL.

• Study abroad options range from two weeks to a full year! Choose from over 50 exchange partners and 10 faculty-led programs in more than 30 countries.

• Gain self-confidence, independence and intercultural competencies while traveling overseas.

• Scholarships are available through UMSL Global and most students can use their financial aid.

• Details on all programs are available at: Contact us at to set up an appointment with a study abroad advisor to find the program best suited to your personal, academic and career goals!

Contact us at to set up an appointment with a study abroad advisor to find the program best suited to your personal, academic and career goals!

International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)

International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) is part of the UMSL Global division of the university and provides comprehensive assistance and support to the international student community at UMSL in various areas, including:

• Initial Adjustment Support: ISSS supports incoming international students and scholars in F-1 and J-1 status in their transition to the United States.

• Information & Advice: ISSS provides guidance on F-1 & J-1 immigration regulations, tax assistance, cultural differences, financial matters and personal concerns.

• Cross-Cultural Programming: ISSS organizes activities and engagement opportunities to promote cross-cultural understanding.

ISSS is here to assist international students throughout their academic journey at UMSL. Please reach out if you have any questions or need support at

Passport Services

UMSL Global operates a passport application acceptance facility in 301 SSB, open to any U.S. citizen. For more information, or to make an appointment, please visit:


There are many housing-related resources for students – no matter where you live.

Residential Life and Housing

121 Oak Hall | 314-516-6877 |

The Office of Residential Life and Housing is committed to designing and maintaining a learning environment that encourages academic success, student engagement, personal growth and personal responsibility. We firmly believe that living on campus significantly contributes to the educational and developmental growth of students. We create a safe, clean and comfortable environment that is a student’s home away from home while fostering their collegiate development.

Where you live will vary during your time at UMSL. Some of you may live on campus in a residence hall, while some may be traveling to campus. Many of you may live within a mile or two of campus and walk, bus or bike to class. No matter where you live, there are great resources available to make the University of Missouri–St. Louis feel like home.


On-Campus Housing

Welcome to your new home away from home.

The Residential Life and Housing office offers lots of extras to make your residence hall room feel like home. Read on for lists of what to bring and not to bring, and details on programs and policies designed to help students thrive in a safe, nurturing environment.

Here are some details on how rooms are assigned –and when you can move in:

Housing Assignments

You will get your room assignment by late June. Students can now view their housing assignment and who they will be living with through Triton Housing Portal (the same location where they filled out an application/contract).

Move-In dates

• Thursday, August 15, 2024: New Student Move-In for Oak Hall begins at 8 a.m. First year students, please refer to the Triton Housing Portal site for your housing assignments and move-in information.

• Friday, August 16, 2024: Returning Students Move-In begins at 8 a.m.

• Watch for your housing assignment (end of June) and remember your move-in day and time.

• Make a list of what you have for your room and what you need. Be in touch with your suitemates to avoid bringing duplicate items.

• Familiarize yourself with the community policies and standards.

• Check your (parent’s) homeowner’s insurance coverage information and/or look into renter’s insurance (built into housing application for ease, if you desire.)


The University of Missouri–St. Louis is a safe learning environment for students. The safety of those on campus is not only the responsibility of the UMSL Police Department, but also the students, staff and faculty. The department fulfills its duty with fully certified and empowered full-time law enforcement officers who serve UMSL’s campus 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Campus Police

35 Performance Drive 314-516-5155 |

Parking and Transportation

35 Performance Drive 314-516-4190 |

Emergency Vehicle Services

UMSL’s Police Department is available to recharge vehicle batteries or assist in contacting an off-campus tow truck company.

Student Parking Permits

Currently enrolled students with vehicles are required to obtain a Student Parking Permit. Students may receive their Permanent Parking Permit from the Student Financial Services Office located in 327 Millennium Student Center. There is no additional cost for a parking permit.

Campus Shuttle Service

The university provides students, faculty, staff and visitors free access to campus shuttle services. Shuttle service is available Monday-Thursday (7:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m.) and Friday (7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.)

• Campus shuttles transport students around campus, and between the North and South campuses. Look online for the shuttle schedule.

• Shopping Shuttle provided the first Saturday and third Friday of the month.

• No shuttle service on holidays or academic breaks.

• Visit the UMSL Mobile App and the website for the current schedule:


Currently enrolled students are eligible to receive a Metro Pass for $25. This pass gives unlimited access to both Metrobus and Metrolink to students during the academic semester. Passes can be purchased in the Student Financial Services Office in 327 Millennium Student Center.

The University of Missouri–St. Louis is committed to protecting the health and wellbeing of all campus community members. Because we all “share the air”, the University is smoke and tobacco-free, which includes all University facilities, buildings and grounds.


The University of Missouri System has provided an emergency notification system on its four campuses. To be warned of any pending danger through this warning system, please update your cell phone and/or text messaging contact information. This is an opt-in system; you have to take the next step to register in this system. We strongly encourage your participation in the emergency notification system in order to be kept informed at all times while on and off campus. These emergency notifications can be sent to multiple email accounts, cell phone and landline phone numbers.

Visit to register.


Dial 314-516-5155 for a direct line to the UMSL Police Department. There are Blue Light Emergency Phones in various locations on campus. Pushing the button on the Blue Light is just like dialing 911 and will go immediately to the UMSL Police Department.


Severe Weather/Natural Emergencies


• Take shelter in safe areas of your building

• Exit gymnasiums and lecture halls, avoid glass doors and windows

• If necessary, sit or kneel on the floor under heavy furniture or against an interior wall with your hands on your head

• Do not leave your place of safety until the storm passes or you are instructed to do so

• Be prepared to change location if directed by the Building Emergency & Safety Team (BEST) Evacuation Team member or other authorities


• Drop to the floor, take cover under sturdy furniture or brace yourself in an interior door or hallway – hold on until shaking stops

• Cover your head with your arms

• Avoid glass or objects such as light fixtures or furniture that could fall

• Stay inside until after the shaking stops then pursue the safest evacuation route

• Be prepared to change location if directed by the BEST Evacuation Team or other authorities

• Do not enter buildings that are damaged

Fire/Explosion/Hazardous Material Release

• Activate the nearest fire alarm

• Evacuate the building immediately and close doors behind you

• Call Campus Police

• Do not return to the building unless you are instructed by someone in authority

• Assist or report any persons who need help evacuating

• Be prepared to change location if directed by the BEST Evacuation Team or other authorities

Suspicious/Criminal Activity


• Immediately call Campus Police

• Describe the event, location and the person(s) involved

• Do not approach or confront the person(s)


• If you hear gunfire, leave the building and call Campus Police

• If you cannot leave, lock or barricade yourself in the nearest room – hide and be quiet

• If a violent person threatens you in your hiding area, take actions to save your life

• Follow the “Run, Hide, Fight” training used on campus (pro-active response options in the event of an active shooter incident)

Medical Incidents

• Immediately call Campus Police

• Only move the patient [an injured/ill person] if the current location places them in danger

• Stay with patient until help arrives

• Stay on phone with dispatcher until medical personnel arrive

Elevator Malfunction/Utility Failure

Elevator Malfunction

• If confined inside the elevator, use the emergency telephone and activate the elevator emergency bell

• If you are outside the elevator and hear the elevator emergency bell, call Campus Police

• Police dispatcher will send appropriate assistance

Utility Failure (electric, gas, water)

• Call Campus Police

• During short interruptions, remain in place unless notified to leave

• During prolonged utility failure, exit corridors and stairs while temporary emergency lights are on

Call Campus Police

• Call 314-516-5155 (pre-program/speed dial in your phone)

• Use Red Phones located inside buildings

• Use Blue Light Emergency Phones located outside of buildings throughout campus

Emergency Notification

To assure that you are notified in an emergency, verify your contact information is current:

• Students should go to and employees should go to

• Sign in, click on “Personal Information”, click “UM Emergency Information”

• Enter all phone numbers and e-mail addresses where you wish information to be sent

Assistance for Students with Disabilities

• Students are encouraged to self identify their special needs and develop a plan with Disability Access Services

• You have the right to make your own decisions about your life-safety evacuation assistance

• If assistance is needed during an emergency, call or ask someone to call the Campus Police


Student Financial Services Office

327 Millennium Student Center

Cashier’s Office | 314-516-5151

Financial Aid | 314-516-5526

Online Student Account Access



Financial Aid

Students should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by February 1st for priority consideration of federal, state and institutional aid. The FAFSA must be renewed for each academic year. The UMSL school code is 002519. The General Scholarship application is accessible by visiting the Financial Aid homepage and due by April 1st. Students will be notified over the summer via their UMSL email account of their financial aid award package for the upcoming academic year. The award package may include grants, scholarships, work-study and/or federal student loans.

Undergraduate Tuition Rates for Fall 2024 – Summer 2025

Missouri/Metro Residents start at $504.00* per credit hour

Non-Residents start at $1,253.70* per credit hour

*Subject to change

*Tuition rates differ by residential status and academic program. Please see the course catalog for detailed tuition information.

Note: The cost of attendance presented is a standardized estimate of various University charges and educational expenses.

Our office subtracts the SAI (Student Aid Index determined by your FAFSA) from the estimated cost of attendance (COA). The difference is called a student’s need. The amount of any scholarships and grants you receive combined with any other needbased assistance, such as a federal work study job, cannot exceed your need. COA - SAI = NEED

Scholarship & Grant Information

These are some of the scholarships and grants you may see on your award letter. Scholarships and grants may require full time enrollment (at least 12 credit hours). All awards are contingent on funding.

Federal Pell Grant

Amounts vary and are based on enrollment and Student Aid Index (SAI). It is awarded to students with exceptional need who are seeking a first bachelor’s degree.

Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

For undergraduate students who are Pell eligible. Funding is very limited and awarded as available.

Federal TEACH Grant

Available to students pursuing a teaching degree. Visit for eligibility criteria and other information.

Bright Flight Scholarship & Access Missouri Grant

For undergraduate students who meet the eligibility criteria listed at, are enrolled full time and maintain a 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA.

Non-Resident Scholarships

Applied to non-resident fees only and cannot exceed the actual amount of eligible non-resident fees assessed any semester.

New: *Fast Track Grant (External Application)

The Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant is a new financial aid program for adults through the MO Dept. of Higher Ed. Visit fast_track.php for elibigility criteria and application.

Federal Work-Study

Federal Work-Study is awarded based on a student’s financial need and academic level. Please contact our office for a separate application. If you do not qualify for Work-Study, check for other oncampus opportunities at

Please contact Student Financial Services Office for more information on how to apply.

Receiving Your Financial Aid

• All funds (except Federal Work Study) will be credited to your student account no sooner than 10 days before the semester starts.

• The amount of accepted aid will be split in half between the fall and spring semesters.

• Financial Aid will automatically apply to tuition, fees and housing charges on your student account. You must consent for it to cover other charges, like bookstore purchases, in TouchNet.

• Refunds will be processed through the Student Financial Services Office. You can set up direct deposit in TouchNet to have any excess funds automatically deposited into your account.

Financial Aid Checklist:

Have you completed the following?

 Complete all of the items found on your To Do List in MyView

 Check your student e-mail regularly and respond to requests for additional info quickly

 Accept or Decline each award in MyView

 Provide our office with information about any outside scholarships you will be receiving

 All UMSL first-time borrowers of Stafford and PLUS loans must complete Loan Entrance Counseling & Master Promissory Note at before we can disburse any funds

 Be sure to review your financial aid renewed criteria.

 Review the Guide to Paying Fees:

I’m Still Lost! What do I do?

Every student has their own personal Financial Aid Advisor! Contact us to find out who your advisor is and let us know how we can help you!


278 Millennium Student Center | 314-516-5111

In-person Hours:

Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Virtual Hours:

Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. CST

Degree-seeking students and recent graduates receive a number of free services designed to help achieve professional goals. Career services professionals are committed to supporting our diverse and talented student and upcoming/recent graduate population.

Career Development

We offer individual support and on-line resources to guide students in choosing a major and making career decisions. FOCUS2, an on-line career planning and assessment tool, is readily available on our website.

Career Readiness/Coaching

Get ideas for how to target your resume, achieve interview success and learn strategies for finding jobs and internships.


You will get sick – it’s inevitable. The good news is that you will have access to great health care while you are at UMSL.

Health Services

131 Millennium Student Center | 314-516-5671

Health Services is dedicated to promoting health and wellness through care and education. An ambulatory care clinic with an emphasis on primary care services, Health Services is staffed by a team of medical professionals including nurses, a nurse practitioner, a physician assistant and collaborating physicians. Referrals to other providers or medical facilities are also provided as needed.

Services Provided

Allergy injections, blood glucose check, blood pressure checks, contraception/birth control, illness visits, immunizations, injury visits, laboratory testing, physical examinations, pregnancy testing, referrals, sexually transmitted illness testing, weight check and well woman exams.

Career Tools

Visit our website to access a variety of career development and job-search-related information. We have links to “What Can I Do With This Major”, O*Net (includes job outlook and salary information on a national and state level), GoinGlobal (an online resource that provides professional advice and employment information for over 28 countries and 40 U.S. cities), and to a variety of short and informative videos on career-related topics.

Internship and Job Leads

Access Handshake, UMSL’s premier career development platform. Students can use Handshake to discover employers and opportunities, submit applications, attend career events and much more!

Career Fairs and Events

Gain access to employers by stopping by employers tabling on-campus, attending our fall internship and job fair and our spring career fair and through various employer outreach opportunities throughout the year.

Health Insurance

Students are encouraged to have health insurance while enrolled at UMSL. Health insurance is available for students attending UMSL through Anthem Student Insurance. For complete information, please visit the Health Services website:

Immunization Requirements

Health Services strongly encourages all students to follow CDC guidelines on vaccinations for adults. All incoming students are required to complete a TB risk assessment on the patient portal, and students living in campus housing are required to have received vaccinations for MMR and meningitis. Limited exceptions are possible on the basis of medical and religious reasons. Documentation of vaccinations can be uploaded to the patient portal at, as well as mailed, faxed or hand delivered to Health Services.

Counseling Services

131 Millennium Student Center | 314-516-5711

Counseling services can help you:

• Learn effective coping skills

• Overcome barriers to success

• Build self-confidence

• Clarify values and set priorities

• Build healthy relationships

Personal Counseling

Personal counseling can help you navigate through times of stress and/or overcome barriers to your success. Our approach is to focus on your strengths and help you to help yourself. Some


314-516-2348 | campusrecreation/

The Recreation and Wellness Center, also known as Campus Recreation, offers a first-class recreation facility to students and the UMSL community. Student membership is included in your student tuition. A membership gives you more than just access – we have a wide variety of equipment, classes, programming and recreational opportunities in our 100,000 square feet of dedicated recreation space

• 14,000 square feet of open fitness space

• Variety of cardio equipment including treadmills, ellipticals and much more


144 Millennium Student Center

Visit website to request assistance.

Provides students with case management and other support and services to address unmet basic needs and other challenges they may be facing outside of the university that impacts their ability to succeed academically. These challenges may include things like food insecurity, housing instability, lack of childcare and financial emergencies.

Triton Pantry

170 MSC |

Triton Pantry is a food resource for any enrolled UMSL student who is experiencing or is at risk

of the common issues for which students seek counseling include stress or anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, relationship or family issues, loss or grief, a history of abuse, etc.

We take the confidentiality of your contacts with us very seriously. Except for the case of very extreme situations, both the content of counseling sessions and the fact that a student has used our services are kept strictly confidential.

Counseling Services also provides immediate services to any student experiencing a mental health crisis. If you are in crisis and need to be seen immediately, you can walk in during office hours to be seen by the walk-in counselor.

• Top of the line strength and functional training equipment

• 2 hardwood gym courts for basketball, volleyball, badminton and open recreation

• 1 multi-activity court with dasher board system for indoor soccer and floor hockey

• Scenic indoor track with short and long loop as well as an incline/decline feature

• State-of-the-art aquatics facility to meet both your fitness and leisure needs

• Lap lanes for exercise and lessons

• Zip line and bouldering wall

• Vortex for aquatics classes

• Leisure space for lounging, aquatics sports, whirlpool and more

• Multi-pupose rooms for fitness classes, dance and other activities

• Locker rooms with day and rental lockers, plus dry saunas

of food insecurity or hunger. The Triton Pantry is located at the lower level of the Millennium Student Center.

The Triton Pantry uses a self-choice model. After checking-in through the Triton Connect app, or giving their name at the check-in desk, students are welcome to walk around the pantry and choose the items that will work best for their needs. Nonperishable, fresh, frozen, and canned foods, as well as household items such as toiletries and personal items including period supplies are available. Quantities and selection vary from week to week. In addition, student parents can sign up to pick up diapers on a monthly basis from the Triton Pantry.


225 Mark Twain Building | 314-516-5661

UMSL Athletics is home to 19 NCAA Division II intercollegiate sports teams that compete in the Great Lakes Valley Conference. Our outstanding student-athletes excel in competition, deliver Triton pride across campus, and carry on a history of success and achievement.

Men’s sports include baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, swimming, indoor and outdoor track and field, and tennis. Women’s sports include basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, indoor and outdoor track and field, and volleyball. Scholarships are offered in each intercollegiate sport.

All home athletic events are FREE for students, faculty and staff with an UMSL ID. All home events take place on campus at the Mark Twain Building, Softball Field on North Campus or the Baseball Field on South Campus.

All games, home and away, can be watched on the GLVC Sports Network through the GLVCSN App or at

As successful as our student-athletes are in their field of play, they are equally as impressive academically. The Tritons consistently boast an above average graduation rate, and consistently establish a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.3.

Visit our website at for up-todate news, schedules and results, and come out to a game to cheer on your Tritons!

Follow @UMSLAthletics on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook


WHERE PEOPLE FIND THEIR PEOPLE! Come have fun and make UMSL home!

366 Millennium Student Center | 314-516-5291

Website - Email us -

Follow @umslOSI on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok!

Here in the Office of Student Involvement (OSI), we are committed to engaging students in exploring their curiosities, developing passions, gaining a better understanding of self and others, and

creating lasting community. There are so many ways for all students to make their time at UMSL impactful.


The Office of Student Involvement has several ways for you to get involved during your time at UMSL

• New Student Experience

• Student Organizations

• Fraternity & Sorority Life

• Campus Programming with the University Program Board

• LGBTQ+ & Diversity Initiatives

New Student Experience

We know that starting at a new school can be scary, but the Office of Student Involvement is here to make the transition to UMSL as smooth and stress-free as possible! By packing the first few weeks of each semester with events, meetups and social gatherings, we provide you with endless opportunities to make new friends and get connected to campus life. Whether you join us for a campus scavenger hunt, morning yoga or arts and crafts, you will always be greeted with a smile and a friendly face!

Don’t worry – the fun never stops at UMSL! The Office of Student Involvement continues to host events and programs throughout the semester to engage new students. All of our events are designed to build friendship, connect students to clubs/ organizations or create life-long memories through unique experiences. By the end of your first semester, we hope that you feel welcomed to our campus. If you are still searching for a community, reach out and we will find your people! At UMSL, you automatically start with a friend – the Office of Student Involvement!

Student Organizations

You have some exciting years ahead, but you have to make the most of them inside and outside the classroom. Getting involved can be intimidating, but joining a student organization is one of the best ways to meet new people in an open and friendly environment. Student organizations are always looking for new members! No matter what your interest area, you can probably find a student organization that fits you.

As an UMSL student, you automatically have access to our engagement software, known as Triton Connect. Triton Connect is your hub for all things

involvement and is a great place to start to browse student organizations, learn details of upcoming events and find passions you didn’t even know you had! To activate your Triton Connect account, just visit to get started.

We promise, involvement has never been so easy!

Campus Programs through the University Program Board University Program Board (UPB) is THE student programming board on UMSL’s campus – if it’s fun, we’ve done it. We host dozens of events for students each semester! Our events span from educational programs to the just-for-fun events. We help make your UMSL experience unforgettable! Be sure to follow along on social media to keep up to date about all the events we plan: @umslUPB.

Past events have included:

• Drive-In Movie

• Murder Mystery Dinner

• Bingo & Game Shows

• Cooking Class

• Lunch & Learns

• Mirthweek Carnival

Fraternity and Sorority Life

Fraternity and Sorority Life at UMSL provides engagement opportunities and honors more than 100 years of tradition. We encourage members to become contributing and productive members of the campus and community. Fraternity and Sorority Life cultivates scholastic excellence, develops leadership skills and provides opportunities for community involvement and philanthropic pursuits while forging lifelong brotherhood and sisterhood.

Visit to learn more about the organizations recognized at UMSL and how to get involved!

LGBTQ+ & Diversity Initiatives

Throughout the year, UMSL hosts events to coincide with national history and heritage months that help the UMSL community learn about and honor the diversity of the people and cultures around us. These months are filled with a variety of activities sponsored by various campus offices for you to learn from and be involved with.

UMSL strives to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of the LBGTQ+ community and their allies. Our campus fosters an atmosphere that values and supports all individuals, no matter their identity. We do this through a multitude of engaging activities,

programs and events such as Rainbow Welcome, training opportunities, QTPOC Meet-Ups, Lavender Graduation and many more!

PRIZM is UMSL’s Queer-Transgender-Straight Student Alliance. It is the student organization’s goal to create and maintain an inclusive, safe and accepting environment on campus. PRIZM hosts monthly general meetings for members and monthly events for all students. You can join their portal on TritonConnect to get more information regarding upcoming events and how to become a member.

UMSL takes pride in developing programming that is not only identity specific but also intersectional. We work to recognize that lived experiences vary depending on how many various identities one can hold (i.e. black, queer and also having a disability). In doing so, we hold space for the community to not only feel accepted but appreciated!


The UMSL Safe Zone program serves to identify and train faculty, staff and students to be understanding and affirmative to the experiences of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning and intersex persons. Our ultimate goal is to reduce the incidence of heterosexism, homophobia and transphobia, as well as dismantle cultures of heteronormativity and cisnormativity, thereby promoting a campus that is a safer and freer place for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. For more information contact LGBTQ+ & Diversity Initiatives: | 366 Millennium Student Center | 314-516-4423


Student Government Association

Joining the Student Government Association (SGA) is a great way to help shape the university from the student’s point of view. You can also have the power to influence change for the university’s policies and operations that impact the student body. SGA serves as the collective voice for the student body and covers an extremely wide range of topics in an effort to enhance the college experience for students at UMSL. This diverse agenda allows students of all interests and talents to easily find a fit for themselves within SGA. Visit the Student Government Association portal in TritonConnect to get involved!



New Student Programs & Campus Visits (Orientation & Campus Visit questions) 314-516-5271

Admissions 314-516-5451

Triton Store (bookstore) 314-516-5763

Campus Recreation 314-516-2348

Student Financial Services

Student Account 314-516-5151

Financial Aid 314-516-5526

Food Service and Meal Plans 314-516-7301

Health, Counseling and Disability Access Services 314-516-5671

IT Helpdesk (Login and Password Information) 314-516-6034

Registration 314-516-5545

Residential Life & Housing 314-516-6877

Testing Center 314-516-6396

O ce of Student Involvement 314-516-5291

UMSL Global 314-516-5229

UMSL Homepage

UMSL Police Department 314-516-5155

MyView Website


News, events, safety information, course schedules, athletics, shuttle routes and much more are only a touch away.

Download now for free on your App Store or Google Play:

Microsoft Authenticator App

To verify your identity on UMSL various logins services.

Rave Guardian App

UMSL students, staff and faculty have an added layer of security with a free mobile app that turns any smartphone into a personal safety device.

Triton Connect App

To see all the student organizations, to view upcoming events and to get involved on campus.

Good website to view important dates and academic calendar on campus.


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