Rural Women Stories

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the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

In order to energize the poorest and most vulnerable segments of society and build cooperation between the community and local authorities, the UN Women has implemented the concept of social mobilization by forming Self-Help Groups (SHG) among the most vulnerable families. These groups have been strengthened by establishing Agriculture Funds (AF) at the village level.

Hadicha Murzakulova, leader of the "Aigul" SHG: "One small handful of 150 grams of carrot seeds which I received from FAO brought me KGS 12,000 (USD 255) in income. For my large family this was a very significant help..."

After all, we have to invest KGS 30-40 thousand (USD 640 to USD 850) in our cotton field and it often happens that the harvest of cotton doesn’t even cover those expenses, so instead of profits sometimes some we are stuck with debts. And as you know, you can’t raise a family on a stack of debts."

"I knew immediately what benefits this project would bring to the villagers. After all, the basic principle of this project can be summarized as follows: "I will give you KGS 100, you invest KGS 1, and earn KGS 1000."

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