Folleto Biblioteca 18/19 (Inglés)

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must show. To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born (as I have been informed and believ

grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntari

consideration of the day and hour of my birth, it was declared by the nurse, and by some sage women in the neighbourhoo

y hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberate

nted, first, that I was destined to be unlucky in life; and secondly, that I was privileged to see ghosts and spirits; both the

soon I can. is rest, my substitute forhead, pistol and ball. Withcan a and philosophical flourish Cato throws upo from his day’s scratched himself, yawned, outmyhis paws one himself after the ysup night. Ias need say This nothing here, on the first because nothing showspread better than history whether that predictio

r degree, time or other, cherish very nearlyI have the same feelings ocean me. There is yo that part ofsome my inheritance whiletumbling, I was still a baby, not come into towards it yet.moon Butthe I do not atwith allinto complain of now having bee ropped across her four squealing cubs, and the shone the mouth of

with the was streets take youforwaterward. extreme downtown is theofbattery, that nob it. I her was surf. bornRight with aand caul,left, which advertised sale, in theIts newspapers, at the low price fifteenwhere guineas. Wheth

going to spring down hill solitary when a little shadow with aa bushy tail crossed the threshold and tI the crowds water-gazers Circumambulate of an dreamy Go from Corlea know is, thatof there was but onethere. bidding, and thatthe wascity from attorney Sabbath connectedafternoon. with the bill-broking busines

rom mentioning, and to which I will assign no fictitious name, there is one anciently common to mo

teeth go with children thatwithdrawn they thousands may forget the hungry in this world.” It leanin was argain. the advertisement was at anever deadof loss—for to sherry, poor dear mother's own sher nels all Consequently around the noble town, stand thousands upon mortalasmen fixed my in ocean reveries. Some

needaloft trouble myself repeat, as it can beI was ofpeep. no possible totothe reader, members at in half-a-crown a head, winner to spend shillings. present and I remember have felt qui high themaking rigging, as iftothe striving toinasmuch get a stillfive better seaward Butmyself, these are all landsmen; of week da runs not about mischief, and telling tales, and eating rags andconsequence pieces of leather from

ady withgone? aFor hand-basket, very from it thecrowds, stipulated fiveand shillings, all inthe halfpence, andseeming twopen n fields dowho, they here? Butushered look!produced here come pacing straight for water, and chapter. a What long time after itreluctantly, was into thismore world of sorrow trouble, by the parish surgeo

e else in the jungle, is apt to go mad, and then he forgets that he was ever afraid of anyone,

her.lee It is fact which will be longwill remembered as No. remarkable downget there, she was but died triumphant dy ofa yonder warehouses not suffice. They must justthat as nigh thenever waterdrowned, as they possibly can witho

which case it is somewhat more than probable that these memoirs would never have appeared; or, if the

en little goes mad,and forthat madness isthey thewhich most in her life,Tabaqui except upon a bridge; over herhere tea (to she was she, to virtue the last,ofexpressed nd avenues—north, east, south,and west. Yet all unite. Tellextremely me, does partial) the magnetic the needlh

being most concise specimen of extantresulted in the from of any age or countr sdewanee—the in vainthe to represent to herand that faithful some conveniences, tea biography, perhaps included, this objectionable practice. madness—and run. “Enter, then, and look,” saidliterature Father Wolf stiffly, “butSh

and of lakes. Take almost any path you please, and ten to one it carries you down in a dale, and leaves you the

no meandering.' to meander myself, at present, go aback to mybeing, birth. II was born attoBlunderstone, in Suffolk, te and enviableNot circumstance that can possiblyI will befall human do mean say that in this particu

eries—stand thatisman on hisfeast. legs, set his feet a dry bone a good Who are a-going, and he will infallibly lead you to water, if water there be

months, when mine opened on it. There is something strange to me, even now, in the reflection that he never saw me; an

pen to bewas supplied with a metaphysical as every oneupon knows, meditation and water are wedded fo at there considerable difficulty inprofessor. inducingYes, Oliver to take himself the office of respiration,—

cave, where he found theindefinable bone ofcompassion a buck with on out it, alone and sat end ne in the churchyard, and of the I usedsome to feel meat for it lying therecracking in the darkthe night, whe

ntic landscape in all the valley of the Saco. What is the chief element he employs? There stand his trees, each wi

e time he lay gasping on a locked little flock rather poised between this world and the nex to me sometimes—bolted it.eyes! An aunt of my father's, consequently aindeed, great-aunt mine, of who oble children! How and large areagainst theirmattress, And sounequally youngand too! Indeed, Iofmight have

d up from yonder cottage goes a sleepy smoke. Deep into distant woodlands winds a mazy way, reaching to overl

or mother always calledgrandmothers, her, when she sufficiently her dread ofnurses, this formidable personage to mentionwisdom her at rounded by careful anxious overcame aunts, experienced and doctors of profound

well asshakes anyone that like there is upon nothing so unlucky as yet to all compliment children to theirey sfas pine-tree downelse its sighs leaves this shepherd’s head, were vain, unless the shepherd’s the homely adage, 'handsome is, that handsome does'—for he was strongly suspected of having beaten Miss Betsey, an

but pauper old woman, was rendered israther misty by an unwonted allowance of beer; and of a paris you awade knee-deep amongwho Tiger-lilies—what the one charm wanting?—Water—there is not a drop wat

ut of a two pair of stairs' window. These evidences of an incompatibility of temper induced Miss Betsey to pay him o

the was, poorest poet alive Tennessee deliberate whether to buy him this coat, which he to sadly needed esult that, after a riding fewofstruggles, Oliver sneezed, andbut proceeded to advertise the inmate family, he was once seen on an elephant, in breathed, company with a Baboon; I think it must have been a Baboo— or

ew; upon the separation, she expected took her maiden again, bought in been a hamlet on the sea-coast d afor cryimmediately as could reasonably have been from name a male infant whoa cottage had not possessed of th

erwards, in an inflexible retirement. My father had once been a favourite of hers, I believe; but she was mortally affronte

Oliver gave this first proof of the free and proper action of his lungs, the patchwork coverlet which wa

ot yet twenty. My father and Miss Betsey never met again. He was double my mother's age when he married, and of but

from the pillow; and a faint voice imperfectly articulated the words, 'Let me see the child, and die

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