Vice President - UNB Fredericton Annual Report 2011

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PROUDLY UNB “UNB has a long history, marked by a tradi on of excellence. Our future calls upon us to be innova ve and entrepreneurial. We are one of few public universi es in North America that can offer an in mate, personal and collegial campus experience with a strong capability and capacity for research that enters the classroom through world-class, award-winning faculty. We must use this unique value proposi on for the benefit of our province and our university.” – University of New Brunswick Strategic Plan, November 5, 2010

Values Our values are a source of pride that we recognize as central to UNB: • We seek truth through academic excellence in our teaching, learning and research. • We respect individuals and their freedom of thought and expression. • We engage the global community to foster opportunity and enrich lives. • We embrace the highest ethical standards in our pursuit of excellence.

Purpose Our purpose is to seek and advance knowledge.

Vision Our vision is to be the university of choice for passionate minds.

Mission Our mission is to create the premier university environment for our students, faculty and staff in which to learn, work and live. We will provide an excep onal and transforma ve educa on for our students, by encouraging ini a ve and innova on, unlocking their crea ve poten al. Our graduates will be prepared to make a significant difference – crea ng opportuni es for themselves and for others. We commit to understanding and solving the problems of today and tomorrow, serving our community and engaging with our alumni, re rees and partners around the world.

UNB STRATEGIC PLAN Overarching Goal Our aim is to be the best teaching and learning ins tu on in Canada, balancing and integra ng excellence in educa on and research.

Suppor ng Goals • • • • •


Goal: provide an excep onal and transforma ve student experience Goal: leadership in discovery innova on and entrepreneurship Goal: financial resilience and responsibility Goal: building a be er university Goal: building a be er province

Message from the Vice-President Fredericton, Dr. Anthony Secco

OUR ACHIEVEMENTS In the past year, every Faculty and administra ve unit has embraced the challenge of advancing the goals laid out in the strategic plan. As outlined in the following pages, we have succeeded, to a considerable degree, in all areas. We have excelled where we have focused most of our me and resources, that is in mee ng the objec ves of the strategic plan’s first goal: providing an excep onal and transforma ve student experience. The 2010-11 Na onal Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) shows UNBF has improved in first-year student benchmarks since first par cipa ng in the survey in 2004-05. The most marked improvement is in Student-Faculty Interac on (SFI), where we have placed most of our effort. Our score is 3.5 points above the na onal average for firstyear students. The UNBF senior year SFI rates 1.9 points above the na onal average. I believe these improvements to be a testament to the great work that faculty members are doing in helping students get the most out of their educa on here at UNB. NSSE 2011 Benchmark Comparisons




Level of Academic Challenge (LAC) First Year



Senior Year








Ac ve & Collabora ve Learning (ACL) First Year Senior Year Student-Faculty Interac on (SFI) First Year




Senior Year




Enriching Educa onal Experience (EEE) First Year




Senior Year




Suppor ve Campus Environment (SCE) First Year



Senior Year




The Canadian University Survey Consor um (CUSC) confirms that our students are more sa sfied with their university experience. In 2011, 20% of undergraduate students surveyed agreed strongly that they felt like part of the university, versus 10% from the previous CUSC survey, which was conducted in 2008. As well, 32% of undergraduates agreed strongly that they were sa sfied with their choice of university, compared to 29% in the 2008 survey.


Message from the Vice-President Fredericton, Dr. Anthony Secco We are pleased to see quan fiable results; equally important is the feedback we get from students both inside and outside the classroom. Our outreach ini a ves, such as the “Tuesdays with Tony” sessions, give students a chance to talk to the Vice-President (Academic) directly. We can then address students’ concerns, and we invite them to be part of the solu on. The more engaged we are, the more fun we have, and the more we get out of this excep onal UNB environment.

For the past two years, Anthony (Tony) Secco has set up his table at venues throughout campus to chat with students about their UNB experience.

Inside the classroom, professors such as Diana Aus n offer students an authen c, transforma ve experience. Among other teaching accomplishments, Dr. Aus n received this year’s 3M Na onal Teaching Fellowship. Her students con nue to nominate her for awards she has already received. Clearly her collabora ve approach, which engages and empowers students, is the type of experience our students want. By engaging our students, we enrich the university, our communi es, and beyond.

RecepƟon hosted by Vice-President Anthony (Tony) Secco to honour Diana AusƟn, professor of English at UNB, who won the highest teaching honour in the country—the 3M NaƟonal Teaching Fellowship. LeŌ to Right: Anthony (Tony) Secco, Diana AusƟn, Shirley Cleave, Associate VP Academic (Learning Environment).


Message from the Vice-President Fredericton, Dr. Anthony Secco Throughout this report, you will read about inspiring students and the contribu ons they have made – academically, socially, and culturally. Students like Jacob Kilpatrick, winner of the 2011 James Bayer Memorial Scholarship Award; and Rob Frene e, who received the Order of New Brunswick in October 2011; Business students like Jordan DeWinter and Pablo Alvarez who won $145,000 in the New Brunswick Innova on Founda on’s Breakthru business plan compe on, and a chance to pitch UNB Geoma cs Engineering Professor Yun Zhang’s video surveillance technology on CBC Television’s Dragons’ Den. We have much to celebrate. The official opening of the Richard J. CURRIE Center in October 2011 gave us the chance to recognize our donors – especially Dr. Currie, the UNB alumnus and dis nguished Canadian businessman who donated more than $20 million towards the building’s construc on. Dr. Currie’s gi is the largest single dona on a New Brunswick university has ever received. The Center is among the finest in North America, and offers an excep onal experience to students, the university, and the wider community. In keeping with the strategic plan, we con nue to fund our priority areas. Since 2008, we have increased our scholarships from $4.1 million to $4.8 million, and have increased bursaries by over $50,000 since 2009. By inves ng in student recruitment we have increased the enrolment of new first-year students by 8.1% and new transfer students by 10.4%, for a total increase of 102 new full- me Canadian undergraduate students in fall 2011 over fall 2010. Considering the declining number of prospec ve students in our main market, and the compe on, this is an achievement worth celebra ng.

OUR CHALLENGES However, we face several challenges. We have iden fied that upper year enrolment decline is the major factor in our overall enrolment challenges. Essen ally, we have a reten on issue. We now need to find out how students perceive their experience, what they are sa sfied with, what needs improving, why they are leaving, and what we need to do to reduce student a ri on. To this end, we have created the Office of Student Experience and seconded Sco Duguay to lead it. Through this office, we will create a Student Experience Council, charged with coordina ng student experience programming. Also new is the UNBF Student Experience Measurement Commi ee which is in the process of building a comprehensive, campus-wide measurement plan to be er understand the current student experience and inform decision-makers on campus. The seven main areas of the plan are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Student experience Educa onal a ainment Academic achievement Post-university performance Holis c development Student engagement Student sa sfac on


Message from the Vice-President Fredericton, Dr. Anthony Secco Already, we have engaged the student leadership by mee ng with the Student Union regularly, and by signing a Memorandum of Agreement outlining the University’s support for improving the Student Union’s communica on with its members. We are engaging students through our “Tuesdays with Tony” outreach sessions. We have begun Community Engagement Commi ee work, iden fying the least expensive and most effec ve ways to increase student, faculty and staff sa sfac on. We have piloted a project with the UNB Re red Employees Associa on to engage them in helping to improve the student experience by volunteering their me. In accordance with the strategic plan, we are doing our part to help increase the number of interna onal students, and enhancing the role of the Interna onal Rela ons Office (IRO). This will provide increased opportuni es for our students to interact with students of a difference race, ethnicity, different religious beliefs, poli cal opinions and personal values.

OUR PRIORITIES We are doing well, but we need to do more. We have set priori es for the Office of Student Experience 2011-2012, which include: • • • • •

Delivering UNBF’s first comprehensive student experience measurement reports. Improving the university community’s understanding of student a ri on. Developing a ‘return strategy’ for students. Performing a process analysis of the first-year student experience. Performing a full review of our student advising system, from course selec on to career advising.

Scaling the lo y summit of the strategic plan is an ongoing adventure. That is both the challenge and the reward. Every day we have the opportunity to explore a be er path, a clearer way to the top. There are many routes, but one thing is certain – if we are to reach our collec ve dreams for UNB, we must rely on each other. We are all in this together – and there is no other place I would rather be.

Dr. Anthony Secco Vice-President Fredericton


Centre for Enhanced Teaching & Learning Director Ken Reimer

Student Affairs & Services Executive Director Anne Forrestall

Admin Asst/Quality Assurance Coordinator Bev Black

Associate Vice-President Academic (Learning Environment) Shirley Cleave

Administrative Assistant Gwen Attard

Assistant Vice-President Dan Coleman

Assistant to Vice-President Beatrice Leblanc

Special Assistant Student Experience Scott Duguay

Vice-President Fredericton Anthony Secco

College of Extended Learning Executive Director Lloyd Henderson

Libraries Director John Teskey

11 Deans of Faculties

Academic Administration Officer Trina Calhoun

Residential Life, Campus & Conference Services Executive Director James Brown

Security and Traffic Director Bruce Rogerson

U First: Student Recruitment Executive Director Susan Mesheau

Office of the Registrar Registrar David Hinton

Resource Planning & Budgeting Director Tim Walker

Vice-President Finance & Corporate Planning Dan Murray



Mee ng our Goals: Faculty and Administra ve Offices Highlights 2010 -2011


Focus: Support students academically, socially, developmentally, and financially

Since 2008, we have increased our scholarships from $4.1 million to $4.8 million, and increased bursaries by over $50,000 since 2009. Sixty-two new first year applicants to the Faculty of Computer Science were offered scholarships. Female students received 27% of the recommended scholarships. Our average class size is 31.3 students for first and second year classes, 15.6 students in third to fi h year classes, which helps to provide an excep onal student experience.



A new tradi on born as part of UNB’s 225th anniversary celebra ons

The gradua ng class of 2011 was first to receive the UNB coin, a reminder of their life-changing experience at UNB, and a symbol of the UNB family - the worldwide family of thousands of UNB alumni who work to be er the world each and every day. Graduates are asked to hold their coin with pride just as UNB holds them with pride, knowing that they leave the ins tu on with more knowledge, a greater sense of community, and poised to make a significant difference in the quality of their own lives and the lives of others they touch.

We integrated Townhouse, our off-campus virtual residence, into the larger UNB Residences, improving our local student popula on’s experience. We revised the academic regula ons sec on of the Undergraduate Calendar to improve usability and accuracy. Over 100 students were hired through the Student Affairs and Services fall and winter work-study program. Students surveyed said the greatest benefit of the program was a sense of belonging to UNB. Student Affairs and Services piloted an on-campus summer employment program that gave students paid work experience, career counselling and employment readiness skills development. The Faculty of Computer Science placed 122 students in co-op jobs last year compared to 115 in 2009-10. It also capped introductory courses at 40 students to keep classes small and be er serve students, especially in labs and tutorials, and emphasizes mandatory a endance while disallowing the use of handheld and laptop devices during lectures. The Faculty also covers the research costs for its undergraduate students (up to $500 per student) working under the supervision of one or more professors. Counselling Services implemented an outcomes assessment tool to be er meet students’ needs.

Suppor ng the whole


UNB’s Jacob Kilpatrick won the 2011 James Bayer Memorial Scholarship Award

Jacob Kilpatrick “exemplifies all the outstanding quali es that James Bayer lived his life by,” says Phil Currie, Execu ve Director of Atlan c University Sport and a member of the Scholarship selec on commi ee. “His commitment and dedica on to excellence in the classroom, in the community and on the volleyball court make him the ideal recipient of Atlan c University Sport’s most pres gious award. “

- mind, body, spirit

A member of the pres gious Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) Top 8 Academic All-Canadian list in 2009-10, Kilpatrick achieved All-Canadian status each of his first four years at UNB, was a two- me Dean’s List student, and served three years as president of the UNB Student-Athlete’s Council. He par cipated in UNB’s “Read with the Reds” program, where athletes read to over 1,000 kindergarten children each year.


Mee ng our Goals: Faculty and Administra ve Offices Highlights 2010 -2011 Student-Athletes Excel Academically and Athle cally •

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Seventy student-athletes (34%) qualified for CIS Academic All-Canadian status in 2010-11. This is the highest percentage of UNB student-athletes since the incep on of the All-Canadian program. The pres gious Academic All-Canadian award is granted to students who have maintained an average of at least 80% while playing on a varsity team. Heather Ambery of the soccer team achieved a perfect 4.3 GPA for the third consecu ve year. Ten student-athletes were recognized as CIS AllCanadians for their outstanding play. Individual CIS honours: - Vince Cormier was awarded MVP of the CIS wrestling meet. - Jacob Kilpatrick won the CIS Dale Iwanoczko Awards in volleyball for his achievements as an outstanding student-athlete and in community service. - Claire Colborne was named CIS Rookie of the Year for women’s basketball. - Luke Gallant was awarded MVP of the CIS hockey championship. - Dan McMorran was named CIS Coach of the Year for men’s volleyball. Swimmer Danielle Losier set an Atlan c University Sport record in the 50m and 100m breast stroke events. Five swimmers qualified for CIS na onals in 2011.

Great Year for Varsity Reds Varsity Reds took the AUS tles in men’s volleyball, women’s volleyball and the AUS and CIS tles in men’s hockey. This is the first in the history of UNB Athle cs that these three AUS championships have been won in the same year.

Our Men’s Hockey Team are Na onal Champions Varsity Reds won the CIS University Cup for the fourth me in UNB hockey history!

Focus: Encourage students to think cri cally and crea vely inside and outside the classroom •

The Faculty of Computer Science allocated up to $750 to every faculty member for use in engaging students in social or scien fic ac vi es outside the classroom. Let’s Talk Science: 100 UNB student volunteers worked with 3,000 K to grade 12 students, leading hands-on ac vi es in biology, chemistry, physics and engineering. Civil Engineering Senior Design students developed plans and recommenda ons for improvements to facili es in Doaktown and presented them to the community and UNB. Renaissance College students developed an a erschool literacy and wellness program for students in South Devon Elementary School. Kinesiology students developed a plan for the City’s wellness ini a ves; did free fitness and lifestyle appraisals at the mall; provided exercise and health educa on in the T.A.K.E. Heart program; and inves gated the ergonomic concerns of the City bus drivers. The UNB REDS (Respect, Esteem, Dedica on and Strategy) visited thousands of K to grade 5 children to talk about fair play, self-esteem, dedica on to schoolwork, healthy ea ng, and goal se ng. Over 5,500 children received a Junior Reds Membership Card for free admission to all V-Reds events. Engineering’s Worlds UNBound students taught science and engineering experiments to over 3,800 children in 15 primary and middle schools across the province. The UNB Law Pro Bono Students of Canada Chapter created a legal clinic for domes c violence vic ms in Fredericton area shelters. The students received a na onal Lexpert Zenith Pla num Award for the Family Law Legal Informa on Project.

$2.5 million entrusted to

Student Investment Fund

UNB has partnered with Halifaxbased LeeSide Capital Management Inc. (LeeSide) and the award-winning Student Investment Fund (SIF) program to deliver learning and financial results. In September 2011, UNB handed over $2.5 million of its endowment funds to LeeSide who will include SIF students in the investment process.

Students have grown the original $1 million commi ed to the SIF program in 1998 to more than $2.5 million during the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, and delivered higher returns than many professionally-administered funds. With the addi onal $2.5 million from UNB, the students will have $5 million to invest under LeeSide’s guidance.


Mee ng our Goals: Faculty and Administra ve Offices Highlights 2010 -2011 •

UNB Forestry and Environmental Management professors and students are working with New Brunswick environmental groups and J. D. Irving Ltd. in a consensus-based research and outreach program to learn how to resolve resource-related conflicts. Chemical Engineering’s new Chair in Collabora ve Engineering Design Educa on encourages cri cal and crea ve thinking through new engineering design courses, professional mentorship, and hands-on projects. The Arts 3000 Internship provides students with invaluable work and life experience. Through partnerships with community organiza ons, students gain prac cal training rela ng directly to their degree, o en leading to summer and permanent employment.

Focus: Promote innova ve thinking through exposure to different cultures • •

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We received 112 incoming interna onal exchange students during 2010-11. More than 108 students par cipated in the Student Abroad Program in 2010-11. Another 280 took part in interna onal co-op placements, clinical nursing programs, UNB Travel/Study courses and other interna onal opportuni es. In 2010-11, Renaissance College students lived and volunteered in an underdeveloped country for 10 weeks. This transforma onal experience taught students leadership while helping the host communi es. The Faculty of Nursing has added Malawi and Sweden as interna onal student exchange des na ons. The Faculty of Educa on is offering an interna onal prac cum with a partner in China, where 12-15 students can teach in Chinese schools.

Focus: Support and develop engaging, challenging, relevant curricula and programs •

The Faculty of Kinesiology offers new experien al learning opportuni es in strength and condi oning, athle c therapy, sport analysis, and sport and event management. More lab courses have been added to the B.Sc. in Kinesiology program, which has been accredited for another seven years. Kinesiology’s Dr. Stacey Reading and his team have received funding to launch and research an Obesity and Diabetes program due to a recent partnership with the Canadian Sports Centre - Atlan c, the establishment of the Quartermain Sports Medicine Clinic, and a new hire within the Faculty.

Deans Council Deans have provided excepƟonal leadership advancing strategic plan objecƟves during Ɵmes of considerable financial restraint. •

The History Department created its own pilot experien al learning course, HIST 5388, a handson course for honours students, on digital history. The Department’s innova ve first year course, HIST 1001, Past into Present, takes issues of concern today and provides the historical background for them. The course fills the gap in incoming students’ historical training by highligh ng the importance of regional, provincial, and local history. This year, the course focuses on “Understanding New Brunswick”. The Department has also received a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Atlan c Canada History (preconfedera on), which will enhance research and the student experience. CMA Canada has accredited the Bachelor of Business Administra on with honours in accoun ng program. This gives students a more direct route to the CMA professional accoun ng designa on. New CMA members in New Brunswick have a 100% employment rate; the average salary of CMAs is $95,000 per year.

Mee ng our Goals: Faculty and Administra ve Offices Highlights 2010 -2011 •

The Faculty of Engineering is pilo ng an outcomesbased approach to assess and improve its undergraduate programs. This approach will help measure student sa sfac on, correct deficiencies and celebrate successes.

Honours student Alyssa Allen won the Department of History’s James K. Chapman award for her work in HIST 5388, on digital history. Allen focused on the diary of Bertha Gregory, a Red award-winning Cross nurse who performed health student assessments on immigrants in the port of Saint John a er WWI. She digi zed por ons of the diary, and offered anecdotes that highlighted Gregory’s role as a Canadian ‘gatekeeper’.

Virtual history course


Students rate our programs


Renaissance College: Na onal Survey of Student Engagement 2010-11 student experience scores are 10% above the top 10% of universi es and colleges across North America.

Exit surveys of Kinesiology gradua ng students indicated over 90% would recommend our program to prospec ve students.

Quality teaching and learning spaces are key components in providing our students with an excep onal and transforma ve experience. Substan al funds are invested each year to undertake large scale renova ons and smaller refurbishments. This past year, renova ons were completed on the third of our large teaching auditoria and the design work was completed for the fourth.

Focus: Enhance our facili es •

Focus: Celebrate and reward teaching excellence •

The 2010-11 highlight in teaching excellence was Diana Aus n’s Na onal 3M Teaching Fellowship. Aus n, professor of English, won the highest teaching honour in the country – one of only 10 fellowships awarded to professors across the country. Providing an excep onal and transforma ve student experience at UNB is a top priority. Aus n challenges students to think independently and to achieve their best, always striving to inspire in them a confidence in the worth of their own ideas. As a 3M scholar, Aus n becomes a life me member of the Council of 3M Na onal Teaching Fellows, a group that advocates for teaching and learning in Canadian universi es and colleges. To get new instructors off to a good start, Teaching and Learning Services developed a Teaching Essen als workshop that was offered prior to New Faculty Orienta on in August. This prac cal workshop proved to be so popular that the modules were offered again throughout the term. Psychology professor Dr. Carmen Poulin received the Mentoring Award, Women & Psychology Sec on. The Award was presented in recogni on of contribu ons to students’ development through excep onal feminist mentoring.

The opening of the Richard J. CURRIE Center was a major milestone for UNB and the province. The stateof-the-art facility is one of the best in the country. This mul -purpose, five-storey sports and event center features a world-class human performance lab, a sports medicine clinic, and fitness studios.

C.C. Jones Student Services Centre •

The C.C. Jones Student Services Centre, a new one-stop shop for student services, has allowed Counselling Services to integrate services for students’ convenience. The Student Health Centre has improved drama cally during the past several years by moving to a state-of-the-art clinic, hiring a clinic manager who has implemented process improvements and quality assurance, and crea ng partnerships with the Faculty of Nursing and external


Mee ng our Goals: Faculty and Administra ve Offices Highlights 2010 -2011

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specialists, such as psychiatrists. A provinciallyfunded Nurse Prac oner was hired on staff in the fall of 2011. We invested heavily in Security & Traffic technology capabili es to ensure student safety. More stateof-the-art HD interior and exterior cameras provide safer condi ons in parking areas, walkways and lowlighted areas, and a new radio system provides be er coverage around the campus. We created more than 300 new parking spaces, installed six more bike racks, three more motorcycle areas, and expanded handicap parking spaces. We are rolling out Desire2Learn, a new learning management system that lets students connect with each other and with instructors through social networking. The Lady Beaverbrook Gymnasium Building has been reconfigured – all faculty members now have offices in the building, the strength condi oning room is being converted to a mul -purpose space for undergraduate teaching, and the cardio condi oning room is being converted to an exercise physiology research space. Upgrades to Marshall d’Avray Hall have resulted in increased usage of communal spaces and be er technological support for faculty and students. Our suite-style residence was officially named the Elizabeth Parr-Johnston Residence. The Office of the Vice-President Fredericton provided $10,000 towards the purchase of a tent for use at campus spor ng and special events.

Focus: Improve access and increase enrolment •



UNB’s premier hockey facility, the Aitken University Centre, has been home to three CIS Championships in nine years and will host the event in 2012.

We have increased enrolment of new first-year students by 8.1% and new transfer students by 10.4%, which represents a total of 102 new full- me Canadian undergraduate students over fall 2010. We have changed our recruitment approach by assigning recruitment and client service teams to specific geographic areas, allowing increased rela onship building and in-depth service to all key stakeholders. The Faculty of Computer Science recruitment team visited 46 schools and made presenta ons to 3,820 students. This helped to increase the Faculty’s firstyear student intake, from 65 students in 2010 to 110 in 2011. The Aboriginal Nursing Ini a ve has helped transform the curriculum and embed cultural sensi vity within the Faculty of Nursing. In 2008, there were six Aboriginal students in the program. In the fall 2011 term, there were 25. For the first me, the Faculty of Law received over 1,000 applica ons for 92 spots – evidence that UNB Law is providing students with an excellent educa on, and superior prepara on for prac cing law. The Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management welcomed 57 new undergraduate students in September – an increase of 15 over 2010. Enrolment in the Bachelor of Integrated Studies program is up 26% with 82 ac ve students in 2011 compared to 65 in 2010. The Faculty of Science a racted over 100 people to its first “Get to know us” event. The Quartermain Earth Science Centre was completed; which will help increase exposure of Earth Science to school students. Bachelor of Business Administra on and Avia on applica ons are up 89% in 2011-12 from 2009-10.

The BMO Centre boasts FIFA-approved synthe c turf and a state-of-the-art light system. With the clubhouse nearing comple on and plans for a media box, the field will serve as a first-class host for the CIS men’s soccer championship in 2013.

Club Sport Accomplishments The women’s hockey team, the Red Blazers, captured the Mari me Intercollegiate Women’s Hockey Challenge Cup in March 2011. Wrestling Club members Eric Feunekes and Promise Mwenga took home bronze medals from the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi in October 2010. The Red Bombers football team took second place in their league, losing in the championship game.


AUS Women’s Soccer Awards Dinner

Mee ng our Goals: Faculty and Administra ve Offices Highlights 2010 -2011 Focus: Foster first-year success •

We installed temporary manned informa on kiosks throughout the campus during the first few weeks of classes to help students find their way.

The Interna onal Rela ons Office has focused on connec ng students in the Program of Academic English Prepara on (PAEP) with academic advisors early on in their program to help them adjust to UNB.

GOAL: LEADERSHIP IN DISCOVERY, INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Focus: Foster and support a culture of innova on and entrepreneurship •

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We increased the number of student transi oning sessions. The Faculty of Science developed a Peer Assisted Learning program to help first-year students succeed. Biology, Chemistry and Physics students who took the program improved their standing significantly. The Engineering Faculty organized UNBetween, a “Boot Camp” for selected first-year Engineering students in August 2011. The Camp introduced new students to university facili es, study skills, and coping strategies. The Faculty of Computer Science increased its first-year reten on rate by 16%, to 68%. Ini a ves included offering free tutoring to students in founda on courses, and sta oning peer mentors in the Computer Science Common Room to answer students’ ques ons. These resources have been well used and feedback from first-year students has been posi ve. The Faculty also offered three sec ons to CS1073 in the fall term, each capped at 40 students in order to keep class sizes small. Last year, the Faculty appointed a professor to serve as an advisor to the Computer Science Associa on, ensuring faculty and staff par cipa on in orienta on and other CSA events, as well as be er communica on between the students and faculty. Student Affairs and Services created a free “Student Success Workshop Series” for current students on topics ranging from me and money management to test taking. The Faculty of Kinesiology hosted 60 new students at KIN CAMP. The orienta on program helps students build confidence, learn teamwork, create a support network, and gain valuable life-lessons.

Jack Watson, a senior administrator with UNB’s English Language Programme (ELP) at the College of Extended Learning has developed ‘Grammar Live!’, an execu ve online learning series for ELP students. UNB Libraries staff developed the Libraries Mobile web site so students can access reserve readings on their mobile devices. Professor Rebecca Angeles, a professor of Management Informa on Systems with the Faculty of Business Administra on, par cipated in an Interna onal Seminar on e-Business Innova on in May 2011 at Zhejian Gongshang University. Experts from around the world discussed current issues and trends of e-business. Nicholas LeBlanc, an undergraduate Civil Engineering student, won 1st Prize in the Engineering Communica on category at the Canadian Engineering Compe on (CEC). Nick also won the CEC’s Social Awareness Trophy.

Faculty of Computer Science Awards Dinner


Mee ng our Goals: Faculty and Administra ve Offices Highlights 2010 -2011 AcƟvator student team wins $145,000 for SceneSharp Business students Jordan DeWinter and Pablo Alvarez were Grand Prize Winners in the New Brunswick Innova on Founda on’s Breakthru business plan compe on. DeWinter and Alvarez became part of this project through the Interna onal Business and Entrepreneurship Center’s (IBEC) Ac vator program. The team was promo ng SceneSharp, a technology developed by UNB Geoma cs Engineering Professor Yun Zhang that will transform image quality in the video surveillance market. In addi on to receiving a cash award of $145,000, the SceneSharp team received the CBC’s Viewers’ Choice Award and a chance to pitch their idea on the set of CBC Television’s Dragons’ Den.



Focus: Enhance partnerships and increase our global presence •

Through outreach to First Na ons Communi es, the College of Extended Learning will be the Atlan c provider for the First Na ons Financial Management Board (FNFMB) course en tled, Introduc on to the First Na ons Fiscal and Sta s cal Management Act. UNB and the Aboriginal Financial Officers Associa on (AFOA) will sign an ar cula on agreement allowing graduates of their Cer fied Aboriginal Financial Manager program to apply credits to their UNB BBA degree.

Student creates apps used worldwide Ash Furrow, while he was a fourth-year computer science student, created three iPhone apps: how to brew tea or coffee, a kitchen metric converter, and a solar system simulator. The simulator app has been downloaded worldwide and is being used as a teaching aid in an Australian primary school. Furrow’s latest project helps aspiring photographers with their por olio – in nine languages. Apple has featured the 500px iPad app, which hundreds of thousands of users have downloaded. App to keep students on track Jason Brennan, during the third year of his computer science degree, developed an app called “Keener”. It reminds students when exams are near and assignments are due. The program also keeps a record of marks to calculate grades in a course. Brennan credits his professors for much of his success: “I was struggling this past year in one of my computer science courses and the professor tutored me for hours and hours un l I got the material.” Kinesiology student the brains behind “Timmy’s Run” Dylan Mitchell is a kinesiology student and a personal trainer. He’s also an ideas man. His idea for an app that would simplify life for those charged with doing a Tim Horton’s run is awai ng approval from Apple. The app allows the ‘runner’ to tap in a colleague’s name, enter their order from the Tim Hortons’ menu, and take off for the nearest outlet, located with the app’s GPS. Mitchell hired two programmers – one in India, the other in Bangladesh – to develop his idea. He plans on selling the app for 99 cents.

Dana Soonias, Chair, Board of Directors of AFOA and Anthony (Tony) Secco. UNB’s new arƟculated agreement with AFOA eliminates the obstacles for students who wish to obtain their BBA. •

A proposal has been submi ed to the University Management Commi ee for integra ng the Interna onal Rela ons Office and the Centre for Property Studies into the Centre for Global Engagement and Learning (GEL), which will help increase opportuni es to engage with interna onal partners.

InternaƟonal Business and Entrepreneurship Centre 5 for 5 Students in the program have launched five businesses in five years.

GraduaƟon ceremony at ROYTEC in Trinidad and Tobago. (Photo Courtesy of PIPS)


Mee ng our Goals: Faculty and Administra ve Offices Highlights 2010 -2011 •

Building on the rela onship with Concord College of Sino-Canada (CCSC) and reinforced by a Memorandum of Understanding, a team from UNBF conducted two trips to China to collaborate with the administra on and teaching staff of CCSC and take advantage of the excellent opportunity to engage with CCSC students. The Faculty of Educa on is also focusing on interna onal partnerships by appoin ng a coordinator of interna onal projects and hiring a full- me Partnership Development Officer. The Faculty submi ed proposals to offer professional development programs for teachers in Saint Lucia. Eight members of the faculty taught these modules in Saint Lucia in July. The Faculty is offering both B.Ed. and M.Ed. programs for teachers in Trinidad and Tobago. Each year over 20 faculty members teach in the Caribbean, increasing UNB’s global presence. In November the Faculty hosted the first ever mee ng with all school superintendents whose teachers act as coopera ng teachers in our B.Ed. program. These mee ngs are important in establishing posi ve rela onships with these school jurisdic ons and solici ng feedback from them as partners in our programming.

• Renaissance College students during internship in Malawi.

GOAL: FINANCIAL RESILIENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY Focus: Use our resources strategically and generate addi onal resources •

We have achieved budget cuts and made significant strides towards our revenue targets for the coming year. Our five-year commitment to increase investment in recruitment has resulted in a 8.1% increase in new first-year students and a 10.4% increase in new transfer students, for a total increase of 102 new incoming fullme Canadian undergraduate students in fall 2011 over fall 2010. This is a significant year one return.

The College of Extended Learning’s (CEL) Design Works day camps generated $65,694 in revenue in 2010-11. These high quality summer camps enhance young students’ crea vity through topics ranging from fashion and photography to wri ng and drama. UNB Online: CEL’s Open Access Learning Program, the Occupa onal Health and Safety Program and the Online Masters of Educa on are performing above budget targets with OHS registra ons up by 25% in 2010-11 over the previous year. On the non-credit side, the Canadian Registered Safety Profession Exam Prep online course was released in May and is selling well. Non-credit programs are already growing beyond last year’s revenues.

Residen al Life, Campus & Conference Services: The Aitken University Centre exceeded its net target by almost $75,000 in 2010-11. The Bookstore returned a net of over $190,000. Conference Services returned almost $140,000 and exceeded its net budget target by over 60%. The Student Union Building (SUB), came in $13,000 be er than budgeted. The Wu Centre was budgeted to make $20,000 and returned almost $50,000 in 2010-11. Residence Occupancy: Approximately 70 more students than an cipated chose tradi onal undergraduate residences, pu ng budgeted occupancy at 103%. The apartments are full and above budgeted occupancy; the Elizabeth ParrJohnston suite-style residence is also above budgeted occupancy. The College of Extended Learning’s recent Facebook campaign allowed CEL to directly target the area around St. Thomas, Ontario where a Ford Motor Plant was closing, for the Occupa onal Health and Safety (OHS) program. The two-week campaign generated 486 visits to the OHS landing page. Planned CRM and e-commerce capabili es will allow CEL to track sales conversions and measure site engagement against enrolment goals. UNB Library staff, in response to rising costs for Access Copyright, set up their own internal processes to handle copyright issues.


Mee ng our Goals: Faculty and Administra ve Offices Highlights 2010 -2011


Focus: Support ini a ves that enhance the careers of our faculty and staff and engage with our re red employees

We created a Community Engagement Commi ee tasked with finding the most cost effec ve, posi vely impac ul ini a ves to increase our community’s experience and pride. We developed and implemented the first UNBUNB Re red Employees Associa on agreement to increase our re red employee’s impact on improving the student experience. We purchased a Video Streaming Server that allows instructors to post personal instruc onal video clips and licensed video segments to support their instruc onal needs. The Centre for Enhanced Teaching and Learning (CETL) gave “Career Corner” workshops at Congress 2011. Themes included prepara on for an academic career, publishing, teaching and learning. During Congress 2011, the CETL provided campus-wide audiovisual support for over 100 simultaneous sessions across campus and employed many students.

We supported two Athle cs staff members at the World University Games in China in August; Geoff Mabey as therapist for men’s basketball, and Maureen Sparks as a member of the mission staff. We reorganized Campus Recrea on into URec to be er serve our students, faculty and community. The Electronic Text Centre has completed 50 projects, digi zing content for students, faculty, and researchers. The FinOps unit of the College of Extended Learning has contracted Datatel to run their Instant Enrolment and integrated ecommerce modules, which will allow clients to register and pay simple fee-based enrolments online. A Customer Rela onship Management system is being sourced.

Focus: Enhance bi-campus rela ons The Office of the Vice-President Fredericton con nually encourages everyone within the por olio to work collabora vely with colleagues on the Saint John campus. Domes c undergraduate student recruitment teams recruit for UNB as a whole outside the Mari mes and integrate planning within all target markets. Interna onal recruitment is facilitated by direct financial support from the Vice-President Fredericton to the Interna onal Recruitment Centre (IRC). Complemen ng the IRC recruitment ac vi es, rela onship development ini a ves took place with Concord College of Sino-Canada led by a team from the Fredericton campus. These ini a ves were undertaken in consulta on with the IRC and the IRO and, on at least one trip, accompanied by an IRC representa ve.

Focus: Recognize our donors and encourage ac ve living and wellness •

Kaleidoscope 2011 •


The CETL added an op onal Teaching Essen als workshop to the New Faculty Orienta on program. Faculty members who are already teaching also joined the workshop. Expected enrolment was 15; 32 faculty members signed up for the full-day workshop. The CETL created a “Teaching Voices” blog, which invites posts from students and faculty on any topic relevant to teaching and learning, including issues and ideas, recognizing teaching excellence, researchbased best prac ces, and student perspec ves. Eight faculty members par cipated in an interna onal faculty exchange through UNB’s exis ng partnerships.

On October 7, 2011, we celebrated the more than 680 people who donated to the Richard J. CURRIE Center, including Dr. Currie, the UNB Chancellor, alumnus and dis nguished Canadian businessman who donated over $20 million to support the construc on of the building. The CURRIE Center offers expanded programming for students, faculty and staff in the areas of wellness and ac ve living. UNB Fredericton’s athle c facili es now rival the best across North America. URec opened in the CURRIE Center in September 2011. Since then Recrea on Services has received tremendous feedback on both the programs and the facili es from the university community and the community at large.

Mee ng our Goals: Faculty and Administra ve Offices Highlights 2010 -2011 •

Recrea on Services has implemented an enterprise solu on system (InnoSo Fusion) to manage and track memberships and services, and to schedule programs effec vely for all its members.

Faculty of Business AdministraƟon Council MeeƟng •

GOAL: BUILD A BETTER PROVINCE Focus: Advance the social, economic and cultural development of our province •

The Richard J. CURRIE Center’s fitness and health facili es are among the finest in Canada and provide our wider community with excellent resources for healthy living and wellness. The new Human Performance Laboratory in the CURRIE Center con nues its strong es with the Stan Cassidy Centre and the Children’s Hospital in Halifax, providing clinical gait analysis to guide treatment and surgery. The Faculty of Computer Science hosts an annual Research Exposi on. It is one of the few IT events in New Brunswick where the academic community, industry and government come together to share ideas and connect on research and development. As part of 2011 Research Expo, the Faculty organized a panel on IT talent challenges in New Brunswick. UNB’s Earth Sciences Department hosted over 100 students from five local schools in a full day of earth science ac vi es at O’Dell Park. Over 50 middle school students from around the province a ended the Faculty of Science’s Let’s Talk Science “All Science Challenge”. The middle school students par cipated in daylong science events on the UNB campus. Dr. Norman Be s, Accoun ng Professor with the Faculty of Business Administra on, was appointed by the Minister of Natural Resources to chair the New Brunswick Crown Land Task Force in April. His report was submi ed to the Minister of Natural Resources this fall and will shape forestry and crown land policy for years to come.

The Faculty of Educa on organized a public forum to discuss educa onal issues during the elec on in October. The Faculty also re-established their popular Public Speech Colloquium. Fi y people a ended the Think Tank session featuring Ken Dryden on what it means to be an educated person in New Brunswick and over 175 a ended his public lecture. Kinesiology’s Dr. Gabriela Tymowski and her students helped the Chief Harold Sappier Memorial Elementary School of St. Mary’s First Na on to develop and implement physical educa on programs and physical ac vi es during lunch and a er school as part of the Building Opportuni es Opening Students’ Tomorrows (BOOST) program. Sociology professor Luc Thériault and his colleague Michael Haan and their partners received a grant to conduct research to iden fy the challenges and best prac ces of immigra on se lement agencies in New Brunswick and PEI. Luc Thériault and Jacqueline Low are also conduc ng research on sustainable home support for seniors in New Brunswick. The goal of this project is to guide evidence-based policy. This project was recognized on the floor of the New Brunswick legislature for its significance. Kinesiology’s Dr. Cynthia Stacey has worked with the City of Fredericton on their Wellness Ini a ve. Since the plan was developed, our undergraduate students have worked with the City on several research projects.

Congress 2011:

Largest event ever held in Fredericton

The 2011 Congress of the Humani es and Social Sciences brought more than 6,000 researchers and academics to the city for Canada’s largest and most significant academic gathering. Congress 2011 resulted in $6 million in economic spinoffs, and brought some of the world’s most engaging intellectuals to the public, free of charge.


Mee ng our Goals: Faculty and Administra ve Offices Highlights 2010 -2011 Rob Frene e, a 22-year-old BBA student received the Order of New Brunswick in October 2011 in recogni on for his work on an -bullying. He is the youngest person in New Brunswick to have received this honour. Rob grew up with cerebral palsy and was bullied New throughout his school years in Bathurst. Brunswick In 2006, he and his friend, Ka e Neu, decided to do something about it and co-founded, the first youth-created, an bullying website in Canada. The website provides a toll-free helpline 24 hours a day, and develops workshops and other resources for schools to help stop bullying. BullyingCanada. ca receives 10,000 - 15,000 phone calls a month from youth across Canada and over 20,000 visits.

First-Year Student

Wins Order of

UNB Students Raise Funds for Charity •

UNBF Sir Howard Douglas

Scholars 2011building a be er

In addi on to being top students and heavily involved in extra-curricular ac vi es, these UNBF students made valuable contribu ons in New Brunswick and beyond:

Andrew Barre : Volunteer with Elec ons NB, founder of a student province and program at the Royal a be er world services University in Bhutan and a music program in Nepal. John Boldon: Dr. Evere Chalmers Regional Hospital volunteer. Ryan Brideau: Served with Engineers Without Borders Canada in Ghana. Mircea Davidescu: Produced educa onal videos on Balkan History, a project designed to promote diversity and the region’s rich culture. Joanne Delaney: Volunteer at the Bee NB Summer Camps and cellist with the Fredericton Chamber Orchestra. Xu Liang Li: Vice-president of finance for Engineers Without Borders. Katriena McKay: Volunteer with the Veterans’ Health Unit at the Dr. Evere Chalmers Regional Hospital and Let’s Talk Science program. Ellen Snyder: Volunteer at the Veterans’ Health Unit at the Dr. Evere Chalmers Regional Hospital. Caroline Spindler: Volunteer in the physiotherapy department at the Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilita on. Joanne Westall: Volunteer at the McAdam Avenue School library and the Allergy and Asthma Informa on Associa on. Madeleine Whalen: Community liaison worker with the Mul cultural Associa on of Fredericton and Theatre New Brunswick volunteer. Ashley Wile: Advocate and promoter of student rights through UNBF Senate and Student Union.


• •

In the past five years, residence students have raised more than $250,000 for charity. In 2010-2011 alone, the Neville-Jones Bed Push raised over $12,000 for Women in Transi on House. The Think Pink weekend in support of Breast Cancer Research raised more than $13,000 in 2011. Peer Mentors in the Faculty of Science donated over 1,000 items to the local Food Bank in 2011, and raised money for Habitat for Humanity.

Enrolment Trends & Sta s cs


UNBF UG Enrolment FT Overall 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2006






Source: UNBF Registrar’s Office, Dec 1 Final Enrolments

As are many Mari me universi es, we have been facing enrolment challenges for the last several years. We are star ng to reverse the trend.

UNBF Canadian UG Enrolment FT New, Incoming 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 2006


2008 Year 1 HS




New Transfers

Source: UNBF Registrar’s Office, Dec 1 Final Enrolments

Investment in the areas in which we recruit (high school and new transfers) has resulted in a significant increase of 8.1% and 10.4% respec vely, for a total increase of 102 new, incoming full- me Canadian undergraduate students in the Fall 2011 over Fall 2010. 19

Enrolment Trends & Sta s cs

UNBF Canadian UG Enrolment FT Upper Year 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2006






Source: UNBF Registrar’s Office, Dec 1 Final Enrolments

Upper year enrolment declines are caused by a variety of factors including programming changes. For example, our Educa on degree is now a one-year program instead of two; the number of credit hours to complete an Engineering degree has been reduced enabling students to graduate sooner.

UNBF Canadian UG Enrolment FT by Province Overall 2011 NL 2.1%

ON 4.2%

Other 4.4%

PE 4.3% NS 8.8% NB 76.2%

Source: UNBF Registrar’s Office


Enrolment Trends & Sta s cs

UNBF UG Enrolment FT Overall 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2006


2008 Canadian





Source: UNBF Registrar’s Office, Dec 1 Final Enrolments

Our overall interna onal enrolment has been growing steadily for the last three years.

UNBF Average UG Class Size (Fall Term) 1st & 2nd Year

3rd - 5th Year


Average Class Size

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2007




Source: UNBF Registrar’s Office

Our small average class sizes allow us to provide a far more personalized learning environment.


Enrolment Trends & Sta s cs

UNBF Admission Average Profile 85

Admisson Average


84 Mean Median 83.5


82.5 2006






Source: UNBF Registrar’s Office (UNB Admissions Cube)

UNBF Total Annual Value of UG Scholarships and Needs-Based Bursaries 5,500,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,500,000.00

Axis Title

4,000,000.00 3,500,000.00



Undergraduate Scholarships


Entrance Scholarships Bursaries


Transfer Scholarships

1,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 2006






Source: UNBF Registrar’s Office, UNBF Financial Aid Office

Our investment in scholarships has grown significantly in the last five years.


Enrolment Trends & Sta s cs

2010-11 University Tuition Comparison $8,000 $7,000 $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0

UNB has the third lowest tui on in Atlan c Canada.

2010-11 College Tuition Comparison $12,000 $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0 New Brunswick Holland College Community College

Nova Scotia Community College

Athabasaca University

University of New Brunswick

Oulton College

Colleges are becoming a credible compe tor to UNB, many of which oer lower tui on rates.


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