Facilities Focus News

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Faci li ties Focus The newsletter of Facilities Management at UNC Charlotte . Issue 43

Service Above & Beyond of


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The Un ive




Creating a Campus of Distinction









We S. H. A. R. E. Facilities Management Values: Safety, Honesty and Integrity, Accountability, Respect for Others, and Excellence


Issue 43 | Facilities Focus



| From the desk of the Associate Vice Chancellor

Philip M. Jones Associate Vice Chancellor Facilities Management

Greetings! As the Holiday season approaches, I want to wish each of

you a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving and Christmas. I hope you will get to spend time with your family and friends and to relax. If you are traveling over the holidays, be safe and stay prepared for winter weather. We will face many challenges in the New Year, so take some time to get refreshed and reenergized.

FM Mission: To provide a quality learning, research, and living environment for the benefit of students, faculty, staff, and the community by planning, building, operating,

We also need to prepare for the winter here on campus and be ready to respond in an emergency such as snow or ice. Make sure your personal vehicle is checked out and that you can get here when you are needed. The students, faculty, and staff are depending on us! Remember that our mission is to “plan, build, operate, and maintain the campus...for the benefit of our students, faculty, and staff....” We have to keep our “reason for being” here at the University in mind in all we do. We need to make sure customer service is at the forefront of all our actions.

and maintaining the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Finally, I want to thank you for all you do to make UNC Charlotte a great place to go to college and a special place to work. I am thankful for each of you. Together we are truly “creating a campus of distinction .”

FM Vision: • A leader in Facilities Management distinguished by safety and

Beverly Imes, Executive Assistant, poses with Phil Jones at the new Football Stadium

excellence. • A proficient, responsive, and adaptable ‘Team of teams’. • Providing high quality services & facilities in an environmentally sustainable manner. • Creating a campus of distinction.


Facilities Focus | Issue 43




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Contents | in






The Un i





Creating a Campus of Distinction





Inside this Issue





Winter Issue | November 2012

Facilities Management, a department of Business Affairs Do Things Better. Do Better Things. Do The Right Thing. Philip M. Jones Associate Vice Chancellor Editor Beverly Imes Staff Elizabeth Haddock Creative Director Solomon T. Franklin Proofreader Elizabeth Frere Photographers Amanda Caudle Sherry Ceallaigh Christy Case Clyde Derberry Glenda Locklear Lee Snodgrass Dorothy Vick Thanks to all contributors!

Facilities Focus is a communication tool for the benefit of all Facilities Management employees to develop a better informed workforce, to foster a greater sense of community, and to build morale. Your ideas are welcomed and appreciated for future issues.


Vice Chancellor Beth Hardin


Zone 2 Above & Beyond


Focus on Staff


Safe Teams of the Quarter


Team Awards for Excellence


Promotions & New Employees


Introducing FM Employees

Pamela Hickman 8

Sandy Mullins

Doug Walters 9

Featuring Paula Lail


Employee of the Year Finalist: Devin Hatley


New Program: ECO Reps


Unit Name Change: BES and Recycling


Perks for Staff and Military


Workstation Transition Progress


FM Embraces New Technology


Design and Renovations


APPA Supervisor’s Toolkit


Capital Projects


Holiday Party

21 Birthdays

Please look online for the newsletter at: http://facilities.uncc.edu/home/facilities-focus-news/facilities-focus-news facilities.uncc.edu

Issue 43 | Facilities Focus



| Vice Chancellor

Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs: Beth Hardin

Thanksgiving is around the corner, Christmas is less than two months away, and we are quickly approaching the end of 2012. I do not want this year to pass without letting you know how much I, and the Division of Business Affairs, appreciate all you do to make the University a better place.

Each of you is very important to the University’s success and your work does not go unnoticed. We could not do everything we do without you.

Beth Hardin

Do Things Better. Do Better Things. Do the Right Thing.

Your commitment, dedication, and expertise make the University a place to envy. The pride you have in your work, whether taking care of each building, planting the last flower, replacing the last light bulb, or upgrading the last building, is essential to UNC Charlotte’s success. So, on behalf of Business Affairs and the University community, thank you. Enjoy the holidays! Cordially,

Elizabeth A. Hardin Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs Vice Chancellor Hardin participates in the Fall 2012 Campus Clean-up


Facilities Focus | Issue 43


FM Above and Beyond |


Team of the Quarter: Brien Clapton and Bob Smith

Grigg Hall has several areas for entry and there

are two balconies that have had weeds and grass growing in them which makes for very bad appearance to guests. We had special guests arriving at 10:00 am one particular morning and, frankly, we had received a request from Chancellor Dubois asking that these areas get attention and cleaned. We contacted Grounds, Building Environmental Services, and Zone 2 to get help. Bob Smith immediately sent Brien Clapton down to get the balconies cleaned and power washed and all completed before the special guests arrived in Grigg Hall. This is not the first time that Bob Smith has gone above and beyond to help us in time of great need. We can always depend on Bob and his staff in a time of need. They consistently go above and beyond for excellent work and partnership to help UNC Charlotte be the best possible - even when it might not technically be their responsibility. They work with us to meet the need if they can help. Zone 2 is an outstanding staff. By the way, Zone 2 is the only shop within Facilities Management to have no accidents since their inception for seven consecutive years!

Brien Clapton

Bob Smith

T h e Te a m o f t h e Q u a r t e r a w a r d i s p r e s e n t e d to a team with exceptional performance above and beyond expected duties exhibiting outstanding customer service with fellow workers and the University staff, demonstrating creativity and initiative that results in outstanding measurable outcomes d u r i n g t h e q u a r t e r. Nominated by Gail Keene, Research & Economic Development UNC Charlotte

P i c tu r e d a b o ve from le ft to rig h t are: Dennis Herr, Dwight Nealey, Wade Ward, Paula Lail, Bob Smith, Kathy Brown, Nick Gray, David Smith, Lacy Brumley, Ed Diaz, Neal Eudy, Tony Cresenzi, Terrell Morris, Rick Bohling, Patrick Foley, and Brien Clapton. facilities.uncc.edu

Issue 43 | Facilities Focus



| Focus on Staff

Safe TEAMS of the Quarter

(Statistical Information provided by UNC Charlotte Safety Office)

THE FOLLOWING TEAMS HAD NO ACCIDENTS JULY - SEPTEMBER 2012 Facilities Operations Grounds, High Voltage/Fire Alarms, Lock Shop, Steam Plant, Zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

Building Environmental Services and Recycling Center City Building, Colvard, Charlotte Research Institute, East, EPIC, Friday, Kennedy, Library, North, South, West

FI RST SH I F T - P i c tu r e d ab o v e from lef t t o righ t are:

Paula Lail (Zone 2), Bob Fitzgerald (Zone 6), Jack Hartsell (Zone 4), Jim Campbell (High Voltage/Fire Alarms), Jim Harris (Zone 5), Josh Hyatt (Zone 7), James Mechum (Steam Plant), Andy Lavoie (Lock Shop), Leon Baker (Zone 3), Beverly Starcher (North), Latoia Young (Center City Building), Joyce Parks (South), and Darrell Steele (EPIC).

SECOND and THIRD SHIFT - Pictured above from left to right are:

James Brown (Colvard), Franjo Pauler (Library), Crystal Mason (CRI), Fresnel Nkosi (West), Subhash Pandya (Friday), Bonnie Peoples (East), and Marcus Brown (Kennedy).


Facilities Focus | Issue 43


Focus on Staff |


Team Awards for Excellence Award: “Three Men and a Truck” (Grounds) Chip Lawrence Clayton Cragan Frank Milone

FRIENDLY REMINDER Compensatory time earned for the quarterly Employee Awards Program must be used within 90 days of receipt. If you do not

Award: PBS Washington Week Broadcast

use it, you will lose it!

First shift

Facilities Operations recipients (names not listed as pictured above) Herminio Chirino, Charlie Austin, Clayton Cragan, Frank Milone, Michael Klemmer, Nick Fulton, Chip Lawrence, Jacob Taylor, Renatto Cevallos, James Gentle, Bart Davis, Armando Vazquez-Montalvo, Mike Jones, Chris Shores, Dan O’Donnell, Eric Walcott, Kirk Kirstein, Marvin Mackey, William Buchanan, Doug Murdock, Quentin Pickett, and James Harris

Second and Third shift

Building Environmental Services recipients (names not listed as pictured above) Arzella McCain, Beverly Hancock, Joyce Parks, Lee Anne Tisdale, Steve McMiller, Bonnie Peoples, Sam Coleman, Jonathan Bell, Virgie Fewell, Catherine Armstrong, Marcus Brown, Christina Lennon, and Terrell Patton To view awards photos and read detailed descriptions of nominations, please visit: h ttp : //f acilit ies.unc c .edu/home/a w a r d s -p r o g r a m / a w a r d -r e c i p i e n ts / a w a r d -r ec i p i e n t s facilities.uncc.edu

Issue 43 | Facilities Focus



| Focus on Staff

Promotions | July - September 2012 Zone 2 Nicholas Gray, HVAC Mechanic Rick Bohling, Maintenance Mechanic IV

Welcome New Employees | July - September 2012 Business Office

Capital Projects

Shelly Theriault, Communications Officer

Doug Walters, Facilities Construction Engineer

Building Environmental Services

Facilities Operations

Reginald Dempsey,

Pamela Hickman, Office Manager

Building Environmental Services Technician


Fatou Mboyo,

John Butcher, Grounds Worker

Building Environmental Services Technician

Bart Davis, Landscape Specialist Mark Blackwelder, Carpenter II

Melvin Mayfield, Building Environmental Services Technician

Lock Shop

Tim McHam, Electronics Specialist

Ronald Kelly, Building Environmental Services Technician

Zone 1

Kenneth Coley, Maintenance Mechanic III

Andre Cunningham,

Marty Allen, Maintenance Mechanic V

Building Environmental Services Technician

Paul Swauger, HVAC Mechanic

Joseph Fengya,

Zone 5

Building Environmental Services Technician

James Harris, Maintenance Mechanic IV

Marta Luna,

Zone 6

Building Environmental Services Technician

Sandra Mullins, Administrative Support Associate

Ike Muonagolu, Building Environmental Services Technician


Facilities Focus | Issue 43


Introducing FM Employees |


Introducing: Pamela Hickman Pamela Hickman

Join us in welcoming Pamela to the team!

We would like to introduce the newest addition to

Facilities Operations Administrative Team. Chicago native Ms. Pamela Hickman comes to Facilities Operations (FO) as our new Office Manager. Pamela has been an employee of UNC Charlotte the past five years working in the University Advising Center. She was instrumental in outlining and establishing operating procedures at the front desk and throughout the office. In fact, she was the first Office Manager in the University Advising Center and now again she will be the first Office Manager for Facilities Operations reporting directly to Lee Snodgrass, Director of Facilities Operations. Pamela began working as an Administrative Support Temp in the College of Liberal Arts and Science Advising Center at UNC Charlotte in September 2006 until she was hired as the Office Manager of the University Advising Center. She has more than 20 years of experience as an administrative professional in both the corporate and non-profit sector and prides herself in providing exceptional customer service which is an important key to success in any organization.

She and her husband, William, moved to Charlotte from Chicago in 2002 and have six adult children and 13 grandchildren who reside in Charlotte, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, and Pontiac. Boy, they have a lot of places to travel! Things you may not know about Pamela: • Wants to skydive one day • An artisan who designs, creates, and sells unique jewelry pieces. 90% of the jewelry she wears is from her collection. • Loves to sing; was a lead singer in her church choir for many years. • Youngest son, Al, has just finished the draft of his first book which has been submitted to the publisher. • Eldest of her siblings

Pamela Hickman

Seems to be a favorite pose…. Join us in welcoming Pamela to our team! Christy Case and Pamela Hickman | Facilities Operations


Issue 43 | Facilities Focus



| Introducing FM Employees

Introducing: Sandy Mullins Sandy Mullins

We would like to welcome the new Administrative

Support Associate for Zone 6, Sandy Mullins. She will be assisting the Zone 6 supervisor with the 26 buildings located in this zone. Sandy will be spending her time with tasks such as purchase orders, requisitions, preventive maintenance equipment data collection and the daily time of the 22 technicians in Zone 6.

Zone 6 Administrative Support

Introducing: Doug Walters Doug Walters

Capital Projects welcomes Doug

It’s been almost two years now since Al McCool

retired. Some of us thought that John Neilson would never replace Al; well, at very long last, we are happy to say that the lights are on, once again in Room 219 and the new tenant is Doug Walters. Doug resides in Denver, that’s right, another commuter, served in the


Some of the buildings included in this zone are Kennedy, Atkins Library, McMillan Greenhouse, McEniry, Receiving and Stores, Prospector, Burson, and Cameron Hall. The occupants of these buildings are very diverse and Sandy is up for the task and is very excited about her new role as Zone 6 Administrative Support Associate. Christy Case | Facilities Operations

Marine Corps and is a former Odell employee who worked on the Student Activity Center back when it was being built! He and his significant other Leanne have one child, a son, who will be graduating from NC State this December. Doug also has two other children, a daughter who is a graphic designer and another son, who is a NC State grad. They also have two grandchildren, and the youngest at just six weeks old, is also destined to be a NC State grad! Needless to say, when the family travels together, they are their own “wolfpack.” Doug and Leanne spend their free time training their two Australian Shepherds; one for herding and agility and the six-month old for showing. If you haven’t met Doug, stop by and say “hello” the next time you’re up in the Capital Projects section. Don’t be surprised if you notice that Doug has a striking resemblance to Dr. Bob Johnson (College of Engineering).

Dorothy Vick | Capital Projects Facilities Focus | Issue 43


Featuring Paula Lail |


Featuring: Paula Lail Paula Lail

She later saw a job advertisement for a person with experience in HVAC systems, so she applied again. She was hired and started January of this year working for Zone 2. She was recently assigned to EPIC (Energy Production and Infrastructure Center), an initiative and building created to give engineering students the necessary skills to work in energy production and infrastructure design.

First female technician at UNC Charlotte

In 1977, Paula Lail started her career at Cannon Mills,

a textile company in Kannapolis, NC. She started as a service technician. Her responsibilities included the servicing and repairing of complex machinery at the textile company where she worked. It was at Cannon Mills where she was one of the first to be trained in using and repairing the Savio winding machine. This gave her invaluable experience as a technician, as most weren’t afforded the opportunity. After two months she was given a certificate, signifying the completion of her training.

She serves as an inspiration and role model to all women pursuing careers in the machinery and technical service industry. In working as a service technician, she hopes to “let other women know that it is possible” and that “women should not be afraid to do what makes them happy.” Paula Lail

In 2003, Cannon Mills (now named Pillotex) declared bankruptcy after years of declining business. Paula took her specialized skill set to Ingersoll-Rand Hussmann Services and flourished as an on-call service technician for commercial refrigeration and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. Although things seemed on the up and up, the company downsized. She had to once again use her expertise to find another job. Fortunately, she landed at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She had originally applied for a position at the Steam Plant in 2005, but backed out of the position when she felt that the job would not be a good fit. facilities.uncc.edu

Christy Case and Brandon Walls | Facilities Operations Issue 43 | Facilities Focus



| Employee of the Year Finalist

Employee of the Year Finalist: Devin Hatley “Devin Hatley truly deserves recognition as Employee of the Year. His impact on overall campus communication in the areas of recycling and waste reduction, student involvement with sustainability, the smoking policy, and construction has been phenomenal this past year.” - Phil Jones, Associate Vice Chancellor

Devin Hatley, UNC Charlotte Recycling

Devin Hatley poses with Chancellor Dubois

Environmental Educator, was nominated by his supervisor, Kathy Boutin-Pasterz, for the 2012 UNC Charlotte Employee of the Year award in the category of Devotion to Duty because of his leadership in our award winning recycling endeavors and his unwavering commitment to the campus waste reduction, recycling, and sustainability programs.

Devin has accomplished incredible things in 2011-2012, which are the best indicator of his unbelievable devotion to UNC Charlotte. Devin had a leadership role in all of the following: 2012 National APPA “Effective & Innovative Practices” AWARD for our Housekeeping and Recycling Program. This program also won the 2012 Carolina Recycling Association’s Outstanding College and University of the Year. • Devin designed educational materials and presented programs to staff to assist Housekeeping with the pilot program in the Development Office, Reese, and Grigg buildings, to have staff empty their office trashcans in an effort to decrease waste and increase recycling (recycling increased 20% with this program). This program allows Housekeeping staff to focus more on high traffic areas and restrooms. In addition to increased recycling, the University will save approximately $13,000 that would normally be used to purchase trash liners. This program has now been implemented campus wide. Received Facilities Management Employee of the Quarter award for the Fall 2010 Served as campus “Construction Communication Officer” - Devin took the initiative and volunteered to develop a weekly Construction Situation Report that goes to the entire campus community. This task of keeping the campus community informed of construction that may affect them is vitally important given the amount of construction and the disruption it causes on campus. This is not part of his assigned duties, but Devin gladly volunteered to work with other unit managers and directors within Facilities.


Facilities Focus | Issue 43


Employee of the Year Finalist |


Advisor to students and outreach Devin is a staff advisor to the Earth Club and the Charlotte Green initiative. He has also worked with members of Student Government coordinating meetings between students and staff regarding programs on campus and the best approach to spend the Green Fee. He also assisted with Green Fee Initiative forum. Currently serves on the Sustainability Committee and the Waste Diversion Committee for the University’s Climate Action Plan Plans and assists with Earth Day, Campus Sustainability Week, biannual Campus Cleanups, Green tours, recycling promotion, and cross campus event partnerships including the International Festival. Coordinates the Adopt-A-Spot program with 12 active campus groups Expanded “GREEN TOUR” providing several tours throughout the year including Summer Camps on Campus Campus Involvement includes: Campus Cleanliness committee; Smoking education committee; FM awards committee Campus Sustainability subcommittee; Served on Energy Action Team Assists with waste audits for Student Union to collect data to improve recycling education efforts Assists with food audit and all campus compost design Provides continual outreach regarding the UNC Charlotte’s Recycling program Devin will stay late and come in early to meet with students and staff. He is always available to the students of UNC Charlotte via phone call, text, Facebook and Twitter and of course the most valuable of all, he takes the time to meet with everyone face to face. Being named a finalist for this award just shows how Devin’s work is appreciated and needed here at UNC Charlotte. Fall Campus Cleanup | October 31, 2012 Devin Hatley

Devin Hatley helps coordinate the Campus Clean up.

facilities.uncc.edu facilities.uncc.edu

Issue Issue43 43 | | Facilities FacilitiesFocus Focus

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| Eco Reps

Sustainability Office to intiate ECO Reps Program

The latest initiative to come out of the Sustainability

Office is the ECO Reps program. The program will employ students to raise awareness and promote green living to campus residents. Each ECO rep is responsible for organizing, advertising and promoting “green” events in the residence halls and they will also educate residents on more sustainable practices such as reducing their water, electricity usage and waste. In addition, educational seminars will inform students on the benefits of conservation and why it is important. “We felt like this was a great opportunity to educate students and get them more involved with sustainability initiatives on campus. Training students and putting them in position to create programs for other students will be a great benefit,” said David Jones, Sustainability Coordinator for UNC Charlotte.

Ellen Payne, a psychology major, will lead the program and report to the Sustainability Office on a regular basis. In addition to Ellen’s leadership, Reps will also receive support with programming, ideas, and promotion from Housing and Residence Life and Recycling. One of the first events to come from the program was an energy conservation competition at Greek Village in October. Currently, there are seven ECO Reps contributing with two slots available. Reps will be assigned specific halls in which they are responsible and will receive a stipend of $200 per semester which is funded by the Sustainability Committee. For more information, about the ECO Reps please contact David Jones in the Sustainability Office, Phone: 704-687-0559 | Email: dajones1@uncc.edu Devin Hatley | Recycling

Ellen Payne (ECO Reps)


Kelly Hughes (EARTH Club)

Facilities Focus | Issue 43


BES and Recycling |


Building Environmental Services (BES) and Recycling

BES and Recycling Director: Brian Guns

BES Coordinator: Greg Kish

Facilities Management “Housekeeping and Recycling” is now officially known as Facilities Management “Building Environmental Services and Recycling.”

This name change serves to bring the name of the unit in line with: • actual functions performed • a name change that many other universities have made • the title used in the State’s career banding of the employees of this unit – Building Environmental Services Technicians (BEST) F ro m now on ple ase re fe r to unit for “Ho u s ek eep i n g ” as “Building Environmental Services (BES)”, “Housekeeping and Recycling” as “Building Environmental Services and Recycling (BES&R)”, and “Housekeepers”, “Floor Maintenance Technicians”, and “Lead Housekeepers” as “Building Environmental Services Technicians (BEST).”

BES Night Manager: Guy Randolph

Did You Know . . . • University faculty /staff get 10% discount at O’Charley’s. You must show you ID card. • Lowe’s offers everyday 10% military discount to anyone who is currently serving in, or retired from, a qualifying branch of the Armed Services, or be the immediate family member of someone who is and have a valid military ID Card. • Home Depot offers the same 10% military discount up to a $500 maximum. facilities.uncc.edu

Recycling Coordinator: Kathy Boutin-Pasterz Issue 43 | Facilities Focus



| FM Workstations

Workstation Transition Progresses The latest update with the Workstation and Share Drive transition is Information Technology System’s (ITS) recent appointment of Jim Branden, PMP, as its project manager for this project. He has worked hard in getting this project going forward. Detailed planning is now underway for the next phase of the transitioning of Facilities Management to the UNC Charlotte Active Directory and to relocate Servers to ITS with the assistance of Jim. This project has ten major components and multiple phases which will all be carefully planned for minimal disruption to our daily business operations.

Facilities Information Systems New ITS Project Manager: Jim Branden, PMP

Jim brings a unique project management

perspective to Facilities Management as he started life as an architect who paid for half his education programming computers. He has also done facility management projects for universities, national real estate developers, and the United States Army. When he introduced himself, he told us, “Treat me like Santa Claus; ask me for anything, I promise you nothing!” He knows the limits of his authority. We’ll keep you updated on the project plan through this newsletter and other means as the details become clear.

Once the transition to the campus domain is complete we will then use the NinerNET login to log into PC files along with Outlook email on the campus share server thereby eliminating the use of the Windows FM Password. In order to prepare for the upcoming share drive and workstations transition, we request that all Facilities Management personnel continue cleaning up their My Documents, Department, and Public files and folders to remove no longer needed files off the share drive. This process will make the transition easier and quicker. If you have any questions concerning this new transition of workstations and share drive, please feel free to contact any of the Facilities Information Systems team. Thank you all for your continuous support and patience during this ongoing transition. http://facilities.uncc.edu/information-systems/contacts/ facilities-information-systems-contacts

“Treat me like Santa Claus; ask

Pamela Duff | Facilities Information Systems

me for anything, I promise you nothing!” - Jim Branden 14

Facilities Focus | Issue 43


FM Technology |


Facilities Management Zones Embrace New Technology

On October 25, 2012, a formal review of the Facilities Operations EDA pilot took place and the approval from the group was provided to transition from a pilot program phase to a Go Live production status with the use of EDAs. Approval to transition to production now means that Facilities Management is committed to the EDA program and will be providing EDAs throughout all shops. In the upcoming months, more handheld devices will be deployed and we will also begin using mobile technology for other information gathering including building inspections information for Facilities Condition Assessments. For over a year, Facilities Management recycling and zone personnel have been piloting new mobile technology using Enterprise Digital Assistant (EDA) handheld devices. The goal in using this new technology has been to improve data collection processes, reduce paper and eliminate redundancies within our work order management. Â Facilities Operations technicians who were assigned EDAs have been using the devices daily while onsite to view, track, and update their assigned work requests. Dionte Sims, Facilities Information Systems, has taken on a new role to work with the zone technicians, resolve issues, provide hands-on instruction, and assist in the use of this new technology.

This collaborative effort is a way to improve Facilities Operations’ day-to-day operations, address areas of improvement, and enable new updated processes. All our shops personnel’s hard work also emphasizes their commitment to a more efficient, customer focused work order management process. Over the last few months the pilot has progressed and expanded to other zones and many other shop technicians are now using the handhelds for work order management. They are also beginning to use the EDAs with preventive maintenance work orders, asset inventory, and information tracking and updates to building equipment. In this pilot, particularly Zone 2 personnel who were extremely patient, provided extensive feedback for user improvements, and assisted with troubleshooting during the onset of our EDA pilot. Without their assistance this pilot would not have been such a success. Pamela Duff | Facilities Information Systems


Issue 43 | Facilities Focus



| Design Services and Renovations

Design Services and Renovations Team Up for Success

Design Services has teamed up with the newly

reformed Renovation Shop to expand Disability Services located in Fretwell. The scope of work was to increase the square footage from 2,280 to 4,420 and create a much needed testing space for students. Renovation Shop removed a small section of wall dividing their existing space from their expanded space. Lighting and switching had to be reworked. Seven existing doors were modified to have glass inserts installed for student testing purposes. The ADA door operator was relocated from the old entrance to the new entrance and the Lockshop assisted in setting up seventeen new cameras to monitor testing. Robert “Bubba” Braun, Renovation Shop, noted that some of the challenges to this project were that all work was completed while Disability Services continued to work in their existing space. An example of this is during scheduled student testing sessions, work was to be done quietly or halt work all together. They also removed an operable wall in room 214 that was made up of 6 panels that weighed over 300 pounds each! It was important that once the panels were removed that the ceiling was patched in to match existing.


Jo Ann Fernald, Director of Disability Services, n o t ed , “Wo rk i n g wi t h t h e UNC C h ar l o t t e FM co n s t ru ct i o n t eam was g reat . T h e Dis a b i l i t y S erv i ces o ffi ce was ab l e t o co n t i n u e s e r v i n g s t u d en t s , at o n e o f o u r p eak t i m es , w h i l e t h e renovation to our space occurred. All of the men were easy to work with. Bubba, Tim Smith, and John Renwick were sensitive and responsive to the issues that our office faced as we dealt with the need to quiet during exams or setting up administrative offices to start providing e-text for students. You just could not have asked for more. Kudos to all of the FM team that worked on the Disability Services renovation!” Thank you to the following Renovation Team members and Lock Shop technicians who made this project a success: James Williams, Robert Braun, John Camp, Tim Smith, Tom Guenther, Ron Hobson, John Renwick, Jeff Efird, Joseph Clay, Chris Eudy, Doug Murdock, Marvin Mackey, Robert Whisnant, Rob Herrington, Andy Lavoie, John Heck, Jacob Atkinson, James Conder, and Michael McHam. Amanda Caudle | Design Services

Facilities Focus | Issue 43


APPA Supervisor’s Toolkit |


UNC Charlotte Hosts APPA “Supervisor’s Toolkit”

UNC Charlotte’s new Center City Building was the

setting for this fall’s APPA Supervisors’ Toolkit training session during the week of October 8. A total of 28 attendees from our sister North Carolina campuses North Carolina State, Appalachian State, Winston-Salem State, along with 14 members from our own Facilities Management team participated. The Supervisors’ Toolkit was specifically designed for university facilities management personnel with learning modules built to instill the skills supervisors and lead personnel need to be successful leaders. The training session was led by two of APPA’s finest, Wally Glasscock and Tom Jones, both commenting, “this group was one of the most interactive and alert they’ve had the pleasure to work with.”

UNC Charlotte FM attendees: Lee Arnold – Recycling Kathy Boutin-Pasterz – Recycling Althea Cook – Building Environmental Services Katherine Humphries – Building Environmental Services Joe Loder – Zone 6 Aaron Moore – Building Environmental Services Subhash Pandya – Building Environmental Services Bonnie Peoples – Building Environmental Services Guy Randolph – Building Environmental Services Candis Robinson – Building Environmental Services Joe Scollo – Building Environmental Services Paul Taylor – Zone 4 Steve Tillman – Zone 3 James Williams – Renovations Feedback from the session included: “Great training, geared to real world FM issues.” - J. Loder, UNC Charlotte “Very relative to our work environment, ideas brought up in class were used as teaching points.” – L. Arnold, UNC Charlotte “Will recommend to co-workers, one of the best training experiences I’ve had.” – D. Carriere, ASU Clyde Derberry | Facilities Business Office


Issue 43 | Facilities Focus



| Capital Projects

Capital Projects

Article by Dorothy Vick

Football Complex

If y o u ’ v e b e e n f o l l o w i n g c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e F o o t b a l l C o m p l e x v i a t h e w e b c a m –

http://oxblue.com/open/rodgersbuilders/charlotte49ers, then you probably know that the final inspection was conducted October 31st. Here are some photos from the inside looking out!

Football Complex


Facilities Focus | Issue 43

Football Complex


Capital Projects |


Football Complex

Compare this photo of the Football Complex from last quarter with the current image (left). Note the tremendous progress.

Hechenbleikner Lake Dam In case you haven’t noticed, fall is here! The leaves are beginning to turn, and the trees are t a k i n g o n g o l d e n , a m b e r, a n d s c a r l e t h u e s . Many would agree it’s the best time of the year as the temperature is just perfect for hiking the Blue Ridge Mountains or just walking around our fine looking campus. If you’re looking for a place to commune with nature, then I highly recommend you take

advantage of the benches strategically placed along Hechenbleikner Lake Dam, which is bound to become a favorite outdoor location. The landscaping should be completed shortly, but don’t let this stop you from enjoying the serenity and foliage along the path that winds around the dam. By the way, it may be awhile before it looks like a lake/dam again as we will be relying on Mother Nature to fill it!

Hechenbleikner Lake Dam facilities.uncc.edu

Issue 43 | Facilities Focus



Facilities Focus | Issue 43


Birthdays |



Robert Kennedy


11/2 11/3

Jose Palacios Crystal M ason

Grounds BES

11/3 11/4

Dan Reichert Carlota M ieles


11/4 11/6

Art Sutherland Luz Gomez


Clayton Cragan


12/20 12/21

M aria Lopez Jeffrey Efird

BES Renovations


Elizabeth Browne



Joey Johnson


Area B BES


Closel M acena



Yan Yim


12/26 12/28

Joseph Clay Christy Case

Z-1 Facilities Ops


Shelly Theriault


11/6 11/7

Yimin Wu Willard Brown



Noella Paquette



Arnold Vanhoy



Gary Edwards



Phil M eacham

High Voltage


Ike M uonagolu


11/09 11/10

James Gentle Gbank Varney

Grounds BES

1/1 1/2

Catherine Armstrong Annette Anderson


11/10 11/10 11/12

Ronnie Hobson M ario M oore Sarah Duncan



Randy Baucom


11/12 11/15

Wesley Wright Tony Schallert

Steam Plant Capital

11/16 11/17

Eric Walcott Fred Brillante


11/19 11/19

Johnnie Doyle Elzy Neely



John Surace



Agnes Douglas


11/20 11/21

Renatto Cevallos Walter Downs

Grounds Z-3

1/8 1/8

Reginald A. Dempsey Christina Lennon



Clara Crawford



Jacob Atkinson

Lock shop


M ichael Harris



Cristhian Gonzalez


11/24 11/26

Tom Guenther Paul Taylor

Z-1 Z-4


Dennis Campbell


Nader Ibrahim Debra M ayfield David E. Smith


Pamela Duff Tim Overcash


11/27 11/30 11/30

1/11 1/12

12/2 12/3

Walky Louis Sonia Perez


12/3 12/5

M ichael Jones Don Ramsey

Z-4 Grounds

12/5 12/6

Linda Wiley Robert Ervin


12/7 12/7 12/8

Cannise Evans Bob Smith M arcus Brown



James Crump



Lisa M iller


12/9 12/10

Steven Singer David Adams


12/10 12/10 12/13

Jonathan Bell Beverly Hancock Richard LaLiberte’

BES BES Real Estate



Katherine Humphries



Edison Cobos



Tammie Farr


1/4 1/4

James Krupa Phil Leonard

Z-5 Grounds


Shalisha Kennedy



Kenneth Baucom




David Haigler



Ben Taybior



Rocco Germani



Lamiya Whittenburg


1/20 1/20

Lyvie Alvinzy Anthony Horn

BES High Voltage


John Neilson



Zachary Cornwell



David Daignault



Tonya Day



Joyce Clay



Joseph Scollo


1/27 1/28

Barclay Brantley David Loveless

Z-6 Grounds


Sam Coleman



Nick Fulton



M adia Smith


Issue 43 | Facilities Focus




h Car






The Un ive




Creating a Campus of Distinction





The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Facilities Management 9201 University City Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28223





Mission To p r o v i d e a q u a l i t y l e a r n i n g , r e s e a r c h , a n d l i v i n g e n v i r o n m e n t f o r t h e b e n e f i t o f s t u d e n t s , f a c u l t y, s t a f f , a n d t h e c o m m u n i t y b y p l a n n i n g , b u i l d i n g , o p e r a t i n g , and maintaining the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Vi s i o n • • •

A leader in Facilities Management distinguished by safety and excellence. A p r o f i c i e n t , r e s p o n s i v e , a n d a d a p t a b l e ‘ Te a m o f t e a m s ’ . Providing high quality services and facilities in an environmentally s u s t a i n a b l e m a n n e r.

Creating a campus of distinction


Facilities Focus | Issue 43


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