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General Assembly grants EU higher participation status

The General Assembly on 3 May 2011 voted to upgrade the status of the European Union’s (EU) participation at the United Nations 192-member body. The General Assembly resolution ( A/RES/65/276 ) on the participation of the EU in the work of the UN was adopted by 180 UN Member States and will allow senior EU representatives to present to the Assembly the common positions of the European bloc. Syria and Zimbabwe abstained and 10 countries did not vote.

Statement by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council


General Assembly grants EU higher participation status

It Statement by Catherine Asthon, VP/HR, present at the moment of the Resolution participate relating Assembly. also gives to the in the EU sessions general representatives and debate work of of the the the General Assembly to make Assembly; to interventions be and permits directly sessions; as communications documents be invited the presiding Under amendments the officer. resolution, agreed to EU by representatives EU member States, will also but be not permitted to challenge to present decisions proposals of and EU EU. they representatives The will not European have the bloc’s will have also representatives the beamendment right allowed toright vote to shall exercise orof to be put ensured the forward right seating of candidates. reply among regarding the observers, positions ofofbut the Zimbabwe statements favour and introduced 142 made against. by UN an Twenty Member oral other States, countries that the would abstained. proposal have was denied defeated the EU with the only right six ofAssembly’s reply votes to into UN General Assembly Press Release on the Resolution: http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2011/ga11079.doc.htm UNRIC Nations: Library official Backgrounder: UN documents" "Participation (English -but the European Union in the work ofthe the United html or pdf ;circulated French -during pdf ) EU


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