h Car
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The newsletter of Facilities Management at UNC Charlotte
Creating a Campus of Distinction
Faci l i ti es Focus
Issue 46 | Fall 2013
John Renwick Employee of the Quarter & Team Player
We S. H. A. R. E. Facilities Management Values: Safety, Honesty and Integrity, Accountability, Respect for Others, and Excellence
Issue 46 | Facilities Focus
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | From the desk of the Associate Vice Chancellor
Greet i ng s Faci l i t i es M a na gement Team Greetings! What an exciting time to be working at UNC Charlotte! The University’s first football game is less than a month away. Many of you contributed to the construction of Jerry Richardson Stadium and will be involved with game day activities throughout the fall. Facilities Management is making a significant contribution to the success of this endeavor. We closed out Fiscal Year 2013 in stellar fashion with all funds expended (and no over expenditures). I want to thank everyone for their hard work to make this happen. FBO’s leadership was instrumental in this success. Design Services (DS) successfully completed over 130 projects worth more than $8 million last fiscal year. There are many we could highlight, but I’ll mention the work to set up a number of high visibility laboratory operations in the new EPIC
Philip M. Jones of
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The Un i
at en
of the building dedication last November. DS came through with flying colors. An outstanding job! Thanks to this outstanding team for their efforts throughout the year.
Creating a Campus of Distinction
building. Much of this work had to be done on short notice to be ready by the time
Fa ci l i t i e s M a na ge men t
Facilities Operations continues to improve all aspects of maintenance and repair of the campus. They handled a myriad of quick and emergency repairs during the year in a smooth and professional manner. In each case our customer communication was first
MISSION : To provide a quality learning, research, and living environment for the benefit of students, faculty, staff, and the community by planning, building, operating, and maintaining the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
VISION : • A leader in Facilities Management distinguished by safety and excellence. • A proficient, responsive, and a adaptable ‘Team of teams’. • Providing high quality services & facilities in an environmentally sustainable manner. • Creating a campus of distinction.
class. Thank you for your hard work. The campus grounds look exceptional. As you drive around campus, note the array of color and variety of flowers, plantings and trees that are the work of our grounds staff. Thanks to everyone for your hard work! Building Environmental Services (BES) and Recycling continues to excel in their work to keep our campus clean and sanitary. Your efforts are much appreciated by the whole campus community. Among other successes, Recycling led a highly successful Earth Day celebration and reached a milestone of a 40% recycle rate on campus! This month marks the successful completion of the first phase of work to revitalize South Village. The area around the High Rises has been transformed by construction of a new Residence Hall – Hunt Hall, a new Parking Deck – South Village Deck, a new Regional Utility Plant - RUP 4, and the realignment to High Rise Road – renamed Alumni Way. This construction program was successful through the outstanding work of our Capital section ably supported by many others in FM. In addition to the South Village work, we completed construction of Residence Hall Phase X – Belk Hall on time and within budget! We should all be proud of these efforts which have changed the face of the University. The next year will be no less dramatic in terms of capital construction. This will be an exciting and busy time for us all. Be safe and stay cool in the summer heat!
Philip M. Jones,
2 Facilities Focus | Issue 46 facilities.uncc.edu Website: facilities.uncc.edu Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management
Nort of
The Un i
Inside this Issue
Creating a Campus of Distinction
Fall Issue | August 2013
Facilities Management, a department of Business Affairs Do Things Better. Do Better Things. Do The Right Thing. Philip M. Jones Associate Vice Chancellor Editor Beverly Imes
Fiscal Year 2013 Highlights
Employee of the Quarter | John Renwick
Team of the Quarter | RDH Drain Line Replacement Team
Focus on Staff 6 New Employees & Promotions Safety Slogan Winner | Beverly Starcher 7 Safe Teams of the Quarter 8 Awards for Excellence 9
Focus Feature | Grounds
Welcome New FIS Employees
Archibus 21.1 Upgrade Design Manual
Making a Difference - Operation Enduring Freedom
Capital Projects Update
Proofreaders Elizabeth Frere Devin Hatley
UNC Charlotte Staff Council Representatives
Upcoming Events
Photographers Joyce Clay Wade Burton Clyde Derberry Pamela Duff Robyn Flowers Kelly Freshcorn
17 Birthdays
Staff Elizabeth Haddock Ronda Latham Laurie Manderino Shelly Theriault Creative Director Solomon T. Franklin
LYNX Groundbreaking Photo: The last stop of the new Blue line of the light rail will end near the Facilities Management Building at UNC Charlotte. Construction will be finished in 2017.
Thanks to all contributors! Facilities Focus is a communication tool for the benefit of all Facilities Management employees to develop a better informed workforce, to foster a greater sense of community, and to build morale. Your ideas are welcomed and appreciated for future issues. facilities.uncc.edu
Please look online for the newsletter at: http://facilities.uncc.edu/home/facilities-focus-news/facilities-focus-news
Issue 46 | Facilities Focus
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Fiscal Year Highlights of
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The Un i
Creating a Campus of Distinction
Fiscal Year 2013 Highlights Design Services
Building Environmental Services • Training BES staff to use the People Admin system for evaluations, and our supervisors to use the system for hiring staff • The BES Lead Tech program - Our leads show the program can work • The Program Development and Education Coordinator and the Night Manager focused on unifying the BES shifts and zones • BES Advisory Board was formed and utilized to assist with the BES Zone Study and to solve problems for BES
• Retained full and current use of the “Under $30,000 Contracting” process within an Informal Project • Filled two open positions with highly capable new staff. Also, moved Amanda Caudle to Architectural Technician – Advanced; welldeserved since she is currently the most productive in both numbers of projects completed and aggregate costs. • Redesign and construction of Design Services spaces during fiscal yearend close. • Stronger relationship with State Construction Office (SCO) team. Includes: (a) exemption process; (b) inspection process • Processes to prevent fraudulent activity: (a) set into place; (b) better defined
Capital Projects • Provided Team & other project accomplishments • HUB Good Faith Effort of the Year (UNC Charlotte Capital Projects Team - Owner/Public Advocate) • LEED Gold - Center City Building • 2012 Eagle Award (Turner Construction - EPIC) • ACEC 2013 Honors Award for Engineering Excellence Structural Systems (Football to S&ME and UNC Charlotte)
Real Estate • Provided “leverage” in the timing Light Rail Easement • Obtained Board of Trustee approval to request Delegated Authority to Acquire Real Estate by Lease • Negotiated the release of the Cell Tower ownership with Time Warner
Facilities Business Office • 99.6% in one-time funding spent; 99.2% in emergency funds spent • All Receipt Supported Funds end with positive balances • In house Facilities Operations technical training initiative underway at a 50% minimum cost savings to FM • Successful 3rd Annual Safety Fair and the 5th Annual Safety Slogan Contest • Creation and distribution of new Facilities Management Customer Handbook – received positive comment from Chancellor! • 92% performance evaluations completed by campus deadline.
• Controlled the timing of a segment of the Light Rail Easement to ensure UNC Foundation received compensation for its portion of land
Facilities Focus | Issue 46
Fiscal Year Highlights | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT
Facilities Operations Facilities Information Systems • R2 to AX JACE Conversion for the Building Automation System (BAS) • FM Workstation Migration to ITS • Primavera Upgrade • Improved processes for GIS infrastructure updates and Space updates • SDI punch-in integration and corrected syncing issues with equipment ordering
• Phase II of the Facilities Operations reorganization • Improved communication with Capital and Design Services • Improved employee morale, customer service and communication (based on survey results, employee and customer feedback) • BSL 3 Lab Certification with the continued partnership with NC State and Chapel Hill • Implementation of Specialty Service Contracts.
• PORTAL Building Information Modeling (BIM) Project
2013 Picnic Highlights
Facilities Management’s 12th Annual Picnic featured
good weather, great food, a fabulous D.J., line dancing, and old favorite festivities including horse shoes, bingo, and softball. New to the picnic this year were the delicious chicken and an exciting soccer match. Committee chair, Beverly Imes, stated “This year’s committee decided to change the menu to barbecue chicken which was a hit. It was economical and a healthier option than hot dogs and hamburgers. I have received several compliments to the cooks, Pamela Hickman and Raymond Butler in Facilities Operations, who were both new to the committee.” facilities.uncc.edu
Clayton Cragan, Captain of Soccer, gave a recap of the soccer game, “Two teams had a blast playing a 30 minute game. The winning team consisted of Andrew Tilly, Rafael Rucker, and Jose’ Palacios. It was hot but a lot of fun!” Clayton Cragan and Rafael Rucker were the horseshoe champs this year, also! Thanks to the committee and all volunteers who helped make it a success. Make plans to join us next spring! We guarantee a fun time! Laurie Manderino, Facilities Planning and committee member
Issue 46 | Facilities Focus
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Employee of the Quarter
Employee of the Quarter: John Renwick (Zone 4) On the morning of June 3, 2013 John Renwick was on his
way back to the shop when he pulled up behind stopped traffic in front of the high rise parking lot. After sitting in the line of traffic about five minutes, he decided to get out of his vehicle and see if he could help move what he thought was a disabled vehicle.
Phil Jones presents EOQ Award to John Renwick The Employee of the Quarter award is presented to an individual who goes beyond expected duties, consistently maintains a high level of work, exhibits outstanding customer service and/or demonstrates creativity, safety, and noteworthy behavior over the course of the quarter.
A little about John Renwick: John, a Facilities Management Technician, was hired in November 2005. He is responsible for UNC Charlotte’s restaurants and dining service venues. This is John’s second Employee of the Quarter award. He has received several individual and team awards of excellence, a member of this quarter’s team of the quarter, and was a 2010 UNC Charlotte Employee of the Year Finalist. He and his wife, Rhonda, have three sons and one granddaughter. When he is not spending time with his family, John plays the Mountain Dulcimer and the Upright Bass in a Bluegrass band. He also enjoys brewing beer and cooking in his brick oven.
John asked the contractor standing next to the car if he needed help to push the car to the side of the road. The contractor said, “We have a bigger problem than that here.” John looked into the car and saw the driver was sweating profusely and the color drained from his face. John asked him if he was ok and the driver replied, “I don’t know.” John asked him his name and he answered, “Keith.” Keith said he didn’t know where he was and was acting very confused. John asked Keith if he was a diabetic and Keith answered, “Yes.” John quickly moved into action by first asking an onlooker to call campus police. He and others around began to look through their things for a candy bar or something sweet for Keith to eat. A nearby driver gave them a granola bar to give him. John was able to convince Keith to take a small bite of the granola bar. Keith was then able to eat a little more and more. His color started to come back and was starting to respond more coherantly. The police and paramedics had arrived by this time. The paramedics had Keith back on his feet and walking around about an hour later. John said had he not worked with someone who battled with diabetes and completed first aid training he received in Facilities Management in 2008, he might not have been able to recognize the signs. Keith could have slipped into a diabetic coma had John not quickly responded. John could have easily walked away... but that is not John. Thank you very much, John, for all that you did for Keith and all you do at the University.
Facilities Focus | Issue 46 46
Nominated by Paul Taylor, Supervisor – Zone 4 facilities.uncc.edu
Team of the Quarter: RDH Drain Line Replacement Team On April 25, a backed-up drain in the men’s restroom
at Residence Dining Hall (RDH) was detected by Zone 4 technicians. Immediate action was taken to snake the line but problems continued requiring further evaluation. After a thorough review, it was determined to bring in Roto Rooter. They placed a camera into the line revealing that the iron pipe had a break and required repair. Further review determined approximately 10 feet of the drain line needed replacing. Several estimates were received from outside contractors one for $10,465 and another for $9,800. Paul Taylor, Zone 4 Supervisor, collaborated with Eric Walcott of Zone 5 and put together an estimate of $6,500. Paul presented the three estimates to Auxiliary Services and they agreed to move forward with the in-house quote.
RDH Drain Line Replacement Team The Team of the Quarter award is presented to a team with exceptional performance above and beyond expected duties exhibiting outstanding customer service with fellow workers and the University Staff, demonstrating creativity and initiative that results in outstanding measurable outcomes during the quarter.
Paul immediately moved into action coordinating efforts as follows: • Contacted a company to saw-cut concrete • Facilities Management staff disposed of the material, dug to locate bad drain line and discovered the entire bottom line was gone • A camera was inserted into the pipe verifying the condition of the main line requiring replacement of the 70-foot line • Further quotes were received for the repair ranging from $60,000 to $70,000 • Contacted Auxiliary Services and they agreed for Facilities Operations to complete the work for $12,000 • Paul met with his team, prepared for the challenge, and then took the following actions: 1. Gary Edwards in Grounds sent four temporary employees to assist and dig out 3-4 feet in depth of the pipe
C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S : To: P aul Tayl or, John R enw i ck, Jack Har t sell, S ammy Moore, R i chard C arpent er, David Weim er (Zone 4), E ri c Wal cott (Zone 5) Phil Leonar d,
2. Tremendous team effort led them to uncover all 70 feet of bad pipe
Mark B l ackw el der, D avi d Lov eless, St eve Plot t
3. Eric Walcott, Sammy Moore, Rich Carpenter, and John Renwick worked to replace the entire line within two days
James Gentl e, D avi d S how al te r, Clayt on Cr agan,
4. Gary Edwards sent twelve Grounds technicians who back-filled and compacted the trench within 1 ½ hours
B ri an Grayson, R andy Wal te r, John But cher, C ri sthi an Gonzal ez, Gar y Edwar ds, H ermi ni o C hi ri no, N i ck Ful ton , Chip Lawr ence, R enatto C eval l os, (Grounds) and John Car t ier (Temporary) w ho w ere ho nor ed wit h t he A ssoci ate Vi ce C ha ncellor ’s
Article continued on page 15 facilities.uncc.edu
Team of the Quarter Aw ard for Apr il - June 2013
Issue 46 | Facilities Focus
N e w E m p l o y e e s & Pro mo t i o ns | Apri l - June 2 01 3 New Employees
Building Environmental Services Connie Rogers, BES – Colvard Carl Sampson, BES – EPIC
Area A Manager Bob Smith
Design Services Ben Schneider, Project Manager Thomas Bastian, Facility Engineer Facilities Information Andrew Futrell, Survey Technician Central Operations Lee Beard, Manager Central Operations Fire Alarms Stanley Gant, Electronics Technician
Congratulations On Your
Zone 3 Jeffrey Briggs, Maintenance Mechanic Zone 5 John Beno, Carpenter Zone 6 Bryce Gentry, Maintenance Mechanic
“STAKE YOUR CLAI M, MAKE SAFETY YOUR AI M” Beverly Starcher | Safety Slogan Winner Congratulations to Beverly Starcher with Building Environmental Services for submitting this year’s winning Safety Slogan Contest entry. Her entry was the 184th out of 250 received. This year’s prize was sponsored by Grainger and consisted of a “summer celebration” package of Igloo cooler, LED camping lantern, and a skin protection kit. Special thanks to Laurie McDermott with Grainger for arranging this great package. Thanks to all who submitted entries and for your continued efforts to keep our workplace a safe one. Clyde Derberry, Facilities Business Office
Facilities Focus | Issue 46
S afe TE AM S of t he Q uart e r
(Statistical Information provided by UNC Charlotte Safety Office)
The following Teams had NO accidents April - June 2013 Facilities Operations Automotive, Grounds, High Voltage/Fire Alarms, Lock Shop, Renovations, Steam Plant, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, and Zone 7 Building Environmental Services (BES) Center City Building (CCB), Colvard, Charlotte Research Institute (CRI), East, EPIC 1, EPIC 2, Friday, Library, North, South, West, and Woodward
First Shift - P i c tu r e d a bov e from le ft to righ t: Lacy Brumley (Zone 1), Matt Smith (Zone 3), John Renwick (Zone 4), Andy Lavoie (Lock Shop), Virgie Fewell (North), Steve McMiller (South), Julius Brice (EPIC 1), Joe Clay (Zone 1), Lisa Miller (CCB), Randy Baucom (Zone 7), Armando Vazquez-Montalvo (Zone 5), Bob Fitzgerald (Zone 6), Jeff Efird (Renovations), Lewis Jackson (High Voltage/Fire Alarms), Dale Kroeze (Automotive), Virgil Torrence (Grounds), Randy Hudson (Steam Plant)
Second & Third Shift - P i c tu r e d a bov e from le ft to righ t: Rex Kearney (West), Mario Moore (Library), Savararia Harrison (East), Marijan Pavlovic (Friday), Reggie Dempsey (EPIC 2), Maria Gonzalez (Colvard), Radmilla Pavlovic (CRI), Tammy Farr (Woodward) facilities.uncc.edu
Issue 46 | Facilities Focus
In dividu a l A wa rd fo r
Julius Brice
Phil Jones, AVC
Phil Jones, AVC
Solomon T. Franklin
Wade Ward
Phil Jones, AVC
Individuals Julius Brice, EPIC 1 Solomon T. Franklin, Building Environmental Services Pamela Hickman, Facilities Operations Administration (not pictured) Wade Ward, Zone 2
Te am Awa rd s fo r Exc e l l e n c e Teams Football Opener Zone 1 - John Garst, Joe Colman, Greg Barnes Zone 4 - Paul Taylor, Jack Hartsell, David Weimer, Rick Carpenter, Sammy Moore, John Renwick Zone 5 - Eric Walcott, Quinton Pickett, Design - David Love BES - Cameron Team East Zone - Johnnie Doyle, Francine Dadio, Susan George Friday Zone - Trokon Taybior
A p plau s e C a rd
Bobby Robinson, Automotive Johnnie Doyle, BES East Zone James Williams, Renovations Kenny Leazer, Renovations Kim Sowa, Zone 5
Robert Braun, Renovations Mike Camp, Renovations Jeff Efird, Renovations Steve Reis, Renovations Michael Rogers, Renovations Tim Smith, Renovations James Williams, Renovations
Football Opener Team
FRIENDLY REMINDER Compensatory time earned for the quarterly Employee Awards Program must be used within 90 days of receipt. If you do not use it, you will lose it!
To view awards photos and read detailed descriptions of nominations, please visit: Facilities Focus | Issue 46 facilities.uncc.edu h tt p: //f acilit ies.unc c .edu/home/a w a r d s -p r o g r a m / a w a r d -r e c i p i e n ts / a w a r d -r e c i p i e n t s
Facilities Focus Feature | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT
S P OTLIGHT | Gro und s In the last several years we faced an increasing
number of challenges while trying to improve the overall appearance of the campus in our goal to create a “Campus of Distinction.” One of the challenges to overcome has been working with limited resources. We tackled this challenge by using a team approach especially when dealing with multiple landscape projects across campus. We now gather input from all crews within Grounds including our horticultural specialist and come up with a ‘game plan’ for the budget, work schedule, coordination between ongoing and future projects, and scope of each project.
Grounds Team
Working through Grounds instead of an outside contractor has saved the University a great deal of money and allows them to personalize every project based on what the campus expects and needs. An example would be the Front Entrance landscape,which cost roughly half of the original contractor quote. Grounds has been successful in implementing many of these small to mid-sized landscapes, cutting costs and insuring quality installations. In particular, these “small area landscapes” tend to become accent points and bring color as well as many other desired visual impacts to these areas. Cutting out sections to mow is also helpful in many instances by creating plant bed areas. Grounds works with Peter Franz, Capital Projects, on the review of many of these projects to make sure the proper esthetics and goals are met.
Miner Statue at Front Entrance
Grounds completed numerous landscape projects throughout the past year. Many of the most notable projects were the Football Stadium, Deck I, New Highway 29 Entrance, Deck I/Football walkway as well as a variety of smaller projects. Several of these had contractor and or temporary labor assistance. By having Grounds manage contractor or temporary labor resources,we insure the quality of work and ensure priorities are realized. Several medium to small in scope projects included Front Entrance Highway 49 relandscape, Colvard/ Rowe cooling tower landscape, Robinson Hall rear walkway landscape, Motorsports relandscape, new Cone Center parking lot landscape, Hechenbleikner Lake landscaping and many more. facilities.uncc.edu
Input from the entire Grounds team up front really helps to provide the best quality landscape projects for the University.
Hechenbleikner Lake
Christy Case, Facilities Operations Issue 46 | Facilities Focus
Ne w F IS E m pl o y e e s Elias Mahfoud is the newest
member of the Facilities Information Systems team. Elias came on board July 22, as one of our Systems Analyst. Elias’s new responsibilities will include ARCHIBUS web application development and Building Automation Systems projects. In addition, he will assist with the support of our other Facilities Management database applications utilized by Facilities Management. Elias brings with him over six years of Java, C# and SQL programming experience. His technical skills include server backend development,
database development, and hardware control. He previously worked at Business Optimization Consultants (BOC) and Prodigy Diabetes Care as a .Net developer. He also worked in the Vision Lab in UNC Charlotte as a research assistant. Elias received a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering from the University of Aleppo. He is currently working on both a Master’s degree in electrical and computer engineering and a Doctorate degree in computer science here at UNC Charlotte. Elias has lived here in the Charlotte area for three years. His hobbies include 3D design, drawing, and playing the piano.
A ndrew Futrell, our Geographical
Information Systems (GIS) Survey Technician, joined our team on June 17. Andrew’s responsibilities include surveying projects especially external surveying, overseeing utility mapping updates, and supporting additional ARCHIBUS space information updates.
Andrew Futrell
Andrew has over two years of GIS and Surveying experience. Previously he worked at the City of Greensboro as a Transportation Planning Intern and also for the city of Archdale as a Planning/Stormwater Intern. Andrew received his Bachelor of Science in Meteorology from
Elias Mahfoud
N.C. State University and his Masters of Arts in Applied Geography from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Andrew is originally from Trinity, NC and now resides in the Charlotte area. His hobbies include photography, weather, astronomy, and railfanning. We are excited to have Andrew and Elias on our team, and know that their skills will be an asset to Facilities Management’s operations and continuous growth. Please join us in welcoming Elias and Andrew to our team. They are located in the Facilities Management and Police Building in Room 228. Stop by! Pamela Duff, Facilities Information Systems
Facilities Focus | Issue 46
FIS : Ar chib us 2 1 . 1 What’s new? The upcoming upgrade to ARCHIBUS 21.1.
In the upcoming months, the Facilities Information Systems (FIS) team will be completing an upgrade to the newest version of ARCHIBUS, version 21.1, which will add new functionality to ARCHIBUS Web Central. More user information will be communicated prior to the “go live” of the upgrade which is anticipated to be September 2013 .
Changes will mainly involve improvements to the look and feel of the current views and will include: • A revamped ARCHIBUS log in page. • Tab view format for ARCHIBUS windowpanes. • Pop up filters that remain active on each view for easier access to the mini search console. • Auto Complete fields that will present text results when information is entered. You will be able to down error and select enter to add one of the values that displays to your field. • Easier to read and cleaner report layouts. • Cleaner, defined grid formats for report views. • Grid headers row to stay fixed so that it does not scroll off the page. Stay tuned!
De s ign Man ua l
Pamela Duff, Facilities Information Systems
Keeping UNC Charlotte’s construction and
renovations consistent is Facilities Planning’s goal! How do they do it? Consultants, contractors, and University staff are subject to the Facilities Management Design Guidelines for the design, construction, and renovation of University-owned facilities. The consultants and contractors can easily access the Design Manual on the website at http://facilities.uncc.edu/facilities-planning/design-manual . This online manual can be viewed and printed completely or by specific section. The Design Manual “change request process” has recently been simplified. Requests can now be submitted via the “Design Manual Update Request Form” located at http://facilities.uncc.edu/webforms/design-manual-update-request . When an update is submitted, the Design Manual Committee reviews it and makes the necessary changes on a quarterly basis. It just makes life easier for everyone and keeps UNC Charlotte picturesque to have a single source to follow… The Design Manual. Laurie Manderino, Facilities Planning facilities.uncc.edu
Issue 46 | Facilities Focus
O p er a t io n End uri ng Fre e d o m
Imagine doubling the size of Facilities Management,
adding to our capacity heavy construction equipment, weapons, and a fleet of other vehicles, and sending us 7,000 miles away for a year to do work in the Middle East. This is just what the 505th Engineer Battalion, a North Carolina National Guard unit based in Gastonia, did in 2012. After two months of warrior skills training at Ft Pickett, VA and FT Bliss, TX, the 505th deployed for nine months to Kuwait and Afghanistan with detachments in Jordan, Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Qatar.
This spirit enabled us, in nine months, to complete 287 projects at a value of over $13.3 M and a savings to the US Government of over $9 M. We moved 581,000 Cubic Yards of material, renovated over 200,000 square feet of buildings, completed 914 work orders, and pumped 357,000 gallons of fuel. We conducted 509 site inspections, 3200 movements, and traveled 329,000 miles.
In Afghanistan, our effort in the construction of Camp John Pratt finished what was left by previous rotations, completed planned missions, and attacked new, unforeseen tasks. In Kuwait, we improved facilities for soldiers, improved force protection, and directly supported our Host Nation Partners.
What the 505th brought to the fight, typical with the Reserve Component, are layers of capability. We drafted plans normally done at a higher level, surveyed sites, developed materials lists, estimated costs, searched for materials and parts all over the Middle East; we worked however long, however many days per week in order to complete the missions.
Soldiers of the 505th received 727 decorations from the Army Achievement Medal to the Bronze Star Medal.
Facilities Focus | Issue 46
Christopher Gilbert, Facilities Planning facilities.uncc.edu
C ap it a l Pro je c t s Where did the summer go? Most of us are asking this as we prepare for the Fall term and student arrivals.
This has been a very busy time for the Capital Projects team as we have never had so many new facilities come on-line at the same time before with several in the same proximity.
South Village Deck
In addition to those facilities, you will also find that a road extension has been added to the South Village area. The road runs from the main entrance traffic circle down to Cameron Blvd and connects to Toby Creek Road which runs to Harris Blvd. This new extension will be renamed Alumni Way and Toby Creek Road will be no more. Phase X (Walnut Hall)
Residence Hall Phase X which will accommodate 420 students, will open as Walnut Hall but will be renamed Belk Hall during a formal dedication later this year; the six story high Residence Hall Phase XI, to be named Hunt Hall will accommodate 435 students;
Alumni Way
You will also find that a pedestrian sidewalk/bridge has been installed from the corner of Chancellor’s Place down to the Alumni House providing additional safety to those walking to Highway 49.
Phase XI (Hunt Hall)
Parking Deck J, to be called the South Village Parking Deck will provide much needed parking (1247 spaces) for the South Village area and the Regional Utility Plant (RUP) IV (p. 15) will help support development in that sector. facilities.uncc.edu
Sidewalk / Bridge
Article continued on page 15 Issue 46 | Facilities Focus
UNC Ch a rlot t e S t a ff C o unc i l The Staff Council was established to create and provide a more harmonious working environment for the staff of the
University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Each year the Staff Council hosts a variety of events including the Chili Cookoff and Fall Festival. Staff Council representatives are regularly asked to provide input to the Chancellor on issues that affect the entire UNC Charlotte staff family. Facilities Management has five staff members who represent us on the Council and three alternates. If you have any ideas, suggestions or concerns, make contact with one of the following members.
2013-2014 UNC Charlotte Staff Council Officers and Representatives
Area 11 – Administration (AVC Office, Facilities, Planning, Business Office Capital Projects, Design Services, FIS Office)
Robyn Flowers
Representative: Robyn T. Flowers, FBO, 7-8002; rflower3@uncc.edu Alternate: Clyde Derberry, FBO, 7-0544; clyde.derberry@uncc.edu
Clyde Derberry
Area 12 A – Building Environmental Services 1st & 2nd Shift & Recycling
Katherine Humphries
Representative: Katherine Humphries, BES, 7-8487; khumphr9@uncc.edu Alternate: Virgie Fewell, BES; vfewell@uncc.edu
Virgie Fewell
Area 12 B – Building Environmental Services 3rd Shift Representative: Marcus Brown, BES; 7-7398; mbrow227@uncc.edu Alternate: Vacant Marcus Brown
Area 15 A – Facilities Operations - Central Operations: Controls, High Voltage, Steam Plant, Lock Shop, Grounds, Automotive & Motor Fleet
Area 12 B Alternate - Vacant
Representative: Ronnie Bell, Lock Shop; 7-2196; rbell@uncc.edu Alternate: Vacant Ronnie Bell
Area 15 A Alternate - Vacant
Area 15 B – Facilities Operations - Area A: Zone 1, 2, 3, 7. Area B: Food Services – Zone 4 Renovations, Zone 5, 6
Anthony Cresenzi
Representative: Anthony Cresenzi, Zone 2; 7-8959; ACresenzi@uncc.edu Alternate: Dwight Nealey, Zone 2, 7-8959; dnealey@uncc.edu
Facilities Focus | Issue 46
Dwight Nealey
Team of the Quarter Article continued from page 5 During this time, work was continual and complaints were non-existent. Through extreme determination and team effort, by pooling internal and campus resources, the job was completed properly and cost effectively; under $12,000. The result exemplifies how a team of teams can work together for the greater good of this university. Paul Taylor did an outstanding job in coordinating this entire effort.
Nominated by Lee Snodgrass, Director of Facilities Operations
Capital Projects Article continued from page 13 Meanwhile, construction continues on the South Village Dining Facility which I’m told will include a 24 hour Denny’s. And, despite the twenty plus rain days we’ve had, site work for Residence Hall Phase XII, located where Phase III (Smurf Village) and Martin Village once stood, has begun. If you are new to our campus, the construction site is on Cameron Blvd across from Hawthorn Hall and adjacent to Lot #6.
Regional Utility Plant IV
Farewell Craig Fox We are sad to announce the resignation of Craig Fox. Yes, after praying for his safe return during two military deployments, it is now time to wish him well as he moves on. Craig has accepted a position with the Union County Public Works department as the Facilities Division Manager. Of course Craig will “keep in touch” because he is building a barn and will need assistance from the Capital Projects team to get it “done right!” Craig’s last day was August 2nd. Hech Dam Fountain
Dorothy Vick, Capital Projects Issue 46 | Facilities Focus
Up c omin g Ev e nt s ALL EMPLOYEES MEETINGS October 15 (2nd / 3rd Shift) 10:00 pm | CHHS 281 October 23 (1st Shift) 10:00 am | McKnight Hall August Monday, August 19 First Day of Classes | UNC Charlotte Tuesday, August 20 Annual Faculty/Staff Convocation 9:30 am - 11:00 am | McKnight Hall, Cone University Center Saturday, August 31 Inaugural Football Game vs. Campbell University
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED It’s time to begin planning our annual Holiday Party which is usually held in early December. To make this event a success, we need a representative from each unit. Supervisors, please send Beverly Imes (brimes@uncc.edu) the name of your volunteer by
Monday, August 19.
Monday, September 2 Labor Day Holiday Sunday, September 22 Autumn Begins
One meeting is held each month until the event unless something requires an additional meeting.
October Saturday, October 12 Homecoming | UNC Charlotte Tuesday, October 15 FM All Employees Meeting (2nd/3rd Shift) 10:00 pm | 281 College of Health & Human Services (CHHS) Wednesday, October 23 FM All Employees Meeting (1st Shift) 10:00 am | McKnight Hall, Cone University Center Wednesday, October 30 FM Strategic Planning 8:30 am | Location: To Be Determined
CAMPUS CLEANUP Thursday, October 31 10:00 am - 2:00 pm UNC Charlotte (campus wide) Cleanup stations located at: Belk Tower / CHHS Plaza To participate visit: recycling.uncc.edu and register for the Campus Cleanup
Thursday, October 31 Campus Cleanup 10:00 am - 2:00 pm | UNC Charlotte - Campus wide
Did You Know?.... You can go to the website http://www.campusspecial.com/unc-charlotte/coupons 16 Facilities Focus | Issue 46 for all types of discounts for UNC Charlotte faculty/staff.
H a p p y B i rthday A u gu s t - O c t o ber Bi rthdays
If your name is not listed on the birthday list, it is because it was not on the information received in FBO-HR. Also if you facilities.uncc.edu Issue 46 | Facilities Focus 17 do not want your birthday published, please contact Elizabeth Haddock at eahaddoc@uncc.edu or 704-687-0545.
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Facilities Management 9201 University City Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
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The Un i
Creating a Campus of Distinction
Mission To p r o v i d e a q u a l i t y l e a r n i n g , r e s e a r c h , a n d l i v i n g e n v i r o n m e n t f o r t h e b e n e f i t o f s t u d e n t s , f a c u l t y, s t a f f , a n d t h e c o m m u n i t y b y p l a n n i n g , b u i l d i n g , o p e r a t i n g , and maintaining the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Vi s i o n • • •
A leader in Facilities Management distinguished by safety and excellence. A p r o f i c i e n t , r e s p o n s i v e , a n d a d a p t a b l e ‘ Te a m o f t e a m s ’ . Providing high quality services and facilities in an environmentally s u s t a i n a b l e m a n n e r.
Creating a campus of distinction 18
Facilities Focus | Issue 46