UMUC Poetics of Water Exhibition, 2011

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October 31, 2011–January 15, 2012 University of Maryland University College Arts Program Gallery

WELCOME Dear Patrons of the Arts, Welcome to The Poetics of Water exhibition. As president of a university founded in the belief that higher education should be available to anyone, anywhere, at any time, I am always delighted when our mission comes alive through cooperative efforts such as this one. Indeed, by joining forces with the Take Me to the River artists’ collective, Life Pieces to Masterpieces, and Arts for the Aging, the Arts Program at University of Maryland University College (UMUC) has taken this university’s global mission to yet another new level, culminating in an exhibition that is truly spectacular.


These remarkably diverse groups have juxtaposed poetry with visual art to create a collection of work that is every bit as intergenerational, intercultural, and interdisciplinary as they are, using a universal theme to reflect both our common experience and our individual differences. In doing so, they have not only expanded their own learning horizons, but ours as well. I am sure that you will revel in the extraordinary vision with which The Poetics of Water was produced. And, as you explore this exhibition’s many unique perspectives, I hope you will be inspired by its collaborative spirit. Sincerely,

Susan C. Aldridge, PhD President University of Maryland University College

INTRODUCTION Eric Key Director, Arts Program University of Maryland University College

When I approached Take Me to the River about doing an exhibition in conjunction with UMUC, I was excited about the opportunity to work with an artists’ collective with such a solid mission and with members all over the world. And when members of the collective told me of their plans to engage in deep collaboration with two local groups, my interest was further piqued. Now that I have seen the results of that collaboration, I could not be more pleased. The digital images and the poems written by two well-established poets and several members of Life Pieces to Masterpieces and Arts for the Aging perfectly complement each other.

It is no surprise, as the artists attended the workshops where the poems were written and drew inspiration from them. I am quite happy to have played a role in bringing The Poetics of Water to UMUC so that others can see what great things can happen when a diverse group of people—in this instance, children, seniors, poets, and artists—get together and create. They form symbiotic relationships in which both complementary and contradictory ideas emerge and inform. I owe many thanks to the workshop organizers and participants and the Take Me to the River collective. Their enthusiasm, hard work, and inspiration drove this project from start to finish. Thank you for joining us.


THE POETICS OF WATER: FROM CONCEPT TO CREATION Richard Dana Artist Co-founder and Organizer of Take Me to the River

Delighted and excited by the spring 2010 invitation from the Arts Program at UMUC to stage a project, the artists of Take Me to the River (TMTTR) quickly asked themselves: What to do? The project, of course, would include the central components of all TMTTR projects: an exhibition, a community outreach project, and an invitation to other artists to participate with TMTTR artists. But TMTTR likes to keep things organic and let each project evolve in its own unique way. The shape of the UMUC project came together as all TMTTR projects have: The collective’s artists began throwing ideas at each other. A consensus was reached relatively quickly to stage a project quite different from previous projects. Rather than conducting community outreach workshops with just students, we would work with at-risk students and older adults. Rather than just exhibiting the art created by outreach participants as a separate part of a TMTTR exhibition, we would collaborate with the participants in creating work for the exhibition. And, we would throw poets into the mix.


We first invited Kim Roberts and Dan Vera, two wellestablished poets based in Washington, D.C., to join us for the project. We then invited two regional artsrelated community service organizations to partner with TMTTR and UMUC. Arts for the Aging, which provides older adults with arts experiences, set up a workshop for 10 older adults. Life Pieces to Masterpieces, which is a development and education organization for African American males who live in underserved communities, set up a workshop for 10 of their boys and young men. The project moved out of the conceptual stage in January 2011 and was pretty straightforward in implementation. Kim Roberts led the workshops for Arts for the Aging at Brighton Gardens of Friendship Heights in Montgomery County, Maryland. Dan Vera led the workshops for Life Pieces to Masterpieces at the organization’s building in the Anacostia neighborhood of Washington, D.C. The goal of the workshops was that the older and younger participants would create poetry that references water. Each workshop met seven times, and TMTTR artists attended each. Many poems were written. As with all TMTTR projects, we invited several regional artists to participate: Joan Belmar, Hsin-Hsi Chen, Eglon Daley, Victor Ekpuk, and Deirdre Saunder. Additionally, we invited three overseas artists to join us: Mary-Ann Beall (France); Neno Belchev (Bulgaria); and Jeannette Gaussi (Afghanistan).

TMTTR thanks these artists for their great enthusiasm and the great work they contributed. In May 2011, each of the 18 participating visual artists was given a poem to serve as an inspiration or point of departure for the creation of an artwork. The artists began their work with whatever media they wished, including oil paint, acrylic paint, photography, digital, glass, and collage. All the work was then converted to digital prints to give the presentation a sense of unity. Each poem is displayed next to the artwork it inspired. Paintings by the workshop participants from Life Pieces to Masterpieces are also included. The positive experiences and strong work that flowed from The Poetics of Water was very much the result of the relationships between TMTTR and a variety of individuals and organizations. TMTTR greatly appreciates the opportunity it had to work with Life Pieces to Masterpieces and program coordinator Maurice Kie, Arts for the Aging and program director Lama Dajani, and Brighton Gardens of Friendship Heights and program director Terri Adams. Finally, this project would never have taken place without the collaboration of those in the Arts Program at UMUC. Eric Key, the program’s director, and Brian Young, the program’s curator, provided critical support and advice regarding the project, for which the artists of TMTTR are extremely grateful.

“Once we started to speak about water, this project sparked a real interest in the kids. They especially wanted to learn more about the local rivers and streams. They wanted to know how it affected them.” Maurice Kie Program Coordinator, Life Pieces to Masterpieces

POETRY WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS Life Pieces to Masterpieces David Horn, 17 (mentor) Chris Stevens, 17 (mentor) DaQuann Glosson, 12 JaQuann Glosson, 12 Ricky Gresholm, 10 Edward Jackson, 10 Horus Plaza, 11 Bryan Sturghill, 12 Michael Taylor, 10 Demetrius Walker, 10

Arts for the Aging Isabell Banach Wylma Bright Norene Martin Eleanor Neiman Evelyn Schwartz Lois Sigal Connie Terry Barbara Turlington


PARTICIPATING POETS KIM ROBERTS Kim Roberts was born in Charlotte, North Carolina, and lives in Washington, D.C. She has written three books of poetry: Animal Magnetism (2011), The Kimnama (2007), and The Wishbone Galaxy (1994). In addition, she is editor of the journals Beltway Poetry Quarterly and Delaware Poetry Review and served as editor of Washington Review. She has written one nonfiction book, Lip Smack: A History of Spoken Word Poetry in DC (2010), and edited the book Full Moon on K Street: Poems About Washington DC. Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. She has a BFA in creative writing from Emerson College and an MFA in poetry from University of Arizona.


DAN VERA Dan Vera was born in Kingsville, Texas, and lives in Washington, D.C. He is the managing editor of the gay culture journal White Crane, founder of Brookland Area Writers & Artists, and co-publisher of VRZHU Poetry Press. He authored the book The Space Between Our Danger and Delight (2008), and contributed to the anthologies Full Moon on K Street: Poems About Washington DC (2010), Dog Blessings (2008), and D.C. Poets Against the War (2004). His work has been included in a variety of other publications, such as Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Delaware Poetry Review, Konch, Red Wheelbarrow, and White Crane Journal. Vera has a bachelor’s degree from Southwestern University and a master’s degree in divinity from Iliff School of Theology.


Water is creation Water is elevation Water is dedication Water is inspiration

Historically, members of Life Pieces to Masterpieces have been encouraged to create works of art based upon the theme of water. Their artworks, above and at left, will be on display along with but separately from the professional artworks that follow.

Poem exerpt by Chris Stevens, 17 Life Pieces to Masterpieces


Water DaQuann Glosson, 12 Life Pieces to Masterpieces Water flows bank to bank Water is dangerous Water is soft Water is beautiful Water is ugly Some people think it horrifying but I think differently Water falls from high Water falls short Water is deep and water is shallow I drink water You do too Water is dirty and water is clean I love water Animals do too




Untitled David Horn, 17 Life Pieces to Masterpieces find me warm, keep me cold, delete my germs, boil me. I’m liquid, I’m ice, I’m wavy I’m nice, so toy with me. I’m always here, I’m in your tears 90% of your body, loyalty. Project and eject out of your body, orally, Mythical, but visual so much control and power. Mix me with strong winds and I can go psycho in an hour. Mix me with flour I become pancakes. Mix me with soap, I’m a clean handshake. Release as energy I become sweat, release from sadness I become tears.


Snow Lois Sigal Arts for the Aging It really is a blanket, soft and white cooling all I like to play in it though it’s cold to touch, it’s warm in feeling— you know?




My Quiet Place Norene Martin Arts for the Aging It gurgles, it dances, it plays with light. Sun, shade make play. Sometimes it rushes, this stream that I sit beside. If you sit there, be quiet. Soon this stream reaches the river—the ocean— eternity.


The Feast Isabell Banach Arts for the Aging The black kettle is securely waiting The water bubbling with a reddish film Oh the wait of the unknown in darkness. Surrounded by family and friends Our quarters are grossly crowded. A voice is heard: The surrounding darkness is filled with a powerful rumbling noise. Our world is upside down. The heat of the water is getting warmer and warmer. Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle Soon I will be ready to become someone’s delicacy at a luscious feast.




McMillan Water Treatment Plant Kim Roberts Poet In the control house, metal wheels still turn on drive-shafts but all the gauges zeroed out

like a church, and pocked with clerestory circles and half-moons where manhole covers above

decades ago. The paint has cracked into lizard skin. The clean-sand towers are hollow grey cylinders

have twisted away. Small trees sprout in cement cracks, and weeds push up between the bricks.

netted with wild vines, the levers on their undersides white with leached mineral stalactites.

I rise and exit from a cavern that’s collapsed into itself, one large grave lined in concrete and sand.

The doors to the filtration caverns burst their rusty orphan hinges. The cave-dark inside is vaulted


Spring in My City Eleanor Neiman Arts for the Aging With the winter lingering, I close my eyes to envision signs of Spring, my favorite season, Washington, DC in all its beauty. Viewed from the waters of a famous river— past the cherry blossoms, radiant in sunlight which line like a necklace the Tidal Basin. Spring is such a hopeful season.




Leaning Into One Another Connie Terry Arts for the Aging Michael and Mark were four years apart, aged 8 and 12. In the ’70s everybody had a pool it seemed of one sort or another and we joined each summer the neighborhood pool in the middle of our colonial subdivision. I would sit and watch, to look out for them as all the mothers did in the bright hard sunlight. They liked to jump in the water. I would get sunburned all the time with my fair skin I tried to cover up. I wanted to lean into something, the memory I can’t bring up, like pages in a forgotten book: how I protected them.

The older was a redhead like me. He’d later turn to drugs. The younger was blond, studious, more serious, easier to love. As an adult, he took his own life. But there was a time I could still watch them, I could protect them completely. We were leaning into one another. We were leaning into our lives.


Water Chris Stevens, 17 Life Pieces to Masterpieces Water is creation Water is elevation Water is dedication Water is inspiration Water is the human heart beat Water is 70% of mother earth Water is the contribution of everything that lives Water is love peace happiness and prosperity Water is the darkness Water is the light Water is clarity Water is cloudy Water is quiet yet so loud Water comes and goes with its own rhythm as it flows Water is weak when it wants to be and strong when it has to be Water is original and yet so natural it is unique Water is positive Water can be negative Water is destructive Water is rehabilitative Water can be strange at times, but is normal all the time Water is cool, calm, collected Water is warm, unpredictable, out of control




Our body the ocean Dan Vera Poet We gather by the sources of life our cities, our towns, our medinas from the dry fingers of death. Currents within us the amniotics of desire and production the rivers of our thinking Now comes the despoilment the refuse we return to the mother the toxins we fail to acknowledge Up at the higher plains the waters warm the oceans rise the body shakes itself loose succumbing us to the repercussions


Untitled Ricky Gresholm, 10 Life Pieces to Masterpieces I am water I like to flow If you shut the door I will still flow Drink me if you please but I will still flow even between your teeth and when you swallow me I will still flow, and when I am in the river or ocean I flow just like poetry I really like to flow all over your face; I’ll even flow all over the place. I flow like teardrops. I am nice, sweet flowing water




Lake Adequetangie, in the Adirondacks Barbara Turlington Arts for the Aging From the splintery wooden dock, look out to the raft in the middle of the small lake, pick up a canoe, pull hard the smooth paddle, correcting direction as the front swings wildly— feel the stretch of muscles, the heat of sun on bare skin, clamber up on the raft to lie on your striped towel, look back to the green shore with its small cabins and smaller people, but mostly the trees and the ice house at the end where winter’s ice, cut from the lake and smothered in sawdust waits to be sawed into smaller blocks to be carried by rowboat to waiting ice boxes and smashed in buckets for making peach ice cream.


Untitled Horus Plaza, 11 Life Pieces to Masterpieces I hear the raindrops there on my house It is sparkling It is dark We have no food




American Herring Gull Kim Roberts Poet Down from the shower’d halo, Up from the mystic play of shadows twining and twisting as if they were alive, Out from the patches of briers and blackberries, From the memories of the bird that chanted to me… —From “Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking” by Walt Whitman

Beneath a lazy whiptail of cloud, Beneath that flimsy arc of white, Under an eighth-month moon, Where the strand arcs too in a mirror of sky And each particle of sand grips inward tight and fetal Inside its hard heart, granite and yellow, Where the waves arch their backs and collapse, Where the waves inhale then collapse, And the wet curve is laid low, Down from the shower’d halo, Up from the white foam receding, Or not receding, leaving its fallen petals on the beach, Flimsy whiptail cloud-like arcs Under the wing of a gull hunting her tidbits, Surveying her beach kingdom, sea lettuce, limpet, moon shell, Where any tinfoil glint brings her swoop and dive, Where any updraft pulls her inland Over fleabane and wax myrtle, over sumac, Up where the air is cooler, where the wind quickens and revives, Up from the mystic play of shadows twining and twisting as if they were alive,

Away from the gnarled, earthbound complexities, The thickets of hurt feelings And the petty sparring of fashion; Up from the hardpan where every foot is muffled As if of no consequence, of no history, She lifts her white wings, slightly tarnished, and carries Under her hanging pink feet a windfall, An earthly tidbit brought high and clear To that place above the gridlock and worries, Out from the patches of briers and blackberries Above the North Atlantic Drift, Above the hard stretch of yellow sand, the woman Walking alone there, following the rick-rack of the tide-line, following the gentle curve of the shore, But not really alone, no, beachcombing for something unnamed Something just out of reach But part of her—I should say part of me, my doppelganger, The shadow discipled to my transmuted self, Out of the salty, amniotic sea, From the memories of the bird that chanted to me...


Bright House, Rehoboth Beach Wylma Bright Arts for the Aging A 50-year-old haven one and half blocks from the ocean and walking to the boardwalk so that we can play in the sand and stand in the rolling waves! Later on my daughter took my great granddaughter to play in the sand and water. Making sand castles for Victoria to play.




The Teeny Bikini Evelyn Schwartz Arts for the Aging Barefoot to the water’s edge the tentative first few steps—then bravado begins—quickly into the welcoming depths—cold— but comfortable—in my movements like an old friend— like company I shall return to visit as often as my time permits.


belonging by water Dan Vera Poet see the hieroglyphics in a drop of water recite the names of the infinitesimal multitudes bryozoa, protozoa, heliozoa the billion numbered hosts the angels of our common arising reminding us of our kinship by water to the rest of the world the organisms within us the cuneiform calling cards of our belonging




The waters swim in us Dan Vera Poet Siphon the meaning in this: that salt in the ocean is the same percentage of the salt in our bodies. The sea surges through us our limbs and torsos by pressured vessels through our spidery veins to the nautilus of the brain where it rides the hippocampus where memory resides and flows the hippocampus named for its shape a tiny seahorse in the center of this thought.




Mary-Ann Beall Born in Anglet, France Lives in Paris, France Water Flows Bank to Bank

Eglon Daley Born in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica Lives in Washington, D.C., United States Buzzard Point

Neno Belchev Born in Varna, Bulgaria Lives in Varna, Bulgaria Untitled (Underwater #1)

Richard L. Dana Born in Orange, New Jersey, United States Lives in Bethesda, Maryland, United States Lean

Joan Belmar Born in Santiago, Chile Lives in Takoma Park, Maryland, United States The White Box

Victor Ekpuk Born in Uyo, Nigeria Lives in Alexandria, Virginia, United States In Deep Water

John H. Brown Jr. Born in Washington, D.C., United States Lives in Alexandria, Virginia, United States Untitled

Jeannette Gaussi Born in Kabul, Afghanistan Lives in Berlin, Germany An Urban Source

David Carlson Born in Champaign, Illinois, United States Lives in Arlington, Virginia, United States Boil

Mansoora Hassan Born in Peshawar, Pakistan Lives in Washington, D.C., United States From Afrodisias to Siwa

Hsin-Hsi Chen Born in Taipei, Taiwan Lives in Rockville, Maryland, United States Grotto

Judy Jashinsky Born in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, United States Lives in Chicago, Illinois, United States Carrying Ice to Make Peach Ice Cream

Ivana Panizzi Born in Poços de Caldas, Brazil Lives in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Raindrops


Deirdre Saunder Born in Harare, Zimbabwe Lives in Washington, D.C., United States Out of the Amniotic Sea

Dan Vera Born in Kingsville, Texas, United States Lives in Washington, D.C., United States

Patricia Secco Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Lives in Marseilles, France Sewing My Sand Castle São Manoel

All works are 40 x 40 inch digital prints created in 2011.

Kim Roberts Born in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States Lives in Washington, D.C., United States

Ruźa Spak Born in Warsaw, Poland Lives in Berlin, Germany Barefoot to the Water’s Edge Betsy Stewart Born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States Lives in Washington, D.C., United States Metascules No. 6 Andres E. Tremols Born in Washington, D.C., United States Lives in Arlington, Virginia, United States Surge


COLLABORATING ORGANIZATIONS TAKE ME TO THE RIVER Take Me to the River (TMTTR) is an international collective of visual artists that was created in 2001 and stages joint projects around the world based on the theme of water. The collective invites artists from a given area or group to participate in an arts-related community outreach project and to create work for an exhibition. Its mission is to promote greater understanding among nations and peoples through collaborative, community-based projects. TMTTR works to create bridges across the boundaries that separate people: nationality, race, religion, class, and age. TMTTR projects reflect the positive diversities and similarities among people of different backgrounds.

ARTS FOR THE AGING Arts for the Aging (AFTA) is a Washington, D.C.–based arts services organization that provides outreach programs specially designed to engage older adults in health improvement and life enhancement through the arts. Since 1988, AFTA has been a pioneer in the concept of providing free community arts resources for older adults, focusing on those who are vulnerable and living with a broad range of physical and cognitive impairments.


LIFE PIECES TO MASTERPIECES Founded in 1996, Life Pieces to Masterpieces (LPTM) is a nonprofit, arts-based, year round, comprehensive youth development and education organization for African American males ages 3 to 21. LPTM serves more than 200 boys and young men annually in under-served communities east of the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., as well as incarcerated youth. LPTM’s mission is to provide opportunities, services, and support for its apprentices to discover and activate their innate and creative abilities to change life challenges into possibilities. The organization’s continuing goal is to nurture, embrace, encourage, and elevate African American boys and young men so that they grow into mature men who demonstrate social responsibility and create positive change in their communities.



The Arts Program at UMUC creates an environment in which its diverse constituents, including members of the university community and the general public, can study and learn about art by directly experiencing it.

Susan C. Aldridge, PhD President University of Maryland University College

The Arts Program seeks to promote the university’s core values and to provide educational opportunities for lifelong learning. From the research and study of works of art to the teaching applications of each of our exhibitions, the Arts Program will play an increasing role in academic life at the university. With a regional and national focus, the Arts Program is dedicated to the acquisition, preservation, study, exhibition, and interpretation of works of art of the highest quality in a variety of media that represent its constituents and to continuing its historic dedication to Maryland and Asian art.

Michèle E. Jacobs, Chair Managing Director Special Events at Union Station Anne V. Maher, Esq., Vice Chair Attorney at Law Kleinfeld, Kaplan & Becker, LLP Eva J. Allen, PhD Art Historian I-Ling Chow, honorary member Regional President and Managing Director, Ret. Asia Bank, N.A. Paula Cleggett Associate Director for Policy, The Curb Center Vanderbilt University Linda Derrick Collector and Patron of the Arts Patricia Dubroof Artist/Consultant IONA Senior Services

Juanita Boyd Hardy Director, Millennium Arts Salon Managing Principal Tiger Management Consulting Group, LLC Sharon Smith Holston, Past Chair Artist’s Representative and Co-owner Holston Originals Pamela Holt Consultant Public Affairs Administration Eric Key Director, Arts Program University of Maryland University College Philip Koch Maryland Artist Professor, Maryland Institute College of Art Thomas Li, honorary member Chairman and CEO, Ret. Biotech Research Labs, Inc. David Maril, honorary member Journalist President, Herman Maril Foundation Barbara Stephanic, PhD, Past Vice Chair, honorary member Professor of Art History College of Southern Maryland

Karin Goldstein, honorary member Art Collector


UMUC BOARD OF VISITORS Mark J. Gerencser, Chair Executive Vice President Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. Evelyn J. Bata, PhD Collegiate Professor University of Maryland University College Richard F. Blewitt President and Chief Executive Officer The Blewitt Foundation Joseph V. Bowen Jr. Vice President of Administration McKissack & McKissack David W. Bower President and Chief Executive Officer Data Computer Corporation of America Stephen A. Burch, JD Chairman of the Board of Directors University of Maryland Medical System John M. Derrick Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ret. Pepco Holdings, Inc.

Michèle E. Jacobs Managing Director Special Events at Union Station Donald S. Orkand, PhD, Former Chair Founding Partner DC Ventures and Associates, LLC

Brian Young Curator Scott Eury Production Manager

Lt. Gen. Emmett Paige Jr., Ret. Vice President of Operations, Ret. Department of Defense and Intelligence Systems, Lockheed Martin Information Technology

Donna Grove Project Manager

Charles E. (Ted) Peck Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ret. The Ryland Group, Inc.

Denise Melvin Administrative Assistant

Sharon Pinder Founder and Chief Executive Officer The Pinder Group

Kate McLoughlin Editor

Jennifer Norris Designer René A. Sanjines Fine Arts Technician

Brig. Gen. Velma Richardson, Ret. Vice President, DoD IT Programs and Special Projects IS&GS Lockheed Martin Corporation Gen. John (Jack) Vessey Jr., Ret., Member Emeritus Former Chairman U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff

Israel Feldman President Feldman & Associates

William T. (Bill) Wood, JD

Karl R. Gumtow Founder and Chief Executive Officer CyberPoint International

Joyce M. Wright Chief Claims Officer, People’s Trust Homeowners Insurance

Wood Law Offices, LLC

© 2011 University of Maryland University College. All rights reserved. Copyright credits and attribution for certain illustrations are cited internally proximate to the illustrations. All rights reserved.



Cover art: Mary-Ann Beall Water Flows Bank to Bank, 2011


ABOUT THE UMUC COLLECTIONS Since 1978, UMUC has proudly shown works from a large collection of international and Maryland artists a few miles from the nation’s capital, at the UMUC Inn and Conference Center in Adelphi, Maryland, and, more recently, at the UMUC Academic Center at Largo in Largo, Maryland. Through its Arts Program, the university provides a prestigious and wideranging forum for emerging and established artists. UMUC’s Maryland Artists Collections include more than 1,500 artworks and constitute a comprehensive collection of 20th- and 21st-century Maryland art. The university’s Asian Collections consist of more than 280 pieces of Chinese art, Japanese prints, and Balinese folk art, dating from the Sung Dynasty (960–1279 a.d.) through the 19th century, a historical reach of 10 centuries. The UMUC collection of Japanese prints includes more than 120 prints by 35 artists. Artworks from the UMUC Maryland Artists Collections and Asian Collections are on display throughout the UMUC Inn and Conference Center, which is open to the public seven days a week and is visited by more than 100,000 students, scholars, and visitors each year. ABOUT UMUC UMUC is the largest public university in the United States. As one of the 11 degree-granting institutions of the University System of Maryland, this global university specializes in high-quality academic programs tailored to working adults. UMUC has earned a worldwide reputation for excellence as a comprehensive virtual university and, through a combination of classroom and distance-learning formats, provides educational opportunities to more than 92,000 students. The university is proud to offer highly acclaimed faculty and world-class student services to educate students online, throughout Maryland, across the United States, and in 27 countries and territories around the world. UMUC serves its students through undergraduate and graduate programs, noncredit leadership development, and customized programs. For more information regarding UMUC and its programs, visit

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