Innovative Business Development

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Empowered lives. Resilient nations.


Project Title: Innova�ve business development for local sustainable economic growth.


Project Period: 2014-2017

Project Goal: Spurring innova�ons in small and mid-sized business start-ups and business development process for the genera�on of sustainable jobs and economic growth at local level.

Objec�ves: Build knowledge for mainstreaming innova�ons into business development processes and selected cases of start-ups; Facilitate innova�ve business development for exis�ng businesses through matching/ compe��ve small awards scheme.

COMPONENT 1: Mainstreaming innova�ons into the business development Targets


1. Up to 50 entrepreneurs get consultancy on knowhow ‘innova�on in business’, support in implementa�on of already tested innova�ve solu�ons;

1. Mobile specialized consultancy services for innova�ve business development in selected communi�es;

2. Up to 25 graduates of the business incubators get tailored training on applying innova�ve business development;

2. Trainings for SMEs gradua�ng exis�ng business incubators; 3. Organiza�on and running of a Business Innova�ons Lab;

3. Up to 20 entrepreneurs directly benefit from the Business Innova�ons Lab to test their ideas.

COMPONENT 2: Enhancing knowledge of SMEs Targets


1. Up to 15 small matching awards provided to exis�ng private businesses for the implementa�on of business ideas tested in the Business Innova�ons Lab and outside; up to 50 innova�ve jobs created at local level.

1. Implementa�on of UNDP Moldova Innova�on Challenge Scheme Policy for innova�ve SMEs (MICS).

Types of innova�on projects supported within the UNDP Moldova Innova�on Challenge Scheme Policy (MICS) 1. Innova�on projects encompassing development and other precommercial ac�vi�es implemented by established Moldovan SME’s; 2. Projects in phase of innova�on development and based on a comprehensive business plan, addressing the specific iden�fied challenges and demonstra�ng high poten�al in terms of access to market and company compe��veness and growth; 3. Projects with already developed innova�ve concept or prototype which demonstrates a clear technological and economic viability; 4. Innova�on projects should represent considerable novelty to the na�onal or global market.

Amount of awards 1. The awards will cover up to 8.000 USD or maximum 60% of the total project amount for pre-commercial innova�on development projects; 2. Co-financing of at least 40% of the total project budget is to be secured by the Applicant from his/her own investments or from other sources.

Dura�on of the projects The project and the project budget must be designed so as to be completed within 12 months.

Eligible applicants to the Moldova Innova�on Challenge Scheme are: 1. The eligible Applicants are Moldovan privately owned SME, established at least 2 years before the date of applying, opera�ng in any industry sector except: catering services providing only alcoholic beverages; casinos, gambling and similar ac�vi�es; construc�on/purchase of residen�al and commercial space for housing/sales; gas sta�ons; produc�on and distribu�on of tobacco products; sales and service of cars, primary agricultural ac�vi�es; 2. The Applicant is a legal private sector, SME, registered under the applicable Moldovan Company Law; 3. The Applicant must not possess outstanding debts in terms of public contribu�ons; 4. The Applicant must not have accumulated losses above the equity value; 5. The Applicant and individual owners have not been convicted for crimes connected to business opera�ons.

Business Innova�on Lab (BIL): Business Innova�on Lab - a modern type of business innova�on accelerator with an open applica�on process, accep�ng groups of SME’s with innova�ve business ideas and suppor�ng them with mentoring, training and preparing for investments.

BIL tackles: 1. Poor access to finance; 2. Lack of entrepreneurial skills by management and employees; 3. Insufficient experience in business skills.

Accelera�on cycle for innova�ve SME’s

Prepara�on phase Buiding the mentor networks Campaining and social media

Demo Day Presenta�on of the SME’s to investors Pilo�ng

Aplica�on phase Web-based Interviews and selec�on

Post Demo Day Par�cipa�on in BIL alumni network

BIL objec�ves: Support to strengthening innova�on ecosystem in Moldova; Providing compe��ve financial support to the innova�ve projects ini�ated by groups of SMEs; Enable higher visibility of Moldovan innova�ve and startup community in the interna�onal arena; Secure area-specific knowledge via connec�ng domes�c and foreign experienced mentors; Further introduce Moldovan SMEs to foreign investors and a�rac�ng financing; Speed up technology transfer from research to industry through support to spinoffs; Prepare of innova�ve companies for addi�onal stages of financing.

Program phase Development and work with SME’s Matching financial support

Total length of one complete cycle – max 12 months Number of projects supported at a �me – max 3

“Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship...the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.” Peter F. Drucker

Address: Policy analysis, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Employment Promo�on Projects Implemen�ng Unit (PIU) United Na�ons Development Programme 131, 31 August 1989 str., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova; e-mail: phone: +373 22 839 911

Empowered lives. Resilient nations.

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